The Adviser 1271

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Introducing The Region’s Own





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YOUR VERY OWN VIBRANT LIFESTYLE AWAITS Kensington Gardens invites community to Open Day IF you have ever wanted the chance to view the state-of-the-art homes and facilities and the vibrant lifestyle awaiting at Kensington Gardens, this weekend is the perfect opportunity during their Open Day. Having been a major part of the local community since 2009, Kensington Gardens continues to grow, with the attractive masterplanned lifestyle estate delivering its amazing lifestyle with first class facilities and fantastic homes to suit most budgets for the past six years. Continued on page 2

Page 2 The Adviser. October, 2015

Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

Your very own vibrant lifestyle awaits Continued from page 1 Kensington Gardens Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “Our Open Day is all about inviting the community to discover what Kensington Gardens has to offer. They will be able to take a tour around the clubhouse, inspect the display home and most importantly, speak with residents and find out about their experiences of living at Kensington Gardens. “We will have plenty of entertainment on the day with a 95 3SR FM Live Broadcast from 10am to 2pm and live music in the alfresco area. “We now have 85 homes occupied in Stages 1 and 2, 11 currently under construction and four yet to be built, and are excited to now be offering Stage 3A, which is selling fast. Stage

3A offers seven lots and enable us to offer larger block sizes in this stage. “We encourage members of the community to compare what we offer. We pride ourselves on the quality of our brick and mortar homes and on the premier lifestyle opportunities that we offer. We don’t think you’ll find better anywhere else. “Most importantly though, we care about the members of our community and nothing is too much trouble to ensure that they enjoy an amazing and vibrant lifestyle.” For more information on the Open Day or to speak with the friendly Kensington Gardens’ team, call into 80 Channel Road, Shepparton or phone 5820 5100.

Peter Stanbrook

A word from the Manager AS Manager, I am personally proud to be a part of this amazing lifestyle estate. I’ve watched it grow and develop over the years and meet with our residents regularly to hear how their Kensington Gardens journey is going. It really is a wonderful community to be a part of. We have a n u m be r o f e xcitin g n ew developments coming up including our spacious new Stage 3A homes and Stage 4. Our facilities are first class and with established landscaping, gardens and paths you can really appreciate the estate’s appeal as you wander throughout our club house and private residential streets. Our Open Day is an excellent opportunity to see the Kensington Gardens lifestyle for yourself and talk to our residents; they will be on hand to tell you about their own personal experiences and what living at Kensington Gardens can offer. Enjoying the social life and the chance to meet new friends is only the start… I look forward to seeing you on the weekend.

Kensington Gardens Manager, Peter Stanbrook. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

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Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

Looking forward to a positive future KENSINGTON Gardens is looking forward to a bright and positive future, having recently introduced their latest available lots in Stage 3A and Stage 4. Due to demand and an increase in enquiries for double garages and larger homes, Kensington Gardens have gone to the drawing board to cater for the need, releasing lots in Stage 3A that will allow for larger homes to be built. Kensington Gardens Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “Stage 3A of fers larger blocks to accommodate the Coatbridge, Livingstone Altered and Paisley design homes. “Blocks are selling fast with only four still available, which we see as a step in the right direction. “With continued sales and growth we are

currently planning the development of Stage 4 and beyond. This stage will consist of approximately 40 house lots and will cater for a mixture of home designs. Many of these will be double garage homes. Management is in consultation with local design engineers, Spiire Shepparton. “With increased sales and interest in the larger home designs these new stages will allow for a higher number of lots to cater for the demand. There will still be a large selection of single garage lots available as well within the estate.” LATEST LOTS… Kensington Gardens recently introduced their latest available lots in Stage 3A, with plans for Stage 4 taking shape. Image: Supplied.

Here for your every need ON top of state-of-the-art homes and facilities, it is the staff at Kensington Gardens who help and assist ensuring full enjoyment of living at Kensington Gardens and enjoying the wonderful facilities. The welcoming and obliging nature of each of the staff starts with Shepparton Manager, Peter Stanbrook, who oversees the day-to-day

running of the estate. Receptionist, Ros Gurr was recently appointed to the new position of manager’s assistant, who will assist new residents through the process of choosing their new home from construction through to handing over the keys on arrival. The village‘s onsite Caretaker, Rob Simmons is available should residents require emergency

ENJOYABLE LIVING… Kensington Gardens Landscape Gardener, Matthew Poppa is just one of the team members at Kensington Gardens to help truly make living at the lifestyle village easy and enjoyable. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

response after hours and weekends and Gardeners, Ian and Matt are always busy maintaining the beautiful gardens. Mal overseas the construction of all the village’s Alatalo Bros homes and Ros Sinclair looks after marketing and advertising of Kensington Gardens. Peter said, “At Kensington Gardens you can literally throw away the lawnmower forever. “We have such a great team here, who are more than happy to help our residents with anything they require.”

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Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

What the residents have to say KENSINGTON Gardens residents, Kate and John Crozier say they haven’t regretted making the move to the lifestyle village three years ago, urging anybody who may be thinking about it to do it now. Kate and John said, “We are from Shepparton and decided to do it while we were still young enough to enjoy it. “We came in and have never regretted it. “We just love it. We love the concept, the community centre feel, the great neighbours and the brilliant facilities available. You can do what you like and when family comes to visit, they are more than welcome to use the facilities such as the swimming pool. “You feel like you’re on holiday all the time. It’s not a retirement village, it’s a lifestyle village. “It was the quality of the homes which drew us to Kensington gardens and the aesthetics of the place. You do feel free when you’re here. “If anyone is thinking about making the move, we suggest you do it now while you still have your health, are active and can utilise and enjoy what is on offer.”

A LIFESTYLE VILLAGE… Kensington Gardens residents, Kate and John Crozier are glad they made the move to the lifestyle village three years ago. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Amazing lifestyle, first class facilities

FACILITIES CAN BE ENJOYED BY ALL… Kensington Gardens has many first class facilities on offer to residents and their families to enjoy including their club house and ‘Gold Class Cinema.’ Photos: Supplied

THE extensive on-site facilities Kensington Gardens provide, and deliver an amazing lifestyle with first class facilities, which residents can enjoy at their leisure. The $4.5M clubhouse provides residents with many relaxation and entertainment opportunities. Kick back and relax in the ‘Gold Class Cinema,’

take a swim in the indoor heated pool or work out in the gym, relax and catch up with friends in the bar and dining areas, borrow a book from the library, check out the computer room and send some emails, join in the creative fun in the craft room or get handy on the tools at the workshop. You can do as much or as little as you like.

But one of the most important lifestyle inclusions Kensington Gardens offer is the opportunity to enjoy a shared connection with people of the same age at the village’s club house, which provides the chance to discover shared interests and create lasting friendships.

Introducing The Region’s Own



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LAST BUSINESS AWARD NOMINATIONS pages 4+5 Dinner tickets now on sale

Adviser Travel

with Geoff Vallance

COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 Letters to the Editor | page 8 New location for blood service | page 15 Adviser Classifieds | page 23-25 Free 7 Day TV Guide | page 26 ADVERTISING HOTLINE: 5832 8900

pages 20+21


page 27

Tourism in Shepparton - it works! TOURISM Greater Shepparton (TGS) has launched a new tourism education campaign with a very strong message to mark its seventh annual Greater Shepparton Tourism Month this month. Residents will learn the benefits of the local tourism industry, its impact on economic activity in the region and the variety of businesses and operators who benefit directly, and indirectly, from visitors to our backyard. To the year ending March 2015, Greater Shepparton welcomed 1.2 million visitors, with 301,000 domestic overnight visitors, 916,000 domestic ‘day trippers’ and 9,800 international visitors. Continued on page 19

Calling for action PROGRESS IN QUESTION… Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell is calling for answers over delays in progress to the construction of Shepparton’s Education First Youth Foyer. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Construction of Youth Foyer falls behind schedule C O N S T RU C T I O N o f S h e p p a r t o n’s Education First Youth Foyer continues to experience delays 12 months on from when the project first broke ground. The $10.4M project which will provide integrated and supported accommodation

for up to 40 young people aged 16-24 was anticipated to be completed by Spring 2015, instead, delays have seen the project stall. Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell said that under the former government the foyer was on track for

completion i n Spri ng 2015, and t he breakdown of operational funding allowed for appointment of an operator in the first half of 2015 to prepare for the intake of young people is disappointing. Continued on page 16


Disappointing decisions compound public holiday pain W H I L E Melbou r ne’s C B D prepa red to welcome 150,000 people during a metropolitan tourism boom created by the first AFL Grand Final public holiday, other city and regional areas particularly here in Shepparton were left questioning the validity and the very real costs of such an extravagant event. What made the impact of the public holiday even more difficult for Shepparton was the lack of pre-thought, which went into public transport service allocations for the day. Due to the public holiday status of the pre-AFL Grand Final Friday, train timetables were adjusted accordingly limiting Friday commuters in and out of the city to just two services instead of the usual Friday timetable. The Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry were particularly disappointed by the move, putting their thoughts in writing to the CEO of Public Transport Victoria (PTV) questioning why Public Transport Victoria chose to limit train services to and from the Goulburn Valley on Friday, October 2. Particularly when the objective of the new public holiday was intended to boost the state’s economy through an increase in tourism and/or visitors. Chamber Board Member and Spokesperson, Riki Gurden said, “We were disappointed in PTV’s decision to halve services on the day. “Organisers had worked tirelessly to ensure that there was plenty on, in and around the city to entice visitors from across the region and to stimulate local restaurants, retailers and traders who stayed open during the event. “While some businesses chose to remain

DISAPPOINTMENT IN DECISION MAKING… Pictured, The Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board Member and Spokesperson, Riki Gurden. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

open they were faced with excessive penalty rates and increased costs. As far as we can see, businesses were further hindered by these decisions. “The decision which was made was not congruent with the Andrews Government’s reasons behind creating this public holiday. It was supposed to be about boosting the state’s economy, increasing tourism and money being spent during the public holiday.” Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Dennis Patterson agreed that there was some disappointment in the community regarding the limited public transport services available across the long weekend. “M a ny p e ople wou ld h ave t a ke n advantage of the long weekend and travelled by public transport to Greater Shepparton and other areas to visit family and friends or

just enjoy the fantastic weather outdoors. “Their options for public transport would have been limited and meant many would have travelled by car, therefore adding additional congestion onto our already busy roads or chosen to stay home. “This also would have impacted our local tourism and hospitality industry, with many local tourism operators, businesses and hospitality outlets potentially missing out on patronage over the long weekend.” It seems feelings amongst members of the local business community regarding issues surrounding the public holiday remain very strong, with much of the feedback received by The Adviser indicating that a repeat AFL Grand Final public holiday would not been viewed favourably.

Extraordinary promise impacts local businesses The Adviser Managing Director, Geoff Adams said that Public Transport Victoria’s decision was disappointing but on a whole, he said the public holiday was a negative for local business. “There was a smattering of locally owned and operated businesses open throughout Shepparton on Friday and of course the national businesses were open. “But the cost to businesses to open, who employ the bulk of our society, proved to be far too prohibitive. “Of course there is the public sector who are employed by the commonwealth, state and local governments who enjoyed the day off unaffected. “It’s interesting to note that these types of decisions are made by politicians of which very few have earned an income in the private sector.

“Many haven’t experienced employing people and running their own business. At the end of the day, we all pay for it one way or another. An estimated $600M was lost in productivity and costs throughout the state. “Observing both Shepparton and Melbourne, many businesses suffered not only a shockingly costly Friday (one of the biggest trading days of the week), they also suffered a poor trading on Saturday. “Many restaurants and eateries, among other businesses simply couldn’t afford to open on Friday. “For the wellbeing of Shepparton and in particular the state, and for business’s sake, let’s hope this extraordinary promise of the Andrews government is not repeated.”

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Page 2 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1271 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Sister city relationship blossoms with delegates visit DELEGATES VISIT… Greater Shepparotn City Council Councillors, Jenny Houlihan and Dinny Adem with the 17 Oshu City delegates in front of the Cherry Blossom in the Queen’s Gardens, which was planted in 2007 when both cities began their sister city relationship. Photo: Julie Moore.

GREATER Shepparton’s sister city relationship with Oshu City in Japan was strengthened once again last week, when 17 of the city’s delegates visited the region, including Oshu City Mayor, Masaki Ozawa. The relationship between the two cities began in 2007, where the then Oshu City Mayor Mr Masaaki Aihara and the then Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Jenny Houlihan planted the Cherry Blossom and Maple Tree in the Queen’s Gardens. The group took the time to visit local horticulture and dairy facilities and to dine at some of the region’s

restaurants and visited the place where the relationship all started, in the Queen’s Gardens. Greater Shepparton City Council Councillor, Jenny Houlihan said, “It was great to have the delegates visit the region. We always be sure that we keep our relationship strong by both making regular visits to each other’s city. “Our relationship with Oshu City is one of the earliest Japanese sister city relationships in Victoria, which we’re pretty proud of. “The fact that the mayor of Oshu City came is quite significant.”

Nonsensical nursery rhymes to make you laugh SPOONFUL OF NONSENSE… Local Author, Suellen Drysdale will be releasing her hilarious new children’s book, Forgetful Gran’s Muddle Rhymes: Served with a Spoonful of Nonsense, during a special launch at the Shepparton Library on Sunday, October 18. Photo: David Lee.

By David Lee NURSERY rhymes with a zany twist are about to hit the shelves and have children in stitches, with the launch of local Author, Suellen Drysdale’s latest wbook, Forgetful Gran’s Muddle Rhymes: Served with a Spoonful of Nonsense. Launching her book at the Shepparton Library on Sunday, October 18 from 2pm to 4pm, Suellen will share her inspiration behind the book and will read some of her favourite muddle rhymes. Suellen teamed up with children’s illustrator, Liesl Bell to produce the colourful and zany collection of revived old favourites with a nonsensical and hilarious twist including Old Mother Hubbard and Jack and Jill. Suellen said, “The book was inspired by reading to my kids when they were little and we’d read stories and muddle the words up for a bit of fun. “Most nursery rhymes are out-dated. Nobody buckles their shoe anymore and so I decided to give them a modern and fun twist. “It’s all about having a bit of fun and encouraging kids to read and to be imaginative.

“Do you remember learning nursery rhymes as a child? Nursery rhymes have been passed down through the generations from grandparents and parents to wide-eyed children as they enjoyed the rhythm of words. But what happens when gran’s memory is worn away over the years? My story follows Forgetful Gran retelling her favourite nursery rhymes with her distorted recollection. “Why did Old Mother Hubbard wake up in the cupboard? What happened to the Three Little Kittens when they lied to their mother? The Five Little Piggies have become distracted, while Jack and Jill are typical of any children who get into mischief. “The book is all about thinking about child humour and making kids laugh. “I absolutely love the illustrations that Liesl created for each of the nursery rhymes. She just did such a fantastic job. “T his book is a way for grandparents to share the joy of reading with their grandchildren and great for bonding. They can share the rhymes and have a laugh.”

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1271 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 – Page 3


Nominations closed

Tickets are now available for Gala Dinner event

Page 4 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1271 Wednesday, October 7, 2015

BUSINESS AWARD… From left, White KingPental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart, McLennan Street Dental Owner, Dr Xavier Li, Practice Manager, Lena Tricarico and Owner, Dr Duy Ho (Business Award – Professional Services) and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Officer, Lucy Cerrone.

BUSINESS AWARD… From left, 95 3SR FM Radio Announcer, Locco, Pillow Talk Manager, Lurline LeNeuf (Business Award – Retail Services) and White King-Pental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart.

ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR… From left, Parklake Hotel Functions Manager, Apryl Smith, Lost Shepparton Owner, Geoff Allemand (Entrepreneur of the Year) and White KingPental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart.

HOSPITALITY BUSINESS OF THE YEAR… From left, GOTAFE Marketing and Communications Officer, Larissa Falla, Bicaros Ristorante Bar & Forno Owner, Gina Sozzi (Hospitality Service of the Year) and White King-Pental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart.


BUSINESS AWARD… From left, White KingPental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart, Spiire Manager, Jeramy Blight and Owner/Director, Michael Lewis (Business Award – Professional Services) and WIN Television Advertising Account Executive, Stephen Mullins.

CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR…From left, Choice Group Property Manager, Amy Lundberg, Safety Services Owners, Rae-ann and Greg Prater (Customer Service of the Year - Retail) and White King-Pental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart.

NOMINATIONS for the 2015 White KingPental 95 3SR FM Business Awards have come to a close and now, businesses right across the region are eagerly awaiting the announcement of who will take out the awards in each category at the Gala Dinner evening. The final nominees to be named this year are, McLennan Street Dental, who took out a nomination under the Business Award – Professional Services category, Pillow Talk, who received a nomination under the Business Award – Retail Services category, Lost Shepparton, who was nominated under the Entrepreneur of the Year category, Bicaros Ristorante Bar & Forno, who took out a nomination under the Hospitality Service of the Year category, Spiire, who received a nomination under the Business Award – Professional Services category, Safety Services, who was nominated under the Customer Service of the Year – Retail

category, John Morrow Refrigeration, who received a nomination under the Business Award – Trade Services category and our final nominee for the year was Mathieson Motors, who was nominated under the Customer Service of the Year – Trade category.

Award dinner tickets on sale

Tickets for the upcoming Gala Dinner, which showcases all of the nominated businesses this year and sees awards presented for the winning business from each category, are on sale now for $85 for Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry members and $95 for nonmembers. To purchase a ticket, phone Riverlinks on (03) 5832 9511.

BUSINESS AWARD… From left, White KingPental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart, John Morrow Refrigeration Director, Jade Tucker (Business Award – Trade Services) and The Adviser Managing Director, Geoff Adams.

CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR… From left, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Officer, Lucy Cerrone, Mathieson Motors Owner, Jon Mathieson (Customer Service of the Year Trade) and White KingPental Maintenance Manager, Eric Smart. Photos: Alicia Niglia.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1271 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 – Page 5


COMMUNITY CONNECT UPCOMING A VOICES FOR HARMONY event will run to celebrate Mental Health Week on Friday, October 9 at GOTAFE Harder Auditorium, Fryers Street in Shepparton from 1pm to 4pm. For further information, contact Azem Elmaz on 5821 6212, Cameron Albanoi on 0449 757 125 or Chris Parnell on 0459 560 273. PICOLA OLD TIME DANCE will be held on Saturday, October 10 at the Picola Hall. Dancing from 8pm until 12am. Music by Scott Trigg. $8 entry includes a delicious supper. Enquiries to Jeanette on 5869 1274.

TENNIS TOURNAMENT FOR SENIORS to mark seniors month will be held at the McEwen Reserve Tennis Club , Shepparton on Monday, October 12 commencing 9.30am. Morning and afternoon tea as well as barbeque and salad lunch will be available. Trophies for ladies and men’s doubles and mixed doubles. $4 per person. Entries on arrival or with Norm Mitchelmore on 5821 4076. BERRY STREET is holding a special guest speaker event on Tuesday, October 13 from 11am at the Shepparton Probus Club – GV Hotel. The guest speaker will be John Macdonald from

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For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 45 words or less.

Berry Street and the event will include a short film of very rare footage of social conditions in Melbourne in the late 1890s. For further information, contact Berry Street on 5822 8100. A TRIVIA NIGHT FOR HOMELESSNESS will be held at the GV Hotel in Shepparton on Wednesday, October 14 from 6pm. Entry is $10 and all funds raised will go toward supporting local people who are homeless or at risk. For further information, phone 5833 1000. WOR L D P R E M I E R E P L AY s e a rch i ng for the perfect cast. Hot on the heels of their 2016 Season Launch, Shepparton Theatre Arts Group (STAG) have now begun the search for the cast of their World Premiere production, Dookie, written by local playwright, John Head. An information Night will be held on Tuesday, October 13 at the Bakehouse, 17 Wheeler St, Shepparton commencing at 7pm with auditions for roles occurring on Saturday, October 24 and Sunday 25. More information can be obtained by phoning John Head on 0418 301 606. THE NUMURKAH FOODBOWL FESTIVAL will be held from Friday, October 16 to Sunday, October 18 with good food, wine, live music, workshops, local theatre, dance and bargains on offer. For further information, contact the Numurkah Tourist

Information Centre on 5862 3458. GOULBURN VALLEY FINS & FENDERS CAR CLUB is holding the Tatura Show & Shine on Sunday, October 18 at the Tatura Racecourse from 9am to 4pm. For enquiries, contact Janine on 0456 157 083. THE GV HEALTH BREAST CARE SERVICE is hosting a ‘mini-field of women’ to remember the journeys that were, the journeys that are, and the loved ones who have passed on October 22 from 10am at Victoria Park Lake Wyndham Street, Shepparton (opposite the Shepparton Park Lake Hotel). THE EARLY FALCON CAR CLUB OF VICTORIA is holding its 17th National Event on October 23 to 25. For further details, contact David Forbes on 0405 469 269. AN OAKS DAY LUNCHEON will be held at the Sherbourne Terrace in Shepparton on Thursday, November 5 from 12pm. Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting Robyn Neville on 5823 1556 or 0439 851 339. Tell us about your ‘not for profit’ community events, email classifieds@sheppartonadviser. or fax 5832 8920 (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event)

Multi-vendor auction for Hospice THE Goulburn Valley Vintage Tractor and Farm Machinery Club Inc is preparing for the excitement of their Multi-Vendor Auction on Saturday, October 10 and are still calling on entries into the auction. Goulburn Valley Vintage Tractor and Farm Machinery Club Inc Vice President, Des Drum said, “The day is always fantastic. We have a charity yard where people have donated goods and already have hay slashers, hay loaders and engines this year just to name some of the items available, and the best part is, 100 percent goes to GV Hospice Services. “For anybody still interested in entries, they must be in by Thursday, October 8. “We are expecting 300 to 400 people on the day. “As part of the auction, we were given an International 454 farm tractor with 45 horse power and the club has restored it, with part of the funds raised by auctioning it off to be donated to Hospice. It’s all painted up and

AUCTION ALMOST HERE… The Goulburn Valley Vintage Tractor and Farm Machinery Club Inc Multi-Vendor Auction day is coming soon, where an International 454 farm tractor with 45 horse power restored by the club is on auction. Photo: Supplied.

looks like new. It’s a great tractor.” The Multi-Vendor Auction will be held at Wunghnu Sporting Complex. For further information, contact Des on 0408 570 665.

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1271 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 – Page 7




Dear Editor, Festivities and family in this day and age seem to

We welcome letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.

take precedence over any thought of a new born king. Carol singing is popular in the evening on a rug with children. People enjoy the traditional tunes. In times gone by, churches would have over-flowed with worshippers. It is still here, but not a big celebration as has been in the past. Present giving can be a major chore. The wise discriminately buy selectively over a longer period and are not caught in a final rush. However, for many, the cost of living has got to the point where a line in the sand has to be made. Even appeals for the needy have to be restricted to a few very important ones. This is an age when people claim to be so busy. We hardly have the time to say good day to one another. The loss of intimacy is somewhat tragic, but this is what it means to live in a technological age. So many are robots, who go to work and at the weekends can be pooped and just want to recover. The young more often indulge or are into sport. A time like Christmas, a birthday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day are reminders that we are family. Such celebrations spread out through the year to keep us together. Gardening is a pleasurable hobby. Flowers add beauty and create a peaceful environment. Spring time is most agreeable, as more and more

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flowers come into bloom. Vegetables take on a minor role, but two or three tomato bushes are more than sufficient. Sweet corn from November offers tasty cobs. I grow bush beans in Summer. Climbing beans won’t set until Autumn when it is cooler. I cover the bush beans with shade cloth to aid their germination and to keep the pigeons from eating the seed. So, Christmas is coming. Our creed speaks of the return of the Christ, but in truth the presence of a risen Jesus has been coming and is experienced in every century since the time of the common era. To all who are sensitive and alert, that presence is with us now. This is the “kingdom come.” Be thankful, faithful with much joy. We are one. We can belong together. What more can I say. “Be good boys and girls. Don’t eat and drink too much – love one another and be of god cheer. God bless for the coming year and be real good.” Yours sincerely Alan English Shepparton

BEWARE FREE TRADE Dear Editor, China is keen to get Australia’s approval to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that has been

in the works for the last 10 years. How many of the ‘kept-in-the-dark-public’ have had the opportunity to read the proposed FTA? China is awash with their government created money. Thus, they have the means to buy up great chunks of Australia, which they are already quietly doing. To the ALP’s credit they are resisting the passage of the FTA because of the fear that China will bring in foreign workers that will dispossess Australian jobs. We have seen the example of the tens of thousands of ‘back-packers’ that are to be seen all over the place taking jobs from locals. With the passage of the China FTA we will see more foreign workers flooding into the country. There needs to be, at this eleventh hour, a massive writing campaign to members of the senate where the passage of the FTA can be stopped. It won’t be in Australia’s long term interest to sign on to the China FTA. We should be striving for fair trade not free trade, which will only work to further undermine our economic independence. Yours sincerely, Jay Nauss Glen Aplin

Zirka Circus rolls into town Z I R K A Circus is perform ing across Australia as a part of its World Tour and they are excited to announce that they will be appearing in Shepparton for the very first time. With a host of international artists considered among the best in their class, Zirka Circus offers a world class show packed full of entertainment and fun. Zirka Circus Owner/ Manager, Jeni Hou’s family has been involved in the entertainment and circus industry for three generations and is thrilled to be able to present a fresh and exciting new look circus to people across Australia. This awe-inspiring show with death defying acrobatics, magic, contortion, juggling, balancing and clowns with hilarious laugh a minute naughtiness will have guests entertained from start to finish. You will gasp in amazement and fear as the acrobats perform tricks, with precision and daring, like never before! A full two hours of non-stop entertainment, with state-of-the-art sound systems, lighting and effects all under the brand new big top. You can be comfortable in the knowledge that Zirka Circus is an animal free circus, with a happy family atmosphere. Zirka Circus offers ideal entertainment for all ages, from two to 102! Satisfaction guaranteed.

FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY… Come along and enjoy a show spectacular with Zirka Circus. Photo: Supplied.

Zirka Circus will be performing at Shepparton from Thursday, October 15 to Sunday, October 25 at the corner of Kialla Lakes Drive and Goulburn Valley Highway (next to Super Amart). For more information, visit w w w. Tickets are available at the box office or by calling 0498 666 388.

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Shepparton cleans up With the brand new Shepparton Laundromat now open

ALL NEW SELF SERVICE FACILITY‌ Pictured, Shepparton Laundromat Proprietor, Noelene Caverzan. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

THE all new Shepparton Laundromat is centrally located in the heart of the Shepparton CBD shopping area. At 372 Wyndham Street (opposite the NAB), it is within walking distance to the Post Office, banks, cafes, supermarkets, Target, Kmart and general shops. The variety of new Dexter, stainless steel washers gives customers the opportunity to wash in 23 minutes with hot water from the small domestic load to very large doonas and blankets. 16 super Dexter commercial dryers will cater for drying the smaller loads and including the huge king sized quilts and curtains. A separate entrance to a designated animal area allows the animal loving customers to comfortably wash their beloved dogs, cats, ferrets etc in two inside dog washes with warm water and Fido detergents plus four different sized washing machines and three dryers offering the chance to also wash all the pet bedding and blankets. Free, clean towels are supplied to finish the pet

pampering with a grooming table soon to be installed. The huge 28kg washer and large dryers will give the horse owners the opportunity to wash and dry their horse rugs at a minimal cost. The Shepparton Laundromat will be cleaned and open everyday of the year from 6am til 10pm with soap and coin dispensers, large folding tables and many free car parking spaces for laundromat customers. By using the laundromat it will save electricity, money and precious water especially for those on tank water. Due to its convenient proximity to local amenities, time can be saved by scheduling your laundry chore into your shopping day. The Shepparton Laundromat is totally self service and for travellers or visitors there is Benalla Laundromat in Bridge Street (Opposite Aldi) Benalla, also Seymour Laundromat in Emily Street (opposite McDonalds) Seymour, which offer the same services. For any queries call Noelene 0427 314 310.

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Your chance to be heard

INCREDIBLE LINEUP… Headline Act, Icehouse will be well supported by some of Australia’s most iconic bands at ‘A Day on the Green’ to be held on Saturday, January 23 at Mitchelton Wines, Nagambie. Photo: Tony Mott.

Victorian Ombudsman to meet with locals

THE Victorian Ombudsman will visit Shepparton next month and will be available for those who wish to make a complaint or find out more about her role. Deputy Leader of The Nationals, Steph Ryan is encouraging all interested Shepparton residents to make the most of the opportunity. “The Victorian Ombudsman looks into complaints about the actions and decisions of Victorian Government departments, statutory authorities and local councils,” Ms Ryan said. “The service is free, fair and independent and exists to help individuals get to the bottom of misunderstandings, conflicts or confusion.” Victoria’s Ombudsman Deborah Glass, along with her staff and representatives from the Commonwealth Ombudsman will be available to the public on Tuesday, October 13 between 11am and 2pm at the Goulburn Valley Regional Library 41-43 Marungi Street, Shepparton. Ms Ryan said there is no need to make an appointment and residents are able to simply turn up on the day. To make the most of your visit, the Ombudsman’s office has advised that individuals be prepared with relevant background, including what happened and when. In addition, it is helpful to bring copies of complaints and any responses received. For more information, you can contact the Ombudsman’s office on 1800 806 314 or 9613 6222, or via email on vocomms@ombudsman.

Icehouse heads all-star line-up With Baby Animals, Diesel, Models and Deborah Conway

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FOLLOWING the overwhelming success of the very first ‘A Day on the Green’ in Nagambie last year, promoter Roundhouse Entertainment is pleased to announce another incredible line-up for the second concert on Saturday, January 23. One of Australia’s most iconic bands, Icehouse will headline the Mitchelton Wines show, and in a musical feast of classic Aussie hits, they will be joined by Baby Animals, Diesel, Models and Deborah Conway. More than 5,000 music fans enjoyed last year’s event and with tickets starting at just $99.90, another huge crowd is expected. “We played several ‘A Day on the Green’ shows in 2012 and each was a pleasure,” front man Iva Davies said. “So we’re looking forward to being involved again

in the great atmosphere, the line-up of Australian talent and seeing the audiences under the stars.” With 28 platinum albums, eight Top 10 albums, a place in the ARIA Hall Of Fame and more than thirty Top 40 singles - including the unofficial Aussie national anthem, the seminal ‘Great Southern Land’ – Icehouse has undoubtedly carved out a special niche in the Australian psyche. For all accommodation enquiries, contact Nagambie Visitor Information Centre on 5794 1471 or visit http:// For ticket information, visit or phone 136 100. Alternatively, for event information visit

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NEWS ENJOYABLE DAY… From left (front), local residents, Alayah Parker, 9, Jakobi Wingard, 13, Noah Good, 7, Zeik Liccardo, 6, and Daniel Griffin, 9, with (back) GV Health Family Fun Day Event Coordinator, Zoe Edmonds and Department of Education and Training Student Support Services Officer, Di Boulton enjoying the family fun day held for vulnerable families last week. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Families enjoy fun, social experience By David Lee FAMILIES from across the region came together last week for a family fun day, organised by support services to offer vulnerable families a chance to enjoy a positive, social and fun experience together. From yoga, a mobile animal farm, jumping castle, photo booth, barbeque, face painting and balloon art and craft for children to massages for parents, the day helped to inspire families to engage with one another and encouraged continued positive family engagement into the future.

GV Health Family Fun Day Event Coordinator, Zoe Edmonds said, “The day, which was brought about thanks to GVAMHS, School Support Services, Berry Street, FamilyCare, CatholicCare and Mental Illness Fellowship, and funded by GV Community Fund and Greater Shepparton City Council, provided a great opportunity for families to find out about the support services in the area in a fun environment. “It was a great day where children and parents were able to enjoy time together.”

Calling for action continued from front page “I DRIVE past the youth foyer regularly to check on its progress and I have been dismayed at the extremely slow progress of construction of the building. “I am particularly passionate about the Education First Youth Foyer Program as it is a policy that I wrote and implemented as the Housing Minister in the former Liberal Government. “Shepparton has a significant problem with disengaged youth and our community is par ticularly excited about the opportunities this facility will provide for young people to stay connected to education and build better lives for themselves. “ Un for t u n ately, t he G over n ment ’s

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inability to manage projects has seen the construction of the Shepparton Youth Foyer fall behind schedule, and the tender process to appoint an operator does not appear to have even commenced. “T his is delaying you ng people in Shepparton from accessing this fantastic facility and program and placing many of them at risk.” Ms Lovell has requested from the Housing Minister a precise timeline, including expected dates for the completion of the building; opening of the tender process to select an operator; appointment of the operator, and tenanting of the building (including the date first tenants will move in and the time period over which the foyer will move to full tenancy).

As construction of Youth Foyer falls behind schedule The youth foyer will provide secure accommodation for up to 40 young people aged 16-24 who want to study but who, for various reasons, are unable to live at home. It offers young people individual, selfcontained units as well as extensive support services and is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to ensure support is always there when the young people need it. “Youth foyers are proven to improve engagement with young people who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness, and ensure their education, employment and training needs can be met,” Ms Lovell said. The Department of Health and Human Services told The Adviser prior to print that the Shepparton Youth Foyer is due to be completed in mid 2016.

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Shepparton Market welcomes Bunbartha Beef THE local community can now enjoy even more quality locally produced products at Shepparton Market, with Bunbartha Beef having joined Wintersun Fruits. Bunbartha Beef is a family owned and operated 1,000 acre beef producing property located north of Shepparton at Bunbartha. The Bunbartha Beef herd are reared with an emphasis on quality control and humane treatment. They are grass fed and kept in a low stress environment to ensure the most consistent quality. Bunbartha Beef Owner, Kelly McPherson said, “Our methods and practices are very particular and humane, our animal’s welfare is very important to us. We transport our cattle ourselves for processing and we work with local butchers to ensure the highest quality products and best practices throughout the process. “Our meat range is head to tail, quality cuts as well as a variety of sausages and mince. Because we have a large number of cattle, we are able to hand pick the best selection of animals for processing and because of our quality control measures, we are also able to ensure the best quality and taste of cuts. “We were very excited when Wintersun Fruits invited us to join them at the Shepparton Market and it’s a great fit. We have the same values and it provides a great holistic locally produced ‘farm gate to plate’ range for the community to enjoy.” In addition to their range of beef products, Bunbartha Beef also have delicious pies made locally at Brereton’s Bakery in Nathalia,

QUALITY LOCAL PRODUCTS… Pictured, Bunbartha Beef Owner, Kelly McPherson with some of their delicious locally produced products which can be found at Shepparton Market. Photo: Julie Moore.

which are available at Nathalia, Numurkah as well as at the Shepparton Market including beef and Black Angus pies. They also have a great range of homemade preserves, sauces and jams grown and produced locally as well as a dedicated health food range consisting of products like almond milk, fermented vegetables, coconut milk, Kombucha and more with great health benefits. Kelly said, “Customers can enjoy everything they need, all in the one location.” For more information, or to try the range of locally produced Bunbartha Beef products, call into Shepparton Market at 91 Benalla Road, Shepparton.

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PREMIER FIELD DAYS… Come along to the Wandin-Silvan Horticultural & Farm Machinery Field Days, which will be held on Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17. Photo: Supplied.

Field days welcomes visitors from near and far THE Wandin-Silvan Field Days are back again and this year’s premier agricultural event is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever, providing a unique event with a focused horticultural theme. The Wandin-Silvan Field Days is a not-forprofit organisation. It is operated and run by a committee of local volunteers, some of whom have a history dating back to the first event more than 45 years ago. This year will once again feature exhibitors ranging from farm machinery, light industrial equipment, motor vehicles and motor bikes, irrigation equipment and water tanks to information on the latest pest and weed control, fertilisers and chemicals. Demonstrations and displays of a wide variety of new equipment, such as chainsaws, ride-on mowers, retractable water sprayers

and pruning techniques, will be available. Information on the packaging, transporting and labelling of fruit will also be available. This year the Wandin-Silvan Field Days will also feature a photography competition with a ‘farm equipment and machinery’ theme, proudly sponsored by Wandin-Seville Community Bank branch of the Bendigo Bank, which is sure to attract some great local talent. The Wandin-Silvan Horticultural & Farm Machinery Field Days will be held on Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17 at the Wandin East Recreation Reserve (Cnr Monbulk-Seville & Parker Roads, Wandin East) Melways Map 121 K 9. Entry is $12 with under 15s free. For more information, visit

NEWS continued from front page

Tourism in Shepparton - it works! ON average the visitors spend $242 a day, with arts tourists spending $280 a day and sports tourists spending $242 a day. Holiday makers spend $201 a day. By far the largest market is people visiting friends and relatives at 49 percent followed by the holiday and leisure market and then business. TGS President, Ross Graham said, the new campaign was a strong message to the whole community that tourism is working and many businesses and operators are recognising the value and importance of tapping into tourism. “No longer can small and large businesses believe they are not touched by the tourism dollar. Our new campaign features commercial laundry, Gouge, design and printing group, Prominent, and Wintersun Fruit, who all recognise they are in tourism and benefit from tourism dollars.” Prominent Group Managing Director, Darren Hall says his company relies on tourism activity and the many organisations, including council, who market and promote what we have to offer.

“The more art, sport, festivals, business events, food and wine promotions the more business comes through my door. All that activity means we are busy putting the material together to let locals and visitors know what is on and how to be a part of it. “We are proud members of TGS and have been for some time,” Darren said. The traditional ‘jam packed’ Tourism Month Calendar of Events is still available this year, not in its usual printed form, but online at Staff at the Shepparton Visitor Centre would be more than happy to help you out if you can’t access online. The new version of TGS’ publication, 52 Great Discoveries is also out now with 20,000 of them landing in local mailboxes and local businesses. The Shepparton Visitor Centre also has copies. This little booklet makes it easy for all to discover the best attractions in Greater Shepparton. If you are interested in becoming a m e m b e r o f T G S g o t o w w w. or email

TOURISM BRINGS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY… Prominent Group Sales Manager, Mark Moylan, with some of the tourism publications Prominent Group produce for the industry. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Win tickets to the

original divas

POWERFUL PERFORMANCE… Enjoy the sweet sounds of critically acclaimed Singer/Actor, Ruth Rogers-Wright when she brings jazz legends, Nina Simone and Billie Holiday to life during ‘Black Diva Power’. Photo: Supplied.

ART Events Australia and Brad Hopes Promotions together with The Adviser newspaper are giving you the chance to win one of five double passes to see ‘Black Diva Power’ at Shepparton Riverlinks during the exclusive one night only event on Thursday, October 22. This not to miss event features two compelling productions in one night starring the critically acclaimed powerhouse Singer/Actor, Ruth Rogers-Wright. Under the direction of Chris Baldock, Ruth Rogers-Wright will take on two massive roles in the staging of ‘Black Diva Power’ bringing to life the powerful

characters and music of the two jazz legends, Nina Simone and Billie Holiday.

giveaway For your chance to win, simply write your name, address and telephone number on the back of an envelope and send to: Black Diva Power The Adviser PO Box 1664 Shepparton Victoria, 3630 Competition closes Monday, October 19. Winners will be notified. Good luck! Note-one entry per person.

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wi t h Geoff Vallance

A CITY UNDER LIGHTS… The Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest was a sight to behold at night.

WALL WHICH DIVIDED A CITY… The infamous Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany.

Don’t travel without insurance THAT’S the message from Maria Sofra of Orrvale, who has just returned from a trip that could have been a nightmare without it.

The adventure started when Maria decided to take her mum, Claudia back to Italy to meet up with the relatives. Arriving in Rome they stayed at an apartment that Maria had rented near the family home in Tivoli and as word spread that they had arrived relatives came out of the woodwork. It was a great time, Maria arranged visits to

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the major tourist sites in Rome and found out that the Turin Shroud said to have covered the body of Christ, was being displayed to the public by the monks of Turin; a rare occurrence and something special to witness. The display took place in the local church and Maria says it was very special. Then a side trip to see her mother’s sister in law at La Poesia, which became their base to explore the coastal towns of Cinque Terre with its great views across each village and excellent restaurants. Then, leaving mum with the ‘rellies’ back in Rome, Maria set off to meet up with an organised tour starting in Vienna and covering Budapest to Poland. In Krakow they visited the salt mines that have been turned into a museum and church, three miners converted the mines creating huge statues and galleries some with crystal chandeliers made of salt. I n Po l a n d s h e v i s i te d A u s c h w i t z Concentration Camp, an incredible emotional journey. You can see the items people left behind on their journey to the gas chambers. Maria was amazed at how short a time many people spent here from arrival and processing to death; only a couple of weeks. Then onto Warsaw and Berlin. Maria just loved to walk the town and see the buildings and the people up close. Quite often she would sit at a coffee shop and just watch the world go by. She loved the history of Berlin, from the old

to the new, but it was the wall that drew her attention. Mostly pulled down, you can buy little samples to take home as a keepsake, but parts of the wall still remain and artists have decorated them to tell the story. From Berlin to Dresden, which was almost destroyed by bombing in the war, but today is a beautiful city with stunning architecture. In Prague, a cruise on the Danube just as night closed in on the buildings on the bank shone, with dramatic night lighting. Returning to Vienna, Maria spent five days exploring the art galleries and museums, then an eight hour train ride to Venice to spend time there. Then the phone rang to say that her 80 year old mother had had a fall and needed an operation. Maria headed for the fast train. The Italo travels at 300 kilometres per hour, the trip to Rome took just three and a half hours. It was a simple thing. Her mother had fallen from her bed but an ambulance had to be called and she was now in the Tivoli Hospital. She needed an operation but the hospital had such a back-log, she had to wait. Maria had called the insurance company as soon as she had heard about her mum. They were wonderful and assured her they would look after everything. But with the back-log, her mum had waited seven days. The insurance company, who stayed in close contact with Maria, arranged for her mother to be transferred to the Rome American Hospital. An hour after arriving,

HISTORIC REMINDER… A haunting reminder of Poland’s darkest days, Auschwitz I Concentration Camp still stands.


wi t h Geoff Vallance

CYCLISTS WELCOME… Cyclists are now able to utilise new custom designed secure bike lockers, installed at the south and north ends of the Maude Street Mall and Fraser Street. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

BEAUTIFUL CITY… Set amongst the stunning Austrian Alps, Innsbruck is a must see.

preparation for the operation was underway. Maria had arranged the insurance with Apia because of her mother’s age. Their operators Ace Assist looked after everything including accommodation for Maria while her mother recuperated, and an upgrade to Business Class for Mum and Maria for their flight back to Australia.

TIME TO RELAX… Monterosso, Cinque Terre, Italy was the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the simpler things in life.

Maria would like to thank Joe Bovalino from Lyn McNaught Helloworld Travel in Mooroopna for arranging things and staying in daily contact during her mother’s ordeal. As Joe says, never travel without insurance. Until next time, Safe Travel’n, Geoff Vallance

CBD welcomes cyclists With new custom designed secure bike lockers CYCLING enthusiasts and people wanting to enjoy a leisurely ride to Shepparton’s central business district will now be able to utilise new secure bike lockers, which have recently been installed at the south and north ends of the Maude Street Mall and Fraser Street. The lockers have been installed by Greater Shepparton City Council to support cyclists who wish to commute to workplaces and those people wanting easy access to the CBD retail sector. The installation of the lockers fulfils an action in the 201317 Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy outlined in the Council Plan. Cou ncil received $75,0 0 0 th roug h R e g i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t V i c t o r i a ’s ‘Local Innovation Fund’ in 2012 for the construction/fabrication of secure bike storage. Consultation was undertaken on ‘Ride to Work Day’ in April 2013 to ascertain desired, suitable locations for secure parking with significant interest for the Maude Street Mall area and the Victoria Park Lake/Aquamoves precinct. The Aquamoves Bike Shelter was installed out the front of the Aquamoves building in October 2014, providing a secure bike parking structure for patrons and community members visiting the Victoria Park Lake Precinct. The second stage of the project was to provide secure bike storage in the central business district. Council worked with

local company Trevaskis Engineering to design the custom bike lockers in fitting with the aesthetics and design of existing CBD furniture and infrastructure. The bike lockers have been installed in areas that align with other structures and fittings in the Mall to ensure accessibility and ease of movement. Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Dennis Patterson said the bike lockers are a great solution for people who would like to commute to their workplace or take their bikes into the CBD for leisure or shopping. “Shepparton is the perfect place to ride a bike with our award winning shared pathways and flat terrain and anything that encourages more people to take up cycling is a bonus. “Cyclists can ride into the CBD and leave their bikes in a secure place while they go to work, have lunch with friends, go to a movie or check out the local retail shops. Not only is it a healthy alternative to driving a car it also cuts down on pollution and reduces the number of people trying to park in the CBD. “It also lines up with our Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy. “With the interest shown in secure bike parking in the CBD it is possible Council may install the custom designed double-bike lockers in several key locations, with the potential to manufacture more if they are heavily utilised.”

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Your local Neverfail services PROUD Australian brand, Neverfail is a trusted name among businesses and households alike with their services and range synonymous with quality. Neverfail is a great Australian success story. First established by Harry Hilliam in Sydney, some 30 years ago, Harry had spent much time studying the spring water home and office delivery services offered in the United States and decided take the leap and launch it here in Australia. The first water coolers and bottles of spring water were delivered to customers from the back of a ute. The original spring water used in the business was said to have been drawn from a spring on Harry’s property called the Neverfail Spring. From these humble beginnings Neverfail grew rapidly and was soon established as the leading spring water company in every mainland state. Never fa i l est abl ished a bra nch i n Shepparton just over 15 years ago. Victoria was the first state to establish branches throughout regional areas. The business in Shepparton started with just 14 customers but quickly grew. These days, the whole of the Goulburn Valley is serviced from the Shepparton branch as well as towns as far away as Finley and Jerilderie. Neverfail Victorian State Sales Manager, Ben Thiele said, “Neverfail was founded on

LOCAL NEVERFAIL TEAM… Pictured from left, Area Service Representative, John Poppa and Customer Service Representative, Glenn Archer. Photo: Julie Moore.

product quality and outstanding customer focus at very competitive rates. From our very first days in Shepparton and the Goulburn Valley, all of our customer service representatives have come from the Greater Shepparton area and so are fully tuned to the local community. We are locally based and

deliver from our permanent site in Shepparton. One of Neverfail’s key parameters is every delivery, on time, every time.” Accessing Neverfail services and products can be done simply via the internet at www. or by calling our friendly customer service department on 13 30 37.

Succulent show set to inspire

VERSATILE VARIETIES… Come along to the Billabong Garden Complex annual succulent show on Saturday, October 10 and Sunday, October 11. Pictured, Billabong Garden Complex Supported Employee, Adam Olsen. Photo: Julie Moore.

Billabong onsite propagation nursery to get creative, they really enjoy planting the succulents ready for the show.” If you’re free this weekend, make sure you get along to Billabong Garden Complex at

Shepparton Display Home D rectory 2


295 Numurkah Road, Shepparton and enjoy the show. The complex is open seven days, from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm on Saturday and from 10am to 4pm on Sunday.

Kittles Rd

THE Billabong Garden Complex annual succulent show is on again this weekend. On Saturday, October 10 and Sunday, October 11 attendees will be inspired by the more than 200 different varieties of succulents. There will be succulents to both admire and for purchase, to suit every garden style, pot and space, from a small rockery area to a large formal garden. With so many interesting colours, textures and species of succulents, there is no shortage of design possibilities. Nursery Manager, Tracy Lamont said, “Succulents are a very forgiving plant, if you don’t pay them too much attention, they are generally happy to go it alone with little water and maintenance. “Our annual succulent show is always a popular event. This year we have a vast array of succulents available to purchase, in traditional style potted succulents, as well as some unique and quirky items that we’ve potted with succulents, to show our customers just how versatile these plants can be. “ T h e s u c c u l e n t s h ow i s a g r e a t opportunity for our employees of the

N 2

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1 Th e Bo ul ev ar d

DELIVERERS NEEDED URGENTLY Get fit and become healthy, while earning extra money.

Deliverers needed in Shepparton, Mooroopna and Tatura. If you are looking for something to do on a Wednesday then this position is ideal for you and/or your family. If this sounds like you, phone 5832 8900 or drop into our office at 219-225 Wyndham St, Shepparton. Genuine enquiries only.

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Inviting community spirit this Christmas GREATER Shepparton City Council is helping to foster a renewed community spirit this Christmas, by encouraging local community groups to apply to be involved in the 2015 Christmas charity wrapping service in the Maude Street Mall. T h e s u c c e s s f u l appl i c a nt s wou ld receive $250 towards their not-for-profit organisation plus all gold coin donations over the allocated four day period. The successful applicants would be required to work up to four days in a row and be responsible for opening and closing the Santa workshop. Council’s Manager Investment Attraction,

Geraldine Christou encouraged local community groups to apply. “This is a fantastic opportunity for local community groups to earn some additional income whilst removing the stress of gift wrapping from our shoppers. “T he C h r ist m as w rappi ng ser v ice provides even more reasons to shop locally this Christmas and support our local traders.” Four groups will be selected to take part. For more information, or to apply visit Applications will be received until 23 October.

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Saints win in season end scorcher A SEARING top temperature of 32°C did nothing to dispel the Saints’ charge during Sunday’s Goulburn Valley Football League (GVFL) Grand Final at Deakin Reserve as they devastated the Demons, ending Kyabram’s season with a convincing 59 point defeat. The premiership was the first for Benalla in more than 42 years and was certainly a welcome victory for the team and their supporters, made even more poignant in the face of their loss to Shepparton Swans in their 2014 GVFL Grand Final encounter. Benalla was a favourite going into the Grand Final contest and they never let down their guard leading from the onset and throughout. Despite Kyabram’s best efforts and surge in the second quarter, the Saints never faltered and held strong to walk away with it at the end of the day. Saints midfielder, Sam Martyn was awarded AFL Victoria Country Medal for the best on ground player as decided by the umpires during the grand final while ruckman, Josh Marchbank was awarded the Wilf Cox Medal for best on ground.

SAINTS DECLARE VICTORY OVER DEMONS… Benalla Saints crush Kyabram Demons 16.16(112) to 7.11(53) during Sunday’s Goulburn Valley Football League decider. Photo: Supplied.

Vic Open to remain in Shepparton until 2017 HAVING been held in Shepparton since 2011, the Open Victorian Bowls marquee event will remain in the Shepparton region until the end of 2017, with this year’s event running from November 7 to 13. Greater Shepparton City Council Deputy Mayor, Cr Fern Summer said the event would inject more than $1M into the Greater Shepparton economy. “With more than 1,200 players expected and 2,000 visitors converging on the region from around Australia this event generates well over $1M for our community keeping business busy and the economy strong across seven days, in accommodation bookings, hospitality, retail and visits to our tourism attractions. “This is a great boost for our region with every single bowls club in Greater Shepparton involved in the event generating great community pride in hosting these prestigious championships.” Bowls Victoria Chief Executive, Graeme Bridge said, “Bowls Victoria is excited that the event will stay in Shepparton, and that Greater Shepparton City Council sees the event as so important to the local community. “What it now means is we can plan for the long-term, knowing that Shepparton is the home of this important event.” Bowls Victoria President, John Fisher said, “We’re mindful the majority of our Victorian bowls clubs are based in regional Victoria, and to have our marquee event there is both appropriate and important for us, and our members. “We thank Greater Shepparton City Council for their great support of our event, and allowing us to keep it in regional Victoria.”

Big V Origin Series to kick off in Shepparton SHEPPARTON has been chosen to host the 2016 Big V Origin Series, where city will battle it out on the basketball court against country, for the right to claim the title. Featuring some of the best men and women’s basketball talent, the double header held on June 12, 2016 will showcase the vast array of players that the competition has to offer. The four teams to compete will be selected dependent on a player’s place of birth, from either country or the metro region, with the women’s game to kick-off proceedings at 6pm, followed by the men at 8pm. Big V CEO, Julie Anderson is excited to bring the Origin Series to Shepparton as its inaugural host. “The Origin Series will provide an opportunity to celebrate the long standing rivalry between the country and city players that compete in Big V. “We are looking forward to the involvement of the fans and players in the build up to the games and the support from the Shepparton community.” Greater Shepparton Basketball Association Manager, Tony Long can’t wait to see the community out in droves to be a part of the festivities.

BIG COMPETITION… From left, Greater Shepparton Basketball Association Manager, Tony Long, Big V CEO, Julie Anderson and Shepparton Gators Captain, Matt Bartlett are looking forward to the Big V Origin Series being held in Shepparton next year. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

“As one of the inaugural clubs in the league to continue that country/city rivalry which we all know we have living in the country, it will be a great opportunity for the association and a great opportunity for basketball in general.”

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Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

Luxurious living with the Livingstone Altered & Kirkland Plus POPULAR DESIGNS… Being among the most popular design choices, the Livingstone Altered (left) and Kirkland Plus (right) offer luxury living at Kensington Gardens. Images: Supplied.

IT’S the unbeatable and luxurious living on offer at Kensington Gardens that have seen the village become so popular, and residents certainly know what they want, with the Livingstone Altered and Kirkland Plus being among the most chosen home plans. The Livingstone Altered consists of four bedrooms, double garage, a large alfresco outdoor space and over 186 square metres of living space. The Kirkland Plus consists of three bedrooms, single or double garage, alfresco area and spacious living area of 143 square metres. Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “Most residents are not keen on downsizing their home and choose a three or four bedroom home to suit their needs, which is why the Livingstone Altered and Kirkland Plus are among the most popular designs. “We are very pleased to be able to provide these homes for our residents and encourage members of the community to view our floor plans.”

Livingstone Altered Living Area: 186sgm; Garage: 41sqm Alfresco: 26sqm; Porch: 4sqm Total: 257sqm

Kirkland Plus Living Area: 143sgm; Garage: 22sqm Alfresco: 14sqm; Porch: 3sqm Total: 182sqm

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Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

ACTIVITIES GALORE… There are a large range of activities on offer for Kensington Garden’s residents including the workshop, or men’s shed, and vegie patch. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Socialise with a range of activities FOR those who like a bit of activity and an opportunity to socialise, the workshop and vegie garden at Kensington Gardens are ideal. Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “We encourage residents to join the handy team in the fully equipped workshop and get creative building something new or repairing those loved goods. “For those with a green thumb the vegie patch offers a chance to grow fruit and ‘veg’ to suit your tastes or share with friends and family.

“We also offer one of the largest undercover lock-up caravan and RV storage areas in rural Victoria, to help those with an adventurous spirit feel secure knowing their van is safe when you are at home and can head off travelling when it suits with ease and confidence.” As well as the workshop and vegie garden, residents can take up a game of mini golf, croquet or arts and crafts. If you need something to do, Kensington Gardens has it all.

Lock-up, store and wash facility; the Kensington point of difference WITH their extensive caravan, RV and boat parking and storage facilities, Kensington

Gardens has made a name for themselves by being the provider of the largest undercover lock-up caravan, RV and boat storage areas in rural Victoria. Offering up to 77 allotments for the convenient and secure storage of residents’ recreational vehicles and equipment, Kensington Gardens’ secure shedding space provides a high level of convenience for their residents. As well as the storage facilities, Kensington Gardens now has caravan wash facilities on-site, meaning residents can wash up after they return from their time away. Ke n si n g t o n G a r d e n s M a n a g e r, Pe t e r Stanbrook said, “Our storage and wash facilities are our point of difference and ensures our residents’ vans are safe when at home and means they can head off travelling when it suits with ease and confidence and know they can clean up when they return home. “The facility is also secure with camera surveillance and security lighting for the safety and protection of our residents and their property.

SECURE FACILITIES… Kensington Gardens extensive caravan, RV, parking, storage facilities and caravan wash is the lifestyle village’s point of difference. Photo: Supplied.

“Some residents have searched far and wide to find facilities of this quality and moved from other areas of the state to Shepparton.”

Page 7 The Adviser. October, 2015

Open Day Saturday 10th October 10am to 4pm

The success behind a perfectly built home PART of the success story of Kensington Gardens, can be attributed to the unique partnership with family owned, new home builders, Alatalo Bros. Alatalo Bros have been operating throughout North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales for almost 40 years. As a premier builder and land developer, Alatalo Bros began working with the Green Group (Developers of Kensington Gardens) when they brought their concept of lifestyle living to the southern states, developing and building Kensington Gardens Albury. Kensington Gardens Albury proved to be a success and the decision was soon made to expand to Shepparton and Alatalo Bros were excited for the opportunity to introduce their family ethos and quality workmanship to the Goulburn Valley. Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “Apart from being outstanding home and resort facility builders, Alatalo Bros have gained a deserved reputation over the last 30 years for delivering the highest level of quality at an affordable price. “With over 1,500 dream homes built for their customers over the years, Alatalo Bros

LIFESTYLE PARTNERSHIP… From left, Alatalo Bros Construction Supervisor, Malcolm Gorton and General Manager, Tony Moyle. Photo: Madeleine Caccianiga.

always take the time to listen to the needs of their clients and provide the right solution for them first time, every time.” Alatalo Bros General Manager, Tony Moyle said, “Kensington Gardens have been great to work with. We’ve been working in the relationship with Kensington Gardens for more than eight years now and it has become quite a successful relationship for both parties. “Having an open mind from both sides, offering different suggestions and working together

to achieve the goals that Kensington Garden’s residents are looking for has been quite successful, we think that’s due to the fact both Kensington Gardens and our builders want to work together to achieve the same goal; happy clients. “The future is quite bright and prosperous for both parties.” For more information, contact Alatalo Bros General Manager, Tony Moyle on 0419 339 303.

HOMES FOR ANY DESIRE… All homes built at Kensington Gardens are stand alone brick veneer, architect designed affordable luxury homes, and with over 20 home designs to choose from there is something to suit every desire. Photos: Supplied.

Architect designed affordable living KENSINGTON Gardens provides the perfect combination of affordable lifestyle with bricks and mortar security through their model of high quality residential estate living. All homes are stand alone brick veneer, architect designed affordable luxury and there are over 20 home designs to choose from. Manager, Peter Stanbrook said, “You can select from a wide range of designer finishes, fixtures and flooring and then just move in and enjoy

a fully landscaped over 50s resort lifestyle, so you can choose the lifestyle that is right for you. “All of our homes are built by our own building contractors, Alatalo Bros with whom Kensington Gardens has enjoyed a long working association and trusted relationship with. “Home designs can be modified to include changes that are important to each individual, just ask myself and Ros for ideas and solutions.”

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