The Adviser 1311

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■ COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 ■ Letters to the Editor | page 8



Victorian Seniors Feature PAGES 19-24


If It’s Got Wheels PAGE 18

No 1:1311




Putting sleep problems to bed

By David Lee A STUDY carried out by Healthdirect Australia in 2015 revealed that one of the number one challenges facing new parents is lack of sleep and sleeping issues with their new addition to the family. Local residents previously had the option of travelling to Melbourne to partake in a sleep school to help with the problem, but thanks to one local, Shepparton’s first Safe Sleep Space sleep school has just kicked off. Continued on page 14

A STEP FORWARD… From left, Harris Scarfe Shepparton team member, Lauren Bilney, store manager, Michael Desimone and assistant store manager, Travis Senior believe that if more businesses in the Maude Street Mall extended their trading hours to include Sunday as a trading day, it would be a positive step forward. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Mall traders encouraged to extend hours When you head to the mall on a Sunday it’s dead.

By David Lee SHEPPARTON’S Maude Street Mall traders are being encouraged to amend their hours of operation, in a bid to draw more people to the CBD and appeal more to weekend shoppers. Currently, there are fewer than 10 businesses in the mall that open

their doors on a Sunday and being one of the businesses who operate from 10am to 5pm on Sunday, Harris Scarfe Shepparton store manager, Michael Desimone is hoping that more traders will get on board with the extended hours of operation to help bring some life Continued on page 13 back into the CBD on weekends.


Agriculture sector recognisedI through Shepp Jacket I N R ECOGN I T ION of the region’s agricultural sector, R.M.Williams recently released a jacket named after Shepparton as par t of its Aut u m n-Winter 2016 collection. R.M.Williams CEO, Raju Vuppalapati said, “R.M.Williams was inspired to name one of its 2016 winter jackets after the town of Shepparton, as we see Shepparton as a significant rural centre. “The ‘Shepp Jacket’ has a real sheepskin collar, and sheep-tag branding on the left pocket, so this is a nod to the agriculture that underpins that region of Victoria. We’re proud to have our products highlight the places that feed and clothe the nation. “We hope the locals will embrace the Shepp Jacket. It’s a padded cotton, fully lined jacket, with hand warmers and a storm flap, so it’s a perfect weekend jacket for Shepparton’s chilly winters.” Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Dinny Adem was presented with the jacket, and is pleased to see R.M. Williams paying homage to the region. “It’s encouraging that a major company like R.M. Williams has paid recognition to the Shepparton area. The jacket is quite confortable.” For further information on the Shepp Jacket, phone (08)8259 1007 or via email to

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WEAR IT PROUD… Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Dinny Adem was recently presented with the R.M. Williams Shepp Jacket, named after Shepparton in recognition of the area’s ties with the agricultural industry. Photo: Emma Hillier.


IGA throws support behind dairy farmers FAIRLEYS SUPA IGA is throwing its support behind dairy farmers, launching a Dairy Farmers Milk Crisis appeal, kicking it off with a $20,000 donation to go toward grocery vouchers for farmers in need. The appeal, which is being run in conjunction with Lions International, Need for Feed Disaster Relief, AgBiz Assist and Rural Financial Counselling Service – Victoria North East, is aiming to raise $100,000 through Victoria’s IGA stores as a start, with plans to continue raising funds as assistance is needed. Company director for Michael’s/Fairleys SUPA IGA stores, Michael Lorenz said, “We are hoping to raise more than the $100,000, which will be done through our Community Rewards Program. Customers will be able to scan their rewards card to make donations to the appeal. “We want to make a difference and do all we can to help farmers in need. “We also sell the milk in-store that comes from Murray Goulburn famers, which is another reason I am passionate about this cause.” Need for Feed Disaster Relief co-ordinator, Graham Cockerell said, “The food shopping vouchers will be distributed through Rural Financial Counselling

PROVIDING RELIEF… From left, Fairley’s SUPA IGA managing director, Michael Lorenz, Rural Financial Counselling Services Victoria North East executive officer, Nerida Kerr and chair, Steven Cohen, Fairley’s SUPA IGA store manager, Craig Bramley, Rural Financial Counselling Services Victoria North East director, Peter Gray, Lions Club Mooroopna zone chairman, Uwe DeTemple, member, Bill Winters, treasurer, Ian Vick and Need for Feed coordinator, Graham Cockerell. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Service – Victoria North East and will be made available to farmers needing help. “Ou r figu res show that there are approximately 4, 50 0 dairy farms in Victoria and if 10 percent of those require help, that’s $200,000 that will be needed over a six month period. “We have heard reports that the crisis

will go on for one to two years, so this means we will need to keep raising more to provide the level of help needed.” At the launch, the Mooroopna Lions Club also donated $1,000 toward the appeal, with a hope for Lions International to work toward matching IGA’s donation aim of $100,000, dollar for dollar.

Local student manages top beauty department

TOP JOB… Former local GOTAFE beauty student, Loretta King has scored a top job as manager of the Napoleon Perdis Department for Australia in Myer Melbourne. Photo: Supplied.

FORMER local GOTAFE beauty student, Loretta King’s passion for make-up has led her to now be doing something she describes as a ‘pretty damn awesome job’, after bagging a position as manager of the top Napoleon Perdis Department for Australia in Myer Melbourne. Since completing her studies in 2010, Loretta has been working in the industry honing her make-up application skills and building her already extensive portfolio of work and experience. Loretta is working towards her dream career, she just can’t decide between either make-up education or working on films. Loretta said, “Studying at GOTAFE gave me a head start in my career as I was able to complete my Certificate III in Beauty while doing VCAL in Year 12. “I started in beauty because I knew I wanted to work in make-up and this gave me good background skills and more knowledge about the foundation of the industry.

“While studying I did work experience at a beauty salon and worked as head make-up artist for my final high school production. “I then completed a diploma of beauty therapy and specialist make-up which led to freelance work and employment in the make-up industry. “G O TA F E h ad a f a i rly r el a xe d environment which helped me learn and enjoy my time there. The trainers made the subjects relatable to me, which kept me interested. I also loved the open salon days as it gave me the skills to work with real clients.”

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Retro revived for charity… A Vinyl Revival event held recently brought back retro hits from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, and saw $8,000 raised for GV Hospice Care Services. The night saw guests dress in their favourite retro gear and remember nights spent at Tramps, Pinkys and Station 1. From left, The Committee of Vinyl Revival member, Reg Qemal, Goulburn Valley Hospice Care Services executive manager, Carmel Smith and the Committee of Vinyl Revival members, Michelle Qemal and Frances Testa. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Fonterra announces new season’s farmgate milk prices FONTERRA Australia has announced its forecast of a closing farmgate milk price for the 2016/17 season of $5/kg of milk solids, with an opening farmgate milk price of $4.75/kg of milk solids. Fonterra Velocity and Innovation CEO, Judith Swales said that this was a responsible opening price that reflects current market conditions. “Our forecast is based on the Australian dollar holding at around 74 cents to the US dollar and reflects the revenue we expect to earn on products produced using our manufacturing assets.

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“Our farmgate milk price in Australia is also impacted by global dairy markets given our mix of domestic and export sales. “While we are still seeing an imbalance between global milk supply and demand there are signs in key milk producing areas of a slowdown in production and increased imports into key markets such as China, Asia and Latin America. This supports our view of a recovery in global prices as we move through the season. “We are focusing on the future, and are continuing to build a strong, Australian business that is here for the long term.”


Week three sees new nominees

FIVE more nominees have been named in the third week of the 2016 White King-Pental 95 3SR FM Business Awards, with Darren Harris Painting & Decorating being nominated under the Customer Service of the Year Award – Trade Services category, John Anderson Pharmacy taking out a nomination in the Business Award – Professional Services category, Nicholson Builders receiving a nomination under the Business Award – Trade Services category, The Carrington being nominated

under the Customer Service of the Year Award – Retail Services category and The Provender & Co receiving a nomination under the Best New Business – Under Two Years category. All nominees will have the opportunity to attend the Gala Dinner and Awards Evening on Friday, October 21 at the Eastbank Centre, where winners of each category will be named. All businesses within the Greater Shepparton City Council boundary are eligible to be nominated for an award with each

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD… From left, Pental production manager, Carmine Conte, Darren Harris Painting & Decorating owner, Darren Harris (Customer Service of the Year Award – Trade Services) and Choice Group property investment manager, Vicki Potocnik. BUSINESS AWARD… From left, Pental production manager, Carmine Conte, John Anderson Pharmacy pharmacy assistant, Renee O’Loughlin and pharmacist, Laura Grasso (Business Award – Professional Services) and WIN TV sales executive, Emily Kalafatis. BUSINESS AWARD… From left, Pental production manager, Carmine Conte, Nicholson Builders owner, Heath Nicholson (Business Award – Trade Services) and The Adviser managing director, Geoff Adams. CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR AWARD… From left, Pental production manager, Carmine Conte, The Carrington wait staff, Linda Stephens (Customer Service of the Year Award – Retail Services) and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board member, Chris Reisner. BEST NEW BUSINESS – UNDER TWO YEARS… From left, Pental production manager, Carmine Conte, The Provender & Co owner, Nicole Male (Best New Business – Under Two Years) and Greater Shepparton Business Centre business development officer, Jo Rathjen. Photos: Emma Hillier.

award category’s individual set of criteria available on the website. Nominations can be made in store at participating businesses, online at or via post by sending a completed nomination form to Business Awards, PO Box 364, Shepparton 3630.

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COMMUNITY CONNECT For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 55 words or less.

UPCOMING A CONGOLESE INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION will be held at St Mel’s Hall, 35 Hamilton Street, Shepparton on Saturday, July 16 from 4:30pm to 9pm. For further information, contact Gideon on 0469 626 582 or Amani on 0469 773 144. S O U T H E R N C R O S S C U LT U R A L EXCHANGE is inviting the community to a free information session in Shepparton held mid-next week from 7pm, with snacks provided. The session will be about the benefits of voluntarily hosting of an exchange student. For more details on location and date, call 1800 500 501 or email A FREE DYSLEXIA SEMINAR will be held on Friday, July 22 from 7pm at the Shepparton RSL. A dyslexia expert and specialist with over 10,000 hours of clinical experience and author of the up-and-coming book, Dyslexia

Answered will be guest speaker. Registration is required at or by phoning 0428 010 828. SHEPPARTON CROQUET CLUB COFFEE MORNING will be held at the Shepparton Croquet Club, Winston Street, Shepparton on Wednesday, July 27 at 10am. $5 entry. Enjoy a social gathering with morning tea and a produce stall, and listen to guest speaker, local dentist, Geoff Woodhouse talk about his many experiences as a volunteer dentist in East Timor. All welcome. ORCHARD DAY CLUB meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 2:30pm at the Shepparton RSL for friendly company, gentle exercises, mind games, cards, guest speakers, bus tours and a delicious lunch. All ages and genders are welcome. Phone Judy on 5823 5941 or Betty on 5821 3838.

Don’t miss your chance to enter the

Dookie Wine Show

ENTRIES for the 13th annual Dookie Wine Show are almost closed for 2016 entrants, and the region’s wineries are being encouraged to make sure they don’t miss their chance to enter their offerings. Entries close on Monday, July 18. Judging will be held on Thursday, July 21 and bookings are already being taken for the Awards Dinner to be held on Tuesday, September 13. For Awards Dinner bookings, phone 1300 468 233.

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Letters to the Editor

We welcome letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.

Is The Road To Blame? Dear Editor, In reference to the ‘near misses,’ crashed and other incidents at the bend on Knight Street and The Boulevard, where is the evidence to prove the road is to blame? H a s a nyb o dy a c t u a l ly c o n s id e r e d incompetent drivers, because what I have noticed on the increase is dopey drivers who are either fiddling with some postmodernity gadget or being distracted by nothing going on inside their heads, and now we have smart cars creating dumber and dumber drivers. Some people actually drive into trees on straight roads for heavens sake and because the road already is as boringly straight as possible, we now need whiter, brighter and fatter white lines, need to install rumble strips and crash barriers and all just for the dopes, while the honest working taxpayer has to pay for other people’s blunders. I bet the next statistics to pop-up will be an increase of drivers coming off country roads caused by a lack of fat, bright white markings etc. I see much similar stupidity on High Street with people who have children, and even in prams, stranded on the medium strip with cars and trucks zipping past and ‘oldies’ do it too. Then we have the inconsiderate and selfish types who open the drivers door while parked parallel (bloody zombies). I never blame roads for accidents. It’s the stupid, dumb and ignorant no-brainers at the wheel who are to blame. Personally, I feel much damage is perpetrated upon children at a critical development age by paranoid parents who imprison their children through forced harnessing of children into car seats. The psychological impact on the young mind, I assume, is yet to be analysed. Most people clip on a seat belt, followed by a sense of relief and belief that one is now safe, yet this can be far from the truth. Yours sincerely, Terence Ashdown Koonda

Governments Need To Reach Agreements Dear Editor, It appears to me there are too many issues for the Federal Government to debate effectively and irrespective of the outcome of the election, I advocate that the coalition and Labor reach agreement on following significant issues and debate the rest to their hearts content. • Reduce the submarine order by twosaving $10B • Introduce the Labor negative gearing and capital gains proposals • Introduce the Coalition corporate tax proposal to companies with a turnover of less than $40M • Adopt the Labor emissions trading scheme and emission targets • Maintain Gonski education funding • Adopt the Coalition superannuation proposals- a tax free income from $3.6m should be enough for a couple to live on • Maintain Medicare but make it more efficient by initially overhauling its antiquated accounting system • Introduce the Coalition co-payment scheme for medical services • Commit to a higher speed NBN • Increase health care funding overall • Allow a free vote in parliament on same sex marriage – without a plebiscite • Raise personnel tax on incomes over $150,000 • Target a budget surplus by 2021-22 If everyone in parliament spent more time trying to agree with one another we would be far better placed to meet the challenges that abound. If all the above issues were agreed to I’m sure we could make it work. Yours sincerely, Terry Court Tatura Want to have your say? Email your letters to the Editor to Max 100 words

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Country of Origin labelling scheme commences NATIONAL vegetable industry body AU S V E G r e c e n t l y w e l c o m e d t h e commencement of Australia’s new Country of Origin labelling laws, applauding the implementation of the new labelling system, which will give consumers more information about where their food purchases come from. Under the new system, packaging for food products will include a label indicating the proportion of Australian ingredients by weight, displayed in a statement and a bar graph to ensure quick and easy comprehension by consumers. AUSVEG spokesperson, Jordan BrookeBarnett said, “The reformed system which commences today is a real win for Australian consumers, and is a definitive affirmation of the right of shoppers to make informed decisions about the food they buy.

“A f ter yea rs of ca mpaig ning for meaningful country of origin labelling reform, AUSVEG is very pleased to see these new laws take effect. This new labelling system is an encouraging step forward in efforts to provide consumers with more transparent, informative food labelling. “We’re proud to have been part of the process which has led to these reforms, and we will continue work to ensure that Australia’s country of origin labelling system meets all the information needs of Australian consumers. “The successful introduction of the reforms shows that all levels of government recognise the importance of implementing a clear and unambiguous country of origin labelling system – one which gives consumers the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions.”

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QUALITY, FRESH MEATS… GV Meats manager, Mark Ryan and the team at GV Meats can provide you with quality, fresh meats for any occasion. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Your traditional, local butcher AS one of Shepparton’s oldest established meat retailers, GV Meats offers fresh and locally sourced quality meats, providing the comfort of a traditional, local butcher. Mark Ryan has managed GV Meats of Dunkirk Avenue, Shepparton for the past five years, and walking into his shop you will be struck by the quality and personal nature of the business. Mark says, “Competing with big supermarkets is a challenge, but the difference is that GV Meats has always got

a qualified butcher on hand to give advice and we know what we sell. “We have a new range of Bunbartha Beef condiments available and of course that comes with our quality advice for the best cooking options. “We also offer catering services for private stock and parties.” Free parking is available on-site, so why not drop in to GV Meats at 30 Dunkirk Avenue, Shepparton, or phone 5821 3125.

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More snags to be placed in Broken Creek T H E G ou lbu r n B roken C atch ment Management Authority (CMA) will start re-snagging in a section of the Broken Creek upstream of Nathalia in coming weeks. Goulburn Broken CMA riparian and river channel manager, Jim Castles said the project, funded by the Victorian Government using Recreational Fishing Licence fees, would improve recreational fishing in the creek by providing habitat for native fish such as Murray Cod and Golden Perch (Yellow Belly). “The Broken Creek was historically de-snagged and dredged and was almost void of in-stream habitat, or snags, in the area we have targeted as part of this project.

“In-stream habitat mapping was carried out along the creek between Numurkah and Nathalia by scientists from the Arthur Rylah Institute, and this mapping helped us to identify areas that had a low density of snags. It also helped us to select areas where re-snagging would have the greatest benefit for native fish populations and anglers. “The snags will enhance native fish habitat, leading to a more robust native fish community, which will result in huge benefits for recreational fishers in our region,” Mr Castles said. For more information about the project phone the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority on 5820 1100.

Rewarding work IN our region and in Australia there is a growing need for highly skilled community service workers. Employment in the community services sector can present challenges but through quality training, workers can be equipped with the knowledge and skills to create an environment where clients are positively empowered and experience positive change. Partners in Training provide training for these workers to move confidently into jobs to meet this community need. Industry feedback is extremely positive, with many of our graduates currently employed at

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various agencies in the region. Issues in community services include drug and alcohol misuse, mental health, homelessness, family breakdown, violence and youth intervention to name a few. Experienced trainer, Shirley Semmens said, “At Partners in Training, we provide ample opportunity for students to gain extensive knowledge in the theoretical frameworks as well as ensuring our students have the practical job-ready skills required for this ever evolving sector.

CREEK RE-SNAGGING… In the coming weeks, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority will start re-snagging in a section of the Broken Creek. Photo: Supplied.

Careers in community services “We find our graduates consistently transitioning through to gainf ul employ ment i n a va r ie t y of f ield s including direct service delivery work, case management, health promotion, and community development roles.” Pa r t ner s i n Tra i n i n g i s of f er i n g Certificates and Diplomas in Community Services Work which will be commencing soon. For further information, phone 5821 4877.

EXPERIENCE QUALITY TRAINING… From left, VincentCare financial capability worker, Georgia Wagner, Certificate IV in Community Services, Jackie Ciszewski, VincentCare financial resilience team senior worker, John Leckie, dual Diploma in Community Services and Counselling graduate, Sharon Sellick, Berry Street specialist support worker, Lindy Thompson, dual Diploma in Community Services and Counselling graduate, Tania MacDonald, PTA community services and counselling teacher, Shirley Semmens, Brayton youth worker and current Diploma of Community Services student, Matt Wright and PTA community services coordinator, Danielle Abbott. Photo: Emma Hillier.


Learning and growing locally THE local team of professionals and volunteers at the Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre (MEAC) are dedicated to providing and supporting life-long learning opportunities for members of all ages and diversities across the community. MEAC’s Mooroopna HUB is a fantastic local community resource which offers a place for people to meet, talk and make friends, develop new skills, engage in life-long learning, enjoy volunteer opportunities, find out about other local services or activities, take up a fun activity, hire a room for business, social or networking events, purchase V/Line tickets, engage in the arts and much more. New centre manager, Sharron Handley said, “MEAC is a fantastic resource which provides opportunities for community connection through interests, activities and local celebrations and the best part is it is open to everyone across the community and of all ages.

“We quite literally have something for everyone to participate in and enjoy.” So whether you’re a mum wanting to connect with others or utilise occasional care services; you’re a senior member of the community wanting to participate in activities, group meals, community lunches or craft and art groups; you’re someone who wants to live a healthier and more active lifestyle through exercise programs and health workshops; or you simply want to expand your horizons through skill development through courses and training programs, the friendly team at MEAC are your first point of contact. For more information, call into MEAC at 23 Alexandra Street, Mooroopna, phone 5825 1774 or visit FRIENDLY LOCAL HUB… From left, MEAC Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre centre manager, Sharron Handley and volunteer receptionist, Barbara Carter. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Mall traders encouraged to extend hours continued from front page MICHAEL said, “When you head to the mall on a Sunday it’s dead. “We extended our hours of operation on Sundays about 18 months ago because it’s a strong trading day and it would be great to see everyone get on board. “I decided to trial the extended hours initially to see if it was going to be beneficial or not and needless to say, there are no plans to change it back. “It would be a step toward bringing life back to the mall. If people know the shops

will be open, they’ll come to the mall to shop. “When you compare our CBD with Echuca on a Sunday, Echuca is flourishing because of the amount of businesses open on a Sunday. “Even locally, the Shepparton Marketplace is packed on a Sunday and the mall has more retail stores. “I was nominated to be a part of the CBD traders committee and at this stage I am happy to give them a hand.” Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry president, Leanne Hulm said, “The chamber is working with CBD traders regarding the re-opening of the mall and also

working with council to get more chain stores into the CBD. “The traders feel that the re-opening of the mall and uniformed trading days and hours will go hand-in-hand with the CBD revitalisation. “Chamber has commenced dialogue with the CBD traders about uniformed trading days and hours and we will continue to work hard alongside Greater Shepparton City Council Place Manager, Tim Russell to ensure that we are giving the CBD traders reasons to be open. “Seven CBD traders and a chamber

representative have been selected to appear on the CBD traders committee. The first thing on the agenda is to secure the $300,000 that has been approved in the council budget to start works on a full design for the CBD, which will include the re-opening of the mall. “Council need to show the CBD traders that there is a reason to be open and the traders need to be more invested in what is happening in the broader community, look at events that are coming to the town and all come together to ensure our CBD is open for business when we have large volumes of visitors.”

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Boost your beauty skills at intensive Nail Boot Camp KIM O’Keeffe has worked in the beauty industry for almost 30 years, where during that time she has created an outstanding business that attracts customers from across Australia, but now she is taking her skills to a whole new level and offering the community the chance to take part in a two day, intensive Nail Boot Camp. To help impart her knowledge and skills in the industry, Kim will run the Nail Boot Camp in Shepparton on August 21 and 22 and in Melbourne on August 13 and 14, where participants will have the chance to train in the CND Shellac, gel and the Go30 Prescription Nail System. Kim said, “The best part about my job is creating opportunities for others and being part of their success. “I saw a niche in the market with regard to offering short courses in beauty and I was fortunate to have many contacts in the industry who agreed it was a great opportunity. It has been a huge success and I educate now for many of the leading national brands. “The training in the boot camps is intense, but a great opportunity to train with top brands. “We will also be covering some nail art and business skills.

IMPARTING BEAUTY KNOWLEDGE… Kim O’Keeffe will be imparting her knowledge of the beauty industry, when she holds a two day intensive Nail Boot Camp next month. Photo: Emma Hillier.

“We have students flying into Melbourne from other states to take part.” For further information on the advertised Nail Boot Camp or other courses that are offered, contact Kim O’Keeffe on 0447 713 838, email or visit

Putting sleep problems to bed continued from front page INITIATOR and owner of the local Safe Sleep Space, and qualified maternal and child health nurse, Jennifer (Jen) Butler knows all too well the frustrations and dangers associated with lack of sleep for both parents and the child when a newborn comes along. After moving back to the area six months ago, Jen noticed a gap in the important offering of a sleep school in the region, and after talking with many other parents she saw the need and began making enquiries. Jen said, “I used a Safe Sleep Space approach for my son from four months and now he is a wonderful sleeper, so I know the methods work. “After seeing the need in the local area, I made a few enquiries about how to start setting up my own business and started offering the service recently. The best part is, I can come to the parent’s home or

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SLEEPING SOUNDLY… Local, qualified maternal and child health nurse, Jennifer Butler is helping to ease the pressures of sleep deprivation on families after the birth of a child, through the introduction of a Safe Sleep Space sleep school to Shepparton. Photo: Emma Hillier.

provide phone consultations. “There are a lot of parents travelling to Melbourne for the sleep schools, so it’s good to have something available locally. “Safe Sleep Space uses a responsive settling method. It’s about listening to what your baby is saying and responding to that. “I feel ver y passionate about this

because I know what sleep deprivation can do to a mother’s and baby’s mental health as well as the effect it has on the family dynamic. If I can do something to help prevent that, it makes it all worth while.” For further information, contact Jennifer at Safe Sleep Space on 1300 775 337.

DON’T LET TAX TIME BE TAXING… From left, After Hours Accountant Services accountant, Daniella Trazzera, director and certified practicing accountant, Salvatore Pennisi and senior accountant, Jessica Serafini who are looking forward to providing the community with a fair and reasonable option for both their business and individual tax returns. Photo: Emma Hillier.

Convenient and affordable tax returns IT’S that time of the year again, but there is no need to worry or stress about getting your tax done with After Hours Accountant Services (AHA) by your side. AHA can help make sure this year’s tax time isn’t taxing on your time or back pocket, with the team offering business and individual tax returns at a fair and affordable price, and all at a time that is most convenient for you. Director and certified practicing accountant, Salvatore Pennisi said, “We had a great response from the local community last year and we’re looking forward to helping make

the whole tax process as easy and affordable for the community once again this year. “This year, we have also welcomed Jessica Serafini to the team and with a background of over seven years tax experience, we are happy to have her on board.” Salvatore and his team of two are now open from 12 noon to 8pm, Monday to Friday and from 10am to 2pm on Saturdays. Call in and have a chat with the team at After Hours Accountant Services at 314 Wyndham Street, Shepparton or phone 5858 4687.

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GOT WHEELS Lillie 2.0 A FIRST FOR SALLIE… Local resident, Sallie Murphy recently brought her very first, brand new car, a Suzuki Vitara RT-S. Photos: Emma Hillier.

By David Lee WHAT a car to be a first brand new vehicle for local resident, Sallie Murphy. The Suzuki Vitara RT-S, or as Sallie calls her, Lillie 2.0, sports a powerful yet efficient 1.6L petrol engine with VVT, multimedia satellite navigation system with reversing camera and Apple CarPlay, seven airbags, ESC, ABS, EBD and BA, but perhaps her most outstanding feature are her eyelashes. Lillie 2.0 is Sallie’s third car, and some may have noticed her former car, a 1999 Ford Laser LXi, or Lillie as Sallie called her, as it too had its eyelashes done. Sallie said, “The reason we bought this car was the fact we really

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needed a family car to accommodate for our daughter, Annabelle. It’s a lot easier to get her into the car compared to the Ford…we basically had to fold her up to fit her in. “The price, safety features, fuel economy and the features that came standard also appealed to us. “The lashes are just me and it’s good to have a bit of a laugh. “I decided to keep the nickname from my previous car. I called the Ford Lillie the Laser. I have Autobots on the side of the Suzuki and decided to call her Lillie 2.0 because it’s like she has ‘transformed’ into an upgraded model.”

ALL FOR OUR SENIORS… Shepparton Villages residents, Harry Bradbury and Jean Tippelt enjoy everything on offer for seniors living in our region. Photo: Emma Hillier.

INSIDE A whole region of activities to offer - page 20

The patient-doctor partnership - page 22

Over 50 & need assistance What you need to know with managing your about aged care - page 22 finances? - page 20

Shepparton Villages’ strong working environment - page 23 A snapshot of our ageing population - page 23

Our ageing life expectancy - page 24 Protect your home and business with Standby - page 24

Something Special for Shepparton Seniors Save 10% on all your fresh fruit and vegies only on already low prices! *Excludes advertised specials


35 Vaughan Street, Shepparton

P: 5831 1378

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July 2016

ALLEVIATE STRESS… GV Health can help to alleviate stress and concern relating to financial hardship for those over 50 through its Community Interlink service. Photo: Supplied.

Over 50 and need assistance with managing your finances? DO you need help with paying your bills? Would you like to know if there are discounts you are missing out on? Would you like to know if there are different payment options available to make things easier? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all your bills and need someone to talk to confidentially about your finances? GV Health can help to alleviate stress and concern relating to financial hardship for those over 50 through its Community Interlink service. A qualified financial counsellor is available through GV Health’s Community Interlink service and can assist you with financial issues that may be causing hardship. This service is free and confidential. Counsellors can help

to discover any discounts available to you that you may currently be missing out on and will work to achieve the best payment methods and plans to suit you. Community Interlink has joined with Financial and Consumer Rights Council of Victoria in a project called Dignity and Debt. Funded by the Lord Mayors Charitable Fund, this project aims to provide financial counselling and information to ageing individual consumers and service providers in the aged care system. To access assistance from a financial counsellor, please contact Community Interlink on 1800 222 582.

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A whole region of

activities on offer ACCORDING to the Australian Bureau of Statistics more than 19.5 percent of the Greater Shepparton population is aged 55 and above, which is why there is such an abundance of activities available in the area that have become popular among the ageing population. As well as the many senior clubs around the region that offer a place for companionship, fun and entertainment, Greater Shepparton has a multitude of activities to keep even the fussiest entertained from the Botanic Gardens and the serene Victoria Park Lake to the many walking tracks. But if it’s history and art that really tickles your pickle then the heritage centres and museums have just the thing you need. The Shepparton Art Museum always has something new and fascinating to see and if you are a motor head then there is the Shepparton Motor Museum/ Furphy Museum. For history buffs and culture seekers the Shepparton Heritage Centre Museum, Bangerang Cultural Centre, Historical Society of Mooroopna Museum and Gallery, Tatura Irrigation and Wartime Camps Museum and Murchison and District Historical Society Museum are sure to please. No matter what you are into, Greater Shepparton has everything and more to keep you occupied and to enjoy life everyday.

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VICTORIAN SENIORS TIME TO TALK… From left, Tristar Medical Group, Dr Titus Thomas MBBS, FRACGP and Dr Soma Saha MBBS are encouraging the community to ensure that they practise good communication with their doctor. Photo: Emma Hillier.

The patient-doctor partnership COMMUNICATION between a doctor and patient is one of the most important factors in achieving good health care. In the past, doctors typically took the lead and patients followed. Today, a good patient-doctor relationship is a partnership in which you and your Tristar Medical doctor can work as a team. A Tristar Medical spokesperson said, “It can be difficult to remember everything you need to discuss with your doctor at the time of your appointment. “Creating a basic plan and taking along a list of your symptoms to the doctor will

help you make the most of your visit.” Tristar Medical’s teams of doctors share an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience and remain committed to providing their services to the Kialla community. The medical centre offers fully bulk billed services along with your choice of male or female doctors. Tr i s t a r M e d i c a l o p e r a t e s f r o m 8am-10pm weekdays and 12pm-8pm on weekends. To make an appointment, drop in to Tristar Medical 6-8 Waranga Drive, Kialla Lakes, or phone 5823 5977.

What you need to know about aged care WITH the chances of living longer increasing due to longer life expectancies, the number of older Australians is set to rise, which will transform Australia economically and socially over the next 40 years, leaving many asking the question, ‘have I done enough to prepare for aged care needs?’ According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, approximately one quarter of retirement is expected to be ‘care years’ where help may be required with daily living activities. The cost of ongoing residential care is estimated between $17,611 and $105, 912 per year but to accurately determine what the costs will be for you, will all depend on the level of care required, your choice of facility and how much assistance you receive from the government. Everyone entering an aged care home will be asked to pay a basic daily fee, which is used to

contribute towards day-to-day living costs such as meals, cleaning, laundry, heating and cooling. From March 20, 2016 to September 19, 2016, the maximum basic daily fee for new residents (including respite residents) is up to $48.25 per day. This rate increases on March 20 and September 20 each year in line with changes to the Age Pension. For new residents, the maximum basic daily fee is 85 percent of the single person rate of the basic Age Pension. From March 20, 2016, the single rate of the basic Age Pension is $794.80 per fortnight, and 85 percent of the single rate of basic Age Pension is $675.50 per fortnight or $48.25 per day. This applies even if you are a member of a couple. Further information on the Age Pension and a full list of current rates is available at www. age-pension

July 2016

Shepparton Villages’ strong A snapshot of our ageing working environment population HAPPY EMPLOYEES… Medication endorsed enrolled nurse, Alisha Brown has worked at Waratah Lodge in Mooroopna since 2008 and loves the opportunities she has been afforded. Alisha will be stepping in for care manager, Tracy Campbell over the next few weeks while Tracy is on leave. Photo: Supplied.

SHEPPARTON Retirement Villages continues to provide a working environment that attracts satisfied and happy staff, as played out in the recently released results of the 2015 staff survey. The staff survey is a voluntary process offered to 420 employees at Shepparton Retirement Villages and participation in the 2015 survey was 10 percent higher than the industry rate. Overwhelmingly, staff at Shepparton Retirement Villages are extremely happy, with an impressive 91 percent saying they are happy working at Shepparton Retirement Villages and recommend it as a place of employment. Additionally, 92 percent of staff do not think about seeking alternative employment.

These results are no surprise to CEO, Kerri Rivett who said such outcomes were a result of innovative approaches to recruitment and employment of staff, and importantly the ongoing opportunities offered to employees such as leadership training, skills and knowledge development and a great degree of flexibility. “We recently negotiated with GOTA F E Health and Business units to develop a compressive two-day customised leadership program, designed to enable staff to become key leaders within the organisation. “It’s programs like these that help make us a great place to work.” To enquire about employment opportunities at Shepparton Retirement Villages, call 5832 0800.

Estimated Resident Population 2010





Males - 50-54 years (no.)

2,087 2,113 2,166 2,196 2,185

Males - 55-59 years (no.)

1,847 1,927 1,934 1,933 1,953

Males - 60-64 years (no.)

1,693 1,698 1,712 1,751 1,788

Males - 65-69 years (no.)

1,337 1,408 1,473 1,569 1,585

Males - 70-74 years (no.)

1,070 1,096 1,109 1,135 1,201

Males - 75-79 years (no.)






Males - 80-84 years (no.)






Males - 85 and over (no.)






Females - 50-54 years (no.)

2,055 2,034 2,070 2,136 2,158

Females - 55-59 years (no.)

1,866 1,922 1,941 1,928 1,967

Females - 60-64 years (no.)

1,653 1,698 1,719 1,752 1,803

Females - 65-69 years (no.)

1,251 1,308 1,386 1,456 1,519

Females - 70-74 years (no.)

1,076 1,077 1,033 1,052 1,110

Females - 75-79 years (no.)






Females - 80-84 years (no.)






Females - 85 and over (no.)






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July 2016

Protect your home Our ageing life and business expectancy with Standby

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STANDBY Security will help to provide full protection for your home and business with a single comprehensive security system. Standby Security managing director, Angelo Kakouros said, “As you go about your day, our smartphone app enables you to control your security system from any location and receive notifications regarding any status updates. “In the case of an alarm event, whether a suspect intrusion or a safety threat, you and our 24 Hour Grade A1 Monitoring Centre will receive video clips and still images of your premises, giving you the option to assess a potential threat and take the necessary actions. You can also initiate live video with the touch of a button to check in on your home and business anytime.” For a new security system installation or to upgrade your old technology, contact Standby Security on 1800 809 579, 5221 0021 or 0418 524 188, or visit www.

KEEPING YOU SAFE AND SECURE… Standby Security managing director, Angelo Kakouros can help to provide full protection for your home and business with a single comprehensive security system. Photo: Supplied.

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Jacobson takes third in Townsville PRODRIVE Racing Australia driver, Garry Jacobson remains in the hunt for the 2016 Dunlop V8 Supercar Development Series championship, following third place success at the Castrol EDGE Townsville 400 over the weekend. The Shepparton based racer entered the Townsville round off the back of three race wins across the opening three rounds of the 2016 season, looking to strengthen his championship placing on the challenging Reid Park street circuit. Searching for car balance with his Challenger Valves Ford FG X Falcon over each of the practice sessions, Jacobson qualified strongly for the opening race of the weekend on Saturday in second place. Teammate, Jack Le Brocq lead into turn one despite a stronger start for Jacobson, who focused on maintaining a solid gap to second place to ensure a one-two finish for the Prodrive Racing Australia Supercar team. Jacobson finished in second place within sight of Le Brocq and with a healthy margin of over five seconds to the thirdplaced Holden VF Commodore of Todd Hazelwood. Jacobson said, “We qualified well and managed to stay clean in the first race and finish strongly in second. “Getting a good gap out to the rest of the field really showed that the team is doing an awesome job with the car and that we’ve got an awesome package.” The second and final race on Sunday proved to be a

greater challenge with Jacobson battling further car set-up issues relative to his teammate. Despite the problems the 24 year old qualified third, earning a second row start for the race. A clutch slip at the start earned Jacobson a five-second starting breach penalty from the race stewards. Though he would finish the race higher up the order, the addition of the time penalty relegated him to sixth place. Nevertheless, Jacobson finished in third place across the round for yet another podium finish, his third V8 Supercar podium finish at the challenging Townsville street circuit. Jacobson says he still has work to do to make himself comfortable in the car ahead of the next round. “It was a challenging weekend for me with car set-up,” Jacobson said. “I’m still happy to maximise my points for the weekend with a third for the round. “Now I’m just looking forward to knuckling down with the team and trying to come up with a better package for me and what suits the car going into Sandown.” Jacobson sits in second place in the Dunlop V8 Supercar Development Series championship standings, just 51 points behind Le Brocq with three rounds remaining. STILL RACING STRONG… Local V8 Supercar racer, Garry Jacobson scored a third place spot on the podium at the weekend’s Castrol EDGE Townsville 400. Photo: Supplied.

SHEPPARTON ON TOUR… Shepparton is set to ride on for charity once again, when the 2016 Tour de Depot returns for a second consecutive year. Photo: Supplied.

Tour de Depot returns to Shepparton AFTER the success of the inaugural Shepparton Powercor Tour de Depot, which raised $50,000 for The Community Fund Goulburn Valley, the popular event is set to return to Shepparton this year. The 2015 event saw cyclists of all ages and abilities hit the road for a 10km ride around Shepparton’s Victoria Park Lake, while the more serious riders tackled the timed event of 20km before joining friends and family to celebrate at the finish line community festival. This year, Powercor is inviting local charities and community groups to enter a submission for the opportunity to become the official Shepparton charity partner of the 2016 Powercor Tour de Depot, which will again see 100 percent of entry fees going directly to the chosen charity. Powercor regional business manager, Ian Gillingham urged local charities and

community groups to register their interest in becoming this year’s charity partner. “The Powercor Community Grants program recognises the important role local charities and community groups play in connecting people and positively shaping regional Victoria. “We are pleased to be in a position to donate 100 percent of entry fees to a local group and we hope the Powercor Tour de Depot will assist a great organisation to meet an immediate need of the Shepparton area.” Applications to become this year’s charity partner close this Friday, July 15, with the partner being notified on Monday, July 25. To register and be part of the 2016 Powercor Tour de Depot, visit TDDCharitySubmissionsInfo

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1311 Wednesday, July 13, 2016 – Page 29

F oty Tipping



ENTER THE 2016 VIATEK & ADVISER FOOTY TIPPING AND YOU COULD WIN $100 OR MORE TO SPEND AT ANY OF THESE BUSINESSES See entry form at the bottom of this page or enter online at

••• ROUND 17 SELECTIONS ••• Sydney Swans............................................v .............................................................Hawthorn Fremantle .......................................................v .................................................... Geelong Cats Richmond .......................................................v ............................................................. Essendon North Melbourne......................................v ....................................................Port Adelaide Western Bulldogs ....................................v .......................................... Gold Coast SUNS

Adelaide Crows .........................................v .......................................................Collingwood Carlton ..............................................................v ....................................... West Coast Eagles St Kilda .............................................................v .......................................................... Melbourne Brisbane Lions............................................v ................................................... GWS GIANTS

Name ................................................................................................................................................... Telephone .................................................... Address.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ENTRIES: The Shepparton Adviser, PO Box 1664, Shepparton 3630 Please Note: Each of the 18 participating business houses corresponds with one of the AFL football clubs. All you have to do is write the name of each participating business beside the team they are representing and then place a tick against the football team that you think will win each game.

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NO WINNER ROUND 16: JACKPOT $300 Football Followers have the chance to WIN BIG during the 2016 AFL football season with the Viatek/The Adviser Football Tipping Competition proudly supported by 18 businesses throughout the Goulburn Valley. Each week there will be a prize of $100 to be spent at any of the 18 supporting business houses. Each of the 18 participating business houses corresponds with one of the AFL football clubs. All you have to do is write the name of each participating business beside the team they are representing and then place a tick against the football team that you think will win each game. Be careful with your selections as only correct entries will go into the draw for the weekly $100 shopping voucher. If no correct entry is received the prize will jackpot each week until a correct entry is submitted. Draws between two teams will only be recognised if a tick is placed beside both teams. Entries will only be accepted by post or hand delivery no later than 5.00pm on each Friday during 2016, unless stated otherwise due to matches being played outside the normal weekend. Entries must be on original forms – no faxes or photocopies will be accepted and only one entry per household is permitted. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Football Adviser

with Matthew Chilcott

Goulburn Valley Football Netball League

Wednesday 13th July, 2016

GVFL Seniors Results Round 12 Echuca (86) ...................def ......... Shepparton (50) Seymour (126) ...............def ..... Shepp United (46) Mansfield (103) .............def ........................Euroa (62) Benalla (75) ....................def ..............Rochester (72) Shepp Swans (140) ....def .........Mooroopna (28) Kyabram (71) ................def .......................Tatura (38)

GVFL & GVNL Round 13

Tatura Milk Academy shine in championships

Saturday, July 16 Benalla ..............................v ........................ Mansfield Shepp United................v ...................Mooroopna Kyabram ..........................v ...........................Seymour Euroa ..................................v ................................ Tatura Shepp Swans ................v ................... Shepparton

VICTORIOUS WINS… The Tatura Milk Echuca based AFL Goulburn Murray Academy team walked away victorious from the Bendigo Pioneers V/ Line Cup campaign in Mildura, taking away three out of four match wins. Photo: Supplied.

GVNL A Grade Results Round 12 Mooroopna (32) ....... drew..... Shepp Swans (32) Shepparton (56) ..........def ................... Echuca (34) Benalla (44) ....................def ..............Rochester (29) Euroa (71) ........................def ...............Mansfield (27) Kyabram (83) ................def .......................Tatura (10)

Adviser Footy Tipsters

MATT CHILCOTT (54) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Rochester

DINNY ADEM (44) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Echuca

HAYDEN BEST (51) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Rochester

DAVID FOX (54) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Echuca

JACQUI HUDGSON (53) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Rochester

KYLE POWER (50) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Rochester

SUZANNA SHEED (54) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Swans Rochester

JOHN RYAN (53) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Tatura Shepparton Swans Rochester

DARRYL TWITT (43) Benalla Shepparton United Kyabram Euroa Shepparton Echuca

PHANTOM (18) Mansfield Mooroopna Seymour Tatura Shepparton Echuca

2016 Ladder

GVFL Seniors 2016 Ladder Kyabram .......................................................48 Rochester .....................................................36 Benalla ..........................................................32 Seymour........................................................32 Shepp Swans ...............................................28 Echuca .........................................................24 Euroa .............................................................20 Shepparton ..................................................20 Tatura ............................................................16 Shepp United ...............................................16 Mansfield ......................................................16 Mooroopna....................................................0

GVNL A Grade 2016 Ladder Kyabram .......................................................48 Euroa .............................................................40 Seymour........................................................36 Echuca .........................................................32 Shepparton ..................................................30 Benalla ..........................................................28 Mooroopna..................................................24 Shepp Swans ...............................................22 Shepp United ...............................................12 Rochester .....................................................12 Mansfield ........................................................4 Tatura ..............................................................0


Sponsored by

in Shepparton

THE Tatura Milk Echuca based AFL Goulburn Murray Academy team has just returned from a very successful Bendigo Pioneers V/Line Cup campaign in Mildura. After a strong first up win against Central Murray in Echuca and a narrow two point loss against Bendigo Blue in Bendigo, the academy team contested two games last week in Mildura as part of the Pioneers V/ Line Cup selection trials. Coaches, Cameron Stewart, Luke Moodie and Jordan Florance were all delighted with the development of the players over the duration of the program, resulting in three victories and one narrow loss. “Having the opportunity to educate players around game structures, recovery techniques, diet and nutrition and the attitude required to become an elite player was a real bonus to the actual on field match play” Moodie said. For former Dandenong Stingrays assistant coach, Cameron Stewart, he saw the program as a fantastic opportunity to expose players to the type of environment they will experience through the talent pathway. “Our players were lucky enough to have access to game footage, high level game sense education and guest speakers from the TAC

Cup environment.” Stewart said. “This was a fantastic window in to what they could experience if they continue to develop and attract the attention of Bendigo Pioneers selectors in the future.” For first time coach, Florance, he was amazed at the rate of improvement of the players. “The level of performance in our last game on Tuesday was as good as I have seen from a group of Under 15 players,” Florance said. Over the coming fortnight, players will find out if they have been shortlisted for the squad of 60 players that will vie for selection in the two Bendigo Pioneers teams to contest the V/Line Cup in Gippsland in September. This squad will be announced from the five competing teams at the regional trials; two from Bendigo/North Central, Central Murray, Sunraysia and Goulburn Murray. Game results Goulburn Murray (7.19) def Central Murray (3.8) Bendigo Blue (7.10) def Goulburn Murray (7.8) Goulburn Murray (11.13) def Sunraysia (9.6) Goulburn Murray (20.8) def Bendigo Gold (2.3)

nomination forms are now being distributed throughout the Greater Shepparton region These awards showcase and celebrate the amazing diversity of business within the Greater Shepparton business community. The awards are an opportunity to recognise and honour outstanding contributions and to encourage future business success.

award categories ■ Professional Services Customer Service of the Year Award ■ Trade Services Customer Service of the Year Award ■ Retail Services Customer Service of the Year Award

■ Professional Service Business of the Year Award ■ Trade Service Business of the Year Award ■ Retailer Business of the Year Award ■ Apprentice/Trainee of the Year Award ■ Entrepreneur of the Year Award ■ Best Marketing/Advertising Campaign of the Year Award (last 2 years)

■ Best New Business Award (Under 2 years operation) ■ Young Professional NEW of the Year Award ■ GV Healthy Workplace NEW of the Year Award ■ Visitor Experience W of the Year Award NE ■ Hall of Fame Award

made in Shepparton

■ Choice Group cg ■ CVGT ■ GO TAFE ■ Greater Shepparton Business Centre ■ Greater Shepparton City Council ■ GV Health ■ LaTrobe University ■ Shepparton Show Me ■ Tourism Greater Shepparton ■ Victorian Chamber of Commerce

Enquiries welcome - phone 0407 503 886 or visit Proudly bought to you by Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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