The Adviser 1408

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No 1:1408

20 page liftout


COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 Letters to the Editor | page 8 Classifieds | pages 21-23 Viatek Footy Tipping | page 26 Footy Adviser | page 27



Multi-million dollar development sees

museum name change

W I T H an impending multi-million dollar development in the works at the Shepparton Motor Museum and Collectibles, the board has made the decision to change the museum’s name, with the facility set to be known as the Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE). Continued on page 19

A FRESH EXPANSION… From left, Tatura Fresh growers, Amy Rees and Yu-chieh Liao (EJ) in glasshouse four, which is one of the new buildings as part of the facility’s $10M expansion that will create 52 new jobs and increase the amount of product output by 3.5 million kilograms. Photo: David Lee.

New jobs to be created through $10M expansion A $10M expansion of Tatura Fresh will help to create 52 new full-time-equivalent jobs at the facility, through the creation of a new hydroponic tomato propagation facility thanks to a Victorian Government grant.

The project included an additional 41,000sqm of glasshouse and an extension of 1,300sqm to the existing packing hall and the installation of a new packing line, which will see an additional 3.5 million kilograms of tomatoes produced each year. Continued on page 20

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Students get a taste of agribusiness LAST week, twenty year nine students from Mooroopna Secondary College had the chance to get a taste of local agribusiness, with students taking part in a camp at the University of Melbourne Dookie Campus. The camp allowed students to have a hands-on learning experience involving laboratory and field work and exposure to new technology and take part in a range of workshops including sheep handling and a tour of the robotic dairy. Students lived on campus at Dookie and had the opportunity to immerse themselves in university life for a few days. Lig hthouse executive of ficer, L isa Mckenzie said the camp was developed in direct response to Lighthouse’s 1,000 Conversations initiative in 2015 which showed a poor understanding by students, parents and teachers about jobs on offer in the agriculture and environment sectors. “The students also had the opportunity to i nt erac t a nd e ng a ge w it h lo c a l professionals working in the Agricultural and Environmental sectors as part of an Ag Café experience. “T he camp aims to have students

ENGAGING LEARNING EXPERIENCE… Mooroopna Secondary College year 9 students, Kamali Lambs, Madelyn Andronaco, Chrystal Chapman, Phenisha Minniecon and Kayla Hickson-Warry watch on as Shearer Wool Handler Training Inc shearer trainer, Tom Kelly gives a sheep shearing demonstration. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

understand the diversity of jobs within agriculture and the environmental sectors. It will also help students in linking their learning with school and planning a pathway according to the availability of jobs in these sectors. “The Year 9 Lighthouse Dookie Camp

has been made possible with an alliance between the Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project, the Better Together Alliance and the University of Melbourne Dookie Campus.”

Changed traffic conditions at roundabout GR EAT ER Shepparton City Council would like to advise the community of changed traffic conditions occurring at the Benalla and Doyles Road roundabout intersection. From now until Friday, June 29, reduced speed limits and occasional part lane closures will be in effect from between 7am to 6pm each day that works occur within the centre of the roundabout. Council will be completing landscaping

works within the roundabout during these periods, transforming the roundabout into an attracting and welcoming entrance to Greater Shepparton. A Greater Shepparton City Council spokesperson said, “Council asks motorists and residents to allow more time when travelling or to seek an alternate route during the works and to obey all worksite and advisory signage including traffic controllers.”

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Making friends in café setting THE Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc. has held its 11th Friendship Café session ‘Planning your Future’ recently at the GOTAFE Multicultural Education Centre.

Over 40 young women were given an opportunity to listen to GOTAFE career advisor, Narelle Lowe and La Trobe University Shepparton Campus marketing and engagement advisor, Kristina Marko, who discussed their educational and employment pathways to achieve their goals. Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc. strategic engagement coordinator (goulburn region) - regional strategic partnership, project coordinator - culturally connected communities, Sam Atukorala said, “We had most of our participants from Shepparton English Language Centre and GOTAFE Multicultural Education Centre. “These Friendship Café sessions provided a safe space for young women aged 13-25 years from different cultural backgrounds. “This is an initiative of the Victorian Government’s Department of Justice and Regulation who are supporting locally based partnership projects to encourage young women from newly arrived communities to participate in community activities

STRENGTHENING LOCAL WOMEN… From left, participants of the Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc. 11th Friendship Café session, Halima Hassani and Kim Phan, guest speakers, GOTAFE career advisor, Narelle Lowe and La Trobe University Shepparton Campus marketing and engagement advisor, Kristina Marko and participants, Bavataarani Ganesan and Shane Alimarin. Photo: Supplied.

which foster interpersonal and community connectedness and their sense of cultural identity. “These cafés intended to be a welcoming space where women can drop in and get the opportunity to meet new people/make friends,

GOTAFE implementing initiatives to strengthen local contribution THE board of GOTAFE has welcomed the findings of the inquiry into its operations by an independent expert and has already commenced implementation of the recommendations. In February, independent expert, John Watson was appointed by Minister for Training and Skills, Gayle Tierney to conduct a review of GOTAFE governance, systems and processes. A summary of the findings was released last week. Board chair, Joanne Dwyer said GOTAFE had cooperated fully with M r Watson, who acknowledged GOTA F E’s contribution to maintaining a high standard of training. Ms Dwyer said the board appreciated the support of the minister, the Department of Education and Training and Mr Watson’s inquiry in guiding the organisation during a time of change. She said the search for a new chief executive officer and two new board members is well-advanced. “As a public-sector service provider, GOTAFE understands its obligation to the greater community and its role as a provider of choice in the region,” Ms Dwyer said. “GOTAFE is committed to the ongoing delivery of quality education and training for individuals, businesses, community groups and industry in the regions in which it operates.”

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participate in arts, craft, dance and music workshops, discuss women’s health issues, participate in self-development activities, learn about other cultures, enhance their English skills and develop confidence and self-esteem.”

Can you help locate these two? POLICE are appealing for public assistance to help locate two people who are known to frequent the area. A number of warrants have been issued for the 21-year-old, Tiara Beckhurst’s arrest in relation to property, theft and burglary offences. She is also known to go by the surname Morgan. Investigators have released an image of TIARA BECKHURST Beckhurst in the hope someone can provide information on her current whereabouts. She is described as about 163cm tall with a thin build, brown hair and brown eyes. Beckhurst is known to frequent the Shepparton and Mooroopna areas. Police are also seeking community assistance to locate 24 year old, Jade Fell. Jade has connections in the Greater Shepparton, Geelong and Mildura areas. Anyone who sights Tiara or Jade or has JADE FELL information on their whereabouts is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at


Yooralla launches local Equal@Work program YOORALLA’S Equal@Work program, designed to assist people with disability to find jobs in the wider employment market, has commenced in Shepparton. Equal@Work is a collaborative project between Yooralla, one of Victoria’s largest and oldest disability service providers, and the Centre for Adult Education (CAE), which aims to actively support participants on their journey to finding and securing employment. Yooralla Pathways to Employment group manager, Andrew Nankivell said that as part of this program, new work skills are explored on a weekly basis. “These are called tasters. They help participants decide what sort of job they may like to do, as well as getting them job ready. Opportunities in horticulture and commercial cooking have already been positively received,” said Andrew. Equal@Work begins with a six-week training course, run by the CAE, called Skills for Life and Work, which includes: interview and communication skills, reading job descriptions and writing resumes, coffee making, working in a commercial kitchen and experience from people in the hospitality industry. Equal@Work participant, Shane Clark said he was really enjoying the program. “This course is better than others I have attended. It is hands-on and teaches you new things I could not learn on my own,” Mr Clark said. After completing Skills for Life and Work, participants will have eight weeks working one-on-one with a volunteer mentor, to hone their job seeking skills.

HELPING EMPLOY THE COMMUNITY… Yooralla Equal@Work program participant, Shane Clark is encouraging locals to get involved with the program, after Yooralla decided to run the program in Shepparton. Photo: Supplied.

Yooralla is looking for mentors living in the Shepparton/ Mooroopna region. For those interested in this initiative and available to volunteer for two to three hours a week for eight weeks, can contact Melanie Cass on Melanie.

Important to have your say on the future of the Maude Street Mall YOUR feedback is being sought by Greater Shepparton City Council concerning the four Maude Street Mall design options that were released recently. This is an important opportunity for you to have your say. The challenge is to progress an option that the general public together with business can benefit from for the long term. If any of the options become a popularity contest with the general public and not in favour of business, we could well have a beautified strip without the business to support it. A magnificent looking Maude Street Mall without traffic, with passive walkways, entertainment areas, seating, urban lawn, and more is all very well, however will this alone bring the people back to our CBD? The Adviser suggests we can have most of what has been proposed in a number of the options, a major benefit for the community and business together. A combination of beautification, passive walkways, event space (some of the strip could be closed for major events on a semi regular basis), slow moving traffic (20 km/h) and excellent parking. A major key to business success is access to parking, and plenty of it. Parking along the strip is critical to the success of any new Maude Street precinct. Malls throughout regional Australia have been dying for decades. Do you have an opinion? The Adviser would like to hear from anyone who knows of successful malls in regional Australia. To view the four special Maude Street Mall design options and to have your say, go to www.

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COMMUNITY CONNECT UPCOMING GOULBUR N VA LLEY SPIR IT UA LIST CENTRE is holding their next meeting on 10 June, at 1:30pm north Shepparton Community Centre, 12 Parkside Drive, Shepparton. Our medium for the day will be Anthony Kilner. All welcome. For further information, call Jan 0427 745 354. Anthony Kilner is also running a two hour workshop on June 9. For information, call Anthony 0407 181 701. KIALLA GOLF CLUB is holding a Queen’s Birthday 4BBB Medley social event on Monday, June 11 with a 12 noon hit off. Cost is $10 per person with a barbeque. No handicap or partner required. Bring your own partner or they will find one for you. JUST DINNER will run on Saturday, June 16. A social evening for singles and couples aged 45 to 70. All are most welcome to come along, meet others and enjoy dinner. Phone Val 0427 217 018 for venue details and time. LODGE ESHCOL meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Masonic Centre, Welsford Street, Shepparton commencing at 10:30am. Interested enquiries can phone A Thomson 0402 284 797. ONGOING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at The Salvation Army Thrift Shop, 3 Mill Street, Mooroopna. Weekdays from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Saturdays from 9:30am to 1pm. Register your interest by visiting the shop or contact us on 5825 4308. ORCHARD DAY CLUB meets on second and fourth Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 2:30pm at Shepparton RSL for

friendly company, gentle exercises, mind games, cards, guest speakers, bus tours and a delicious lunch. All ages and gender welcome. For further information, phone Judy on 5823 5941 or Betty on 5821 3838. A S S O C I AT I ON O F I N D E P E N D E N T RETIREES meets on the third Monday of each month at 9:45am at the Overlander Hotel, Benalla Road in Shepparton. Share group meets at 9am. For further information, phone Bill on 5821 1854. VIEW CLUB is a ladies friendship group who help to support the Smith Family and meet on the first Friday of the month at the Terminus Hotel for lunch at 11:30am. For further information, phone Helen on 5821 7503. N AG A M B I E L A K E S C OM M U N I T Y MARKET runs on the first Saturday of every month (except January) from 9am to 1pm. Lots of locally grown and made items, live music, food and drinks. Located in the main street of Nagambie on the banks of Lake Nagambie. Disabled access friendly. For further information, phone 0475 885 047. SHEPPARTON MS PEER SUPPORT GROUP would like to welcome back all its members for the year, and also any new members who wish to join. Meetings and outings are held on the third Tuesday of the month from approximately 10am to 12:30pm. For further information, contact Ken Morelli on 0427 919 116 or Barry Flemming on 0411 468 489. HEARTBEAT VICTORIA GOULBURN VALLEY meet on the first Monday of the month at the GV Health dining room from 6pm for a meal. Meeting and guest speaker starts

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For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 55 words or less.

at 7pm. For further information, contact Ian Powell on 0418 575 141. EXTENDED HOURS at The Salvation Army Thrift Shop. Now open 9:30am to 4:30pm every Saturday. Come and see us for a friendly chat and find yourself some bargains at 3 Mill Street, Mooroopna. COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Congupna branch meetings are held at the Congupna Hall on the third Wednesday of the month from 11am. Everyone is welcome. For further information, contact Carmine Kelly on 5823 1237. SHEPPARTON CENTRAL PROBUS would like to welcome new members who are of retirement age. We enjoy active social life with dine outs lunch and dinner and interesting bus trips throughout the year. We meet at The Overlander on the fourth Friday each month at 10am. For information, contact Thurlie Pearce on 5831 4305. ORCHARD DAY CLUB meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 10:30am to 2:30pm at the Shepparton RSL for friendly company, gentle exercises, mind games, cards, guest speakers, bus tours and a delicious lunch. All ages and genders are welcome. Phone Judy on 5823 5941 or Betty on 5821 3838. GOULBURN VALLEY TYPE ONE Peer Support Group Shepparton provides support for people living with Type 1 diabetes and meets on the first Monday of every month from 7:30pm at GV Health Community Therapy Room, Graham Street in Shepparton. Enquiries, email or phone 5832 2674. THE BIBLE JESUS: If you are seeking understanding, clarification and answers to the

many bible based questions and contradictions you see in today’s traditional Christian church teaching and preaching. Join us by visiting or phone 0409 953 107. CAMPASPE REGIONAL LIBRARY is seeking interest for a proposed Computer Group to meet at Echuca Library on the 1st Saturday of each month from 10:30am. For more information, call David 0408 101 846, leave your name with library staff, or come along on the day. SHEPPARTON SUNSET CWA meets on the second Monday of each month at the Shepparton Agricultural Society, 275 High Street, Shepparton at 7pm. New members are welcome. For further information, please phone Melanie Sezun on 0429 404 759. Tell us about your ‘not for profit’ community events, email classifieds@sheppartonadviser. or fax 5832 8920 (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event)

Correction IN the story that ran in If It’s Got Wheels on page 22 of the May 30 edition of The Adviser (More than 10,000 enthralled at Winton), one of the photos was incorrectly attributed to Rene Martens. The main photo was taken by Karl Phillipson from Optikal Photo Imaging. The Adviser apologises for any inconvenience this may have caused.



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Letters to the Editor

DO WE NEED MORE TRAFFIC IN THE CBD? Dear Editor, I write in regards to the article published in The Adviser on Wednesday, May 23 tiled ‘Exciting new plans open for discussion.’ After reading the article, it turned out the heading was the most interesting part! Listing four ‘options’ to promote and liven up the mall, all of which (bar one) proposed opening the mall to traffic! It is hard to understand any reasoning that governs this concept! Throwing around figures in the millions, with no guarantee of success sound familiar? Any proposal that suggests re-opening

traffic to the mall is a recipe for chaos even more than there is already. The suggestion that either Stewart or Fraser Street could be made to handle excess vehicles is ludicrous. One has the cinema opening out to it, the other competes with a very busy crosswalk, and major traffic lights - on an already major road! Fryers Street is always busy anyway, and has three crosswalks in its immediate vicinity. The other end? High Street, Midland Highway! Any proposal that advocates increasing traffic in these areas cannot be explained away easily. All these ‘options’ are retailerbacked - not public!

We welcome letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain. What is being proposed is the opposite of what is needed! We don’t want (or need) more traffic in the CBD! We need more customers, and safe parking places. A second multi-storey car park would help (certainly more than a second art gallery). W hat parking provisions have been expected with the new law courts? These are major concerns that will cost millions of dollars if taken without proper consultation. I worked in a mall for a number of years (Bendigo…before it was butchered) and it was busy and enjoyable. Walking through the Maude Street Mall is depressing. It looks uninviting and lifeless.

Things can be done to improve its image and not cost millions! It has been done before, but needs to be done on a regular basis. Yours sincerely, Michael Mason Shepparton

WELL DONE TO IGA Dear Editor, Why do we need another supermarket near Fairleys SUPA IGA? I do not know how other readers feel, but we now have to travel to Fairleys SUPA IGA because other supermarkets do not stock the known brands that we have used for many years. The other supermarkets are telling us what we should buy or trying to sell us their own brands, which are rubbish. Keep up the good work Fairleys SUPA IGA and keep stocking the good brands. Yours sincerely, Margaret Venema Shepparton Want to have your say? Email your letters to the Editor to Max 100 words

Manage unused water at end of irrigation season FOLLOWING the end of the 2017/18 irrigation season, many Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) customers now have choices to make about their unused water. For those who won’t use their allocation by June 30, it’s important they know and understand options for unused water. GM W general manager customer operations, Scott Barber said, “You can find a buyer (for your water) yourself, or use a water broker or solicitor to find one for you. “We provide application forms and information on end-of-season water trading on our website.” Trade applications must be lodged with GMW by June 27, or June 30 if the application is made through the online trading portal. “You may have the option of keeping some or all of your unused water allocation from this irrigation season and taking it into the next season, subject to rules, where it can be used or traded as normal. This is termed carryover,” Mr Barber said. “Carryover is based on the trading zone you are in and the rules that apply to that zone.” Customers wishing to carryover their unused allocation must trade it into an allocation account linked to a sufficient volume of water shares. To do this, an Application to trade water allocation form (Form 39), must be submitted to GMW by June 27. “Finally, if you do not wish to use, sell or carryover your unused water, you can apply to relinquish your allocation. There is no charge to relinquish water,” Mr Barber said. To relinquish water, applications must be lodged with GMW by June 27 by submitting an Application to relinquish allocation (Form 41), or June 30 if the application is made online via the Victorian Water Register’s My Water application. Page 8 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018



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Welcome to the world baby Katara HUGE congratulations go out to Krueger’s Fine Meats & Smallgoods business owners, Martin and Emma Krueger and big brother, Felix on the birth of their second child, Katara Ella. Martin and Emma said, “We want to thank all of our customers for their ongoing support and to let them all know our baby girl has arrived safely.” Krueger’s Fine Meats & Smallgoods have a huge product range and provide custom orders for their clients. Martin said, “We can custom make preservative free or reduced salt sausages, we can even offer our customers nitrate reduced bacon. We also cater to parties with pre-cooked and sliced pork, lamb and beef.” Find Krueger’s Fine Meats & Smallgoods at 22 Colliver Road, Shepparton or call 5821 5414.

THE FACES OF FAMILY BUSINESS… Krueger’s Fine Meats & Smallgoods business owners, Martin and Emma Krueger along with 22 month old, Felix introduce newborn, Katara Ella. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Big expansion for Royal Hands Massage

CURRENT SPECIAL-WHOLE BODY DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE… From left, Royal Hands Massage nail technicians, Cony, Susu and Lulu, massage therapist, Tima, nail technician, Echo, manager, Ada, business owner, Chuck and massage therapists, Tom, Any, Lala, Elena and Yuri. Photo: David Lee.

RECENTLY relocated to Shepparton Marketplace, Royal Hands Massage is now four times bigger and the team are specialists when it comes to manicures and massage therapy. Royal Hands Massage business owner, Chuck Li Sun said, “We are all very excited about our expansion and move to Shepparton Marketplace and with our skilled and talented team, we have a

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fantastic client base. “To launch the new store, we have an amazing offer. Enjoy a one hour whole body, deep tissue massage (including hot stones and cupping) worth $130 for just $75!” Find Royal Hands Massage next door to Just Cuts at Shepparton Marketplace or call (03) 4813 0524.



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Catering to all of your beauty needs NUTRIENT RICH WHOLE FOODS… From left, Oliver’s Real Food CEO, Greg Madigan and Shepparton store manager, Mandi Burns with team members, Dallas Wheeler, Skye Delmo, Chelsea Rowarth, Christine Johnson, Abbie Johnson, Ellie Cultrera and Natalie Fisher. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

GRAB A WINTER SPECIAL DEAL NOW… The team at Shepparton Skin & Body have some great winter specials coming up. From left, IPL technician Jayne Newman, salon manager, Chelsea Harbor, beauty therapist, Madi Russell and lash technician, Kayla Doyle. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

SHEPPARTON Skin & Body are providing new services within the salon, now catering to a wider variety of needs. Shepparton Skin & Body salon manager, Chelsea Harbor said, “We now cater to a wider variety of needs when it comes to beauty treatments. This season, with the latest technology by Unilux, our IPL technician Jayne Newman is launching her new IPL machine. We also have lash technician Kayla Doyle performing lash ex tensions and microblade tat tooist

Tiffany Lee performing cosmetic tattooing for eyebrows. “It is important to keep your skin hydrated through winter, going from warm heated buildings and cars out into the colder elements is quite harsh and has a big impact on skin. Call us about our winter skin rescue special coming up.” Call the team at Shepparton Skin & Body on 5821 0271 or visit them at 221 Fryers Street, Shepparton.

Oliver’s Real Food Shepparton, now open AT Oliver’s Real Food, we believe that a vital component of good health is when a person takes interest in the quality of food they are eating. We want you to feel you can relax and revitalise in our stores. Let us feed you some ‘real’ food. We make sure at Oliver’s Real Food you have an abundance of nutrient dense food that feeds your body with fuel and pleasure. Food should be yummo! So we make it with love and passion, creating unique flavours and textures using fresh herbs, garlic and Himalayan pink salt. We use whole foods; these are natural, untainted

foods, which are rich in their natural endow ment of nut rients. W henever possible we use ‘organically grown’ to promote not only our health, but also the health of our planet. Our juices are freshly squeezed to order, from raw fruits and veggies, which have powerful healing and rejuvenating properties. Not only do we help you feed your hungry tummy, we help you feed your whole body, the way nature intended it. Oliver’s Real Food is now open at ‪622 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, phone 5831 4075 or visit‬

Hume region deserves Regional Sports Academy T H E Vic torian G overn ment should suppor t a proposal for a Reg ional Sports Academy in Victoria’s North East according to Independent Member for Shepparton District, Suzanna Sheed. Ms Sheed said the Hume region deserved a regional academy for sport that would bolster the already strong culture of sporting participation in the Shepparton district electorate. “The Shepparton district is home to an array of state-of-the-art sporting facilities and plays host to an increasing number of elite, highly patronised events across a breadth of sporting codes, yet the Hume region is the only region in Victoria that does not have a state-funded Regional Sports Academy,” Ms Sheed said. “For our community, this means a Page 12 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018

significant lack of development pathways for athletes across all sporting codes, insufficient support for female athletes, reduced access for athletes with a disability of those from disadvantages backgrounds, and minimal opportunities for coaching and administrator development.” Ms Sheed said she was pleased to see two organisations in North East Victoria – Valley Sport in Shepparton and North East Sports in Wangaratta – had put forward a proposal to the Victorian Government to fund a regional academy of sport for the Hume region. “I first raised the lack of funding for a Hume region sporting academy with the Minister for Sport, John Eren three years ago and I have now urged him to progress this project as a priority,” Ms Sheed said.



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Business awards officially launched BUSINESS and community came together last week to celebrate the official launch of this year’s White King-Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards, during a special event at Fryers Street Food Store. For the next 18 weeks, the community will have the chance to nominate a person or business who deserves recognition, for a chance for them to take out an award for the 2018 White King – Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards. All nominees will have the opportunity to attend the Gala Dinner and Awards Evening on Friday, November 2 at the Eastbank Centre, where winners of each category will be named. T he com mu n it y ca n nom inate the region’s businesses under nine categories, which include GV Healthy Workplace, Young Professional Under 30 Years, Visitor Experience of the Year, Customer Service, which incorporates Professional Services, Trade Services and Retail Services, Best New Business Under Two Years, Best Marketing /Advertising Campaign, Entrepreneur of the Year, Apprenticeship/ Trainee of the Year and the Business Award, which incorporates Professional Service, Trade Service of the Year and Retailer of the Year. A l l busi nesses w it h i n t he Greater Shepparton City Council boundary are eligible to be nominated for an award with each award category’s individual set of criteria available on the Shepparton

Chamber of Commerce and Industry website. Nominations can be made in-store at participating businesses, online at www. or via post by sending a completed nomination form to Business Awards, PO Box 364, Shepparton 3630.

NOMINATE A DESERVING BUSINESS TODAY… From left, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry president, Carl Hainsworth, executive officer, Lucy Cerrone, White King-Pental manufacturing manager Carmine Conte and emcee, John Deeks at the official launch for the 2018 White King-Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards. Photo: Will Adams.

DIY for a warmer winter

WARM up your winter with a range of free DIY workshops this June at Bunnings Warehouse Shepparton, where you can get ideas for projects. You can even pick up some helpful advice on sustainable living, with World Environment Day just around the corner. From home organisation hacks to indoor inspiration, there’s something for everyone including beginners, who can sharpen their skills in the basic DIY workshops. Adults

Adult workshops

Home Organisation Workshops Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10

Indoor Projects

Saturday, June 16 and Sunday, June 17

Basic Workshop Skills

Satuday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24

Flooring Workshops

Saturday, June 30 and Sunday July 1

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will benefit from all the tips and tricks on offer at the weekend workshops, which are held every Saturday and Sunday at 11am, 12:30pm and 2pm. You can also spark the kids’ imagination with a series of f un, child-friendly workshops held every Saturday and Sunday. For further details, drop into Bunnings Warehouse Shepparton, 90-94 Banalla Road, Shepparton or phone 5820 2200.

Kids workshops

Wall Art Workshops Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10

Fun Mosaics Workshops

Saturday, June 16 and Sunday, June 17

DIY Project Weekend

Satuday, June 23 and Sunday, June 24

Fun With Paint Workshops

Saturday, June 30 and Sunday July 1



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Budding filmmakers to call action on road safety THE Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is giving budding filmmakers the chance to access $50,000 to produce a short film with a road safety message. T he TAC has par t nered w ith the Melbou r ne International Film Festival (MIFF) for the inaugural Split Second youth film competition. People aged between 18 and 25 are eligible to enter the competition, which is open now. The competition calls on entrants to submit an outline of a 45-second film addressing the issue of distracted driving. The theme of this year’s competition is ‘the problem is in our hands.’ A panel of judges from the TAC and film and advertising industry will choose a winner who will receive a $50,000 production budget to make their film with help from award-winning production company Positive Ape. The winner will also receive $5,000 in prize money and their film will feature during 500 MIFF screenings in Melbourne and regional Victoria. TAC’s engagement senior manager, Meg Jacobs said young people were some of Victoria’s most vulnerable road users and the competition aimed to highlight the importance of avoiding distractions while driving. “Mobile phone use is emerging as one of the major factors in fatal and injury crashes,” Ms Jacobs said. “We want to empower young people to have conversations with their friends about making safe choices when they’re behind the wheel.” The competition is open until June 13 and the winner will be announced on June 22. For more information or to enter, visit

THIS LONG WEEKEND AT KIDSTOWN… Take the kids out for some affordable fun. From left, KidsTown team leader, Steve Wilson and duty supervisor, John Houkes. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Put down the iPads and play! THIS long weekend, there’s plenty of affordable family friendly fun at SPC KidsTown. Starting with the ‘Dinosaur Hunt,’ which will run throughout the three days, for just $10, children will enjoy a train ride, unlimited fun on the bouncy monster crocodile and will join the hunt for dinosaurs. On Sunday the ‘Super Modified Lawn Mower Racing’ begins! SPC KidsTown co-ordinator, Steve Wilson said, “We want to encourage children and families to get outdoors

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to get involved in our community and with KidsTown’s excellent facilities and so much thought gone into making this weekend a real success for families, it’s going to be great.” For more information about what’s going on at SPC KidsTown this weekend, visit and to learn more about how to get involved in the ‘Super Modified Lawn Mower Race,’ visit or call Diana Milsteed on 0439 330 185.



Workshop highlights health opportunities for students SECONDARY school students from across the region were given the chance to explore careers in health last week, when they took part in a GV Rural Health Careers Workshop. Students visited GV Health and the Department of Rural Health and the University of Melbourne campus, Graham Street, Shepparton, to discover the opportunities available to study and work in the health industry. Approximately 170 students from year 9 to year 12, who are interested in pursuing a career in health, represented more than 19 schools from throughout the Goulburn Valley. La Trobe University’s marketing and engagement advisor, Kristina Marko said the focus for this year’s workshops saw

an increase in pharmacy and radiography, with nursing and midwifery, social health and mental health remaining strong. “Students do not have to move away to pursue a career in health; there are outstanding educational and career opportunities available right here in Shepparton. “The workshop offers industry and tertiary education providers to showcase the future direction of the health sector. Our courses feature industry driven curriculum, such as digital health which provides digital solutions to address meeting the demands of a 21st century health system,” Ms Marko said. GOTAFE partnership engagement manager, Susan Huffer said students were advised about the various pathway options

S HANDS-ON HEALTH EXPERIENCE… Approximately 170 students between year 9 to year 12 from schools across the region were given the chance to get some hands-on experience at various health providers during the GV Rural Health Careers Workshop. Photo: Supplied.

from school through to traineeships, TAFE or university. “The Diploma of Nursing is another pathway opposed to going straight to university if you don’t quite get the scores in VCE,” Ms Huffer said.

Local health services partnership proposal underway THE proposal to strengthen the partnership between Nathalia, Cobram and Numurkah health services is progressing, which is aiming to improve access to health care for local communities. Numurkah District Health Service CEO, Jacque Phillips said, “Communication and consultation took place with staff and the community from November 2017 to end-March 2018, to gain input on the collaboration proposal and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. “Alongside the consultation, we undertook a ‘due diligence’ analysis of financial, clinical, HR and governance matters, which

is ongoing and holds us in good stead for planning and delivering ongoing service improvements into 2019. “The collaboration of services and strengthening of partnerships across the three organisations is now commencing and this will take place progressively over the next 12 months. “A number of partnerships now enable improved health care. Examples include new mental health services, the Urgent Care Centre ‘Choose Well Feel Better’ project and respiratory services. “We will continue to look at ways to combine our resources and expertise across

the three services to better meet the needs of the community. Our staff are valued. There will be opportunities for staff as a result of the collaboration. Cobram District Health board chair, Dale Brooks said, “We were pleased with the level of engagement from the community and staff on the proposal over the last five months. “The three separate boards of management will continue to govern each health service, including exploring ways to further the partnership in the future to provide better services for each location. “Options for active collaboration between health services across CEO and corporate

executive structures will be considered over the coming months.” Nathalia District Hospital board chair, Sue Logie said, “Providing consistent, high quality, safe and accessible care to the community is our priority. “The existing facilities will remain in place, in their current locations. Current services will be maintained and enhanced to improve access and deliver the best possible health care locally. There will be no reduction in services, staffing or funding in relation to the collaboration initiative. “We will keep people informed as we move through the process.”



We have re-opened our doors after an extensive refurbishment of our store so you can enjoy a greater shopping experience and even lower prices!

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The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 – Page 17


Making a difference to local kids SOUTHERN Cross Austereo’s annual Give Me Five for Kids fundraiser launched last week, with Goulburn Valley’s 95.3 Triple M aiming to make it the most successful year yet, raising more money than ever before for GV Health Children’s Ward. Now in its 24th year, Give Me Five for Kids has raised more than $22.3M for the paediatric wards of local hospitals and children’s health-related charities across SCA’s 38 regional markets. With an action packed calendar of events including our annual Battery Drive, guaranteed high speed adrenaline pumping super modified Lawn Mower Racing, Lisa’s Succulents Sale and for the first time a Business Breakfast thanks’ to the Quality Hotel Parklake, Goulburn Valley’s 95.3 Triple M is imploring the local community to get involved and dig deep, helping Southern Cross Austereo reach its national goal of $3M dollars raised. Head of regional media, Rick Lenarcic said, “We are incredibly proud of the amazing work our stations and communities have done in raising money over the past 24 years for children’s wards. “Last year we broke the record and raised more money than ever before ($148,301.52). With the support of local communities, we hope to make this year’s Give Me Five for Kids our biggest and best yet.” Donate or find a list of events at

CELEBRATING A DAY OF SINGING… From left (back), Sing Australia group members, Leonie Freeman, Robyn Leembruggen, George Deeble, Helen West, Wes Gibbs, Glenda Deeble, Geoffrey Thompson, Karan Balfour, Neville Noller. (Front), Barbara Barrow, Margaret Brewer, Anita Hutchinson, Julie Taylor, Ann Worcester, Christine Milligan, Diane Baglin and Meryl Fitzgerald. Photo: Supplied.

Voices echo through plaza HARMONIC voices echoed through Riverside Plaza recently, when the local Sing Australia group celebrated Sing Australia Day by providing entertainement for shoppers and patrons of the plaza. Sing Australia is a nationwide network of singing groups connecting Australians through singing, which aims to sing in the community, giving pleasure to all. Sing Australia Shepparton group leader, Meryl Fitzgerald said, “We sing at retirement homes, shopping centres, carols in December (or Christmas in July!), daytimes or evenings. “We are inclusive. There are no auditions and the only requirement is a love of singing and having fun and being

Page 18 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018

uplifted with song. We sing a wide range of songs from our books, with styles ranging through folk, popular, classical, jazz, Australian and more. “We have regional and national gatherings, which are great to mix with other Sing Australia groups, as well as international touring options. “At our rehearsals we have a lot of fun singing with our conductor (Clifton Boschetti) and our accompanist (Graeme Brewer). “Our rehearsals are Tuesday nights at the Shepparton Baptist Church, 7:15pm to 9:30pm with a break in the middle for a social cuppa.”


continued from front page

Multi-million dollar development sees museum name change ‘MOVE’ OVER SHEPPARTON MOTOR MUSEUM… The Shepparton Motor Museum and Collectables is about to get a name change to better reflect the facility, which is set to see a new multi-million dollar development of a truck and transport museum. The new facility will be called Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE). From left, project spokesperson, Peter Hill and curator, Graeme Balfour. Photo: David Lee.

The addition of a multipurpose events venue highlighting the Goulburn Valley’s rich trucking, transport and agricultural heritage already has $2.5M in funding committed under the Federal Government Regional Jobs and Investment Packages (RJIP) and a conditional $1.25M from Greater Shepparton City Council. With 7,000sqm of indoor and 3,000sqm of outdoor exhibition space, visitors to the new complex will be engaged through interactive multimedia and fixed displays, along with curated exhibitions depicting the settlement, growth and establishment of the Goulburn Valley as a major national transport hub and one of the Nation’s leading food bowls. The dedicated museum and outdoor covered events space will significantly bolster the region’s cultural tourism offering and events capability. Project spokesperson, Peter Hill said, “The rapid progress of this $6.25M project requires a restructure of the Shepparton Motor Museum and Collectables board to reflect the expanded focus of the collections, displays and events.

“MOVE will embrace the existing and successful Shepparton Motor Museum and Collectables which also houses the Furphy Museum, as well as the new truck and transport museum. “This is an exciting project for the Goulburn Valley in many ways, tourism, history, education, events and even environmental with the plan to use the enormous building footprint to establish a solar energy farm. “It will be a rewarding and fruitful journey and I encourage people from the legal and accounting fraternity to get involved,” Mr Hill said. MOVE is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified people with a legal or accounting background to join the skills based board, which will oversee fundraising, construction and operation of the new museum complex. The entity has Deductible Gift Recipient Status as a museum. Expressions of interest including professional experience should be marked attention Natalie Leed and emailed to

Be alert and aware this long weekend THE Transport Accident Commission is urging Victorians to be rested and aware of changing conditions when hitting the road this Queen’s Birthday long weekend. With fatigue a major factor contributing to road trauma, the TAC is encouraging drivers to stop and recharge at rest stop sites, which will again operate throughout the weekend. The TAC is also reminding motorists to be wary of changing road and weather conditions with the onset of winter. One person died on Victorian roads across the Queen’s Birthday weekend last year however, six people lost their lives during the Labour Day break in March. TAC road safety lead director, Samantha Cockfield said breaking up a road trip for a rest, or to swap drivers, could be a life-saving choice. “During long weekends and holiday periods, we do see increased traffic volumes and people travelling longer distances, particularly in regional Victoria,” Ms Cockfield said. “Fatigue and speed are two of the major contributors to fatal collisions on regional roads and we’re imploring motorists to rest up the night before a trip and allow plenty of time to get to their destinations. “If you’re heading off on a road trip you should factor in a rest stop every two hours to stretch your legs or swap drivers if possible.” The TAC will operate its Towards Zero Pit Stop sites at four of the state’s busiest rest stops, complete with free barista coffees, sausage sizzles, prizes and fun family activities. Pit Stops will be open at Euroa and Dimboola on Friday and Saturday, and Chiltern, Marong and Euroa on Monday. For tips on how to ensure a safe road trip and more details about the TAC’s Pit Stops, visit au/news/articles/driver-reviver-pit-stop

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 – Page 19




continued from front page

New jobs to be created through $10M expansion

INDIGENOUS MURALS HONOURED… The Aboriginal Street Art Project was recognised on Friday last week, with Greater Shepparton being awarded at the Helping Achieve Reconciliation Together Awards for the project. Photo: David Lee.

Art project recognised GREATER Shepparton City Council’s Aboriginal Street Art Project was have recognised at the Helping Achieve Reconciliation Together (HART) Awards on Friday last week. With 15 finalists over three categories, the HART Awards recognise outstanding initiatives in reconciliation within local government and community. A Greater Shepparton City Council spokesperson said, “This award shows that when Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Victorians and organisations commit to

meaningful, two-way relationships, there is opportunity for tremendous change. “Council would like to thank the Sheppar ton Reconciliation Group for nominating Council for this award. “The Awards are a partnership between the Victorian Local Governance Association and Reconciliation Victoria, supported by Bank Australia and Local Government Victoria.”

THE new jobs include managers, supervisors, pickers, packers, grafters and propagator roles. It is estimated that the construction phase of the project created up to 20 jobs (builders, concreters, plumbers, electricians, welders and equipment installation), as well as contract work for engineering, land-forming and transport businesses. Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp said, “This announcement is great news for Tatura Fresh, the Goulburn Valley and indeed Victoria. Jobs will be created in construction and when operational. They will be local jobs. This investment will put food on the table for local families. “The Andrews Government is investing in regional Victoria and in horticulture. Today’s announcement further cements the Goulburn Valley’s position as the food bowl of Australia.” Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford said, “The Victorian Government has worked closely with Tatura Fresh to facilitate the investment in the expansion of the hydroponic tomato propagation facility “Not only is Tatura Fresh’s expansion expected to attract $10M investment to the business, it has created 52 new jobs which is great news for locals. “Investment in regional Victoria is vital to ensure it continues to be a prosperous place to live, work and do business.”

Funding suspended as a possible one million breath tests falsified UP to one million preliminary breath test (PBT) results undertaken by Victoria Police are being suspected as being falsified over a five year period, leading to the suspension of $4M in funding to Victoria Police by the Transport Accident Commission. Claims of the practice, whereby an officer either places a finger over the straw entry hole or blows into the straw themselves, were first reported to Victoria Police late last year. Once aware of the claims Road Policing and Professional Standards Commands, toget her w it h statistical specialists commenced an intelligence assessment of over five years of PBT activity. Professional Sta nda rds C om ma nd assistant commissioner, Russell Barrett said what has followed has been a very complex and protracted intelligence assessment and investigation. “The investigation, which analysed over five years of data, 1,500 preliminary breath test devices and more than 17.7 million tests, disappointingly found 258,463 PBTs or 1.5 percent of all tests had been falsified,” Barrett said. “This conduct will not be tolerated, any member found engaging in this practice from today has been put on notice they will Page 20 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018

be investigated. “I had not heard of our members engaging in such a practice, we let ourselves down, we’ve let the community down. It stops now.” Victoria Police is in the process of appointing an external investigator, w it h c o nt e mp o r a r y k now l e d g e of Victoria Police’s practices and operating frameworks. “The investigation will examine how this behaviour was allowed to occur and what we can do to enhance and improve our operational practice into the future. “The question we all asked was why? There could be a number of reasons but the main rationale I believe is to hide or highlight productivity. Whatever reason our workforce may come up with, it isn’t acceptable. “In moving forward we are looking into a number of options for improving and increasing our internal controls and accountability in regard to our testing regime. “We are considering the feasibility of regular audits, the ability for the PBT to include the detail of the operator and quality assurance measures.”

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Part time or Full time

Retailer/ Truck Driver

Dispensary Technician

The role involves participating in every aspect of the pharmacy as required. Relevant certiďŹ cate is required. Please deliver resume to Shop 14-15/276-278 Maude St, Shepparton VIC or send to Shepparton Centre Pharmacy Ph: 03 5821 3399

Make money from letterboxes We work with Australia’s biggest letterbox delivery company and right now we need reliable people to deliver catalogues in the Shepparton, Mooroopna, Kialla and Tatura areas. No experience necessary. Car & phone essential 7R ÀQG RXW PRUH SOHDVH FRQWDFW Bill 0400 314 503 Nicole -Tatura Area 0408 358873

Speech Therapist

Do you want to be part of a strong, fun, and very committed team? Do you want a challenging role with plenty of variety? Do you want to be trained to become a future leader with strong career development?

North East Victoria – Goulburn - Shepparton Allied Health Grade 2 ($58,207 - $79,790 pa) 1 x Ongoing Fulltime role An exciting opportunity exists for a Speech Pathologist, Student Support Services working in Northern Goulburn (Shepparton) team, as part of the Goulburn Area of DET. The successful applicant will be required to provide speech therapy support services to improve student learning to schools within the network. The ability to undertake speech pathology assessment and interventions that support students and schools are a key element of the role. Flexibility, the ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team and the capability to work autonomously when required are key requirements for this position.

For further information on position descriptions and selection criteria visit

We are a well-known and progressive insurance broker looking to partner with an experienced Authorised Representative or Senior Broker for a potential Joint Venture opportunity in the local area.

Enquiries in conďŹ dence to 0418 446 451

Refer to position number DET/NEVR28777A Closing date for applications is 14 June 2018


Psychologist North East Victoria – Goulburn - Seymour Allied Health Grade 3 ($81,354 - $92,304 pa) 1 x Ongoing Fulltime role

Social Worker North East Victoria – Goulburn - Shepparton Allied Health Grade 3 ($81,354 - $92,304 pa) 1 x Ongoing Fulltime role An exciting opportunity exists for a Social Worker, Student Support Services working in Shepparton Network of schools within the Goulburn Area. The successful applicant will be required to provide a range of social work supports to schools within the network. Flexibility, the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and the capability to work autonomously when required are key requirements for this position. A graduate or post-graduate qualification in psychology or equivalent; and Registration with the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency (AHPRA).

For further information on position descriptions and selection criteria visit

Care Coordinator Full time – 38 hours per week To provide culturally appropriate coordination of care for patients with complex needs/chronic disease including treatment, early intervention and prevention and associated services in the context of an Aboriginal Health Service. Refer to position number DET/NEVR28738A Closing date for applications is 14 June 2018

• Demonstrated understanding of priority Health Care needs Salary Packaging is available The successful applicant will be required to have a current Working with Children Check, driver’s licence, undergo a Victorian Police check every 12 months.

For consideration for an interview, you must obtain a Position Description from Marieta on (03) 5820 6405 or email: and address the Key Selection Criteria and include a current resume, copies of qualiďŹ cations and a cover letter. Applications close Monday 4.00pm 11th June, 2018 and are to be addressed to: Human Resources Dept. Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative PO Box 614 Mooroopna Vic 3629 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community are encouraged to apply.

Shepparton Villages is a Community based not-for-proďŹ t organisation whose mission is to enrich the lives of the people in our care. We care for 291 residents in residential care across 6 facilities based in Shepparton, Mooroopna and Kialla.

For further information on position descriptions and selection criteria visit Refer to position number DET/NEVR29865 Closing date for applications is 14 June 2018


North East Victoria – Goulburn - Shepparton Allied Health Grade 3 ($81,354 - $92,304 pa) 1 x Ongoing Fulltime role

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced Division One Registered Nurse who is looking for part time work but is also looking for extra hours when life permits. The role is diverse and whilst there are some permanent hours we are looking for nurses who may be able to cover leave across a range of senior positions such as; After Hours Clinical Coordinator and Care Manager roles. Fundamentally we are looking for a ‘nurse Friday’, a nurse who is experienced, exible and looking for a position which has lots of variety.

An exciting opportunity exists for a Speech Pathologist, Student Support Services working in the Goulburn Area based out of Shepparton. The successful applicant will be required to provide high level speech therapy support services to improve student learning to schools within the network. The ability to undertake advanced wellbeing interventions that support students and schools, work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and provide leadership, professionally and operationally, within the team. Collaboration with and provision of advice to other student support services team members in respect to complex cases as well as the ability to support teachers in the development of educational programs, particularly in respect to students with additional needs are key components of the role. You will also be required to provide authoritative professional advice in relation to issues involving student wellbeing.

Whilst it is preferable that applicants have experience in Residential Aged Care we will be willing to provide training for the right candidates.

For further information on position descriptions and selection criteria visit


HOW TO APPLY: Successful applicants must undertake a police check prior to commencing employment. Position descriptions are available on our website or by phoning (03) 58 320 800. Applicants must submit a current resume and application form (available on our website) to or sent to the Recruitment OfďŹ cer, Shepparton Villages, PO Box 203, Shepparton 3632. Applications Close: 8th June 2018 ABN 94 314 031 069 Assoc. Inc No. A0024266Y

For information on Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative refer to

A graduate or post-graduate qualification in psychology or equivalent; and Registration with the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency (AHPRA).

Speech Therapist

• Minimum qualiďŹ cation in Aboriginal Health work or Enrolled or Registered Nurse

• Ability to prioritise holistic health care needs

An exciting opportunity exists for a Psychologist, Student Support Services working in the Goulburn Area with DET. The successful applicant will be required to provide a range of psychological supports to schools with the network. Flexibility, the ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team and the capability to work autonomously when required are key requirements for this position.


Key Selection Criteria:

• Have a sound knowledge of chronic disease and chronic disease management

Email resumes with cover letter to

A fantastic opportunity exists for a motivated and enthusiastic

General Insurance Professional

We have a permanent position available for a ďŹ t and active person. The position is very dynamic with duties ranging from: • Working on our retail oor to deliver store standards • Driving a semi trailer to Melbourne markets • Loading and unloading trucks with forklift • Dealing with suppliers All we need is you to be hard working, physically ďŹ t, and have common sense. Forklift and Heavy combination truck licence is an advantage. A quality salary can be negotiated depending on experience.


Page 22 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Refer to position number DET/NEVR28246G Closing date for applications is 14 June 2018


Newspapers‌ the information medium For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989


A member of The Victorian Country Press Association



Recruiting Now Child Trauma Counsellor/ Therapeutic Specialist Full time ďŹ xed term Shepparton

The Australian Childhood Foundation currently has an exciting vacancy for a Child Trauma Counsellor/Therapeutic Specialist to join our small team based in Shepparton full time, ďŹ xed term. In this role you will carry a varied caseload across a range of therapeutic programs offered by the Foundation, as part of the Family Violence Demonstration Projects. You will provide counselling to children, young people and their carers, clinical leadership with regard to the development and implementation of appropriate therapeutic support for children and young people and training for professionals and carers in trauma-informed therapeutic approaches to out of home care. To hear more about this exciting opportunity or for a copy of the position description, call Georgia Pattison, HR Program Manager, on 0409 648 566 or email

Truck Driver

Riordan Grain Services is leading the Australian Agribusiness sector in providing innovative grain, transport and storage services from farm to consumer. Riordan Grain Services is passionate about their people and pride themselves on building a culture that is inclusive and supportive. Riordan’s, due to company growth, is looking for a container driver based Central Victoria. Applicant must have; • MC Licence • MSIC and Melbourne wharf access cards • Container experience Applicant will be required to; • Work in a team environment • Self-motivated • Understand and follow instructions • Experience with Grain, Fertiliser and Wharf operations highly regarded Job details: Monday to Friday carting grain containers movements from all over Victoria into wharfs in Melbourne. Also, opportunities for weekend work and tipper work. If interested or for further information please contact

Charles Burbury Ph: 0413 792 780 E:

Maintenance Electrician Full Time - Permanent Applications close: Monday, 18th June 2018

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Reporting to the Plant Manager, we are looking for an experienced operator to join the business. The successful applicant would operate the front end loader and load to scale targets, servicing the plant and loading trucks. In addition, you will perform equipment pre-starts and maintain a high level of housekeeping on the site. To be successful in this role you must be passionate about working in a zero harm work environment, have relevant driving and batching concrete industry experience (preferred but not essential), a current FEL ticket (preferred) and willingness to participate in daily toolbox meetings and be adaptable to changing shift times. Benefits: We offer employment stability, ongoing training and development and genuine career opportunities. This is an opportunity to work in a team environment within an organisation dedicated to the safety of our employees and contractors. To apply, visit or email to Boral is an international building products and construction materials group with three strong divisions: the high-performing, well-positioned materials business of Boral Australia; the fast-growing, 50%-owned USG Boral interior linings joint venture in Asia, Australia and the Middle East; and Boral North America, a scaled and growing building products and fly ash business. With its headquarters in Sydney, Australia, Boral had approximately 16,500 full-time equivalent employees (including in JVs) working across over 700 operating sites in 17 countries as at 30 June 2017.Â

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1 BR unit, ideal for single person, carport, NBN, bus stop. Mooroopna $165 pw, bond $715 Ph 0418 286 556


We are inviting applications for motivated individuals to join our highly successful, Industry Leading 24/7 Manufacturing business in the following roles based in TATURA.


AVOCADO plant, 3 foot high $20 Ph 0409 575 046 BABY girls clothes size 0-00 2 bags, suits, jackets, shoes all clean, good condition $20 each Ph 5821 0207 BARBEQUE, 3 burner, hood, cast iron plates and grill, on wheels, good cond $50 Ph 5829 2262 BLACKOUT BLIND, new stone colour 210 x 210 $30 Ph 0448 682 334 BOOKS $1 - $2 each Ph 5821 6770 BOOKS, x 30, Jodie Picoult, Danielle Steele etc. $30 Ph 0409 575 046 BUSHMAN Safety Boots Men's Size 11 leather lace-up, new in box $50 Ph 0439 621 333 CAMPING Robe OZtrail, with zip up carry bag $20 Ph 0417 517 036

MYNA Bird Traps $50 Mooroopna Men's Shed Ph Michael 0418 993 692 SUITCASES, set of 3, black with wheels and pull along handles $50 Ph 0429 236 610 SUNBEAM Electric Grill, new $50 Ph 0439 621 333 WEIGHTLIFTING Bench Body Sculpture, exercise books and instructions, good condition $50 Ph 0418 820 348 WHEELBARROW, very little use, exc. cond. $30 Ph 0409 575 046 YUCCAS free, all sizes, not in pots Ph 5821 7560


GARAGE DOORS Supply, install & service. Garage doors, Automatic COFFEE TABLE, oval, doors & Gate openers dark in colour $45 Call Phil on 0418 577 280 or 5829 2221 Ph 0415 738 742

GARAGE SALE 1/12 Northgate St, Mooroopna, Sat 9th until 4pm, can view Friday 2 4pm, DeWalt saw, new $100, 2 seater lounge $100, organ $150. Also have compact work bench, laser guided putting perfector, Prorack carry bars & lots more Ph 0412 753 587 GV Highway 1655 Tallygaroopna, Saturday 9th June 8am to 2pm Variety of items available WEEKLY Garage Sale Mon-Friday 10am-2pm Shepp Sth Community House 11 Service St Shepparton

LOST LADDER. Aluminium extension ladder, lost on New Dookie Road 29th May, reward offered Ph 0400 512 928

MOTORBIKES KONIGS KAWASAKI Benalla Rd, Shepparton. New & used 5821 4411

WANTED TO BUY ALWAYS buying gold & silver, broken jewellery. JB Jewellers, 265 Maude St, Shepparton. Ph 5831 1611

ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: Much hardship and difďŹ culty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position Vacant/ Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry a speciďŹ c and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval.



Earn pocket money while keeping active.

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Shepparton Show Me (SSM) is seeking expressions 3( -2;'8'9; (38 6!99-32!;'T -223=!ধ=' !2& '?6'8-'2$'& 6'36£' ;3 8'68'9'2; ;,' 8';!-£T $311'8$-!£ !2& -2&<9;8-!£ 9'$;389 ;3 /3-2 ;,' $311-ħ''W 311-ħ'' 1'1#'89 >-££ !$ধ='£@ $32;8-#<;' ;3 68313ধ2+ ,'66!8;32 !9 ! &-='89'T =-#8!2; !2& 68'1-'8 9,366-2+ !2& #<9-2'99 &'9ধ2!ধ32W 9 ! )89; 9;'6 -2 ;,' 683$'99T '?68'99-329 3( -2;'8'9;9 !8' #'-2+ $!££'& (38W 3££3>-2+ ;,-9 @3< >-££ #' 683=-&'& >-;, ! ;,383<+, 3='8=-'> 3( ,3> 36'8!;'9 ;3 ,'£6 -2(381 @3<8 &'$-9-32 ;3 231-2!;' (38 ;,' $311-ħ''W 311-ħ'' 1'1#'89 !8' !663-2;'& (38 ! 32' 38 ;>3 @'!8 ;'81 >-;, $311-ħ'' 1''ধ2+9 ,'£& '='8@ ;,-8& 32&!@ 3( ;,' 132;,W

Deliverers needed in Shepparton Industrial Estate, Tatura, Mooroopna and North Shepparton.

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If you are looking for something to do on a Wednesday then this position is ideal for you and/or your family. If this sounds like you, phone 5832 8900 or drop into our ofďŹ ce at 219-225 Wyndham St, Shepparton. Genuine enquiries only.


T 03 5832 8989


Optus plans to undertake maintenance activities at the existing facilities located at:

•105 Central Ave, Shepparton East VIC 3631 (RFNSA 3631002) •95 Tallygaroopna West, Bunbartha Rd Tallygaroopna VIC 3634 (RFNSA 3634002) 1. The proposed works consist of the replacement of internal equipment wholly concealed within the existing equipment shelter 2. Optus regards the proposed installation as ‘maintenance activities’ in accordance with the Telecommunications Act 1997 based on the description above 3. Further information can be obtained from Philip Hull, 0431 328 606, philip. hull and at www.rfnsa. (RFNSA numbers above). The proposed infrastructure will be in compliance with the ACMA EMR regulatory arrangements 4. Written submissions should be sent to: Phil Hull at or Huawei Technologies Pty Ltd, Level 5, 12 Help St, Chatswood NSW 2067 by 14/06/2018

EARLY DEADLINES for the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

All display and classiďŹ ed bookings & advertisements for WEDNESDAY 13TH JUNE 2018 are to be at The Adviser by noon on Friday 8th June. The ofďŹ ce will be closed on Monday the 11th June 2018

PET ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1, 2012, it is now a requirement under the Victorian Domestic Animals Act 1994, that all cats, kittens, dogs & puppies, to be sold, need to be microchipped. Only when each individual microchip number is provided can the animal be advertised through the paper. For further information phone 5832 8989

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 – Page 23





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Eaton named Hall of Fame netballer inductee TAT U R A star netballer, coach and administrator, Gaye Eaton was honoured for her outstanding contribution to the sport as the first netballer to be inducted into the GVL Hall of Fame at a special gala function at the Shepparton RSL. Eaton, an extremely popular choice, joined four football players to be inducted along with the second member elevated to legend status. The first GVL Hall of Fame legend, former Swans ruckman, Robbie Orrman, was on hand to welcome the second player to be elevated to legend status in mercurial rover, Gary Cooper who played with Tatura, Shepparton United and Mooroopna. Cooper, a star on the field and a popular

man off it, holds the record for the number of games representing the GVL as he has worn the purple and gold colours on 22 occasions. Other inductees for 2018 include 1950s high flying Tatura football coach, Keith Warburton, Mooroopna 200 game player and two times Morrison Medal winner (1972 and 1973), Dowie Bux and Seymour Football Clubs’s 1978 Morrison Medal winner and 1991 Abikhair Medallist, Greg Liddell. FIRST NETBALLER FAME… Star netballer, coach and administrator from Tatura, Gaye Eaton has been named the inaugural netballer inductee into the GVL Hall of Fame. Photo: Bailey Opie Photography.

Outdoor fitness equipment to get you mooving G R E AT E R S h e pp a r to n r e s id e nt s and visitors can exercise for free on the new outdoor fitness equipment that has been installed in Western Park, Victoria Park Lake thanks to the Rotary Club of Shepparton and Greater Shepparton City Council. Five pieces of fitness equipment have been installed including instructional signage along the waterfront of Western Park, and includes seated push and pull, sit up bench, leg press and swing board, rowing machine and a sky runner/elliptical trainer. Angie Talarico from the Rotary Club of Shepparton said, “We are looking forward to seeing many people utilise the equipment, meet new people and have fun whilst being active. Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said, “It is ideal for people who may feel a little intimidated at a gym or looking to start exercising using equipment without the cost at any time of the day. The whole family can get involved. “I encourage all community members to give the exercise equipment a try. It is often enjoyable to exercise outdoors in a local park and we know that people who regularly exercise feel healthy and well.”

GET FIT BY THE LAKE… Greater Shepparton City Council and the Rotary Club of Shepparton have worked together to install free to use fitness equipment on the shores of Victoria Park Lake. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

The outdoor fitness equipment will be officially launched on Friday, June 8 and an Aquamoves gym and group fitness instructor will be available at 9:30am and 12:30pm to provide demonstrations on how to safely use the equipment and get the

Students receive tennis racquets

ONE hundred and fifty of Shepparton’s tinniest tennis fans from three schools will each receive brand new tennis racquets this week thanks to the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots and Tennis Australia’s School Partnership Program. Grahamvale Primary School and St Georges Road Primary School will each receive 70 racquets and Ardmona Primary School will receive 10 racquets. The program aims to encourage more children to pick up a racquet and learn tennis as part of their health and physical education curriculum. Twenty-two time grand slam champion, Todd Woodbridge is proud of the initiative’s success to date. “The ANZ racquet initiative is a fantastic way to introduce and

Page 24 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018

most out of your workout and answer any questions. Sessions will be rescheduled if wet weather occurs and posted on council’s Get Mooving Greater Shepparton Facebook page.

inspire more kids to play tennis,” Woodbridge said. “ANZ has helped us introduce tennis to kids in schools by delivering 110,000 racquets across the country which is an amazing achievement. “For them to take a racquet home means that tennis is always within their reach and helps kids to develop healthy habits that keep them fit and active.” Tennis Australia CEO, Craig Tiley said, “This ongoing initiative shows out continued joint commitment with ANZ to increasing tennis participation and ensuring kids are active at school,” Tiley said. “Schools play a huge role in the development of children, and at Tennis Australia we want to continue to support schools in providing an environment where the health and wellbeing of students is a top priority.” ANZ group executive, Fred Ohlsson said, “We’re committed to supporting tennis at all levels around Australia through ANZ Tennis Hot Shots and are thrilled to be delivering an additional 30,000 racquets around the country to get more children playing tennis.”



The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 – Page 25

Improve your business via technology

Office Equipment, Business Telecommunications and IT Services Streamlining Business Services 193B Corio Street, Shepparton T: 1300 654 695 |


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Goodfellows..........................71 Inter Continental Spares .......70 Intersport Shepparton ..........70 Cellarbrations Shepp ............70 Little Green Truck..................70 The Confidant .......................69 GO Tafe ..................................69 Market Meats ........................68 Hotondo Homes ....................66 ABS Automotive Services .....65 Data Parts ..............................64 Standby Security ...................64 Poolwerx Shepparton ...........63 Viatek ....................................62 Cellarbrations Mooroopna....60 Eagle Auto Panel ...................57 Shepparton Radiators & Windscreen .......................57 18. Cellarbrations Nth Shepp .....55 19. Finny’s Manchester ...............55 20. Rumbalara Football and Netball Club ..........................40

COMMUNITY TIPPING ••• ROUND 12 SELECTIONS ••• Port Adelaide .................vs .............................Richmond Geelong Cats .................vs ............... North Melbourne GWS Giants....................vs .................Gold Coast Suns St Kilda ............................vs ....................Sydney Swans Brisbane Lions...............vs ............................. Essendon Fremantle........................vs ..................Adelaide Crows Melbourne......................vs .........................Collingwood BYES:

Carlton, Hawthorn, W. C. Eagles, Western Bulldogs Winning margin of first match ................................................. Name ....................................................................................... Telephone ................................................................................ Address ................................................................................... .................................................................................................

NO WINNER ROUND 11 $100 JACKPOT Football Followers have the chance to WIN BIG during the 2018 AFL football season with Viatek/The Adviser Football Tipping Competition. Each week there will be a prize of $50 to be spent at any of the 19 supporting business houses. All you have to do is place a tick against the football team that you think will win each game. Be careful with your selections as only correct entries will go into the draw for the weekly $50 voucher. If no correct entry is received the prize will jackpot each week until a correct entry is submitted. Entries will only be accepted at the office, 219-225 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, no later than 5pm on each Friday during 2018, unless stated otherwise due to matches being played outside the normal weekend. Entries must be on original forms – no faxes or photocopies will be accepted and only one entry per household is permitted. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Page 26 – The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Football Adviser

Wednesday 6th June, 2018

GVL Seniors Results Round 8


with Matthew Chilcott Goulburn Valley League Adviser Footy Tipsters

Benalla (99) ....................def ......... Shepparton (75) Tatura (97) .......................def ..... Shepp United (55) Euroa (80) ........................def ..............Rochester (66) Seymour (124) ...............def .........Mooroopna (60) Kyabram (175) ..............def ...............Mansfield (58) Echuca (149) .................def ...... Shepp Swans (25)

GVFL & GVNL Round 9 Saturday, June 9 Shepp United............... vs...........................Seymour Mansfield ........................ vs................................. Euroa Rochester ....................... vs............................. Benalla Mooroopna .................. vs................Shepp Swans Tatura ................................ vs......................... Kyabram Echuca ............................ vs................... Shepparton

GVL Seniors 2018 Ladder Kyabram .......................................................32 Benalla ..........................................................28 Tatura ............................................................24 Euroa .............................................................20 Echuca .........................................................20 Shepparton ..................................................20 Mansfield ......................................................16 Rochester .....................................................16 Seymour........................................................12 Shepparton United .......................................4 Mooroopna....................................................0 Sheparton Swans ..........................................0

GVL A Grade Results Round 8 Shepparton (59) ..........def ....................Benalla (36) Rochester (53) ..............def ........................Euroa (43) Kyabram (28) ................def ...............Mansfield (15) Mooroopna (35) .........def .................Seymour (29) Echuca (54) ...................def ...... Shepp Swans (47) Shepp United (55) ......def .......................Tatura (33)

GVL A Grade 2018 Ladder Shepparton ..................................................32 Echuca .........................................................28 Mooroopna..................................................28 Shepparton United .....................................24 Seymour........................................................24 Shepparton Swans......................................20 Kyabram .......................................................12 Tatura ..............................................................8 Rochester .......................................................8 Benalla ............................................................4 Euroa ...............................................................4 Mansfield ........................................................0

SWANS TAKE ON CATS… The match to watch this round is between the Shepparton Swans and Mooroopna, with the loser most likely to become this year’s wooden spoon. Photo: Bailey Opie Photography.

Plenty to play for THE reward for this week’s winner is most likely the avoidance of this year’s wooden spoon. The Shepparton Swans travel across the river to battle rivals Mooroopna in what will be a close contest. Both these clubs percentages are similar with the Swans having scored more points than the Cats but the Cats have the better defence having conceded a lot less than the Swans this year. Chris Cullinan has been one of the best Swans this year and needs the help of Jordan Gattuso, Rhys Healey and veteran, Luke Simpson. The Cats on the other hand look like they bat a little deeper and with Kai Madgwick, Jonathan Odgers, Ryan Devine and club legend, Trent Freer in

good form, at home will want the four points. Both clubs have played in grand finals this decade but are going through a tough period. No club wants wooden spoons when they go through these tougher times so this will be a fiercely contested match up. Cats to win at home. Other matches this week will see Seymour travel to Deakin to defeat United, Euroa head further in the mountains to Mansfield to collect four points, Benalla to win at Moon Oval against Rochester, Tatura to lose third spot with a loss to Kyabram at home and Shepparton to bounce back on the road at Victoria Park, Echuca against the Murray Bombers.

MATT CHILCOTT (40) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Shepparton

KIM O’KEEFFE (38) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Shepparton

DAMIAN DRUM (43) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Shepparton

DAVID FOX (40) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Echuca

JACQUI HUDGSON (40) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Shepparton

KYLE POWER (41) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Shepparton

SUZANNA SHEED (38) Seymour Mansfield Rochester Mooroopna Kyabram Echuca

JOHN RYAN (39) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Echuca

MARTIN GLEESON (38) Seymour Euroa Benalla Mooroopna Kyabram Echuca

PHANTOM (7) Shepparton United Mansfield Rochester Shepparton Swans Tatura Echuca

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With our features and circulation, you are sure to reach your target market 219-225 Wyndham Street, Shepparton. Phone 5832 8900

The Adviser. Australia No. 1:1408 Wednesday, June 6, 2018 – Page 27


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