The Adviser 1414

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No 1:1414

Kane to leave legacy for nephew By David Lee WATCHING a loved one go through any type of sickness is hard at the best of times, but imagine having to watch your nephew rapidly lose the ability to walk and breathe. This is exactly why local resident and Rumbalara Football Club coach, Kane Atkinson has decided to take on the Run Melbourne 10km challenge on July 29, which he hopes will help to raise funds and more importantly awareness for his nephew, Kyzaiha’s condition, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Continued on page 15

COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 6 7 Day TV Guide | page 22 Classifieds Adviser | pages 20-23 Viatek Footy Tipping | page 20


Football Adviser with Matthew Chilcott PAGE 21





$7.5M education boost for region

BIG GAIN FOR GOULBURN VALLEY STUDENTS… From left, GOTAFE CEO, Travis Heeney, Tess Deshon from the Shepparton Education First Youth Foyer, student, Jeanelle Graham, Minister for Training and Skills, Gayle Tierney and GOTAFE executive, Louise Pearce at the announcement last week that the government will be providing GOTAFE with a $7.5M boost that will see new courses created in areas including the agriculture industry, community services, NDIS readiness and more. Photo: Supplied.

LOCAL residents will have access to new courses to address community needs in growth areas such as agriculture industry expansion and innovation, community services, NDIS readiness and more, thanks to a $7.5M boost to GOTAFE. The new courses are being funded through the Regional Specialist Training Fund, which is ensuring students receive high quality

training that delivers the workforce skills employers need. As part of the funding, a number of new courses will support Indigenous Australians to access apprenticeships, traineeships and training. In one case GOTAFE is partnering with Indigenous National Technology & Telecom Network to provide pathways into telecommunications work. Continued on page 14

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Drug rehab needed in Goulburn Valley INDEPENDENT Member for Shepparton Dist ric t Su zan na Sheed says she is disappointed the Goulburn Valley has missed out on accessing specialised drug and alcohol treatment in their own community. The Victorian Government recently announced the first residential rehabilitation facility in the Hume region would be built in Wangaratta. Ms Sheed said the Shepparton region was in desperate need of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre and that she would

continue to lobby the government to support a local service. “We know that alcohol and drug abuse is a major issue in our community and it is so important that those seeking help have a service available to them close to home,” Ms Sheed said. “It is disappointing that we will not be getting a residential treatment facility at this time, but with so much investment being made into our health services with the $170M redevelopment of GV Health, I will

continue to explore opportunities to secure a facility for the region. “There has been a lot of debate in recent times about rehabilitation services and concerns regarding planning decisions, location choices and preserving the local amenity and these are areas that need to be thoroughly fleshed out. “Unfortunately, the need for a residential facility to support people in overcoming their addiction will not disappear any time soon and we must find a way to address it.”

Warming the hearts of dialysis patients By David Lee FOR the past 10 years the Goulburn Valley Quilters have donated approximately 100 handmade quilts to dialysis patients at GV Health, and their recent donation of six quilts to patients is helping to warm their hearts during a difficult time. Goulburn Valley Quilters vice president, Gael Thompson said, “Someone in our group had a contact at the hospital and it was suggested that we help the dialysis unit by making quilts and donating them to help keep them warm. “Patients get the same quilt every time they have treatment. “It feels good and gives you a warm feeling to be able to do something like this for those who need it the most.” Patient, Graeme Moon has been having treatment for the past five years and says that the quilt he had made for him was very special. “While undergoing the dialysis treatment, the blood gets taken out, goes through the machine and when it comes back in it’s quite cold. It drops your body temperature so to have the quilts is just great,” Graeme said. “The quilters do a great job with them. They have so much detail in them.”

A CRAFTY DONATION… From left, dialysis patient, Graeme Moon, GV Health executive director clinical operations, Donna Sherringham, Goulburn Valley Quilters vice president, Gael Thompson and GV Health registered nurse, Brad Allott in the dialysis unit at GV Health last week, where quilters donated six handmade quilts to patients. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Women lead the way for NAIDOC Week 2018 THE University of Melbourne’s Department of Rural Health, in collaboration with Primary Care Connect and Murray Primary Health Network honoured local Indigenous women of the Goulburn Valley region during a special celebration last week as part of NAIDOC Week. Titled in the spirit of this year’s NAIDOC theme, ‘Because of her, we can,’ the community event saw attendees enjoy entertainment by 12 year old Indigenous girl, Lillie Walker and story-telling by Aunty Gwen Atkinson, Sharon Jones and Natarsha Bamblett.

Indigenous-themed food was also served at the event, which recognised the active and significant roles Indigenous women fulfil at the community, local, state and national levels. Department of Rural Health deputy head, Professor Bill Adam said Indigenous development is a collective responsibility. “A theme in much of the work we are involved in is about Indigenous people and communities controlling their own destinies: something evident across many sectors now. “This greatly benefits not only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but all Australians,” Prof Adam said.

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NEWS GET YOUR RACQUETS READY… The Shepparton Masters Squash event is coming to Shepparton this weekend. Photo: Supplied.

Players to hit the squash courts for Masters event FROM July 20 to 22 squash players will hit the courts in Shepparton when the Shepparton Masters Squash event takes over the Shepparton Squash Centre. Run by the GV Squash & Racquetball Club, in conjunction with the Victorian Masters Squash Association, the event is open to males (over 35) and females (over 30) and is a triple-plate event with each player guaranteed a minimum of three games over the weekend.

Goulburn Valley Squash Club president, Christian Lecompte said, “There are currently 50 players registered of which six are locals. “The divisions are based on age groups with some players over 70 years old. “There is a supper provided on Friday night and a dinner dance at the Park Lake on Saturday night.” Details and entry forms are available at

SPC boss speaking at lecture tonight

TO MARK the centenary year of SPC’s operation, Coca- Cola A matil g roup managing director, Alison Watkins is set to speak at the annual Fairley Foundation La Trobe Lecture in Shepparton tonight. Running at La Trobe University from 7pm, Alison will address the challenges facing

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changing consumer demands and will explore what impact that has on traditional food and beverage businesses like SPC and CocaCola Amatil, and how Australian businesses successfully meet these new expectations. Alison joined Coca-Cola Amatil as group managing director in March 2014 and is

a non-executive director of The Centre for Independent Studies and the Business Council of Australia. Her previous roles include chief executive officer of agribusiness, GrainCorp Limited and of Berri Limited and managing director of Regional Banking at ANZ.

NEWS BEST NEW BUSINESS – UNDER TWO YEARS… From left, White King – Pental administration assistant/customer service officer, Maxine Peace, Zambrero Shepparton restaurant manager, Madeleine Searle (Best New Business Under Two Years) and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry executive officer, Lucy Cerrone.

BUSINESS AWARD… From left, White King – Pental administration assistant/customer service officer, Maxine Peace, The Eye Shop coowner, Vanessa Madeira (Business Award – Professional) and WIN Television manager – Shepparton, Stephen Mullins.

Five nominees named for week five


CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE YEAR… From left, White King - Pental customer service/finished goods warehouse manager, Beth Smith, Goulburn Valley Eye Group orthoptist, Maria Ventura (Customer Service of the Year - Professional) and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry board member, John Anderson. Photos: Alicia Niglia.

BUSINESS AWARD… From left, White King - Pental customer service/finished goods warehouse manager, Beth Smith, DOTZ for KIDZ co-owner, Katrina Mills (Business Award – Retail) and Triple M presenter, Sean Cullen.

HAVING reached week five of the 2018 White King – Pental 95.3 Triple M Business Awards five new nominees have been named. Goulburn Valley Eye Group received a nomination under the Customer Service of the Year – Professional category, DOTZ for KIDZ was nominated under the Business Award – Retail category, The Eye Shop took out a nomination under the Business Award – Professional category, Zambrero Shepparton received a nomination under the Best New Business - Under Two Years category


BEST MARKETING/ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN… From left, Shepparton Show Me chair, Simon Quattrocchi, Brother Pablo owner, Scott Parker (Best Marketing/Advertising Campaign) and White King – Pental administration assistant/customer service officer, Maxine Peace.

and Brother Pablo was nominated under the Best Marketing/Advertising Campaign category. If you know of a business that is doing great things with their staff where employers and employees, together with a supportive workplace environment, work in partnership to create and sustain good health please nominate them for the GV Healthy Workplace award. Judgement will be based on workplaces showing they provide health and wellbeing strategies, awareness of mental health, healthy workplaces practices and healthy employee morale.

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COMMUNITY CONNECT For more information on how to register for your Community Connect listing contact The Adviser via email at Please note listings are to be 55 words or less.

UPCOMING COUNTRY MUSIC FOR CHARITY will run on Sunday, July 22 at the GV Hotel from 12 noon, with proceeds going to the Starlight Foundation. Featuring male guest artist from Melbourne, Rene Diaz. Walk up artists are welcome with admission of $7, which includes tea/coffee. The backing band is ‘On the Run.’ Meals available at the venue and no outside food is permitted. For further information, phone Joyce on 0408 218 411. GOULBURN VALLEY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE is holding their next meeting on July 22 at 1:30pm at the North Shepparton Community Centre, 12 Parkside Drive, Shepparton. The medium for the day will be Pierre Franz. All welcome. For enquiries phone Jan on 0427 745 354. THE SHEPPARTON SENIORS CONCERT will be held on July 26 from 1:30pm at the Senior Citizens Centre on Welsford Street with guest artists, Jimbo (James) and Paul Zito. Entry is $5, which includes afternoon tea. Everyone is welcome. For bulk bookings, phone 5821 4921 or 5821 9580. A FREE NDIS WORKSHOP will be held on Monday, August 13 from 11am to 3pm at the Nor th Sheppar ton Com mu nit y Hub, Parkside Drive, Shepparton. The free workshop is open to all people with a disability, their families or carers and is presented by NDIS expert staff. Lunch is

provided. Bookings are essential. RSVP by calling 1800 052 222 or email ndis@vmch. or hspcommunitydevelopment@ LODGE ESHCOL meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Masonic C ent re , Wel sford S t re e t , S heppa r ton commencing at 10:30am. For enquiries, phone A Thomson on 0402 284 797. VOLUNTEERS FOR YOUNG CARER M E N T O R P RO G R A M U RG E N T LY NEEDED. Have you got some spare time? Are you a good listener? Would you like to help a young person continue with their schooling? Not-profit organisation, Villa Maria Catholic Homes has young carers in the Shepparton area who desperately need support from an adult to help them cope with their day-to-day responsibilities. Contact Marion Rak on (03)5722 9046. THE GOULBURN VALLEY QUILTERS meet on the first Monday evening of each month at the Mechanics Institute, Wyndham Street, Shepparton and run activities days on the third Saturday of the month. Always looking for more members. For further information, phone Gael on 0458 215 794. Te l l u s a bo u t yo u r ‘ n ot fo r p rof i t ’ communit y e vents, e m ail classifieds@ or fax 5832 8920 (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event)

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GET SET TO SAMPLE WINES TO DELIGHT… Dookie Wine Show chairman, Paul Phillips is excited to try out some of the new wines being presented at this year’s Dookie Wine Show. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

Book your table now THE Dookie Wine Show celebrates its 15th anniversary this year! Entries are open until Friday, August 3 and the awards dinner will be held Tuesday, September 18. Dookie Wine Show chairman, Paul Phillips said, “This year we’ll see new, more European varieties emerge as new fruits are cultivated and growers are trying out batches to test the market. “Apart from the traditional red wines

such a Shiraz and Cabinet, there are new varieties such a Tempranillo, Petit Verdot and Grenache. “In white wines, we’ll see Pinot Gris and Pinot Grigio, Fiano, Vermentino and Verdelho.” B o ok i ng s a re e s s e nt i a l a nd now welcome for the Dookie Wine Show Award Dinner. Visit au/campus-life/restaurants/masterclass or phone 1300 468 233.



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Local unsung hero up for award QUALITY SOUND ALL AROUND YOUR HOME… From left, Sounds Around business owners, Nathan Tranter and Nick Durston are relocating Sounds Around to 8026 Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla, opposite Riverside Plaza. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

Massive relocation sale coming up By Nicholise Garner YEARS ago I worked as a studio musician finding my way comfortably around amplifiers and speaker systems, but these days, I am at a complete loss as I try to work through the huge array of sound systems and music subscriptions available…Bluetooth, Apple Music, Google Play…I just can’t make head nor tail of the systems or their compatibility with my music subscription. Over their 15 years of working with sound systems, Sounds Around business owners, Nick Durston and Nathan Tranter have seen huge technological changes with digital sound coming into play. Nathan said, “We’ve worked really hard to stay up to date with all of the latest technological changes and the compatibility of sound systems. While there are so many

products on the market and so much development in the industry, people’s need to have music in their homes hasn’t changed. It’s still as important as ever to play your favourite music around the home and having a great quality sound system that suits your needs from room to room, whether it be at the TV or in the shower, we can help you find the right system. Come and talk to us about helping to set up your home sound system.” Along with complete home music set ups, Sounds Around also stock televisions and projector home theatre systems and are relocating from 207 High Street, Shepparton to 8026 Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla, opposite Riverside Plaza. To celebrate their move, Sounds Around are having a huge relocation sale starting Monday, July 23 to Friday, July 27 with huge savings available. Phone 5821 0006.

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IN honour of her contribution to the disability sport sector, local resident, Alana Baldi has been announced as one of three finalists for Volunteer of the Year at the 2018 Victorian Disability Sport and Recreation Awards. In the last 12 months Alana as volunteered as a Special Olympics Victoria carer for the Victorian track and field team, Special Olympics Australia winter sport snow camps carer, as the Shepparton Youth Club United All Abilities team coach and as a Cricket Victoria assistant coach for the Victorian Vikings (team for cricketers with intellectual disabilities). She also volunteered as a Cricket Australia A Sport for All ambassador, GV Harmony Cup committee member, running a Cricket Cup in Shepparton for cricketers with intellectual disabilities, as an AFL ambassador for the Melbourne football club (engaging people with disabilities to attend football matches and participate in football) and as a GV Stars volunteerShepparton All Abilities Football Team (AFL). Disability Sport & Recreation CEO, Richard Amon said, “These awards are an opportunity to discover unsung heroes and rising stars and celebrate what is truly great about accessible and inclusive sport. “I could not be prouder of the athletes, volunteers, coaches, officials, administrators, clubs and organisations that have shown what achievement and success looks like at every level.” Alana said, “It’s very humbling. I was a bit shocked when I got the nomination but it’s nice to know that the work I’m doing in the community is making a difference to the lives of those with a disability.” Winners will be announced at an invitation only awards ceremony to be held on August 1 at Southbank.



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Home loan special offer GMCU has three Special Offers on their Basic Variable Home Loan. They include a discount to the advertised Basic Variable Home Loan Rate of 1.00 percent p.a. for one year, 0.80 percent p.a. for two years or 0.81 percent p.a. for five years. After the discount period, the loan reverts to the Basic Variable Rate. Special qualifying criteria apply. The property is to be owner occupied, a borrowing minimum of $100k and maximum loan to valuation ratio 80 percent and principle and interest repayments. Borrowers must have a GMCU Visa Debit Card and their salary must be paid into a GMCU account before funding. GMCU general manager, René Deen said, “GMCU is receiving great support from deposit and account holders and has liquid funds to lend into our local communities and this is a reward for new borrowers who choose GMCU for their main banking, as a member owned organisation we all benefit from increasing the number of members who support us. “Keep in mind that while our rates are very competitive they are only offered through our branches as we do not include a buffer to pay broker commissions.”

GET INTO YOUR NEW HOME FASTER… GMCU general manager, René Deen is inviting the community to drop in to one of the GMCU branches and find out more about their special offers on their Basic Variable Home Loan. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Visit a GMCU branch in Shepparton, Mooroopna, Kyabram, Benalla, Echuca, Numurkah, Euroa, Seymour and Kilmore. GMCU can be contacted in Shepparton on 5821 9033 or at

A great business opportunity

AN EXCELLENT SITE FOR BUSINESS… Stockdale & Leggo estate agent, Vince Tassoni talks about this leasehold available in Numurkah Road. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

THERE is so much growth and development in and around Shepparton. An excellent opportunity has just come up for a business to establish itself in one of Shepparton’s most popular business sites. With excellent access and major exposure, situated in North Shepparton, right on Numurkah Road, this site will go fast. Stockdale & Leggo estate agent, Vince Tassoni said, “This business site, (previously John Deere -

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Haeusler’s) has a lot to offer. On an outstanding corner location, the property boasts highway frontage and is ideal for a wide variety of businesses. It includes a large showroom with five offices, a large lock-up workshop area along with an open workshop and all set on approximately 7,067m2.” Contact Vince Tassoni at Stockdale & Leggo on 0417 374 105 or drop into 120 Wyndham Street, Shepparton.



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Making tax returns easy

AWARD WINNING BAKERY… Tatura Hot Bread co-owner, Glenda Alexander is pleased that the bakery walked away from the 2018 Geelong Baking Show with first place for their sausage roll, gourmet pie (chunky steak and caramelised onion), grain sandwich loaf and wholemeal hi tin loaf. Photo: Alicia Niglia. TAX RETURNS FOR JUST $85… Passionate about providing sensible and affordable tax returns. From left, AHA Accounting and Business Solutions accountant, Luke Morris, senior accountant and associate, Jessica Serafini and accountant, Jayden Rees are a part of the dynamic team. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

TAX time doesn’t have to be hard. AHA Accounting & Business Solutions is a dynamic and developing business with a team of fresh heads, eager to think outside of the box as they help to re-energise business for their clients. Newest associate and senior accountant, Jessica Serafini said, “We want our customers to succeed and we don’t want to waste anyone’s time or money. Our service is all about helping businesses to grow and simplifying finances. “We have a fantastic customer base and as a young business ourselves, a lot of our

clients are at the same growth rate as we are, which gives us a unique insight and keeps us striving to further their success. The success of our clients simply means success for us which is a continuous motivator.” AHA Accounting & Business Solutions have a special deal on tax returns. $85 for singles and $140 for couples and any tax return prepared in the month of July will automatically go a draw to win a hamper worth $85. Call A H A Accounting & Business Solutions on 5858 4687 or drop in to see them at 314 Wyndham Street, Shepparton.

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And the prize goes to... T H ER E aren’t many businesses that get the opportunity to showcase and be formally judged on their products. Bakers throughout Australia know the prestige that comes with winning an award from the Baking Association of Australia. Recently, bakers of Tatura Hot Bread cleaned up at the 2018 Geelong Baking Show, Tatura Hot Bread was awarded first place for their sausage roll, gourmet pie (chunky steak and caramelised onion), grain sandwich loaf and wholemeal hi tin loaf. Second place for their vanilla slice, white

sandwich loaf, custard tart, breadstick, fruit flan, turkish bread, white hi tin loaf and pull-apart loaf (savoury loaf). Tatura Hot Bread co-owner, Glenda Alexander said, “We are so proud of all of our staff for what they achieved, as these are products we have in the shop every day and we are proud to be still putting ‘Tat’ on the map.” Drop into Tatura Hot Bread to try their awarding winning pies at 130 Hogan Street, Tatura or phone 5824 1267 to place your order.


The people with the H technological know-how S LET THE EXPERTS HELP YOU… From left, Cloud Copy Click business development manager, David Anderson, business development manager, Jodie Taylor, Telstra mobility specialist, Rory Thoresen and technical engineer, Joshua Caré are experts at problemsolving and will help to meet the communication needs of any business. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

SUPPORTING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT… From left, The Kaiela Institute director of economic development, Greg Laidlaw with local young entrepreneur, Kane Atkinson. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

Young entrepreneurs and professionals network F OR you n g prof e s sion a l s w i s h i n g to establish themselves and /or their businesses within the local community, The Kaiela Institute Young Indigenous Entrepreneurs and Professionals Network provides a platform for the development of mutually beneficial networks, as well as opportunities for further personal development and growth. The Kaiela Institute director of economic development, Greg Laidlaw said, “Being professional is not about wearing a suit and tie, but more about a standard of behaviour and conduct. “The Kaiela Institute Young Indigenous Entrepreneurs and Professionals Network welcomes individuals from all professions

and areas of employment and broadly define young professionals as careeroriented people from 18 to 35. “Networking is more than creating knowledge, opportunities and sales for organisations, it is about maintaining our Indigenous culture while creating a more vibrant local economy and unlocking the region’s potential. Being actively engaged in an economy, which creates employment, develops our future leaders and will have the passion and desire to drive a vibrant local region.” To find out more about the Kaiela Institute and the networking opportunities available, visit or contact Greg Laidlaw on 0459 990 040.

IN this fast-paced digital world, especially where technolog y is concerned, it’s important to be guided by people who know what they’re talking about and can present simple and logical solutions. Cloud Copy Click is now a Telstra Business Partner and has employed four new team members all from within the local IT industry, who are experts at problem-solving and will help to meet the communication needs of any business. Cloud Copy Click regional manager, David Steigenberger said, “Not only can Cloud Copy Click help with your IT, print and digital marketing needs, we’re now a qualified Telstra Business Partner and can support you with all of your Telstra Business needs. Cloud Copy Click

specialises in technology to grow your business. “By partnering with Telstra, we can now improve your call management, give you the ability to transfer calls to mobiles, provide professional on-hold messaging that changes with your business and a full range of mobile phones on Australia’s fastest mobile network “Whether you need advice on the NBN, a new iPhone or a second opinion on a phone system quote. Cloud Copy Click can take the guesswork out of your telecommunication needs.” Visit Cloud Copy Click at 33 Hoskin Street, Shepparton or call 1300 136 069 to arrange your complimentary whole of business review today.

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$7.5M education boost for region continued from front page

MOR E t h a n $3M i n TA F E C om mu n it y S er v ic e funding will go to a range of GOTAFE community services including support for Skills and Job Centres in Shepparton, Wangaratta, Benalla and Seymour. Extra support will also be provided to help boost student’s literacy and numeracy skills as well as creating a supportive TAFE environment for all ability levels and

from all backgrounds. The GOTAFE TAFE Community Service funding boost is part of the Government’s $48.8M investment across the state to help to give every student the support they need to get the most out of their time at TAFE. To make it easier to access training, the government is investing $172M to make 30 priority TAFE courses and 18 pre-apprenticeship courses that lead to jobs that are most

in demand from Victorian employers tuition free. Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney said, “GOTAFE is vital to delivering quality training to people in Northern Victoria, that’s why we’re funding 12 new courses and boosting support for students. “This funding means that more people will have access to training closer to home and get the support they need to finish their course.”

Business building opportunities BOOK INTO AN EVENT TO SUIT YOU… Greater Shepparton City Council business development coordinator, Tricia Martinek talks about the fantastic events on offer during August for the Shepparton Small Business Festival. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

THE 2018 Shepparton Small Business Festival aims to improve the overall pro du c t iv it y a nd g row t h of s m a l l bu si ne s s e s i n G re at er S heppa r ton . The festival offers a wide variety of inspiring and motivating workshops and events providing excellent networking o p p o r t u n it i e s c r it i c a l t o b u i ld i n g relationships and boosting business opportunities. G reater Sheppa r ton Cit y C ou nci l business development coordinator, Tricia Martinek said, “The Greater Shepparton Business Centre has collaborated with local organisations and businesses to host events throughout the Festival. The theme this year ‘just one event can change your business’ so I encourage business owners to come along and take

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advantage of the informative events on offer locally.” Up com i ng fe st iva l event s i nclude Digital Marketing for Regional Busi nesses , Sta r ti ng You r Busi ness , Government Grants Briefing, Shepparton Food & Wine Expo, How to Get Rid of Financial Problems Once and For All, and a workshop on reaching your target audience with smarter marketing decisions. For a full schedule of events happening in Greater Shepparton, visit ht tps: // You can also pick up a calendar of events from the Greater Shepparton Business Centre, 70 New Dookie Road, Shepparton or call 5832 1100.

NEWS THE STRENGTH OF FAMILY… Local resident and Rumbalara Football Club coach, Kane Atkinson is taking on the Run Melbourne event at the end of this month to raise awareness for the debilitating condition, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which his nephew, Kyzaiha was diagnosed with at 18 months of age. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

Learn sign language H S in six weeks

Kane to leave legacy for nephew continued from front page DIAGNOSED at 18 months old, Kyzaiha has over the last 10 years lost the ability to walk at the age of eight and is now confined to an electric wheelchair, which has been the driving factor behind Kane’s decision to take on the Run Melbourne event, which will be his second time. Kane said, “A couple of years ago Kyzaiha was walking and running like every other kid. He is now 10 years old and wheelchair bound. He will never walk again. Soon he will need to be on oxygen to help him breathe. “Kyzaiha has a pretty rapid case and it’s hard to watch, but you have to live in the moment and be happy and do what you can to help make his life more enjoyable. “Kyzaiha means the world to me so if I can raise awareness for Kyzaiha and many other young boys suffering from Duchenne it

would be an amazing feeling. He brings a lot of joy into my life and I’ll do everything I can to leave a legacy for him. Feel free to donate to my pager the money will go to Muscular Dystrophy Australia. “The Run Melbourne event is all about trying to raise awareness for Duchenne and so far I’ve received $1,500 in donations which is amazing. “I’d like to thank everyone in the community for their support. It has been overwhelming.” Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a progressive muscle destroyer disorder. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscle disorder of childhood. Kids are confined to a wheelchair by the age of 10. From then it gets worse every day until they need a breathing machine. You can help Kane by donating at run-for-kyzaiha

SHEPPARTON LOCAL TEACHES SIGN LANGUAGE… Vicdeaf Auslan teacher, Naomi Frost is teaching Australian Sign Language right here in Shepparton. Photo: Supplied.

LEARN Auslan (Australian Sign Language) right here in Shepparton. Shepparton local, Naomi Frost, has been teaching Auslan for 18 months and loves her job. During this time, Naomi has taught in environments ranging from baby signing classes to Auslan as a LOTE subject in schools. Naomi enjoys seeing her students become excited about learning as their ability to communicate with each other grows. Auslan is unique to Australia – it has its own grammatical structure and syntax and has organic differences state-to-state - just like spoken languages.

Naomi said, “Auslan is a beautiful language. Learning Auslan will not only mean you’re able to communicate with deaf and hard of hearing people, but being involved with the deaf community will allow you to see a whole new world and view life from a different perspective.” Weekly classes run over a six week period, from 6pm to 8pm. Auslan Level One begins on Thursday, August 2 and Auslan Level Two begins Tuesday, July 31. To enrol or find out more about Vicdeaf’s Auslan classes in the Shepparton area, call 9473 1111 or visit

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Heading off to the snow?

NEW IN TAX FOR 2018… Speak to Tax Guru business owner and chartered accountant, Navneet Jyoti to learn more about how the tax changes will affect you. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

Tax Guru discusses tax changes SPEAKING to Shepparton’s Tax Guru, Navneet Jyoti is always an interesting conversation – a lesson in tax changes and how they will take effect. Navneet said, “Of note, there are a few tax changes set in place this year. In relation to businesses... “STP (single touch payroll) came into effect as of July 1, 2018. “The $20,000 instant assets write-off has been extended to June 30, 2019. “A Superannuation amnesty scheme was announced May 24 and will be running for one year. “For individuals, there have been no changes to personal tax rates but other changes include...

“For rental property, travel to inspect properties can no longer be claimed. “For properties bought after May 9, 2017, depreciation for old plant and equipment is no longer available. “Superannuation contribution and its tax deduction has been made easy for taxpayers who earn income from employment and business.” Navneet has expanded his business and with a team of 10 between Melbourne and Shepparton and more resources than ever before, the Tax Guru is able to attend to jobs quickly. Find Tax Guru at 3/164 Welsford Street, Shepparton. Call 5822 1900 to book your appointment or visit au for more information.

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THE TEAM TO KEEP YOU ON THE ROAD… From left, Shepparton Radiators & Windscreens, windscreen fitters, John McCarty, Jordan Boxtel, Matt Connors, business owner, Scott Campbell, radiator repairer and windscreen fitter, Frank Varapodio and manager, Corey Sharpe. Absent, windscreen fitter, Danny Hender. Photo: Nicholise Garner.

NOW’s the perfect time to head to the snow, but the last thing you want this winter is to have your radiator freeze when you’re out on the road. Shepparton Radiators & Windscreens owner, Scott Campbell says it’s important to make sure you have your anti-freeze/antiboil checked before you set off this winter. “We can do a complete diagnostic checkup on your radiator and for those heading to the snow, it’s a good idea to make this a priority, as you don’t want to find yourself

stuck up there. Having your radiator blow will quickly put an end to a good weekend.” Shepparton Radiators & Windscreens also has a large range of windscreens in stock, so the team can deal with most emergencies on the spot. “We’ll get you back on the road sooner is our motto,” Scott said. To ensure you feel confident on the road this winter, drop into Shepparton Radiators & Windscreens, 8006 Melbourne Road, Shepparton or phone 5823 1590.



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Improve your business via technology

Office Equipment, Business Telecommunications and IT Services Streamlining Business Services 193B Corio Street, Shepparton T: 1300 654 695 |


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

The Confidant .....................100 Cellarbrations Shepp ..........100 GO Tafe ................................100 Inter Continental Spares .......99 Intersport Shepparton ..........98 Market Meats ........................98 Goodfellows..........................96 Little Green Truck..................95 Standby Security ...................95 Data Parts ..............................93 ABS Automotive Services .....93 Hotondo Homes ....................93 Cellarbrations Mooroopna....92 Viatek ....................................92 Poolwerx Shepparton ...........91 Shepparton Radiators & Windscreen .......................91 Cellarbrations Nth Shepp .....85 Eagle Auto Panel ...................85 Finny’s Manchester ...............80 Rumbalara Football and Netball Club ..........................63

COMMUNITY TIPPING ••• ROUND 18 SELECTIONS ••• St Kilda ............................vs .............................Richmond Collingwood ...................vs ............... North Melbourne Sydney Swans...............vs .................Gold Coast Suns Essendon ........................vs .............................Fremantle Brisbane Lions...............vs ..................Adelaide Crows Geelong Cats .................vs ...........................Melbourne Carlton .............................vs ............................. Hawthorn West Coast Eagles .......vs .............. Western Bulldogs Port Adelaide .................vs .........................GWS Giants Winning margin of first match ................................................. Name ....................................................................................... Telephone ................................................................................ Address ................................................................................... .................................................................................................

NO WINNER ROUND 17 $100 JACKPOT Football Followers have the chance to WIN BIG during the 2018 AFL football season with Viatek/The Adviser Football Tipping Competition. Each week there will be a prize of $50 to be spent at any of the 19 supporting business houses. All you have to do is place a tick against the football team that you think will win each game. Be careful with your selections as only correct entries will go into the draw for the weekly $50 voucher. If no correct entry is received the prize will jackpot each week until a correct entry is submitted. Entries will only be accepted at the office, 219-225 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, no later than 5pm on each Friday during 2018, unless stated otherwise due to matches being played outside the normal weekend. Entries must be on original forms – no faxes or photocopies will be accepted and only one entry per household is permitted. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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Football Adviser

Wednesday 18 July, 2018

GVL Seniors Results Round 13


with Matthew Chilcott Goulburn Valley League Adviser Footy Tipsters

Benalla (88) ....................def ..... Shepp United (47) Shepparton (118)........def ...............Mansfield (40) Kyabram (119) ..............def ........................Euroa (48) Rochester (117) ............def .........Mooroopna (50) Tatura (160) .....................def ...... Shepp Swans (48) Echuca (145) .................def .................Seymour (44)

GVFL & GVNL Round 14 Saturday, July 21 Shepp United............... vs.............................Echuca Euroa ................................. vs...................Mooroopna Seymour .......................... vs................Shepp Swans Kyabram ......................... vs............................. Benalla Mansfield ........................ vs....................... Rochester Tatura ................................ vs................... Shepparton

GVL Seniors 2018 Ladder Kyabram .......................................................52 Benalla ..........................................................40 Shepparton ..................................................40 Echuca .........................................................36 Tatura ............................................................32 Euroa .............................................................28 Rochester .....................................................24 Mansfield ......................................................24 Seymour........................................................20 Shepparton United .....................................12 Mooroopna....................................................4 Shepparton Swans........................................0

GVL A Grade Results Round 13 Shepp United (67)....def ................. Benalla (20) Kyabram (36)..............def ..................... Euroa (31) Mooroopna (35) .......def ........... Rochester (27) Shepparton (52)........def ............ Mansfield (28) Shepp Swans (42) ....def .................... Tatura (41) Echuca (58) .................def .............. Seymour (34)

GVL A Grade 2018 Ladder Shepparton ..................................................52 Shepparton United .....................................40 Echuca .........................................................40 Seymour........................................................40 Shepparton Swans......................................36 Mooroopna..................................................36 Tatura ............................................................24 Kyabram .......................................................16 Rochester .....................................................12 Mansfield ........................................................8 Euroa ...............................................................4 Benalla ............................................................4

BENALLA VS KYABRAM… The match to watch this week will be between Kyabram and Benalla. Could we be seeing a grand final preview? Pictured, Zac Pallpratt (Benalla) and Luke Morris (Kyabram). Photo: Bailey Opie Photography.

Grand final preview? THIS week’s match of the round is first versus second, Kyabram at home to Benalla and it should be a ripper. Whatever happens in this game will have a bearing come September as a big win to the Bombers will almost convince the rest of the competition that the premiership cup is Kyabrams again. A close game or even a win by Benalla (dare I say it) would give not only Benalla a sniff but Shepparton and Echuca also. T he Bombers made mincemeat of Euroa last week at Memorial Oval and even though Kayne Pettifer was kept to two goals, the plethora of options they have in attack, which included four goals from excitement machine, Kyle Mueller assured a 71 point victory. Benalla had a

sluggish first half against the improving Shepparton United until a seven goal third quarter blew them apart with Nick Warnock in good form with five goals, Lachy Thompson with four goals and Luke Morgan picking up possessions at will. The Bombers will win and as good as they are, you get the feeling the rest of the competition hopes it is close. Shepparton United are at home to Echuca. The Murray Bombers have been in fine form and will get the job done. In other games, Euroa will bounce back hard against Mooroopna, Seymour will boost their percentage against the Swans, Mansfield will pip Rochester by a point in the snow and Shepparton will get the points against Tatura, just.

MATT CHILCOTT (63) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Mansfield Shepparton

KIM O’KEEFFE (61) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Tatura

DAMIAN DRUM (68) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Shepparton

DAVID FOX (63) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Tatura

JACQUI HUDGSON (64) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Mansfield Shepparton

KYLE POWER (66) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Shepparton

SUZANNA SHEED (59) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Tatura

JOHN RYAN (63) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Shepparton

MARTIN GLEESON (61) Echuca Euroa Seymour Kyabram Rochester Shepparton

PHANTOM (10) Shepparton United Mooroopna Shepparton Swans Benalla Rochester Tatura

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Happy birthday Intersport I N TERSPORT Shepparton is celebrating its second birthday and is offering customers a special birthday discount of 20 percent off all items in store from Thursday, July 19 all the way through to Sunday, July 22. Intersport business owner, Gary Harvey knows his stuff, especially when it comes to football, and has plenty of footwear in stock to suit all of the winter sports for boys and girls, men and women. Gary said, “Intersport is a family owned sports store that specialises in sporting shoes of all kinds. We don’t just care about providing good quality shoes and sporting apparel but all of us in store want to use our expertise to get the best

outcome for our customers and hope that our customers feel well looked after. “I have a strong interest in supporting local sporting clubs and I love being immersed in sports, whether by encouraging little kids who’re trying on their first soccer boots or sourcing the right shoe for a professional athlete.” Intersport stocks all of the big brands in sports shoes and apparel including Asics, Nike, Adidas, Newbalance and XBlades. Drop into Intersport at 16/69 High Street, Shepparton, call 5858 5695 or follow them at ‘Intersport Shepparton’ on Facebook.

S SPECIAL BIRTHDAY DISCOUNTS… From left, Intersport retail sales, Mel Lynch, business owner, Gary Harvey and retail sales, Tearnie Brown and Celeste O’Brien invite you to drop in and benefit from their special birthday sale. Photo: David Lee.

Woman Tigers pass on tips to upcoming players

EMPOWERING WOMEN TO BE HEALTHY… From left (back), Fernwood team members, Carly Hogben and Ally Guppy. (Front), manager, Ashley Casley, team members, Chelsea Thorne and Shannon Kneebone. Photo: Alicia Niglia.

TIGERS ROAR… From left, Murray Bushrangers TAC Cup Girls coach, Tim Madden, Richmond Victorian Football League Women’s team players, Ella Ross and Lauren Tesoriero, Murray Bushrangers Women’s development coach, Iilish Ross, Murray Bushrangers female talent operations coordinator, Briana Cossar and Murray Bushrangers TAC Cup Girls coaches, Dean Walton and Jorja Daniel. Photo: Supplied.

THIRTY-FIVE local women footballers had the chance to get up close and personal with players from the Richmond Victorian Football League Women’s (VFLW) team last week, when the Murray Bushrangers Football Club held their latest Next Generation Academy. Murray Bushrangers female talent operations coordinator, Briana Cossar said, “The sessions are based on fundamental skills and drills with the aim of the program to further help develop the girls as players and young adults and to have fun. We have two more sessions that we will run this year, with the next two being held in the September school holidays for the current group of registered girls. “Murray Bushrangers TAC Cup Girls coaches, Tim Madden, Jorja Daniel and Dean Walton have volunteered their time and expertise for the program. We are lucky

to have such quality people involved to allow the girls to participate and learn the basic skills required to reach the highest level. “The Richmond players in attendance at the academy were Lauren Tesoriero, who was drafted to Collingwood for the inaugural AFL Women’s (AFLW) season and played two seasons with Collingwood as well as Ella Ross who was drafted to GWS Giants and played the first AFLW season. They are both currently playing VFLW with Richmond. “With the AFLW still in its infancy, it’s such an exciting time to be part of female football and for girls to now have the opportunity to participate should they choose to do so. It’s great to see so many girls involved at the junior level now and the growth across all female football, in general, has been phenomenal.”

Get the support you need THE team at Fernwood focus on providing support to their members. It can be daunting taking the first step to life long changes but the environment and culture at Fernwood helps women to feel comfortable and makes it easier to make healthy life choices. Fernwood manager, Ashleigh Casley said, “The thing I love most about Fernwood is watching women connect with and empower each other. There is no judgement here. We just want everyone to have a go. “The Fernwood vision is to help women stay healthy, we all have different goals but

one thing we all agree on its that everyone needs to move. To keep active, strong, improve bone strength, heart health and stay mentally healthy.” Fernwood supports its members with full in-club inductions for new members to help them get started, 24 hour convenient access, an online food program and free childcare. This August, Fernwood will launch virtual fitness which will allow them to offer over 100 classes each week to help meet the demands of the busy women. To find out more, visit Fernwood at 290 High Street, Shepparton or call 5821 2405.

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