By Deanne Jeffers

By Deanne Jeffers the benefits of spending time outdoors on physical and mental health, lead organisations have come together to launch the ‘Green Passport,’ a joint initiative between GV Health, MINDing the Gap project team and the Goulburn

Schools come together to celebrate culturethroughwellnessPromotingnature

“ASHEfest hasn’t been running for the last two years due to Covid, before then, it has been running for many years, bringing students together to share our culture and our knowledge,” said organiser, Seldan Andrews. Continued Page 8
Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), with support from Fairley Leadership. INSIDE EDITIONSPRING LIFTOUTOF What’son IN THEVALLEYGOULBURN NEW YOUNG PROFESSIONALS OF THE YEAR AND MANY MORE FINALISTS PAGES 4+5 Get in Quick! KRUEGER’S 22 Colliver Rd, Shepparton 5821 5414 HomeFREEDelivery Conditions apply ChopsLoin Pork $12.99* kg SAVE $7 PER KG WWW.YOUNGSANDCO.COM.AU123WyndhamSt,SHEPPARTON PH: 03 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA PH: 03 5825 4833 For immediate enquiries contact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 COLOURS:PMS: 1787 PMS: 137 C: 0 M: 92 Y: 68 K: 0 C: 0 M: 42 Y: 100 K: 0 GRADIENT ANGLE 35º. ALWAYS PMS 1787 BOTTOM LEFT TO PMS 137 TOP RIGHT AT 35º. FONT SET: PROXIMA NOVA REGULAR & BOLD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 ADOBE FONT: HTTPS://TYPEKIT.COM/FONTS/PROXIMA-NOVA LOGO YOUNGS & CO LOGO HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE VIBRANT AND CLEAN. IT IS PREFERED THE LOGO TO BE USED IN FULL COLOUR WHERE POSSIBLE ON WHITE (NEAR WHITE) BACKGROUND. 10% 10%35º LOGO:COLOURVERTICAL LOGO SETS COLOUR / BLACK / GREY / REVERSED (WHITE) LOGO: COLOURHORIZONTAL Professional office space to let EXCELLENT FACILITIES IN CENTRAL LOCATION • Excellent modern office facilities with natural light • Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette Prime 1st Floor offices with lift • Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away SUITE 3 , 38-40 WELSFORD STREET SHEPPARTON 300SQM APPROX

STUDENTS have been enjoying the mix of activities, celebration and sense of community provided by the annual ASHEfest since 2006. The three-day festival is an initiative of the Academy of Sport Health and Education (ASHE), where Indigenous and non-Indigenous students come together for traditional games, arts, crafts, Traditional dance, face painting, language, and storytelling.
POWER UP... Pictured from left are Rumbalara students, Ch’e Atkinson, Vanessa Harbrow dressed as Rumba Woman, Matthew Atkinson dressed as ASHE Man and Noah Cranage in the lead up to AsheFest 2022. Photo: Kelly Carmody. PAGEONWHAT’SADVISERNEWEVENT PAGE 26 COMMUNITYFORCARINGOUR HealthincludingProfessionalsHealthWomensWeekinside PAGE 22,23+24 INSIDE: ■ COMMUNITY CONNECT | page 20 ■ If It’s Got Wheels | page 25 ■ Employment | pages 27+28 ■ Trades & Services | pages 29+30 ■ 7 Day TV Guide | page 31 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022No 1:1627 | ADVERTISING HOTLINE: 5832 8900 /SheppartonAdviser Delivered to an estimated 60,000 readers in print and online weekly Receive FREE news, features and much more - Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our digital edition straight to your inbox and never miss an edition. SCAN THE QR CODE AND SIGN UP NOW!


In addition to pushing to have a new Fairleys store built, we have been a long-standing and strong supporter of the ‘two supermarket plan,’ for the Hawkins Street development. Our submissions to the Planning Panels and Minister’s Advisory Planning Committee have made this abundantly clear for a number of years.
Fairleys IGA is super excited at the prospect of a new, state of the art supermarket building to service its shopping community as soon as possible. In anticipation of the new store, Managing Director of Fairleys, Mr Michael Lorenz says: “We are very keen that the amended plans are before the Greater Shepparton City Council for consideration and are awaiting approval, so our future landlord and developer, Shepparton Pty Ltd, can get cracking with the development. There will be a whole new retailing and commercial centre at Numurkah Road and Hawkins Street in North Shepparton and a new Fairleys store will be a massive part of this.
As soon as the final amendments are approved at council, we will be able to provide shoppers with a timetable of when we will open the new store. But rest assured, Fairleys will remain open throughout the whole process of development. We will continue to serve customers while our new store is being built.”
Page 2 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Featuring a local bakery and butchery is consistent with the Fairleys policy of being ‘alive’ to local demand and ‘buying local’ for supplies wherever we can. This policy minimises ‘food miles’, is socially responsible and boosts the local economy especially in the generation of jobs. In fact, Fairleys offers apprenticeships in both bakery and butchery and there are five apprentices engaged instore, currently.
The convenient features also associated with shopping at Fairleys such as Tatts, Liquor and the Post Office will all be constants going forward, as well as the renown Fairleys bakery and coffee shop. Fairleys’ own butchery will be included in the new store too, which ensures a contrast to our competitors who consistently closed down local butchers at their supermarkets to ‘import’ meat from centralised sources from far afield.
Fairleys continues to offer the largest range of supermarket items for the community in Shepparton at the best prices with a friendly smile and great service. A new building from which to operate will be important in many ways, from improving sustainability issues to better meeting our customer needs.

Fairleys is looking forward to being a prominent and key feature of one of the largest investments ever made in Shepparton. More than $63m will be spent developing the heart of the North Shepparton commercial centre with its adjacent links and walkability to Maccas, Subway, KFC, Foodary, other fast-food outlets, liquor stores and pharmacy.
For further information please contact Dom D’Agostino 03 9559 9449

Fairleys has been meeting the needs of Shepparton residents for more than 130 years. Since we took over the operation of the business in 2012, my business has been lobbying and crying out for a new and improved supermarket building to ensure we provide the best shopping experience for our customers.


The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 3 av Denise representing Bouchier Street Primary School Rohan representing our local CFA Cathy and Jess representing Riding for the disabled Shepparton Jess GrahamvalerepresentingPrimarySchool David representing St Luke’s Catholic Primary School Ben and Noah representing Verney Road Special School communityyourSupportlocalgroupyourlocalcommunityyourlocalFAIRLEYS Wendy and Marie representing Goulburn Valley Hospice Care Rachel representing Berry Street Marcia representingNicole representing 1st Kialla Scout Group $ 625 Berry Street $ 1,850 Bourchier Street Primary School $ 5,575 Bunbartha Pony Club $ 630 Central Park / St. Brendan’s Cricket Club $ 685 CFA Country Fire Authority $ 2,500 Congupna Primary School $ 4,200 Dairy Farmers Milk Crisis $ 2,500 Dookie Lions Club $ 750 Dookie United Football Netball Club $ 650 Encounter Christian Church $ 500 Familycare $ 820 Glenvale School $ 1,750 Goulburn Valley Christian Fellowship $ 570 Goulburn Valley Community radio Inc T/A OneFM 98.5 $ 850 Goulburn Valley Grammar School $ 1,200 Goulburn Valley Health Foundation $ 2,550 Goulburn Valley Hospice Care $ 7,000 Goulburn Valley University of the Third Age [U3A] $ 800 Goulburn Valley Vintage Tractor and Farm Machinery Club Inc $ 500 Gowrie Street Primary School $ 3,225 Grahamvale Primary School $ 2,585 Greater Shepparton District Girl Guides $ 855 Katandra Football Netball Club $ 1,000 Katandra West Primary School $ 2,710 North Shepparton Community & Learning Centre Inc Craft for a cause group $ 500 Notre Dame College $ 2,455 Riding for the Disabled Shepparton $ 1,350 Royal Childrens Hospital Foundation $ 5,000 SES State Emergency Service $ 1,300 Shepparton & District Parkinson's Support Group $ 555 Shepparton Christian College $ 1,200 Shepparton Church of Christ $ 555 Shepparton East Primary School $ 1,675 Shepparton Golf Club Inc Shepparton Villages $ 3,200 St Brendan's Primary School $ 1,750 St Luke's Catholic Primary $ 1,750 St Mel's School & Kindergarden $ 560 St. Vincent de Paul Society –St. Brendan’s Conference $ 500 Tallygaroopna Bowling Club $ 500 Tallygaroopna Golf Club $ 500 Tallygaroopna Primary School $ 1,000 The Salvation Army Shepparton $ 820 UnitingCare Kildonan $ 500 Verney Rd Special School $ 4,000 Wellways $ 650 Zaidee’s Rainbow Foundation $ 1,855 Greater Shepparton College $ 4,300 St Vincent De Paul Sheppparton $ 15,740 Supporting the community that supports us $ 905 in$100,000totaldonationstodate Not on the list? Ask your group to apply or activate a group using the form on our website
locals. Our
Michael happily handing local recipients.
over $1,000’s of dollars of cheques to delighted

money along

give the

Katandra West Primary SchoolGoulburn Valley Health Foundation IGA prides itself as having been a part of and supporting the community for many decades. top Victorian IGA recognising business commitment to in retailing for the Greater Shepparton community. mission is to deliver the best shopping experience for customers great service, the best fresh foods, the largest range and super competitive prices. vision is to continue to people of a real shopping experience share profits within the community, a local business supporting People: Our staff are very proud of their store and their commitment to always exceed our customers’ expectations. pride ourselves on our friendly service and value for with those ‘extras’ you just don’t get everywhere like sourcing a particular product, supporting local community stocking those brands know trust.

in 2013 and 2015

Pat Cronin was the 19-year-old victim of a coward punch that proved fatal – his foundation works to teach young people across Australia important skills to handle conflict, look after mates and make wise decisions. Thanks to the Lions, all Year 9 and 10 students benefitted from this powerful program - adding to GSSC’s extensive Social and Emotional Curriculum.
Business excellence on display
Pictured Dale Skinner from WIN TV, nominee Sandra Vazzola from Long Leat Wines and Aliana Tuckett from Tourism CityGreaterIngridSheppartonGreaterandThomasfromSheppartonCouncil. OF THE YEAR RETAIL...AWARD:Pictured EXPERIENCEVISITOR OF THE YEAR ACCOMODATION...INEXCELLENCEAWARD:TOURISM
Pictured Aliana Tuckett from Tourism Greater Shepparton and Ingrid Thomas from CarrieCouncil,SheppartonGreaterCitynomineeDonaldson from The Store Keepers House and Dale Skinner from WIN TV.




NewsLatestCaptains Skyler, Olivia, Rowan, Dante and Beth were on hand to thank Shepparton Lions Club President Patsy Lansdown for the club’s donation to bring the Pat Cronin Foundation ‘Be Wise’ program to GSSC.

Fun for all the family with entertainers, side shows including: Anti Can-YouGravityDig it Wadaiko Rindo, Japanese Drumming ELJAY, action packed motorcyle & bicycle show The visual spectacular of Gastropodia Agricultural exhibits SHOW SHOW SHO A G R I C U L T U R A AGRICULTL URAL SHE P P SHEPP 146TH ANNUAL is betterback!thanever Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022

BUSINESS OF THE YEAR TRADE...AWARD: Pictured Becc Fisher fromDaleSheppartonChoicesAnnettenomineesHarveyfromNorman,BobandEllisfromFlooringandSkinnerWINTV.


Ellie’s high jump efforts helped propel a 63-strong GSSC team to overall victory in last week’s GMDSSV Track and Field Championships. GSSC took out the Male and Female Aggregate trophies, and the Grand Aggregate trophy to triumph by a sizable margin!

A FURTHER 10 nominations for the 2022 White King – Pental Business Awards have beenSofraannounced.Partners (professional category), Evans Shoes (retail) and Choices Flooring Shepparton (trade) were nominated for Business of the Year Award, sponsored by Harvey Norman. While the Shepparton Golf Club has been recognised as an Environmental/Sustainable Business of the Year, sponsored by Greater Shepparton City Council Environmental Department.JoshSmith from Thrive 4 Life Therapy was nominated for Young Professional of the Year, sponsored by La Trobe University. GV Vets has been recognised as a GV Healthy Workplace and GV Body Rejuvenation was nominated for the Innovative Business of the Year Award, sponsored by NBN. Two local organisations have been honoured for providing excellence in Visitor Experience of the Year – Long Leat Wines for tourism and hospitality, and The Store Keepers House for accommodation.TheEyeShop has been recognised for providing excellence in Customer Service, a professional services award sponsored by WDEA Works. The awards are being presented at Riverlinks Eastbank on Friday, October 28. See pages 14 and 19 of this edition for ticket enquiries or phone 5832 9511.

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured Dale Skinner from WIN TV, nominee Josh Smith from Thrive 4 Life Therapy and Terese Thomas from La Trobe University. Photos: Kelly Carmody

Pictured Dale Skinner from WIN TV, nominees Frances Jenner and Brett Davis from GV Vets and Sarah Forte from GV Health.
Pictured Dale Skinner from WIN TV, nominees Vanessa and Ashley Madeira from The Eye Shop and Mercades Adolphe from WDEA Works.

INNOVATIVE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured Geoff Adams from the Shepparton Chamber, nominee Monique Camm from GV Body Rejuvenation and Dale Skinner from WIN TV.
BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD: PROFESSIONAL... Pictured Becc Fisher from Harvey Norman, nominee Terry Sofra from Sofra Partners and Dale Skinner from WIN TV.



Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Packaging Boxes have been the preferred option for food packaging for 50 years. Made of 98% air, EPS boxes have a low environmental impact and high thermal insulation. They are moisture-resistant and lightweight, preserving high-value and fragile products as well as reducing food waste. EPS packaging is 100% recyclable and is here to stay. Expanded Polystyrene Packaging Boxes EPS - HERE TO STAY. AUSSIE MADE. AUSSIE JOBS. HERE TO STAY. For more information visit EPS Packaging Boxes Lightweight Thermally efficient Resistant to temperature changes Strong, durable, and reusable Cost-effective Hygienic Fully customisable and stackable Reduces CO2 emissions 100% recyclable YOUR NUMBER ONE CHOICE #1

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 5

ENVIRONMENTAL/SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured Dale Skinner from WIN TV, nominee Russell Powell from Shepparton Gold Club and Geoff Adams from the Shepparton Chamber.

LET’S WALK... Sophie Patone walking George and her greyhound Gail, and Annie Clark walking Rebel on a sunny day in Shepparton.

With harvest season approaching, Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell has used the adjournment debate in State Parliament to obtain details on Labor’s plans to ensure a sufficient workforce. Directing her contribution to Agriculture Minister Gayle Tierney, Ms Lovell sought answers from the Minister on what she had done to prevent a repeat of chronic labour shortages experienced by horticulturalists recently.“Over the last two harvest seasons, the Andrews Labor Government ignored industry warnings about the severe impacts of harvest labour shortages, and we saw millions of dollars’ worth of produce lost as a result,“We see the current Northern Territory mango season impacted by worker shortages and the Minister needs to provide clarity to Victorian growers on her plans to make sure they have the workers they need this harvest season.”MsLovell said the Andrews Labor Government had hidden behind Covid guidelines and done little to help address the seasonal worker shortages the last two years and called on Ms Tierney to detail her plans to ensure enough workers were available this year.
NEXT month every man and his dog – or resident and their sighthound – will come together for the Great Global Greyhound Walk (GGGW), a worldwide event to celebrate greyhounds, to raise awareness and to promote this breed as wonderful pets once their racing days are over. “This is the fourth time we have arranged a walk for GGGW and we are delighted to be part of this year’s global event,” said organiser and greyhound owner, Sophie Patone.
Three- and Four-Year-Old Kinder will be FREE across the state at participating services. In 2022, funded Three-Year-Old Kinder continues to roll out across the state. And over the decade, we’ll transition Four-Year-Old Kinder to Pre-Prep and establish 50 Victorian Government-owned and affordable childcare centres. Learn more at
“We are hoping for a big turnout of local greyhounds, whippets, iggys and all other sighthounds, or even wannabe greyhounds and needlenoses! All breeds are welcome.”
After a successful inaugural local event, GGGW has not been able to go ahead the past two years. “We were really surprised with the turnout in 2019, and to see that people around the world were walking with us is incredible,” said Roz Russell, greyhound owner and lover. “Locally, greyhound numbers have grown with more people choosing greyhounds as pets, so we are hoping for many new faces and their dogs will come along to this year'sJoinevent.”dogowners on Sunday, September 25 at the big hill at Victoria Park Lake at 10am for GGGW. This years’ theme is red. For more information, or to join the local greyhound community, please contact Sophie Patone on 0447 777 055.

Good dog, great walk, even better greyhounds
Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

Seasonal worker plan needs nutting out

Greyhound George, with Sophie Patone, her greyhound Gail, and Annie Clark’s Rebel are ready for the Great Greyhound Walk happening September 25. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
Giving Victorian children the best start in life
NEWS Page 6 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7,By2022Deanne
Free Kinder from 2023 will give Victorian children the best start in life.


HISTORICALLY, Victoria is home to around 21 percent of Australia’s farm businesses and leads the nation in fruit and nut production, with the state’s horticultural exports valued at $1.6B in 2019-20.

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 7 Valid from Wed 7th - Tues 13th September 2022. While Stocks Last. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Images are for Illustration purposes only. Fairleys IGA Liquor supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. 2 for$5 Basa Fillets MudMichael’sCake ClassicYumi’s Dips 200g Varieties $1.75 per 100g Gippsland Yogurt 160g Varieties Single Sell $2.79 ea ChipsParma,& Salad $ 399 ea $9 per serve $ 350 ea BAKEDFRESHDAILY In Store 1KG CARROTS AustralianAustralianAustralian Australian GREEN CAPSICUM ICEBERG LETTUCE Lilydale Free Range Lemon ChickenPepperBreast $18 99 kg $149 ea $ 4 99 kg $ 229 ea Premium Australian Beef Bolar Blade $1299 kg $ 999 kg Enjoy Responsibly [and get smokin' hot] ADD A SPLASH OF YELLOW WIN GASJUMBUCKASMOKER Purchase any 2 bottles of 750ml [yellow tail] to go into the draw to win a Jumbuck Gas Smoker from this store. Great Northern Super Crisp 375ml x 30 Pack Suntory -196 6% 330ml x 10 Pack Yellowtail Wine 750ml varieties Single Sell $9.99 $ 52 ea $ 39 ea Mul t i B uy 2 for$16 NEW fromdelithe

Schools come together to celebrate culture
GENEROSITY... Pictured L-R are Mooroopna Kiwanis treasurer Arthur, Maryna, Kiwanis president Garry, Kim O’Keeffe helping Maryna, and Kiwanians Sev and Murray. Photo: Supplied.

BERRY VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: VISITSHEPPARTON.COM.AU To stay up to date follow us on social media and businesses can join our database by emailing their details to: Greater Shepparton Great Things focuses on businesses and services across our region, including our small towns. Through marketing campaigns and social media we will highlight a
Support for Ukrainian family

ASHEfest 2022 kicks off today, with prep through to grade three students participating in ‘ASHEletics,’ and students in grades four to six taking part on September 8. ASHEletics incorporates a range of traditional games, Traditional dance, music and other activities into a cultural festival for primary school students. The final day of festivities will bring together all secondary school students for buroinjin, a traditional game played with a ball made of animal skin. The aim of buroinjin is for a player of one team to run as far as possible with the ball and cross over the finish line at the end of the field. More than 1,500 students from 22 schools in the region have registered for ASHEfest 2022 on Wednesday, September 7 through to Friday, September 9 at the Rumbalara FNC in Mercury Drive, Shepparton. To RSVP or for more information, contact Seldan Andrews (Sel) on 5832 6600 or
Friday 16 September | Doors open 7:30am at Shepparton Club, 455 Wyndham Street Join Lola Berry, Kat John, Mindy Woods, local Daniel Cleave and others, to celebrate what wellness means to you. The event will be a place to move and play. A place to learn and connect. A place to slow down and relax. Explore the program and book your tickets today: Sunday 18 September, 2022 Doors open at 8am at McIntosh Centre, Shepparton Showgrounds
SchnitacoTryournew M 4 delicious flavours, 1 delicious price! Schnitz Shepparton, 124-126 Fryers St Basic Sweet Chilli Mayo BBQ Honey Mustard Mayo $4 each

LOLA range of events and experiences and promotions for retail and hospitality. #GreaterSheppartonGreatThings
Sunday 18 September | 8am-5pm at McIntosh Centre, Shepparton Showgrounds Good streets make great towns! This International Keynote Speaker will inspire you to think creatively for your business. This FREE event is open to our Greater Shepparton Business Community. Register

READY RUMBA...TO AtkinsonstudentsRumbalaraCh’eand Noah Cranage. Photo: Kelly Carmody.

SAM presents a photography exhibition celebrating women after 50. Ponch Hawkes 500 Strong from 17 September to 27 November 2022. Book here for the opening STRONG Opening event Saturday 17th September | 1pm at Shepparton Art Museum Corporate Packages available. Have you thought about the Health and Wellbeing of your staff? Treat your staff a day out to explore the benefits of Greater Shepparton’s health and wellbeing services. To secure your corporate package
A CHEQUE of $300 has been presented to a Ukrainian family from the Mooroopna Kiwanis, to support them to settle in the region.Maryna fled war torn Ukraine with her 15-year-old son, Vlad to Poland. With the help of her sister and brother-in-law, who live in outside of Shepparton in Kialla, Maryna was able to obtain a three-year visa for herself and Vlad to come to Australia from Poland. Maryna is attending TAFE and Vlad is studying at the English Language Centre before he returns to school. While the future when their visa expires remains uncertain, this support from the community will do some ways in setting them up in the region.

NEWS continued from front page Page 8 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 9

“The festival has grown to be a favourite event for locals and visitors, to enjoy local food, drink, and entertainment,” he said. In 2019 the festival brought together 57 mouth-watering food vendors and four stages for local artists to perform.
AUSTRALIA... Legendary Australian footballer Nathan Jones served up heart-shaped doughnuts and coffee at telco, amaysim’s regional launch at Deakin Reserve. Photo: supplied

Greater Shepparton City Council mayor, Cr Shane Sali, said it was great to have such a passionate local company coordinating the festival and highlight what the region has to offer.“We are looking forward to seeing the streets come to life in November as the festival showcases our regional produce, restaurants and cafes and redeveloped CBD.
“To anyone wanting to be involved with this years’ festival, please don’t hesitate to reach out, as this is an event for the community, by the community,” said Jamie Lea.For business and community enquiries, please email Jamie Lea on jamie@
As an extra culinary delight with a sprinkle of telco promotional value, Nathan Jones was also on hand to help the Connection Café in Shepparton and Gippsland. Further good news was to be had for regional AFL hopefuls across the week, with amaysim offering a chance to win a one-onone training session and six months' worth of training tips with each player. Following reports that regional Australians have little choice when it comes to selecting a mobile provider, amaysim is heavily investing in regional Victoria as part of its parent group Optus’regional expansion. amaysim have also built a dedicated regional sales team committed to bringing better connectivity and customer experience to regional areas. Renee Gardner, head of amaysim says, “Regional Victorians shouldn’t be stuck with a telco they don’t love because there are no other options available. At amaysim we’re all about showing Big Love to our customers and we do this through great value, data heavy, unlimited mobile plans, backed by our awardwinning customer service.”
By Deanne Jeffers
The Fryers Street Food Festival is a free event that will take place between Wyndham and Corio Streets, Shepparton on Saturday, November 4, 4-10pm. Follow the Facebook page for updates.
Feast upon the return of the Fryers Street Food Festival EVENT...WATERINGMOUTH-Event organiser Jamie Lea and DeanneNovember.FestivalFryerseventanotherlookingCrSheppartonGreatermayorShaneSaliareforwardtospectacularwhentheStreetFoodreturnsthisPhoto:Jeffers.
THE highly anticipated Fryers Street Food Festival is back for the first time since 2019 and the event is set to be “bigger and better than ever,” this year, according to local event organiser, Jamie Lea of JL Productions & Hire. “We are excited to deliver an event showcasing Shepparton and providing a unique experience and will be working hard so the community, together with visitors, will feel excited and safe to gather, share and celebrate,” said Jamie Lea.

AFL legends, Jordan Roughead and Nathan Jones have lent a helping hand, serving coffee and heart-shaped doughnuts to promote telco, amaysim’s launch into regional Victoria. Voted as the local personalities that regional Victorians would most like to re-connect with, both Roughead and Jones hit the road with the mobile ‘Connection Café,’ serving up great value mobile plans to patrons alongside sweet delights and cups of steaming brew. Beginning their promotional tour at the Ballarat City Oval on August 21, the AFL baristas moved onto Deakin Reserve in Shepparton on Aug 27 and concluded their tour on August 28 at Morewell Recreation Reserve in Gippsland.
Coffee, doughnuts and a chance to re-connect with AFL legends
NEWS Page 10 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 11

BACK ON FOR 2022... The Shepparton High School reunion is approaching with this year’s event set to be a big one after a two year break. A class photo from the 1950s of Shepparton High School students. Photo: Supplied

AFTER a Covid-induced hiatus, the Shepparton High School reunion is back This event has been very enjoyable and well attended for over 70 years. Many former students from the 1940's, 50's and 60's travel to catch up with friends from long ago, not only from within Victoria but also from interstate. "The student's committee have really enjoyed organising this event and connecting with past students from our classes throughout the years," said co-organiser Millicent McNeill. "After a couple of years of the reunion being postponed, we are so excited to see everyone and eager enjoy a lovely lunch with old friends." The event will take place on Sunday, November 6 at The Royal Mail Hotel located at 47 McLennan Street, Mooroopna, starting at 12pm for 12.30 Lunch. The cost is $20 per person and please RSVP to Joy Phillis on (03) 5825 1840 or Millicent McNeill on 0409 438 299 by Friday, October 28.
5822 1555 177-193 Numurkah
Mainmark Ground Engineering Pty. Ltd. VIC Building Licence No. CCB-L 57503 & CDB-L 49144 Cracked Walls? Our non-invasive technology is designed to raise, re-level and re-support sunken homes with less mess, less disruption and less cost. For an obligation free, expert opinion

us 1800 623 312 I Scan to see Teretekworkshow Greater

Shepparton High School reunion 2022
Celebrating connectionscommunityHAPPYBIRTHDAY...

City Council and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry present A breakfast with Steve Burgess Good streets make great towns! Friday 16

Probus Club of Mooroopna president Jill Macadam left and secretary Sharley Marven pictured right, with Probus South Pacific Limited president Mr Michael Ransom pictured in the centre. Photo: Deanne Jeffers. Rd, Shepparton VIC contact Shepparton September, Doors open 7.30am for an 8am start. Shepparton Club, 455 Wyndham Street Shepparton

NEWS Page 12 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

ALL too often, when one retires, they can become disconnected from social groups and the community. Probus, an acronym for Pro(fessional) and Bus(iness), is a Rotary Club sponsored community service program that provides semi-retired and retired people a chance to meet, expand their interests and stay connected. “What we find is that when someone retires, they might stop working full time but they have so much time and so much left to contribute,” said Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL) director, Michael Ransom.“Probus is about fun, fellowship and friendship. There are over 450 Probus groups in Victoria, with more than 100,000 members in Australia and New Zealand.”OnMonday, Mooroopna Probus celebrated its' 30th birthday. While Covid has impacted the group’s activities, the Mooroopa Golf Club was packed with members who were excited to celebrate and share in a cake made by Helen Wrest. “It is fantastic to see clubs in regional areas going so strongly,” said Mr Ramson. “For small clubs to continue they must be looking after their active members and also be recruiting frequently, and that really shows here Mooroopnatoday.”Probus meet one the 1st Monday of every month at the Mooroopna Golf Club. To find your local Probus group, visit or phone 1300 630 488.
Now is a really exciting chapter in our CBD’s development. To continue growing beyond the Maude Street Mall revitalisation. Be inspired to think creatively for your business by engaging and leveraging from the space around you. The Session will cover: •Paid vs Free Parking •Generating Movement •City Centre Activity •Investments and Developments •Long-term Prosperity Open to our business communities across Shepparton and our regional towns. Steve Burgess: International keynote speaker on people, places and of course parking. Discover more on Steve and his work For more information contact: Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry via or 0407 503 886 Greater Shepparton City Council’s Place Manager, Bonnie McIntosh via or 0429 478 FREE602 EVENT REGISTER ATTENDANCEYOUR
WAY... The eighth annual Transition Tatura short film festival was a roaring success. From left is Mia, Oliver, Marisa O’Halloran, Sebastian, William, Terry Court, Connor, Robert McLean, Ruby, Ross Musolino, Alfred Heuperman and Nickee Freeman.

Photo: Supplied CAITLIN Baker, Heidi Twinning and Kathryn Maddox formed the MINDing the Gap project team in 2021 while participating in the Fairley Leadership Program.
The event was sponsored by GSCC (Sustainability Grant) and Tatura Dental Care.

“We identified four unique walks and developed the Green Passport, a nature tool designed to be simple, accessible and useful to individuals, support circles and health service providers,” Ms Twinning said. Chris Cumming, CEO of GBCMA, said this is how the Green Passport is making the therapeutic value of being outdoors is accessible for all. “It’s creating a pathway for vulnerable people, people that are struggling that perhaps don’t know or aren’t in the place at the moment to find ways to connect to nature but who are struggling at the moment,” said Ms Cumming. The Green Passport provides information about four different regional walks suitable for a range of fitness levels covering stunning wetlands to picturesque scenery. Included walks are Shepparton’s Victoria Park Lake Walk and Reedy Swamp Walk, Tatura’s Cussen Park Sound Walk, and for something a little more challenging, Dookie’s Mount Major Walking Trails. Print yours at
INITIATIVE... Goulburn Broken Catchment Authority CEO Chris Cumming, speaking at the launch of the Green Passport, with the MINDing the Gap project team pictured behind, L-R are Heidi Twinning, Kathryn Maddox and Caitlin Baker. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

“A simple request for some, but for someone who is in a place of psychological pain, this can seem overwhelming. How do I do that? Where do I go? How do I plan for this?

The Grampians is an inspiring place where you can chase your dreams. Hounds Run is our vineyard and o -grid tiny house. I love making wines and keeping the process as hands-o as possible, while visitors enjoy the serenity, looking out over the vineyard as the sun sets. Where else would you want to be?

Great short films, including Regenerate Australia, the follow-up to Damon Gameau’s 2040, were screened and a plethora of guest speakers such as Royden James, Louise Costa, Sharon Terry, Henning Rasmussen, Rachael Buerckner and Peter Foott spoke on various sustainability topics. “A superb lunch and morning tea was provided by Café One4One in Tatura. Allin-all, it was a very successful day, with many positive comments from attendees who remarked there was an awesome “vibe” through-out the whole event,” said event organiser, Ross Musolino.
NEWS continued from front page The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 13

Hadyn Black Hounds Run Vineyard & Black and Ginger Great Western, Grampians

Film festival a great success
“As a group, we’d had various levels of lived experience in navigating the mental health care system and had all in some way been impacted by gaps in the system,” said Ms Twinning. Her husband Luke is a retired Victorian Police detective who lives with PTSD, depression and anxiety as a result of being psychologically injured during his 15-year police career. His clinical team often recommended connecting with nature to help Luke.
THE eighth annual Transition Tatura short film festival took place on August 27 with 50 people attending the festival including Suzanna Sheed MP and Cr Fern Summer. The film festival this year, themed ‘A Self-sufficient Community; Transition to a Better World’, was held at the Mechanic’s Institute Hall, with a total of nine entrants in the School’s Art Challenge presentations across categories such as Literature, Visual Art, Media Arts and Film. Will Richards and Connor Nevins took out the People’s Choice Awards, with all entrants including Ruby Dainton, Oliver Dainton, Ishana Sunil Sebastian Tartaglia, Nicola Tartaglia and Alex Tartaglia all showcasing outstanding pieces.
Stay close, go further. VISIT GRAMPIANS

Promoting wellness through YOUNGnatureCREATIVESLEADTHE

HISTORIC... Blue Badge Tourer Bentley celebrates centenary, on display now at MOVE. Photo: Kelly Carmody.

The new body was completed in time for him to compete in the RACV 1000mile Alpine Trial in November 1922. A few weeks later Oswald Syme recorded the fastest time at the Gap Hill Climb – the first competition win for Bentley in Australia. This month the Bentley Drivers Club of Australia will visit Northeast Victoria on a Silo Art Tour. They will visit Shepparton on days four through six, visiting MOVE and the 100-year-old Bentley, and stopping past SAM, the Australian Botanic Gardens and the Shepparton Golf Club and more. Don’t miss this historic marvel while it is on display and keep your eyes open September 16-18, for when the Bentleys come to Shepparton.
Tickets on sale now for the 2022 Business Awards special gala dinner
Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
Authorised by Wendy Lovell MP, 222 Wyndham Street Shepparton. from

NEWS Page 14 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Proposed changes could see the Basic Postage Rate increase in 2023.

Parliamentary Budget Wendy Lovell MP Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Region p: (03) 5821 6668 e: My team and I are here to help you with any State Government issues. Please call or email us if you require any assistance.
ALL nominees of the 2022 White King –Pental Triple M Business Awards, as well as friends, family and the wider community are invited to celebrate 25 years of successful business awards at a special gala dinner next month. Tickets are on sale now for the Business Excellence Awards gala dinner and presentation night, where winners under each category will be named. Tickets are $110 for Chamber members or $120 for non-members.
The event is happening at Riverlinks on Friday, October 28. To book, phone Riverlinks on 03 5832 9511.
More detail on the proposed price changes is available at bpr-letter-pricing-update/
Historic celebratesBentley100years
Price of a stamp on the rise
ONE of the worlds and Australia’s oldest Bentleys turns 100 this September, coinciding with a Bentley Drivers Club of Australia tour of the region. Currently on display at MOVE, this magnificent Blue Badge three-litre Bentley is a three-seater Cloverleaf Tourer (still original body) by Lawrence Cutter of Ballarat. It arrived in Australia in September 1922 much to the excitement of its original owner, Oswald Syme (son of David Syme, proprietor of Melbourne’s The Age newspaper).
CUSTOMERS have learned that Australia Post has lodged a draft notification with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), seeking an increase to the Basic Postage Rate (BPR). Under the proposed change, BPR would increase 10 cents, from $1.10 to $1.20 as of January 2023. It is the first increase since January 2020. “We believe there is still an important role for letters in business communication, and the proposed increases will ensure the sustainability of our delivery networks, so we can continue to provide quality products and services,” said AusPost executive general manager (customer & commercial), Gary Starr. The ACCC has received a proposal to change the pricing of other letter services, also to take effect from January 2023.Once the ACCC responds to the draft notification, AusPost will update customers with further information.
Don't miss his performance in Shepparton next April at the Goulburn Valley Country Music Festival, alongside a heap of other amazing country artists including Kasey Chambers, The Wolfe Brothers, Travis Collins, and lots more!
A meet and greet with the GV Country Music stars
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 15

Photo: Supplied WHEN Nagambie Primary School student, 11-year-old Brodie Miller, placed second in the State School Champions in August, he was invited to join the Para team representing Victoria in the School Sport Australia Cross Country Championships in Adelaide, South Australia.Fortwo years Brodie and his school Principal Rob French exercised after school three days a week during the pandemic. Brodie improved greatly in his running time over the two years guided and encouraged by his mentor Mr French.“Ithas been a great performance by Brodie Miller over the past few months at the various selection trials,” Mr French said. “I am so proud of Brodie’s achievements. He has trained hard for his success – I can’t keep up with him anymore. I am thrilled with his results in the events in SA. He is a great example of persistence.”Brodie’sfamily went to SA to see him contest the Para 12-Year-Olds Boys 2km Cross Country on August 27, at the Oakbank Racecourse over the three-day major athletic event. Brodie recorded a personal best, running the track event in 10 minutes and 56 seconds. Because he did so well, Brodie was chosen to be in the relay race. He finished third, winning a Bronze medal in his individual race and Gold as a member of the Para team placing first.
Student scores gold in SA PROUD... Family pride shown for Brodie in SA. Young Nagambie school athlete Brodie Miller with mum Emma and dad Matt after his race at Oakbank racecourse in SA at the end of August.

Photo: Supplied

Introducing Adam Harvey WITH a professional career spanning over 30+ years in the making, releasing a total of 15 albums from 1994 to 2021, hosting the 50th Annual Country Music Awards this year (and winning ‘Traditional Album of the Year’ for his latest record, ‘Songs from Highway 1’), Adam is one of Australia's all-time favourite artists, not only just for his talents but his genuine love for the open road, performing and his wholesome values. Having grown up in the Rural City of Geelong, Adam was introduced to country music by his father who surrounded him with the likes of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Conway Twitty, just to name a few and inspired him to perform his first ever gig at the tender age of 10 years old. Having performed in Shepparton with his very close friend Beccy Cole in 2017 and even working in a mine in Nagambie back in the day, Adam is happy to be returning to the Goulburn Valley and has also hinted at a possible release date in 2023 for his upcoming book. Born out of the Covid period, Adam wanted to put together a collection of stories from not only of his experiences out on the road, but those of his friends and colleagues – stories of inspiration, feel good stories and of course, the laugh-out-loud stories too.
STAR POWER... Beloved country music artist Adam Harvey will return to the Goulburn Valley Country Music Festival next April.
“I was so overwhelmed when Brodie won a place in the State School championships, and now, I am so proud of him and what he achieved in SA. It was his personal best. We are incredibly proud of Brodie and can't wait to see where his next chapter leads him,” said his mother Emma Miller.“Without Mr French’s encouragement and mentoring, Brodie would not have been able to achieve his goals. I am so thankful to Mr French for his wonderful support to Brodie, and I know that without him Brodie would not have followed this path. “ Brodie said that he has his sights set on one day competing at the Commonwealth or Olympic Games.

AuthorisedAdvertisementbythe Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
simple.It’swithSavesolar.that Eligibilitymakeyear$1,000saveHouseholdsmorethaneverywhentheytheswitch.criteriaapply. Find out how to take control of your energy bills by switching to solar. Apply for a rebate
TRAVELLERS...HEALTHY Medibank wellness adviser DeannetheeyepromotingSaravanaumar,adviserSpecsaversConnollySharonandopticalVaaisshnavigoodhealthatExpo.Photo:Jeffers.

Great to be back!
OUTDOOR Adrian Walker owner of Jokes Knife Store. Photo: Deanne Jeffers. EDITION... David Smith and Meryem Ada from Kokoda Caravans. Photo: Deanne Jeffers. Steve and her dinosaur, made in Geelong. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.
OVER the weekend, more than 60 exhibitors gathered at the Shepparton Showgrounds for the returning Shepparton 4x4 and Great Outdoor Expo, proudly supported by the region’s own Donway Caravans.Theevent

AUSTRALIAN Sarah Mostyn from Windella Farm, an Australiabn eco skincare range. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

NEWS Page 16 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022
“exceeded everyone’s expectations” with around 8,500 people attending over three days. “The weather gods were smiling on us,” said Rod Lockwood, Expo owner. “The quality of people made it a happy event and many exhibitors were satisfied with their number of sales. A lot of people travelled some distance to the event, which shows how well entrenched the Great Outdoor and 4x4 Expo is.” The Expo will return to Shepparton next year on Father’s Day weekend.

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 17 BOATS N MORE... James ‘Jim’ Edmunds from Solar City Marine & Caravan with their display of boats. Photo: Deanne Jeffers DONWAYS... Donway director Keelan Don and happy customer Reg Jeffery. Photo: Deanne Jeffers WATER SAFETY.... Marcus Grinblat from Maritime Safety Victoria speaking with a customer Michael Ellard. Photo: Deanne Jeffers ADVENTURE AWAITS... Tatura resident Lyn Jeffers reading her Camps 11 guide, purchased at the Expo, in a Donway Caravan. Photo: Deanne Jeffers GREAT RANGE... Tatura resident Lyn Jeffers explores the range of campers at the Expo. Photo: Deanne Jeffers. Make it about your home, not your home loan. Your gmcu lender supports you every step of the way, so you can focus on what’s really important. Speak to your local team or visit today. Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Goulburn Murray Credit Union Co-operative Limited ABN 87 087 651 509 AFSL/Australian credit licence 241 364. GET IN EARLY FOR THE BEST BUYS! Don’t miss out on these SUPER DEALS! Qualitywines personally selected by Paul Phillips WE ARE HERE CLEAN SKIN WINE SALE REDS • WHITES • SPARKLINGSOFMONTHFORSEPTWHILESTOCK • Pinot Grigio • Rosé • Sauvingnon Blanc • Riesling • Chardonnay • Prosecco • Sparkling Red & White • Cabernet • Merlot • Cabernet Sauvingnon PLUS 10 OTHER WINES ON SALE! Bottle $9 Dozen $105 Dookie Shiraz Bottle $8 Dozen $90 HeathcoteShiraz Bottle $9 Dozen $105 PinotRiverinaNoir AdelaideBottleProseccoHills $9 Dozen $105 King ValleyPinot Grigio Bottle $7 Dozen $80 DOORS OPEN MON - FRI 9am to 6pm SAT 9am to 3pm 119 Corio Street Shepparton Ph: 5821 2051

Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss with Steve how to manage the growth, use infrastructure and funding wisely to set up a prosperous regional city. Doors open at 7.30am for an 8am start on Friday, September 16, at the Shepparton Club (455 Wyndham Street, Shepparton). Registration is free and includes a cuppa and lightForbreakfast.moreinformation, contact info@ or 0407 503 886.
SPEAK UP... “The Royal Commission is a chance to shed light on the systemic issues that people with disability face, and for those who’ve been mistreated to share their stories and be respectfully listened to,” said Your Story lawyer, Michelle Bowler. Photo: Supplied.

Call someone who gets it.
“We know that people with disability often face challenges such as exclusion from school, difficulties accessing services and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and a lack of support and discrimination in the workplace,” said RIAC Disability Royal Commission advocate, Rusi Varani. “The Royal Commission is a chance to shed light on the systemic issues that people with disability face, and for those who’ve been mistreated to share their stories and be respectfully listened to.” For more information and to register, find the Eventbrite page or contact Michelle Bowler at 9606 5219 or email michelle.
TOWN PLANNING... Join engineer and urban strategist, Steve Burgess, for breakfast on September 16 to learn about local opportunities and challenges. Photo: Supplied.
NEWS Page 18 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Start your day with a cup of prosperity
“The Royal Commission is taking submissions until December 31 as it investigates the mistreatment of people with disability in all contexts and settings,” said Ms“It’sBowler.important that the Royal Commission hears from people with lived experience, including those in regional areas, so that its recommendations to government properly reflect their needs and priorities.Freeindependent legal advice and advocacy support are available from these organisations to anyone considering taking part in the Disability Royal Commission.
RESIDENTS are invited to a free breakfast and workshop with Steve Burgess, a transport engineer and urban strategist with 30 years’ experience. Mr Burgess’ workshop will explore opportunities to engage and leverage our local spaces, such as small town main streets and of course, the highly anticipated Maude Street Mall redevelopment.
Every year we help thousands of people control their gambling. So, we get that every story is different. To change the way you think about gambling, call Primary Care Connect on (03) 5823 3200
IF you are interested in sharing your stories or ideas for change with the Disability Royal Commission, register your attendance to Disability Matters Shepparton! on this Thursday, September 8 at the North Shepparton Community and Learning Centre.Your Story lawyer, Michelle Bowler, said services will be available to support residents with a disability, as well as their families, friends, carers, advocates and supporters, to safely share their stories with the Disability Royal Commission.
The business community and broader citizens of Greater Shepparton play a role in future growth of the region. Many people are relocating from larger cities, and the upcoming completion of the Maude Street Mall redevelopment and influx of visitors bring great opportunities.
Brought to you by Greater Shepparton City Council and the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the session will cover city structure, city centre activity, investment and development, movement and parking and long-term prosperity.
Be heard at Royal Disability Commission
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 19 Celebrating 25 years of success made in Shepparton Shepparton’s 2022 Business Excellence Awards TICKETS ON SALE For businesses, organisations & individuals. Join us at the special Gala Presentation Dinner Friday 28th October, 2022. Book at Riverlinks on 03 5832 9511 Chamber Members $110 Non-Chamber Members $120 Riverlinks booking fee applies. in 2022 Sponsored by in Sheppartonin 2022 Sponsored by in Shepparton

GRAB your bags, wallets, hats and shoes, the Shepparton Swap Meet is back on Sunday, September 11 at the Shepparton Show Grounds! If you’re looking for a vehicle or vehicle parts to finish a project, this could be the place to find it! If handmade or vintage clothing is your thing or you just can’t go past trading cards, jewellery, artwork, toys, tools, records or just anything that is bona fide rare, then Swap Meet is your veritable treasure trove. With gates opening at 7.30 am, there is plenty of time to barter, bargain and beat your best mate to that prized find before the gates close at 3.00pm. With lunch and refreshment also available, the Swap Meet is a fun day out for the entire family.“It’s a very special Swap Meet this year,” said Lloyd Healey, long-time chairperson of the Shepparton Swap Meet. “People from all over Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia will be travelling to Shepparton, ready to find that one item they have been searching for. Our last Swap Meet was in 2019, before Covid, so it will be an opportunity for many people to re-unite.”Proudly presented by the Goulburn Valley Motor Vehicle Drivers Club Inc., entry is $5 with children under 14 free. Patrons are reminded that the event is strictly alcohol and dog free with no camping allowed. 6mx6m outdoor sites are available for $20 and gates open for stall holders at 6:30am with booking details below. For further information contact: Lloyd or Kristine Healey on 0438 294 351 Barter, and beat your best mate to that rare find at Swap HUNTING AT MEET IS DAY Shepparton Show Grounds will come alive with bargain hunters again on Sunday September 11, gates open at 7.30 am. Photo: Supplied



SOLAR CITY COUNTRY MUSIC INC. Sunday, September 11, 12 noon to 5pm at the Shepparton Harness Racing Club (758 Melbourne Road, Kialla). The Night Owls, Nifty Fiftys and guest artist Johnny Doyle. Raffles and two meat trays to be won. BBQ lunch for purchase. All artists must use band, no backing tracks. Members $7, nonmembers $8. Enquiries to John – 0400 170 339.


AUSTRALIA’S OLDEST & SCRUFFIEST Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla 03 5823 5833 OPEN DAILY 10AM - 4AM IN 100TURNSSEPTEMBERBENTLEY during September & enjoy a piece of Australian History... The 1922 3-Litre Blue Badge Tourer Visit

NEWS Page 20 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022
OVER 60S FRIENDSHIP GROUP meet 2nd Tuesday each month at 6pm for dinner at Casablanca Restaurant (125 High Street, Shepparton). No committee, fees or obligation to attend outings that are arranged during dinner. Going on for over 20 years, over 25 current members, newcomers welcome. Enquiries to David0409 133 044. Tell us about your ‘not-for-profit’ community events via email at classifieds@ (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event). Please note listings are to be fewer than 55 words.
The Annual Shepparton Agricultural Show will be held on the 7th and 8th of October and will be one of the best yet, with roving entertainment, fun rides, craft displays, show bags galore and so much more.Keep an eye on for updates including updates on the 2022 program. For any enquiries, please email or call (03) 5821 4677. time

GET READY FOR THE SHOW... Shepparton Agricultural Society president, Sue Trevaskis, is excited the 2022 Annual Shepparton Agricultural Show is almost upon us.

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 21

If you’re one of the first 500 brides on the day, you will score a free bridal gift bag valued in excess of $100! “Don’t forget to also take part in fabulous exhibitor competitions and talk to the suppliers about their wonderful specials and deals available only at this expo.”
Photo: Stephanie Holliday
The Trawool Wedding Showcase is happening Saturday, September 10 at the Trawool Estate, 8150 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Trawool. To book, visit www. or call 5792 1444. on display at the
Spring brings unmissable wedding expo SAY ‘I DO’... This weekend the best of the Melbourne Bridal & Wedding Expo will be
Photo:TrawoolpristineEstate.Supplied. WWW.YOUNGSANDCO.COM.AU123WyndhamSt,SHEPPARTON PH: 03 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA PH: 03 5825 4833 For immediate enquiries contact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 COLOURS:PMS: 1787 PMS: 137 C: 0 M: 92 Y: 68 K: 0 C: 0 M: 42 Y: 100 K: 0 GRADIENT ANGLE 35º. ALWAYS PMS 1787 BOTTOM LEFT TO PMS 137 TOP RIGHT AT 35º. FONT SET: PROXIMA NOVA REGULAR & BOLD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 ADOBE FONT: HTTPS://TYPEKIT.COM/FONTS/PROXIMA-NOVA LOGO YOUNGS & CO LOGO HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE VIBRANT AND CLEAN. IT IS PREFERED THE LOGO TO BE USED IN FULL COLOUR WHERE POSSIBLE ON WHITE (NEAR WHITE) BACKGROUND. 10% 10%35º LOGO:COLOURVERTICAL LOGO SETS COLOUR / BLACK / GREY / REVERSED (WHITE) LOGO: COLOURHORIZONTAL Professional office space to let EXCELLENT FACILITIES IN CENTRAL LOCATION • Excellent modern office facilities with natural light • Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette Prime 1st Floor offices with lift • Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away SUITE 3 , 38-40 WELSFORD STREET SHEPPARTON 300SQM APPROX and never miss an edition digital edition Subscribe and stay up-to-date with FREE OR visit and never an to our online digital edition Subscribe and stay local news & events! SCAN THIS CODE TO SUBSCRIBE FREE

It’s almost Show
IF you are planning a wedding or looking for inspiration for your nuptials, book your place at the Trawool Wedding Showcase thisSaturday,weekend. September 10 exhibitors from the Melbourne Bridal & Wedding Expo from the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre will be on display onehour scenic drive from Shepparton, at the Trawool Estate. Be inspired by the large variety of experienced wedding suppliers at the expo, from celebrants, photographers, gown designers, venues, live music and DJ entertainment, event stylists, florists, stationery designers and more. “Our exhibitors can help you plan and deliver your dream wedding. They are flexible, reliable and go above and beyond to make sure it’s your day – your way,” said a spokesperson from the Estate. There will be a bridal catwalk presenting the latest in bride and groom fashion and live entertainment throughout the expo.
THE 146th Annual Shepparton Agricultural Show is almost here after a two-year hiatus. The Shepparton Agricultural Society are ecstatic to be bringing the much-loved event back to the Greater Shepparton community, their commitment to promoting excellence in agriculture and the tradition of social interaction of country and town at the annual Show is at the forefront of what they do.“We are beyond excited that the Show will be taking place this year. It’s an event that really brings our community together and has a place in the heart of young and old alike,” said Shepparton Agricultural Society president, Sue Trevaskis.

connected. Refugee Services Refugee health
LIFTED RESTRICTIONS... The work from home recommendation has been lifted. Photo: Supplied.

HAY fever (allergic rhinitis) is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mould and animal hair. Most people associate hay fever with springtime when airborne grass pollens are at theirYourpeak.nose acts as a filter. The tiny hairs and mucus that line the nasal passages trap dust, pollens are other microscopic particles. Identifying the allergen/s causing your symptoms is an important part of managing hay fever. In some cases, triggers will be obvious, but in others your doctor will need to consider your medical history along with the results of an allergySymptomstest. include a runny or itchy nose, sneezing, and itchy or watering eyes. In some case, hay fever can be so severe that it may impact sleep or the ability to concentrate, and individuals may feel tired or unwell. In many cases, antihistamine medications (such as tablets, sprays, or eye drops) will alleviate symptoms.
services including counselling, advocacy, referral and court support to support, educate

Severe cases may be helped with treatment of intranasal corticosteroid sprays (INCS) or combined intranasal corticosteroid and antihistamine sprays. Your GP or pharmacist can advise on the best treatment options.

the Shepparton and Goulburn Valley catchment area. Did you know 38 Vaughan Street Ph: 5858 5595 116 Nixon Street Ph: 5831 3169 off street parking available Treatment of chronic Heel pain and spurs Plantar fasciitis arch pain Bursitis Tendonitis Synovitis Metatarsalgia Non-healing stress fracture Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) • Foot Pain • Children’s Feet • Nail & Skin Conditions • Orthotics • Sporting Injuries • Nail Surgeries • Diabetes Foot Assessments Non-invasive Pain reduction Formation of new blood vessels Collagen production is stimulated which helps muscles, tendons & soft tissues structures to heal and repair Dr Alice Rudd of (GV Skin & Specialist Centre) 20 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, VIC (03) 9527 4209 or Diagnostic Biopsies Please follow us! on instagram @skindepthdermatology, on facebook or via our website for all our latest news and services. General Dermatology Diagnostic BiopsiesSkin Checks ‘A holistic and tailored approach to Dermatological practices.’ Offering general dermatology management of psoriasis, eczema and acne as well as skin cancer and rashes. Dr Rudd employs a variety of methods such as UVB phototherapy, biologics, and biopsies to help diagnose and treat her patients.

“With spring now here and case numbers and hospitalisations declining significantly, more people may want to get back into the office – and back out to the cafes, shops and bars in busy professional precincts across the state,” said Minister for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas, announcing that WFH recommendations have been lifted, giving more people the option to return to working face-to-face. With fourth dose vaccinations now available, more antiviral options and active case numbers now dropping to 15,024 – down from a peak of 71,428 on July 23 – the time is considered appropriate for adjustments to be made. Employers and staff may still consider remote working arrangements that are most appropriate for their workplace and employees based on individual requirements. Even when there are lower case numbers, it is always important that any employee who has Covid symptoms does a test and stays home.
WOMEN’S Health Week is an Australian-wide campaign filled with events and online activities all centered around improving women’s health and helping women to make healthier choices and life their most fulfilled lives. Every September, for one week, Women’s Health Week is a reminder for women to set aside time for their health and wellbeing. Schedule a health check, move your body, participate in an event or simply connect with other women. Your health is worth it and you are not alone. Wyndham Street, Shepparton T: 5823 3200 Health & Wellbeing following services are provided by some range of and members of community community support is available background living in

Page 22 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

To prevent or limit symptoms, minimise exposure to allergens by cleaning the home for dust mites, pet hair and mould, and by limiting time outdoors where allergens are present (such as after thunderstorms or around grass being mowed). In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000) or for non-urgent health information and advice, contact Nurse-on-Call at 1300 606 024.
the Indigenous
for any individual or family of a refugee and asylum seeker
form of financial stress, assistance with improving financial knowledge, skills, capabilities and financial resilience through free one-to-one counselling Indigenous Services A
AS winter draws to a close and Covid case numbers continue to drop, the State Government is now encouraging Victorians to return to the office. The work from home systemandreducewererecommendations(WFH)inplacetohelptransmissionprotectthehealthwhenitwasunder significant pressure during winter. The advice from the Department of Health is that this pressure and transmission risk has reduced.
Women’s health week
Managing allergies through spring

Primary Care Connect Shepparton Primary Health Chronic conditions, community health nurse, dietician, health promotion Counselling Gamblers Help Program, Generalist Counselling Program, Family Violence Program, Parent Education Service Financial Services for people who are experiencing

Getting back to the office
CASUAL RIDE FOR WOMEN’S GOOD HEALTH... If enjoying good company while cycling local bike tracks is what you need, then mark the calendar for The Let’s Ride for Women’s Health Week. From Left, Jan Dainton, Jenni Sutherland, Catherine Meredith and Donna Rooney are ready to ride. Photo: supplied.

WE have all had enough of Covid, and whether we have experienced the virus firsthand or have been fortunate enough to evade it (so far), it has irrevocably touched all our lives in someWhileway.the variability and severity of Covid symptoms have been well documented, it is the post-Covid illness commonly referred to as ‘long Covid’, that researchers have been turning their attention to. Aiming to maintain the public’s diligence in the fight against Covid, Dr Nirvana Luckraj, chief medical officer (CMO) of Healthdirect Australia, is spreading the word about long Covid, its symptoms and how to manage it, when and if signs arise. With 10 to 20 percent of Covid sufferers developing the post-viral illness, onset usually occurs around twelve weeks after the initial infection, with variability in both symptoms and severity.DrLuckraj lists the following symptoms of long Covid as being, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, memory difficulties and / or confusion, joint and muscle pain, anxiety and poor sleep patterns. While these symptoms are general, they can manifest quite differently from person to person with recurrent relapse a possibility.Whilechildren and adolescents are less likely to develop long Covid, people with risk factors include those with chronic illness, the aged and disproportionately, females. While Dr Luckraj states there is no one treatment or medication for long Covid, specialist help is available to patients by referral through their GP. Maintaining a balanced diet, sleeping well and staying properly hydrated are also key preventatives in combating theFurther,disease.reliable information about long Covid and how to manage it can be found on the HealthDirect website.

Caring for Our Community The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 23

The break-down on long Covid GIVING INSIGHT INTO COVID...LONG stayAustraliansLuckrajCMO,HealthdirectDrNirvanawantstodiligentin the fight against the disease.pernicious Our New Patient Offer includes a fully comprehensive exam, clean and polish, x-rays (if required) and a customised treatment plan. * Offer only available for new patients. Further terms and conditions apply and are available on request. No Gap Check-up & Clean or $199 for non-health fund members* NDC Shepparton, 14 Wyndham St Ph: (03) 5831 4475 Scan the QR code to book or call us on (03) 5831 4475 Shepparton What’s Dental?Affordablethat? New Patient
Let’s ride for women’s health week
COULD there be anything better for the heart and soul than a casual bike ride with good company along a beautiful track, with the sound of gears humming, spokes turning and good-natured chatter to fill the air? In conjunction with Jean Hailes Womens Health Week, the Greater Shepparton Bicycle User Group is inviting women to enjoy a casual bicycle ride on Sunday, September 11. The Let’s Ride for Women’s Health Week event is not only about promoting cycling for women but also aims to provide an opportunity for local ladies to meet like-minded people in a fun and healthy way.
The casual bike ride will start at Kidstown at 9.30am with participants heading off in small groups, travelling the 5km offroad route to the Botanical Gardens for morning tea. The return journey to Kidstown will be along the same route, completing a 10km loop. For safety and organisation all participants must register their attendance by calling Catherine on 040 231 3867. Riders must bring their own bikes and helmets (no exceptions), while children are kindly asked to leave this one to the grownups only.
Thank you for your wonderful care
that you have been working long days, and sometimes even seven days a week, to make up for the severe staff shortages we are facing in our medical services. Regional hospitals have been the hardest hit because we cannot easily call for staff from another hospital like the metropolitan health services.
Building a strong health care service in our community
INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT Phone: 03 5831 6944 Email: 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC @SuzannaSheed @SheedSuzanna
I have spoken to health care staff who are overworked, tired, and burnt out. I am constantly advocating to the Victorian Government to offer some form of relief. Recently I have been asking for the Shepparton District to be selected as a site for a Priority Primary Care service to alleviate the pressure on our emergency rooms. Such a clinic would give emergency departments the breathing space they need to deliver services across the region.
By Suzanna Sheed MP
The hospital has a new dialysis unit and the new five-storey inpatient unit now contains the critical care unit, surgical unit, theatre and day surgery admission, two 32-bed inpatient wards, and four new theatre spaces. The new paediatric ward and special care nursery are stunning and will help many families care for their children locally. The maternity ward has undergone a complete refurbishment making the area comfortable for new mothers and their families. A further $163 million was allocated in this year’s state budget to build a mental health hub and I was delighted that we finally received $25 million for a mother baby unit. This was something the community had been requesting for many years. The unit will support young parents at the beginning of their parenting journey and help them thrive in their new role. To have that service available locally rather than travelling to Melbourne makes a huge difference to new parents who are adjusting to a new life.
ProfessionHealthals Page 24 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022

To our district’s wonderful health care staff, I sincerely thank you for caring for our community during the ongoing pandemic.
I am keen to see more funding in next year’s budget for further development of the hospital with a multilevel car park, an integrated cancer centre, a children and young people’s hub, and a replacement for the psychogeriatric nursing home Grutzner House. GV Health chief executive Matt Sharp, former Minister for Health Martin Foley, and Independent Member for Shepparton Suzanna Sheed. Photo: Supplied. by: Suzanna Sheed, Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC Suzanna Sheed MP
OUR health facilities have improved dramatically in recent years with huge investment from the Victorian Government.TheGVHealth hospital redevelopment is well underway with $229 million of works already completed. This means we now have a new emergency room with three resuscitation bays, two triage rooms, an ambulance triage area and interview room, waiting room, two isolation rooms with ensuites, a bariatric room, eight open cubicles, a mental health consultation room, and a forensic consultation room.
INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 03 5831 6944Funded from Parliamentary Budget. Authorised by: Suzanna (03) 5831 6944
September5-112022 Funded fromParliamentary Budget.Authorised
I will continue to work for better services for our health care workers and our community.
@SuzannaSheedWeknow @SheedSuzanna
Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630. Suzanna Sheed MP INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT Phone:


Photos: Supplied Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm 20 Campbell St, Shepparton 5821 8500 specialistradiatortrusted&cooling your · Cars · Trucks · 4x4 · Heavy machinery · HighvehiclesPerformance Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt 12 Campbell Street, Shepparton Ph: 5821 0111 • Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.00pm | Sat 9am – 12 noon THINK PAINT... THINK DARBY’S Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt

THE returning Australian National Show and Shine is set to be a big one, with a huge list of vehicles on display, including Justin Read’s Crown. The Crown is a luxury Japanese car, aimed at competing in executives market with the likes of Mercedes Benz and BMW.


Once the car was more mechanically reliable, he turned his attention to the presentation of the car. This involved sourcing a new set of headlights and replacing several interior trim components showing signs of wear and tear. He replaced the original suspension struts and purchased a set of Work Meister M1 3-piece wheels, with more aggressive specifications to fill out the wheel wells. He then had the car professionally paint corrected and ceramic coated.

Justin took delivery of the car in October 2020, having it imported from Japan out of the USS Shizuoka Auctions. It arrived in serious need of some TLC. He began replacing aged engine components that looked like they had not been touched since the car rolled off the assembly line.

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 25

Crown of the Euroa Show and Shine

the Crown was back. Needless to say, for all his efforts, the Crown will be proudly on display at the Australian National Show and Shine in Euroa on Sunday, October 2. 2002 Toyota Crown Athlete V is powered by the 1JZ-GTE, a turbocharged, 2.5L, inline 6 engine making 206 kilowatts and 378 of torque. is delivered to the rear wheels through the 4-speed Tiptronic A340E transmission. This is the 11th generation of the Toyota Crown and was in-production from 1999 to 2003 for the sedan variant, production of the wagon continued until 2007.

“The result was fantastic. The paint had come up nearly flawless and I finally had the car in a place that I was happy with aesthetically,” said Justin. That lasted just four weeks before all going down the drain. Justin returned home from work to find the car a disaster area with the rear quarter window smashed, key barrel broken, and the dashboard ripped apart. Some would-be thieves had attempted to hot wire the car. Luckily, it wasn't stolen, as the immobiliser prevented it being “Afterstarted.going back and forth with my insurance company, the car was ruled a total loss. I was told that the parts to fix my car were too hard to source and therefore would not be repairable. I chose to buy back the car as salvage and decided to give the repair work a go myself.” Justin searched for months and found another black Crown that was written off. He travelled to Geelong and was able to source all the parts he required for his. After a few weekends and some challenges (like translating Japanese wiring diagrams)

Page 26 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 HUGE Len 0458 777 901 Emily 0488 242 699 DEMONSTRATIONS + MUCH MORE FREEKIDS’GAMEAREA CHRISTMASUPSTOCKONPRESENTSFUNFAMILYGREATDAY Scan here for ticket sales 9.30am - 4pm Shepparton Showgrounds Featuring Collectables i C ll Contact Helen 0488 191 858 SHEPPARTONSHEPPARTONSWAPMEETSHOWGROUNDS High St, Shepparton (Midland Hwy A300) Gates open at 6.30am for stall holders General public 7.30am No alcohol, No camping, No dogs allowed Lunch and refreshments available Sunday Sept 11, 2022 sitesOutdoor $20 6m x Entry6m$5 (children under 14 free) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LLOYD OR KRISTINE HEALEY ON 0438 294 351 WWW.GVMVDC.COM.AU/GVMSWP.HTML IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY Have you got an event coming up? Reach 60,000 estimated readers + online in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Call Pauline for your inclusion in The Adviser’s new What’s On section All you have to do is phone 5832 8989 or email SUMMER of the Seventeenth Doll is an iconic Australian story of passion, bittersweet romance and the yearning for lostWhileyouth.some plays and playwrights go in and out of fashion, Ray Lawler’s 1955 much loved tale of Queensland cane cutters and Melbourne barmaids endures today with themes and characters as relevant to contemporary viewers as they were when the play debuted 67 years ago. Directed by Denny Lawrence whose history with HIT includes many successful productions including Shirley Valentine, Always...Patsy Cline, Educating Rita, Glorious! Hotel Sorrento and most recently, My Brilliant Divorce, will be supported by a highly experienced creativeProudlyteam. presented by Greater Shepparton City Council with support from Creative Victoria, tickets are available in person, online or through the Riverlinks Box Office on 03 5832 9511. For full selection of shows on offer,,7.30-10.00pm. From the canefields to the city, classic play resonates today LIFE...BACKBROUGHTPLAYCLASSICTO September.dazzleDollSeventeenthofSummerthewillin What’s on NEW HUGE Len 0458 777 901 Emily 0488 242 699 DEMONSTRATIONS + MUCH MORE FREEKIDS’GAMEAREA CHRISTMASUPSTOCKONPRESENTSFUNFAMILYGREATDAY Scan here for ticket sales 30TH ANNIVERSARY SHOWSat1st&Sun 2nd Oct 9.30am - 4pm Shepparton Showgrounds Featuring Collectables & Vintage Caravans Also welcoming Rods Customs & Classics • Collectables & Stationary Engines • Tractor Trek Saturday leaving 9am • Show & Shine Sunday • Trade Sites available • NHMA Guidelines apply Annual Spring Rally Edward River Memorial Park, Deniliquin SEPT 17th & 18th Contact Helen 0488 191 $5Public858entryperday SHEPPARTONSHEPPARTONSWAPMEETSHOWGROUNDS High St, Shepparton (Midland Hwy A300) Gates open at 6.30am for stall holders General public 7.30am No alcohol, No camping, No dogs allowed Lunch and refreshments available Sunday Sept 11, 2022 sitesOutdoor $20 6m x Entry6m$5 (children under 14 free) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LLOYD OR KRISTINE HEALEY ON 0438 294 351 WWW.GVMVDC.COM.AU/GVMSWP.HTML Riverlinks Box Office: 03 5832 present By Ray DirectedLawlerbyDenny Lawrence SUMMER OF SEVENTEENTHTHEDOLLTHU22THU22SEPRIVERLINKSWESTSIDE7.30PM This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY LIVE MUSIC - NUMURKAH Saturday 17th September, 2022 7pm - 10.30pm Tinman and Drew WalkerFolk & Blues. Piano & Sweet Harmonies ONLY $10 Members | $20 non-members Ph 0427 631 927 DON’T MISS!

selection criteria and

Early Years Practitioner Full time (Negotiable) – ongoing Shepparton PASD Practitioner Full time ongoing Shepparton Carer Support Coordinator Full time ongoing Shepparton or Seymour The Orange Door (Family Violence) Child and Family Practitioners Full time ongoing Shepparton and Wallan QUALIFIED MECHANIC We have a position available for an A or B grade mechanic to maintain a wide range of vehicles based on skill. If you are a self star ter who can work largely unsupervised wanting to take the next step in your career GENERAL LABOURER We have a position available for a general labourer to carr y out a wide range of general duties. A forklift licence is an advant age. MACHINE OPER ATOR We have a position for a machine operator who will be trained in our roll forming operation All written applications and resumes to The Manager Post: PO Box 1553 Shepparton Vic 3632 In Person: 30 Florence Street Shepparton Email: JOB VACANCIES Murray River Council is an equal opportunity employer. For further information, please visit the careers section of our website APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Midnight, Sunday 18 September 2022 • Project Engineer • Design Engineer • (Fixed term – up to 12 months) Join an organisation that is modern dynamic and has a high regard for Fullremuneration,timepositions, Training, Education & Development Opportunities and Surface Pro Purchased Leave HR DRIVER Full Time - Shepparton Based Business expansion - New Runs available CONTACT MARK 0499 291 001 JOB VACANCIES EXPERIENCED OPERATORS TRUCKLABOURERSDRIVERS Bild Group currently has the following vacancies and opportunities for people looking for new challenges across the Civil Infrastructure Industry working on regional projects across Victoria. •HR•Operators/HCTruck Drivers •Labourers The right candidate will have a good work ethic, a hunger to be a part of a strong team and strong commitment to safety and quality Requirements: Report to the Moama depot •Work away from home “Monday to Friday” •Availability to work reasonable overtime, including occasional weekends Please register your interest for the above roles by contacting Des Smith 0428 511 587 or email resume to THE For your advertisingnextcampaignphone58328989 A member of The Victorian Country Press Association EMPLOYMENT OOK YO UR CL ASSIFIEDS NO W online www.sheppadvise r. cl as sifieds @s heppartonadvise r. P hone 03 58 32 89 89CLASSIFIED



Detailed website address the key include a current Email applications to Lynne Harmer, Human Resources Coordinator by Sunday 18th September 2022.

If you are looking for a career change or need new staf f to fill a position in your business, then the Adviser Classifieds is the choice for you. Diesel Mechanic / Mechanic Service Technician For our Local Family Run business. We are looking for an experienced mechanic to perform routine maintenance and repairs on our expanding rental eet. Requirements: •Technical and mechanical expertise •Able to use diagnostic equipment •Productive team player •Self •CurrentmotivatedDrivers Licence –Heavy rigid preferred •Able to work to meet deadlines and targets. This is a full time position with competitive pay and bene ts. If interested please send resumes to:

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information about FamilyCare and these positions, including contacts and position descriptions, visit our Applications must

FamilyCare has a Code of Conduct which includes a commitment to the safety of children. FamilyCare is an equal opportunity employer and actively supports building a diverse workforce. Are you looking for a change?

FamilyCare offers an excellent working environment and an opportunity to support our local families.

Page 28 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS T 03 5832 8989 W emma 12 months to February 2017 Readership based on last four weeks. Survey conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ ; Nielsen DRM February 2017 People 14+ only 4.1 mill ion Au st ra li an s re ad co mmun ity news pape rs in pr int. WWW .Y OUNGSANDCO.COM.A U 123 Wyndham St, SHEPPARTON P: 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA P: 5825 4833 For enquiriesimmediatecontact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 LOProfessionalcesforeasethatcouldbeyournewhome. •Excellent modern o ce facilities with natural light •Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette • Prime 1st Floor o ces with lift •Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away Suite 3, 38-40 Welsford St 300Sheppartonsqmapprox$5,000PA +GST+OUTGOINGS Contact us today to help you. 5832 8900 Fill your position with the right applicant. Find the person.right “Your assistance made my job so much easier, really appreciated your pleasant personality, this made the whole procedure very easy.” Vicki StMaryoftheAngelscommunitypromotesthesafetywellbeingandinclusionofallchildren. 2023 TEACHING POSITIONS educators with the ability to teach in the following areas: Criteria PUBLIC NOTICES BIRDS looking for female budgies & male canaries Ph 0432 559 710 PEA STRAW small squares, Numurkah call John on 0458 622 025 or Tallygaroopna call Rod on 0428 852 498 TALLY LIONS CLUB WANTED TO BUY CLASSIFIEDS T 03 58 32 8989 W .au E cl as sifieds @s .a u MYNA BIRD TRAPS $50 Mooroopna Men's Shed Ph Michael 0418 993 692 GARAGE SALE quality couches various other items all free Sat 10/9 3 Sabri Dr Shepp ph 0414851865 MICROWAVE large LG all features intello $50 ono ph 0414851865 GARAGE SALE KINDLING WOOD 42 Drummond Rd $5 & $7.50 per box AllMon-Friavailable8am-5pmproceedstocharityPh58213215 HOLDEN BARINA, Silver, 2009, 2 door, all extras, auto, lovely car, RWC, 6 months Rego WXY399, 280,000 klm, Ph$5,000.0419 881 273 FOR YOUR UNWANTED GOODS Deceased Estates INSTANT CASH Phone Roy 0424 68 8 74 4 Albu ry Antiques Shepparton BARBEQUE Rinnia 6 burner suitable for natural gas $150 ono ph 0414851865 BOWLINGINDOOR MATS x 3, good condition also bowls $50 Ph 5822 0424 WANTED TO BUY LOST gold owl brooch very sentimental, lost in Shepparton area reward if found ph 0432119134 FREE pick up/ removal of any unwanted cars, trucks, tractors, trailers etc same day service Ph 0477 580 096 GARAGEALLTYPEDOORS Supply, install & service. Garage doors, Automatic doors & Gate openers Call Phil on 0418 577 280 FOR SALE THE For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989 A member of The Victorian Country Press Association LOST cat grey colour, lost in Shepparton area reward if found ph 0432119134 COUCHES 3,2, & 1 seater high quality dark blue dark green $50 ono ph 0414851865 WORM JUICE $5 for Two Litres, excellent for pot plants, vegetable gardens Ph 0417 214 983 BEDROOM sets of drawers large, small 3 & 6 drawers $50 ono ph 0414851865 GREY TABBY CAT with white paws, belly & nose, Therapy Cat for child, missing North Shepp Ph 0401 986 297 REWARD $100 VALVE GRINDING GEAR stone cutters, guide brushes & pilot $50 Ph 0408 389 247 AS new refrigerated water cooler FREE. Ph 0417 515 086 TWO concrete window boxes ideal for plants, $10 Ph 0417 214 983 45 inch TV Cabinet $50. Ph 0417 515 086 2 CANE Chairs & Table $10. Ph 0417 515 086 SOCKETS 3/4 in drive sockets and sliding bar $30 ph 0408389247 We are currently seeking educators for the following full-time ongoing roles for 2023: • Religious Education Learning Applications close on Monday 12th September 2022. For further details on how to apply please visit: CAT white, fluffy, one blue eye & one green eye, extremely friendly and loved family cat, went missing in Elizabeth St Mooroopna area last week, Ph 0402 306 288 REWARD OFFERED PETPLEASEADVERTISERSNOTE: As of July 2019, it is now a requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that an advertisement must include the unique source number (required from the Pet Exchange Register) of the seller and the individual microchip number of each cat or dog being sold or given away. These requirements apply to puppies and kittens as well as adult dogs and cats. For further information phone 5832 8900. 5832 8989 The Goulburn and Murray Valleys’ largest newspapecirculatingr CAREER CHANGE? If you are looking for a career change or need new staf f to fill a position in your business, then the Adviser Classifieds is the choice for you. BARGAINBUYS LOSTEMPLOYMENT BARGAINBUYS PETS OOK YO UR CL ASSIFIEDS NO W online www.sheppadvise r. cl as sifieds @s heppartonadvise r. P hone 03 58 32 89 89CLASSIFIED

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 29 If you’ve got the metal, we’ve got the cash It’s CASH FOR SCRA P ME •C as h buye rs of & non ferrou s • Far m clean-ups •O ld machiner y, truck bodies • Bat teries, Radiator Bras s & Cast Iron 13 5 Old S heppar 58 21 GREEN ROOFING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERICAL ROOFING Call Harley Green 0457 930 035 • Pressure clean all roofs, paths & patio areas • Re-Spray colour of your choice • De-Mossing • Re-Bedding & Pointing • Repair & Insurance Work SPECIALISES IN ROOF RESTORATION Email: Country Vic TREE REMOVALS Contact Gene on 0455 365 659 · Tree Trimming & Pruning · Total Tree Removal · Fully Qualified Professional · Prompt obligation free quote · Insured · Emergency works Removal• • • Roofing• • • Tree Maintenance• • •Renovating• • • POOL AND SPA CERTIFICATIONBARRIERE:INFO@CERTPOOL.COM.AUCALL0429621792 IN-PS 74060 WWW CERTPOOL. C OM.A U Pool & spa barrier advice consultations and compliance inspections CALL ROW 0413 580 937 Fully insured and VBA registered IN-PS72310 GV based business servicing the local area Mobile: 0417 383 510 SERVING ALL MELBOURNE FOR OVER 25 YEARS UNDERPINNINGRE-STUMPING FLOOR BUILDINGLEVELINGPERMITS FOR A FREE QUOTE & ADVICE CALL SIMON T: 9309 0700 M: 0411 174 000 E: FIVE UNDERPINNINGREBLOCKINGSTAR& 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE •BUILDING PERMITS SUPPLIED • COMPUTER FLOOR LEVELLING •WORK IS GUARANTEED • FULLY INSURED • 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • NEW EXTENSION (FRONT & REAR) • ALL SUBURBS Pool Inspections• • • Pool Inspections• • • Reblocking• • •Reblocking• • • T HAI MAL E MASSAGE Full Body DeepMassagRelaxatione.Tissue Contact: Sam 0412 234 579 0487 148 701 Your local spider & ant expert With more than 32 years experience Call now for a FREE quote Available 7 days a week CALL 0438 401 212 Join our region’s be st Tr ad es & Services AT SERVICEYOUR T 58 32 89 89 or em ai l cl as sifieds @ Massage• • • Painting• • • Pest Control• • •Massage• • • House alterations | Bathroom renovations Decks | Kitchen and Laundry renovations Delivering Expert Home Improvements Call David 0457 023 410 Bin Sizes 2m 3m0400Phone4mJohn774411 Shan’s Garden Care ‘You grow it we mow it’ Specialising in property cleanups rubbish removal, hedging, pruning and general garden maintenance For Shepparton call Mark 0427 061 061 For Cobram call Shannon 0421 805 582 MOWING • GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE PRUNING & HEDGE TRIMMING • FERTILISING PEST & DISEASE CONTROL • MULCHING G ARDEN MAINTENANCE Contact Troy for an obligation free quote: Ph 0439 623 123 Email ABN: 125089665544 AC GGUTTER-VACUTTER-V Clean. Safe...Easy Don’t waste your weekends cleaning your gutters! Let us take care of them for you! • Safety trained & fully insured • Wet/Dry VACUUM cleaning • Professional & friendly service Before After Give Brocq a call today on 0408 413 416 1300 654 253 Gardening• • • Gutters• • •Gardening• • • Registered NDIS Provider Services: Commercial & Domestic Cleaning Carpet/Upholstery Steam Cleaning Vacate Cleaning | Window Cleaning 0402 357 818 Cross Carpet Cleaning • Aluminium & Glass • Pool Fencing • Slatted Screens • Timber Finish • Sliding Gates • Temp Fencing • Onsite Welding Local Pool Fencing Specialists A&G CUSTOM FENCING CALL 0414 993 WWW.ALUMINIUMGLASSPOOLFENCING.COM.AU394 FirewoodJohnTheWoodcuer Phone John 0408 579 014 SAWN TIMBER CUT TO ORDER Does your garage door need servicing? Garage door servicing from $165* or book online and save! 6 Provincial Crescent, Shepparton Ph. Leisha 58315411 or Wayne 0428 002 848 Under New Management Promotional Code: ADV2207 SHEPPARTON GarageDoors Garage Doors• • •Cleaning• • • Firewood• • •Fencing• • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE

By Sam Saracino

Items under $50 FREE CLASSIFIEDS COUPON Deadline Friday 12 noon Address 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton Email Conditions of acceptance - price must be included in advertisement and limit of 3 FREE advertisements (under $50) only per week Phone number BARGAIN BUYS WANTED TO BUY (FREE) One item per coupon. 14 word limit - 1 word per box. Address...........................................................................................................................................................Name............................................................................................................................................................... Pre-registrations for Junior Club Cricket Club website SYCUCCJunior Blasters at SYCUCCJunior club cricket at SYCUCC Smash into Cricket Season Cricket is a great sport and here is your opportunity to learn about the game. If you need any extra info contact: Stephen Pinnuck on 0419 876 087 orMondayDA&COMETRYYS29thSaturday10th Sep or Both The Shepparton Youth Club United Cricket Club “Come & Try / Registration Days” Play PlayforFriendsfun! With PLAYFAST Boys and Girls Welcome Woolworths Blaster Program (ages 5 to 8) Junior Club Cricket Program (ages 8 to 16) Where: John Riordan Oval Princess Park, Shepparton Come and Try Day: Saturday 10th September from 1pm No equipment required Policies Editorial policy andprocedurescomplaints Editorial Policy The Adviser understands and respects that we have an obligation to adhere to the principles of integrity, balance and fairness in all news gathering and Topresentation.viewourfull Editorial Policy, please visit our website. Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to one (1) month from the date of the behaviour(s) or first publication. To view our full complaints procedure policy, please visit our website. Postal address: PO Box 1664 Shepparton VIC 3630 By person: 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630 By PUBLIC NOTICES G.V. SKIP HIRE 5827 1372 Locally Owned and Operated 6 DAYS A WEEK 1.5, 3, 6 & 10 METRE SKIPS FOR THE CLEAN-UP AND REMOVAL OF YOUR HOUSE, GARDEN AND YARD WASTE. SA9880 JACOBSONSCARTAGEWATERTRANSPORTBIGGERLOADSBETTERVALUE7DAYS7DAYS Lot 1 & 2 Huggard Drive, Mooroopna 5825 3433 or 5825 2323 Water Cartage• • •Waste Removal• • • COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC SKIPS EFFICIENT RUBBISH REMOVAL IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY & NORTH EAST VICTORIA On time every time | Call us today! 0419 538 538 Waste Removal• • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE

Last time: R2 Echuca 13.15.93 d Euroa 7.8.50. R13 Echuca 16.6.102 d Euroa 5.10.40 Tip: Echuca

CLOSE MATCH... U18s qualifier between Shepparton United and Echuca Football Clubs in Seymour on Saturday, September 3. Echuca won the match by one point. Photo: Will Adams.
Page 30 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 AdviserSPORT



The stakes are high in the second semifinal with the winner advancing to the big dance on September 25. Echuca booked its spot in today’s match with a convincing qualifying final win over Mansfield while Euroa did likewise in its elimination final victory over the reigning premier Kyabram. That said, the Pies won’t be shying away from the fact that they need do what they haven’t done this year – beat Echuca. In fact, the Murray Bombers have only lost the one home and away match this season and the Murray Bombers welcome back their captain Kane Morris who missed last week’s win due to suspension. His inclusion is massive as it allows young star Liam Tenace to play more as one of the team’s key forward targets. Defensively, the Murray Bombers are very strong, not giving up many big scores to their opposition and that has been the case in the two meetings with the Magpies. Pies coach Scott Rowan and his team will have a big task on their hands trying to reverse that trend. He knows they need to win the midfield to try and ensure the ball can live in their forward half. Andrew Walker and Simon Maddox will be looking to their team to do what they have done all season and that is playing their brand. They know that there brand stacks up really well. I think, Echuca finished top for a reason and while Euroa will be good value, I am leaning towards the minor premier to be the first team into the GVL grand-final.
There is no tomorrow for the loser while the winner will get a shot at the loser of the Echuca versus Euroa second semi-final. The Eagles would have set themselves to at the very least make the preliminary final once they qualified in second spot after the home and away season. While the Cats would have internally set themselves the goal of winning at least one final, but now that they have done that coach John Lamont would be telling the boys that the sky is the limit. He would be telling them to not be satisfied with winning a final. So, with that, the pressure will be on Mansfield, but coach Chad Owens would be confident his troops can turnaround the disappointment of their heavy loss in the qualifying final against Echuca. The Eagles have the knowledge that they have a really good record against teams in the top six this season, including doing the double over the Cats during the home and away season, but the Eagles will be wary of the Cats. Only a month ago, the Cats pushed them all the way, with the Eagles only sneaking past them with some late goals. The Cats are a really good team in the sense that they hang around like a bad spell, and, with two key forwards in Chris Nield and Jackson Trengove the Cats will certainly give themselves a chance of kicking a winning score and sending the Eagles packing in straight sets. But that said, the bigger bodies and more experienced heads of the Eagles should be enough for them to remain in the premiership race. Last time: R16 Mansfield 12.10.82 d Mooroopna 10.8.68. R8 Mansfield 15.8.98 d Mooroopna 10.9.69 Tip: Mansfield finalsFootballpreview

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The Adviser. Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Page 31 2 20 TUESDAYMONDAYSUNDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYFRIDAY 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Four Corners 11.00 Conquest Of The Skies 12.00 News 12.30 Press Club 1.35 Media Watch 2.00 Parliament 3.05FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Hard Quiz 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 9.00 Summer Love 9.35 Win The Week 10.05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg 10.45 News 11.00 The Business 11.15 Spicks And Specks 9.00 News 10.00 Aust Story 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show 11.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico 12.00 News 1.00 Win The Week 1.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 2.00 Parliament 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00CorrespondentForeign 8.30 Q+A 9.35 First On The Ground 10.05 News 10.20 The Business 10.35 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 6.00 News Breakfast 9.00NewsABCMornings 10.00 Q+A 11.05Escapes:ExtraordinaryPrueLeith 12.00NewsABCAt Noon 1.00 Savage River 2.00 Death In Paradise 3.10FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Gardening Australia 8.30 Baptiste 9.30 Doc Martin 10.20 ABC Late News 10.35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 11.05 Summer Love 11.40 Movie: The Girl On The Train (2016) 1.30 Rage 6.10 Extraordinary Escapes 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Death In Paradise 8.30 Miniseries: Marriage 9.30 Summer Love 10.00 Savage River 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Offsiders 10.30 World This Week 11.00 Compass 11.30 Praise 12.00 News 12.30 Landline 1.30 Gardening Aust 2.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 3.30 Rick Stein’s Secret France 4.30 Win The Week 5.00 Art Works 5.30RoadshowAntiques 6.30 Compass 7.00 ABC News Sunday 7.40 Spicks And Specks 8.30 Savage River 9.25 Silent Witness 10.25 The Newsreader 11.25 The Capture 12.25 Unforgotten 2.45 Rage 4.15RecordingThe Studio 5.00 Insiders 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Landline 11.00RoadshowAntiques 12.00 News 1.00 Rosehaven 1.25 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand 2.00 Parliament 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Aust Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.20 Media Watch 9.35 China Tonight 10.05 News 10.20 The Business 10.40 Q+A 11.45 Parliament 12.45 Baptiste 1.45 Harrow 3.30 Rage 4.25 The Drum 6.00 News 10.00CorrespondentForeign 10.30 China Tonight 11.00 Our Brain 12.00 News 1.00 Miniseries: Marriage 2.00 Parliament 3.05FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Great LandscapesSouthern 8.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 9.30 Home: The Story Of Earth 10.30 News 10.45 The Business 11.00 Four Corners 11.45 Media Watch 12.05 Parliament 1.05 The Capture 2.05 Harrow 2.55 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 10.55 Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Dateline 2.30 Insight 3.30 The Cook Up 4.00 Jeopardy! 4.30AndLettersNumbers 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 16. Highlights. 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 History Of Britain 8.30 Secret Scotland 9.20 The Stranger 10.20 SBS News 10.50 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 17. 1.50 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 10.55 Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.10 Secrets Unearthed 3.00 Going Places 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30AndLettersNumbers 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 17. Highlights. 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys 8.30 Inside Aldi 9.20 Suspect 10.20 SBS News 10.50 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 18. 1.50 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.10 Secrets Unearthed 3.00 NITV News: Nula 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30AndLettersNumbers 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 18. Highlights. 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome 8.30 9/11: The Pentagon 9.30 World’s Most RailwayScenic Journeys 10.20 SBS News 10.50 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 19. 1.50 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Gymnastics. FIG Artistic ChallengeWorldCup Series. Highlights. 3.30 FIFA World Cup 2022 Magazine 4.00 Trail Towns 4.30 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 19. Highlights. 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.35 World’s Most RailwayScenic Journeys 8.30 Secrets Of The Tower Of London 9.20 Devon & Cornwall With Michael Portillo 10.15 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 20. 1.50 Late Programs

6.00 Morning Programs 8.00 DD India Prime Time News 9.00AutisticThe Gardener 9.55 Our Coast 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 12.00 APAC Weekly 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 Speedweek 3.00 Countdown To Qatar 2022 3.30 The Rising 4.35 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Stage 20. Highlights. 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.30 Bin Laden: The Road To 9/11 10.15 Looking For Life On Mars 11.15 Who Gets To Stay In Australia? 12.15 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 12.10WeekendBBC News 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00JazeeraAl News Hour 2.10 Secrets Unearthed 3.00 Going Places 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30AndLettersNumbers 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. La Vuelta. Final stage. Highlights. 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30ImpossibleBuildingLighthouses:The 8.30FamilyDNASecrets 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency 10.35 SBS News 11.05 Beforeigners 12.00 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 8.00 DD India Prime Time News 9.05 Peer To Peer 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.10 Secrets Unearthed 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 Supervet Specials 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30AndLettersNumbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 8.30 Insight 9.30 Dateline 10.00 SBS News 10.30 The Point 11.00 Atlanta 12.15 Late Programs 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Dog House Australia 8.30 Ghosts 9.30 Bull 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod 8.30 Gogglebox Australia 9.30 Off The Bench 10.00 To Be Advised 11.00 Law & Order: S.V.U. 12.00 The Project 1.00 Stephen Colbert 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Living Room 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Living Room 8.30 To Be Advised 9.30 Just For Laughs Australia 10.00 Just For Laughs Uncut 10.30 The Project 11.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 4.30 Infomercials 6.00 Reel Action 6.30 Leading The Way 7.00 Escape Fishing 7.30 4x4 Adventures 8.30 What’s Up Down Under 9.00 Australia By Design: Innovations 9.30 St10 12.00 Luxury Escapes 12.30 Living Room 1.30HomesHealthyAust 2.00 Buy To Build 2.30 Planet Shapers 3.00 What’s Up Down Under 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Taste Of Aust 4.30 Food Trail: South Africa 5.00 News 6.00 Luxury Escapes 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 The Dog House 8.00 Ambulance 10.00 To Be Advised 11.00 NCIS 6.00 Mass 6.30 Turning Point 7.00 Leading The Way 7.30 Tomorrow’s World 8.00 GCBC 8.30 Living Room 9.30 St10 12.00 To Be Advised 1.10 Everyday Gourmet 1.30 Freshly Picked 2.00 Pooches At Play 2.30 Luxury Escapes 3.00 My Market Kitchen 3.30 Food Trail: South Africa 4.00 Farm To Fork 4.30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Sunday Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 9.00 NCIS: Hawai’i 10.00 FBI 11.00SundayThe Project 12.00 Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.30 Ent. Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? 9.30 Just For Laughs Australia 10.00 Anne Edmonds: That’s Eddotainment 11.00 The Project 12.00 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 3.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.30 The Cheap Seats 9.30 NCIS 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00WantsFarmerAWife 1.30 Surveillance Oz 2.00Deadliest:World’sHolidays 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Armed Dangerous:AndHeists 9.00 The Disaster:ChernobylMeltdown 10.00 Air DeadlyInvestigation:CrashDelivery 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30 Chicago Fire 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Jodi Arias: Dirty SecretLittle(2013) 2.00BusinessKochie’sBuilders 2.30 Border Patrol 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 8.30 The Front Bar 9.30 The Latest: Seven News 10.00Australia:InvestigationCrimeHero To Hit Man – Lindsey Rose 11.15 Autopsy USA 12.15 Instant Hotel 1.30 Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Jesse Stone: No Remorse (2010) Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth. 2.00 House Of Wellness 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens 7.30 To Be Advised 11.00 Armchair Experts 11.30 To Be Advised 1.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend 12.00 Horse Racing. Sofitel Girls’ Day Out and Run to the Rose Day. 1.00VFL.Football.Finals. 4.00 To Be Advised 6.00 Seven News 7.00 To Be Advised 12.00 Motor Racing. Highlights.SuperSprint.RoundChampionship.Supercars10.AucklandDay1. 1.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Morning Show 12.00 House Of Wellness 1.00VFL.Football.Finals. 4.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 3. vRichmondHawthorn. 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Farmer Wants A Wife 8.30 Spotlight: Who MichaelKilled Jackson? 10.35InvestigationRealUndercurrent:Murder 11.40 Surviving 9/11 1.40 Motor Highlights.SuperSprint.RoundChampionship.SupercarsRacing.10.AucklandDay2. 3.00 Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: My Daughter Must Live (2014) Joelle Carter, Madeleine Martin, Paul Popowich. 2.00 What The Killer Did Next: Bei Carter 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30WantsFarmerAWife 9.00 9-1-1: Lone Star 10.00 S.W.A.T. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30IslandHeartbreakAustralia 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Her Last Will (2016) Rya Kihlstedt, Patrick Fischler, Harriet Sansom Harris. 2.00 What The Killer Did Next: Peter Fasoli 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30WantsFarmerAWife 9.00Weddings:ExtremeAustralia 10.00 10 Years Younger In 10 Days 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30 Chicago Fire 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 The Hundred With Andy Lee 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.45 After The Verdict 9.45 Footy Classified 10.45 Nine News Late 11.15 Family Law 12.05 Chicago Med 12.55 Destination WA 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 After The Verdict 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 RBT 8.30 Paramedics 9.30 New Amsterdam 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 The Equalizer 11.50 The Gulf 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: A Sister’s Obsession (2018) 1.45GurusGardenMoments 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 Rugby League. NRL. Finals Series. First qualifying final. Penrith Panthers v Parramatta Eels. 9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match 10.30 Movie: American Assassin (2017) 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Take Two 4.30 Global Shop 5.00 TV Shop 5.30 Skippy 6.00 Getaway 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00Extra:TodaySaturday 12.00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures 12.30 Rivals 1.00 The Block 3.30 Garden Gurus 4.00 Getaway 4.30 News 5.00 Rugby League. NRL. Finals Series. First elimination final. Melbourne Storm v Canberra Raiders. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Finals Series. Second qualifying final. Cronulla Sharks v QueenslandNorth Cowboys. 9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match 10.30 Movie: The Foreigner (2017) 6.00 Fishing Australia 6.30 Rivals 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 The AFL Sunday Footy Show 12.00 Sports Sunday 1.00 Explore 1.15 Postcards 1.45 The Block 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Finals Series. Second elimination final. Sydney Roosters v South Rabbitohs.Sydney 6.00 Nine News Sunday 7.00 The Block 8.30 60 Minutes 9.30 Nine News Late 10.00Minute9/11:By Minute 11.20 Killer Couples 12.10 First Responders 1.00 Postcards 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 Take Two 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.30 Getaway 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.40 Emergency 9.40 Footy Classified 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Fortunate Son 12.00 Emergence 12.45 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 A Current Affair 5.00 News Early Edition 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Emergency 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.40 The Hundred With Andy Lee 9.40 True Story With Hamish & Andy: Carol 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime 11.55 See No Evil: Manhunt 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 A Current Affair 5.00 News Early Edition 5.30

Page 32 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1627 Wednesday, September 7, 2022 OPEN 7 DAYS 112 HOGAN STREET, TATURA FoodWorks Tatura supports the responsible service of tobacco and alcohol products. Persons under the age of 18 will not be served tobacco or alcohol. Offers available Wednesday September 7, until Tuesday September 13, 2022 unless sold out prior. Limit rights reserved. Offers exclusive to FoodWorks Tatura. 400 Gradi Pizza 400-550g Selected Varieties Balducci Pasta 500g Selected Varieties Tatura WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7 - TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 2nd BIRTHDAYBARGAINS SPEND $50 IN STORE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $1000 STORE VOUCHER Start date of promotion is 07/09/2022 at 12.01 am AEST, end date is 13/09/2022 at 11.59pm AEST Entry is open to all residents of Victoria, over the age of 16 years. Entrants must spend $50 in store to enter. Major prize draw consists of 1 x $1000 store voucher, 10 x $100 store vouchers. Major prize draw takes place on 15/09/2022 at Tatura FoodWorks, 112 Hogan Street, Tatura. The winners will be notified by phone no later than 20/09/2022. Full t’s and c’s available in store. PLUS 10 RUNNERS UP PRIZES TO BE WON $9EA $8EAYumi’s Dips 200g Selected Varieties Meredith Marinated Goat Cheese 320g Perfect 450gShreddedItalianoCheeseSelectedVarieties Lean Cuisine 280g Selected Varieties900g Selected Varieties Arnott’s 150-200gShapesSelected Varieties McCain Fries Golden Circle 1L Selected Varieties $52FOR $5EA $3EA $42FOR $42FOR$22FOR$22FOR Cadbury 110-190gBlocksSelected Varieties $32FOR $SAVE$SAVE398558 $SAVE320 $SAVE6 Great Northern Super Crisp 30x375 Limit of 4 units per customer $5030PK$402FOR $4524PK 150-200g Selected $3510PK $50EA $45EA Billson’s Vodka Pre Mix 4 x 355ml Carlton Dry Cans or Stubbies 24 x 330/375ml Limit of 2 units per customer Bundaberg Original Rum & Cola 10 x 375ml Johnnie Walker Red 1L Limit of 4 units per customer Jack Daniel’s 750ml Limit of 4 units per customer Porterhouse Steak $10KG$15KG Beef Mince Chicken Drumsticks Limit of 2 packs per customer $2 KG Iceberg Lettuce Limit of 4 units per customer $2EAPunnetStrawberries Grown Australiain $2EA Grown Australiain