Her son Charles has ascended to the throne. King Charles III made his first televised address Friday, where he remembered his mother and pledged service to Britain and the Commonwealth.

QUEEN Elizabeth II passed away on Friday morning (Australian time), aged 96. Her Majesty the Queen was the longest serving monarch and the only sovereign most of us have ever known.

“I WANT to make a difference to children’s lives!’ informs a caption under a cheerful educator’s headshot, “I love watching and helping young minds grow!” exclaims another.With many more portraits and impassioned platitudes from teachers, educators and staff at Kialla Childrens Centre pinned to a welcome board, it is easy to see why early childhood educators deserve their own national day. Continued Page 6 A big round of hands for early childhood educators SO MUCH MORE THAN A JOB... kindergarten students Chelsea Ahmet and Max Wallace-Board enjoy a story with their teacher, Anni Russell at Kialla Childrens Centre.Photo:
By Natasha Fujimoto Natasha Fujimoto
By Deanne Jeffers
ElizabethQueen rememberedII

What’s onNEWGuide FEATURING MANY EVENTS IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY Receive FREE news, features and much more - Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our digital edition straight to your inbox and never miss an edition. Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022 Shepparton’s newest 3T MRI scanner arrives Taking bookings now You can now have access to the latest state-of-the-art scanning equipment. Now available in Shepparton Our Services Include: • General X-Ray • Ultrasound • CT Scan • ProceduresInterventional • Cardiac CT • ImagingMusculoskeletal • Bone Densitometry • Calcium Scoring • Shear ElastographyWaveSHEPPARTON 79A Wyndham Street (near Knight Street corner) T: 03 9087 4355 visionradiology.com.au/shepparton OPEN Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5pm Ample FREE on-site parking at rear of clinic HUGE RANGE OF NEW & USED MOTOR HOMES RM 19 CAMPERVAN STARTING $93,500FROM Call 5248 6655 182 Bellarine Hwy, Newcomb, VIC OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK www.jaycogeelong.com.au

Continued Page 8


From 8am - 5pm, settle in for powerful moments, good old belly laughs and plenty of “Aha!”

Find out more about river health, water for the environment and monitoring activities at www.gbcm.vic.gov.au.Tocheckflowsinthe Lower Goulburn, view the hydrograph on Goulburn Broken CMA’s website: http://fchmccoys.hydronet.com

AN event where locals can reflect on what wellness means to them and celebrate taking ownership of one’s health is coming to the Mcintosh Center on Sunday, September 18.
Celebratedmoments.author, TV personality, chef, nutritionist, podcaster and beloved social media star Lola Berry will MC the Health and Wellbeing Event; and guide attendees through connection and conversation.

Goulburn River Early Spring Fresh Replenishes Waterways
If all goes well to plan, the fresh is due to start on September 15, peaking later in the month at approximately 9,500ML/day before dropping back to approximately 1,000ML/ day, while remaining well below minor flood levels, at all Environmentaltimes. flows are planned by the Goulburn Broken CMA in consultation with the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office and the Victorian Environmental Water Holder as well as Goulburn-Murray Water, who manage the releases of environmental flows from storages.
Proud Bundjalung woman of the Widjabul Wia-bul clan and MasterChef Australia finalist, Mindy Woods, will be cooking up a storm teaching us how to fuel ourselves with the world’s oldest living, nativeLocalingredients.leadersin the fitness space will share with us their journey and over 30 exhibitors will be on display alongside stalls featuring soul filling, mouth-watering
Connect with the community, meet hundreds of local customers and join us in celebrating the best our region has to offer at the Health & Wellbeing Event Shepparton on Sunday 18th September.
NEWS The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A celebration of wellness

This release is referred to as the Goulburn River early spring fresh, and it increases the height of the river for a short time, with scientific monitoring, and is one of the most important flow events for the ecology of the GoulburnGoulburnRiver.Broken CMA environmental water and wetlands manager, Simon Casanelia states,“The release occurs when flows would naturally be high and brings food and nutrients into the river to feed plants and animals ahead of “Thesummer.flow boosts food resources and available habitat…stabilises plants to grow and
food, hot drinks and a bar showcasing local and organic cocktails, wine and beer. Wear your activewear, denim or Sunday best, please visit healthwellbeingevent.com. au to purchase tickets with sales closing on September 15.
Podcaster and beloved social media star Lola Berry will MC the event. Photo: Supplied

Book your tickets now via Eventbrite! For more information orwww.sheppshow.com.auseescantheQRcode Fun for all the family with entertainers, side shows including: Anti Can-YouGravityDig it Wadaiko Rindo, Japanese Drumming ELJAY, action packed motorcyle & bicycle show The visual spectacular of Gastropodia Agricultural exhibits and so much more! SHOW SHOW HO A G R I C U L T U R A AL G R I C U L T U R A L SHE P SHEP P P 146TH ANNUAL is back! Big Show! Big Smiles! Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022 e 4 x 9.19 ad $$941584065 is missing or incomplete.18 SEPTEMBER, 2022 THE MCINTOSH CENTRE, SHEPPARTON TICKETS ON SALE NOW HEALTHWELLBEINGEVENT.COM.AU

moves sediments from the riverbed to maintain habitat for water bugs and native fish.”
THE Goulburn Valley Catchment Management Authority plans to release water from the Goulburn Weir from mid-September to improve habitat and food sources for native fish, platypus and water bugs in the Lower Goulburn River.
WATER RELEASE WILL IMPROVE HABITAT IN LOWER GOULBURN RIVER... The Goulburn Valley Catchment Authority will release water from the Goulburn Weir from mid-September. Photo: Supplied


"We are very excited to have received

Mooove into spring with an introduction to Moobird

“Council will continue to replant in

Moobird is currently located at the Greater Shepparton Visitor Centre at the SAM building before it moves to the Botanic Gardens.Todiscover more on the Moooving Art herd and to find their locations head online to meet-the-herd.www.visitshepparton.com.au/
The timing of Moorbird's arrival has been perfect as the Australian Botanic Gardens come to life in spring and the school holidays approach said council's acting Visitor Experience coordinator, Jessica Watt.
In a pointless act of vandalism, nine juvenile Jacaranda trees in Gangway Reserve, Kialla have had their main stems snapped off and it is not the first-time trees of this sort have been targeted in the area.

“There is also a cost associated with vandalism; the cost to replace the trees including the staff time and the delay in achieving our 40 percent canopy cover under the Urban Forest Strategy.
Introducing Moobird. Talented Mooroopna artist Mandy Charquero says her latest artwork is inspired by the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton and the native birds which can be found there.
We need the trees, leave them alone!
this area until successful establishment. If any members of the community have any information regarding this matter, can you please contact the Shepparton police.
AS the world turns its attention towards a greener future and with the health and wellbeing effects of trees being well documented, why would anyone want to senselessly destroy them?
Moobird this month and look forward to showing her off to the community, especially with the upcoming Moooving Art Roundup approaching this school holidays. We encourage the community to explore our region this spring and take the time to see all the wonderful Moooving Art cows."
Make it about your home, not your home loan. Your gmcu lender supports you every step of the way, so you can focus on what’s really important. Speak to your local team or visit gmcu.com.au today. Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Goulburn Murray Credit Union Co-operative Limited ABN 87 087 651 509 AFSL/Australian credit licence 241 364. Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt 12 Campbell Street, Shepparton Ph: 5821 0111 • darbyspaints.com.au Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.00pm | Sat 9am – 12 noon Custom mixed paint DARBY’SPAINT...THINKTHINK Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt SchnitacoTryournew M 4 delicious flavours, 1 delicious price! Schnitz Shepparton, 124-126 Fryers St Basic Sweet Chilli Mayo BBQ Honey Mustard Mayo $4 each

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 3

SPRING can usher in more than just an abundance of new growth, sunshine and colour, evidently it can also welcome a new Moooving Art bovine friend.
SENSELESS TREE VANDALISM CAUSES OUTRAGE... Nine juvenile Jacaranda trees have been destroyed in Gangway Reserve, Kialla. Photo: Supplied
Greater Shepparton City Council’s manager of parks, sports and recreation, Tim Zak said, “The Arboriculture staff who plant the trees take great pride in their work. They are so disappointed to see this type of anti-social and destructive behaviour from certain individuals. It is hard to understand the motive behind the damage and what they have to gain.
For more information on the Urban Forest Strategy please visit our major-projects/urban-forest-strategy.hhttps://greatershepparton.com.au/council/website,
Having already created such colourful and cheerful designs on Moooving Art cows, Poppy, Endurance, Daisy, Sunny Fields and Blossom, Mandy says that Moorbird is especially meaningful to her because she was assisted by her children in its creation.
A NEW ADDITION TO THE MOOOVING ART HERD... Introducing Moobird, inspired by the Australian Botanic Gardens. Photo: Supplied

be hard to find a more passionate, and knowledgeable educator anywhere else in Victoria, and Family Day Care Australia agrees.Forthe
“The service would free up the emergency rooms for the most serious cases and take care of the non-urgent cases at the same time at a separate facility.
“Without such a service, our health care staff will reduce in numbers due to the stress of the job and this will leave our community even more vulnerable to serious illness.”
“Our community members should not have to wait
extended times for acute medical assessments.
Care Centre a priority for Shepparton
NEWS Page 4 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Care Centre in Shepparton.
third time, Karen has recently been awarded as the regional winner in the 2022 Excellence in Family Day Care awards. Nominated by parents at her centre, Karen was one of 3,400 nominees, with only 13 of those going onto win a regional award for excellence in Victoria.
Karen Eldred has run Kanga Kids Family Day Care for 14 years and it would

bestCateringqualities.”to her children’s individuality and bourgeoning interests, Karen says, “I’m constantly thinking about what we are going to do next and how I am going to extend their learning through their interests. I have a little boy who loves trains, and a few weeks ago I took him and the children on an excursion by train to the train park in Seymour. When his mum told him we were going to do this, he cried with joy.”
educator Karen Eldred
These centres are to help ease pressure on emergency departments and deal with non-critical issues like mild infections, fractures and burns. Ms Sheed spoke recently in Parliament about the urgent need for a Priority Primary
“The Victorian Government has not yet announced the locations of 10 of these centres but I believe decisions are being made and I want to make sure Ms Thomas knows of the severe disadvantage our community is facing with our dire shortage of medical staff.
With a playroom to die for and a cosy library inside and a backyard more akin to an adventure playground, Karen inspires with what she provides her children, as she says,“I have put so much effort and energy into what I do. I want the children to feel at home, knowing what to expect. Routine makes them feel safe and allowing them to participate in simple, everyday tasks is good for their confidence and brings out their
THE State Government is rolling out 25 GP-led Primary Care Centres across Victoria but the locations of 10 centres are yet to be Independentannounced.Member for Shepparton, Suzanna Sheed, has written to Health Minister Mary-Ann Thomas asking Shepparton to be included in the next round of Priority Primary Care Centres.
Exceptional educator wins award for the third
GET IN EARLY FOR THE BEST BUYS! Don’t miss out on these SUPER DEALS! Qualitywines personally selected by Paul Phillips WE ARE HERE CLEAN SKIN WINE SALE REDS • WHITES • SPARKLINGSOFMONTHFORSEPTWHILESTOCK • Pinot Grigio • Rosé • Sauvingnon Blanc • Riesling • Chardonnay • Prosecco • Sparkling Red & White • Cabernet • Merlot • Cabernet Sauvingnon PLUS 10 OTHER WINES ON SALE! Bottle $9 Dozen $105 Dookie Shiraz Bottle $8 Dozen $90 HeathcoteShiraz Bottle $9 Dozen $105 PinotRiverinaNoir AdelaideBottleProseccoHills $9 Dozen $105 King ValleyPinot Grigio Bottle $7 Dozen $80 DOORS OPEN MON - FRI 9am to 6pm SAT 9am to 3pm 119 Corio Street Shepparton Ph: 5821 2051 NAI Harcourts Rinnovate Business Brokers • Wholesale & retail operation • Fantastic location in central shopping hub Loyal customer base • Plenty of opportunity for further growth Well established with more than 10 years of operation Family owned and operated coffee house & café GB COFFEE SHEPPARTON SHEPPARTON. house furthershopping&than10 • Well established – Over 28 years of operation. • Family owned & operated • High turnover. Excellent net profit. • Well structured STRATHY HOT BREAD - BAKERY AND CAFÉ Iconic Family Owned & Operated Bakery & Café

“We need this pressure lifted immediately and a staffed GP-led Priority Primary Care Centre would benefit our community and valuable healthcare staff.
By Natasha Fujimoto
TUCKED away in Kialla, there is an exceptional Family Day Care Centre called Kanga Kids and it is a veritable wonderland of learning through play. It is also a cosy family home, bringing with it warmth and security, especially for a preschooler in care.
“GV Health is facing a shortage of 80 doctors, 130 nurses, and 40 allied health professionals and this is creating long wait times in the emergency room and other parts of the hospital,” said Ms Sheed.
ELIGIBILITY has been expanded for the solar panel rebate to new homes under construction, enabling Victorians to save on installation costs and electricity bills from the moment they move into their newly built home.
Eligible Victorians building homes can apply for a rebate of $1,400 as well as being able to access a $1,400 interest-free loan

THE Bentley Drivers Club of Australia will be in Shepparton this weekend as part of their Silo Art Tour Rallye, coinciding with one of the world’s and Australia’s oldest Bentleys, currently on display at MOVE, turning 100.
AuthorisedAdvertisementbythe Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. Start saving with solar. Apply for a rebate
its life; covering and estimated more than one million kilometres (725,000 miles).
to install panels during construction.
IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND... Look out for the Bentley Drivers Club of Australia in Shepparton for their Silo Art Tour Rallye. Pictured is Bentley Drivers Club of Australia secretary Phillip Schudmak at a vintage Bentley rallye in Abu Dhabi. Photo: Supplied

New builds slash cost with solar
solar is expected to generate 12.5 percent of Victoria’s 40 percent renewable energy target by 2025. This financial year, there are 64,000 Government rebates available for solar PV systems.
Save with solar. It’s that simple. Find out how to take control of your energy bills by switching to solar. Households save more than $1,000 every year when they make the switch. Eligibility criteria apply.
Central availableofficesforlease
The club has toured the delightful sights of Northeast Victoria this week with the final leg including a drive from Echuca to Shepparton through Rochester and Colbinabbin on Friday, a day in Shepparton on Saturday touring MOVE and the 100-year-old Bentley currently on display, a visit to Shepparton Art Museum (SAM), the Australian Botanic Gardens and the Shepparton Golf Club,
The prime office area is 300 sqm and is available at a very reasonable rate.

The rare engine No. 139 four-cylinder chassis No. 142, has been on the road most of
For further information and any enquiries, call 0417 221522.
CENTRAL Shepparton office space can often be difficult to find, particularly quality modern offices with excellent parking.Anopportunity has become available for modern offices overlooking the Queens Gardens, just metres from the CBD, Greater Shepparton City Council, and professional businesses.

MODERN OFFICE SPACE... This central office space is close to the CBD and provides ample parking at the rear and nearby. Photo: Supplied at solar.vic.gov.au/apply
For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit solar. vic.gov.au/
Alpine Trial in November 1922. A few weeks later Oswald Syme recorded the fastest time at the Gap Hill Climb – the first competition win for Bentley in Australia.
Since it began in 2018, the $1.3B Solar Homes Program has helped over 195,000 Victorian households install solar PV systems. This investment has already cut carbon emissions by 1.6M tonnes – equivalent to the emissions produced by 500,000 cars each Householdyear.
The changes will save homeowners up to $800 on installation costs by fitting panels as they wire the electricity to their new homes, with average yearly savings of $1,073 in energy costs.
concluding with a Sunday drive to Avenel. The club will be staying at Parklake Shepparton over those three days.
The expansion paves the way for increasing electrification of homes, while opening the program to tens-of-thousands of additional households each year – with around 40,000 new homes build in Victoria annually.
NEW SOLAR DEAL...The changes will save homeowners up to $800 on installation costs. Photo: Supplied

Bentley Drivers Club of Australia in town this weekend
Currently on display at MOVE is a magnificent Blue Badge three-litre Bentley, a three-seater Cloverleaf Tourer (still original body) by Lawrence Cutter of Ballarat. It arrived in Australia in September 1922 much to the excitement of its original owner, Oswald Syme (son of David Syme, proprietor of Melbourne’s The Age newspaper), at the time.The new body was completed in time for him to compete in the RACV 1,000-mile
Don’t miss this historic marvel while it is on display and keep your eyes open this weekend for an array of stunning Bentleys around town.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 5
NEWS continued from front page Page 6 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

With early educators around the nation stopping work last week, in a bid for greater recognition and higher pay, Nicole states,“Ibelieve early childhood educators need to be acknowledged in their important work, it is a multifaceted, highly skill job with the most significant responsibility; nurturing children is nurturing the future.”
government have not done anything to improve the safety at this intersection."
"The biggest challenge is getting a commitment for the money to solve the problem," said Mr Gilbert.
“It can be extremely rewarding, and I believe that anyone who works in early childhood does it because they know the importance of it, and they want to see the children grow and develop into successful learners.”
lucky. No two days at the centre are the same, and no matter what is happening personally, we all need to be excited and energetic for the children every day.
Last week, Ms Lovell and local Coalition candidates, Liberal's Cheryl Hammer and Nationals' Kim O'Keeffe, pledged $2M to go towards constructing an underpass if elected in November.
"I'm glad someone is going to do something about this, it didn't feel like anything was going to change while we were still here, so we are really happy with this decision."MsLovell said an underpass is the most practical improvement, as any overpass would need to be six metres high and present other logistic problems.
By Deanne Jeffers
September 7 was Early Childhood Educators’ Day and it importantly brought to the nation’s attention the vital role that educators play in caring for our children while setting the foundations for their future learning and social and emotional wellbeing.KiallaChildren’s Centre coordinator,
Four years on, Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell, school council president Jamie Gilbert and Jane Sharp, the mother of the family who were injured, are still lobbying for safety improvements.
A big round of hands for early childhood educators
"It will take some time, but certainly at the moment, there's no way forward without a commitment to getting designs done and money behind the project."
LOBBYING… Kialla West PS school council president Jamie Gilbert, Nationals candidate Kim O’Keeffe, Wendy Lovell MP, Liberal candidate Cheryl Hammer and parent Jane Sharp, whose daughter Addison was seriously injured in an accident. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

"We will build the underpass that has been desperately needed here for a number of years now," said Ms Lovell.
Coalition crossing pledge
“We play a very big part in the community and certainly we are very

SATURDAY marked the anniversary of the horrific crash at Kialla West Primary School, when a family sitting in their vehicle at the crossing was rear-ended by a truck travelling 80km/h during school pick-up.
"It's not good enough that the

Jane Sharp and daughter Addison, who was injured in the accident, welcomed the funding commitment.
Listing curriculum implementation, community engagement, reporting and daily documentation of children’s learning and development as just the tip of an educator’s iceberg, Nicole says,
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Nicole Short, is proud of her highly qualified staff and readily acknowledges the challenge and diversity of their roles.

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 7 www.fairleysiga.com.au Valid from Wed 14th - Tues 20th September 2022. While Stocks Last. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Images are for Illustration purposes only. Fairleys IGA Liquor supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. NEW fromdelithe COSTWINLETTUCEPACK Australian Australian Australian RollsHamburger6Pack 50¢ per roll So Good Soy Milk, Regular Lite or No added Sugar Single Sell $2.00ea 3KG NAVEL ORANGES HASS AVOCADOES Fish, Chips & Salad $ 299 Pack $ 299 pack $9 per serve $ 4 99 bag $169 ea BAKEDFRESHDAILY In Store Australian Gravox Gravy Mix Cannister 120g Selected Varieties $2.92 per 100g Lamb Loin Chops Bellissima Pizza’s Large 520g-670g Varieties $1399 ea $ 2099 kg $ 350 ea Large FloweringAssortedPerennials Mult i B uy 2 for$3 SAVE $1.50! $5.00EANORMALRRP Toohey’s Extra Dry 330mlStubbiesx24 Pack Arktika Vodka, Begin Gin, Bond 7 Whisky, Old No 15 Bourbon 700ml Varieties750mlTheMitcheltonBendWine$ 44ea Mul t i B uy 2 for $$20 38 ea SINGLE$12.99EASELL $ 799 ea VIC GROWN

Entrants can make their submissions by emailing sam. birrell.mp@aph.gov.au or by dropping their entry form into Mr Birrell's office at 426 Wyndham Street Shepparton, by Monday October 3, 2022.
The top 12 entries will be judged by Mr Birrell himself and will include photo credit, while the winning photograph
Friday for people to record a message.
Photographers must ensure that they have the permission of the people in their submitted photographs to enter the competition, and they are willing to have their image used on a range of platforms.
Queen Elizabeth II remembered
MEMBER for Nicholls, Mr Sam Birrell is calling on established and amateur photographers in Nicholls to submit photographs for the first annual 2023 Our People of Nicholls Calendar.
TRIBUTES have flown since the news of the monarch's death.
NEWS continued from front page Page 8 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

“I wish to express my deep sadness at Her Majesty’s passing and send my sincerest condolences to His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family.”
Following the passing of Her Majesty Society/SheppartonLostofbelovedflyingandarearoundElizabethQueenII,peopletheworldinmourningtributesareinfortheheadstate.Photo:SheppartonHeritageCentre
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has also announced a public holiday for a National Day of Mourning on September 22.
Federal Member Sam Birrell MP also reflected on her Majesty’s visit to the region in 1954 which was one of 16 to Australian shores during her reign.

EXCITING OPPORTUNITY FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS... Entries now open for the 2023 Our People of Nicholls calendar with photos like the Tatura Men’s Shed, welcomed. Photo: Supplied

“I invite people across the electorate to honour her Majesty and write a message in the condolence book set up at my office."
The calendar will be distributed to thousands of households and businesses across Nicholls and this year's theme highlights the people who live in Nicholls. The photos should capture the characters, charm and culture of the electorate."I'mlooking forward to seeing the incredible work of photographers and having their shots and names printed and hung on thousands of walls and fridges in homes across Nicholls," Mr Birrell said.
“It will be sent to the Governor General
2023 Calendar is calling for character, charm and culture
Mr Birrell’s office at 426 Wyndham Street will be open from 10am to 4pm Monday to
“Queensaid.Elizabeth was 27 years-old when school children lined the streets of our towns catch a glimpse or wave as she passed by, it is remarkable that she continued to serve dutifully for the next 68 years.”
in 1954 that included stops in Shepparton, Tatura, Echuca and Rochester, the first Australian visit by a reigning monarch,” Mr Birrell
“The Queen was always the epitome of grace and duty, serving her subjects for an extraordinary seven decades. The Queen was a remarkable woman, who was held in the highest esteem by all Australians,” said Wendy Lovell MP in a statement.
“Many still fondly remember the Royal Tour
will be used as the cover image, with a $100 gift voucher to a Goulburn Valley photography store being awarded to the topEachphotographer.entrant is entitled to submit three landscape photographs in colour or black and white and they may be lightly edited. Photos taken by mobile phone are welcome but must be high resolution.
to be recorded in the national archives,” Mr Birrell said.
Residents who would like to record their condolences may do so by contributing to Parliament's condolence book established at Sam Birrell MP’s office.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 9


CONTRASTING LANDSCAPE... Dookie looking great in stunning spring colours. Photo: Susan Marshall DETAILS... Shepparton Camera Club secretary’s take on the Dookie landscape. Photo: Leigh Teitz

NEWS Page 10 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

the third Tuesday of every month and organise several outings throughout the year. For more information or to become involved, email sheppartoncameraclub@ outlook.com
CANOLA is in full bloom around the region and photographers from the Shepparton Camera Club headed out to Dookie on August 27 to capture the stunningSheppartonscenery.Camera Club meet on

DARK SKY... This impressive image shows the andbetweencontrastlightdark.Photo:DennisRickard

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 11 Celebrating 25 years of success made in Shepparton Shepparton’s 2022 Business Excellence Awards TICKETS ON SALE For businesses, organisations & individuals. Join us at the special Gala Presentation Dinner Friday 28th October, 2022. Book at Riverlinks on 03 5832 9511 Chamber Members $110 Non-Chamber Members $120 Riverlinks booking fee applies. in 202 2 Sponsored by in Sheppartonin 202 2 Sponsored by in Shepparton

From October 14-22, their team ‘A-Drive and Kicking’ will set off from Mackay, Queensland in a 2007 V8 Commodore. They will travel to Darwin via the Savannah Way, navigating some rough country.
You can follow Ern and Amba’s journey on Instagram @adriveandkicking. To support them, please make a tax deductible donation at freewhofutureandcom.au/a-drive-and-kicking.https://spring2022.shitboxrally.Areceiptwillbeemailedstraighttoyouyoucontributionwillhelpfundtheofcancerresearchbysupportingthosearetirelesslypavingthewaytoacancer-world.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report at www. crimestoppersvic.com.au
and $1.3M has been raised so far with team A-Drive and Kicking already having raised $11,000. After completing the rally, the car will be auctioned.
A 2006 Porsche or similar vehicle was used in commission of the theft from the front yard of the victim’s address.
By Deanne Jeffers
Sh*t box car, sh*t hot cause
HAPPY, flourishing children start with strong mental health and wellbeing practices. Alarmingly, however, new research has found after two tough years of lockdowns and social isolation, one in four primary school students are experiencing symptoms of depression, and almost one in three are experiencing symptoms of Goodanxiety.news for parents and children, however, is on the way with a high-energy kids show, that tackles children’s mental health through music, storytelling and an abundance of Featuringlaughter.
that will teach children and their families how to practice gratitude, empathy and mindfulness, or GEM, as it is affectionately known.
This show is a real GEM
The Resilience Project’s most engaging and entertaining presenter, Martin Heppell, ‘3 Happy Tricks’ is an irresistible show
A father of three and a former St Kilda AFL player, Martin has helped his audiences incorporate GEM into their daily lives through over 1,000 presentations for The Resilience Project.Riverlinks venues manager Ken Cameron says, “3 Happy Tricks’ will provide children and their parents with ways to positively deal
NEWS Page 12 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A SHOW TO STRENGTHEN THE MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF CHILDREN... ‘3 Happy Tricks’, presented by engaging, Martin Heppell from The Resilience Project will show in Shepparton on September 19. Photo: supplied

with their mental health, it’s a timely show that tackles the concerns kids might have after two very different years.”
A member of the public has handed a camouflage pattern wallet and a set of AirPods to police.

A pet cat was stolen during a theft from an address in Elizabeth Street, Mooroopna. The cat is a much-loved family member who is microchipped. The family would love to be reunited.

Authorised by Wendy Lovell MP, 222 Wyndham Street Shepparton. Funded from Parliamentary Budget Wendy Lovell MP Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Region p: (03) 5821 6668 e: wendy.lovell@parliament.vic.gov.au www.wendylovell.com.au My team and I are here to help you with any State Government issues. Please call or email us if you require any assistance. 1800 809 579 Trusted Family & Business ProtectionBroughtstandbysecurity.com.autoyoubyCCTV • Alarms • Intercoms • Guards • Patrols
If you believe you know the owner of either item, please contaxct Shepparton Police Station on (03) 5820 5777. Proof of ownership required.

YOU might need a really good reason to drive across the harsh Australian terrain in a car priced at less than $1,500. For local residents Ern Meharry and son-in-law Amba Allen, raising money for cancer research is a fair dinkum reason to participate in the Shitbox Rally.

RALLY TEAM... Amba Allen and Ern Meharry are Team A-Drive and Kicking in this spring’s Shitbox Rally. Photo: Supplied
The Resilience Project with Martin Heppell, ‘3 Happy Tricks’ is on Monday, September 19 from 11am-1pm with ticket prices ranging from $50-$30.Tickets are available in person, online or through the Riverlinks Box Office on 03 5832 9511 or visit, www.riverlinksvenues.com.au/ whats-on to happypromotekids

“We’re pretty excited, it’s going to be a good challenge,” said Ern. “We’ve been told to keep our back seat free in case there are breakdowns.”Around250
cars are taking the challenge,
This approach has been very different to

Rousing orationCONVERSATION...

Local farmer named Rural Community Leader of theCOMMUNITY...LEADERYearINOUR
Mrs Parker said taking on community leadership roles was something she truly enjoyed.“Not only do I get to support other farmers, share my knowledge, help build up their organisations and learn new skills, but I get the opportunity to meet and connect with some incredible people both in Australia and even globally,” she said.
AUSTRALIA’S OLDEST & SCRUFFIEST Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla 03 5823 5833 OPEN DAILY 10AM - 4AM www.moveshepparton.com.au IN 100TURNSSEPTEMBERBENTLEY during September & enjoy a piece of Australian History... The 1922 3-Litre Blue Badge Tourer Visit

“Mrs Parker is dedicated to regional and rural Australia and is helping secure its future by educating youth about the vast range of career opportunities available in agricultural industries,” said Mr Birrell.

A LOCAL dairy farmer hailing from Undera has been awarded the 2022 Rural Community Leader of the Year Award at the Australian Farmer of the Year Awards.
Sarah Parker, a dairy farmer hailing from Undera, has been awarded the 2022
Professor Doherty is an esteemed international educator and chief executive at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
The 2022 DKO is available to watch online at the Kaiela Institute’s website oration.html/www.kaielainstitute.org.au/dungala-kaiela-at
By Deanne Jeffers

Esteemed international educator Professor Wiremu Doherty addressing the audience at Rumblara Football Netball Club at the 2022 Dungala Kaiela Oration, which talked about the ability for Indigenous knowledge to transform intergenerational economies.

“I congratulate Mrs Parker on receiving this prestigious award which has put Nicholls on the map for inclusive community leadership,” Mr Birrell said.
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 13

Within New Zealand’s tertiary education context, the Wananga (universities) have been operating for four decades, building on from the early language nests – kohanga reo from the 70s, and the total immersion schooling that followed.
Having a pathway for students to complete their formal schooling and tertiary provision immersed entirely in Maori for 40 years is having a positive impact on workforce development in New Zealand. No longer is the notion of educational excellence dialectically opposed to Indigenous excellence.Aswell as promising to increase regional GRP $150M by 2036, Paul says, “This approach is a change in the narrative from a siloed approach of crisis intervention to an investment approach for a prosperous and productive future.”
Paul Briggs OAM from Kaiela Institute (KI) explains Te Whare Wananga is an Indigenous-led educational institute, “committed to principles of Indigenous knowledge embedded in the mainstream curriculum as a means of protecting and securing the future of Indigenous peoples.”
Photo: Peter Casamento

THIS years’ Dungala Kaiela Oration (DKO) was presented by Professor Wiremu Doherty. He spoke about the ability for Indigenous knowledge to lead, build and enhance intergenerational economies.
how Indigenous peoples and their knowledge are treated and taught within Australia, and it will be the basis that KI approach the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence and the Munarra Academy.
Sarah Parker was awarded the honour for her overwhelming amount of work for rural Australia including being an immediate past president and current treasurer of Australian Women in Agriculture (AWiA), vice president of the National Rural Women's Coalition, and treasurer of a Collective Bargaining Group that works to achieve the best price for its dairy Memberfarmers.forNicholls, Mr Sam Birrell, attended the awards and shared a table with Mrs Parker and was delighted to congratulate her for driving change and breaking down barriers in regional communities.

THE Spring school holidays are the perfect time for children of all ages to roll up their sleeves, fire-up their imaginations and get creative at the Shepparton Art Museum by signing up to a school holiday program.

program, “SAM Spring Camp gives kids a space to have fun, gain new skills, and make friends while exploring their creative side. From artist-led ceramic sessions to upcycling everyday objects, kids can let their imaginations run wild at SAM these school holidays and gain the confidence to recreate some of the projects back at home.”
Bookings are required for all programs via the SAM website and are free or low-cost: event/teacherhttps://sheppartonartsmuseum.com.au/opportunity,sam-spring-camp-19-30-september-2022sheppartonartmuseum.com.au/whats-on/https://Fortheteacherprofessionaldevelopmentbookingsareessentialat:

SAM Spring Camp and teacher opportunity inspire holiday creatives
SAM Spring Camp will make its popular return from September 19-30 and will deliver a range of exciting arts and crafts activities that will delight kids of all ages andSAMabilities.engagement manager, Garbriella Calandro, enthusiastically says of the

Total Tools offers a wide selection of corded and cordless tools – from power tools to combo kits. You may also choose from their range of Bosch batteries and chargers, circular saws, mitre saws, BITURBO brushless, X-LOCK system, radios, sanders, dust extractors, and many more.For three days only, Total Tools will give you Bosch Bucks to spend on more Bosch goods. Spend $499 get $50*, Spend $2,499 get $500* (*Conditions apply).
For more than 100 years, Bosch has been one of the leading producers of high-quality professional blue tools and accessories.Whether you're a novice looking to start your first project, or a professional carpenter completing everyday tasks, Bosch has the products to help you achieve your goals efficiently – and with outstanding results.
POWER UP... With the three-day Bosch Bonus Bucks Event on Thursday to Saturday at Total Tools Shepparton. Photo: Kelly Carmody.

NEWS Page 14 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

For great savings and Bonus Bucks when you invest in tools, head into Total Tools Shepparton at 46-52 Benalla Road, Shepparton. Call their friendly team on 03 5821 6400 for more information.

Also, make sure to bring your kids in and check out the Bosch Robot set up in-store. The Shepparton store are running a colouring-in competition to win a prize
SAM SPRING CAMP IS FULL OF FUN, CREATIVE HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES...Children can gain confidence building skills crafting ceramics with local artist, Monique Elliott at SAM during the school holidays. Photo: supplied

With programs ranging from a selfpaced scavenger hunt to classes in creating everything from ceramics to wearable art and DIY kaleidoscopes, the Spring

WWW.YOUNGSANDCO.COM.AU123WyndhamSt,SHEPPARTON PH: 03 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA PH: 03 5825 4833 For immediate enquiries contact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 COLOURS:PMS: 1787 PMS: 137 C: 0 M: 92 Y: 68 K: 0 C: 0 M: 42 Y: 100 K: 0 GRADIENT ANGLE 35º. ALWAYS PMS 1787 BOTTOM LEFT TO PMS 137 TOP RIGHT AT 35º. FONT SET: PROXIMA NOVA REGULAR & BOLD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 ADOBE FONT: HTTPS://TYPEKIT.COM/FONTS/PROXIMA-NOVA LOGO YOUNGS & CO LOGO HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE VIBRANT AND CLEAN. IT IS PREFERED THE LOGO TO BE USED IN FULL COLOUR WHERE POSSIBLE ON WHITE (NEAR WHITE) BACKGROUND. 10% 10%35º LOGO:COLOURVERTICAL LOGO SETS COLOUR / BLACK / GREY / REVERSED (WHITE) LOGO: COLOURHORIZONTAL Professional office space to let EXCELLENT FACILITIES IN CENTRAL LOCATION • Excellent modern office facilities with natural light • Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette Prime 1st Floor offices with lift • Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away SUITE 3 , 38-40 WELSFORD STREET SHEPPARTON 300SQM APPROX Careers for Carers If you provide unpaid care for a family member or friend, we can help you find suitable training or work. 1300 843 236www.thecentre.vic.edu.au/carers/
Unmissable tools sale

TOTAL TOOLS are having a three-day Bosch Bonus Bucks Event this Thursday 15 through to Saturday, September 17, with a Spend & Get Sale.
pack worth $100, so call in and get your copy. Winners drawn September 28.
school holiday program has something for everyone.Anexciting opportunity for VCE studio arts and visual arts teachers is also on offer during the holidays at SAM with Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s, Dr Kathryn-Ekers, who will explore new subjects being introduced to VCE, while providing teachers with valuable insights into how these subjects can be successfully integrated into classrooms.
Tony Melton and Robyn Rogers have sold Tatura’s Victoria Hotel. Pouring their final drinks as publicans on Sunday with local celebrations. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

Expo brings sunshine and business success

sales manager, Ron Le Busque.

If you missed the Great Outdoor and 4x4 Expo, you check out the whole range at Prestige Jayco, located at 21-27 Midland Highway, Epsom, or call the team on 5447 9977.
EXCELLENT EXHIBITORS... Prestige Jayco sales manager Ron Le Busque with his team, salesmen Trent Bromley and Simon Turk, at the recent Shepparton Great Outdoor and 4x4 Expo. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

Tony and Robyn call last drinks
When we spoke early on Friday afternoon, they had already made four sales to eager travellers.

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AFTER 11 years behind the bar at Tatura's Victoria Hotel, publicans Tony Melton and Robyn Rogers finished up service on the weekend.
“It has been a long time since the Shepparton expo. We had no idea how big it would be or how massive the selection. We’ve brought a good mix of stock, the biggest we could – but the expo would be nothing without such a great range of exhibitors throughout,” said Prestige Jayco

THE Great Outdoor and 4x4 Expo brought together a massive range of caravans, campers and other outdoor equipment and accessories for the Novice Explorer to the Adventure King.
From Monday, September 12, Andrew McCallum is the new owner and publican at the Hotel.
“Being back at the expo is a sign that Covid is gone, and that our lives are returning to normal. Everyone has been really excited to get away.
“We have a new team supporting us over the weekend. Simon is three months into his role, and Trent has been with us for a year.”
Prestige Jayco exhibited at the Shepparton expo for the first time in a long time, bringing 15 caravans and campers with them and two staff members.
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 15

"It has been 11 years and one month," Tony said proudly on Sunday. He said he's most looking forward to having a holiday with Robyn. The couple relocated to the region over a decade ago to take ownership of the Victoria Hotel.
Want to have your say?
We welcome Letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.

I have received a reply from Community Sport Minister Ros Spence MP in which she confirms that Greater Shepparton City Council, in partnership with the club, has applied for a grant through the Victorian Government’s 2022 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund to undertake planning and detailed designs for a proposed pavilion.Theminister tells me she expects to announce the outcomes of this grant process later this year.
Greater Shepparton City Council supported the club with funding towards design and investigation works. Together
Email your letters to the editor


I was very pleased to advocate in Parliament for the Murchison-Toolamba Football Netball Club which, with Greater Shepparton City Council, is seeking $4.1M to improve facilities for the community hub
As I said in Parliament, the club is kicking goals this year and it deserves quality facilities to match!

Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party Member for Northern WangarattaVictoria
24 hours a day.

Royal Life Saving Society – Australia is asking all owners of backyard pools to check their pool fences and pool gates as a matter of Childrenurgency.under five are curious and fearless, and their love of water puts them at risk of Tragically,drowning.everyyear in Australia we lose on average 22 young children to drowning, more than half of those drowning in backyard swimming pools. The majority are aged just one year old.
Ensure that you have a functioning and compliant pool fence and working gate as an additional barrier between young children and water for all those moments when life intervenes – the phone rings, the doorbell rings, another child needs your attention – can literally be life saving.

I raised this project in Parliament on behalf of the community on August 17.
Local sport is often the heartbeat of a community, and the Murchison-Toolamba FNC has a proud history. The recreation reserve is the playing ground for a range of sports and community activities and while the football club does its best, its facilities are dilapidated and not fit-for-purpose.
Letters to the Editor
Justin Scarr Chief Executive Officer

I congratulate the club president and committee for their dedication to this important project and will continue to support you.
on sale now ALL nominees of the 2022 White King – Pental Triple M Business Awards, as well as friends, family and the wider community are invited to celebrate 25 years of successful business awards at a special gala dinner next month. Tickets are on sale now for the Business Excellence Awards gala dinner and presentation night, where winners under each category will be named. Tickets are $110 for Chamber members or $120 for non-members. The event is happening at Riverlinks on Friday, October 28. To book, phone Riverlinks on 03 5832 9511. 202 2 Sponso ed by in Shepparton Select from: • Hot Dogs • Hot Chips • Dim Sims • Hamburgers • Schnitzel Rolls Freshly Sandwichesmade& Rolls Cakes & Slices Barista Coffee Verneyatroad It’s Tradie Day Every day 9 Conifer St Sub-NewsagencyShepparton|EFTPOS Ph: 5821 2676 | Open 7 Days 5822 1555 177-193 Numurkah Rd, Shepparton VIC www.fairleysiga.com.au CATALOGUELookinside!OUTNOW! Not normalyourdollar. It’s a Donation Dollar. If everyone gave them as they found them, every year $300 million would go to those who need it most. When you find one. Give one.


You can download a free home pool safety checklist here: membersthisaccessorthepooluptemptation.toysself-closingfromweakenconditionsmorecampaigns-and-programs/keep-watchwww.royallifesaving.com.au/about/https://Thisyear,we’veallexperiencedalotwetweatherthanusual.TheLaNiñacanwashawaytopsoilandfences.Checknofencepostshavecomeloosetheground.Makesurethegateisstillandself-latching.PackpoolawaysotheyarenotanoverwhelmingItisalsoagoodtimetobrushonCPRaheadofsummer.Byspendingabitoftimecheckingthefence,poolgateandtheareaaroundpoolissecure,includingnofurniturestructuresthatlittlepeoplecanclimbtothepool,youcouldpreventatragedysummer.KeepWatchandprotectthelittlestofyourfamily.

OPINION Page 16 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

these organisations have developed an excellent proposal that will sustain a range of community activities for the years ahead.
Dear Editor,
We know that seven times the number of children who die go to hospital after a nonfatal drowning incident. That is more than 150 children aged under five each year, some of whom will be left with life-limiting disabilities.Whileactive supervision is the best protection against childhood drowning, no parent or caregiver can watch a young child
Royal Life Saving Society - Australia

Tania Maxwell MP

6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys 8.30 The Handmaid’s Tale 10.30 SBS News 11.00 Gomorrah 11.55 Luther 12.55 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 NITV News: Nula 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 Supervet Specials 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome 8.30 Hampton Court: Behind Closed Doors 9.25GreatestWorld’sHotels 10.15 SBS News 10.45 Das Boot 11.45 Thin Blue Line 12.50 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. FIM Superbike World RoundChampionship.7.Highlights. 3.05 The Hunt For Shackleton’s Ice Ship 4.40 The Great Train Robbery: The Hidden Tapes 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.30 Greatest Train Journeys From Above 8.20 Secrets Of The Tower Of London 9.15 Elizabeth I And II: The Golden Queens 10.05 Scotland: 1000 Years Of History 11.45 Movie: Apocalypse Now Redux (1979) 3.30 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 10.00NaturalEarth’sWonders 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 12.00 APAC Weekly 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 Speedweek 3.00 Countdown To Qatar 2022 3.30 The Rising 4.00 Cycling. Ceratizit Challenge by La Vuelta. Highlights. 5.00 Going Places 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.30CodeEgyptBreakers 8.30 Lost Pyramids Of The Aztecs 10.30 Jack The Ripper: The Case Reopened 11.40 Who Gets To Stay In Australia? 12.40 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 12.10WeekendBBC News 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 Al Jazeera News Hour 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30AndLettersNumbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30ImpossibleBuildingLighthouses:The 8.30FamilyDNASecrets 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency 10.35 SBS News 11.05 Beforeigners 12.00 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 9.05 Peer To Peer 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30AndLettersNumbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 8.30 Insight 9.30 Dateline 10.00 SBS News 10.30 The Point 11.00 Atlanta 12.20 Late Programs 6.00 Ent. Tonight 6.30 GCBC 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Dog House Australia 8.30 Ghosts 9.30 Bull 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 Food Trail: South Africa 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 News 6.30 The Project 7.30 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod 8.30 Gogglebox Australia 9.30 Off The Bench 10.00 To Be Advised 11.00 Law & Order: S.V.U. 12.00 The Project 1.00 Stephen Colbert 2.00 Shopping 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Living Room 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 Ultimate Classroom 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Living Room 8.30 To Be Advised 9.30 Just For Laughs Australia 10.00 Just For Laughs Uncut 10.30 The Project 11.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 5.00 Infomercials 6.00 Reel Action 6.30 Leading The Way 7.00 Escape Fishing 7.30 4x4 Adventures 8.30 What’s Up Down Under 9.30 St10 12.00 Luxury Escapes 12.30 Living Room 1.30HomesHealthyAust 2.00 Buy To Build 2.30 Planet Shapers 3.00 What’s Up Down Under 3.30 Taste Of Aust 4.00 Ultimate Classroom 4.30 Food Trail: South Africa 5.00 News 6.00 Luxury Escapes 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 The Dog House 8.00 Ambulance 10.00 To Be Advised 11.00 NCIS 2.00 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 6.00 The Living Room 7.00 Athletics. Sydney Running Festival. 10.00 Studio 10: Sunday 12.30 To Be Advised 1.40 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 2.00 Pooches At Play 2.30 Luxury Escapes 3.00 Ultimate Classroom 3.30 Food Trail: South Africa 4.00 Farm To Fork 4.30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Sunday Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 9.00 NCIS: Hawai’i 10.00 FBI 11.00SundayThe Project 12.00 Home Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 4.00 Home Shopping 4.30 CBS Mornings 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.30 Ent. Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? 9.30 Just For Laughs Australia 10.00 The Montreal Comedy Festival 11.00 The Project 12.00 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 3.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 To Be Advised 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.30 The Cheap Seats 9.30 NCIS 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00WantsFarmerAWife 1.30 Surveillance Oz 2.00 What The Killer Did Next: Sian Roberts 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 To Be Advised 9.00 Queen And Country 10.00 The Latest: Seven News 12.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 To Be Advised 1.30 Surveillance Oz 2.00BusinessKochie’sBuilders 2.30 Border Patrol 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 8.30 The Front Bar 9.30 The Latest: Seven News 10.00KimberleyInfamous:Australia:InvestigationCrimeMostTheKiller 11.05 Autopsy USA 12.05 Kiss Bang Love 1.30 Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost (2011) Tom Selleck, William Devane, Kathy Baker. 2.00 House Of Wellness 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens 7.30 Football. AFL. First preliminary final. Geelong v Brisbane Lions. 10.30Post-GameAFL Show 11.00 Armchair Experts 11.30WantsFarmerAWife 1.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend 12.00 Horse Racing. MRC StakesGeorgeFamilyFoundationDayandMainDay. 3.30Pre-GameAFL Show 4.00 Football. AFL. Second preliminary final. Sydney v Collingwood. 7.30 Seven News 8.30 Movie: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) Tom Cruise, DanikaSmulders,CobieYarosh. 11.00 Movie: X-Men (2000) Stewart,Jackman,HughPatrickIanMcKellen. 1.05 To Be Advised 2.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend 11.00 House Of Wellness 12.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 4. vCollingwoodAdelaide. 2.00 Football. VFL. Grand final. 6.00 Seven News 7.00WantsFarmerAWife 8.30 7NEWS Spotlight 9.30 Homicide: With Ron Iddles: Gina Rossato 10.35TruthInvestigation:RealUndercurrent:MurderTheIsExposed 11.45HourPolice:OfDuty 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Love At First Bark (2017) Jana Kramer, VanMcGarry,KevinAnnaHooft. 2.00 Motorbike Cops 2.30 Border InternationalSecurity: 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 AFL Brownlow Medal: Red Carpet 8.15BrownlowAFL Medal 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30IslandHeartbreakAustralia 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Road Less Traveled (2017) Charlene Tilton, Jason Burkey, Donny Boaz. 2.00 Motorbike Cops 2.30 Border InternationalSecurity: 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30WantsFarmerAWife 9.00Weddings:ExtremeAustralia 10.00 10 Years Younger In 10 Days 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30 Chicago Fire 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 The Hundred With Andy Lee 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 The Block 8.40 After The Verdict 9.40 Footy Classified 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Family Law 12.00 Chicago Med 12.50 Destination WA 1.15Queen9Honey:Elizabeth 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 After The Verdict 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 Rugby Union. Rugby Championship. Bledisloe Cup. Game 1. Australia v New Zealand. 10.00 Wallabies V New Zealand Post-Match 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 The Equalizer 12.00 The Gulf 1.00 Garden Gurus 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Til Ex Do Us Part (2018) 1.45 9 Honey: Queen Elizabeth II 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series. First Parramattasemi-final.Eels v Canberra Raiders. 9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match 10.30 Movie: Shaft (2000) 12.30 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Take Two 4.30 Global Shop 5.00 TV Shop 5.30 Skippy 6.00 Getaway 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00Extra:TodaySaturday 12.00AustraliaSurfingTV 12.30 Rivals 1.00 Drive TV 1.30 Endangered 2.30 The Block 3.30BizarreThe Pet Vets 4.30 Garden Gurus 5.00 News 5.30 Getaway 6.00 News 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series. Second Rabbitohs.SouthCronullasemi-final.SharksvSydney 9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match 10.30 Movie: The Dead Pool (1988) 12.30 Endangered 6.00 Fishing Australia 6.30 A Current Affair 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 The AFL Sunday Footy Show 12.00 Sports Sunday 1.00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures: Hawaii Ocean Paddle Pt 4 1.30 Country House Hunters Australia 2.40 The Block 5.00 News: First At Five 5.30 Postcards 6.00 Nine News Sunday 7.00 The Block 8.30 60 Minutes 9.30 Nine News Late 10.00 The First 48: Taken For A Ride 11.00 Killer Couples 11.50 First Responders 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 Take Two 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.30 Getaway 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.40 Emergency 9.40 Botched 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Fortunate Son 12.00 Emergence 1.00 Hello SA 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 A Current Affair 5.00 News Early Edition 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo: Kibali 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.40 The Hundred With Andy Lee 9.40 Footy Classified 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime 11.55 See No Evil: Lock-Up 12.45 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 5 50 6 60 8 80 3 30 SATURDAY TV Guide - WEDNESDAY SEpTEMbER 14 TO TUESDAY SEpTEMbER 20, 2022 SpectacularGoulburnOrchidValley2022 Proudly presented by the Goulburn Valley Orchid Club For further details contact Chris Ibbotson 0417 923 874 On show will be the most exquisite and beautiful orchids in Northern Victoria. Come along and enjoy: Light luncheon, morning and afternoon tea will be available. Even if you are not an orchid enthusiast come along and admire the sheer beauty and elegance of these orchid blooms - they are truly breathtaking. • Expert growers available to give advice • Potting demonstrations • Orchid growing accessories When: Sat 24th & Sun 25th September 2022 Where: Shepparton Harness Racing Club, Melbourne Rd, Kialla Time: Sat 9am - 4pm Sun 10am - 3pm Cost: Adults $5 Children under 14 FREE • Raffles for Orchid plants • Stunning floral displays • Orchid plant sales Greater Shepparton SPONSORED BY
6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 The Great Wall Of China:
8.30 Secret Scotland 9.20 The Stranger 10.10 SBS News 10.40 Vienna Blood 12.35 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC


The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 17 2 20 TUESDAYMONDAYSUNDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYFRIDAY 6.00 Morning Programs 10.30 75 Years Of PeacekeepingAustralian 11.30 Wildflowers Of The Midwest Of WA 12.00 News 12.30 Press Club 1.40 Media Watch 2.00 The Durrells 3.05FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Hard Quiz 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 9.00 Summer Love 9.35 Win The Week 10.05 News 10.20 The Business 10.35 Spicks And Specks 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Aust Story 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show 11.00 Rick Stein’s Secret France 12.00 News 1.00 Win The Week 1.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 2.00 The Durrells 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00CorrespondentForeign 8.30 Q+A 9.35 One Plus One 10.05 News 10.20 The Business 10.35 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 6.00 News Breakfast 9.00NewsABCMornings 10.00 Q+A 11.00 The Best Of Back Roads 12.00NewsABCAt Noon 1.00 Savage River 1.55 Australia’s Lost Impressionist 3.05FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00BrushAnh’sWith Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Gardening Australia 8.30 Baptiste 10.30 ABC Late News 10.45 Doc Martin 12.20 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 12.50 Summer Love 1.20 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Rage 12.00NewsABCAt Noon 12.30 Vera 2.00 Midsomer Murders 3.30 Great Landscapes:SouthernOutback 4.00 Spicks And Specks 4.50 Landline 5.15Attenborough’sDavid Life That Glows 6.10SanetraEscapes:ExtraordinarySarker 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Death In Paradise 8.30 Miniseries: Marriage 9.30 Summer Love 10.00 Savage River 10.55 Silent Witness 12.00 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Offsiders 10.30 World This Week 11.00 Compass 11.30 Praise 12.00 News 12.30 Landline 1.30 Gardening Aust 2.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 3.30 Rick Stein’s Secret France 4.30 Win The Week 5.00 Art Works 5.30RoadshowAntiques 6.30 Compass 7.00 ABC News Sunday 7.40 Spicks And Specks 8.30 Savage River 9.25 Silent Witness 10.25 The Newsreader 11.20 The Capture 12.20 Harrow 2.10 Rage 4.15RecordingThe Studio 5.00 Insiders 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Landline 11.00RoadshowAntiques 12.00NewsABCAt Noon 1.00 Rosehaven 1.25 Vera 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55BrushAnh’sWith Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Australian Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.20 Media Watch 9.35 Planet America 10.05 ABC Late News 10.20 The Business 10.40 Q+A 11.45 Baptiste 1.40 Harrow 3.25 Rage 4.25 The Drum 5.25 7.30 6.00 News 10.00CorrespondentForeign 10.30 Planet America 11.00 Dementia & Us 12.00 News 1.00 Miniseries: Marriage 1.55 The Durrells 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Take 5 8.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 9.30 Home: The Story Of Earth 10.30 News 10.45 The Business 11.00 Four Corners 11.45 Media Watch 12.05 The Capture 1.05 Harrow 2.50 The Durrells 3.40 Rage 4.25 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 9.05 Peer To Peer 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Dateline 2.30 Insight 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 Supervet Specials 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30

HiddenTheStory World Tonight With David Muir PBS
News 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 Supervet Specials 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30

SUMMER OF SEVENTEENTHTHEDOLLTHU22SEPRIVERLINKSWESTSIDE7.30PM This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. SPRING

By Ray DirectedLawlerbyDenny Lawrence

Page 18 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 What’s on NEW HUGE Len 0458 777 901 Emily 0488 242 699 www.gvwoodworkers.com.au DEMONSTRATIONS + MUCH MORE FREEKIDS’GAMEAREA CHRISTMASUPSTOCKONPRESENTSFUNFAMILYGREATDAY Scan here for ticket sales 9.30am - 4pm Shepparton Showgrounds Featuring Collectables Contact Helen 0488 191 $5Public858entry SHEPPARTONSHEPPARTONSWAPMEETSHOWGROUNDS High St, Shepparton (Midland Hwy A300) Gates open at 6.30am for stall holders General public 7.30am No alcohol, No camping, No dogs allowed Lunch and refreshments available Sunday Sept 11, 2022 sitesOutdoor $20 6m x Entry6m$5 (children under 14 free) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LLOYD OR KRISTINE HEALEY ON 0438 294 351 WWW.GVMVDC.COM.AU/GVMSWP.HTML SUMMER OF THE IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY What’s on IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY Have you got an event coming up? Reach 60,000 estimated readers + online in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Call Pauline for your inclusion in The Adviser’s new What’s On section All you have to do is phone 5832 8989 or email pauline.georgys@sheppartonadviser.com.au. Featuring Collectables & Vintage Caravans Also welcoming Rods Customs & Classics • Collectables & Stationary Engines • Tractor Trek Saturday leaving 9am • Show & Shine Sunday • Trade Sites available • NHMA Guidelines apply Annual Spring Rally Deniliquin Collectors Club Edward River Memorial Park, Deniliquin SEPT 17th & 18th Contact Helen 0488 191 $5Public858entryperday HUGE Len 0458 777 901 Emily 0488 242 699 www.gvwoodworkers.com.au DEMONSTRATIONS + MUCH MORE FREEKIDS’GAMEAREA FUNFAMILYGREATDAY Scan here for ticket sales 30TH ANNIVERSARY SHOWSat1st&Sun 2nd Oct 9.30am - 4pm Shepparton Showgrounds Riverlinks Box Office: 03 5832 9511Riverlinksriverlinksvenues.com.auandHITProductions present

Rally secretary Helen Baker says, “We are looking forward to a big weekend and it is great to be back after two years, and it is a great way to celebrate the Deniliquin Collectors Club’s 21st birthday.”
After a two-year hiatus, the Deniliquin Collector’s Club are excited to return with a thrilling range of wonderful and varied collectables from vintage caravans to Ferguson tractors, pocket watches and vintageCelebratingcars. its 21st birthday with the Annual Spring Rally, the Deniliquin Collectors Club event is sure to be a veritable collector’s paradise, with all manner of collectables including stationary engines, rods customs and classics, along with highly sought-after Anne Stokes artwork and homewares and various dolphin ceramics and figurines.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 19 What’s on NEW IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY Have you got an event coming up? Reach 60,000 estimated readers + online in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Call Pauline for your inclusion in The Adviser’s new What’s On section All you have to do is phone 5832 8989 or pauline.georgys@sheppartonadviser.com.au.email GV WOODWORKING SHOW 30TH ANNIVERSARY Shepparton Showgrounds Sat 1st & Sun 2nd October 2022 Contact Emily Ph 0488 242 699 Free Kids Game Area. Great Family Fun Day Out! DENILIQUIN COLLECTORS CLUB ANNUAL SPRING RALLY Edward River Memorial Park. Deniliquin Sat 17th & 18th September 2022 Contact Helen Ph 0488 191 858 Featuring Collectables & Vintage Caravans. SUMMER OF THE SEVENTEENTH DOLL Thursday 22nd September 2022 Riverlinks Westside at 7.30pm Contact Riverlinks box office 03 5832 9511 By Ray Lawler Directed by Denny Lawrence LIVE MUSIC – NUMURKAH Numurkah RSL Hall Sat 17th September 2022 Only $10 members - $20 Non members Contact Damien Ph 0427 631 927 Tinman & Drew Walker. Folk, Blues, Piano & Sweet Harmonies. 146TH AGRICULTURALSHEPPARTONSHOW Shepparton Show Grounds Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022 Funwww.sheppartonshow.com.auforallthefamilywithentertainers, side shows. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PIANO AWARDS Monday 10th - Saturday 15th October 2022 Riverlinks Eastbank 70 Welsford St Shepparton Contact Riverlinks Box Office 03 5832 9511 The Award Showcases Some of Australia’s Finest Pianists. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SHOW AND SHINE EUROA Sunday 2nd October 2022 Sevens Creek Park, Euroa Contact Ross Holt 0417 562 059 Unique & exceptional cars from all eras Over 70 Trophies GOULBURN VALLEY COUNTRY FESTIVAL Saturday 1st April 2023 | Shepparton Showgrounds dancingMotocrossKaseygoulburnvalleycountrymusicfestival.com.auChambers-TroyCassar–Daley-Freestyle(FMX)Woodchopping-DJbratpaisley-Lineandsomuchmore. SAM SCAVENGER HUNT From 17th September free from the SAM Shop Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book Friends of SAM members receive a 10% discount on all programs. Fun for the whole family!

Thursday 22nd September | Shepparton Art Museum
Tuesday 27th September | Shepparton Art Museum
printing with ink.

Friday 30th September Shepparton Art Museum

The Adviser’s Whats On Continues on Page 18 EVENTS

AFTER three years of not going ahead, the 30th annual Woodworking Show will be held on the first weekend of October.

This huge celebration will commemorate over 30 years of the fruits of the GV Woodworker’s labour being showcased to theThepublic.club comprises of approximately 110 members which has been running since its inception in 1984. The club is run solely by volunteers and is open to anybody aged over 12, with plenty of experienced woodworkers who can offer advice and support with projects.

perfect for planting new spring seeds in your
book Make your

A TROVE...TREASUREVERITABLE Photo:Annualthe21stisCollectorsDeniliquinClubcelebratingitsbirthdaywithreturnoftheSpringRally.Supplied
Monday 19th September | Shepparton Art Museum

Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book Make your own custom shrinky-dink wearable art inspired by our exhibitions.
11am-12pm and 2pm-3pm | Kids 10 to 15yrs FREE
THE engines are revving, and excitement is building for the return of the Deniliquin Collectors Club, Annual Spring Rally at Edward River Memorial Park Deniliquin on September 17-18, 2022.

Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book
The kids won’t miss out either with
Entry is $5 and some catering will be available on the day. For further information please call Helen on 0488 191 858
FREE Visit
| Kids
“There will be demonstrations throughout the weekend including wood

turning, pyrography, working with resin, puzzle making, pen turning, scroll sawing, whittling, carving, bandsaw boxes and lots more as well as demonstrations from our local businesses ‘Dragon Egg Turning by Pop’s Shed’ and resin pours by ‘Art Tree Creations’,” said GV Woodworker’s president, Emily Slaughter.
vintage or new Transformers on offer as well as a huge range of classic Little Golden Books.With so many more collectables to be sought and treasured, there is sure to be something for everyone.
11am-12pm AND 2pm-3pm 5 to 10yrs SAM’s website for more information and to very own pinch pot garden.
Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book A special introduction to ceramics for young artists led by Monique Elliott of @mae.artistry.
The event will be held at the Multipurpose Pavillion at the Shepparton Showgrounds on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October from 9.30am-4.00pm. For further information, contact Len on 0458 777 901 or Emily 0488 242 699 and visit www. gvwoodworkers.com.au
Ready and eager for action, the Show and Shine Sunday event will make its proud and popular return with a wide assortment of vintage cars, bikes, buses and trucks while the Tractor Trek on Saturday leaves at 9am.
Woodshow back on forBELIEVE...WOOD2022YOU
Turn trash into treasure transformation simple egg cartons into one-of-a-kind upcycled art.
Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book

Deniliquin Collector’s Club turns 21

11am-12pm 5 to 10yrs | 2pm-3pm kids 10 to 15yrs. FREE
It will be a wonderful day out for families with a free kid's games area. There will be giant guess who, checkers, noughts and crosses, chess and lots more as well as yummy tucker from a plethora of food vans.
11am-12pm AND 2pm-3pm | Kids 5 to 10yrs FREE
Tues 20th Wed 21st Wed 28th & Thurs 29th Sept @ SAM Kids 8 to 15yrs. $10 per class, or 4 for $30.
This year’s woodshow will be a spectacular event, with demonstrators, stall holders and businesses in attendance from all across the nation.
Mon 26th September | Shepparton Art Museum

11am-12pm and 2pm-3pm | Kids 5 to 10yrs FREE
Get krafty and make your own DIY Kaleidoscope
This Woodworkingannual Show will go ahead in the first weeks of October. The event will commemorate 30+ years of the fruits of the StephanieSanderson.inpublic.showcasedlabourWoodworker’sGVbeingtothePicturedmemberSuePhoto:Holliday
Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book BYO T-shirt, tote bag, or anything else you’re keen to creatively adapt by block
Page 20 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 emma 12 months to February 2017 Readership based on last four weeks. Survey conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ ; Nielsen DRM February 2017 People 14+ only 4.1 mill ion Au st ra li an s re ad co mmun ity news pape rs in pr int. ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: Much hardship and difficult y is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position Vacant/Situations Vacant columns are reser ved for advertisements which carry a specific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment ser vices should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher ’s approval. 5832 8989 The Goulburn and Murray Valleys’ largest newspapecirculatingr CAREER CHANGE? If you are looking for a Classithenchangecareerorneednewstafftofillapositioninyourbusiness,theAdviserfiedsisthechoiceforyou. CLASSIFIEDS T 03 583 2 8989 JOB VACANCIES EXPERIENCED OPERATORS TRUCKLABOURERSDRIVERS Bild Group currently has the following vacancies and opportunities for people looking for new challenges across the Civil Infrastructure Industry working on regional projects across Victoria. • HROperators/HCTruck Drivers Labourers The right candidate will have a good work ethic, a hunger to be a part of a strong team and strong commitment to safety and quality Requirements: Report to the Moama depot •Work away from home “Monday to Friday” •Availability to work reasonable overtime, including occasional weekends Please register your interest for the above roles by contacting Des Smith 0428 511 587 or email resume to des.smith@bild.group Rochester & Elmore District Health Service www.redhs.com.au quality person centred care to our Ifmentoringresidents.you About REDHS careFinancialservices assi stance for professional development and study leave Free access to our onsite gy m Free parking at our door stepsa nd a co located Medical Clinic care facility About you areWe applying for. It re How to www.redhs.com.auApply Rural City of Wangaratta currently have a number of vacancies across a variety of departments! We are currently lookin g fo r Fu ll Time, Part Time an d Casual people fo r th e below ro les: • Adminis trat ion Officer –Infrastructure • Asset O cer – Arboriculture • B us hfire Recove r y Youth Project Coordin ator • Childcar e Educato r Leve l 3 (Diplom a) • Te a m Leader – Visitor Info rm at ion Cen tr e • Ve getation Managemen t Fi eld Assistant The successful applicant will be re quired to prov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt Career Opportunities Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 19 Septembe r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 HR DRIVER Full Time - Shepparton Based Business expansion - New Runs available CONTACT MARK 0499 291 001 EMPLOYMENT 5832 89 89 @s heppar tonadvise r. com.au .sheppar tonadvise r. com.au CLASSIFIED LOCA L OPPORTUN ITIE S

STRAWBERRY plants x 6 strong healthy plants juicy berries $15 ph 0408 389 247
MYNA BIRD TRAPS $50 Mooroopna Men's Shed Ph Michael 0418 993 692
Much hardship and difficulty is

LACE curtains. 1x3mts, $3. 1x5mts, $5. 160cm drop. Complete with rods and brackets. Ph 0417 427 317
caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position emplowhicVacant/SituationsVacantcolumnsarereservedforadvertisementshcarryaspecificandgenuineofferofemployment.Adsfor‘BusinessOpportunities’,‘CommissionOnly’trainingcoursesandymentservicesshouldbesubmittedunderthoseheadings.Placingmisleadingadsisanoffenceagainstthefairtradinglegislationandalladvertisementsaresubjecttothepublisher’sapproval. Proc ur ement Specialist Fu ll Ti me $8 7, 841 pa + supe r Th e R ura l C it y of Wanga ratt a a re ookin g fo r a Procurement S pecialist to prepa re , d ocument and embed the strategy for Council’s procurement activities within the organisatio n. Yo u w ill b e re sponsibl e fo r s upporting e e ctive complia nt an d e c ient p ro cu re ment p ract ices . Yo u w il l prov id e s pecialist a dvic e to C ounci l o c er s i n addition t o d evelopin g a n d d elivering sta training i n o rd e r to ensure c omplianc e w ith Council’s P ro cu re ment Policy. Thi s rol e o e r s th e s u ccessful a pplicant the opportun it y to grow a n d d evelo p b usines s practices in r el atio n to pro cu re ment a nd purchasing, the ability to work autonomously and invo lvement i n d ecisio n m akin g that w ill h ave long -term i mpacts o n C ounci l o pe rati on s. I n addition t o a c ompetitive s alar y C ounci o e rs accrued time o and a flexible work arrangement policy i n o rd e r to facilitate gre ater work- life balance. Council promotes a culture of continuous improvement and an environment that encourages grow th a n d p rofe ssiona l d evelopme nt Fo r fu rther enquiries: C hris M olyneaux Finance M anage r o n 0 428 4 47 9 66 The success ful applican t will be re quir ed to pr ov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certif ic ate pr io r to commenceme nt Career Opportunitie s Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 19 Septembe r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 EMPLOYMENT Antenna • • • BOOK YO UR CL ASSIFIEDS NO W online www.sheppadvise r. com.au si fi eds@sheppar to nadviser.com .a u P hone 03 58 32 8989CLASSIFIED ATYOURSERVICE
OUTDOOR MESH CHAIRS x 6, $20 the lot Ph 5862 1924
WARDROBE wooden, 2 door, good condition $50 Ph 0417 506 441
BOOSTER SEAT Babylove brand, high back, as new, limited use, from Grandma's car $50 Ph 5823 1138
CAN YOU HELP? Elderly couple in need of permanent rental property within 10 km radius of Kyabram. Ph 0457 788 338 Helen.

ELKHORN backboards solid timber various sizes, now's the time, can help with re-mounting ferns $10 ph 0408389247
Supply, install & service. Garage doors, Automatic doors & Gate openers Call Phil on 0418 577 280

FREE pick up/ removal of any unwanted cars, trucks, tractors, trailers etc same day service Ph 0477 580 096

DRAPES, suit window 165x165cm, complete with tracks etc. $10. Ph 0417 427 317

WHITE CORNER DESK $10 Ph 5862 1924
As of July 2019, it is now a requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that an advertisement must include the unique source number (required from the Pet Exchange Register) of the seller and the individual microchip number of each cat or dog being sold or given away. These requirements apply to puppies and kittens as well as adult dogs and cats. For further information phone 5832 8900.
REFRIGERATOR Westinghouse 242ltr, all fridge, no freezer, purchased May this year, perfect cond $600 Ph 58219376


WANTEDACCOM. FOR SALEBARGAINBUYS CLASSIFIEDS T 03 583 2 8989 THEFor your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989 A member of The Victorian Country Press Association G.V. SKIP HIRE 5827 1372 Locally Owned and Operated 6 DAYS A WEEK 1.5, 3, 6 & 10 METRE SKIPS FOR THE CLEAN-UP AND REMOVAL OF YOUR HOUSE, GARDEN AND YARD WASTE. SA9880 Waste Removal • • • emma 12 months to February 2017 Readership based on last four weeks. Survey conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ ; Nielsen DRM February 2017 People 14+ only 4.1 mill ion Au st ra li an s re ad co mmun ity news pape rs in pr int. FOR A FREE QUOTE & ADVICE CALL SIMON T: 9309 0700 M: 0411 174 000 E: fivestarreblocking@hotmail.com FIVE UNDERPINNINGREBLOCKINGSTAR& 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE •BUILDING PERMITS SUPPLIED • COMPUTER FLOOR LEVELLING •WORK IS GUARANTEED • FULLY INSURED • 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • NEW EXTENSION (FRONT & REAR) • ALL SUBURBS Reblocking • • • WWW .Y OUNGSANDCO .COM.A U 123 Wyndham St, SHEPPARTON P: 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA P: 5825 4833 For enquiriesimmediatecontact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 LOProfessionalcesforeasethatcouldbeyournewhome. •Excellent modern o ce facilities with natural light •Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette • Prime 1st Floor o ces with lift •Excellent views of Queens Gardens 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away Suite 3, 38-40 Welsford St 300Sheppartonsqmapprox$5,000PA +GST +OUTGOINGS 0487 148 701 info@jjkpaintingdecorating.com.auOREMAILCALLJay Painting • • • Policies Editorial policy andprocedurescomplaints Editorial Policy The Adviser understands and respects that we have an obligation to adhere to the principles of integrity, balance and fairness in all news gathering and Topresentation.viewourfull Editorial Policy please visit our website. Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to one (1) month from the date of the behaviour(s) or first publication. To view our full complaints procedure policy, please visit our website. Postal address: PO Box 1664 Shepparton VIC 3630 By person: 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630 By sheppadvisersheppartonadvisereditorial@email:com.au.com.au The Adviser’s Editorial and Complaints policies are available on our website at: http://www.sheppadviser.com.au/editorial-policy/ If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about this, please email: editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au Call our friendly team on (03) 5832 8900 or come and see us at 38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton. Did you know?

FARM trees, Eucalyptus caesia, Willow myrtle, $2ea. Ph 0417 427 317

OFFICE CHAIR blue, on rollers $10 Ph 5862 1924
SOUVENIR Teaspoons, (unwanted) for childrens wookshop projects. Ph 0418 753 587
KINDLING WOOD 42 Drummond Rd $5 & $7.50 per box AllMon-Friavailable8am-5pmproceedstocharityPh58213215
ELKHORNS healthy plants on very strong solid timber boards, great gift idea $30 ph 0408389247

PH 0432 583 243 Motor Trimmers & Upholstery • • • Massage • • • Does your garage door need ser vicing? Garage door servicing from $165* or book online and save! 6 Provincial Crescent, Shepparton Ph. Leisha 58315411 or Wayne 0428 002 848 Under New Management www.seniorsteel.com.au Promotional Code: ADV2207 SHEPPARTON GarageDoors SENIOR Steel Garage Doors • • •
Teachers Indie School Shepparton are seeking full time Teachers who are committed to changing the lives of young people. Indie School provides students the opportunity to learn in a supportive environment that uses individualised learning and education plans, tailored to each student’s own education and life circumstances. Smaller class sizes allow students greater opportunity to identify their strengths and work to improve areas in which they lack confidence. The Teacher duties will align to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, as well as support the operations of the Indie School Shepparton and surrounding areas, including relevant curriculum development, delivery and page:refertasking’sTorequirements.reportingviewthecompleteworkplaceforthisrolepleasetotheIndieSchoolcareers careers/https://indieschool.edu.au/ If you have any questions please contact Liz Withall, Head of School via email at liz.withall@indie.edu.au indieschool.edu.au 2023 OR IMMEDIATE START
CAT white, fluffy, one blue eye & one green eye, extremely friendly and loved family cat, went missing in Elizabeth St Mooroopna area, in August Ph 0402 306 288 REWARD OFFERED
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 21

PEA STRAW small squares, Numurkah call John on 0458 622 025 or Tallygaroopna call Rod on 0428 852 498 TALLY LIONS CLUB

AUSTRIAN blind, suit window 165x165cm, $10. Ph 0417 427 317

Page 22 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Bin Sizes 2m 3m0400Phone4mJohn774411 JACOBSONSCARTWATERAGETRANSPORTBIGGERLOADSBETTERVALUE7DAYS7DAYS Lot 1 & 2 Huggard Drive, Mooroopna 5825 3433 or 5825 2323 Join our region’s best Trades & Services ATYOURSERVICE T 58 32 89 89 or email classifieds@sheppartonadviser.com.au Water Cartage • • •Waste Removal • • • COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC SKIPS EFFICIENT RUBBISH REMOVAL IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY & NORTH EAST VICTORIA On time every time | Call us today! 0419 538 538 If you’ve got the metal, we’ve got the cash It’s that simple! CASH FOR SCRA P ME TA L •C as h buye rs of all ferrou s & non ferrou s metals • Far m clean-ups •O ld machiner y, car & truck bodies • Bat teries, Radiator s, Bras s & Cast Iron 13 5 Old Dook ie Rd, S heppar ton 58 21 7876 Country Vic TREE REMOVALS Contact Gene on 0455 365 659 countryvic.treeremoval@gmail.com · Tree Trimming & Pruning · Total Tree Removal · Fully Qualified Professional · Prompt obligation free quote · Insured · Emergency works Waste Removal • • •Removal • • • Tree Maintenance • • • Mobile: 0417 383 510 www.mannies.com.au info@mannies.com.au UNDERPINNINGRE-STUMPING FLOOR BUILDINGLEVELINGPERMITS CALL ROW 0413 580 937 IN-PS72310 Your local spider & ant expert With more than 32 years experience Call now for a FREE quote Available 7 days a week CALL 0438 401 212 POOL AND CERTIFICASPE:INFO@CERTPOOL.CALL0429621 IN-PS 74060 WWW CERTPOOL. C OM.A U Pest Control • • • Pool Inspections • • • Advertise y business here! For a small weekly investment you will receive an advertisement (as above) + A BON US UPGRADE OR EDITORIAL Call Jackie 5832 8900 MOWING • GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE PRUNING & HEDGE TRIMMING • FERTILISING PEST & DISEASE CONTROL • MULCHING G ARDEN MAINTENANCE Contact Troy for an obligation free quote: Ph 0439 623 123 Email hoopersgm@outlook.com ABN: 125089665544 Shan’s Garden Care ‘You grow it we mow it’ Specialising in property cleanups rubbish removal, hedging, pruning and general garden maintenance For Shepparton call Mark 0427 061 061 For Cobram call Shannon 0421 805 582 We haven’t got it? We’ll get it, or we’ll make it ON SITE SERVICE steveaddison393@gmail.com40BaynesRd,Murchison0400509552 Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat 9am - 5pm Tues & Thur s 2pm - 5pm WE COME TO YOU! OR COME SEE US IN MURCHISON! FREE FITTING STRUTS FOR CARS, CHAIRS, CARAVANS ETC. NEW & REFURBISHED STRUTS Gardening • • • Gas Struts • • •Gardening • • • • Aluminium & Glass • Pool Fencing • Slatted Screens • Timber Finish • Sliding Gates • Temp Fencing • Onsite Welding Local Pool Fencing Specialists A&G CUSTOM FENCING CALL 0414 993 394 WWW .ALUMINIUMGLASSPOOLFENCING.COM.AU FirewoodJohnTheWoodcuer Phone John 0408 579 014 SAWN TIMBER CUT TO ORDER House alterations | Bathroom renovations Decks | Kitchen and Laundry renovations Delivering Expert Home Improvements Call David 0457 023 410 0402 002 719 lyndasls2ps@gmail.com 5 lessons paid up front for $300 or $70 per lesson Construction • • • Driving Lessons • • • Firewood • • •Fencing • • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE

The Lions were able to account for the Cats in the first week of the finals, but suffered a narrow loss to Shepparton United last weekend.TheCats were able to bounce back into premiership calculations when it accounted for Euroa after a first up defeat in week one of the finals to Seymour.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 – Page 23

The Eagles have enjoyed a rapid rise up the table under Chad Owens this season.

There is no tomorrow for the loser.
That said, both will be eager to get another crack at the Green Machine.
Last meeting: R1 Mansfield 12.8.80 to Euroa 8.5.53. R9 Euroa 12.11.83 to Mansfield 2.7.19. Tip: Mansfield

Nakita Singe missed last week’s defeat to United and the Lions will be hoping she is available this weekend.

They finished the Home and Away season in second place while the Pies had a similar rise up the table under Scott Rowan.
The Pies finished third after the Home Away rounds.Mansfield has got to today after shaking off a challenge from Mooroopna after a first week defeat to Echuca while Euroa gets a shot at the big dance after a win in the first week and a defeat in the second semi-final last weekend.
Both teams will rely on their top line players to get them over the line today coupled with their contested brand which has won them so many games in 2022.

The Lions hold the upper head in their meetings this year,
The Cat goalers in Dayna Williams and Elle Brooks were outstanding in the win over Euroa.They will again be important and if they can get the better of the Lions defence which also includes Sarah Szczykulski, then they could give the Cats a big show of reversing the result of the qualifying final.
Both teams have suffered the one defeat during the finals before getting to the preliminary final.

later in the season.
The team that can get the edge around the stoppages and then take their chances will win and I think it might be the Eagles who get it done.
By Sam Sarancino MANSFIELD V EUROA (Football)

Both have lost to short-priced premiership fancy Echuca during the finals’ series.
The prize is massive for the winner – a shot at Echuca and a chance to end a long drought without a premiership.
But for the winner is a place in the big dance to take on Shepparton United next week.
The ledger is squared at 1-1 this season, with the Eagles winning the earlier meeting at Memorial Oval and the Pies turning the tables on their rival at Mansfield Recreation Reserve

BATTLE FOR GLORY... Shepparton United and Mansfield U18s match up in Kyabram over the weekend. It was a close contest, with Shepparton United coming out on top and winning in extra time. Photo: Will Adams GoalsMarketingKickwith With our features and circulation, you are sure to reach your target market 219-225 Wyndham Street, Shepparton. Phone 5832 8900 WWW.GETMOOVINGSHEPPARTON.COM.AU #GETMOOVING #ACTIVITIESINTHEPARK PROUDLY PRESENTED BY FREE AND LOW COST ACTIVITIES school holiday fun! EDITION SPRING 2022 TheActivitiesintheParkprogram providesanopportunityforGreater Sheppartonresidentsandvisitorsto participateinfreeandlowcostactivities. Nowmorethaneverdoweneedto activitiestoencourageeveryonetobe healthy,active,happyand connected. TheActivitiesintheParkprogramnow runsfor12monthsoftheyearwith updatedbookletsdistributedatthe changesoftheSeasons. Spring-releasedinSeptember SummerreleasedinDecember AutumnreleasedinMarchand WinterreleasedJune Everyonewelcome! Termson arecorrectat2022. howtogetinvolved Someactivitiesrequireregistrationpriortothe activitycommencing. Wearcomfortableclothingandfootwearand remembertosunsmartbybringinga andawater thingstoremember Themajorityofactivitiesareheldoutdoors thereforearesubjecttochangeduetopoor weatherPleasemonitorour ‘Get MoovingGreaterShepparton’Facebook page,downloadthefreeGetMoovingapp contacttheactivityfacilitatordirectlyfor updatesonactivities. Childrenparticipatinginouractivitiesmust supervisedbyparentorguardian16 yearsorolderatalltimes. Requirementssuchasdietary,wheelchair access,mobilityorvisionimpairmentcan becateredfor.Aportablehearingloopalso availableonrequest.Pleasecontactuson (03)58329431 Guidedogsandcompanionanimalsare activities. supportedby FREE AND LOW COST ACTIVITIES activitiesinthepark PRESENTED BY activitiesinthepark WWW.GETMOOVINGSHEPPARTON.COM.AU #ACTIVITIESINTHEPARK for informationmore Download our FREE getmooving Like us on Facebook Get Mooving Greater Shepparton Follow us on Instagram @getmooving Visit our getmoovingshepparton.com.au Bookings essential by getmoovingshepparton.com.auvisiting contacting (03) 5832 9431 during business hours. Call Council’s Active Living Department on (03) 5832 9431 or email shepparton.vic.gov.auhealthycommunities@ weekends call Greater Shepparton Visitor Centre (03) 5832 9330 or Toll Free 1800 808 We, Greater Shepparton City acknowledgeCouncil, the Traditional Owners the land now comprises Shepparton.GreaterWepay respect to their tribal Elders, we celebrate their continuing culture and we acknowledge the memory of their ancestors. Nature Pact Sign up make #NaturePact and encourage others to join you hours in nature a week. www.peopleandparks.org/nature-pact OURDOWNLOAD FREE APP TO STAY UP TO DATE ON ACTIVITIES!ALL what's on SCAN THE QR CODE TO DOWNLOAD THE GET MOOVING APP OR PICK UP A COPY OF OUR LATEST BOOKLET TO STAY UP TO DATE ON ALL ACTIVITIES!

Last meeting: R4 Seymour 53 d Mooroopna 33. R15 Mooroopna 36 d Seymour 32. QF Seymour 53 d Mooroopna 40. Tip: Seymour football and netball previews

This promises to be a cracking contest and the team that can stand up under the heat will win a shot at taking down Shepparton United in the grand-final.
Up the other end of the court, Madison Wong and Ella Ogier will have their hands full trying to contain Seymour goals Ellie O’Sullivan and Jessica Lallo.
Euroa last won a flag in 1990 and last played in a grand final in 2005 when it lost to Seymour.Mansfield last won a flag in 2009, which was the last time it featured in a big dance.

This game will go to the wire I suspect.

leading the win-loss ledger 2-1.

EXCITED TO BE BACK...Teams from across the state competed with gusto. Photos: Natasha Fujimoto
FUN, competition and smiles all round was to be seen and heard at the Mooroopna Access All Abilities Football Netball Carnival on Wednesday, September 7 at the Mooroopna Racecourse Recreation Reserve.

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Page 24 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1628 Wednesday, September 14, 2022

With spirits high and good sportsmanship in the air, the event made its long-anticipated return after a two-year interlude as a result of Covid.
Proudly presented by Valley Sport, teams travelled from as far as the Wimmera and Wangaratta to join clubs and teams from Echuca, Dookie and Shepparton on the footy field and across the courts in the open age competition.

Valley Sport, event organiser Lucy Marino said of the day, “There was so much excitement, and everyone was so keen to be back after missing out for two years due to Covid. It was a fantastic opportunity to get back out into sports, providing a chance for teams to play and for individuals to meet new people.”
With many participants already looking forward to the

next carnival, the event closed with a presentation ceremony where coaches were invited to award medallions to their
player of the day. Medallists were those who ‘gave-it-theirall’, while having fun and exhibiting good sportsmanship.

Giving it their all: All abilities football and netball returns GIVING IT THEIR ALL ON THE DAY... WoolmanSophiefrom the Echuca NetballallMooroopnacompetesRockettes,attheAccessAbilitiesFootballCarnival. OPEN ONCOMPETITIONAGECOURT... In the spirit ontheeachcompetedteamssportsmanship,ofofallagesagainstotheroncourtandthefield.