term three break has begun and Greater Shepparton City Council would like to invite community members and visitors to participate in the spring school holidays Activities in the Park program.Mayor Cr Shane Sali opened the spring 2022 Activities in the Park program
Continued Page 8 school at
“The season activation incorporates the best of spring and summer, beyond the school holidays, while inviting all members of the community to take part in fun activities throughout Greater Shepparton,” he said.

ON a dreary, rainy morning behind the vacant Wanganui campus, state opposition leader, Matthew Guy announced on Thursday, September 15, that if elected in November, the Liberal National Coalition will make provision for a second, public secondary school for students in Greater Shepparton.

KidsTown on Monday, where children and their

families took part in a slime making workshop.

Provision for a second secondary school to be driven by community

By Natasha Fujimoto
Receive FREE news, features and much more - Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our digital edition straight to your inbox and never miss an edition. Celebrate the WITH US! Grand Final Enjoy the game on THE BIG SCREEN with our new spring menu! Courtesy bus available. 455 Wyndham St, Shepparton 5831 4488 Mon-Thu 9am - 11pm Fri-Sat 9am - 1am Sun 10am - 11pm Become a member for as little as $5.00 and reap the rewards! Shepparton’s newest 3T MRI scanner arrives Taking bookings now You can now have access to the latest state-of-the-art scanning equipment. Now available in Shepparton Our Services Include: • General X-Ray • Ultrasound • CT Scan • ProceduresInterventional • Cardiac CT • ImagingMusculoskeletal • Bone Densitometry • Calcium Scoring • Shear ElastographyWave 79A Wyndham Street (near Knight Street corner) T: 03 9087 4355 visionradiology.com.au/shepparton OPEN Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5pm Ample FREE on-site parking at rear of clinic

Page 6 School holiday sunshine!
MOVE, PLAY, EXPLORE... With free and low-cost activities provided by Activities in the Park. Pictured are Greater Shepparton City Council’s Cr Greg James, healthy communities officer Carmen Nicholson, projects support officer Kellie Smith, and mayor Cr Shane Sali. Photo: Deanne Jeffers GOULBURN VALLEY

VISITOR EXPERIENCE OF THE YEAR AWARD: TOURISM HOSPITALITY... Pictured from left, Geoff Adams from The Adviser with Carmel Johnson and Melinda Martin from the nominated business Shepparton Art Museum with Ingrid Thomas from the Greater Shepparton City Council. Photos: Kelly Carmody
BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD: TRADE SERVICE... Pictured from left, Rij Shrestha from Harvey Norman with Kate Ryan and Nick Lucarelli from the nominated business Watters Electrical and Geoff Adams from The Adviser.
CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD: RETAIL SERVICES... Pictured from left, Geoff Adams from The Adviser with Antonella Loverso from the nominated business Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy and Wayne Sutton from the Shepparton Club.
ENVIRONMENTAL/SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured from left, Sharon Terry from the Greater Shepparton City Council’s Environmental Department with Daniel De Vries and Rony Argente from the nominated business Schnitz Shepparton and Geoff Adams from The Adviser.
Two new Customer Service Award nominations, sponsored by the Shepparton Club, have been announced. Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy for the Retail/ Hospitality Services category and Future NRG under Trade.

New nomineesaward

NEWS Page 2 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

184 and 80 finalists have been selected to date in the 25th annual 2022 White-King Pental Business Excellence Awards.

Graham Hill Eyecare’s Ashviney Vigneswaran is nominated for a Young Professional of the Year Award, provided by La Trobe University.

Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) was recognised for its’ excellence in Visitor Experience, tourism/hospitality category.
There were three Business of the Year Award nominations, sponsored by Harvey Norman Shepparton. These are Gallawah (Professional Services), Willow Batteries (Retail), and Watters Electrical (Trade).

Hub on High and Cardamone Real Estate have been nominated for Innovative Business of the Year Award, sponsored by NBN. Schnitz Shepparton was nominated for Environmental/Sustainable Business of the Year, sponsored by Greater Shepparton City Council.

Join all nominees, as well as local dignitaries and business leaders at a special gala presentation dinner at Riverlinks on Friday, October 28. For event details and to book, see the back of this edition, page 14, or call Riverlinks on 5832 9511.

CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD: RETAIL/HOSPITALITY SERVICES... Pictured from left, Wayne Sutton from the Shepparton Club with Rosie Henry from nominated business Poolwerx and Geoff Adams from The Adviser.
BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES... Pictured from left, Rij Shrestha from Harvey Norman with Tina Powney from the nominated business Gallawah and Geoff Adams from The Adviser.
INNOVATIVE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured from left, Geoff Adams from The Adviser with Peter Cardamone from the nominated business Cardamone Real Estate with Charlene Donovan from NBN Co.
GET IN EARLY FOR THE BEST BUYS! Don’t miss out on these SUPER DEALS! Qualitywines personally selected by Paul Phillips WE ARE HERE CLEAN SKIN WINE SALE REDS • WHITES • SPARKLINGSOFMONTHFORSEPTWHILESTOCK • Pinot Grigio • Rosé • Sauvingnon Blanc • Riesling • Chardonnay • Prosecco • Sparkling Red & White • Cabernet • Merlot • Cabernet Sauvingnon PLUS 10 OTHER WINES ON SALE! Bottle $9 Dozen $105 Dookie Shiraz Bottle $8 Dozen $90 HeathcoteShiraz Bottle $9 Dozen $105 PinotRiverinaNoir AdelaideBottleProseccoHills $9 Dozen $105 King ValleyPinot Grigio Bottle $7 Dozen $80 DOORS OPEN MON - FRI 9am to 6pm SAT 9am to 3pm 119 Corio Street Shepparton Ph: 5821 2051

BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD: RETAIL SERVICE... Pictured from left, Geoff Adams from The Adviser with Murray Akers from the nominated business Willow Batteries and Rij Shrestha from Harvey Norman.
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 3

CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD: TRADE SERVICE... Pictured from left, Geoff Adams from The Adviser with Sean Gash from the nominated business Future NRG and Wendy Crow from the Shepparton Chamber.
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured from left, Phuc Nguyen from La Trobe University with nominee Ashviney Vigneswaran and Geoff Adams from The Adviser.
in 2022 Sponsored by in Sheppartonin 2022 Sponsored by made in Shepparton 2022

INNOVATIVE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD... Pictured from left, Charlene Donovan from NBN Co with Nathan Goodall from nominated business Hub on High and Geoff Adams from The Adviser. SPONSORS

Ample parking, park views and a central location are some of the great selling points of this commercial office space. Photo: The Adviser.
The prime office area is 300 sqm and is available at a very reasonable price.
NEW BUDGET... While the regions are set to regionalexponentially,growSamBirrellMPhassaidinvestmentmaynotbeenoughtosupportthisgrowth.Photo:Supplied Visit www.gbcma.vic.gov.au to find out more. updateWaterwayBenefitsofwaterfortheenvironment: Prompt native fish to move and breed Provide shelter and food for fish, birds, water bugs and other native animals Boost fishingrecreationalopportunitiesSupportvegetationgrowththathelpsstabilisetheriverbank waterImproveforopportunitiesCreatetourismquality Read more about monitoring at www.flow-mer.org.au Six hundred
Central availableofficesforleaseFORRENT...
there needs to be a steady and reliable pipeline of investment.
“For Nicholls and other regional electorates to cope with the influx of new residents during the pandemic and the forecasts for further population growth
For further information and any enquiries, please call 0417 221522.
NEWS Page 4 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

LAST week, the Regional Australia Institute launched Regionalistion Ambition 2032 –a Framework to Rebalance the Nation , a bold plan to have 11M people living outside capital cities by 2032.
Greater Shepparton City Council, and professional offices.
Achieving this target will see an extra 500,000 people living in the regions, above the estimated prediction of 10.5M.

“Regional Australia is facing a horror Federal Budget at a time when regional investment is more critical than ever.”
were last week released into a wetland north of Seymour as part of a project to establish a new wild population of the threatened species in the Goulburn River catchment. Taungurung Traditional Owners (through Biik Environmental) have undertaken habitat enhancement works to further optimise conditions for the establishing population. The work includes reinstating native aquatic plants, establishing carp exclusion zones, re-snagging and willow control. Several magnificent specimens of the native Golden Perch or Yellow Belly were captured and released as part of the monitoring process. AuthorisedAdvertisementbythe Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. Save with solar. It’s that simple. Households save more than $1,000 every year when they make the switch. Eligibility criteria apply. Start saving with solar. Apply for a rebate at solar.vic.gov.au/apply Find out how to take control of your energy bills by switching to solar.
The Regional Australia Institute report documents a 100 percent jump in job vacancies in the last 2.5 years in the regions, more than 3.7M regional Australians living in a ‘childcare desert’, regional home building approvals having declined in five out of the last 10 years, and remote students doing half as well as their metropolitan counterparts in NAPLAN.
Growing regions need support to thrive Southern Pygmy Perch

Federal Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell, who attended the launch of the Framework, expressed his concern that insufficient regional infrastructure spending could place regional growth at risk.
“As I said in my first speech in the Federal Parliament, I want to continue to develop our region and regional Australia more broadly. I don't want an Australia that's dominated by a few ever-expanding megacities,” Mr Birrell said.
“Labor already has a raft of programs and funding committed by the former Coalition Government under review and has indicated it will scrap billions of dollars in regional investment planned for the next decade.”Asecond Federal Budget will be handed down by the Labor Government on October 25. Mr Birrell said,

CENTRAL Shepparton office space can often be difficult to find, particularly quality modern offices with excellent parking.Anopportunity has become available for stunning offices overlooking the Queens Gardens, just metres from the CBD,

It currently has 190 members and they met last week to spell out a vision for the reopened school and how it will engage with theTheycommunity.arecalling for a commitment from the Department of Education that it will not repurpose the site and to meet with the community. Secondly, COOL is calling on more community members to join the campaign, which includes all Greater Shepparton residents; especially the 18,000 residents who live west of Shepparton.
Modified car to assist disabled drivers
open 7 days Mon to Thu 9am - 9pm Fri & Sat 9am - 10pm | Sun 10am - 7pm 03 5481 1518 111-125 Numurkah Road, Shepparton (behind APCO Service Station) CameronBraumanAvenueStreet Pine Road APCO Service Station Basketball Stadium N HERERoadNumurkah Car Wash Chas Cole Cellars supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. Tobacco & Alcohol not sold to under 18s. *Conditions apply Trading under strict government compliance and regulations Chascole.SheppartonChas Cole SheppartonCellars KICK GOALS WITH WINNING SPECIALS Shepparton Chemist Warehouse Select from the we also stock all your favourite Beer, Cider, RTD’s, Wine and Spirits! Goulburn Valley’s largest range of craft beers and local wines. $52.95EACHGREATNORTHERNSUPERCRISP30BLOCKCANS $9BLANCSAUVIGNONYARRANEACH.95 $17.95EACHBLUEPYRENEESSHIRAZ$42.95EACHIRONJACKSTUBBIES24X375ML oulburn Check out our extensive range onFREEchascolecellars.comDELIVERY* CALL US TO PLACE AN ORDER! CLICK + COLLECT AVAILABLE $4524STUBBIESSUPERNORTHERNGREATCRISPX700ML.95EACHNORTHERNSUPERCRISPSTUBBIES24X700ML $48.95EACHCARLTONDRYCANS24X365ML$54.95EACHBUNDABERGRED1L $45.95EACHBARONSAMEDIRUM700ML$54.95EACHMELBOURNEBITTERSTUBBIES24X375ML $46.95EACHPUREBLONDESTUBBIES24X375MLSTUBBIES24X375ML$73.95EACHJOHNNIEWALKERBLACK1L $19RIESLINGSERAPHIMEACH.95

As a driving instructor with fifteen years’ experience, Michael feels strongly that everyone deserves the opportunity to gain their licence and he looks forward to working alongside occupational therapists and other care providers in assisting people to do so.
By Natasha Fujimoto
Mooroopna Men’s Shed voted unanimously in support of the campaign last week. At the time of writing, 1,000 signatures have been collected for a petition in the Legislative Council sponsored by Wendy Lovell MP.
“In celebrating 150 years of public education in Victoria, COOL will start to discuss our claims with local community leaders, council, political candidates and beyond so the roughly 18,000 people west of Shepparton can be serviced well again,” said Dr Lea Campbell, a COOL spokesperson.

With the expectation of working with clients recovering from stroke and people with reduced mobility and dexterity, the modifications provide various car functions such as indicators and windscreen wipers at the touch of a button on a keypad. Placed anywhere along the wheel, the removable
Local candidates in the upcoming state election are invited to meet with community members to outline their commitment to the COOL vision for a re-opened school on Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 5pm at MEAC (The Hub), 23 Alexandra St, Mooroopna.TheCOOL group aim to work collaboratively with surrounding towns to support their needs whilst inclusively designing Mooroopna’s new school, so a cohesive community response prevails.
Michael Brett will assist people with a physical disability in his specially fitted car to gain or regain their licence.

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 5

Mooroopna has had its own high school since 1972 before closing last year to make way for Greater Shepparton Secondary College.Thetownship has formed a “loose coalition” of local businesses, service clubs, educators and residents of Mooroopna and surrounds to advocate for a reopened high school, known as ‘COOL - College of Mooroopna Learning.’
Mooroopna community united for school
over need

When asked why he was offering driving instruction in a modified car, Michael said, “It makes you feel good to provide a service such as this. Helping people get their licence always makes you walk away with a smile, and you can’t help smiling with them, canForyou?”more information about Michael’s disabled driving, you can email him at manddbrett@bigpond.com or call him on 0458 235 600.
keypads and grip-assisting knobs can be located to suit individual requirements.

RESIDENTS in Mooroopna have banded together to lobby for the high school to be reopened as a matter of urgency.

CLOSED... Mooroopna has had its Deannereopened.lobbyinglocalsincesecondaryownschool1972andresidentsaretohaveitPhoto:Jeffers
WITH a desire to assist people with a physical disability to gain or re-gain their licence, local driving instructor, Michael Brett is proud to put his brand-new Kia Seltos to the Equippedroad.with Monarch hand-control keypads, R&B spinner knobs and a left side accelerator, Michael says his car is the only one of its kind in the Goulburn Valley offering driving instruction to mobility impaired people.
Photo: Supplied

BUSINESS AS USUAL... Next week Council’s customer service counter will resume service five days a week, after being impacted by staff shortages in recent months. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
can be catered for. A portable hearing loop is also available on request by contacting 5832
For9431.more information on the full program of activities visit getmoovingshepparton.com.au or ‘Get Mooving Greater Shepparton’ on Facebook and Instagram.
School holiday sunshine!ACTIVITIESOPEN...
NEWS continued from front page Page 6 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Visit their website greatershepparton.com.au, email council@shepparton.vic.gov.au, or phone 5832 9700.
“We thank the community for their ongoing patience and understanding during this time where we have operated our customer service counter with limited opening hours,” he said.The customer service counter will be open this Wednesday from 9am to 3pm. It will then be closed Thursday to Friday,
"Council can be contacted via phone on Monday to Friday between 8.15am to 5pm (except on public holidays), or via email or our website. Residents do not need to attend the counter to reach us, there is plenty of ways to get in contact with our friendly staff,” said Mr Teitzel.
It comes as Council has been operating its customer service counter at reduced hours due to ongoing staff shortages. Chris Teitzel, director of corporate services, said Council is pleased to be able to re-open the counter five days a week. “Council experienced a tough few months with staff shortages meaning we had to operate the customer service counter at reduced hours
Taking advantage of the sunshine, most activities are held outdoors and therefore are subject to change due to weather conditions. Stay up to date by following ‘Get Mooving Greater Shepparton’ on Facebook or download the free Get MoovingRequirementsapp. such as dietary, wheelchair access, mobility aid or vision impairment
Customer service re-opens

September 22-23, for the National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II and the AFL Grand Final Eve public holiday. The counter will then re-open Monday, September 26 from 9am to 4pm.
ACTIVITIES in the Park provides an exciting range of free and low-cost programs that include nature experiences, come-and-try workshops for kids and adults, including women only activities, and much more.
Mayor Cr Shane Sali welcomes children and families at KidsTown on Monday, where the crowd took part in a free slime making workshop! Photo: Deanne Jeffers

GREATER Shepparton City Council’s customer service counter will be open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4pm from Monday, September 26.

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 7 Shepparton North www.fairleysiga.com.au Valid from Wed 21st - Tues 27th September 2022. While Stocks Last. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Images are for Illustration purposes only. Fairleys IGA Liquor supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. Hot Dog Rolls 6 Pack 41¢ per Roll ¼ ChipsChicken,&Salad $ 249 pack $9 per serve BAKEDFRESHDAILY In Store CELERY Australian Australian Australian LOOSE PINK LADY APPLES GOLDENMANDARINSNUGGET Wattle 150gChunkyValleyDipsVarieties $2.46 per 100g Ashgrove Cheese 140g Varieties $4.28 per 100g Ingham’s DonDrumsticksChickenKabana $ 399 kg $1399 kg $ 369 ea $ 599 ea Racks/CutletsPork $1699 kg $ 299 bunch $ 299 kg $ 3 49 kg From the DELI Carlton 375mlStubbiesDraughtorCansx24Pack Jim Beam Double Serve White or Black Label 375ml Cans x 10 Pack Brown Brothers NV Prosecco, Prosecco Rose or Prosecco Spritz 750ml $ 48ea $1399 ea $ 48ea VIC GROWN

DISEMBARKING from their royal yacht in the scorching summer heat of 1954, Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh began their two-month tour of Australia.Travelling by air, sea and land, the royal couple set a gruelling pace of 57 towns in 58 days. But it was to the tiny town of Goorambat, 24km north of Benalla, that the royals came to spend one restful night on a little siding.
and then to very quickly move to address those needs.
As soon as the train arrived at Goorambat, at 10.50pm it was connected to the local electricity supply and 12,000 gallons of water were pumped from a special railway tanker.”
Book your tickets now via Eventbrite! For more information orwww.sheppshow.com.auseescantheQRcode Fun for all the family with entertainers, side shows including: Anti Can-YouGravityDig it Wadaiko Rindo, Japanese Drumming ELJAY, action packed motorcyle & bicycle show The visual spectacular of Gastropodia Agricultural exhibits and so much more! SHOW O SHOW SHO A G R I C U L T U R A AGRICULTL URAL SHE P P SHEPP 146TH ANNUAL is back! Big Show! Big Smiles! Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022 owners corporation management services, MBCM.COM.AU/SHEPPARTON

government department to dictate what the education needs are in Greater Shepparton, or what the model should be.”
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SECOND PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL...with an election win, the Liberal National coalition will provide provision for a second secondary school in Greater Shepparton.
NEWS continued from front page Page 8 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

On March 5, 1954, the Australian daily newspaper, The Argus, reported, “Police kept watch over the train all night. The Track between Benalla and Goorambat was checked, and teams of men worked late sprinkling 2,000 gallons of water to keep the dust down.
The following morning, the locals of Goorambat were allowed to gather in the station yard and were delighted beyond measure when the royal couple appeared on the observation platform to view the station which had been bedecked in greenery, bunting and flags by the local CWA.
Today, in front of the Mechanics Institute and opposite the famous little siding, there is a plaque which commemorates the hours that the Queen and her prince spent, in the little town of Goorambat.
Provision for a second secondary school to be driven by community
On a tour of northern Victoria, the Queen and the Duke spent 12 hours in Goorambat on their Royal train before heading off to Benalla, Shepparton, Tatura and beyond, the next day. In excitement and in anticipation of catching a glimpse of royalty, thousands of people reportedly slept in

ON A LITTLE SIDING IN GOORAMBAT... For just 12 hours, Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh took their rest in the tiny town in 1954. Photo: Supplied
When the Queen and her Prince came to stay in the little town of Goorambat
It is not for a minister, politician or a

their cars all around the proposed route.
Every parent and every child deserve a choice, so schools can meet the different demands and look at different ways of positioning themselves for the benefit of not just parents, but particularly kids and their futures.”Inconstant reiteration and to the applause of community advocacy group, Voice 4 Choice, Liberal National members stressed the role of the community in directing the development of the school as Mr Hodgett said,“What we are announcing today is a genuine consultation process to determine the education needs of Greater Shepparton
From left, Jenny Houlihan, Mark Sandlant, Helen Sleep, Robyn Boschetti, Di Feldtmann, Opposition leader Matthew Guy, Shadow Education Minister David Hodgett, Liberal candidate Cheryl Hammer, Liberal MP Wendy Lovell and Nationals candidate Kim O’Keeffe. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto

By Natasha Fujimoto

Stating that it was unacceptable that a regional city the size of Greater Shepparton should have only one public secondary school, Mr Guy said, “Choice is very important in education.
IN steadfast support, shadow minister for education, David Hodgett, Liberal MP Wendy Lovell, Liberal candidate Cheryl Hammer and National candidate Kim O’Keeffe, also voiced the need for choice in public secondary schools in the region and for genuine community input into determining the type of school to be revamped on an existing, and currently unutilised, campus.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 9

TEN of the most magnificent 1920 - 1930 WO Bentleys rolled into Shepparton at the weekend as part of the Bentley Drivers Club of Australia Silo Art Tour of north-eastern Victoria . The drivers and their navigators, in these stunning vintage cars, were from Victoria and NSW.
4. BRETT AND CHERYL BLACKMORE in their 1924 3 litre WO Bentley.
At the top of their list of site visits were a tour of the new Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE) and Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) . They also visited the Botanical Gardens and the Shepparton Golf Club. The club was on its fourth of a six day tour, and while in Shepparton were based at the Parklake Hotel for two nights.
In fact, one of the cars taking part in the rally is a 1922 3 litre Tourer Blue Badge Bentley, which turned 100 years old this month, is currently on the main display at MOVE, Kialla. This particular car, from Shepparton, participated in the 1000 Mile Trial 100 years ago.
3. TONY AND CHRISTINE JOHNS in their 1924 3 litre WO Bentley.
5. ROD AND BAMBI HANSON at MOVE their 1922 3 litre WO Bentley, one of the oldest Bentleys in the world. Geoff Adams

41 5 2 3 FSA/DETS1029 Giving Victorian children the best start in life Free Kinder from 2023 will give Victorian children the best start in life. Three- and Four-Year-Old Kinder will be FREE across the state at participating services. In 2022, funded Three-Year-Old Kinder continues to roll out across the state. And over the decade, we’ll transition Four-Year-Old Kinder to Pre-Prep and establish 50 Victorian Government-owned and affordable childcare centres. Learn more at vic.gov.au/kinder

Bentleys roll into Shepparton
NEWS Page 10 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

1. TREVOR MONTGOMERY in his 1925 3 – 4 ½ litre WO Bentley.

Some of the cars will be competing in
VISITING MOVE ON THE WEEKEND WERE BENTLEY DRIVERS CLUB OF AUSTRALIA MEMBERS ALONG WITH NAVIGATORS FROM LEFT… Rod Hanson, Cheryl Hunt, Trevor Montgomery, Cheryl Batagol, Barry Batagol, Wendy Blackmore, Bambi Hanson, Christine Johns, Barrie Young, Veronica Young, Tony Johns and Brett Blackmore with the 1922 3 litre Tourer WO Bentley. Photo: Geoff Adams


the RACV Alpine 1000 Mile Centenary Trial beginning on Saturday 15th October from Noble Park, Melbourne, and travelling to Traralgon, Lakes Entrance, Wodonga, Bright, Mansfield, Healesville, and Ballarat. The trials are open to vintage cars up to 1930, a real test of endurance for some of these cars which will be 100 years old.
2. CHERYL AND BARRY BATAGOL with their 1930 Speed 6 WO Bentley.
Nathalia Come and explore your opportunities
The College currently has a position available for an ICT Manager. The successful candidate will be capable of providing strategic guidance and leadership in the provision of high-quality information and communication technology services to the College.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College is a vibrant and welcoming College community which offers a rich and diverse learning environment for students and families. The College aims to develop the whole person where all aspects of students’ spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional and physical pursuits are nurtured. As a learning community, our staff are at the heart of delivering this ethos and working together to provide the best possible learning environment for students and families alike. We currently have a number of employment opportunities available for suitable applicants who are passionate about educating in an inclusive community.
Education Support Traineeship Cert III

in the following areas: •Applied Learning Leader POL 3 •Health & PE Leader POL 2 •Humanities Leader POL 2 Single or combined teaching methods which may include: •VCE Religious Education •VCE Business Management •VCE •Technology••Humanities•VCAL/Applied•EnglishGeographyLearningVisualArts(Wood,Metal, Plastics) • VET Automotive Learning Support Officers Full time & Part time The College has positions available for both part time and full time Learning Support Officers to join the growing Learning Support Team. This dynamic team provides support and advocacy to our students with additional needs.
College Timetabler
students from
All Positions are to commence in January
Join our passionate Learning and Teaching Community
The Education Support Traineeship has been designed to support staff on the ground as well as provide a pathway into potential future employment in the Education sector.
The College is currently offering a Certificate III Education Support Traineeship ideally suited to a gap year school leaver.
For Position Descriptions and Application requirements visit (ICT)Informationwww.smotanathalia.catholic.edu.au/about/employment&CommunicationTechnologyManager
Teaching & Leadership Positions
The ICT Managers Role will oversee that all ICT Standards are maintained at the highest level, while supporting the vision, values, and objectives of the College. In line with the organisational values, all responsibilities will be undertaken in a way that promotes ethical behaviour, quality service in a caring environment. This senior position requires a leader who is highly relational by nature.
The College is currently seeking an individual with the knowledge and skill set to coordinate the College’s Timetable.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 11
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College in Nathalia is a Catholic Coeducational Secondary College that is committed to exploring and embracing the Franciscan values of inclusivity, social justice and right relationship with creation. We are a College that offers a variety of educational pathways inclusive of a comprehensive senior school program. Our learning culture focuses on collaborative practice, professional learning teams and the use of data to enhance the learning opportunities for our students.

The College is currently seeking suitably qualified educators the ability to teach/lead

St Mary of the Angels College,
St Mary of the Angels currently enrols

The College Timetabler will provide strategic and operational guidance to the development of a coherent College timetable for staff and students. The incumbent will consider staffing options and restrictions, together with curriculum provision and resourcing to deliver quality curriculum and educational delivery throughout the year. 680 Years 7 to 12. 2023.
This 12 month role provides an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience in the day to day operation of a Catholic Secondary College.

TAX time has returned in more ways than one for Hannah Henry, who has won a $3,000 holiday voucher to use at Flight Centre Shepparton after having her tax return prepared by SDP Tax Accountants.

kitchen at Bowenhall Street, the Café at Billabong and now the satellite cafe. Participants can learn the skills necessary to work in a hospitality environment from barista training, customer service, table setting, baking treats and general workplace practices, including OH&S.
Those that completed their tax return at SDP Tax Accountants between July and August went in the running to win a holiday voucher.
TAXATION TO TRAVEL... SDP Tax Accountant tax agent Nick Bently, Alysha Bond, $3,000 voucher winner Hannah Henry and Beth Demenico. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto
PEOPLE in the community living with a disability are invited to get involved with ConnectGV’s latest initiative, the Ruby Saltbush Café coffee cart, an extension of the Ruby Saltbush Café at Billabong Garden Complex.ConnectGV

Your morning coffee has never tasted so good, it’s coffee that truly makes a difference in your community! In the coming weeks a tempting range of cakes and slices, baked by the Café Culture participants will complement the coffee offerings.Thecart
is located at the front of Wyndham Early Learning Centre (617 Wyndham St, Shepparton) and will operate Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 11am.
COFFEE CULTURE… ConnectGV’s Café Culture program provides training opportunities for people living with disabilities in the hospitality sector. Pictured is supported employee Melinda Bohun. Photo: Supplied

CEO Jacinta Russell said, “like our existing Café at Billabong, Ruby Saltbush satellite is a social enterprise. Therefore, while providing our community with great coffee in two locations, importantly we are providing our ‘Café Culture’ participants with a disability real café experience along with barista and customer service training.”
NEWS Page 12 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Ruby Saltbush Café hits the streets, bringing tea and training opportunities
she said she would use the prize for her honeymoon in Bali.
The Café Culture program operates from various locations including its commercial
Travel voucher winner
The satellite location has provided a third place of training for participants, who learn initially at the commercial kitchen, progressing to the Café and now the coffee cart. Café Culture participants living with disabilities are trained and supervised by experienced baristas and chefs, providing them with real and meaningful experience that assists them to achieve their employment goals.
To arrange an interview or photo with ConnectGV and Wyndham Early Learning Centre representatives along with Café Culture participants, please contact ConnectGV CEO Jacinta Russell on 5821 2466.
SDP Tax Accountants are located on the corner of Corio and Ashenden Street, Shepparton. Call them on 1300 436 829 or visit spdtax.com.
Ms Henry is getting married, and
Date:Details: 7.00am 9.00am 7.40am
Attend Health & Safety Month 2022 and join the conversation on social media #hsmonth Full program can be found here


Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep it safe all year round.

Construction remains one of the highest-risk industries for workplace injuries and fatalities in Victoria. If you’re a tradie – don’t trade in safety. Come along, grab some breakfast and learn how to keep yourself and your mates safe on site.
physical safety from industry


Presentation starts at 7.40am
Time: 7.00am – 9.00am
safe on the tools


workplace mental

Presentation starts at
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 13 Attend Health & Safety Month 2022 and join the conversation on social media #hsmonth Full program can be found here Shepparton – register for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. Be inspired and gain valuable insights into workplace mental and physical safety from industry experts and special guest speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep it safe all year round. Date:Details:Monday 10 October Time: 7.00am – 9.00am Presentation starts at 7.40am Location: WB Hunter Mitre 10 Address: 20–28 Florence St, Shepparton Catering: Breakfast provided Free to Registerattend.now. Session cover: Staying safe on the tools Construction remains one of the highest-risk industries for workplace injuries and fatalities in Victoria. If you’re a tradie – don’t trade in safety. Come along, grab some breakfast and learn how to keep yourself and your mates safe on site. REGISTER HERE HEALTH & SAFETY MONTH 2022 MON-FRI 7AM-6PM SAT 8AM-4PM SUN 9AM-4PMWE’RE OPEN 7 DAYS COME SEE US AT THE Elmore Field Days ELMORE FIELD DAYS Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th October 2022 Free to Registerattend.now. Displaying a huge range of Austral Wires & Thunderbird products, with some great deals on wire strainers, solar fence energizers and poultry netting. COME & VISIT THE WB HUNTERS STALL AT SITE 153 Our commodity traders will also be inside the Agribusiness Pavilion AT SITE 113 5833 399920-28 FLORENCE ST, SHEPPARTON CLICK & COLLECT WWW.WBHUNTER.COM.AUHUNTERS TRADE RURAL HARDWARE HUNTERS Shepparton – register for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. Be inspired and gain valuable insights into workplace mental and physical safety from industry experts and special guest speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep it safe all year round. Date:Details:Monday 10 October Time: 7.00am – 9.00am Presentation starts at 7.40am Location: WB Hunter Mitre 10 Address: 20–28 Florence St, Shepparton Catering: Breakfast provided Free to Registerattend.now. Session cover: Staying safe on the tools Construction remains one of the highest-risk industries for workplace injuries and fatalities in Victoria. If you’re a tradie – don’t trade in safety. Come along, grab some breakfast and learn how to keep yourself and your mates safe on site. Attend Health & Safety Month 2022 and join the conversation on social media #hsmonth Full program can be found here Shepparton – register for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. Be inspired and gain valuable insights into workplace mental and physical safety from industry experts and special guest speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep it safe all year round. Date:Details:Monday 10 October Time: 7.00am – 9.00am Presentation starts at 7.40am Location: WB Hunter Mitre 10 Address: 20–28 Florence St, Shepparton Catering: Breakfast provided Free to Registerattend.now. Session cover: Staying safe on the tools Construction remains one of the highest-risk industries for workplace injuries and fatalities in Victoria. If you’re a tradie – don’t trade in safety. Come along, grab some breakfast and learn how to keep yourself and your mates safe on site. REGISTER HERE HEALTH & SAFETY MONTH 2022 Shepparton – register for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. Be inspired and gain valuable insights into workplace mental and physical safety from industry experts and special guest speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep Attend Health & Safety Month 2022 and join the conversation on social media #hsmonth Full program can be found here Shepparton – r egister for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. Be inspired and gain valuable insights into workplace mental and physical safety from industry experts and special guest speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others and learn the latest on workplace safety challenges and how to prevent harm; share within your workplace to keep it safe all year round.
Location: WB Hunter Mitre 10

and special guest speakers.
Session cover:
and gain

Shepparton – r egister for Construction Breakfast Health & Safety Month 2022. inspired valuable into and experts

Monday 10 October
Monday 10 October Time:

Location: WB Hunter Mitre 10 Address: 20–28 Florence St, Shepparton Catering: Breakfast provided Free to Registerattend.now. Session cover: Staying safe on the tools Construction remains one of the highest-risk industries for workplace injuries and fatalities in Victoria. If you’re a tradie – don’t trade in safety. Come along, grab some breakfast and learn how to keep yourself and your mates safe on site. REGISTER HERE HEALTH & SAFETY MONTH 2022 Construction2022. speakers.intofrom workplaceworkplacetokeep 9.00amOctober7.40amMitre10FlorenceSt,Sheppartonprovided attend.now. PICNICAREA 718 WATERWATERWATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER 48 191 500 277276 240239241 505 Heritage Horse Display 10th Avenue 9th Avenue 8th Avenue 5th Avenue 7th Avenue 6th Avenue 4th Avenue 3rd Avenue 2nd Avenue 10th Avenue 9th Avenue 8th Avenue 5th Avenue 7th Avenue 6th Avenue 2nd Avenue 1st Avenue 10th Avenue 9th Avenue 8th Avenue 5th Avenue 2nd Avenue 1st Avenue 10th Avenue 9th Avenue 8th2ndAvenueAvenue1stAvenue 10th Avenue 9th Avenue 8th Avenue 7th Avenue 6th Avenue 4th Avenue 3rd Avenue 2nd Avenue 1st Avenue DriveBonnDriveBonnDriveBurnewangDriveBurnewangDriveCoropDriveCoropDriveRunnymede eiDtHunerrv evirDretnuH DriveAvonmoreAvonmoreDriveNORTH ENTRANCEPUBLIC GATE6GATE5GATE 4 E2 Entrance 1 GATE9 GATE8 GATE7 ENTRANCEPUBLIC 2 ENTRANCEPUBLIC11 ENTRANCEPUBLIC 3 EntranceE3 GATE 10 E1 Entrance RECREATION & LEISURE 323 572 616 1224 504 618 CATERINGPAVILION PARCELOFFICE GENERALPAVILIONINTEREST SHEARINGSHEDPARCELEASTPICKUP CLUBGUN AGRIBUSINESSPAVILION PARCELWESTPICKUP PUBLIC BAR CATERINGSERVICEAREA FOODCOURT 6 COURTFOOD9 COURTFOOD10 FOODCOURT 6 COURTFOOD 1 COURTFOOD5 8COURTFOOD FOOD COURT 11 COURTFOOD 2 7 4COURTFOOD COURTFOOD COURTFOOD5 7 20 47 76 99 109 110 391 347 417 335284 296 492 530545555574 592 609 659636685 784762 850 695698699702704 715 716 729 99610061009 242218231 252 711A273253268 709 710 272 713 11 53 23 201 1025 1026 1027 1028 1044 1172120412151216121712181219 140012441419 1311152313031293 1096 879 885 912905899 STABLE PAVILION 897 787771765 827757830 1351646515 437 443 447 357359395 364 114111 133 126153 150 851449388 339413 341 349 399408 493 489 666662497419425427429486534531507511522520628634 375373371367 381 1507 1511 13831279 11801062106710721173857965861867 871 957 735738 741 744 835755846839746 606 620668678686317321 332330328 336 17317156 155 7269615451 17717918119534 18429730130542 308 314 14811464 1267139313961401 1263125912561254 141214161245 1184105812021200 14621460145614541452 979987989991997100710101012 718 722 724 732 707 690 602600598596 578 568 563560 15 282 288292294 274278280 4438 254262244232236 586 1445 1238 12261018 1022 14581029 104714761479 1190 1041 1490 1178 1169 1077 558 550 1517892 763 632502 13171320 1324 11161328 951001041061102423 58 169 1273 12811286 77 4542111220B1220A214221224227 264269 7055829991250 726 727 193700 10931150 778 782 386 118 1 229 1089 1243 1489 1510 517 296A 559A 544543542 2 186 403 701711710A 808 969973 1194104910531193 712 418 706 234 365 725 731 810 789 1466 1474 720 119137 217 287 452 576580 589 719 1225 1414 1013 26 28 203 503 585 1080 1482 1486 1056 692 1484 345 24 1051 450384 9 10041002 680 638 654 1162 22 131 130 714 Underground Services: Power, Phone, Water. Underground services are marked with red lines on the ground. Do not dig or put anything into the ground including tent pegs within 600mm of the red line. doubt please contact the o ce. Overhead Power Lines 102 1045 593 595 963961 791 495 146 494 852 1252 1214 1213 1031 1032 1033 12111034 14 ← 1 20 33 34 → 53 54 → 75 77 → →115 136 ← 154116 ← 176137 ← 196155 ← 210177 ← 197 15 → 19 211 → 251 252 → 271 273 → 281 282 295 297 → 316 317 → 338 339 → 356 357 → 377 398 ← 416378 ← 399 419 436 437 → 457 478 ← 496458 ← 479 497 → 514 515 516 537519←518 ← 559520581545 ← 560 582 → 605 606 → 627 628 → 645 646→647 667649←648689650 668 707← 690 715 734 757 → 774 775 → 795 816 ← 834796 ← 856817 ← 835 857 → 878 879 → 896 897 → 917 938 9789181013957 979 1025 → 1035 1418 ← 1393 1245 → 1270 1392 ← 1371 1271 → 1292 1183 1162 1062 → 1083 1161 ← 1144 1084 → 1101 1370 1353 1293 → 1310 1143 ← 1123 1102 → 1122 1352 ← 1332 1311 1331 1451 1036 → 1061 1220 1210 1209 ← 1184 1430 ← 1420 1024 1231 1221 1452 → 1463 1464 1488 1489 → 1506 1523 15071529 → 1522 566694 693 POLICE PARENT CENTRE VISITORS CENTRE OFFICE AIDFIRST ATM ATM ATM ATM ELMORE FIELD DAYS 4, 5 & 6 OCTOBER 20222022 EVENT MAP NORTH 1st Avenue94 95 → WE HEREARE HUNTERS TRADE RURAL HARDWARE HUNTERS TRADE RURAL HARDWARE
Address: 20–28 Florence St, Shepparton

Catering: Breakfast provided Free to Registerattend.now.

Stage 3 of the project, which will accommodate nine daily return weekday services and allow trains to travel faster on the line, should be completed next year.
CELEBRATE with this year's 2022 White King – Pental Triple M Business Awards nominees, as well as local dignitaries, family, friends and the wider community at the special gala presentation dinner on Friday, October 28.

The Victorian Parliament’s last sitting
Anyone unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, no matter how mild, should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and stay at home until you receive the result. You can now be tested at Goulburn Valley Health’s Acute Respiratory Clinic ( ARC ) at Graham Street, Shepparton, seven days per week between 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
We welcome Letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.
Last week’s Victorian State Budget was a “hold the fort” budget. It addressed debt with higher taxes in some areas, while focusing on the broken state of our mental health system.
The Victorian Government allocated $6.4 million in Queensland Fruit Fly control in Goulburn Murray, Sunraysia and Yarra Valley. This ongoing funding to help protect the Goulburn Valley’s fresh fruit production from Queensland Fruit Fly is welcome.
Sponsored by in Shepparton
I acknowledge, and am pleased, that many students and their families are settled and happy at Greater Shepparton Secondary College, and families and students will choose to attend the school into the future.
But it is not suitable for all, and that’s the point.This announcement is not controversial and it is not going to disadvantage anyone. It is restoring the right to choice in public education, delivering options for everyone and I look forward to being on the team that delivers it.
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Testing
I believe there is a better and more positive way forward whereby the regions can be divided into three areas along the lines of our Primary Health Networks (PHN). This would mean the Murray PHN which incorporates northern Victoria, from Mildura to beyond Wodonga, would be assessed separately to the south-west which includes Geelong for instance, a city so closely integrated with Melbourne.
Awards, where winners from each category will be recognised for their excellence in business locally. Tickets are $120 or $110 for Chamber members.
Melbourne visitors recently set out from home to walk into the new section where the bridge and boardwalk entry beside Lincoln Drive has made side entry accessible to the children's play area. Thanks to Greater Shepparton City Council for the completion of this extension of the pathway and boardwalk from our Victoria Park Lake and SAM Museum.Sightseeing tourists can turn at the lights on GV Highway at Watt Road, cycle or drive to Kialla entrance signposted off Watt Road along Botanic Drive. There’s something to delight people of all ages and abilities. The Shepparton Botanic Gardens’ 10th Anniversary was celebrated there one lovely Sunday in May 2022.
This is the final sitting of the 59th Victorian Parliament. While we will enjoy speeches from the retiring members, there are still bills to debate and much advocacy to be done.
When my family members come to visit, they always do the Broken/ Goulburn River walking path at the bottom of our street, from Archer Street to Aquamoves, and sometimes onto Mooroopna or KidsTown.
The first stage of the Shepparton Line Upgrade is already complete. Since 2017 we have seen an increase of two return services on our Shepparton to Melbourne route, making it five return services each weekday instead of three.
Anyone unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of sense of smell, no matter how mild, should get tested for COVID-19 immediately and stay at home until you receive the result. You can now be tested at Goulburn Valley Health’s Acute Respiratory Clinic ( ARC ) at Graham Street, Shepparton, seven days per week between 10:00 am – 5:30 pm.
This week we will debate RacingAmendment (UnauthorisedAccess)Bill2022 and the DisabilityAmendmentBill2022and I plan to raise some local issues, including the state of our roads. I will be meeting ministers to encourage them to visit the Shepparton District so they can see what we need firsthand before they switch to election mode.
Our region will also benefit from the $200 million School Mental Health Fund, aimed to help our schools deliver programs, staff, and other support tailored to unique needs. This funding could fully fund the Neighbourhood Schools Project, if its application is successful.
The event is happening at Riverlinks on Friday, October 28. To book, phone Riverlinks on 5832 9511.
Like many, I am finding it hard to accept the stepped process which includes all regional Victoria in one category before the easing of restrictions can occur. I value the important work of the Chief Health Officer and evidence-based
Within a week, we saw that repairs were underway. Many members of parliament have been airing their concerns about the poor condition of our regional roads, exacerbated by the heavy rainfall during the past two years. I hope that these repairs will be of a high standard and withstand the elements.
Along with six other regional sites, Shepparton will receive a Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to help the professional development of our teachers, which will lead to higher educational outcomes for the district’s Westudents.areliving

in very challenging times. We continue to bear enormous social and economic costs and the need to work together at all levels has never been greater.
I’ve called on the Victorian government to immediately put in place the mechanisms required to enable more of the contact tracing and management of the pandemic response to be in our regional health services so that they can work with our PHN’s and other providers to beat the virus and get our communities up and going again.
A number of those parents, ex teachers and other concerned citizens were at the announcement and literally applauded Matt Guy’s commitment to delivering a second secondary school in Greater Shepparton if we form government in November.Ihavenot waivered in my support for
WantSheppartontohave your say?
I was pleased to see that roadworks have begun on Doyles Road, which was in very poor condition.
Authorised by: Suzanna Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630 www.suzannasheed.com.au 03 5831 6944 @SuzannaSheed @SheedSuzanna Suzanna Sheed MP INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT
In this year’s budget, the Shepparton District missed out on our big-ticket items such as the Shepparton Bypass and Goulburn Valley Health’s Early Parenting Centre but we did have some meaningful investment in education, mental health and protecting our horticulture industry.
Email your letters to the editor
Dear Editor,
A million dollars was granted for the redevelopment of Verney Road School. This school is overcrowded and a redevelopment is long overdue. This funding will get the ball rolling on the planning stage and hopefully funding for its redevelopment will be granted in next year’s budget.
Edging closer to a billion dollars of investment in Shepparton District
I believe there is a better and more positive way forward whereby the regions can be divided into three areas along the lines of our Primary Health Networks (PHN). This would mean the Murray PHN which incorporates northern Victoria, from Mildura to beyond Wodonga, would be assessed separately to the south-west which includes Geelong for instance, a city so closely integrated with Melbourne.
NEWS Page 14 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022
I am pleased that the funding we received in the budget brings our district closer to $1 billion in State Government investment in our region over recent years. Much of these funds are being spent on essential infrastructure in rail, health, education and agriculture.
Make a difference. Visit jobsthatmatter.vic.gov.au

This commitment is for them, and to future proof other families going through theItexperience.isaboutchoice. It is about a fit-forpurpose education offering for a population of more than 55,000 people, it is about
Repair works on Doyles Road
Right now, there are community services jobs available where you can make a difference, helping people who have a disability, families fleeing violence, and children and families who need care and support. Plus, there is a jobs guarantee for new graduates in priority areas.
Tickets are still available for the 25th annual Business Excellence
Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
The platforms at the Mooroopna, Nagambie and Murchison stations have been extended to suit the longer and more modern VLocity trains, which will begin travelling to and from Shepparton later this year.
I’ve called on the Victorian government to immediately put in place the mechanisms required to enable more of the contact tracing and management of the pandemic response to be in our regional health services so that they can work with our PHN’s and other health providers to beat the virus and get our communities up and going again.
Let the consultation begin!
LETTERS Letters to the Editor
Friend of Australian Botanic Gardens
I visited Mooroopna and Murchison East railway stations recently to see the upgraded stations ahead of the introduction of the VLocity trains.
another school to be opened in Greater Shepparton, as my educated view is we should never have closed down four schools to build one, but I have not lived through the anguish, displacement and loss that some have experienced due to the change to a single-school model of secondary education here.
Patricia Moran
Funded from Parliamentary Budget. Authorised by: Suzanna Sheed, 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton VIC 3630. www.suzannasheed.com.au 03 5831 6944 @SheedSuzanna@SuzannaSheed Suzanna Sheed MP INDEPENDENT MEMBER FOR SHEPPARTON DISTRICT
I spoke in parliament about the poor state of our regional roads, especially the Shepparton Alternate Route from Ford Road to Knights Road and from Channel Road to Poplar Avenue and visited the area with oncerned road users.
Regional Road Map
Due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, last week’s parliament was suspended as a mark of respect and will resume this week.
Cheryl LiberalHammercandidate for Shepparton District

Regional Road Map
Trains on track
Gala tickets on sale
listening to the community, not dictating their fate.
The $10.7 million GOTAFE Goulburn Murray Trades Skills Centre redevelopment will accommodate more apprentices and students who will go on to fill skilled roles in our district.
IT was not lost on me at last week’s announcement about a second secondary school for Greater Shepparton, how much time, energy and emotion has been invested by many people to achieve this result.
Like many, I am finding it hard to accept the stepped process which includes all regional Victoria in one category before the easing of restrictions can occur. I value the important work of the Chief
Social housing will not go ahead

SOCIAL HOUSING... Greater Shepparton City Council resolved to sell part of 45 Parkside Drive for social housing. However, Women’s Housing Ltd have learned through Homes Victoria that the application was not successful and would not be funded.
Ltd, a Registered Housing Association with a long history of supporting vulnerable women and children across Victoria through a range of innovative housing and support services, has been advised by Homes Victoria that the application was not successful, and that no funding would be provided for the development.AHomes Victoria spokesperson said, “We know there is demand for social and affordable housing right across Victoria –that's why we’re investing $5.3 billion in the landmark Big Housing Build.”

AT June’s ordinary Council meeting, Greater Shepparton City Council resolved to sell part of the land at 45 Parkside Drive to Women’s Housing Ltd to facilitate the construction of a 45, single storey dwelling for affordable housing

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 15

The Big Housing Build is investing $1.25 billion in regional areas – including a landmark minimum investment guarantee of $45 million for Greater SheppartonHomesVictoria 5822 1555 177-193 Numurkah Rd, Shepparton VIC www.fairleysiga.com.au CATALOGUEOUTNOW!CHECKINSIDEFORYOURCOPY Ends 18/10/22. Optus Choice Plus Small and Medium plans only. New port-in services only in eligible postcodes. See optus.com.au/geo-offer N/A with other discount offers unless specified. T&Cs apply. Month-to-month SIM Plan 30GB Includes discount and applies for 12 months Switch to Optus and keep your number Get50% off Was $49/mth $24.50/mth
By Deanne Jeffers
“The Big Housing Build is investing $1.25 billion in regional areas – including a landmark minimum investment guarantee of $45 million for Greater Shepparton –ensuring the economic and social benefits of the program are felt in communities across theTheystate.”said $37.5M is already being invested in the Shepparton area, which will create more than 100 new homes.
The land at 45 Parkside Drive will remain as Council Women’sproperty.Housing Ltd has expressed its
disappointment with the outcome and has provided its gratitude for the time and effort that Council and its officers gave in support of the “Councilapplication.remains hopeful that Women’s Housing Ltd will continue to seek opportunities to work with Council on future funding rounds of the Big Housing Build or other Community Housing Associations to facilitate future affordable housing developments,” said mayor Cr Shane Sali.
“You’ll be able to find the cows near lots of playgrounds and outdoor areas, so as the weather warms up you can take the family on a road trip and explore our small towns,

Don’t miss out find more information on Visit Shepparton website, TheGreatMooovingArtRoundup2022https://bit.ly/ these school holidays

To ensure you have all the right cows and locations, the Visitor Centre ask you to answer questions found on each cow. Correctly answer at least eight questions and go into the draw to win a Nintendo Switch or other great prizes.Greater Shepparton City Council mayor, Cr Shane Sali said it was a great chance to explore the region with the family.
They’ve wandered from their usual sites to explore the region, and you are invited you to join The Great Moooving Art Roundup and

This year participants will have the chance to earn BONUS ENTRIES with help from our local businesses. Visit five participating businesses and purchase one of their special
GET MOOOVING... Grahamvale Primary School students pictured with Greater Shepparton City Council mayor, Cr Shane Sali, and prizes that can be won under The Great Moooving Art Roundup. Photo: Supplied

find them all.
I believe true contentment and happiness can’t be found in these types of victories – there has to be something more to life. To be told there is no God, our earth is going to run out, don’t leave home et cetera,
et cetera, is taking its toll on many of us and I’ve found many in our community are searching for deeper meaning. Of course, I’m totally biased, but in my opinion, this true deeper meaning is best found in a God who loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to rescue us from ourselves, and provide hope and meaning to our earthly existence, ultimately spending forever with him in Suddenlyeternity.it’s more than just September that brings joy.
NEWS Page 16 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022

God Jeremybless,Rensford, chair, Shepparton Ministers’ Association
“Everyone in the family can enjoy the roundup, it’s like a treasure hunt through the region and the best part is it’s free to enter and you can start at any destination,” Cr Sali said.
Finding a deeper meaning

THE Moooving Art cows are on the loose and the Greater Shepparton Visitor Centre needs your help rounding them up.
Cows are on the mooove
SPRING MESSAGE... Jeremy Rensford, chair of the Shepparton Ministers’ Association, has an important message to share this September. Photo: The Adviser.

I love September. The smell of footy finals is in the air and as a lifelong Tigers fan I thought we’d never win a premiership in my adult lifetime, but in 2017 the seemingly impossible happened and we actually won one! Two more flags have since followed, and this has brought no end of joy to my Richmond crazy family. But for all the thrills of winning the ultimate prize, there’s still the sense of needing to win “just one more” to make us truly happy.
Authorised by Wendy Lovell MP, 222 Wyndham Street Shepparton. Funded from Parliamentary Budget Wendy Lovell MP Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Region p: (03) 5821 6668 e: wendy.lovell@parliament.vic.gov.au www.wendylovell.com.au My team and I are here to help you with any State Government issues. Please call or email us if you require any assistance. Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt 12 Campbell Street, Shepparton Ph: 5821 0111 • darbyspaints.com.au Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.00pm | Sat 9am – 12 noon THINK PAINT... THINK DARBY’S Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years Paint and panel beating equipment Custom mixed paint From aerosol to 20lt
the wonderful sceneries and lots of hidden treasures.”TheRoundup begins this Saturday, September 17 and ends Sunday, October 2. Collect an entry form from the Visitor Centre located at the SAM building or go online and print one yourself.
Great Moooving Art Roundup offers. Have your entry form stamped and you will receive an extra entry into the prize draw. Visit 10 businesses and receive three extra entries into theFollowdraw. the Visit Shepparton and Moooving Art social media channels and keep an eye out for BONUS ENTRY chances.

Even though no areas have reached significant Qfly numbers – to the extent that they are in outbreak proportions – the following areas have registered concerning trap capture
Fruit Fly in December
“Our range of Rose, Pinot Grigio, Riesling and Chardonnays are particularly
The below controls are recommended to limit spring activity and help reduce numbers over summer:
• Undera
home gardeners and property owners who live near these towns have fruit fly traps out and have a fall-back position if captured numbers in traps increase (e.g. baiting, netting or tree removal).
• Grahamvale
GET READY FOR THE WARM WEATHER... Family-owned Phillips Cellars and Regional Wine Centre are proud to represent more than 45 local wineries, bounded by Echuca in the Northwest, Rutherglen in the Northeast and Seymour in the South, rendering them purveyors of over 300 wonderful wines. Photo: Kelly Carmody
traps - are the most common trap and contain a pheromonelike attractant that only males respond to.
Scan the QR code or visit www.fruitflycontrol.com.au for more information on controlling fruit fly.

Advice for home gardeners
- several traps that are relatively new to the market attract both male and female fruit fly using food-based compounds such as broken-down yeast cells (yeast autolysate) and synthetic fruit aromas as attractants. These traps are effective at much smaller distances and need to be within 10m - 20m to active
COUNTRY MUSIC FOR CHARITY Thursday, September 22 at the Cricketers Arms Hotel, Mooroopna, is guest artist, Merry Winter with two guest guitarists. Entry for music is $10 from 1-4pm, meals at 12noon, doors open at 11.30am, profits go to the Homeless with bookings to Joyce, phone 0408 218 411.
Drop in to Phillips Cellars and Regional Wine Centre, located at 119 Corio Street, Shepparton and have a chat to the friendly and knowledgeable staff who are happy to give their recommendations.
dnatsevrahkciP cook or destroy unwanted and un-harvested fruit.
Traps can be purchased from nurseries and home garden stores or you can make your
• Shepparton
SHEPPARTON SENIOR CLUB would like to invite new members to join the Seniors at 122-132 Welsford Street, Shepparton for company to join in activities, day trips, concerts, euchre cards etc. Membership is $10. For enquires contact Judith on 0409 225 548.
tiurfdetnawnuruoyevomeR trees at no cost, simply fill out an application form at your local council customer service desk.
• Merrigum
rotinomdnaspart them regularly (every week at least) for the presence and buildup of Qfly.
• Protect fruit using netting
traps are useful as they can capture females. In her lifetime, which is about 2 months in late spring to early autumn and much longer in the cooler weather, one mated female Queensland fruit fly can lay nearly 2,000 eggs from which up to 800 adult flies can emerge.
If you live in or near these locations, use monitoring traps and check nearby ripening, ripe or overripe fruit within the vicinity for the presence of fruit fly.
• Control adult flies active in spring by using baits and traps
EXHIBITION Goulburn Valley U3A is celebrating Senior’s month conducting Art, Craft and Photography exhibition Saturday and Sunday 22-23, September from 10am to 4pm each day at Eason Street U3A Hall Shepparton. Entry is gold coin donation. U3A will provide live music entertainment on both days. Morning and afternoon tea available.
Hot spot areas
• Inspect ripening and ripe fruit regularly

Home gardeners should be on the lookout for evidence of fruit fly activity and should:
• Stop adults from infesting fruit by removing fruit as it ripens - pick up and harvest unwanted fruit
suitable for the warmer months and of course, what the fruit bowl of Australia does best, Shiraz,” said Phillips Cellars and Regional Wine Centre owner, Paul Phillips.
barbecues and dare I say, Christmas.”
Breaking the life cycle
• Kyabram
Trap information
Fruit fly control
Fruit fly survival and spread can be controlled by a few simple actions such as:
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 17

Extra vigilance required
“It’s also the best time to stock up for the spring carnival, footy finals, summer

KYABRAM COMMUNITY AND LEARNING CENTRE (KCLC) AGM is October 13, 7pm at 21-25 Lake Road, Kyabram. Come celebrate all the community’s achievements and thank the amazing staff and volunteers at KCLC. RSVP October 7 at KCLC@KCLC.com.au or phone 5852 0000
THE Goulburn Valley has come alive with picturesque canola filling our paddocks, flowers in bloom and the afternoon light lingering longer, hinting at the sweetness of summer.Balmy evenings go hand in hand with refreshing beverages, as does the fastapproaching festive season.
Qfly numbers are high, now, in urban areas. Traps should be out, and netting should be purchased or repaired from last season for use just before fruit starts to ripen. An alternative to netting is for local groups of home gardeners to apply fruit fly baits to their yards every two to three weeks and stagger the date of baiting so that there are weekly baiting events across these groups. Any crop that is ripening or ripe now is a Qfly target within most urban and built-up township areas of the Goulburn Murray Valley.
Weather outlooks are reporting that eastern and south-eastern Australia are entering a La Nina event – as we had in mid-2019 to early 2020. This generally means more rain, cooler maximum temperatures and warmer minimum temperatures. This also means more damaged fruit, bacteria, fungi and yeasts which leads to more Qfly.
Providing weather conditions are suitable these traps can attract male fruit fly from up to 200m, but if it is cool or windy, as it often is during spring, they are less effective at such
gnittentiurfhcnarb,eert products to keep Qfly away from your fruit as it ripens.
It is important to start monitoring now and take action at the first signs of fruit fly.

Queensland fruit fly population build-up occurs from early spring. The level of fruit fly activity increases across the region as flies that were able to survive winter as adults begin to leave winter refuges and infest fruit. If these flies can be controlled over spring, then later spikes that damage summer and autumn crops, will be reduced.
Weather outlooks
Family-owned Phillips Cellars and Regional Wine Centre are proud to represent more than 45 local wineries, bounded by Echuca in the Northwest, Rutherglen in the Northeast and Seymour in the South, rendering them purveyors of over 300 wonderful wines.

Regional trapping data for spring 2021 and autumn 2022 showed that several locations recorded high populations during this period. This suggests fruit fly will be problematic in those areas in the coming 2022/23 season. Extra vigilance is required in the following areas:
• Orrvale
Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) numbers will soar in December if action isn’t taken to reduce the impact of fruit fly in home gardens.
Early signs of fruit fly
MOOROOPNA COUNTRY MUSIC Sunday September 25 at the Sir Ian McLennan Centre, Mooroopna, with guest artist, the popular Johnny Lovett. Walk up artists are welcome. Members entry is $7, non-members $8 which includes tea and coffee. BBQ to purchase, BYO cup and nibbles. 12noon-5pm. Enquiries to Robin on 5824 1871.
• Use fruit fly traps to detect fruit fly activity
Tell us about your ‘not-for-profit’ community events via email at classifieds@sheppartonadviser.com.au (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event). Please note listings are to be fewer than 55 words. Via phone on (03) 5832 9700 Email council@shepparton.vic.gov.au Visit our websiteDon’tgreatershepparton.com.auforget You can still contact Council... Monday 26 September from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Council’s Customer Service Counter will re-open to the public on www.fruitflycontrol.com.au For more information on fruit fly control, collect an information pack from your Council’s Customer Service Centre. The Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Program is supported by the Victorian Government
WWW.YOUNGSANDCO.COM.AU123WyndhamSt,SHEPPARTON PH: 03 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA PH: 03 5825 4833 For immediate enquiries contact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 COLOURS:PMS: 1787 PMS: 137 C: 0 M: 92 Y: 68 K: 0 C: 0 M: 42 Y: 100 K: 0 GRADIENT ANGLE 35º. ALWAYS PMS 1787 BOTTOM LEFT TO PMS 137 TOP RIGHT AT 35º. FONT SET: PROXIMA NOVA REGULAR & BOLD abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 ADOBE FONT: HTTPS://TYPEKIT.COM/FONTS/PROXIMA-NOVA LOGO YOUNGS & CO LOGO HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE VIBRANT AND CLEAN. IT IS PREFERED THE LOGO TO BE USED IN FULL COLOUR WHERE POSSIBLE ON WHITE (NEAR WHITE) BACKGROUND. 10% 10%35º LOGO:COLOURVERTICAL LOGO SETS COLOUR / BLACK / GREY / REVERSED (WHITE) LOGO: COLOURHORIZONTAL Professional office space to let EXCELLENT FACILITIES IN CENTRAL LOCATION • Excellent modern office facilities with natural light • Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette Prime 1st Floor offices with lift • Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away SUITE 3 , 38-40 WELSFORD STREET SHEPPARTON 300SQM APPROX WHAT IS A COMMUNITY
Bubble Cuppa can accommodate sit-down dining for customers to enjoy their bubble teas and delicious food while enjoying the pink and white décor of the store.
“I immigrated from Hong Kong to Australia 20 years ago, and with Shepparton only having cafes selling mostly hot drinks, I decided to open a bubble tea shop that focuses on cold drinks, especially for the warmer months,” explained Phoebe to the news outlet.
After having been previously displayed at Geelong Gallery as a part of the Flesh after Fifty exhibition, 500 Strong celebrates and recognises the contribution made to the project by local women who participated as subjects with the individual choice of showing their face or maintaining their anonymity by using a personalised face covering.
There is also a range of eco-friendly and cute reusable cups and straws for sale in-store.
Artist Ponch Hawkes says of the exhibition: “It’s an honour and a pleasure to be bringing 500 Strong to the marvellous new Shepparton Art Museum. It will of course include photos
of dozens of brave Shepparton women, who joined hundreds more ripping their clothes off and posing naked in the name of art and feminism.”

Mentalwww.partnersinwellbeing.org.auHealth&WellbeingHub3A Nixon St, SHEPPARTON Mon-Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm Ph: 1300 375 330 E: cmhws@wellways.org 1 Hargrave Court, YARRAWONGA Meeting Room 3, 43-45 Punt Road, COBRAM Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 TreasuryMelbournePlace,
Phoebe is also a role model for other small business owners, in particular she encourages new Australians to follow their dreams and look for new opportunities. She recently discussed her journey with SBS.
Cool down with a cuppa bubbles
500 STRONG... An exceptional exhibition has opened in the Community Gallery at SAM. Renowned photographer, Ponch Hawkes considers her over 50 year-old, subjects. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto MENTAL drought and flood, have affected everyone in different ways and it is important to take care of your mental health and know that help is available near you. If you are having a difficult time or feeling overwhelmed, you can access free and flexible support via a community Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub. CAN USE THE
Bubble Cuppa has become a crowd favourite in Shepparton, with owner Phoebe Chow knowing many of her customers by name and order.
WITH the warmer weather fast approaching, somewhere to get a cool beverage is essential.
Get your boba fix at Bubble Cuppa, located at 257 Maude Street, across from Shepparton Fire Station.
NEWS Page 18 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022
The flavour possibilities are endless with an extensive tea menu and the ability to customise sweet bubble tea to your preferences. There is also a range of freshly cooked hot food to enjoy with your bubble tea including mixed Asian cuisine such as spring rolls, gyoza as well as hot chips and fruit salad.
500 Strong will be on display until November 27, 2022. The exhibition and all others at SAM are free and open to the public. More details can be found on the SAM sam-presents-ponch-hawkes-500-strong/com.au/whats-on/upcominghttps://sheppartmuseum.website:/
A GROUNDBREAKING new exhibition entitled 500 Strong by renowned Australian photographer, Ponch Hawkes, opened to much acclaim on Saturday, September 17 at the Shepparton Art Museum, in the Community Gallery.Abold and playful work, this series of black and white photos celebrates the diversity and reality of the ageing female form, born out of Hawke’s desire to confront the conventions of female behaviour and representation in art and society.In2018, Hawkes embarked on a mission to photograph 500 Victorian women over the age of 50, in the nude and following a call out 432 women volunteered to be photographed, to achieve Hawke’s vision.
CUTE DECOR, CUTE DRINKS... Bubble Cuppa has become a crowd favourite in Shepparton, with owner Phoebe Chow knowing many of her customers by name and order. Photo: Stephanie Holliday

Celebrating the female form with 500 Strong at SAM
People of all ages with new or existing mental health challenges can utilise services at a Hub. Services are also available to family members and carers. Referrals can be informal and all services are free of charge. You can access support where and when it suits you. You can visit a Hub in person, have someone visit you at home, meet in a cafe or park, or chat over the phone. Call 5822 8600 to make an appointment.
HEALTH & WELLBEING HUB? The new Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub in the Goulburn Valley provides mental health and wellbeing services and support to people of all ages. The pandemic and other recent natural disasters such as bushfires,

By Paul Holliday
A proud 98 years old, the hall has hosted and continues to host many important community events, coming alive with school concerts, dances and musical events on a regular basis.
One and all are invited to attend a special afternoon in remembrance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The presence of amino acids, the building blocks of life, has caused many questions about whether this is how life began on earth – with the fusion of material from outer space with basic material on Earth when meteors landed and introduced the required elements.
BMW Shepparton dealer principal and director Aaron Brain welcomed the BMW Drivers Club Melbourne (BMWDCM) to visit their state-of-the-art new premises in Shepparton last Sunday.
Meteorite 53rd anniversary
Tea, marmalade, and memories of the Queen at Tallygaroopna Hall
meteorite. To mark the occasion, the Murchison & District Historical Society are having a celebration.
Celebration for Murchison
The local dealership is the first BMW and Mini dealership in Australia to adopt the new corporate identity and the third in theDespiteworld. the heavy rain and local hail, the stretched out ‘German Marque’ procession along the highway was a sight to see, with
Kay Ball, president of the Murchison & District Historical Society, will tell the story about the meteorite and Graeme Hanigan from Rushworth will talk about the Global Meteor Watch. Morning tea will be provided for a break to attend to the traditional ‘ringing of the bells’ at 10.58am, the exact time the meteor arrived in Bookings1969. are essential via Eventbrite as places are limited. The event will be held from 10am to 12 noon on Wednesday, September 28 at the Murchison Heritage Centre, 4 Stevenson Street, Murchison.
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For more information, please call Rob Slee on 049 295 6857
classic through to modern BMWs featured in the 20-car line-up.
WELCOME... BMW Shepparton dealer principal and director Aaron Brain welcomed the BMW Drivers Club Melbourne (BMWDCM) to visit their state-ofthe-art new premises in Shepparton last Sunday. Photo: Paul Holliday
Tickets are $10 for adults and up to two children per adult are free. The building has all abilities access and there is plenty of parking adjacent to the Heritage Centre. For enquiries, email: society@hotmail.com/murchison-historical-

Wednesday, September 28 marks 53 years since the window-rattling sonic booms announced the arrival of the
are welcome to bring keep sakes of the Queen to share, and it is hoped that Tallygaroopna’s own Olivia Akers, who received possibly the last and very special letter from the Queen in Australia, will join the fun in her famous trooping of the colours Donationsuniform.atthe door are $7 and it is very much hoped that Paddington Bears will also be in attendance!
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 19
Built in 1924 and with the foundational stone laid by the famous Colonial Bourchier, the hall stands as a memorial to the brave soldiers who fought in the Great War. For many years it was also the meeting place for returned servicemen who curiously built an underground room at the hall for their meetings and was affectionately known as, ‘the dugout’.
The BMW Drivers Club Melbourne is now one of the fastest growing car clubs in Australia since its inception five years ago, exceeding over 500 members. The club comprises of members from all over Victoria, including Shepparton, and is always open to welcoming new members.

Visiting Shepparton from the city, they were greeted by the BMW Shepparton team’s exemplary hospitality with fresh hot coffee and freshly cooked Paella.
Amazingly when it fell, no serious damage was caused. However, this rare and ancient rock left hundreds of fragments scattered across a wide area, which have increased our knowledge of the solar system and revealed many rare features within its minerals to scientists studying the samples.
HISTORY MADE... The Murchison Meteorite fell 53 years ago and has become one of the most studied meteorites today. Photo: Supplied
With the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and with centennial birthday fundraising for the hall in mind, the Tallygaroopna Hall committee would like to invite one and all to partake in a delightful afternoon of tea, marmalade sandwiches and shared memories of the Queen.Attendees
Photo: Supplied
BMW Drivers Car Club visit
A DISTINGUISHED-looking building, full of character and history, the Tallygaroopna Memorial Hall is pleased to announce that it is holding a very special Queen Elizabeth II memorabilia afternoon on Thursday, September 22 at 2.30pm.
SINCE falling from the skies in September 1969, the Murchison Meteorite has become one of the most studied meteorites today and it continues to bring tourists to the little riverside town of Murchison.

NEWS Page 20 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022
With light lunches and raffles rounding out the weekend, entry is just $5. Kialla Paceway is on the Goulburn Valley Highway.
buy their own orchids and hand-crafted iron works for the garden, with multiple retailers present.

Blooming beautiful event
“The arrival of our new MRI scanner is extremely exciting. This state-of-the-art equipment will enhance the comprehensive services we offer. This will be a significant
Over the weekend, floral art, orchid photography and orchid themed boards and baskets will be showcased while potting demonstrations and expert talks will provide sound advice to growers.
SPECTACULAR IN SPRING... Lindsay Ibbotson will have glorious orchids on show at the Spring Spectacular in Spring. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto
Vision Radiology is Shepparton’s newest medical imaging provider offering a wide range of services including ultralow dose CT scans, Ultrasounds, X-ray, Bone Density, Cardiac CT, and Dental imaging. MRI scans are used by doctors to diagnose and monitor numerous medical conditions such as cancer, stroke, trauma, and sporting injuries.
Goulburn Valley Club president, Chris Ibbotson says of the Spring Spectacular, “It doesn’t matter if you have one orchid or even none, the show is all about having people enjoy the beautiful orchids and their fragrances. When you walk into the show, you can’t help but say, ‘Oh, wow!’ People are aways so surprised by how many different types and colours there are.”

The delicate operation was a six-hour process which saw many people working together. Between builders, transport specialists, crane technicians, electricians, plumbers, the Siemens and Vision Radiology team the process was seamless.
IT has been said that ‘Mother Nature’s Masterpiece is the orchid,’ and with many beautiful varietals coming into full bloom in September, it is the perfect time to be dazzled by their colours and intoxicated by theirWithfragrances.manyvarietals on display including over 250 display plates, the Goulburn Valley Orchid Club’s Spring Spectacular promises to delight the whole family. Presented at Kialla Paceway on Saturday, September 24 from 9am - 4pm and Sunday, September 25 from 10am – 3pm, the Spring Spectacular has something for everyone.Incompetition, seasonal favourites will be on show as well as native and exotic blooms. Orchid aficionados can look out for Cynbidiums, Cattleyas, Laelia, Oidium, Zygopetalum, Vandas and many more.
A new arrives in SheppartonVISONARY...

AUSTRALIA’S OLDEST & SCRUFFIEST Goulburn Valley Highway, Kialla 03 5823 5833 OPEN DAILY 10AM - 4AM www.moveshepparton.com.au IN 100TURNSSEPTEMBERBENTLEY during September & enjoy a piece of Australian History... The 1922 3-Litre Blue Badge Tourer Visit

VISION Radiology staff watched on as a new 5.5 tonne MRI scanner was lifted into their Shepparton clinic recently. After anxiously watching the weather radar, the weather gods blessed them with a window to remove the roof of the clinic.

Inspired patrons will also be able to

boost to local health services and will give people in our community greater accessibility, speeding up the process to diagnose a problem,” said consultant radiologist, Dr David Serich.
MRI scanner

Vision Radiology is Shepparton’s newest medical imaging provider offering a wide range of services including ultra-low dose CT scans, Ultrasounds, X-ray, Bone Density, Cardiac CT, and Dental imaging. A new 5.5 tonne MRI scanner was recently installed in their clinic. Photo: Supplied
Vision Radiology is an independently owned and operated radiology group with clinics across Regional and Metropolitan Victoria. The skilled team aims to make their services accessible to all in their local communities by extending bulk billing for most of their services, including interventional procedures.
Free tickets are limited and available via the QR code on the flier in the What’s On section of The Adviser this week, or go to https://bit.ly/3xg54GR

There’s much more than cars and bikes at the show though. This is a family-friendly event featuring live music throughout the venue, plus food stalls, a craft market and children’s entertainment, all at an exceptionally low price.

The Eden Farm
Rated as one of the top Show and Shine events in the state and described by Unique Cars Magazine as a “must see event,” the show features unique and exceptional cars and bikes of all ages as well as trucks, tractors and motors, with over 70 trophies on offer.

Gates open 8am and presentations are at 1.30pm. For more information go to www. australiannationalshowandshine.com.au/

in the Goulburn Murray region who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We’re absolutely thrilled to be doing it and just want to bless people with a beautiful farm.

OR visit sheppadviser.com.au/subscribe/ and never miss an editiontoour online digital edition Subscribe and stay up-to-date with local news & events! SCAN THIS CODE TO SUBSCRIBE FREE

EVERY so often an event comes along that makes you feel good because it’s a delightful mix of family fun, delicious food, spectacular scenery and community spirit.
NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 21

Kids under 16 are free.
More than cars and bikes
painting, art installations, milking demonstrations and present the benefits of biodynamic farming in a series of talks by Eden Farm owner, Gary Baker.
Following discussion between the Strathbogie Shire Council and Australian National Show and Shine committee members, a decision has been made to shift some main sections of the Euroa Show and Shine from the Seven Creeks Park to the streets of Euroa on Sunday, October 2.
The theme for this year is 1920s, which will feature a costume competition and trophies for the best 1920s cars and motorcycle.
In addition to these cultural delights, the festival will offer a petting zoo, face
Also known as the Euroa Show and Shine, the 2019 event has been regarded as being the “best ever,” with over 1,100 cars and 650 bikes attending. It’s possible still that the old cliché, “Bigger and Better,” should not be overlooked in describing the upcoming event.
Fun, culture and diversity at Multicultural Food FestivalANABSOLUTELYBEAUTIFULEVENT...
DON’T forget on Sunday, October 2 to turn back your clock for Daylight Savings. While you’re at it, turn the keys in your ignition and come on down to the returning Australian National Show and Shine.

From Friday, September 23 through to Sunday, September 24, Eden Farm in Numurkah is presenting its inaugural MulticulturalCelebratingFestival.the culturally and linguistically diverse community of the Murray Goulburn region, the festival will showcase cuisine, music and art from around the world, including, Nepal, Uganda, India, Malaysia, Austria and the Philippines to name but a few.
A highlight of the festival and symbolic of the richness of diversity, is the 100m x100m paddock that will be resplendent on the day, full of blooming, meter-high spring flowers. In a burst of colour, the field will be lush with poppies, crimson clover, fava bean, pea flowers and lavender.
Bringing together many skills, gifts and experience, event organiser Katerina Baker and her husband Gary say the Multicultural Festival“…justis, one unique way we can give back to our community and those living
11am-12pm AND 2pm-3pm 5 to 10yrs
Visit for more to
Friday 30th September | Shepparton Art Museum

Mon 26th September | Shepparton Art Museum


11am-12pm AND 2pm-3pm 5 to 10yrs
Art Museum

Tuesday 27th September | Shepparton Art Museum
11am-12pm and 2pm-3pm 10 to 15yrs
| Kids

| Kids
information and
Page 22 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 What’s on NEW IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY What’s on IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY NEW Have you got an event coming up? Reach 60,000 estimated readers + online in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Call Pauline for your inclusion in The Adviser’s new What’s On section All you have to do is phone 5832 8989 or email pauline.georgys@sheppartonadviser.com.au ECHUCA WORKERS your venue in the heart of Echuca 165–173 Annesley Street, Echuca | (03) 5482 3140 | info@echucaworkers.com.au | www.echucaworkers.com.au Open from 9.30am daily Cafe | Kids’ Room | Sports Bar Courtesy Bus | Free Live Entertainment Friday November 11th Doors Open at 7.30pm. 2 Hour Show Starts at 8.00pm Tickets $35.00 Purchase Online at echucaworkers.com.au No Reserved Seating Book your tickets now via Eventbrite! For more information orwww.sheppshow.com.auseescantheQRcode Fun for all the family with entertainers, side shows including: Anti Can-YouGravityDig it Wadaiko Rindo, Japanese Drumming ELJAY, action packed motorcyle & bicycle show The visual spectacular of Gastropodia Agricultural exhibits and so much more! SHOW SHOW SHO A G R I C U L T U R A AGRICULTL URAL SHE P P SHEPP 146TH ANNUAL is back! Big Show! Big Smiles! Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022 TALLYGAROOPNA MEMORIAL HALL Queen Elizabeth II memorabilia afternoon Thurs 22nd September 2022 at 2.30pm Bring your Queen Elizabeth II memorabilia & keep sakes. Tea & Marmalade Sandwiches will be available. Donation at the door -$7.00 SUMMER OF THE SEVENTEENTH DOLL Thursday 22nd September 2022 Riverlinks Westside at 7.30pm Contact Riverlinks box office 03 5832 9511 By Ray Lawler Directed by Denny Lawrence 146TH AGRICULTURALSHEPPARTONSHOW Shepparton Show Grounds Friday 7th & Saturday 8th October 2022 Funwww.sheppartonshow.com.auforallthefamilywithentertainers, side shows. GOULBURN VALLEY COUNTRY FESTIVAL Saturday 1st April 2023 | Shepparton Showgrounds dancingMotocrossKaseygoulburnvalleycountrymusicfestival.com.auChambers-TroyCassar–Daley-Freestyle(FMX)Woodchopping-DJbratpaisley-Lineandsomuchmore. GV WOODWORKING SHOW 30TH ANNIVERSARY Shepparton Showgrounds Sat 1st & Sun 2nd October 2022 Contact Emily Ph 0488 242 699 Free Kids Game Area. Great Family Fun Day Out! AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PIANO AWARDS Monday 10th - Saturday 15th October 2022 Riverlinks Eastbank 70 Welsford St Shepparton Contact Riverlinks Box Office 03 5832 9511 The Award Showcases Some of Australia’s Finest Pianists. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SHOW AND SHINE EUROA Sunday 2nd October 2022 Sevens Creek Park, Euroa Contact Ross Holt 0417 562 059 Unique & exceptional cars from all eras Over 70 Trophies PLAYING WITH CLAY WITH MAE ARTISTRY Tues 20th Wed 21st Wed 28th & Thurs 29th Sept @ SAM Kids 8 to 15yrs. $10 per class, or 4 for $30. Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book A special introduction to ceramics for young artists led by Monique Elliott of @mae.artistry.

| Kids
| Kids 5 to 10yrs FREE Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book Get krafty and make your own DIY Kaleidoscope
SAM’s website for more information and to book Turn trash into treasure transformation simple egg cartons into one-of-a-kind upcycled art.
book Make your very own pinch pot perfect for planting new spring seeds in your garden. HUGE Len 0458 777 901 Emily 0488 242 699 www.gvwoodworkers.com.au DEMONSTRATIONS + MUCH MORE FREEKIDS’GAMEAREA CHRISTMASUPSTOCKONPRESENTSFUNFAMILYGREATDAY Scan here for ticket sales 30TH ANNIVERSARY SHOWSat1st&Sun 2nd Oct 9.30am - 4pm Shepparton Showgrounds

11am-12pm 2pm-3pm
FREE Visit SAM’s website for more information and to book BYO T-shirt, tote bag, or anything else you’re keen to creatively adapt by block printing with ink.

Thursday 22nd September Shepparton

SAM’s website



To view our full complaints procedure policy, please visit our website.
Postal address: PO Box 1664 Shepparton VIC 3630
THEATRE NURSES –AND Private Hospital, Full-time learners see potential people to to create, is never a one-way street at the carers cared for the following vacancies Drivers
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The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 23 CLASSIFIEDS T 03 583 2 8989
Doutta Galla Aged Services is a not-for-profit aged care organisation with over thirty years’ experience caring for people from a diverse range of backgrounds. At Doutta Galla we are proud of the diversity of our residents and staff - everyone is welcome.
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By person: 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630 By sheppartonadviser.com.aueditorial@email:sheppadviser.com.au

•Labourers The right candidate will have a good work ethic, a hunger to be a part of a strong team and strong commitment to safety and quality Requirements: Report to the Moama depot •Work away from home “Monday to Friday” •Availability to work reasonable overtime, including occasional weekends Please register your interest for the above roles by contacting Des Smith 0428 511 587 or email resume to des.smith@bild.group
Complaints will be accepted up to one (1) month from the date of the behaviour(s) or first publication.
The role involves:

• Coordinating replacement of planned and unplanned staff leave, and completing administrative tasks related to rostering
and opportunities for people looking for new challenges across the Civil Infrastructure Industry working on regional projects across Victoria. •HR•Operators/HCTruck
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5832 89 89

they lack
and to care. Caring

Editorial Policy
• Efficiently and effectively performing administration tasks and supporting procurement activities
duties will align to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, as well as support the operations of the Indie School Shepparton and surrounding areas, including relevant curriculum development, delivery and reporting Torequirementsviewthecomplete workplace tasking’s for this role please refer to the Indie School careers page: ht careers/tps://indieschool.edu.au/ If you have any questions please contact Liz Withall, Head of School via email at liz.withall@indie.edu.au indieschool.edu.au

Full-time Teachers

here. Role vacancies: • Associate Nurse Unit Manager Perioperative Department • Associate Nurse Unit Manager Day Procedure Unit • Registered Nurses • Advanced Enrolled Nurses Join us and we will: • Value your strengths • Appreciate your contribution • Support you to learn and grow About you: • Strong clinical skillset • For RN/AEN Permanent roles: Several years of recovery and/or Perioperative experience. • For ANUM Permanent roles: Several years of Theatre experience. • Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Benefits: • Enjoy a work/life balance • Free car parking available • Staff rewards, recognition programs and staff functions • Industry discounts across private health insurances, retail and financial services • Relocation assistance available for selected eligible applicants RegisteredRemuneration:Nurse: $32.63 - $45.26 + superannuation based on experience level and qualifications, exclusive of penalties or allowances. (VIC RN/Midwife gr1-gr10) [FTE $64 476.88 - $89 433.76] Associate Nurse Unit Manager: $50.65 - $52.32 + superannuation based on experience level and qualifications, exclusive of penalties or allowances. (VIC Associate Nurse Unit Manager gr1-gr3) [FTE $100 084.40 - $103 384.32] If you have any questions about these opportunities please contact Natasha Issell via email isselln@ramsayhealth.com.au or phone 5832 1270 Apply online now! via our Website www.ramsayhealth.com/careers Applications close: 25 September 2022 Proc ur ement Specialist Fu ll Ti me $8 7, 841 pa + supe r The R ural C it y of Wangaratta are looking for a Procurement S pecialist to prepare , document and embe d the strategy for C ouncil ’s procurement activities within the organisation. You will be r esponsible for supporting e ective, compliant and e cient procurement practices You will p rovide specialist advice to Council o cers in addition to developin g and delivering sta training in order to ensure compliance with Council’s Procurement Policy. This role o ers the successful a pplicant the opportunit y to grow a nd develop busines s practices in r elation to procurement and purc hasing the ab ility to work autonomously and involvement in decision making that will h ave long -term impacts on C ouncil operations. In addition to a competitive s alar y, C ouncil o ers accrued time o and a fl exibl e work arrangement policy in order to facilitate greater work- life balance. Counci promotes a culture of continuous improvement and an environment that encourages grow th and profe ssional development Fo r fu rther enquiries: C hris M olyneaux Finance M anage r on 0 428 4 47 9 66 Rural C it y of Wangaratta is a child s afe and equal opportunit y employer. Employment applications from Aboriginal a nd Torres Strait I slander peoples and p eople fro m culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged In addition applications for positions that work with children must provide refe rees who can comment on their experience working with c hildren. These roles also require a valid Working with Children Chec k and all roles require a N ational Criminal H istory Check The success ful applican t will be re quir ed to pr ov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certif ic ate pr io r to commenceme nt Career Opportunitie s Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 3 Oc to be r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 WE ARE HIRING! MHA CARE We are looking for people who are passionate about providing excellent customer service and are committed to assisting people who are aged or have a disability to maintain their independence at home and in the community. •• Above Award Rates + Generous Travel Allowance For more information please go to: www.mhacare.org.au/work-with-us/career-opportunities. A copy of the position description can be found on this website. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Community Care Workers (Personal Care Assistant) Part Time Position with ongoing secure work • Numurkah, Nathalia & Shepparton Teams • Above Award Rates + Generous Travel Allowance Home Care Workers (Cleaners) • Part Time Position with ongoing secure work Numurkah, Nathalia & Shepparton Teams JOB VACANCIES EXPERIENCED OPERATORS TRUCKLABOURERSDRIVERS Bild Group currently has
• Positively impact the lives of senior Australians


and seize opportunities
• Attending meetings to take minutes
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FREE pick up/ removal of any unwanted cars, trucks, tractors, trailers etc same day service Ph 0477 580 096

Project Manager

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ELKHORNS healthy plants on very strong solid timber boards, great gift idea $30 ph 0408389247

TVN is seeking suitably qualified contractors to submit a quotation for the following project: Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence (MCRE) Shepparton, VIC


As of July 2019, it is now a requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that an advertisement must include the unique source number (required from the Pet Exchange Register) of the seller and the individual microchip number of each cat or dog being sold or given away. These requirements apply to puppies and kittens as well as adult dogs and cats. For further information phone 5832 8900.
Page 24 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Advertise your business here! For a small weekly investment you will receive an advertisement (as above) + A BONUS UPGRADE OR EDITORIAL Call Jackie 5832 8900 THE Newspapersringthetills For your next advertising campaign phone 58 A member of The Victorian Country Press Association G.V. SKIP HIRE 5827 1372 Locally Owned and Operated 6 DAYS A WEEK 1.5, 3, 6 & 10 METRE SKIPS FOR THE CLEAN-UP AND REMOVAL OF YOUR HOUSE, GARDEN AND YARD WASTE. SA9880 5832 89 89 classifieds@sheppartonadviser.com.auwww.sheppartonadviser.com.au CAREER CHANGE? If you are looking for a career change or need new staf f to fill a position in your business, then the Adviser Classifieds is the choice for you. Waste Removal• • • ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: Much hardship and difficulty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position Vacant/Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry a specific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval. Mobile: 0417 383 510 SERVING ALL MELBOURNE FOR OVER 25 YEARS www.mannies.com.au info@mannies.com.au UNDERPINNINGRE-STUMPING FLOOR BUILDINGLEVELINGPERMITS GARAGEALLTYPEDOORS Supply, install & service. Garage doors, Automatic doors & Gate openers Call Phil on 0418 577 280 Reblocking• • • FOR SALE For your phoneadvertisingnextcampaign58328989 THE A member of The Victorian Country Press Association WHITE BRASS BED plus mattress and base , size 3/4 FREE Ph 0437 546 396 SOUVENIR Teaspoons, (unwanted) for childrens workshop projects. Ph 0412 753 587 STRAWBERRY plants strong healthy plants very juicy berries 6 for $15 ph 0408 389 247 ELECTRIC f rypan aluminium must be working will pay $30 ph 0419 104 749 Pool & spa barrier advice consultations and compliance inspections CALL ROW 0413 580 937 Fully insured and VBA registered IN-PS72310 GV based business servicing the local area Pool Inspections• • • PEA STRAW small squares, Numurkah call John on 0458 622 025 or Tallygaroopna call Rod on 0428 852 498 TALLY LIONS CLUB WANTED TO BUY OPTISLIM chocolate & vanilla shakes, never opened, brought wrong one, 2 for $30 Ph 0438 315 101 MYNA BIRD TRAPS $50 Mooroopna Men's Shed Ph Michael 0418 993 692 Rural City of Wangaratta currently have a number of vacancies across a variety of departments! We are currently lookin g fo r Fu ll Time, Part Time an d Casual people fo r th e below ro les: • Childcare Educ ator Leve l 3 • Ad mini stra tion Of fi cer –Infrastructure • Bush fi re Recove ry Yo ut h Project Coordinato r • Te am Leader - Visito r Info rm at ion Ce nt re • Digital Market ing & Communic at ions Of fi ce r • Senior Cafe At te ndant • Operat ions Superv isor • Childr en ’s Se rv ices Of fi ce r Ru ral City of Wa ngarat ta is a child safe an d equal opportun it y empl oyer. Em pl oy me nt applic ation s from Abor iginal an d To rres Strait Islander people s an d people from cu lturally an d lingui stically di ve rse background s are encouraged In additi on applic ations fo r positi on s th at wo rk with children mu st prov id e refe re es wh o ca n comment on th ei r ex pe rience wo rking with children Thes e ro le s also re quire a va lid Wo rking with Children Chec k an d al l ro le s re quire a Nati onal Criminal Hi stor y Chec k. The successful applicant will be re quired to prov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt Career Opportunitie s Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 3 Oc to be r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 WWW .Y OUNGSANDCO.COM.A U 123 Wyndham St, SHEPPARTON P: 5820 8777 62 McLennan St, MOOROOPNA P: 5825 4833 For enquiriesimmediatecontact Glenn Young on 0438 579 993 LOProfessionalcesforeasethatcouldbeyournewhome. •Excellent modern o ce facilities with natural light •Large conference/meeting room facilities with kitchenette • Prime 1st Floor o ces with lift •Excellent views of Queens Gardens • 5 undercover carparks • Access to Shepparton’s free all day municipal car park only metres away Suite 3, 38-40 Welsford St 300Sheppartonsqmapprox$5,000PA +GST+OUTGOINGS CAT white, fluffy, one blue eye & one green eye, extremely friendly and loved family cat, microchipped, stolen from Elizabeth St Mooroopna area in August, if you have seen or heard anything please call 0402 306 288 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 POOL AND SPA CERTIFICATIONBARRIERE:INFO@CERTPOOL.COM.AUCALL0429621792 IN-PS 74060 WWW CERTPOOL. C OM.A U PUBLIC NOTICES Pool Inspections• • •LOST KINDLING WOOD 42 Drummond Rd $5 & $7.50 per box AllMon-Friavailable8am-5pmproceedstocharityPh58213215
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We currently have a number of positions open across our divisions

Maintenance• • •
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The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 25 Join our region ’s best Trades & Services ATYOURSERVICE T 58 32 89 89 or emai l cl as sifieds@sheppar tonadviser.com.au COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC SKIPS EFFICIENT RUBBISH REMOVAL IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY & NORTH EAST VICTORIA On time every time | Call us today! 0419 538 538 Bin Sizes 2m 3m0400Phone4mJohn774411 JACOBSONSCARTAGEWATERTRANSPORTBIGGERLOADSBETTERVALUE7DAYS7DAYS Lot 1 & 2 Huggard Drive, Mooroopna 5825 3433 or 5825 2323 Water Cartage• • •Waste Removal• • • Country Vic TREE REMOVALS Contact Gene on 0455 365 659 countryvic.treeremoval@gmail.com · Tree Trimming & Pruning · Total Tree Removal Fully Qualified Professional · Prompt obligation free quote · Insured · Emergency works FOR A FREE QUOTE & ADVICE CALL SIMON T: 9309 0700 M: 0411 174 000 E: fivestarreblocking@hotmail.com FIVE UNDERPINNINGREBLOCKINGSTAR& 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE •BUILDING PERMITS SUPPLIED • COMPUTER FLOOR LEVELLING •WORK IS GUARANTEED • FULLY INSURED • 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • NEW EXTENSION (FRONT & REAR) • ALL SUBURBS If you’ve got the metal, we’ve got the cash It’s that simple! CASH FOR SCRA P ME TA L •C as h buye rs of all ferrou s & non ferrou s metals • Far m clean-ups •O ld machiner y, car & truck bodies • Bat teries, Radiator s, Bras s & Cast Iron 13 5 Old Dook ie Rd, S heppar ton 58 21 7876 Reblocking• • • Renovating• • •Removal• • • Tree Maintenance• • • • Aluminium & Glass • Pool Fencing • Slatted Screens • Timber Finish • Sliding Gates • Temp Fencing • Onsite Welding Local Pool Fencing Specialists A&G CUSTOM FENCING CALL 0414 993 WWW.ALUMINIUMGLASSPOOLFENCING.COM.AU394 M: 0418 284 939 E: info@checkandprotect.com.au PROFESSIONAL & PRACTICAL INSPECTIONS FULLY LICENSED & INSURED (CIN-PS 74222) PH 0432 583 243 0487 148 701 info@jjkpaintingdecorating.com.auOREMAILCALLJay Your local spider & ant expert With more than 32 years experience Call now for a FREE quote Available 7 days a week CALL 0438 401 212 Massage• • • Painting• • •Motor Trimmers & Upholstery• • • Pest Control• • • MOWING • GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE PRUNING & HEDGE TRIMMING • FERTILISING PEST & DISEASE CONTROL • MULCHING G ARDEN MAINTENANCE Contact Troy for an obligation free quote: Ph 0439 623 123 Email hoopersgm@outlook.com ABN: 125089665544 Does your garage door need servicing? 6 Provincial Crescent, Shepparton Ph. Leisha 58315411 Under New Management Garage door servicing from $165* or book online and save $33! www.seniorsteel.com.au/shepparton-garage-doors/request-a-service-call/ Promotional Code: ADV2207 SHEPPARTON GarageDoors Shan’s Garden Care ‘You grow it we mow it’ Specialising in property cleanups rubbish removal, hedging, pruning and general garden maintenance For Shepparton call Mark 0427 061 061 For Cobram call Shannon 0421 805 582 Gardening• • •Gardening• • •Garage Doors• • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE

10.30 Movie: Once Upon A Time In Mexico (2003) 6.00 Fishing Australia 6.30 A Current Affair 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 The AFL Sunday Footy Show 12.00 Sports Sunday 1.00 The Block 3.00 Cycling. UCI Road World Championships. 5.00 News: First At Five 5.30 Postcards 6.00 Nine News Sunday 7.00 The Block 8.30 60 Minutes 9.30 Nine News Late 10.00 The First 48: Taken For A Ride 11.00 Killer Couples: Ruby Padgett And Mitchell Sims 11.50 First Responders 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 Take Two 5.00 News Early Edition 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.30 Getaway 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.45Investigation:Under The Cop Who Knew Too Much 9.45 To Be Advised 10.45 Nine News Late 11.15 Fortunate Son 12.05 Emergence 1.00 Hello SA 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.40 The Hundred With Andy Lee 9.40 True Story With Hamish & Andy: Sarah 10.40 Nine News Late 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime 11.55 See No Evil 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 5 506 608 803 30 SATURDAY TV Guide - WEDNESDAY SEpTEMbER 21 TO TUESDAY SEpTEMbER 27, 2022 SpectacularGoulburnOrchidValley2022 Proudly presented by the Goulburn Valley Orchid Club For further details contact Chris Ibbotson 0417 923 874 On show will be the most exquisite and beautiful orchids in Northern Victoria. Come along and enjoy: Light luncheon, morning and afternoon tea will be available. Even if you are not an orchid enthusiast come along and admire the sheer beauty and elegance of these orchid blooms - they are truly breathtaking. • Expert growers available to give advice • Potting demonstrations • Orchid growing accessories When: Sat 24th & Sun 25th September 2022 Where: Shepparton Harness Racing Club, Melbourne Rd, Kialla Time: Sat 9am - 4pm Sun 10am - 3pm Cost: Adults $5 Children under 14 FREE • Raffles for Orchid plants • Stunning floral displays • Orchid plant sales Greater Shepparton SPONSORED BY
11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News
6.00 Morning Programs 8.00 DD India Prime Time News 9.00 How To Get Fit Fast 9.55 Earth’s Hibiscus Ruthless (2018) Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 The Block
6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block
6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series.
5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Guillaume’s Paris 8.30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys 9.30 The Handmaid’s Tale 10.30 SBS News 11.00 Gomorrah 11.55 Luther 12.55 Late Programs
5.30 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.30 Greatest Train Journeys From Above 8.20 Then And Now: Heathrow Airport 9.15 Elizabeth I And II: The Golden Queens 10.10 Russia: 1000 Years Of History 11.55 Movie: Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017) Late Programs
Extra:TodaySaturday 12.00

Pet Vets 2.30
5.00 News

8.40 My Life As A Rolling Stone 10.00 Footy Classified 11.00 Nine News Late 11.30 Family Law 12.20 Chicago Med 1.10 Garden Gurus 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News
Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.15 Going Places 2.45
First preliminary final. North ParramattaCowboysQueenslandvEels.
Natural Wonders 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 12.00 APAC Weekly 12.30 France 24 English News SecondMorningEdition 1.00 Speedweek 3.00 Countdown To Qatar 2022 3.30 Sportswoman 2022 4.00 Following The Flow 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum 6.30 News 7.30 Pelosi’s Power 9.05 Great Wall Of China: MakingTheOf China 10.20 Moulin Rouge: Behind The Magic 11.20 Who Gets To Stay In Australia? 12.20 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 11.15 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage 12.10WeekendBBC News 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 Al Jazeera News Hour 2.10 First Ladies 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35AndLettersNumbers 8.30 Iceland With Alexander Armstrong 9.25 24 Hours In Emergency 10.20 SBS News 10.50 Beforeigners 11.50 Outlander 12.55 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 9.05 Peer To Peer 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.10 First Ladies 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 8.30 Insight 9.30 Dateline 10.00 SBS News 10.30 The Point 11.00 Wisting 11.50 War Of The Worlds 12.45 Late Programs 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod 8.30 The Dog House Australia 9.40 Bull 11.40 The Project 12.40 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 Food Trail: South Africa 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 News 6.30 The Project 7.30InternationalSoccer. Friendly. Australia v New Zealand. 10.30 Gogglebox Australia 11.30 To Be Advised 12.30 The Project 1.30 Stephen Colbert 2.30 Shopping 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Living Room 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 Ultimate Classroom 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Living Room 8.30 To Be Advised 9.30 Just For Laughs 10.00 Just For Laughs Uncut 10.30 The Project 11.30 Stephen Colbert 12.30 Shopping 5.00 Infomercials 6.00 Reel Action 6.30 Leading The Way 7.00 Escape Fishing 7.30 4x4 Adventures 8.30 What’s Up Down Under 9.30 St10 12.00GenerationCreative 1.30HomesHealthyAust 2.00 Buy To Build 2.30 Australia By Design: Innovations 3.00 What’s Up Down Under 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Ultimate Classroom 4.30 Food Trail: South Africa 5.00 News 6.00 Luxury Escapes 6.30 Bondi Rescue 7.00 The Dog House 8.00 Ambulance 10.00 To Be Advised 11.00 NCIS 2.00 Shopping 6.00 Mass 6.30 Turning Point 7.00 Leading The Way 7.30 Tomorrow’s World 8.00 Living Room 9.00 Ultimate Classroom 9.30 St10 12.00 Farm To Fork 12.30InternationalSoccer. Friendly. New Zealand v Australia. 3.30 Food Trail: South Africa 4.00 10 Travlr Northern Territory 4.30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Sunday Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 9.00 NCIS: Hawai’i 10.00 FBI 11.00 The Sunday Project 12.00 Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia 2.30 Ent. Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked 4.00 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 Bold 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.40 Have You Been Paying Attention? 9.40 Just For Laughs Australia 10.10 2018 Montreal Comedy Festival 11.10 The Project 12.10 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 2.30 Infomercials 3.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia 2.10 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Amazing Race Australia 8.30 The Cheap Seats 9.30 NCIS 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Stop The Wedding (2016) 2.00 Motorbike Cops 2.30 Border InternationalSecurity: 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Farmer Wants A Wife 9.00 Armed Dangerous:AndStickups 10.20 The Disaster:ChernobylFirestorm 11.25 The Latest: Seven News 12.00 Movie: Frisky (2015) 2.00 Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Young Elizabeth 1.00 The Age Of Elizabeth 2.15BusinessKochie’sBuilders 2.45 Surveillance Oz 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The AustraliaChase 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 8.30 The Front Bar: Grand Final Edition 10.00 Here For The Horses 11.15 The Latest: Seven News 11.45 Autopsy USA: Davy Jones 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Darrow And Darrow (2017) Kimberly WilliamsPaisley, WendieCavanagh,TomMalick. 2.00 House Of Wellness 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens 7.30 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 5. Carlton v Melbourne. 9.30 Movie: Enemy Of The State (1998) Will Smith, Hackman,GeneJon Voight. 12.15 Armchair Experts 1.15 To Be Advised 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 9.00 AFL Grand Final Brunch 10.30 AFL Grand Final Countdown 12.00 AFL Grand Final Pre-Game 2.00 Football. AFL. Grand GeelongFinal.vSydney. 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Puppy School 7.30 Movie: Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black. 10.00 Movie: X-Men (2000) Stewart,Jackman,HughPatrickIanMcKellen. 12.05 Movie:
6.00 Morning Programs 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 Going Places 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet
6.00 Morning Programs 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News
6.00 Morning Programs 9.00 How To Get Fit Fast 10.00
And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome 8.30 Hampton Court: Behind Closed Doors 9.25GreatestWorld’sHotels 10.20 SBS News 10.50 Das Boot 11.50 Thin Blue Line 12.55 Late Programs

Suivai LafitagaAnna-MareeAutagavaia,Thomas,Mafaufau. 2.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend 11.00 House Of Wellness 12.00 To Be Advised 3.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 5. Adelaide v GWS Giants. 5.00 Seven News At 5 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Farmer Wants A Wife 8.40 7NEWS Spotlight 9.40 Homicide: With Ron MandyIddles:Ahmadi 10.45InvestigationRealUndercurrent:Murder 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Love’s Last Resort (2017) Alix Angelis, Jesse Hutch, Beaudoin.Thomas 2.00 Motorbike Cops 2.30 Border InternationalSecurity: 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30WantsFarmerAWife 9.00 9-1-1: Lone Star 10.00 S.W.A.T. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News 11.30IslandHeartbreakAustralia 12.30 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Love At Daisy Hills (2020) Cindy Busby, Marshall JadeWilliams,Michael. 2.00 Motorbike Cops 2.30 Border InternationalSecurity: 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30WantsFarmerAWife 9.10Weddings:ExtremeAustralia 10.10 10 Years Younger In 10 Days 11.10 The Latest: Seven News 11.40 Chicago Fire 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo 2.00 Pointless 3.00
Gurus 3.00
Page 26 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 2 20 TUESDAYMONDAYSUNDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYFRIDAY 6.00 Morning Programs 12.00 News 12.30 Press Club 1.40 The Durrells 2.30 Brush With Fame 3.05FromEscapeThe City 4.05 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Hard Quiz 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 9.00 Summer Love 9.35 Win The Week 10.05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg 10.40 News 6.00 Morning Programs 10.30 An QueenAudienceAustralianWithThe 11.00QueenTheAnd Us 12.00 News 1.00 Win The Week 1.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 2.00 All Creatures Great And Small 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00CorrespondentForeign 8.30 Life That Glows 9.35 One Plus One 10.05 News 10.20 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 6.00 News Breakfast 9.00 ABC MorningsNews 10.00 The Best Of Back Roads 11.10SarahEscapes:ExtraordinaryMillican 12.00NewsABCAt Noon 1.00 Savage River 1.55 Death In Paradise 3.00 Escape From The City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Gardening Australia 8.30 Baptiste 9.30 Doc Martin 10.15 ABC Late News 10.35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 11.05 Summer Love 11.35 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Rage 12.00 ABC News At Noon 12.30 Vera 2.00 Midsomer Murders 3.30 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Guy Pearce 4.00 Spicks And Specks 4.50 Landline 5.20KingdomAttenborough’sDavidOfPlants: Life In The Wet Zone 6.10SanetraEscapes:ExtraordinarySarker 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Death In Paradise 8.30MarriageMiniseries: 9.30 Summer Love 10.05 Savage River 10.55 Silent Witness 12.00 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Offsiders 11.00 Compass 11.30 Praise 12.00 News 12.30 Landline 1.30 Gardening Aust 2.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 3.30 Rick Stein’s Secret France 4.30 Win The Week 5.00 Art Works 5.30RoadshowAntiques 6.30 Compass 7.00 ABC News Sunday 7.40 Spicks And Specks 8.30 Savage River 9.25 Silent Witness 10.25 The Newsreader 11.20 Harrow 12.10 Top Of The Lake: China Girl 1.10 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Sydney 2019 3.10 Rage 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Landline 11.00RoadshowAntiques 12.00 News 1.00 Rosehaven 1.25 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand 2.00 Parliament 3.00FromEscapeThe City 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Aust Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.20 Media Watch 9.35 Planet America 10.05 News 10.20 The Business 10.40 Life That Glows 11.40 Baptiste 12.35 Parliament 1.35 Top Of The Lake: China Girl 3.40 Rage 6.00 Morning Programs 11.00 Dementia & Us 12.00 News 1.00MarriageMiniseries: 2.00 Parliament 3.00FromEscapeThe City 3.55 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Take 5 8.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers 9.30 Home: The Story Of Earth 10.30 News 10.45 The Business 11.00 Four Corners 11.50 Media Watch 12.05 Parliament 1.05 Les Misérables 2.05 Top Of The Lake: China Girl 3.05 Rage 4.25 The Drum 5.25 7.30 6.00 Morning Programs 9.00 Peer To Peer 10.00 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City 11.00 Grayson Perry: Divided Britain 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Dateline 2.30 Insight 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 The Australian Wars 8.35 24 Hours In Emergency 9.30 The Stranger 10.30 SBS News 11.00 Vienna Blood 12.50 Late Programs
9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match 10.30 Movie: Gringo (2018) 12.35 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Take Two 4.30 Global Shop 5.00 TV Shop 5.30 Skippy Getaway 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Destination WA 12.30 The Bizarre Garden Cycling. UCI Road World Championships. 5.30 Getaway 6.00 News 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series.
Second preliminary final. Penrith Panthers v South Rabbitohs.Sydney 9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match
Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes 3.00 NITV News: Nula 3.40 The Cook Up 4.10 The Supervet 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters
Rivals 1.00 Drive TV 1.30
8.30 The Footy Show Grand Final: My Room Telethon 11.30 Nine News Late 12.00 The Gulf 1.00 Postcards 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today
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achieving an AFL or AFLW dream.”
By Natasha Fujimoto
GV Weekender final round
Echoing the mayor’s sentiment, AFL Goulburn Murray regional general manager, Shaun Connell said, “The V/Line Cup plays an important role in providing opportunities for the emerging under-15 male and female talent across regional Victoria not only on a participation point of view but also from an umpiring point of view. So, it covers all gamits in relation to juniorWithfootball.”theenormous influx of players and visitors that the V/Line Cup will bring to Greater Shepparton, the economic flow on effect for regional businesses, particularly for hospitality and retail, will be substantial, as Cr Sali said,
They have stars on every line and loads of experience when it comes to big game players, including co-coach Andrew Walker who played over 200 games for Carlton.
I do like the Demons to get the job done and turn the tables on the Lions for their disappointment of 2019.
The Murray Bombers will be missing gun midfielder Jack McHale through suspension, but ruckman and skipper Kane Morris is free to play after he was cleared by the independent tribunal.
CHALLENGE... Echuca and Shepparton United U18s playing in the preliminary final last Saturday. It was a close game but halfway through the match Echuca kicked enough goals to win comfortably. Photo: Will Adams
AFL V/Line Cup will bring $2M to local business
Speaking at the AFL V/Line Cup launch announcement at the Shepparton train station on Wednesday, September 14, Greater Shepparton City mayor, Cr Shane Sali said, “We are proud to support an event that encourages the development and skills of our talented young people. This event is a pathway to higher levels, it is a step closer to
During the past month the two have done battle twice, with United coming out of Thattop.said, Seymour did win the earlier meeting between the teams at KingsThisPark.promises to be a season decider from the ages, with some brilliant match-ups all over the court.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – Page 27
That is easier said than done, especially when you look at Echuca’s form during the finals.
That said, Euroa is no short in big game experience either, with Jack Hellier playing over 100 VFL games.

The battle between Sarah Szczykulski and Nakita Singe up against Jessie Barnes and Sophie Garner will be massive to determining which way the contestBarnesfalls.is almost unstoppable when she is on her game like she has been for the Demons during the finals.
For the Pies to end their premiership drought – last won in 1990, they are going to need everyone to play out of their skin. Even that might not be good enough because this Echuca
completed Goulburn Valley League big dance.On that day in September 2019, it was Seymour which triumphed over Shepparton United.
The Murray Bombers have been ruthless in brushing aside Mansfield and Euroa to qualify for the big dance.
“In Shepparton we do sport better than anyone else and this carnival is exceptional. We heard that it’s going to contribute $2M to our local economy, which is vitally important. It will support our hospitality sector, retail sector and our accommodation providers as well.”
wins and if she is on, then the Demons will take some beating.
from playing coach Ellie O’Sullivan. The Seymour duo will have their work cut out against outstanding young Demon defenders Olivia Kirby and LauraOtherCole.players who will play a role will be Grace McInneny for the Demons and Courtney Aldous for the Lions. It promises to be a classic and one that goes down to the wire.
THIRSTING FOR SERIOUS COMPETITION...The AFL V/Line Cup makes its much anticipated return. From left to right: Shaylee Anderson, Charli Guppy, AFL Goulburn Murray regional general manager, Shaun Connell, Miley Guppy, Greater Shepparton City Mayor Cr Shane Sali, Oscar Lambourn, Jai Smith, Kade James and V/Line executive director Johnathon McKeown. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto
Maybe coach Scott Rowan needs to go back to see what the Cats did so well that day and try to replicate it.
For 73 years, the Cup has provided a pivotal opportunity and steppingstone for hundreds of players to go onto AFL and AFLW competition. Since 2004, V/Line has provided principal support for the tournament and has had the enthusiastic backing of the Greater Shepparton City Council.
I think the Murray Bombers finished first for a reason and they will have the motivation to go that one step further after failing short in 2019. Tip: Echuca
She has been a star in both of the
But the Demon duo won’t have it all their own way with Casey Adamson and Rosie O’Sullivan to make it difficult forSeymourthem. goaler Jess Lallo has been extremely accurate with the opportunities she is getting during the finals coupled with brilliant support
CAN Euroa cause what many would say is not possible in 2022 and beat Echuca?Mooroopna was the only team to do it in the final home and away round.
The Lions might just take a bit more experience into the grand final, with still a few who remain from that 2019 successful team.
For her to be on song, she will need her team-mates like playing coach Kara Blizzard and fellow mid-court Tayla Clohesy to be feeding her.
Drawing over 620 players from across seven regions in the state, the AFL V/Line Cup will return to Greater Shepparton for three days of premiere competition from Monday, September 19 to Wednesday, September 21.

THE competition that talented, under 15-year-old footballers’ thirst for is back.
team probably doesn’t have too many weaknesses.Euroawill be buoyed by the fact that they were able to get over the top of Mansfield in last Sunday’s preliminary final.The worry though is last Sunday’s preliminary final was a good oldfashioned contest and there no doubt there will be some blokes nursing some soreThebodies.Pies are likely to be at full strength, with Adam Giobbi and Max Gleeson set to return after missing last week’s win.
What a grand final it shapes to be between the combatants of the last
Tip: Shepparton United.
Page 28 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1629 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Celebrating 25 years of success made in Shepparton Shepparton’s 2022 Business Excellence Awards TICKETS ON SALE For businesses, organisations & individuals. Join us at the special Gala Presentation Dinner Friday 28th October, 2022. Book at Riverlinks on 03 5832 9511 A Red Carpet night of entertainment, live music, 3 course dinner and compere by WIN TV’s Bruce Roberts. Chamber Members $110 Non-Chamber Members $120 Riverlinks booking fee applies. in 2022 Sponsored by in Sheppartonin 2022 Sponsored by in Shepparton