The Adviser 1634

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Community unites for cleanup

A message from Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor

— Cr Shane Sali

“Seeing the flooding across the region over the past week has been difficult for everyone. Thousands of properties have been affected by floodwaters across Greater Shepparton. While this has been an extremely tough time for us all, residents have remained calm and patient, and the community spirit shown has been unlike no other. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone across the region for helping out in whatever way they can. Whether that was through checking in on family, friends and neighbours, helping out with the massive task of filling sandbags, delivering food and supplies to isolated households or helping out with the huge clean-up task – your efforts have been remarkable. It is through difficult times like this where our community truly shines and we have shown just how resilient we are,”

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Shane Sali.

GREAT ADVISER READING Special 2022 Goulburn Valley Flood Recovery Wrap Around | ADVERTISING HOTLINE: 5832 8900WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2022 FLOOD RECOVERY Supp ting r c munity
03 5832 9700 | |

FLOOD RECOVERY Supp ting r c munity

Victorian SES volunteers

Providing emergency assistance to flood-affected communities

VICTORIA Emergency Service (VICSES) volunteers provide support to communities 24-hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Volunteers have been on the ground providing flood preparedness advice directly to households at risk prior to floods occurring. They have been working in their communities to provide sandbagging support and putting their lives on the line working with other emergency service personnel

to rescue people and their pets when they have been isolated by floodwater.

VICSES volunteers ask that community members heed emergency advice to prepare, evacuate if advised to do so and to never drive on flooded roads.

For advice on how to prepare for floods and to find your local flood guide visit

For flood and storm emergency assistance call 132 500.


Victorian State Emergency Service volunteers are on the ground providing assistance to flood-affected areas. For flood and storm emergency assistance, please call 132 500.

Financial assistance available

FEDERAL government support payments are now available for flood-affected residents in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Greater Shepparton, Campaspe, Strathbogie and Mitchell Shires.

The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) and the Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) are available now until April 15 (AGDRP) and April 14 (DRA), 2023 via the myGov website with a link to Centrelink.

The AGDRP provides lump sum payments of $1,000 to eligible adults and $400 to eligible children 15 years and under.

The AGDRP is to assist with major damage sustained to property or other major assets (an asset or combined assets work $20K or more) as a result of the October floods.

If you have lost income as a direct result of the

Victorian floods starting October 6, 2022, you can apply for up to 13 weeks of income support.

To receive DRA, you will need to have earned less than the average Australian weekly income ($1,737.10) in the weeks after this income loss and if aged between 16-21, prove that you have been living independently.

If you’re a couple, you can both claim this payment and/or the AGDRP but will need to make separate claims.

To be eligible for AGDRP or DRA (or both) you need to be an Australian resident or hold an eligible visa.

To make a claim head to or if you don’t have a myGov account call the emergency information line, 1802266, to set up an account with proof of identification documentation at the ready.

Can you get back home?

EVACUATED: The O’Halloran family from Mooroopna were told to evacuate their home in Morrell Street Mooroopna as the flood water level rose. They were able to get across the causeway prior to it being closed and were staying with family in Shepparton. When this photo was taken of them at the Shepparton-end of the causeway recently, they weren’t sure if their house had been inundated or not. The O’Halloran family are just one of many families displaced by the floods and were very keen to get back home. Keen to get back home, from left, David, Isaac, Peta, Charlotte and Seth O’Halloran had to evacuate their family home in Mooroopna.

Photo: Will Adams

Page 2 – Special
2022 Goulburn Valley Flood Recovery Wrap Around, October, 2022. The Adviser Photo: Will Adams




Water diverted to “dustbowl”

IN March, we covered the slow demise of Greens Lake in Corop, located downstream of the Waranga Basin.

The water level at the recreational lake had been progressively drying up since it was decommissioned as a water storage facility in 2019.


to support selfless community spirit

Shepparton was hit with the pandemic and
orders, Azem Elmaz
Shish Kebab
up and began preparing meals for the community in need. This tremendous example of community spirit that Mr Elmaz is famed for has come to the forefront again, preparing thousands of meals to support emergency services on the ground during the flood emergency. In recognition of Mr Elmaz and volunteers who help his organisation, People Helping People, The Shepparton Club has donated $5,000. Continued Page 4 $5,000
BACKING THE COMMUNITY... The Shepparton Club have donated $5,000 to People Supporting People and community stalwart, Azem Elmaz owner of Lutfi yes Shish Kebab, Shepparton Club president April Hipwell, and volunteer and Nationals Party candidate Kim O’Keeffe. Photo: Deanne Jeffers Receive FREE news, features and much more - Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our digital edition straight to your inbox and never miss an edition.
Page 8 What’s
EVENTS IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY Get in Quick! KRUEGER’S Loin ChopsPork SAVE $5 PER KG $11.99* kg MinceBeef SAVE $6 PER KG $14.99* kg 22 Colliver Rd, Shepparton 5821 5414 FREE Home DeliveryConditions apply *While stocks last

A tribute to the late Ken Gash

IN gratitude and in appreciation of Ken Gash, co-founder of Shepparton’s rehabilitation centre - The Cottage - family, friends and centre residents came together on Friday, October 21 to pay homage to the much-loved philanthropist and successful local businessman who recently passed away.

Determined to provide a safe and stable accommodation opportunity for local people experiencing drug and alcohol addiction, Ken and his wife Helma, along with Rob and Trish Bryant initiated the affordable and accessible rehabilitation centre in the heart of Shepparton, which

has positively changed the lives of many, who would have otherwise fallen through the cracks.

To date, The Cottage has helped 400 people with its addiction rehabilitation program with a commendable 50 percent success rate.

Personally, rolling up his sleeves to develop programs that provided residents with the opportunity to work, gain employment and refine life skills, Ken orchestrated crews of residents to also engage in community work including helping farmers and landowners to rebuild fences in the Corryong region after the 2020 bushfires as well as sandbagging in Shepparton and Rochester in response to the devasting floods.

Co-founder of The Cottage, Rob Bryant said, “Ken was a can-do person. If we needed something done or wanted to build on how we could assist the recovery of our residents, Ken was there and getting on with it.

“We will miss him dearly, but he has left a powerful legacy which we will continue to honour.”

A MAN OF VISION...Philanthropist and cofounder of The Cottage, Ken Gash, has been remembered by family, friends and the community he worked tirelessly to assist. Photo: Supplied

Ken was a can-do person. If we needed something done or wanted to build on how we could assist the recovery of our residents, Ken was there and getting on with it.

A plaque in commemoration of Ken’s remarkable contribution and leadership in assisting those suffering from the disease of addiction was unveiled by Ken’s son Shaun on Friday, October 21 at The Cottage, with Ken’s wife Helma, standing alongside.

Nothing is more important than providing the best start to life

THERE is nothing more important than providing a child with the very best start to life.

From the age of zero to eight, a child is a ‘sponge’, rapidly learning from experiences while developing cognitively, socially and emotionally as well as physically.

In recognition of the critical importance of the formative years, the Victorian Government has committed nine billion dollars to expand kindergarten programs across the state as part of its Best Start, Best Life campaign.

Beginning in 2023, kindergarten will be made free to all three-

year-old and four-year-old children in Victoria, saving parents up to $2,500 per child, per year.

Free kindergarten will be available from all sessional and longday care settings who opt-in to the Best Start, Best Life program.

To date, with 95 percent of sessional kindergartens as well as 97 percent of long-day care centres in Victoria signing-up to the initiative, the Best Start, Best Life program is positive news for families and services alike, as children partake in enriching, playbased learning for free.

NEWS Page 2 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years  Paint and panel beating equipment  Custom mixed paint  From aerosol to 20lt  12 Campbell Street, Shepparton Ph: 5821 0111 • Mon – Fri: 8.30am – 5.00pm | Sat 9am – 12 noon THINK PAINT... THINK DARBY’S Suppliers to auto industry for over 30 years  Paint and panel beating equipment  Custom mixed paint  From aerosol to 20lt 

The humble heroes

WITH endless gratitude to all those who have worked to support Greater Shepparton through and beyond the floods, the story of Jimmy Shi’s efforts to provide his local community with essential supplies through rising flood waters at the Colliver Road Foodworks, is a shining example of community spirit.

Described as ‘the best boss ever,’ by Foodworks employees, Jimmy describes the anxiety he felt as flood waters began to rise rapidly on Saturday evening, October 15.

“The road was closed off Saturday afternoon and water took just three hours to rise almost to shop level. Sunday was the

worst and without the sandbags delivered by the SES, we would have been in real trouble,” Jimmy said.

Not knowing how high the water would get and with conflicting news sources, Jimmy spent a terrified Sunday night lifting stock off lower shelves,

“I was so scared about the water because just a centimetre of water would mean I’d have to turn the power off.”

Despite the threat of stock loss, Jimmy kept his doors open into the evening as people in the area had no other means of getting supplies,

“Most customers in this area don’t drive and they were stuck inside their houses.

“Customers were really happy to have us open so they could get food and drinks. It would have been more dangerous for them to go into town.”

Praising his dedicated staff members, Vikki Butt and Kai Bocktin, Jimmy says that he would not have been able to stay open

without them, “Vikki walked through thigh-high water to get here, even as her own street was flooding and Kai came in on his two days off because they knew that if we’d closed our doors the people in this community would have been in real trouble,” Jimmy said.

Dutton and Birrell offer support and assess the need

MATCHING the Prime Minister and Victorian Premier’s visits to flood-affected areas in Victoria earlier in the week, Federal Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton was joined by Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell, state Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell, National Party member and senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie and Greater Shepparton City Council mayor, Cr Shane Sali at the McIntosh Flood Relief Centre on Thursday, October 20.

Against a backdrop of volunteers packing boxes of essentials for the flood impacted and ADF soldiers standing alongside impressive bushmasters, the squad of Federal, State and Local Government members offered words of support and praise for the Greater Shepparton Community and for its collective efforts in helping those in need.

Commending the volunteers of GV Cares, the SES and the

Greater Shepparton City Council as well as several other support services in response to the devastating floods, Mr Dutton said,

“We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the government, with every agency that is here, to make sure …we can help people turn the corner and get back to their lives, help in the clean-up, and help with the rebuilding.

“…there’s a big rebuild that’s required - the roads, and the infrastructure that will need to be replaced and …hardened against a future flooding event.”

On the ground from the get-go, Mr Birrell said,

“I want to explain to Canberra exactly what we are facing here, what people are going through and the level of support that we need.

“…We’re going to learn a lot from this and …we [will] have conversations about how we can manage infrastructure after that,” Mr Birrell said.

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Thursday, October 20th, 2022 – Page 3
ANXIOUS MOMENTS TO STAY OPEN FOR THE COMMUNITY... Colliver Road Foodworks manager Jimmy Shi and employee Vikki Butt tested their nerve to stay open for the local community. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto ON THE GROUND TO VIEW THE FLOOD RESPONSE... From left, Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell, senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie, Greater Shepparton City Council mayor, Cr Shane Sali, federal opposition leader Peter Dutton and federal member for Nicholls Sam Birrell. Photo: Will Adams

$5,000 to support selfless community spirit

SHEPPARTON Club general manager, Wayne Sutton said, “I’ve heard Azem’s name bandied around town since I arrived here in Shepparton for his true generousity and community support, and that is a bloody rare quality.

“Azem’s work is heartfelt. He has no judgement, no boundaries, he will go anywhere and help anyone. We want to do anything to take the pressure off so he can

continue supporting those who need it.”

“Imagine if another five people with that kind of calibre stepped up in the community. We’re incredibly lucky to have such a person who is so selfless,” said Shepparton Club president, April Hipwell.

From next year, People Helping People will receive ongoing support from The Shepparton Club’s monthly charity raffles.

Alongside her state election campaign, Kim O’Keeffe has been volunteering with People Helping People preparing three meals a day for emergency workers. She said volunteers will be needed over the coming weeks as Greater Shepparton prepares for the clean-up and braces for ongoing wet weather.

If you or your business can assist Azem Elmaz and People Supporting People, contact Kim on 0447 713 838. Donations can be made to People

Supporting People (BSB: 033-254 ACC: 318 837).

If you or your business can assist Azem Elmaz and People Supporting People, contact Kim on 0447 713 838. Donations can be made to People Supporting People (BSB: 033254 ACC: 318 837).

Every bit helps

ON Monday October 17, Harvey Norman’s proprietor of computers and entertainment Adam Denny was sitting at home wondering how he could help the affected flood people in his region, and

“I have raised three kids here in this community and I needed to do something to help,” said Adam.

“We are currently working on the next round of donations, but we need to make sure they go to the right places,” he added.

NEWS continued from front page
CURRENTLY WORKING ON NEXT ROUND OF DONATIONS... More than 300 people were helped thanks to much needed power bank donations. Photo: supplied
A dedicated hotline has been set up for schools and VCE students who have been impacted by the floods, available daily from 8am until 10:30pm on 1800 717 588 or News Update Year 12 students Brandon, Beth, Ellie and Alice were able to safely access GSSC last week with many of their peers. Staff members from Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien (pictured) to every other available teacher were on hand to help out with their study and exam preparation. While flooding has impacted senior students, we’ve got their back. We’re working hard to make their final few weeks of school as positive and memorable as possible.
• More than 30 years of operation • Includes 3 vehicles • Employs 20+ staff • Run from home – Low overheads • Plenty of opportunity for growth KY CLEANING SERVICE Professional contract, commercial and domestic cleaning business • Currently operated from the vendor’s home in Northern Victoria but can be run from anywhere in Australia • Privately owned and operated • Was established by the current owner in 2000 BEADLOCK AUSTRALIA Supplier of high quality and innovative 4WD products 5THNOVEMBER2022 AEROBATICS RIDES&DISPLAYS! MARKETS&STREETFOODFAMILYFUN WARBIRDS TIX@BENALLAAIRSHOW.COM.AU BENALLA AIRSHOW PROUDLYPRESENTEDBY

$1.2M funding for Foodshare

THE State Government will invest $1M for Shepparton Foodshare’s forever home, on top of $200,000 announced last week.

Independent Member for Shepparton, Suzanna Sheed, welcomed the $1.2M commitment for the relocation of Shepparton Foodshare from its current location at the old Ardmona Cannery to a new premises adjacent to the Mooroopna Woolworths/Aldi carpark, which was generously donated to the Andreadis family.

Ms Sheed said, “I am delighted that the State Government has come to the rescue to fund this project after the failed promise of $600,000 made by the Federal Coalition Government earlier this year.”

“In January, Barnaby Joyce visited Shepparton and stood alongside previous Nationals Member for Nicholls Damian Drum and its then-Nationals candidate Sam Birrell and announced they awarded Shepparton Foodshare $600,000 in

funding, but it was never delivered.

“The Federal Coalition did not sign off their Appropriation Bill 2 before calling an election, meaning that all funds for new administered expenses were not secured, including this $600,000 for Shepparton Foodshare.

Ms Sheed praised Shepparton Foodshare as the “beating heart of food supplies for those in need in our community,” which was reopened on Monday after being impacted by floodwater.

“Shepparton Foodshare provides food year-round to food relief agencies. We saw them come to the rescue supplying food to residents when we were in lockdown last year and again during the flood, even when their own premises was flooded,” said Ms Sheed.

“I am delighted that the Victorian Government picked up the Federal Coalition’s tab as well as its half and supported this important service.”

Shepparton High School reunion venue change

AFTER a two year hiatus, The Shepparton High School reunion is back on for 2022.

This event has been very enjoyable and well attended for over 70 years. Many former students from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s travel to catch up with friends from long ago, not only from within Victoria but also from interstate.

“The student’s committee have really enjoyed organising this event and connecting with past students from our classes throughout the years,” said co-organiser Millicent McNeill.

“After a couple of years of the reunion being postponed, we are so excited to see everyone and eager enjoy a lovely lunch with old friends.”

The event will take place on Sunday November 6, and due to the floods, the venue has been changed from The Royal Mail Hotel to the Mooroopna Golf Club. The cost is now $26 per person and please RSVP to Joy Phillis on (03) 5825 1840 or Millicent McNeill on 0409 438 299 by Friday October 28.

SUCCESSFUL FUNDING... Independent Member for Shepparton District Suzanna Sheed has welcomed the funding announcement of $1.2M that will help build Shepparton Foodshare’s new premises. Photo: Supplied
123 - 129 Maude Street, Shepparton, VIC 3630 T (03) 5831 4029 E Small school, big heart TON RY CO L L EGE heart SHEPPARTONace SECONDARY COLLEGE SHEPPARTONace Years 7-10 Australian Curriculum Years 11-12 VCE/VCAL/VET Shepparton ace Secondary College Now taking Enrolments •Low fees •Stationery, books, frequent camps and excursions provided at no extra cost •Kitchen facilities and food provided • Students to wear neat casual clothes. School wind-cheaters and T shirts available at no extra cost •Strong commitment to education •Pathways to further education For senior classes - Years 11 & 12 2023 2x Year Classes7 2023 LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude ......... 0418 992 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 FOR SALE Contact agent for details INSPECT By appointment • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude ......... 0418 992 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude ......... 0418 992 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude ......... 0418 992 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude ......... 0418 992 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 • RESIDENTIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS Finer Fruit retail and wholesale CONTACT • Kelvin Maude Exceptional, proven produce business 226 Successful fruit and vegetable retail and wholesale Over 30 year trading history Excellent reputation for quality and service Extensive wholesale network Great retail location and presentation Three coolrooms, good prep area Owners exiting the industry after many successful years Over $3.8M turnover annually • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: e Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au RTO N R H SHEPPARTON – 35 Vaughan Street • • • • • • BUSINESS CONTACT 0418 270 Exceptional, proven produce business 226 LATEST UPDATES: v • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H 226 v • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H 226 v • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H 226 FOR SALE v • RESIDENTIAL • RURAL • COMMERCIAL • LAND SALES • LATEST UPDATES: @ke vinhi ck sr e al @keestate vinhi ck sr e al Keestate vi nH ick sR e al Estate .c o m. au SHEPPA RTO N NUMU R KA H 226

Flexibility to deliver

WITH fridges full of stock, two aged care facilities and one hospital reliant on his meat deliveries, Martin Krueger of Krueger’s Fine Meats and Small Goods in Colliver Road, anxiously watched the flood waters creep-up overnight to his shopfront door via a security camera on Sunday, October 16.

With tools and equipment ready to swoop in if necessary to save what he could, Martin was relieved when the waters finally began to recede from his shop after holding steady for some time.

Unable to open to the public on the following Monday and Tuesday, Martin was forced to discard his refrigerated van to make his deliveries to Mercy Place and Harmony Village as well as

to the Private Hospital due to high water levels on the roads.

Using a four-wheel drive instead, Martin, with the help of employee David, had to make quick dashes across town to deliver fresh meat.

Seemingly unfazed by the events, Martin was full of praise for his staff while acknowledging the benefits of a small business model in being able to improvise and respond flexibly to challenging circumstances, as he said,

“To be honest, when you are a small business it’s a lot easier to turn things whichever way you need to. If you have a larger operation, it is more difficult to be flexible.

“We have two very experienced butchers on staff and a team that works well together who

shared good ideas to get us through,” Martin said.

When asked how the community around the area had coped with the flooding, Martin proudly stated,

Year 12 students exemplify resilience

THE challenge and pressure of year 12 VCE for most students speaks for itself under ‘normal’ circumstances but when you consider what this year’s cohort of students have had to endure in the lead up to their all-important final exams, it takes your breath away.

Through bushfires, covid lockdowns and two broken years of online learning, VCE students Amy McCorry and Chelsea Kubeil have had to work harder than any previous generation to graduate.

A talented dancer and actor, with over 50 stage performances to her name, Amy has a full ledger of VCE subjects on her plate. Hoping to be a dance instructor in the future Amy said,

“Year 12 has been a struggle for me, I struggle with learning, and I can get easily distracted.

“Just before the floods, I was going to the library every

day until 10pm. I was proud of how hard I was working and with the floods, my motivation just washed away.”

A talented academic, Chelsea has her eyes set on becoming an occupational therapist, and although she has studied hard all year, the floods were an event that knocked her sideways,

“I had to evacuate my home and although I had wifi where I was staying, I just felt so tired. I just felt like I didn’t want to do anything.”

With the floods cancelling the girl’s official graduation day at school, they have remarkably bounced back to resume their exam preparation.

With derivative scores to fall back on, Amy and Chelsea aim to give it their all in their final exams, but for Amy the disappointment of not being able say goodbye to all her classmates and teachers was a bitter blow,

“I wanted to thank my teachers and say goodbye to all

“It brought a lot of people together; I’ve never seen so many neighbours standing in the street talking in groups. People said they were talking to people that they’d never spoken to before, in that regard, it was quite a nice thing.”

my friends together at school one last time. When we missed out on that, it was enough to make me want to cry.”

NEWS Page 6 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022
JUMPING HURDLES FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE... VCE students Chelsea Kubeil (left) and Amy McCorry dig deep to muster motivation to successfully complete exams after pandemic, bushfires and floods. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto RESPONSIVE TO CHALLENGE... Martin Krueger of Krueger’s Fine Meats and Small Goods in Colliver Road had the flexibility to keep delivering as the flood waters rose. Photo: Natasha Fujimoto
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 7 Shepparton North Valid from Wed 26th October - Tues 1st November 2022. While Stocks Last. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Images are for Illustration purposes only. Fairleys IGA Liquor supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. ROCKMELONS ½ SELL $1.99ea Australian Australian Australian WASHED POTATOES 5KG ICEBERG LETTUCE Steak Sandwich, Can of Coke or Water $ 3 49 ea $9 per serve $ 4 99 bag $ 249 ea Moét Chandon Brut NV, or Moét Chandon Brut Imperial NV Gift Box 750ml Chandon NV Brut Rose or Chandon NV Brut 750ml Yarraburn Prosecco, Prosecco Rose or De Bortoli KV Prosecco or KV Prosecco Rose 750ml $ 65 ea $ 25 ea $12 ea Brown Brothers NV Prosecco, Prosecco Rose or Prosecco Spritz 750ml $14 ea Mini Vanilla Danish 6 Pack 42¢ per each Chicken Breast Fillets Skin On Yumi’s Classic Dips 200g Single Sell $3.50ea Peckish Rice Crackers 200g $1.25 per 100g Ling Fillets 400gDON Kabana $ 999 Pack $ 249 pack $ 999 kg Whole Banana Prawns (Raw) 500g $1199 kg BAKED FRESH DAILY In Store $10 Pack Mul t i B uy 2 for$6 From the DELI $175 pack That’s $1.00 per kg!

Water diverted to “dustbowl”

DESPITE this, in February 2020, Goulburn-Murray Water unveiled a $200,000 new shower and toilet facility at the lake.

In 2019, a deal between Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) and the Commonwealth has seen 8,300 precious megalitres of water traded away to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Without a remaining physical connection to the system, Greens Lake was to be dry most years.

This was to the dismay of many local visitors of the lake.

“We have been visiting the lake as a family since we moved to the region. We enjoy visiting all year round. It’s been a great place for recreational activities like boating, camping, fishing and water sports. Even in winter, we rug up, and the kid’s fish,” said Sammy Stanford in March.

“It’s a safe place for families to visit as small children can play along the water’s edge and it’s a free camping site, which is rare these days,” said Sammy.

On October 13 however, water began to be diverted to the lake, in a bid to prevent water backing up at Colbinabbin, which

would have potentially induced flooding. Goulburn-Murray Water has advised this is only a temporary measure. At the time of

print, Greens Lake is filled at a capacity of 54.34 percent. Water is also being diverted to Lake Cooper near Corop.

White King-Pental Business Excellence Awards Gala Dinner postponed

AS our region faces the enormous task of flood clean-up, the 2022 White King-Pental Business Excellence Awards Gala Dinner planned for Friday, October 28 has been postponed.

Close to 500 guests were set to attend the special 25th Gala Business Awards, after a two-year Covid-induced hiatus. Despite the gala being postponed, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry is immensely proud of the calibre of nominees.

“The 200+ individuals/businesses nominated this year from across the greater Shepparton region, is a testament

to the camaraderie and fortitude of our entire business community. It is great to see people getting behind the Business Excellence Awards and nominating, celebrating the amazing diversity of business within the Greater Shepparton community,” said Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry executive officer, Tracy Lyle.

“Surprisingly, some of our finalists admitted to not being aware how much they are appreciated or what a great job they are doing, so being nominated was an unexpected and a much-appreciated lift.”

Although now postponed the Chamber and sponsors

look forward to celebrating 25 years of the Business Excellence awards with the 2021 and 2022 finalists, as well as friends, family and the business community.

“Our thoughts are with the community, your families and businesses as you deal with the impact of the recent floods and post-flood recovery,” said Tracy.

“We will be working to reschedule this event for a future date, hopefully very soon. We will provide further communication on this new event date once we have made arrangements.”

NEWS continued from front page Page 8 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022
REFILL…Regular visitor to Greens Lake in recent years, Sammy Stanford witnessed firsthand how it became progressively dry. Pictured are her sons Asher and Mace staring in disbelief about how much it had receded in March. GMW have been diverting water there in recent days in a bid to prevent water backing up at Colbinabbin. Photo: Sammy Stanford




Whittlesea Show returns bigger and better for 2022! So let’s CELEBRATE!!

There will be a huge variety of displays, events, attractions and fun activities on offer. Come and join us for a family-focused weekend, catering for all ages and interests.


In keeping with the Agricultural foun dations of the Show, there are exhibits across a wide variety of breeds. Spe cial sections for Cattle include Cattle Handling, Beef, Dairy and Calf Rearing classes. Classes covering both wool and breed are held in the Alpaca (Sat) & Sheep (Sun) pavilion, and there is an additional area for miniature breeds of livestock. With a wonderful display of poultry varieties nearby in the Poultry Pavilion, you’re sure to discover some interesting breeds of birds.


Always a favourite with young show-go ers, the Nursery provides an up close and personal experience with a variety of farm-yard babies. Enjoy a photo op portunity with your favourite furred or feathered friend.



A showcase of talent from both local artists and from further afield, present ing a variety of art & photography me dia providing a wonderful opportunity for visitors to view and enjoy the cre ativity and talent.


Entries include vegetables, fruit, eggs, pasture, hay and crops from hobby and home farms and gardens. The display promotes the importance of local food production and farming.


Great family entertainment: fun dog show, side shows, family fun and games on the main arena, trade exhib its, roving entertainment and of course, carnival rides & SHOW BAGS!


With the skill and precision of the en trants on display, the Woodchop com petition is a Show favourite. Watching the chips fly with the speed and energy of this sport makes it a feature event of the Show.


Entries are received from local Prima ry, Secondary and Specialist schools across Melboure’s northern fringe, with a dedicated Special Needs sec tion included. Art, collage, creative language, tech, graphics, photography and more create a colourful display in the Education pavilion and provide a wonderful platform for our young en trants to show their talents.



The Homecrafts Pavilion is a center piece of the Show, housing the craft, cookery, decorated cakes, needle work as well as horticulture and floral ar rangements on display. There will also be a host of demonstrations such as sewing, paper-craft and china paint ing; and for the kids decorated biscuits being made to take home on the day.


Food options at the Show are wide and varied and cater for everyone! You won’t go hungry while you enjoy the Show as there is plenty on offer to tempt your tastebuds. At the northern end of the showgrounds, you will find the Expo with a range of local and regional food options to tempt the tastebuds.



The Whittlesea Show has an extensive program of led and ridden, breed and harness events and each year attracts very large entries from across the state and beyond. The showjumping will pro vide a lot of excitement with the new Jack Eadon Memorial Showjumping Championship across both days.


The Heritage display provides a won derful insight into days gone by. Pres ervation of agricultural history makes for a fascinating tour, with equipment and vintage machinery on display. There is a working blacksmith demon stration area, providing a close view of the skills involved at the forge.

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 9
Whittlesea Showgrounds, Yea Rd. Whittlesea
NEWS Page 10 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October floods in photos

PICTURED are photos captured around the district during the October flood emergency. Rising rivers have transformed our landscape and challenged our community. Fantastic examples of

residents and volunteers pitching in helping one another have been on display and this spirit will put Greater Shepparton in good stead as it prepares for the clean-up ahead.

Photos: Will Adams, Natasha Fujimoto

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 11

Opera on the Snow Road

narrator throughout to draw in even the youngest patron.

IT’s time to be carried away by act and overture, costume and score, and be thoroughly entertained by Lyster Opera’s production of ‘La Cenerentola’ (Cinderella) by Gioachino Rossini

For one spectacular afternoon at Oxley Shire Hall, the stage will come alive with operatic drama and whimsy as the story of Cinderella unfolds through a frolic of exquisite costumes, subplots, disguises and song.

Continuing in the fine tradition of William Saurin Lyster (1828-1880), an Irishman who made it his mission to bring opera to the people, Lyster Opera’s Cinderella will engage all ages with a

With professional performers and based on a Rossini score with markings from the great composer himself, Cinderella is a wonderful way to enjoy a story with universal appeal while being enthralled and entertained.

In great anticipation of taking his opera on the road, Cinderella director and performer, Jaimie Moffat said, “We are so delighted to be travelling, bringing the music, fun and hilarity of Cinderella to regional Victoria. After all the recent turmoil and events, it is a great way to enjoy an operatic extravaganza.”

Lyster Opera presents ‘La Cenerentola’ by Gioachino Rossini at Oxley Shire Hall, 1157 Snow Road, Oxley on Saturday, November 12 at 2.00pm. Tickets are $30 with $25 for concession holders and can be purchased at

Into the Third Dimension

KYABRAM Town Hall Gallery & Information Centre is home to four gallery spaces within its heritage walls. The Community Gallery, The Classic Gallery, The Isobel Harvie Gallery and the Splinter Contemporary Gallery.

Until December 3, contemporary artist Judith Hutchins presents her “Essence of Australia” exhibition, with works depicting the vast, arid landscapes of the outback, to pastoral scenes and to the majesty of the forest.

Until November 6, Splinter

Contemporary Artists current exhibition allows artists to explore their concept of a third dimension.

A third dimension adds solidity to a two-dimensional system. In confers a reality. Splinter artists interpret this reality.

Kyabram Town Hall Gallery & Information Centre is open Monday through Saturday from 10am until 4pm. It is located at 199-209 Allen Street, and they can be contacted via email at info@ or via phone on

NEWS Page 12 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022
OPERATIC FAIRYTALE... from left, Helen Koehne as Clorinda and Angelique Tot as Tisbe, are wicked step-sisters singing-up stagey melodrama in Lyster Opera’s presentation of Rossin’s ‘Cinderella’. Picture: Supplied LOCAL HUB OF ART AND CULTURE... Until November 6, Splinter Contemporary Artists have an exhibit at Kyabram Town Hall Gallery & Information Centre, an exploration of their concept of a third dimension. From left is Kyabram Town Hall committee treasurer Margaret Smerdon, chairperson of the committee Vicki Neele and gallery promotor Anne Churches. Photo: Stephanie Holliday
5822 1555 177-193 Numurkah Rd, Shepparton VIC Get a fresh new rate this spring With our special Spring Offer, you can enjoy a great discounted rate and excellent personal service from a local lender you can trust. Speak to your local GMCU team or visit to find out how. Spring Offer - Discounted 5 Year Variable Rate - p.a. * Basic Variable Home Loan For new owner-occupied loans with 70% LVR or less. 3.94 Comparison Rate - p.a. # 5.15 Credit eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Goulburn Murray Credit Union Co-operative Limited ABN 87 087 651 509 AFSL/Australian credit licence 241 364. Rates are current as at 28/09/2022 and are subject to change without notice. Special offers may be changed or withdrawn without notice. Spring Offer includes a discount to the advertised applicable Basic Variable Home Loan Rate for 5 years based on the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) of the loan. LVR 70% or less: 1.83% discount. LVR 70.01% to 80%: 1.68% discount. LVR 80.01% to 90%: 0.83% discount. After the discount period, the interest rate reverts to the applicable Basic Variable Home Loan Rate. Spring Offer includes no Establishment Fee for owner-occupied home loans. Principal and interest repayments. # Comparison rate is based on a loan of $150,000 over a term of 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate applies only to the example given. Different amounts or terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees and cost savings such as fee waivers are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan. Target Market Determination for this product is available in-branch or at UP TO 50% OFF SELECTED GIFTS Unbeatable Christmas 18ct Gold Diamond Ring Was $4499 Now $2699 Solitaire Ring Was $8999 Now $5499 9ct Diamond Earrings TDW=.34ct Now $599 18ct Gold Diamond Earrings Were $4499 Now $2799 TDW=.33ct Now $499 Pendant TDW=.20ct Was $699 Now $349 Earrings Were $1499 Now $799 9ct Diamond Ring TDW=1.00ct Now $1799 9ct Diamond Ring TDW=.50ct Was $1599 Now $799 Were $479 Now $259 Tulip Necklet Now $449 7331003 Was $499 Now $259 5mm Created Emerald Studs Were $199 Now $99.50 Slider Pendant Was $299 Now $159 Now $279 7001241 Ring TDW=.10ct Was $1199 Now $699 8mm Studs Now $19.95 Were $39.90 Now $19.95 20mm Hoops Were $79.90 Now $39.95 Circles in Time Was $69.90 Now $39 Twist Bangle Was $149 Now $89 Dress Ring Now $29.95 1801146 Trilogy Ring Set Now $59 1801241 Europeanmadeanddesigned exclusivelyforProuds 9ct2-TonePendant Was$99.90 Now$39* 2521474 #No Diamond Content Created Emerald & Diamonds Beautiful Gifts of Love Sterling Silver Gift Ideas n B e W $ 29 No $79 BLOCKBUSTER DEAL HALF PRICE HALF PRICE HALF PRICE HALF PRICE HALF PRICE $240 $200 SAVE SAVE $30 $350 $1500 $1700 NOW ONLY $39 with any other purchase * Y withinrHeaMine Catalogue OUT NOW

Library extends support to flood-affected

RECOGNISING libraries as important sanctuaries for the community to meet, learn and unwind, hours were extended at Tatura Library, where hundreds were evacuated to safety.

“No buildings or assets have been damaged across any municipalities at the moment. Shepparton and Mooroopna weren’t impacted, Mooroopna having only just escaped – the water was close to the floor,” explained GV Libraries CEO, Kevin Preece.

“Tatura Library opened for additional hours because of the number of people displaced. We opened the library there on Wednesday, when it is normally closed, and have extended hours for the rest of the week to provide a place of refuge and a distraction from what families have experienced.”

Due dates have been extended until November 2. GV Libraries want to remind members there are no overdue fees, and no one will be penalised for late returns.

Library membership is free and provides a range of digital resources including e-books, audiobooks and streaming services for kids and adults with a huge range of movies and documentaries.

“We have a video streaming service, Canopy, which is essentially a free Netflix,” Mr Preece said, encouraging the public to explore

Home is where the art is

AN opportunity for artists to showcase their creativity and skill has arisen with the Shepparton Art Museum’s (SAM) annual open-call exhibition.

In a quest to celebrate the creative skills and talent of the artistic community across the Goulburn Valley and the Hume region, the exhibition program invites local artists working in any medium and at experience level or career stage to submit work for inclusion in the SAM open.

The selected submissions are then exhibited collectively in the SAM Community Gallery. The theme for the upcoming SAM Open is Home.

The theme is open to broad artistic interpretation and may be approached from a personal, social, or cultural perspective.

Caroline Esbenshade, SAM community curator, says of the theme, “This year we’ve chosen the theme of ‘Home’ because it’s something that everyone has a concept of, but everyone’s experience or understanding of what ‘home’ is to them will be unique.

“In picking a theme, I hoped to land on something that was broad enough for everyone to feel they could respond to, but tangible enough that it could inspire and provide an opportunity

the services available online.

A PLACE FOR COMMUNITY... GV Libraries’ Tatura branch extended its opening hours to accommodate displaced flood-affected families taking refuge at relief centres set up in the town. Due dates have also been extended amid the flood emergency.

He said, “We acknowledge that we partner with other libraries that are being impacted, mainly Echuca, Rochester, Kerang, and other places further down the river that are going to be feeling the impacts over the coming days. We feel for our partners and we’re here to help support them."

Regular library hours and services will return shortly. To become a member or to learn more, visit


YOU must not fly your drone during emergency operations.

Flying drones near emergencies can cause major safety hazards to response teams in the air and on the ground.

Using your drone to film or view floodwater might be tempting, however, doing so could hinder emergency services and be in breach of drone safety rules.

For your safety and others, do not fly your drone during natural disasters (bushfires, floods, electrical storms, hurricanes and cyclones) or during emergency operations (traffic accidents, tactical response, training or rescue operations).

To refresh your knowledge, please visit https://


FLOODWATER and extreme weather across the state has left many roads closed on damaged. Victorians are encouraged to avoid any unnecessary travel.

Areas of current concern are the Shepparton and Wangaratta regions, the Loddon Valley and the Northeast. Given the significant damage to our road network, motorists are urged to drive with extreme caution and with an expectation the road surface will be damaged, reduce speed, leave more distance between vehicles for a better view of the road and be aware of frightened or fleeing animals near roads, obey signage and never drive through floodwater.

All current road closures are listed at https://bit. ly/3CCcypw

for conversations to unfold to better connect us as a community,” Caroline said.

From November 7, 2022, artists based in Greater Shepparton, Goulburn Valley and the Hume Region will be able to apply to exhibit their works in SAM Open.

Applications will close on February 6, 2023. SAM Open will be on display at SAM from April 29 to July 16, 2023. Information on the full process, guidelines and artwork specifications can be found on the SAM website: support-get-involved/exhibit-at-sam/

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 13
CALL OUT TO ARTIST TO EXHIBIT AT SAM... Artists within the Hume region can submit work to exhibit in the SAM Open from November 7, 2022. Picture: Supplied Photo: Deanne Jeffers
ROUND UP OCTOBER 2022 SHEPPARTON 1800 809 579 Trusted Family & Business Protection Brought to you by CCTV • Alarms • Intercoms • Guards • Patrols
Authorised by Wendy Lovell
MP, 222
Street Shepparton. Funded from Parliamentary Budget Wendy Lovell MP Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Region p: (03) 5821 6668 e: My thoughts are with everyone impacted by the devastating floods and I extend my grateful thanks to all who are generously providing assistance to those in need.


Tell us about your ‘not-for-profit’ community events via email at classifieds@ (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event). Please note listings are to be fewer than 55 words.

DOOKIE SHOW IS ‘THE FAMILY SHOW’... Saturday, October 29 at the Dookie Showgrounds with shed opening after judging around 12pm. Everyone welcome. Entry is $10 for adults, $5 pensioners, free entry for children under

14. With sideshow entertainment, horse competitions, children’s games, market stalls, face painting, show bags and much more, there is something for everyone. Call President Peter Shields on 0419 317 671 or Secretary Suzie Hall on 0428 765 893

Free food from the Railway Hotel

Goulburn Valley Floods 2022

My heart and deepest sympathies go out to residents who have been affected by the devastating impacts of the floods.

I want to thank our emergency services, volunteers, neighbours, and everyone in between who pulled together to help ensure thousands of residents were supported. From dropping supplies to strangers by boat or rallying together to help with the clean up - acts of kindness have been in the thousands and is nothing short of amazing.

I’m in Canberra this week, making the needs of our community heard loud and clear in Parliament. I’m advocating to the Federal Government about the immediate and long term needs of our community as the recovery process begins.

I’ve been working closely with Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt to activate immediate disaster recovery payments as well as a disaster recovery allowance for those who’ve

lost income, I’ve called for ADF personnel be brought in to help with the clean up as well as extra Services Australia staff to help with claims.

I’ve travelled across the region to towns including Rochester, Seymour, Murchison, Undera, Nagambie, Mooroopna and Shepparton to see the devastation and speak firsthand with those affected.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Senator Bridget McKenzie have visited the region to meet with heartbroken business owners and residents so they can help advocate for our regions needs.

We have a strong community filled with persistent, determined individuals and I have no doubt that we will pull together and come back stronger.

I’m here to support our residents and I remind people needing help with Federal Government issues to contact my office.”

WHILE flood waters were rising around Murchison and the community was trying to save their main street and help those affected, Railway Hotel directors Paul, Mitch and Emilia Golding were cut off to the community by the main bridge into Murchison being closed.

Their need to help the little community of Murchison saw them driving long back roads to deliver free food for people that were doing it tough or helping within the town. The local support did not go unrecognised, people's tummies were full and town spirits were raised.

Don’t leave your tax return to the last minute

THE due date for 2021-22 tax returns is fast approaching and The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is reminding taxpayers to get on top of their returns by lodging or engaging a registered tax agent before October 31.

“People with simple tax affairs can lodge through our free myTax service in under 30 minutes. Most of the time information you need will already be there; just check if it’s correct, add any additional income, and claim deductions you’re eligible for,” said ATO assistant commissioner, Tim Loh.

“Our website has a range of helpful calculators and tools to help you get it right. These are designed to guide you on a range of topics, from whether you need to lodge a tax return, to working out which deductions and expenses specific occupations and industries can claim.”

He said anyone who needs more time to prepare their return can lodge with a

registered tax agent. Using a registered tax agent for the first time or changing agents? Mr Loh said you must engage them before October 31.

Free programs to assist include the ATO’s ‘Tax Help’ program, which is run by trained volunteers and is available to taxpayers earning $60,000 or less per year who have simple affairs.

The National Tax Clinic program is a government-funded initiative to help individuals, small businesses, non-profit organisations and charities who may not be able to afford professional advice and representation with their tax affairs. It’s ran by Australian universities and supported by the ATO.

Remember, be mindful of keeping your personal information protected. This means never sharing your myGov login or myGovID details with anyone. Visit the ATO’s website for more information.

NEWS Page 14 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022
FULL TUMMIES THANKS TO THE EAST... Railway Hotel directors Paul, Mitch and Emilia Golding supplied free hot food to many Murchison locals throughout the floods. Photo: Kelly Carmody
Sam BIRRELL MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR NICHOLLS 426 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630 03 5821 5371 SamBirrellMP Authorised by Sam Birrell, The Nationals, 426 Wyndham Street, Shepparton VIC 3630
“It has been a week the people of Nicholls will never forget, but in many ways the hardest part is just beginning.

OUTintheOPEN Festival celebrates its 11th year

GREATER Shepparton’s LGBTIQA+ community will come together, and invites all members of the community, to join the fun and celebration of diversity with 2022’s OUTintheOPEN Festival, which will run from Monday October 31 through Sunday November 13.

“The event is about providing a safe space for the many diverse community members under the LGBTIQA+ banner, allies and supporters,” said festival co-convener, Damien Stevens-Todd.

Week one will be full of dinners, morning teas, forums, radio shows, book readings and a roller disco just to name a few of the wonderful activities.

Week two will feature an outdoor BBQ, a shared breakfast, dining with divas, rainbow storytime, a clothes swap event, glam drinks on the rooftop of Shepparton Art Museum and of course the main event, Carnival Day in the Queen’s Gardens on Saturday, November 12.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME… Shepparton’s OUTintheOPEN Festival will celebrate its 11th birthday this year. Festival co-convener, Damien Stevens-Todd, is excited for this event which provides a safe space for the many diverse community members under the LGBTIQA+ banner, allies and their supporters to enjoy a range of fun activities. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

The festival has a mix of free and paid events, with attendees encouraged to save the dates and buy their tickets before they sell out. The events are family friendly and will be a welcome reprieve after the past two weeks.

“It’s going to be an amazing two weeks and this festival is an opportunity for everyone to get involved, get outside their comfort zones and make the most of what our region has to offer,” Mr Stevens-Todd said.

For the full list of events, information, tickets, and festival passes please visit:

First ever Airshow for Benalla

A TRULY special event is coming to Benalla on November 5, as the rural Victorian town of just 15,000 opens its doors to the rest of the country for its inaugural Airshow.

Taking place as part of the week-long Benalla Festival, the Benalla Airshow will see thousands make their way to Benalla Airport to witness the unforgettable sights and sounds of an action-packed Airshow.

Whether you are a die-hard aviation enthusiast or just looking for a fun day out with the family and kids, there will be something for everyone.

There will be unbelievable aerobatics from some of Australia’s top champion

pilots, a mass hot air balloon launch early in the morning of show day and rare and unique warbirds.

The vibrant ground festival will be packed with delicious street food, amusement rides for the kids, car displays, glider displays and plenty of entertainment for all.

The Benalla Airshow will also act as the 70th anniversary of the Gliding Club of Victoria calling the Benalla airport its home, the oldest and largest gliding club in Australia.

The show will be held at Benalla Airport, 35 Samaria Road, Benalla. Get your tickets at

NEWS The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 15
FIRST BENELLA AIRSHOW... On November 5, Benalla Airport will host its first Airshow. There will be unbelievable aerobatics from some of Australia’s top champion pilots, a mass hot air balloon launch early in the morning of show day and rare and unique warbirds. Photo: Supplied




Career Opportunitie s


If you are interested, a detailed Position Description

bel ow

Fo r fu rther enquiries: S adie Tillera y, Ma rketin g & C ommunicati on s S pecialist at s.tilleray@wangaratta .v ic .g ov.a u

The succe ssful applicant wi ll be re quired to prov id e a co py of their Covi d-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt

Rural City of Wangaratta is a child safe and equal opportunity employer. Employment applications from AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandpeople from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged. In addition, applications for positions that work with children must provide referees who can comment on their experience working with children. These roles also require a valid Working with Children Check and all roles require a National Criminal History Check

Page 16 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Interested? Enquire today! Call 5832 8900 or email Available on Wednesdays? Earn money while exercising! Make extra money in your spare time! Earn $$ and keep fit at the same time! Career Opportunity s Goulburn Valley Water is an equal opportunity employer valuing all people, diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) provides quality water and wastewater services to 54 towns in North Central Victoria. Our core purpose is to deliver safe, reliable and af fordable water services to residential, commercial and industrial customers. Safety | Our People | Teamwork Service Excellence | Open Communication Scan here for more info Va rious positions We’re hiring! Have you been thinking about a career change? Now might be the time. We currently have a number of fantastic opportunities across our organisation Farming (including a traineeship), Operations, Inventory and Maintenance and Operations/Maintenance. Be part of a workforce proud to be delivering award winning water and wastewater services to more than 128,000 people in 54 towns across Northern Victoria. Interested? Head to to view these opportunities and see if they are suitable for you. Fa c ilities Coordinato r Fu ll Ti me $8 7, 841pa + supe r Th e R ura l C it y of Wanga ratt a are l ookin g fo r a n ex pe rience d Facilities C oo rd in ator to manag e Council’s building a ss ets includin g mainte nance, re newa ls , a ud its s afet y, s ecurit y, utilitie s a nd esse ntia l s ervice s. Yo u woul d be responsibl e for prov idin g s pecialist a dvic e m anagin g sta and contractor s in d elivering the org anis ations buildin g C ap it al works a nd ren ewal p ro gram s. Council o ers accrued time o and a flexible work arra ngement policy in o rd er to facilitate gre ater wo rk-l ife b alance. C ounci l p ro mote s a c ulture of co ntinuou s i mp rove ment a n d an e nv ironme nt th at e ncou ra ge s g rowth a n d p rofe ssiona l deve lopment. Fo r fu rther enquiries: M arsha M cMonig le Manage r Infra stru cture, P lannin g & D eliver y o n 0 40 8 2 1 9 9 59 The successful applicant will be required to provide a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt Rural City of Wangaratta is a child safe and equal opportunity employer. Employment applications from AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandpeople from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged. In addition, applications for positions that work with children must provide referees who can comment on their experience working with children. These roles also require a valid Working with Children Check and all roles require a National Criminal History Check Career Opportunitie s Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 31 Oc to be r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 5832 8989 The Goulburn and Murray Valleys’ largest circulating newspaper CAREER CHANGE? If you are looking for a career change or need new staf f to fill a position in your business, then the Adviser Classifieds is the choice for you. CLASSIFIEDS T 03 58 32 8989 W ww For your next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989 THE A member of The Victorian Country Press Association TEACHING & LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Full Time | Commencing 2023 | St Mary of the Angels Secondary College is •Literacy Leader POL 2 •Health & PE Leader POL 2 • • • • • • St Mary of the Angels Secondary College in embracing the Franciscan values of inclusivity, StMaryoftheAngelscommunitypromotesthesafety, wellbeingandinclusionofallchildren. A • • • 2023 Rural City of Wangaratta currently have a number of vacancies across a variety of departments! We are currently lookin g fo r Fu ll Time, Part Time an d Casual people fo r th e below ro les: • Ad ult Prog ra ms & Services Of fi ce r • Childcar e Educ ator • Digital Market & Communic at ions Of fi ce r • Fa c ilities Coordinato r • Ga rdener • P lanning Coordinato r • Wa ste Se rv ices Operator The successful applicant will be re quired to prov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt Rural City of Wangaratta is a child safe and equal opportunity employer. Employment applications from AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandpeople from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged In addition, applications for positions that work with children must provide referees who can comment on their experience working with children These roles also require a valid Working with Children Check and all roles require a National Criminal History Check.
Opportunitie s Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 31 Oc to be r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 Digital Market ing & Communic at ions Of fi ce r Pa rt Ti me (21 hours / 3 days pe r we ek ) $34.59ph + supe r Are you a d ig ita l c ommunicati on s a n d c onte nt specialist l ookin g to make a p os itive di e renc e? Lo okin g fo r a p ar t-tim e rol e that h a s a stronge r sens e of p urpose a n d c ommunit y c onne ctio n? If you have a flair for creative thinking, professional writin g a n d experienc e in p lanning d elivering, an d eva lu atin g s ocia l m edi a c ampaign s we’re lookin g fo r you to joi n o u r h ig h p er fo rming a nd drive n team We want to hea r fro m you !
i s ava ilable
Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m Mond ay 31 Oc to be r 2022 Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888 S P O RTS & AQ UATI C C ENTR E Wang aratt a The Wangaratta Sports & Aquatic Centre is growing and we are lookin g fo r passionate te am member s to join us We are lookin g to buil d a te am th at ha s cu stomer fo cu s, re lati onship building an d cu stomer sati sfacti on as th ei r No . 1 priority We have a va ri et y of ro le s availabl e – both casual an d pe rmanent. Applic ations are open in th e area s of • Senior Café Attendant • Customer Experi ence Coordinator • Operat ions Team Leader • Gym In structor • Life guards • Duty Managers If yo u wa nt to ma ke yo ur mark on th e reva mped Wa ngarat ta Spor ts & Aquati c Ce ntre an d yo u th in k yo u have wh at it ta ke s to be part of a passionate te am we wa nt to hear from yo u. Fo r fu rthe r info rm at io n or to appl y: Visit au/about-council/careers Th e successful applicants will be re quired to prov id e a co py of th ei r Covi d-19 Va ccin atio n Certifi cate pr io r to commencement. RuralCityofWangaratta isa childsafeandequalopportunity employer. Employment applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderpeoples andpeople from culturally andlinguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged In addition applications for positions that work with children mustprovidereferees who can comment on their experience working withchildren.These roles alsorequire a validWorking with Children Check and all roles require a National Criminal HistoryCheck.
Montage Electronics require a motivated Please send resume to The Manager 181 Corio Street, Shepparton or email
5832 89 89 cl as sifieds @s heppartonadvise r. www.sheppar tonadvise r.



across all


for the season starting in December.

•Day Shift (7am

Shift (3pm

Shift (11pm

BROMELIADS in flower x 6, $4 each, Ph 0417 427 317

JACARANDA TREES 15cm tall, $3 each, Ph 0417 427 317

KAMBROOK BENCH MIXER no further use, with dough hook, whisk, leaf attachments $45 Ph 5852 1813

MOTORCYCLE HELMET AND VISOR XXL, 63-64cm, T.H.H brand Australian standard, as new $50 Ph 5852 1813

MYNA BIRD TRAPS $50 Mooroopna Men's Shed Ph Michael 0418 993 692

PEA STRAW small squares, Numurkah call John on 0458 622 025 or Tallygaroopna call Rod on 0428 852 498

RHUBARB PLANTS x 5, $4 each Ph 0417 427 317

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TV 48cm Soniq good condition $50 ono ph 0414 851 865


Saturday 12th November | 2pm

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Saturday 1st April 2023 | Shepparton Showgrounds

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Supply, install & service. Garage doors, Automatic doors & Gate openers Call Phil on 0418 577 280


PET ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: As of July 2019, it is now a requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that an advertisement must include the unique source number (required from the Pet Exchange Register) of the seller and the individual microchip number of each cat or dog being sold or given away. These requirements apply to puppies and kittens as well as adult dogs and cats. For further information phone 5832 8900.



3 x male puppies, vaxxed & vet checked, ready for their forever homes as of 7th October, source no: 15599, m/chip: 95600016011752/ 15978732/ 16014706, $2000 each, Ph Rachel on 0405 958 401


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The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 17 Have you got an event coming up? Reach 60,000 estimated readers + online in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Call Pauline for your inclusion in The Adviser’s new What’s On section Artwork Deadline: 5pm Monday All you have to do is phone 5832 8989 or email What’s on NEW IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY KYABRAM TOWN HALL GALLERY Current Exhibitions October/ November Victorian Quilters One Step Further Kyabram Reform Movement 1901-03 199 Allan St, Kyabram | Open Mon- Sat 10am -4pm SHEPPARTON LEGACY WIDOW’S CLUB ARE HOLDING A COFFEE AFTERNOON Friday 28th October | 2pm Legacy House 20 Edward Street Shepparton Raffle, bric a brac stall, etc. All welcome. Cost $6.00 entry (includes afternoon tea) FINUCANE & SMITH’S BURLESQUE DANCE HALL Thurs 10th & Fri 11th November May contain traces of partial nudity, haze, loud music and ABBA *No Children, 3 course Dinner & show, $110 per person The Delatite Hotel, Mansfield 5775 2004
WHITTLESEA SHOW 5th & 6th November Whittlesea Showgrounds Free Attractions, Family Fun & Games, Farm, Homecrafts Food Expo, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Education, Poultry, Woodchop, Art, Photography, Heritage, Animal nursery. THE BENDIGO NATIONAL SWAP MEET 12th & 13th November 2022 Bendigo Show Grounds Contact 0434 730 822 Very limited Show N Shine spaces left. Best in best dressed. CANCELLED CLASSIFIEDS T 03 5832 8989 W E cl as sifieds @s heppartonadvise r. THE Foryour next advertising campaign phone 5832 8989 A member of The Victorian Country Press Association ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: Much hardship and difficulty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Position Vacant/Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry a specific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for ‘Business Opportunities’, ‘Commission Only’ training courses and employment services should be submitted under those headings. Placing misleading ads is an offence against the fair trading legislation and all advertisements are subject to the publisher’s approval. Primary Teaching Positions - Foundation Classroom Teacher - Primar y Physical Education & Generalist - Primary Music/Per forming Ar ts & Generalist Secondary Teaching Positions - English/RE - Humanities/RE - Science/Mathematics - Science/Other - Materials Technology Education Support O cer Positions - Daily Organiser - Enrolment Registrar Seeking applications for the listed ongoing positions. St Mary ’s College provides a holistic education which brings together faith, community, friends and learning. The teaching positions begin 2023. Teachers with other methods, graduates and fourth year students are welcome to apply Please refer to for the role descriptions and application forms. For enquiries please contact the Director, Business Ser vices and Compliance, Mrs Felicity Melville on 03 5792 2611. Please forward a resume, covering letter addressing the selection criteria and a completed application form to the Principal, Mr Wayne Smith at by 5.00 p.m. Friday, 4 November 2022 St Mar y’s College promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. Various Positions St Mar y’s College is returning to Year 11 in 2024 & Year 12 in 2025.
WI TH 5G Goulburn Valley Water Tower, McLennan Street MOOROOPNA VIC 3629 (RFNSA: 3629003) by 5pm, Mond ay 14 November 2022.
SPC is now recruiting for Production Operators and Forklift Operators
shifts. The duration of each shift is 8 hours and can be up to 5 to 7 days
week. We are looking for casual employees who are available
Our shift times include:
– 3pm) •Afternoon
– 11pm) •Night
– 7am) To apply for work with SPC scan the below QR Code As part of SPC’s recruitment and selection process you will be required to participate and successfully complete the following activities: •Interview •Functional testing including a Drug & Alcohol Screening •SPC Online Induction •SPC Induction & Factory Tour For more information on SPC please visit or send your questions to
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G.V. SKIP HIRE 5827 1372 Locally Owned and Operated 6 DAYS A WEEK 1.5, 3, 6 & 10 METRE SKIPS FOR THE CLEAN-UP AND REMOVAL OF YOUR HOUSE, GARDEN AND YARD WASTE. SA9880 WATER CARTAGE JACOBSONS TRANSPORT BIGGER LOADS BETTER VALUE 7 DAYS 7 DAYS Lot 1 & 2 Huggard Drive, Mooroopna 5825 3433 or 5825 2323 Waste Removal• • • Water Cartage• • • Join our region’s best Trades & Services ATYOURSERVICE T 58 32 89 89 or email GREEN ROOFING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERICAL ROOFING Call Harley Green 0457 930 035 • Pressure clean all roofs, paths & patio areas Re-Spray colour of your choice De-Mossing Re-Bedding & Pointing Gutter vac cleaning Repair & Insurance Work SPECIALISES IN ROOF RESTORATION Email: Country Vic TREE REMOVALS Contact Gene on 0455 365 659 · Tree Trimming & Pruning · Total Tree Removal · Fully Qualified Professional · Prompt obligation free quote · Insured · Emergency works COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC SKIPS EFFICIENT RUBBISH REMOVAL IN THE GOULBURN VALLEY & NORTH EAST VICTORIA On time every time | Call us today! 0419 538 538 Waste Removal• • •Tree Maintenance• • •Roofing• • • 413 580 937 IN-PS72310 FOR A FREE QUOTE & ADVICE CALL SIMON T: 9309 0700 M: 0411 174 000 E: FIVE STAR REBLOCKING & UNDERPINNING 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE •BUILDING PERMITS SUPPLIED • COMPUTER FLOOR LEVELLING •WORK IS GUARANTEED • FULLY INSURED • 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • NEW EXTENSION (FRONT & REAR) • ALL SUBURBS If you’ve got the metal, we’ve got the cash It’s CASH FOR SCRA P ME •C as h buye rs of & non ferrou s • Far m clean-ups •O ld machiner y, truck bodies •Bat teries, Radiator Bras s & Cast Iron 13 5 Old S heppar 58 21 Reblocking• • •Pool Inspections• • • Removal• • • Renovating• • • Mobile: 0417 383 510 SERVING ALL MELBOURNE FOR OVER 25 YEARS RE-STUMPING UNDERPINNING FLOOR LEVELING BUILDING PERMITS Bin Sizes 2m 3m 4m Phone John 0400 774 411 PH 0432 583 243 0487 148 701 OR EMAIL CALL Jay PAINTER John Paxton Painting + Maintenance • Local Painter • Fully insured • 30 years experience 0490 894 318 ABN - 279006259 75 Your local spider & termite expert With more than 32 years experience Call now for a FREE quote Available 7 days a week CALL 0438 401 212 Motor Trimmers & Upholstery• • • Painting• • • Painting• • • Pest Control• • • House alterations | Bathroom renovations Decks | Kitchen and Laundry renovations Delivering Expert Home Improvements Call David 0457 023 410 Firewood John The Woodcu er Phone John 0408 579 014 SAWN TIMBER CUT TO ORDER FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS •Free Quotes •Lawn Mowing •Hedging & Pruning •Gardening & Maintenance •Rubbish Removal •Mulching •Clean ups •Body Corporate & Commercial INFO@TOTALCAREGS.COM.AU CALL TONY 0448 047 476 MOWING • GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE PRUNING & HEDGE TRIMMING • FERTILISING PEST & DISEASE CONTROL • MULCHING G ARDEN MAINTENANCE Contact Troy for an obligation free quote: Ph 0439 623 123 Email ABN: 125089665544 Gardening• • •Firewood• • •Construction• • • Gardening• • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE

Sports club needs our help

THE home of the Shepparton Swans, the WB Hunter Pavillion at Princess Park, has been inundated with floodwater. As of Tuesday, October 25, the oval and clubhouses were still totally submerged.

Shepparton Swans president Jarrod Sutherland took to social media to update the community.

“The levy bank is now holding all of the water in the area and there is a considerable amount of water there,” he said, showing the entire Princess Park Pavillion underwater on Friday, October 21.

“We are waiting for the river to drop to be able to get the water out of the rooms. The water won’t get out of the levy bank until the river level drops and at this stage, it’s not likely to happen for some time.”

Mr Sutherland thanked the community for their messages and support and reached out

to affected players.

“A few of our young people are starting to flip out. They’ve had a tough time through Covid and whatever else and missed a lot of football and netball. Now they see their clubrooms underwater and they’re unsure of what’s going to happen.”

He wants to assure players that they will be playing next season and doing pre-season training towards the end of the year. If the facilities cannot be repaired in time for next season, alternative arrangement will be made.

“Keep yourself in good shape kids because it’s going to be pre-season and it’s going to be pretty tough again. There’s going to be a lot of work to be done.”

A Go Fund Me page has been created to raise money for the clean-up and replacing equipment. To donate, please go to https://


GASH – Kenneth John ‘ Ken’

GASH – Kenneth John ‘Ken’

1Dear Dad/Poppy

Dear Dad/Poppy

Our hearts are broken and as it continues to break we ask you to give us the strength to overcome our sadness.

Thank you for your support, guidance and unconditional love.

We are so lucky and proud to call you our own.

The memories you left behind we will cherish and hold close to our hearts, we only wish you were here longer to make more.

You will always be in our heart because you’re still in there.

A true gentleman who we will sorely miss.

Love Always and Forever your son Shaun, Carmel, Harvey and Oliver

My Dad, my hero, my inspiration and one of the most incredible people I know. How lucky I was to call you my Dad. We missed so much time together but we lived in each other’s hearts. My only comfort through this is after 30 years your with Mum and those you love so much. Thank you for your unconditional love, support and the beautiful man you were. I will miss you beyond words. A promise is a promise.

Love Sonny xxx

Dear Dad, You showed yourself to be the most selfless and genuine person to all the lives you touched You showed me unconditional lovewithout exception, I’ll miss you more than anything. We will see you at the next stage Love always, Your Son Clint, Stacey and Stella

To my Dearest KG, I will miss you everyday, I will love you forever

Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday... Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Beloved Stepdad to Kristel & son in law Myles and the famous Poppy Ken to Hunterman.

I know your flying high telling us not to cry & get on with it.

With heavy hearts we said goodbye. Your strength & determination is something to strive for. We love you so much Poppy/Ken.

Watch over us as we walk the next chapters.

❤ Frankie, Steph, Jaye, Seth, Maya, Pipa & Linc

The Adviser. Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – Page 19 AdviserSPORT
SWIMMING SPORTS... Despite being inundated with floodwater and a big clean-up ahead, Shepparton Swans Football & Netball Club anticipate pre-season training and getting back to the field next year. A Go Fund Me page has been created to raise funds for the clean-up. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
OR visit and never miss an edition to our online digital edition Subscribe and stay up-to-date with local news & events! SCAN THIS CODE TO SUBSCRIBE FREEPassed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on 17/10/2022 aged 77 years. Loved and loving husband of Margary (dec) and Helma. Loved and adored father and father in law of Sonya, Clinton, Shaun and Carmel, Kristel and Myles, Steph and Jaye Treasured Pop of Stella, Frankie, Hunter, Harvey and Oliver ‘Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts’
A place is vacant in my heart Sprayed with a million tears. I wish I could have held you If just for a few more years I’ll hold you close within my heart and there you will remain, To walk with me through my life Rest in peace my loved one, my friend, my husband Love Helma incredible people I know. How lucky I was to call you my 30 years your with Mum and those you love so much. promise is a promise. Love Sonny xxx Dear Dad, person to all the lives you touched miss you more than anything. Love always, Your Son Clint, Stacey and Stella
you to give us the strength to overcome our sadness. Thank you for your support, guidance and We are so lucky and proud to call you our own. close to our hearts, we only wish you were here longer to make more. You will always be in our heart because you’re A true gentleman who we will sorely miss. Love Always and Forever your son Shaun, Carmel, Har vey and Oliver To my Dearest KG, I will miss you everyday, I will love you forever Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard, but always near. Beloved Stepdad to Kristel & son in law Myles and the famous Poppy Ken to Hunterman & get on with it. With heavy hearts we said goodbye We love you so much Poppy/Ken. Frankie, Steph, Jaye, Seth , Maya, P ipa & Linc DEATH NOTICE Property Features •Located in busy neighbourhood shopping complex •New lease •5 x Hairdressing stations •2 x Basins in Shampoo area • Ability to sub-let room & chairs • Clean and modern décor • Ample on street parking •Established hairdresser for 30+ years For all enquires and inspections call 0448 541 592 – 0438 666 688 FOR LEAS E Vacant Hair & Beauty Salon Available from Nov 1st, 2022 Should you have any queries or concerns please contact (03) 5832 8989 PRIVACY The Adviser Newspaper (Simtru Pty Ltd) collects and documents information when clients place advertisements such as contact and billing details, this information may be used to inform you of special classified offers that may benefit you. All credit card details provided to The Adviser to assist with payment are not documented or filed, and are disposed of once payment and agreement on advertisements are confirmed. The Adviser reserves the right to alter or reject any advertisements that are deemed inappropriate or offensive to our readers, or if we are in doubt about its compliance with the law ADVERTISING DEADLINES Display - 5pm Friday | Employment - 12pm Monday | Line Ads - 12pm Friday Prior to publication distribution date (every Wednesday) Special discounts available for multiple bookings. Phone 5832 8989 for details. CREDIT CARDS WE ACCEPT Payment required prior to publication deadlines. Accounts available to commercial clients. Cash, cheque, money orders or pay in person at 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton. How to place Classifieds line ad Email: classifieds@sheppar BARGAIN BUYS Items $50 and under are FREE 14 words per sale. Maximum of three sales per week Line Ads per line (min 3 lines) $4.30 + GST Impact Heading large heading/colour $7.20 + GST Add a Photo digital copy only $10.00 + GST FOR LEASE CLASSIFIED POOL AND SPA BARRIER CERTIFICATION E: INFO@CERTPOOL.COM.AU CALL 0429 621 792 IN-PS 74060 WWW CERTPOOL. C OM.A U M: 0418 284 939 E: PROFESSIONAL & PRACTICAL INSPECTIONS FULLY LICENSED & INSURED (CIN-PS 74222) Pool Inspections• • • Pool Inspections• • • We haven’t got it? We’ll get it, or we’ll make it ON SITE SERVICE 40 Baynes Rd, Murchison 0400 509 552 Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat 9am - 5pm Tues & Thurs 2pm - 5pm WE COME TO YOU! OR COME SEE US IN MURCHISON! FREE FITTING STRUTS FOR CARS, CHAIRS, CARAVANS ETC. NEW & REFURBISHED STRUTS General Maintenance Fly Screens •Painting • Tiling Doors & Windows General Gardening •Replacement & Repairs All types, All areas FREE QUOTE Phone Rick on 0411 232 229 Gas Struts• • • Maintenance• • • Our region’s best Trades & ServicesATYOURSERVICE Due to the prevailing flood danger in the area, Ken’s funeral service will be delayed until weather and road conditions improve. Please see later Shepparton Adviser for funeral details. Passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on 17/10/2022 aged 77 years. Loved and loving husband of Margary (dec) and Helma. Loved and adored father and father in law of Sonya, Clinton, Shaun and Carmel, Kristel and Myles, Steph and Jaye. Treasured Pop of Stella, Frankie, Hunter, Harvey and Oliver. ‘Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts’
A place is vacant in my heart Which never can be filled A bouquet of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears. I wish I could have held you If just for a few more years I’ll hold you close within my heart and there you will remain, To walk with me through my life Until we meet again. Rest in peace my loved one, my friend, my husband Love

6.00 The Talk

Judge Judy 7.30 Bold

10 News First: Breakfast

Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Real Love Boat Australia 2.30 Entertainment

Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet

6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 My Market Kitchen 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And

6.00 Reel Action 6.30 Leading The Way With Dr Michael Youssef 7.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures 8.00 Road To The Melbourne Cup Carnival 8.30 What’s Up Down Under 9.00 Studio 10: Saturday 11.30 Horse Racing.

The Real Love Boat Australia 10.00 My Life Is Murder 11.00 The Project 12.00 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning

With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 Gogglebox Australia 8.30 The Real Love Boat Australia 9.30 To Be Advised 11.30 The Project 12.30 Stephen Colbert 1.30 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning

The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Living Room 8.30 The Graham Norton Show 9.30 To Be Advised 10.30 Road To The Melbourne Cup Carnival 11.00 The Project 12.00 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 5.30 Infomercials

Melbourne Cup Carnival. Victoria Derby Day. 6.00 10 News First 7.00 Bondi Rescue 7.30 Blue Bloods 8.30 CSI: Vegas 9.30 NCIS 10.30 To Be Advised 12.30 Home Shopping 3.30 Infomercials 4.00 Home Shopping 4.30 Authentic 5.00 Hour Of Power

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show


Movie: Flower Shop Mystery: Snipped In The Bud (2016)

The Real Manhunter

The Chase


The Chase Aust


6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: The Perfect Girlfriend (2015) Adrienne Frantz, Jon Cor, Ashley Leggat. 2.00 Kochie’s Business Builders 2.30 Motorbike Cops 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4

6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News

12.00 Movie: A Sister’s Revenge (2013) Brooke Burns, Tim Rozon, Ashley Jones. 2.00 House Of Wellness 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News

6.00 Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend 12.00 Horse Racing. Golden Eagle Day and Derby Raceday. 5.00 Seven News At 5 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line 7.30 Movie: Star Wars:

7.00 Home And Away


Extreme Weddings: Australia 9.40 Air Crash Investigation 10.40 The Latest: Seven News 11.10 The Amazing Race 12.30 Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise

5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 8.30 Kath & Kim 10.50 The Latest: Seven News 11.20 To Be Advised 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise

7.00 Better Homes And Gardens 8.30 Movie: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Dev Patel. 11.00 To Be Advised 1.00 Home Shopping

Movie: The Very

Excellent Mr. Dundee (2020) Paul Hogan, Kerry Armstrong. 10.25 Nine News Late 10.55 Family Law 11.50 Chicago Med 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA



10 News First

The Project

The Traitors

The Cheap Seats


The Project

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Home Shopping

CBS Mornings

Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 12. Gold Coast 500. Day2. Qualifying

support races.

Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 12.

Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015) Daisy Ridley, John Boyega. 10.15 Movie: Monster Hunter (2020) Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa. 12.30 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 12. Gold Coast 500. Day 1. Highlights. 1.30 Shopping




6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Bondi Vet 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat

WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 RBT 8.30 Paramedics

9.30 A+E After Dark 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 New Amsterdam 11.50 Pure Genius 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: A Housekeeper’s Revenge (2016)


6.00 Morning Programs

Tonight With David Muir

The Last

Of Pompeii

Where Are You Really From?

The Cook Up

Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys


6.00 Morning Programs 11.00 Hugh’s Wild West 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News

Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Dishing It Up 8.00 Guillaume’s Paris 8.30 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys 9.30 The Handmaid’s Tale 10.30 SBS News 11.00 Gomorrah 12.00 Late Programs




Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.00 The Last Hours Of Pompeii 3.00 NITV News: Nula 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys 5.05 Jeopardy!

6.00 Morning Programs 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. FIM Superbike World Championship. Round 10. Highlights. 2.55 Motor Racing. W Series. Round 7. Highlights. 3.30 Figure Skating. ISU Grand Prix. Skate America. Highlights. 4.30 The Students, The Traitor And The Nazis

5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.35 Secrets Of The Lost Liners 8.30 Good With Wood 9.25 World’s Greatest Hotels 10.15 SBS News 10.45 Das Boot 11.40 The Pier 12.35 Late Programs

5.30 Hidden Heroes: The Nisei Soldiers Of WW2 6.30 News 7.35 Michael Palin: Travels Of A Lifetime 8.25 Secrets Of The Royal Palaces 9.20 Ramses The Great Empire Builder 10.10 Letters And Numbers 11.10 Movie: The Game (1997) 1.35 Late Programs


Page 20 – The Adviser Australia No.1:1634 Wednesday, October 26, 2022 2 20 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Four Corners 11.00 Monash And Me 12.00 News 12.30 Press Club 1.40 Media Watch 2.00 Parliament 3.05 Gardening Aust 4.00 Think Tank 4.55 Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Hard Quiz 8.30 Question Everything 9.00 Fisk 9.30 Would I Lie To You? 10.00 The Witchfinder 10.35 News 10.50 The Business 11.05 Inside The Sydney Opera House 12.05 Parliament 1.05 Marcella 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Aust Story 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show 11.00 All Creatures Great And Small 12.00 News 1.00 Hard Quiz 1.30 Question Everything 2.00 Parliament 3.00 Gardening Aust 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.30 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Budget 2022/23: Opposition Reply 8.00 7.30 8.30 Q+A 9.35 Boyer Lecture: Noel Pearson 10.05 Spying On The Scammers 10.35 News 10.50 The Business 6.00 News Breakfast 9.00 ABC News Mornings 10.00 Q+A 11.05 Extraordinary Escapes: Jenny Eclair 12.00 ABC News At Noon 1.00 Significant Others 1.55 Death In Paradise 3.00 Gardening Australia 4.00 Think Tank 5.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Gardening Australia 8.30 Frankly 9.10 All Creatures Great And Small 9.55 Fisk 10.25 Annika 11.10 ABC Late News 11.25 Doctor Who 1.00 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Rage 12.00 ABC News At Noon 12.30 Vera 2.00 Midsomer Murders 3.25 To Be Advised 3.55 Spicks And Specks 4.45 Landline 5.10 Inside The Sydney Opera House: The Show Must Go On 6.10 Secrets Of The Museum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 Death In Paradise 8.30 The Capture 9.30 Significant Others 10.25 Silent Witness 11.30 Rage 6.00 Rage 7.00 Weekend Breakfast 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Offsiders 10.30 World This Week 11.00 Compass 11.30 Praise 12.00 News 12.30 Landline 1.30 Gardening Aust 2.25 Question Everything 2.55 How To Build A Time Machine 3.55 Rick Stein’s Secret France 5.00 Art Works 5.25 Antiques Roadshow 6.25 Frankly 7.00 ABC News Sunday 7.30 Inside The Sydney Opera House 8.30 Significant Others 9.20 Silent Witness 10.20 Miniseries: The Cry 11.20 Shetland 12.20 The Heights 3.00 Rage 6.00 News 9.00 News 10.00 Landline 11.00 Antiques Roadshow 12.00 News 1.00 Rosehaven 1.25 Vera 3.10 Gardening Aust 4.10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 5.00 Brush With Fame 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Aust Story 8.30 Four Corners 9.20 Media Watch 9.35 Planet America 10.05 Australia’s Best Competition Competition 11.10 News 11.25 The Business 11.40 Q+A 12.45 Rick Stein’s Secret France 1.45 Annika 2.35 Rage 6.00 News 10.00 One Plus One 10.30 Planet America 11.00 Restoration Australia 12.00 News 1.00 The Capture 2.00 Sanditon 2.45 Poh’s Kitchen 3.15 Gardening Aust 4.10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 5.00 Back Roads 5.25 Hard Quiz 6.00 The Drum 7.00 ABC News 7.30 7.30 8.00 Stuff The British Stole 8.30 Magda’s Big National Health Check 9.30 Louis Theroux: Life On The Edge 10.20 People’s Republic Of Mallacoota 10.50 News 11.05 The Business 11.25 Four Corners 12.10 Media Watch 12.25 Les Misérables 1.40 Sanditon 2.30 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 10.20 Archaeology At The Big Dig 11.00 Australia With Julia Bradbury 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.00 Dateline 2.30 Planet Of Treasures 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Lost For Words 8.30 Secret Scotland 9.25 Nine Perfect
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1.00 PBS News 2.00
6.00 Morning
7.30 France 24 English News 8.00 DD India Prime Time News 9.00 Ageless Gardens 9.30 The World From Above 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 12.00 APAC Weekly 12.30 France 24 English News 1.00 Speedweek 3.00 AusMoto Show 3.30 Figure Skating. ISU Grand Prix. Skate America. Highlights. 5.35 Lost Home Movies Of Nazi Germany 6.30 News 7.30 Curse Of The Ancients 8.30 Lost Cities Of The Bible 10.25 King Arthur’s Britain: Truth Unearthed 11.30 The Great Plague 12.20 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 Al Jazeera News Hour 2.05 Robson Green: Walking Hadrian’s Wall 2.55 Where Are You Really From? 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Letters And Numbers 8.30 Scotland’s Extreme Medics 9.30 24 Hours In Emergency 10.25 SBS News 10.55 The Promise 11.55 Outlander 1.00 Late Programs 6.00 Morning Programs 11.00 Hugh’s Wild West 12.00 BBC News At Ten 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS News 2.05 Robson Green: Walking Hadrian’s Wall 3.00 Where Are You Really From? 3.35 The Cook Up 4.05 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers 6.00 Mastermind Aust 6.30 News 7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 8.30 Inconceivable: The Secret Business Of Breeding Humans 9.30 The Real Mo Farah 10.30 SBS News 11.00 Wisting 11.55 Atlantic Crossing 12.55 Late Programs 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 Bold 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Real Love Boat Australia 2.30 Entertainment Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Dog House Australia 8.30
6.00 Mass 6.30 Turning Point 7.00 Leading The Way 7.30 Tomorrow’s World 8.00 Living Room 9.00 Luca’s Key Ingredient 9.30 St10 12.00 The Traitors 1.15 My Market Kitchen 1.30 Good Chef Bad Chef 2.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 2.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey 3.00 Cook It With Luke 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Well Traveller 4.30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Sunday Project 7.30 The Traitors 9.00 NCIS: Hawai’i 10.00 FBI 11.00 The Sunday Project 12.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Judge Judy 7.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast 8.30 Studio 10 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 The Traitors 2.30 Entertainment Tonight 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 Farm To Fork 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful 5.00 10 News First 6.30 The Project 7.30 The Traitors 8.40 Have You Been Paying Attention? 9.40 Ghosts 10.10 Road To The Melbourne Cup Carnival 11.10 The Project 12.10 Stephen Colbert 1.00 Shopping 4.30 CBS Morning 6.00 The Talk 7.00 Studio 10 10.00 Horse Racing. Melbourne Cup Carnival. Melbourne Cup Day. 5.30
7.30 Kitchen Nightmares
6.00 Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Morning Show 12.00 Border Security: Int. 12.30 Motor
500. Day2. Pre-Race and race 32. 5.30 Border Security 6.00 News 7.00 Aust Got Talent 8.45 Prince Andrew: Banished 10.45 Born To Kill? 12.45 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 12. Gold Coast 500. Day 2. Highlights. 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: A Teacher’s Crime (2008) Art Hindle, Ashley Jones, Chris Mulkey. 2.00 Highway Patrol 2.30 The Chase 3.30 To Be Advised 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Australia’s Got Talent 9.15 9-1-1 10.15 S.W.A.T. 11.15 The Latest: Seven News 11.45 Heartbreak Island Australia 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Kiwi (2018) Nick Blake, Alison Bruce, Patrick Carroll. 2.00 World’s Deadliest: Twist Of Fate 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Home And Away 7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 8.30 The Good Doctor 9.30 10 Years Younger In 10 Days 10.30 The Latest: Seven News 11.00 Chicago Fire 12.00 The Resident 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.00 Travel Guides 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 The Block 8.35
Kathryn Newton. 1.45 Garden Gurus Moments 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 Cricket. ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. Super 12. Australia v England. 10.00 To Be Advised 12.30 Tipping Point 1.30 TV
Home Shopping 4.00 Take Two 4.30 Global
5.00 TV
5.30 Skippy 6.00 Drive TV 6.30 Getaway 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday 12.00 Destination WA 12.30 Rivals 1.00 Drive TV 1.30 Cross Court 2.00 My Way 2.30 Travel Guides 3.30 The Bizarre Pet Vets 4.30 Garden Gurus 5.00 News 5.30 Getaway 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 Movie: Kong: Skull Island (2017) 9.50 Movie: Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) 11.55 Movie: I Am Legend (2007) 1.45 Explore 2.00 TV Shop 4.30 Global Shop 5.00 TV Shop 6.00 Fishing Aust 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Sports Sunday 11.00 Women’s Footy 12.00 Reel Destinations: Lodge Life 12.30 Fishing Aust 1.00 Great Australian Detour 1.30 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures 2.00 The Block 4.00 Bondi Vet 5.00 News 5.30 Postcards 6.00 News 7.00 The Block 8.30 60 Minutes 9.30 Nine News Late 10.00 The First 48 11.00 Killer Couples 11.50 First Responders 12.40 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 Take Two 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.30 Getaway 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 The Block 8.50 Under Investigation: Girls Gone 9.50 Suburban Gangsters 10.50 Nine News Late 11.20 The Equalizer 12.10 Emergence 1.00 Hello SA 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra 11.30 Morning News 12.00 The Block 1.20 My Way 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 To Be Advised 8.30 Travel Guides 9.30 Botched 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 Skin A&E 12.00 Tipping Point 1.00 Rivals 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 A Current Affair 5.00 News Early Edition 5.30 Today 5 506 608 803 30 SATURDAY TV Guide - WEDNESDAY OcTObER 26 TO TUESDAY NOVEMbER 01, 2022
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FLOOD RECOVERY Supp ting r c munity

Restoring power to the region

CUSTOMERS have had their power restored following widespread outages across Greater Shepparton.

By switching homes and businesses to other parts of the network and building new sections of infrastructure to bring supply across from neighbouring substations, Powercor was able to return supply to more than 5,900 homes and businesses.

The outage was in response to significant flooding at the Mooroopna Zone Substation, which was de-energised to minimise the safety risk and reduce the potential for long-term damage to infrastructure.

There may still be some single premise faults in the area. Anyone still without power should contact Powercor on 13 24 12. If you see fallen power lines, please consider it live, stay well away and report

Can you help?

IN response to the October Floods, which have impacted thousands of residents and up to 7,300 homes and businesses, The Greater Shepparton Foundation have created the ‘Shepparton Community Flood Emergency’ campaign to urgently raise money for the immediate needs of displaced residents.

Governments are providing additional long-term support, but the Shepparton Community Flood Emergency fund

will help address the more pressing, essential needs of the affected community.

If you can contribute in any way, please donate via PayPal by going to

If you are inclined to make a largerscale donation, please contact Greater Shepparton Foundation executive officer, Amanda McCulloch on amanda@

it to Powercor on the same number.

Energy usage restrictions have also been lifted. Due to the current set up of the network, the likelihood of outages may be higher than usual. If faults do occur, Powercor’s response may take longer than usual due to limited road access and flooding. Customers should be prepared for potential outages and know what to do if their power goes out.

For advice on preparing for outages, visit au/power-outages-and-faults/ prepare-for-power-outages/

If you are returning to your property, remember electricity and water are extremely dangerous. Proceed with caution and have a registered electrical contractor check your appliances and switchboard to confirm they are safe to use.

Flood waste tip fees waived

THE waste levy will be completely waived for all flood waste, and landfill operator gate fees will be covered in flood-affected areas including Greater Shepparton. These changes will be put in place until the end of the year to ensure all flood waste can be disposed of at landfill sites free of charge.

Local Resource Recovery Centres (RRC) have waived fees and extended hours to assist the community with disposing of flood waste, including rubbish from kerbside bins. Resale shops, and Shepparton and Murchson RRCs are currently closed due to access issues and flooding. There are public skip bins in Murchison for flood waste and Ardmona RRC is open and accepts waste from 8am to 4.15pm every day.

These rebates are to ensure flood waste can be disposed free of charge, with the waste levy usually between $62.95-$125.90 per tonne, depending on the type of waste and the location of the landfill.

The waiver for those worst-affected local government areas will be in place until December 31.

Council will provide a limited kerbside household flood waste collection from nature strips for those unable to dispose of flood damaged materials. This service is limited, so please only place items on nature strips if you cannot take them to your nearest RRC.

Information for Greater Shepparton residents can be found online at Council’s website:

Special 2022 Goulburn Valley
Recovery Wrap Around October, 2022. The Adviser – Page 3
CALLING FOR DONATIONS... The Greater Shepparton Foundation are taking donations that will help address the immediate needs of flood-affected families and individuals. Donations can
be made
via PayPal or by contacting the Foundation. Photo: Deanne Jeffers. WASTE REMOVAL... Charges on disposing of flood waste have been waived until December 31. Pictured is a property in Rochester as the town prepares for clean-up. Photo: Supplied BIG SWITCH AROUND... Powercor workers conduct works on the Mooroopna zone substation restoration amid significant flooding, which stopped supply of power to more than 5,900 homes and businesses. Photo: Supplied.
Page 4 – Special 2022 Goulburn Valley Flood Wrap Around, October, 2022. The Adviser 1800 560 760 FLOOD RECOVERY HOTLINE Find out about a range of clean-up services Find financial, mental health and other support Find somewhere to stay The Flood Recovery Hotline is open every day 7:30am – 7:30pm Press 9 for an interpreter If your home is flooding and you need emergency help Call 000

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