LAST week the $17.15M Maude Street Mall redevelopment was officially opened by Greater Shepparton mayor, Cr Shane Sali and Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry president, Mr John Anderson.
One-way, low-speed traffic southbound from Fryers to High Street has been reintroduced to the area, ending the precincts time as a mall.
Victoria’s Big Build is building a better road and rail network in December and January while there are fewer people on our trains and less cars on the road.
Train disruptions: City Loop closed
City Loop 9pm 2 Jan to last train 15 Jan Parliament, Flagstaff and Melbourne Central stations closed
Tram and train disruptions: Buses/coaches replace trams and trains in both directions
Tram routes 3, 3a, 5, 6, 16, 64, 67 and 72
Until 18 DecArts Centre and Commercial Road
Tram route 58 Until 18 Dec Flinders Street/Market Street and Fawkner Park
Sunbury Line 9pm 3 Feb to last train 5 Feb North Melbourne to Watergardens 8:30pm 8 Feb to last train 12 Feb North Melbourne to Sunshine
Werribee and Williamston lines Each night, 8 to 10 Feb 11 to 12 Feb
North Melbourne to Newport
Geelong Line 14 to 15 Jan 18 to 26 Feb Geelong to Waurn Ponds
This includes major works on the Metro Tunnel with crews working around the clock to upgrade tracks and install new high-tech signalling. Significant delays are expected as vital maintenance takes place on the West Gate Bridge from Boxing Day. We’re also upgrading the City Loop and continuing to build the West Gate Tunnel, and its connections into the city and CityLink. Check before you travel at bigbuild.vic.gov.au/summer
Freeway disruptions: Changed traffic conditions or closed lanes and ramps
West Gate Bridge 9pm 26 Dec to 6am 4 Jan
Four outbound lanes closed
Monash Freeway Some nights in Jan Closed between Warrigal Road and EastLink
Princes Freeway Some nights in Jan Closed between Princes Highway and Cardinia Road
Road disruptions: Closed roads, lanes and ramps
Dynon Road, West Melbourne Until 21 DecBetween Dryburgh Street and Dynon Road inbound exit ramp from CityLink
Greensborough Road, Watsonia Until 22 DecLanes closed and speeds reduced
Narre WarrenCranbourne Road and Thompsons Road, Cranbourne
Jan to Feb Intersection closed
Craigieburn Road, Craigieburn Jan to FebBetween Hume Highway and Hanson Road
Lancefield Road, Sunbury Jan to FebAt Sunbury Road
THE eye of the photojournalist is a remarkably proficient asset to any news publication, transporting the reader into the heart of any story.
With news media saturated with so many images, it is a fine thing indeed for a photographer to be selected from amongst the best-of-the best in recognition of their art.
At The Victorian Country Press Association (VCPA) conference held on Friday, November 11 in Melbourne, The Adviser’s very own photographer, Kelly Carmody (née Lucas) was one such talented photographer whose work was deservedly acknowledged.
Receiving a Highly Commended endorsement for her Sunset Series photograph, depicting two young women atop of Shepparton Art Museum, clicking bottles as a bright flare of light gleams through, VCPA judge Bob Mackie said, “Shepparton Adviser photographer Kelly Carmody provides a shining example of being able to see a photograph and then
create it.”
At the awards, The Adviser received further recognition, winning the Best Magazine/ Special Publication for its Best Day Ever matrimonial magazine.
In commenting how entrants strongly demonstrated a meaningful connection to their towns and regions, judge Patrick Elligett said of the publication, “In a magazine about matrimony it is fitting that advertising and editorial elements have been perfectly matched.
“It is obvious The Shepparton Adviser team takes pride in this product. Nothing is out of place. The careful design helps the
Works have begun on the vacant land across from the Shepparton Showgrounds. A new 7-11 and a childcare centre are potentially going to be built, with temporary fencing from Dzine Group having been erected.
reader move between stories and advertising in equal measure.
“The blend of useful topics and personal stories keeps the reader engaged. It doesn’t feel like anyone is trying to sell you anything when reading ‘Best Day Ever’, but somehow you find yourself reading every advertisement.
“This magazine is the real deal. The advertisers should be impressed and the team behind it should be proud.”
Best Day Ever, and all Adviser editions and special features are free to read online, or copies can be collected from our office. Visit www.sheppadviser.com.au for more.
WORKS have begun on the vacant land across from the Shepparton Showgrounds. A new 7-11 and a childcare centre are potentially going to be built, with temporary fencing from Dzine Group,
having been erected.
COMPLIMENTARY timed parking has returned for the festive period and will remain in place until February 1, 2023. During this time, you do not need to purchase a ticket to park in Council-owned street parking spaces.
Time limits do still apply in these parking spaces and infringements are being issued for those that overstay the time displayed on signs in the area.
If you have a big day of shopping ahead, you may want to park in an off-street
longer stay carpark or in an all-day space close to the CBD. These parking bays are complimentary all year round and could be more suitable if you have a big shopping day planned and don’t want to risk a fine.
Please note that complimentary parking does not apply to the multi-deck car park, GV Health or any Carepark car parks.
For more information, visit Council’s parking webpage: greatershepparton.com. au/council/parking-enforcement
TO fill the vacancy within Greater Shepparton City Council, following the resignation of Councillor Kim O’Keeffe, a countback procedure will take place at 10 am on Monday 16 January 2023.
The vacancy will be filled by a countback of all formal votes from the 2020 Greater Shepparton City Council election (instead of voters voting in a by-election). Votes will be redistributed to candidates who were unsuccessful at that general election, and who remain
"The candidate who achieves the quota will be elected. If no participating candidate achieves the quota, following the distribution of votes to participating candidates, the candidate with the highest number of countback votes will be elected," election manager Lisa Osborne said.
The countback will be held online via webinar. A link to the countback will be made available on the VEC website from 9:30 am on Monday 16 January 2023, at
PARTICIPANTS, volunteers and their families and caregivers came together at The Woolshed on Monday, December 12, for their annual celebration of International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).
Around 4.4M people in Australia, or 1 in 6 Australians, have a disability. IDPwD is marked yearly to increase understanding, public awareness and acceptance of people living with disability.
A group of Shepparton Access participants performed a thrilling production of Singing in the Rain. There were also heaps of activities for eventgoers, such a temporary tattoo counter, a pop-up popcorn stall and games.
A representative from the I CAN Network, Australia’s largest provider of Autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy for young people,
was the guest speaker.
Shepparton Access is a local innovative day-service that uses flexible and evidencebased solutions to foster equality and to improve outcomes for those living with a
CONSTRUCTION has begun in Cosgrove, located 20km east of Shepparton, on a $6M renewable energy project.
Renewable energy investor and fund manager Green Squares Energy acquired the 7.4-megawatt DC Cosgrove Solar Farm from global renewable developer Bison Energy Australia in March 2022.
Green Squares Energy director James Garrett said that when the project is completed in early 2023, the solar farm would have employed around 50 local tradespersons in its construction and would generate electricity to power the equivalent of around 1,600 average Australian households and reduce carbon emissions by around 10,800 tonnes annually.
“We are especially thankful for the ongoing support of Greater Shepparton City Council as well as the Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning,” Mr Garrett said.
TURNING THE SOD... Works have begun on a $6M renewable energy project, to construct a solar farm in Cosgrove, 20km from
“We want to especially mention the ongoing support of our funding partner Future Super, a $10 billion ethically focused Australian super fund with over 50,000 members, assisting Australia in meeting its commitments to a reduction in greenhouse gases and a renewable energy future for current and future generations.”
Shepparton-based company, Watters Electrical, is the major contractor for the project.
Bison said it is pleased to partner with local businesses and trades that will create local jobs and benefit the local community.
disability by connecting them to community. Visit their website at sheppaccess.com. au or follow them on Facebook to stay updated.
We welcome Letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.
I waded through 204 pages of the Greater Shepparton City Council’s annual report this week, looking specifically for a defined explanation, but generally for a report on the demise of Meals on Wheels
It’s such a shame and I think an error not to have it addressed in the report considering it was a funded service. Perhaps it’s hidden in the financial reports
I’m not an expert on reading annual reports of any description, maybe I missed it? Scanning the 204 pages I couldn’t find it at all. I think there was one use of the words Meals on Wheels but no substance.
Does anyone really care? Yours sincerely, Jan Forrest Shepparton
It is appropriate to wish our new state member Kim O’Keeffe congratulations on her successful election.
It is also appropriate to reflect on the commitments made during her campaign.
On many occasions, Kim told various forums that if elected and in opposition, she would still be “more effective than an independent.”
This struck me as both naïve and implausible.
Review of Suzanna Sheed’s record as an independent saw, on any reckoning,
a minimum of more than $1B over eight years into the Shepparton region.
The benchmark for Kim to be “more effective than an independent while in opposition” is a minimum $500M per term of state investment.
Delivering against clear commitments should matter to us all.
I hope Kim proves me wrong, but the clock is already ticking and I will have my calculator out in four years’ time.
David McKenzie SheppartonWant to have your say? Email your letters to the editor to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au Please keep letters to under 200 words.
AFTER a flood-induced hiatus, Aquamoves has welcomed the public back to enjoy some of their facilities after re-opening on Monday.
The indoor aquatic facilities re-opened from 6am on December 12. The 25m pool, leisure pool, hydro pool, cold spa and sauna are now open, with swimming lessons, aquatic group fitness classes and occasional childcare also recommencing. The Aquamoves gym and group fitness classes are also back up and running, having returned three weeks ago.
This follows the reopening of the All-Abilities playground last week. Council and contractors have replaced the flood damaged soft fall and sand areas, pressure washed equipment and generally cleaned up the site since the flood. One piece of playground equipment has been temporarily fenced off due to damage from the flood water.
At this time, Council are unable to provide any return dates for the warm spa, outdoor leisure and splash park, the outdoor 50m pool, Verve Café and 20/7 access to the gym.
Customer service superstar at Aquamoves, Ally Folwell, was excited to welcome back friendly faces, both familiar and new alike, to the mostly re-opened premises.
“It’s so lovely to see everyone smiling and getting back in the pool and gym. We really missed everyone and thanks to everyone for their patience,” said Ally.
RECOMMENCE... Customer service superstars at Aquamoves, Ally Folwell and Angela Comline, were excited to welcome back friendly faces, both familiar and new alike, to the mostly re-opened premises on Monday. Photo: Stephanie Holliday
“It’s great to be open again, just in time for the holidays. Memberships make an excellent Christmas gift! It’s also the perfect time to look ahead to 2023 and book in a spot for swimming lessons before term one commences next year,” added customer service extraordinaire at Aquamoves, Angela Comline.
The Aquamoves team appreciates the communities support and understanding as they work hard behind the scenes to restore the remainder of their facilities and services as soon as possible.
LOCAL grade five students were invited to Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC) on Tuesday, December 6, for Aspiration Day – a hands-on learning experience giving kids a taste of the career and study paths ahead of them.
An initiative of the Shepparton Education Plan, the purpose of Aspiration Day was to get students thinking about what sort of career they might be interested in, and what subjects they can consider transitioning to high school.
Jenni Gibson, project manager for the Shepparton Education Plan, said the day was a huge success and an example of local partnerships at work.
“Representatives from La Trobe University, Melbourne University, GOTAFE, Foott Waste, Furphy Engineering and SPC worked with the grade fives in different workshops,” said Jenni, thanking them, volunteers and teachers for their support.
THE repair and remediation of Council assets across Greater Shepparton, including parks, playgrounds, sporting fields, buildings, roads and footpaths will continue over the next several months.
“It’s almost two months since the flood event and there has been a huge effort from the community, organised volunteers, service clubs and Council staff to clean up the debris left behind,” said director infrastructure, Gary Randhawa.
“There have been many hours of work involved in flood remediation and repair. Many Council owned community facilities and assets
that were impacted by the floods. There is still a lot to do in returning our region to what it looked like before. Some facilities such as sports grounds and some parks such as the Off-Leash Dog Park at Princess Park, may be months away from being available. Council is working on alternatives with the sporting clubs impacted to ensure they can continue their planned activities,” Gary said.
“There are 68 flood damaged Council owned buildings, 11 bridges and major culverts and 23 playgrounds all of which have sustained damage. Assessments of flood impacted assets is ongoing and the total costs are not yet known. What we
HIGH SCHOOL FUN... More than 600 grade five students from 20 local primary schools participated in Aspiration Day at Greater Shepparton Secondary College, in anticipation of their transitioning to high school. Pictured at the drone and hoverboard workshop are Gowrie Street Primary School grade five students Dominic Thorpe, Nullamyah Morgan, Dean Miller, Nargis Mohammadi, Aliaqa Alizada. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
explore opportunities with local businesses and organisations like Foott Waste, River Connect, Furphy Engineering, and higher education and skills workshops with educational partners.
GSSC was selected as the venue for Aspiration Day due to its modern, high-tech facilities. Students will go on to various high schools in the district.
Catching up with a group from St George’s Road Primary School, students agreed that the day had been heaps of fun and showed them what high school would be like.
“Baking was my favourite activity,” said Shiane. “I am really excited to go to high school. I think we’ll be able to do lots of things there.”
After a highly successful and rewarding day, Aspiration Day is set to become an annual event for local grade five students in the district.
do know from our inspections is that almost 40 per cent of our roads have been flood damaged, both sealed and unsealed.”
The municipal wide collection of flooddamaged household items from the kerbside has finished. This service, along with the collection of sandbags, is now only available via registration for those who are in identified flood affected areas.
If residents still have flood damaged items to collect they need to book in for a kerbside collection by registering their property. Council staff will contact you to confirm if your rubbish is eligible for collection. This kerbside collection
refers only to household items and not demolition (building) materials which are not eligible under this program. Residents will need to make their own arrangements for this material.
The skip bins are no longer available in Mooroopna or Murchison. Please do not dump rubbish in these location, it is illegal and poses a health and safety risk to the community as well as being unsightly.
Residents who still have flood damaged household items and sandbags that need collecting please make contact with Council either on 58329700 or via floodrecovery@ shepparton.vic.gov.au
exhibition reveals how ceremony is at the nexus of Country, of culture and of community.
Both of SAM’s major galleries, the Lin Onus Gallery and People’s Gallery, are closed until December 17 while the highly anticipated exhibition is installed by the SAM and NGA teams.
ON THE back of a successful opening year, Shepparton Art Museum (SAM) are pleased to announce that it will be the Victorian host of a significant National Gallery of Australia (NGA) touring exhibition.
In its partnership with NGA, SAM will host the 4th National Indigenous Art Triennial: Ceremony, the NGA’s flagship exhibition of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, on its national tour.
Ceremony remains central to the creative practice of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. Featuring a selection of the works of 35 artists across Australia, this
“We are thrilled to partner with the National Gallery to present such a significant exhibition at our museum, and on the country of Yorta Yorta people. This show will span two floors of the museum in our main gallery spaces creating a truly immersive experience,” said SAM CEO, Melinda Martin.
Tonight, you can join curators and artists from SAM and the National Gallery to discuss the exhibition ahead of its public opening on Saturday, December 17.
For more information, and to book your free place at SAM Talks: Ceremony, visit sheppartonartmuseum.com.au/ whats-on/upcoming/
Since then, the Shepparton Irrigation Region (SIR) has faced many more challenges which the Plan has sought to predict, identify and address. Now it is time to start the discussion about the SIRLWMP 2050-an integrated, adaptive and resilience-based approach to natural resource management in the SIR.
Many conversations have and will be held with a wide range of stakeholders about the core values of the SIR and how best to identify and seize opportunities.
A draft of the renewed SIRLWMP will be available for community comment in late 2023 and the final version should be ready for approval by the GB CMA board in 2024.
In the meantime, we’d love your feedback. Simply scan the QR code above and complete the survey.
continued from front page
CR Sali and Mr Anderson were the first to drive down the street, joined by two elves and a Christmas dachshund in a vintage Chevrolet car.
“The completion of this major project comes as a pivotal time for our region after two years of Covid and the most recent flooding event, we’ve all show strong resilience within our communities,” said Cr Sali.
“This is a big project; it’s been a long time in the making and it’s great to have it finally open.”
He thanked retired Federal Member Damian Drum and former State Member Suzanna Sheed for their contributions to the project, who secured $12.32M in State and Federal funding for the project.
The redevelopment was undertaken by local business, Jarvis Delahey Contractors. In addition to one-way, low-speed traffic, including on-street parking – which is complimentary until February, Maude Street
now features a new playground, CCTV, audio, modern street furniture, lighting and shelters fitted with solar panels.
“The parking bays here are very deep base, there’s no backing required. They’re deep enough to be able to drive in and drive out, which makes a safe shared space,” commented Mr Anderson, who said he is eager to see the businesses in the precinct continue to develop and grow.
“I think over time, what will happen is that other areas that are wondering what to do with their particular closed street will come and look at us in Shepparton, see what we’ve done, see the success we’ve been able to create, and it will become a model for other cities.”
The redevelopment is part of Shepparton’s CBD Revitalisation Project, which includes works to rejuvenate Vaughan Street and Maude Street Bus Interchange, opened earlier this year.
Take a trip down the new Maude Street and let us know your thoughts by commenting or messaging on social media or sending an email to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au
SILVERWOODS Golf and Lifestyle Resort in Yarrawonga is the region’s most prestigious and premier golf resort and residential destination for locals and visitors alike and is owned by family-run property development company, Lotus Living.
Set across 400 acres of prime waterfront land in Murray River region and right on the edge of Lake Mulwala, Lotus Living is proud to have won a series of estimable awards for its outstanding resort featuring the luxury boutique hotel, The Sebel, as well an exquisite 18-hole championship golf course named Black Bull.
Winning the lauded Masterplanned Development (Victorian division) award and Judges Award for Regional Victoria Development in this year’s Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) Awards for Excellence, Lotus Living’s Silverwoods Golf and Lifestyle Resort brings a new level of luxury and quality amenity to the region.
Featuring 800 residential lots, future plans will see Lotus Living extend and diversify its range of facilities across the resort and residential offerings to include premium apartments, the Seniors Living Retirement Village, as well as extend the multi-award winning Sebel hotel to include new hospitality offerings.
With all this and more at Silverwoods Resort in Yarrawonga, it is not hard to see why Lotus Living is the recipient of so many distinguished awards.
Honoured to be presented the UDIA Award, project director Shaun Barber said, “We are proud to have created a place that brings joy to residents and visitors alike, through a balanced residential and resort offering where a sense of belonging characteristic of a humble country town is captured.”
For more information about Silverwoods Golf and Lifestyle Resort visit: www. silverwoodsyarrawonga.com.au
THERE’s a little piece of Southern Africa in the heart of the Shepparton CBD, tucked in Fraser Street at the local Nando’s.
“Everyone is welcome to dine with us,” said franchise owner Anthony Trapani before adding,
“And it’s great that we’ve got this muchloved global restaurant brand right here in town, run by locals and supporting communities here and abroad.
“The flame-grilled chicken is marinated for 24 hours before it’s cooked to order with the customer’s choice of our famous PERi-PERi basting. Whether you like it lemon and herb or extra hot, or anything in between, we have a spice level to suit everyone,” Anthony said.
Recent additions to the menu include the long-awaited return of chicken wings, which are a steal at $9.95 for four. This
rounds out a mouth-watering menu featuring the famous chicken on the bone, wraps, burgers, loaded salads and vegetarian options.
The local Nando’s also offers catering packages to spice up your Christmas parties, sporting events, business meetings and other gatherings. Whatever the occasion, everyone will be satisfied.
Even the art on the walls is unique –each one an original one-of-a-kind piece of work from upcoming Southern African artists. Paired with a fully licenced outdoor dining area, it’s the perfect place to take the family, catch up with friends or just enjoy a quality meal in a welcoming environment.
Nando’s is located at 301 Wyndham Street, on the corner of Fraser Street, and can be contacted on 5821 9742 for all catering packages and inquiries.
WE all know that physical fitness is key to achieving overall health, wellbeing, and happiness but for many people, life is too busy to make it to the gym on-time for a scheduled fitness class.
In the centre of Maude Street, @Pilates Studio is a breathtakingly fresh option for people of all ages to expand their fitness horizons in a safe, beautiful, and welcoming space, which also offers the convenience of
24 hour, seven days a week accessibility. Staffed with fully qualified instructors for eight hours a day to assist members with their tailored exercise programs, clients can book a reformer and can access unlimited, online pilates classes for just $38.50 a week.
With an idyllic studio to embrace low impact programs, better posture, flexibility and stronger muscles are just a touch away with onscreen classes catering for everyone, from the novice right through to the expert and beyond.
With noise cancelling headphones linking clients with their online instructor, @Pilates provides its members with a virtual oneon-one session of tuition while roving staff
members are also available to offer extra assistance.
With over 100 exercises in the online library to choose from, @Pilates is a fitness haven in the centre of town, ready to be accessed by you through a specialised app on your phone as soon as you become a member.
Director and founder of @Pilates Tara Jarrett said, “People love the space when they come in, they love the environmentit smells good and it looks good and it’s a very relaxing place to be, but it is the 24/7 convenience that’s been the biggest drawcard.”
NAME a more satisfying feeling than knowing you’ve gifted something unforgettable to someone you care about? The only thing that could compare is a no-fuss shopping experience in the lead up to Christmas.
For gift ideas for the whole family, plus your friends and colleagues, you can’t go past Jaycar Shepparton. Home of all things wonderful, wacky and witty, they stock a heap of gadgets and games for all ages and interests.
Jaycar is all about electronics –gadgets, tools, batteries, holiday camping, entertainment and toys. On now until Boxing Day, Jaycar Shepparton have sales on great products like Brass Monkey fridges and
freezers, assorted drones, dashcams, plus remote-controlled planes, cars, helicopters, boats and more.
Check out their catalogue in this edition for gift ideas, with Kris Kringle ideas under $20 and big savings on specific hobby items, such as metal detectors, wireless weather stations and 3D printers.
No matter who you’re buying for or your price range, the knowledgeable team at Jaycar Shepparton can help you find the perfect gift or gadget.
Jaycar Shepparton are located at 4/575585 Wyndham Street, Shepparton, and they have plenty of parking onsite. Jump online at www.jaycar.com.au or call the team on 5822 4037.
Solar City Marine and Caravans will make all your Christmas’ come true with sales on boat and caravan packages before January 1. Also the largest stockist of Adventure King camping gear and apparel, the outdoor superstore has something for everyone this Christmas.
SUMMER is finally here and as Christmas fast approaches, Solar City Marine and Caravans are the only place to shop to satisfy all your great outdoor needs, including superb gift ideas for friends and family.
Renowned for its expertise and service, second to none, the great outdoors superstore will have you out in a boat lapping up the sunshine before Christmas with their very merry sales on boating packages.
With packages including the unsurpassed Quintrex brand together with premier Yamaha outboards, there is sure to be joy on the waterways this festive season, with further fun in the sun to be had with the outlet’s extensive range of fishing gear, ski tubes and so much more.
For exceptional quality branding, you can’t go past the matchless Adventure King range of outdoor and camping equipment.
Proudly Australia’s number one stockist of Kings, Solar City Marine and Caravans have everything from freezer/fridges, gazeboes, swags and rooftop tents.
Also boasting a large selection of fourwheel drive and caravan accessories, including Navigator Gear, C Gear and Muk Mats, keeping the pesky mozzies away is easily covered at the outdoor specialist store with their extensive option of repellents, including Good Riddance, Buzz Patches and Bushman.
In wishing all their valued clients a very merry Christmas the team at Solar City Marine and Caravans would like to encourage customers thinking about purchasing a caravan or boat in the new year to make the most of their current prices, sales and packages in order to beat the price rise on January 1.
Solar City Marine and Caravans is located at 195 Numurkah Road, Shepparton.
WITH an increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches making the news, it is more important than ever to be vigilant when it comes to keeping your personal data secure. If your information was stolen, you may find yourself the target of new and persistent scam attempts from individuals armed with your personal details and with one goal in mind – to steal your money.
There are a few things however you can do to protect yourself, explained Maddison Schultz, fraud officer at GMCU.
“The important thing is awareness. Every time you receive an unexpected message, e-mail, or phone call, ask yourself – is this really who they say they are?”
Scammers have a history of pretending to be trusted businesses or government agencies to gain your trust, but increasingly, they have started pretending to be your family members as well.
“We are seeing scammers start to impersonate family members such as children or grandchildren, claiming they lost or broke their phone and pleading for emergency money to help get them out of trouble. While your first instinct is likely to help out as quick as you can, it’s always worth taking a breath and verifying the situation before you do anything.
“Another method that we are seeing more of is the placement of ads in search engines designed to resemble your internet banking. If you click
them, you will be taken to a website designed to look just like your usual bank website. However, when you enter your login information, this goes straight to the scammer. The advice here is to never access your internet banking directly from a search engine – always go to the official home page (such as www.gmcu.com.au) first.”
If you are concerned that you have been the target of scammers, please contact your bank as soon as possible.
“The important thing to know is that you can hang up or ignore a message and verify with the
company or family member before you act. You should also remember that we will never ask you for your banking login information – and no one should! If anyone asks for this, you should end the conversation and call your bank directly for advice," Maddison said.
GMCU has an internal fraud department and external fraud monitoring services working to keep your accounts safe from suspicious transactions, around the clock. Visit your local branch or go to gmcu.com.au to find out more about how GMCU keeps its members safe.
By Stephanie HollidayWE now live in such a consumerist society, and it’s hard to navigate a world so concerned with the excessive accumulation of material goods, in particular as a parent.
Impending Christmases and birthdays can be enough to induce nausea when I peer inside our toy room, even after a good cull.
Children just naturally love toys, and the joy derived from a Christmas morning filled with squeals of delight as they open the items, that they told Santa in earnest they wished for, is one of the greatest experiences as a parent.
If it has reached a point however where the revolving door of never-ending stuff from grandparents, aunties and uncles, friends
and other loved ones feels suffocating, it may be time to broach the subject of experiences over possessions. It can also feel a bit as though extended family are taking up your great gift ideas leaving you scrambling to find presents you know won’t be as well-loved.
The gift of a trip to the zoo or a day out at the movies with Nan can be the basis of fond memories that last a lifetime, long after the sound of a Frozen keyboard buried in a toybox that only goes off at 3am ceases and the pain of stepping on Lego wanes.
If you don’t feel like that’s something you can suggest, save those experiences for you to gift your child instead of even more toys. Make a ‘voucher’ book with different activities listed and get them to pick one every month or so throughout the year.
If you can broach it with others, you could even suggest a full term’s worth of an extra-curricular activity such as soccer. A win-win where a child is given the gift of being active, receiving an experience that lasts a few months and you win back the time you would’ve spent finding a spot for the toy that could've been added to the mountain.
If you are on the other side of the coin reading this, consider how the gift of an experience may be highly valued to your loved ones instead of another toy and how they’ll always cherish the memories of that day.
TIS’ the season to want to look your best and with parties, catch-ups and work functions filling the itinerary, now is the perfect time to mark the calendar with Joe Paul Menswear’s 20 percent off, store-wide Boxing Day sale.
Bringing the summer vibes, with 100 percent pure linen and cotton shirts, the menswear specialists showcase quality brands such as James Harper, David Hecther and Berlin, to ensure clients look both cool and comfortable this festive season and start the new year with flair.
Available in a selection of prints and colours, Joe Paul Menswear’s pre-eminent range of shirts are the perfect compliment
to dress-up or down with any of the store’s extensive offering of shorts, jeans and pants.
Made with rich, Turkish cotton, MCR t-shirts are another quality line marked to fly out the door during the Boxing Day sale, and are an absolute must-have item in summer blue, beige and white.
Well known for their superlative customer service, assisting with fittings and fashion
advice, proprietors Paul and Joe are dedicated to guaranteeing their customers always look their best and pride their store on providing the quality garments to match.
Excited for the spectacular Boxing Day sale, which will run while stocks last, Paul and Joe would like to wish all their valued and returning customers are very Merry Christmas and a stylish, cool and casual new year.
SMART toys are at the top of many children’s gift lists. From internet-enabled educational tablets, to teddy bears and Barbie dolls, so many toys now have ‘smart’ components. Smart toys are connected wirelessly to the internet or appropriate software, synced, then controlled with devices such as a tablet or smartphone, through setting up an account. Smart toys can offer lots of benefits through interactive play and education but it’s important to be aware of the risks as outlined by the Australian Government’s eSafety Commissioner.
What to look out for
-Smart toys and accompanying user accounts may store personal information, such as your child’s name, age, gender and, in some instances, location.
These databases can be exposed to third parties — including hackers — revealing your child’s personal information which may be exploited.
-Inbuilt cameras and microphones may record video or audio of your child.
-If the wireless connection or information
storage is inadequately secured, the data and recordings may be accessed by other people and shared without consent and may allow outsiders to contact your child online without you knowing.
-Age recommendations vary depending on the smart toy, consider them before purchasing.
How to stay safe
• Do some background research to get across any obvious safety or security issues.
• Look to change any default usernames and passwords with stronger versions.
• Update software regularly.
• Deactivate any voice or video recording capabilities.
• Secure your home network; it’s wise to change your wi-fi password on a regular basis especially if you’re still using the default password.
• Only pair via Bluetooth with another device you are aware of and can control.
• Be aware of any third-party apps or software that can access your data.
• Understand what happens with the
WHAT’S on the menu for Christmas this year?
Whether you’re cooking and in search of Aussie seafood, succulent cold hams and roast meats for Christmas lunch, or you need the perfect gift to thank the host for their hospitality, you are bound to find it at FoodWorks Tatura.
Having been awarded FoodWorks Supermarket of the Year for Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia this year, FoodWorks Tatura prides itself on maintaining the highest standard in cleanliness, customer service, product range, pricing and is well-regarded for its substantial commitment to
community engagement.
For summer, they have great prices on family-favourites like Zooper Doopers, SPF 50+ sunscreens, and don’t forget batteries to avoid any disappointment on Christmas morning.
Mangoes have experienced a bumper year this year as well, and FoodWorks Tatura have unbeatable prices of trays of mangoes ahead of Christmas, along with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, and festive-themed cakes, cookies and wafers.
As a local, independently owned supermarket
and with their low prices every day, you’ll be well taken care of at FoodWorks Tatura this Christmas.
Head instore to 112 Hogan St, Tatura, or explore
savings and weekly specials online at tatura. myfoodworks.com.au
THE Queens Gardens in Shepparton will light up this Sunday, December 18 for the annual Carols by Candlelight performance.
Each year hundreds of eventgoers and their friends and families come together for the festive presentation. This year will see many familiar faces return to the stage, as well as some brand-new stars, to perform everyone’s favourite Christmas songs and carols.
The show starts at 6.30pm and you should arrive earlier to find a spot in the gardens. For the best night possible, remember to bring
something comfy to sit on like a picnic rug, cushions or low, fold out chair.
Make sure to wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing as it might be cool when the sun goes down and insects, particularly mozzies could be present.
You’re welcome to bring your own food and sealed water, but please be mindful not to waste and that no alcohol is to be consumed at Carols by Candlelight. Food and drink will be available
from local vendors and community groups. All vendors will be accepting cash and card payments, but the community barbecue is cash only.
For the event, Nixon Street will be closed between Welsford and Wyndham Streets from 4.30-10pm, on Sunday, December 18. The current Welsford Street intersection works will also be in place.
Carols by Candlelight will be live streamed on Council's website. Go online or head to Council's social media pages for more.
■ 170g butter, softened
■ 3/4 Cup packed brown sugar
■ 2/3 Cup molasses
■ 1 Large egg
■ 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
■ 3 1/4 Cups plain flour
■ 1 Tablespoon ground ginger
■ 1 Teaspoon baking soda
■ 1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
■ 1/2 Teaspoon ground cloves
■ 1/4 Teaspoon ground nutmeg
■ 1/2 Teaspoon salt
■ Zest of 1 orange (optional)
■ Icing and Sprinkles, for decorating
1. In a large bowl using a hand mixer, beat butter, brown sugar, and molasses until fluffy, about two minutes. Add egg and vanilla and beat until combined. –
2. In a medium bowl, whisk flour, spices, baking soda, and salt until combined. With the mixer on low, gradually add dry ingredients to wet ingredients, as well as orange zest if using until dough just comes together, being careful not to overmix.
3. Divide dough in half and create two discs. Wrap each in plastic wrap and chill until firm, about two to three hours. (Alternatively, divide dough in half and roll each piece of dough between two pieces of parchment to 1cm thick. Chill until firm.
4. Preheat oven to 160 degrees and line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Place one disc of dough on a lightly floured surface and roll until 1cm
thick. (Alternatively, peel off both sheets of parchment from dough, then replace one sheet of parchment back underneath dough.) Cut out gingerbread men with an approx. 5cm wide cutter and transfer to baking sheets.-
5. Bake until slightly puffed and set, 9 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of your cookie cutters. Let cool on baking sheets for 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack to cool completely.-
6. Repeat with remaining disc of dough. Decorate with icing and sprinkles as desired.
A THOUGHTFUL memento such as a pendant, timeless watch or a special pair of earrings can give the recipient of your gift a lifetime of joy. For Christmas presents that will be cherished and worn for years to come, jewellery stands the test of time.
The friendly team at Blizzards Fine Jewellers can help you select the perfect item for your loved one, taking the guesswork out of gift shopping.
Boasting a carefully selected range of jewellery, Blizzard Jewellers have a huge range of rose gold, sterling silver, yellow gold and platinum pieces on offer that will be treasured by their new owners and always remind them of your love.
“At Blizzards, we stock a range that has been
carefully selected ensuring each item in our store is unique, high quality and in line with both current trends and classical, timeless designs,” explained Kara Blizzard.
The team at Blizzards Fine Jewellers offer a full range of services, being traditional jewellers, they possess a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist their clients.
Their in-house design centre, Diamond Storm Designs, utilises the latest design software and production technology to produce a quality, timeless piece to suit your individual needs.
Located at Shop 11 Harris Scarfe Plaza Maude Street Mall, Shepparton, they can be contacted on 5831 4677.
WHETHER you’re a beer connoisseur, wine enthusiast, or spirited spirit drinker, there is a deal in-store at Bottle-O Warehouse bound to catch your eye.
Buying a present and struggling to choose? Make gift giving easy and grab a gift card. There are many deals and summery giveaways to get the party started at exclusive prices on Christmas favourites, like Bailey’s Irish Cream
assorted flavours, specials on prized Australian wines and beautifully packaged gift sets that make the perfect present.
There’s a Jack Daniels Juke Box set, bulk packs of shots and everything in between to get you through the party season.
Stock up in store early because limited stock is set to fly off the shelves. Check out the catalogue included in this edition of The Adviser for more specials.
THE Christmas spirit is a spirit for giving and after a challenging year of floods and economic challenge, the FamilyCare Christmas Appeal has never had more significance or need.
A provider of family services and carer support for those with disability, FamilyCare’s Christmas Appeal is a well-established tradition in the region, inviting community members to share in the joy of giving by donating a gift for each of the family members the service supports.
Now also the lead for the Regional Flood Recovery Case Management Service, FamilyCare has expanded its delivery of gifts this year to include those who have been flood impacted.
With a host of local businesses and organisations such as ConnectGV, ANZ, Stellar
Coffee, The Shepparton Marketplace as well as others, hosting gift trees, participants can simply pluck a gift tag from one of the trees, providing the age and gender of a recipient.
Although it is not necessary to pluck a tag, gifts (and teenage friendly vouchers) can be placed under a gift tree wrapped or unwrapped until December 19, when they will be joyfully distributed by dedicated, FamilyCare staff.
With over 240 families to be supported by FamilyCare this year, it is essential that flood impacted families register their details via the flood recovery hotline on 1800 560 760 to receive generously donated gifts.
With the buzz and excitement of beautifully handcrafted wooded toys being delivered to the
THE GOOD GIFTS... Bottle-O Warehouse make gift giving easy with a range of Christmas favourites, like Bailey’s Irish Cream assorted flavours, specials on prized Australian wines and beautifully packaged gift sets that make the perfect present. Sales assistants Chantelle and Kylie are on hand to help. Photo: Stephanie Holliday
Bottle-O Warehouse is open until 11pm every night on the corner of High Street and St Georges Road, Shepparton, with free on-site parking. For further enquiries, give the friendly team a call on 5831 3833.
YOU are likely familiar with Christmas trees, stockings and elf on the shelf, but there is a myriad of ways you can mark the festive period with friends, family and loved ones. Here are some lesser-known Christmas traditions you may want to introduce this year, or create your own special way to celebrate.
CREATE A HOLIDAY BUCKET LIST... It isn’t about what you buy but the memories you make, that’s why it is a fun idea to create a holiday bucket list incorporating everything you
want to try this holiday season.
MAKE HOMEMADE CARDS OR GIFTS... Christmas is a great time to get crafty and try your hand at making special cards, bonbons or holidays gifts such as personalised baubles for friends and family.
SECOND-HAND CHRISTMAS... Op shops and second-hand stores are a wonderful place to shop if you want a unique gift or if you’re on a budget this Christmas. You can also pick up discounted decorations and cards from your local op shop.
ANNUAL TREE PHOTO... Capture the magic of each Christmas by snapping a photo in front of your tree in the same pose each year. It will be good fun looking back on how everyone has changed over the years.
NEW YEAR'S PREDICTIONS JAR... After Christmas dinner, have your guests write down their predictions or wishes for the following year and put them in a jar. Next Christmas, you can look through the predictions and see if any came true.
CREATIVE CELEBRATIONS... Christmas is a time to celebrate the memories we make together. Mark this special occasion by getting crafty, documenting with photos or making your own traditions that can be carried through year after year. Photo: Supplied
LEEANNE and Glenn Archer celebrated one year in business as the new owners of Renato’s Florist in October this year.
Over the past year, they have given their store a fresh new look and have revitalised their range of stock, all whilst maintaining the same friendly service and quality floral arrangements that have made the store a Shepparton institution for the past few decades.
Christmas is only a few weeks away, and Renato’s Florist can assist you with gorgeous floral arrangements, Christmas hampers, beautiful Christmas table centres to decorate your table, indoor plants, Australian made candles, diffusers and hand creams from Bramble Bay and Scarlet & Grace.
Renato’s Florist not only deliver to the local area, they can also arrange deliveries anywhere in Australia and
CHRISTMAS IS HERE... Renato’s Florist look forward to spreading Christmas cheer and joy to you and your loved ones this festive Season. Leeanne and Glenn Archer celebrated one year of business as the new owners of Renato’s Florist, in October this year, and are grateful for the support
Shepparton Marketplace. Shop 24, Benalla Road. Ph: (03) 5821 1059 Shepparton. 52 Fryers Street. Ph: (03) 5821 3361 Echuca. 133 Hare Street. Ph: (03) 5480 1696 www.stephensjewellers.com.au | sales@stephensjewellers.com.au
IS THERE a better time of the year to enjoy a well-earned break from the challenges of work and life in general? Warmer weather, annual leave, the family says yay—let us go somewhere nice.
Being the one and only driver I need to be prepared for this epic journey with the kiddie widdies. We need to set a few rules-Yes?
What is it with kids and these electronic gadgets—at least with earphones the noise is suppressed. My job is not to get distracted by them and to concentrate on getting us to our destination safely.
There is so much to be aware of, isn’t there? By experience I know the kids will become
fatigued and irritable when sitting in the car for too long. The plan is to take regular breaks each two hours and stretch the legs and let my eyes re-focus.
My trusty side kick advises that there are quite a few challenges when driving on regional roads, which are very different than city driving.
There are speed limit changes established at dangerous and high collision intersections. Often, we can observe emergency vehicles displaying their flashing red and blue or magenta lights, all vehicles must slow to 40km/h whilst passing emergency vehicle. Farmers and contractors move oversize farm machinery and livestock across roads, they erect signage indicating that motorists must
IT’S Christmas time, and what better thing to gift than presents that encourage our loved ones to get out there and enjoy being active.
Outdoor toys and games are an integral part of enjoying summer and thankfully, Intersport Shepparton have a great range on hand that make perfect Christmas gifts.
From basketball hoops, scooters and balls through to bocce sets, they have you covered with sporty goods for everyone alongside their extensive range of sporting footwear and apparel. Why not get the kids some new pool slides, some new t-shirts for dad and some comfy yet stylish sneakers for mum.
Intersport Shepparton are now open at
GET YOUR SHOPPING SORTED...Intersport Shepparton are now open at their new location, 18-20 Fraser Street Shepparton, right next door to Bras n Things and adjacent from the bright, well-fenced new playground. Pop in for great gift ideas! Photo: Stephanie Holliday
their new location, 18-20 Fraser Street Shepparton, right next door to Bras n Things and adjacent from the bright, well-fenced new playground. With the Council offering free parking through to the end of January, it’s easy to park and shop up a storm. Make it their Christmas, and even pay it off over time with interest-free Afterpay.
give way to stock and if not obeyed a penalty notice could apply.
Not to forget wildlife hazards which could cause severe damage and/or injury—do not
want that at all! So, for me, off to bed to get well rested for tomorrow’s journey. Safe motoring to all!
ONE of Australia’s most impressive and extensive independent fishing, camping and hunting stores, Trelly’s Outdoor at 209 Corio Street is a veritable treasure trove of Christmas gift ideas with something in store for absolutely everyone.
A pro-retailer of fishing firearms second to none, the super-friendly and knowledgeable staff at Trelly’s know Christmas shoppers will be ‘wowed’ by their huge range of qualityfor-money Yeti drink bottles, stubby holders, coffee cups, eskies and camping apparel.
A hugely popular brand, Yeti products are an excellent gift idea to tuck under the tree and at a price to suit everybody.
Bringing a smile to any intrepid camper,
hunter or fisherman on Christmas morning, Trelly’s also stock an exhaustive range of freshwater fishing tackle and lures suitable for local angling as well as an impressive range of firearms, ammunition and accessories.
With a premiere range of night vision equipment, superb Jetboil Cookware, outdoor clothing and timely mozzie repellents and premium zappers to choose from, Trelly’s is the first and best port-of-call for Christmas gift shopping this season.
Excited to greet shoppers at the door, Trelly’s proprietor Steve Threlfall said, “We invite you into have a look at our ‘wow’ selection of equipment, clothing and outdoor essentials. With a vast range of quality outdoor products
to suit every camping, fishing and hunting need, Trelly’s has the perfect surprise for everyone under the Christmas tree this season as well as stocking fillers for the kids.”
“If you haven’t been to the store before,
make sure you get in here and if you haven’t been for a while, make sure you come back to see our extended range.”
Trelly’s Outdoor is located at 209 Corio Street and can be reached on 5821 6572.
A TRADITIONAL Christmas pudding is without doubt the crowning glory of any Christmas feast, but even this delectable dessert can be made even more heavenly with Grandma’s silky and oh-so-glorious, brandy sauce.
■ 6 eggs
■ 2 tsp vanilla essence
■ 3 tbsp icing sugar
■ 1 tbsp plain flour
■ 500 ml milk
■ 500 ml whipped cream
■ ¼ tbsp (or thereabouts) brandy
Whisk egg yolks, icing sugar and flour. Bring milk to boil. Add vanilla and pour over egg mixture whisking as you do so. Cool in double boiler until very thick. Stir constantly until cool and then fold in whipped cream and brandy.
Pour over Christmas pudding before serving and enjoy!
IT’s that splendidly busy time of year again when the tree needs to be trimmed, the halls need to be decked and the front yard curated into a glorious show of lights, inflatables and impossibly sized candy canes.
But amongst all the happy mayhem of tinsel, bauble and air pump, a sneaky little elf is sure to make its presence known sooner or later with cheeky, somewhat disruptive aplomb.
Aiming to make the lead up to Christmas as jolly and full of belly laughs for the children as possible, Elf on the Shelf has, in its years, achieved many mischievous, if not downright
Here is a few of Elf on the Shelf’s more memorable feats for adults to be aware of (stimulating some useful ideas) this festive season, in readiness for the return of their own little rapscallion.
THERE are now only 11 sleeps until Christmas Day and houses across the district are dazzling in stunning displays of festivities!
Don't miss this opportunity to show off your home decorated. Share your photos with us by simply uploading a photo of your decorations to Instagram, along with the hashtag #sheppadviserchristmaslights22.
You can view Christmas light displays that have been tagged by going to our website. Please visit www. sheppadviser.com.au/christmas-lights-in-shepparton/
LIGHT IT UP... Share your Christmas decorations this year by uploading a photo to Instagram and tagging #sheppadviserchristmaslights22 or email your photos to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au. Photo: Supplied
Billabong Garden Complex
Come on down and choose from our amazing range of living gifts, decorative pots, water features, home decor items and giftware. Too tricky to choose? A gift voucher is the perfect choice for that ‘hard to buy for’ person.
Shop in the tranquil surrounds of the beautiful garden complex today for a blissful christmas shopping experience. We’ll even giftwrap your presents for you!
UNDERSTANDING many families are doing it tough over Christmas, the Greater Shepparton Foundation (GSF) has partnered with McColl’s Transport and Athlete’s Foot to support the 2022 OzChild SafeCare program.
The impacts of the floods across the region, coupled with cost-ofliving pressures, has made Christmas feel incredibly challenging for many of our region’s families
OzChild focuses on providing support for children and young people in foster care and kinship care, keeping families together wherever possible. The campaign provides Christmas hampers for families participating in the family preservation program and recognises the challenges faced by families this year.
“When Geelong based McColl’s Transport approached us looking for ways for the family-run operation to support the Greater Shepparton community, the OzChild Christmas program was the perfect fit.
“Alongside a generous donation of shoes from Shepparton Athlete’s Foot, plus $2,000 from the Community Flood Recovery Campaign, the McColl’s Transport hamper items will alleviate the pressures felt by many families that rely on the services and hampers provided by OzChild each year,” said Ms McCulloch.
“The impacts of the floods across the region, coupled with cost-of-living pressures, has made Christmas feel incredibly challenging for many of our region’s families,” explained GSF executive officer, Amanda McCulloch.
McColl’s Transport has been running a campaign amongst its team of generous staff and suppliers. It delivered a truck full of hamper items to Shepparton on Monday, December 12.
PRESENTS are great but all the unsightly rubbish is a consequence of old Christmas habits. Reduce the staggering amount of waste by opting for alternatives to traditional paper wrapping. These clever ways of gift wrapping are great too because they reduce the time spent wrapping!
Canisters and tins are a great option and readily available from most stores. Try repurposing jars from home by painting or adding decorations, native plants, and a ribbon.
A tea towel is the perfect size and shape for wrapping a medium size gift. Make it a little Christmassy with a festive print tea towel.
Paper and plastic are the ways of the past. Wrap your gifts with the environment in mind and choose paperless materials like fabrics and repurposed items in the home. Photo: Supplied
For small gifts, a hanky or lovely face washer or cloth could work and for large gifts, fabric or a tablecloth provide the perfect solution. Simply add a bow and you are ready to gift.
Reusable for years to come, Santa sacks are an easy way to avoid sitting for hours and repetitively fighting with unruly sticky tape and clunky scissors. Sacks can be handmade, embroidered with names, purchased online or in-store at most variety stores. Calico draw
1. Stock up on petrol before the holidays – knowing that many people will be on the road over Christmas, petrol prices tend to skyrocket. Stock up before or use a fuel check app or website to find the most economical price ahead of the Christmas period
2. Buy less for people – Instead of buying
for all extended family members, opt for a Secret Santa and set a limit on how much you’re going to spend. With friends, decide who you’re buying for and how much you’re prepared to spend
3. Shop around for savings – There are heaps of deals ahead of Christmas, delivering
big savings on food and ingredients. Using customer loyalty programs can save you even more, particularly when shopping for food or alcohol
4. Set a budget – If you truly want to curb Christmas spending, make a budget and tick to it. By knowing what you can spend on
gifts, food and decorations will help you not to overspend
5. Save on Christmas cards – send Christmas wishes via email, social media or direct message. You could get the kids to draw Christmas cards to be sent via email instead of paying postage fees.
Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy is the perfect place to buy your loved one that special gift this Christmas and with staff as friendly and helpful as counter manager, Vicky (pictured) you will also find shopping at Amcal an absolute pleasure.
CHRISTMAS by all accounts should look, feel and smell beautiful and when it comes to pampering your loved ones, there is no better place than Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy to purchase that special gift.
With an exemplary range of premier perfumes, scents and colognes, Shepparton Amcal is a veritable treasure trove of gift ideas, made easy and wrapped exquisitely by the team of expert and friendly staff.
With something for everyone this festive season, Shepparton Amcal is proud to offer its CIRCA Christmas range of Australian made skin care products, beautifully scented soy candles and diffusers.
With scents as fresh as pear and lime and as deliciously tantalising as gingerbread and cookies, the CIRCA Christmas range is a wonderful way to spoil a loved one.
With charming gift sets housed as Christmas
tree ornaments, L’Occitane start up packs and value packs are another great gift idea to indulge that special person with luxurious shower oil, almond milk concentrate, and hand cream.
For those who love feminine, beautifully designed glassware, cups, mugs and tea sets, Shepparton Amcal's Cristina Re giftware selection provide the perfect touch of department store class in the heart of Shepparton.
Bound to bring a smile to the face, the pharmacy’s extensive range of Jellycat soft toys, books, blankets and baby apparel are gift options sure to gratify both parents and children alike.
Excited to provide valued customers with a leading range of gift ideas for the whole family, Shepparton Amcal proprietor Archana Deo said, “When customers come through the door, they get a personalised experience and with so much to offer, we know our customers will walk away delighted.”
CHRISTMAS would not be the same without our pets, those lovable furry creatures that make up our family. What it is less desirable is when Ziggy tears down the Christmas tree or Bernie gets into Christmas lunch, or worse, Christmas drinks... Here are some tips for keeping your tree up, pets out of trouble and everyone happy while your home is decorated.
Traditional festive plants, like mistletoe or poinsettias, can be harmful to animals. Instead, choose non-toxic native plants like bottlebrushes to add some festive colour to your home. Fir tree oil is another plant product to be wary of if you have pets. Make sure they cannot access your tree’s water and drink from it, or you may be visiting the vet on Christmas eve...
Gift wrapping, cellophane, Santa pillows and hats should not be part of your pet’s diet. Establishing a fence around your tree
could keep pets from harm's way or better yet, find alternative ways to wrap without using paper. Tea towels or secondhand scarves make fantastic alternatives to paper.
Pet repellent spray should discourage animals from getting too comfortable with the tree, presents or decorations. Follow product descriptions and spritz where needed. Trimming branches from the bottom of the tree may discourage cats and dogs from pawing low hanging ornaments or branches.
Keep breakables, favourite ornaments, and of course foods and alcohol away from pets.
If you cannot keep pets, particularly curious cats from climbing your tree, try a different approach. Cats do not like aluminum foil or citrus fruits, so try wrapping your tree’s base with foil or hiding orange or lemon slices amongst tree branches.
Best of luck!
Christmas food is the gift that keeps on giving, with an abundance of leftovers to feast upon following the merry day. You may decide to share leftovers with your pets, but animal lovers should take caution, as many human-foods are not safe for pet consumption.
Meat bones, as they become brittle and splinter easily once cooked and raw bones can also pose certain risks to pets and should be avoided
Garlic, onions, shallots and leeks are ingredients found in popular Christmas dishes, but they are all toxic to dogs in the right quantities. Be cautious feeding leftovers like stuffing and gravy to pets, which may contain these ingredients
Alcohol like wine, beer and spirits are not pet-friendly, and while most people would understand this, please remember many traditional dishes also contain alcohol, such as rum balls, eggnog, and desserts topped with bourbon sauce
Nuts can cause an upset stomach or severe throat obstruction when consumed by pets. Some nuts, like walnuts and macadamias, are toxic to animals and can cause seizures and neurological problems
Chocolate has long been known to be toxic to pets, causing harm to their intestinal system, neurological system and heart. Avoid giving your dog any desserts containing chocolate, such as Christmas
cakes, puddings or other desserts. In addition, avoid desserts that contain raisins, mincemeats, or sultanas, as they can make your pet seriously ill.
If your pet does consume something that has made it sick, or you beloved animal requires medical attention over Christmas, please note that local vets, like GV Vets, are available to help.
THE esteemed Trawool Estate is hosting a New Year's Eve extravaganza, aptly named ‘The Greatest Show,’ a night of gourmet dining and live entertainment.
From 7pm, enjoy live interactive performances from a wonderful cast including incredible The Voice and broadway star, Matt Hetherington.
Accommodation is available in the hotel, but for a truly immersive experience of the oasis overlooking the pristine Trawool Valley, book a luxury glamping tent.
With the glamping option, you will enjoy a superb five-course dinner, five-hour drinks package (with options to upgrade to the cocktail or Ayala Champagne package), live entertainment, free entry to the Turbine After Party downstairs at the Estate and two days of accommodation in a luxurious, glamourous tent on the beautiful Trawool Estate grounds.
Check-in is Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 2pm and check-out Monday, January 2, 2023, at 10am.
The 4m tents contain a Queen bed to sleep two people, bottles of water and
housekeeping services. Staying in the glamping tents also grants you access to all Trawool Estate's luxury hotel facilities including the pool, tennis courts and
9 Pine Road, Shepparton
Saturday, December 17 - Church in the Park at Frank McNamara Park, 4-6pm
Sunday, December 25 - Christmas day service, 10am
W - www.gvcf.org.au
E - info@gvcf.org.au for more information
132 Welsford St, Shepparton
Sunday, December 25 – 9:30am
W – www.exchangechurch.org.au
E – info@exchangechurch.org.au
95-97 Maude St, Shepparton
Saturday, December 24 - 5.30pm Crib Service
Saturday, December 24 - 11pm Midnight Mass
Sunday, December 25 - 8:30am Christmas Day Mass
600 Wyndham Street, Shepparton
Sunday, December 25 – 9am
W - www.sheppbaptist.com.au
E - admin@sheppbaptist.com.au or 5831 2022 for more information
15-17 Young Street, Mooroopna
Saturday, December 24 - 7pm
Buffet breakfast for two daily in the Wild Water restaurant as well as a special welcome gift (hint: it will help with your recovery on January 1st) are also included.
This year the event will also be hosting a ‘Kids Club,’ so you can dance the night away. For $35, children will enjoy dinner and a movie
under the watchful eye of a babysitter.
To book this wonderful package, please visit www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ nye-trawools-greatest-show-glampingtickets-443802113067.
For further information, visit www. trawoolestate.com.au or call 5792 1444.
Sunday, December 25 - 9.30am
W - www.facebook.com/teamsaintalbans E- simon@mooroopnaanglican.com, or phone 5825 2031
168 Hayes Street, Shepparton
Sunday, December 25 – 9.30am
W - www.sheppartonpresbyterian.org.au/ E - kreex2@gmail.com
155 Verney Road, Shepparton
Saturday, December 17 - Encounter CC Christmas
Celebration and Carols, 5.30pm
Sunday, December 25 – Christmas day service 9am
121 Knight Street, Shepparton
Saturday, December 24 inside St Brendan’s
Church – Children’s mass at 5pm, family mass at 6.30pm, late mass at 11pm.
Saturday, December 24 mass at Dookie at 7pm and Syro-Malabar mass at 8pm.
Sunday, December 25 – Christmas day mass at 8am and 11am.
Cruise, Thandiwe Newton.
6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: A Christmas Coincidence (2018) Kimberley Sustad, Paul Campbell. 2.00 Gold Coast Medical 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia
6.00 Seven News 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 2. Adelaide Strikers v Sydney Sixers. 11.00 The Amazing Race 12.00 Movie: Alien Abduction (1998) Benz Antoine, Kristian Ayre. 2.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Another Christmas Coincidence (2019) Cindy Busby. 2.00 Kochie’s Business Builders 2.30 Travel And Eat With Dan & Steph 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4
5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 3. Brisbane Heat v Melbourne Renegades. 11.00 Extreme Weddings: Australia 12.00 Fantasy Island 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 9.00 The Morning Show 11.30 Seven Morning News 12.00 Movie: Christmas At Maple Creek (2020) Jeni Ross, Jake Epstein. 2.00 House Of Wellness 3.00 The Chase 4.00 Seven News At 4 5.00 The Chase Australia 6.00 Seven News
7.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer 7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 4. Melbourne Stars v Hobart Hurricanes. 8.15 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 5. Sydney Thunder v Adelaide Strikers. 11.45 Movie: Wind River (2017) Jeremy Renner. 2.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 11.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 1. Morning session. 1.20 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break 2.00 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 1. Afternoon session.
6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra Summer 11.00 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day2. Heats. 1.00 Travel Guides 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News 6.00 News
7.00 ACA 7.30 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day2. Finals. 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 Family Law 12.00 The Thing About Pam 1.00 Driving Test 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop
5 506 608 803 30 SATURDAY
6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day3. Finals. 10.30 Nine News Late 11.00 Emergency Call 12.00 Pure Genius 1.00 Driving Test 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra Summer 11.00 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day4. Heats. 1.00 Eatwell Christmas With Emma Dean 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Hot Seat 5.30 News Championships (25m). Day4. Finals. 10.30 Movie: Deck The Halls (2006) 12.30 Council Of Dads 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Take Two 4.30 Global Shop 5.00 TV Shop 5.30 Skippy 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Today Extra Summer 11.00 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day5. Heats. 1.00 Surfing Australia TV 1.30 Cross Court 2.00 Animal Embassy 2.30 Explore 2.45 Movie: A
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Cricket: Tea Break 4.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day2. Late afternoon session. 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 7. Melbourne Renegades v Sydney Thunder. 11.00 7NEWS Spotlight
To Be Advised 12.30 Home Shopping
4.00 Test Cricket: Tea Break 4.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day1. Late afternoon session. 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Schools Spectacular Creating The Magic 9.30 VIC State Schools: Spectacular 12.00 Black-ish 1.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Home Shopping 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 11.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 2. Morning session. 1.20 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break 2.00 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 2. Afternoon session. 4.00 Test
Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 11.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 3. Morning session. 1.20 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break 2.00 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 3. Afternoon session. 4.00 Test Cricket: Tea Break
6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Swimming. 16th FINA World Glenbrooke Christmas (2020) 4.30 Garden Gurus 5.00 News 5.30 Country House Hunters Australia 6.00 News 7.00 ACA 7.30 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day5. Finals. 10.30 Movie: Daddy’s Home 2 (2017) 6.00 Drive TV 6.30 ACA 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Mega Zoo 11.00 Swimming. 16th FINA World Championships (25m). Day6. Heats. 1.00 Great Australian Detour 1.30 Explore 1.45 Driving Test 2.15 Snackmasters 3.30 Bondi Vet 4.30 Explore TV
5.00 News 5.30 Postcards Summer 6.00 News 7.00 Snackmasters 8.40 60 Minutes 9.40 Under Investigation 10.40 The First 48 11.35 Manhunt: The Railway Murders 12.30 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 Take Two 5.00 News 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra Summer 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Christmas In Washington (2021) 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Snackmasters 8.50 Inside The
Africa. Day 4. Afternoon session. 4.00 Test Cricket: Tea Break 4.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day4. Late afternoon session. 6.00 News 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 9. Adelaide Strikers v Sydney Thunder. 11.00 Chicago Fire
4.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day3. Late afternoon session. 6.00 Seven News 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 8. Hobart Hurricanes v Perth Scorchers. 11.00 The Spin 11.30 April Jones: The Interrogation Tapes 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Seven Early News 5.30 Sunrise 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 11.20 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South Africa. Day4. Morning session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 1.20 Test Cricket: The Lunch Break 2.00 Cricket. First Test. Australia v South
Superbrands: McCain 9.50 Australian Crime Stories: Mark Standen – A Dirty Cop 10.50 The Equalizer 11.40 Almost Family 12.35 Tipping Point 1.30 TV Shop 2.30 Global Shop 3.00 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today 6.00 Today 9.00 Today Extra Summer 11.30 Morning News 12.00 Movie: Fixing Up Christmas (2021) 1.45 Talking Honey 2.00 Pointless 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30 Millionaire Hot Seat 5.30 WIN News 6.00 Nine News 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Travel Guides
8.30 Movie: Bad Moms 2 (2017) Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn. 10.35 La Brea 11.25 Law & Order: Organized Crime 12.15 Tipping Point 1.10 Hello SA 1.30 TV Shop 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory 4.30 ACA 5.00 News 5.30 Today
Co-director Rod Poliness put it best when he described how the past 70 years has seen new generations of customers return to use their services.
“So many of our customers grew up with their parents, and grandparents, coming to Central Tyre Service. When they get their first vehicle, they’re told “now this is where you go, they’ll sort it out”, and that’s three generations of that, on the cusp of four and beyond, that have continued to come back to us time and time again,” said Rod.
“We are so grateful for 70 years of support from the Greater Shepparton community, and we strive to continue to be leaders in our field.”
Co-directors Rod Poliness and Tim Webb have both clocked up many years with the business, Rod at 33 years, Tim at 23 years, and lead a team of 18 staff members,
70 YEARS OF SERVCE WAS RECOGNISED at the Chambers’ White-King Pental business excellence awards on Friday. From left, Tim Webb, Rod Poliness and Graham Hill. Photo Kelly Carmody
most of which have an average of 15 years tenure with the business themselves.
With a busy workshop booked far in advance, the company has recently invested in two additional, fully equipped mobile service vehicles, increasing their capacity to deliver efficient onsite service and backup to the regions transport and agricultural industries. Whether it be cars, trucks or tractor tyres, the team is able to provide field service to meet all needs.
Co-director Timothy Webb was equally thrilled with the
award and looks forward to what the future holds.
“Thank you to everyone, from our loyal and new customers alike, through to those who make these awards possible. We are a part of such a strong business community here in Greater Shepparton and it is an honour to be recognised amongst other long-standing businesses for our passion and commitment to delivering the best outcomes for our customers,” said Timothy.
By Deanne JeffersTHE 25TH annual Business Excellence Awards were presented on Friday, December 9. The Awards have not been able to go ahead for the past two years due to Covid, and were postponed again following the floods, which saw the venue change to the GV Hotel Cabaret room.
On the evening, 16 local businesses and individuals were honoured on the night, while Central Tyre Service was inducted into the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business Hall of Fame.
Congratulations to all the award recipients and nominees. The Awards are proudly sponsored by 95.3 Triple M, WIN TV, The
Shepparton Adviser and major sponsor White-King Pental.
• Apprentice/Trainee of the Year... Olivia Wells, Tatura Hot Bread
• Best New Business (Under Two Years) … Thrive 4 Life Therapy
• Visitor Experience of the Year (Tourism Hospitality)... Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE)
• Visitor Experience of the Year (Tourism Accommodation) … Quest Shepparton
• Best Marketing/Advertising Campaign... Cardamone Real Estate
• Entrepreneur of the Year... Josh and Beth Taylor of Tinto Bakery
• Innovator of the Year... GV Body Rejuvenation
• GV Healthy Workplace of the Year... HomeSafe GV
• Young Professional of the Year... Ashviney Vigneswaran, Graham Hill Eyecare
• Environmental/Sustainable Business of the Year... SCS Packaging
• Customer Service of the Year (Retail/Hospitality)... Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy
• Customer Service of the Year (Professional Services) … The Eye Shop
• Customer Service of the Year (Trade Services) … Future NRG
• Hall of Fame inductee...
Central Tyre Service
• Business of the Year (Professional Services) … Sofra Partners
• Business of the Year (Trade Services) … Watters Electrical
• Business of the Year (Retail Services) … Trelly’s Outdoor.
Profiles of each of the successful award’s recipients can be found on pages 41-45 of this special Business Excellence Awards feature.
Pictured from left is Olivia Wells and Wilna Fourie, acting director Foundation and Futures GOTAFE
Benefitting from time with Brereton’s and Hungie Fangs, Olivia completed her apprenticeship at Tatura Hot Bread.
Following in the footsteps of her qualified-chef mother and more-than-handy-in-the-kitchen grandmothers, Olivia entered the industry with confidence.
Seeking to challenge herself, Olivia entered a raft of competitions
Pictured from left is Milena Millar WDEA works site manager, Vanessa and Ashley Madeira
The Eye Shop is a local familyowned Eyecare and Eyewear business in the Shepparton CBD.
It was established in 2006 and is run by optometrist Ashley Madeira and store manager Vanessa Madeira.
The Eye Shop provides friendly and caring personalised eye tests, quality spectacle frames, world class lenses, sunglasses, and contact lens solutions for their patients.
Ashley and Vanessa enjoy the reactions of their patients when
eventually representing Victoria where she achieved a second placing.
Drawing on her highly acclaimed Mexican Pie recipe, Olivia went on to claim the award for Best Gourmet Pie in Victoria.
Pictured is Antonella Loverso and Wayne Sutton, Shepparton Club general manager
Antonella has worked as the retail manager in the pharmacy for the past 16 years.
She manages stock, completes daily orders and assists with the day to day running of the retail department.
Antonella enjoys sourcing new and exclusive products for the store to provide a wonderful shopping experience for the local community.
Antonella loves working in the
Pictured is Shaun Gash and Wendy Crow, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce & Industry board member
pharmacy as she is passionate about providing excellent customer service and enjoys building relationships with customers that she sees time and time again.
they see themselves and see their new world through their fabulous eyewear from The Eye Shop.
Future NRG was formed in 2013, as a direct response to a perceived gap in the market for a holistic energy management company. Its focus is on the outcomes and synergies between individual energy efficient products across all energy sectors, both residential and commercial, including E- V charging, Battery Storage, Hot Water, Hydronic heating and Off-grid energy.
Initially working in a shared
office space, Future NRG has now expanded to three locations in Shepparton, Echuca and Geelong. The vision of Future NRG is to continue to support the local community with leading-edge energy saving technologies.
Pictured from left is Steve Threlfall, Ricky Seiter and Kieran Moon, Harvey Norman electrical proprietor
A family business for almost 40 years, Trelly’s Outdoor has benefitted from dedicated staff and family commitment to the lifestyle retail sector over that period of time.
One of the keys to Trelly’s success is the returning customer.
With the relationships formed through the expert advice and care provided by staff, community members are assured of satisfaction as they are steered down the
Pictured from left are Tracey and Terry Sofra with Kieran Moon, Harvey Norman electrical proprietor
Sofra Partners is a contemporary accounting firm providing business and taxation services.
Since 1996, the firm has expanded with an experienced team that provides service to clients across Australia from both Shepparton and Melbourne offices.
The team is driven by the desire to educate and improve their clients’
most productive pathway in their preferred recreational pursuit.
Pictured from left is Kate Ryan, Nick Lucarelli and Kieran Moon, Harvey Norman electrical proprietor
Watters Electrical is the largest and longest standing electrical contracting company operating in Regional Victoria and Southern New South Wales.
With branches in Shepparton, Albury and Wangaratta, Watters Electrical proudly employs approximately 240 local people and is one of the largest employers of apprentices in the region.
Watters Electrical has teams specialising in all areas of the electrical industry.
Pictured from left is Lauren Farrow and Tricia Martinek Greater Shepparton City Council business development coordinator
Thrive4Life Therapy began as one person’s dream, that all people deserve to thrive and live fulfilling lives.
If you see a large commercial and industrial building project being constructed in the region, chances are Watters Electrical is involved.
situation in every area; whether that be building their business, paying less tax, protecting assets, building wealth or simply getting balance in their lives.
Sofra Partners team has experience working with clients across a diverse range of industries and its expertise can span any industry, business, or scenario.
The team has grown to include occupational therapists, physiotherapists, allied health assistants and administration staff.
Thrive4Life Therapy works as a team of professionals to develop connections, support clients and make them feel safe.
They look at the whole person, listen to their needs and ideas and help develop strategies to enable them to live fulfilling lives.
A passionate and committed team, Thrive4Life get to celebrate successes, no matter how small. They are expert problem solvers and help change lives!
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1641 Wednesday,
Pictured is Peter Hill and Ingrid Thomas, Greater Shepparton City Council visitor economy team leader
MOVE is a world-class transport museum, displaying motor cars, motorbikes, trucks, buses, and much more.
A major source of attraction to the region, visitors can learn about the legends of the road transport industry and their machines in the Kenworth Dealer Pavilion’s “Avenue of Legends.”
MOVE also features a contemporary and interactive exhibition space that
A family-owned agency, Cardamone Real Estate has serviced the Goulburn Valley community since its formation in 2014.
Managing director Peter Cardamone and his wife Lyndi are true locals who are proud to provide generous support to over 25 sporting clubs across the region.
Cardamone Real Estate is a previous winner of the “Best Marketing” category and prides itself on “thinking outside the square” in its approach
displays such collections as The Furphy Museum, The Farren Vintage Bicycle Collection, The Dick Clayton Collection of gramophones, telephones, and radio, and the extraordinary Loel Thomson Costume Collection.
Pictured is the Quest Shepparton team with sponsor, GSSC visitor economy team leader, Ingrid Thomas Quest Shepparton serviced apartment style hotel rooms offer guests a relaxed and comfortable Shepparton accommodation experience
Pictured from left is Beth and Josh Taylor with Shepparton Chamber president, John Anderson representing the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tinto is a local bakery focused on sourdough bread, pastries and specialty coffee.
Tinto Bakery sources the best quality local and seasonal ingredients and brings them together to make innovative and delicious products.
The staff and management of Tinto Bakery are driven by a desire to serve the community, acting as a meeting point and a place to enjoy great food made in house from scratch.
perfect for short or long stays.
Located just 200 metres from the CBD, Quest Shepparton is the ideal location for visitors looking to visit the city’s many attractions and events.
Quest sets itself apart with 69 serviced apartments including studios, one-, two- and threebedroom apartments that provide the ultimate home away from home for people visiting the region.
Pictured from left is Monique Camm and Annette Rose, NBN Co. local business lead northeast Victoria GV Body Rejuvenation aims to help men and women of all ages to regain muscle health and restore confidence. Through clinically proven technology the Emsella chair and Emsculpt machine use electromagnetic energy to rebuild and strengthen different muscle groups. This provides a non-invasive solution for incontinence, abdominal separation and fat loss.
Pictured from left is
An early career optometrist, Ash graduated from The University of Melbourne in 2020 and currently works at Graham Hill Eyecare, a full scope private practice that uses state of the art technology to diagnose and manage ocular diseases.
She started consulting during the pandemic, taking referrals and emergency cases from GV Health
and surrounding GP clinics.
Ash presented at a state conference and now is part of the Course Advisory Committee for the University’s Doctor of Optometry course.
She is passionate about healthcare and ensuring that people can access efficient and appropriate help in times of need.
Pictured is Lucas White and Sarah Forte, health, safety & wellbeing advisor at GV Health
HomeSafe GV, formerly known as GV Smoke Alarms, was established in 2014 by Lucas and Bec White when they discovered a need for this service in the region.
It continues to be a locally owned and operated family business that has grown from smoke alarm servicing to include a fully-servicing Gas & Electrical department that proudly protects homes and families across the region.
Now with over 25 staff, ranging from
Pictured is David Davkovski, not present at the gala dinner. Award was presented by Melani Samara, Greater Shepparton City Council and sponsored by GSSC’s Environmental Department Established in 1985, SCS Packaging is 100 percent Australian owned by brother’s Chris and George Davkovski.
In recent years, sons David and Johnny Davkovski have become a major driving force in the business becoming a major supplier to the key Retailers and larger Food Manufacturers.
An employer of approximately 50 people, SCS Packaging uses
state-of-the-art equipment and the highest quality materials to meet orders large and small.
SCS were unable to attend the Business Excellence Awards gala dinner, but received a warm applause from the audience.
The Adviser. Australia No.1:1641 Wednesday,
is used to tighten skin, decrease fat chambers and treat all the causes of cellulite.
Body Rejuvenation aims to educate and rejuvenate.2022 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE
Pictured is Tim Webb, Rod Poliness and 2019 Hall of Fame inductee, Graham Hill of Graham Hill Eyecare
A family business spanning 70 years, Central Tyre Service originally operated from a tin shed in Fryers Street.
Within just six years, the business had outgrown this premises and moved to a larger site in Welsford Street, where it remains today.
In 1962, Jack Kelly from Goodyear stepped in to save the business from being sold to Hardie Rubber Company, leaving the company with three directors, Ian Crosby, Stan Dondel and Goodyear.
In 1964, Central Tyre Service
expanded to Echuca with a new branch on a property owned by Ian Crosby.
Four years later Stan Dondel was tragically killed in a car accident, after which team member Brian Poliness made the decision to buy Stan’s share in the company.
In 1994, Brian’s son Rod took over as Managing Director joining Ian’s son Kent as a co-owner and in 1996, the Echuca branch of Central Tyre Service was purchased by Goodyear paving the way for further growth here in Shepparton.
In 2002, Geoff Wright purchased an equal share of the business and with Rod having bought out Goodyear, Central Tyre Service was owned and managed by locals with a shared interest in the further growth of this long-term family business.
Kent passed away in 2011, leaving Rod and Geoff as co-directors.
In June 2020, Geoff retired, and long-standing employee Tim Webb joined Rod as a co-director.
Interestingly, Rod and Tim have both spent the larger part of their working life, with Central Tyre Service, Rod at 33 years and Tim at 23.
Somewhat remarkably, the 20 staff members doing all the work in the shop and on the road have an average of 15 years tenure with the business
With the workshop constantly working on jobs at hand, the company has invested in fully equipped mobile service vehicles.
The two utilities and a truck can provide onsite service and backup to the region’s transport and agricultural industries, from cars to trucks and tractors by taking the tyre changing
service to the field when needed.
Over the past seventy years, Shepparton has undergone dynamic change as the food bowl of Australia.
In that time, numerous small businesses have grown and prospered providing a level of service that meets the needs of the local community.
One of those businesses that has kept the wheels of the region turning is Central Tyre Service, helping keep every other business on the road.
Today, Central Tyre Service continues to value best service practice at competitive prices and to appreciate the efforts of their founders and the team members before them.
We salute this widely respected local business that has stood the test of time by providing excellent customer service over the past 70 years.
Whether you’ve just finished school or are looking to get back into study, it’s never too late to change your career direction. There are many options out there and GOTAFE’s vocational training courses can help put you on the path to where you want to be. Our courses are designed to give you real-world experience and prepare you for your future.
Mature-age student Natasha is passionate about helping people with shared cultural backgrounds and giving back to her community. She decided to enrol in a Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention (CHC40313) at GOTAFE.
“I managed to gain some employment through my placement at Rumbalara Health Service. I work with families, clients, help build relationships, collaborate with other services and get to work hands-on with people. I feel so connected. There’s always something on, footy, netball, BBQs, coffees and chats,” she said.
“That was my goal, I always wanted to get there, but I did things kind of the long way around. As long as you get there, that’s all that matters,” she said.
Young go-getter Elise kick-started her career during her final year of high school by completing a Certificate II in Kitchen Operations (SIT20416) at GOTAFE. “I love hospitality and I really want to be a flight attendant when I complete my schooling. I thought this would be helpful in learning behind-the-scenes work
as well as what we do front of house,” she said.
No matter where her career takes her, she will have transferable skills she will be able to use. “I chose to study the kitchen operations certificate because it's recognised internationally too,” she said.
“I had heard a lot of good things about doing TAFE while you’re completing school. If you don’t know what you want to do when you finish your high school
education, you still have a qualification at the end of it. It opens you to so many more opportunities,” she said.
If you’re not sure what you want to do with your future, take our career quiz and explore your options. With over 150 courses including free TAFE, you’re sure to find something you love at GOTAFE. Do the new you and choose GOTAFE to help get you there. Visit our website and apply now.
INDERPREET Singh grew up in a small town in South Australia, before moving to Shepparton for high school. She said going to university had always been her dream, but she wasn't sure it was for her.
"Getting into university seemed very competitive, hard and unknown."
When Inderpreet discovered La Trobe University's Pathway Program, she found the support and skills she needed. Today, she's on her way to a medical career.
The program is funded through philanthropic donations and helps students in their final years of school develop fundamental life and study skills.
Inderpreet credits the Bradford Shepparton Pathway Program with making university feel attainable, and for teaching her a range of personal and professional skills.
"Doing the program gave me the sense that reaching university is something anyone can achieve. It's important for us and it benefits the whole community."
Information on how to support students through La Trobe's Pathway Program can be found at www.latrobe. edu.au/giving/regionalpathways2
WITH the next chapter of their lives ahead of them and following years of unprecedented disruptions inside and outside of the classroom, VCE students have reached the pointy end where they now decide where to next?
VCE results and ATAR scores were announced on Monday, December 12, 2022.
It is important that young people know that if they did not achieve the ATAR they were hoping for, or if their dreams have changed, you have a world of options ahead of you and plenty of support available.
Put simply, the Change of Preference period is when students receive their results and when they confirm their choice of studies.
This window of time gives students the opportunity to carefully consider their application and to reach out to representatives from universities and TAFEs that can answer specific questions regarding their choice of studies, campus, unit selections and more, before confirming their placement.
If you didn’t get the results you wanted,
from December 12 you can add, delete or modify the order of your preferences. So long as you have paid your course application fee, you can change your preferences as much as you like within the Change of Preferences timeframe.
More information is available from VTAC: www.vtac.edu.au/applying/courses/cop.html
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Would you like to join an awesome team? The Adviser has built a strong reputation as a leading community newspaper in regional Victoria.
Established in Shepparton in 1984, we have grown to be the largest circulating newspaper in the Goulburn Valley and amassed numerous newspaper awards along the way. We know we can grow more as a community newspaper and to help us take our Classified section of The Adviser to great new heights, we are looking for a capable Account Sales Manager to join our team.
• Are you a sales orientated person with a great phone manner?
• Do you enjoy working in a team environment?
• Do you have a positive attitude?
• Do you have excellent customer service skills?
• Do you like helping people?
• Do you enjoy building business relationships?
For this exciting role, the successful applicant must also demonstrate excellent communication skills and have the ability to maintain existing clients and source new business. If this sounds like you, and you are keen to join a great team of like-minded colleagues, we would love to meet you!
For the right person, an attractive salary package is available along with a special sales incentive program plus other great benefits. Comprehensive training is also available, if required.
Interviews are being conducted now so get in quick, email your application letter and CV to: melanie.spencer@sheppartonadviser.com.au
The Shepparton Adviser is the Goulburn Valley region’s largest circulating community newspaper www.sheppadviser.com.au
BREAKFAST bar stools x 4 crome plated with white seats, gas adjustable the lot $50 ph 0408 373 045
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ENGLISH lavender plants, $3 each Ph 0417 427 317
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GERANIUM P LANTS large variety of colours $5 Ph 0417 214 983
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JACARANDA TREES 15cm tall, $3 each Ph 0417 427 317
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HIGH STREET SHEPPARTON Roy - 0424 688 744 Email - alburyantiques@gmail.com www.alburyantiques.com
The Adviser’s Editorial and Complaints policies are available on our website at: http://www.sheppadviser.com.au/ editorial-policy/
If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about this, please email: editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au
Call our friendly team on (03) 5832 8900 or come and see us at 38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton.
CFA and Forest Fire Management Victoria will be introducing fire restrictions (Fire Danger Period and Prohibited Period, respectively) for all private land within the municipalities listed below.
The Fire Restriction Period will commence at 0100 hours on the date shown and unless varied by a subsequent declaration, will end at 0100 hours on 1 May 2023.
Municipality Date of Commencement Shire of Moira 19/12/2022
Shire of Strathbogie 19/12/2022
City of Greater Shepparton 19/12/2022 (areas outside of FRV Fire District)
Certain restrictions on the lighting of fires are in force during the Fire Restriction Period. Information about fire restrictions within the Country Area of Victoria can be obtained from www.cfa.vic.gov.au, your local CFA District Office or Municipal Fire Prevention Officer
Information about fire restrictions within the Fire Protected Area can be obtained from www.ffm.vic.gov.au, or your local Forest Fire Management Victoria Fire District Officer