GOVERNMENT agencies are working together to revitalise native fish populations in the wake of the 2022 floods.
The floods caused a variety of environmental challenges, including erosion of riverbanks, increased carp populations, and poor water quality due to organic matter and nutrients washing into the river system.
To minimise fish deaths, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH) has collaborated with GoulburnMurray Water (GMW) and various catchment management authorities to do small releases of fresh water and oxygenate the water in affected systems.
In addition to responding to flood events, agencies have also worked together to support native fish outside of floods by releasing water through the irrigation district to key wetlands, enabling juvenile fish to move to high-quality habitats.
Fishways, which enable fish to bypass manmade barriers such as weirs and dams, have also been constructed to improve catchment and waterway health across regional Victoria as part of the Victorian Government’s $248M investment over four years (2020-2024).
By working in collaboration agencies are working to
mitigate the impacts of the floods and ensure the long-term health of native fish populations.
You can learn more about how government agencies are
TOGETHER...to revitalise native fish populations across regional Victoria post 2022 floods.
Pictured is a recently constructed fishway at Koondrook, which is part of a $248M investment by the Victorian Government over four years from 2020-2024 to improve catchment waterway health across regional areas. Photo: Supplied
giving native fish the best chance to prosper by listening to the latest episode of Talking Water with GMW at www. gmwater.com.au/podcast
A MOTION moved by Wendy Lovell, the Member for Northern Victoria, has been successful in securing a regional sitting of the Legislative Council in a flood-impacted community.
Ms Lovell's motion was passed unanimously in the Council recently, with the location and date of the regional sitting to be determined by Parliamentary officials after consultation with flood-affected local government authorities.
A continuous advocate for regional
sittings, during the last Parliamentary term, Ms Lovell was successful in moving a similar motion to hold a Legislative Council sitting in a bush fire affected area that led to the Council sitting in Bright in April 2021.
Ms Lovell said the challenges of flood recovery would continue and it was important those challenges continued to be brought to the attention of all Members of Parliament.
"The regional sitting will be an effective way for Members of the Legislative Council
to hear directly from victims of the October 2022 floods on what further support is needed on the ground," she said.
"A regional sitting of the Council in a flood affected local government area will also provide an economic boost for local communities as they recover and rebuild from the devastating flood event and educational opportunities for schools and community members."
She said regional sitting will give flood affected communities direct access to
all Members of the Legislative Council including Government, Opposition and Cross bench members. It would ensure MP's who may never visit our region gain a firsthand understanding of the many challenges flood affected communities face as they recover and rebuild.
Details for the regional sitting is yet to be decided, however, it must occur before April 2024 and sit for one day in a a flood affected community in central northern Victoria.
Free Kinder is available for three and four-year-old children in Victoria at participating services.
Free Kinder is available in sessional (standalone) and long day care (childcare) settings, saving families up to $2,500 each year, per child.
At kindergarten, your child will:
• learn language, literacy and numeracy skills through play, art, music and dance
• learn to express themself and make friends in a safe and caring environment
• build skills and confidence before primary school.
Contact your preferred kinder service or local council to learn about how to enrol for 2024.
Visit: vic.gov.au/kinder
THE Lift Off Scholarship Program is celebrating their 10th year of helping local students into post-secondary education by helping to overcome financial and other barriers to their education aspirations and to achieving their full potential.
The Lift Off Scholarship Program was established in response to the increasing number of young people not able to afford the transition from secondary education to post-secondary education.
To celebrate, they are holding a fundraising dinner on Tuesday, May 23, in a bid to help raise funds for the next 10 years of scholarships. The event will be held at Shepparton Brewery.
“The Lift-Off Scholarships are made possible via donations by business or individuals sponsoring a scholarship. If you would like to change the trajectory of a young persons’ life and help them achieve their education aspirations, we always welcome new scholarship sponsors,” said Greater Shepparton Foundation CEO, Amanda McCulloch.
If you would like to donate to the scholarship program, please contact Amanda McCulloch on 0447 400 443 or email at amanda@greatershepparton.foundation. To book tickets to the fundraising dinner, visit @greatersheppartonfoundation on Facebook for the link.
LAST month, the Strathmerton tragedy took the lives of five people, prompting Kim O'Keeffe, Member for Shepparton, to raise concerns about the dangerous intersection of Labuan Road and Murray Valley Highway in Parliament.
Ms O'Keeffe emphasised the intersection's bad design, as well as the second fatal collision there in just over a year, and three other crashes in the past two years. She urged Roads and Road Safety Minister, Melissa Horne, to take immediate and urgent action to improve the intersection before another life is lost.
“This is a very dangerous, very deadly intersection – this was the second fatal collision here in just over a year,” Ms O’Keeffe said.
“It is badly designed, and three other crashes in the past two years, on top of the two fatal incidents, prove that.”
The statistics for road fatalities in regional and rural Victoria are also alarming, with TAC figures for this year showing that 64.2 percent of the state's road fatalities occurred on regional and rural roads, even though regional Victoria represents only 25 percent of the state's population. Ms O'Keeffe is calling for additional funds to repair Victoria's dilapidated regional roads networks and fix unsafe intersections, as well as emphasising the need to prioritise road
DESIGN... State Member for Shepparton, Kim O’Keeffe has raised concerns about the intersection of Labuan Road and Murray Valley Highway in Parliament, which claimed five lives in Strathmerton last month. Photo: Supplied
safety to avoid future tragedies.
“Road trauma causes pain and damage for years, even generations, beyond the crash itself and we need to do whatever we can to avoid a repeat of something,” she said.
“If this intersection is not improved now, it is only a matter of when, not if, there will be another bad smash and maybe more lives lost.”
STUDENTS ACHIEVE... Lift Off Scholarship Program is celebrating their 10th year of helping local students into post-secondary education by helping to overcome financial and other barriers to their education aspirations and to achieving their full potential.
Sophie McLean was a recipient of the latest round of scholarships awarded.
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IT’S not long until Mother’s Day, so I thought I’d take time out to honour all our mothers. The Bible says that we should “rise and call her blessed” (Proverbs 31:28).
A shout out to my two favourite Mums – Deenie (mine) and Linda (my wife).
Jesus’s mother Mary was another Mum worthy of mention. History shows her to be a legendary one and yet a remarkably ordinary one too. Some things about her:
1. Favoured and chosen by God (even as a teen) –motherhood is a high calling.
2. Had failings – lost Jesus when he was only a child! Imagine losing the Saviour of the world!
3. Showed great pride in her son.
4. Had times of great joy and also great sadness in her life.
An ordinary and relatable Mum transformed by an extraordinary God.
May our mums be blessed and grow in their high calling.
God bless, Jeremy.
For more information on local churches go to www.sheppartonchurches.org.au
SINCE cheaper V/Line fares were introduced on March 31, an estimated $4m has been saved by passengers.
More than 1.5M people took a trip on public transport across regional Victoria in the first month of the new fairer fares.
The first week alone saw more than 420,000 passengers travel, making it the busiest week on the network since before the COVID-19 pandemic.
V/Line patronage data shows more passengers are taking advantage of cheaper fares to travel to and from major events like the Grand Prix and AFL matches, as well as tourism destinations across Victoria, with an uplift in patronage on weekend and special services.
Daily fares are now capped at the current metropolitan fare of $9.20 or $4.60 concession, while on weekends or public holidays, fares are capped at $6.70 for a full fare of $3.35 for concession per day.
Passengers taking long-distance journeys from regional cities such as Ballarat and Bendigo have saved more than $40 for each one-way journey on the regional public transport network since the cap was introduced.
As Victorians continue to embrace travel on V/Line thanks to the cheaper fares, there are plans to upgrade and boost the regional public transport network, including progressively adding new trains and more services to the network.
With the surname Papadatos, you might think Andrew would bring a Greek focus to his Grahamvale Primary School classroom. In fact Andrew Papadatos has a passion for ensuring students learn about a far older culture that exists much closer to home.
Andrew is one of 28 Marrung Leaders recently appointed to build First Nations cultural understanding in the teaching, learning and physical environment of Greater Shepparton public schools.
“It’s a chance for me to better appreciate and learn more about our rich Indigenous culture and ensure that respect and understanding is passed on,” he says.
Andrew’s interest started young, with Indigenous friendships forged in
his own primary school experience at Gowrie St Primary School.
Later this month he will join his fellow Marrung Leaders at a forum where they will be guided by First Nations community members and Goulburn Area Koorie Educators in their work.
The initiative complements the strong focus on First Nations cultural inclusion across all stages of the Shepparton Education Plan. It also meets the statewide aspirations of the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan, which is strengthening Aboriginal self-determination in education. For Andrew, it’s a privilege to play a part: “I’m a teacher and teachers need to keep learning so they can help make a difference.”
The Shepparton Education Plan – improving education outcomes & life opportunities from early years to adulthood
DRIVING is a team sport and when it comes to parking, we can all work together to achieve better outcomes. Shepparton’s Central Business District (CBD) services a wide range of people, including visitors, retirees, families, workers, shoppers, business owners and more, all of whom require parking.
The CBD has several strategically placed two-and-three-hour car parks. John Anderson, president of Greater Shepparton’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is encouraging people that work and shop in Shepparton to think outside the box when it comes to parking, to make parking easier and more viable for businesses.
“Shifting your car every two hours is very well and good and you might get away with moving your car and not paying a parking fee or fine, but in doing so, you are compromising a possible park for a customer and in turn, threatening your job,” said Mr Anderson.
“We need those spaces for people who want to shop and spend money, rather than someone feeding a metre.”
“We can all find parks that are a short walk from our workplaces,” he said, adding, “All-day parking behind the City Council is 0.3kms from Wyndham Street, that’s a short walk from all the amenities in the CBD. You’d be surprised how many steps you get up parking just that little bit further,
which has immeasurable health benefits as well.”
Shepparton’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been successful and would like to thank the local council for supporting the complementary parking in December and January, which will become an annual occurrence without the Chamber needing to re-apply each year.
To assist people parking in Shepparton, particularly out-of-towners, Mr Anderson wants Council to adopt digital signage that would direct people to car parks where there are available parking spaces.
“People do not always know where these two-and-three hours parks are, making it more difficult to shop. The idea is that signage would direct people to parks and say whether there are 50 or 150 available.”
While it is unlikely to be adopted in the budget given the overall cost, Mr Anderson would like to see a staged approach to this, adding signage to one carpark each year until they are all covered.
Park like a pro with these tips:
1. Bring alternate, comfortable shoes you can change into to walk from further parks to your destination.
2. Particularly through winter when it is dark, for your safety and that of others walk in groups or arrange to be dropped off at your car by taxi, your employer or someone you know.
3. Take a photo of your car before
walking away so you don’t forget where you parked.
4. If possible, carpool to school or work.
ILLUMINATE presented an impressive music line up across the two evenings. Friday night saw artists from Shepparton and Goulburn Valley including Madi Coville Walker and Deans of Soul, with supporting act by Mama Mariachi. Saturday night featured G-Funk Band and multiaward-winning blues band Soul Reign, with supporting acts Fruity Pickers and Pit Crew. The silent disco was a raging success again, with many taking the chance to quietly boogie away.
Proudly presented and funded by Greater
Shepparton City Council, Shepparton and Goulburn Valley and the Victorian Government, Illuminate was an acknowledgment to the region’s creativity, innovation and perseverance over the past years, acknowledging improvements such as the new SAM Precinct with a stunning laser, light and sound display across the building during the closing the festival on Saturday night. Mooroopna local Mathieu Ryan attended on the Friday evening with his children in tow, who were delighted by the sights and sounds.
“It was an awesome event, my children were enthralled with the roving illuminated performers, glowing sculptures and the Laser Light Show. We will be back next year for sure,” said Mr Ryan.
SHEPPARTON Foodshare’s annual fundraising dinner, ‘Make A Meal of June’ returns on Wednesday, June 7.
Food insecurity continues to rise, your support via 'Make a Meal of June' will help keep the doors of this critical local service open and providing food for the most vulnerable in our community.
A nutritious meal can help restore hope and dignity. Registered emergency relief agencies, schools, churches and community meals programs collect Foodshare food for the people they support, distributing more than 3.8 million kilos of food to the most vulnerable in our community since 2012.
With no regular or guaranteed funding, Shepparton Foodshare has operated on extreme community generosity and has had the need to establish its own fundraising efforts. Make a Meal of June commenced back in 2017 as a means to raise essential funds to contribute to operating
costs. They have since raised in excess of $530,000. Tickets to ‘Make a Meal of June’ can be purchased online at www.sheppartonfoodshare.org.au. Your $100 ticket includes a beautiful 3-course meal, welcome drink donated by Fowles Wines and importantly, a contribution to assist with a sustainable future for Foodshare.
Attendees will obtain an update on the progress of Foodshare’s new warehouse and will also hear from Mooroopna Park Primary School Principal, Hayden Beaton. Hayden will talk on the impact of regularly receiving food from Shepparton Foodshare for his school’s award-winning wellbeing and meals program.
This popular annual event does sell out each year so to avoid disappointment you are encouraged to purchase your tickets early at www.sheppartonfoodshare.org. au or for more information email Kate Smith at kate@ sheppartonfoodshare.org.au.
Council would love to know how your experience was at Illuminate. If you attended over the weekend, you can fill out a post-event survey online at shepp.city/illuminate-survey
FEDERAL Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell has pressed the Government to fill what he describes as a “regional funding blackhole” in the 2023 budget. Mr Birrell said regional communities feel abandoned by Labor since being elected, with hundreds of millions of dollars going unspent.
Mr Birrell said, “The budgeted but unspent money is a massive lost opportunity for the regions and sadly there’s no indication Labor will make it up in the May budget.”
“Since the Albanese Government has come in, they’ve scrapped all of the regional funding programs that the Coalition had, including Building Better Regions fund Community Development Grants, and replaced them with nothing,” he said, adding that, “We’ve basically had 12 months without funding for regional investment.”
Research commissioned by the Parliamentary Budget Office confirms that $1.68B was set aside by the Coalition in the 2022-23 budget year for regional programs, but Mr Birrell says since winning government, $795M has disappeared while any new regional funding programmes
have not been released with grant guidelines or funding rounds.
Mr Birrell made this announcement at Shepparton Sports Stadium, one of the key projects he would like to see the Government commit funding towards, as well as the Shepparton Bypass, the GV clinical health school, and fixing roads throughout the electorate.
“We didn’t win the election, and we weren’t able to deliver on those funding commitments. But the projects are still very important for this region, and we don’t even have any funding buckets to apply to get them up and get the sod turned on them.”
“Labor is happy to get on with funding its election commitments while the rest of regional Australia is left waiting and wanting, frankly this Government’s shoddy treatment of rural communities in shameful,” said Mr Birrell.
“The May budget must restore funding certainty to regional Australia and prioritise the release of funding to communities who had the funding tap turned off when Labor took office.”
THE Detox your Home event in collaboration with the Greater Shepparton City Council is an excellent initiative that helps residents in the area safely dispose of hazardous household chemicals.
It is a free and convenient service that has been running for over 27 years, and Sustainability Victoria organizes it.
The event offers an opportunity for residents to dispose of common items such
as weedkiller, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, cosmetics, and cooking oil, which are all potentially harmful to the environment. Improper disposal of these chemicals can pollute waterways, harm animals and vegetation, and contaminate water supplies, making rivers unsafe.
This event is a vital step in making homes safer and protecting the environment. The Detox your Home event collects around
four tonnes of hazardous chemicals, keeping them out of landfills and waterways. Common chemicals collected at the event include fuels and flammable liquids, garden chemicals, household cleaners, and car products. Staffed by expert chemists, the event ensures that the collected chemicals are sorted and transported back to licensed facilities in Melbourne for reuse or safe disposal. This ensures that the chemicals are
not harmful to the environment or people.
The upcoming event on May 6, 2023, is a drive-through and contactless service and will be accessible from 9am-12pm at Shepparton Resource Recovery Centre Wanganui Road, Shepparton.
Registration is essential at www. sustainability.vic.gov.au/detoxyourhome to participate.
continued from front page
ATTENDEES will be invited to light a candle and write a message in memory of those they wish to honour.
Given the difficulties of the past few years, particularly for those who have lost loved ones and been unable to hold traditional funerals due to the pandemic, this event provides a space for people to come together and grieve collectively and pay tribute to their loved ones amongst the beautiful surrounds, under the majestic river red gums.
Well known community member, Ian Bull OAM will MC the evening, with families, groups and individuals welcome to bring picnic blankets if they wish.
Executive manager of GV Hospice, Wendy Ross said, “We hope to have many people come and spend time with other members of the community to remember and celebrate their loved ones
“This is an event for the whole community, not just those who have been connected with GV Hospice. The memorial will be flexible. Some people may wish to come for a short time, light a candle and leave, others may wish to stay for an hour, listen to background music, enjoy the
TO COME TOGETHER... GV Hospice Care has organised a special event at the Victoria Lake foreshore where people can light a candle and write a message in memory of loved ones who have passed and whom they wish to honour. Photo: Supplied
barbeque and feel supported by the wider community.”
Battery-operated candles will be provided for a gold coin donation, and if the weather is inclement, the event will be directed to the McIntosh Centre.
For more information head to www. gvhospice.or.au or Facebook@ GV Hospice or call 03 5822 0068.
PETER Hill, executive officer (EXO) of the Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE), has resigned from his position. Hill announced his resignation during a special meeting with the MOVE Board on Monday, May 1, stating that he feels it is the right time to step down and allow someone else to continue the great work that he and the Board initiated.
Hill played a vital role in creating and funding MOVE, which opened in September 2021. He secured the support and sponsorship of local and interstate transport operators, and the museum has many functions booked well into the future.
This will not be the end of Peter’s relationship with MOVE, as he intends to stay on in a caretaker and mentor role to the incoming EXO and will seek a board position, as his passion for MOVE remains unwavering.
Peter will transition into a lead management role with Homesafe GV. The staff, volunteers and Board of MOVE wish him success in his new role and look forward to his continued presence in the museum and of course, his beloved 1965 Thunderbird. The museum has become a stunning attraction since its opening, and Hill's contribution will always be remembered.
If you’re hoping to save, budget, or better understand your money - we’re here to help. Talk to your local GMCU team or visit gmcu.com.au today.
26 January holds diverse and complex meanings for our community.
Council is committed to engaging with the wider community on the way forward. Share your idea/s on the way we should celebrate our community in an inclusive and culturally respectful way that reflects the full history of Australia that is not held on 26 January.
Have your say before Friday 26 May.
The feedback received will help shape a proposal for the future of Council’s role on 26 January in Greater Shepparton.
Visit shaping.greatershepparton.com.au
A JOYOUS and vibrant community EID celebration was held at St Pauls Africa House Hall on Sunday, April 30.
Bringing together Shepparton’s diverse and rich ethnic community to commemorate the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the event was led by local organisation Well Wise Women (WWW) and supported by local not for profits, businesses and both the state and local government.
Representing and assisting the ethnic community to access health services and support through community health educators, Well Wise Women opened the EID festivities with an Acknowledgement of Country in Arabic and Dari, which was then followed by an entertaining performance from the Filipino Dance Group.
Other highlights from the day included henna artistry with 150 designs painted, Arabic music, song and dance led by Wasam Kadour and Orag Mohammad as well as a crowd-pleasing performance of Syrian men dancing the Syrian Debka.
A mouth-watering array of international
dishes were also on offer including halal lamb shish, biriyani, salads, a range of middle eastern sweets, Sudanese donuts and fruit.
Over 250 children were also catered for with a range of activities including giant games provided by Greater Shepparton City Council.
Grateful for the financial support of many local organisations that made the celebration possible, Co-convenor of the WWW Community Health Educator Program, Eman Alabbassi said, “So many people have contributed to bringing the day together… your time is so very much appreciated.”
Community members said of the day, “It is a great opportunity for making connections with each other. I have been in Shepparton for a few years now and we have not had anything like it to bring different communities together to celebrate EID.”
“I have had a wonderful time, everyone is so happy, look at all their smiles. It is great for whole families to come along and share in a free fun afternoon.”
RoadSafe Goulburn Valley partnered with The Shepparton Adviser for a special kid’s road safety colouring competition, with prizes to be won every fortnight.
Seven-year-old Tyler Grant was the fourth winner in the competition. He's won a drink bottle and a road safety helmet that has been fitted correctly to his head. This is important, as a bicycle helmet that is not correctly fitted and fastened does not provide adequate protection in a crash. This is one of the important messages from the four-week long competition campaign, reminding growing young people of potential dangers on the road and how to stay safe riding and walking to school or in the streets.
A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR MAKING CONNECTIONS...Organised by local organisation, Well Wise Women and with the support of an array of businesses, not for profits, Council and the State Government, the Community EID Celebration held at St Pauls Africa House on Sunday, April 30 was a resounding success. Amongst the music, dance and entertainment, a delicious halal lunch was also greatly enjoyed. Photo: Supplied
To the Editor, THE Barmah Cattlemen have just conducted their annual Muster at Barmah's old Raceway or the home of Nathalia Pony Club paddock. A huge number of contestants for the horse events turned up to keep the cattlemen's Heritage alive and well. This is despite Yorta Yorta assisted by Parks Victoria's efforts to deny us our Heritage Home the Barmah Muster Yards our Heritage Listed site.
One of the features of past Muster events at the yards, was the return of the trail rides event attracting many social riders who
enjoyed the great weather and the bush around the new site. Our trail rider feature was banned by the Yorta Yorta people and Parks Victoria a few years ago.
This action, making Barmah National Park the only park to ban social horse riding in Australia at that time? It was good to see the riders enjoying their freedom of trail riding around Barmah again.
On a sour note, Parks Victoria and the Yorta’s banned us from bringing in the six logs we need to have our Victorian Championship wood chop event at the muster this year? It was a dampener. Parks threatened to fine our people if the logs appeared and the event was held. This event attracts axemen and their crews from all over Australia to the event, not to mention the crowd of spectators who pay good money to witness the Champion woodchoppers do their thing.
TATURA SAFE PLATE EVENT... Neighbourhood Watch
Greater Shepparton Inc. and Tatura Lions will conduct a Safe Plate Event on Saturday, May 10, 10am-1pm, on the vacant land in Hogan Street, opposite the Tatura Police Station.
SOLAR CITY COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB... Sunday, May 14 at the Shepparton Harness Racing Club (758 Melbourne Road Hwy, Kialla), 12-5pm. Band is The Night Owls with guest artist Kinta. Alcohol not allowed on the property
We welcome Letters to the Editor but they are not guaranteed to be included and may be edited for reasons of style or content. Letters will not be eligible for consideration if they contain defamatory material, or information of a personal nature which is not in the public domain.
But overall, it was a great weekend with increased numbers turning up!
The Barmah Cattle men do a wonderful job with all profits going to benefit the Local Natalia, Picola and Barmah Community.
Kindest Regards, Max Schier Corryong
TO whom it may concern, I have a few concerns to air. As our pensions go up, but the housing commission increases our rent, I feel survival has
become the sole necessity, especially as food costs have skyrocketed.
I can remember a time when we got a free meal nightly down at the lake, thanks to Mr Ailufe* of the Wyndham Street coffee shop.
Mr Ailufe provided us with coffee, sugar, cups and an electric kettle and sometimes food, until someone wrecked it all and now there is nothing. Why? Now we all have to suffer.
So, wake up please.
Yours sincerely,
Want to have your say?
Email your letters to the editor to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au
Please keep letters to under 200 words.
Tell us about your ‘not-for-profit’ community events via email at classifieds@ sheppartonadviser.com.au (information is required at least 2 weeks before an event). Please note listings are to be fewer than 55 words.
but BBQ lunch for purchase and free tea and coffee. Walk ups welcome, doors open 10am with walk up artist’s board open at 11am. Raffles with 2 meat trays to be won. Members $8 and $10 for non-members. Enquiries to John –0400 170 339.
DAY... Tuesday, May 23 at the Congupna Hall, from 1.30pm. Cash-only entry is $10. There will be games and sing-a-longs with James Moore and Michael Hogan,
many spot prizes and raffle prizes, the first prize being a $100 Bunnings gift voucher. Members and friends are all welcome. Enquiries to Louise – 0409 015 751.
COUNTRY MUSIC FOR CHARITY... Thursday, May 18 at the Cricketers Arms Hotel, Mooroopna, featuring guest artists, The Kendells. Music from 1-4pm with $10 entry. Doors open 11.30am with meals at 12 noon. All proceeds going to The Salvation Army. Bookings to Joyce - 0408 218 411.
NO matter if mum’s a beer connoisseur, wine enthusiast, or spirited spirit drinker, there is plenty of options at Bottle-O Warehouse that make the perfect gift.
If you’re not sure, make gift giving easy and grab a gift card. There are many delicious options with the likes of Bailey’s Irish Cream assorted flavours, specials on prized Australian wines and beautifully packaged gift sets that make the perfect present.
“We have fabulous cocktail mixes, shot buckets, and if you really want to spoil someone special, beautifully packaged Moet & Chandon Rose Brut is always a winner,” said store manager, Jacque Wayman.
“Our current Mother’s Day specials are varied, so there will be something for everyone at a great price.”
Bottle-O Warehouse has ample parking and an expert team who are able to help you find the perfect gift for any mother figure in your life, catering to all tastes and budgets.
Bottle-O Warehouse is open until 11pm every night on the corner of High Street and St Georges Road, Shepparton. For further enquiries, give the friendly team a call on 5831 3833.
CHEERS TO MUM... Head to Bottle-O Warehouse to get the perfect gift for mum for every budget. Sales assistants Kylie Stewart and Tanisha Wayman are on hand to help you find what you need to put a smile on Mum’s dial.
UNFORTUNATELY, and regretfully the doors at Fix Movement Performance were closed over the weekend. There
IN celebration of the 46th Historic Winton on Saturday and Sunday, May 27-28, The Adviser is giving away double passes, admitting one patron to each day of events.
Conducted by the Austin 7 Club with assistance from the Historic Motorcycle Racing Association of Victoria, the weekend promises to be an action-packed ride with non-stop racing featuring over 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s as well as a large selection of veteran, vintage, rare and unusual vehicles on display.
If you would like to go into the draw to win a free pass from The Adviser’s random number generator, you can email your contact details to melanie.spencer@sheppartonadviser. com.au before Monday, May 22.
are a number of things going on and processes occurring in the background at the moment. When more information is
available, friends at Fix will receive further communications. There is no further comment on the closure at this stage.
In Parliament last week, I called on the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Melissa Horne, to take the steps necessary to make the intersection of Labuan Road and Murray Valley Highway safer as a matter of urgency after five lives were tragically lost last month. The Government must urgently inject additional funds into the upcoming budget to repair our crumbled regional roads and fix unsafe intersections before more lives are tragically lost. I was elected to the Board of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Founding as one of three Members of Parliament. VRGF is a statutory authority that is created by the Victorian Parliament to address the challenge of gambling harm in the Victorian community.
The Nationals have secured a parliamentary inquiry into local government funding and service delivery. The inquiry was endorsed and will produce a report in providing constructive advice to the government on building a more sustainable future for Victoria’s local councils. The inquiry will be completed and deliver recommendations to the government by 30 June 2024. Once submissions open, I will strongly encourage everyone to make a submission and I will also provide further details as they become available.
It is important that we continue to hold the Federal and State Government to account ensuring that our voices are heard and that we as regional Victorians get our fair share. More must be done by the Federal and State Government in tackling the current cost of living crisis we are experiencing, address the state’s current health crisis, our roads are in disrepair and both governments must address the current housing affordability crisis. I have and I will always continue to stand up for the people of Shepparton District in Spring St to use my voice as a part of a strong team to ensure that we get our fair share.
I joined 500 fellow community members in celebrating Pat and Tina’s BP Station 50th anniversary in business a couple of weeks ago. I congratulate Tina, Joe, Angela and their extended family on 50 years in business and here’s to another 50 years ahead.
On Sunday, I attended Sunday mass at St Brendan’s Church celebrating Dale Wright’s 40 years dedication at the church’s organist. I congratulate Dale on his service and dedication as Dale is a wonderful giving member of our community. Thank you to Dale for the continuing contribution you make to our community.
ON Friday May 19, head to the Shepparton Club for not only a chance to win a great prize, but also to support one of the region’s most innovative and dynamic not for profit enterprises, Shepparton Access.
Supporting people with a broad range of disabilities, they are passionate about empowering people to achieve their life and professional goals.
The charity raffle will commence at 7pm and prizes include a whopping 30 x $30 club/meat vouchers online, 20 x $50 meat vouchers, 8 x $50 club vouchers and two $50 Shepparton Access Eco Store prize packs. There’s also bonus draws for members and 2nd chance draws to enter.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to support a local organisation that is an integral part of our community. Not only will you enjoy a fun raffle event, you’ll be contributing
FOR A GREAT CAUSE... Head to the Shepparton Club on Friday May 19 for not only a chance to win a great raffle prize, but also to support one of the region’s most innovative and dynamic not for profit enterprises, Shepparton Access. Duty manager Sheldon Sinclair will be calling out the lucky winners. Photo: Stephanie Holliday
to a group who have a vision for their program participants to live fulfilling lives full of opportunity, "said Shepparton Club general manager Wayne Sutton.
To enter scan the QR code on the right, drop into the Shepparton Club at 455 Wyndham Street, or call 5831 4488 for your chance to win. Be sure to like the Shepparton Club on Facebook for the latest specials and to see what’s happening.
WHEN you’ve got a paint job to be done, Crowies Paints at 85 Benalla Road, have got you covered for all your architectural or industrial requirements.
A one-stop-shop for all your painting needs, the Wattyl stockist has all the paints, oils and accessories you’ll need to see your unique project through from start to finish.
With an extensive range of brushes, rollers and all your preparation needs, Crowies’ experienced and knowledgeable team offer ongoing advice to ensure your painting venture is a success.
Recommending the warmer months of spring through summer to spruce up your deck, Forestwood Deck and Furniture oil is on hand at Crowies, and is ideal for enhancing the natural beauty of your timber. Resistant to fungus and mould, this premiere
product provides exceptional UV protection for walk-on surfaces.
CUTEK® Extreme CD50 is another highperformance wood oil endorsed by Crowies, and is made for Australian conditions offering long-lasting protection, leaving a freshly oiled natural look to your timber, while allowing it to silver naturally over time.
For tough, endurable exterior paint, Wattly Solargard has offered protection for Aussie homes for over 40 years and with the full range of Wattyl products in store, including Wattly Solargard Total Protection Technology™, your exterior walls will not only look exceptional, but will be peel, crack and blister free.
For quality and an exemplary finish, you can’t go past Wattly I.D Advance for all your interior paint needs. With a full colour range
available in store, this product is virtually odourless, has superior washability, is mould and bacteria resistant and with low VOC formula it is ideal for both domestic and
ACCUMULATING MANY YEARS OF RETAIL AND INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE... the expert and friendly team at Crowies Paints in Shepparton have everything you need in store to see your painting venture through from start to finish.
From left is store manager Ian Armer, sales assistant Brett Archer and assistant manager Joel Miller.
Natasha Fujimoto
commercial uses.
For expert advice and further information, you call Crowies Paints on 5831 2522.
IF you're in the market for a new boat or caravan, you're in luck - Solar City Marine & Caravans is having a massive clearance sale for three days only. The sale includes everything from boats and caravans to outdoor equipment and accessories, with discounts of up to 20 percent off caravan and marine accessories, 10 percent off Adventure Kings gear, and up to 30 percent off fishing gear. Every boat and caravan will be on sale and available for immediate delivery.
Solar City Marine & Caravans has a range of off-road and on-road caravans available, including the Nova Terra Sportz, which is packed with features for staying off the grid in remote locations. The sale also includes over 40 Quintrex boats to choose from, which are all Australianmade and known for their quality. If you're in the market for a new outboard, they have Yamaha Outboards available, with discounts of up to $500 on portable models ranging from 2.5hp to 25hp.
The popular Adventure Kings product line is also on sale, including everything from fridges and rear drawers to gazebos and 4WD gear. Whether you're planning a camping trip or want to deck out your vehicle, there's sure to be something for everyone.
The sale also includes the new Nova Caravan EV Terra Sportz, a full electric caravan that boasts a 48v system, four 400-watt solar panels, a 5,000-watt inverter, an electric BBQ, induction cooking top, electric oven, and electric hot water system. With no need for charging for 12 years, this caravan is a must-see.
Head down to the Solar City Marine & Caravans showroom, with a massive 3,000sqm under one roof, to take advantage of these great deals and find your new boat or caravan this Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Gates open at 8.30am each day at 195 Numurkah Road, North Shepparton (next to Fairleys IGA supermarket). Phone 5831 6388
THE Greater Shepparton Business Centre is running a series of upcoming in-person workshops to give the local business community every chance of success.
On May 25, there will be a free social media and content marketing session, with information on how to prioritise digital and social media marketing efforts and actionable tips and tools to enhance your online presence and attract more visitors, running from 9am-12pm.
On June 6, ‘Take Your Business Online’ and learn how to set up an online presence for your business and develop your understanding of online opportunities in a free session running from 9am-11am.
The Business Centre also offers a range of other support services including business mentoring, business planning, training and information seminars, which many businesses have benefitted from.
If you need some extra help with your business, contact them now for a free oneon-one 45-minute session with one of their experienced mentors.
Those still in recovery mode from the October flood event will be getting some assistance as the Federal Government will be visiting the centre each Wednesday over the coming weeks to help provide support and information for businesses trying to get back on their feet.
MAJOR SAVINGS ON BOATS, CARAVANS AND MORE... Snag a bargain this Thursday, Friday or Saturday, with a storewide sale across items in Solar City Marine & Caravan’s massive 3,000sqm showroom. Gates open at 8.30am each day at 195 Numurkah Road, North Shepparton. The popular Adventure Kings product line is also on sale, including everything from fridges and rear drawers to gazebos and 4WD gear. Photo: The Adviser
SUCCEED...The Greater Shepparton Business Centre provides a range of comprehensive support services including training, workshops and mentoring to entrepreneurs and business ventures. Administration officer Debbie Guy and administration officer/ business development co-ordinator Lisa Knight.
Stephanie Holliday
THE Loch Garry Reference Committee (LGRC) was formed in January this year to review the service requirements of the Loch Garry Flood Protection District infrastructure and its operating rules.
On Thursday, April 27 the LGRC held its third meeting and included a site visit to the regulator at Loch Garry and the nearby levee breaches.
At the meeting, the committee discussed revisions to the operating rules, which dictate when the regulator is operated by Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), and when Loch Garry Flood Protection District ratepayers are notified, the regulator will be operated.
The committee was also informed that partial funding had been confirmed to help GMW meet its ongoing obligations to the Loch Garry Flood Protection Service following the October 2022 floods.
The funds will assist GMW with the
immediate repair works at Lock Garry. The organisation is also committing over the next two years to undertake a broad-ranging review of its assets within Loch Garry Flood Protection District and how they are managed into the future.
GMWs Loch Garry Reference Committee Member Linton Ryan said the funding was welcome news.
“It’s a very positive outcome and is a very timely one too.”
“The funding will help provide us ratepayers with greater security as we head into the colder months.”
The next committee meeting will be held in mid-May
THE LOCH GARRY REFERENCE COMMITTEE... held its third meeting on Thursday, April 27 to discuss revisions to the operating rules. Photo: Supplied
THE Liberal Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell has called on the Andrews Labor Government to implement safety upgrades at the site of a recent collision that claimed five lives.
Speaking during the adjournment debate in State Parliament, Ms Lovell sought immediate action by the Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne to upgrade safety at the intersection of Labuan Rd and the Murray Valley Hwy in Yarroweyah.
Labuan Rd is currently a 100km/h road, and it was identified by Google Maps as the quickest route from Melbourne to Tocumwal. Google has reached out to Moira Shire to rectify this.
“The intersection of Labuan Road and the Murray Valley Highway is a notorious intersection that has been the scene of many serious collisions over the years and safety upgrades are needed urgently," said Ms Lovell
“The local communities are struggling with the senseless loss of life caused by this latest horrific collision, and it is imperative that the Andrews Labor Government takes immediate action to improve safety at the intersection.”
In her contribution, Ms Lovell listed several upgrades that would immediately improve safety at the intersection including:
• The removal of the significant hump on Labuan Rd that is part of a decommissioned rail line just prior to the
intersection with the Murray Valley Hwy
• Changing the controlling signs on Labuan Rd from give way signs to stop signs
• Installing lighted warning signs on Labuan Rd to warn of the approaching major intersection
• Resurfacing of the approach to the intersection on Labuan Rd and restoring the badly decayed rumble strips
• Removal of some of the trees on both sides of Labuan Rd that currently restrict a driver’s view of any vehicles travelling on the Murray Valley Hwy
• Lighting the intersection at night.
5822 1555 177-193 Numurkah Rd, Shepparton VIC www.fairleysiga.com.au
THE Power Saving Bonus is a $250 payment for Victorian households to help ease costof-living pressures and encourage them to compare energy offers and save money.
Applications are open to all Victorian households who visit The Victorian Energy Compare website, an independent comparison website making it easy for Victorians to find a cheaper offer, or who engage with an energy affordability service through participating community outreach
This Thursday, May 11, there will be a stand at Shepparton Marketplace where you can bring your power bill and have a conversation with trained volunteers to find a cheaper deal and to access the bonus. The stand will be located near Mrs Fields in the food court.
To access the $250 Power Saving Bonus, visit the stand at The Shepparton Marketplace on Thursday to speak with staff, visit compare.energy.vic.gov.au or call 1800 000 832.
THE state government's free nursing and midwifery initiative is an excellent opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in nursing or midwifery.
The government is investing $270 million to train and recruit more than 17,000 nurses and midwives in Victoria, removing financial barriers for students and providing scholarships for those who need it.
As part of this initiative, nursing and
midwifery students who begin their studies in 2021 or 2022 will be reimbursed up to $16,500, covering the cost of their degree. Additionally, new domestic students enrolling in a professional-entry nursing or midwifery course will receive $3,000 a year over a maximum of three years while studying, and the remaining $7,500 once they complete two years of work in a Victorian public health service.
There are also incentives for nursing and midwifery graduates to work in the Victorian public health sector, with an additional $5,000 in bonus payments after two years of work. The government is also providing scholarships of up to $15,000 to update qualifications and complete any training required for nurses and midwives re-joining the workforce.
The initiative includes scholarships for enrolled nurses to become registered nurses, postgraduate nurses to specialise in areas such as intensive care, emergency, paediatrics, and cancer care, and to recruit 100 extra highly skilled nurse practitioners across the state.
Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased to present the 2023/2024 Draft Budget to the community. The Draft Budget reflects the resourcing of the priorities in the 2021-2025 Council Plan and is prepared in context of the 2021-2031 Financial Plan. This document outlines the broad range of services provided by Council from children and family services, parks and open space, urban planning, community facilities, actions to protect our environment, providing leisure facilities and so much more. It also details the funding that is required to deliver these services and maintain community infrastructure.
The 2023/2024 draft capital works program of $51.1 million will continue to focus on investing in our existing assets, with 69 per cent of the capital works program to be spent on upgrade and renewal projects. This includes $9.83 million on road renewal and $2.68 million for the Shepparton Resource Recovery Centre Upgrade.
Council are continuing to respond to the October 2022 flood event which had a devastating impact across the region. We are investing $2.97 million into drainage renewal and upgrade which includes the Margaret Street Pump Station Upgrade in Tatura and Lenne Street Flood Investigation and Design. Purchase of a new Portable Stormwater Pump is also outlined in this Draft Budget.
Although Council is not immune to the rising financial challenges that we all face, we will continue to work hard to position the region as a thriving place to live, work, visit and invest. A full events calendar with a strong focus on arts, cultural assets, regional sports and major events is also helping boost tourism for the region.
Council is pleased to provide the 2023/2024 Draft Budget to the community. If you need more information on the Budget I encourage you to spend some time reading the document on our website. If you have any questions, please email council@shepparton.vic.gov.au.
Council is looking forward to achieving the objectives set out in the Budget and continuing the positive growth of our great region.
• Merrigum Youth Spot (Half Basketball Court) $23,000
• Local Area Traffic Management
- Mooroopna $1,155,000
• Lenne Street Flood Investigation and Design $200,000
• Midland Highway Mooroopna
- Shared Path Lighting $105,000
• Shepparton Resource Recovery Centre Upgrade $2,675,000
• Shepparton Aerodrome LED Lighting $175,000
• Local Area Traffic Management
- Shepparton Inner North $546,000
• North Street Shepparton Streetscaping $50,000
• Margaret Street Pump Station Upgrade $2,415,000
• Tatura Park Outdoor Park Sand Arena Fence $273,000
• Tatura Park Precinct Animal Fence $51,000
• Tatura Park Western Oval Lighting Upgrade $339,000
• New Footpath - Bridge Road (Path Connectivity Program) $190,000
Setting a new standard in residential land development in Shepparton, Edgewater Place has been exceptionally well received. The demand has been staggering, with all stages virtually selling out only days after hitting the market. Only a few lots remain, so please talk to our agent today if you’d like to secure a lot.
SOLD SOLD $295,000$320,000. LAND FOR $280,000 60 $310,000 $310,000 59 58
SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD www.gagliardiscott.com.au Phone Rocky Gagliardi 0407 826 542
If you had a spare $5,000, what would you do with it? A shopping spree, buy some new furniture for home or how about that holiday you’ve been planning? Well MINI is giving you that this EOFY. Receive a $5,000 deposit contribution+ towards your new MINI on all 36-month MINI Flex Finance Agreements++ with an 8.29%p.a. comparison rate^. Plus, to ensure your driving is worry free, you’ll also receive a complimentary 3 Year/60,000km MINI Service Inclusive (Basic) Package# along with no finance set up fees^^ and a Guaranteed Future Value hand back option.++ Offer available on selected new and demonstrator MINI models with finance applications submitted and approved from 01.04.2023 with vehicles ordered and delivered between 01.04.2023 and 30.06.2023.
Visit Shepparton MINI Garage to get a head start and meet the MINI family.
7969 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla VIC 3631. Ph (03) 58232940. sheppartonminigarage.com
+MINI Finance, Australian Credit Licence 392387. Fees, charges, conditions and eligibility criteria apply. On selected new and demonstrator MINI models with finance applications submitted and approved from 01.04.2023 with vehicles ordered and delivered between 01.04.2023 and 30.06.2023. MINI Finance reserves the right to change or withdraw the offer at any time. Only one deposit contribution per finance agreement.
^Annual percentage rate 8.29% p.a. Comparison rate based on a 5 year secured loan of $30,000. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the example given & may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
++MINI Flex provided by MINI Australia Finance Limited (ABN 78 007 101 715, Australian Credit Licence 392387) consists of:
a) in the case of a loan, an option to deliver the vehicle to us instead of paying the Guaranteed Future Value final balloon lump-sum repayment amount (GFV) at the end of the contract term; or
b) in the case of a lease, an option to return the vehicle to us and not pay the GFV amount at the end of the lease term, provided the vehicle is undamaged except for fair wear and tear as determined by our approved dealer and provided that the contracted kilometre allowance has not been exceeded. The GFV is not a representation of the anticipated market value of the vehicle at the end of the contract term. To be eligible, vehicles must be built within 18 months. Odometer cannot exceed 10,000km at contract commencement. Lending criteria, fees, charges and conditions apply.
#MINI Service Inclusive Basic package commences from the vehicle’s date of first registration if less than 12 months old and no servicing has been completed. The 3 years/60,000kms Basic package with scheduled servicing determined by the vehicle’s Condition Based Service (CBS) monitoring system for 3 years from the date of package activation or up to 60,000kms from the date of package activation, whichever occurs first. Normal wear and tear and other exclusions apply. Scheduled servicing must be conducted by an authorised MINI Garage. For full terms and conditions visit mini.com.au
^^Government Charges apply.
Complimentary wallbox included with the finance of a MINI Electric model until 30.06.2023. No installation or maintenance costs will be included in the offer.
## MINI Service Inclusive Basic is based to the vehicle’s condition based service monitoring system for 4 years from the date of first registration (with unlimited kilometres). Normal wear & tear items & other exclusions apply. Scheduled servicing must be conducted by an authorised MINI Garage. See mini.com.au for details.
BOOM CONTINUES… Demand for land and new homes in Greater Shepparton continues, with the region being dubbed one of the top areas in the country to invest The provision of new estates and the future provision of land being opened up is great news for those looking to live here or to enter the housing market Highlighting some of the land opportunities available, as well as the fantastic local businesses that service the industry, the Great Estates 2023 magazine is all about celebrating the quality of life in the Goulburn Valley Pictured on the front page is the highly successful Kialla Lakes
*Brought to you by
$93.4M in new homes and improvements in financial year
By Natasha FujimotoThe ache for home lives in us all…Offering more than shelter, our homes are our sole domain, a place where we can live freely, safe in the carefully curated surrounds that reflect who we uniquely are.
The biggest investment in most of our lives, purchasing a home is an act of independence; it's where we work, rest and play offering the stability from which our families can grow and thrive.
The Great Estates Magazine celebrates both the joy and the significance of procuring a home, whether you choose to build, or purchase an established residence.
Within the following pages, we’ve sourced industry expertise from developers to real estate agents, property evaluators and beyond to build a picture of a region burgeoning with possibilities as it continues to evolve as one of the state’s most culturally vibrant and liveable municipal centres.
With a profusion of innovative and sustainable infrastructure projects taking Greater Shepparton into the future, the region has been identified as one of the nation’s most liveable.
Combining strong population growth with affordability as well as dynamic investment opportunities, Greater Shepparton has been a draw card for those wishing to leave behind both the expense and bustle of city life.
With house sales growing by a notable 30.1 per cent over the past decade, the Covid years brought an influx of vendees to the region, recognising the exceptional capacity of the local market and its great estates to accommodate their expectations and growing needs.
Following multiple interest rate rises and a slew of market challenges, block prices have encouraging eased somewhat for purchasers, while median house prices across the board have remained strong, with evidence yet still, of growth.
Spending an estimable $93.4M on new homes and home improvements in the last financial year, Greater Shepparton also enjoys the prestige of being the state’s leader in solar uptake in the state with half of all eligible homes taking advantage of the Victorian Government’s Solar Homes Program.
Unique in its cultural diversity, passion for sport, education as well as the arts, Greater Shepparton is a thriving community, offering one of the nation’s most sought after and stable markets in which to purchase or build a home.
With the backing of a diverse and innovative industry, whose expertise is on offer in this magazine, we hope you too will see just why the beautiful Goulburn Valley is the perfect place to lay down your roots
Locally owned and operated Cavalier Homes pride themselves on all these factors, delivering high quality work, and creating an enjoyable experience for all their clients. Their motto is “Real Homes …. Real People.”
Jason and Scott McHugh work from and run Cavalier Homes Goulburn Valley.
The business has grown through hard work and dedication to their clients. Jason and Scott are also directors of Cavalier Homes Australia and New Zealand.
Being part of the franchise gives support systems and buying power of a large network but still giving the service of a local family run business.
From start to finish Cavalier Homes knowledgeable staff who are all locals are there to guide their clients through the whole building process. The McHugh family are firmly entrenched in the Goulburn Valley and help many local organisations and are firm believers in employing (where possible) 100 percent local trades and suppliers.
The Goulburn valley is a great place to build your new home you have been dreaming of or take the opportunity to build an investment property. Shepparton is still growing rapidly with the high demand for rental properties and above average
returns now couldn’t be a better time to build your investment portfolio.
Cavalier Homes has a range of house and land packages available, or experienced staff can create a package that suits any client whether looking to invest or to build their dream home.
Cavalier Homes have ready to build on land at Shiralee Park Estate in Kialla, with titled block sizes varying from 940m² to 1,180m². The Estate is situated near walking tracks, lakes, shopping complexes and schools. View their website for other available land.
Experience the Cavalier Homes difference for yourself, and call into their display homes at 22 Lorikeet Street, Kialla. Call their team on 58 231 859 or go online to cavalierhomes.com.au for more information.
We have a large range of House & Land packages available, or we can create a package tailored to you. Our titled blocks varying from 940m2 - 1180m2 are ready to build on now.
Shiralee Park Estate is conveniently close to shops, schools, lakes and walking tracks.
WHEN looking to invest in your dream home or a rental property you want security in the knowledge that the builder you have chosen is going to deliver the best possible results and complete the project in a timely manner without complications, giving value for money and no hidden costs.BUILDING THE REGION AND BEYOND... A passion for building is in the blood of Cavalier Homes Goulburn Valley directors, Scott, and Jason McHugh. Photo: Supplied
Having been situated at Apollo Drive for 20-plus years, the growth of the business meant the site was bursting at the seams to manage the ever-expanding civil construction market.
Along came the move to 7940 Goulburn Valley Highway, better known to most people as The Shepparton News headquarters. Peter saw the opportunity for more room for the business and opportunities to grow.
“We were slowly running out of room at the old site, and this move has allowed us to meet the modern demands of the workplace,” said Peter, adding, “It’s not
very often you get an industrial opportunity this close to town."
The growth of Mawson Constructions has been in line with the subdivision boom in Shepparton and surrounding towns. Supporting clients in housing estates such as Seven Creeks Estate, The Vines, Edgewater, Kyabram Edge, Lauriston, The Outlook and Parkviews, to name a few.
Mawsons also regularly work for local councils, authorities and the Department of Transport on road reconstructions and urban redevelopments.
Mawson Constructions have refurbished one part of the existing building for a new administration office, with more building work to come to provide extra shedding for the workshop.
Future works will see the development of more industrial land to the east and an amazing opportunity for a business to gain Goulburn Valley Highway frontage on the commercial-rated properties.
All in all, a fantastic opportunity to keep the business growing, as well as provide more civil construction development for the business.
HEN Peter Mawson, managing director and owner of Mawson Constructions, saw the chance to create more space for his civil construction business, he jumped at the opportunity.
THE BUSINESS... Pictured is Mawson Constructions managing director (left) Peter Mawson and general manager Alan Tonks.Photo: Supplied
Long appreciating the value of Australian made furniture, skilfully crafted from local, quality materials, Harvey Norman Shepparton Furniture is pleased to offer the exquisite Bonadiesi dining table with bench seats.
Encapsulating a uniquely Australian aesthetic, the Bonadiesi table and base is made from solid Victorian ash and is proudly produced by Shepparton supplier, Creative Wooden Ideas.
Breath-taking with an Australian natural edge, the customisability that local production affords also means it can be tailored to suit the style and look of your own home, with smooth, streamlined edge preferences also at hand.
With options to lengthen or widen the table, a range of stains are also available for both table and base to co-ordinate accordingly and to enhance your space.
For sheer comfort, the Plaza 3.5-seater and chaise is a luxurious fabric sofa made to sit in, not sit on.
Manufactured in Sydney, the Plaza is a larger and deeper sofa featuring a relaxed scatter back of cushions in lieu of a fixed back, and with a range of fabrics on offer to customise, the Plaza can be as subtle or as bold as you please. With left- or right-hand chaise options also at hand, along with armchair editions to boot, happiness is truly Australian made at Harvey Norman Furniture Shepparton.
the benefits of easy access to northern and central Shepparton, with the last blocks left starting from $280k.
If you are considering buying a plot in the future, even if you’re not immediately ready to build, it’s highly recommended you register your interest to avoid missing out. Once the limited, currently available land is sold, it will be quite some time until further developments come to fruition. Building costs will only increase, so getting started now is a sure-fire way to keep those associated expenses lower.
Gagliardi Scott Real Estate are purveyors of some of the last remaining premium blocks on the market.
Located in this highly sought after North Shepparton area, The Vines is only a short walk to the Shepparton Sports Precinct and shopping centre and a short drive to schools and GV Health. The Vines offers generous block sizes, energy efficiently orientated with all
Featuring generous lot sizes, open spaces and in proximity to the city centre, The North Quarter has been meticulously master planned to offer the best in connected community living. Stage one is already sold out, with stage two almost sold out, and only a few lots remaining.
If South Shepparton is your preference, there is an exclusive Sanctuary Park release, with prices from $275k. The Bolzonello release offers blocks from 720m2 through to 935m2 but this opportunity won’t last long with many already registering their interest. Characterised by tree lined streets, picturesque views integrated with surrounding landscapes and an informal network of parklands, it also incorporates a two-metre-wide walking and bicycle path through Sanctuary Drive, joining Archer Road and Melbourne Road.
“After these are all sold, it will be quite a while before blocks of a similar size so close to central Shepparton will be available,” said Gagliardi Scott Real Estate
director, Rocky Gagliardi.
“Registering one’s interest now is imperative, some won’t title for a while so there’s no pressure to start building immediately, but if you are thinking of building in the next few years, this is your chance to get your foot in the door.”
To register your interest and for further information, drop into Gagliardi Scott Real Estate call 5831 1800. Rocky Gagliardi can be contacted on 0407 826 542.
AFTER a mega building boom in the last few years, land is becoming scarcer across Greater Shepparton with the very last blocks in three premium estates available, albeit not for long.SECURE YOUR FUTURE...Gagliardi Scott Real Estate are purveyors of some of the last remaining premium blocks on the market in North Shepparton’s ‘The Vines’, ‘The North Quarter’ and South Shepparton’s Sanctuary Park Bolzonello land release. Pictured is principal of Gagliardi Scott Real Estate, Rocky Gagliardi.
Proudly made in Australia
The Cavana Fabric Sofa combines classic designs with coastal vibes. The Hampton’s style sofa has a scatter back design and wide armrests. It comes in different sizes, and Zepel’s fabric upholstery options complement your home. The foam seating and fibre-filled cushions offer comfortable and spacious seating.
2.5 Seater Sofa $2,799 | 1.5 Seater Sofa $2,399
Proudly made in Australia
$ 3,999
Indulge yourself with the generously sized, incredibly soft Plaza 3.5 Seater Fabric Sofa with Chaise. As stylish as it is comfortable, this sofa will be your new favourite place to relax.
Proudly made in Australia
Crafted in Australia, the Cathy Dining Table invites you to dine in a wellsupported style. Blackbutt timber lends the thickset tabletop its durability, making it a long-lasting addition to any home. A trendy, geometric base sets off the tabletop’s hard, clean lines, while subtle variations in the wood give each piece a unique look.
Cathy Leather Dining Chairs ........... $449ea
Proudly made in Shepparton, Victoria
$ 2,799
Showcasing a stunning Victorian ash construction, the Bonadiesi Collection celebrates striking craft in its natural, unadorned form. Angular lines contrast against the timber’s swirling knots and grains, enhanced by a stain of your choice.
Bonadiesi 2400mm Bench Seat ........... $1,699ea
60cm multi-function 7 stainless steel oven with fast heat up, programmable timer and 80L gross capacity.
60cm multi-function 10 dark stainless steel oven with AirFry, Easy Bake +Steam, PyroClean and telescopic runners.
$849 $1,399 $2,149
60cm Dark stainless steel 16 multifunction oven with SteamBake, pyrolytic cleaning, TFT touchscreen and Smart Food Probe.
90cm pyrolytic multi-function 14 dark stainless steel oven with AirFry, EasyBake +Steam function, twin fan system, telescopic runners, full touch electronic controls and 125L gross capacity
90cm Dark stainless steel dual fuel freestanding cooker with gas cooktop and electric 17 multifunction oven, AirFryPlus, SteamBake, pyrolytic cleaning, smart food probe and 24MJ/hr wok burner.
$3,899 $5,199 $6,290
60cm Dark stainless steel 16 multifunction oven with SteamBake, pyrolytic cleaning, TFT touchscreen and Smart Food Probe.
The provision of this stage being opened at Parklands Estate is great news for those looking to build in a unique and peaceful rural village.
With large allotments ranging from 2200m² to 4092m², these blocks provide ample space for your family to enjoy outdoor activities, to build a shed, and even add a pool. With a well-established township that includes a primary school, kindergarten, sporting facilities, post office, and other attractions, Tallygaroopna is the perfect destination for families.
Securing land in Parklands Estate will mean being able to enjoy the quiet surroundings and natural beauty of the area. Imagine waking up every day to the sound of birds chirping and enjoying the tranquillity of your spacious block, while still being only a short drive from all the
amenities Shepparton has to offer. Parklands truly offers a lifestyle choice that combines the best of both worlds. With this stage nearing completion, there are limited blocks remaining and they are expected to disappear quickly.
Do not miss this opportunity to secure your family's future. Contact Terry Shiels (0448 537 820) or Chris Drum (0400 213 223) at Kevin Hicks Real Estate today to learn more about Parklands Estate and secure your familysized block.
LARGE LOTS OPENING SOON... Parklands Estate, Tallygaroopna has large blocks from 2200m² to 4092m², which are ideal for a family looking to secure land in a quiet and tranquil rural village only minutes from Shepparton. Pictured are Kevin Hicks Real Estate agents Terry Sheils and Nicola Bolton, on-site at Parklands, which is currently under construction.
70 Benalla Rd, Shepparton (Near Bunnings)
5821 3656
Stamp duty, also known as land transfer duty, was introduced in Victoria in 1865 to raise revenue for the State Government. It is a tax paid by homebuyers on the purchase of property and is calculated based on the value of the property. The amount of stamp duty paid increases with the value of the property.
Peak association for real estate in metro and regional Melbourne, Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV), has suggested adopting a broad-based tax, that will avoid inefficient and disproportionate effects of house price bracket creep, while providing a more stable and predictable revenue stream for government.
“The REIV has long sought an abolishment of this
tired tax,” said REIV CEO, Quentin Kilian, who will give evidence at the Parliamentary inquiry’s hearing next month.
“Stamp duty has created an excessive burden on home buyers for far too long, with fees for the median priced house currently sitting at approximately 48.9 percent of Victorian’s average annual income.”
Revenue collected by the State Government in 2021-22 from Stamp Duty was $10.3M, a 61.3 percent increase from the year before which sat around $6.5M.
“The nature of land transfer tax is dependent on market activity and performance, which impacts government revenue predictability,” Mr Kilian said.
“The fluctuation in revenue points to the fact that when households are in need, government revenue is likely to also be impacted making meaningful policy intervention more difficult,” Mr Kilian added.
Mr Kilian said that removing stamp duty would allow for a more sustainable market environment and encourage activity, benefitting the economy.
“Recent economic fluctuations, such as limitations on real estate activity during Covid and increases in
SHEPPARTON is among the top 10 electorates to have taken up the State Government’s Power Saving Bonus, which has helped ease the cost of living for more than 1M Victorian households by delivering $250 directly into their pockets through the fourth round of the program.
More than 17,000 households have claimed the $250 bonus through a community outreach partner, with 73 percent of these applicants receiving additional energy affordability advice.
The latest round has also seen 40 percent of applicants find a better energy deal –with thousands of Victorians choosing to switch and save by changing their energy deal through the Victorian Energy Compare website.
The Energy Assistance Program – a free service providing consumers experiencing hardship with one-on-one assistance – has helped over 500 applicants navigate the energy market, apply for eligible grants and concessions, find and switch to better offers and address billing errors.
Applications for the $250 payment can be made through the Victorian Energy Compare website, which shows the best energy offers in their areas. For those without internet access, over-the-phone or in-person support is available through community outreach partners, including the Brotherhood of St Laurence, Ethnic Community Council Victoria, Good Shepherd, State Trustees and hundreds of
interest rates, influence individual decisions to engage or not engage with housing markets, further impacting government revenue.
“As stamp duty increases the cost of moving, people may choose to remain where they are rather than pursue job opportunities elsewhere – contributing to the lack of skilled labourers in areas of need, negatively effecting productivity,” REIV’s submission states.
The REIV has urged the State Government to invite stakeholders and experts to contribute to a roadmap that supports home ownership while maintaining tax income for the state.
COMPARE AND SAVE... The best way to lower energy bills is to look for a better offer, that is why the State Government is providing another round of the $250 Power Saving Bonus to households and making it easier for them to compare providers and find a better deal. Shepparton is amongst the top 10 electorates to take up the
Neighbourhood Houses.
“The best way to lower energy bills is to look for a better offer – that's why we’re encouraging Victorians to take advantage of another round of the Power Saving Bonus, to make sure they are on the best deal ahead of winter,” said Premier Daniel Andrews.
To access the $250 Power Saving Bonus, visit compare.energy.vic.gov.au or call 1800 000 832. To speak to an Energy Assistance Program advocate, call 1800 161 215.
Top 10 regional electorates:
1. Wendouree (13,645)
2. Morwell (13, 433)
3. Bass (12,045)
4. Lara (11,955)
5. South Barwon (11,868)
6. Bendigo East (11,712)
7. Bellarine (11, 515)
8. Eureka (11,427)
9. Geelong (11, 376)
10. Shepparton (10, 627)
KEY industry bodies are calling on the Victorian Government to replace property stamp duty, amidst a Parliamentary inquiry investigating issues around land transfer duty fees.LAND TRANSFER... Residential, commercial and industrial property owners and their tenants directly contribute billions of dollars in stamp duty, land tax and other state government charges, accounting for more than 40 percent of government revenue, according to Real Estate Institute of Victoria, who is one peak body submitting evidence at the Parliamentary inquiry’s surrounding stamp duty. Photo: Supplied
Brought to you by Chris Crouch, of Opteon Property Valuers, Shepparton
The residential property market throughout the Goulburn Valley has been strong with record growth through 2020/2021, and into 2022 during the Covid period. This was largely driven by record low interest rates, government incentives, and non-local tree change buyers looking to escape the Metropolitan lockdowns.
There was a significant increase in values from the beginning of Covid (March 2020) until the first interest rate rise (May 2022) with Shepparton showing a median price increase of 40.91% on all residential property during this period. Other regional centres in the Goulburn Valley were much the same with Seymour (40.7%), Echuca (41.8%), Benalla (41.4%), Yarrawonga (57.9%) and Kyabram (34%) experiencing record median price growth.
For perspective, Shepparton over a similar period (January 2018 to March 2020) the median price growth was 6.3%. The number of residential sales also increased from previous years. Demand well and truly exceeded supply with properties selling within
days or even prior to going to market with multiple interested parties.
In recent times however, the residential market has certainly eased, due to a general weakening of confidence and therefore demand. We attribute this dynamic to multiple interest rate increases (with the prospect of more to come), reduction/withdrawal of government incentives, surging building costs, and locally, a major flood in October 2022.
Although demand has slowed, at this stage, we are yet to see any evidence of significant downward price pressure, unlike some metropolitan areas. This is attributable to the slowly correcting demand/ supply imbalance experienced during 2021 and
2022. In fact there is still steady growth in median prices evident – similar to pre-covid levels. Demand for existing housing, and to a lesser extent vacant land is still evident with properties generally selling within acceptable and more standard marketing periods when advertised at reasonable prices. Prices are supported by extremely high rental demand, particularly in localities and surrounding areas affected by flood.
Future performance will largely depend on the extent of further interest rate rises and cost of living pressures, with many homeowners coming out of fixed rate terms and needing to refinance through the second half of 2023.
One of the most significant attractions of Lauriston is its location in North Shepparton. Lauriston’s proximity to Goulburn Valley Grammar School, St. Luke’s Primary School and All Saints Anglican School, which is currently under construction, makes Lauriston an excellent choice for families.
In addition, the estate’s large feature parkland which includes a basketball and netball ring, BBQ area, extending seating and fully landscaped lawns and surrounds. Nearing completion this will soon become a focal point and will provide residents with ample space to relax and unwind. This parkland will feature lush greenery and plenty of space for children to play, cementing Lauriston as an ideal location for families or retirees looking for a relaxed lifestyle close to amenities.
Residential blocks are fully serviced and include fencing, making it easy for residents to build their dream homes without worrying about infrastructure requirements. The large block sizes also provide abundant space to create their own slice of paradise, with plenty of room for a large backyard, outdoor entertaining area, and room for a pool and shed.
With the third stage now selling, this premium estate offers large 2,000m²+ fully serviced residential blocks, in a highly sought-after location close to schools and services. Stage three completion is expected in late 2023, with prices starting from $395,000.
Several homes are being constructed now in stage one, and the remaining blocks in stage three will not last long.
Contact Glenn Young from Youngs & Co. to find out more or to secure yours at 0438 579 993.
With the latest designs in carpet, timber, luxury vinyl, tiles, rugs and window furnishings, we have the perfect decorating solution for every home and budget.
With the latest designs in carpet, timber, luxury vinyl, tiles, rugs and window furnishings, we have the perfect decorating solution for every home and budget.
With the latest designs in carpet, timber, luxury vinyl, rugs and window furnishings, we have the perfect decorating solution for every home and budget.
With the latest designs in carpet, timber, luxury vinyl, tiles, rugs and window furnishings, we have the perfect decorating solution for every home and budget.
To find the floor you’ve been searching for, visit our showroom today.
To find the floor you’ve been searching for, visit our showroom today.
To find the floor you’ve been searching for, visit our showroom today.
To find the floor you’ve been searching for, visit our showroom today.
IF you’re looking for a peaceful place to call home, North Shepparton's latest housing estate, Lauriston, is a must to inspect.GREAT PLACE TO BUILD.. Close to Shepparton CBD and various schools, Lauriston Estate in North Shepparton is ideal for families looking to build their forever home. Pictured onsite is owner/developer Jim Vasey and Youngs & Co. director Glenn Young, where Lauriston’s feature playground is currently under construction and will provide residents with ample space to live, move and make memories in the neighbourhood.
Having a friendly, helpful lender on your side can certainly smooth the path and help you work out how much you can afford to pay for a home, what loan features you need, and managing the family budget around it all.
If they’re a friendly local bank with plenty of local knowledge, then you’ve probably hit the lender jackpot.
“At GMCU, we pride ourselves on strong personal service,” says Dallas Moore, Shepparton branch manager at GMCU.
Because it’s a local bank focused on the Goulburn Murray region, all GMCU’s staff live and work in the Valley, so they understand the needs of locals, and the housing market around here.
“Our dedicated and experienced lending team take each home loan borrower through the process from application to funding, so you’re always dealing with the same friendly faces. You’re a name to us, not a number, and you’ll never be stuck with a call centre in some distant city.”
So if you’re wondering how to take the next step to getting into your dream home, why not phone or call in to a GMCU branch and meet Dallas or one of his team. You don’t have to be a member of GMCU and you can have an obligation-free chat about your particular circumstances.
Buying a home is generally the biggest investment of your life, and whether you’re a first or a next home buyer, there’s a lot to think about when planning and saving for such a major purchase.GREAT ADVICE...Having a friendly, helpful lender on your side, like GMCU Shepparton branch manager Dallas Moore, can certainly smooth the path and help you work out how much you can afford to pay for a home, what loan features you need, and managing the family budget around it all.
inspiration to capture with oil paints on canvas. The art he produced has been showcased in solo exhibitions all over the world.
“I’m inspired by the lovely flat country of the Goulburn Valley, country where you can see for miles and miles. The Strathbogie ranges also inspire me, an area rich in rock formations, ferns and gullies,” explained Drew.
Located in the heart of Shepparton, McKellar’s Picture Framing and Wall Art offers a unique service where they can help you visualise the perfect piece for your blank space, whether it be a print or a one-of-akind commissioned art collection for various parts of your home.
Three artists who work closely with owners Stuart Gowty and Adrienne West to deliver exceptional artworks for their customers are Drew Gregory, Ross Paterson and Tank.
Drew Gregory, a super-realist artist, draws inspiration from his travels across the outback. His art encompasses still-life, landscapes and seemingly ordinary structures and objects in which he finds
Drew accepts commission work and has his own studio in Longwood. Another option which may suit a smaller budget is a piece from his limited print runs, available through McKellar’s.
A man that needs no introduction, Tank Art works closely with McKellar’s to bring the art which peppers Shepparton’s streetscape into people’s homes.
“I take inspiration from our region, the culture and our lifestyle. I've grown up here in Shepparton and my content relates to my life in the Goulburn Valley. A cockatoo sitting on a telephone, a fishbowl to symbolise the pilgrimage many young people make to the big cities after a childhood here, it all relates back to life here,” said Tank.
“While I am often busy with many projects, if someone would like an original piece depicting a bird, which I love to paint, we can arrange that. Otherwise, there are prints of my work available to suit your size wall through McKellar’s.”
Born in Victoria and with an inherent love of the
Anewly built abode is essentially a blank canvas. The items we select to adorn our living spaces with is imperative to the aesthetic appeal to not only ourselves, but also visitors to our homes.
Australian landscape, Ross Paterson commenced oil painting at about 16 years of age, whilst a student right here in Shepparton.
Following over twenty years of teaching art in Victorian Secondary schools, and painting part time, Ross resigned from the Education system in 1994 to pursue his passion for painting. His world-renowned work is also available at McKellar’s.
“We really believe art is life at McKellar’s,” explained McKellar’s Picture Framing and Wall Art co-owner Stuart Gowty.
“What better way to decorate your new home that you spent hours deliberating on, waiting for and working towards, than with artworks that are a reflection of our great region. We can work within your budget. You can go the print route, or we have access to some of the greatest Australian artists’ work, of which you can have an original of, displayed as a showpiece in your home.”
Get in touch with McKellar’s Picture Framing and Wall Art on 5821 3201 to discuss your options and see how they can help bring your home to life.
We are your flooring specialists for carpet, floating floors, vinyl and much more. We have a huge range to choose from and because of buying power, you get better value!
The price of blocks of land has subsided slightly, due to those in the market switching to existing dwellings. This is due to the increase in costs of building a home and the extended timeline of the build.
There’s an adjustment underway between land and existing homes. Although the market calmed a little, it’s still strong for residential properties. During the height of Covid, residential property was changing hands at break-neck speed and our expectations became quite high on the average days a property was on the market. We’re still experiencing excellent sales but the average days a residential property is on the market has increased to 15-25 days.
Land had come back a little in price and is selling at around $280k- $300k+ a block. The challenge going forward is the scarcity of land. The challenge for developers is the sheer cost of developing land with all the infrastructure involved.
It’s vitally important that anyone planning to build in the next few years is aware
they must register their interest in blocks in new housing estates. New stock of available land will become scarce and even if you’re not financially ready to build, you will have time before the blocks title. This is your chance to get your foot in the door.
It’s also an ideal time as eventually interest rate rises will pause, and many people who are being cautious now will take the opportunity to buy, leading to an incredibly competitive market again.
$134.2M estimated spend 2021-2022 in Greater Shepparton
Renowned for their experience, high-quality workmanship, innovation in home design, sustainability and quality products backed by using quality local trades to get the job done right, their continued commitment to building excellence allows them to build beautiful new homes that their customers can be proud of.
They allow for flexibility, a must in an age where we spend an increasing amount of time entertaining at home. You can bring your own plan or choose from one of their existing designs to ensure you build the home of your dreams. They can help with drawing up concept sketches and can provide a free quotation based upon their competitive pricing.
“With our attention to detail and demand for high quality finishings, paired with our impressive standard inclusions, we at Monteleone Homes believe you and your family will be proud of your new home for many years to come,” explained sales
manager Anthony Monteleone.
“While we have numerous designs to choose from, we largely specialise in custom designs to make your house, your home. Whichever home design options and specifications you arrive at, we are sure you will be pleased by the value for money offered by Monteleone Homes.”
Monteleone Homes joined forces with local civil construction company Gradian Projects late in 2021, in a bid to innovate and address market force pressures and supply chain bottlenecks facing the home building industry, ensuring piece of mind when there is uncertainty in the sector.
Get in touch with the expert team by calling 5831 5920, emailing sales@ monteleonehomes.com.au and visiting their website monteleonehomes.com.au.
The Solar Homes Program, which was introduced in 2018, has already helped boost household solar use from 14 to 27 percent across Victoria. Under the program, eligible households can access a $1,400 rebate to install solar panels, a further $1,400 interestfree loan, and a further rebate of up to $1,000 to replace their hot water system, cutting $3,800 from upfront installation costs.
With more than half of eligible homes in Shepparton taking up the offer, it has become the
state's leading solar city, surpassing even some suburban areas in Melbourne. Other areas with high solar uptake include Cranbourne, Craigieburn, Kalkallo, north and east Bendigo, and the Wodonga area.
The Victorian government's Solar on Public Buildings Program has also been successful, with more than 200 public buildings now equipped with solar systems installed. The program has helped reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 2,000 tonnes and saved volunteer committees more than $358,000 on their electricity bills.
The Solar Homes Program and the Solar on Public Buildings Program are part of the Victorian government's efforts to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by 2045. The programs have also helped create jobs and support the growth of the renewable energy industry in the state.
Acting Premier Jacinta Allan has praised the success of the Solar Homes Program, saying, "We're helping record numbers of Victorians switch to solar, which is great news both for their energy bills, for jobs and for the environment."
Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D'Ambrosio has encouraged more households to take advantage of the program, saying, "For anyone still considering installing solar, there has never been a better time to take the next step."
For more information on the Solar Homes Program and to apply, visit solar.vic.gov.au.
ANEW report shows that the Shepparton region has become the leader in solar uptake in the state. More than half of all eligible homes in the postcode 3631 area have taken advantage of the Victorian government's Solar Homes Program, which offers rebates and no-interest loans to help households install solar panels and cut energy bills.LEADING THE WAY... Shepparton region has become the leader in solar uptake in the state. More than half of all eligible homes in the postcode 3631 area have taken advantage of the Victorian government’s Solar Homes Program. Photo: Supplied
Greater Shepparton was ranked just below Bendigo as Victoria’s best region for buying a home, with the Campaspe Shire was listed ninth in the report by PRD Real Estate.
The report was based on several factors, including affordability, property trends, investment opportunities, project development, and unemployment rates. It found Shepparton to have "solid fundamentals" for future growth, with a 3.9 percent population growth from 2016 to 2021
and a low unemployment rate of 3.3 percent in the September quarter of 2022.
Over the past decade, Greater Shepparton has seen significant growth in house prices, vacant land, and units, with an 82 percent growth in house prices, 123.6 percent growth in vacant land, and 77.7 percent growth in units. The report noted a decline in sales volume for houses and units between 2021 and 2022. However, sales grew by 30.1 percent for houses and 55.7 percent for units over the past 10 years.
The report said that investors in Greater Shepparton benefited from average rental yields of 4.9 percent for houses and 6.1 percent for units as of
LIVING in the regions, you do a lot of country miles behind the wheel. A reliable vehicle is an essential asset in a regional area like Greater Shepparton, but a luxury car can transform not only the drives you take but the aesthetics of your home as well.
Owning a nice car is not just about the prestige and status it brings, but it also comes with a host of benefits that make it a worthwhile investment.
In addition to unrivalled convenience and reliability, a luxury car in the driveway can enhance your home’s curb appeal and give off a polished and put-together appearance.
Drivers in the market to upgrade their vehicle will be well looked after, with several dealerships in town, including the brand-new, state-of-the-art BMW and MINI dealership that opened last year.
BMW are internationally renowned for making one of the most luxurious vehicles on the planet and the Shepparton BMW and MINI dealership is the very first of its kind in Australia, located right here in the Goulburn Valley. The Renault dealership in Shepparton, has provided high-performance vehicles designed to thrill and inspire as well.
December 2022.
The vacancy rate of 0.7 percent was also seen as a positive sign for investors, as it suggests that they could find rental tenants faster. The report encouraged investors to enter the market due to the lower entry price compared to Melbourne metro and stronger rental returns.
However, it also noted that the market may not be sustainable in the long term due to the limited supply of ready-to-sell new houses. Although this has created a buffer in the current high cash rate environment, it is not sustainable in the long term.
COMPLEMENT YOUR DREAM HOME... Owning a nice car provides a whole host of advantages, such as driver experience and reliability, but it can also enhance your home’s curb appeal. EOFY is approaching, and it is considered one of the best times to buy a car in Australia, with exceptional new car offers available including finance and service inclusive packages. Drop into one of the premier showrooms in Shepparton, like the brand-new BMW MINI dealership, if you’re looking to upgrade to something finer.
Shepparton MINI currently has an end-of-financial-year deal, where you will receive a $5,000 deposit contribution towards your new MINI on all 36-month MINI Flex Finance Agreements, with 8.29 percent p.a. comparison rate.
Photo: The Adviser
You’ll also receive a complimentary three-year/60,000km MINI Service Inclusive (Basic) package, along with no finance set-up fees and a guaranteed future value hand back option.
The EOFY may just be the best time to buy a car in Australia, with exceptional new car offers available including finance and service inclusive packages all included before tax time.
If you’re looking to upgrade your car to something finer, connect with these local dealerships online or head into their brand-new showroom to explore the fantastic ranges available right here in the Goulburn Valley.
has identified
as being one of Australia's top 10 affordable regional areas for real estate investment.ROARING REGIONS… A report has ranked Shepparton as one of Australia’s most affordable regional areas for real estate investment based on several factors, including affordability, property trends, investment opportunities, project development, and unemployment rates. Pictured is Lauriston Estate in North Shepparton. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
Specialized Heating and Cooling Shepparton is one such stand-out family enterprise sharing a drive to deliver exemplary customer service while combining the expertise and practical know-how of a multigenerational venture.
Acquiring knowledge of world’s best practise in the heating and cooling industry through both trade and previous business acumen, the Hamer family opened Specialized Heating and Cooling Shepparton in September 2017.
Today, and with a proficient team of sales staff, installers and customer service representatives, the business provides an impressive range of heating and cooling solutions that are not only technologically adept but are green in efficiency, cost effective and stylish.
While it can be challenging to know what product will best suit your home and budget, the team at Specialized Heating and Cooling are ready to tailor a solution specifically for your needs.
Soothing and hypnotic, Archer gas log fires are the world’s most efficient
602 hectares to be rezoned for 3,500+ new homes
GREATER Shepparton City Council is proposing to rezone approximately 602 hectares of land in Tatura to accommodate more than 3,500 new homes.
The proposed Amendment rezones the majority of the yet-to-be developed land within the settlement boundary zoned farming zone, low density residential zone and rural living zone to the urban growth zone, in order to safeguard the land for future development as strategic residential growth corridors.
The rezoning aims to safeguard the land for future urban development as a strategic residential growth corridor. The proposed area is located north and east of Tatura, and roughly bordered by the Midland Highway, Tatura-Undera Road to the west, Dhurrungile Road to the east, and Pyke Road to the
heaters, providing more heat for less gas, while bring the old-world charm of a log fire without the hard work.
The Euro Fireplace brings comfort and ambience to the home drawing combustion air from outside, maintaining the air quality inside while using the process of natural convection to create an airflow that reaches far into the home without the assistance of a fan.
Perfect for the larger home the freestanding Ultimate wood heater delivers cost effective comfort throughout while Seiya by Toshiba split system offers powerful and efficient heating and cooling performance and year-round comfort.
With a large showroom at 70 Benalla Road, Shepparton, Specialized Heating and Cooling have tradesmen as salesmen waiting to assist with all your enquiries, or you can call 5821 3656
south. The area east of the town is south of Pyke Road, west of Bayunga Road, east of Dhurrungile Road, and north of Murton Road.
The Amendment was available for public exhibition from January to February, with 12 submissions received. Following its adoption at the April council meeting, the Amendment will now by submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval.
“Amendment C242gshe sets the groundwork for Council to plan for the future urban expansion for Tatura, providing much needed homes in town,” said mayor, Shane Sali.
Council is currently preparing the precinct structure plan (PSP) and the Development Contributions Plan (DCP) for the land under the
Tatura Growth Areas Structure Plan project, which will then allow for the subdivision of the land into residential lots when completed.
It is estimated that the future PSP for Tatura has the potential to accommodate 3,620 conventional density, low density, and rural living residential lots on 516 hectares of developable land over a 30-year period. The PSP will take into account all environmental constraints like stormwater drainage, bushfire and grassfire, native vegetation, traffic and social infrastructure considerations.
“The future precinct structure plan will ensure that Tatura remains a desirable and liveable town for new residents by providing new housing, open space, and supporting infrastructure,” Cr Sali said.
MORE than ever, customers are on the lookout for genuine customer service and are aware of who they are buying from, however, if there is one phrase that imbues trust and expertise it is, family business.WITH EXPERTISE AND KNOW HOW YOU CAN TRUST...A family business, Specialized Heating and Cooling offer a broad range of options and solutions to suit your home, encompassing stylish designs as well as world’s best technology. Standing in front of the luxuriously warm Archer 900 gas log fire is (from left), Kerry (service), David (sales), Sara (service) and Frank (director). Photo: Natasha Fujimoto SET TO GROW... Tatura has the potential to accommodate a further 3,620 conventional density, low density, and rural living residential lots on 516 hectares of developable land over a 30-year period. Pictured is Tatura-Undera Road to the west, one one of the areas set to be rezoned. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
5,899 incidents reported in 2021
5,626 incidents reported in 2022
A reduction of 4.6% compared to the previous year
PERCENTAGE OF CRIMINAL CHARGES: Charges were laid in 44.1% of cases
No charges were laid in 18.7% of cases
cases remained unsolved
EVERY quarter, the Crime Statistics Agency releases Victorian crime statistics that provides a snapshot of criminal activity reported in the state.
The end of December 2022 saw a reduction in the number of total criminal incidents by 4.6 percent compared to the previous year, with 5,899 reported in 2021 and 5,626 reported in 2022.
From these incidents, charges were laid in 44.1 percent of cases, 18.7 percent saw no charges laid, and 37.2 percent of cases were unsolved.
Reports of crime were most prevalent in Shepparton (3,947 reports). Mooroopna had 714 reported crimes, 296 in Kialla, 170 in Tatura, and 64 in Shepparton North. These figures reflect the reduction in reported crime; however, reports
of crime increased in both Tatura and Shepparton North.
Similarly, this data set shows that crimes that occurred on street/lanes/footpaths and in the court justice system increased in 2022 in Greater Shepparton, with 969 and 285 crimes reported.
The top five principal offence subgroups locally were Breach of Family Violence Order, Breach of Bail Conditions (both of which increased last year), criminal damage, stealing from a motor vehicle, and other theft (which all decreased in 2022).
There were 1,724 crimes reported at home, a decrease from the previous year, as well as 243 crimes reported in the driveway/carport and 186 in other retail.
To view this data, visit www. crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/crime-statistics/
Welcome to Education Week 2023, our annual celebration of education, and a chance to show off our brilliant government schools across Victoria.
Education Week is between 14 May and 20 May. This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’ and it highlights some of the amazing ways students can learn through physical activity, handson learning and student voice.
Being active isn’t just about getting outdoors and looking after our physical health – it’s about keeping our minds alive and active with imagination. At our schools that could mean getting involved and learning new skills through art, science, technology, student leadership, and even by being connected to your community.
As the Minister for Education, I want to make sure that every student feels strong and confident so they can be an active learner.
I’m really proud of the work that’s happening to support students including reforms to disability inclusion, mental health support and vocational education in schools.
I’m really proud of the work that’s happening to support students including reforms to disability inclusion, mental health support and vocational education in schools
As part of this, I want to thank our teachers, principals, education support staff and everyone in the local community who together make our schools a great place to learn.
I hope all Victorian government school students get involved in some of the great excursions, incursions and online events hosted by leading culture, sport and education organisations. From virtual storytimes to footy and coding workshops, there's something on offer for all year levels, and some professional learning for teachers too.
To find more about the free events and activities that your school can participate in visit www. vic.gov.au/educationweek. However you choose to celebrate Education Week this year, I hope you have a fantastic week!
PARENTS, guardians and carers can now register their Three- and Four-year-old children for 2024 kindergarten online via Greater Shepparton City Council’s website. Registrations are now open and need to be submitted by August 11, 2023. There are currently approximately 30 kindergarten programs offered across the municipality, with a variety of locations and programs available to suit individual needs of children and their family, with a full list of providers available online. Registrations for both Three-Year-Old and FourYear-Old Kindergarten can be made by completing the online forms.
A central registration process for Three-Year-Old Kindergarten (two years before school), will follow the same process as Four-YearOld Kindergarten (one year before school) registrations. Families
wishing to attend Three-Year-Old Kindergarten will need to register via the Council registration link and not through their provider of choice. Families will be allocated a place at a service provider, following the ‘Access of Criteria’ guideline.
Three-Year-Old and Four-YearOld Kindergarten is free or low cost for families that meet the eligibility criteria. If your child attends a kindergarten program in a long day care centre, fees may still apply. More information is available from your early childhood service.
Council facilitates kindergarten registrations for most funded kindergarten programs in Greater Shepparton. Registration forms are available on Council’s website. For more information, visit Council’s website to register your child bit.ly/2024kinderreg or contact Council on (03) 5832 9700.
BUILDINGS works are progressing rapidly on the site of the eagerly anticipated All Saints Anglican School.
After months of land preparation and clearing, the former paddock now hosts the foundation of a new school.
Next month, the school will start to ‘grow’ from the ground as precast walls for the administration building are raised into place.
The School will open for Term 1 in 2024.
NOW in its 18th year, the Victorian Early Years Awards celebrates the outstanding work of our early childhood sector in improving the learning, health and wellbeing of young Victorian children and their families.
It’s now time for Victorians to nominate their most innovative, inspiring and dedicated early childhood teachers, educators, organisations and programs. All award winners will receive $15,000 to support their professional development or to further develop their program or initiative.
Minister for Early Childhood and PrePrep Ingrid Stitt has opened nominations for this year’s awards and encouraged Victoria’s early childhood professionals and services, parents and carers, and the broader community to nominate those who they believe deserve to be recognised in any of the nine categories.
In 2023, the awards will celebrate the leadership, outstanding achievement,
childhood professionals in a range of categories, including improving access and participation, promoting children’s health and wellbeing, supporting parents, and continuity of learning.
The importance of Aboriginal inclusion and perspectives in ensuring all early childhood services are accessible to Koorie children and families will also be recognised, with a newly dedicated award commemorating the life and legacy of Yorta Yorta, Wiradjuri woman Aunty Rose Bamblett (1947 to 2022).
Nominations for the Victorian Early Years Awards close on 14 June, with finalists announced in September. For more information or to submit a nomination, visit vic.gov. au/victorian-early-years-awards.
Enrol now for 2024! We are open for tours any time
At Bourchier Street Primary School we have:
•Outstanding student achievement data
• Outstanding student achievement data
• A strong focus on the wellbeing and social capabilities of every student
•An engaging learning environment
• An engaging learning environment
•Safe and happy students
• Safe and happy students
•A strong focus on the wellbeing and social capabilities of every student
St & Balaclava Rd, Shepparton 3630 Ph: (03) 5821 3488
• Caring and committed staff
• Family partnerships that enhance learning
•Caring and committed staff
•Family partnerships that enhance learning
Families are welcome to visit our school for a personal tour to see and hear more about how our children enjoy learning, socialising and developing as responsible citizens. To observe our children engaged in learning, collaborating and communicating, please call in or phone our office to make a time for you to visit, or you can simply scan this QR Code to make your booking.
Principal: Denise Howley
Cnr Bourchier St & Balaclava Rd, Shepparton 3630 Ph: (03) 5821 3488 ww w.bourchierps.vic.edu.au
www.bourchlerps.vic.edu.au Principal: Gary D’Arma
Principal: Denise Howley
• We provide high quality service and products at affordable package prices
• We ensure a smooth school day with minimal disruption to staff and students as possible
Honest, reliable, thorough, prompt and hold ‘working with children’ checks Catch up photo days
• Easy online or paper orders
• Catered to meet a variety of special requirements your school may have
• We take great pride in the reputation we have created AND we are locally based
P: 03 5821 1400
Along with my goal to become a teacher after completing my traineeship position at St Georges Rd Primary School and then going on to Uni to study a Bachelor of Education, I’ve taken up some leadership opportunities such as joining the Fairley Youth Community Leadership Program to excel my community leadership skills. I’m hoping to have a greater presence in our community through further development, community events and the skills I learn from my workplace and education. My passion for these endeavours comes from the experiences and opportunities I received from my time at GSSC.
Advice #1 - Give everything a go! Swimming sports, athletics, cross country, formals and any other extracurriculars.
They are so fun to be a part of and a great opportunity to make new friends and you probably won’t ever get to do them again after high school!
In my time at GSSC I am very grateful for the opportunities it’s provided me. Such as: tertiary information access, community experiences and opportunities to follow my interest in leadership and public speaking.
Try everything and give it your best go! GSSC has a huge range of activities and subjects to suit anyone; allowing you to find your interest and pursue it.
Advice #2 - Just do your best, your ATAR doesn’t define you! There are so many different paths and opportunities available to you. Your teachers are always there to help so don’t stress!
I am currently doing a traineeship at FamilyCare and also studying Certificate 3 in Business at GOTAFE. I also hope to complete my Certificate 4 in Community Services next year. I would like to become a youth worker or a child family worker in a couple of years’ time.
I had a lot of careers help at GSSC and there were a lot of different subjects and specialist subjects on offer. The thing that made it a good fit for me was that I just felt so welcomed when I first started at the school and it was a great place to make new friends.
I decided to join the College Values Leaders to support the unity of the school. I want to encourage people to keep displaying the school values and be rewarded for doing so.
Vanessa, Year 12
I chose to join the College Values Leader team to show that whatever age you are, you can be a leader.
Tayla, Year 8
I joined the Dungeons and Dragons Club because of the whole fantasy-themed interest, and I enjoy the collaboration with everyone.
Matilda, Year 11
Tobie is in Year 12 at GSSC completing his VET Engineering Studies Certificates 1 & 2 to begin a career as a Combat Engineer with the Army after secondary school.
I chose to be a College Values Leader to promote student voice and encourage everyone to be the best that they can be.
Madeline, Year 11
I chose to join the College Values Leaders to improve my self-confidence and to help others improve theirs too.
Emily, Year 11
I chose to become a College Values Leader because it opened up a lot of opportunities to help improve the school.
Reyhaneh, Year 11
The Harmony Week concert is a great opportunity to show all the students and all the teachers at school our culture and our traditions.
Our music and arts program is second-to-none with facilities including a music and band room, dance studio and theatrette. Our Enterprise building also boasts a green room and modern multimedia technology and equipment.
OUR sporting opportunities
showcase your talents on
school, regional and state level.
LA TROBE University has been a beacon of academic excellence in Australia for over 50 years. Its commitment to providing world-class education to students is reflected in its innovative teaching methods, cuttingedge research, and flexible learning environment.
La Trobe University in Shepparton is a prime example of the institution's commitment to excellence. The campus has experienced strong demand for its education degree and pathways, with enrolments doubling in recent years. This reflects the campus's focus on providing students with a highly flexible learning environment that caters to a broad range of student requirements.
The university's dedication to student success is also reflected in its commitment to offering both online and faceto-face learning options. This approach ensures that students can balance their work, family, and study commitments while still receiving the highest quality education.
Enrolled in a Diploma of Teaching Education, Tilly Male
began her degree in March and could not be more enthusiastic about both her subject matter and the rich learning opportunities that the university provides stating, “I really like the face-to-face learning at La Trobe. I like that I can just come in and ask a question, go to the library and check out books and it’s not all online.”
Inspired to further her studies in education following her experience working as a teacher’s aide, Tilly added, “I want to be able to change kids’ lives. It seems motivational but it’s a cool thing to see how they learn and grow and then being able to shape them into the best person they can be.”
THE IDEAL INSTITUTION TO SUCCEED... Enrolled in a Diploma of Teaching Education, Tilly Male values La Trobe University Shepparton campus’ flexible learning environment and innovative teaching methods. Photo: Deanne Jeffers
A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.
PERHAPS now, more than ever, it is important to recognize and appreciate the vital role that teachers play in our society.
Teachers shape the minds of the next generation and prepare them to take on the world.
Teaching is not just a job; it is a
vocation that requires passion, dedication, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact on young lives.
Teachers inspire and motivate their students, instilling in them a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge that will stay with them throughout their lives. They provide
guidance and support, helping their students overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. And they serve as role models, demonstrating the values of compassion, resilience, and perseverance that are essential for success in today's world.
Let us take a moment to thank the
teachers who have made a difference in our lives and in the lives of our children.
Let us acknowledge the essential role that teachers play in our society and commit to supporting them in their vital work. Together, we can build a brighter future for our children and for our communities.
With 95% of Shepparton students securing employment by their graduation date*, start studying for your future career at our Shepparton Campus. Book a complimentary one-on-one consultation to discuss your study options today via latrobe.edu.au/consult
FROM 2025, Victoria will transition from fouryear-old kinder to Pre-Prep in a rollout across the state, over several years.
Children will receive up to 30 hours per week of high quality, play-based learning in the year before school. By 2032, all children across the state will have access to 30 hours of Pre-Prep.
The rollout will happen in stages, ensuring our most vulnerable and disadvantaged children are prioritised for earlier access, no matter where they live, as well as Aboriginal children.
Pre-Prep will be delivered through sessional kindergartens and long-day-care centres, creating a high-quality, universal program that gives 4-year-old children greater opportunities to socialise and learn through play.
The roll-out starts in 2025 in parts of rural Victoria, and new local government areas will be added each year. Shepparton’s turn will come in 2028.
Studies show that developmentally appropriate 30-hour per week early learning programs can lead to improved learning and social outcomes. Using play-based learning, rather than being academically focussed, PrePrep programs will be led by qualified teachers.
Numurkah Pre-School creates an inclusive, nurturing environment for all children which fosters confidence, independence and encourages active learning through a play-based curriculum. Outdoor play is particularly imperative to children’s development, and educators are currently training and working towards implementing a bush kindergarten program in 2024.
THE early childhood period of a child’s life has a profound impact on their learning and development for the long term. From birth to eight years, children’s developing brains undergo a rapid change. This is when children have the greatest opportunities to develop neutral pathways for learning.
Play improves the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and young people. Through play, children learn about the world and themselves. They also learn skills they need for study, work and relationships.
Numurkah Pre-School creates an inclusive, nurturing environment for all children which fosters confidence, independence and encourages active learning through a play-based curriculum.
Outdoor play is particularly imperative to children’s development, and educators are currently training and working towards implementing a bush kindergarten program in 2024.
The safety and wellbeing of students is their highest priority, and educators strive to empower children and encourage them to build strong foundations to support the rest of their education journey.
Applications for enrolments for four-and threeyear-old kindergarten are available from the Centre. For more information, call 5862 1569 or send an email to numurkah.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au.
Numurkah Pre-School will open their doors on May 15 for an Open Day where they encourage parents to come along and see what the centre has to offer.
As the inaugural Principal of All Saints Anglican School, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to draw on my forty years of experience working in education as I prepare to launch an exceptional Anglican school in Shepparton in 2024.
All Saints Anglican School will provide a safe and supportive learning environment for students to pursue success and excellence. Students will be challenged to try new things, have the freedom to make mistakes, and the guidance to learn from their experiences. Foundation students and their families have started to visit our Wyndham Street office. It is wonderful to put faces to names and learn more about our future school community.
I am heartened by the enthusiastic response we have continued to receive in reply to our call for enrolments. Our enrolment numbers are nearly at capacity in many year groups. If you are considering enrolling your child at All Saints Anglican School, I encourage you to do so soon.
Some of our 2024 foundation students visited our office to test run uniform samples and we have now given the go ahead for uniform production to start. The uniforms will be available to purchase in Term 3. It will be terrific to continue to meet members of our new community over the remainder of the year. Please always feel welcome to call into our office.
AFTER three decades tutoring students in Shepparton, Mark and Lindy Carnovale are retiring. The couple has been instrumental in providing valuable educational assistance to young learners, building strong relationships with both students and their parents.
“Operating and teaching in the Centre has provided enormous satisfaction knowing we have made a positive contribution to so many students,” said Mark, adding, “We will miss the close and meaningful relationships we have made with parents and students.”
Shepparton Tutoring Centre now has a new owner, Daniel Hall, who was hired as a tutor last year. Daniel has over 20 years of teaching experience, teaching at local schools and at Geelong's Timbertop campus. He has a degree in science and has completed postgraduate studies in outdoor education, secondary education, and inclusive learning. He has also been a coordinator for various educational programs, perhaps most significantly, as a learning support coordinator.
“The most recent study I completed was on the Science of Reading, and it
was wonderful to read the research on learning to read at the same time as my daughter, Willow, was embarking on her learning to read journey,” he said.
Daniel is excited to take the reins of the Shepparton Tutoring Centre and is eager to continue the work done by Mark and Lindy. He believes tutoring provides students with hope and raises their self-esteem, giving young people strategies to optimise study, and enhance their overall confidence in school.
Shepparton Tutoring Centre provides tutoring for students from Prep to Year 12 in Reading, English, Maths, and Science. For teachers interested in becoming a tutor, contact Daniel on 5831 2527. The Centre offers free assessment for students. Visit their website for more information: www.sheppartontutoring.com.au
The following Shepparton, Mooroopna, Tatura and district schools are accepting enrolments now:
AT Bourchier Street Primary School, the focus is on empowering students to become lifelong learners who can shape the world around them. The school's values of respect, learning, and contribution guide daily decisions, placing students at the centre of everything they do.
"We believe in delivering excellent educational outcomes for every single student, and our team of dedicated teachers work tirelessly to achieve that," said Principal Gary D'Arma.
"Our aim is to educate the whole child, with a core focus on literacy and numeracy complemented by social and emotional learning and diverse specialist programs."
The school's design ensures that the knowledge and skills of every student are identified and extended through straight-year levels and small class sizes. High-quality, evidencebased group instruction is supplemented with regular small group and individualised instruction to lift the performance of all.
"We work hard to incorporate authentic learning contexts and ensure that learning experiences go beyond the classroom. Our kitchen garden program
promotes outdoor learning and healthy lifestyle habits, and camps and excursions are an important component of our school and provide lifelong memories," said Mr D'Arma.
To discuss the future education of your child, call Bourchier Street Primary School on 5821 3488 and see how they can exceed your education expectations.
At Bourchier Street Primary school empowering students to become lifelong learners is at the core of everything they do. Zabrina Mercado’s smile (pictured) says it all. Photo: Supplied
JOHN Brumby has been reappointed as Chair of Victoria’s International Education Advisory Council.
Minister for Trade and Investment
Tim Pallas announced that Mr Brumby, Chancellor of Latrobe University and a former Victorian Premier, will continue his important work at the helm of the Advisory Council which provides advice to government on issues and policies relating to Victoria’s renowned international education sector.
The Advisory Council’s work has
included providing critical insights to help the Andrews Labor Government develop the International Education Recovery Plan 2025, setting a strong foundation for the sector’s post-pandemic resurgence.
Victoria’s international education sector has rebounded strongly, with the number of student visa holders studying in Victoria doubling to more than 140,000 since borders reopened at the end of 2021.
Victoria’s international education
sector is Victoria’s third biggest export earner behind food and fibre and manufacturing, generating $6.9B in export revenue and supporting more than 40,000 jobs.
In addition to the appointment of Mr Brumby, the Labor Government has also appointed international education leaders Layton Pike (RMIT University), Michelle Hoodbhoy (Monash University) and Carolyn Chong (Federation University) to the Advisory Council.
Extensive range of general school wear including socks and hair accessories. Specialising in primary and secondary school uniforms for many schools in the Shepparton region. Complete range of Greater Shepparton Secondary College and St Anne’s College Kialla uniforms.
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Orders can also be placed online via www.noone.com.au for either Click & Collect or Delivery by Australia Post.
Shepparton is now
“GIVE work experience a go, get out and have a look around and see what clicks,” that is the advice of Year 12 student Tobie Phipps when it comes to choosing a career path.
Tobie is currently completing his VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificates I & II in Engineering Studies with the hope to continue these studies post-secondary schooling to become a Combat Engineer with the Australian Defence Force.
Combat Engineers, known as 'Sappers' are trained in a broad range of tasks including bridge-building, clearing explosive hazards, creating obstacles, demolitions, and operating small boats.
“Originally I was looking into industrial refrigeration, working on orchard cool rooms or something along those lines,” Tobie said.
“I also did some plumbing work experience, but it didn’t click.
“I connected with Geared4Careers here at the school who helped me work out a path that felt right for me and I think being able to complete my VET qualifications here and having the facilities to do it has been a big part of it.”
Geard4Careers program officers are embedded within Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC) and complement our College Careers Team to support students to become job ready, remain engaged at school or transition into further education or employment and secure local part-time employment opportunities while still at school.
Tobie is currently a Corporal with the 38 Army Cadet Unit Shepparton and works part-time at Bunnings.
From a young age he knew a hand-on career was the right pathway for him.
“Although it took me giving things a go to work out what I really wanted to do, I knew uni was never for me,” he said.
“I think it’s important to remember there’s not just one way of doing things.”
Following his graduation, Tobie hopes to continue his VET Engineering Studies by completing his Certificates III & IV, while also undertaking soldier training at Kapooka.
“It would be a pretty interesting role – you do a range of things including building bridges, dealing with explosives, setting up water purification equipment,” Tobie said.
“Through my VET studies I’ve learnt a lot of things that will support me in the combat engineer role including fabrication and welding skills, how to markup and measure, moulding certain metals, the use of machinery and hand tools – there has been a good variety.”
GSSC Executive Principal Barbara O’Brien echoed Tobie’s sentiment that finding the right career or pathway was a personal journey.
“There is no one way or right way of doing things,” Ms O’Brien said.
“Whether it’s science, sport, music, hospitality or a trade that you’re into, there are so many ways to explore your interests and passions at GSSC and our teaching and Education Support staff are here to help get you there.”
Ms O’Brien said this includes dedicated and
trained careers practitioners in each neighbourhood, supported by external agencies and the wide range of incursions, excursions, immersions, industry panels and information sharing opportunities on offer at the college.
“It’s also important to remember that there are so many ways you can get involved at school beyond the classroom,” Ms O’Brien said.
“Whether it’s taking on a leadership opportunity, joining one of our recess, lunchtime or after school clubs or putting your hand up to take part in an extracurricular activity on offer, the opportunities are endless and you never know what doors they will open."
THE Victorian Government is funding targeted initiatives to attract more teachers. The funding boost aims to attract excellent teachers and fill hard-to-staff positions in government schools across the state. It also provides support to teachers settling into their new roles.
This investment incorporates and builds on previously announced initiatives to improve educational outcomes for rural and regional students, better support students
in these areas and address the disparity between regional and metropolitan schools.
It also includes incentives for particular hardto-staff subjects, positions in rural and metro areas, and/or positions in schools with a high proportion of disadvantaged students.
The financial incentives provide recipients with an initial payment between $9,000 and $50,000 (beforetax) to support eligible Victorian Government schools to
attract suitably qualified teachers to take up hard-tostaff positions.
Annual Retention payments of $9,000 (before-tax) are paid at the conclusion of the second, third and fourth year of employment and relocation costs for regional and rural positions are also available. Further information about the program can be found at www.vic.gov.au/ targeted-initiative-attract-more-teachers.
THROUGH the doors of Shepparton ACE Secondary College in leafy Maude Street, you are immediately struck by both the welcoming and industrious atmosphere as teachers and their students go about the business of teaching and learning.
An independent community-based school, Shepparton ACE Secondary College offers small class sizes providing flexible and authentic student-centred learning, student mentoring, purposeful collaboration and productive communication.
With 14 dedicated and longstanding teachers as well as support staff, students from year seven to 12 are immersed within a rich and unique culture of tuition, following the principles of applied learning to fulfil Australian Curriculum outcomes.
Underpinned by a strong student code of conduct and the upholding of respect and care for self and others while engendering achievement through exemplary attendance, the College’s unique profile enables students to explore the arts and to participate in enriching camps free of additional cost to families.
Following a highly successful senior
camp to Vietnam and Cambodia last year that was linked to their history studies first hand, the camps program is set to continue this year with a return to Southeast Asia, Sydney and to the snow-capped alpine region.
Cultivating a safe, engaging and enriching learning environment, where personal mobile devices are prohibited during school hours, Shepparton ACE Secondary College has produced many successful graduates including scholarship recipients to La Trobe University, numerous trade apprentices and community service workers, flight attendants, tafe entrants and so much more.
So, if you are looking for that exceptional, independent school with a big heart, where your child will thrive and not get lost in the crowd, ACE Secondary College is ready to greet you and your child, in readiness for 2024.
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Term: Ongoing
Start date: 10/07/2023
Term: Ongoing
Start date: 29/05/2023
Term: Ongoing (Tenured)
Start date: 10/07/2023 21/04/2028
All vacancies can be found online Department of
If you are passionate about delivering high quality, customer focused ser vice, love contributing to a team, and want to work for an organisation that is committed to our region and its communities, then we’d love to hear from you.
GMCU is a member owned credit union embedded in the Goulburn Valley and surrounds. We work with our members to unleash what’s possible – making a positive impact for our members, our people and our communities. If you are passionate about delivering high quality customer focused service, love contributing to a team, and want to work for an organisation that is committed to our region and its communities, then we’d love to hear from you.
• Member Services Officer –(permanent full time – 38 hours per week)
Lending Officers (Shepparton Branch)
The MSO is the front-line representative of gmcu. The role requires effective interaction with a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders as well as the ability to contribute positively to a team environment. Duties include undertaking financial transactions, conducting needs-based conversations with members and potential members, and appropriately promoting banking and insurance products and services.
For further information and to obtain a copy of the position description, please contact Stacey Weeks – Chief Human Resources Officer on (03) 5823 4107.
The Lending Officers provide efficient, professional and confidential lending services direct to members, supporting the Branch Manager and the broader GMCU network in the delivery of residential, personal and business lending, whilst ensuring that compliance with all relevant regulations, legislation and licences is met. Key responsibilities include providing friendly responsive and well-informed service to members and potential borrowers, as it relates to the provision of lending products and services; conduction lending interviews and assessing loan applications under delegated lending authority; preparing loan documents and ensure compliance with GMCU’s policies and regulations; communicating with members to provide updates on loan status and answer any questions.
For more details about the position and how to apply please visit our website: www.gmcu.com.au
Applications close and must include a cover letter addressing the Key Selection Criteria (as outlined in the position description) a current CV and can be emailed to recruitment@gmcu.com.au
Aletterofapplicationandresumeareinvitedfrom suitablyqualified/experiencedteachers tocommenceinSemester2,2023. ApplicationscloseonFriday19thMay2023
A regional setting with many local attractions to suit those wishing to make a tree change. Full time, Part-Time, Casual vacancies available.
About Us
Shepparton Retirement Villages (SRV) is a not-for-profit community based largest provider of aged care services in Shepparton region. SRV is responsible for the delivery of care across 286 residential aged care beds, 272 independent living units and 50 aged care packages.
Benefits & Culture
We value our team and the wonderful work they do Our sta members enjoy a range of benefits such as:
• Sign on & retention bonus equivalent to four weeks’ additional pay
• Relocation allowance up to $5K
•Potential for Visa Sponsorship for the right candidate as your pathway to Permanent Residency in Australia
About You
•Attractive Salary Packaging option as a not-for profit organisation to maximise take-home pay
• Professional development opportunities
• Competitive salary plus Superannuation
• A collaborative and supportive workplace culture
• Rewards & Recognition program
We are seeking Registered Nurses to ensure professional and e ective delivery of clinical care to our residents. You will join our dedicated clinical team working in collaboration with care sta and Department Managers. You will be someone who can undertake day to day clinical leadership of a facility Does this sound like you?
• A Registered Division 1 Nurse with a current Australian practicing registration
•Have experience working within a residential aged care setting or be willing to learn
• As a values-driven individual, you’re able to role model our values and behaviours
• Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to build and maintain positive working relationships within a multi-disciplinary team
•Strong problem-solving, analytical skills for complex issues, clinical assessment, and care planning
Applications are to be submitted with a cover letter and resume to: recruitment@sheppvillages.com.au
For further information or to obtain a copy of the position description, please contact People & Culture on 03 5832 0800 or visit www.sheppvillages.com.au/employment
If successful, a police check/criminal record, NDIS checks and evidence of full immunisation record are required prior to employment and periodically during employment.
is s not t impossible.
This will be an interesting game between two teams desperate for a win. They both sit 1-4, with the Demons losing its past four games while the Dogs will be desperate to get back on the winners’ list after two losses. United gave up an eight-goal first quarter last weekend and coach Duane Hueston will be working on his team having a strong start to the game against the Dogs. There is no doubt that coach Paul Barnard would have been a little disappointed by the fact his team couldn’t get the chocolates at Rochester last weekend. He knows it will take some time for his Dogs to gel, and I am going for the Demons to kick a winning score against the Dogs. Tip: Shepparton United.
Seymour is flying at 5-0 while the Swans are a work in progress under new coach Jedd Wright. The Swans were able to be much more competitive last weekend in its 20-point defeat to last year’s runner-up Euroa. The Lions were able to get the job done against last year’s preliminary finalist. 2021 Morrison Medallist, Jack O’Sullivan played his best game of the season. Diesel Batey, Max Clohesy, Zac Banch, Andrew Riordan and Nathan Hrovat were good for the Swans in their loss to the Magpies. If they can continue that good form, then they will fancy themselves to go the distance with the undefeated Lions. Tip: Seymour.
Mansfield will be looking to return to the winners’ list when it welcomes Shepparton to the High Country. The Bears are 1-4 but have been building each week. After giving up six goals in the first quarter, the Bears lost the final three quarters six goals to three. Co-coaches Xavier Stevenson and Ted Lindon will be looking to build on that effort during the final three quarters against the Eagles. For mine, the Eagles will win to improve their season record to 4-2. Tip: Mansfield.
This should be a really good contest to show where both these teams are at before the inter-league bye. Kyabram has only lost the one game – v Echuca in round 2, while Euroa to Seymour in round 3. The Bombers will be eager to turn the tables on the Pies after losing to them in last year’s elimination final. But that said, coach Paul Newman won’t be worrying too much. His focus will be on what they are doing well and how to expose weaknesses in the Pies’ game plan. Brad Whitford, Will Golds, Rhys Clark, Kaine Herbert, Thomas Holman and Kyle Mueller will be responsible for doing that and turning the tables on the Pies. Will Hayes, Matthew Ivill and Andrew Bell have been others that have been in strong form for the Pies who are hoping to regain Gus Varley and JD Hayes for this big four-point game. Tip: Euroa.
Mooroopna has a tricky assignment in trying to avoid a third straight loss when it welcomes Rochester to the Cattery. Coach John Lamont acknowledged his Cats have just done enough to win the three games this season. Against Seymour they gave 11 (9.2.56) scoring shots in the first quarter and against Kyabram 10 (5.5.35) scoring shots. He will be reminding his players to not take Rochester lightly despite their 1-4 record. Joseph Atley, Reid Gordon (three goals), Mitch Cricelli (two goals), Nicholas O’Connor and Matt Kellett will be important for the visitors. But I think the Cats have too much to play for to let this one slip through their paws. Tip: Mooroopna.
This is a massive challenge for the Saints as they make the long trip across to the Port of the Murray to take on the reigning premier. The Saints are hoping for a better result than the last meeting on the Murray River. To help them, ruckman Joshua Marchbank, Nicholas Brazil, Jarrad Waite (six goals), James Martiniello and Henry Hill will be important for the visitors. The Murray Bombers will hopefully regain some of their premiership stars who have missed games in the opening five weeks of the season, including premiership co-coach Andrew Walker.Even if those guys aren’t back, the Murray Bombers will be too strong for the Saints. Tip: Echuca.
Goulburn Valley Orchid Club proudly presents the
When: Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st May 2023
Where: Shepparton Harness Racing Club, Melbourne Rd, Kialla
Time: Saturday 9am - 4pm Sunday 10am - 3pm
Cost: Adults $5 (14 years & under FREE)
On show will be the most exquisite and beautiful orchids in Northern Victoria. Come along and enjoy:
• Expert growers will carry out potting demonstrations and give advice
• Raffles for orchid plants
• Pots, stakes and orchid potting mixes on sale
• Stunning floral displays
• Orchid plant sales
Light luncheon, morning and afternoon tea will be available. Even if you are not an orchid enthusiast come along and admire the sheer beauty and elegance of these orchid blooms - they are truly breathtaking.
For further details contact the President, Chris Ibbotson on 0417 923 874
Can Tatura continue its blistering start to 2023 which sees them as one of the two undefeated teams?
Coach Fiona Boyer has done an outstanding job over the summer to get the girls ready and to go out and recruit to fill the holes in the 2022 squad. Mid-courter Elise Boyer, shooter Jasmine Fraser, utility Taylor Rokahr and defender Molly Boyle will be important for the visitors.
The home team will look to defender Laura Cole, young shooter Diaz Barzen and fellow shooter Georgie Walpole to try and replicate the win over Benalla last weekend. I think the experience and depth of the Dogs’ playing roster tips the scales in their favour. Tip: Tatura.
Seymour will look to continue its strong start
by Sam Saracinoto the 2023 season when it welcomes the Swans to Kings Park.
The Lions bounced back from its first defeat of the season last weekend. They proved too strong for the winless Mansfield and they will look to shooter Jessica Lallo, Courtney Aldous, Casey Adamson and Rosie O’Sullivan to continue their good form.
I think their experience will prove the difference in the wash up. Tip:
SeymourShepparton will look to get its stop/start to season 2023 back on track. Last weekend, the Bears seemed headed for victory, leading by 14 goals at one stage against Echuca. But in the end, it had to settle for a draw with the Murray Bombers.
Tanner Edwards and Madelyn Gray were the standouts for the Bears. If they can continue that form and limit the influence of Isobel Anderson, Meg Mahoney and Darcy Croxford-Demasi,
LAST Saturday’s Open was in full swing, with close matches across all courts. Court One had Lorenzo and Ben inseparable in first place. Oscar pulled out all the shots, as pictured, to win all his sets, just like Chris did on Court Three. The Saturday Open is a fun way to play tennis, it is familyfriendly, there is no commitment needed, great for beginners, and at only $5 to play, cheap exercise as well. Tennis Round Robin is played Saturday at 4 Brauman Street, Shepparton from 1.15pm. Participants play three sets of doubles. To join in the fun, contact Ben Ladson on 0417 629 780.
then they should return home from the High Country with the chocolates.
Tip: Shepparton.
Euroa is looking to consolidate its place in the top six. The Pies have been really solid this season, losing only once while Kyabram remains winless after five rounds.
Last weekend, the Pies had a convincing win over the Swans by 21 goals. They will look to Kellie Davidson, Mia Sudomirksi and Tylah Marchbank to continue their good form.
Kyabram will look to Jemma Hall, Hollie Reid and Elivia Hall to try and lift the team to its first win of 2023. Tip: Euroa.
Mooroopna commenced life without star shooter Dayna Williams in style, defeating Kyabram to remain one of two undefeated teams. Rochester pushed Tatura, but was unable to go the distance with them.
The Cats will look to mid-courter Asha Gray, defender Caitlin McLachlan and young shooters Jasmine Clark, Taylah Lloyd and Sienna Burke to drop a winning score for the home team.
Coach Di Hanslow was able to move the magnets around in the absence of Williams to get past Kyabram and I think they will get the job done against the Tigers. Tip: Mooroopna.
Echuca will be desperate to improve its record of 2 ½ wins for the season when it welcomes Benalla to the Port of the Murray.
Coach Belinda Lees would have been buoyed by the fight her team showed to come from 14 goals down at one point against the Bears to earn a 55-55 draw.
Lees will look to mid-courter Greta Pearson, defender Lauren Jones and youngster Raina Fimmel to lead the way while Benalla will look to Olivia Dalton, Natalie Pritchard and Kate Symes to lead them to their second win of the season. Tip: Echuca.
MAKING its debut on April 22, the Melbourne to MOVE rally is set to become a must-do annual event every motor enthusiast. In its first year, the event drew a diverse mix of around 50 classic and modern cars, motorbikes trucks and buses.
As proud sponsors of the world-class Museum of Vehicle Evolution (MOVE), it was extremely fitting that the rally began at CMW Truck & Bus's state-of-the-art Derrimut Dealership. From the starting line after breakfast, around 50 cars in a convoy travelled through the scenic countryside, travelling north to Nagambie and stopping for lunch along the banks of the Goldburn River at a beautiful private estate at Toolamba.
During the final leg of the rally, drivers arrived in Shepparton and drove proudly through the finish arch at MOVE before joining in the celebrations at the Finishline Festival. CMV Truck & Bus displayed
three historic prime movers and the CMV Jim Crawford Historic Vehicle Collection showcased a 1961 Commer T53, a Volvo S16 and a 1972 Volvo G88.
The event was in support of MOVE, an independent not-for-profit museum, and future generations to enjoy the museum that celebrates legends of the transport industry. The Melbourne to MOVE rally will become a key event on the Victorian motoring calendar.
Organisers said it was fantastic to have a collection of show worthy vehicles from across the decades, with the oldest car participating being a 1921 Bentley.
The date for next years’ Melbourne to MOVE rally will be announced in coming weeks. Follow MOVE on social media for alerts. MOVE is open Monday to Sunday 10am to 4pm. For more information go to moveshepparton.com.au or phone 5823 5833.