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Detailed report highlights the pros and cons in flood response
from The Adviser 1666
by The Adviser
THE Committee for Greater Shepparton (C4GS) has recently published a report that captures the experiences of over 60 member businesses, agencies, and nonprofit organisations during the October 2022 floods.
C4GS CEO Lindy Nieuwenhuizen stated that the report was compiled based on the feedback received from nine member roundtables held between February and March 2023. An independent consultant, engaged by C4GS, collected and analysed the information to produce the report.
“At each of the roundtables we asked our members three key questions – what worked, what could have been done better and what would we do differently in the future?” said Lindy.
Detailing the strength of the community response to the floods, Lindy said, “We heard some extremely proud and positive feedback. The incredible spirit, generosity and cooperation demonstrated by our local community, business, and agencies including the SES, police and council; the accuracy of the GBCMA’s flood mapping; the success of council’s planning controls in recent housing developments; the many ways apps and social media connected industry and community; and the leadership demonstrated by individuals and organisations.”
Acknowledging the strengths of the community's response to the October floods the report robustly identified several challenges with four stand outs:
1. The need for a second river crossing critical to the regional workforce and national freight.
2. A call for locals to strengthen district emergency management.
3. A Requirement to build energy resilience vital to emergency response and business continuity.

4. A continuance for accurate flood mapping and planning underpinning smarter and safer housing.
Following the extensive and collated feedback, the Committee will share its report findings as part of the local review and recovery processes.
“The report will also inform our advocacy on behalf of members including our submission to the Victorian Parliamentary inquiry early next month,” said Lindy, adding,
It’s a long journey for many in our community and the support has been vital.”
For more detail and information about the Committee for Greater Shepparton Flood Experience Report copies are available by emailing admin@c4gs.com.au.