Born and raised in Greater Shepparton I understand what is important to our home.
I live and volunteer in Pine Lodge Ward and my children go to school here.
I am passionate about our area because I am invested in it, with strong connections in both business and community.
I am a local business owner who heavily reinvests in local sporting clubs, non-for profits and schools.
With business, board and community experience, I have what it takes to be our voice at the council table.
To the Residents of Pine Lodge Ward
We express our resolute support for candidate Jac McCarty.
Stephen Beks, DirectorShepparton Gators Basketball
Karen Bigg, Former DirectorEveryday Supplies
Vic Bovalino, Owner/ Manager - VAB Hairdressing
Steve & John Buzzo, Directors - GV Hotel
Lisa Hueston, Wellbeing Co-Ordinator
Laura Lawn, Life Member - Katandra Football/Netball Club
Aum Modi, Owner/ManagerNoble Monks
See page 2
Scott Mundy, Managing Director - Goulburn Valley Transport
Nick Napolitano, Owner/ Manager - Eastwood Orchard Shepparton East
Pam Pogue, Former Director of Development - Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Simon Quattrocchi, Director - GV Finance Brokers
Sam Renato, Former Business Owner - Renato’s Florist
Michaela Sargeant, Director - Pendulum Communications & Engagement
Jeanette and Enver Sabri, Community Leaders
Stephen Schneider, Managing Director - Stephen’s Jewellers
Peter Shields, Director - North Vic Glazing & Dookie Farmer
Anthony Spadaro, Managing DirectorOptus Business Centre
Victoria Regional North
Wayne Sutton, Managing DirectorThe Standard Squeeze

To the Residents of Pine Lodge Ward
We express our resolute support for candidate Jac McCarty.
JAC Is a proven leader who has been a committed contributor to our community over many years. With dedication, strength and positivity, Jac strives to understand issues and exactly what matters to others. No matter the issue or the forum, she always listens with intent and compassion to the needs and concerns of others and is committed to finding sensible, meaningful solutions. She approaches each commitment with deep sincerity and a genuine desire to make a difference, and she never shies away from difficult conversations and advocating hard for what she believes is right, with the community perspective and outcomes for the region consistently front of mind.
Born and raised in Greater Shepparton, Jac has raised her family here, and following extensive business experience over 20+ years she took over the family business, Everyday Supplies, in 2019. Jac truly understands that looking after business and attracting new growth to the region is crucial for Greater Shepparton’s continued success, currently

sitting on the board of Greater Shepparton Business Network helping foster business connections and development throughout the region. With President of the Goulburn Valley Grammar School P&F, Council member of Congupna Primary, Delegate of Congupna Cruzers Soccer Club and proud Rotarian among her community responsibilities, she is a willing contributor to a range of worthy causes and organisations, which enables her to properly understand many everyday issues of importance to the region.
Community: We are a proud ward filled with many small towns who are thriving from community led groups.We need our voice at the council table to reflect each area’s passions and make them heard equally. We must ensure each town hub has services and areas that are of a deserved standard and have the abilty to grow and adapt to increasing population.
Water: Our ward covers vast amounts of farming land that lead the way in production of food, dairy and crops. We must continue to lobby for water protection to protect the future of not only the rural sector, but the flow on effect of potential job losses, produce price rises and economic uncertainty.
Investment: Pine Lodge Ward is growing at a rapid progression with many families choosing to build and call our area home. We need to ensure services, paths, playgrounds and roads are adequate. Our equal share of ratepayer money should be reinvested in our communities.

Join us in supporting Jac in the upcoming election. The support she embodies for her community goes beyond a sense of duty—it’s a reflection of her core values and compassionate character, her strength and determination and genuinely good heart. She is legitimately the standout candidate for Pine Lodge Ward, a long-term resident with strong ties to many communities in the ward through family and business, and will advocate for your needs and interests with great intellect and unwavering honesty.
Rubbish: Both residential and rural parts of our ward are affected by our recent waste changes. We need to continue focusing on alternate ways to ease and improve this.

advocate great

Authorised by Peter Walker, Queen

IN A move to bolster food manufacturing in Australia, iconic Shepparton-based food company SPC will merge with the Original Juice Company and Nature One Dairy. The Original Juice Company (OJC) will acquire SPC Global, and the powdered milk business owned by Nature One Dairy via a binding Merger Implementation Deed and Share Sale Agreements, subject to several conditions including approval by OJC shareholders in November 2024. Continued Page 8

TONNES OF FUN... The 148th annual Shepparton Show is on Friday and Saturday, October 11 and 12, 2024, bringing heaps of free entertainment and lively displays for two-days of fun at the Shepparton Showgrounds. Photos: Supplied

SPRING is in full bloom, and so is the excitement for the Shepparton Show! The 148th annual Shepparton Agricultural Show is back on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12, bringing two days of thrilling
entertainment for the whole family. You won’t want to miss the sky lighting at 9pm on Saturday night, courtesy of Southern Cross Pyrotechnics.
This year’s Shepparton Show is pulling out all the stops with

free entertainment sure to dazzle and delight, including Warren Brophy’s Outdoor Circus and Globe of Death, roving performers like The Great Gizmo and No Bull Drummers providing fun and games for kids of all ages, and
Lachie Cossor & The Outback Stockman Show, described as ‘orchestrated chaos,’ this show combines horsemanship, working dogs, and audience participation with a hearty dose of humour.
Continued Page 10

100 and 101 years young
TWO remarkable milestones have been celebrated at Shepparton’s Harmony Villages retirement home recently. On Thursday, September 26, Lorna Pittaway marked her 101st birthday, surrounded by family, friends, staff and her husband, Bill, who recently turned 100.
The couple is also set to celebrate another incredible achievement in January 2025; their 80th wedding anniversary.
Lorna Dorothy Pittaway, née Oliver, was born on September 26, 1923, in Rochester. She grew up on a farm near Lockington, where her family raised sheep and grew crops.
William Earnest Pittaway, or Bill as he is better known, was born September 14, 1925, in Golden Square, Bendigo. Bill’s family lived on a dairy farm at Kangaroo Flat, where they milked cows and bottled the milk for selling.
Both Lorna and Bill have witnessed incredible changes over the past century. One such example is the ‘milk run’ whereby in the past people received milk via a horse and cart delivered to their homes, rather than going to the store. The milk run was originally established by Bill’s great grandfather who delivered the milk on foot with a large yoke over his shoulders with a bucket on each end containing the milk.
Bill recalls delivering milk as a young boy and selling it for 1 ½ pence a pint. In today’s terms, this means that milk was sold for 2 cents for around ½ a litre or approximately 5 cents a litre. Most people these days know milk is around $3 a litre.
During the Great Depression, Bill was fortunate to gain employment in Lockington as a “butcher boy”, a career he remained in until being enlisted to the Royal Australian Air Force in 1943 at age 19.
Bill and Lorna married in Townsville on January 5, 1945, prior to the war ending.
They went on to have two sons together, Kevin and Denis. In 2016, Bill and Lorna moved to a unit at the village and in 2022 they moved into the Residential Home, where they celebrated their milestone birthdays.

Don’t miss out!

Spread the joy and make this Christmas truly special. Don’t wait, order today! Make sure you’re ready for the big day by placing your orders early to avoid disappointment.

We Listen Suicide Awareness Walk will be on Saturday, October 26 from 6pm to 8:30pm at Victoria Park Lake, Shepparton. Federal Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell MP (pictured at last year’s walk) will again share his thoughts on this sensitive topic. For more information, to volunteer and to register call Steve 0400 314 858 or contact them on Facebook.
Aquamoves has once again achieved Life Saving Victoria’s prestigious Platinum Pool Award, placing the facility among an exclusive group of just 40 aquatic centres across Victoria, recognised for their excellence in safety and risk management. The Platinum Pool status is awarded only to facilities that demonstrate the highest safety
standards, passing rigorous assessments that examine all aspects of aquatic safety. Achieving this milestone underscores Aquamoves’ commitment to providing a safe, welcoming environment for all visitors.
As part of Seniors Week, Shepp BUG (bicycle user group) is holding a Bike Path Adventure Rally on Sunday, October 13 from 9am to 12pm.
The ride begins at the base of the walking bridge over the Goulburn River behind Aquamoves, with four different bike path routes on offer varying in lengths between 2-11 km. BUG members will be riding the routes until 12pm for support. Own bike and helmet essential. For more
when this dangerous road will be fixed. GIRL CRICKET COME AND TRY Shepparton Cricket Association are hosting a pair of comeand-try gala days on Sunday, October 13 at the Vibert Reserve on

Apprenticeship Factory 40th birthday

THE Apprenticeship Factory and Monarch Personnel celebrated its 40th birthday Thursday, September 12 at the Terminus Hotel.
The AF team celebrated with supporters and shareholders for what was a significant milestone for the organisation that provides a crucial link between young people wanting to obtain a trade qualification, and employers looking to hire an apprentice or trainee.
The Apprenticeship Factory has a dedicated team of local staff who realise the importance of creating opportunities for young people so that the region can continue to grow. Their staff continually work with businesses and young school leavers who are looking to work in the trades sector.

Time to quit the day job
By Aaron Cordy PURSUING
that dream job can be a work of toil and dogged determination, or a daydream while you whittle away the hours of a day job. For some, the daydream is all that it is, for others the daydream is the first step to a fulfilling career. But what are the jobs locals are googling?
BizCover has analysed Google search data for over 700 job roles combined with the phrase "how to become a..." to identify the most searched careers. By incorporating location data and ranking each role based on search volume, they have discovered the most soughtafter jobs nationwide and in different regions including Greater Shepparton.
The results overall have come with few surprises, but not many readers would guess the most googled job by people in Shepparton. Amongst locals, the desire to become a Pilot is an ambition shared by many with the topmost Google searches at 140 a month, or one person who is super keen on pursuing the skies as a career choice.
Real estate agent, paramedic, police officer and psychologist round out the top five jobs searched locally. Nationally real
estate agent is the most googled job, ahead of justice of peace, psychologist, pilot and paramedic.
The most searched job roles in Shepparton, according to BizCover are:
• Pilot - 140 monthly searches
• Real Estate Agent - 130 monthly searches
• Paramedic - 120 monthly searches
• Police Officer -110 monthly searches
• Psychologist - 100 monthly searches
The national trends in “how to become” career searches were:
• Real Estate Agent
• Justice of Peace
• Psychologist
• Pilot • Paramedic
• Psychiatrist
• Mortgage broker
• Flight Attendant
• Police Officer
• Firefighter
“This data provides a fascinating insight into the career goals of people in Shepparton. Whether driven by economic trends, cultural shifts, or personal ambitions, it’s clear that Pilot is capturing the imagination of many here,” said head of marketing at BizCover Sharon Kenny.

Letters to the Editor
To the Editor,
Local Government elections are upon us this month. Changes brought in by the Victorian Government mean that the people of Greater Shepparton can no longer vote for nine councillors. Rather, they will be restricted to voting for the candidates standing in their area or “ward”.
I know many people are dismayed because they are losing the freedom to vote for candidates of their choosing, simply because of their geography. Moreover, the opportunity to vote at all can be lost when only one candidate stands in a ward. In that scenario, the sole candidate is automatically appointed to Council with no election which is unfortunate as no multiple candidates to consider.
First, I would like to thank the outgoing Council for their wisdom and efforts over the past four years. Their achievements include effectively navigating Covid, floods, the opening of the Shepparton Mall and the SAM building, as well as many day-to-day projects.
Second, I consider the re-election of Mayor Shane Sali (Balaclava Ward) and councillor Anthony Brophy (Kialla Ward) essential to retain key intellect, knowledge and experience for a successful transition to the next Council. Meanwhile, the election of Jaclyn McCarty (Pine Lodge Ward) would bring fresh perspective and skillset.
In his time as a councillor and Mayor, Shane Sali has shown exceptional leadership and dedication. Shane has the youthful
energy and visionary thinking required to meet both the opportunities and challenges of the future.
He supports local businesses, and amongst the many contracts awarded to local businesses, the council’s recent 15-year waste contract was awarded to locally owned and operated Foott Waste.
If you live in the Balaclava Ward, consider that a vote for Shane Sali means strong and fair leadership plus a clear direction for the future of his ward and Greater Shepparton.
Next, former Deputy Mayor Anthony Brophy is fully committed to his role as councillor. Anthony has the benefit of years of working within government as a staff member for several politicians prior to standing for Council. Anthony understands the mechanics of government and, like Shane, knows how to work with, but not controlled by bureaucracy.
Anthony is approachable and has excellent connections to the Kialla community. I urge you to consider voting for him if you are in the Kialla Ward.
Jaclyn McCarty is a business owner who is standing for the Pine Lodge Ward. Jaclyn is from a well-respected local family and all her life has known service to the community. She is involved in school council, parents and friends, is a Rotarian and a board member of the Greater Shepparton Business Network. Jac is a person with the ability to make logical and sensible decisions and will be an excellent councillor. I urge you to consider a vote for her if you live in the Pine Lodge Ward.
Email your letters to the editor to editorial@sheppartonadviser.com.au
Please keep letters to under 200 words.
There are very suitable candidates who have put up their hands to stand who would make excellent councillors. However, with the ward system not all those people can be elected which is a weakness in the voting this year.
I can only suggest that you read the information available regarding the candidates available through online and printed sources. Find out who stands in your ward and be informed when you vote.
But of course, it is up to you the voters to inform yourself and decide. So, contact the candidates in your ward to find out what they stand for and ask questions about the new ward system. I wish nothing but success for Greater Shepparton in the selection of a new council.
John Anderson, Shepparton
For goodness's sake, we have been had, so to speak. Roll up, roll up to the greatest show in town where the banks and portable EFTPOS machine manufacturers have been spruiking cards as the public’s safest way of following exactly where our money is spent.
Well, well, well, three holes in the ground, rarely are concepts quite so literal. We have been duped, lulled into a sense of security with one hand, while the other hand whisks away charges that should never even have been contemplated. Let me explain.
The money in our savings account is ours, earned by hard work, one might even ruminate on the concept that we should be
paid for lending it to the bank. The bank then advertises how simple it is to utilise one’s cards to pay for any goods we choose to purchase. That is fine in principle until one realises that a surcharge has been put on your purchases because you handed over your card.
Yes, you are actually billed extra for using your own money, what the hell is happening there? Oh, wait a minute, if I had chosen to pay cash it would have cost me far less. Cash is King.
It is inconceivable to me that, now the community has been virtually convinced to “tap their card” rather than have a bundle of notes in their wallet, only to be charged for the privilege of spending one’s own money. It is not even a credit card, it’s a savings card as well that costs you more. Part with cash and there are no hidden costs.
I shall give you a for instance. Say I spent $60 on a meal and the card payment was an extra $1.17. That seems minor until you add up how many transactions you make for a year, as well as how high that charge can rise, and not forgetting, “Oh yeah, it’s my money in the first place so why am I charged for using my own money?” The charges can vary from less than 0.5% right up to 4%, which is outrageous.
Think about where this scenario could ultimately travel to because we are over the barrel of a gun here, that is unless you can fill your wallet with cash everywhere you go.
Paul Richardson, Shepparton

SPC merger to shore up Australian food manufacturing
continued from front page
SPC DIRECTOR and former Asahi Beverages Group CEO Robert Iervasi has been appointed managing director of the merged business, which will own and operate three business divisions, namely SPC, OJC and Nature One Dairy.
Together the three businesses aim to create a substantial Australian based and owned global food and beverage companies that will continue to support Australian producers
and execute on a global growth strategy.
“SPC Global is excited to be joining with OJB and Nature One Dairy and come to market with a leading food and beverage platform. With out market leading package fruit, canned tomatoes, and baked bean products, we are excited to expand with OJC both domestically and globally and see significant synergy potential in bringing the two producers together,” said Mr Iervasi.
“Proud of our 100-plus year history and our Shepparton roots. SPC looks forward

• Community • Business • Leadership
to working with the OJC team to accelerate growth and leveraging the combined platform to enhance distribution of our products. The addition of Nature One Dairy also allows us to diversify and reach more consumers every day through our international channels.”
SPC Global chairman and chair of the merged company, Hussein Rifai, said the transaction for a critical step in advancing the global strategy that has guided SPC since its divestment from Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA).
“It aligns with SPC’s long-term vision of transforming SPC into a global leader in the food and beverage sector,” he said. “Since acquiring SPC from CCA, our strategy has been to firmly establish ourselves as a leader in both the Australian and global markets. Building a strong foundation in our home market is vital for sustainable growth and success.”
“Our immediate focus is on solidifying SPC’s position as a domestic market leader. This is the essential first step before executing our broader global strategy, which targets key international markets, particularly in Asia, where we see significant growth opportunities,” Mr Rifai said.
The combined business is expected to deliver more than $400M of revenue and more than $29M of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in the 2025 financial year.

(and those young at heart) will be delighted by the animal nursery, supplied by Hannah’s Homestead and Aussie Farm Animals, and the chance to enjoy free camel rides! Plus, Sideshow Alley, brought to you by the Victorian Showmen’s Guild, guarantees all the carnival thrills, from
For those keen on exploring the creative
side of the region, check out community displays from the Australian Native Society, Rural Health’s Teddy Bear Hospital, and demonstrations from the GV Sewing Centre, showcasing Brother sewing machines and more. And of course, no show would be complete without a taste of CWA scones!
And it wouldn’t be an agricultural show without animals! This year’s lineup includes everything from Miniature Horses and Dairy Cattle to Boer Goats, Championship
Dog Shows, and an exciting wood chop demonstration.
Take advantage of the discounted Earlybird 2-day Family Pass (2 adults & 3 children) for just $60 plus booking fee, available until 5pm, Thursday, October 10. Otherwise, gate prices for a one-day family pass start at $55, with adult and concession options available too.
To learn more, or to book your ticket, go to www.sheppshow.com.au/

Seniors’ forum coming to Eureka Villages Shepparton!
CREATING flourishing communities where seniors can thrive is a top priority at Eureka Villages. The Shepparton village features less than 70 beautifully designed rental units, purpose-built for the comfort and safety of residents.
Eureka Villages offers independent living for seniors in a community-oriented environment, featuring onebedroom unfurnished units, daily delicious home-style meals, village manager, well-maintained landscaped surrounds, pet-friendly policies, a secure gated complex, and hassle-free rentals with no buy-in.

Eureka Villages Shepparton welcome you to join us to hear from local groups and services working with seniors in the community:
•Family Care •Men’s Shed’s Shepparton district •Probus & U3A 17th Oct 2024 | 9am – 11am
For more information, or to reserve your spot, contact Village Manager Jodie, shepparton@eurekavillages.com.au or call 5821 7405
Mayor Shane Sali wants to roll up his sleeves in the Balaclava Ward
SHANE Sali wants to continue advancing the region, which is why he is running in the Balaclava Ward in the upcoming council election.
"I have been a councillor for four years, and current Mayor for over two years. In that time, together with the good people of Greater Shepparton we've advanced our region, and I've made great connections that are ready to be seized that will deliver healthy economic impacts for all people," said Cr Sali.
Greater Shepparton has faced many challenges over the last four years, and as Mayor Shane has been at the forefront of it all.
"I'm a hands-on Councillor, I roll up my sleeves and get it done. I take the phone calls, respond to emails, visit people and listen as this best positions me to action their items at council.
"Our region grows premium foods, and we need water to do it, we must protect our water to grow our economy and to secure a healthy future for everyone. Council has the challenge of meeting community expectations on delivering key services in a difficult economic environment. we must work hard to deliver affordable experiences for everyone.
A family man involved in multiple sporting and community groups Shane believes in making time to engage with people and organisations to secure an understanding of their operations and needs.
"We must get greater support from the Federal and State governments to financially support critical infrastructure to unlock housing estates to create affordable living for all people."

Kamal Dhillon wants a fair share for the Kialla Ward
KAMAL Dhillon understands the challenges facing small businesses and our local residents, which is why he is running for the Kialla Ward in the upcoming council election.
“I have been living in Greater Shepparton for the past 15 years. I am a proud resident of the Kialla Ward, a community-minded local small business owner, husband to Preet, and father to two children. I would be proud to represent you on the Greater Shepparton City Council,” said Kamal.
A small business owner in the CBD, Kamal has been part of committees advocating with council for free parking in the CBD, and with the Victorian Parliament for bus services in the Kialla area.

“There are currently no public bus services in Kialla Lakes or Seven Creeks. I have launched a petition with the Victorian Parliament for a bus review and I will continue to advocate for bus services in our ward that our community needs.
“For over 12 years I have run small businesses in the hospitality and transport industries and understand the challenges small businesses and local communities face. Through these businesses, I am very much connected with our local community and community concerns and needs.”
Through his connection with community groups and organisations like People Supporting People, Kamal understands the needs of Greater
“If elected I will advocate and ensure that Kialla receive our fair share of the council budget and I will address the concerns of residents including the maintenance of our Lakes, returning to the weekly red bin collection, playground shades and water stations to name a few.”
BUSINESS NOUSE... Kamal Dhillon has announced he is running for the Kialla Ward in the upcoming council election. The Kialla Ward begins at the Broken River and the Goulburn River and runs to River Road Kialla. Photo: Supplied

Your candidates for Council elections 2024

Jac McCarty supplying good governance to the Pine Lodge Ward
JAC McCarty wants focused local government relevant to Greater Shepparton, which is why she is running in the Pine Lodge Ward in the upcoming council election.
“As a local business owner and heavily involved in the community, I am deeply invested in Greater Shepparton and passionate about its future. I want to contribute to supporting our area’s growth of industry and business as well as for families and their futures. We need to ensure we stay focussed on local governance that is relevant to Council and maintain our focus on achieving what is important to the community through a united council,” said Jac.
“In recent years we have had a progressive Mayor who has worked hard to stamp our area on the map. Combined with the appointment of a terrific new CEO, who drives a vision for Greater
Shepparton that shows great promise, it is an inspiring time to become part of that team.”
Jac has worked in finance and management roles for both big and small local companies and currently runs her own business, Everyday Supplies, which has given her a strong understanding of the local business climate and the need to create job growth in the area.
“We must focus on attracting and maintaining suitable people in our area. By also encouraging further growth in our Tertiary education options and thereby keeping our young people in our region to study and live, we are more likely to keep their skill set and grow our knowledge base locally.
“Population spread and Infrastructure are fast becoming an ongoing issue. Our outlying wards are seeing rapid growth, with huge demand for housing and services occurring at a faster
Anthony Brophy brings extensive experience to the Kialla Ward
ANTHONY Brophy believes Greater Shepparton has a lot of potential that needs attention, which is why he is again running in the upcoming council election for the Kialla Ward.
“After my first term as Councillor and with a number of things achieved, I believe that I am the right person to represent Kialla Ward under the new ward structure,” said Cr Anthony.
“There is much that needs attention in Greater Shepparton, and I have the experience, the leadership and vision for what is needed not only in Kialla but across Greater Shepparton. I am a good listener and take on board what the community priorities are against the budget of a council.”
Serving on council for the last four years has given Anthony valuable insight into the key priorities of Greater Shepparton. One of the main concerns is land availability, whether it’s for residents who are owning or renting, or for commercial and industrial purposes.
Water security is essential to ensure we have a productive agricultural

and horticultural sustainability, that flows on to service retention within our communities.
Anthony also highlighted the need for transport improvements, be that road upgrades for locals or transport operators, public buses matching the community needs and a train service to Melbourne that is more frequent and faster.
“I bring to the role experience in local government having been a Councillor the last four years and deputy mayor for two of those. From my extensive experience working for two Federal Members of Parliament and one Senator, skills from facilitating the Fairley Leadership Program, compassion and understanding from over a decade of being a well-being officer across a number of schools in the region and commercial acumen from employment in retail and public organisations. My community involvement includes being president or chair of several sporting boards and associations as well as educational providers.”

pace than we can keep up with. Community facilities, footpaths, and upgrades to existing infrastructure to accommodate this must be high on our priorities.
Jac is a Board Member of the Greater Shepparton Business Network, a School Council Member, and a Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Shepparton.
“I am deeply embedded in the community across various groups which give me first-hand access to people’s thoughts, concerns, and ideas about Greater Shepparton. I have chaired and been a part of business boards, school councils, sporting and community groups showcasing my strong skills of achieving outcomes through teamwork.”

Diane Teasdale means business for Balaclava Ward
DIANE Teasdale is a candidate for Balaclava Ward in the local government elections. Acutely aware of issues affecting the ward, Diane said she was born and raised in Balaclava, raised her own children in the area and has lived in five houses in Balaclava over the years.
She has decided to run for council because she has been a supporter of local government since leaving school and working for a councillor and mayor in Shepparton. She said she has been friends with councillors and mayors and has attended many meetings over a 40-year period, giving her insight into what the role entails.
Diane said the three biggest issues facing Greater Shepparton are controlling rate increases in the best interest of ratepayers, ensuring that small businesses can thrive, that young people can find employment, and supporting the development of low-cost land and housing so that families have security.
If elected, Diane said she will bring many years of experience in farming and retail business to the councillor position, and experience in budgeting in difficult times. She has experience employing people, and many years experience and interest with irrigation and floods.

Ballot packs mailed out
VOTERS enrolled in Greater Shepparton City Council should check the mail for their ballot packs, mailed to voters from Monday, October 7. Electoral commissioner Sven Bluemmel is encouraging people to vote as early as possible.
"This election is postal, so it’s important to complete and return your ballot material as soon as possible to make sure your vote counts," Mr Bluemmel said.
Ballot material must be in the mail or delivered to the election office at Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre, 132 Welsford Street, Shepparton by 6pm Friday, October 25.
Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack by Tuesday, October 15 should go to vec.vic.gov.au to complete an online replacement ballot pack form.
Candidates who have nominated for the election are listed in the ballot packs and on the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) website at vec.vic.gov. au If candidates have provided them, there will also be candidate photos and statements in the packs, and answers to the candidate questionnaire online. Voting is compulsory for all voters who were enrolled for this election at 4 pm Wednesday, August 7. Voters who don’t vote may be fined. Please note that voters that reside in the Poplar and Rodney Wards do not need to vote, because as the close of nominations there were the same number of candidates as vacancies in this election. This means this election is uncontested and there will be no voting in these wards.

A region bursting with talent and excellence
THERE have been more than 300 nominations across 14 categories for the 2024 Greater Shepparton’s SPC Business Excellence Awards! Congratulations to all those local businesses and individuals that have been notified of their nominations so far. Organised by Greater Shepparton Business Network (GSBN), and proudly sponsored by SPC, finalists will be announced at the special gala presentation dinner on Friday, October 25 at Riverlinks Eastbank. Stay tuned for more nominations announced closer to the gala dinner. To secure


So Creative. From left is SPC Chief Operations Manager Matt McMichael, Olivia Evans-Smith and Steph Boyle from So Creative and Glenn Goodall from

SPC Business Excellence Awards

Please send your CV through to jane@givoni.com.au

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PET ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: As of July 2019, it is now a requirement under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, that an advertisement must include the unique source number (required from the Pet Exchange Register) of the seller and the individual microchip number of each cat or dog being sold or given away These requirements apply to puppies and kittens as well as adult dogs and cats. For further information phone 5832 8900.



Collingwood star Nick Daicos has won his first E.W Copeland Trophy. The prolific midfielder polled 997 votes to win the 2024 best and fairest ahead of Darcy Cameron on 859 with Josh Daicos third on 741.
Jack Crisp (740) and Steele Sidebottom (719) made up the top five.
Daicos’ victory is his first in his already stellar career and it makes him the second Daicos to win the award in two years with brother Josh claiming the honour in 2023.
Not only that, Nick joins his father Peter, as previous winners of their club’s best and fairest.
It’s the first time a father and his two sons have achieved that feat with Peter claiming the honour in 1982.
Other award winners on the night
included Joe Richards who was named the Best First Year Player.
Bobby Hill won the Gordon Coventry Award for the leading goal kicker with 30 goals with Steele Sidebottom claiming the Darren Millane Memorial award for best clubman.
New recruit Lachie Shultz was rewarded with the Gavin Brown award for his defensive pressure.
Collingwood’s E.W Copeland Trophy Top 10 - 2024
1st - Nick Daicos (997 votes)
2nd - Darcy Cameron (859
3rd - Josh Daicos (741)
4th - Jack Crisp (740)
5th - Steele Sidebottom (719)
6th - Scott Pendlebury (682)
7th - Patrick Lipinski (656)
8th - Bobby Hill (645)
8th - Brayden Maynard (645)
10th - Darcy Moore (632)

Anthony Brophy

Your voice for KIALLA

Authorised by G. Dobson, 124 High Street Shepparton