Mission 360˚ Magazine by Adventist Mission - Vol 5 No 3

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blazed down the court toward the basket, imagining myself taking flight like Michael Jordan and slamming the ball through the hoop with ferocity. But as my feet left the ground, I felt something leave my face. I instantly knew— my glasses! With my vision lost, my concentration vanished, and I dove out of bounds into the grass. My students and I searched in the waning light, but my glasses were nowhere to be found. I finally sent the kids home and walked toward my apartment with a heavy heart. S u d d e n l y, a n a g o n i z i n g thought froze me in my tracks. My glasses had to be somewhere near that court, and tomorrow the children would be playing there. What if someone stepped on my glasses before I had a chance to find them? How would I replace them on an island in the middle of the Pacific? This was not how I wanted my student missionary year to go! 4

I met our principal, Mr. Meharry, on the way to my room and shared my dilemma. He suggested that we continue the search now, but before we began, he did something that had completely slipped my mind. He invited me and his young son, Joshua, to pray. Ten minutes later, Joshua ran to show me his discovered treasure—my glasses! That evening on the court wasn’t my only experience with the power of prayer when it came to my glasses. During my year abroad, God used my temporary loss of vision as a lesson in humility and trust several times. The weather was warm and sunny—a perfect day to explore the island on our day off. When my turn to swing came, I was excited to show off my Tarzan-like abilities. I grabbed the vine and began the launch from the runway

1 College in Nebraska.


A selfie with some kindergarteners while I was their substitute teacher. Love their smiles!


One of the best birthdays I’ve had, surrounded by my students.


I had the opportunity to climb some of the lovely mountains in Kosrae.


I enjoyed getting involved in school activities, especially when I was a main attraction.

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