Reaching the unreached with hope
Reaching the unreached with hope
Dear Mission Supporter,
What do you give that friend or loved one who seems to have everything?
This year, instead of gift wrapping a birthday present, why not help fund a Global Mission church-planting project in their honor?
Your gift could introduce people to Jesus for the first time in three of our greatest mission challenges.
10/40 Window
Secular and Post-Christian Window
Urban Window
Your support will help plant new churches and train workers to share the gospel with their communities.
Your contribution will be multiplied by funding from every level of the church, including divisions, unions, and conferences. Together, following Christ’s Method of Ministry, we can help reach those who have not yet heard the Good News.
Please note, 100 percent of your gift will go to the project you select.
May God bless you as you generously support His mission.
Gary Krause Director Adventist Mission
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure that you use, it will be measured to you.”
Luke 6:38 NIV
Two-thirds of the world’s population lives in the 10/40 Window. Less than half are reached with the gospel. Stretching from North Africa, through the Middle East, and into East Asia, the 10/40 Window is a high-priority area for mission. It’s home to the major religions, fast-growing cities, and some of the world’s most impoverished people. Millions of people in this region have never even heard of Jesus. With your help, we can change that.
From Morocco in the west to Oman in the east, the Middle East and North Africa region
is home to more than 600 million people, but only one in every 92,477 people is Adventist. Those who know the story of Jesus in this region typically have a distorted picture of Him and Christians. You can make a difference by funding church planters in this region. Remind people living in these ancient lands that the One who once walked among them is the Savior of the world Who can bring hope, peace, and healing to their lives.
$70 will support a Global Mission pioneer for one day of work.
$500 is enough to sponsor a pioneer for a week.
$2,085 will sponsor a Global Mission pioneer
$25,000 will sustain a project for an entire year
Nearly 1.5 billion people live in the South Asia region but only 1 in every 1,228 people is Adventist. You can make a difference by helping to plant churches among the non-Christian communities in this region. Many here already believe that Jesus was a significant spiritual figure or teacher, but most don’t yet know that He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
$7 will cover project costs for one day
$48 will keep the project going for one week
$200 will run the project for one month
$2,400 will sustain it for one year
This region consists of 11 countries more than 675 million people speaking 800 languages. Although some nations such as the Philippines have a large Christian presence, 80% of the cultures are non-Christian and many have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your gift can send pioneers into unreached groups who do not yet have even one Adventist congregation. Help us plant churches in this area that is dominated by other world religions with only a handful of Seventh-day Adventists.
$17 will cover project costs for one day
$120 will keep the project going for one week
$500 will run the project for one month
$6,000 will sustain it for one year
Sixty percent of the global population lives in Asia, and most of these are in East Asia. This is a region where Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and Confucianism are practiced by the vast majority of people. You can make a difference by supporting church planters church planters who follow Christ’s Method of Minsitry to start new groups of believers.
$25 will cover project costs for one day
$171 will keep the project going for one week
$720 will run the project for one month
$10,000 will sustain it for one year
Central Asia has six countries with approximately 122 million people living in cities, grassy steppes, and wooded hills. That’s sparse compared to other parts of Asia. But the need of frontline mission is great. Less than 7% of the population is Christian, and only one in 32,620 is Adventist. Your gift will send a pioneering team to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and raise up a new Adventist congregation.
$14 will cover project costs for one day
$95 will keep the project going for one week
$400 will run the project for one month
$4,800 will sustain it for one year
More than 1.2 billion people live in traditionally Western and Eastern European nations. And it’s estimated that more than half of them are either
non-religious or non-practicing Christians. More than 1 billion people identify as nonChristians, atheists, or post-moderns. People between ages 16 to 25 are the least religious. Many Post-Christian people are searching for meaning and for answers to life’s tough questions. Post-Christians need to feel connected to believers before gradually developing a relationship with God.
Europe is now a mission field. Most people living in this region don’t know a personal God—someone Who loves them so much He sent His Son to die for them. For example, in the United Kingdom there are nearly three times more non-practicing Christians than church-attending Christians. Your gift for work in this region of Europe will support innovative
One hundred and fifty years ago, the Seventhday Adventist Church sent its first overseas missionary, J. N. Andrews, to Europe to begin work in Switzerland. Today, Europe is a challenging mission field where the church is struggling to grow. Your gift will help plant groups where people can discover that there is a real, living God and He has a purpose for their lives.
$142 will cover project costs for one day
$1,000 will keep the project going for one week
$4,350 will run the project for one month
$52,000 will sustain it for one year
pioneers to establish new groups of believers in the British Isles, Netherlands, Scandinavia, the Baltics, and the Balkan states, or launch new work in Greenland or the Faroe Islands.
$142 will cover project costs for one day
$1,000 will keep the project going for one week
$4,350 will run the project for one month
$52,000 will sustain it for one year
According to some estimates, by 2050 two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. In fact, today there are more than 20 megacities in the world, each one with more than 10 million inhabitants and most without an Adventist presence.
Today, 55% of people live in Urban Areas. By 2050, that number is estimated to be 68%.
Today, 55 percent of the world’s population lives in cities. Billions of urban dwellers live the rat race—commuting to work by car or bus, struggling to make ends meet, always seeking to distract themselves from contemplating their loneliness, exhaustion, and sense of hollowness. Your gift will
help fund the setup of new church plants that will serve as lighthouses in cities around the world.
$68 will cover project costs for one day
$475 will keep the project going for one week
$2,000 will run the project for one month
$24,000 will sustain it for one year
Urban Centers of Influence (UCIs) use Christ’s method of ministry, ministering to people’s needs, winning their confidence and then in-
viting them to encounter Jesus for themselves. These UCIs have the end goal of starting new groups of believers among unreached people groups. They are run by local members willing to provide their communities with medical care, holistic health education , and hope. Your gift can help start UCIs.
$120 will provide a day’s worth of startup funds for a new UCI
$835 will provide a week’s worth of startup funds for the UCI
$3,500 will provide a month’s worth of startup funds for the UCI
$42,000 will provide a whole year’s worth of startup funds for the UCI
Waldensian students are Adventist young people who choose to study in universities in the cities of Middle East and North Africa. Their goal is not just to study but to be a witness for Jesus and start new groups of believers. Because of government restrictions, we cannot show the names of these cities, so we refer to them as “veiled cities.”
$140 will support a Waldensian Student for one day
$980 will keep a Waldensian Student in school for one week
$4,120 will fund a Waldensian Student for one month
$49,450 will sustain a Waldensian Student for one year
* An urban center of influence (UCI) is a city-based ministry center that connects the church to its community’s physical, mental, and spiritual needs.
Global Mission pioneers are laypeople, usually young adults, who commit themselves to
planting new groups of believers in unentered cities and people groups. As indigenous workers, they are usually familiar with the local language, culture, and traditions. Please give to this fund to provide pioneers with necessary Bible training to effectively plant new churches in challenging areas.
$27 will cover training for one day
$190 will run training for one week
$800 will fund the training for one month
$9,600 will sustain it for one year
1 Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright© 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
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