2015 March Preston Hollow

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UNIVERSITY How would a skybridge affect the future of Preston Center? Where is Preston Hollow? How the blurred boundaries affect our neighborhood identity (or lack thereof) BE LOCAL IN PRESTON HOLLOW / NORTH DALLAS Online headlines at prestonhollow.advcatemag.com MARCH 2015 | ADVOCATEMAG.COM

Tupinamba is open at Walnut Hill. What will become of its old Inwood storefront?



• Gates and Kleinman face no challengers in May city council elections

• Free beer and margaritas, for now, at Gabriela & Sofia’s

• DISD Trustee Elizabeth Jones is not seeking re-election

• Photos: Lounge 31’s new sushi and happy hour menu CLICK TO SIGN UP FOR OUR


Where is Preston Hollow?

How the blurred boundaries affect our neighborhood identity (or lack thereof)


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4 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 features 8 Payne and gain How neighborhood resident Missy Payne is using her experience on “Survivor” to change lives here at home. 12 Where ladies lunch The nostalgic Mermaid Bar at NorthPark Center is still a Preston Hollow favorite. You are here The geographical boundaries of Preston Hollow are debatable. Preston Center office towers: Photo by Danny Fulgencio Volume 16 Number 3 | PH March 2015 | CONTENTS cover 14 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 4 launch 8 events 10 food 12 worship 24 scene&heard 28 live local 33 news&notes 33 crime 34 ADVERTISING the goods 11 dining spotlight 13 marketplace 20 worship listings 24 education guide 25 bulletin board 28 home services 30 PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more NEWS visit us online


Just a few reasons to really take notice of local elections

We’re going to write about something during the next two months in print and online that most of us care little about.

Local elections. Specifically city council elections.

How do I know we don’t care?

Generally, not much more than 20 percent of us decide it’s worth the trouble to vote in city council races. And heaven forbid there’s a council runoff election on a rainy day — then we’re looking at school board-election turnout numbers, with a few thousand voters making the decision.

We also know what happens when we write a story on our advocatemag.com daily news website about politics or education: Readers scroll on by.

Maybe a comparison would help: If we write about both a new neighborhood restaurant opening and a city council policy initiative on the same day, it’s likely that 10 or even 15 times the number of people will read the story about the restaurant.

Think about that: 10 times the readership for a story about food, while only a fraction of us care about the latest shenanigans at city hall, most of which cost us a lot of money.

Just as an example, how many of us know the council will be handing about $270,000 of our tax dollars to six protestors because it voted to approve (with the exception of councilmen Griggs, Kingston, Davis and Medrano) an ordinance so illegal that a judge wrote a 62-page opinion ridiculing it?

How many of us know the Dallas Convention Center is angling for another $250 million or so in expansion money, even though it has tens of millions of dollars in outstanding debt from the last couple of expansions?

How many of us know a quasi-govern-

mental agency has basically said that even if the city council votes to block the Trinity Toll Road, the agency may just go ahead and build the billion-plus-dollar road anyway?

And speaking of the Toll Road, how many of us have any idea how close it is to becoming a reality, even though no one — not even the mayor or council members — can honestly tell us what is going to be built and how much it’s going to cost?

What about the horrible condition of city streets (nearly $1 billion in deferred maintenance)? Shouldn’t we be concerned about how that type of negligence will eventually affect our home or business property values, not to mention our vehicles?

During the next couple of months leading up to the May 9 elections, the candidates will be talking about whatever we as neighbors ask them, and they’ll be filling the mailboxes of the few of us identified as likely voters with mailers telling us how great they are. (If your mailbox isn’t full of candidate boasting, you’re considered an unlikely voter whose opinion doesn’t count.)

There are a lot of great things happening in Dallas these days — the economy has improved, home values are increasing, and people are finding jobs again. But in order to keep the momentum going, we need to be smart about our next moves, and we need to start reinvesting in our city’s infrastructure to benefit the people already living here, rather than spending hundreds of millions more trying to impress the people who don’t.

Candidates have talked about repairing our streets since I moved to Dallas 17 city elections ago. The streets are worse today than ever, and no elected official has paid any price for promising action and then hiding the ball.

The least we can do is make them show us the ball during the election and then keep an eye on it after they’re elected.

The three-card monte hustle needs to end one of these days, and it can end only if enough of us keep our eye on the ball. Every day.

Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.

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MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 5
OPENING Remarks be local be local most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media Advocate Media 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2015, is published monthly by East Dallas Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
6 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 WHAT YOU’RE MISSING WANT MORE? Sign up for the Advocate’s weekly news digest advocatemag.com/newsletter FOLLOW US. Preston Hollow Advocate @Advocate_PH TALK TO US. Email etoman@advocatemag.com DIGITAL DIGEST Kin Kin Urban Thai is coming to Preston Forest Former DISD trustee Edwin Flores is running for his old seat Drive by: New juice bar at Preston Royal REI on Northwest Highway close to completion Bijoux closes at the end of February ON PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM Advocate March 2015 2/3 Page 4 5/8” 10” Materials DUE February 6 Delivery begins Late February Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316 nhg.com We’re your destination for a beautiful spring Grow Learn Thrive
Image courtesy of David Austin® Roses.

She’s a survivor

How the reality TV star is giving back to our community

When neighborhood resident Missy Payne returned from spending 40 days on “Survivor: San Juan del Sur,” some acquired instincts were hard to kick.

“I carried extra water bottles and snacks in my purse whenever I’d leave the house,” she says. “It made no sense. I could drive to any store to get food.”

For the most part, the reality TV show is not a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Payne says each contestant received a handful of rice a day, and that’s it. The already slim and fit cheer coach lost 23 pounds.

“They really don’t feed you. You really are starving.”

Along with her 20-year-old daughter,

Baylor, Payne competed on the show’s 29th season, which aired last fall. She made it to the final round as second runner-up, the $1 million prize just out of reach. Payne has been off the island for several months now, but the life-changing experience put her on a new path — one that involves inspiring local kids to achieve their goals.

Aside from running her gym, Express Cheer, in Preston Hollow, Park Cities and Frisco, Payne is launching a nonprofit organization, Cheer 4 Your Life, which aims to help fund extracurricular activities for children who can’t afford them. The circumstances don’t have to be extreme; she says she wants the organization to be ac-

cessible to “normal” kids who might miss out on attending football camp or starting their Eagle Scout project because of financial reasons they can’t control.

“Adversity comes in all shapes and forms,” she says.

Payne experienced her own share of adversity long before she was dropped on an island in Central America with 18 strangers. She’s been married and divorced three times, and the drama that ensued on “Survivor” paled in comparison.

“I was prepared,” she says. “That was way harder than ‘Survivor’.”

To her athletes back home, Payne has become not just a cheer coach but also a life

8 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 Launch community | events | food
Missy Payne: Photo by Kathy Tran

coach, especially after the show. However, during her toughest years, she says, it was the other way around.

“The first half of my career, the kids were my life coaches,” she says. “They grew me up.”

Payne draws from her life experiences to show young people how to make good decisions.

“I start with my own children. We talk about relationships and how you get to choose the people you want to be around.”

Payne has taught cheerleading at schools such as the Episcopal School of Dallas, Parish Episcopal and the Covenant School, but she says working at Hillcrest High School was one of her favorites.

“At Hillcrest, you get such a diversity of kids,” she says. “People have written off DISD, and that’s not fair.”

She lives in the Hillcrest attendance zone, and if her 14-year-old daughter, Abby, doesn’t get into Booker T. Washington High School, she’ll be going to Hillcrest. Payne admits, though, that had she not worked at the school, she, like most Preston Hollow-area residents, would not have considered it.

Payne studied theater and initially pursued a job as a drama teacher at Aspen High School. They asked if she would settle for the cheer coach position until the drama slot opened up.

“Begrudgingly, I took the job,” she says. “I went to cheer camp and got down on the ground with the girls and learned how to do it. That was 1990, and I never stopped.”

She opened her first gym, Park Cities Spirit, in 1998, taking serious athletes to competitions that far exceed the elementary stomp-stomp clap routine.

Cheer 4 Your Life is still in its early stages, but Payne already is planning the first annual fundraiser in September. The theme is “It’s a Jungle Out There.” She’s inviting her “Survivor” castmates and will have kids participate by performing and sharing their stories.

Making some green

Our neighborhood could have a dog park, if it can find the money

Our city councilors are working to turn an unused piece of green space into a temporary dog park — if they can find the money.

The vacant lot at the northwest corner of Forest and Nuestra is the future home of the new Preston Royal Library. The city plans to rebuild the 50-year-old structure on Royal Lane at the new location, for about $6 million. Details were presented to neighbors in summer 2011, but it could be more than five years before the project even begins to come to fruition. The earliest funding opportunity is the 2017 bond program, and that’s not a sure thing. Councilman Lee Kleinman, whose district borders the site, says that even if funds for the new library make it into the next bond package, we wouldn’t see the dirt turn until 2020 or later.

more to consider.

Gates says it’s unlikely to come out of the city budget, so they’re hoping to receive sponsorships from local pet-service companies and private citizens.

Gates and Kleinman have received no negative feedback so far from the adjacent Melshire Estates neighborhood. It’s common to see neighbors with their dogs off leash on sports fields and whatever open spaces they can find. The Westminster Community Dog Park is a popular hangout among Devonshire neighbors. The Friends of Northaven Trail have hosted pop-up dog parks along the trail.

Still, North Dallas ranks low when it comes to the amount of public green space.

“When our neighborhood was developed, it was developed around backyards and not open spaces,” Gates says. “There’s a movement now, and people want more open space. It adds to the community element and enhances the quality of life.”

—Emily Toman

Payne can add writing to her résumé, too. She hopes to publish a book about her experience on “Survivor.”

LEARN MORE about Missy Payne and Cheer 4 Your Life at c4yl.com.

In the meantime, it’s just an empty lot. And those are hard to come by in North Dallas. So, Kleinman and Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates have been kicking around the idea of creating a temporary dog park on the site.

They’ve come up with a rough design and a cost estimate, just over $230,000. It requires more than simply putting up a fence. There’s irrigation, signage, lighting, marked parking spaces, ADA ramps and

Even though the dog park would be temporary, it would help gauge the use of such a space in our neighborhood, as well as potential concerns, making it a little easier to establish a permanent dog park at some point in the future. —Emily

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 9 Launch COMMUNITY

Out & About

March 2015

March 22

Kosher Chili Cook-off

The Dallas Kosher Chili Cook-off is now in its 22nd year, and as many as 50 teams will participate in a blind-tasting competition of beef and veggie chili. All 940 gallons of chili are kosher from beginning to end, under rabbinic supervision. Many other edibles are available, as well as games and activities for kids, live music, vendors and a silent auction. The festival benefits the Dallas 2015 JCC Maccabi games and Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. Tiferet Israel, 10909 Hillcrest, 214.691.3611, kosherchilicookoff.us, free


Military aviation history

An exhibition in the Browning Gallery tells the story of Vought Aircraft’s 96 years of military history through photographs from the Vought Aircraft Heritage Foundation.

Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon, 214.350.3600, flightmuseum.com, $7-$10


Hillcrest Pancake Breakfast

The eighth annual event supports the Hillcrest High School baseball team and the Panader drill team. The meal features a plate of fluffy pancakes, fresh fruit, bacon and a beverage. Tickets must be reserved in advance.

Sevy’s Grill, 8201 Preston, AmieSM@ sbcglobal.net, 214.450.5646, $10


PHECA member round-up

The Preston Hollow Early Childhood Association hosts its new member roundup and playdate 9:30-11 a.m., sharing information on how join the neighborhod moms group. Register for the event in advance online.

Walnut Hill Recreation Center, 10011 Midway, pheca.org, free

MARCH 4-25

Toddler time

Tales and Tunes for Tots offers story time with room to jump around and play during song time. It’s from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Wednesday, for kids ages 3-5. Park Forest Branch Library, 3421 Forest, 214.670.6333, dallaslibrary.org, free


Children’s authors

The authors of “Dinosaur Boy” and “Colonial Madness” will read from and sign their books beginning at 7 p.m. Barnes & Noble Lincoln Park, 7700 W. Northwest Highway, 214.739.1124, barnesandnoble.com, free


Parents’ night out

Drop off kids ages 5-13 for games, tournaments and arts and crafts from 5-9 p.m.

Churchill Recreation Center, 6906 Churchill Way, 214.670.6477, dallasparks.org, $20

10 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015
Send events to editor@advocatemag.com


PHPC Talk Series

William McKenzie, editorial director for the George W. Bush Institute, speaks at 6:30 p.m. as part of the Talk Series at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. The series features a dinner and guests who explore the relationship between faith and media.

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, 9800 Preston, 214.368.6348, phpc.org/talkseries, $10


Terri Hendrix with Lloyd Maines

Texas singer-songwriter Hendrix brings her Americana sound to Uncle Calvin’s, with Lloyd Maines on guitar. Ashley Monical opens.

Uncle Calvin’s Coffee House, 9555 N. Central Expressway, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $7.50-$15


March 22-June 28

John Alexander

The Meadows Museum brings home this SMU alumnus, whose work is influenced by Francisco de Goya’s four major print series, which are part of the museum’s permanent collection. The show focuses on Alexander’s work over the past decade as well as the whole of his career as an artist. Meadows Museum, 5900 Bishop, 214.768.2516, meadowsmuseumdallas.org, $4-$10

Eve Wiley’s pregnancy went from easy to scary when a sonogram showed the umbilical cord wrapped four times around her baby’s neck, posing a serious threat. “Our world turned upside down,” says Eve. The doctor checked her into a high-risk pregnancy unit at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas for 24/7 monitoring and immediate access to the delivery room. “Just in case,” adds Eve. She credits the nurses with being her “calm in the storm.” Then, 17 days into her hospital stay, the storm clouds cleared as her baby managed to unwrap himself. Eve spent the rest of her pregnancy back home, returning to Baylor for the birth of what she calls her “miracle baby.”



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The Little Things is a children’s online shop featuring hip styles for sizes newborn to 8. We also offer fun gifts, toys, books, and accessories. Now carrying the coveted Mini Rodini brand.

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 11
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NorthPark Center 8687 N. Central Suite 400


10 A.M.-8 P.M. SAT



PRICE: $6-$20




IN THE 1960S.

In1965 NorthPark Center hosted its grand opening — as did Neiman Marcus, the upscale clothing store in its southwest corner. Inside Neiman Marcus was a small coffee bar, The Mermaid Bar, where daytime shoppers could grab a bite to eat. The Mermaid Bar was surprisingly popular, and a few years later it expanded to accommodate larger crowds. Fifty years later, Neiman Marcus and The Mermaid Bar are the only originals left at NorthPark. The café has survived on excellent service and reliably good food, says Chad Boyle, the general manager of restaurants at Neiman Marcus. The nostalgia effect doesn’t hurt, either.

“This is the destination of ladies’ lunches in Dallas,” Boyle says. “The grandmothers brought the mothers, and the mothers brought the daughters, and that’s how it’s been for 50 years. It’s not well publicized. You have to know that it’s here, but everyone just knows that The Mermaid is here.” Boyle looks across the room and points out a diner who has been eating at the café for upward of 42 years. Staff member Paul Arenas boasts that he’s been working at The Mermaid since ’85, and that’s not unusual. Several of the kitchen staff have been there at least that long. Customers are treated like family, and some of the regulars bring the staff Christmas presents during the holidays. The menu is made up of “simple American recipes,” Boyle says. The Mermaid Sampler, which includes a cup of soup, a cup of fruit and half a chicken salad sandwich, is by far the most popular dish. “There’s nothing fabulous or fancy about what we serve,” Boyle says. “It’s the consistency that brings them back.” But if you have a chance to order the fried calamari, you won’t regret it.

Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

One of The Mermaid Bar’s most requested entrees, the Mermaid Sampler, features a half-sandwich with tuna, bacon and pecans, along with chicken salad, tomato soup, fruit salad and chips. Photo by Rasy Ran




OFF your Food. expires 9/30/2014.

And the winners were …

Pizza: Al’s Pizzeria

Cheesy, thin and pliable, yet sturdy enough to be folded in half and gripped by its crust: These are just a few prerequisites for a good slice of New York-style pizza. Al’s executes all of these.

Breakfast/Brunch: Cindi’s NY Deli

There’s a little something for everyone on the menu, from Southern favorites such as chicken-fried steak and eggs, to the bagel with lox, a New York deli staple.

Spa: Facelogic

The Lovers Lane spa takes skincare very seriously — and has accessible pricing.

Burger: Village Burger Bar

Our location is decidedly family-friendly, with pingpong tables on the dog-friendly patio and flat-screen TVs inside. Despite the laid-back vibe, the burgers are on the fancier side.

Dessert: Crème de la Cookie

Owner Toni Rivard says her inspiration for new gourmet sweets comes from fruit that is fresh and in season.

Gift shop: Sample House

It’s easy to lose track of time when you step inside, browsing the aromatic candles, intoxicating soaps, home décor and stationery.

Pet services: Clip ‘n Dip Pet Spa

The staff’s philosophy is centered on “humanity over vanity,” and they treat every dog or cat like as would their own.

NEXT UP IN OUR READER’S CHOICE CONTEST: Best patio. Vote for your favorite at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/bestof

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 13
Santa got some new gadgets for Christmas. Did you? If so, don’t forget about your old electronics. They can be recycled at the City’s Northwest Transfer Station 9500 Harry Hines Blvd. For more information, visit DallasRecycles.com PH 09-14
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Examining the undefined boundaries of our neighborhood

THERE IS NO OFFICIAL MAP OF PRESTON HOLLOW — not since the two-square-mile makeshift municipality was annexed to the city in 1945. But we know the neighborhood by its sprawling estates, bar-ditch roads, upscale shopping and famous residents. When former President George W. Bush moved to Daria Place in 2009, suddenly everyone knew Preston Hollow. But where is it, really? And, if geographical boundaries don’t define it, then what does?

How we got here

Compared to the older, urban parts of Dallas, our neighborhood is far from historic. But there is a history, one often overlooked even by residents. After all, about half of the original ranch-style homes have been torn down and replaced by million-dollar mansions. Preston Hollow appears shiny and new.

“They have no idea,” says Lydia Player, a longtime Realtor who has lived in Preston Hollow for 30 years. “I don’t think people know the history at all.”

When Dallas began to grow in the first half of the 20th century, prospective homeowners flocked south to Oak Cliff, east to Lakewood and north to the Park Cities. Then came Ira DeLoache, a cigarette salesman-turned-developer who in 1923 bought a 56-acre tract at the northwest corner of Preston and Northwest Highway, outside the city limits, and began platting country homes on large one-acre lots.

Throughout the 1930s, other well-known developers came in and built extravagant homes, some of which remain today. But according to Peter Flagg Maxson’s section in “Legacies: A History Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas” published in 2002 by the Dallas His-

torical Society, Preston Hollow’s early residents constituted more than wealthy landowners.

“While today Preston Hollow has a very wealthy populace, historically it was more mixed economically,” Maxson writes.

“There were unquestionably some very wealthy people living there with mansions, Packards, private schools and debutante daughters. But there was also a thriving middle class who built three-bedroom homes, sent their children to public schools and drove Studebakers.” By the late 1930s, continued development prompted the need for city services, which the area could not receive being located so far outside the city limits of Dallas. There was no zoning, no police or fire departments, no garbage collection. Preston Hollow residents also valued their independence, Maxson notes. In 1939, they voted to incorporate,

16 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015

and Preston Hollow became its own city with 887 residents covering about two square miles.

The uneven boundaries extended roughly from Northwest Highway to Walnut Hill and Meadowbrook to Preston, along with a small area that jutted to the east. It also included what is known as Briarwood just south of Northwest Highway and west of Inwood.

City Hall was established at the white frame house still standing today at Preston and Northwest Highway, now serving as an office for Ebby Halliday Realtors. It also was the site of the town’s only stoplight. The first orders of council business included a zoning ordinance, limitations on horse stables and lot size restrictions. However, the town never produced enough revenue to provide the services it originally sought, functioning almost entirely on volunteers.

In 1945, amid opposition from some residents who did not want to pay property taxes, the major-

ity voted to absorb Preston Hollow into the City of Dallas.

Development surged through the 1950s and ’60s but eventually, so did redevelopment. Maxson laments the teardown trend, writing, “With each demolition, significant links with early Preston Hollow are lost.”

What attracted the original residents, though, still proves true for today’s homeowners. People like the suburban country feel, the large lots, wooded creeks and tall trees. Add the convenient access to shopping and freeways, and you’ve got some of the most valuable land in the city — where bulldozing a mid-century modern house is met with a shrug.

“You’ve got a lot of teardowns,” says Dallas City Councilman Lee Kleinman, who lives in one himself, off Northaven. “That would not be tolerated as much in East Dallas. You don’t get that here.”

A few major works have been preserved, such as the Crespi Hicks estate, originally constructed in 1939 for an Italian Count, at 5555 Walnut Hill. Preston Hollow also boasts many modern homes from Frank Lloyd Wright’s only residential project at 9400 Rockbrook, built in 1958, to Lionel Morrison’s starkly contemporary home at 5753 Berkshire, built in 2003.

While these days Preston Hollow may not be known as historic, its architecturally significant homes have become its chief identifier. But it still leaves the nagging question: Where is Preston Hollow? It depends on whom you ask.

Where we are

The annexation of Preston Hollow came just in time for the post-World War II movement that attracted homeowners to the suburbs. As Dallas continued to grow north, the boundaries of the original Preston Hollow became somewhat lost.

“I think the whole expansion started because the property values were so high, and more people wanted to be a part of that,” says Lori Sparks, a Virginia Cook Realtor and lifelong neighborhood resident.

Growing up in the 1970s in Russwood Acres, off Inwood between Royal and Northaven, Sparks says no one even called the neighborhood “Preston Hollow” — not even those in the original core farther south.

“Back then, we’d say North Dallas,” Sparks says. “We wouldn’t say ‘Preston Hollow.’ It’s become very chic because of the estate properties.”

Those sites lie within the area identified as Old Preston Hollow: Northwest Highway to Walnut Hill and Preston to Midway. Purists might say this is Preston Hollow and other geographic boundaries


LORI SPARKS is a Realtor for Virginia Cook and a lifelong neighborhood resident. She grew up in Russwood Acres near Royal and Inwood and graduated from Hockaday.

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 17
Above: The white frame house at the northwest corner of Preston and Northwest Highway served as City Hall for early Preston Hollow. It has stood for more than 90 years and is now an office for Ebby Halliday Realtors. Left: The Dougherty’s Pharmacy neon sign, along with the mural painted in 2008, is a neighborhood landmark to some.
“What I kind of use in real estate is, if these homes are tied to Preston Hollow Elementary, I think that’s totally fine. That does include homes east of Hillcrest.”

NowforScheduling Spring

decades with Ebby Halliday Realtors.

“The funny thing we like to joke about as real estate agents is that when we’re selling a house, we say it’s in ‘the vicinity of Preston Hollow’ or ‘the Preston Hollow area,’ ” Player says. “You want to use those words in the description because it’s appealing to buyers.”

It’s appealing to developers, too.

Leon Backes, president of Provident Realty Advisors, is responsible for the new mixed-use shopping center at the northwest corner of Walnut Hill and Central, calling it Preston Hollow Village. The shopping center, 10 years in the making, “named itself,” he says. Even after branding companies came up with plenty of suggestions, people were already calling it Preston Hollow Village, and the name stuck.

“It’s a state of mind,” he jokes, when asked where Preston Hollow actually is. His estimate is more generous: LBJ Freeway to Northwest Highway and Hillcrest to Midway. But, he concludes, “I don’t think there are any boundaries.”

The shopping center houses a Trader Joe’s and a slew of hip restaurants new to the Dallas market. Backes, who also lives nearby, says the name is appropriate because the development aims to serve Preston Hollow residents. He doesn’t claim that it’s actually in Preston Hollow (although, who’s to say?).

18 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015
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“Putting Preston Hollow in the name increases the marketability,” Player says. “The corner of Walnut Hill and Central Expressway is not Preston Hollow.”

So, where does the name-dropping end? Neighbors have questioned the new Preston Hollow Emergency that recently opened on the east side of Central, complete with a jumbo red sign displaying the words, “Preston Hollow.”

The company’s marketing director, Cortney Rodriguez, says our neighborhood is one of the target markets for the 24-hour upscale ER.

“We felt we were right on the cusp of Preston Hollow, especially with Preston Hollow Village opening across the highway from us,” Rodriguez says.

While the residential real estate community takes a more exclusive approach, the commercial real estate community paints Preston Hollow in much broader strokes. It’s no wonder that the average homeowner hesitates to claim the neighborhood name. Many neigh-

bors describe where they live by their street name, “off Boedeker,” or a reference point, “behind St. Mark’s” or just the catchall term, “North Dallas,” as it was 30 years ago.

“I don’t really hear Preston Hollow being tagged like Lakewood,” says Carol Short, vice president of public affairs for the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce.

That’s probably because Short’s definition of Preston Hollow is the broadest of them all: Northwest Highway to LBJ and Central to Marsh.

She grew up on Azalea from the late-1950s to the mid-1970s, just a few blocks north of Royal — an area Realtors would call “the vicinity of Preston Hollow.”

Short remembers playing on the railroad tracks that eventually became the Dallas North Tollway — one of the early initiatives of the chamber after it formed in 1954, united under the push to pave Preston northward.

As Dallas continued to grow, the chamber stopped claiming boundaries for its membership. Its members now hail from all over the



LANGHORST is a board member of the Preston Hollow Early Childhood Association. The Chicago native moved to Dallas to attend SMU and eventually settled in Preston Hollow.

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MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 19
“It depends on who you ask. Going to SMU, I felt like it was Northwest Highway to Walnut Hill to the Tollway to Hillcrest. It does seem to keep spreading.”
April 8 Presented by Ericsson April 28 Presented by the Ann and Jack Graves Charitable Foundation Hosted by UT Dallas’ Arts and Technology (ATEC) program, the series features speakers from a wide range of backgrounds in science, technology and art. They will present public lectures on topics aimed at exploring the evolving relationships among art, technology, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences.


city and neighboring suburbs, and a typical meeting features presidents and CEOs from major banks, law firms, utility companies and restaurant groups.

“We’ve got members in Irving and Plano and Richardson,” Short says. “We’re very supportive of development in South Dallas because it takes the tax burden off of North Dallas. We want to see all of Dallas prosper because not only does it bleed into other parts of town, but it evens out the tax base.”

What defines us

Dallasites are perhaps more aware of our city’s neighborhoods than in previous decades. We are no longer simply north or south.

“People are trying to break down the size of the city by affiliating with the neighborhood,” Kleinman says.

And each has its own identity, which tends to originate from a cohesive push for improvement. Lakewood and East Dallas activists have mobilized to protect White Rock Lake and transform Lower Greenville. Oak

PH rotated for 2-15 issue THE market

Cliff leaders have rebranded a once discarded area through historic preservation and creative urban design, making the Bishop Arts District an entertainment and dining destination. Lake Highlands residents join in hopes of resolving issues such as infrastructure at Skillman and LBJ, crime hotspots, and a lack of retail. These neighborhoods

and their landmarks are represented on T-shirts and coffee mugs and wall art. The Lake Highlands business community even outsourced a firm to create a neighborhood brand and logo.

Why isn’t Preston Hollow like that? Herein lies the difference: Other neighborhoods have formed their identities by reinventing



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themselves at some point and are, perhaps, still reinventing themselves. Preston Hollow is and always has been defined simply as a desirable place to live. It has good home values, the top private schools, quality grocery stores, plenty of neighborhood restaurants and services, and convenient access to other parts of the city. Aside from what attracts homebuyers, people are not united under one identity.

“I don’t think that’s important,” says Dallas City Councilmember Jennifer Staubach Gates. “They go there for those reasons. They don’t feel like they’re rallying around the cry of ‘We’re in Preston Hollow.’ They might describe where they live as Preston Hollow, but it’s not like there’s a mascot.”

continued on p. 22


JENNIFER STAUBACH GATES is the District 13 City Councilmember, representing all of what was historically known as Preston Hollow. Parts of her council district extend to LBJ Freeway and past Webb Chapel. Gates actually grew up in Far North Dallas near Hillcrest and Alpha, but attended Ursuline Academy and now lives in Royal Northaven.

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 21
“Growing up in the area, I felt like it was much more concentrated. I think it is defined in loose terms today. Even as far west sometimes as Midway and as far east as Hillcrest. Maybe even as far as Central. Some people consider north as far as Forest Lane. I don’t think of myself as living in Preston Hollow, and I live between Inwood and Midway.”
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Cynthia Langhorst and her young family recently moved from the M Streets to Preston Hollow East (for all of the above reasons), and she’s on the board of the Preston Hollow Early Childhood Association. The SMU alumna doesn’t know much about the boundaries of the neighborhood, except that, “it does seem to keep spreading.” Things were different in her native city of Chicago.

“Chicago has very defined neighborhoods,” she says. “Each neighborhood is its own thing. You know when you’re in Lincoln Park. Dallas is spread out. It’s not a walkable

city, except for parts of Greenville Avenue.”

That, she says, makes it hard to identify with Preston Hollow as a neighborhood. It has landmarks, but like the boundaries, those are debatable, too. The Inwood Theater and Preston Center are ours, but they could just as well belong to the Park Cities. The iconic 1970s-era mural along Forest Lane is arguably not in Preston Hollow. That leaves possibly the Jewish Community Center, Town North YMCA, Preston Royal Library and retail signage for Preston Royal Village or Dougherty’s Pharmacy.

Many neighbors rally around their

22 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015
The new mixed-use developoment at the northwest corner of Walnut Hill and Central, known as Preston Hollow Village, has helped expand what traditionally might be considered Preston Hollow.
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is the District 11 City Councilmember, representing the rest of our neighborhood north of Royal, and extending into Far North Dallas. He grew up on Alta Vista, attended St. Mark’s and now lives off Northaven.

faith communities. Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church and Temple Emanu-El are just a couple of the longstanding houses of worship that produce topnotch musical programs and act as neighborhood gathering places.

Still, there is something missing from the Preston Hollow puzzle that could contribute to our sense of community — public green space.

“I think we’re welcoming, but there’s not an abundance of parks where people are congregating,” Gates says.

That began to change with the construction of the Northaven Trail, though not in Preston Hollow proper, according to some. It runs from Lavendale to Preston and last fall received a $2.5 million grant from the North Texas Council of Governments to extend west to the Walnut Hill/Denton Drive DART Station. The Friends of the Northaven Trail have come together to provide trail enhancements and organize community events. In April, the group is hosting its

first-ever 5k run.

Kleinman and Gates are working to find funding for a temporary dog park at Forest and Nuestra (see more on page 9).

“I think people want to be a part of good things going on,” Kleinman says. “People want a place to meet. They want to engage.”

While the question, “Where is Preston Hollow?”, may continue to confound neighbors, arriving at a clear answer isn’t all that important in the end. Residents are too busy enjoying their new homes, big yards and shopping destinations to worry about what to call this collection of neighborhoods.

“That’s a better description for it,” Gates says, “a collection of neighborhoods. We’re talking about a pretty vast area that we’re trying to call Preston Hollow, so you’re not going to have that kind of cohesiveness.”

And that’s OK.

“It’s a description of their community, and then they make their neighborhoods vibrant and active.”

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 23
“I always thought it was Northwest Highway to Royal and Hillcrest to Preston. I affiliate it so much with Preston Road.”
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Our Muslim community is not to blame for extremists’ actions

As a person of faith, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the anger and vitriol being shown toward Muslims who live in the Dallas community. You may have heard of the protesters that gathered outside a Muslim conference in Garland.

Partly as a response to this, Northaven United Methodist Church recently hosted an event inviting clergy of all faiths to come together and support Muslims’ right to assemble peacefully and to worship God as they wish. More than 400 people attended, including rabbis, imams and dozens of Christian ministers.

The gathered clergy and religious leaders all read a joint statement that, among other things, said this: “Our common message today is to stand united as neighbors and citizens, and to bear witness to the values of this nation; values that make no room for bigotry based on race and religion. We recall that many of the founders of this nation came here to avoid religious persecution. They founded a nation where all faiths would be free to worship and serve their God freely.”

These protests paint all Muslims as murderous, evil terrorists. The truth is that most Muslims are good neighbors and peaceful members of our community.

Yes, there is horrible extremism being done in the name of Islam elsewhere in our world. Bone-chilling violence that deeply disturbs all of us, including American Muslims. But it’s always wrong to paint an entire religious group with the sins of their extremists.

For example, few seem to recall that one of the most horrific mass murders in Europe in recent history was an allegedly Christian Norwegian man who brutally murdered 77 people. In a rambling diatribe, he made it clear that he believed his

faith compelled him. I thank God that in the weeks and months following that attack, nobody blamed Christians for it.

And lest you say, “That’s an extreme example. Everybody knows that guy was crazy, and that he wasn’t living out a real Christian faith,” I totally agree. And this is precisely what the Muslims I personally know are saying about the terrorism being done in the name of Islam.

After the Northaven event, many of the Muslims who attended expressed their gratitude. But behind that was the real fear that they live with, that they might be blamed for the actions of extremists halfway around the world.

I invite you all to prayerfully consider the ways in which we can be gracious neighbors, friends and coworkers to the Muslims who live in our neighborhood, attend our schools and sit next to us at work.

It’s not just a belief in our system of laws that compels us to respect other faiths. Each of the three great Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) share some version of The Great Commandment.

Jesus said, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.”

In the Jewish tradition, Rabbi Hillel said it this way: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man.”

And in the sayings of Mohammed, we find: “Wish for your brother what you wish for yourself.”

The very freedom that our nation gives each of us to worship God as we so choose also gives peace-loving Muslims the right to do the same. Individually, we cannot stop world terrorism. But individually, we can choose each day to treat all our neighbors and friends with love, compassion and respect.

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Eric Folkerth is senior pastor of Northaven United Methodist Church (northaven.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
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Friends of Wednesday’s Child announced former First Lady Laura Bush as the keynote speaker for its April 15 luncheon at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center. The announcement was made during a party at Anteks Curated. TV news anchor Cynthia Izaguirre will emcee the event. From left to right: luncheon chairwoman Cachet Petty and Friends of Wednesday’s Child executive director Sharon McGowan

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A WILL? THERE IS A WAY Estate/Probate matters. Free Consultation. 214-802-6768 MaryGlennAttorney.com


ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903


Life, Health, Medicare Specialist. Jim. 30 Yrs. Exp. dis2insurance.com 214-507-3304

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Poms and pep

Providence Christian School held its winter pep rally Jan. 26, celebrating the girls’ soccer, boys’ basketball and girls’ basketball teams. Providence parent Brenda Teele Jackson led the students in performing cheers and running an obstacle course.

Front row: Sophia Love , Michaela Coulter of Preston Hollow, Alyssa Garner , Michelle Raybourn and Katie Laird. Back row: Avery Bowers of Greenway Parks, Sydney Cox , JoAnna Bryans of Preston Hollow, Becca Brophey of Greenway Parks, Mollie Hamman of Preston Hollow and Bethany Roberts.



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30 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 Local HOME SERVICES Business Resources TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203 NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT 214-341-1155 www.bobmcdonaldco.com • 30 Yrs. in Business • Angie’s List • Major Additions • Complete Renovations • Kitchens/Baths Bob McDonald Company, Inc. BUILDERS/REMODELERS 214.773.5566 ChrisBlackConstruction.com • Design • Build • Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution AC & HEAT Family Owned & Operated 972-274-2157 www.CrestAirAndHeat.com Serving the Dallas area for over 30 years We raise our kids here, too! TACLB29169E NORTHAVEN AIR & HEAT NorthavenAir.com Call Jim at 972-365-1570 $39 SERVICE CALL Superior Service – Affordable Quality TACLA46391E 972-216-1961 TACL-B01349OE www.SherrellAir.com APPLIANCE REPAIR APPLIANCE REPAIR SPECIALIST Low Rates, Excellent Service, Senior Discount. MC-Visa. 214-321-4228

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CLIFTON CARPETS 214-526-7405 www.cliftoncarpets.com


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MELROSE TILE James Estrello Sr., Installer 40 Yrs. Exp. MelroseTile.com 214-384-6746

ALL YARD SERVICES Fertilization, Trim, Edge, Color. Com./ Res. 30 Yrs. Exp. Call Brooks. 972-279-3564, 214-923-5439

AYALA’S LANDSCAPING SERVICE Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781


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COLE’S LAWN CARE • 214-327-3923 Quality Service with a Personal Touch.

DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914

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MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 31 Local HOME SERVICES
Business Resources
Hardwood Installation · Hand Scraping Sand & Finish · Dustless restorationflooring.net REPAIR • Slabs • Pier & Beam • Mud Jacking • Drainage • Free Estimates • Over 20 Years Exp. 972-288-3797 We Answer Our Phones
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HAYES PLUMBING INC. Repairs. Insured, 214-343-1427 License M13238


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Over 30 Yrs Exp. Licensed/Insured. 214-732-4769, 214-562-2360

UPTOWN PLUMBING. Serving Dallas 40 + Yrs. 214-747-1103. M-13800 uptownplumbing.com



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32 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 Local HOME SERVICES Business Resources TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203 LAWNS, GARDENS & TREES SPRINKLER REPAIR SPECIALIST $25Off. 972-226-1925 www.rainmakertx.com LI#7732 TAYLOR MADE IRRIGATION Repairs, service, drains. 30+ years exp. Ll 6295 M-469-853-2326. John TRACY’S LAWN CARE • 972-329-4190 Lawn Mowing & Leaf Cleaning WHITE ROCK TREE WIZARDS Professionals, Experts, Artists. Trim, Rmv, Cable Repair, Cavity-Fill Stump Grind. Emergency Hazards. Insd. Free Est. 972-803-6313 JUST TREES A Better Tree Company Your Trees Could Look Like a Work of Art, I Guarantee It. Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed Best Prices on Tree Removal Insured • Commercial & Residentia l Tree & Landscape Lighting • Fence & Deck Call Mark Wittlich 214-332-3444 BLOUNT'S TREE SERVICE • Triming / Take down • Mistletoe/Ivy Removal • Sod Install/Fertilization • Landscape design & Installation 45 yrs exp Insured ALL WORK SUPERVISED BY OWNER www.blountstreeservicedfw.com 214.275.5727 Xeriscape Native Plants & Grasses Perennial & Annual Color Butterfly and Herb Gardens Dan Coletti 214-213-2147 www.JustNaturalDesign.com JUST NATURAL DESIGN Dan Coletti’s ”WE CARE ABOUT YOUR TREES” On Staff: • 4 - Certified Arborists • 1 - Tex- Tech Degreed Ag • 1 - Tex A&M Degreed Forester • 3 - Certified Applicators 214-327-9311 FULLY INSURED Commercial/Residential www.holcombtreeservice.com IRISH RAIN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS REPAIR SERVICE RETAINING WALLS CUSTOM STONE 25+ Yrs. Exp. Licensed by State of Texas #2738 214-827-7446 Mastercard Visa Discover BEAT THE SPRING RUSH! Inspection Special -10% Off MENTION OUR AD IN ADVOCATE LAWNS, GARDENS & TREES
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Repair Specialist •Exterior Repair & Re-Roofing •Insurance Claims
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Glass •Acrylic Solatubes & Sun Tunnels
Repair & New Installation by Daylight Rangers
TX 75075


The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com


Alcuin School athletes will be competing in the TAPPS 1A division in track-and-field and tennis this spring. The Montessori and International Baccalaureate school has been accepted as a member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools. Membership in the conference opens opportunities for students in grades 9-12 to compete in sports, fine arts and academic activities at the local, regional and state level.

The Greenhill School won the third annual Old Parkland Debate Tournament in February, arguing on the topic of Ebola containment. The tournament included six high school teams from the United States, Canada, England and Mexico. Greenhill debaters, who ultimately won against team Canada, argued that “the need to contain the Ebola virus outweighs civil rights concerns.”

Preston Hollow Village openings

Trader Joe’s was slated to open Feb. 20 at Preston Hollow Village, but many other new businesses already have arrived at the development at Walnut Hill and Central.

Colorado-based healthy fast-food restaurant Modmarket opened at Preston Hollow Village in February. The menu includes breakfast, sandwiches and salads, brick oven pizza (the dough is made from scratch in-house) and “homestyle” plates that feature a protein and choice of two vegetables. Besides a few craft beers, there’s also $2 wine by the glass on tap. Or for the kids, Boylan’s cane-sugar sodas. The calorie counts appear on the menu and on your receipt at the end of the meal.

Austin-based sandwich spot VertsKebap opened in Preston Hollow Village in January. The restaurant specializes in the European kebap, similar to a gyro but on panini-pressed flatbread filled with vertically roasted meats and fresh vegetables with a yogurt-based sauce. The sandwiches are customizable with a build-as-yougo ordering process, and most entrees are fewer than 550 calories.

Blue Sushi Sake Grill also opened in January. The Nebraska-based restaurant has an upscale yet kitschy vibe; one side, the Sake Bombers Lounge, offers a bar atmosphere, while the other side features the sushi bar and restaurant seating. A screen above the sushi bar plays the vintage Japanese film “Gojira” on mute with subtitles. The menu features a wide selection of sake and martinis along with specialty cocktails, beer and wine. Don’t

More business bits

skip the hot teas listed on the back of the drink menu.

Bijoux closes

Bijoux , one of our neighborhood’s best dining splurges, had been expected to close Feb. 28. Chef/owner Scott Gottlich said in a media release, “We feel now is the right time to close, on a high note, so we can stay focused on our other restaurant, The Second Floor at the Westin Galleria, and take time to consider future projects.” During its eight-year run on Lovers Lane, Bijoux received two five-star reviews from the Dallas Morning News, and in 2007, Bon Appétit named it one of the “10 Hottest New Restaurants in America.” Gottlich runs the restaurant with his wife, Gina, who serves as sommelier. They live in Preston Hollow with their two young boys.

New Thai restaurant

Chef Eddy Thretipthuangsin (don’t worry, you can call him Chef Eddy) brings Kin Kin Urban Thai to the southwest corner of Preston and Forest near Mi Cocina. The concept reflects the chef’s own interpretation of the food from his home country. “I want to reintroduce classic dishes in a whole new way,” he said in a press release. “I wanted to open a restaurant where we would want to eat.”

In Thai “kin kin” translates as “eat up,” or “let’s eat.” Thretipthuangsin also is opening Kin Kin locations in Fort Worth and Oak Lawn before the Preston Hollow location comes along this summer.

1 Gordon Biersch in the Shops at Park Lane recently rolled out a new menu. 2 Buda Juice is setting up shop at Preston Royal Southwest, adjacent to Sushi Star, offering 100 percent raw and organic juices, hand-squeezed in a cold press, along with milk handmade from nuts, plus soups.


The Plaza at Preston center raised $9,250 for the North Texas Food Bank through its annual Santa Days event. The money could provide as many as 27,750 meals for families in need. To date, the Santa Days event has raised $30,000 for the food bank.


St. Mark’s School of Texas alumnus Keven McAlester made the list of Oscar nominees for “Last Days in Vietnam,” a documentary he co-wrote and co-produced.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

MARCH 2015 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 33 NEWS & Notes
LIVE Local
Blue Sushi


The weather was so nice on March 29, 2004, that Doris Lopez Ojeda and her husband, Raymon, decided to go for a walk before dinner, near their home at Forest and Midway.

At 7:29 p.m., a light-colored SUV pulled up alongside them and shot 41-year-old Doris Ojeda, a former model who was born and raised in Oak Cliff, several times. She died on the way to the hospital. Raymon Ojeda, a founder of Ojeda’s restaurants, was taken in for police questioning. He said he thought there were three people in the shooter’s vehicle, who possibly were Latino. Raymon Ojeda, whose children with Doris were 14 and 16 at the time of the killing, never has been identified as an official suspect.

The Ojeda case is one of the murder cold cases featured on the Dallas Police Department’s website; the department disbanded its cold case squad about three years ago, and detectives now work them alongside active cases. Since Ojeda was killed 11 years ago, there have been no leads to the perpetrator.

Even though there were other people out and about in the neighborhood near


Gooch Elementary School that night, no one could offer a license plate number or a better description of the vehicle or suspects.

That the killers seemed to target Doris Ojeda specifically and executed her on a public street in the manner of a revenge killing gave investigators a few ideas.

Police ran down suspicions that a relative might have been involved in the illegal drug trade, perhaps working inside one of the Ojeda’s restaurants as a drug dealer or money launderer, but investigations down that road found nothing. Police thought the killing might’ve been related to the death of Raymon’s brother in a Louisiana casino hotel room earlier that year, but autopsy reports later found he died of natural causes.

Investigators were unable to find a scorned lover, disgruntled former employee or dangerous criminal history that might lead them somewhere, and the trail went cold.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact Detective Ermatinger at 214.671.3664. The case number for the murder is filed on 227823-N.


8:30 p.m. 02.03

Block of Marsh Lane where a suspect robbed a Jack in the Box at gunpoint in the early morning hours of Feb. 8

Around the time Jan. 28 that a woman’s purse was stolen by a panhandler on the southwest corner of Forest and Central

SOURCE: Dallas Police Department

The date when an unknown suspect smashed the glass on the rear door of a home in the 7900 block of Churchill Way, stealing various electronics

34 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MARCH 2015 TRUE Crime

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