THE FIRST NAME IN REAL ESTATE FOR LAKEWOOD AND EAST DALLAS TM PRESTON CENTER | 214-692-0000 EBBY’S LITTLE WHITE HOUSE | 214-210-1500 EBBY LAKEWOOD | LAKE HIGHLANDS | 214-826-0316 6409 HARRODS $2,399,000 6/7.2/4 Gorgeous Contemporary Masterpiece Mary Poss 214-738-0777 11015 RIDGEMEADOW Gorgeous Lochwood Traditional with Outdoor Kitchen Rene Barrera renebarrera.com 214-497-2035 7107 LAKESHORE Stunning 4/3.1/2 Lakewood Tudor Rene Barrera renebarrera.com 214-497-2035 9745 VINEWOOD $295,000 3/2/2 with Open Layout near White Rock Lake Jorge Goldsmit www.jorgegoldsmit.ebby.com 214-245-5357 9207 LIPTONSHIRE Original 3/2/2 in RISD The Dybvad and Phelps Group 214-354-2823 SOLD 5833 PROSPECT $865,000 Modern 5/4/2 New Construction in Belmont Area Kim Le-Henderson 214-244-8664 6290 MARTEL $429,000 4/2 Charming M Street Home Jay Forrester 214-692-0000 264 HCR 3136 $499,000 4/3.1/3 Enormous Country Home Mary Poss 214-738-0777 SOLD 9233 E. LAKE HIGHLANDS $525,000 60 X 160 Lot Across from white Rock Lake The Dybvad and Phelps Group 214-669-6255 940 N MONTCLAIR $450,000 2/2/2 Stunning Kessler Park Home Rob Schrickel 214-801-1795 NEW LISTING 2203 ASH GROVE 4/2.1/2 Home In The Enclave At Ash Creek Denise Larmeu 214-336-6687 SOLD 2234 SPRINGHILL $299,000 Fantastic 3/2/2 in Casa Linda Forest on a CREEK LOT Kim Le-Henderson 214-244-8664 NEW LISTING SOLD SALE PENDING
DART is your affordable airport connection. With convenient service to both airports, it’s your quick and easy get away.
to the
Skip the taxi. Ride DART to Love Field and DFW International.
Shore things
Second life
Fused glass saved from Trinity Lutheran Church and installed at Love Field is a big, beautiful deal.
Holy sh**
The founder of Poo-Pourri moves into a repurposed East Dallas church. 25
Science fashion
How an interest in infectious diseases resulted in a line of stylish pants.
Scribble away the stress Neighbor Walter Hofheinz encourages coloring as a mental exercise for adults.
What FOMO looks like Lakewood artist Erika Jaeggli explores the Fear of Missing Out in her newest exhibit. 30
This East Dallas resident took a mid-career sabbatical to save the trees.
6 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 40 Featuring outstanding business women in our neighborhood. OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS 2015 SPECIAL SECTION PAGE 69 features
launch 20
ends, hidden coves and peculiarities around White Rock Lake
Volume 23 Number 7 | ED July 2015 | CONTENTS
Photo of White Rock Lake’s old boathouse by Danny Fulgencio
THE COVER: Aerial photo of White Rock Lake by Danny Fulgencio
Some say making the Flag Pole Hill woodlands more accessible is environmentally harmless, but opponents call the plan to develop trails destructive and intrusive.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 7 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 12 launch 20 events 34 food 36 live local 67 worship 68 news¬es 66 scene&heard 80 crime 85 ADVERTISING dining spotlight 37 the goods 39 marketplace 54 education guide 62 worship listings 68 bulletin board 80 home services 82 58 LAKEWOOD.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more NEWS visit us online “This is a horse trail . We nee d some protection . Horses made these trails.” PATTY-JOA N HINES PAGE 63 THE FITNESS MINUTE with Annette Hammond Highland Par k Cafeteria International radio personality ANNETTE HAMMOND & HIGHLAND PARK CAFETERIA are bringing practical health and nutrition wisdom to The Advocate 1200 N Buckner at Garland Rd. Open ever y day 11-8 · Since 1925 For daily fitness insights: www.annettehammond.com For daily nutrition tips: www.highlandparkcafeteria.com Announcing presents Trailgate 2015
Photo of Ken Coutant by Sheryl Lanzel
PLANO 5045 ROYAL CREEK LANE $6,750,000 | 5 Bed | 5.4 Bath | 13,406 Sq.Ft.
CLIFF KESSLER | 310.923.2506 | cliff.kessler@alliebeth.com
NORTH DALLAS 7222 STEFANI DRIVE $1,545,000 | 4 Bed | 6.2 Bath | 8,092 Sq.Ft.
SUSAN LEVANAS | 214.536.1203 | susan.levanas@alliebeth.com
M STREETS 5601 MILLER AVENUE $787,500 | 3 Bed | 3 Bath | 3,222 Sq.Ft.
BLACKMAN & TERRI COX 214.458.1747 | chris.blackman@alliebeth.com 972.841.3838 | terri.cox@alliebeth.com
$399,000 | 3 Bed | 2 Bath | Lakewood Elementary
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LAKEWOOD 6926 PASADENA AVENUE $560,000 | 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,882 Sq.Ft. SUSAN BRADLEY | 214.674.5518 susan.bradley@alliebeth.com NORTHEAST DALLAS 6452 HIGHGATE LANE $379,000 | 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,434 Sq.Ft. RICHARD GRAZIANO | 214.520.8313 richard.graziano@alliebeth.com Sold! LAKEWOOD 4014 SANTA BARBARA DRIVE Price Upon Request | 5 Bed | 4 Bath | Built in 2014 MARIBETH PETERS | 214.566.1210 maribeth.peters@alliebeth.com Hip Pocket - Not on MLS 214.521.7355 | alliebeth.com Information contained herein is believed to be correct, but neither agents nor owner assumes any responsibility for this information or gives any warranty to it. Square foot numbers will vary from county tax records to drawings by a prior sale or withdrawal without notice. In accordance with the Law, this property is offered without respect to race, color, creed or national origin.
| 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,830 Sq.Ft. | 2LAs PAM DYER | 214.906.9685 pam.dyer@alliebeth.com
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Successful growth can happen, even against all odds
The pastor was talking about a familiar parable the other day. I know some of you aren’t big Bible fans, but this particular story is worth some thought regardless of your religious persuasion.
So it seems there was a guy with seeds who decided his planting technique was pretty much to let it fly. He grabbed a handful, whipped it into the wind and let the seeds fall where they may. And then he grabbed another handful of seeds and continued throwing and grabbing until his seed bag was empty.
As with all types of planting, nothing happened at first — a good farmer is patient beyond all good sense. And not surprisingly with this haphazard technique, the seeds fell in places that weren’t necessarily conducive to healthy plant growth.
Some of the seeds fell in random spots such as well-beaten trails, and birds turned many of those seeds into afternoon lunch.
Some of the seeds fell on stony ground; without much dirt, the seeds sprouted but their roots couldn’t grow deeply, and the hot sun fried many that had grown.
Some of the seeds fell among weeds and thorns, so as the seeds grew, the weeds grew even faster, choking out what the sower had planted.
And some of the seeds fell on good soil, and that ideal growing condition yielded great crops and lots of return for the sower.
The question the pastor asked that day was simple: Why the random planting technique, knowing full well that a good portion of the seeds weren’t getting a good start in life? Why not carefully plant each seed in good dirt, ensuring a better chance of growth and success?
His conclusion (or at least my interpretation of his conclusion): The sower’s job is simply to spread the seeds, mindless of where they land, because even though the odds aren’t great for seeds that land on trails, stones or among weeds, the odds of successful growth aren’t zero, either. And, just maybe, the seeds that had to fight their way to growth may wind up heartier and produce more than the seeds that found their way onto easy street.
That was an interpretation I hadn’t considered, but it made sense. Not every seed carefully planted in good soil lives, either, so why should all of the attention go to those seeds already getting a head start in life?
The same can be said of our neighborhood, too. There are good and, shall we say, less good spots in and around us, but we aren’t called upon to decide which of our neighbors succeeds or fails. Our job, as neighbors, is to do our best to encourage success in all quarters, because just as a rising tide lifts all boats, open-minded service to our city gives all of us the best chance to benefit.
It’s frustrating, though. Look at who voted, or mostly who didn’t, in the recent city council elections: More than 9 out of 10 of us decided voting wasn’t worth the trouble. I’ve seen a few explanatory theories advanced, but the best came from a reader who suggested that too many of us have decided that no matter what we do, government and politics will continue to smother us with idiocy, greed and whining.
So why do anything?
Suppose the sower in the parable had taken that approach, giving up before he started and deciding not to plant anything?
If nothing is ever planted, at some point, nothing grows.
That doesn’t seem like a good way to begin celebrating a holiday that encourages individual freedom and celebrates those who sowed seed for us in the past.
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5103 Milam Street | $779,000 Robby Sturgeon 214.533.6633 | rsturgeon@briggsfreeman.com
5803 Swiss Avenue | $1,300,000 4722 Swiss Avenue | SOLD Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com 6209 Bryan Parkway | $610,000 4602 Reiger Avenue | UNDER CONTRACT Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com 6309 Palo Pinto Avenue | UNDER CONTRACT Represented Buyer Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com 5802 Anita Street | $749,900 Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com Robby Sturgeon 214.533.6633 | rsturgeon@briggsfreeman.com 9922 Woodlake Drive | UNDER CONTRACT Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com 6434 Sudbury Lane | COMING SOON 5103 Milam Street | $779,000 Robby Sturgeon 214.533.6633 | rsturgeon@briggsfreeman.com
5803 Swiss Avenue | $1,300,000 4722 Swiss Avenue | SOLD Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com 6209 Bryan Parkway | $610,000 4602 Reiger Avenue | UNDER CONTRACT Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com Elizabeth Mast 214.914.6075 | emast@briggsfreeman.com 6309 Palo Pinto Avenue | UNDER CONTRACT Represented Buyer Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com 5802 Anita Street | $749,900 Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com Robby Sturgeon 214.533.6633 | rsturgeon@briggsfreeman.com 9922 Woodlake Drive | UNDER CONTRACT Gia Marshello 214.616.2568 | gmarshello@briggsfreeman.com 6434 Sudbury Lane | COMING SOON
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Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com
Kelley Theriot McMahon 214.563.5986 | ktmcmahon@briggsfreeman.com Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com Natalie Hatchett 469.733.6442 | nhatchett@briggsfreeman.com Kelley Theriot McMahon 214.563.5986 | ktmcmahon@briggsfreeman.com Lou Alpert 214.738.0062 | lalpert@briggsfreeman.com John Whiteside 214.725.5018 | jwhiteside@briggsfreeman.com Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com Kevin Sayre 214.384.2657 | ksayre@briggsfreeman.com briggsfreeman.com © MMXII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Briggs Freeman Real Estate Brokerage, Inc. is independently owned and operated. 1038 Tranquilla Drive | UNDER CONTRACT Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com
8417 San Fernando Way | SOLD | Represented Buyer 6602 Avalon Avenue | SOLD Kelley Theriot McMahon 214.563.5986 | ktmcmahon@briggsfreeman.com Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com 6924
Drive | SOLD 6744 Winton Street | PENDING | Listed for $1,150,000 Representing Buyer Natalie Hatchett 469.733.6442 | nhatchett@briggsfreeman.com Kelley Theriot McMahon 214.563.5986 | ktmcmahon@briggsfreeman.com 3744 West Bay Circle | $1,589,000 Lou Alpert 214.738.0062 | lalpert@briggsfreeman.com 6675 Lakewood Boulevard | $1,398,000 John Whiteside 214.725.5018 | jwhiteside@briggsfreeman.com Lauren Valek Farris 469.867.1734 | lfarris@briggsfreeman.com 6136 St. Moritz Avenue | SOLD Kevin Sayre 214.384.2657 | ksayre@briggsfreeman.com 6903 Westlake Avenue | SOLD | Represented Buyer briggsfreeman.com © MMXII Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Briggs Freeman Real Estate Brokerage, Inc. is independently owned and operated.
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8417 San Fernando Way | $1,079,000
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726 Newell Ave. | $475,900
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535 Coolair | $235,000 2 | 1 Melissa McSpedden | 214-552-4972
6211 Lakeshore Dr. | $749,000 4 | 3.1 | Outdoor Living with Fireplace Lee Lamont | 214-418-2780
6629 Santa Anita | $330,000 3 | 2 | Creek Lot | 2 Car Sue Ann Roush | 214-532-9992
3815 Fairfax Ave. | $899,000 3 | 2 | Pool Jill Carpenter | 214-770-5296
3 | 2.1 | 2 Car | Sprinkler Melissa McSpedden | 214-552-4972 6256 Palo Pinto Ave. | $709,000 4 | 3.1 | Outdoor Living with Fireplace Lee Lamont | 214-418-2780 5806 Velasco Ave. | $329,676 2 | 2 | Deck Paige Whiteside | 214-549-2540 6343 Velasco Ave. | $849,000 5 | 3.1 | Pool Lee Lamont | 214-418-2780 10714 Park Village Place, #D | $135,900 2 | 2 Melissa McSpedden | 214-552-4972 5902 Auburndale, #C - $715,000 3 | 3.1 Debbie LaBarba | 214-729-9116 4273 Riverview | $292,500 4 | 3.1 Jill Carpenter | 214 | 770-5296 5939 Vanderbilt Ave. | $425,000 2 | 2 | 2 Car | Deck Jill Carpenter | 214-770-5296 6808 Dalhart Lane | Sold over list price 3 | 2 | 2 Car | Lakewood Elementary Darlene Harrison | 214-893-7547 REDUCED REDUCED NEW LISTING
9310 Moss Farm Ln. | $235,000
Major retail complex planned for old Steakley Chevrolet site
White Rock Lake Rowhouse: Renderings of the future ‘floating’ dock
Walking to Buzzbrews: A driver’s perspective
New burger joint coming soon to Greenville and Ross
DISD’s new IDEA High School fails to attract many East Dallas families
The corner of Abrams and Northwest Highway, formerly home to Steakley Chevrolet, will soon become a new shopping center with big-box retailers.
“Bleh. Our land deserves higher use than this. The city should rezone it to promote higher land use than 75% asphalt.” —dallasmay
“The irony. The city wants us to ‘think big’ and ‘world class’ but yet we get the same decades-old way of thinking whether it’s a shopping center, bland apartment complex or toll road.” —guest
“Hallelujah! I’ve been waiting for something to happen in that spot.”
—Bethany Wittenburg
“This should’ve been a Costco. How disappointing.” —lakewoodhobo
FOLLOW US. Lakewood Advocate @Advocate_ed
Email editor Brittany bnunn@advocatemag.com
East Dallas memories:
Piano lessons from Miss Inez. Kinney Shoes on Garland Road. Learning to drive in the Lochwood Mall parking lot. That great sturdy home that provided a lifetime of memories.
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Suzy Batiz:
Launch community | events | food
Photo by Jennifer Shertzer
A new throne room
The headquarters of Poo-Pourri in Addison is exactly what you’d expect it to be: fresh, feminine and overflowing with toilet humor. That is, after all, Suzy Batiz’ whole gig.
Batiz is the inventor and founder of Poo-Pourri, which, if you’ve somehow missed the YouTube commercial, is a scented oil you can spray inside the toilet before going No. 2 that creates a film on the surface of the water to trap unpleasant odors underneath.
Poo-Pourri is practical, tasteful, and
the commercial is downright hilarious — because, come on, we’re talking about poop and deep down we’re all still 12 — but it’s Batiz who gets the last laugh, because her smirk-worthy product has made her millions.
So what does a successful businesswoman like Batiz want after making millions? She wants to move to East Dallas, obviously — specifically, into an old church
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 21
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“I swear I heard angels singing. It’s a super inspiring space.”
22 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Suzy Batiz:
Photo by Jennifer Shertzer
that has been transformed into a home.
The building was once St. John’s Methodist Church built at Beacon and East Side in Old East Dallas in 1911. A businessman bought it several years ago and began the process of turning it into a home, until he eventually ran out of money.
“I saw an article about it online about two years ago and became fascinated with the idea of living in a church,” Batiz says. “So I started looking for churches in Dallas, although I envisioned a little white, steepled church.”
Though the building is more medieval castle than white chapel, when Batiz saw it for the first time, she knew she wanted it.
“I swear I heard angels singing,” she says. “It’s a super inspiring space.”
Her husband, however, hated it. He thought it was a bad investment, but Batiz bought it anyway, claiming it isn’t an investment at all; it’s a creative workspace.
She plans to host events there, and she hopes the revival of her property will help kickstart the surrounding area, which she says isn’t the safest part of East Dallas.
“I’m excited about being a part of the community,” she says. “We’ve just been so busy with the business that we haven’t really had time to stop and think, ‘Where do we want to live?’ I’ve always loved the Lakewood-East Dallas area.”
The building is still under construction at this point, but Batiz hopes to be moved in by September.
—Brittany Nunn
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 23
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MORE at poopourri.com SEE MORE PHOTOS
David Bush REALTORS ® 214-327-2200 Welcome Your New East Dallas Real Estate F 214-327-2200 David Bush 214.808.9338 James Coltharp 214.868.4900 Zena Tsvetkova 469.387.7133 Mary Thompson 214.202.0250 Niki Payne 214.697.3087 8462 San Fernando Way $899,900 6709 Lakewood Blvd. $1,150,000 8611 Arborside Dr. $579,000 5807 Goliad Ave. $375,000 5735 Richmond Ave. Unit B $369,000 6620 Lakewood Blvd. $899,000 6451 Vanderbilt Ave. $889,000 SOLD CONTRACT PENDING CONTRACT PENDING SOLD SOLD
Cochran, Epidemia Designs founder, models leggings from her Just Breathe line, biomedical-influenced prints of healthy lung X-rays: Photo by Rasy Ran
Beauty and brains
Lizzie Cochran, a 2008 Woodrow Wilson High School graduate, is combining her passion for science with fashion and putting it toward a good cause.
Through a Kickstarter campaign earlier this year she raised more than $20,000 to launch a new active wear company, Epidemia Designs. She creates leggings and other fitness apparel that feature prints made from biological images like CT scans, X-Rays, MRIs and beautiful micrographs of deadly viruses.
“With knowledge comes power,” she says. “If we can use [the leggings] to decrease some of the stigma associated with infectious disease and draw some attention to it, then I want that attention to serve a purpose.”
With that in mind, Cochran plans to give back 15 percent of the proceeds to projects and research aimed at decreasing the incidence of preventable disease and expand-
ing access to high-quality health care worldwide. Epidemia Designs is still deciding on which organizations to work with because it hopes to fund specific projects, rather than make general donations, Cochran says.
She came up with the idea while studying for a class last year.
“I took a biology lab, and that’s where I was first exposed to these microscopic images of cells,” she explains. “I thought they looked really cool.”
A few weeks later, she read an article about the history of viral epidemics. Along with the article were colorful pictures that grabbed Cochran’s attention.
“I just thought it was a really interesting juxtaposition,” she points out, “knowing the power of these different viruses — and the often devastating impacts they have — to their appearance.”
A quick internet search revealed beautiful photos of viruses and healthy cells, X-rays,
scans and other science-related images. Aside from the aesthetic appeal, Cochran hopes the leggings and other products will start conversations about preventable diseases. She also hopes to encourage young women to pursue science careers.
As an actress turned pre-med student at Columbia University, this is a topic close to Cochran’s heart. She was recently accepted to medical school at UT Southwestern in Dallas.
“Young girls still imagine the sciences as a very masculine field and not something that’s conducive to femininity,” she says. “There’s this concept that you can’t be cool and interested in girly things if you’re also into the sciences, so we wanted to blur that line.” —Brittany
APPAREL FROM EPIDEMIA DESIGNS will be available later this year. Learn more at epidemiadesigns.com.
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If you think coloring books are kid stuff, think again.
Adult coloring books made national headlines after four of them reached the top 10 best-selling books list on amazon.com earlier this year.
And we don’t even have to go outside the neighborhood to pick up on the trend because neighborhood resident Walter Hofheinz has brought the trend to us.
Hofheinz is an East Dallas attorney, and he’s been making mandalas — geometric circles comprised by lines, dots, swirls and other designs — for at least 20 years.
A friend taught him how to make them, and it quickly became one of his favorite ways to pass the time.
“I draw them when I’m stuck in meetings,” Hofheinz says. “It’s a really socially acceptable thing to do. You can pull out all your pens and do something useful while people are talking.”
For decades he stashed the designs in a drawer. Then recently he decided to put them together to create an adult coloring book.
Shortly after he began selling the book on amazon.com, articles began making the rounds on the social media sites, say-
26 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
We get it.
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Big front porches, Fourth of July parades, and neighbors who know each other’s names. You’ll find a lot of neighborhoods like this in Dallas, if you know where to look. And we do e Realtors
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ing adult coloring books are helping people throughout the United States deal with stress and anxiety.
“It has gotten kind of trendy. It’s the only time in my entire life when I’ve been on top of a trend,” Hofheinz quips. “I think adults like [the coloring books] because they give them an excuse to be creative. People don’t play enough.”
He says drawing mandalas is easy (but we tried making our own and concluded he was just being modest), and Hofheinz is quick to give away his technique.
Instructions are provided in the back of Hofheinz’s coloring book, or you can just let him do the hard work and use the mandalas he provides.
—Brittany Nunn
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 27
Walter Hofheinz: Photo by James Coreas
TO BUY A COPY of “Mandalas: A Coloring Book,” search “Walter Hofheinz” on amazon.com. Launch COMMUNITY JustKidsDental.com Dr. Mona Patel FREE Crest Spin Brush for all New Patients! An experience that will have your child looking forward to their next dental checkup! Ever y child’s first visit to the dentist should be at 6 months of age · Pediatric specialists have an additional two years of advanced training with children Kids that see a pediatric specialist have a fun and positive experience, which helps them become life-long patients. Make your child’s appointment, call: 214-238-9487 Did you know? 12655 N Central Expy Suite #1014 Dallas, TX 75243 Free exam & cleaning Free exam & cleaning FOR NEW PATIENTS 2 AND UNDER Restrictions apply Walnut Hill Ln. Northwest Hwy. Hillcrest Rd. Preston Rd. Greenville Ave. 75 12 75
Feeling the “FOMO”
You’re at a business conference over the weekend. Bored, you pull up your Facebook app and start scrolling through the newsfeed. You run across a picture of your friends enjoying dinner and drinks. They look like they’re having fun, and you feel a twinge of — what is that? Anxiety?
You’ve just experienced the “fear of missing out” or “FOMO.”
Recently, through social media and text-messaging technology, people have popularized the idea of FOMO as an almost-humorous acknowledgement of the fear of missing out on social engagements.
Through July 11, Lakewood artist Erika Jaeggli is hosting a charcoal art exhibit at WAAS Gallery that explores the darker side of “FOMO” — the anxiety and sense of dread that threatens the self, convincing you that you do not really exist if you are not socially engaged.
“We’re always disconnected from someone,” Jaeggli says. “We think of FOMO as a brand new thing, but it’s not. The Greeks were writing about this in tragedy.”
She uses charcoal to give her artwork an “old-timey feel,” she says.
Here is a sampling from the exhibit with a behind-the-scenes look at what Jaeggli had in mind when she created each piece: —Brittany Nunn
This page: “The source material came from all over the place,” Jaeggli says. “I bought postcards on eBay, mostly from Europe mid-century. These people are from a postcard from Berlin. The people weren’t the focus at all [of the postcard], but I loved that she was looking towards us and he wasn’t. I made the background darker and brought them up [into focus].”
28 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Above: “I wanted a really strong picture of a woman looking into the picture,” Jaeggli explains. “Because she’s treated differently than the rest of the background, she serves as a surrogate for the viewer. She’s not really in that world. She’s more in our world, so it’s like we’re looking, too.”
Above: “In all the pieces, there is either someone looking out of the picture or into the picture,” Jaeggli says. “In this one, she’s looking out from the window but not at the viewer. There’s a whole story that’s going on. With the FOMO concept, she’s looking out the window, and she’s inside the picture but not really a part of the picture.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 29 Launch COMMUNITY
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A tree with her name on it
Claudia Worme is the neighborhood tree hugger, and she doesn’t mind the title one bit.
Worme’s green efforts recently were recognized at the unveiling of Pappy’s Tree Grove, part of the new Alta West Commerce retail and residential development in West Dallas between Trinity Groves and Sylvan Thirty. The grove of 25 mature trees was preserved when developer Wood Partners built the new community around them, rather than bulldozing them and planting new ones.
Wood Partners named the grove for Pappy’s Showland, the post-World War II nightclub formerly at that site, then asked people all over Dallas to nominate greenfriendly advocates to have their name connected to a tree. Melissa Kingston nominated Worme, a fellow Belmont Addition Conservation District resident, because of the great conservation work she does throughout Dallas.
“I’ve known Claudia for a little over 10 years,” Kingston says. “She has always volunteered to do whatever we need in the neighborhood, and one of her passions is trees. When I think about the people who really make an effort to take advantage of the reforestation assets the city makes available and take an interest in replanting our urban forest, she’s the first to come to my mind.”
Worme, who appreciates Wood Partners’ efforts to save the trees and feels “honored” to be one of the 15 names recognized in the grove, became a tree ad-
30 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
• whitening in one hour • Invisalign teeth straightening Implants • Enjoy sedation dentistry • Environmentally riendly o e 6316 Gaston Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 On the corner of Gaston & La Vista, across from Starbucks 214.823.LAKE (5253) dentalcenteroflakewood.com Travis Spillman, DDS dentalcenteroflakewood Life is good. The best massage – every time Richardson License #2559 1475 E Beltline Rd, Ste 210 972.231.5100 elementsmassage.com/richardson Lakewood License #ME2959 6333 E Mockingbord Ln, Ste 231 214.826.5100 elementsmassage.com/lakewood See studio for details. “Best” claim based on Net Promoter Scores from 2013 via Listen360.com.
vocate while taking a mid-career sabbatical from her corporate job with Warner Brothers.
Starting in 2003, she threw herself into volunteering with organizations such as For the Love of the Lake, Preservation Dallas, White Rock Lake Conservancy and the White Rock Lake Task Force.
“I love this part of town and what it has to offer,” Worme says. “The reason I got involved in reforestation is because of White Rock Lake, and it being fairly untouched. The trees are very old and we’ve got to plant new ones so that — I know this sounds corny — so that future generations will have trees to enjoy at the lake.”
“The trees are very old and we’ve got to plant new ones so that — I know this sounds corny so that future generations will have trees to enjoy at the lake.”
Worme’s volunteer efforts aren’t limited strictly to reforestation. During her sabbatical, she also volunteered to help with events, including the Belmont Addition’s porch crawl and research for Preservation Dallas’ database of historic buildings and neighborhoods.
This is not the first time Worme has been recognized for her work, either. In 2006, For the Love of the Lake named her volunteer of the year.
After spending the better part of a decade focusing her energy on volunteerism and tree advocacy, Worme has returned to her day job. Although she doesn’t have as much time to volunteer, she’s still passionate about reforestation.
“I still do my neighborhood stuff,” she says. —Brittany Nunn
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 31
Are you GUESSING which days to place out your BRUSH & BULK? 1 Go to maps.dallascityhall.com and enter your address
Look on the right side of the map to determine your “Brush Week”
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Put out your Brush & Bulk during “Set Out Days” (shaded green) FOR MORE INFORMATION ON BULK TRASH PICKUP, GO TO DALLASBRUSHANDBULK.COM
Claudia Worme: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
32 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 The more the hairier These four yorkies — Yzla, Zoila, Xochitl and Wylie live with their humans Cleo and Shea Petricek in East Dallas, where they love to sit on the windowsill and watch their neighbors walk and drive by. GOT A PET YOU WANT US TO FEATURE? Email your photo to launch@advocatemag.com PAWS & CLAWS Launch COMMUNITY VOTING RUNS FROM JULY 1 - JULY 24 PLACE FOR KIDS LAKEWOOD.ADVOCATEMAG.COM/BESTOF2015 Hospitalization • Wellness Care • Geriatric Care • BOARDING Daycare • Emergency Care • Pet Taxi • Acupuncture SERVING NEIGHBORHOOD PETS SINCE 1924 Proud sponsor of Advocate’s monthly Paws & Claws 924 S Haskell Ave, Dallas, TX 75223 • 214-826-4166 WWW.RUTHERFORDVET.COM
What gives?
Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits
Donate a new pair of shoes … to an East Dallas child. Lakewood neighbor Carlin Morris was honored at the Wilkinson Center‘s Can Do! Award luncheon in May for her work with the Wilkinson Center Shoe Drive, which she founded in 1985. Through the Wilkinson Center, Morris raises money to give new shoes to children of all sizes during a two-day shoe drive at Payless Shoe Source in East Dallas every summer. During the drive she and several Payless employees help hundreds of children find a new pair of shoes that fits just right. Most of the children live in the East Dallas area. To thank Morris for her work, the Wilkinson Center renamed the shoe drive after her during the luncheon — a gesture that prompted more than a few tears from Morris and the lunch-goers around the room. “What an honor,” Morris said, her voice thick with tears. “I had no idea they were going to do this. (The shoe drive) has become such an important part of my life. I have wonderful friends and family members and volunteers who make this a very easy job, so this award is also for all of you.” Morris remembered the time when a Payless employee introduced herself to Morris with this touching story: “She said, ‘Ms. Carlin, I know you don’t remember me, but my family had just moved here from Cambodia and we needed help. You gave me a new pair of shoes, and I decided that day that I wanted to make a difference in my life so that I could buy all the shoes I wanted.’” The young woman is now a part of the Payless team. In 30 years, Morris has helped more than 36,000, and she has countless stories to share. Learn more at thewilkinsoncenter.org/dallas. To find the donate form, click “donate” and “shoe drive.” —Brittany Nunn
that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 33
Launch COMMUNITY STATSAE_2015_july_Advocate_Ad.indd 1 6/5/15 11:56 AM
Out & About
July 2015
July 4
Lakewood parade
The Lakewood Fourth of July parade, a decadeslong tradition, starts at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is “Lakewood honors heroes.” It starts on Lakewood Boulevard and jogs to Lakeshore before finishing at Winsted.
Lakewood Boulevard and Cambria, lakewoodparade.com, free
more LOCAL EVENTS or submit your own
Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare Dallas performs the Bard’s most famous tragedy on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in July, starting at 8:15 p.m.
Samuell Grand Amphitheatre, 1500 Tension, shakespearedallas.com, 214.559.2778, $7-$10
‘Irrational City’
Dwayne Carter curates this exhibit of paintings, digital art, video, interactivity, installations and performance art that “focuses on constructions of identity amid an imagined post-apocalyptic cultural landscape.” An opening reception is from 7-9 p.m. Friday, July 3.
Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, dallasculture.org/ athhouseculturecenter, 214.670.8749, free
JULY 3, 10, 17, 24 AND 31
Fun Fridays
Summer at the Arboretum includes fairy tale flower houses with a Texas twist, a replica of the Rio Grande, a covered chuck wagon, two topiary longhorn cattle and a hay-bale maze. On Fridays, the arboretum also has face painters, a petting zoo and music for the little ones.
Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, 214.515.6615, dallasarboretum.org, $10-$15
Little Forest Hills parade
This year’s parade starts at 9 a.m., and it ends at Casa Linda Park where the Tap Dazzlers will perform.
White Rock United Methodist Church, 1450 Oldgate, littleforesthills.com, free
July 20-26
Parade of Playhouses
East Dallas-based CASA celebrates its 20thannual Parade of Playhouses. The event at NorthPark features a magnificent display of custom-built children’s playhouses, which are entered in a raffle. Raffle tickets cost $5-$20. NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441, dallascasa.org, free
34 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Send events to editor@advocatemag.com
2013 Lakewood Fourth of July Parade: Photo by Katie Bernet
Building challenge
Kids can learn about bridges and build their own using drinking straws and tape, then test it to see how much weight it will support, in this 2 p.m. event that’s part of the Mayor’s Summer Reading Program.
Lakewood Library, 6121 Worth, 214.670.1376, dallaslibrary.org, free
Bob Schneider
Austin-based pop/folk musician Bob Schneider plays an 8 p.m. show at the Granada.
Granada Theater, 3524 Greenville, 214.824.9933, granadatheater.com, $25
Too Hot To Handle
Can you handle the heat? If so, run this race — 5k or 15k — with the Dallas Running Club.
Norbuck Park at White Rock Lake, runproject.org, $20-$65
Live from the Astroturf
Wreckless Eric and Salim Nourallah give a preview of their July 19 show at the Kessler Theater with a free performance in the record store, starting at 7 p.m. Good Records, 1808 Greenville, 214.752.4663, goodrecords.com, free
JULY 15-17
Junior golf tournament
The Exchange Club of East Dallas presents its 91st-annual Dallas Junior Golf Championship, part of which takes place at Tenison Golf Course on East Grand.
dallasjuniorgolfchampionship.com, 214.670.1403
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Laser Hair Removal
Hair Rejuvenation
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Smart Lipo Cellulaze
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 35 Launch EVENTS
The Art of Beauty & Elegance
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HOURS: 11 A.M.- 2 A.M. MON.-SUN.
Voodoo chicken at Bar Louie: Photo by Kathy Tran
Ifyou are looking for a place where everyone knows your name, head to Bar Louie.
“It’s a great place to meet up with old friends and make new friends,” kitchen manager Jessica Carolyn says of the Shops at Park Lane hangout. “We are kind of like the new ‘Cheers.’ ”
ous palettes. Panko sesame fish skewers, crispy calamari, and blackened chicken covered in the restaurant’s special “voodoo” sauce all make the cut.
The restaurant opened in December of last year and serves traditional bar food. You will find familiar items like chicken wings and nachos on the menu, but Bar Louie also has options for more adventur-
Carolyn says that from time to time Bar Louie tests out new dishes to see how they go over. Right now, the kitchen is experimenting with pig and pepper sliders. Customers are encouraged to offer feedback so she can pass it along to company headquarters in Addison.
Bar Louie also hopes to establish itself as a neighborhood happy hour destination.
Tupinamba Cafe
Now Open! Welcome to the tastiest Tex-Mex in the Metroplex!
Family Owned & Operated Since 1947.
6300 Skillman #156 thaiopal.com 214.553.5956
Monday through Friday from 4-7 p.m. draft beer is $3.25, wine is $4.25, and signature martinis are $5.25. This is a great time to try out a flatbread because they are all half price. With a large indoor bar and sizable terrace patio, you’ll be sure to find a seat. The restaurant has a lot going on, including a Blues & Brews event every Thursday night, but its motto is as simple as its casual vibe — “Eat. Drink. Be happy.”
—Elizabeth Barbee
Thai Opal
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Another Broken Egg Cafe
It’s our passion to create exceptional dishes for breakfast, brunch and lunch that are “craveably” delicious with an artisanal flair.
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Palapas Seafood Bar
Come see why Dallas voted us Best Seafood Dallas & Top Ten Best new restaurant 2014. Experience our special flavorings & recipes from Mexico’s seafood capital Sinaloa. Enjoy our Happy Hour 4-7pm on one of our Palapa patios.
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Dugg Burger
Now Open at Casa Linda Plaza! A whole new way to do burgers.
DUGG OUT – We dig out your bun FILL UP – We fill it with toppings you choose (all one price)
DIGG IN – Enjoy with a local craft beer and bread pudding
Casa Linda Plaza-Northeast Corner 9540 Garland Rd. #407 214.584.6261 · DuggBurger.com
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 37 SEE MORE PHOTOS Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com LW
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9665 N. Central Expwy. @ Walnut Hill tupinambarestaurant.com 972.991.8148 TEX-MEX dining SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203
A backyard summer barbecue is the perfect place to sip on a refreshingly fizzy homemade soda. Although this fruity drink is called Italian cream soda, it was originally created in the United States, flavored with well-known Italian syrups. This recipe gives the option to make your own syrups from scratch, which provides endless flavor possibilities for a quick and easy summer drink.
2-3 tablespoons homemade blueberry or strawberry simple syrup
½ cup sparkling water
1 tablespoon half-and-half
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup water
1 cup fresh strawberries or 1 cup fresh blueberries
Combine granulated sugar and water in a small saucepan; bring to a boil.
Once sugar has dissolved, add fresh fruit and boil for 10 minutes or until syrup thickens.
Strain the mixture to remove fruit, and keep the juice.
Allow the simple syrup to cool completely before using.
Add 2-3 tablespoon of simple syrup to a glass filled with ice.
Pour sparkling water on top of the simple syrup until the glass is almost full.
Top off the soda with a splash of halfand-half.
Stir to combine, and enjoy immediately.
38 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 Launch FOOD
Kristen Massad writes a monthly column about sweets and baked goods. The professional pastry chef graduated from the French Culinary Institute in New York City and owned Tart Bakery on Lovers Lane for eight years. She blogs about food and lifestyles at inkfoods.com.
And the winner is The Balcony Club
The votes are in and neighbors agree The Balcony Club is the best bar in the neighborhood. The jazz club tucked away above the iconic Lakewood Theater is a place packed with nostalgia for many neighbors. The narrow room is cloaked in dark colors with pops of red, gold and green, which give it a throwback 1930s vibe. It has had a tough few years — or a tough existence, depending on how you look at it. Since its beginning more than 27 years ago, the club has been a roller coaster of financial instability, but somehow it always manages to survive another year, probably because of its cult-like following. In 2013 it changed ownership, and the new owner Ted Davey poured money into updating and rearranging the space and drumming up new and old support. For neighbors who have been frequenting the venue for decades, the club still has that unpretentious feel they’ve always loved in the laid-back club where the drinks are good and the jazz is even better. Learn more at balconyclub.com.
Runner-up: The Pour House
Tie for third: Libertine & Louie’s
NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2015 BEST OF CONTEST: Best Place for Kids. Vote for your favorite at lakewood.advocatemag.com/bestof2015
Come celebrate July 4th at City View! Store Wide Sale starts Wed. July 1st. Don’t miss our Tent Tag Sale July 3rd & 4th with lots of additional mark downs out back! Also, on Sat. only, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint demonstration 11:00-1:00. 6830 Walling Ln. (off Skillman/Abrams) 214.752.3071 cityviewantiques@homestead.com
One gift...every occasion. Nora Fleming platters and minis bring joy to every event. Pick your tray, platter or bowl and adorn with celebratory minis! 10233 E NW Hwy @ Ferndale (next to Gecko) 214.553.8850 Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30 TheStoreinLH.com
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July mat clearance sale! 30% off the regular price yoga mats. HuggerMugger, Giaim, Manduka, Jade, prAna and more. Yoga Mart 6039 Oram (at Skillman) 214.534.4469 yogamartusa.com
The Little Things is a fun shop for kids. Carrying size newborn to 8, we have all of your summer essentials. Come stop by Monday-Friday 10am-6pm or Saturday 10am-5pm. Bring your kiddos to enjoy our playroom! 5207 Bonita Ave. 75206 214-821-3015
More than 200,000 sets of eyes are checking out these items right now. Get your specialty items or featured products in front of your neighbors that love to shop local for unique items.
Read online at advocatemag.com/digital
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 39
Balcony Club: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
ED 04/15 2/3
Sure, you know White Rock Lake like you know your own backyard. But in all those days you’ve birdwatched, picnicked, jogged or biked, there must be something you’ve missed.
Maybe it was one of these odds, ends, hidden coves, slices of history or peculiarities. >>>
40 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 11
Flag Pole Hill is a popular destination for picnics, concerts and fireworks-watching in the spring (and for clumsy rides on makeshift sleds when it snows). It became Flag Pole Hill in 1936. Before that, it was Doran’s Point, named for William Doran (18471931), the city commissioner responsible for negotiating to purchase the 2,292 acres of land that would become White Rock Lake Park, according to historian Sally Rodriguez.
A photo of the hilltop pavilions in the Dallas Municipal Archives shows that the waters of White Rock Lake once reached the very base of Flag Pole Hill. Today, Northwest Highway separates the hill from the main lake.
High school cross-country runners from around the region know Norbuck Park, across the road from Flag Pole Hill, for a steep, tree-lined incline and a flat finishing stretch. For the less competitive, the cross-country course suits more pleasurable pursuits such as hiking and nature-watching. Pay homage here to the late Rowland D. Adams (1917-1962), who is remembered on a plaque near the playground as a man “whose love of God and life inspired him to appreciate the beauty of the world and his fellow man. To be a coach and counselor to boys and girls. To be a friend and example to all.” According to his obituary, Adams organized the White Rock Churches Athletic Association in 1956. In 1962 alone there were more than 2,000 youngsters participating in baseball and basketball programs, many of whom Adams himself coached. He died at age 44 following a long illness.
White Rock Lake increasingly attracts pedestrians and cyclists slow and fast, competitive and recreational, friendly and aggressive. And, with apologies to The Notorious B.I.G.: mo’ people, mo’ problems. The west side of the lake offers a wide, smooth trail — alongside a road for faster cyclists and motor vehicles. East of the lake, however, nearly all traffic opts for the public street over the narrow, deteriorating pedestrian path above it. This creates a situation in which cars, runners, strollers and cyclists all share space. Since rules for trekking a trail (stay right) differ from road rules (stay left, facing oncoming vehicular traffic), pedestrians are generally confused, occupying both sides of the road. Yelling happens. Fights ensue. People fall down. Children cry. To quell the chaos, a $7.2 million effort to improve the pedestrian trail from the base of the Mockingbird Bridge (Mockingbird Point) to Emerald Isle on the south side of the lake is underway. The Dallas Park Department is rebuilding the existing broken trail as opposed to constructing a new shoreline trail as they did west of the lake. Also included in this three-phase project are parking lot and playground improvements, new picnic areas, and native grassland designation for select areas.
42 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 ! THINGS YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED AT WHITE ROCK LAKE
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Lawther is named for Joe E. Lawther, a Dallas mayor and park board president credited with making White Rock the park it is today.
Along the 9.5-mile or so route around White Rock Lake, there are ostensibly several potential pit stops, mostly in the form of portables. Permanent restroom buildings exist at The Stone Tables, Big Thicket, near the old boathouse and kitty-corner from Celebration Tree Grove. Some of these feature painted murals and artistically detailed windows. The restrooms at Poppy Drive and East Lawther, for example showcase cheerful paintings of fish, turtles and birds collectively called “White Rock Rush Hour” by the late artist Joseph Korngut (an animal lover who died in 2011 after a long illness, according to his obituary). The problem: these structures are locked several months out of the year.
The official reason for locking down the restrooms is “winterizing,” according to Shana Murff with the Dallas Park and Recreation Department. “After the first freeze, we turn off everything with running water, because if one pipe bursts, the whole system goes down.”
All of the turning on and off of water must be done manually, which is why parkgoers might find fountains dry, even on a warm and sunny afternoon.
Also of note: Locked restrooms possibly mean less work for police patrolling the lake. At one time, the restroom buildings at White Rock were popular meeting spots for sexual deviants, making them problematic for law enforcement and an unassuming public. According to a Dallas Morning News article, undercover Dallas police officers made 153 arrests for public lewdness in 2002, prompting authorities to warn parents against allowing children in the bathrooms unaccompanied. Today the prettily painted stalls all feature signs warning against “unlawful activity.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 43
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Built in the 1930s Big Thicket, across from the sailing clubs on East Lawther, once was a concession building serving dinners, drinks and sandwiches. Today it is a venue that can hold 50 people, available for rental. A plaque on the outer wall pays homage to recently deceased Tal Morrison, the founder of the Dallas Running Club (then the Cross Country Club of Dallas) and the Dallas Marathon (then the White Rock Marathon).
An old tree shading the parking lot features a tattered shrine made up of photos, a broken Dallas Running Club Frisbee and other peculiarities — this reportedly is the work of a rather closed-lipped trio of runners who regularly sit and chat under the tree after their Sunday run. They say the impromptu display happened after a friend declared he was through running forever. It’s essentially a memorial recognizing the death of a running career.
In the early days the area near the Bath House was a beach, and people splashed with impunity in the White Rock waters. Today swimming at White Rock Lake is illegal, but the Bath House offers multiple forms of entertainment. The building, an Art Deco-style historical landmark, plays host to theatrical productions and art exhibitions. Outside are a few public art projects worth noting: the Water Theater, a series of poles where birds perch and “perform.” The city’s Public Art Committee recently recommended the removal of the high-maintenance piece and called for the artists to recreate the artwork at a different site. A sculpture called “Whirl” made in 2008 by artist John Christensen became the centerpiece of a butterfly garden donated and maintained by the Dallas County Master Gardener Association. In the 1980s, artist Branford Graves donated a stone sculpture called “Resaca,” which doubles as a seating area with a magnificent view.
44 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
From 1943 to 1945 Mary Jane Hart operated The Sunset Inn, a restaurant where, according to a salvaged menu, she cooked, baked and performed odd jobs. Hart and her two young children lived in a small cottage behind the diner. Hart marketed her patios as the best place to watch the sun set over White Rock Lake, and the spot is still a strong contender today.
Sunsets aside, the most magical things at Sunset Inn’s Sunset Bay are the noisy, friendly, practically domesticated birds who live there.
Neighborhood humans Charles Fussell and Annette Abbott, among others, care for the waterfowl — a mix of Canada, African, Chinese, Toulouse, Pilgrim and Emden geese, an ethereally gorgeous mute swan named Katy and (sometimes) pelicans.
Fussell, a plumber by day, drives his pickup truck most evenings to Sunset Bay and distributes some 200 pounds of food. He also frequently rescues geese from dealers and relocates them to the bay. Most of them acclimate quickly, he has said.
“They immediately take to the lake and become a part of the community. It’s such a good life for them, plus, the people at the lake enjoy them,” he says. “[The geese] almost have the sensibilities of a dog in the way that they gravitate toward and relate with people.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 45
6 BATTERIES OIL/OIL FILTERS LATEX PAINT ANTIFREEZE The BOPA mobile will accept ONLY the following items: Containers larger than 5 gallons will NOT be accepted. No more than 50 pounds of batteries can be dropped off per day. No more than 25 gallons of latex paint, oil or antifreeze can be dropped off per day. 8 A.M. - 11 A.M. Rain or Shine! DFW Distribution 3636 N. Buckner Blvd. (main parking lot) Dallas, Texas 75228 This service is made possible by: County of Dallas, City of Dallas, Cities of the Dallas Area, and the Household Hazardous Waste Network For more information, go to DallasRecycles.com or call 214-670-4475 FREE to residents of the following cities and areas: (Please bring driver’s license and a utility bill as proof of residence) Addison Dallas De Soto Duncanville Seagoville Sunnyvale University Park Unincorporated Dallas County Farmers Branch Garland Highland Park Irving Mesquite Richardson Rowlett Sachse COLLECTION BATTERIES OIL PAINT ANTIFREEZE 2015 July 11, 2015 Saturday,
In the 1930s, the field near Winfrey Point housed dozens of wooden yellow barracks, a mess hall and the hundreds of young men who served the Civilian Conservation Corps, a public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 as part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. Later on, those barracks housed German prisoners of war. Outside Sunset Inn, which is just north of Winfrey Point, a statue honors CCC Company 2896, which built Sunset Inn, Winfrey Point, the pavilions at Flag Pole Hill, and White Rock Lake entrance signs and bridges, to name a few things. “Using shovel, trowel, hammer and spade they moved earth, planted trees, crafted stone and built structures that remain a lasting legacy of service to their community and nation,” reads the plaque.
46 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
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Those days when the trails are too crowded and you feel like going off the beaten path, look for the entrance to the Old Fish Hatchery, which is less traveled, near the filter building on the southwest side of the lake. This “environmentally sensitive area” (according to a sign out front) offers a quiet network of dirt trails and a protected wildlife habitat. It is a favorite spot of bird-watchers, wanderers and, apparently, architects of amazing teepee huts.
The Mayor of White Rock Lake — that was what lake-goers nicknamed Benjamin Arkowitz, according to a Dallas Morning News article from the 1990s. He told the paper he liked to test out all the benches, fill his water bottle at every fountain, and talk to anyone who would listen. More than 120 people showed up at his funeral at Temple Emanu-El in 2000, after he died of cancer. The war veteran and New York City native reportedly lost more than 70 pounds (“and gained a ton of friends”) once he started his daily jaunts around the lake. One of his favorite benches, near Dalgreen and W. Lawther, now is branded “Ben’s Bench” in gold letters. “In Memory of Benjamin Arkowitz Mayor of White Rock Lake.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 47
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Bill J. Priest
Across a bay from the old boathouse is a partly shaded plaza, fenced in stonework similar to that used by the CCC workers in the ’30s and featuring sunny mosaic signage by artist Sonia King. The overlook includes two free binocular telescopes, one at wheelchair level. The plaza was dedicated in 2004, donated by Hampton Hodges.
He and his first wife, Buffy, moved to the neighborhood after falling in love with White Rock Lake, according to a 2001 Advocate article. Buffy died a few years later of ovarian cancer, and he began exploring ways to contribute something meaningful to White Rock Lake in her honor.
Colorful tiles near the base of the plaza spell out “Hamp and Buffy.”
Dec. 3, 1995 — Mayor Ron Kirk proclaimed the day For the Love of White Rock Lake Day. The formal proclamation sits east of the old boathouse. The text reads more like a poem than a municipal document, featuring lines such as, “WHEREAS, White Rock Lake offers the souls of young and old alike the emotional refreshment of curving shoreline, green spaces, cool thickets, gentle breezes, bridal paths, diamond reflections of sun on water, pastel dawns and blazing sunsets, all against the striking silhouette of our downtown skyline … ” and “WHEREAS, White Rock Lake lays claim to the lore of the Lady of the Lake …”
The family and friends of Don Ostroff dedicated a fountain and seating area on the east White Rock Lake Trail, not far from the old boathouse. Ostroff was a prolific endurance athlete who competed in more than 20 marathons and numerous triathlons. In 2007, he was running at White Rock Lake when he suffered an aortic dissection, which ended his life. He was 58.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 49 !
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Landscape of the future: Dallas United Crew plans to build a $4 million, 9,000-square-foot boathouse on the east side of the lake between the White Rock Boat Club and the Corinthian Sailing Club. Based on a 2012 agreement, the City of Dallas would own the building
50 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
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and earn 10 percent of the rowing club’s revenue. Josh Theodore, a principal at the architectural firm Page, designed the future boathouse; his plans have already received critical acclaim. Visit advocatemag.com for more renderings and project updates.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 51 The Safari Nights concert series is back. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy live music, beer and wine on shady Cat Green. Catch the all-new Giants of the Jurassic exhibit and other Zoo animals as the sun goes down. Featuring Live 80, A Hard Night’s Day, and more... For more information, visit DallasZoo.com/SafariNights THIS WE ZOO IT IS HOW SATURDAYS THROUGH AUG. 1, 6 – 9 P.M.
East Dallas creatives give new life to an important piece of neighborhood art
Story by Brittany Nunn | Photos by Kathy Tran
52 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Octavio Medellin’s fused glass hangs in the window at Dallas Love Field.
Two women wearing t-shirts that read “Van Enter Studio” crouch on the floor at Dallas Love Field in front of a half-finished piece of glass artwork.
They work in tandem. After placing a slice of colorful glass into the large metal framework, one holds the glass in place as the other secures it with pins and glue. Then they wipe it clean and move onto the next piece, and one by one the web of crisscrossing metal fills with fused glass.
Just a few steps away, two similar pieces already hang from the ceiling in front of large windows. Light fills the artwork and illuminates the patterns made from bubbles, streaks and carefully arranged chunks of glass that were melted onto the surface.
Curious travelers on their way to and from the airport’s ticket counters pause to look at the eye-catching art. They learn this is the end of a long journey for the four elaborate pieces, which have passed through several East Dallas hands before landing here.
“It definitely catches people’s attention,” says Michael Van Enter, the neighborhood artist responsible for restoring the glass and displaying it at Love Field.
The fused glass is the work of artist Octavio Medellin who lived and worked in East Dallas for decades, although his influence reaches far beyond Dallas.
Medellin originally designed the glass to adorn Trinity Lutheran Church on Gaston, which was demolished in the fall of 2013 to make way for the new White Rock YMCA that opened this spring.
The name Octavio Medellin has been circulating through the local media, along with details about the glass, which the city called “historically significant.”
But who was Medellin, and why is his work so “significant”?
“Octavio was a really dynamic artist,” Van Enter explains. “He was seen on a national basis as a pioneer in his field. He didn’t just make junk. He made quality stuff, and he left a legacy.”
Medellin’s glass work is an important part of that legacy. Although the glass from Trinity Lutheran Church looks like stained glass to
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 53
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Van Enter in his studio.
the untrained eye, it isn’t; it’s fused glass, born of an artistic technique Medellin created in the 1950s.
Medellin used glazes similar to those used in ceramics. He slathered glaze onto a slice of glass and then he fired the glass inside a kiln, allowing the glaze and the glass to “fuse” together. His mixture resulted in unpredictable blistered and crackled textures. Similar to working with pottery, more glaze means darker, richer colors and less glaze means lighter, faded colors — both of which can be seen in the glass pieces at Love Field.
Medellin experimented with the process extensively and took copious notes. Van Enter says some Dallas artists still use the fused glass technique as a direct result of Medellin’s teaching and influence. “It’s an art form that has still kind of stayed in Dallas,” Van Enter says.
As a child in 1920, Medellin moved to Texas with his family from San Luis Potosi, Mexico. He began studying art at the San Antonio Art Institute under the tutelage of the influential Spanish artists Jose Arpa and Xavier Gonzales.
Medellin later studied at the Chicago Art Institute before he returned to Mexico for a three-year study of the country’s art, customs and history, which had a major influence on his artistic style. Medellin eventually made his way to Dallas, where he made his home until 1999, when he died at age 92.
Medellin contributed to the Dallas art scene beautiful sculptures, paintings, murals and glass, which are featured at the Dallas Museum of Art, the Amon Carter Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He also taught at North Texas State Teachers College, Southern Methodist University and the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts School.
He founded the Octavio Medellin School of Sculpture, which later morphed into the Creative Arts Center (CAC) in East Dallas where many of Dallas’ most influential artists and art teachers studied his techniques.
East Dallas painter and sculptor Marty Ray took lessons from Medellin before moving on to SMU to earn her Master of Fine Arts. Medellin’s dedication to artistic integrity was infectious,
Ray says. (Diana Pollak, the CAC’s executive director, says Medellin would roll over in his grave if he knew the students no longer make their own clay.)
Even non-artists took his classes — doctors, lawyers and regular folks who simply wanted to soak up some of his passion — and he worked hard to make art accessible to everyone.
“He was fun, he had passion for art, and he had a certain way of teaching,” Ray explains. “He was a natural artist with some training, although he didn’t have a formal degree. His students loved him, and he had many devout followers.”
In 1960 Medellin created the glass windows for Trinity Lutheran Church using his fused glass technique. The work was once one massive piece placed in the church’s bell towerthe outside wall on the front of the building. To restore for the Love Field display, Van Enter “tipped the piece over” on its side and broke it into four parts, which he set inside four customdesigned metal frames.
There were also several floor-to-ceiling
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pieces along the side of the church, which Van Enter is in the process of restoring. They will be installed at the Dallas City Performance Hall in July.
For some the fused glass is the only remainder of the church that once graced the top of the hill at Gaston and Loving.
“Throughout the years, whenever the sermons were boring, I loved the windows,” quips East Dallas neighbor Marilyn Hansen, whose father-in-law was the first president of the congregation.
But it’s the East Dallas artist community that seems to find the most significance in Medellin’s leftover glass work.
When the White Rock YMCA purchased Trinity Lutheran Church, it planned to demolish the church and simply destroy the fused glass along with it.
But sculptor David Hickman, who was a major player in the East Dallas arts community before he recently moved to Santa Fe, learned about the demolition and intervened just in time.
Hickman is a former student of Medellin, which gave him an appreciation for both the monetary value of the glass as well as the historical significance of the piece.
“I’d known about the glass for some time,” Hickman explains. “So I got really concerned when I learned the YMCA was buying the property and that they were probably going to raze the building and destroy the glass if someone didn’t tell them what they had.”
Hickman reached out to the White Rock YMCA’s architect Craig Reynolds and urged him to consider saving the glass. Together they visited the property while Hickman tried to decide if he was capable of removing and restoring it himself.
“I’m a one-man studio now, so I don’t have a big operation,” Hickman points out. “I finally realized that there was no way that I was going to be able to disassemble those windows safely.”
Instead he contacted Van Enter, another East Dallas artist, who has a team of five fulltime staff members and two part-time technicians. But more importantly Van Enter specializes in fine art conservation and has experience working on similar projects.
“I thought this was the perfect project for him,” Hickman says.
From there everything happened quickly.
The YMCA turned the glass over to the city’s public art program, and the Office of Cultural Affairs began scouring Dallas for possible donors. Once the city found someone to sponsor the project, Van Enter’s team spent several weeks removing the glass from the church.
For two years the glass sat in Van Enter’s workshop, which is housed in an old East Dallas factory built in the 1930s to produce Ford cars and then Mustang fighter planes during World War II.
Van Enter constructed an airtight room inside his workshop to keep dust away from the project while his team worked to restore any damaged pieces.
Hickman possessed several boxes of Medellin’s supplies and heavy-duty equipment for making fused glass, but when Hickman moved to Santa Fe he gave it to Van Enter for safekeeping and possible future use. However, Van Enter never used the supplies during the restoration process. Instead he opted for more modern repair methods.
“We didn’t re-melt pieces of glass,” he says. “We used high-tech resins and glues to put everything back together. There was a hole that we repaired. You can barely see it, but it’s there. We used acrylics to fill in the cracks and modern paint.”
In the end Van Enter lost money on the project, but he says he’d do it again because saving Medellin’s work is worth it. Plus, anytime Van Enter has a chance to restore old artwork something he does often — he says it’s “very gratifying.”
“It’s nice to bring things back to their original,” he points out.
This isn’t the first time Van Enter and his team have recovered and restored Medellin’s artwork. Van Enter also saved several large murals from the Mercantile Bank before it was razed. They had three months to remove the murals, which are now in the Joule Hotel in downtown Dallas.
Van Enter never met Medellin, so his impression of him is based purely on the legacy Medellin left behind, but working so closely with Medellin’s artwork has given Van Enter a unique perspective.
56 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Michael Van Enter restores a piece of art.
“There is a signature I keep seeing in his work,” he says. “There’s a lot of light and line. That line becomes a characteristic in his work. And there’s a lot of brightness contrasted with earth colors. I think that comes from when he studied Mayan art. It’s so unique.”
Although Van Enter’s artistic style is very different from Medellin’s, their artistic processes are somewhat similar. Both artists work in abstract, but neither work at random.
“He was very scientific in his approach,” Van Enter says. Although today Van Enter is an artist with a bent toward abstract metal sculpting, his background is in engineering, which has made him a lover of all things planned and calculated.
“[Medellin] bridged the world between artisan and artist,” Van Enter explains.
By the ’60s, when America was caught up with abstract artists like Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler, who were busy creating a new Post World War II art intellectual movement, Medellin was working to fuse the old with the new.
“At the same time that the use of the craftsmanship drops off, Octavio brings the craftsmanship back and says, ‘You can be abstract but you have to be meticulous,’ ” Van Enter says.
“So when the rest of the world is rushing to do immediate art and universities were caught up in that, he brought this to Dallas.”
Van Enter also admires Medellin for working collaboratively with other artists at a time when creating art was often a selfish venture.
“In that era it was all about the artist. The artist was the hero, not the painting,” Van Enter says.
He is pleased to see Medellin’s work and influence once again being recognized in Dallas. Not only is his art receiving a new life at Dallas Love Field and the Dallas City Performance Hall, but in a way so is Medellin.
“It’s nice to see his name being brought back up,” Van Enter concludes.
See Medellin’s fused glasswork near the ticketing counters at Dallas Love Field. The other pieces will be installed at Dallas City Performance Hall this month.
You can also find several of Medellin’s murals in the Joule Hotel in downtown Dallas.
TO LEARN MORE about Medellin, see a digital collection of his work at SMU’s Bywaters Special Collections at the Hamon Arts Library. Visit digitalcollections.smu.edu.
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9714 Van Dyke Road $550,000 3/2 2,067 SF + 1/1 Guest House + Pool 6149 Anita Street $470,000 3/2 1,774 SF 6455 Sondra Drive $425,000 2/2 1,586 SF 214.563.8441
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Path resistance
Debate heats up over planned expansion of an informal trail system at Flag Pole Hill
Story by Brittany Nunn | Photos by Sheryl Lanzel
Controversy is brewing at Flag Pole Hill near White Rock Lake, where some residents want to develop an existing but informal series of nature trails, improving access for hikers and cyclists.
Opponents say the plan is destructive to the habitat and intrusive to the surrounding neighborhood.
After weeks of debate among neighbors, the City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department recently decided to take matters into its own hands.
The terrain in question winds through a roughly 10-acre plot of prairie and forested parkland northeast of Flag Pole between White Rock Trail, Lanshire and Shoreview.
As it is, horseback riders, with a few exceptions, have the
crude trail system to themselves; some hikers who don’t mind braving mosquitoes and poison ivy also enjoy the pathways.
Prompted by petitions from potential trail users, the Park and Recreation Department in the coming months plans to upgrade these trails, widening and clearing some that wind through the trees.
Oscar Carmona, the assistant director of the park department, insists there are “not going to be any new paths built, and there won’t be any disturbance to vegetation or wooded areas.”
The park department might protectively reduce human accessibility in other areas — “nurse some of the paths back to a natural state,” as he puts it, if they are unnecessary or disturbing areas that are “environmentally sensitive.”
58 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Areas heavy with poison ivy are a concern.
“We might just try to bypass those altogether and try to get those areas to grow back up to what they used to be,” he says, adding that volunteers might be asked to pull patches of poison ivy to improve footpaths in areas where the plant is less likely to grow.
In order to accommodate users with disabilities and provide access for people with strollers, the useable trails will be raked out and widened to approximately 18-24 inches, Carmona says, and then covered with natural groundcover, like leaf litter or dirt.
The city also will correct any erosion problems that might be causing damage to the pathways.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 59
To learn more, cal l 214.827.8961 or visit dallascasa.org Volunteer! You can make all the difference in the life of an abused child. CUSTOM HOME CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL REMODELING INTERIOR DESIGN Eric Cantu General Contractor Call for a Free Consultation 972.754.9988 EricCantu.com North Dallas Preston Hollow Lakewood M-Streets Lake Highlands
“In those areas we might put in a water bar or some steps or something,” Carmona says. “If we do that, it’ll be natural, like maybe decomposed granite or some logs or something.”
The city plans to work with a trail-building organization on the project. Carmona says the park department has had “some good initial conversations with Groundwork Dallas.” Volunteers also may be invited to help with initial labor, as well as future maintenance.
This plan has evolved over several months and is still a work in the early stages.
It started back in November, when White Rock-area neighbor Ken Coutant approached the city with a request to expand the existing network of trails in the park.
Coutant has lived near White Rock Lake for 26 years, and he says he regularly runs, hikes and bikes at Flag Pole Hill. While using the primitive foot trails already available, he “came up with the idea to expand the trail system into the trees on the northeast corner of the park.”
He wanted to do the labor himself with a
60 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
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White Rock area resident Ken Coutant says he came up with the idea to expand the trail system at Flag Pole Hill.
group of friends. His hope was to enhance the current foot trails and create new ones by raking out the underbrush. The trails would be about 12-inches wide and no trees would be removed, he said.
He already had the approval of his neighborhood, the White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association, and the park department told him he had to earn the approval of the White Rock Task Force as well. Coutant took his proposal before the task force and received its stamp of approval.
The city also required him to host an online petition to gather the signatures and addresses of 1,000 neighbors, which he did, and he quickly received at least 382.
But when neighbors got wind of the proposal through the online petition, some were not happy about it. Then the task force first learned Coutant planned to make the pathways into multi-use trails, more friendly for mountain bikers as well as hikers (technically, bicycles are already allowed on the trails; according to the city code, only motorized vehicles are not allowed on park grounds. Bicycles are classified as vehicles by Texas code, but they are not motorized and therefore are allowed on park property).
In May, task force leadership asked Coutant to once again go before the task force.
Coutant explained he still wanted 12inch dirt trails, but he wanted them to be multi-use trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding, similar to the dirt trails at Harry Moss Park. In fact, he helped build the trails at Harry Moss Park through Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association (DORBA), which he emphasized would not be heading up the Flag Pole Hill project because the area was too small to be worth DORBA’s time. Instead, he would be the lead on the project — taking responsibility for the initial labor and the upkeep (any weed eating and the removal of downed timber after storms and the like).
During the task force meeting, several neighbors presented their concerns. Some were worried about the wildlife within the largely untouched area. Neighbors who live on Shoreview and whose houses back up to the property in question were concerned new trails could possibly lead users straight to their backyards. The task force called for another vote and then proceeded to revoke its previous approval.
Coutant says he didn’t know where to go
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 61
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62 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 education GUIDE SERVING AGES 3 MONTHS - ADULTS 4411 SKILLMAN Preschool & Elementary School 214-826-4410 5740 PROSPECT Nursery School & Adult Program 214-826-6350 DallasSpanishHouse.com Call for a tour to experience St. John’s! Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational stjohnsschool.org 214-328-9131 x103 SJES admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, gender, and national or ethnic origin. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Highlander School 9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-3220
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Path resistance
from there. What he saw as a public service, others saw as a threat to what was already available at Flag Pole Hill. Neighbors who ride horses on the paths expressed specific concern about the prospect of more bicyclists using the trails. “Horses and bicycles don’t mix,” says neighbor PattyJoan Hines, who has been patrolling the area on horseback for decades. “This is a horse trail. We need some protection,” she insists. “Horses made these trails.”
At the end of May, the Park and Recreation Department announced it planned to take over the project.
“We thought it would be within our best interest to take the lead on this,” Carmona says.
“We always saw the need to somewhat enhance those trails out there, then once we started to get some feedback from people who were both for and against it, we decided we’d be able to control it a lot better if we just manage it ourselves and focus on those areas that already exist and not build new trails.”
He says Coutant and people like him are “more than welcome to join as volunteers.”
East Dallas neighbor and neighborhood activist Ted Barker isn’t satisfied with the city’s plan, saying there “continues to be some shifting on what is planned.”
Hines says she believes the city’s claim to simply enhance the current trails and not add any new ones is a “smokescreen.”
“That makes no sense,” she says. “If that’s the case they shouldn’t be doing anything to it.”
But there’s a chance the Parks and Recreation Department will actually ban bicyclists from using the trails, which is exactly what Hines wants.
of our 200,000+ readers with average income of $146,750 want more info about private schools.
Once the property dries out after the heavy rains, a city employee will visit the site with a GPS unit to map out the current trails. Then maintenance will begin sometime this summer, possibly August. After the trails are updated, the Park and Recreation Department will determine whether or not bicycles should be allowed on the trails.
“We are really going to have to wait and see what our end result is and see what that trail can support,” he says. “If it’s an ecosystem where you don’t want a lot of users, then we can limit it to pedestrians and equestrian only. But that’s going to take some research on our end.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 63
to advertise call 214.560.4203 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
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The menacing truck seen around our neighborhood actually belongs to a sweet-natured East Dallas artist
COMMENT. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com to tell us what you think.
You’re driving down Abrams when you suddenly find yourself in a Mad Max movie. The black truck next to you, the one with the fierce-looking sharp spike jutting out of the front bumper, sports machine guns mounted on the bed, another on the hood. A green skull painted on the side grins menacingly at you. Wait, is that a flamethrower on top of the truck?
Not to worry, it’s just neighbor Ace Cordell in his art car. Glance over, and he’ll likely give you a friendly little wave.
No, they’re not real guns. It’s not an actual flamethrower. And the truck’s name is “Jezzie” — short for “Jezebel.”
It all started back in February when Ace bought a 1990 Ford Ranger truck from “a little old lady who drove it only to church on Sundays.” Seriously.
Ace had a plan, a vision, one he had already sketched in his much-used sketchbook. He headed to the scrap yard, picked up $700 worth of odds and ends, and went to work in the driveway of his Junius Heights home “constructing my baby.” Making good use of the welding skills he learned at Mountain View College, Ace created giant guns out of army surplus ammo boxes, lawnmower parts, an old mop bucket, a caulking gun, bearings, pipes, water heaters, drill bits, an antique jackhammer, and an ancient crutch. The “flamethrower” on top? Antique gas lantern, springs, an air compressor, and an industrial air filter from a laundromat.
Thick chains dangle from the bottom edges of the truck, driver and passenger windows are covered with rebar, and the crowning touch would be those crossed machetes on the back window, topped with a skull. “Zombie Squad” is scrawled across several areas of the truck.
So, Ace, you’re a big fan of “The Walking Dead”? Not at all. “I can’t watch horror mov-
ies,” he shakes his head. “ They give me bad dreams.” Then why the zombie/gun theme? Months before, Ace’s brother had purchased a cheap but aesthetically challenged truck. Ace’s suggestion to his brother: “Let’s Mad Max it out.” The brother, though, is a fan of all things zombie, so they zombied out his truck instead. When Ace began plans for his own truck, he decided to stick with the theme, amused by the idea of “a whole fleet of Zombie Squad trucks running around East Dallas.”
You would expect such an alarming vehicle would invite, at a minimum, the stink eye from fellow motorists, or even more likely, a little chat with police. “If I was a cop, I’d be leery, too,” Ace nods. But he says he’s never been pulled over and insists, “I think the cops know I’m on their side. I like police officers.”
Ace knows of only one instance when his truck frightened someone. “Jezzie” was parked at the Lakewood Whole Foods while Ace sat inside the store, enjoying a meal. He’s a regular there — think Norm from “Cheers” and you get the picture — and employees know him and his vehicle well. A panicked customer rushed in, reported the truck, and insisted that security check it out pronto. Calm down, she was told, it’s just Ace.
Reactions are overwhelmingly positive. While Ace chatted with me in the Whole Foods parking lot, no fewer than a dozen folks walked by, expressing admiration for Jezzie. As one fellow artfully expressed, “That truck is badass, man.” That may be, but more than anything, Ace muses, “I want my truck to be seen as art, not a killing machine.”
Ace describes himself as a mixed media artist and prefers to go the recycled route. “The truth is, whatever my hands get a hold of, I’m going to use.” His art is installed
64 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
INSIDE Story • Tax Preparation • IRS Audit Representation • IRS Notice Resolution • 26 years in the White Rock Lake Neighborhood 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829 Jack F. Lewis Jr.,
cpa jlewis@jlewiscpa.com Selling your homestead? If IRS form 1099-S is
Sign up for Y Program Join WHITE ROCK Y Pay $0 Joiner Fee Join the NEW WHITE ROCK YMCA in July and we’ll waive your Joiner Fee (up to a $95 value) if you also sign up for a program! Please visit www.WhiteRockYMCA.org for more information. SUBSCRIBE TODAY advocatemag.com/newsletter Advocate’s Free Weekly Newsletters.
reported by the title company, you should declare the sale on your 1040 schedule D along with the applicable gain exclusion.
all over town, including a 25-foot dragon made from barrels at Mountain View College. His 9-feet-tall robot constructed from keg parts sits outside a Deep Ellum bar, which also features a 400-square-foot mural he painted.
Current projects include another mural, four t-shirt designs, a railing for a loft and illustrations for a children’s book. And he likes the idea of creating more art cars, maybe for himself, maybe for other folks who are so inclined.
Ace loves his art and he loves his Jezebel. He jokes, “Maybe I should deliver pizza, or sign up as an Uber driver.” Most of all, though, Ace hopes his truck inspires folks to adopt the don’t-judge-a-book-by-itscover philosophy. Jezzie isn’t outfitted with guns, she’s adorned with random objects. And Ace? “I’m anti-violence. I’m just a big ol’ teddy bear.”
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 65
Patti Vinson is a guest writer who has lived in East Dallas for 15 years. She’s written for the Advocate and Real Simple magazine, and has taught college writing. She is a frequent flier at Lakewood branch library and enjoys haunting neighborhood estate sales with husband Jonathan and children, Claire (13) and Will (10). The family often can be found hanging out at White Rock Lake Dog Park with Dexter, a probable JackWeenie.
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Ace Cordell: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
Anna Rose McGoldrick, who graduated from Bishop Lynch High School last month, won a National Security Language Initiative for Youth scholarship, and is studying in Morocco this summer. McGoldrick is one of 620 American students who received the scholarship to study Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Russian or Turkish.
The Dallas Urban Debate Alliance recognized Trace Rosenbower, an Alex W. Spence Talented/ Gifted Academy student, as eighth-grade debater of the year. Two instructors at neighborhood schools won coach of the year. Patricia Hay of Spence won middle school coach of the year, and Patrick McGhee of Woodrow Wilson High School won assistant coach of the year.
Fourteen Woodrow Wilson High School students received Community Foundation scholarships from local individuals during a reception in May at the White Rock YMCA. The foundation awarded $25,750 in scholarships this year, and each of the winners also received a Texas flag, courtesy of the foundation director and Texas State Rep. Kenneth Sheets. Most of the scholarships were for one year, and ranged from $500-$1,500. Two are four-year scholarships.
Stonewall Jackson Elementary School, which recently celebrated its 75th anniversary, is working to develop a five-year plan. Tracie Fraley, executive director of the Woodrow Wilson High School feeder pattern, is gathering feedback from parents about what they want to improve and build upon successes at the school such as the learning garden and deaf education program.
Founder of the White Rock Marathon and the Dallas Running Club Tal Morrison died last month of congestive heart failure. He was 93 years old.
East Dallas neighbor Josh Daugherty and his friend Phillip Bird are tackling the Tour Divide, touted as “The Holy Grail” of bike races. The two Dallasistes are biking 2,745 miles from Canada to Mexico, raising money for Big Pig Cancer Foundation and Pedal Against PTSD. The race takes 20-25 days and involves more than 16 hours of cycling a day. Learn more about their trip at tdrfundraiser.com.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
66 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 NEWS & Notes
Lakewood Office Space Executive style suites available now $495 - $695 per month Secure, covered parking 8th floor panoramic views over Lakewood and Downtown Includes use of kitchen for details call 214.560.4212 or email rwamre@advocatemag.com 6301 Gaston Ave. / Dallas, TX 75214 You can be here Restore your brick & mortar to its original look Before Call Today 972.985.9099 artisticmasons.com Since 1994 • Fully Insured Carved by the hands of expert brick & mortar restoration • Damaged or Cracked Brick, Mortar, Stone • Foundation or Concrete • Exact Color Matches • No tear out needed • Twice as strong as concrete • Six times stronger than regular mortar After
The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses
Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com
Wine bar near White Rock
The T Shop moves
The T Shop, located at the northwest corner of La Vista and Abrams Parkway in the Lakewood Shopping Center, is moving across the parking lot to the space that Uptown Yoga recently vacated. Shop owner and neighborhood resident Lori Trent says the move, sometime in September, will triple the store’s current space, giving it room to expand its floral offerings and carry more gifts. The new space also will give The T Shop the opportunity to return to its roots as an event space. Trent says she looks forward to offering the store as a party venue and also hosting charity events that give back to the community.
Big boxes for Steakley site
Houston-based developer Ainbinder Co. has purchased the old Steakley Chevrolet at Abrams and Northwest Highway with plans to turn it into a major retail complex. The site, to be called High Point Center, stretches 13 acres almost to Skillman. Though no leases have yet been signed, big box and junior anchor retailers are expected for the roughly 160,000 total square feet of space. Steakley Chevrolet, which opened in 1962, closed in early 2008. Since then it’s been an eyesore, hosting Dallas Furniture Mart for a while in the showroom and a variety of occasional vendors in the parking lot. No date was given for the start of construction.
More business bits
Bodega Wine Bar i s back in business and this time near White Rock Lake. For 10 years it operated on Travis Walk, but closed in 2012. Owner Amier Taherzadeh tried other things for a while, but he has now reopened Bodega at Abrams and Mockingbird. The concept is the same as the original location: wine. Drink it by the bottle ($15-$120), by the flight ($10-$25) or by the glass ($7-$12). There’s a $5 cork fee. You’re welcome to bring your own bottle of wine for a $10 cork fee. You can also bring your own food, or order a cheese and meat plate. Bodega is open 4-11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, and until midnight Friday-Saturday.
New apartments
Apartment developers are planning to build 105 new boutique apartments across the street from Lakeview Shopping Center at Gaston and Garland-East Grand. Three apartment buildings and 12 duplex/ fourplex buildings, built in the ’40s and ’50s, are being torn down to make way for the new project. The entrance will front Tucker, near Casa Loma in the Lakewood Hills neighborhood. The complex will sit uphill from the retail strip housing
The Goat, Cigarz Pizza and Andrea’s Italian Restaurant, and adjacent to Power Properties’ Veranda Flats. Construction will begin in about a month on the threestory Magnolia Lakewood complex, says Eric Little, a principal at Magnolia Property Company. The land is zoned multifamily and allows heights up to 36 feet.
every week on
1 Seattle-based Top Pot Doughnuts recently opened a new store on Greenville near Vanderbilt.
2 On the northeast corner of La Vista and Abrams Parkway, next to Liberty Burger, construction is underway on Unleavened Fresh Kitchen, coming this summer, according to its website. 3 Spa 810 opened on Upper Greenville, next door to the new Starbucks, at 4924 Greenville. 4 Plum Yoga is coming to 1924 Greenville.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 67 LIVE Local
An Ebby Halliday Company
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary
Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
Sundays: Bible Fellowship (all ages) 9:15 am /Service Time 11:00 am
12123 Hillcrest Road / 972.820.5000 / prestonwood.org
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
October 22-24, 2015 / Sponsored by Catholic Diocese of Dallas Sessions on Faith, Scripture, & Ministry / Exhibitors / Music / Mass
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel
10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule.
214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
RIDGEWOOD PARK UMC / 6445 E. Lovers Lane / 214.369.9259
Sunday Worship: 9:30 am Traditional and 11:35 am Contemporary
Sunday School: 10:30 am / Rev. Ann Willet / ridgewoodparkchurch.org
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. Mitchell Boone
214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
Summer Worship: May 24 - Sept. 6 / 10:00am / Childcare provided.
ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN / Skillman & Monticello
Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org
214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
10:30 am Sunday - Celebration Worship Service
UNITY ON GREENVILLE / Your soul is welcome here!
3425 Greenville Ave. / 214.826.5683 / www.dallasunity.org
Sunday Service 11:00 am and Book Study 9:30 am
Sight depends on our vantage point
With the Fourth of July upon us, we think anew about America when it was new and ask about its renewal.
I had the privilege of being in New York City in May, the same month two new sites opened with the intent of raising our sights on America. The new Whitney Museum of American Art, designed by the renowned architect Renzo Piano (who also designed Dallas’ Nasher Sculpture Center) sits stunningly along the Hudson River. It houses an inaugural exhibit titled “America Is Hard to See,” based on a line from a Robert Frost poem. It traces key works of art from the 20th century that attempt to give insight into the character of our country.
Frost’s poem includes this stanza (the “he” is Columbus): “America is hard to see./ Less partial witnesses than he/ In book on book have testified/ They could not see it from outside—/ Or inside either for that matter./ We know the literary chatter.”
The Whitney wants to move us from literary chatter to artistic matter. It hopes to show that painting and sculpture have an eye for America that gets to its heart more than words can.
The next day I visited the new observation deck of 1 World Trade Center. The 104-story building tells its own story about America’s rising again from the terror and tragedy of the 9/11 attacks that brought down the twin towers and our sense of invulnerability. The edifice is a triumph in many ways, defensively steeled against future attack by inner steel reinforcements, and adorned by outer glass glamor. Its spire aspires, reaching heavenward along with the hopes of a nation. One only hopes that it doesn’t portend to fly too close to the sun and suffer again the Icarus ignominy of coming down hard.
From above the city, you sense you are looking down on the world. America may be hard to see, but it is easier to get an overview from that height. In doing so, though, we risk overlooking things that make America up close.
We tend to see only what we are looking for. And even then, seeing depends also on our vantage point and on the looking glass-
es we use to magnify our vision.
Which turns us to the spiritual. The spiritual mind looks for enduring things: goodness, truth and beauty; faith, hope and love; peace, justice and mercy. It isn’t moved by material or commercial achievement; it seeks that meeting place of the divine and human where we become more of what we are all meant to be — living likenesses of the eternal God in time.
To see that invisible realm in this visible world requires a stance of faith to begin with. Faith is the faculty that allows us to see evidence of things not seen. We all see as through a glass darkly, St. Paul said. But faith turns a light on, if ever so dimly.
When we live the faith ourselves, we put on spectacles of the spirit that give us clearer vision of what is otherwise hard to see. And yet, because it is faith that helps us see, we are always also reminded of what we yet do not see.
Both the seeing and the not seeing keep us looking all the harder.
68 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
We tend to see only what we are looking for.
worship LISTINGS SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
presented by
2 shea boutique & med spa
Shea Boothe is a local entrepreneur who is all too familiar with starting her own business. As one of the original founders of skincare giant Skinceuticals, she has over 25 years’ experience in the industry. This led her to open Lakewood’s first Med Spa, True Beauty RX in 2009. In 2012 Shea merged that company into a new venture: 2 Shea Boutique & Med Spa located in Lakewood Shopping Center.
This boutique is a one stop shop for women’s clothing, jewelry, accessories, as well as being the local place for dermatological skincare and chemical treatments.
After the birth of her first child in 2013, Shea was inspired to open a baby boutique slated for a summer opening. “2 Shea Baby is a natural addition to extend the 2 Shea brand,” Shea said. “There’s a local need in Lakewood and I feel confident our community will welcome this new venture with open arms. I am excited for the future and love being a Lakewood business owner.”
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Both born and raised in Lakewood, Lauren Valek Farris and Kelley Theriot McMahon are passionate about real estate in East Dallas. As neighborhood experts, Lauren and Kelley have joined forces to bring you the extraordinary, recently teaming up to form The Farris McMahon Group. Lauren and Kelley are both Top Producers and Vice Presidents of the Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s Lakewood Office. They bring an enthusiasm and commitment to each client, walking them through the process of buying or selling their home and treating them like family along the way. Lakewood/East Dallas is the heart of both Lauren and Kelley’s world; it is where they live, work and play. They are so excited to continue to bring the extraordinary to the neighborhood – contact them if you are thinking about buying or selling a home in the area! Visit laurenandkelley.com today!
170 DALLAS, TX 74214
lfarris@briggsfreeman.com | 469.867.1734
ktmcmahon@briggsfreeman.com | 214.563.5986
70 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 special advertising section
special advertising section
(2004) OWNER, DIRECTOR Robinson Dentistry (Owner), Aspire Dental Assisting School (Director)
DEGREE: DDS- Doctor of Dental Surgery
Dr. Dena Robinson and Robinson Dentistry have been serving the East Dallas community for nearly 11 years. While owning her own practice has brought long hours and personal sacrifices, her passion for cosmetic dentistry and the joy of transforming smiles has made building and growing her practice immensely rewarding.
In order to share her knowledge and passion, Dr. Robinson opened the Aspire Dental Assisting School 5 years ago to help young women and men begin their careers in dentistry. Dr. Robinson believes the best education in dental assisting is not learned in the classroom, but rather chair side with her patients.
8940 GARLAND RD., SUITE 200 DALLAS, TX 75218 214.321.6441
www.drdenarobinson.com www.dallasdentalassistant.com
White Rock North School has been thriving for 50+ years by providing students with experiences they won’t get at other schools. It’s not just the campus amenities that set this school apart, but the attitudes about teaching and learning that make us different! We know that children learn by experiencing things for themselves and that’s why we created such a unique campus with indoor swimming, Outdoor Environmental Center and a skating rink, just to name a few amenities.
A curious school environment challenges students to inquire into their surroundings and making those connections is key to our students being lifelong learners!
Traditional at its core, we layer our curriculum with what interests our students! Engineering? Art? Literature or Technology? You bet! We want our students enjoy what they’re learning and use that knowledge in their lives away from campus…again, making connections.
A nurturing, accepting climate is what makes prep schools love our students, because our scholars are built into confident, eager learners who are motivated and independent!
Come see why families love our school and what we can do for your precious child!
71 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 special advertising section 1 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 special advertising section
Adams Principal White Rock North School whiterocknorthschool.com
Juliette Fowler Communities
Three years ago, Sabrina Porter joined a long line of visionary leaders at Juliette Fowler Communities, a neighborhood nonprofit founded in 1892. The intergenerational mission of Fowler parallels Sabrina’s personal ministry - to care for others as you would your own family. Under her leadership, Fowler launched a new brand; expanded independent living, assisted living and memory care services; achieved the highest quality scores in the health & rehab industry; and opened The Ebby House for at-risk young women and those who have aged out of foster care.
DALLAS, TX 75214
Farmers Insurance
Department of Aging & Disability Services
Licensed Administrator, Certified Senior Activity Planner, Visiting Angels
Palliative Care Certified, Alzheimer’s Life Care
Navigation Certified
AWARDS: Only home care agency to ever win Angie’s List Super Service Award.
BBB A+ rated
Visiting Angels is a senior home care agency focused on keeping the elderly safe and independent in their own home. Providing in-home senior care is a 24x7 endeavor. There is no closure to the day as our agency does not use an on-call service. Having the opportunity to impact an entire family makes the mission worth it, and warms my heart.
special advertising section
Describe your business:
I help people with their auto, home. life, and business insurance.
What makes your business unique?
My father and I started the agency together in 2001 as a
family business, and I have continued to run it that way after his retirement. I have a great staff of 3 licensed professionals that are like family and we strive to treat our customers in the same manner.
(214) 821-9687
72 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 special advertising section
your space by July 24, call 214.560.4203.
special a dvertising sec 5646
MILTON ST., SUITE 500 DALLAS, TX 75206 214.368.2225
DALLAS, TX 75214
#1 in Lakewood & East Dallas Top Individual, 2014 Nancy Johsnon and Alex Simpson Johnson are known for specializing in East Dallas, Lakewood, Park Cities, Preston Hollow and the surrounding areas. Our success has been built on a reputation for straight talk, hard work, creative vision, knowledge of the market, and most importantly a caring spirit. We have the experience you need and deserve when it comes to helping you buy or sell a home. Nancy Johnson C: 214.674.3840 nancy@nancyjhomes.com Alex Simpson Johnson C: 214.883.1149 alex@nancyjhomes.com www.NancyJohnsonGroup.com D Magazine “Best” Dallas REALTOR® REALTORS TOP 25 An Ebby Halliday Company
Meet the Extraordinary Women of ...Proudly Serving Our Community and April Cope 214.755.2063 CeCe Gonzalez-Muir 214.449.7111 Nancy Wilson 469.441.4300 Valli Hale 214.553.4800 Alma Alden 469.767.9505 Debbie LaBarba 214.729.9116 Melissa McSpedden 214.552.4972 Claire Hill 469.328.9375 Jill Carpenter 214.770.5296 Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC.
Contact us for professional representation Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Providing Stellar Service for Your Real Estate Needs Alessandra Antonio 972.652.0139 Darlene Harrison 214.893.7547 Robyn Price 214.793.8787 Paige Whiteside 214.549.2540 Sue Ann Roush 214.532.9992 Stacy Gauthier 512.924.6454 Judith Abbott 214.228.9828 Pam Nelms 214.789.4911 Jean Tacker 214.682.7449
• Staff
• Creative
• Whatever
Painting (White
Workshops &
Lessons (Group
Gatherings will
“We can’t say enough great things about the Vicki White Homes team! Wit h our transaction (which was actually two connected deals), they made the almost impossible and certainly improbable happen. We highly doubt that anyone else could have pulled it off. To the best real estate team that we have ever worked wit h on buying or selling a property….. we say THANKS!” Lakewood resident
76 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 214-534-1305 Vicki@vickiwhitehomes.com vickiwhitehomes.com REALTORS TO P 25 Vicki White has lived in East Dallas her entire life and her team is considered area experts for Lakewood, Forest Hills, M Streets, Casa Linda, Lochwood and Lake Highlands.
Vicki is also the only agent that was named TOP 25 Realtor s for 2014 in Bot h Lakewood and Lake Highlands. Luxury Service When It Matters
Fun Art-Making Experience TO YOU! YAY!
Most Kim
Diane Bearden Sales Associate
972.655.9356 diane.bearden @alliebeth.com
Mary Garrison Sales Associate
214.543.7075 maryalice.garrison @alliebeth.com
Maribeth Peters Senior Vice President
214.566.1210 maribeth.peters @alliebeth.com
Kelley Willis Vice President
214.532.1413 kelley.willis @alliebeth.com
Susan Bradley Vice President
214.674.5518 susan.bradley @alliebeth.com
Heather Hicks Sales Associate
214.763.5585 heather.hicks @alliebeth.com
Ashley Rupp Sales Associate
214.727.4992 ashley.rupp @alliebeth.com
Victoria Wiman Sales Associate
214.770.0695 victoria.wiman @alliebeth.com
Pam Dyer Vice President
214.906.9685 pam.dyer @alliebeth.com
Annamari Lannon Vice President
214.558.1224 annamari.lannon @alliebeth.com
Amanda Smith Sales Associate
214.769.5060 amanda.smith @alliebeth.com
PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE: Mary Anne Chapel Sales Associate
469.371.8418 maryann.chapel@alliebeth.com
They live here. They work here. They’re leaders in your Lakewood neighborhood.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates Honors Our
214.521.7355 | alliebeth.com
78 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 SSuussaan TToowwnnsseenndd CCFFOO Corporat Entity http://test2.advocatemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/iStock_000005016173Large.jpg Deeggrreeeess: Something YYeeaarrs iin ccuurrrreennt rroollee: 3.5 YYeeaarrss iinn bbuussiinneessss: 3.5 years Otthheer ttiittlleess: Realtor Ebby AAddvviicce ffoor ggrraadduuaatteess: D what love, and love what do! TTeelll uus aabboouut yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss: Turem. Doluptur anistiassunt maiori solessinct quam volupta velestotas adis verum harum ligni quiatum incilique cuptaer namus, quaerferum cuscipi sendi eatquatem. Itatusa volore vitatur aciet ut ali nonsequi bl dolor aut pos incii remporum evelibearum nistibus verum fuga. Uci totatem poresed quo conem ressi si quas volorempor aute corerib eatiunt s quundio doluptas cori Qui BY JYNNETTE NEAL Susan Tow Susan Townsend - Advocat Magazine 1 of 2 6/15/15, 4:00 PM PHOTOYOURAND PROFILE ONLINE Even if you missed the opportunity to advertise in our magazine, you can still advertise online and have your story read all year at advocatemag.com. Call 214.560.4203 for more information. OUTSTANDING WOMEN IN BUSINESS ONLINE PROFILES SUBSCRIBE TODAY advocatemag.com/newsletter Advocate’s Free Weekly Newsletters. EAT, PLAY, STAY! That’s how we spend our day! Dee
214-823-1411 214-824-2253 Brighten Your Home with Natural Light www.daylightrangers.com 972-985-1700 Your local home daylighting expert
Moore, owner of Dee’s Doggie Den and Bake and
Play Café with her family
79 OUTSTANDING WOMEN in BUSINESS | 2015 CELEBRATING JUST A FEW OF THE EXCEPTIONAL WOMEN AT DALLAS CITY CENTER REALTORS ® 3100 Monticello Ave., Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75205 214.515.9888 info@dallascitycenter.com 214.696.9966 www.drcothern.com yoursmile is the s first e thing t people g notice fi about e you. t Make sure they notice how beautiful it is! 9669 N. Central Expy., Suite 220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Now Accepting New Patients! • Cosmetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • Hygiene/Periodic Exams • Snore Guards • Invisalign Braces • Porcelain Veneers/Laminates • Dental Implants • Composite Fillings • Crowns and Bridges • Periodontal Therapy (bone/gum) • Clenching/Grinding Appliances Complimentary nitrous oxide & numbness reversal medication.
Ice cream surprise
Students at J. L. Long Middle School raised $2,400 in change for Cancer Support Community North Texas through the Common Cents: Pennies from the Heart program this past school year. As a thank you, the nonprofit and Braum’s surprised the students with ice cream.
ART: Draw/Paint. Adults All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Days: Mon & Wed. Students bring supplies. Nights: 1xt month workshop, supplies furnished. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829,
Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm
GUITAR OR PIANO Patient Teacher. Your Home. 12 Yrs Exp. Reasonable rates. UNT Music Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
MAKERS CONNECT Craft Classes & Workshops. Led by & for Local Makers. Check Schedule: makersconnect.org/classes
MATHNASIUM has a new Math Learning Center at 7324 Gaston mathnasium.com/dallaslakewood 214-328-MATH (6284)
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AVIATION GRADS Work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and Others. Start Here With Hands On Training For FAA Certification. Financial Aid If Qualified. Aviation Institute Of Maintenance. 866-453-6204
FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 3108 Seeking Bar Staff. Apply In Person. @ 8500 Arturo Dr. 75228 TABC Cert Reqrd.
PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS reply to http://www.pcpsi.com/join
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688
CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
A SIMPLE WILL. Name a Guardian for Children. Katherine Rose, Attorney 214-728-4044. Office Dallas Tx.
A WILL? THERE IS A WAY Estate/Probate matters. Free Consultation. 214-802-6768 MaryGlennAttorney.com
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
LOWEST COSTS Life, Medicare Supplement, Health Insurance. Jim. 30 Yrs. Exp. dis2insurance.com 214-507-3304
80 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 SCENE & Heard
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.
Local Resources TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
YOU COMPARED LATELY?? kkohler@farmersagent.com FREE QUOTES!! KOHLER AGENCY 214.357.5555 HOME · LIFE · AUTO LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Neighborhood Services • Education • Pets & More LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Neighborhood Services • Education • Pets & More LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Neighborhood Services • Education • Pets & More CLASSIFIEDS.ADVOCATEMAG.COM AUGUST DEADLINE JULY 8
Monster thanks
After a fire in a vacant suite in Casa Linda Plaza in June, Monster Yogurt and Alligator Café thanked the Dallas Fire Department for saving their building. Fire fighters Ron Hall and Lt. Todd Hamessley enjoyed the spoils.
Local Resources
TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
DEE’S DOGGIE DEN Daycare, Boarding, Grooming, Training. 6444 E. Mockingbird Ln. 214-823-1441 DeesDoggieDen.com
POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009. germaine_free@yahoo.com
SKILLMAN ANIMAL CLINIC Is Your Friendly, Personal, Affordable Vet. 9661 Audelia Rd. #340. 214-341-6400
NEXGEN FITNESS Call Today For Free Session. 972-382-9925 NexGenFitness.com 10759 Preston Rd. 75230
UFC GYM WHITE ROCK Workout Blues? Train Different. Power/ endurance/results. 469-729-9900 ufcgym.com/WhiteRock
ADORABLE GROOMS PET SALON New Salon. Grooming, medicated/flea baths. 11111 N. Central Expy 972-629-9554
In-Home Professional Care
Customized to maintain your pet’s routine In-Home Pet Visits & Daily Walks “Best of Dallas” D Magazine Serving the Dallas area since 1994 Bonded & Insured www.societypetsitter.com 214-821-3900
CASH FOR CARS Any Make Or Model. Free Towing. Sell It Today. Call for Instant Offer. 1-800-864-5784
FOR SALE 2015 Dallas Cowboy Club Tickets - Section C132, Row 9, Seat 4-5. Parking Pass, Bond, Tickets Available. Call Steve 214-369-8389
OLD GUITARS WANTED Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin. 1930s-1980s. Top dollar paid. Toll Free 1-866-433-8277
front row seats. Share prime, front-row Texas Rangers and Dallas Stars tickets (available in sets of 10 games). Prices start at $105 per ticket (sets of 2 or 4 tickets per game available) Seats are behind the plate and next to the dugouts for the Rangers: seats are on the glass and on the Platinum Level for the Stars. Other great seats available starting at $60 per ticket. Entire season available except for opening game; participants randomly draw numbers prior to the season to determine a draft order fair for everyone. Call 214-560-4212 or rwamre@advocatemag.com
Moving & DownSizing Sales, Storage Units. Organize/De-Clutter Donna 972-679-3100
JULY 2015 81 SCENE & Heard
ADVERTISE WITH US in Print & Online A D VE R TI S E WITH US in Print & Online A D VE R TI S E WITH US in Print & Online A D VE R TI S E WITH US in Prin t & Online 214.560.4203 TO ADVERTISE
TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898
Serving your Neighborhood Since 1993
Repairing: Refrigerators •Washer/Dryers
• Ice Makers •Stoves • Cooktops • Ovens 214✯823✯2629
Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com
BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials!
GREENGO Vinyl Siding,Windows & Doors. 903-802-6957, 25 Yrs Exp.
O’BRIEN GROUP INC. Remodeling Dallas For Over 17 Years www.ObrienGroupInc.com
renovatedallas.com 214-403-7247
Unique Home Construction
- Design, Build, Remodel - Kitchens & Baths
- New Construction or Additions
Many references available
- Licensed, Insured, Member of BBB www.uniquehomebuild.com
A MAID FOR YOU Bonded/Insured.Park Cities/ M Streets Refs. Call Us First. Joyce 214-232-9629
A Clean You Can Trust
Staff trained by Nationally Certified Cleaning Tech. Chemical-free, Green, or Traditional Cleaning. WindsorMaidServices.com 214-381-MAID (6243)
Relax ...We’ll Clean Your House, It Will Be Your Favorite Day! Bonded & Insurance. Free Estimates. 214-929-8413. www. altogetherclean.net
Top To Bottom Clean. Fabiana.469-951-2948
CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 214-490-0133
DELTA CLEANING Insd./Bonded. Move In/Out. General Routine Cleaning. Carpet Cleaning. Refs. Reliable. Dependable. 28+yrs. 972-943-9280.
MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91
WANTED: HOUSES TO CLEAN Windows, too! Great Prices $$. Family owned. 20 yrs. Reliable. Excellant Refs. Call Sunny @ 214-724-2555
WINDOW MAN WINDOW CLEANING.COM Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134
ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED MAC/PC Great Rates! Keith 214-295-6367
Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home/Biz Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction. No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566
IT SOLUTIONS/SUPPORT For Home & Small Business. Parental Controls Speciality. 8 Yrs. Exp. Husband & Wife, Licensed Minister called to His Work. Texas Tech Guru. 214-850-2669
Tuck Pointing / Crack Repair. Mortar Color Matching. Windows And Door Cracks Etc. Call Don 214-704-1722
BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319
Mortar Repair. Straighten Brick Mailboxes & Columns. Call Cirilo 214-298-7174
Demo existing. Stamping and Staining Driveways/Patio/Walkways
Pattern/Color available Free Estimates 972-672-5359 (32 yrs.)
CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable. Chris 214-770-5001
EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216
FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001
Concrete Retaining Walls Driveways Stamped Concrete 214-202-8958
ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com Family Owned/Operated. Insd. 214-328-1333
GOVER ELECTRIC Back Up Generators. New and Remodel Work. Commercial & Residential. All Service Work. 469-230-7438. TECL2293
LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735
TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639 Prompt, Honest, Quality. TECL 24668
TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658
WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891
G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925
#1 COWBOY FENCE & IRON CO. Est. ‘91. 214-692-1991 www.cowboyfenceandiron.com
4 QUALITY FENCING Call Mike 214-507-9322 Specializing in Wood, New or Repair.
Automatic Gates, Iron & Cedar Fencing, Decks. Since 1996. MC/V 214-621-3217
FENCING & WOOD WORK oldgatefence.com charliehookerswoodwork.com 214-766-6422
HANNAWOODWORKS.COM Decks, Fences, Pergolas, Patio Covers. 214-435-9574
New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699
Swimming Pool Remodels • Patios Stone work Stamp Concrete 972-727-2727 Deckoart.com
Trex Decking & Fencing, trex.com All Wood Decks, Arbors & Patio Covers
82 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015 Local HOME SERVICES Business Resources TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203 NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT 214-341-1155 www.bobmcdonaldco.com • 30 Yrs. in Business • Angie’s List • Major Additions • Complete Renovations • Kitchens/Baths
McDonald Company, Inc. BUILDERS/REMODELERS 214.773.5566 ChrisBlackConstruction.com • Design • Build • Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution AC & HEAT Family Owned & Operated 972-274-2157 www.CrestAirAndHeat.com Serving the Dallas area for over 30 years We rais e ou r kid s here , too ! TACLB29169E NORTHAVEN AIR & HEAT NorthavenAir.com Call Jim at 972-365-1570 $39 SERVICE CALL Superior Service – Affordable Quality TACLA46391E 972-216-1961 TACL-B01349OE www.SherrellAir.com APPLIANCE REPAIR APPLIANCE REPAIR SPECIALIST Low Rates, Excellent Service, Senior Discount. MC-Visa. 214-321-4228
& Insured References & Free Estimates
TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
EST. 1991 #1
SPECIALIZING IN Wood Fences &Auto Gates
ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641
Carpet, Wood, Tile Sales/Service Free Estimates
CLIFTON CARPETS 214-526-7405 www.cliftoncarpets.com
Installation, Repair, Refinish, Wax, Hand Scrape. Residential, Commercial. Sports Floors. 30 Yrs.
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
Wood, Laminate. Remodel Showers, Bathrooms. thetexanflooringservices.com 214-680-0901
CARPET HARDWOODS CERAMIC Quick, Reliable Installation John: 972.989.3533
Reinventing the Flooring Experience
Restoration Flooring
25+ Years Experience
GARAGE ORGANIZATION / Design / Remodel DFWGaragePros.com 303-883-9321
ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com
UNITED GARAGE DOORS AND GATES Res/Com. Locally Owned.214-826-8096
LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR frameless shower enclosures • store fronts replacement windows • mirrors 214-349-8160
ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829
A R&G HANDYMAN Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Fencing, Roofing, Light Hauling. Ron or Gary 214-861-7569, 469-878-8044
ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 25 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830
BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
FRAME RIGHT All Honey-Dos/Jobs. Crown mold install $125/rm. Licensed. Matt 469-867-9029
GROOVY HOUSE Is A Different Handyman Experience! Find Out Why At www.groovyhouse.biz 214-733-2100 • 19 Year Lakewood Resident
HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Residential/ Commercial. Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635
HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606
HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582
WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232
Your Home Repair Specialists
Senior Safety
TK REMODELING 972-533-2872
Complete Full Service Repairs, Remodeling, Restoration. Name It — We do it. Tommy. Insured. dallas.tkremodelingcontractors.com
TOM HOLT TILE 30 Yrs Experience In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444
Old World
Bonded & Insured. Locally owned & operated.
GreenWorksServiceCo.com 1.855.DGWorks • Christine Shack Home · Lead-based Paint · Infared · Termite · Radon · Mold
1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634
Painting. 85% Referrals. Free Est. 214-348-5070
Since 1977. Kirk Evans. 972-672-4681
A1 TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863
ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541
ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000
BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768
RAMON’S INT/EXT PAINT Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513
TEXAS BEST PAINTING • 214-527-4168
Master Painter. High Quality Work. Int/Ext.
TONY’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work Since 1984. Int./Ext. 214-755-2700
VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 469-774-7111
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
• Cultured Marble
Answer Our Phones
MELROSE TILE James Sr., Installer, Repairs. 40 Yrs. Exp. MelroseTile.com 214-384-6746
STONE AGE COUNTER TOPS Granite, Marble, Tile, Kitchen/Bath Remodels. 972-276-9943.stoneage.dennis@verizon.net
REFINISH! www.allsurfacerefinishing.com 214-631-8719
• Kitchen Countertops
Complete tree services. Tree & Landscape Lighting! Mark 214-332-3444
A BETTER TREE MAN Trims, Removals, Insd. 12 Yrs Exp. Roberts Tree Service. 214-808-8925
A&B LANDSCAPING Full Landscape & Lawn Care Services. Degreed Horticulturist. 214-534-3816
AYALA’S LANDSCAPING SERVICE Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781
BLOUNT’S TREE SERVICE Trees, Landscaping, Sod. 45 Yrs. Exp. Insured. blountstreeservicedfw.com 214-275-5727
Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463
DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914 Lawn Service & Landscape Installation
GARDEN LIGHTS BY SEAN MADDEN dallasledlight.com 214-660-3465
GREENSKEEPER Winter Clean Up & Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846
Sprinkler & Valve Repair/ Rebuild Older Systems. Lic. #1742. 214-398-8061
Your lighting specialists. 972-591-8383 Parties, Weddings, Patios, Landscape.
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 83 Local HOME SERVICES
Willeford hardwood floors Superior Quality: Installation Refinishing Repair • Cleaning & Waxing
Hand Scrape
Hardwood Installation · Hand Scraping Sand & Finish · Dustless restorationflooring.net REPAIR
214-824-1166 FOUNDATION
Slabs •
& Beam
Mud Jacking • Drainage
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Highland Park Police chased a stolen blue Chrysler Town and Country minivan, which had run a stop sign, until it reached the border with our neighborhood. Dagoberto Castañon was driving the van at 8:30 a.m. on a Tuesday April 2014, and at the corner of Monticello and Homer, he crashed with a Nissan Versa.
The driver and a passenger in the minivan ran away on foot.
The crash killed a passenger in the Nissan, 13-year-old Ethan Vasquez, the son of a Cedar Hill Police officer. The crash also injured his mother, 40-year-old Sandy Vasquez. Ethan was in seventh grade at William B. Travis Academy.
Castañon, 26, pleaded guilty to murder and two counts of failing to stop and render aid. A Dallas County criminal court judge sentenced him to 60 years on the murder charge and five-year sentences for the two failure to stop charges, which will run concurrently. He will be eligible for parole in about 30 years.
Castañon and a man suspected of being his passenger, Rogelio Avila, were arrested in Florida.
| CRIME NUMBERS | 12:45 a.m.
the time when Juvenal Delbosque Jr. began firing shots during a graduation party in Old East Dallas in June 27 years in prison was Delbosque’s sentence in 2000, after he was convicted of shooting at a Dallas Police officer 11 times he shot the officer during a traffic stop 1 year he has been out of prison
$100,000 is his bond on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in the June shooting
JULY 2015 lakewood.advocatemag.com 85 TRUE Crime
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SOURCE Dallas Police Department
Did the Trinity Toll Road issue bring more voters to the polls?
You remember last month, when I was all like, “Hey, you really need to go vote in the Dallas City Council runoff election,” and you were like, “Naw, I’m too busy sitting on the couch eating Fritos,” and then I was like, “No, for real, go vote,” and then you did? Well, kudos.
Your civic-mindedness paid off.
Usually, there’s a precipitous drop in the number of people who vote in a runoff compared to the general election.
Reyes by 35 votes. A razor thin margin for sure, but recall that Reyes was the favored candidate going into the runoff, having surpassed McGough by more than 250 votes in the general election. How did McGough make up the deficit and then some?
My theory is that it has to do with the Trinity Toll Road (but then again, I say that about most things). I think that in the recent council elections in Districts 9 and 10, a candidate’s position on the toll road served as a key differentiator for voters.
would do so.
As expected, turnout fell 20-40 percent in the three City Council runoff races in southern Dallas.
But voter turnout was remarkably high in the Lake Highlands runoff. In District 10, about a third more people showed up to the polls in the runoff than the first time around. That’s practically unheard of. And nearly as many people voted in District 10’s runoff election as voted in all three of the other runoff races combined.
In the end, Adam McGough beat Paul
Dallas City Council elections are nonpartisan, and that is as it should be. But that also means that there are no capital letters following a candidate’s name on the ballot to serve as shorthand for their core values. This can make it hard for voters to distinguish among a multitude of candidates, all of whom are vowing to fill potholes, hire more police, and lower taxes.
Enter the Trinity Toll Road. Certainly it wasn’t the only issue, and it wasn’t even the most important issue, but in Districts 9 and 10, many voters looked at a candidate’s opposition to the toll road as a measure of political independence — an affirmation that they wouldn’t fall in line with the old business establishment, an assurance that they would be more attuned to neighborhoods, that they would be smart fiscal watchdogs.
In District 10, McGough and Reyes had avoided the toll road issue altogether until James White joined the race and forced the discussion. A staunch opponent of the toll road, White pledged to kill the larger version of the toll road if elected. Neither McGough nor Reyes
But with White in the race, District 10 voters began asking the other two candidates where they stood on the toll road, demanding definitive answers. A poll came out showing that nearly two-thirds of Lake Highlanders oppose the Trinity Toll Road. Then on Election Day, James White, the long-shot, lastminute candidate with little money or name ID, secured an impressive 23 percent of the vote, or 1,300 votes. How would runoff candidates Reyes and McGough respond to these clear indicators that District 10 voters opposed the Trinity Toll Road?
In the runoff, Reyes stuck to his position, but McGough announced that if elected, he, too, would vote to eliminate the massive, $1.5 billion toll road plan. As a result, James White threw his support behind McGough and worked to turn out his 1,300 voters (and full disclosure: so did I). In the end, McGough got about 1,000 more votes in the runoff than he did in the general election, while Reyes only picked up an additional 600 votes. That allowed McGough to pull ahead by a critical 35 votes.
With the election of McGough and Mark Clayton, as well Carolyn King Arnold in District 4, there are now at least seven out of 15 votes on the Dallas City Council who oppose the Trinity Toll Road. More importantly, this group of seven may also prove to be a coalition of smart, independent leaders who will fight for neighborhoods, who will reject shiny boondoggles, who will throw off the cobwebbed shackles of the Dallas Citizens Council. How great would that be?
86 lakewood.advocatemag.com JULY 2015
Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search Last Word to tell us what you think.
I think that in the recent council elections in Districts 9 and 10, a candidate’s position on the toll road served as a key differentiator for voters.
Angela Hunt is a neighborhood resident and former Dallas City Councilwoman in East Dallas. She writes a monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. Her opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to her at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or email ahunt@advocatemag.com.
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