2011 October Lakewood

Page 49


4518 St Landry 3/2/2 Gorgeous, Updated! $359,900 / Kelly Nolan 214-728-7301 9614 Highland View Pristine 2/2/1 LA/2 $129,900/ Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 7236 Dalewood 3/1.5/2 Car Garage $229,000 / Terri M. Raith 214-803-4578 10873 Dixon Branch Classic 5/4/2 LAs/FP/2 $497,500 / The Clements Group 214-824-3784 6440 Bob O Link 3/2.5/2 Lakewood Elementary $349,500 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 5947 Goodwin Charming Cottage 2/3/2 in M Streets $224,900 / Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 7255 Syracuse Remodeled 3/2/2 with Pool $265,900 / Rick Michels 214-293-9957 6256 Saratoga Circle Updated Caruth Terrace 3-2-2 $339,900 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 3842 Peter Pan 4/3.5/2 Great Bones! $346,900 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 9235 Club Glen Updated 4/3.5 with Gourmet Kitchen in LH $549,999 / Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 10130 Eastwood Charming 3/1/1 Casa View Haven $123,500 / CJ Prince 972-978-8986 10822 Caprock Circle Updated 4/3/2/2 LAs $243,000 / Cindy Hume 214-264-7382 1560 Mapleton Impeccable 3/2/2 Near White Rock $134,999 / Jorge Goldsmit 214-245-5357 6015 Marquita Another SOLD! Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 CONTRACT PENDING SOLD For all your mortgage needs. ©2011.Equal Housing Opportunity. Top Income George Haynes 469-774-7405 Top Volume Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 Top Producers www.facebook.com/ebbylakewood SOLD NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW PRICE NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Top Group Hickman+Weber Group 214-355-3122 To see all the homes represented by the Ebby Lakewood Office, scan this HomeKeyTM Tag with your Smartphone. 214-826-0316 6441 East Mockingbird CONTRACT PENDING NEW PRICE Marcy Moore 214-572-1565 License #818799
6951 Abbey Ct. 3/1.5/2 Vintage 50’s Near Lake! $229,500 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 8906 Santa Clara Lovely 3/2 Home $239,000 / Kim Le-Henderson 214-244-8664 4612 Swiss Classic Renovated 3/3/2 Prairie Home $459,900 / George Haynes 469-774-7405 9910 Church Charming 3/2/2 Cape Cod Cottage $228,000 / Eric Mann 214-355-3189 320 Easton Updated 4/2.5/Refinished Hardwoods $189,900 / Cindy Hume 214-264-7382 10449 Yorkford Another Sold! Margot Strong 214-415-6640 5810 Kenwood 3/2/1 Cottage in the M Streets $285,000 / CJ Prince 972-978-8986 5903 Richmond 2/2/2 Belmont Charmer $269,000 / Kim Le-Henderson 214-244-8664 6541 E. County Rd. 405 7/8.5/3 Country Ranch House on 2.66 Acres $895,000 / Gene Garramone 214-536-9501 6915 Bucknell Updated 3/2/2+Sunroom $219,900 / Christy/Norcross/Thomas 214-520-4499 6001 Goliad 2/2/3 LAs/1920’s Tudor $225,000 / Cheryl Spain 214-499-5968 7416 Coronado #14 Updated with Open Floorplan $185,000 / Kim Sinnott 214-536-8786 6803 Ravendale 2/2/2 Cute, Updated! $239,900 / Kelly Nolan 214-728-7301 11812 Forest Lakes 3/3.2/2 $1,090,000 / Joe Lyon 214-868-0001 16655 Hwy 59 East 430 Acres/3/2/2 $1,475,000 / Gene Garramone 214-536-9501 6332 Brookshire Preston Hollow 4/3/2/2/2 $649,500 / The Clements Group 214-824-3784 6740 Blessing 2/2/1 Classic 50’s Mid-Century Ranch $265,000 / Denise Lowry 214-228-1622 6434 Vickery 2/2/2 LAs/ Open Floorplan Kim Sinnott 214-536-8786 sold sold new listing new listing new listing new listing new listing new price new listing new listing new price new price new price
Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas: MAKING MAJOR SURGERY seem so very MINOR. ROBOTIC SURGERY is a non-invasive method of treatment for a variety of gynecological conditions– including hysterectomy, uterine fibroids and uterine prolapse and some gynecological cancers. The robot improves the surgeon’s view and allows greater control through incisions that are only about 1-2 centimeters in size. To find a qualified physician in your area, please call 1.800.4BAYLOR today. Other benefits experienced by patients may include: • SHORTER HOSPITAL STAY • SIGNIFICANTLY LESS PAIN • LESS BLOOD LOSS To watch a video on robotic surgery visit us online at BaylorHealth.com/DallasWomen 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75246 Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary, community or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, or Baylor Health Care System © 2011 Baylor Health Care System Women AM CE 8.11
6 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com 50 Vickery place home tour this east Dallas neighborhood celebrates its 100th anniversary. 58 premiere ViDeo this family owned video store is one of a kind. 62 ser V ice with a smile the Forest hills s ervice league works for neighborhood causes. in e V ery issue department columns opening remarks10 / letters12 / grab-bag16 / happenings27 / food + wine34 / news + notes67 / worship68 / scene + heard70 / crime76 / last word77 advertising the goods31 / dining37 / education guide66 / health resources69 / bulletin board70 / home services72 6301 Gaston Ave., Ste. 820, Dallas, tX 75214 p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com Features Weird Ways t hese neighborhood spots are notorious and a little spooky.
40 In thIs Issue
photo by benjamin hager

GET MORE reader commentary and daily news on lakewood.advocatemag. com/blog.

AND READ every Monday morning for Advocate editors’ reviews of neighborhood restaurants in Restaurant Talk. lakewood. advocatemag.com/dining

AND WATCH the videos behind the stories, produced by Advocate photographers at lakewood. advocatemag.com/video.

7 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 LAUNCH 18 LOCAL GROTESQUES Neighborhood resident Mark Sherbet is in the business of gargoyles. 20 STYLE ONLINE Designer Emily Johnson Larkin founded the style blog Material Girls. 24 LADY IN THE WATER Photographer Kathleen Wilke goes beneath the surface to capture haunting images. this month in 24 22 20 34 IN THISISSUE volume 0 number 0 ED MONTH/2011 on
“There’s not much point in going into the TEA ratings anymore. They don’t make a lot of sense, they’re based on a test that is in the process of being replaced, and they seem to be more effective at scaring people than doing anything to improve schools.”
6702 Lakewood $1,295,000 Gina Howell 214-794-8001 5327 Merrimac $599,999 Fran & James Cox214-264-1977 6159 La Vista $649,900 Karen Luter214-727-4747 4033 Buena Vista A 469,500 Fran Cox214-264-1977 6119 McCommas $425,000 Jaime Lovelace-Tomlin214-435-7290 5531 Vanderbilt $334,000 Ashley Beane214-695-9358 6925 Clayton $357,000 Mitch Deshotels214-693-2079 5439 Ridgedale $569,000 Carroll/Eltis Group214-702-3535 4909 Victor $369,000 Marsue Williams214-762-2108 4207 Camden $358,900 Sally Shaw214-679-6402 6347 E. University $297,000 Tracy Edwards469-337-0076 1923 Summit $260,000 Brittany Walterscheid214-455-5506 6158 E. University $329,900 Maribeth Peters214-566-1210 9458 Whitehurst $287,000 Jerry McCombs214-402-3895 4330 Camden $589,000 Anne Oliver214-957-7689 5520 Ellsworth $299,900 Burt Zinser214-727-2145
in Residential Real
10054 Faircrest $274,000 Annamari Lannon214-558-1224
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I’ll buy that

I’m a sucker for a fair sales pitch

I’m ashamed to admit this, but I once burst into tears because I couldn’t afford a kitchen blender a salesman told me I needed at the Minnesota State Fair.

Before you start psychoanalyzing my then 8-year-old self, just know that I didn’t plan to go blender-crazy. But it’s hard to resist a slicktalking huckster selling a product that can pulverize ice and liquefy peanuts and turn carrots into carrot juice in five seconds.

I started thinking about my fair experiences because this month is the State Fair of Texas, and we produce the printed version of the Visitors Guide you receive at the Fair, along with a mobile version you can find at bigtex.com.

Anyway, as a kid, attending the Minnesota Fair was the highlight of my year. The fair was a 200-mile drive from our farm, and my sisters and I worked all summer to earn money for our trip. Our main source of spending money was hand-picking sweet corn we had planted behind the house and working for hours and hours waving the ears of corn at highway passersby, doing our own huckster imitation. The price was 50 cents for a baker’s dozen, but if you bought more, we became hucksters and would deal, too.

Our financial haul, split four ways, didn’t amount to more than $20 apiece for a couple weeks’ work, but that was enough to buy Pronto Pups (a cousin to the Texas corny dog) and pop, pay for countless Midway games of chance, and buy a souvenir or two.

I’ve always been a sucker for fair salespeople because they’re good at selling otherwiseobscure products and entertaining crowds for hours. And there’s nothing more dramatic than the blender shows.

Perhaps you know the drill. A blender stands tall on a display table, often beneath a tilted mirror affording a close-up view of the action. A miked-up sales guy talks and talks and talks about the wonder and glory of the blender and how no home should be without one. And what do you know: With the special fair price and the super buy-it-now add-on deals and the dirt-cheap financing, no home need be without a blender, either.

And even as the salesperson talks up the blender, he or she stuffs celery and tomatoes and apples and potatoes and ice and whatever

else is handy into the blender, and when it’s all pureed together, out pops a tasty smoothie, made possible only by owning the blender!!!

That year in Minnesota, this miracle overwhelmed my young mind, and knowing that our family finances prevented us from owning the blender no matter how good the deal, I started crying. It was unsightly, that’s for sure; I’ve always been amazed my sisters don’t

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dredge that tidbit up when we get together.

My grandfather took pity and, in the midst of my meltdown, he bought us the blender. It was the happiest day of my life. We now owned the most deluxe, indispensable kitchen appliance known to man.

The blender guy had done his job. I was happy. And that’s what a fair is all about.

web editor: C hr I sty robInson

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designers: JeanIne mIChna-bales, larry olIVer, hannah DWoraCzyk

contributing editors: Jeff sIegel, sally Wamre

contributors: sean ChaffIn, bIll keffer, gayla kokel, george mason, blaIr monIe, ellen raff, meghan rIney

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interns: laura ChuCkray, meghan sIkkel, nICkI koettIng, maDelIne steVens

Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214

Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.

Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by east Dallas –Lakewood People Inc. contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

10 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
It’s hard to resist a slicktalking huckster seulling a product that can puluverize ice and liquefy peanuuts and turn carrots into cuarrot juice in five seconds.
openIng remarks



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Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital except for resident doctors in the hospital’s graduate medical education program. © 2011


Tough times, but all of it relates to business decisions [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Lakewood Bar & Grill closes, Lakewood Tavern to close next month,” Sept. 7]. Why would anyone be allowed to get so far behind in rent to begin with? Does it all boil down to real estate gluttons and irresponsible business owners? With mom-and-pops being replaced by Mi Cocinas, driving the price per square foot up and out of reach, it seems Lakewood is losing some of its charm. Even worse is the loss of music venues, displacing all the fantastic musicians. Progress? I don’t think so. —OLD

At least things are looking up down La Vista. Molly Maguire’s seems to be coming back strong, The Landing is hopping, and lots of regulars at the Pour House will soon be frequenting with the start of football season. I never cared much for LBG. I understand it had a certain draw, but it just didn’t appeal to me. I tried Lakewood Tavern. They were nice enough, but the place seemed way too sterile. I do, however, love me some Cock & Bull — stiff vodka drinks, steaks and blue cheese burgers.

More than one tenant is having trouble making rent. Don’t fool yourself that they are getting rich trying to run these small businesses. They struggle to pay bills. As Lakewood gentrifies, landlords will up the rent even when the mortgage doesn’t change. That chases away places, like the Lakewood Tavern, that give Lakewood its character. —MONTY


The cafe’s PR machine is working overtime on this [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Garden Café seeks city approval to serve beer, wine,” Sept. 8]. The fact is there are only 21 parking spaces. Everyone else parks on the street. A residential street. Add alcohol, and more people come. Where will they park? On the street. No Denny’s, no second story, no valet service. None of that can happen. They don’t have enough parking. And they can’t add enough to justify any other use except the current one. —STEVE

Some people in the community don’t see the big picture. What make a city livable are more unique, local establishments, not chain restaurants. We need more decent taverns, even, that cater to a

12 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
on the web Backyard Chicken Sale Oct 15th 11pm-2pm Urban Herb Days Oct. 8th-9th All 4” herbs $1.99ea Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com Visiting the Texas State Fair? Save Some Green on Plants! Plant Daffodils Now! Tulips in Dec. You must release your Fair ticket to NHG at time of purchase. Not to be used with any other discount or offer. One ticket per person per day. Expires 10/31/11. Want to save some money on the biggest and best selection of perennials, shrubs, veggies, seasonal color & more this fall? Bring 2011 Texas State Fair ticket stubs to NHG for your purchase in October! $5 OFF

desirable crowd. The other option is an ugly sprawl of more check-cashing places, fast food and pawnshops. —KEVIN

We live two blocks from lower Greenville, and these past few years we have unfortunately seen how much damage a “bad” business can do to the surrounding area. Garden Cafe is not one of those. They are a fantastic example of the kind of small, unique, local restaurant that we need to see more of in East Dallas and the city at large. —ANGELA


The one absolutely unselfish friend a man can have, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Old dogs are the best dogs,” Sept. 7]. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds that encounter the roughness of the world. When all other friends desert, he remains. He is your friend, your partner, your defender. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. —ED


If you are trying to prepare your child for the best possible college, or even just to be an adaptable person who can weather the challenges of the future, you can’t go wrong with Woodrow [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Woodrow: ‘Unacceptable’ or ‘Exceeds Expectations?’ ” Sept. 6]. Woodrow routinely sends kids to the nation’s top schools, and it does so without having Highland Park-like financial and social pressures. —ALEX

The TEA system is set up with the goal of No Child Left Behind. They take that seriously. It is clear that the current system is actually quite effective in motivating schools not to allow the spectacular achievements of their best students to push the challenges of low achievers and at-risk students into the background. However, I believe the biggest problem is the misunderstanding that comes from a good school getting the unfortunate and possibly undeserved tag of “Academically Unacceptable” and the stigma associated with such a designation. —NORMAN


Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com to read and comment on this month’s stories and daily Back Talk blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine.

13 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
Extraordinary dental care is right down the street. D ENTISTRY IN THE H EART OF L AKEWOOD 6342 La Vista Dr., Suite C drkellislate.com · 214-821-8639 Listening... Explaining... Caring... That’s what we’re all about “Dr. Slate, You are a 5-star dentist!” – Racheal Breedlove CLIP & SAVE ON YOUR FIRST VISIT Valid for new patients only. Not to be combined with any other offer. $190 value. Coupon is transferable. Offer expires in 30 days. GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL FREE dental exam & consultation with paid X-rays PATIENT QUOTE OF THE MONTH:

5 Steps for Keeping Your Renovation on Time and on Budget

You’ve been dreaming of expanding your home and finally being able to enjoy the space your growing family needs. Or perhaps a showcase kitchen where you’ll create lasting memories entertaining friends and relatives during the holidays. Maybe even a modernized, open floor plan, an invigorating bathroom remodel, or a custom exterior “facelift”. Whatever you envision, you deserve to have your project completed on time and on budget. These suggestions should ensure a smooth process and a finished result you’ll love when you hire a qualified remodeling company like BellaVista:

1) Request a Written Proposal

Once you have decided on which remodeling company to use, request a written proposal that includes all the key details of your discussions. This establishes your need for accountability, since often, two people remember conversations differently.

2) Get a Fully-Detailed Contract

Successful projects begin with a good contract, but many contracts leave out important details. Make sure yours covers the scope of work, project timetable, payment schedule, project closure procedures (including how to address warrantable items), and detailed specifications for all products and materials. Be sure it includes insurance and permit information, procedures for handling change orders, lien releases, and details on home access and cleanup.

3) Have a Kick-Off Meeting

Without an upfront kick-off meeting at your home, with your salesperson, the Project Manager, and the construction team, conflict will be inevitable. This is the time to talk about your big picture ideas, your needs, and expectations. Get a firm agreement on the schedule of your project and the key milestones involved. Learn what times of day crews will be working, when you and your family can and cannot be present, and how access, cleanup and protection of your property will be handled.

4) Request the Schedule in Writing

Ask for the schedule and milestone details you discussed at the kick-off in writing. This will hold both you and your remodeler mutually accountable to the project’s completion date.

5) Be Flexible

There is no way around this fact: remodeling will cause an interruption of your normal life. Remember to be flexible and attentive in discussions with your Project Manager. A reputable company like Bella Vista respects that it is your home, and choices from material selection to structural options should be yours. Your timely cooperation and decision-making will help to expedite the building process.

No matter which remodeler you choose, we at BellaVista wish you all the satisfaction you deserve during the process, and with the final result. As always, please feel free to call and consider u s for your dream project.


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Build a Retirement-Ready Home and Keep Your Independence for Years

Planning on maintaining an independent and mobile lifestyle throughout your senior years? Building a new home with these “Aging in Place” (AIP) features may be the wisest retirement investment you ever make:

Front Entry: Wide, well-lit pathways for walking side-by-side. No steps or slippery surfaces. A wide front door with a low threshold to accommodate a wheelchair, with plenty of clear space on the pull side, and an exterior package shelf at waist level.

Garage: Wider door to make entry and exit easier, with space to maneuver on the sides and get out comfortably into a wheelchair.

Kitchen: Counters at 34 inches with space underneath so they can be used from a seated position. Space cut out under the cooktop and knobs that are reachable when seated.

designed bathing facilities. Counters set at 34 inches with space for pulling a wheelchair up underneath. To make up for lack of under counter cabinetry, a closet accessed through bi-fold doors.

Don’t worry – these features won’t make your home look like a nursing home. In fact, today’s quali ed builders can design AIP features that blend in beautifully with your home’s design and add to its market value.

Follow our headlines and musings at Twitter.com/Advocate_OC, and see what editor Rachel Stone is up to @RachElstonE6.

Do you have a story tip or a question? Just want to say hi?

Email RachEl at rstone@advocatemag.com

Lighting: All light switches placed at 44-inch height. Windows and sun tunnels flood the home with natural light to eliminate shadows that cause falls. Contrasting colors show di erentiations in level changes, edges, hot, cold, or danger. Path lighting to illuminate hallways and lighting to illuminate all counter surfaces and inside cabinets.

Bedroom: Closets with heightadjustable bars, and grab handles on walls near bed. Outlets and thermostat at 44-inch height. Wide entries to bathroom and hallway from bedroom.

Bathrooms: Fitted with out-turning doors and speci cally

The best time to build a retirementready home is before it’s too late. Talk with a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist and get the necessary expertise you need. At Bella Vista Company, we have earned this designation and have the experience to answer any questions you may have. Feel f ree to call us today, even if your retirement is years away.

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When the Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center opened in Cedar Hill last month, Dallas County became the only place in the country with two national Audubon centers. The other is the Trinity River Audubon Center. The Dogwood Canyon center’s director, P ATT y M c Gill, lives in Forest Hills. She has a doctorate degree in ornithology from Cornell University, and she specializes in ecology and conservation. McGill worked for 22 years at the Chicago Zoological Society, which operates the Brookfield Zoo. She moved to Dallas recently with her husband, who works at the Dallas Zoo.

Why did you move to Dallas?

I left the Brookfield Zoo because I got married four years ago. Finding two really good jobs in our fields in the same city is not easy. My husband found a job at the Dallas Zoo, and this opportunity came along at Dogwood Canyon. My real passion is birds, nature, wildlife, conservation. So the opportunity to work with the Audubon society at Dogwood Canyon is just a great fit for me. The combination of science and conservation and birds and connecting people with nature is just really a perfect, perfect fit.

tell us a little bit about the Audubon center.

We’ll have programs for children and nature lovers of all ages. We’re in a 3,000acre green space, so it’s a gorgeous location with a rich diversity of nature, and we’ll be offering school programs, preschool nature play opportunities, programs for families and adults, and eventually, I would like to connect with seniors in the area. We have a canyon view room, which is wheelchair accessible, so people who cannot access the trail can still get up close with nature. We’ll have a lot of informal programming. There will be some guided hikes, or people can just hike the trails themselves themselves.

16 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
OCTOBeR 2011
GOT A lAUNCH-WORTHy iDeA? Let us know about it: Call editor Rachel Stone at 214.292.0490 or email launch@advocatemag.com. CAN TürkyIlMAZ



There are about 1.75 miles of trail now, but our long-term vision is to have between 4 and 5 miles of trail. There are two trails. One is easy, and the other is about 1.5 miles up the side of the canyon. There are some wonderful vistas across the canyon, and at the top you can see out to Fort Worth.


One of the reasons Dogwood Canyon is so special is the really unique combination of animals from East Texas, West Texas, North Texas and even Central Texas. We have a combination of plants and animals that I don’t think can be seen anywhere else. We’re like a little slice of the hill country here in south Dallas County, but we have Texas buckeye, juniper... a rich diversity of plants and animals in one location.


Dallas County is the only county in the country that has two Audubon centers. The Trinity River Audubon Center is very different. It was built on a restored landfill, so that is a site that was badly damaged and is recovering. Their location is more about restoration. Ours is almost a pristine site, so we have a lot that we are trying to protect here in the canyon. The way it differs from other conservation centers is that we run it in a way that we can protect the environment but also get people out where they can see it and enjoy it. We’re trying to incorporate people and learning into the picture. We’re more about wise stewardship than total protection.


People who are not familiar with this area really need to come see it. We’re going to have things for nature lovers of all ages to get out and enjoy the site.


We just fell in love with the White Rock Lake area. We’re both Midwesterners, so we love having trees and birds in our backyard. We like to get over to the lake and walk. We’ve been very happy with it. We were looking for a place that has a neighborhood feel, and it definitely has that. —RACHEL STONE

grab-bagLAUNCH WATCH A VIDEO at lakewood. advocatemag. com For over 65 years Lakewood Family Dental has been helping Dallas smile. Dr. Rick Beadle & Dr. Reid Slaughter look forward to helping you with all of your cosmetic and general restorative dentistry. Our office maintains all the lastest technology and complete offering of services. Lakewood Family Dental is convenient, flexible, and comfortable. Experience. Technology. Excellence. This fall, Check us out on Facebook! treat yourself For an appointment, call: 214-823-1638 6329 Oram Street, Dallas, TX 75214 Between Times Ten Cellars and the Wells Fargo Bank Tower In Lakewood LakewoodFamilyDental.com to a new smile! CURRENT PATIENTS ONLY $100 OFF Home Whitening System* NEW PATIENTS ONLY $100 OFF Any Procedure* *Appointment must be made before Oct 31st 2011
18 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com CAN TÜRKYILMAZ AN EBBY HALLIDAY COMPANY 2828 Routh Street | Suite 100 | Dallas | 214.303.1133 6914 Wildgrove Ave. | $475,000 Charming, Updated 3/2 Tudor Brady Moore | 214.680.6555 829 Brookhurst Dr. | $239,000 4/2/2LA - Lake Highlands Charmer 972.733.9432 6726 Williamson Rd. | $599,000 214.662.7758 4040 Avondale Ave. #101| $175,000 214.228.3854 | SOLD Timeless Mediterranean, 5/5.1/4/8 LA 214.802.5025 5439 Bonita Ave. | SOLD 214.842.2750 Properties as distinct as the clients we serve. daveperrymiller.com SOLD SOLD


Mark Sherbet’s gargoyles aren’t evil or menacing. He thinks of them as benevolent monsters, like the ones in his favorite childhood storybook, “Where the Wild Things Are.” “Those monsters aren’t scary,” the neighborhood resident says. “In fact, they’re endearing.” Sherbet started Gable Gargoyle Co. about two years ago. On a trip to Europe, he discovered gargoyles everywhere. And when he came home, he noticed them on old buildings here, too. But when he looked for a gargoyle to put on his own roof, there was none to be had. So he decided to build one. Making the statues themselves took some experimenting, but he figured it out pretty quickly. He uses silicone molds and a very fine cement mixture. The trick was figuring out how to get the thing up on any roof so that it would stay there in any weather. And the solution turned out to be simple. He built, basically, a small table for the gargoyle to sit upon. In architecture, it’s called a plinth, and it can straddle just about any gable. Gable Gargoyle offers three styles of gargoyle, plus two angels. A sculptor is working on a fourth gargoyle design. And Sherbet also takes commissions. He recently completed a Buddha statue for a client in Lake Highlands. The Catholic Church started using gargoyles in its architecture 1,000 years ago or so to symbolize scaring off evil spirits. They had an architectural purpose, too: They were spouts that carried water from the rooftops. “Gargoyle” comes from the French word gargouille , meaning throat. Technically, what Sherbet makes are grotesques, but most people don’t know what that means, so gargoyle is the more common, if incorrect, term. “Some people say they’re scary or evil,” Sherbet says. “They’re not any more evil than those guys in “Where the Wild Things Are.” Sherbet takes orders from the continental United States and Canada at gablegargoyles.com. His designs also are available at Walton’s Garden Center, 8652 Garland Road, and Nicholson Hardie, 5725

Lovers Lane. —RACHEL STONE

19 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
20 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com BENJAMIN HAGER Remove your barriers. Open House Dates Tear down the walls that hearing loss builds. With Intiga’s high speed sound processing chip, you will be able to differentiate sound better, so you’ll be able to understand and participate more, even in difficult listening situations. Debbie Schirico, MCD, CCC-A Owner / Board Certified Audiologist October 10th - 28th, 2011 Call for your appointment 4130 Abrams Rd. at Mockingbird 214-556-2872 7615 Campbell Rd. at Coit 972-535-8187 totalhearingcare.com Experience & Care you can Trust since 1987. INVITATION to HEAR in the NOW! Don’t let hearing loss wall you in. It’s time to break through to a new you. $600 OFF the purchase of two Oticon Intiga RISK FREE Trial 100% Money Back Guarantee (value $500) FREE (value $150) Listening Demonstration of the Intiga FREE Streamer, a Bluetooth device for Telephone and TV (value $295) FREE (value $180) Hearing Screening You will receive up to $1725 in FREE OFFERS! Ever feel like hearing loss is holding you back? Please call to schedule your appointment.



Interior designer Emily Johnson Larkin of East Dallas started blogging in 2007 as a creative outlet for herself and her thenfledgling business, EJ Interiors. “I thought no one would read it,” she says. “I never thought it would grow.” But the blog started picking up more and more readers, and then House Beautiful magazine listed it as one of its favorite blogs. Elle Décor did the same, and before Larkin knew it, her little inspiration blog became an Internet stop for people all over the country. Now the site, materialgirlsblog.com, receives about 60,000 page views a month, and it has expanded into four other markets: Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York. All of the Material Girls bloggers in other cities are designers who own their own businesses. First, Larkin asked a designer friend in Houston to contribute. The L.A. and New York writers already had design blogs that Larkin read. And the Chicago blogger was a Material Girls reader who applied for the gig. Material Girls does have some advertising, and they often give away products from their sponsors. But the website does not make a profit, Larkin says. Converting her blogs to Wordpress a couple of years ago was a big investment. “It’s not a big moneymaker, but we do it more to grow our businesses and get our names out there,” Larkin says. “I get a lot of projects through the blog.” The blog draws attention to Larkin’s business that she wouldn’t otherwise get. For example, she was chosen as the designer for a Wisk laundry detergent contest, whose winner received a laundry room makeover by Johnson. “I never would’ve gotten that without the blog,” she says. Next, she plans to expand to Atlanta and then internationally. —RACHEL

21 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
22 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com BENJAMIN HAGER 6214 Woodland Listed at $2,695,000 | 7/7.2/5 LA/3-Car 8547 Santa Clara $975,000 | 5/4.5/3 LA 3620 Armstrong $849,900 | 3/3/3 LA 6004 Marquita $650,000 | 4/4.2/3 LA 5916 Belmont $549,000 | 4/3.5/3 LA 5203 Worth $549,000 | Multi-Family 8932 San Fernando Way $449,000 | 4/2.5/3 LA 6206 Penrose $269,000 | 2/1/2 LA 5547 Merrimac $350,000 | 3/3/3 LA Christopher Miller Buying or Selling? Your Best Investment! 214-528-0707 CMiller@DavePerryMiller.com FORESTHILLS NORTHERNHILLS EASTDALLAS EASTDALLAS MUNGERPLACE LITTLEFORESTHILLS EASTDALLAS MSTREETS AN EBBY HALLIDAY COMPANY SOLD

no-grease lightning

Colin Stanley of Casa View likes hot rods. He’s always had an affinity for cars, but as an architect, he is drawn to “disruptive technologies.” That is, technology that changes the way everything is done in a discipline. And for automobiles, the disruptive technology is the electric car. Stanley is making plans to build an electric car, and he is a finalist in a contest to win $20,000 toward creating the car he is designing. Stanley’s plans call for a kit car, made of fiberglass. “It’s extremely important for an electric car to be lightweight,” he says. For design inspiration, he’s looking to the 1950 Mercury, which has always been his favorite hotrod. “I want to address the hotrod community and demonstrate to them that the electric vehicles are a viable alternative to the hotrod hobby in the future,” he says. The ideal forms of transportation are foot and bicycle, Stanley says. “But I have this love of automobiles, and I would like to see them go cleaner.” He hopes his project will get people involved and excited about electric car technology. The $20,000 contest is through evtv.me, a website hosted by a couple of guys who post a video every week related to converting vehicles to electric. Evtv.me was expected to announce a contest winner during an electric car convention in Missouri Sept. 24. But even if Stanley doesn’t win the money, he’s still building the car. “It will just take longer,” he says. “I was on a build plan of a year and a half, and it will take about two or two and a half years to build it myself.” That would be OK, though, because the battery technology for electric cars is constantly improving and getting cheaper, the way iPods once sold for $400 and later generations were better and less expensive. “It’s a very exciting time for this technology,” he says. —Rachel

23 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 grab-bagLAUNCH
Hampton B. Richards, M.D. • Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D. • James K. Richards, M.D. • Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D. • David M. Bookout, M.D. • Julie M. Hagood, M.D.
Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 • Dallas, TX 75231 • 214-363-7801 • www.walnuthillobgyn.com Celebrating 40 years of skilled, experienced and compassionate care. Please visit our new website where you can now schedule an appointment on line.
• John D. Bertrand, M.D.
24 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com Can Türkyilmaz

a second shot

“I didn’t know what to expect, and I went crazy when I saw the beautiful photos I was getting.” That’s how photographer Kathleen Wilke describes her first underwater photo shoot. The mother of four and former children’s portraiture photographer is now fully immersed (pardon the pun) in underwater fine art photography, a genre that produces stunning, surreal images. Wilke, who studied photography and illustration at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and the Art Institute of Boston, made the transition to fine art photography after suffering a stroke. “With the children’s photography, I was constantly busy and always moving, but after I got sick, I couldn’t work and was on the computer all the time,” says Wilke. During this time she explored industry-networking sites such as Flickr, where she met other photographers and discovered fine art photography. She learned about composition and editing, and soon gained the knowledge and confidence to start entering contests. In 2008 Wilke’s Lady of the Lake images won top spot at the W Hotel’s “UnSeen” photography contest for emerging artists. ”We did the shoot in my swimming pool using nothing but the pool light,” she says. Several underwater shoots later, Wilke is still searching for other creative avenues to explore. “I believe underwater fashion work would be perfect for me. I really want to get designers under water.” And she’s doing just that. She just photographed the fall collection from jewelry designer Stephanie Anne for Neiman Marcus. Next up, Wilke is shooting the Love is a Bungalow dress line from designer Nadja Bern. She would like to explore underwater children’s portraiture too. “I am always looking for other ways to make a living from photography, which is a job that makes me happy.” —MEGHAN


Wilke’s images appear in the article on page 28. Visit her website, photographystudiok.com.

grab-bagLAUNCH Snap to view homes on CBDFW.com 6301 Gaston Ave., Suite 125, Dallas TX 75214 214.828.4300 COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE [105 years strong] 5521 Swiss Ave. $688,000 | 4/2.1/4LA Pam Nelms 4310 Concho St. $559,000 | 4/3.1/2 LA Lee Lamont 1412 Highland Rd. $385,000 | 2/2/2LA Jean Tacker 8907 Groveland Dr. $223,200 | 3/2/1 Pam Nelms 6256 Palo Pinto Ave. $629,000 | 4/3.1/2 LA Lee Lamont 8163 Santa Clara $549,000 | 3/2.1/2 LA Team Whiteside 7012 Lindsey Ave. $325,000 | 3/2/1 Mike Pearson 311 Paulus Ave. $225,000 | 3/1.1/1 8238 Santa Clara Dr. $599,995 | 4/4/3LA Lili Ornelas 6003 Vanderbilt Ave. $519,900 | 4/2.1/3 LA Gia Marshello 6457 Highgate Ln $249,900 | 2/1.1/3 LA Team Whiteside $175,000 | 2/1/1 3920 Frontier $599,000 | 3/3/3 LA Team Whiteside 1283 Waterside Cir. $425,000 | 4/2.1/3LA Tom Sheshene 6634 Aintree Cir. $249,500 | 3/2/2 LA Team Whiteside $137,000 | 3/2/2 LA Claire Hill ih LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? As part of NRT, the nation’s largest global real estate company, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage provides training, tools, systems and support that bring more opportunities to our agents. You owe it to yourself to check us out. Contact Ken Morris at 214.632.7163 or Ken.Morris@cbdfw.com © 2011 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC.

WHAT GIVES? Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits

BUY A T-SHIRT from Katydid Collection’s breast-cancer awareness line in October, and $10 will be donated to the Dallas County affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Katydid Collection is an online retailer founded by East Dallas resident Katy Mesersmith. Mersersmith’s company has given more than $150,000 to charities in the Dallas area since 2009. There are three styles in the breast-cancer awareness line. Short sleeves cost $30, and long sleeves cost $33. katydidcollection.com


to the Exchange Club of East Dallas’ Coats for Kids campaign. The club has been donating coats to the children of East Dallas every winter since 1986. Drop off new or gently used coats to any of the following locations through Nov. 1: Comerica Bank, 2311 Abrams, 6260 E. Mockingbird or 11155 Garland; Ellen Terry Realtors, 2311 Abrams; or For the Love of the Lake, 1152 N. Buckner.

OR BUY A TUBEOFLIPSTICK ... ... at TrueBeautyRX, where all October 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of 2Shea Cosmetics Pink Perfection plumping lip gloss will go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, TrueBeautyRX will also donate 10 percent of all cosmetic sales to the foundation. Visit TrueBeauty at 6224 La Vista in Lakewood or online at TrueBeautyRX.com. Visit Komen.org for more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.

26 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
LAUNCHgrab-bag 412 S. Harwood St. $2,225,000 6269 Prospect Ave. $825,000 7017 Meadow Lake Ave. $525,000 5130 Victor St. $360,000 6402 Lakewood Blvd. $325,000 7035 Lakewood Blvd. $1,795,000 7250 Wabash Cir. $659,900 2716 W. Shore Dr. $495,000 5018 Junius St. $355,000 6810 Hammond Ave. $275,000 2432 Hideaway Dr. $850,000 5435 Mercedes Ave. $629,000 5431 Morningside Ave. $400,000 6860 Southridge Dr. $350,000 6028 Palo Pinto Ave. $235,000 David
Stephan Schrenkeisen 214.587.5433 Phyllis Pastre 214.766.4336 Shannon Metcalf 214.536.1085 Robyn Guajardo 214.727.4012 David Bush 214.808.9338 Rudy Lopez 214.202.5885 James Coltharp 214.868.4900 Joe Kacynski 214.850.7195 Janet Rone 214.883.1821 Rich Perry 214.770.0530 Mary Thompson 214.202.0250 Niki Payne 214.697.3087 davidbushrealtors.com 214-327-2200 CONTACT US AT 214.295.5374 mtwilley@sagecaretherapy.com |sagecaretherapy.com Therapist Owned Pediatric Home Health Therapy Agency is looking for full-time and part-time PTs, OTs, and SLPs! Come see how can improve your quality of life! LOOKING TO WORK FOR A PEDIATRIC HOME HEALTH AGENCY IN LAKE HIGHLANDS?

out&about in



$7-$10 The 1968 B-horror movie comes to life on stage as part of the Dallas Children’s Theater Academy’s Teen Scene Players production. Student actors transform into flesh-eating zombies in this cult classic satire about surviving a zombie apocalypse. Performances run at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 21 and 28; 1:30 p.m. Oct. 22; 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29; and 1:30 p.m. Oct. 23 and 30. DCT associate artistic director Artie Olaisen and artist-in-residence Karl Schaeffer direct the show, which is geared toward teens and adults and not suitable for children. Admission is $10 and $7 for members. 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org

THROUGH 10.01 HAMLET $7-$10

Shakespeare Dallas presents the final installment of Shakespeare in the Park with “Hamlet,” which runs at 8 p.m. Thursday-Sunday at Samuel Grand Amphitheatre. 1500 Tenison Parkway, shakespearedallas.org


Trade in gently worn clothes for new ones at the bi-annual Dallas Clothing Exchange noon-5 p.m. at First United Lutheran Church. Early drop-off is 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 26-30. 6202 E. Mockingbird, theclothingexchange.com

10.01 DOG DAY AFTERNOON FREE The 17th annual Dog Day Afternoon benefiting Operation Kindness is 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Flag Pole Hill at White Rock Lake. The dog-friendly event features free gifts, contests, a pet psychic, parade, face painting and complimentary microchipping for the first 50 dogs to arrive. 7400 Doran Circle, operationkindness.org

10.01 VICKERY PLACE COOKBOOK PARTY FREE The Vickery Place Neighborhood Association commemorates its centennial with a cookbook, “Vickery Place Cooking Since 1911”. A launch party features sample dishes, 1-5 p.m. at the Downing Hill Garden Center, 3016 Greenville. The event includes door prizes and free gifts. Cookbook proceeds benefit neighborhood improvements and the East Dallas Senior Pets Assistance Network. 214.827.4568, vpna.org

27 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 happeningsLAUNCH
GO ONLINE Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com/events for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.

10.01 & 10.22 WHITE ROCK LOCAL MARKET FREE Twice a month, the nonprofit White Rock Local Market features food and art from local farmers and artisans. 702 N. Buckner, whiterocklocalmarket.com

10.06 J.L. LONG RUN $10-$15 J.L Long Middle School PTA hosts its 15th annual Long Run at 5:30 p.m. at the school’s front lawn. The event features a 5k run and 1-mile walk that stretch through Hollywood Heights in Old East Dallas. The run raises money for operating funds for PTA-sponsored programs, teacher grants and other school resources. 6116 Reiger, 972.502.4700 or ljlong.com

10.06-10.22 THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST $17-$20 Wingspan Theatre Company presents Oscar Wilde’s comedy “The Importance of Being Earnest” at the Bath House Cultural Center. Set in 1890s England, the story is dubbed as a “comedy for serious people.” Performances run at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday and 2 p.m. Saturday. 521 E. Lawther, 214.675.6573, wingspantheatre.com

10.06-10.27 CONCERTS AT THE ARBORETUM $9-$16 The Dallas Arboretum continues its Thursday night concert series this month, featuring Blaze of Glory; 4 Way Street; Signed, Sealed, Delivered; and Micky & the Motorcars. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Martin Rutchik Concert Stage and Lawn. 8525 Garland, 214.515.6524, dallasarboretum.org

10.13 SANTA FE TRAIL 5K $30-$40

The Friends of the Santa Fe Trail are organizing this race, which starts at 6:15 p.m. at Lindsley Park. The party at the park after the race will include live music, food trucks and beer. friendsofsantafetrail.org

28 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
LAUNCHhappenings Life is good! • whitening in one hour • Invisalign teeth straightening Implants
Enjoy sedation dentistry
Environmentally friendly office 6316 Gaston Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 On the corner of Gaston & La Vista, across from Starbucks 214.823.LAKE (5253) dentalcenteroflakewood.com dentalcenteroflakewood  Travis Spillman, DDS Kitchens • Bathrooms • Commercial • TV Centers • Murphy Beds • Ready by the Holidays www.belwoodcabinet.com 417 S. Haskell Ave., Dallas, TX 75226 214-824-8740

10.14 HARVEST OF HOPE LUNCHEON $50$60 The Lakewood Service League presents the Harvest of Hope fall luncheon 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Victor Tango’s, benefiting the Promise of Peace community garden. Gardening expert Rebecca P. Cohen will speak. 3001 N. Henderson, lakewoodserviceleague.org


TOUR FREE The 19th annual White Rock Lake Artists Studio Tour is 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, featuring 52 local artists at five neighborhood art centers, exhibiting a range of media. whiterockartists.com


FREE On the third Saturday of the month, the market offers homemade, handcrafted, vintage products from local artists, artisans and entrepreneurs along with live music and food specials. 2820 Indiana, 972.898.9227, deepellummarket.com

10.15 BRICKS IN THE WALL $29 The Lakewood Theater presents a Pink Floyd Concert Experience at 8 p.m., featuring a laser show and live tribute band Bricks in the Wall. All tickets must be reserved. 1825 Abrams, 214.821.7469, lakewoodtheater.com


$7-$25 Boy Scout Troop 64 hosts its 44thannual Spaghetti Supper 5:30-8 p.m. at Northridge Presbyterian Church. A drive-thru willoperate 5:30-8:00 p.m., and dine-in is 6-8pm. Tickets are $7 each or $25 for a package of four. 6920 Bob-OLinkDrive, troyandlicia@hotmail.com

10.21 SANGER STAMPEDE FALL CARNIVAL FREE Alex Sanger Elementary hosts its fall carnival and 1k fun run, 4-8 p.m., featuring games, face painting, bounce houses, a rock climbing wall, food, music and other festivities. The fun run starts at 4:30 p.m. Unlimited bounce wrist bands available for purchase at the gate. 8410 San Leandro. 972.749.7600, alexsangerelementary.org

29 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
Scan this HomeKeyTM Tag with your Smartphone to see all our listings Preston Center Office | 214.692.0000 | PrestonCenter.Ebby.com Ginger Gill, Manager, 214.725.9036 | GingerGill@ebby.com ©2011. Equal Housing Opportunity. 5702 Anita Street $549,000 4/3 New Construction on over-sized corner lot. Jenn Thompson | 214-929-6509 6226 Highgate Lane $397,500 Updated 4/3 with travertine & granite baths. Mary Poss | 214-738-0777 2244 Forest Hollow Park $349,000 3/2.1 stunning stone Tudor on cul-de-sc near Forest Hills Mary Poss | 214-738-0777 6302 University Boulevard $299,500 5/3.5 remodeled home in Caruth Meadows Genie Rousseau | 469-387-9819 6843 E. Mockingbird Lane $229,000 3/2.1 tree covered corner lot. Rob Schrickel | 214-801-1795 10518 Newcombe Drive $85,000 2/1 nestled under mature trees with backyard oasis. Rob Schrickel | 214-801-1795 1505 Bella Vista $495,000 1 acre corner lot in Casa Linda Estates. 3/3/3 car, hardwoods. Mary Poss | 214-738-0777 5035 Mission Street $350,000 3/2.5 Updated in Alcott Fitzhugh Heights Johnny Mowad | 214-799-0339 1316 Adair Street $319,000 Two master suites, balcony w/skyline views. Stewart Norris | 214-734-9838 6318 Bandera Avenue #C $239,900 2/2 second floor flat that over looks pool Pete Livingston | 214-505-5005 5938 Sandhurst Lane #102 $155,250 2/2 Renovated, wood floors, SS appliances and fireplace. Carolyn Black | 214-675-2089 6262 Swiss Avenue #D 2/2.1 condo w/3 car garage & walls of windows Jenn Thompson | 214-929-6509 SOLD

Annual Candy Buy Back



Elementary presents its annual Fall Carnival 1-5 p.m., featuring rides, cotton candy, games, prizes and a dunking booth. All-access wristbands for rides and games are $25. 5828 E. Mockingbird, 972.749.7200, stonewalljacksonpta.org

10.23 TEXAS STATE VEGGIE FAIR FREE The Texas State Veggie Fair features vegan food vendors, carnival games, speakers and live entertainment 11 a.m.- 6 p.m. at Winfrey Point at White Rock Lake. 950 E. Lawther, texasstateveggiefair.com

10.26 ROCKITECTURE 2011 $75-$125

Dallas Center for Architecture’s fundraiser at the White Rock Lake Filter Building features cocktails at sunset, tunes spun by DJ Lucy Wrubel and an auction with pieces donated by both local and national designers, artists and architects. The $125 VIP tickets include a special reception at 6 p.m.; tickets for the 7-11 p.m. main event are $75. 2810 White Rock Road, 214.742.3242 or dallascfa.com

10.28-10.29 GHOST TALES $5 The Dallas

Storytelling Guild presents ghost stories as told by the area’s best storytellers at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Bath House Cultural Center. 521 E. Lawther, dallasstorytelling.org


The Taste of Greenville Avenue returns 10 a.m.-8 p.m. in a new location at Energy Square. The food festival features samplings from neighborhood restaurants for $3-$6 a plate. Wristbands are available for $2 for those over 21 who want to buy alcohol. Proceeds benefit the PTAs at Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Dan D. Rogers elementary schools as well as the Woodrow Wilson High School marching band. 4849 Greenville, tasteofgreenvilleavenue.com

10.29 UNDY 5000 $30 Put your undies on and join this 5k to raise money and awareness for colorectal cancer. The race starts at 8:30 a.m. at Winfrey Point. ccalliance.org

30 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Save your teeth! Sell us your Halloween Candy! November 1 - 4, 2011 You will receive $3 for every pound of candy, which we will match with a donation to the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. at Lakewood Orthodontics Patricia A. Simon, DDS 1809 Skillman St. / Dallas 75206 www.lakewoodortho.net 214.826.9000 (During
Image Courtesy of American Association of Orthodontists regular business hours. All kids are welcome Sorry, mom’s leftover candy doesn’t count!)


This kimono sleeved Maxi inspired for Fall in Texas is just one of many new Fall Styles we have in. Come by and see us. 9219 Garland Rd. 214.324.3332 dcboutiqueonline.com


It’s all treats this Halloween at T. Hee Greetings with all kinds of ghostly gifts and decorations! Mockingbird & Abrams and Walnut Hill & Audelia 214.747.5800 t-heegifts.com


Fall into cooler weather with Jenna B’s Boutique. We have this seasons hottest trends to keep you looking stylish all season long! 5706 E. Mockingbird Ln. @ Greenville Ave. 214.484.7116 www.JennaBsBoutique.com


What do the fashionable women of Lakewood wear for Halloween? Let Talulah Belle bring out your inner bewitching witch. We have everything you need to make your evening magical! 2011 Abrams Rd. 214.821.1927 talulahbelle.com


Look flawless with vitamin-enriched, all natural mineral makeup by 2 Shea. During October 10% of proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen Foundation. 6224 LaVista Dr. 214.434.1664 truebeautyrx.com


Halloween Fun begins at Brumley Gardens. Shop local or online. 10540 Church Rd. 214.343.4900 brumleygardens.com


Halloween treats! Come see us for everything fall! 1911 Abrams Parkway 214.821.8314 Visit us on Facebook.


Fun and festive decorations for Halloween and Fall have arrived! Ornaments, yard art, witches hats, pumpkin decorations and much more!

Featured: Gallerie II ornaments! 10233 E. NW Hwy. @ Ferndale (near Albertsons) 214.553.8850 Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30 TheStoreinLH.com


LoveTennis has everything tennis and more. carry the hottest brands & many unique items not found anywhere else. Like us on facebook. lovetennisdallas.com 6708 snider plaza 214.691.1540

31 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 THE goods SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203


Whether you are seeking modern handmade wares or vintage treasures, IndieGenius has something for everyone. 60 Vendors. 5000 Sqft BeIndieGenius.com Bishop Arts District


Every woman needs that third piece to complete her look. Metallic shines this season with this exclusive European jacket with it’s removable textured collar. FB.hdsclothing mens womens 3014/18 Greenville Ave. 214.821.8900


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authentic family recipes meet fresh, high-quality ingredients, the result is a dessert experience that’s distinctly Royale. 9016 Garland Rd. 214.328.9102 CheesecakeRoyale.com


Wackym’s Kitchen bakes delicious cookies and treats from original recipes using fresh, natural ingredients like real butter and cane sugar. To order or find a retail location, visit wackymskitchen.com

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33 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011


THE TEXAS STATE FAIR SEASON IS UPON US, but you don’t have to venture far from our neighborhood for gourmet fair food. Case in point: Chicago Hot Dog. When Eddie Lee moved from Chicago to Dallas in 1990, he realized the city’s restaurant scene was missing something. “I could not find a hot dog place anywhere around here,” he says. So, about a year and a half ago, he opened his own place at the southeast corner of Abrams and Mockingbird — but not just any hot dog joint. Chicago Hot Dog specializes in traditional hot dogs made famous by the Windy City. The undisputed ingredients are as follows: a 100 percent Vienna Beef dog, freshly chopped onion, two tomato wedges, a kosher dill pickle spear, two Vienna Sport Peppers, mild mustard, Vienna’s bright green cucumber-based relish and a dash of celery salt, all served on a poppy seed bun. The restaurant also sells the Maxwell Street Polish sausage dog, which comes with grilled onions, two Sport Peppers and yellow mustard. Patrons must adhere to the sign, which jokes “no ketchup unless under age 17.”



From 11 p.m. to last call, this neighborhood dive bar serves hand-battered jalapeño corndogs for $2 a pop.





For a Cajun spin on fried food, Alligator Café serves up adventurous dishes such as fried alligator and crawfish tails.





You can’t go wrong at this famed burger joint, which also offers an array of deep-fried hot dogs such as the cheddar, chipotle sauce and guacamole dog topped with fried onion strings. 5609 SMU BLVD.



34 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Pictured: Above, Chicago-style hot dog; right, Maxwell Street Polish sausage dog
LAUNCHfood&wine FOOD AND WINE ONLINE. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com/dining. CHICAGOHOT DOG 5844 ABRAMS 214.706.6925
more spots for fair food:
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autumn’s reds


Dallas’ average high temperature in October starts at 83 degrees and, thankfully, drops to 72 by the end of the month. Which means it’s time to enjoy red wine again.

This summer’s record heat made it especially difficult to drink red wine, what with its higher alcohol levels and bigger tannins. Unless you kept the air conditioning at 68 degrees, just looking at a glass of most red wines was enough to make you sweat. And drinking it was even worse.

But in October, that shouldn’t be a problem. The cooler weather pairs with red wine like red wine pairs with most cuts of beef. Think backyard barbecue, with steak on the grill or brisket in the smoker, and you’re in business. Here are several reds to get you started:

This Sicilian red is made with the native nero d’avola grape, which produces a solid, winning wine with a bit of red fruit, a little acid and a full mouth feel.

I’ve yet to taste a wine from Santa Julia, Argentina’s top green wine producer, that didn’t offer value and quality. Look for black cherries and blueberries.

Wellmade pinot noir in the fruit-forward California style, which means lots of ripe cherry and cranberry flavors. Quality pinot at this price is difficult to find, which explains the Fleur’s popularity.

ask the WINE GUY?


A. Tannins come from a chemical found in grape skins and seeds. Since red wine is made with the grape skins and white wine isn’t, red wines are more tannic than white wines.


36 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com
on lakewood.advocatemag.com.

Pull-apart cornmeal yeast rolls

Fall also means baking, and what better kind of baking then rolls for dinner (to pair with your red wine main course)? These rolls aren’t difficult to make, especially in a food processor with a dough blade or dough speed setting; just allow yourself enough time for the dough to rise twice.

1. In a saucepan over high heat, mix the cornmeal and the water, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, keep stirring, and add the shortening, salt and sugar. When mixture is thick and well blended, remove from heat and let cook to room temperature.

2. Put the cornmeal mixture and the rest of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor, and mix according to the processor’s directions for bread dough. You’ll get a soft and somewhat sticky dough.

3. Remove the dough onto a lightly floured surface and form into a ball,



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Makes eight rolls, about 2 hours

1/2 c yellow cornmeal

1 c water

1/4 c shortening

3/4 tsp salt

2 Tbsp sugar

The Corner Market

Try our awarding-winning sandwiches and salads, made fresh with all natural, filler-free deli meats, artisan breads, organic herbs and chef-prepared dressings. Full espresso bar using local coffees & hand-crafted chocolate.

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1/4 to 1/2 c water

1 package yeast (about 2 1/4 tsp)

2 1/2 to 3 c flour

1 egg

adding more flour if it’s too sticky. Place in a greased bowl, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let rise for an hour or until doubled.

4. After dough has doubled, punch it down and divide into eight pieces. Form the pieces into small balls, and place them in a greased 9-inch cake pan. Cover, and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Don’t worry if the balls have risen into each other.

5. Remove the towel and place the pan into a preheated 375-degree oven. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the rolls are golden brown.



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dine out 5 ways to

A selection of live music, wine tastings, social events and other restaurant happenings in Far North Dallas

1 Taste of Greenville

Taste of Greenville Avenue takes place at Energy Square, Greenville and University, from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29. The event is free, and neighborhood restaurants will offer small plates for $3-$5 each. tasteofgreenvilleavenue.com

2 Karaoke

Molly Maquire’s has delicious pub food and Guinness on draft, plus Karaoke starting at 9 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, when wine is half price. 5815 Live Oak, 469.248.3080 mollysdallas.com

3 Sunday Supper

Horne & Dekker serves Sunday supper every week. Enjoy limitless servings of fried chicken, meatloaf or beer-battered fish, served family style, with sides and biscuits for $15 per person. Sunday specials also include $3 sweets and draft beer.

2323 N. Henderson, 214.821.9333, horneanddekker.com

4 Il Cane Rosso Wednesdays

The trendiest pizza baker in town, Il Cane Rosso, got its start at Times Ten Cellars. And they still serve wood-fired pizza there every Wednesday night. Be sure to check out Monday nights, too, when Times Ten has live jazz. 6324 Prospect, 214.824.9463, timestencellars.com

5 Tequila and tacos

We’ve heard of wine and cheese flights, but this is a new one. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Mextopia offers $15 tequila flights and $6 taco flights.

2104 Greenville Ave., 214.824.9400, Mextopia.com

38 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com LAUNCHfood&wine
SEE pAGE 27 fOr A List Of cOMMuNity eveNts tHis MONtH.
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RestauRant & food talk

Advocate editors serve up restaurant news every Monday on the back Talk blog. Read post excerpts below, and for the full posts, visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search: Restaurant talk.

spec’s taking former toys r us at walnut hill and central

the barbecue snob of east dallas is writing a book

Daniel Vaughn of East Dallas, the BBQ Snob behind fullcustomgospelbbq.com, says he’s not going away, but he’s scaling back his blog posts to about two a week because he’s working on a book. Since he started the blog six years ago, Vaughn has become one of the most respected barbecue critics in the country. And he’s not even from Texas, y’all.

Houston-based liquor store Spec’s is building its first store in the Dallas market, and it’s just outside our neighborhood. Spec’s is taking the former Toys R Us space at Walnut Hill and Central. Spec’s is more than just liquor, beer and wine. It’s like Sigel’s crossed with the cheese and olive section at Whole Foods. The stores feature delis, and they sell cigars, gift items and glassware.

society bakery’s peppermint red velvet appears on food network

Sugar High is the new Food Network series hosted by Ace of Cakes Duff Goldman. In the show, Duff (who must’ve sold his soul to the devil or something for this gig) travels coast to coast to find the most delicious desserts in America. It’s no surprise he

landed at Society Bakery. The cupcakes at this Greenville Avenue bakery have the ability to make one forget all that is wrong in the world. A second Society Bakery location recently opened inside Medical City hospital. No surprise there either — the healing power of cupcakes. The episode of Sugar High featuring Society’s peppermint red velvet cupcake aired last month. Owner Roshi Muns tells us she usually only sells this flavor during the holidays. Because of its newfound fame, however, she says they will likely make it a permanent menu item. Society Bakery is located at 3426 Greenville Avenue, 214.827.1411. —CHRiSTiNA HugHES bAbb

39 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
food&winelaunch great smiles leave a lasting impression call to inquire about our Invisalign event! get your smile transformed today Invisalign Family Dentistry Root Canals Crowns Cosmetic Dentistry Implants Whitening Bridges Free Whitening Call Us Today 214-373-9903 rosalopezdds.com All in a caring friendly environment! Rosa C. Lopez, DDS We are always accepting new patients! We file all insurance forms to maximize your benefits! 5510 Abrams, Suite 111 Dallas, TX 75214 Dentures Extractions Porcelain Veneers Dental Bonding Sedation Mercury-Free Fillings Tooth-Colored Fillings STAy CONNECTEd ALL MONTH Sign up for our neighborhood e-newsletters and get the neighborhood dish all month long advocatemag.com/newsletter

Our neighborhood’s dark shadows

Underneath what looks, on the surface, like a near-utopian area — where chatty mommies push strollers, high school students toss footballs and cyclists traverse freshly paved trail — lurks mystery, a dark history and an unseen menace.

What you read here might change the way you perceive our neighborhood, by way of exploring some of its mysteries and lore.


Cox Cemetery on Dalgreen Road

The old cemetery at White Rock Lake dates to the mid-1840s, and its tombstonesbearthenamesofourneighborhood’s pioneers: McCommas, Fisher, Glover, Lavender.

Among Woodrow Wilson High School alumni, it is known as a haunted cemetery and the site of much hijinks.

To initiate freshman band members, for example, upperclassmen would blindfold them, take them to Cox Cemetery, and then leave them there at night.

“That was kind of a rite of passage,” says Woodrow alumnus Kyle Rains.

Although it’s rumored the cemetery is haunted, we couldn’t find anyone who claims to have seen ghosts there.

But abandoning one’s friends in the cemetery to scare the wits out of them was common among high school students in the ’70s.

LisaCavanaugh, a 1979Woodrow graduate who is now a teacher at J.L. Long Middle School, recalls such a story “back in the late ’70s, when cell

were not around.”

After a football game one night, she and

42 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
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her friend went driving around with some guy friends. they had filled up on cokes at a pizza place, and before long, the girls were feeling the effects. Finally, the guys stopped and let them out to relieve themselves in the dark near White rock Lake.

“Unbeknown to us, the guys chose cox cemetery to drop us off, and boy did they drop us — they drove off,” she says. “Screaming didn’t do any good. It just scared us all the more.”

After about 30 minutes in the pitchblack cemetery, the guys reappeared.

cavanaugh ran into one of those guys recently, and she reminded him of the prank,admonishing himwith, “How would you like it if someone did that to your daughter now?”

He gave her a woeful apology, she says. rainssaysWoodrow/bryanAdams high school rivalries played out at the cemetery too.

“they used to come over to our side of the lake to explore, and we didn’t like that, so we used to hide behind the tombstones and wait for them,” he says.

“Once, my friend ricky rodriguez and I scared a b.A. guy so much, he hurdled the fence.”

cox cemetery is not open to the public, but it usually is unlocked.

43 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
“A 20-minute mammogram gave me a lifetime with my family.” In addition to helping prevent your own breast cancer, join us in our cause to prevent breast cancer in all women. Come to the Celebrating Women luncheon to fight breast cancer on October 28, 2011. Call 1.800.4BAYLOR Visit BaylorHealth.com/CelebratingWomen Presented by In as little as 20 minutes, you could be screened for breast cancer. So schedule a digital mammogram today. Your life is worth the time. ©2011 Baylor Health Care System AM CE 8.11
Cox Cemetery is the burial place of neighborhood pioneers, and it has been the site of many high school shenanigans.

The many mysteries of White Rock Lake

The many mys T eries of Whi Te rock L ake

residents of the White rock area keep the Lady of the Lake legend alive: After the sun sets and the traffic dwindles, a figure in flowing white supposedly roams the lake’s fringes looking for a ride, they say. rumors abound of sightings and close encounters in which the eerie lady hops in a car only to disappear leaving behind a puddle — before arriving at her requested destination, usually a home on Gaston Avenue or in Forest Hills.

Joy Maner, director of research at the Association fortheStudyofUnexplainedPhenomenon,led

astudyonthehauntingsofWhiterockLake. She says White rock Lake’s “rather deadly” history makes it ripe for hauntings and urban legend. Maner believes the 1927 death of 19-year-old Hallie Gaston spurred the Lady of the Lake lore. Hallie died in a boating accident near bigthicket, she says.

“I personally believe this started the legend among young people in Dallas early on,” Maner says.

but there have been many accidental deaths and suicides at White rock. Dozens of drownings at the lake are reported in Dallas Morning News historical

44 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com


archives; some of the bodies never were recovered. In 1934 a small plane crashed into the lake, killing all of its passengers. In summer 1941, 27-year-old swimmer John Ira Howard, who held the world’s record for underwater swimming, died while stunting for friends in WhiteRock Lake. In 1938, the body of teenage drowning victim J.C. Hacker Jr., a Woodrow graduate, was never recovered.

Could this explain why runners on the White Rock trails claim to see or feel a possible paranormal presence?Blanca Gonzales says she recently was running near the White Rock Dog Park as the sun was just beginning to rise. She saw a figure standing on the trail ahead, near the water fountain. A moment later, the person, or whatever, was gone.

“I have never run so fast in my life,” she says.

Other lake users say that “cold spots” near the lake give them the creeps.

“Even in the hot summer months, there is one spot on the trail that seems chilled,” White Rock hiker Andrew Hall says. “It’s this stretch along Mockingbird, near the dog park. I’ve always believed there was something supernatural going on with these cold spots.”

Real or not, ghost stories will persist, Maner says.

“What I believe keeps the stories alive is the hope of life after death, as well as just the fright and excite-

ment of a good ghost story,” she says.

There is also the legend of the White Rock goatman. The only reported sighting we can find is in the writings of Nick Redfern, an author of four books about monsters and creatures. He claims to have lived near White Rock Lake in Dallas, which he writes is “without a doubt the strangest place I have ever lived.”

Redfern notes in “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter” that a female jogger relayed the story to him about an odd half-man, half-goat creature who appeared during her nine-mile loop around the White Rock T rail: “Large, and covered from head to foot in thin, coarse brown hair and with two large horn-like protrusions sticking out of its head, the beast strode purposefully in her direction with a malevolent, sneering grin on its wide face.”

Then, just as swiftly, he vanished. We should note that Redfern also mentions sightings of 30-foot snakes and giant catfish at White Rock Lake.

Still, the goat man legend is well-known among lake users. Michael Ferrell and some friends even formed a running group called Team Goatman, and a local charity race offers up a Goatman trophy. The true tale is hard to research, Ferrell says.

“Seems any lake has a goatman mystery,” he says.

45 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
“... the beast strode purposefully in her direction with a malevolent, sneering grin on its wide face.”
Photographer Kathleen Wilke’s Lady of the Lake series captures the ethereal beauty of White Rock’s cherished ghost story. Opposite page: The model is Woodrow Wilson High School alumna Katie Shank. on photographer Kathleen Wilke and her underwater fine art photography on page 24.


The Mary Ellen Bendtsen house THE M ARY ELLEN BENDTSEN HOUSE AT 4949 SWISS

EveryHalloween,trick-or-treaters arrive en masse to Swiss Avenue. They wait in line along the sidewalks, and at each home, thousands of pieces of candy are handed out in one night.

Thehomeownersgoalloutfor Halloween, turning their lawns into fake graveyards and piping out eerie music.

But among all those lovely mansions, one house, at 4949 Swiss, is not like the others. The house has been vacant foryears,oneofthefewhomeson Swiss with its original kitchen,bathrooms, electricandplumbing. It is what architects call “untouched.”

We’re not saying 4949 Swiss, the former home ofsocialiteMaryEllen Bendtsen,ishaunted. Butasanout-of-date mansion amid so many

flawless homes, it looks like that storybook haunted house. Its features — three Rookwoodfireplaces, a billboard-sized ballroommirrorand a 1920sintercom system — are reminders of times long past.

And it has so many stories to tell.

In the 1930s, it was the “Jewell of Swiss Avenue,” the most glamorous home in the swankiest of Dallas neighborhoods. And the belle of the home, Mary Ellen Bendtsen, was glamorous too.

Theblonde-hairedblue-eyedbeauty wastallandleggy. Bendtsen was so stunning that she was asked to pose for the Art Deco statue that is in front of the Women’sMuseum at Fair Park. She hosted many parties in the houseat4949Swiss, originallyherparents’ home. She stayed there

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after she married and until the end of her life.

She was a dazzling piano player, and shehostedfabulousthemedparties in the attic, which was converted to a ballroom.

Bendtsen lived in the house for 55 years, and by all accounts, she loved the place.By the 1960s, however, the house had fallen into disrepair, and toward the end of Bendtsen’s life, it had become a shadow of its former self.

At the end of her life, Bendtsen and the home were the subject of controversy.Two antiques dealers were accused of attempting to swindle her after she signed a will, just before she died in 2005, leaving the grand home to them.

But a court nullified that will, and the house now belongs to Bendtsen’s daughter, Mary Helen Giron. The home has been on the market for more than a year.

47 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
The famous mirror in the Mary Ellen Bendtsen’s ground-floor ballroom is the size of a billboard. The room also features one of the home’s many Rookwood Pottery tiled fireplaces.
48 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com

Snuffer’s SNUFFER’S

3526 Greenville Ave.

Snuffer’s is home to maybe the best cheese fries ever, and it’s also home to some of our neighborhood’s bestknown ghost stories.

JennySnyderoftheDallasArea ParanormalSocietysaysthebuilding is definitely haunted. And there are dozens of ghost stories to back that up.

Employeesfeelpeopletouching them, and when they turn around, no one is there.

Backwhensmokingwasallowed in restaurants, a bartender’s lit cigarette commonly was manipulated. He would pour a drink and turn around to find it had been turned around in the ashtray.

Nowadays,electronics cameras and phones, usually — tend to have glitches in the building but turn out to be fine elsewhere.

Temperaturesdropsuddenly. Pendulum lights sway for no reason. People hear footsteps, doors creaking openorchildren’svoiceswhenno one else is around. These happenings don’t harm anyone. They’re just startling, says Pat Snuffer, who opened the restaurant in 1978.

“Bottom line is, I won’t go in that building by myself,” Snuffer says. “A lot of people feel the same way.”

Snuffer has been interviewed about theparanormalactivitydozensof timesovertheyears,andseveral times, he has allowed ghost hunters to spend the night in the restaurant.

The building was a grocery store in the 1940s.

Supposedly, a manwasstabbed theredecadesagoanddiedinthe entrancetothemen’srestroom. Anotherstorysaystherestaurant was built on top of an Indian burial ground.

Yikes. If that’s the case, maybe all of Lower Greenville is haunted.

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Old is the new new

Celebrating 100 years of Vickery Place


in 1911, about 200 lots sold in the neighborhood described as “a new addition to dallas, just north of st. Mary’s College.” those lots, in Vickery Place, sold for a total of $150,000, and their owners began building immediately. the Vickery Place neighborhood Association celebrates its 100th anniversary with a home tour sunday, Oct. 16.

50 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Above: The house at 5354 Miller is one of the oldest in the neighborhood. PhoTo by MAdeline sTevens Right: Mildred bennett Prince lived in the house at 5601 Miller from age 13 until she died at 91. Many homes in vickery Place still have rings at the front curb for tying up horses. PhoTo couRTesy of Peggy swenson

LEFT: Virginia Champion Belcher, pictured in the backseat of her mother's car, was 6 years old in 1919, when her family moved to 5330 Richard, then a dirt road with few trees. Belcher later became a proponent for Dallas parks, and the Ridgewood-Belcher Recreation Center was named in her honor. PhoTo Cou RTE sy oF ViRginia C hamPT ion BELC h ER BELow: a woman works in cotton fields adjacent to Vickery Place. The area consisted mostly of cotton fields in the early 1900s, and after development was considered north Dallas, with goodwin being the city's northern border. PhoTo Cou RTE sy oF PEggy sw E nson

the Vickery Place centennial home tour

Sunday, Oct. 16 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

Tickets cost $12 in advance and $15 the day of the tour. Tickets to a VIP party and tour of a bonus house cost $25 and must be purchased in advance online at vickeryplace.com.

These retailers also are selling home tour tickets: North Haven Gardens, Downing Hill, The Wooden House and Talulah Belle. Proceeds benefit Animal Rescue of Texas, James Bonham Elementary School and Vickery Place neighborhood improvements.

Nowadays, Vickery Place is an urban neighborhood, adjacent to Central Expressway and the nightlife and shopping of North Henderson. But 100 years ago, this was North Dallas, about 4 miles, at horse-and-buggy pace, to Downtown .

In 1912 Vickery Place sewers were hooked up to the city system. And by1913, a streetcar,whichwould turn out to be unprofitable, ran to Vickery Place. Around that time, the VickeryPlaceSchool,now b onham e lementarySchool,wasbuilt.

51 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011


Neighbors were working to get electric streetlights in 1915, and also that year, L.E.Cole of Vickery Place was issued an automobile license.

The neighbors of Vickery Place back thenwereprogressingtowardtechnologyandindustrialism.Andover thepastdecades,VickeryPlacehas changed. Lots of old houses have been torndown,replacedwithrealestate that is more modern or profitable. More recently,theneighborhoodbecame a conservation district in an effort toward preservation. The home tour includes one house that was built a few years ago but fits the architectural style of the neighborhood, for example.

52 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Brian Johnson’s house at 5354 Miller
MEADOWS MUSEUM SMU DALLAS meadowsmuseumdallas.org SEPTEMBER 18, 2011-JANUARY 15, 2012 RIBERA IN A NEW CONTEXT Ribera: Mary
in a New Context has been organized by the
Museum and the
and is
by a
from The
There are seven homes on the Vickery Place Centennial Home Tour Oct. 16. PHOTO BY MADELINE STEVENS
del Prado
generous gift
Meadows Foundation. Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652), Mary Magdalene (detail), 1641. Oil on canvas. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, P1103.
Museo Nacional del Prado.
NE Corner of Mockingbird & Abrams October 1, 2011 10AM-2PM
center for
Village Fall Festival
Metroplex Mutts, DFW Rescue Me and others will have dogs available
53 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 CENTRAL HENDERSON GOODWIN VICKERY MILLER WILLIS RICHARD BELMONT HOMER LANERI GLENCO MCMILLAN WORCOLA GET THE MAP ON THE GO DURING THE HOME TOUR Go to scan.mobi for free reader. It takes a TEAM to get RESULTS! 214-384-2657 www.teamwhiteside.com 7112 Gaston Ave. ...............$2,100,000 6713 Lakewood Blvd. ........$1,550,555 7130 Alexander Dr. ............$1,495,000 8259 San Benito Way..........$1,199,000 8334 Forest Hills Blvd. ..........$899,999 6617 Northridge Dr. ..............$869,000 9220 W Lake Highlands Dr...$747,747 6027 Prospect Ave. ................$689,000 7244 Westlake Ave. ...............$687,500 1409 Bella Vista Dr. ...............$649,000 3920 Frontier Ln. ...................$599,000 6102 Gaston Ave. ..................$598,527 8163 Santa Clara Dr. .............$549,000 6935 Shook Ave. ...................$498,500 6463 Velasco Ave. .................$490,000 1421 El Campo Dr. ...............$444,469 8022 San Leandro Dr. ...........$399,000 1541 El Campo Dr. ...............$398,750 6455 Anita St.
6149 Prospect Ave.
5322 Goodwin Ave.
6457 Highgate Ln.
6634 Aintree Cir. ...................$249,500 5429 Worth St........................$234,500 3733 Dunhaven Rd. ..............$185,000 43 Merrie Cir. .........................$141,000 10159 San Juan Ave. .............$129,800 6303 Richmond Ave. #203 ...$119,000 11352 Lanewood Cir.............$108,000 6426 Vickery Blvd. (Lease) .........$2,350 8259 San Benito Way......$1,199,000 6027 Prospect Ave ............$689,000 1409 Bella Vista Dr ...........$649,000 6463 Velasco Ave..............$490,000 6617 Northridge Dr ..........$869,000 7244 Westlake Ave............$687,500 6149 Prospect Ave ............$319,900 5322 Goodwin Ave...........$319,000
54 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com 1912 We’ve Saved The Neighborhood… Now Save The Date. Junius Heights 5th Annual Historic Home Tour November 6, 2011 Volunteers Needed • For more information, www.juniusheights.org I LLUSTRATIONBY : S UZY M ORITZ F INE A RT

Centennial Home Tour, and it’s one of the oldest in the neighborhood. Since moving into the house five years ago, hehasworkedtobringit back to a “farmhouse in the city,” he says. The house first appeared in the city directory in 1912 (Johnson is planning a 100 th birthday party for it next year). Its original owner was Henry C. Clark, who owned Clark’s Furniture Store on Elm Street downtown. At Clark’s funeral in 1924,VickeryPlacedeveloper George Works served as a pallbearer.

The Blessing family operated the Blessing Planning Mill and Lumber Company, which was at Miller and Henderson, and they lived in this house at 5214 Goodwin. When the house was new (opposite page) it was surrounded by former cotton fields. PHOTO COURTESY OF LORAINE BLESSING SUNDERLIN. Elizabeth Blessing, wife of the youngest Blessing son, Bill, served on the Dallas City Council in the 1960s and was the first woman to run for mayor of Dallas. She was defeated by J. Erik Jonsson.

55 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
“I kind of knew what I was getting into, but not completely.”
The Bishop Arts District is home to over 50 local businesses, including some of Dallas’ Best Rated Restaurants, Boutiques, Services and Galleries.

A previous owner started restorationworkonJohnson’shousein 1996,includingbringingbackthe Queen Anne Victorian’s wrap-around porch, which had been enclosed. That owner also finished out the attic to create a master suite.

Johnson has used old photographs of his house and others from the area to reinstate some historical details. He added wide baseboards and crown molding,andhechosepaintfrom the palette of popular early century colors.


fully.The front door and some walls were in different places in the original floorplan,forexample.Andwhen it came time for a kitchen update, Johnson decided to go modern. But hedidsalvagethekitchen’sbead board ceilings and the original wood flooring throughout the ground floor.

The most costly updates are not the ones Johnson can show off for party guests, however. The major one was a completefoundationredo.Even afterward, though, the pier and beam foundation still shifts with changes in the weather.

“These old houses, you get cracks in them, and there’s nothing you can do,” he says. “You can’t be too worried about the cracks.”

Johnson also had all of the firstfloor windows restored and weighted, so they work now and can be lifted

56 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
NOVEMBER 11–13, 2011 lakewood
“I want to live here for the rest of my life.”
home festival

with one finger. For about the same price, he could have replaced all the windows with energy efficient ones, and he’s still not sure he made the right decision. But he does like the original glass, old and wavy.

Over the past five years, he has replaced most of the home’s wiring and plumbing.

Nothing is perfect in a 100-year-old house. A beam that runs through the center of the home’s floor doesn’t meet perfectly with the rest of the flooring. The house is on a slight incline, and Johnson battles the side-yard fence, which is wont to lean.

There is always something to fix.

Before the Vickery Place house, Johnson had a 1920s duplex in Highland Park, much of which he renovated himself.

“I kind of knew what I was getting into, but not completely,” he says.

Vickery Place resident ChrisBuck designed a rustic-looking fence for the front yard, where Johnson planted fruit trees soon after he bought the house. He got his first bounty this year: 40 peaches, plus a few pears and apples.

“My friends joke that I’m self sustaining now,” he says. “I’m off the grid.”

Maybe not, but Johnson has a hectic, travel-heavy job. And he says it’s nice to come home to his dogs, a bulldog and a poodle, in this unique old home amid friendly neighbors.

“I want to live here for the rest of my life,” he says.

57 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
A previous owner had enclosed the wraparound porch of Brian Johnson's house on Miller, which is on the home tour.
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still the one


Mockingbird near central feels like walking into an enormous film archive. Floorto-ceiling shelves are stacked with not only DVDsbutalsotheirpredecessors,VHS tapes, and the latest video storage invention to take hold of the market, blu-rays.

the store has everything from documentaries to current movies, from old History channel episodes to obscure british tV shows, and is revered among regulars for its comprehensive selection of foreign films, including those that require an accompanying rental of an international DVD player for viewing.

Owner Sam Wade opened the video store in 1985 when he was a geophysicist at ArcO to support him and his wife just in case he was laid off. Originally, there were three store locations — one on Skillman, another in Mesquite, and the current Mockingbird Lane storefront. business slowed for the SkillmanandMesquitestores,soWade closed them, but the remaining Premiere Video is holding its own, Wade says. the question is how does Premiere Video

make it as one of the last family-owned video rental stores in Dallas? Video rental behemoth blockbuster has filed for bankruptcy, and the rise of video ordering and streamingwebsitessuchasNetflixand Huluaretakingoverthevideo-renting market.

the answer, Wade says, lies in the neighborhood customers.

“I’ve often told people that I could take this store elsewhere, and it wouldn’t do well,” Wade says. “It does well here because of the people. Without them, we’re nothing.”

billie rhodeshaspatronizedPremiere on and off for the past four years. An avid classic movie collector and viewer, she visits Premiere when she wants to find something she hasn’t seen already. And her searches are always successful.

“I own most of these movies,” rhodes says, pointing to a shelf labeled “Film Noir.” “So for me to keep finding new movies … I don’t see how [the selection] could be any better. I’m so glad that we have something like this in Dallas.”

Wade says that his customers are the

58 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Sam Wade chats with a customer at Premiere Video. Wade says loyal customers keep him in business.
KucharsKi Group Robert Kucharski 972-733-5266 pruDENTiaL TEXas propErTiEs offering the finest in real estate and mortgage services www.robertkucharski.com 5334 Morningside Avenue $559,900 5626 Morningside Avenue $597,900 6219 Belmont Avenue $429,900 7306 Casa Loma Avenue $645,000 5410 Merrimac Avenue $479,000
Photo by Madeline SteVenS

reason for the store’s enormous and eclecticinventory.Customerrequestsare a huge part of Premiere’s business, and if Premiere doesn’t have a requested film, Wade will order it. Wade also constantly scours movie review websites, Top 10 lists and movie reviews from other countries in order to stock the store with movies customers want. Premiere started out with just 900 films, but in the 26 years the store has been open, Premiere’s inventory has ballooned to more than 25,000 DVD titles and approximately the same number of VHS titles.

“We grew the store organically,” Wade says. “We letpeopletelluswhatthey wanted.”

Although Premiere is still faring relatively well, Wade says the video store’s business was best in the early part of this century, from 2000 to 2005.

“It’s declined since then just like everybody,” Wade says. “Blockbuster has gotten into trouble because their business declined. Whenever the big guy has troubles, everybody has troubles.”

59 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
AUGUST MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals Lochwood Northwest Hwy 75 Central Expressway White Rock Lake Buckner Garland Rd. I-30R.L.ThortonFrwy Lovers Ln Skillman Greenville Abrams Abrams Fisher SouthernPacificR.R. Lawther Winstead Williamson Westlake Brookside Oram Richmond Marquita Marquita Ross RossAve Gaston Richmond Goodwin Henderson Fitzhugh Haskell Vanderbilt Longview Lakeshore LaVista Lakeland Van Dyke Classen Swiss. MainSt. Reiger Gaston Ave Shadyside Cameron Cristler Graham East Grand FergusonRd SantaFe R.R. Munger McCommas Brandenwood Washington MockingbirdLn. Peavy Peavy Easton Rd. 2 6 7 8 12 11 3 LiveOak Fe r g u s no dR La k e H hg n d s 4 9 5 Jupiter HOMES ON THE MARKET 42 54 45 55 187 86 81 63 131 76 SOLD AUGUST 2011 5 5 11 13 52 31 12 13 15 17 SOLD AUGUST 2010 2 11 2 3 25 10 6 11 13 4 YEAR TO DATE SALES 2011 48 57 52 63 202 150 53 76 104 72 YEAR TO DATE SALES 2010 27 69 50 55 183 119 76 94 124 69 AVG. DAYS ON MARKET 2011 110 121 116 126 108 113 132 104 144 128 AVG. DAYS ON MARKET 2010 137 77 115 71 109 119 109 67 96 89 AVG. SALES PRICE 2011 $290,360 $254,379 $217,767 $180,017 $366,559 $561,549 $285,768 $179,320 $177,220 $286,554 AVG. SALES PRICE 2010 $307,009 $254,396 $220,149 $185,489 $368,819 $483,130 $312,137 $168,124 $151,336 $295,500 AVG. PRICE PER SQ FT 2011 $139.21 $148.02 $126.17 $94.63 $176.24 $189.99 $130.93 $98.83 $79.61 $148.94 AVG. PRICE PER SQ FT 2010 $140.27 $151.84 $136.38 $103.10 $174.11 $190.47 $142.89 $98.56 $79.87 $157.57 *Statistics are com piled by Ron Burch of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. Ron Burch office: 972-733-9504 ron.burch@cbdfw.com Sponsored by: Owned & Operated by NRT, Incorporated. 214.521.3148 dallasdds.net Some restrictions may apply. Call for details. Offer good for 60 days. New Patient Special EXAM, CONSULTATION, AND SECOND OPINIONS FREE 3131 Harvard Ave. #101 Dallas, 75205 (near Monticello & McKinney) Webb Monticello Harvard Javier’s Restaurant Dr. Michael Neeley, DDS Cole McKinney Central Expressway 75 Most Insurance Plans Accepted. Free Exam with Second Opinion. There Are No Extra Fees Free Nitrous Oxide On Demand Dentistry with TLC gives you more reasons to smile! MICHAEL NEELEY, DDS AND STAFF {

Creative Water Gardens

MostoftheBlockbusterlocations aroundPremierehaveshuttered,and everyone seems to be using Netflix. Wade is optimistic about Premiere’s future.Premiere,hesays,haswhat doesn’t have — the film selection the browsing experience. You can’t lot of these movies in a Blockbuster anywhere online.

could take this store and it wouldn’t do well. It does well here because of the people. Without them, we’re nothing.”

LucasJohnson,whomovedtothe Lakewood area only a few months ago, usesNetflixbutalsorentsfilmsfrom Premiere.

“They have so many cool things that you can’t find in any other video store. It’s nice not to have to wait for the lag times thatcanhappenonNetflix,”Johnson says.

“Here, you can watch what you want, when you want,” Wade says. “Netflix says, ‘Watch what we want you to watch when we want you to watch it.’ You’re in the mood for a romantic comedy, and they send you ‘Battle L.A’!”

Video stores will always serve a purpose, Wade says, because people enjoy the physicalbrowsingexperience. At

60 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
2125 W. Kingsley One mile north of 635 at Garland Rd. Hours: Monday 9:00-3:00 Tuesday-Saturday 9:00-6:00 Closed Sunday 10% off your next in store purchase with mention of this ad serving you for over 40 years A state-of-the-art facility with unbeatable prices for your Foreign/Domestic repair needs, complete paint & body repair 6824 Walling Lane (behind Jake’s) 214.348.6700 merrimanparkauto.com Mention this ad to receive 10% off Labor Texas GROWTH Center 6162 Mockingbird Ln. #215 Dallas, TX 75214 469.644.3975 texasgrowthcenter.com Julien Devereux LCSW, LCDC Coaching - Consulting - Counseling - Neurotherapy 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829 CPA Traveling & staying overnight expenses. The IRS allows a per diem meals & incidentals deduction on IRS form 2106. cpa Tax Tip

Wade opened Premiere Video in 1985 and expanded to three locations. The Mockingbird Lane store is the only one still open.

Premiere, a steady stream of customers walks through the doors every day, even on a Tuesday afternoon — a seemingly unusual time to be renting a video. Thestoremanagershelpfullyanswer questions – “What was that movie with Harrison Ford? The one before his last one?” a customer asks – and while it’s true that the answer could have been foundeasilythrough a quickGoogle search,somethingaboutaskingthe question of a person and finding the movie right away is more satisfactory.

Just as the Kindle hasn’t put bookstores out of business, Netflix with its mail-inmoviesand“watchinstantly” feature won’t put Premiere out of business, at least not anytime soon. Even amongthedigitalgeneration,there remains a certain nostalgia of the preNetflix and Hulu days when you could walk into your local video rental store on a Friday night and rent a few movies for the weekend.

“‘Let’sgotomyhouseandstream something’ kind of loses a little bit of the magic,” Wade says. —NICKI KOETTING

at lakewood. advocatemag.com


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61 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
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The Forest Hills Service League works for neighborhood causes

TheForestHillsServiceLeague is young compared to other Dallas leagues, having been founded in the early 2000s. Despite the neighborhood having an active Garden Club that has been around for years, the Forest Hills Service League didn’t really take off until 2005, says Tamela Southan, the nonprofit organization’s event chairwoman.

Not coincidentally, 2005 was the year Southan movedtoForestHillsand began asking herself and others, “How can we get our community of Forest Hillsmoreinvolvedworkingtogether doing fun events for our neighbors?”

After some hard work and a lot of volunteer participation, the Forest Hills Service League now reaches out to the Forest Hills community by hosting at least four annual events — a Fourth of July parade, a fall festival, a holiday tree-lighting ceremony and a senior citizen social.

The volunteers who help with each eventarebothwomenandmen somewhat unusual among local leagues, whichareoftenmadeupentirelyof women.Though some leagues require nominationsandhavewaitinglists, Forest Hills’ league has more of a comeone, come-all approach. Southan does all of the planning for events and then mans them with as many volunteers as she can recruit.

There’s a commonthreadhere:“I am the service league,” Southan says, laughing.

This year, in conjunction with its other annual events, the Forest Hills Service Leagueheld a MemorialDaypicnic, and will host its inaugural Chili CookOffandPepperBlastFunRunOct. 15,withproceedsbenefittingSanger Elementary’s garden education (“So kids knowwhataneggplantis,”Southan says).The second senior social of the year happens Nov. 6, and a community non-perishable food drive will take place from Nov. 1-15. Neighborhood beautification projects and a “pet alert” round out the league’s busy schedule.

Most of the events benefit some sort

62 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
Skillman Live Oak 1920 Skillman Dallas, TX 75206 214.764.2119x113 Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! * Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new first-time clients only. Not valid w/ any other offers or discounts. Kelly Harris Agency 214.821.9687 6500 East Mockingbird #100 Dallas, TX 75214 Over 30 products to fit your needs S ERVING L AKEWOOD F OR T HE P AST D ECADE

of charity or cause. In the past, the Forest Hills Service League has donated the majority of the funds it raises to Jonathan’s Place and the White Rock Center of Hope. A portion of the money also goes into a fund for future events. Volunteer participation has also been

on the rise. On average, five to 15 people volunteer for every event, Southan says.

“The more events we’re doing, we’re getting more volunteers,” she says. “People like to have fun, and when they see others having fun, they want to join in.”

Why does Southan juggle the responsi-


bilities of working full-time and also planning events for the Forest Hills Service League?

“It is a lot of volunteer work, but it helps you get to know people,” Southan says. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it.”

63 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
Tamela Southan moved to Forest Hills in 2005. She is the muscle behind the Forest Hills Service League. PHOTO BY CAN TÜRKYILMAZ
Shop, Drink, Eat, Socialize... ...Right Here In East Dallas! Follow the local movement on Facebook and Twitter. Visit livelocaleastdallas.com and click on logos. FLASH THE BENEFITCARD FOR DEALS AT THESE LOCAL BUSINESSES. A Holistic Way · Altogether Clean · BackMendersChiropractic with Care · Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center · Bert Roofing Inc · Bows and Arrows · Cafe Lago · Downing Hill Garden Studio · East Dallas Children’s Music · Grace Cafe Catering · JAT’s Hardware · Hensley Photography · Live Hair Group · Kate Mackley Media · Mess Masters Earth Friendly Cleaning · Paradise Landscapes · Penne Pomodoro · Priya Yoga · Ricardo Avila’s Mextopia · Salmeron Financial Network, Inc · The Massage Professionals · The T Shop · TrueBeautyRx · W.R. Starkey Mortgage
Live Local 2nd Anniversary Party at Times Ten Cellars 5:30pm -7pm


New East Dallas child care center raises the bar

Munger Square Child Care recently opened on Junius near Garden Café,Little Bean children’s boutique and The Lab at Lakewood. “I started my 3-year-old daughter there on opening day and could not have been more pleased with the nurturing, caring, aesthetically pleasing setting,” says Lakewood parent Debbie Jordan. Munger Square Child Care boasts smaller-than-average class sizes and qualified, bilingual, CPR-certified teachers. The newly renovated facility plays host to a variety of educational methods, including addressing the subject of nutrition. The staff prepares healthy meals for the children made from natural ingredients and utilizes a greenhouse, as well as a portion of Garden Café’s land, to educate children about gardening. Munger Square Child Care is open year-round, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m.–6 p.m., and welcomes babies to 5-year-olds.

On Oct. 29, from 10 a.m.–8 p.m., the Greenville Avenue Restaurant Association is hosting the 2011 Taste of Greenville Avenue, a block-party style celebration for neighbors and customers. The event, which raises money for local schools, will kick off at 9:45 a.m. with the presentation of colors by the Woodrow Wilson High School marching band and the U.S. Army Color Guard. After that, everyone is encouraged to cruise at his own pace, making sure not to miss any of the 30 restaurant booths or live music performances. Each restaurant booth will offer a tasting plate of a signature menu item for $3-$6. Beer, wine and soda will be available for $4. The Grape, The Blue Fish, Dallas Cigars, Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant, Ozona Grill & Bar and Vespa Dallas are just a few of the participants. Admission to the event is free,

64 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com LIVE LOCAL
BUSINESSES personalized information on how to buy or sell your home contact me for a complimentary market analysis at 972.680.0365 or shirley@shirley-homes.com Shirley Boulter-Davis RON DAVIS CUSTOM LUXURY HOMES Serving Lakewood DAN NEAL 214-660-3733 stykidan@sbcglobal.net COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING HARDWARE & SOFTWARE INSTALLATION, REPAIR & TRAINING NO PROBLEM TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE $60/HR. MINIMUM ONE HOUR DON’T PANIC. CALL ME, WORKING FOR ADVOCATE PUBLISHING PROVIDES YOU: Are you social media savvy? Advocate Publishing is looking for an ONLINE MEDIA SALES REP who can help lead local businesses into the next stage of their comprehensive advertising campaigns. 5500 Greenville Ave. @ Lovers
Old Town) 214.368.0170 tombarrettoptical.com

plus a $2 wristband for beer or wine purchase.

utive chef at Central 214 since 2009. She did a reality TV stint with her Oxygen show “The Naughty Kitchen with Blythe Beck” in 2009.

Artizone.com has added organic-fed, freerange eggs from Grandview’s Busy B’s Market to its list of vendors. The Dallas-based online shopping site specializes in home delivery of high-quality local produce, meats, bakery goods and more. Busy B’s Market is the latest to join the ranks of Artizone.com’s list of artisans, boutiques and farms, including Scardello, La Duni, Flavors From Afar, Hirsch’s Specialty Meats, Larken Farms, Mawker Coffee and more. “Our goal is to provide consumers with the highest quality food, in the most convenient way possible, to make cooking at home an easy and fun activity to do,” says Amber Dietrich, East Dallasite and associate vice president of marketing.

Terilli’s has, at last, risen from the ashes to join its neighbors, Rohst and Dodie’s. The new digs are more modern than the original and feature several murals by local artist Chris Byrd. Each painting was inspired by music and the Dallas skyline. On Henderson, Swig and The Gin Mill have opened in the former Park Henderson and Bar Celine spaces, respectively. The new owner, Peter Kenny of Capitol Pub, says the minor renovation has given the former Park Henderson spot a more open feel. Swig is a modern, urban pub with a beer garden, and its counterpart, The Gin Mill, is a “speakeasy.”

Presented by the Bank of Texas, the 2011 Partners Card is available for purchase at partnerscard.org. For the $60 purchase, cardholders receive a 20 percent discount at more than 750 stores and restaurants in the DFW area from Oct. 28–Nov. 6, and 100 percent of proceeds benefit The Family Place and its work toward family violence intervention and prevention. Last year, the Partners Card fundraising effort brought in a record-breaking $1 million. Many neighborhood businesses are involved, including T. Hee Greetings & Gifts, Talulah Belle, Wild Birds Unlimited, Times Ten Cellars, Company Café, The Corner Market, T-Shop, Downing Hill Garden Studio, Gypsy Wagon, Random and more.

More business buzz

The Corner Market on Greenvillerecently celebrated its fifth anniversary. Make sure to take notice of its soups this fall, made from the fresh produce of its rooftop garden. Bistro Watel’s’ chef/owner René Peeters is doing a demo at the celebrity kitchen in the Creative Arts Building at the State Fair of Texas Oct. 9 at 12:30 p.m. Every Friday this month from 4-8 p.m., Highland Park Cafeteria celebrates Oktoberfest by serving bratwurst, homemade sauerkraut, German potato salad and a roll for $10.99. This special also comes with a complimentary glass of Heineken. Every Thursday evening this month, beginning Oct. 6, Mockingbird Station presents “Hitchcocktober.” Catch free outdoor screenings of Alfred Hitchcock’s classics, beginning with “The Birds.”

Former reality TV star Blythe Beck says she is leaving Central 214 to “pursue exciting personal projects,” and that’s all she’ll say for now. Beck formerly was executive chef at recently closed Hector’s on Henderson. And she has been exec-

renovating, expanding, moving, launching, hosting an event, celebrating an anniversary, offering a special or something else noteworthy? Send the information to livelocal@advocatemag.com or call 214.292.0487.

65 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
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66 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com 9090 Skillman, Ste. 299A Dallas 75243 / 214.343.7472 www.janiechristydance.com Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, www.lakehillprep.org Call for a tour! Jan. 12 & Mar. 8 5:30 - 7:00 PM OPEN HOUSE 69% of our readers say they want to know more about Private Schools. MUNGER SQUARE CHILD CARE EXCEPTIONAL CAREINA GREAT SETTING www.mungerchildcare.com 5302 JUNIUS ST · DALLAS TX · (469) 248-2905 ENROLLINGINFANTS, TODDLERS & PRESCHOOLERS HIGHREACH LEARNING CURRICULUM stjohnsschool.org/openhouse 214-328-9131 x103 St. John’s Episcopal School Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational Come for a visit! education GUIDE SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203 “Give your child the gift of dance it will last a lifetime!” 9090 Skillman Ste. 299A 214.343.7472 www.janiechristydance.com OUR 19TH ANNIVERSARY IN LAKE HIGHLANDS! “Come Shake, Rattle & Roll” Fridays in Sept & Oct 11:15-noon Boys & Girls 14mos-2 yrs. | $10 Pay as you attend Join our Fall Mom & Tot Session

The lab @ lakewood

5304 Junius St., Dallas, T 75214 / 214.901.4280 / www.thelabdallas.com

The Lab is a fun place for kids to learn about science! Programs include a mix of demonstrations, hands-on experiments and auditory and sensory stimulation in a fun, age-appropriate environment. Servicing all school-aged children, we offer on-site birthday parties, science fair project mentoring, homework help, enrichment classes, school assemblies and Scout programs. Please visit our website for up to date calendar of activities and events, www.thelabdallas.com.

Munger Square Child Care

5302 Junius St / 469.248.2905 / www.mungerchildcare.com Nestled in historic East Dallas, MSCC offers smaller class sizes than most daycare centers for more individualized attention. Infants through preschoolers are treated to a loving, nurturing, safe, clean, esthetically pleasing environment aimed at promoting their physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth. The curriculum includes Spanish offered by experienced, bilingual, caring, competent, teachers, who are also CPR certified. Exercise is promoted with indoor and outdoor activities. Children learn about gardening using the center’s greenhouse. Meals are prepared on site using natural ingredients. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided daily. Open year round, M-F, 7am-6pm.

SCoField ChriSTian SChool

3K through Grade 6 / 214.349.6843 / www.scofieldchristian.org Celebrating 50 years of helping students joyfully reach their academic potential! Scofield alumni are strong individuals who continue to make an impact in their schools, homes, churches and communities. Join us and find out what makes SCS the right school for your family. OPEN HOUSE November 17 8:30 – 9:30am or 6:30 – 7:30pm Find us on facebook for all the latest SCS news. (Scofield Christian School • Dallas)

ST. ChriSTopher’S

MonTeSSori SChool

7900 Lovers Lane / 214.363.9391 / www.stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.

ST. john’S epiSCopal SChool

848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / www.stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.

whiTe roCk norTh SChool

9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www.WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.

Zion luTheran SChool

6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / www.ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.


Bishop Lynch h igh s choo L is now accepting vendor applications for its annual Christmas Bazaar set for 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 10 at the school, 9750 Ferguson. Drill team parents host the event, and the registration deadline is Nov. 1. For details, email bishoplynchbrigade@ yahoo.com.

Bay L or University Medica L c enter at da LL as hosts mammography clinics every Saturday in October at the Darlene G. Cass Women’s Imaging Center, Baylor Medical Pavilion, 3900 Junius, Suite 200. Appointments begin at 8:30 a.m. Patients must bring their insurance card and a photo ID to their appointment. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1.800.4BAYLOR or visit baylorhealth.com/dallasbreastimaging.

c hacon aU tos won a community service award at a national convention earlier this year, and the dealership’s prize was a $5,000 donation to the cause of their choice. Chacon donated the money to Martha Turner Reilly Elementary School. The school has become a pet cause for the family-owned dealership’s employees, and several tutor Reilly students. They volunteer at the school’s field day, and they sponsored a 5k run fundraiser.

t he aMerican Forests’ on L ine 2011 n ationa L r egister oF Big t rees has crowned 23 new Texas “big tree champions,” and one of them is the Dallas Arboretum’s Mexican-buckeye tree. The tree has an 11-foot circumference, is 14 feet tall, and has a “crown spread” of 14.5 feet. Average Mexican-buckeye trees are 8 to 12 feet tall, although in rare cases they can grow up to 30 feet, according to the University of Texas at Austin.


t exas Leadership p rogra M t oday Fo U ndation invites residents to dispose of old drugs at a take-back event 10 a .m.-2 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Northeast Police Station, 9914 E. Northwest Highway. The foundation is partnering with Safer Dallas Better Dallas, The Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the Dallas Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Agency to to raise awareness that unused or expired prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused, or illegally sold. s t. t ho M as aqU inas ch U rch and schoo L has purchased the adjacent property to its site at Abrams near Mockingbird and plans to expand its athletic facilities. All Saints Episcopal Church, a neighbor to St. Thomas for more than 25 years, has closed, and St. Thomas will turn the property into green and athletic-use space.


da LL as coU nty schoo L districts, including Dallas ISD, participate in a program run by Alpha Media that offers school bus advertising to local and national businesses. Companies purchase one ad per bus, which is placed above the windows on either side of the bus or below the windows on the driver’s side, and school districts receive 66 percent of revenue from ad sales. Woodro W Wi L son h igh s choo L teacher Catherine Pate, who also is a ’98 graduate of Woodrow, recently was named runner up for the 2011 International Educator of the Year award from the World Affairs Council of Dallas/ Fort Worth. Pate serves on the Woodrow International Baccalaureate Committee, sponsors the Junior World Affairs Council and regularly presents at World Affairs Council teacher training. As runner up, Pate won a World Affairs Council membership and program passes worth more than $300.

have an iteM to Be FeatUred?

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

67 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
neWs & notes
advocatemag.com /newsletter education guide News you care about, delivered to your inbox.

B apt I st

LaKEsIDE BaptIst / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

Pastor Jeff Donnell / Worship 10:50 am www.lbcdallas.com

WILshIrE BaptIst / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

DI sc IpLE s of c hr I st

East DaLLas chrIstIan chUrch / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THe TABLe Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org

Ep I scopa L

thE cathEDraL chUrch of st. MatthEW / 5100 Ross Ave.

Sunday Traditional: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian education 9:30 am

Hispanic Service 12:30 / 214.823.8134 / www.episcopalcathedral.org

LU th E ran

fIrst UnItED LUthEran chUrch / 6202 e Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org

ZIon LUthEran chUrch & schooL / 6121 e Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org

ME thoDI st

MUngEr pLacE chUrch / 5200 Bryan St / 214.823.9929

Contemporary Worship, Sundays, 11:00 am

Additional information and events at mungerplacechurch.org

WhItE rocK UnItED MEthoDIst / www.wrumc.org

1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk

prEsB yt ErI an

northparK prEsBytErIan chUrch / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services

northrIDgE prEsBytErIan chUrch / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship

8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:30 am / Childcare provided.

st. anDrEW’s prEsBytErIan / Skillman & Monticello

Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org

214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am

Unhappy thoUghts


This article is about 650 words long. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read to the end in one sitting without having your mind wander off once to Alberta or to Albertsons or to your son’s algebra exam. Ready? Go.

Our minds are miracles of their Maker. They are capable of doing many things at once, processing incredible amounts of information in nanoseconds and making complex calculations effortlessly. They are also capable of concentrating on one thing at a time. We are getting better at the former and worse at the latter. And we are worse off for it.

Artful Choice blogger Maria Konnikova reports in a recent study by Harvard University, researchers “found that people think about something other than what they’re doing about as often as they think about what they are doing — 46.9 percent of the time. Not only that, but what they are actually doing doesn’t seem to make a difference; minds wander about equally in all of the 22 surveyed activities (with one exception: making love. At least there’s that!).

And finally, the crucial point: People are less happy, no matter the activity, when their mind is wandering than when it isn’t — even if the things they are thinking about are pleasant. Furthermore, according to time-lag analyses of the data, mind-wandering seems to be the cause, and not the result, of unhappiness.”

Psychology and religion agree that mindfulness and happiness go hand in hand. Being fully present in the moment is being fully awake to life.

Technology is a wonderful tool but a cruel master. When my iPhone controls me instead of I my iPhone, I have gone AWOL from life. My wife wonders whether I have said my vows to her or to it. Attending to many relationships at one time virtually can virtually destroy the relationship right in front of you.

Worry is another form of mind-wandering. Worry’s energy comes drifting from the knowable present to the unknowable future. Maybe you have a secret you fear will come out one

day, or you obsess over whether your retirement funds will hold out or your husband’s love will hold up. It’s hard to focus on the smile of your granddaughter or the smell of gardenias when you walk through your day mentally guarding against and girding for something bad that might happen.

Worry’s energy is like a fossil fuel; it’s exhaustible, and exhausting. It pollutes the air around us as it harms the heart within us. We need a clean and renewable energy source instead.

Mindfulness in the moment allows us to be “here” and not there. It keeps mind and body together. Mind-wandering makes us divided selves — here in body but somewhere else in mind.

The Jesus antidote: “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? ... Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Striving for the kingdom of God is not another form of worry about the future; it is mindfully attending to the present gift of God’s presence. It tells us to make the most of this time — to receive the day with a grateful heart, and then go about to make the crooked straight and the unlevel plain.

Mind-wandering is mental multitasking, and it’s not all bad. But mindfulness is like a miniSabbath rest that allows us to say thank you to the Giver of all good gifts — including this moment, now.

How did you do? Need to read it again more mindfully? You may be happier if you do.

68 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire baptist church. the Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
worship listings special advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203
we’re the talk of the neighborhood >>e-newsletter advocatemag.com/newsletter




Ocular allergies? Why struggle again through another Dallas fall season with red, itchy, watery eyes. There are new treatment options that are far superior to the simple over the counter remedies. Your medical insurance often applies. Schedule an appointment to see Dr. Meyer at Dallas Eyeworks and start feeling and seeing better sooner!

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69 lakewood.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
health RESOURCES SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203
P otter y Wo v e n wor ki n g Ph oto g rap hy Mosaic Tile A rt B oo kbi n di n g H an d ma d e P aper Folk A rt P a i nt i n g Handmade S oaps Li t h o g rap h s Ha n d m ade J ewe l r y O ri g inal C hildren’s C lothin g & Accessories For information and application visit alexsangerelementary.org call 214.924.1141 or email sangerart@gmail.com Winter Art Fair in December 3, 2011 benefiting Alex Sanger Elementary 8410 San Leandro @ St. Francis, 75218 New artists are required to submit a photograph of your work with a complete application. Submissions due Friday, November 18th ALEXSANGERELEMENTARY.ORG ALEX SANGER ELEMENTARY mail m Saturday, December 3 SUBMISSIONS DUE NOV. 18 Call For Artists & Artisans 972.510.4773 Call today to schedule your next event! You can have a party without food. WE PROVIDE: Free Initial Consultation · Custom Menu Planning · Pre-planned menus and party packages · Corporate Luncheons and Events · Family Gatherings · Intimate Parties · Private Chef Services · Event and Party Planning and much more! Ask about our Lite menu options Great food is a staple of any party. Let us help you put your best foot forward so you can focus on the other details. But who would show up?

WoodroW’S top 10

Angelo’s in Lakewood hosted Woodrow Wilson High School’s third annual Top Ten Dinner. The new tradition is a meeting of the top 10 Woodrow graduates from the current and previous year. b rian tepera, 2011 valedictorian, and Ana h arris, 2011 salutatorian, received the Woodrow PTA Excellence Awards. The newest alumni also received gifts from neighborhood businesses. Pictured from left: r yder b illings, Cole h einer, John m atusewicz, Joe m arshall, b rian tepera, Nick m uston, Kate m adison, Ana h arris and Cate Williams.


Classes/TuToring/ lessons

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com


214.824.2777 www.beadsofsplendor.com

FALL TUTORING All Ages/subjects Including Algebra 2/ Chemistry. In Your Home. Jennie. 214-597-6925

LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Professional musician. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

STUDIO OF SARAH STROUT Piano/Guitar/Voice Lessons. Lakewood. 469-426-6811 sclouise1976@gmail.com

UKULELE LESSONS Instruments, Workshops. www.UkeLadyMusic.com 214-924-0408

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-324-5625

to advertise call 214.560.4203


LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.


AIRLINES are hiring. Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 866-453-6204

serviCes for you

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GALAS BY GINGER Extraordinary Parties, Unforgettable Memories. www.galasbyginger.com 214-683-0103

YOUR COMPUTER GEEK Let Me Solve Your Computer Problems. 25 Yrs. Exp. Hardware/Software Issues/Install. Network Setup, Home & Small Business. $50 per Hr. Mike. 214-552-1323. mikecomputergeek@gmail.com

serviCes for you

professional serviCes

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big.

Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HOME ORGANIZING And Help With Senior Moving Plans/ Solutions. Donna 860-710-3323 DHJ0807@aol.com. $25 hr.

70 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com Submit your photo. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.
SCeNe & heArd
Spanish & English Language School 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000 LISTEN - SPEAK READ - WRITE DallasSpanishHouse.com 2 14-826-4410
Spanish Classes
Adults & Children Spanish Immersion
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Nov. DEADLINE oct. 12

Love iS Louder

Bishop Lynch High School kicked off the school year with an all-school assembly presented by Cameron e rnst, a new Dallas artist with a catchy, piano pop song, “Love is Louder,” which carries a message about the impact of a positive attitude. Pictured in back row from left: seniors m egan e rinakes, Lauren m arsan, Artie h aynes, Frank Sosing, and Nick Chabot; front row: m adison terzo, m ary d elph and b rendon d ull.

Neighborhood kNitterS

The Lakewood Library Knit Wits crafted an afghan for the Lakewood Library Fest held last month. The group meets every Tuesday at the library. From left: u sha Sheth, Judy m eagher, ty tran, Ann g aspari, Lorraine Carroll, b eth Williamson and Lisa payne.

profeSSional SerViCeS





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71 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
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Lakewood resident Joy Brock and her husband spend quite a bit of time at theirEastTexas farm. They have about 50 acres on which they cut hay and, on weekends, relax by the lake.

Brock also does quite a bit of night driving. When the couple married 24 years ago, her husband decided she needed to protect herself in case she was the victim of a robbery or an assault.

“My husband is a competitive shooter and grew up around guns,” she says. “So he got me this gun when we were first married for protection. You never know when something will happen. Property can be replaced, but I want to protect myself and my family.”

She kept the 38-caliber gun through the years, and carried it in her car during long drives. A few years ago, the Legislature approved a measure allowing Texans without a criminal background to carry a handgun in their car as long as it was hidden. Carriers don’t need a concealed handgun license to carry a gun in their automobiles.

Brock says she is normally very conscientious about locking her car every night.

“When I went out to go to work, the glove box was open and things were strewn about,” she says. “It was quite strange because I never, ever, ever forget to lock my car.”

The gun was missing, and it was the third time the Brocks had been victimized. In 1993, some things were stolen

The Victim: Joy Brock

The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle

Date: Thursday, Aug. 25

Time: Between 6:30 p.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Location: 6900 block of Ellsworth

from their garage, and a four-wheeler was stolen in 2004.

“It’s almost like there are people walking around the neighborhood looking for opportunities,”Brock says.

The crime will not deter the Brocks from defending themselves, and at press time they were already preparing to replace the stolen gun.

“My husband just put the Cabela’s catalog in front of me and said to pick out a gun,” she says.

Dallas Police Sr. Cpl. Geoff Pettay of the Northeast Patrol Division says that without a key,it is very difficult for thieves to break into a car without causing damage, and advises to always lock vehicles and remove property.

“A Slim Jim might do it [without causing damage], but even that may cause a little,” he says.

Pettay also confirmed that Texans are allowed to carry a handgun in their cars, “as long as you keep the firearm concealed in the vehicle, and only take the firearm out of the vehicle when you get to work and to your home.”

Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and editor of pokertraditions.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.




Source: Dallas Police Department crime stats for Aug. 13-Sept. 13

76 OCTOBER 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com Got a crime to report or cop question? Email crime@advocatemag.com TRUE CRIME
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William R. Wilson

My first column for the Advocate , more than 20 years ago, was about the mess that was the city’s animal services department. It’s still a mess — which is not only an indictment of the way animal services is run, but the way the city is governed. The council-manager form of government is supposed to give us this peachy keen, non-partisan, non-political, super-efficient city administration, where the sun always shines and the roses always bloom.

Instead, we have the same problems all big cities have. We just have to look in different places to find them.

Of which animal services is a prime example. Every couple of years, there is some kind of reorganization, but it never seems — to listen to the bosses Downtown

to be because of a problem. The latest came in August, when the city announced it was laying off 53 employees. But don’t worry, they said. The layoffs and reorganization had nothing to do with some of the minor inconveniences that the department had gone through, like the cat who crawled into a wall and died. Or the employees who were terrified to free the cat lest they be fired. Rather, the layoffs will improve an already fabulous way of doing things.

The latest scandal comes after the previous scandal, when city officials wanted to spend $18 million to build the new animal

shelter, even though voters approved just $14 million (and it took more than six years to build the new shelter, which says something else about the how the city works).

The situation is so bad at animal services that the Humane Society of the United States is doing an audit. Imagine that: An outside agency is spending its time and money to document how badly the department is run, and no one Downtown seems the least bit concerned.

But then they never are. These are the same people who recently released a study that said 83 percent of the city’s roads are in satisfactory condition, which seems like the kind of statistic that only a bureaucrat could love. But why not? Do a survey, define the terms, and it’s amazing how well everything always turns out.

In fact, the city is run by an unelected elite that does pretty much what it wants

to do, with little oversight by the city council and none by voters. Much of this is our own fault, since we don’t bother to vote in municipal elections, and the people we elect to the council seem terrified to suggest that the emperor has no clothes. Or even that the emperor needs to wear any.

The budget process is the best example of this. I sat through budget town hall meetings the last couple of years, and it was amazing to watch how the city officials and most of the elected officials who were there made it clear that the voters — the taxpayers — who attended really didn’t understand what was going on. Which is one reason why I didn’t go to any budget town halls this year, despite the dire predicament that the city finds itself in (which, of course, no one Downtown acknowledges — yet again, the city manager has congratulated herself on what she calls another excellent budget). I can only take so much foolishness without doing something embarrassing, and there would have been way too much foolishness this year.

Periodically, I’ll ask councilmen what they think of how the council-manager system is working, and whether we need to make any changes. And they always — and I mean always — say that it’s working wonderfully, and why would we want to change it? Which is quite scary, since that means that mostly intelligent people think that a system lets animals die for no reason at all is working wonderfully.

Even scarier: What would have to happen to change their minds?

77 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
Last Word something stinks
a neighborhood resident, writes a monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. His opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to him at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email editor@advocatemag.com. Join the discussion. Read and comment on this column at lakewood.advocatemag.com.
We don’t bother to vote in municipal elections,l and the people we elect to tlhe council seem terrified to suglgest that the emperor has no lclothes. Or even that the elmperor needs to wear any.




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Dave Perry-Miller & Associates an Ebby Halliday Company

78 Oct O ber 2011 lakewood.advocatemag.com
79 lakewood.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 SOLD 8354 Garland $850,000 Lynn Gardner Collins 972.380.7725 6006 Oram #B $285,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 7416 Coronado #12 $179,900 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 8631 San Leandro $189,000 Gavin Cain 214.402.8642 9211 E. Lake Highlands $297,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 5527 Morningside $599,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 6722 Winton $319,900 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 814 Cordova $332,500 Keith Callahan 214.675.6777 6410 Lakewood $619,900 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 6419 Vanderbilt $659,900 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 4505 Rockaway $269,000 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 6340 Monticello $649,900 Scott Jackson/Lauren Moore 469.939.9391/972.381.6646 6534 Mercedes $475,000 Scott Jackson/Lauren Moore 469.939.9391/972.381.6646 627 Clermont $299,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 9312 Trail Hill $579,000 Gavin Cain 214.402.8642 6307 Vanderbilt $675,000 Scott Jackson/Lauren Moore 469.939.9391/972.381.6646 6164 Marquita $410,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840
6805 Lorna $799,900 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 6608 Lakewood $849,000 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 6933 Southridge $725,000 Scott Jackson/Ashley Rasmussen 469.939.9391/214.704.4428 6233 Goliad $565,000 Curt & Paige Elliott 214.675.8353/214.478.9544 8823 Antrim $309,000 Curt & Paige Elliott 214.675.8353/214.478.9544 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD NEW PRICE 6533 Kenwood $399,500 Marissa Fontanez 214.789.9187 721 Glasgow $349,900 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 3945 Dalgreen $499,000 Susan Nelson 469.878.8522 402 Clermont $275,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 810 Brookhurst $245,000 Marissa Fontanez 214.789.9187 5910-12 Revere $275,000 Henda Salmeron 214.520.4433 5606 Richard $339,900 Henda Salmeron 214.520.4433 6544 Lange Cir. $497,000 Heather Brooks 214.883.0997 6716 Vanderbilt $839,000 Keith Callahan 214.675.6777 6910 Alexander $625,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 7210 Lakewood $1,480,000 Libby Barnes 214.802.0210 5102 Homer $649,000 Renee Winter/Claudine King 214.535.5000/214.789.0101

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