The glory days of air travel and the people who lived it
Home and Hutsell
This Lakewood Boulevard mansion was nearly lost.
The glory days of air travel and the people who lived it
Home and Hutsell
This Lakewood Boulevard mansion was nearly lost.
What’s old is new J.L. Long has a new look, a new logo and improving test scores. 54 Rising waters
The city’s proposed bond package would pay for flood-control measures.
A better way
These neighborhood moms founded fundraising website MacBoost.
Hot under the collar Got chafing? Try Collar Glide.
Ta-ta, Lala
Singer-songwriter Ashley Myrick kicks her old sound to the curb.
I have access to the highest quality products to protect your interests. Don’t wait a minute to call me for details.
I have a “special” offer for you!!! The time is now to let me help you.
The thing about Thanksgiving is that most of us have so much to be thankful for, that we aren’t thankful.
I know that sounds impossible, ungrateful even, but it’s not unusual. Think about it: The better off we are, the more likely we are to take what we have for granted rather than consider it a gift or a blessing.
We have it. We deserve it. What else is there to say?
Maybe that’s why holidays such as Thanksgiving and birthdays and Christmas and Valentine’s Day come around once a year — they’re here to poke us in the ribs about how lucky we are to have what we have, whatever that may be.
That “memory jogging” isn’t just triggered by holidays. Sometimes, life causes its own reset, often at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected way.
Nine years ago, shortly after a peaceful holiday season, I visited a doctor for a checkup. Nothing was wrong, nor was anything expected to be wrong.
A blood test showed elevated levels of a marker that generally means one thing: cancer. Since I had successfully been treated for testicular cancer 15 years earlier, that was a mental connect-the-dot moment for me and the doctor — maybe my cancer was back?
More tests ensued, along with more visits to specialists. Even as I made the trek from one medical professional to another and from one machine to the next, my mind wandered. Why hadn’t I signed up for life insurance when I had the chance? Why couldn’t the doctors figure out the problem? And the ever-present, why is this
happening to me?
It took a few weeks of handwringing before a verdict was in: The doctor who seemed to know the most said I probably had brain cancer, and I needed to start chemo right away to keep it from spreading.
I shuddered. Literally. The body blow came from nowhere.
My mind disengaged, and I thought sorrowfully about the chemicals that would soon be seeping into my body, trampling healthy cells while looking for cancer. I felt sorry for myself, not because I deserved better but because I didn’t think I deserved this.
Luckily, my wife remained level-headed, even as I didn’t. She questioned the doctors more thoroughly than I could, and she figured out the guy was guessing — there was no proof of cancer, just a strong suspicion based on a single blood test that kept coming back irregularly.
So at her insistence, I didn’t start chemo or any other treatment. Instead, we found a renowned testicular cancer doctor in Indiana (the guy cured Lance Armstrong) who suggested that maybe all I had was an irregular blood test that didn’t mean anything at all.
It turns out he was right. After nine months of mental terror, with monthly blood tests to chart progress, right before Thanksgiving I found out that there was not and never had been — anything physically wrong with me.
It was all just a huge, horrifying misunderstanding.
So when I need a reminder about how good I have it these days, and after all this I inexplicably need that reminder almost daily, I don’t have to wait for a holiday to remind me.
I just focus on that bullet I dodged, a bullet that was never even fired, and my heart automatically skips a beat again. And again. And again.
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
Was really hoping for a Katy Trail Ice House but I’m happy someone is taking that spot and doing something nice with it (“The Lot restaurant and bar to open in former Backyard Beach Bar space,” lakewood.advocatemag.com, Oct. 2).
Remember when it was Shotgun Sam’s. Love that things are happening in the White Rock Lake area.
Mosteller—Both Little Thunderbird and Shannon McNeil made this comment on our Facebook page in response to stories about Walmart’s grand opening on Lower Greenville
Some neighbors agreed: “Booo.” —Anna Short “Unfortunately!” —Ron Riot “I’m against it.” —Jim Dabbs
Others disagreed: “Now I don’t have to drive to Mockingbird to buy Dr Pepper. Great job on the building. Looks much better after a $3.9 million makeover.”
—Troy Corman“It’s nice to see it is not another costly store. At least they worked with the neighborhood. It’s not a super center. Stop being pretentious!”
—Forrest StewartThe musings continued:
”What do you wear to a Walmart grand opening ? Can’t wait to see the pics.” —Tom
“But when do we get our Trader Joe’s?”
—Robert KellyLast we checked, Trader Joe’s will open across the street from Walmart in first quarter 2013.
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter to stay on top of the latest news.
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I miss The Backyard Beach Bar, but this place sounds pretty cool. Hopefully, it would be a cool and affordable place to go.
“A haint, as explained by my grandmother and her mother before, is a restless spirit who can’t seem to move on from the earthly world to the next. According to southern folklore, one way to keep your home and family safe from haints, is to paint the porch ceiling the proper shade of blue. In Munger Place, under these blue porch ceilings, neighbors can be found each Friday night at a Munger Porch Party. “
—Excerpted from Talya Boerner’s Oct. 10 post on lakewood.advocatemag.com
“Houses with porches > houses without porches. I think I’ll paint ours light blue.”
—JasonRead about the whys of blue paint on porch ceilings and Boerner’s favorite shades of blue at LAKEWOOD.ADVOCATEMAG.COM.
I cringed and chuckled at the same time over “not throwing things at cyclists/bikers” (New city rule: We can’t throw things at bikers,” lakewood. advocatemag.com, Oct. 9). I will have to go Downtown and ride the new markings. Not what I expected to see after the series of meetings held over two years ago. I believe both motorists and cyclists will get very confused over the trajectory to be taken. We shall see, glad to see the implementation. Thanks to Bike Friendly folks for keeping the spurs in the flanks of the City. Now, let’s get Sheffie on a bike! —Ted
BarkerI’m not sure there is consensus on the terminology but you might consider saying “cyclists” instead of “bikers.” Many people hear “bikers” and think of guys in leather riding Harleys. I also hate the term “vulnerable road users” used in the ordinance, but it has become pretty standard. I actually am really excited that Dallas is going with a “change lanes to pass” idea over the more common “3-feet rule,” which I find arbitrary and inadequate. However, I am surprised they didn’t include an exception for lanes greater than 14 feet, which are supposed to be shared, by Texas law. Also, how about we just don’t throw things at anyone! —Stuart
Do you have a story tip or a question?
rstone@advocatemag.com CONNECT
When you build a new home or invest in a substantial remodel of your home, you’re making decisions that will a ect your lifestyle, your nances, and your happiness for years to come. So how can you avoid buyer’s remorse and regrets about your choices? Here’s what we think is sound advice, based on our decades of experience:
We have found that there are two types of customers when it comes to cost and budget issues: those who set a hard budget limit and those who build in a little exibility to maximize their return on investment. We suggest talking rst with us about the things you’d like in your home. We can put together a realistic budget for those things you want and work with you to make sure that you are maximizing your return on investment, within budgetary reason. For instance, if an incremental $8,000 for higher quality nish-out materials or 200 more square feet could boost your home’s value by $20,000, have you exceeded your budget? Not really. You’ve made an investment that will improve your lifestyle and your net worth. Plus, if you’re borrowing that money at low interest, the di erence in your monthly costs will be negligible.
This is a common regret. To stay with-in a budget, buyers may forego upgraded items including countertops or lighting. What you’re paying for now is the incremental cost di erence rather than a complete replacement in three years of an item that you’ve already paid for.
Wood oors and foam insulation are speci c examples of this in our area. Many people don’t realize that
scraped wood oors may be cheaper than less desirable tiles. ey assume wood costs more and nd out a er the fact (from a neighbor) that wood would have been less expensive. Foam insulation, which can dramatically improve your home’s energy e ciency costs less than half what it was just six years ago, making it an excellent long-term investment.
3. Ask questions!
If you’re a reader of our column, you know this is a recurring theme, but we can’t stress it enough. You deserve to have all your questions answered before you spend a single dollar on a new construction or remodeling project. Any contractor who won’t sit with you, in a relaxed, low-pressure setting to explore your ideas and answer your questions is a contractor that won’t be communicative during the building process, or a erward. One question to be sure to ask is whether the contractor will charge for inevitable changes during the process. When an unanticipated change arises, Bella Vista Company doesn’t charge a change or timeline adjustment fee.
4. Choose experience, especially in your area. Choose a contractor who is familiar with the architectural and design standards of your area. A home that is built or remodeled inconsistently with the local standards squanders the money invested and always creates lasting buyer’s remorse. On the other
hand, established builders add cost e ciencies – especially companies like ours, whose designers, architects, and trades have all been collaborating for years.
Always be sure your remodeler has extensive experience on the kind of work you’re contracting. Roofing is a great example, because it’s an unregulated industry. We’ve heard countless stories and repaired the leaks and careless work of y-by-night roofers in our area.
ankfully, we’re seeing the phase of overdone vaulted ceilings near an end. As buyers around DFW have come to realize, the increase in utility bills without the bene t of added square footage (measured in oor space) makes this layout a poor investment. Trendy materials like ultra-expensive kitchen backsplashes should also be carefully considered for their potential to be bad investments and faded styles you may later regret.
At Bella Vista Company, our business is built on word of mouth. Years a er we build or remodel your home, we want you to be happy you chose us – happy enough to recommend us to your friends and family. That has always been our guiding principle. If you’re considering a new home or remodeling project, call us today. You won’t regret it.
Meredith Manic spent many hours selling wrapping paper, cookie dough, candy and other stuff for her kids’ schools — Lakewood Elementary, J.L. Long Middle School and Woodrow Wilson High School. “I don’t really like that stuff, so I would just write a check and either throw it away or give it away,” she says. Manic is a fan of Groupon.com, the online coupon site, where people can buy coupons from local merchants. And that gave her an idea for a better way to fundraise for schools and Continued on page 20
Daffodils, Grape Hyacinth, Allium, Spider Lilies, & other spring blooming bulbs are heat and drought tolerant plants that return in your garden year after year.
Plant now for easy-tocare-for spring blooms.
Fresh Greens arrive the week before Thanksgiving. Wreaths, garland & more!
Fresh Christmas trees ready for you the day after Thanksgiving.
Choose Tulip bulbs now. Plant in Dec.
Force Amaryllis & Paperwhites now.
More programs, events, and POP UP Classes at www.nhg.com Nov 2 · 4pm-6pm Holiday Happy Hour - Free wine, beer & light appetizers! Pop-ups on planting bulbs & building terrariums!
Nov 17 10am Winterize Your Backyard Flock
Nov 17 11am Backyard Chicken Sale
Nov 17 2:30 POP UP Class: Tillandsias as Gifts
Continued from page 19
nonprofits. She and pal Courtney Black, a stay-at-home mom and neighborhood resident, launched Mac Boost last year. The company works with nonprofits and local businesses to offer online deals. The businesses decide how much money from each sale goes to the designated nonprofit. For example, a recent Mac Boost offer for J.L. Long included a $350 wine party from Times Ten Cellars (a $450 value), and $87.50, 25 percent of the price, went to J.L. Long. That’s a lot of cookie dough. Mac Boost only sends the offers out to people on the nonprofit’s mailing list, which ensures that only
people interested in helping will see it. The company also asks corporate sponsors to match funds raised through Mac Boost, which gives buyers more incentive, Manic says. The setup also brings awareness to local businesses, and no one has to pay anything up front. “We think we’ve combined the best of all worlds,” Manic says. The company has worked with Long, Rosemont Elementary in Oak Cliff, the Deep Ellum Community Association, the Friends of the Santa Fe Trail and several others. They’re working to land some bigger nonprofits as well, and Manic says the company has grown quickly because of high demand. Manic also owns a company that does litigation support, but she says she’s having fun running Mac Boost on the side. “I get up every morning, and I’m happy to be doing this,” she says. “I want somebody to be glad I was here on Earth.” —Rachel Stone
“I get up every morning, and I’m happy to be doing this.”
Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits
Dust off the tux …
and attend the Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Black Tie Ball Nov. 10. Neighborhood residents Blair and Brian Walker are chairing the event. The Walkers are mentoring a “little,” who has become an extension of their family. And Brian serves on the Dallas County board of directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The gala fundraiser is at the Omni Hotel downtown and features a performance from singer-songwriter Jewel, plus a cocktail reception, dinner, live and silent auctions. Tickets cost $500 per couple or $350 per person. Purchase tickets at bbbstx. org or call 214.871.0876.
through English Language Ministries. The nonprofit, which is sponsored by several churches, including Northwood Presbyterian and East Dallas Christian, utilizes volunteers to bridge the language gap in our neighborhood. Aside from teachers, the organization needs help with office and library work, grant writing, data entry, publicity and story telling. Contact English Language Ministries at elmdallas.org or 214.821.2502.
Buy coffee …
and help young people learn culinary skills. Neighborhood-based coffee roaster Noble Coyote has teamed up with Café Momentum to offer “Café Momentum Blend.” Café Momentum is a nonprofit restaurant and culinary school for at-risk youth. Noble Coyote donates $1 for every 8-ounce bag, $1.50 for every 12-ounce bag and $10 for every 5-pound bag. The coffee is available at noblecoyotecoffe.com, artizone.com, White Rock Local Market and Jimmy’s Food Store.
that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
When Angelica Navarro throws a dinner party, her guests eat off of plates that are older than she is. This isn’t her grandma’s china, though. Navarro owns a full service of dinnerware from Braniff airlines, plus silverware. And that’s not all. Over the past three years, Navarro has collected uniforms, blankets, playing cards, swizzle sticks and just about anything she could find from the defunct carrier. The hobby started with a passion for mid-century modern design. She discovered Braniff’s fashion-forward philosophy while researching Alexander Girard’s textile designs. Braniff hired Girard in the ’60s as part of its “The end of the plain plane” campaign. He redesigned everything from spoons to soaps to the aesthetics of the airplanes themselves. “I started reading about Braniff, and I was hooked,” Navarro says. Braniff had a glamour and luxury opposite of “flying in a sardine can,” Navarro says. Some of the collection has come from eBay, but that’s getting expen-
sive, she says. A four-piece Pucci-designed stewardess uniform recently was offered for $5,000 there. Most of Navarro’s collection comes from antique stores and estate sales. She follows estate sale websites, and when she sees something she wants, she gets in line an hour before the sale opens. “At the estate sale where I found my Pucci umbrella, there was a line 50 people deep by the time it opened, and I was like eighth in line,” she says. “I was there almost two hours early.” Navarro’s Pucci-designed uniforms actually fit her. And a Halstondesigned pilot’s uniform nearly fits her boyfriend. They hope to someday shoot their engagement pictures wearing the vintage uniforms at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. Navarro’s favorite piece is a guitar pick-shaped Girard-designed ashtray, which she found in an antique store for $40. “To me, it symbolizes how very special Braniff was,” she says. “It was ahead of its time, eccentric and fun. Everything that flying is not anymore.” —Rachel
StoneFighting crime is tough. Fighting crime while wearing an uncomfortable shirt? It just shouldn’t happen. Yet Swiss Avenue resident Jeff Bryan lived with it for most of the 30 years he served on the Fort Worth police force. “The shirt buttoned at the top and we wore a pull-away tie — eight-hour shifts — and you are always turning and moving your head, and chafing the skin on your neck. All the police had the same problem.” The department once tried providing silk-collared shirts, which helped a bit, but neck scruff would eventually shred the material, he says. “I always thought, if only someone could come up with something to put on your clothes to prevent this discomfort, they could make a lot of money.” Not long before his retirement, Bryan mentioned the idea to his neighbor, Tarek Omar, who has a background in both business start-up and cosmetics, and he thought it was a great idea. They went into business together to develop Collar Glide anti-chafe stick. “We tried many different formulas, and I wore it every day for about two years before we finally settled on one,” Bryan says. “Then we had our friends try it, and we found it works not just on collars but on tags, shoes and really any piece of clothing that tends to cause irritation.” Bryan and Omar are particularly proud that their product is produced completely in the United States. “I am an old guy, so I care a lot about this kind of thing,” Bryan jokes. “We are owned, formulated, designed, packaged locally — right here in the Dallas area.” Collar Glide can be found at Tallulah Belle in Lakewood, at Uptown Cleaners on McKinney or online at collarglide.com for $5.95 a stick. “Depending how aggressively you use it,” Bryan says, “it can last about 50 applications on shirts.”
—Christina Hughes BabbAshley Myrick released her first album, “The Devil’s Nest” under the stage name Lalagray in 2010. The album earned praise from music critics, and Myrick gained a local following. Lalagray was a success. But Myrick is putting that moniker behind her with a dozen new songs, which she performed at Oak Cliff’s Kessler Theater in September, performing under her real name. “I have all new stuff,” she says. “It’s actually a really big change for me musically.” The Fort Worth native moved to Dallas five years ago and has lived in our neighborhood for about six months. She says she taught herself to play piano by cutting class at Tarrant County Junior College and breaking into the music room. Myrick says her Lalagray work was heavily influenced by folk music, and she describes it as “a little too cute.” “I don’t want to make music that’s real cute anymore,” she says. “I really want to slam it out.” The new songs are as pretty and melodic as Myrick’s previous work, but they’re a shade darker and have a fuller sound. “Lone Wolf,” a song about lost love, has a heavy beat and vocals that drip with sorrow. She says she is making connections among local hip-hop artists and producers for the next album. “Before, everyone was listening to and playing folk music, and I love folk music, but my music never felt like it was supposed to be backed by banjoes and guitars,” she says. “I want it to be sort of thick, heavy with hip-hop beats and a wall of sound.”
Myrick wrote and recorded demos for all 12 songs over six months. They all have one thing in common. “They’re all about heartbreak,” she says. “All of them.” Ashley Myrick opens for Sara Hickman at the Kessler Theater Nov. 9.
6831 Fisher Road Ranch
Enjoy magnificent ranch living just 10 minutes from downtown Dallas, with an approximately 4.5 acre ranch, four attractive, separate cross-fenced pastures, stables for 6 horses, tack and storage room, a water reclamation and advanced sprinkler system, hen house, storage building, heated & cooled swimming pool with spa, a fish pond, and a spacious cabana with kitchen & bath. Exceeding even Dallas’s expectations, this 5 bedroom home, recently remodeled, offers a yoga room, an enormous exercise or media room, formal living areas, a gourmet kitchen that opens to living areas and breakfast room, state of the art wine room, and a 3 car attached garage plus a detached 2 car garage. The large, covered patio along the back of the house is ideal for parties or a private, restful refuge from the busy world. Immediately behind the property is the new trail to White Rock Lake. Four miles to downtown Dallas.
Judy Garrett
Rob Elmore
When Ryan Savard stopped playing soccer a few years ago, he missed the companionship and competitiveness of the workouts. A friend introduced him to CrossFit, and he soon was hooked on the intense workouts. After graduating from the University of Texas with a master’s degree in movement science, he returned to our neighborhood. Two of Savard’s pals from J.L. Long and Woodrow, Ben Odeski and Chase Heckendorn, also were into CrossFit. So the three of them, all 2005 Woodrow grads, decided to pool their savings accounts and open East Dallas CrossFit. The gym opened in a small warehouse behind La Parillada restaurant on Gaston in August 2011. They’re small for a CrossFit gym, and most of their clients have come from word-of-mouth, since their location is not highly visible like some other CrossFit locations. “We’ve got some good members and a cool little community here,” Savard says. Business has been steady enough that the business partners recently signed a five-year lease for the former J.J.’s Beer Wine and Grocery space at 7230 Gaston. At 3,000 square feet, it’s about twice the size of their current space. They recently finished demolition and are renovating the space, which they hope to open this month. East Dallas CrossFit offers a free class every Saturday at 10 a.m. More information is available at eastdallascrossfit.com.
November 2012
Get a peek inside prairie and craftsman homes at the Junius Heights Historic District’s sixth-annual home tour, which runs from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The day will also include a raffle, school choirs and food. Buy tickets in advance at Lakewood Whole Foods, 2118 Abrams, or Talulah Belle, 2011 Abrams. William Lipscomb Elementary, 5801 Worth, juniusheights.org, $10 advance tickets, $15 day of tour
The first five days of this month are your last chance to see the acclaimed glass sculpture exhibit placed throughout the garden. Chihuly pieces have traveled to seven countries and been seen by more than 10 million people.
Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org,
NOV. 3
Shop for holiday gifts from charitable and fairtrade organizations from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Greenland Hills United Methodist Church, 5835 Penrose, 214.826.2060, greenlandhills.org, free
NOV. 3
From 7-10 p.m. Slideluck Potshow attendees can enjoy a potluck dinner and watch a slideshow of the work of 20 local artists. Slideluck has been around the world and now makes its Dallas debut.
The Power Station, 3816 Commerce, slideluckpotshow.com, free
NOV. 3
more local events or submit your own
The 30th anniversary blackand-white gala supports the Wilkinson Center’s “pathways out of poverty” mission. The 6:30 p.m. party features music by James Fabriano, catering by Wendy Krispin, a raffle and a live auction. The festivities continue with an afterparty starting at 10 p.m.
Dallas Contemporary, 161 Glass, 214.821.6380, thewilkinsoncenter.org, $175 gala, $75 after-party
NOV. 8
Create your own glass serving platter in building A at the Creative Arts Center. The end result of the 6:30-9:30 p.m. “Hot date/ hot glass: holiday serving piece” will be a fall-colored square platter ready to fill with Thanksgiving grub.
Creative Arts Center of Dallas, 2360 Laughlin, 214.320.1275, creativeartscenter.org, $95, $75 for members
Find food trucks and more at the White Rock Lake Festival. It opens at 10 a.m. both mornings and ends Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m.
Boy Scout Hill, White Rock Lake Park, 8300 E. Lawther, whiterocklakefoundation.org, $5, free for children
Tour six neighborhood homes throughout the weekend, including a candlelight tour 5-7:30 p.m. Friday. Buy tickets at each home or in select Tom Thumb stores. Following the candlelight tour Friday night is the “boots and bling” party with a casino, live and silent auctions, a buffet dinner, an open bar and music at Hotel Palomar. Tickets to the auction party are $85 before Nov. 1 and $110 after. During the tour Saturday and Sunday, stop by Lakewood Elementary for the holiday market. J.L Long Middle School will have a café and serve this year as an honorary “home.”
Lakewood Early Childhood PTA, lakewoodhomefestival.com, $12-$25
NOV. 10
For the Love of the Lake meets at 8 a.m. for a historic 200th consecutive Second Saturday Shoreline Spruce-Up. Volunteers younger than 18 should bring an adult.
For the Love of the Lake, 1152 N. Buckner Ste. 123, 214.660.1100, whiterocklake.org, free
NOV. 11
From 3-6 p.m. new and gently used handbags and jewelry will be on sale to benefit the Doris Daniely Outreach for Breast Reconstruction. Doris Daniely Outreach raises funds to help lowincome breast cancer survivors afford reconstruction surgery after getting a mastectomy.
Times Ten Cellars, 6324 Prospect, 214.208.3262, dorisdanielyoutreach.org, $5
Friday, November 30 from 6pm - 9pm
Take pictures with Santa Claus, Face Painting, Petting Zoo, Bounce House and many other Family Activities. Special performances by Studio B, Lipscomb Choir, Woodrow Variations Choir and Restoration Blues.
Share the joy of the season by bringing a toy. 2nd annual toy drive hosted by Lakewood Service League to Benefit East Dallas Charities.
NOV. 14
Candlelight walk
Stop by any participating business along Henderson Avenue from 6-9 p.m. and enjoy cocktails, light bites and discounted merchandise. This year’s participants include ART is ART, Gypsy Wagon, Emeralds to Coconuts, The Pearl Cup, We Are 1976 and more. Henderson between Central and Ross, free
NOV. 15
Proceeds from the silent auction benefit William Lipscomb Elementary’s learning chicken coop and garden. Snacks will be provided at the event, which starts at 7 p.m.
Times Ten Cellars, 6324 Prospect, lipscomblions.com/auction, free
NOV. 16-18
Art mart & auction
Photography, ceramics, jewelry, paintings and sculpture from more than 50 artists will be on display and for sale at this event. A preview reception takes place Nov. 16 from 7-9 p.m. The sale and auction runs Nov. 17 from noon-6 p.m. and Nov. 18 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Expect music and Rockin’ Rick’s food truck, too. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749, dallasculture.org/ bathhouseculturecenter, free
The 10th annual event features a brand new tree, a petting zoo, a bounce house, performances and pictures with Santa Claus from 6-9 p.m. Neighborhood band Restoration Blues wraps up the night.
Lakewood Shopping Center, 6401 Gaston, free
Nov. 16-Dec. 22
The Dallas Children’s Theater is bringing back first-grader Junie B. Jones. Join the “merry mayhem” with Junie and her friends during the holiday season in this production based on Barbara Park’s beloved books.
Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.978.0110, dct.org, $14-$40
Nov. 17
Drop by between 11 a.m.-5 p.m. for live music, food, handmade crafts and vintage items from local vendors.
Deep Ellum Outdoor Market, 2820 Indiana, 214.785.8295, deepellummarket.com, free
Nov. 20
A panel discusses Henderson Avenue along with Bishop Arts, Victory Park and the Arts District in “Messy Desks are Creativity, Clean Desks at 6:30 p.m. David Farrell of Good Fulton & Farrell moderates of planned and unplanned, “planted” and “native” entertainment and mixeduse districts.
Dallas Architecture Forum, 1909 Woodall Rodgers, 214.764.2406, dallasarchitectureforum.org, free
Come by Beaucoup for fabulous fashions, unique jewelry, and charming home decor! 2815 Henderson Ave. Dallas 214.823.7906 635 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson 972.235.7906 facebook.com/beaucouphome
Dress up your table this year with a fantastic selection of Fall and Thanksgiving decorations. Available at all three T. Hee locations: Lake Highlands, Lakewood & Preston Center 214.747.5800 t-heegifts.com
Come taste our fall sweets at the London Café inside Timothy Oulton at Potter Square. 4500 N. Central Expressway. 214.534.2241 thehospitalitysweet.com
Shop Walton’s Garden Center to create a festive home and garden for the holidays. Great decorations and gifts for the indoors and out! Visit us for Partners Card. 8652 Garland Rd. 214.321.2387 waltonsgarden.com
Dress your miniME up in these adorable hat and mitten sets. Come check out all the fun styles!!! 6719 Snider Plaza minimedallas.com 214.346.5401
Discover the beauty of our one of a kind clothing. So unique we call it wearable textile art! 2813 N. Henderson Ave. 214.826.0069 lamariposaimports.com
1911 Abrams Parkway 214.821.8314 Visit us on Facebook.
Wackym’s Kitchen bakes delicious cookies and treats from original recipes using fresh, natural ingredients like real butter and cane sugar. Visit our website to order or find a retail location. wackymskitchen.com
Come out to The Artist of Texas - 4th Annual Show. Meet the Artist, Wine & Cheese Reception Saturday, November 3: 11:00am-4:00pm. All artwork is on display thru Dec. 31st. 10233 E. NW Hwy. #420 @ Ferndale 214.348.7350 dutchartusa.com
NOV. 27-DEC. 1
Need a new mat bag or towel? Remember a gift for yourself as well as others this holiday season. 6039 Oram (at Skillman) 214.534.4469 yogamartusa.com
Loose Diamonds since 1983. We Custom Design your Jewelry. Designer & Gemologists on staff. Mention this Ad & get a FREE Jewelry Inspection and Cleaning. By Appointment Call 972.490.0133 diamondsndesigns.net
Our ever so famous ‘The Artist Jay’ newest jewelry designs have arrived at D.C. Boutique!
Tues-Friday 11am to 6pm, Saturday 11am to 5pm dcboutique.com
Unique gifts and decor from 200 artisan studios. Glass, jewelry, pottery, turned wood, and more! All handmade in the U.S.A. Like us on Facebook. 6725 Snider Plaza 469.759.6501 eclecticgalleries.com
This Skillman Southwestern Library Friends fundraiser offers more than 3,000 gently used books, CDs, movies,greeting cards, magazines and more. Most items cost between 50 cents and $2.The sale opens 3:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday for Friends only (join at the door for $5-$10) and continues noon7:45 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m.-5:45 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Any items left Saturday will be half-price. Proceeds benefit the library.
Skillman Southwestern Library, 5707 Skillman, 214.670.6078, sslfriends@aol.com, free entry
LADY PRIMROSE Body Creme with Engraved lid. Fragrant luxuries for everyday lifestyles – a great gift item. Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30. 214.553.8850 10233 E. NW Hwy., #410. TheStoreinLH.com
The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com
NOV. 28
This year’s 5-7 p.m. event features the lighting of a 30-foot tree energy efficient LED lamps, which takes place on the east quadrant near El Fenix along the esplanade. Performances include the Reinhardt, Hexter and Sanger elementary choirs along with the Bryan Adams High School show choir. Pictures with Santa and his reindeer will be available for $5 each with proceeds going to For The Love of The Lake. Several Casa Linda merchants and restaurants will offer specials throughout the evening.
Garland Road and Buckner, free
White Rock Coffee’s pumpkin syrup recipe may be a secret, but its flavors certainly are not. The shop boasts an array of seasonal pumpkin-flavored items. The customer favorite by far is the pumpkin latte, says co-owner Nancy Baker. Then there’s the scone, cheesecake, muffin, bread, cappuccino and chai — all pumpkin flavored. “The fall is such great coffee weather, and people like to come together with coffee,” Baker says. Baker and her husband, Bob, decided to open the shop in 2005 after two years of preparation. “My husband and I have been entrepreneurs all our lives. We said next time we do something, we’re going to do something together,” Baker says. They have written every recipe on the menu, including the one for pumpkin syrup. But how do the Bakers resist eating all their tasty treats all the time? Maybe they don’t. “You just buy bigger clothes,” Nancy Baker says. —Lauri Valerio
10105 E. Northwest Hwy. 214.341.4774
The pumpkin spice donut comes with a choice of toppings. Go for a glaze, a cream cheese frosting or a sprinkling of pumpkin Pop-Tarts.
9007 Garland 214.668.6999
Indulge in the marshmallow pumpkin panna cotta, described as pumpkin mousse meets marshmallow panna cotta meets graham cracker crumbs. Also try pumpkin and pumpkin-chocolate-chip whoopie pies, or pre-order traditional pumpkin cakes and cupcakes. 3426 Greenville, suite B 214.827.1411 societybakery.com
The mockingbird Station mexican eatery features a guacamole that combines pumpkin seeds, pico de piña and mole poblano, served with plantain chips. Urban Taco also serves a pumpkin seed pesto.
5331 E. Mockingbird, Ste. 125
214.823.4723 urban-taco.com
“Football is Here... Make Dodie’s Reef your headquarters for all LSU and Saints games!
Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita ($15) Oregon
A lot of wine writers don’t like writing about holiday wine. They think it’s beneath them, too pedestrian for a writer who should be above all of that. That is just plain wrong-headed; the holidays are the best wine time of the year, when even people who don’t drink wine figure it’s OK to have a glass or two. And, perhaps, if they enjoy that glass or two, they’ll drink wine more often.
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Here are a few ideas for wine for this holiday season: Ridge Three Valleys ($20) is a spicy, almost sophisticated zinfandel from one of the best producers in California and is a great turkey wine. Rene Barbier Mediterranean Red ($5) is a simple but well-made Spanish wine that delivers more than $5 worth of value.
Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita ($15) is an Oregon blend with 10 grapes that delivers the quality I expect from Anne Amie, fresh and lively with a hint of sweetness, and is another turkey possibility. Domaine Guillaman ($10) is from the Gascon region of France, and resembles sauvignon blanc more than most of the other $10 Gascon wines that I enjoy, but it is still well worth drinking.
I’ll have more on this next month, but if you want some bubbly for Thanksgiving, almost any Spanish cava will do. They’re inexpensive — between $7 and $15 — and are food-friendly and very easy to drink. Cristalino and Segura Viudas are longtime favorites, but this is a category where you can buy something you don’t know and will be fine.
JEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on lakewood.advocatemag.com
Q. Are there wine pairing rules for Thanksgiving?
A. Dozens, but you can safely ignore them. Serve what you like, keeping in mind what your guests like. The idea is to have fun, and not to intimidate anyone.
ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com
Welcome to our third annual Thanksgiving leftover potpourri, because the world does not need yet another recipe for the holidays. Instead, let’s clean out that refrigerator.
You can even make your own crust using any basic bread recipe. Just turn the oven up as high as it will go, top the raw dough with leftover turkey, whatever cheese is in the house, and any vegetables in the fridge, and bake until the crust is brown. Sauce is optional, but green salsa would do very well.
Add 1/2 cup or more of mashed sweet potatoes to your favorite biscuit recipe, and reduce the liquid in the recipe by the amount of sweet potatoes. Form and bake as usual.
This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that before?” moments. All you need is leftover turkey, cheese, pickled jalapenos and flour tortillas. And maybe some green salsa.
Soak the rice noodles (the wider style works better) according to package directions. Sauté onion, garlic, ginger and bell pepper in a wok or large skillet, and then add a couple of tablespoons of hoisin sauce, a teaspoon or two of lime juice, and soy sauce. Stir again, correct for seasoning, and then add cubed leftover turkey and noodles and mix carefully until heated through.
Flying in the 1950s and ’60s was all luxury, style and class. Pilots greeted pristinely dressed passengers as they boarded. Beautiful hostesses donned fashion-forward mini dresses and high-heeled boots, served up cocktails and chefprepared lunches, and when one of them delivered the seat belt instructions, people actually listened.
Back then, women in their late teens and 20s clamored for a flight attendant job, typically available to about one in a hundred applicants. Many of the successful ones still live in Dallas because it was the headquarters of Braniff, American and, later, Southwest.
Remembering a unique era in air travel, when it was all glitz, glamour and questionable practices
In 1965, Dallas-based Braniff hired White Rock area resident Miki Snell on the spot — she says she thinks they were trying to fill a class and her timing was right.
At the time, airlines looked for girls to fit a certain mold, she says.
Snell and her contemporaries were not called flight attendants, as they are under today’s gender-neutral standards, but “hostesses.” On other airlines, they often were “stewardesses.” In height, they were 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 7 inches, and they weighed no more than 135 pounds. Married girls needed not apply. Each woman teased her hair into a puffy do, wore Valentine-red lipstick and nail polish, and squeezed into a girdle that fit so tight that, “by the end of the day, you had a mesh pattern on your flesh,” she says.
Though sex appeal was essential, preparation for the flight crew was intense. Before taking off, Snell attended a five-week training school at what is now the maintenance center at Love Field.
“We had to learn about the planes, their configurations and food service, but the biggest thing was emergency training — learning about the equipment on the aircraft and what to do in medical emergencies. It was pretty comprehensive.”
Braniff hostesses wore conservative suit dresses until the mid-’60s when Italian designer, Emilio Pucci, came along and transformed the attire into fashion-forward mini dresses and high-heeled boots. The high-fashion atmosphere, while it could be uncomfortable, was simultaneously cool, Snell says.
“It was all chic, trendy and fun. We got a new uniform every couple of years and even the planes were painted bright like jelly beans.”
Even during the most dazzling era, air travel wasn’t entirely glamorous.
Snell says she once spent 10 hours in an airport ladies room, so she could take off her heels, while waiting for her assigned flight. She also was onboard during a bomb scare, after which she and her crew underwent questioning by the FBI. While country music stars on flights to Nashville were friendly, she had to deal with folks from Washington, D.C. who were “rude, arrogant and generally nasty.”
Sandi Jefferson
Sandi Jefferson lives near White Rock Lake and also worked for Braniff. She says she could kick herself for getting rid of her old uniforms.
Jefferson started in 1966, when she was 19 years old, in reservations.
“I was the baby of the office,” she remembers.
She always wanted to go into the travel business because her family traveled a lot and was into airplanes. As a kid growing up in Chicago, she remembers her mom and dad taking the whole family to Midway Airport to watch planes take off and land, just for fun.
“I knew I could get to go places I wouldn’t otherwise be able to go,” she says of her travel career.
Back in the days before security checks, she and her friends would use Braniff passes to fly to New Orleans or New York City for just one day.
“We’d say, ‘Wanna go to New York today?’ ” she says. “And we’d just go and take the last flight back. You could do that then.”
Custom built in 2006, this one-of-a-kind Vickery Place home was designed with energy efficiency in mind. There are 4 bedrooms, 3.2 baths, a family room open to kitchen/breakfast area, 3-car garage, exercise room, home theater & 4 outdoor living areas. This gorgeous home is entered through a welcoming courtyard –reminiscent of an Italian villa. The well-designed floor plan is open and perfect for entertaining. Want to save on utility bills? This home was carefully built, to exacting standards in order to achieve the following ratings: Energy Star Certified Home, HERS Index 59 and 18+ SEER rating for HVAC. Don’t miss this opportunity to call Vickery Place …..home.
Jefferson says Braniff was maybe the last airline to catch onto technology. When she started, there were no computers in the reservation centers. They wrote reservations down by hand on cards and then put them on a conveyor system. Airports called in with flight delays, and the reservationists would hang numbers on the wall to show which flights were on time or delayed. Occasionally, in those days, guys would call in from bars to find flight-delay information. They were betting on which flights would be delayed.
But those weren’t the weirdest calls Jefferson fielded. There were some straightup obscene callers, as well as some creeps who gave the girls a laugh.
She recalls one guy who always asked, “Are you wearing nylons?” Nylons were part of the uniform, and the reservationists always knew what was coming next, she says.
The caller always asked, “Could you take off your shoes and rub your feet together?”
Jefferson thinks travel is safer nowadays. Airlines take fewer risks.
“They used to just fly right through thunderstorms,” she says, recalling a harrowing flight from New York when she thought the plane would crash.
Jefferson and her husband, Colin, still like to travel, but airline travel is more difficult and much more of an ordeal than it once was, she says. Travelers are nickeled and dimed with fees. Getting through security is stressful and time-consuming. And flights almost always are packed with passengers.
But Jefferson is still in the travel business. She has worked as an in-house travel agent for Mary Kay for more than 20 years.
Bonnie Martin started working for Eastern Airlines in 1965, when she was 25. Eastern was a little more conservative than Braniff or Southwest, which outfitted stewardesses in hotpants.
Martin’s uniform was a navy blue suit of lightweight wool, worn with a white blouse. Until they boarded the plane, Eastern flight attendants also wore hats and gloves.
“It was very different than today,” she says. “There was no security. People could come right up to the airplane, and families
could come right up to the gate. People dressed up when they took a flight.”
The C.C. Young resident decided to go into the travel business after taking a trip to Seattle for the World’s Fair.
“The job was really a lot of fun,” she says.
The Abilene native was based first in Miami, then in Chicago and Atlanta. She flew all over the United States, plus Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. She traveled on vacations to Hawaii, Europe and the Bahamas. And she was able to fly to San Antonio to visit friends and family as often as she liked.
Eastern Airlines went out of business in 1991. At the time, Martin’s daughter was in high school.
“I would’ve had to start over on reserve and be on call, and that would not have worked very well,” she says.
So she decided to stay home, and she never went back to work.
Martin moved to our neighborhood in June to be near her daughter and granddaughter, who also live in the neighborhood.
Story by Rachel Stone | Photos by Jeanine Michna-BalesAfire15 years ago nearly ruined a 1926 Spanish colonial home on Lakewood Boulevard.
“The other people who were looking at it when I was looking at it were going to tear it down,” says Carol Gantt, who bought the home in 1998.
Gantt repaired the fire damage and renovated the home, which was designed and built by architect Clifford D. Hutsell, and sold it last year.
The home, at 7031 Lakewood Blvd., is showcased in the Lakewood Home Festival Nov. 9-11.
Its new owners, Summer and David Loveland, relocated to Dallas from Pasadena, Calif., last year with their daughter, Truly, who is 2. They have family connections in Texas, but they also were able to get much more house for their money in Dallas.
“We moved from a thousand square feet to this,” says Summer, a CPA.
The fire started in a downstairs master bedroom. Unfortunately, the home’s second owner, who was 100
and had lived there since 1935, died in the fire.
Gantt turned that fire-damaged room into a den, where the Loveland family now keeps books, artwork and comfy furniture. A signature of Hutsell homes is thick plaster walls with swirly designs and crown molding. Gantt was able to copy that trait so well that it’s hard to tell the room has been renovated. She also added a fireplace to the room, copying the design of another Hutsell house down the street, and she pulled in colorful vintage tiles similar to those Hutsell would’ve used.
The room above the fire also was severely damaged, and Gantt turned that into the new master suite.
“We had to replace the ceiling and floor joists one by one because you didn’t really know which ones were good enough to salvage,” she says. “It was a really hard job. Much harder than I thought when I bought it.”
All the major work of renovating had been com-
Opposite page: The home of David and Summer Loveland on Lakewood Boulevard is one of the oldest Hutsell-designed homes in our neighborhood.
Right: The home was damaged in a fire and has an addition, but it retains its original look. This photo, from the 1930s, is courtesy of Summer Loveland.
Below: The living room features a naturethemed fresco over the fireplace and Potter Art Metal Studios ironwork, all original to the house.
pleted by the time the Lovelands moved in. But Summer has made the house her own by adding paint and wallpaper. She chose Orient-themed wallpaper in the master bath that matches the black-and-gold tile that typifies Hutsell’s use of eye-catching color.
Gantt also added a sunroom at the back of the house, which Summer uses as a home office, plus a hallway, laundry room and guest suite on the second floor.
The home’s living room contains the most Hutsell-esque details. The architect was known for including lively murals and frescoes in homes, and he employed Potter Art Metal Studios to create metalwork details.
Original murals in the Smith home were covered with white paint years ago. But the couple is restoring a fresco over their fireplace with the help of their next-door neighbor, artist Brian Boyd, whose home was Hutsell’s personal residence.
Original sconces were missing from
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the living room fireplace when Gantt bought the home. A friend alerted her one weekend to an estate sale where she’d found vintage Potter sconces, so Gantt drove right over and bought them. Months later, a daughter of the previous owners visited the house.
“She said, ‘Where did you find those?’ ” Gantt recalls.
The woman told Gantt they are identical to the original sconces, which her mother had put “on the trash pile.”
Summer says she is thankful that Gantt saved the house, where she plans to live with her family for many years to come.
“It still has so much of that Hutsell character,” she says.
Top: The room that now houses the master bedroom also was damaged in the fire. Gantt bumped the wall out a few feet to make the room bigger and brought in a plaster fireplace from another room.
Far left: Potter sconces over the living room fireplace were purchased at an estate sale, but a previous owner’s daughter says they are identical to the original light fixtures, which her mother put “on the trash heap” decades ago.
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Left and above: Potter-fabricated light fixtures flank the living room fireplace. The Lovelands have restored an original fresco over the fireplace. lakewood.advocatemag.com
When J.L. Long Junior High opened in 1933, about 500 students entered the most on-trend, state-of-the art school in North Texas.
When 1,000 or so students entered what is now J.L. Long Middle School at the beginning of this school year, they walked into an old school that’s like new.
“We’ve had a good start to the year, and I think it’s because everyone feels good in the new building,” principal Danielle Petters says.
The results of a $3.7-million renovation to the school will be on display as part of the Lakewood Festival of Homes Nov. 9-11. But new digs aren’t all J.L. Long has to show off. The school also has drastically improved its test scores, hired a new crew of teachers and adopted a new logo and brand.
Some of the J.L. Long renovations aren’t sexy. All of the heating and air conditioning units had to be replaced. Since the building is a historic landmark, the school’s original windows had to be preserved. Each one of the cedar wood frames and sills had to be refinished and reinstalled one by one.
Heavy equipment used in renovations over the summer tore up the grass and left the school’s front yard nothing but a big patch of dirt. Machines also damaged the front walkways.
“It looked like a warzone,” Petters says.
So all that had to be replaced days before school started.
Throughout the school, lockers were painted, new doors were installed and lighting was replaced in hallways and most classrooms. New shades on the windows allow more natural light and less dust compared to the old metal mini blinds.
A dropped ceiling at the entryway of the school was raised, giving it a grander, more open feel.
The Long Dads Club raised $500 to buy supplies for a new trophy case, which they built under a staircase on the ground floor.
“There’s been a lot of support from the community, the school board and the Dallas ISD facilities department,” Petters says.
The cafeteria has all new furniture and looks more like a restaurant, with booths and tall café tables replacing long, uniform cafeteria tables. Petters says the staff was worried about how students would react to the change, but they love it, she says.
The gymnasiums also received updates. The ceilings in the gyms had been replaced about nine times in the past 12 years or so because every time a ball was kicked to the ceiling, it would poke a hole in the tiles. So Petters and the facilities department decided to take the ceilings out entirely and leave the beams and pipes exposed.
The school’s library is small, built for those 500 original students. So Petters asked the construction crew to knock out one wall that used to house a 200-square-foot office and add bookshelves to make it part of the library. They were careful to preserve the library’s Olin Travis mural “Food,” which was a Works Progress Administration project. An art classroom across the hall will be used as a library annex next year, when art moves to a portable building.
Getting the school ready for the home tour has been a little like getting one’s home ready for a party, says Long PTA member Heather Brooks.
“It’s given [DISD] a sense of urgency,” she says. “We’ve kind of been able to use it as leverage to get some of these things done on time.”
Texas elementary and middle school students took a new standardized test, STAAR, for the first time last year. And Long students did well overall on the test.
Preliminary comparisons to the previous year’s TAKS scores show Long scored secondhighest among DISD middle schools in reading and math.
Scores jumped dramatically overall. And in subpopulations, including African American and special education students, math scores increased as much as 19 points.
“Last year, we were just below average,” Petters says. “Now we’re No. 2 in the city across every subject.”
She chalks that up to spending part of her budget on instructional coaches, consultants hired to work with students only on test preparation.
Petters also this year hired 36 new teachers, representing about a third of the school’s faculty.
Because of budget cuts and an unsteady DISD administration last year — the district was under an interim superintendent for most of the year — many teachers retired, found other teaching jobs or left the field, Petters says.
She took advantage of the turnover, spending the summer recruiting staff.
About half the new teachers came from out of state. A few have neighborhood ties, including IB Middle Years Program coordinator Dora Renaud, whose dad was a principal at Lipscomb Elementary.
The new teachers also include a Mandarin Chinese instructor, a football All-American from BYU who teaches math, and a science teacher who co-founded a nonprofit that plants sustenance gardens in low-income schools.
Since Long has new digs, new teachers and maybe a new attitude, the PTA decided it was time for a new brand.
Comerica bank donated the work of its inhouse designers to create a new logo and slogan for the school. The motto is a simple one: “Go Long!”
“It’s simple and easily identifiable,” Brooks says.
The PTA is producing yard signs with the Go Long! message, modeled after the “Choose Woodrow” campaign. And the school’s new logo is up on its new marquee.
“We thought this would be an opportune time to get a new logo out there and a new look and feel, and kind of reintroduce the school to the community,” Brooks says.
More than half the proposed $600 million bond package would go to drainage
Story by Rachel Stone | Photo by Can TürkyilmazFor residents in the 300 block of Alcalde Street in Old East Dallas, rising waters are not that unusual. During an especially heavy rain, maybe once every three years or so, water floods into their homes. Once the storm is over, they haul their furniture outside to let it dry in the sun.
The flooding happens because this neighborhood, Queen City, is adjacent to Mill Creek, or what used to be Mill Creek before developers built over it. The city wants to fix this by creating an enormous underground
drainage system that would prevent flooding in Queen City and other parts of Old East Dallas, the Baylor hospital area, Fair Park and Victory Park. The system comes with a $324 million price tag, which the city hopes to pay for with municipal bonds.
In the Nov. 6 election, Dallasites will vote on whether to approve $600 million in bonds, most of which would go to the floodcontrol system.
The city wants to build a 30-foot high conduit 100 feet underground that would
funnel floodwaters five miles to the Trinity River. That will cost about $219 million. And the city also needs to make improvements to pump stations along the Trinity, which will cost another $92 million.
Pitching this bond election to voters is like considering a new hot water heater for your house, says former City Councilman Alan Walne.
“It’s not what you’d call a sexy project,” he says. “But all the same, it’s very needed.”
As more development occurs between Old East Dallas and Victory Park, the worse flooding woes become, he says. There is less
“When you go to Fair Park or to the emergency room at Baylor, are you going to be washed way in the flood, or is your car going to be totaled?”
dirt to absorb the runoff.
Monica Huerta moved to a house in Queen City about three and a half years ago. The first very heavy rain came early one morning a few months later. She left for work, worried about traffic and keeping dry. About an hour later, the water rose up over her porch, leaving her boyfriend stranded in the house. The flood totaled his car.
Huerta says she was amazed that her neighbors took it all in stride.
“They were like, ‘This is just what happens here. Get used to it,’ ” she says.
Huerta bought flood insurance that week, but rain keeps her up at night. If her street shows any signs of flooding, she immediately leaves.
So the bond election is personal for her, but she thinks it’s something that affects everyone.
“When you go to Fair Park or to the emergency room at Baylor, are you going to be washed way in the flood, or is your car going to be totaled?” she says. “You don’t want to have to worry about that.”
Walne says bonding agencies like to see cities paying for unglamorous infrastructure projects like these because it shows that we’re taking care of our bones.
“We’ve put this off long enough,” he says. “The libraries and rec centers and all the things we’d like to pay for will have to take a time out this time around because we’ve got to take care of the basics.”
The Lot restaurant and bar will open next year in the former Backyard Beach Bar space across the street from White Rock Lake and along the Santa Fe Trail. The Lot owners have enlisted Tei-An designer Hatsumi Kuzuu to create an aesthetic, everyone-friendly place with a cozy, lived-in feel. “We are going to be a few things in one. We will have a rockin’ bar, great food, areas for kids, games for adults, a music stage, and hopefully a bridge to the Santa Fe Trail,” managing partner John McBride says. Out back, they are getting rid of the pool, but the volleyball nets will likely remain. Star chef Sharon Hage, formerly of York Street on La Vista near Skillman, is developing the menu. McBride comes from the Martinez family who owned El Fenix until 2008. He spent many years working at the Casa Linda location. “We are crazy-excited about [The Lot’s] location — the green trees, the area, which is experiencing a transformation, and the people who live around here.” The other owners hail from the White Rock area, he says. Because the place is undergoing such a major overhaul, they don’t expect to open until at least January.
East Dallas residents John Schmitz and Eric Paulsen, along with help from consultant Cory Pope, plan to open Lake
House bar and restaurant at Northwest Highway and Lawther, in the spot where the former Bicycle Café was located. They are aiming for a mid- to late November opening. Schmitz says the location is prime and that the north side of the lake is in need of quality food and brew, which they promise. The menu will consist of American cuisine, a step above bar food, with some healthy options such as flatbread sandwiches and dishes with locally farmed ingredients. Lake House will offer a full bar with 11 beers on tap. Schmitz and Paulsen have worked in the restaurant business for 20-25 years, including for Barley House on SMU Boulevard. Lake House will share one major similarity with Katy Trail Ice House, Schmitz says — capitalizing on the popularity of Dallas’ trails. He expects the Lake House to attract a diverse crowd — family-friendly, but also a good place to have beers with the boys or breakfast with your running or cycling group. Oh, and brunch will be a big player, Paulsen says. “Saturday and Sunday brunch — we want to be known for it.” Pope, the Lake House consultant, has worked on projects such as 303 Bar & Grill in Oak Cliff and Manhattan Lounge on Routh.
1 Matt’s Rancho Martinez has reopened at Skillman and La Vista. 2 Castle Nail Spa will open at Mockingbird Station this fall. 3 Sissy’s Southern Kitchen & Bar on Henderson now serves lunch from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 4 Havana Café is now open in Casa Linda Plaza. 5 Adams Paint closed not long after celebrating 50 years in business. 2 V Spot Cafe on North Henderson has closed. 6 The Mecca is open at Skillman and Live Oak, in the former Tipperary Inn/Molly Maguire’s space 7 Sakhuu Thai Cuisine, from the owners of Thairiffic on Cedar Springs, has opened on Bryan. 8 Snack on Henderson has closed. 8 The original Chili’s restaurant on Meadow was razed to make way for a 7-Eleven.
The Lot
7530 E. Grand
Tei-An Soba House 1722 routh
Lake House 7510 E. northwEst hwy.
Barley House
5612 smu
Matt’s Rancho Martinez
1904 skillman
Castle Nail & Spa
1745 E. hEbron
Sissy’s Southern Kitchen and Bar
2929 hEndErson
Havana Café 1152 bucknEr, suitE J126
The Mecca 5815 livE oak
Sakhuu Thai Cuisine 4801 bryan, suitE 100
Autumn at the arboretum • Now - November 21st Don’t miss the nationally acclaimed Pumpkin Village and some of Dallas’ best fall foliage!
Chihuly exhibit • FiNal weeks!
See dramatic sculptures by renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly. (Check website for details and to pre-purchase tickets for Chihuly Nights)
Holiday at the arboretum • November 23 - JaNuary 2, 2013
The Artistry of the Nativity returns with the popular collections of George Dvorsky and Dr. and Mrs. Ray Harrington.
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, lakehillprep. org
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org
The Arboretum’s fall workshops for the month include Painting Flowers in Oils on Nov. 3 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Award-winning artist Nancy Medina will share tips on painting flowers, colors and impressionistic still life. Bring a lunch and register online at $110 or $99 for members. For more November Arboretum workshops, visit dallasarboretum.org.
White Rock Local Market holds its usual Everything Market on Nov. 10 from 8 a.m.—1 p.m. You can also pick up holiday gifts at the Shop for Thanksgiving Market Nov. 17 at the same time.
1902 Abrams Pkwy., Dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool. com.
The Dallas Independent School District launched a new app for iPhones and Androids. The app lets parents and students see grades, bus routes, emergency notifications, cafeteria menus, a calendar and more. The free app, developed by School Connect, is available in English and Spanish at dallasisd.org/mobileapp.
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School recently was named a national Blue Ribbon school, which recognizes academic excellence. Becoming a national Blue Ribbon school is close to impossible — only 18 Texas schools received the honor this year. Achieving Blue Ribbon designation requires a lengthy application process and lots of work by the school, parents and school organizations.
5740 Prospect Ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630/ ziondallas. org
Two Lakehill Preparatory School seniors, Clayton Dranzer and Jacob Graff, have been named National Merit semifinalists. That makes about 12 percent of the senior class National Merit Scholars, points out Lakehill spokesperson Gigi Ekstrom. More than 1.5 million juniors from about 22,000 high schools entered the 2013 National Merit Program by taking the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT). The nationwide pool of semifinalists, which represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest scoring entrants in each state. These seniors have an opportunity to advance in the competition for National Merit Scholarships — a combined $32 million worth of scholarships that will be awarded next spring. Adds Lakehill headmaster Roger Perry, “These students represent some of the most academically talented in the country. We join our teachers and their proud parents in congratulating them for this highly esteemed academic honor.”
to advertise call 214.560.4203 of our readers say they want to know more about private schools.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
“I really wish I would have done this earlier.”
Kevin Maloney of C.C. Young Retirement Community says that is the phrase he hears most often from clients he has met through his work. Unfortunately, when it comes to planning for our advanced years, many of us would rather bury our toes – and our heads – in the sand. But no matter how difficult it is to face questions about the future, the time to take action is now, rather than waiting until a crisis may force difficult or unexpected choices.
Downsizing might make practical sense for empty nesters, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy decision. People develop at-
tachments to their neighborhoods and their homes. Familiar things like the view from the back porch or even a finicky doorbell can seem like old friends. Sometimes sentimental feelings cause us to overlook the financial impact of staying in a house too long.
“People don’t realize how much it really costs to live at home,” Maloney says. “Most of the folks that move into a community like ours (C.C. Young) have been in their home for quite a few years, and it’s probably paid for. But when you consider taxes, utilities and maintenance, it is still very expensive to live in that ‘free’ home.” When people budget, Maloney says, they usually leave out big expenses like replacing a water heater or a roof. But in a house that is twenty or more years
You want to live life your way. That’s the beauty of Presbyterian Village North. With a full continuum of services, you can enjoy the independence of your own home within our beautiful 63-acre community. You’re free to pursue your interests, take part in a wide variety of activities and get involved in a vibrant community of friends, knowing that enriched care is available when and if you need it. Your needs may change, but your neighborhood doesn’t have to. Visit us at PresbyterianVillageNorth.org or call us at 214.355.9015 to learn more.
old, large expenses are not only likely, they are inevitable.
Judy Burkett of Presbyterian Village North says, “The thing I always tell people is, you need to come (to a retirement community) when you can still enjoy it, and you can experience it for what it’s meant to be.”
And what is it meant to be? A way of living that offers freedom from the responsibilities of home maintenance and repairs, and chores like mowing the grass. Consequently, residents are free to take up (or return to) activities like art and music, or social activities like dancing.
“I’ve seen people come in and fully embrace the retirement community,” Burkett says. “We have several couples that spend part of the year traveling, and they don’t have to worry about locking up the house or anything happening. They are still on the go, and they have peace of mind, knowing everything will be okay at home.”
U.S.A. Today reports that nearly half of Americans approaching retirement have no plans in place to make sure their money lasts the rest of their life. Here are some age markers to keep in mind:
If you retire at age 55, you can make withdrawals from your 401(k) without the penalty, but you will have to pay income tax. At age 62, you can claim Social Security, but checks may be reduced by as much as 30 percent if you sign up at this age. Full benefits begin for most Americans at age 66. The age eligibility increases gradually, in monthly increments, for baby boomers born in the 1950s. If you were born in 1960, you will have to wait until age 67 for your full benefits. But for everyone who can hold off collecting Social Security until age 70, payouts will grow by as much as 8 percent per year.
Don’t overlook planning for health care, including the possible need for long term care, advises Penni Jones of Villages of Lake Highlands. “Typically in assisted living people are preparing for the future and looking at what they can afford,” Jones says. “Sometimes they have veteran’s benefits, or long term care insurance.” The different levels of care at Villages of Lake Highlands include assisted living and progress through skilled nursing and a dedicated memory care unit.
8600 Skyline Drive, Dallas 75243 214.355.9015
Sometimes families are in crisis over an aging parent’s health when they come to the facility, and they don’t have a lot of time to search for high-quality care. “We do a lot of special things in our memory care unit that some people don’t do,” Jones says. “We try to reduce medications used on Alzheimer residents. We call it “calm therapy.” We have quiet rooms where we administer aromatherapy and involve pressure points that have a calming effect on people with dementia.”
Roughly 50 percent of adults don’t have a legal will in place. “The State of Texas does provide you with a will in their statute,” says independent estate planner Mary Glenn. “But most people don’t want the State of Texas to write their will.”
Peace of mind is a gift you give to yourself. And to your children.
The thought of paying legal fees today in exchange for the experience of planning our eventual mortality has driven many people to online do-it-yourself sites. Unfortunately the complexities required to ensure validity can make that alternative a high risk. “Some people really care about their pets,” Glenn says. “Others want to give to the community or a charity. Without a valid will, that’s not going to happen.”
Whatever your age, it’s important to have a will. “If you are young and you have minor children, you’ve got to have a will so you can designate a guardian for them,” Glenn says. Also, a will is the only way to cover friendships or partnerships that would not be recognized in Texas probate.
An Estate lawyer can help you establish your wishes in case of illness or incapacity. “You may be in the hospital,” she says. “It really is handy to have a medical power of attorney in place so that you have a designated person that is going to be able to make financial decisions, like keep your electricity on and pay your mortgage.” Other examples of documents for the living include advance directives about health care (like a living will) and even a declaration of guardian, should that be necessary.
“If your capacity is gone, you no longer can say, ‘I don’t want Jimmy to do it,’” Glenn says with a knowing laugh. “If you want Sue Ellen to do it, it’s better to have it written down now.”
Older adults tend to move in three distinct phases.
Retirement – usually between the ages of 60 and 70, seeking lifestyle amenities and hobbies such as boating and golfing. Health Events – when living in one’s current residence becomes difficult, or adults who have moved away geographically from family return to be closer.
Advanced age – common among those with increasing ailments and those who do not have an available caregiver.
(Source: University of Minnesota, Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 2004)
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary
Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
WILShIrE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
cENTrAL chrISTIAN chUrch / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291
Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am
Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome
EAST DALLAS chrISTIAN chUrch / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
ThE cAThEDrAL chUrch of ST. MATThEW / 5100 Ross Ave.
Sunday Traditional: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Education 9:30 am
Servicio en español: 12:30 / 214.823.8134 / episcopalcathedral.org
cENTrAL LUThErAN chUrch, ELcA / 1000 Easton Road
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
fIrST UNITED LUThErAN chUrch / 6202 E Mockingbird Lane
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE hIghLANDS UMc / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time
10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship
WhITE rocK UNITED METhoDIST / www.wrumc.org
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk
DWELLINg PLAcE chUrch Being the church in every day life experiences / Sundays at 10:30am / www.dpclife.com
Magnolia Theater / 3699 McKinney Ave. / 469.438.5405
ShorELINE DALLAS chUrch / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane
ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan
Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry
kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am
Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303
NorThPArK PrESBy TErIAN chUrch / 214.363.5457 9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
NorThrIDgE PrESBy TErIAN chUrch / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:30 am / Childcare provided.
ST. ANDrEW’S PrESBy TErIAN / Skillman & Monticello
Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org
214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am
UNIT y of DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Bobby Hogg’s death at 92 was unremarkable but for what he took with him to the grave. The last known speaker of the now lost Scottish dialect of Cromarty, Hogg’s thees and thous have gone silent. Hogg lived in a small fishing village on the tip of Scotland’s Black Isle. He spoke one of the biblically influenced English dialects that are fading away faster than the King James Version.
Language is a living thing, which means it evolves. All evolution involves winners and losers: things that adapt and live in a new form, and things that fail to and die. This happens every day as once popular words fall into disuse and new ones morph into being. When it happens on a grand scale, a dialect or a whole language may disappear.
Change frustrates grammarians who like things to stay the same and delight in longstanding rules. On the other hand, change delights syntactical adventurers from Dr. Seuss to Jay-Z.
Something’s lost and something’s gained, though, with every passing noun and every verbal invention. The past is cut off from the future when a dialect dies. At the same time, new ways of talking come to reign. “The king is dead, long live the king.”
What’s lost, of course, is the bridge across time that has linked men and meaning. Even saying it that way — “men and meaning” — betrays a faint bond with a quaint past. We sacrifice the music of men and meaning now for the sake of clarity and inclusiveness. Something’s lost now when I try to say it properly as people and meaning, or humanity and meaning, or men and women and meaning. Alas.
A one-handed clap then for the victory of the pundit’s precision over the poet’s passion. Words are as much about sound as sign. Words make things happen as
much as just point out things that are happening. When someone says your name, you turn your head and tune your ears. When someone says “I love you,” especially when your heart has hoped those words into being, you are born again. When you hear “For God so loved the world” as if you are the world, you are born again by the Word made flesh again in you.
But the Word becomes fresh, too. Dying dialects give way to newborn ones.
Language casts a spell. New words are born into old family lexicons, and each
time they are, something is gained. New worlds are made with each new word, and each is a bridge to the future.
What’s waiting to be spelled into life?
“In the beginning was the Word,” the gospel writer John says. All things were made by the Word of God. We are wordsmiths ourselves now, too, being made in the image and likeness of God. We have the power to create or destroy with our world making word making.
The Hebrew language uses the same word for bless and curse. Maybe they knew how close to life and death we are by our wordiness. We need to be solemn undertakers and happy midwives at the same time.
So we can bid Bobby Hogg’s Cromarty tongue “Fare thee well,” and before we leave the graveyard, we can listen for a just-spanked baby to talk us into a new day.
Change frustrates grammarians who like things to stay the same ... [but] delights syntactical adventurers from Dr. Seuss to Jay-Z.
Students participated in the J.L. Long Run 5k to benefit the middle school Oct. 6. There was a 1-mile run for adults and children.
U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions and Today Foundation president Gary Griffith (left), a Lakewood resident, sponsored the Texas Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C., earlier this year. Woodrow Wilson High School students Jake Schutze and Jeanine Valente joined Woodrow counselor Susan Odeski for a photo at the top of the Capitol Building.
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill See: buchermusicschool.com on Facebook 469-831-7012
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VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AIRLINE CAREERS Begin Here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Approved. Training. Financial Aid, if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. AIM 866-453-6204
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ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903
ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a
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TRANSLATIONS English, Spanish, & French at affordable rates. LenguaTutoringAndTranslation@yahoo.com or 214-331-7200.
The East Dallas-based White Rock Running Co-op recently welcomed famous distance runner Dane Rauschenberg (center, in blue shirt) to a track workout at Lake Highlands High School. Rauschenberg, who in 2006 raised some $43,000 for charity by running 52 marathons in 52 weeks, was in Dallas to preview October’s Allstate Life Insurance 13.1 racecourse for his blog, seedanerun.com.
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Mavs/Dallas stars tickets Neighborhood group needs partners for great Dallas Mavs/Dallas Stars seats — tickets are priced at our cost; 2 seats for each game. Mavs seats are in Platinum Level Section 204, front row; Stars seats are Section 123, Row B (second row from the glass).
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Brian Jackson and some buddies were walking back from an East Dallas party to a friend’s house. It was late and there was construction going on in the area. Because of the road construction, there was no sidewalk and the friends were walking close to the curb.
As they walked a truck approached behind them. Jackson’s friend Dianshey Hall says Jackson was up ahead of him and he witnessed the crime.
“The car was coming fast and I told him to get out of the way,” Hall says of the scene. “He jumped out of the way, but the mirror still hit him.”
The Victim: Brian Jackson
The Crime: Failure to stop and render aid
Date: Saturday, Oct. 6
Time: 3:45 a.m.
Location: 8100 block of east Northwest Highway
Jackson was knocked to the pavement and received a cut on his face. The impact knocked the mirror off of the truck. Hall says the truck then turned around and drove by slowly, but kept going. By law, police say someone in this situation is required by law to stop and render aid, call 911, or leave identification. Because it was dark witnesses were not able to get a description of the suspect or license plate number.
Jackson was transferred to Baylor Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. Hall says his friend is recuperating, but was still pretty sore in the days following the injury.
Dallas Police Sgt. Keitric Jones of the Northeast Patrol Division says this case is suspended because there is no suspect information.
“This type of case is not common but it has happened,” he says. “We can suggest that people be conscious of their personal safety and try not walk on a busy highway that has no sidewalk in the middle of the night.”
He adds that areas like this under construction make walking at night even more dangerous.
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.
Number of bullets that hit Dallas police officer Matthew Wagner after someone opened fire on him and his partner, Rodney Choate, on Oct. 9
Time of morning the officers were patrolling the Wildflower Apartments in Vickery Meadow when the shooting started
Source: Dallas Police Department
I don’t think the mayor lives in ‘our’ Dallas Comment. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search Search term here to tell us what you think.
Mayor Vision, during his State of the City speech, told the audience that Dallas was doing “very well, bordering on superb.” It’s easy to read that comment, shake our heads, and chalk it up to politicians being politicians. After all, it’s not like we expect much in the way of truth from them these days.
This time, though, that’s letting Rawlings off much too easily. It’s as if he hasn’t been paying attention to what has been going on here over the past five years — as if he was living in some sort of bubble that didn’t let the rest of us in. Where was he when the property tax rate increased 6.6 percent while the budget remained flat and city services
hood retail vacancy rates, as measured by Marcus & Millchap Retail Investment Services, reached 14.3 percent?
More importantly — and more tellingly — where was the mayor when 911 budget cuts cost an Oak Cliff family its home this summer? And cost a south Dallas woman her life after it took the cops two days to respond to her 911 call? We were assured, when these budget cuts took place four years ago, that some things were sacrosanct, 911 and public safety among them. And those of us who questioned the cuts and who read the budget and saw what was actually disappearing and aren’t surprised to find out that the city bosses cut 14 percent of the 911 jobs to make ends meet, were told that we didn’t know what we were talking about.
Guess we’re not as stupid as the people Downtown think we are.
in profits in 2011, almost $5 million in cash, tax abatements and other perks to open a distribution center in southern Dallas County. We’re getting 75 or so minimum wage jobs for our investment, which of course will have to come out of the budget somewhere (though probably not 911 this time around).
This is not the place to discuss whether these deals are good for cities; we give them out regardless. What’s important is that Rawlings said that luring L’Oreal and its 75 jobs was “tremendously important” to Dallas. And we all know which Dallas he meant when he said that, don’t we?
I’ve always wondered, and particularly after the 911 debacle that led to Deana Cook’s death, if the elite who run the city have any empathy for what happens to the rest of us who live here. Or if, like so many elites, the only thing they notice is what happens to them.
were slashed? Where was he when we stopped filling potholes and buying books for the libraries, and closed rec centers? Where was he when neighbor-
In this, it’s becoming increasingly clear that there are two Dallases, but not the Dallases of tradition, divided by race or the Trinity River. Instead, we’re becoming the Dallas of those of us who live and work here, who pay our taxes and get so little in return, and the Dallas of those who run the city and don’t necessarily live here and don’t really care about libraries and parks.
Case in point was Rawlings’ enthusiasm for giving multi-national cosmetics giant L’Oreal, which had $2 billion
Now I have my answer. Anyone who has lived here for the past five years, who has tried to make a living, who has seen homes sit empty and friends lose jobs, who heard Cook’s horrific 911 call, knows things are not superb. Where was the mayor when the city actually admitted it was at fault in the Cook incident and beefed up 911 staffing in response?
I’m supposed to be the cynic, but I know damn well that I’d have trouble sleeping at night if what happened to Cook happened while I was in charge. Mayor Vision’s response? We’re bordering on superb. That takes cynicism to a level I can’t even begin to imagine.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that there are two Dallases — the Dallas of those of us who live and work here, who pay our taxes and get so little in return, and the Dallas of those who run the city and don’t necessarily live here and don’t really care about libraries and parks.
Come and experience a Lakewood tradition! The Lakewood Home Festival gives attendees an opportunity to tour private residences and shop the holiday market of local vendors. NEW THIS YEAR: J L Long Middle School will be on the tour to showcase its newly renovated building as well as being the location for the Café. For the Friday night Candlelight Tour, there will be a BONUSHOME For tickets, hours, and additional information, visit our website. All proceeds benefit Lakewood Elementary, J. L . Long Middle School, and Woodrow Wilson High School.