2024 February Lakewood/East Dallas Advocate

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Luxury You'll Love

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As women, we put everyone else first. But it’s time to take the lead.

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A History of Exceptional Dentistry


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ABOUT THE COVER Mural on the side of Bucky Moonshine’s off of Elm Street. Art by Dusty Gilpin. Photography by Lauren Allen. FOLLOW US:

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It was the spring of 1997 and Chuck Kobdish was 28 years old. His friends were house sitting for a property on White Rock Lake and decided to throw a crawfish party.

“I was tired, had no interest in going,” he says.

The initial plan was to stay home until suddenly, something “sparked” in him. It was late when he finally made his way to the house and made himself comfortable by the pool.

The love stories of four East Dallas duos

Sonia was 29 at the time and also decided to make an appearance at the party. Chuck and Sonia had several mutual friends. In fact, his best friends in college were her best friends in high school. Small world.

Chuck noticed her among all the mixing and mingling and began to make his way towards her. He was loitering a bit, trying to “do some recon.” Eventually, she inturrupted his anxious loitering and said, “Don’t say hi.”

“Loved her ever since,” he says.

They dated for a year, were engaged for a year and have been married since 1999.

The couple now have two children, two rescue dogs and 25 years of marriage in East Dallas.


Kristine was working as a hairdresser and living in a duplex on Lower Greenville back in 1995. The St. Patrick’s block party was fast approaching — b ack then it was south of Mockingbird. She wasn’t too keen on attending the party herself but she couldn’t help but hear the ruckus from her apartment. She threw on a green dress and decided she would at least go grab a drink. Jimmy’s friends –before his arrival – were watching the festivities from a platform on the bed of a truck. Kristine was mingling with them when Jimmy pulled up in a purple Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The look was complete with a pomeranian named Max riding on the seat with him.

“I was smitten,” she says. The rest of the night she was trying to stick around long enough to strike up conversation with the purple Harley rider. Her friends didn’t know his name and even after petting Max, she just couldn’t get much out of him. The group went out to Deep Ellum, and while the two were watching the live band perform, Jimmy turned to her and asked if she liked another guy in the group. The question was jaw-dropping considering the calculated effort she had put in the entire night to speak to him.

“No! I like YOU!” she replied. “Why do you think I’m here?”

“ We had our first kiss in the front window of Club Dada that night, and the rest, as they say, is history,” she says.


Kim followed her parents to Dallas in December of 1994 after graduating from Florida State University.

One day, the 22-year-old walked into Cantina Laredo’s crowded bar with her parents. She immediately locked eyes with Dennis as “time stopped.”

Dennis was 30 years old and getting his appraising license, working part-time as a bartender to make extra money.

“He was so busy that night and I didn’t want to be obvious that I thought he was cute,” she says. “So, I left without introducing myself.”

The idea of seeing him again was already nagging at her. She told her parents she had to go back. She had to meet the handsome bartender.

Little did she know, the handsome bartender felt the same way. He turned to his coworkers and said, “If that redhead ever walks in here again, give her my number.” He even called his sister and proclaimed he had just seen the woman he was going to marry.

A week later, she went back to the bar and he asked her on a date to an Irish Festival.

Kim says the two quickly became inseparable. The couple has lived in Forest Hills for the past 25 years and have three children.

“Even after 30 years, Dennis never fails to express his love, and admiration for me daily and we are very much in love,” Kim says.


Betsy and Brian met in eighth grade. The two were in Sunday school at St. Thomas Aquinas. The East Dallas natives both went to Woodrow Wilson, sharing the same friend groups and growing up together. They shared a friend group and grew up together. Bet sy would like Brian, and Brian would like Betsy — just not at the same time. When one was single, the other was taken.

“It was never timed right,” Betsy says.

Until, it was. The summer be fore their junior year of college –eight years after the two original ly met – Betsy says “the timing was finally right.”

The couple has now been mar ried for 20 years and have three children, following in their par ents’ footsteps by attending neighborhood schools. Their oldest is now a sophomore at Woodrow, and their youngest two are in kindergarten and fourth grade at Lakewood Elementary. The Woodrow pride runs strong in the family, as Brian is also the cofounder of WoodrowFest.

Dr. Ben Alexander and the Lakewood Restorative Dentistry team
Dr. Ben Alexander and his family are longtime neighborhood residents


Meet the East Dallas teen that founded Ursuline Academy’s largest club

URSULINE ACADEMY OF DALLAS SENIOR MARY PETERSON HAS JUST RETURNED FROM VISITING HER FRIENDS AT TULANE UNIVERSITY. She’s sporting a T-shirt with the university’s name across the front as she fishes for items in her

trunk. In the back portion of the car is a large pile of well over 40 white paper bags with looped handles, filled with pencils, candies and other supplies — each of them has Halloween-themed drawings and decorations across the front. She grabs as many of the handles as possible in her fists as she walks up

the steps to After8toEducate, an organization that services unsheltered high school students.

These kinds of drop-offs are now part of Peterson’s routine of providing useful items for those in need.

The nonprofit Kits for Hope has been operating since Peterson’s sophomore year. The kits are often themed, including tailored basic necessities and inspiring messages.

“Our main purpose is to provide kits for homeless women and their children across Dallas and then those donations often go to Genesis or After8toEducate,” Peterson says. “We evenly split it up between more need-based kits, which is like the tampons, underwear, shampoo — things like that. And then the more fun base, just to bring some positivity within it as well.”

After three school years, Kits for Hope has became the largest club in Ursuline’s history, with roughly 420 members, including several officers and a faculty advisor.

The army of young women have created and donated over 1,000 kits since the club started. Peterson says an average of 50 to 60 girls come in per month to help with the creation of kits.

“I think I’m just blessed to be able to be surrounded by so many girls who are willing to dedicate their time at school and outside of school to help change the narrative of homelessness in Dallas,” she says.

Volunteering has been part of Peterson’s life since she was 13, often going with her mother.

“I started to volunteer at Dallas Hope Charities, which is a church in Uptown Dallas, and it was feeding the homeless,” Peterson says. “It wasn’t just like you’d give them the food and then they’d sit down. It was more like a restaurant style, so you’d get into conversation with them and talk.”

She would sit across from people who were facing some of their darkest times. One man stands out in her memory — Tom. He sported a yellow band around his wrist, a hospital bracelet still left on after being freshly discharged.

Fast forward to her freshman year of high school,when Ursiline released a statment about students creating clubs and organizations on and for the campus. Her conversations with Tom came to mind.

“It made me so emotional to think that there were so many people in Dallas homeless, without homes, and so many people just neglect them every day,” she says. “And I noticed that we really didn’t have anything tailored to the homeless population in Dallas.”

She sent in the request to create the club. She had no name for it at the time. She pondered over the possibilities in her free time, even at lunch with her friends. They tossed ideas across the table until one landed: “Kits for Hope.”

Peterson plans to take Kits for Hope to college, making the organization a part of undergraduate experience in some form or another, her attempt at “building a bridge between Dallas,” and wherever she goes.

“I know there’s gonna be so many times in college where my identity is changing. Something that will always be constant with me is Kits for Hope,” Peterson says. “I think it’s just a really good way to keep me grounded, within the world and within my faith.”


The Mockingbird Elementary custodian that’s sweeping the school off its feet

MILLER WILSON IS AN EARLY RISER. The 54-yearold wakes up at 4:30 a.m. every morning, naturally. He doesn’t need alarms or an extra nudge to get going. The Oak Cliff native travels into Lakewood early. He’s one of the first people to enter Mockingbird Elementary at 5:30 a.m.

He turns off the alarms, he opens up all the doors and turns on all the lights. He runs through his usual checklist, and if he was particularly productive the evening before, he has less to check, clean or prep for.

When he first started, he worked the night shift. Now, by his third year on the campus, he’s been well acquainted with the day shift – a change that opened the door to a new kind of experience for Wilson.

He now gets to greet the students in the mornings, run into parents at drop-off and chat with faculty and staff.

The students affectionately call him “Mr. Miller,” something that caught on and left his adult peers calling him the same.

Photography by CAT ILER

His daily stroll through the campus makes him seem like quite the celebrity. Around each corner is another child, ready to bestow upon him an eager high-five or a fist bump – a few end with finger explosions from both parties.

Wilson walks throughout the school’s halls, poking his head into classrooms and raising his eyebrows as he peers into windows. Each silent invitation to engage is responded to with enthusiasm from the students, who wave and whisper hellos in between classroom instruction.

Wilson lightly jogs up to a classroom door, slowly opening it to reveal a small group of students. Ms. Selee’s DeafEd class. The children have created a sign name for Wilson, a special sign used to identify a person. The class begins signing the letter ‘M’ before motioning their hands from their foreheads to the back of their heads, replicating Wilson’s signature cornrows.

Wilson especially enjoys this bunch, as they have been teaching him sign language.

From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., you can find Wilson on lunchroom duty. In between tidying up the space, he takes a seat and has lunch with the students, continuing their sign language lessons or even catching up with one student in particular, his 6-year-old grandson.

In November, a trip to his office door would reveal a plethora of crayon-drawn messages and letters thank-

Celebrating my best year ever selling over 50 million. It is always a pleasure to serve my clients and take them to where they want to be. East Dallas is a treasure that keeps giving to so many—I love bringing buyers to this beautiful neighborhood. Happy 2025!

Stheaint & Saint Valentine

Story by AYSIA LANE | Photography by KATHY TRAN

The Saint for the hopeless romantic

Astroll past the front door is enough to know that a visit to the Gaston Avenue restaurant may be different from the average. For starters, there is no natural light. No windows occupy the space, creating a dark, sultry atmosphere that feels something like a smooth jazz song. Each table is adorned by a single gold lamp and the walls are wrapped in a dark wallpaper, complete with richly-colored birds and snakes intertwined with one another.

“The decor is unique. I couldn’t just have a steakhouse menu with a crab cake and a shrimp cocktail on there and then have this really, really awesome design, right?” Executive Chef and Culinary Director of Hooper Hospitality Jacob Williamson says. “The design of the restaurant really went into a lot of the thoughtfulness of the menu as well.”

The Italian steakhouse’s menu was created to offer staples that come with a twist. Williamson wanted to create a menu that “has something for everyone,” and in that pursuit he has made use of his culinary connections by fostering a farm-to-table approach. The restaurant utilizes boutique farms and ranches to supply the food used to craft menu items. While this concept may be something other establishments boast about, for Williamson, it’s just a part of the process.

“We just do it, we’re not advertising it.” he says.

Of course, handmade pastas are also a staple part of the menu.

“I’m not gonna have the usual suspects, baked potato, cocktail, crab cake, those sort of things,” Williamson says. A date night could start with whipped ricotta that comes with chili crunch and grilled bread ($15), before jumping into a classic dish like cacio e pepe, made with fresh tagliolini and cacio di Roma ($20 – $30). If the stress of Cupid-season planning calls for something heartier, there’s plenty of wagyu options to indulge in.

If you’re looking to cap off the meal – or perhaps start it – with wine by the glass, you have plenty of options, from reds to whites/rosés and bubbles.

For those who prefer a cocktail, the top portion of the drink menu will offer you a handful of craft cocktail options, such as the Sicilian Margarita ($20) made with tequila blanco, averna amaro, blood orange and lime – something Williamson said they had to have, being in Dallas.

“Seasonality is a big thing with us. Freshness, the infusions are all made in house, the syrup all made in house,” he says. “But it’s really just about seasonality and finding a good balance of flavors.”

The Saint offers seven cuts of Wagyu steak. This one, the 40 oz. Wagyu Tomahawk Chop, comes with calabrian chili compound butter and runs at $195.

Saint Valentine’s hash browns and caviar appetizer features hash brown patties, North Atlantic caviar and chive sour cream for $13.

Saint Valentine for the relaxed Romeo

On Bryan Street, the Roman Saint Valentine is revered as the ultimate renegade.

The edgy East Dallas bar’s versatility is its superpower, and after hitting their one year anniversary back in November, they’re still going strong.

The cement floor, vintage tancolored booths, the cushioned bar seats and the occasional red candle, offer a familiar and retro ambience that has a touch of metal flair.

As the brainchild of two seasoned Dallas bartenders, Saint Valentine was something both Ryan Payne and Gabe Sanchez felt the neighborhood needed. Payne’s been bartending in Oak Cliff for years and opened Tiny

Victories. Sanchez, a bartending veteran in his own right, is the mastermind behind the beloved Black Swan Saloon. The duo wanted something in-between a dive bar and a “more fancy” spot. Something that was just as elevated as it was tangible.

“This part of East Dallas, I think, is still juxtaposing from the rest of Lakewood proper, or Henderson or Greenville or the M streets,” Sanchez says. “This chunk is kind of changing.”

This “chunk” of their block is beginning to become tight-knit, with the business owners helping one another and forming their own community. Even the newer folks are buying into the idea of unity among the businesses.

“They’re coming in with open arms,” Payne says. “‘Let’s make this part of town a destination, a spot.’”

The owners have noticed a similar sentiment among their patrons. All ages, backgrounds and archetypes can be found on any given day at the bar.

“And the cool thing is, they’re all kind of sitting next to each other,” Sanchez says. “Somebody that has lived on Bryant Street and over in Lakewood forever, they’ll be sitting next to the tattoo kid that lives off Gaston in one of those apartments. And they’re all kind of looking at the world basically the same.”

The eclectic menu offers items like the hash browns & caviar ($13), the miso garlic noods ($14) and veggie

sando ($11) - date night choices fit for both the high school sweethearts, and the fairly green couple awaiting their first tiff.

The drinks are broken up into two categories: “Classics,” and “Signature,” drinks, like the Big Booty Trudy ($14) with pineapple skin charanda, passion fruit, lemon, macadamia orgeat, velvet falernum and the Mai Tai Milk Punch ($15) with coconut milk, clarified Bacardi Ocho, Agricole Rum, dry curaçao, macadamia, orgeat and lime.

“We wanted things that were fun and approachable,” Sanchez says. “We like to drink good booze, enjoy good foods you can pick up with your hands.”

The one that almost got away

Not your average rom-com

Cynthia Salzman Mondell was a young college student in 1969 studying journalism. She was in class when a professor told her he had someone he thought she should meet. The guy was a journalist working at The Baltimore Sun.

She never met him.

She would hear of him at least a few more times from different people over the next couple of years. Everyone was so sure they would connect for some reason or another. She only had a name: Allen.

A few years after hearing about Allen for the first time, Cynthia was working for the Maryland Port Authority. A group of staff members from a television network were coming by her office, and she was asked to give them a tour.

By the end of the tour, one of the men had slipped her his phone number. She was flattered, but he wasn’t the one that caught her eye. Another man had piqued her interest. He was mysterious and seemed a bit distant.

She didn’t know he was the mysterious Allen Mondell she was told she had to meet all these years, but she could certainly gather that he was someone to know.

The mystery man is now sitting next to her on a couch in their East Dallas office, and the pair share a last name.

Their office feels like a physical manifestation of their work. Movie theater seats, a large red stiletto-shaped chair, colorful furniture and rooms filled with gadgets and gizmos galore. Their eclectic setup is the home base for Media Projects Inc.

Established in 1978, their nonprofit organization produces and distributes documentary films across the country and in both Europe and Canada. The two, both anchored in a background of journalism, explore stories and topics rooted in the human experience, while packaging them into educational films.

Their documentary, A Reason to Live (2024), a Lone Star Emmy award-winning film about teen and young adult depression and suicide, is one of many projects they’ve created together and has been airing nationwide on PBS for three years.

“I think we work better together than when we work on sepa-

rate projects,” Cynthia says of their dynamic.

When they do stumble upon creative differences, the final call goes to the person who seems to have a knack for the particular type of problem they are facing. For Cynthia, the “more emotional part” of a project may be what she ultimately rules on, while Allen thinks more visually and often is going after the “intellectual parts,” of a project. If it truly is a toss up, the two have other creatives they trust to help make the final call.

Sometime after the two got married, Cynthia recalls feeling “deathly ill,” and was alarmed not being able to identify the cause.

The deadly illness turned out to just be a pregnancy.

Allen laughs at the memory. Their daughter, Fonya, is now a part of the family business and a full-fledged filmmaker in her own right.

“Since she’s an only child, we took her everywhere,” Cynthia says. “She slept under editing room tables.”

After having Fonya, the two came to East Dallas in 1973, five years before starting Media Projects Inc.

Today, the Media Projects duo is now a trio, working together with their daughter to produce their next round of films. With over 30 films and over 55 awards already under their belts, the pair find the addition of their daughter to the team to be an “exciting” new chapter.

They never would have thought things would pan out this way. Even when starting Media Projects Inc., they simply wanted to create.

“Most of the things that we do, we start and we don’t know what the hell we’re getting into,” Cynthia says. “We just knew we wanted to do films, and then we just needed an entity, and that’s how we did it.”


No matter how old you are, mother knows best

In July of 2024, Parker Paschall was tucked away in Seaside, Florida.

He was there with his seven siblings, mom, dad, boyfriend and his brother’s wife. He had been working as a freelance florist. Weddings, events and decorated chaos was basically a full time job, so the vacation was a nice change of pace.

No floral responsibilities. No work talk.

“You're opening up a store,” Paschall’s mother told him.

The thought was quickly dismissed.

“I don’t think that’s in my plan right now,” he shrugged off the idea.

“You are, you’re opening up a shop,” she stated plainly.

The back and forth continued but his mother’s resolve was unshakable. But he simply knew it wasn’t going to happen. It couldn’t. He didn’t have any money saved up, he had no plan and didn’t really know where to start.

He opened Parker Paschall Designs three months later on Oct. 1, offering floral arrangements for residential buildings, weddings, events, floral classes and seasonal installations.

Parker Paschall spent the first Saturday of the new year putting up the last remnants of Christmas items at his Hillside Village Shopping Center storefront. He’s setting up for Valentine’s Day, letting the whole store turn into an explosion of red and pink hues. This is what Paschall has always loved. The air of opportunity each new season brings. The next holiday, the next event, the

next decorating class. The wheel keeps on spinning and the petals keep on falling.

As a child, he always found himself drawn to plants and flowers. When he began analyzing what he wanted to pursue, heading into the world of floral design seemed to be the perfect way to combine his love for events and holidays with his inherent connection to flowers and plants.

“I think it kind of all ties together. I love getting people together,” he says. “It just makes me happy being able to see all of these little things throughout the year that can bring people together.”

It would seem that finding and opening his storefront was yet another opportunity for Paschall to bring people together.

His father’s construction company knocked out almost all of the necessary remodeling the space needed in a week. His shop manager, Lori, taught him how to do floral arrangements as a child and is his mother’s best friend. His little brother Griffin also works in the shop. And of course, mom got the show on the road.

“Luckily, I have an incredible support system, even the people that work for me,” Paschall says. “I think I wouldn’t be even close to where I am today without all the people in my life, just because of how much people believe in me, even when sometimes I don’t.”

The Parker Pascall storefront features more than just floral arrangements. Candles, vases, home decor and gift wrapping are items that can be purchased in-store.


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