2012 January Lakewood

Page 32

Your neighborhood association wants to install surveillance cameras. Cast your vote tonight.

public meeting tomorrow
Today’s special: $1 tacos
afternoon #bikeplan DallasPD *UPDATE* bank robbery suspect has been arrested
Subject: crime
Neighborhoods in a digital age oday’s special T s sp ac ay ec s LIVING LOCAL IN LAKEWOOD/EASTDALLAS
January 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 3 4518 St Landry $349,000 3/2/2 Gorgeous, Updated! Kelly Nolan 214.728.7301 551 northLake 3/2/2LA/2 Car Kim Le-Henderson 214.244.8664 3842 Peter Pan $325,000 4/3.5/2 Great Bones! Mary Rinne 214.552.6735 10822 CaProCk CirCLe $238,000 4/3/2/2 LAs Cindy Hume 214.264.7382 6815 eaSt Grand $189,900 Park View Cottage Terri Raith 214.803.4578 7236 daLewood $225,000 Walk to Lake Ron Samples 214.543.8012 10130 eaStwood $118,500 3/1/1 CJ Prince 972.978.8986 2647 BeeChmont $89,999 4/3 Investor’s Opportunity Jorge Goldsmit 919.923.6684 County road 3510 $309,794 127 PRIME ACRES CROPS & PASTURE Gene Garramone 214.536.9501 11016 ridGemeadow $299,900 3/2.5/2 Car + Updated Rene Barrera 214.497.2035 6434 viCkery BLvd. $295,000 2/2/2 LAs/Hardwoods Kim Sinnott 214.536.8786 620 harter road $262,500 3BR/1.1Bath/1950’s brick ranch George Haynes 469.774.7405 11220 vaLLeydaLe $699,000 3/2/2/3 LA’s/Renovated Modern Ranch Brandon Stewart 214.450.8285 6332 BrookShire $595,000 Preston Hollow 4/3/2/2/2 The Dick Clements Group 214.824.3784 4612 SwiSS 3/3/2 Updated Praire Style George Haynes 469.774.7405 LAKEWOOD AREA SPECiALiSTS facebook.com/ebbylakewood For all your mortgage needs. Marcy Moore 214.572.1565 Lic. #818799 cOntrAct pEnDing cOntrAct pEnDing 4205 Briar Creek $219,000 3/2.5/2 Kim Nikolis 214.460.5456 cOntrAct pEnDing sOLD sOLD 9047 San Fernando $139,900 2/1/2 Cute, Updated Kelly Nolan 214.728.7301 8906 Santa CLara $239,000 3/2 Little Forest Hills Kim Le-Henderson 214.244.8664 sOLD nEW pricE hOnEy grOvE sOLD nEW pricE


Hold your place at the emergency room online.

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6 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 Volume 20 Number 1 | ED January 2012 | CONTENTS features 28 Eat your soup Cool places to warm up 48 A film for his father Alex Mena of Lakewood is making a movie about his dad’s World War II experience. launch 14 ‘Hot Pockets’ Even if you’ve never heard of Camille Cortinas, chances are, you’ve heard her voice. 20 The dog painter Spray paint is Lakewood residentAlexander Gustave Tollen’s medium. 22 You Rule Using technology to keep kids in line cover 34 LAKEWOOD.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more news visit us online ON THE COVER: QR code is short for Quick Response code. If you have a smartphone with a camera, you can scan the code to unlock any number of things on the internet. Here’s how to get started: 1. Download a free QR code reader app to your phone. 2. Launch the app and point your phone’s camera at the big QR code on our cover. 3. That will open advocatemag.com/social, where you can learn about all the different ways we can connect with each other online.
Like or dislike it, it seems neighborhoods are changing with new technology. Photo by CanTürkyilmaz
Social Studies
JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 7 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 8 letters 10 launch 14 events 26 food 28 live local 52 worship 56 news&notes 57 scene&heard 58 crime 64 lastword 65 ADVERTISING the goods 24 dining spotlight 33 health resources 47 education guide 53 worship listings 56 bulletin board 58 home services 60 Advocate Magazines Now on iPad, iPhone and Android. Search Dallas Advocate in the Apple app store or the Android Market. Fully woolly The White Rock Weaving Center typically operates on a 6- to 12-month waiting list for lessons.
16 LAKEWOOD.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more news visit us online Local nightspots love her Stevie Nicksmeets-Norah Jones presence so much that she has ongoing gigs at Terilli’s on Greenville and The Library at the Warwick Melrose Hotel. PAGE 18 Search Lyndsey Jones on lakewood.advocatemag.com
Photo by Wade Griffith


Digital news can’t compete with the surprises newsprint offers

It’s cold and wet and windy outside, and brownish-red leaves whip through the yard. Can I complete the dash without becoming soaked as rain pounds our driveway, bouncing up on the porch?

It’s probably only 60 feet, the distance from our front door to the sidewalk, but this early in the morning, with the darkened sky strangling the light, there might as well be a mile between me and the three rolled-up newspapers on the lawn.

I’m waiting, knowing full well that everything in the Dallas Morning News, the Wall StreetJournal and the NewYorkTimes can be found online, but I still like to feel paper between my fingers as I sift through yesterday’s news looking for things that still have meaning today.

Today, I’m virtually a loner on this trip — the neighbors’ lawns are mostly empty. In fact, given our headlong flight to electronic information, I’m almost embarrassed to be seen with newsprint.

Years ago, if something big happened, we might have been teased with information on television or radio, but we would have waited for the newspaper to make sense of it all. We may have had opinions, but we couldn’t do much with them — sure, we might have wanted to remind Donald Trump he’s an idiot or tell Lindsay Lohan to quit screwing up her life, but by the time we hand-wrote our thoughts and found a postage stamp, the energy driving the hate was pretty much gone.

We don’t have that problem anymore, because in seconds I can join the many thousands on Lohan’s Twitter account or Trump’s Facebook page letting them know exactly how disgusted we are with their antics. No matter if tomorrow I’m not so hot under the collar and maybe even wish I’d

held my digital tongue; there will be something else fueling my anger by then.

Social networks and the internet are doing a lot of great things in our neighborhoods these days, as you’ll learn from our cover story this month. Neighbors are finding each other, cops are tracking criminals, pets are being found, stores are selling stuff; while waiting for our monthly magazine, you can even find daily news updates for our neighborhood at advocatemag.com or on our Facebook page or Twitter feed.

The internet makes all things accessible instantaneously, so there’s no wait to have questions answered or information found, as long as you know exactly what you’re looking to find.

But for me, a newspaper on newsprint still offers something more — the opportunity to stumble across something I didn’t know I needed to know. Like the story I read the other day about the death by brain

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damage of a 28-year-old Minnesota hockey player, or the story about why Army wound up beating Navy for the 1944 college football championship. These stories are on tablets or smartphones, too, but they’re harder to find because we have no reason to look for them.

I could survive without that random knowledge. But the information itself, stumbled across as I randomly flipped newspaper pages, offers something to ponder, to the extent pondering something is possible anymore.

Anyway, the rain finally has slowed to a drizzle, so I’m going to scurry down the steps, across the lawn and out to the street where the newspapers lay coiled in plastic.

I’ll enjoy them as long as I can, because like all of us, their time will end. Sooner, it appears, rather than later.

web editor: CHRISTY ROBINSON 214.635.2120 / crobinson@advocatemag.com

senior art director: JYNNETTE NEAL

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art director: JULIANNERICE

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contributing editors: JEFF SIEGEL, SALLY WAMRE


photo editor: CAN TÜRKYILMAZ

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interns: ALILAMB

and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

8 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com. Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by East Dallas – Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed,
I still like to feel paper between my fingers as I sift through yesterday’s news looking for things that still have meaning today.


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Accept the unacceptable

This is a “No Child Left Behind” accountability system that is designed specifically to prevent schools from giving up on their lowest performing students or masking their challenges with the achievements of their best students [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Woodrow, Long, Bryan Adams on state’s ‘unacceptable’ list,” Dec. 12.] The resulting designations have the opposite effect of labeling an entire school as underperforming when only a small percentage is not performing to standards. The socioeconomic diversity of the student populations at these schools is unusual across the district and makes unacceptable designation more likely due to the greater number of category groups and the resulting small size of each. This is not a cause for panic or transfer, but a rightful admonition to continue to find ways to better reach the lowest performing students. That is especially important here because the truth is that there are more underperforming students and category groups now than in the recent past. —Norman

On selling the Dallas Main Post Office

If the USPS is thinking they can cash in on a quick sale of that land, they are in for a huge disappointment [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Real estate a deciding factor in Main Post Office closure,” Dec. 9.] The new Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge and upcoming horseshoe project will certainly help bring new investment to Oak Cliff, but with Sylvan | Thirty still short millions in order to get started, it will be many, many years before another large project will start up in the area. The USPS may not still be around. —Downtown Worker

10 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
LETTERS & Comments We love your back talk. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com to read and comment on this month’s stories and daily Back Talk blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine. EMAIL EDITOR RACHEL rstone@advocatemag.com Scan this HomeKeyTM Tag with your Smartphone to see all our listings Preston Center Office | 214.692.0000 | PrestonCenter.Ebby.com Ginger Gill, Manager, 214.725.9036 | GingerGill@ebby.com ©2011. Equal Housing Opportunity. 6856 Gaston Avenue $695,000 Charming 1924 home 3 bed with original period details. Lydia Player | 214.632.2883 6226 Highgate Lane $379,900 Beautifully updated and superbly maintained 4/3/2 home. Mary Poss | 214.738.0777 1316 Adair Street $299,000 2/2.1 Town-home with two master suites and downtown views. Rob Schrickel | 214.801.1795 7209 Bennington Drive $219,000 University Terrace 2/2 close to everything. Carolyn Black | 214.675.2089 6903 Inverness Lane Large living areas, wood floors, huge backyard & pool Jenn Thompson | 214.929.6509 7117 Canyon Ridge Drive $109,999 4/2/2 well maintained with split floor plan. Julie Pillans | 214.803.6323 5702 Anita Street $499,000 Beautiful M-Street 4/3/2 New const.’08 High-End Finish out Jenn Thompson | 214.929.6509 5035 Mission Street $340,000 3/2.5/2 in Alcott Fitzhugh Heights w/CAT-5 wiring. Johnny Mowad | 214.799.0339 6843 E. Mockingbird Lane $219,000 3/2.1 on beautiful tree covered corner lot Rob Schrickel | 214.801.1795 5014 Rexton Lane Updated home on gorgeous creek lot. Jenn Thompson | 214.929.6509 6011 Winton $200,000 M-streets cottage walking distance to Exemplary Stonewall Jackson Elementary Jenn Thompson | 214.929.6509 11720 Abston $85,000 One owner home in quiet Gaston Park with original wood floors. Sally Gerencser | 972.977.7111 SOLD SOLD

Located on the shores of White Rock Lake, C. C. Young offers Dallas seniors a constellation of services and opportunities. Construction is complete on The Overlook, our newest expansion, and it is NOW OPEN. Come see the latest residential addition to our ever-growing neighborhood and understand why it is retirement living at its finest. Extraordinary views, private balconies and a variety of dining venues are just the beginning at The Overlook. C. C. Young is where personal growth and development are encouraged and Where the Spirit is Ageless.

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OPEN: Great Apartments Still Available
One of the breathtaking views of White Rock Lake from the top of e Overlook

Calling neighborhood foodies

Remember when: Advocate Radio archives

There was a time when Advocate Magazinewas just Advocate magazine, but over the last few years, we’ve evolved into Advocate Media, comprising blogs, podcasts, videos, Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter and email newsletters. Some of the aforementioned items concerned us, and in fact, Advocate editors had trouble becoming accustomed to using social media in our daily routine.

Below are excerpts from a 2009 podcast featuring our first web director, Kris Scott — the voices belong to her, editors Christina Hughes Babb, RachelStone and Marlena Chavira-Medford, and photo editor Can “Turk” Turkyilmaz

learn something about a business, you go almost immediately to Facebook, so we needed to have a presence there for that reason alone.

CT: And it’s free.

CHB: And pretty easy to use.

KS: We used to be a monthly magazine and people read it and then put it down. This way, we can be in your face all the time.

MCM: And people can now see our faces, on Twitter, rather than just our names and our bylines.

Sign up now for our delicious new Dining News newsletter, hitting inboxes for the first time this month.

· Get the latest on your favorite local restaurants and bars in our neighborhood.

· Learn about nearby culinary and wine events

· Win vino with the Dining News-only wine giveaway Try a new place with a newsletter coupon

Visit advocatemag. com/newsletter or scan this code to sign up.

Do you have a story tip or a question?

EMAIL EDITOR RACHEL STONE rstone@advocatemag.com


We admit: The audio on this thing is truly awful. And we introduced the podcast with a song. It’s supposed to be funny, but we have a weird sense of humor. We had fun with the podcasts in those days, because we were pretty sure that that none of you listened.

Listen to the entire show.

CHB: Today’s topic is Advocate in the age of social media … I guess. I actually just made that up Kris Scott has been leading the Advocate’s social media effort, so I’ll start by asking her, “Why are you making us do this?”

KS: I read recently that people are spending half their time on Facebook and, less so, Twitter than on destination websites, such as Advocatemag.com. So those who were once going to our website might be spending that time on Facebook now. I kind of think of Facebook as the Yellow Pages of yesteryear, in that, if you want to

KS: And your pictures are all pretty cute.

CHB: Thank Turk for that … and we get to see our readers’ faces and get to know you.

KS: It is an amazing dialogue. And it helps you guys do your jobs, too, because, say you are covering neighborhood seafood places, you can get on Facebook or Twitter and get feedback from neighbors about their favorite places. … and we are going to be giving out free things so follow us … friend us?

CT: Friending is on Facebook and following is on Twitter.

RS: Yes, and Twitter is a good place to find breaking news, right?

MCM: We learned about Bliss restaurant’s new location on Twitter, and we announced that In–N-Out Burger is coming to Dallas on Facebook.

KS: And you can use it for fun stuff, like those photos we posted of the best-dressed fire hydrant.

12 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
Edited for clarity lakewood
KostasCafe. Photo by AlisonFechtel

How Lindbergh Drive became Skillman Street

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, editor Rachel Stone shared this story about our neighborhood on lakewood.advocatemag.com:

In 1927, the nation was enamored of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, who in May of that year flew nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. The flight made Lindbergh an international celebrity. New York City threw him a ticker-tape parade. The U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp bearing the image of his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis. As a result, airmail and aviation generally received a boost.

The same year as Lindbergh’s flight to Paris, Dallas City Council voted to rename a stretch of Skillman Street to Lindbergh Drive. Back then, Lindbergh Drive was an unpaved road from Swiss Avenue to Mockingbird Lane.

Lindbergh visited Germany and toured the Luftwaffe during the ’30s, and he passed along what he learned to the U.S. government before World War II began.

But in 1940, he became the spokesman for the America First Committee, an antiwar group. He argued that the United States should not be involved in the war with Germany. Lindbergh was suspected of being a Nazi sympathizer because of his racist views and his visits to Germany.

After the Pearl Harbor attack, Lindbergh changed his antiwar stance. Although he was unable to serve in active duty, he served as an aviation adviser to the U.S. military.

That came too late, however, for the general sentiments of Dallasites.

The Dallas City Council voted to change the name of Lindbergh Drive to Skillman Street on Dec. 3, 1941, after the street was paved and had become a thoroughfare with a bus route.

“Disapproval of [Lindbergh’s] recent position on international affairs led to the latest action,” the Dallas Morning News reported at the time.

By Dec. 5, 1941, all the street signs had been changed to Skillman.

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JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 13

Q&A: Camille Cortinas & Eric Neal

newlyweds Camille Cortinas and Eric Neal make an unstoppable pair. She is a singer-songwriter who recently released her first solo album, “Taken apart”, and he is an accomplished instrumentalist who recorded and produced the album in their Lakewood home studio. Born and raised in Dallas, the couple met through Fishing for Comets, an award-winning band created and fronted by Camille — before her solo career took off. The voice of the infamous “Hot Pockets” jingle, Camille also sings in commercials, including the catchy “Lucky Day” campaign for the Texas Lottery. Eric is a member of countless bands — playing with five or six regularly — and can play pretty much any instrument he picks up. He also teaches guitar and bass lessons to students ages 7 to 60. and if that’s not enough, the musical duo performs puppet shows in their spare time with their Band of Puppets.

What’s it like to be a couple working in the same industry?

Neal: I think it’s wonderful that we like each other so much, because, to be in each other’s business so much, I think it takes a unique couple. We somehow make it work, but I could definitely see it being a challenge.

Cortinas: You get to share your woes and frustrations that you’re experiencing together, so that’s a very positive thing. But, at the same time, you don’t have the outlet of venting to a person that isn’t part of what you’re doing.

So, how does it feel to be married to your producer, Camille?

Cortinas: It’s kind of awful sometimes because he’s very nit picky — you have to be. I do this commercial side of stuff where I am in the studio with people that are not my husband, and it’s just cohesive; it works so well. With Eric, it’s tough at times, but the good thing is, he has my best interest at heart.

Tell us about your solo album and the process of creating it.

Cortinas: It was something that Eric and I had done among getting married and laundry and doing the dishes and going to work, so it took about two years. Basically, it was all pretty much done out of home. I would say 90 percent of it is made from our hands.

Neal: Maybe even more than that.

Cortinas: 90-plus percent.

Starbucks chose three songs from the album to be played in stores nationwide. How did that happen?

Cortinas: I sent a letter and a CD to the head of the music programming at Starbucks, but I didn’t even know who he really was. I didn’t even expect anything; I just wanted to give it to him. When he wrote me back, it

14 lakewood.advocatemag.com January 2012
community | events | food
Photos by Grant Meek

was like a dream come true. I’m very proud to say that the album is Starbucks-worthy, because that’s where a lot of people look to get music nowadays. It gives me chills, because who knows what will happen?

What’s it like to sing in commercials?

Cortinas: It’s been a trip. That’s how I got a lot of really cool press. I think it’s definitely given us a boost.

Neal: It was the weirdest thing — we were watching the Mavericks Finals, and there were two [commercials] with Camille singing in a row. We were like, “Oh my God, that’s Camille!” and then right after that, “Oh my God, that’s Camille!”

Camille: I get so embarrassed!

How did you come up with the idea for Band of Puppets?

Neal: I was big into the Muppets as a kid a huge Jim Henson fan, borderline obsessed. As I grew up, a piece of that just stayed with me. A few years ago, I found a really cool website that had some basic patterns of how to build [puppets]. I started building a couple, Camille came up with a little song, and it just kind of grew from there. By the end of this year, I want to get different local musicians to do kid-friendly songs and videos with the puppets and put a little DVD together to put out in the world and see what it does.

How do you balance all of your projects?

Cortinas: It’s ridiculous. This is such an unconventional lifestyle. Our gears are always turning, and it’s always chaotic around these parts, but it’s fun.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 15
LAUNCH Community www.infinityfoodandankle.com Dr. Parul K. Patel, DPM Two Doctors one location 972.274.5708 Observer Buildng 2501 Oak Lawn Ave., #201 [Located on the corner of Oak Lawn and Maple] Slim D own A “I lost 50 lbs!” Dr. Tamika Perry Medically Supervised Weight Loss cedarhillweightandwellness.com
LEARN MORE ABOUT CAMILLE CORTINAS at camillecortinas.com and Eric Neal at ericneal. net. For guitar and bass lesson inquiries, email lessons@ericneal.com.

looming success

The fuzzy sheep, llama and alpaca stuffed animals sitting high atop shelves have the best view of what takes place in the White Rock Weaving Center. From their vantage point, they watch the fibers of their cudchewing counterparts woven into scarves, wall hangings, towels and rugs by beginner and experienced weavers alike. Stopping at each loom to offer advice and check her students’ progress is instructor Anna Barry. Fourteen years ago, Barry opened White Rock Weaving Center — “It didn’t occur to me that [the name] would be a tongue twister to some people!” Touted as the largest spinning and weaving shop in Texas, the store nestled on Tavaros just off of Garland Road maintains a 6- to 12-month waiting list for weaving classes. Before pursuing weaving, Barry worked as a high school teacher and counselor at Bishop Lynch High School, but felt a career change was in order. She pursued a master’s degree in pottery at Texas Woman’s University, and during her final semester, she took her first weaving class, which would be followed by many more. That was more than 23 years ago. Barry is the kind of devotee to her craft who drops subtle weaving factoids into conversation; for example, the term “shuttle” originally referred to the wooden weaving tool that holds the yarn as it is sent back and forth across the loom. “Weaving has evolved from a process that was necessary 200 years ago to one that is creative and self-expressive,” Barry says. The weaving center also offers instruction in spinning, basket weaving, painting with wool, and felting. “She thought she would never fill the building,” muses assistant Cheryl Williams, as she shows off rooms brimming with looms, spinning wheels, yarn and other supplies. But the soft-spoken Barry is humble about the store’s success: “I’m grateful to have customers, to have this business, and that things worked out.”

WEAVING CLASSES COST $120 PLUS THE COST OF YARN for five weekly three-hour sessions, with 5-7 students in each class. Call or drop by the store to be added to the waiting list. 214.320.9276 or whiterockweaving.com

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 17
LAUNCH Community Extraordinary dental care is right down the street. D ENTISTRY IN THE H EART OF L AKEWOOD 6342 La Vista Dr., Suite C drkellislate.com · 214-821-8639 Listening... Explaining... Caring... That’s what we’re all
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“We were new to Texas and did not have a dentist. It was our lucky day when we found Dr Slate right in our neighborhood.” — Karen Danko
18 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 Can Türkyilmaz
The Bishop Arts District is home to over 50 local businesses, including some of Dallas’ Best Rated Restaurants, Boutiques, Services and Galleries.

artist in residence

Lyndsey Jones

“I want to make it big,” says Lyndsey Jones with a laugh. The question, “What are your hopes for the future?” was admittedly a silly one. The 21-year-old White Rock area resident has remained, since early childhood, unfalteringly on-track in her quest. She’s been playing the piano competitively since age 5 and, as an adolescent, started voice training. She sang in the high school pop choir, and kept practicing and studying music throughout her college years. These days, local nightspots love her Stevie Nicks-meets-Norah Jones presence so much that she has ongoing gigs at Terilli’s on Greenville and The Library at the Warwick Melrose Hotel (as well as one at a venue in Plano). “I’m booked about 5-6 nights a week right now,” she says. She spends her daylight hours working at Z Gallerie, a hip north Dallas furniture store, and says that she loves interior design and concedes that design could be part of her future plans. For now, however, “music is my life,” she stresses. Her current album, “What a Day,” consists of jazzy covers from Alicia Keys, Van Morrison and Sara Bareilles, plus an original — the title track. She’s working on a second album that will showcase her songwriting talents.

CATCH JONES MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS AT TERILLI’S OR TUESDAYS AT THE LIBRARY BAR. Visit lyndseyjones.com or iTunes to purchase “What a Day.”

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 19
LAUNCH Community building blocks on the floor, too cold reading on the couch, too hot 76º just right for all Family Owned and Operated Since 1989 We KEEP you in your COMFORT ZONE. ZERO Percent Financing Available or up to $1,250 cash back SERVICE Call Special $29.95 *new customers only Expires 01/12 SAVE 10% on Pleated Filters *High-efficiency Filters for less than Hardware Store Brands Expires 01/12 HEATING Tune-up Special $49.95 Expires 01/12 ACCREDITED BUSINESS At Quality 1 Energy Systems our services include HVAC repair, maintenance, replacement, design and installation. We wear the “Trane Comfort Specialist” [TCS] badge because we are committed to excellence in every aspect of our business. We must qualify for this status on a yearly basis by meeting Trane’s high standards for customer satisfaction and continuing education. Give us a call today to see how we can help you get more comfortable. Easily adjust your home temperature remotely from the palm of your hand. Customers on Maintenance Plan receive 24/7 no over-time service We Service All Makes and Models TACLA010760E BEST PRICE PROMISE When you are ready to install a Trane high efficiency complete system (16+seer) we will give you the best service at the best price OR WE WILL GIVE YOU $50. Call now for details! 214.348.9588 q1es.com

Gustave’s dogs

Lakewood resident finds artistic career in spray paint

Alexander Gustave Tollen of Lakewood is an asset manager and something of a doit-yourselfer. Many years ago, his wife saw a painting she liked in Architectural Digest. He thought it looked simple enough to copy. “It turned out pretty terrible,” he says of his copycat efforts. “I mean it wasn’t that bad, but it was not great, either.” That subpar painting, however, sparked Tollen’s artistic career. In the following years, he took a few classes, and he practiced making art as much as possible. About four years ago, he started working with spray paint and stencils, inspired by graffiti artists. It took about three years, but he eventually perfected a process with consistent results. Now Tollen specializes in dog portraits, working under the name Gustave. His portraits are

20 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY
Benjamin Hager
©2010 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC. 7575 Benedict Dr. $1,195,000 | 3/3/3LA Lee Lamont 9220 W. Lake Highland Dr. $687,777 | 3/3/2LA Team Whiteside $409,000 | 5/4.1/2LA Pam Nelms Sandy Hewett 7141 Greentree Ln. $939,000 | 4/3/3LA Lee Lamont 4310 Concho St. $525,900 | 4/3.1/2LA Lee Lamont Team Whiteside 8071 Claremont Dr. $134,900 | 3/2/2 LA Grant Hudson 8334 Forest Hills Blvd. $899,999 | 4/3.1/3LA Team Whiteside Team Whiteside Gia Marshello Lili Ornelas 7170 W. Circle Dr. $899,000 | 3/3.1/4LA Judith Abbott Sandy Hewett COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE We never stop moving! 6301 Gaston Ave., Suite 125, Dallas TX 75214 214.828.4300 © 2011 Coldwell Real Estate Coldwell is a registered Real An Equal Equal Housing Opportunity. and by NRT LLC.

known as Gustave’s dogs. And they’re wildly popular. One recently sold for $600 at an auction benefitting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Tollen works from pictures, but he likes to spend time with the dog in person as well. “They’re very representative of the dog,” he says of the portraits. “When your dog will do a certain thing — turn its ear or have its ears back or something that the dog does — that’s what I’m trying to capture.” He puts a base layer of several coats of spray paint on the canvas and then he uses a hand-cut stencil to create the im-

age of the dog. So far, all of the work Tollen does for commissions has been dog portraits. But he also makes art for himself, stencils based on photographs of architecture, train platforms and flowers, among other subject matter. He often hangs his artwork in Times Ten Cellars, whose owners are friends. He currently is working on an architectural painting that is all in gray scale, which means he is using about 13 shades of gray spray paint to get the look he wants. Tollen never had formal art training until a few years ago, and the first drawing class he ever took was at Michael’s, the craft store. Later, he took an art class at Brookhaven College and a photography class at Richland College. “I’ve used the community college structure a lot because you can get a lot of bang for your buck,” he says. Contact Tollen at alexander.gustave@yahoo.com.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 21
LAUNCH Community
—Rachel Stone
214.521.3148 dallasdds.net 3131 Harvard Ave. #101 Dallas, 75205 (near Monticello & McKinney) Webb Monticello Harvard Javier’s Restaurant Dr. Michael Neeley, DDS Cole McKinney Central Expressway 75 We Welcome PPO Dental Insurance Plans | New In-Office KOR Whitening. There Are No Extra Fees | Free Nitrous Oxide On Demand Dentistry with TLC gives you more reasons to smile! MICHAEL NEELEY, DDS AND STAFF Now accepting CareCredit® New Patient Special EXAM, CONSULTATION, X-RAYS AND SECOND OPINIONS FREE { Limit one coupon per person. Some restrictions may apply. Call for details. Offer good through 1/31/2012. Limit one coupon per person. Some restrictions may apply. Call for details. Offer good for 60 days. New Year Special EXISTING AND NEW PATIENTS: NEW RESTORATIVE TREATMENT $100 OFF
When your dog will do a certain thing — turn its ear or have its ears back or something that the dog does — that’s what I’m trying to capture.
22 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 Can Türkyilmaz Celebrating 40 years of skilled, experienced and compassionate care. Please visit our new website walnuthillobgyn.com where you can now schedule an appointment on line. Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 Dallas, TX 75231 214-363-7801 www.walnuthillobgyn.com
Hampton B. Richards, M.D. Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D. James K. Richards, M.D. Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D. David M. Bookout, M.D. Julie M. Hagood, M.D. John D. Bertrand, M.D.

clean your room!

There’s an app for that

Brian Linder wanted his boys, ages 7 and 10, to clean up their rooms. He told them once, while they stared zombie-like into the faces of their iPod Touch devices. They ignored him. So he told them a second time, and then a third. That’s when Linder, who lives in the M Streets, started to feel a little less than sane. He made a smartaleck comment: “Why don’t you guys download an app that will clean your room for you.” Aha! That’s how he first conjured the idea for his app, You Rule, which attempts to solve the age-old problem of convincing kids to do their chores. “I knew I was going to start this venture to make apps, and I’ve been working on it a long time, sketching them out,” he says. Linder, who was a creative director at the Richards Group for 10 years, started Opposite Inc. with his friend, who is a programmer. You Rule is their first app. The game allows kids to choose a character, and as they check chores off a list their parents make, their character “levels up,” meaning they get bigger and better. One character starts out as a cute kid, and as he levels up, he receives a jumpsuit, then a mask, then a helmet, then a motorcycle. Kids also earn coins in the game, and parents can add real-life incentives, such as money or privileges. “We weren’t sure if it was going to work,” Linder says, “if it would really be enough to motivate kids to do their chores.” But in tests, they found the app really does work. Some kids like the competitive aspect — they want


Download Brian Linder’s app from the iTunes app store.

Scan this code to get it on your mobile.

to earn more gold coins than their siblings. Older kids like the incentives — the app makes it easy to see what chores must be completed for them to earn enough money to go to the movies, for example. And little kids just like to see their coins and what happens to their characters as they level up. Nowadays, Linder doesn’t feel like he’s losing his sanity when it’s time for the boys to clean up their rooms. “I just say, ‘Have you checked off your chores?’ and off they go,” he says. “It spits them away from the phone and gets them into something productive.” The kids feel empowered, and the parents’ lives are a little easier. An update to the app, coming in January, will allow everyone in the family to connect to the app from their own devices. Linder is working on a second app, called “What do I Say?” which is due for release in mid-January. It’s an interactive children’s book for iPad that asks kids to record a set of words at the beginning. The story is about an alien who discovers his own voice, and the child’s voice becomes part of the story. You Rule costs $3.99 and is available in the iTunes app store.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 23
LAUNCH Community
GET IT You Rule chores
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Find the perfect dress for any winter occasion at Jenna B’s. 5706 E. Mockingbird Ln. @ Greenville Ave. 214.484.7116


Soap and a soap dish ... simple, practical and the perfect pick-up gift!! 1911 Abrams Parkway 214.821.8314 Visit us on Facebook.


Resolve to renew your home yoga practice with a new mat, Bolster, towel, clothing or other items. 6039 Oram (at Skillman) 214.534.4469 yogamartusa.com


The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com


Without a doubt, the world’s most sophisticated plush toys, Jellycat of London is fast becoming a lifestyle company. Mockingbird & Abrams and Walnut Hill & Audelia 214.747.5800 t.heegifts.com


New Years’s Eve resolutions are easier to keep when you’re T-shirt chic and comfortable with eclectic and clever brushed cotton thermals.

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Poured glass art panel available in various colors and patterns. Find unique art glass for your decor.

Art Glass, Showers and Mirrors.

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Book your class today at PinotsPalette.com

Jan 8th – LSU Tiger

Jan 21st – Paint your Pet

Jan 28th – Lakewood Theater

Any many more!

Mockingbird and Abrams 214.827.4668


Ultra-rich, anti-aging cream that intensely hydrates skin with clinical levels of antioxidants C, E and Hyaluronic Acid. Sold only through physicians ($120). Mention Advocate, receive $20 off. 6224 La Vista Dr. 214.434.1664 TrueBeautyRx.com

24 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 THE goods
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203

what gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits


The Cheese Survival Kit, created by artisanal cheese industry experts, comes with all the essentials needed to plate, pair, store, and enjoy cheese into one handy, portable canvas tote. $129.95 3511 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.1300 scardellocheese.com


9219 Garland Rd dcboutiqueonline.com

Tues-Friday 11am to 6pm Saturday 11am to 5pm

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Yoga-inspired jewelry with charms & gemstones that relate to the soul. 1900 Abrams Pkwy @ LaVista 214.824.2777 beadsofsplendor.com


Dry winter air can have a damaging affect on hair. Avoid static and breakage. Come in for a botanical treatment to keep your hair healthy & shiny all year long. 2303 Abrams Rd. 214.887.8647 willieandcoote.com


Tyler Candles! Made with the finest ingredients and guaranteed to fragrance a room in minutes. Wonderful fragrances…great selection. 10233 E NW Hwy@Ferndale (near Albertsons) 214.553.8850 Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30 TheStoreinLH.com


Beautiful Belts, hand-crafted in the Andean region of Peru... No two are alike! We also carry unique Gifts, Sterling Silver & do Custom Work, Restringing & Repairs... callidoragifts.com 214.515.9188 2913 Greenville Ave. (next to Blue Goose)

Join Community Connection ... the Ferguson Road Initiative’s new campaign to enlist the monetary support and involvement of local businesses and individuals. The nonprofit Ferguson Road Initiative aims to improve the quality of life for far East Dallas neighbors. Anyone can join Community Connection for free, and memberships costing $50-$10,000 are available to neighbors and businesses. Sign up for Community Connection e-newsletter and receive a free week at the White Rock YMCA. fergusonroad.org, 214.324.5116

Help a runner gear up ... through Back on My Feet, a 6-9 month program that provides running coaches for people living in homeless facilities. A $30 donation can pay for a running shirt and shorts, and $1,800 can provide everything runner needs to complete the program. backonmyfeet.org

Volunteer ... at the Vickery Meadow Learning Center, nonprofit that aims to improve the quality of life in Vickery Place, a low-income neighborhood comprising 2.86 square miles, where some 20 languages are spoken among the approximately 36,000 residents. The Learning Center always needs volunteers to teach classes, such as reading, math and English to adults. Classes will meet Monday-Thursday from 12:30-2:30 p.m. for 13 weeks, starting this month. Volunteers commit to teaching one 2-hour class per week. Curriculum and training are provided, and no teaching experience or foreign language is required. For more information, contact Barbara Johnson, West Dallas site director, at volunteer@vmlc.org or 214.265.5057, ext. 201.

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 25
LAUNCH Community
to advertise call 214.560.4203
THE goods

Out & About

January 2012

Jan. 13 Charlie Robison

Charlie Robison has been described as “a maverick within a country music industry that prefers artists who are easier to manage, package and promote.” See this native Texan live in concert at 7 p.m. Concertgoers must be 14 and older with a valid ID.

Granada Theater, 3524 Greenville, 214.827.5514, granadatheater.com

more local events or submit your own



The Lady: White Rock Lake Museum Exhibition

The local legend of the Lady of the Lake is brought to life through the interpretations of 17 local artists. Paintings, photographs and mixed media tell the story that has intrigued and mystified generations of East Dallas residents.

Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749, dallasculture.org, free

JAN. 1

New Year’s 5 Mile Run at Flag Pole Hill


Moonlight Bridal Trunk Show

Through Jan. 2 from 11 a.m.-7:45 p.m., Moonlight Bridal showcases its latest gowns with signature detailing from Grecian draping to hand-sewn Swarovski crystals. Mockingbird Bridal Boutique, 5602 Mockingbird, 214.823.6873, mockingbirdbridal.com, free

The New Year’s 5 Mile Run invites athletes and couch potatoes alike to start the new year off on the right foot … and the left. The race, which begins at 10 a.m., runs from the park office on Flag Pole Hill down Goforth and West Lawther to Fair Oaks. Flag Pole Hill, 214.821.0909, runontexas.com, $25

26 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012


JAN. 4

Boogie Woogie Books Storytime

This interactive storytime for children younger than 6 features books, movement, rhymes and music. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m.

6121 Worth, 214.670.1376, lakewood@dallaslibrary.org, free

JAN. 14

For the Love of the Lake’s Second Saturday Shoreline Spruce-Up

Join FTLOTL and the Dallas Park and Recreation Dept. from 8 a.m.-noon and help keep White Rock Lake a clean and enjoyable place. This clean-up effort hasn’t missed a month since April 1996. Meet between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at the FTLOTL office.

1152 N. Buckner, 214.660.1100, whiterocklake.org, free

JAN. 21

Pet Project

Pinot’s Palette is hosting a “Paint Your Pet” class. Send the shop a picture of your favorite animal companion, sign up for the class, and walk away with a one-of-akind painting.

6465 E. Mockingbird, 214.827.4668, pinotspalette.com/lakewood, $35

JAN. 28

The Texas Half

All walkers and runners are welcome at the 10th-Annual Texas Half. Beginning at 8 a.m., this race allows runners to enjoy the beauty of White Rock Lake while working up a sweat.

Winfrey Point, 950 E. Lawther, 817.706.0368, texashalf.com, $25 (5k); $60 (half)

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Delicious Soup Henk’s


5811 Blackwell 214.987.9090 henksblackforestbakery.com



HOURS: MON.-THURS. 7 A.M.-6 P.M. FRI. 7 A.M.-10 P.M. SAT. 7 A.M.-9 P.M. SUN. 10 A.M.-3 P.M.


is known for its black forest cakes and German sausages, but the cozy European-style café also is a prime spot for hearty, homemade soups during the winter. “It’s the old Dutch, Swiss and German recipes that have been around forever,” says coowner Adrian Winnubst, whose family came over from Holland and bought the restaurant 21 years ago. Soups of the day include potato on Fridays, loaded with carrots, onions, celery and premium red potatoes. There’s split pea on Thursdays, which comes with pieces of bacon hiding under the surface for a nice pork flavor. For all the soups, Winnubst says chefs use beef stock from leftover pork loin bones in the deli. They make five gallons of soup a day and typically sell out by closing time.


Take a peek

behind the scenes at Henk’s European Deli and Black Forest Bakery.

Visit lakewood.advocatemag. com/video, or scan this code to watch it on your mobile.

Goulash soup at Henk’s. Photo by MarkDavis MarkDavis


veggies and herbs plucked from the restaurant’s garden, this Junius Heights spot has homemade chili and soup every day.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 29 1 Urbano Café The tomato basil soup is worth the trip, even if parking is a hassle. 1410 Fitzhugh 2 La Calle
with shrimp, clams, mussels and octopus. 3 Garden Café
Doce There are
soups to choose from. If you’re feeling adventurous, try the sopa de mariscos
Select locations The Porch GET YOUR FILL of neighborhood restaurant news. Visit advocatemag.com /newsletter or scan this code to sign up. Sign up for the Advocate’s dining newsletter, hitting inboxes in January Get the latest news on your favorite neighborhood restaurants and bars, view menus, win wine and stay on top of newrestaurants that are coming to your neighborhood
Garden Cafe. Photos by Can Türkyilmaz

three ways to dine out

A selection of live music, wine tastings, social events and other restaurant happenings in our neighborhood.

1. Half-price cocktails, free hugs

The People’s Last Stand opened in Mockingbird Station in October. Every Wednesday, they offer half-price classic cocktails, and these are some fancy beverages. Try the thyme bomb, made with Ketel One, St. Germain and watermelonthyme syrup. Be sure to go back on Saturday for “everyone is special” night with free hugs from owner Kartik. 5319 E. Mockingbird Lane, Suite 210 214.370.8755


2. Sandwiches for men

Monday night is not for sandwich amateurs at Neighborhood Services Tavern. That’s when the kitchen staff comes up with a new “Man’wich.” Concoctions have included the fried rock shrimp and hake po’boy, the “pork 4-way” and the “barbecue collision.” They’re enormous and ridiculously delicious. The question is: Do you feel manly enough to take one on? As Dirty Harry said, “Well, do ya, punk?”

Henderson & Capitol



3. Classical open mic

Every Tuesday, talented musicians show off their stuff at Buzzbrews classical open mic night. On any Tuesday, starting at 7:30 p.m., you might catch singers, piano players, violinists, guitar players and more performing classical music. Buzzbrews also has live music starting at 9 p.m. on Thursdays.

4145 N. Central Expressway



SEE PAGE 26 for a list of community events this month.

30 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
7035 Lakewood Blvd. $1,795,000 6269 Prospect Ave. $795,000 7250 Wabash Cir. $595,000 2716 W. Shore Dr. $475,000 6022 Prospect Ave. $349,000 412 S. Harwood St. $1,750,000 2432 Hideaway Dr. $775,000 7160 Brookcove Ln. $535,000 8130 San Leandro Dr. $449,000 6402 Lakewood Blvd. $275,000 6419 Vanderbilt Ave. $650,000 7017 Meadow Lake Ave. $525,000 1147 Timplemore Dr. $425,000 839 Overglen Dr. $240,000 Stephan Schrenkeisen 214.587.5433 Phyllis Pastre 214.766.4336 Shannon Metcalf 214.536.1085 Robyn Guajardo 214.727.4012 David Bush 214.808.9338 Rudy Lopez 214.202.5885 James Coltharp 214.868.4900 Joe Kacynski 214.850.7195 Janet Rone 214.883.1821 Rich Perry 214.770.0530 Mary Thompson 214.202.0250 Niki Payne 214.697.3087 David Bush REALTORS 7193 West Circle Dr. $950,000 davidbushrealtors.com 214-327-2200 Complex Business, Commercial or Family Disputes William R. Wilson Attorney at Law There are often many ways to avoid or resolve a dispute without costly litigation. Family Law, Civil Litigation, Business Matters, and Wills & Probate 6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 505, Dallas, TX 75206 wrw@woolleywilson.com


Restaurant talk

Every week, Advocate editors serve up restaurant news and reviews. Read excerpts below, and for the full reviews and more, visit lakewood. advocatemag.com/dining.



12.05 A few months ago, a friend took me to a food expert’s workshop to check out his latest idea in fast food: quick personal pizza. The guy let us sample a couple of pizzas quickly cooked on an expensive circular stone pizza oven. The pizzas were good, and it seemed like a good idea. But what would happen, I asked, if one of the big pizza chains decided to get in the business? Wouldn’t it be difficult to beat them at their own game? The guy told me he wasn’t worried. The taste of his pizzas (he was planning to charge somewhere around $8.50 apiece) would be better than a chain’s. Well, that’s what Pizza Inn is doing with Pie Five,near Central Expressway and Henderson in the same strip center as Potbelly sandwich shop. Pie Five’s big deal: a 9-inch personal pan pizza (regular or thin crust) in five minutes or less for $6.49. Pie Five has eight or 10 specials, as well as a make-your-own opportunity to choose among the many meats, veggies and other garnishments. True to promise, the pizza went through a $10,500 Turbo Chef oven similar to what you see at Pot Belly, coming out the other end hot and ready to eat. Also on the menu was a $2.49 small salad and 5-for-a-buck cinnamon dough bits, which we didn’t try but looked like dots of pizza dough coated in butter and cinnamon. According to the Business Journal, Pizza Inn is planning to franchise quite a few Pie Fives over the next few years. —Rick

11.14 Once there was cake, and it was good, but today there are myriad manifestations of the baked dessert: cupcakes, cake balls, cake pops, whoopee pies, personal cakes in cute little jars, and the list goes on. The best thing in contemporary cake is the creative, rich, fearless flavors. And, of course, who doesn’t love convenient cake derivatives, those forms that require no utensils or cleanup? Those coveted characteristics helped shape the idea for the cupcake push-ups, by neighborhood residents Meghan Adams and Kristen Adams Scott, founders of The Hospitality Sweet, a baking business the sisters started from home after becoming moms. The five-bite treats function like the old orange ice cream push-ups, but with cake, icing and various fillings as the contents. Oh, and what creative contents they offer — margarita cake layered with tequila lime buttercream, pumpkin roulade with sweetened mascarpone and crystallized ginger and s’mores with toasted marshmallow, to name a few. And, as with all items on the sisters’ sweet menu, the packaging is so aesthetically enjoyable, you almost hate to dig into them. Almost.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 31 1152 N. Buckner Blvd. # H101 Casa Linda 5500 Greenville Ave. # 1300 Old Town Shopping Center www.AnotherBrokenEgg.com Join Us For Lunch! $7 for 7
Catering and sandwich platters also available

cheap thrills

Pacific Rim Dry Riesling ($10), Washington

The world of cheap wine is in flux as we celebrate the Advocate’s 10th annual Cheap Wine extravaganza and $10 Wine Hall of Fame. Cheap wine is more popular than ever, but the wine industry — and especially the wine writing part of it — seems to resent cheap wine more than ever. Their reasons aren’t quite clear, but chalk up much of the backlash to the fact they’re tired of cheap wine, and want to get back to making and writing about the expensive stuff. We can be a bit snobbish, no?

Nevertheless, the 2012 Hall of Fame added seven wines, and dropped only four: Anne urgau and the Vinum Cellars chenin blanc , which are scarce around here, and the Toad oir Rose. It’s especially sad to drop the Toad has been a fixture since the Hall started. But tage, for whatever reason, is more white ziné, and it doesn’t meet the Hall’s standards.

ew wines are Pacific Rim Dry Riesling, a ich has been in and out of the Hall several ek Fume Blanc, a stellar sauvignon blanc a; Chateau de Riviere, a French red; La lciano d’Abruzzo, a classic Italian red; the Torrontes, an Argentine white; and the Ses brut and rosé sparkling wine from Spain. s the rest of this year’s Hall of Fame: a white wine from Sicily, which ents the couple of dozen Sicilian wines have enjoyed over the past four years. Lity. I have not had a bad Sicilian wine in four , and most of them have been $10 Hall ity.

s from California’s Bogle yards, and especially the old vine zinfan-

the Spanish sparkling wine, h comes in brut (dry), extra dry (sweeter brut) and rosé.

1-liter boxed sauvignon c from Chile.

White blends southwestern France, including Doe Tariquet, Domaine Artigaux and Doe Duffour.


r every Wednesday on lakewood.advocatemag.com

32 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 Launch FOOD KUCHARSKI GROUP Robert Kucharski 972-733-5266 PRUDENTIAL TEXAS PROPERTIES OFFERING THE FINEST IN REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE SERVICES www.robertkucharski.com 5310 Monticello Avenue $319,000 7305 Bennington Drive $224,900 5626 Morningside Avenue $597,900 5334 Morningside Avenue $539,000 8643 Groveland Drive $329,900 SALE PENDING SOLD

with your wine

Sweet and sour cole slaw

Cole slaw exists in an infinite number of variations, and this version tweaks it yet again. Serve this on New Year’s with black-eyed peas and your favorite $10 wine.


1 Tbsp white sugar

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp mustard powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp celery seed


2 Tbsp canola oil

1/4 c distilled white vinegar

1 lb green cabbage (about half a medium cabbage)

1 large carrot, peeled

1 small white onion

1/2 bell pepper

1. Whisk together the first eight ingredients in a microwave safe bowl, and heat in microwave until just about boiling.

2. Shred cabbage and carrots. Slice onions and pepper.

3. Add vegetables to the bowl with the dressing. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour; longer is better.

Serves 8, takes about 2 hours

Ask the wine guy

How popular is wine in the United States?

Depends on whom you ask. We drink more wine than anyone else in the world, but our per capita consumption is very ordinary. Wine and beer have been trading off as the most popular alcoholic beverage in the country, but very few of us drink that wine: Just 20 percent of the U.S. adult population accounts for 91 percent of all wine consumed. —Jeff Siegel

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facebook.com SEARCH: Little Forest Hills Neighborhood Association

Remember the dark ages? Back in the olden days, maybe a decade or two ago, when PTA members dialed phone trees to blast messages about field trips, dress codes and communicable illnesses. Neighborhood association presidents hand-delivered newsletters from door to door. And when a pet lost its way, owners plastered the neighborhood with “lost” fliers. Some of those communication methods linger on, but now, in the digital age, social media has become an easy and effective way for neighbors to communicate.

Social media, of course, is nothing new. We’ve been using Facebook and other social media to find long-lost classmates and connect with new crushes or business contacts for what seems like ages now, although it was more like 2008 for most users.

easier to make a connection.

In the past year or so, however, Facebook has become the new front porch, a portal for community. Neighborhood associations, local businesses, police and schools use social media to stay in touch, spread news and stay organized.

“The only way we have of hitting every home in the neighborhood is our quarterly newsletter, which is hand-delivered to the homes,” says Little Forest Hills Neighborhood Association president Max Davis. “It comes out a week or two before our general meeting.”

That newsletter contains helpful information for about 200 homes in the neighborhood. To the other 350 or so neighborhood homes, the contents probably are old news. The neighborhood association regularly sends news by email to those homes.

Last May, Little Forest Hills neighbors started using Facebook to stay in touch. Neighbors post information about lost pets, property crimes, suspicious activity and more through the online social network. While the association has been communicating by email for many years, Facebook makes it more personal.


Tweet (n) tweeting, tweeted (v) A tweet is the message you post to share with your followers. Tweets can be only140 characters or shorter. After you’ve posted your tweet, you’ve “tweeted” or “were tweeting.”

Follow (v) The action of clicking the “follow” button on another Twitter user’s profile. This allows you to easily view that user’s tweets in your Twitter timeline.

Follower (n) A Twitter user who is following another’s tweets.

Hashtag (n) This is the # symbol used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet. For instance, if you want other Twitter users in the world to find your tweet about the baskteball game you’re watching, you might include “#nba” in your tweet. Followers who click on “#nba” in a tweet will find all the tweets on Twitter that contain the same keyword, including yours.

36 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
Neighbors “see” each other on Facebook, and when they see each other in real life, it is
Is the new front porch?
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“With Facebook, you can share photos from neighborhood events and links that might be relevant,” Davis says.

Neighbors “see” each other on Facebook, and when they see each other in real life, it is easier to make a connection, he says.

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is] all one communications package. It’s really changed the way we communicate.



The Lakewood Neighborhood Association has an online newsletter that is sent every month or so to some 900 subscribers. But the association’s website is updated several times a week with neighborhood news ranging from upcoming events to crime watch alerts. That’s useful information, but it could be a lot of work for nothing if not for social media, which drives readers to the website. The association’s webmaster, Lin Gold, promotes the neighborhood website through Twitter and Facebook.

“It’s all one communications package,” Gold says. “It’s really changed the way we communicate.”

Neighborhood residents also post information to the association’s social media pages that don’t necessarily make it to the website: Lost and found pets, thieves stealing landscaping plants, how to avoid marathon traffic, invitations to Sunday worship. It’s not always critical information, but as a whole, it is the fabric of community.

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JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 37
Lin Gold Lakewood Neighborhood Association
38 lakewood.advocatemag.com January 2012

iCrime Fighting


The Lakewood Neighborhood Association often links to Nixle, the online service that alerts the public to police, traffic and emergency information. Users can receive alerts on their phones or by email, and within a few minutes, the Dallas Police can alert thousands of people through Nixle and iWatch Dallas, a similar service offered as a smart phone app.

Police recently put out an alert about a man impersonating a police officer in the White Rock Lake area. By the time the perpetrator’s face made the evening news, iWatch users already were on the lookout.

The Dallas Police Department also has arrived on the Facebook scene, posting regularly about wanted criminals, safety tips and crime trends, as well as department news. As far as solving crime goes, iWatch Dallas has been more effective than Facebook because it allows neighbors to send tips to police, says Deputy Chief C.L. Williams. Facebook is so public and personal that people rarely use it to send in crime tips, but it is an effective way for people in the community to feel connected to police, he says. To “like” the Dallas Police Department on Facebook makes the department seem more accessible.

Dallas Police YouTube Channel



Dallas Police post surveillance videos of crimes on the DPD You Tube channel. The popular video-sharing site allows police to seek the public’s help in identifying suspects as well as locating missing people and solving various types of cases.

iWatch App


The iWatch appprovidesthree options: Send in a text only, send in a text with a picture, or send an anonymous tip. You can also text a tip by typing DPD plus your tip to 274637, or you can call 214.671.4TIP.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 39
Is the new front porch?
Police can alert thousands of people through Nixle.
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Profile (n) A user’s personal presence on Facebook. From here you communicate with Facebook friends, display photos, share favorite news articles and post other actions.

Friend (n) A Facebook user with whom you have connected. Friendships on Facebook are initiated by one party with a friend request and confirmed by the second party.

Page (n) It looks like a personal profile, but pages are the Facebook presence for public figures, organizations or business brands.

Fan (n) A user who has clicked the “like” button on a Facebook page. When you “like” a page, it connects you with entities you find important or enjoy, such as a retail store, politician, media outlet or TV show.

Group (n) Private or public, small or large, groups are spaces where users can gather to communicate about anything specific, such as hobbies, interests or causes.

Status update (n) This is a message that Facebook users can post for their friends to see.

In the past year or so Facebook has become the new front porch, a portal for community.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 41
Is the new front porch?
Granite Tile Carpet Hardwood Floors Shutters Blinds Area Rugs Countertops Cork & Bamboo Natural Stone Laminate Engineered Stone 8426 Abrams Rd. Ste. 310 214.503.1324 adairsfinefloorsetc.com M-F: 10-7, Sat: 10-5 Call to schedule an appointment or come by and visit us. Your Satisfaction is our Priority! ~ Richard & Susan Adair, Owners WHERE BEAUTIFUL HOMES BEGIN! Warm up your home this winter with beautiful new hardwood floors and a resurfaced fireplace from Adair’s. Design | a special annual publication | april 2012 | reserve space today 214.560.4203 Home





SEARCH: J.L. Long Middle School PTA

Neighbors also use social media to stay connected to their children’s schools.

J.L. Long Middle School PTA president Stacey Stabenow says she never was interested in Facebook, and she stayed away from social media until recently.

“Ms. Petters, the principal, asked me if I had Facebook,” Stabenow says. “She told me, ‘You might want to think about getting that.’ ”

Now Stabenow uses Facebook frequently, if reluctantly, to communicate with other Long parents. Several years ago, students were sent home with regular communiqués from teachers and principals, but that is less common now,

Stacey Stabenow

J.L. Long Middle School



Foursquare (n) A location-based mobile check-in service. The mobile app uses the GPS on your phone to help you check in at coffee shops, restaurants, bars, libraries, parks, events and other locations. Your Foursquare friends can view the places you’re hanging out, and some businesses offer specials to customers who show on their phone that they’ve checked in on Foursquare. You also can earn points and virtual badges for different check-in adventures

42 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012 Is the new front porch?
Go to scan.mobi for free reader. lakewood.advocatemag.com
Finding out what’s going on at the school is challenging... Facebook is a great way to get the information out.

Stabenow says.

“Finding out what’s going on at the school is challenging,” she says. “We keep the website updated, but Facebook is a great way to get the information out.”

Parents can access the page to find how they can help with staff appreciation day, get details on an upcoming Woodrow Wilson High School open house and learn the score of the boys’ basketball game.

Stabenow also uses social media to show off the school’s accomplishments the math and science team racked up awards at a recent competition, for example. Those aren’t things your child is likely to tell you, Stabenow says.

Long isn’t the only school using social media. Most elementary schools in our neighborhood, including Lakewood and Stonewall Jackson, as well as the Lakewood Early Childhood PTA, use Facebook to keep in touch.

Social media also has become an essential marketing tool for many local businesses.


Check in (v),check-in (n) The act of telling a location-based mobile service like Foursquare, Yelp or Facebook where you are, usually with that service’s smartphone app. Check-ins let your friends and followers see where you are and where you like to hang out. Used in a sentence: “Hang on, I’m going to check in on Facebook before we order drinks.“ “Hey, cool; I earned the Great Outdoors badge with that last Foursquare check-in at the park.”

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 43
For personalized information on how buy or sell your home contact me for a complimentary market analysis at 972.680.0365 or shirley@shirley-homes.com 6845 Southridge Hill Country Transitional $849,000 Ron Davis Custom Home in Lakewood has 4410 Sq. Ft. 4BR/4Bth//Porte Cochere/Detached Garage with unfinished space Abpve/Outdoor Living w. Fireplace/ Wine Grotto/Butlers Pantry/ Thermador Appliances/Mud Room./Upstairs Game & Media/ Master Up/ Guest BR down./Money Saving Energy Features + Lutron Home Automation Shirley Boulter-Davis Happy New Year! whitening in one hour Invisalign teeth straightening Implants Enjoy sedation dentistry 6316 Gaston Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 On the corner of Gaston & La Vista, across from Starbucks 214.823.LAKE (5253) dentalcenteroflakewood.com dentalcenteroflakewood Travis Spillman, DDS

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Social media also has become an essential marketing tool for many local businesses.

Porsha Thomas provides social media content for several neighborhood businesses, including the Gypsy Wagon, through her business, Zora Ellison Writing Co. Thomas holds a journalism degree, but when she graduated a few years ago, she couldn’t find a job in the news business. The 25-year-old instead found her niche as a social media marketer through an internship with an online newsletter that offers tips on shopping and events.

About 80 percent of Thomas’s work involves social media.

“There are people who know they need Facebook, but they don’t understand it,” she says. “My clients are either people who understand it and don’t have time, or people who don’t understand it.”

She often designs event posters that never get printed. They’re used only on Facebook. Posting pictures and interacting with customers in social media is a valuable service, Thomas says.

“Photography really helps,” Thomas says of making effective Facebook posts for her clients. “People want to see what you have. Show, show, show. Put yourself on the page and portray that personality.”

Many businesses in our neighborhood maintain a steady presence on social media. Velvet Taco’s Twitter followers, for example, are the first to know what fusion concoction the trendy taquería is offering as a special. White Rock YMCA can show off the good work they do for the community, post pictures of a recent camping trip and alert the community to an upcoming blood drive. Neighbors can use Foursquare to check in 10 times at Mextopia and receive a free margarita.

When Terilli’s on Lower Greenville closed after a fire destroyed the restau-

My clients are either people who understand it and don’t have time, or people who don’t understand it.

rant, the owners and employees stayed in contact with their customers through Facebook. When the place reopened, there was no love lost. Regulars felt they were part of the rebuilding process, as they had watched it unfold through Facebook pictures.

Shortly after the restaurant reopened, one customer posted on Terilli’s Facebook page: “So happy to have you back in the neighborhood.”

Velvet Taco


White Rock YMCA


Search: White Rock YMCA



Search: Mextopia



Search: Terilli’s

44 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
Porsha Thomas Zora Ellison Writing Co. Writing
Is the new front porch?
Photo by Johnny Seale


Spreading the word

Remember when mailing printed newsletters was the most efficient way to update your neighbors, members and customers? Today it’s easier than ever to reach your group fast and free (or at least on the cheap). With all the social media services and online tools now at our fingertips, there’s something that makes sense for every type of communication.

Visit our blog to find out how the Advocate uses social media and to get tips on options that could meet your group’s needs.

Scan the code above or search:

Advocate social media at lakewood .advocatemag.com.


facebook.com/lakewoodadvocate twitter.com/advocate_ed




Instagram photo sharing app for iPhone (Android coming soon)

Visit followgram.me/ advocate_mag_dallas for app info and to view our pics.

Stay connected



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CHECK OUT library books to your mobile device.


Not only does the Dallas Public Library have a thorough and useful app (with the swipe of a finger, search the catalog, place items on hold or renew items checked out) but it also has an extensive selection of eBooks available to borrow. Options range from New York Times bestsellers (John Grisham’s “The Litigators”) to classics (Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”) to popular nonfiction (Michael Pollen’s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”). We tried it, and in less than 10 minutes, we were reading on our iPhone. A helpful guided tour takes library cardholders through the process.

FIND OUT whether your favorite restaurants passed inspection.


They wouldn’t be open if they hadn’t, but the section located at this lengthy web address allows you to see whether the places you frequent are receiving high scores or barely making the grade. A quick search by name reveals how a restaurant fared on its most recent inspections.

RUN INTO Mark Cuban, Ebby Halliday or the Cowboys cheerleaders.


These local celebs are a sampling of the famous names and faces the Dallas Park and Recreation Department recruited to promote its recent trail etiquette campaign. Other than watching the amusing video, website visitors can view an interactive map to find the exact layout of Dallas trails (both current and planned) in relation to streets, rec centers and other local landmarks.

LEARN which park pavilion beat out Cowboys Stadium as the 2009 “Best of Show” award recipient from the AmericanInstitute of ArchitectsDallas chapter.


This little-known fact is touted in the online brochure “The Park Pavilions of Dallas,” which highlights 44 of the city’s shade-giving structures. Thirty-two of them were designed by respected architects who were charged with making the pavilions “contextual within the surrounding community and embraced by the neighborhood,” among other criteria. That’s how the structure at Lindsley Park, for example, resembles the predominantly Tudor homes of Hollywood/Santa Monica, and the reason Ridgewood Park has a chaise lounge pavilion near its spraypark.

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SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203 ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION For more information call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com

‘A love song to my father’

Alex Mena is making a film about his dad’s World War II flight crew

When Alex Mena’s father was dying in 2007, Mena pledged to keep his memory alive.

“I made a promise to him that I would make a movie about him,” Mena says.

Nemesio Mena died Dec. 27, 2007, and the following January, Alex Mena went to work on the film.

The elder Mena was a radio operator on a B-24 Liberator in World War II. His crew was remarkable in that it was the first to complete 30 missions.

“The average life expectancy of a bomber in a crew was 12 missions, and then they were either blown out of the sky or shot down,” says Mena, who lives in Lakewood.

That success is even more remarkable considering his father’s crew was part of the 492nd Bomb Group, the most devastated bomb group in World War II. The group was in operation only for 89 days, from April to August 1944. During those 89 days, the group lost 56 aircraft.

The 492nd was the first and only group in American history to be retired because of its high number of casualties. Yet Mena’s crew survived those 30 missions, the magic number that could get a bomber crew sent home.

Alex Mena started working in the film business about 17 years ago. He’s worn many hats, including crewmember, supervisor and producer. He has worked the last four years for the Dallas Film Society, and now he is the film fest’s director of operations.

In January, the month after his dad died, he and his film crew flew to Minne-

48 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
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JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 49
Alex Mena of Lakewood expects to finish his film, “Crew 713,” this year.
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supporting local businesses strengthens the

apolis for a 492nd reunion.

They interviewed eight members of the group, plus two or three children of men who had already passed away. They came back with 12 hours of footage.

Since then, they’ve been researching, interviewing, filming and editing.

More recently, Mena interviewed Robert Cash of Fairview, Texas. Cash remem-

“The average life expectancy of a bomber in a crew was 12 missions, and then they were either blown out of the sky or shot down.”

bers Mena’s dad and his crew.

“One of the worst missions they flew was on June 20, 1944. It was a raid on Politz, Germany,” Mena says. “They lost 14 planes that day, and each plane carries a crew of 10. Seventy six men were killed.”

Cash’s craft was blown out of the sky, and he was the only survivor.

“That’s a pretty dramatic, horrific story

50 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
New Students! Skillman Live Oak 1920 Skillman Dallas, TX 75206 214.764.2119x113 * Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new first-time clients only. Not valid w/ any other offers or discounts. 214.764.2119 x101 Yoga as low as $29.95 per month! Intro Series Two-Class Introduction Designed for Beginners Creative Water Gardens 10% off your next in-store purchase with this ad. One mile north of 635, on Kingsley Ave. @ Garland Rd. 2125 W. Kingsley Ave. Garland, TX 75041 972.271.1411 creativewatergardens.net Winter Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9am to 5pm Closed Sun. and Mon.

to tell,” Mena says.

Mena is still raising money, but he expects the movie, “Crew 713,” to be finished next year.

He’s in a hurry. Four of the veterans he interviewed have since died.

“I have a time consideration because I want them to see the film,” he says.

Mena’s dad was 84 when he died, and he was the last living member of his crew. The elder Mena talked openly about his experiences in World War II. He also served in Korea and Vietnam, spending a total of 24 years in the U.S. Air Force. But the children of the men Mena has interviewed for the film often tell him they’re hearing war stories for the first time.

“I think they figure it’s good for the official record of the war,” Mena says. “They want to get it out there.”

About 10 books have been written about the 492nd, but “Crew 713” will be the first film about it. All of the authors and historians who have written about the group are supporting the film, along with the Frontiers of Flight Museum, the Dallas Film Society, the U.S. Latinos and Latinas Oral History Project at UT Austin and the Second Air Division Memorial Library in Norfolk, England, among others.

“It’s a labor of love,” Mena says. “It’s a love song to my father.” n

January 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 51
Serving eaSt DallaS Since 1954 & Mockingbird Where the neighborhood gets ACTIVE. FitneSS Lady of America The Little Gym Mockingbird Swim & Total Fitness Playtri Race Management abrams
Many books have been written about the 492nd Bomb Group, but “Crew 713” is the first movie.


The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM

Pinot’s Palette launches family classes

Known for its seemingly adult B.Y.O.B. paint classes, Pinot’s Palette in Hillside Village has launched a series of family classes geared toward tweens. East Dallas resident and owner Stephanie Burgard says its first step was the launch of a monthly Family Day, where parents can either sit with their children and assist in their painting or leave them to their own creative devices. In December, Pinot’s Palette experimented with a Drop and Shop four-hour “camp,” during which parents left their children to paint and craft while they ran errands. Upon their return, their children had several gifts and crafts to take home, including holiday cards. Lastly, Pinot’s Palette has made plans for a Young Artist program that will launch this month. Here, children will get a snack and a painting lesson.

A new home for Matt’s Rancho Martinez

Some neighborhood residents were distraught to hear that Lakewood staple Matt’s Rancho Martinez would no longer be in Lakewood Shopping Center as of February 2012, but we now know that Matt’s is moving to the former The Consignment Solution space at 1904 Skillman and Live Oak. The Consignment Solution recently moved just across the street to 1931 Skillman (north of La Calle Doce and next to Cox’s Lock and Key). Paperbacks Plus,

More business bits

located behind it, also is moving. Employees say their building, which was purchased in 1994, was sold to a new owner who bought the adjacent shopping center. They noted that Paperbacks Plus is looking into other spots nearby and doesn’t plan to move very far.

Swiss Avenue resident opens downtown restaurant

Swiss Avenue resident Eddie “Lucky” Campbell has opened a new restaurant, The Chesterfield, at 1404 Main. The Downtown restaurant is named after Chesterfield cigarettes and designed “after the barrooms of the early 1900’s … what is widely considered ‘The Golden Age of Cocktails.’” Campbell is a well-known bartender who earned his reputation at The Mansion on Turtle Creek.

Sol’s Nieto, the Tex-Mex restaurant at Mockingbird and Abrams, has closed. Its sister restaurant, Sol’s in Deep Ellum, closed earlier this year.

At the end of January, Another Time & Place on Henderson is closing the doors of both its Dallas and McKinney locations, and store merchandise is 60 percent off until then. The Plano location will remain open. Granada Theater’s new restaurant and beergarden, Sundown at Granada (which recently opened in the former M Street Bar space), features a wall of scrap wood donated by neighbors. Lower Greenville’s Company Café has opened a second location near the Katy Trail at 3136 Routh, Company Café on the Trail. It features the same healthy, organic fare as the original location plus some extras such a variety of smoked fish and meat from an in-house wood smoker.

Pinot’s Palette 6465 E. MOCKINGBIRD 214.827.4668 PINOTSPALETTE.COM/ LAKEWOOD

Matt’s Rancho Martinez 6332LA VISTA 214.823.5517 MATTSTEXMEX.COM

The Consignment Solution 1931SKILLMAN 214.827.8022 CONSIGNMENTSOLUTION.COM

Paperbacks Plus 6115LA VISTA 214.827.4260


Company Café 2217GREENVILLE 214.827.2233 COMPANYCAFE.NET

Company Café on the Trail 3136ROUTH 214.468.8721 COMPANYCAFE.NET

Another Time & Place 2815N.HENDERSON 214.824.1875 ANOTHERTIMEANDPLACE.COM


more business buzz every week on


52 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
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Pinot’s Palette now offers classes for tweens.
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to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, www.lakehillprep.org
SQUARE CHILD CARE 5302 Junius St. / 469.248.2905 / www.mungerchildcare.com
CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 50 years educating 3K through Grade 6 / 214.349.6843 / scofieldchristian.org
HOUSE 5740 Prospect Ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
School Pre-k


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9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410.

Seats in genuine colors & special shapes to match your toilet.


7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391 www.stchristophersmontessori.com


6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / www.ziondallas. org


848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / www.stjohnsschool.org


1601 Oates Dr. Dallas / 214.324.5580

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 55
69% of our readers say they want to know more about Private Schools. TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 Cantrell Improvements From Handyman to Home Remodel Emergency Service 214-566-2649

A mA nly exhortAtion

Take the Rough Rider’s advice and go to church this year

If you aren’t already a regular churchgoer, my New Year’s resolution for you is to become one. To strengthen my appeal, I enlist the old Rough Rider, President Theodore Roosevelt. I’ll splice in my own comments to spice up his “Ten Reasons to Go to Church,” which appeared in a 1917 edition of The Ladies Home Journal. (As always, substitute your own religious tradition for church; this is not the place to proselytize. Likewise, know that when Teddy says “men” he also means “women,” although they don’t seem to need as much convincing.)

1. In this actual world a churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid downgrade. Human beings are made to relate upwards (spiritually), sideways (socially), and downwards (naturally), so to speak. We stand most erect when we attend well to all these relationships.

2. Church work and church attendance mean the cultivation of the habit of feeling some responsibility for others and the sense of braced moral strength which prevents a relaxation of one’s own moral fiber. We are what we do. If we want to be better, we have to act our way to it through practice.

3. There are enough holidays devoted to pure holiday making. Sundays differ from other holidays, among other ways, in the fact that there are fifty-two of them every year. On Sunday, go to church. Amen.

4. Yes, I know all the excuses. I know that one can worship the Creator ... in a grove of trees, or by a running brook, or in one’s own house, just as well as in church. But I also know as a matter of cold fact the average man does not thus worship or thus dedicate himself. If he stays away from church he does not spend his time in good works or in lofty meditation. He looks over the colored supplement of the newspaper. Today we might watch color TV instead, but this excuse is usually a copout.

5. He may not hear a good sermon at

church. But unless he is very unfortunate he will hear a sermon by a good man who, with his good wife, is engaged all the week long in a series of wearing and humdrum and important tasks for making hard lives a little easier. I can’t speak for the preacher being a good man, since I only know one well, and he’s a stout blend of good and bad. Going to church helps me move the mix toward the good. It may for you, too.

6. He will listen to and take part in reading some beautiful passages from the Bible. And if he is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered a loss. Verily.

7. He will probably take part in singing some good hymns. OK, they’re not all good. And some are just choruses. But when the valley of the shadow of death looms, humming Lady Gaga won’t get you through.

8. He will meet and nod to, or speak to, good, quiet neighbors. … He will come away feeling a little more charitably toward all the world, even towards those excessively foolish young men who regard church-going as rather a soft performance. Many non-attending men seem to fear losing manliness in church, as if it’s really a woman’s world. Jesus was a real man, but he did love his mother. Just saying.

9. I advocate a man’s joining in church works for the sake of showing his faith by his works. Here, here. Real community is come-and-stay commitment, not comeand-go consumerism.

10. The man who does not ... connect himself with some active, working church misses many opportunities for helping his neighbors, and therefore, incidentally, for helping himself. Good church is good for you. Look for a good church that you can find, not a perfect one that you never will.

Though many of these may seem quaint and old fashioned, the point is still the same today: God is worthy of worship, neighbors need caring for, and our souls require spiritual exercise.

A church near you waits to welcome you.


LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

Pastor Jeff Donnell / Worship 10:30 am & 10:31 am www.lbc-dallas.org

WILShIrE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

DIS c IPLES of c hrIST

E AST DALLAS chrISTIAn church / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org


ThE c AThEDrAL church of ST. MATThEW / 5100 Ross Ave.

Sunday Traditional: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Education 9:30 am

Hispanic Service 12:30 / 214.823.8134 / www.episcopalcathedral.org

ThE EPIScoPAL church of ThE AScEnSIon / 8787 Greenville Ave.

Sunday School 9:00 am / Worship 8:00 & 10:15 am 214.340.4196 / more at www.ascensiondallas.org

Lu ThErAn

cEnTrAL LuThErAn church, ELcA / 1000 Easton Road

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am

Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222

fIrST unITED LuThErAn church / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule.

214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org

ZIon LuThErAn church & SchooL / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org


WhITE rocK unITED METhoDIST / www.wrumc.org

1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk

non -DE noMIn ATIon AL

ShorELInE DALLAS church / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane

ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan

Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry

PrESB y TE r IA n

norThPArK PrESBy TErIAn church / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services

norThrIDGE PrESBy TErIAn church / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr.

214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship

8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:30 am / Childcare provided.

ST. AnDrEW ’S PrESBy TErIAn / Skillman & Monticello

Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org

214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am

unIT y

unIT y of DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

56 lakewood.advocatemag.com January 2012
we’re the talk of the neighborhood >> e-newsletter advocatemag.com/newsletter worship listings special advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.


The Ferguson Road Initiative to restore the White Rock Hills community ended its Weed and Seed program and has launched Community Connection, a campaign that enlists monetary support and involvement from local businesses and individuals. The initiative tackles issues related to crime, safety, urban blight and failing schools. For more information, visit fergusonroad.org.

Neighborhood residents Daniel and Delores Wolfe, attorneys working pro bono, sent a formal petition to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in November to prevent Far West nightclub from renewing its liquor license. The complaint was filed on behalf of 15 neighborhood organizations, including the Lakewood Hills Neighborhood Association, the Hollywood Santa Monica Neighborhood Association and the Ferguson Road Initiative. Neighbors believe the nightclub at Gaston and Garland is responsible for increased crime and disturbance to the community.

The Exchange Club of East Dallas and Comerica Bank collected 2,400 coats for children ages 4 and older through their annual Coats for Kids drive. The drive brought in 400 more coats this year than in 2010, and 12 neighborhood elementary schools received free coats.


Woodrow Wilson High School Community Foundation has distributed grants to students enrolled in IB Psychology through the Ann Jacobus Folz Fund for International Baccalaureate Financial Assistance. The grant will help cover costs for about 15 needy students. The foundation also has funded three pilot technologies at Woodrow: Questia, an online library; Turnitin.com, a virtual tool to prevent plagiarism; and P.E.T. Vital Knowledge, which assesses learning styles.

DISD announced plans to close 11 schools to save $11.5 million, including James B. Bohnam Elementary School and James W. Fannin Elementary School Neighbors have begun a petition to save Bohnam, which is rated “exemplary” by the Texas Education Agency and received a Blue Ribbon Award from the U.S. Department of Education. To learn more, visit savebonham.org.

Lipscomb Elementary PTA netted more than $10,000 at its Roaring Twenties auction and fundraiser Nov. 3 at Times Ten Cellars. More than 100 people attended.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

JANUARY 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 57 NEWS & Notes
area home values November MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals REAL ESTATE REPORT Lochwood Northwest Hwy 75 Central Expressway White Rock Lake Buckner Garland Rd. I-30R.L.ThortonFrwy Lovers Ln Skillman Greenville Abrams Abrams Fisher SouthernPacificR.R. Lawther Winstead Williamson Westlake Brookside Oram Richmond Marquita Marquita Ross RossAve Gaston Richmond Goodwin Henderson Fitzhugh Haskell Vanderbilt Longview Lakeshore LaVista Lakeland Van Dyke Classen Swiss. MainSt. Reiger Gaston Ave Shadyside Cameron Cristler Graham East Grand FergusonRd SantaFe R.R. Munger McCommas Brandenwood Washington MockingbirdLn. Peavy Peavy Easton Rd. 2 6 7 8 12 11 3 LiveOak Fe r g u s no dR La k e H hg n d s 4 9 5 Jupiter HOMES ON MARKET 37 44 35 52 148 80 64 57 120 65 SOLD NOVEMBER 2011 4 3 6 5 25 13 9 14 12 6 SOLD NOVEMBER 2010 0 4 10 3 21 12 11 8 11 10 YEAR TO DATE SALES 2011 67 78 65 81 271 186 77 106 136 94 YEAR TO DATE SALES 2010 34 85 72 64 249 151 100 115 164 94 AVG. DAYS ON MARKET 2011 99 120 113 119 106 112 133 109 141 125 AVG. DAYS ON MARKET 2010 134 86 124 75 108 105 109 70 102 96 AVG. SALES PRICE 2011 $286,310 $251,274 $216,589 $177,328 $369,614 $555,198 $268,760 $168,496 $190,340 $290,663 AVG. SALES PRICE 2010 $287,922 $257,617 $227,289 $177,594 $368,569 $485,650 $318,742 $170,274 $136,659 $291,819 AVG. PRICE PER SQ. FT. 2011 $139.88 $146.25 $125.85 $94.80 $174.66 $189.91 $130.18 $94.66 $82.36 $146.42 AVG. PRICE PER SQ. FT. 2010 $135.13 $152.58 $134.43 $98.59 $172.70 $187.07 $141.79 $97.87 $73.25 $157.75 *Statistics are com piled by Ron Burch of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. Ron Burch office: 972-733-9504 ron.burch@cbdfw.com Sponsored by: Owned & Operated by NRT, Incorporated. Lake Highlands Family YMCA (214) 221-9622 www.LakeHighlandsYMCA.org “BACK AWAY FROM THE SOFA!” Sooner You Join, Better The Price YMCA at White Rock (214) 328-3849 www.WhiteRockYMCA.org JOINYMCANOW.COM

Far east fun

Stonewall Jackson Elementary recently held a special Japan-themed event, featuring a craft market and other activities. Pictured: First-graders Zoe Munroe and Charley Garrett with their teacher, Barbra Uskovich.

Rain, rain, go away

Jerry and Julie Reddy fill cups with water and Gatorade at the White Rock Marathon Dec. 3. They were among volunteers who braved the cold and rainy weather. Photo by Pete Puckett.

Long time coming

The J.L. Long Middle School cross-country team finished its first season with 27 students participating in five meets. Pictured: Jake Bell, Cole Martinez and Alison


Classes/TuToring/ lessons

ADHD TEST PREP & TUTORING Dedicated 1 on 1 Test-Taking Prep & Tutoring exclusively for ADD/ADHD & alternative learners. Free Consult & 1st week tutoring. Outstanding References. Yale ‘93. Anthony 214-484-4488

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com


214.824.2777 www.beadsofsplendor.com

Lakewood Shopping center: 1900 Abrams Pkwy @ La Vista

LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Professional musician. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

TUTORING All Subjects. Elem-middle School. Algebra 1, Dmath. Your Home. 25 + Yrs. Dr. J. 214-535-6594. vsjams@att.net

UKULELE LESSONS Instruments, Workshops. www.UkeLadyMusic.com 214-924-0408

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560

WALK,JOG,RUN THE HIGHLANDS. Classes Start Jan. 9th. 4 or 8 weeks.Tues & Thurs, 12pm -1pm. Judy. 865-441-0881


Not Standing in Lines.

Samuell Grand Tennis Center offers

Kids and Adult Classes, Drills, Leagues, and Private Lessons. Call 214-670-1374 to Sign Up or go to www.samuellgrandtennis.com

to advertise call 214.560.4203


LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.

Business opporTuniTies

I’M LOOKING FOR A BILINGUAL BUSINESS PARTNER for expansion of 55-yr.-old start-up co. BJ Ellis 214-226-9875

serviCes for You

AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

SIGNS: Nameplates, Badges, Office, Braille. A&G Engraving. 214-324-1992. getasign@att.net agengraving.vpweb.com

serviCes for You

professional serviCes

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big.

Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HOME ORGANIZING & Senior Moving Plans/Solutions. Refs avail. Donna 860-710-3323 DHJ0807@aol.com. $30 hr.

58 lakewood.advocatemag.com January 2012
Scene & Heard
Ward Photo by Susan Ward
Website Design Flash Demos Graphic Design RibbitMultimedia .com 214.560.4207 February DeaDLINe JaNuary 11

We are the champions

The sixth-grade football team at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School won this year’s Catholic Bowl Nov. 19, beating St. Patrick Catholic School at Jesuit College Preparatory School.

Two become one

Two small but longstanding Circle Ten Boy Scout districts, White Rock and White Buffalo, recently merged to form the new Tejas Caddo district. To come up with a new name, leaders from the two districts held a renaming contest with 97 submissions from each Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop and Venture Crew. Pictured: John Thompson, Grace Davidson, John Davidson, Officer Ed Ducayet, Gary Spence and George Tarpley.

to advertise call 214.560.4203


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January 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 59
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O’BRIEN GROUP INC. Professional Home Remodel. Shannon O’Brien. 214-341-1448 www.obriengroupinc.com


HardiPlank 50 Yr. Cement Siding, Energy Star Windows. Kitchens-Baths-Additions & More. 214-348-3836. See Photo Gallery at: www.previewconstruction.com

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BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319

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FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

MASONRY Brick/Stone Repairs. Don 214-704-1722

eleCtriCal ServiCeS

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com

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TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658

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exterior Cleaning

BLOUNTS HAULING/TRASH SERVICE blountsjunkremovaldfw.com 214-275-5727

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Was it the work of a homeless teenager?

University Terrace resident Ronald Williams thinks so. The coins had been in the console of his car, which was parked as usual in his driveway. Someone had ransacked through the glove box and grabbed the change, but amazingly left behind a radar detector and a pair of binoculars.

The crime left Williams a bit baffled.

The Victim: RonaldWilliams

The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle

Date: Friday, Nov. 25

Time: Between 6:30 p.m. and 10 a.m.

Location: 7300 block of Bennington

After reporting the crime to his homeowners’ association, he learned of other strange crimes in the neighborhood. One woman had reported a bag of clothes stolen from her garage with much more

valuable items left behind.

“They’re not professional thieves,” Williams says. “I think they’re breaking in and taking anything they can to survive. I think it’s pretty sad, honestly. A lot of the breakins don’t make sense.”

Williams says there is an old railroad track nearby, an area a bit wild and overgrown where some homeless people may gather under a bridge. He suspects some of them may be stealing out of necessity.

Dallas Police Sgt. Keitric Jones of the Northeast Patrol Division says it’s important never to leave any money in plain view in a car — even if it’s pocket change. The coins may make the vehicle a target of a thief looking for quick cash. Jones says it is indeed possible that nearby homeless people are stealing things for immediate use.

“Homeless people need quick cash, and we have had other cases involving the homeless breaking into cars,” Jones says.

a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.

Number of incidents that occurred around Buckner and Ferguson during a one-month period, including 10 car burglaries, 4 thefts and 1 assault 7

Number of car burglaries that occurred along Birchbrook Drive off Lovers and Skillman 3

Number of assaults that occurred near Old East Dallas Park at Columbia and Munger

SOURCE: Dallas Police Department crime statistics for July 10-Aug. 10

64 lakewood.advocatemag.com JANUARY 2012
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and editor of pokertraditions.com. If you have been
DAN NEAL COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING $60/HR. MINIMUM ONE HOUR DON’T PANIC. CALL ME, 214-727-1992 TWOWINEGUYS.COM WINE CLASSES TAUGHT BY TWO WINE EXPERTS IN YOUR OWN HOME two wine guys 214-384-2657 www.teamwhiteside.com THANK YOU Lakewood/East Dallas for your support in 2011! 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829 CPA Happy New Year! Good news: The Bush Tax cuts are extended through 2011 & 2012 tax years. Bad news: 2013 ???? cpa Tax Tip Design/Build New Installations Fine Gardens Outdoor Rooms Plus Patios Paths Walls Pergolas Trellises Water/Fire Features Tree Work Drainage Solutions Lighting Total Makeovers ConcreteWork Art Installs ParadiseLandscapes.net Brian Bessner is a Registered Representative and Financial Advisor of New England Securities. Securities products and Financial Advisor 214-320-3040 Brian Bessner

New year, old problems

Maybe this will be the year city officials learn that the budget won’t fix itself

Comment. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search old problems to tell us what you think.

Know who I don’t envy this year?

The mayor. And know who I envy even less? The city manager. Because if they think the past year — or two years, or three years — has been difficult, just wait until they get a peek at 2012. It will be bad enough, if only because the city budget crunch that started in 2008 doesn’t show any signs of ending. But what will make it worse is that the city leaders still — four years later — don’t

times, don’t they? That going for it on fourth down and getting stuffed every time usually leads to losing the game is something that never seems to occur to the people Downtown.

The most recent example of this? The city’s mystifying debate last year about whether to move to the next stage in its water conservation plan. Again, this seemed fairly obvious, given that Texas is suffering one of those record droughts that shows up every couple of decades. We’re down one-third in rainfall this year, and the long-term forecasts aren’t optimistic. But City Hall dillied and dallied, as if it was waiting for rain to come and make a decision moot.

But that’s far from the only time that his approach has failed over the past couple of years:

the everyday workings of the federal government, why do people Downtown still think Congress will give them money? Couldn’t the time, effort and money that’s being used on the toll road be put to better use solving some of the other problems?

• The Trinity River levees. This mess makes my head hurt. The agency that regulates these things says the levees need to be fixed. So why are we wasting time, effort and money once again arguing about whether they need to be fixed? Why don’t we just fix them? If you call a stupid play on fourth and 1 and come up short, arguing with the referee isn’t going to change the outcome or make the stupid play look any less stupid.

have any sort of plan to deal with the budget shortfall. Or, actually, for any of the problems facing the city.

Their attitude, as a friend of mine has so ably noted, is to always go for it on fourth down. Because, certainly, they have to make it one of these

• The budget. We still, four years later, don’t have any sort of comprehensive plan to deal with what looks to be a more or less permanent change in the U.S. economy. We just keep hacking at the libraries and forcing people do pay us to take their garbage until the budget balances, and then worry about next year next year.

• The Trinity toll road. The thing that makes me crazy about the city elite’s continued insistence on building the highway — which even some its most ardent supporters outside of City Hall have given up on — is that it needs federal money. And there is no federal money. If Congress can’t agree to fund

But, lest we start the new year on too cynical a note, there are reasons for optimism. The task force formed by the council to recommend regulations for increased natural gas drilling in Dallas seems to be doing a bang up job — fair, sensible and more or less orderly. This, of course, is a huge surprise, since the natural inclination is to assume that the task force would be — how to say this politely? — stacked to allow the natural gas companies to drill whenever and wherever they want.

I have no idea why the task force seems to be working; I’m just glad it is. Can this actually be a sign that someone Downtown realizes that sometimes, punting on fourth down is not a bad idea?

January 2012 lakewood.advocatemag.com 65
lest we start the new year on too cynical a note, there are reasons for optimism.
last Word
Jeff Siegel, a neighborhood resident, writes a monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. His opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to him at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email editor@advocatemag.com.
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68 lakewood.advocatemag.com January 2012 Announcing our new affiliation with Dave Perry-Miller & Associates PRESTON CENTER HIGHLAND PARK INTOWN PARK CITIES LAKEWOOD 214.369.6000 214.526.6600 214.303.1133 214.522.3838 214.522.3838 daveperrymiller.com 2311 LOVING $329,000 Heather Brooks 214.883.0997 6848 VELASCO $1,249,000 Nancy Johnson 214.674.3840 8547 SANTA CLARA $975,000 Christopher Miller 214.528.0707 5124 SWISS $895,000 Sharon Quist 214.695.9595 5640 SWISS $849,000 Scott Jackson/Lauren Moore 469.939.9391/214.680.0630 6719 BOB O LINK $825,000 Marissa Fontanez 214.789.9187 6621 LAKEWOOD CALL FOR INFO. Henda Salmeron 214.520.4433 9235 CLUB GLEN $549,999 Meg Skinner 214.924.5393 6200 TREMONT $499,999 Hickman + Weber Group 214.300.8439 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Marketing Properties of Quality and Character

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A mA nly exhortAtion

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‘A love song to my father’

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Full Continuum of Care

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cheap thrills

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three ways to dine out

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Out & About

pages 26-29


pages 24-25

clean your room!

pages 23-24

artist in residence

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looming success

pages 17-18

Q&A: Camille Cortinas & Eric Neal

pages 14-16

How Lindbergh Drive became Skillman Street

page 13

Calling neighborhood foodies

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Accept the unacceptable

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