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Spark a New Career
Art Metals Program
ister than that of the batty Bouvier cousins, the “Big” and “Little” Edith Beales.
For those who haven’t heard the story, here is a recap: Two antiques dealers,MarkMcKayandJustin Burgess, are accused of attempting to swindle Bendtsen before she died. At one time, they had an antiques store in Deep Ellum and a habit of befriendingandborrowingmoney from wealthy elderly people.
Bendtsen signed legal documents giving McKay power of attorney, and he used it to keep her family away at the end of her life. She also signed a will, days before she died, leaving her beloved Swiss Avenue house to McKay.
A court later declared Bendtsen’s daughter, Frances Ann Giron, to be the legal heir of Bendtsen’s estate, nullifying the McKay will.
It’s a dramatic story that has made the front pages of newspapers and has been fodder for TV shows such as “20/20”.
But that’s not whatBendtsen’s familywantspeopletoremember abouther.Theywouldrathershe be remembered for her beauty and grace — she posed for art deco statues in Fair Park and was known for her fabulous parties.
The house is on the market now, listedat$795,000,andpreservationists are hoping for a buyer who wants to restore the jewel of Swiss Avenue to its former grandeur.
Hometourorganizershopethat by putting the house on the tour, theyalsocanrestoreBendtsen’s reputationandremindthepublic that before her dark end, she was a jewel, too.
“As notorious as this house is, we want to remember how wonderful Mary Ellen was,” says Cynthia Robinson, one of the tour’s organizers.