2 minute read
Lipscomb Elementary students, inspired by sled-dog Borage and Iditarod competitor Karen L and , participated in Idita-READ, a reading contest in which the children earn one “mile” for each minute they read. “Miles” represent miles in the actual Alaskan Iditarod race. It took 1,100 minutes of collective reading for the students to cross the virtual finish line.
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AFFORDABLEINSURANCESOLUTIONS Life, Health, Dental, Vision. For individuals & Families. 214-628-0605. InsphereIS.com/damon.kearns. The Solutions you Need. The Service You Deserve. Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc. 11s000024
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Professional Services
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ATTORNEY - PERSONAL INJURY Free telephone consultation with experienced attorney. Board certified in personal injury trial law by Texas Board of Legal Specialization. No fee unless you collect. James W. Shoecraft, P.C. 214-624-4939.
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