These neighborhood high-school seniors show anything is possible.
by can türkyilmaz
The urban pioneers who created the city’s first historic district, Swiss Avenue.
Most neighbors favor the plan for a new YMCA on Gaston, except this guy. 60
This neighbor parlayed a babysitting business into a water-sports camp.
Woodrow principal Kyle Richardson made it through an unusual first year, and he’s ready for more. 22
A neighborhood school closes this month, but the show must go on.
Vascular disease often has few symptoms. Yet it is a serious condition that if left untreated can lead to stroke, heart attack or even death. Fortunately, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas is one of the area’s leading hospitals for vascular disease detection, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The Texas Health Dallas medical staff includes more than 30 cardiac and vascular specialists. Many are internationally recognized for training physicians across the world on vascular procedures. They deliver a comprehensive range of therapies, from minimally invasive treatments to specialized procedures, and can provide treatment for any fixable vein or artery. Unlike most hospitals, medical staff physicians can treat blockages in veins from head to toe. To stay ahead of vascular disease, take our online risk assessment today.
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I remember two things about my high school graduation ceremony, which is one more than I remember about my college graduation.
Our high school commencement speaker was a guy none of us knew, and to this day, I can’t remember his name. I don’t remember what he said, either, which was par for the course back then since he was old and outof-touch, and I was young and wise.
But I recall the guy’s high-pitched cackle, registered over the rigged-up sound system on the football field, when a group of fellow grads went through with our preplanned “spontaneous” toss of mortarboards high into the air after the last of us crossed the stage.
The other thing I remember? My mortarboard, clutched in my hand the whole time, failing to join its compadres in the air.
I had been told of the celebration plan right before the ceremony, and I figured lots of classmates would participate. But I was concerned and spent too much time pondering the repercussions.
What if my mortarboard didn’t come straight down to me? What if a classmate trampled it in the inevitable scramble? What if I didn’t see that ultimate collectible again?
A decision of that magnitude just can’t be made on the spur of the moment, and something like a graduation mortarboard requires proper care.
So my mortarboard went from head to hand and back to head again, destined for what I assumed would someday be an honored place in my life and home.
I’m not sure why this relatively meaning-
less story came back to me this month, other than the story about high school grads overcoming difficult odds got me thinking (naturally) about myself.
These students were dealt a losing hand, but they haven’t let things such as AWOL parents, drug dependency or lack of money stop them from getting where they want to go.
There’s something to be said for figuring out what you want to do and then just doing it — no overthinking, no hand-wringing, no regrets.
That’s a two-part equation, though, with the first part difficult and the second part nearly impossible.
More than once, we’ve all been where these students stood, facing a crossroads and needing to make a decision about which leg of the multi-pronged road of life to take. And most often, most of us stick with the direction we’re already headed rather than taking the road seemingly less traveled, which often is the road we really want to take in the first place.
In fact, there have been precious few decisions I truly regret, while the decisions I regret most are the paths I didn’t take because I was afraid of taking a chance.
Luckily, there have been few of those, too, in large part thanks to the mortarboard incident. Immediately after the ceremony, I knew it would have been fun to take a chance, cut loose and do something with no real consequences.
But it was too late; I had missed the moment, and there was no do-over.
Graduation was the last time I saw that mortarboard. It’s probably in our house somewhere, but the cap itself means nothing to me now. What I could have done with it — what I should have done with it, though that’s something to regret.
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Every second counts when the first stroke symptoms appear. Time lost is brain lost and it’s important to take immediate action. That’s why you should go to Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake, which has been awarded the Gold Seal of Approval™ by The Joint Commission’s Primary Stroke Center Certification program and the Get With The Guidelines®– Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award by the American Heart Association.
Call 866-764-3627 today for your free copy of the American Heart Association’s Guide to Stroke Risk Factors brochure and learn about reducing your risk of stroke.
The Chihuly exhibit opens at the Dallas Arboretum on Saturday, May 5. These numbers, demonstrating both the pressure and potential impact on the gardens, first appeared on lakewood.advocatemag.com in April.
23 Areas of the gardens that will house Dale Chihuly’s famed glass sculptures
4 People needed to assemble the largest of the sculptures
❏ Approved as is
❏ Approved with corrections
❏ Additional proof needed Signed
59 Evenings from May through October that the gardens will open after hours for Chihuly Nights
Thank you for your business!
and the pressro reasonable variation in color between job shall constitute an acceptable delivery.
334 Light fixtures requested by Chihuly’s lighting specialist to illuminate pathways to the art pieces
For updates on the Chihuly exhibit, isit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com.
For event details turn to page 24.
to beCome a Chihuly volunteer, contact Sue McCombs at 214.515.6561 or smccombs@dallasarboretum.org.
attention to spelling, grammar, difference in equipment and conditions pressroom operations, a color proofs and the completed delivery.
Home remodeling projects often exceed customer budgets, and it’s usually a matter of these all-too-common issues in our industry:
Typically remodelers, architects, and designers collaborate on a project as separate businesses. When an architect is employed separately by the homeowner, he doesn’t have access to the remodeler’s expertise in costing. He simply provides a blueprint with the features the buyer wants. Similarly, separately employed designers also create plans without the remodeler’s cost expertise.
At Bella Vista Company, we “Design to a Number”, as we call it. We have our own architects and designers, and we work together as a team from the outset. Before we create the architectural and design plans, we work together to balance your budget with your wishes. The centralization of “Designing to a Number” – that our cost expertise is a prominent factor in every discussion – ensures your project won’t go over budget.
Our collaboration also prevents the inefficiencies of competing visions. When an architect sees something differently in his mind’s eye than a remodeler, costly mistakes arise. The design isn’t cohesive. Time is wasted. The way to avoid this is to avoid outsourcing. Hire a team that works well together.
In a well-intentioned, but misguided attempt to always be polite, some remodelers don’t talk about costs when they should. Many remodelers give round number estimates without itemization. Or they don’t provide up-front pricing, buying time to first discuss their profit behind the scenes before they tell you about their costs. What results is an inflated estimate and no ability for you to make lineitem cost decisions.
During the design process, if you ask about adding a feature, we’ll gladly tell you the incremental cost, rather than politely saying “no problem”. Costs matter, because a remodel is an investment, and at Bella Vista Company, we believe it should be an informed one.
The buzz is that it’s a topic of casual discussion at City Hall, so we asked for neighbors’ thoughts on the matter*:
Yes. Bring on the bars, restaurants and souvenir shops.
No. Commercialization will ruin the lake and park — leave it alone!
18% No permanent structures, but mobile vendors such as food trucks would be OK.
One nice restaurant/bar overlooking the lake would be cool.
What was it like for you, taking over this school?
It’s been difficult. It reminds me of when I took over Marsh, which had different problems — drugs, gangs, low performance. We don’t have that here. This is just trying to get the pieces together to make it work academically.
What are your goals for Woodrow?
Well, my goal for any child is to graduate from university. That goes for every child here. Next year, we’re [academically unacceptable] anyway. The rating sticks with you for two years. Being a recognized school or exemplary is not in the cards next year. But we have a lot of work to do. Woodrow is a great school. It truly is. The faculty, parents, the kids are as good as you could hope for. We want to preserve the great tradition that’s in existence here, but we want the school to move forward in some new ways. We’re developing our academy system. We’re a school that’s wall-to-wall academies. We want to make sure that each academy is best educating kids.
What is it like to basically work in a construction site?
When Kyle Richardson left Marsh Middle School to take over as principal of Woodrow Wilson High School last summer, he was faced with a school deemed “Unacceptable” by the Texas Education Agency, an enormous renovation and construction project, and just a couple of weeks to prepare for the school year. Now he’s made it to May. The former language arts teacher, who has served as a Dallas ISD principal for 15 years, sat down with us recently to talk about how the year went and his goals for the coming school year.
Part of my job now is working with construction. This morning, I was dealing with a situation with our air conditioners. They just refinished the gym floors, so I was trying to protect those from construction going on around them. Every day has been a new construction challenge. I feel really bad for the seniors because it’s a big year for them. They’re very resilient, but I wish they had a beautiful school to be in for their last year.
Having a full summer to plan. Last year, I got here in August, so there wasn’t a lot of time to plan and get things the way I want them to be. I’m looking forward to having our year planned out ahead of time. I want to make sure all the staff development is well thought-out and planned. You have to make sure you are giving them what they need to do their job. It is so important that teachers feel they have support and everything they need. When you do staff development and planning, it needs to make them feel it’s worth their time.
What are you doing to improve the school?
We’re looking at every area of the school to improve it. It’s not a broken school or anything. It’s just not quite where it used to be. There are so many positives. The main thing I look at is personnel. It is so important that the principal of the school make great hires. You can’t put a price tag on a great hire. So when we have a vacancy, that’s a big deal for me that a person that’s going to stand in front of our students every day will be the best candidate we can find. We want to track our students well and know how each one is performing. Tailor our educational plans around individual student needs. Every year that passes is a chance to see our academies mature. It doesn’t matter if we were an exemplary school. That would still be my focus. I would love to see all student populations perform extremely well. This is a school that should be at the top, and we’ve got a good chance to do that in the next couple of years.
Oh, yes. All the tradition that’s here, getting to work in this grand building. It’s such a special building, and this neighborhood that is just so involved, and they care so much about this school. The Woodrow Wilson foundation is an incredible group of people to work with. The Woodrow Wilson High School advisory board does so much for the school. You have people who have kids here that are working with you; the alums are very involved. And then you have a community that supports this school. There are all these structures that help you along. There are a lot of interests in having this school succeed.
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The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com
Saturday, May 19, 10 a.m. White Rock Lake Winfrey Point Fightblindness.org/dallasvisionwalk
Thomas Martinelli comes bounding through the house like a pre-k hurricane, no different than any kid his age. But at school, the 4-year-old is learning to read Braille and walk with a cane because he is preparing for blindness. Thomas’s parents, Kim and Brent Martinelli, learned their son has Retinitis Pigmentosa when he was 19 months old. The disorder causes gradual tunnel vision and eventual blindness in severe cases. Doctors experimenting with stem cells, harvested from the patient’s own skin, are close to finding a cure, says Kim Martinelli, who is chair of the Dallas VisionWalk. “We believe one of two things will happen,” she says. “Either Thomas will never go blind because we’re finding a cure, or he will benefit his lifetime because of genetic research. That carrot is right there.” The Martinellis are raising money through “Team Thomas” for this month’s fifth-annual VisionWalk, supportthe Foundation Fighting Blindness. Their goal is to raise $5,000. The walk is a 5k, and festivities include a bounce house, face painting and food. Attendees can try on glasses simulate how the world looks from the perspective of someone with a retinal degenerative disorder. Thomas was diagnosed very young through screenings when he was a baby. Most people don’t show symptoms of the disorder until they’re teenagers. In a way, Martinellis see that as a positive. “We really are lucky that he’s so young because he doesn’t know any different,” Kim Martinelli says. “He laughs and smiles his whole way through every trip and bump and bruise.” In the daytime, Thomas’s vision seems normal, tunnel vision causes him to trip a lot. He is totally blind in the dark, and his eyes take few minutes to adjust from dark to light. So the Martinellis are used to living with every light in the house on all the time. Even though Thomas has a terrific personality, Martinelli says it can be gut wrenching to think of her child going blind. “You would trade in a heart beat so they wouldn’t have to go through that,” she says.
When DISD announced plans last year to close 10 elementary schools, including Bonham, the community immediately took a stance to protect the beloved neighborhood school on Henderson Avenue. In the end, a savings of approximately $1.1 million won out, and the board of trustees voted to close Bonham, a Blue-Ribbon School that’s rated “Exemplary,” despite the neighborhood’s best efforts to save it. Parents were sad, angry, disheartened. But now they’re facing reality, making plans for the coming school year. Bonham faculty, staff, students and parents will say goodbye, as they do at the end of every year, at field day this month. Bonham principal Sandra Fernandez and the entire Bonham staff are moving to a new school, Adelfa Botello Callejo Elementary School in Pleasant Grove. “I think they have
a fabulous group of teachers, and we would’ve loved to have them teaching our kids,” says Velouette Zavadil, whose child is entering kindergarten at Robert E. Lee Elementary next year. “But Lee has done an excellent job as well.” A few parents are following the Bonham team to Callejo. Some have enrolled in Kennedy Learning Center or Dealey Montessori Academy. And about 150 are expected to enroll at Lee. Lee PTA officer Claudette Copeland reached out to Bonham parents soon after the board of trustees’ vote. “The decision’s been made, and now we should go forward with a lot of spirit and working together in building a better PTA and school,” she says. The PTA and teachers at Lee have been preparing students for the change, Copeland says, encouraging them to make new friends. The friendliness of the Lee PTA and teachers went a long way in convincing some parents to send their kids there, says Sofia Hurley, a Bonham PTA officer whose son is entering kindergarten at Lee. And Lee, after all, is also a good school, rated “Exemplary” by the Texas Education Agency. “I thought I would give Lee a try,” Hurley says. “If something doesn’t feel right, I can always go somewhere else.” One advantage of the change is that Lee is in the J.L. Long Middle School-Woodrow Wilson High School feeder pattern. Bonham students advanced to Spence Middle School and North Dallas High School. Anna Short, who was involved with the Save Bonham movement, is sending her daughter to kindergarten at Lee because they weren’t accepted to Dealey. Although she’s planning to apply to Dealey again, Short is cautiously optimistic about Lee, which is actually closer to her house than Bonham. She likes that Lee has a garden, a nice library, a focus on health and fitness, and “that funky spirit” that engages the community. If there are any doubts about Lee, Claudette Copeland just might be the one to dissuade them. “I have been very, very satisfied with Lee from the get go,” she says. “I think the teachers are exceptional, the principal is great; we don’t have any discipline problems whatsoever.”
—Rachel StoneMay 2012
May 5–Nov. 5
The highly anticipated Chihuly exhibit opens this month with dramatic, colorful glass sculptures in more than 15 locations throughout the garden. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings are “Chihuly Nights,” a rare opportunity to stroll the garden at night and enjoy these illuminated works of art. Artist Dale Chihuly’s spectacular sculptures have been showcased in 97 exhibitions in seven countries in the last decade.
Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org, $9 (child)–$15 (adult); Chihuly Nights $9–$20
may 4–5
The 11th annual race, presented by The Video Association of Dallas, runs from 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 4 until midnight on Saturday, May 5. One hundred teams compete based on one assigned theme, one prop, one location and one line of dialogue. Everyone from elementary school students to professional filmmakers is welcome to participate.
Angelika Film Center, 5321 E. Mockingbird, 214.428.8700, 24hourvideorace.com, entry fees vary
may 4
From 4–8 p.m., the Lipscomb PTA and the Swiss Avenue Historic District present a day of fun for the East Dallas community. Enjoy music, giant slides, mini golf, games and great food. Proceeds support Lipscomb Elementary.
Lipscomb Elementary School, 5801 Worth, rachel_franz@hotmail.com, free
may 4–June 3
Children ages 4 and older will enjoy this play at Dallas Children’s Theater. Based on the popular books by Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss, this story of a bug’s world is full of humor and fun.
Rosewood Center for Family Arts, 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org, $20–$26
may 5
East Lake Pet Orphanage’s “Wine on the Roof” fundraiser kicks off at 7 p.m. The event features a silent auction, dinner with wine pairings, raffle items and more. All proceeds benefit the homeless pets at East Lake Pet Orphanage.
East Lake Pet Orphanage, 10101 Northwest Hwy., 214.349.ELPO, elpo.org, $65/$75 (at the door)
may 12–13
2012 marks the historic district’s 39th year to host the tour, this year showcasing homes at 4949 Swiss, 5105 Swiss, 5303 Swiss, 5816 Swiss, 6000 Bryan and 6110 Bryan. Air-conditioned coaches and horse-drawn carriages will be provided free of charge. During the tour, food from Penne Pomodoro and other eateries will be available alongside artisans and live music at Savage Park. The Mother’s Day
Champagne Brunch is Sunday from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. sahd.org/hometour, $20–$25 home tour, $20 brunch
MAY 13
Pinot’s Palette will donate $15 to the nonprofit DFW Rescue Me for every painter in its “Paint Your Pet” class on May 13. DFW Rescue Me’s goal is to reduce the number of animals euthanized in Dallas through educational and adoption programs.
Pinot’s Palette, 6465 E. Mockingbird, 214.827.4668, pinotspalette.com/ lakewood, $65
MAY 13
At 3 p.m., The Women’s Chorus of Dallas presents a special Mother’s Day concert in the lush surroundings of the Texas Discovery Gardens. The concert concludes with a live butterfly release. Attendees can purchase a dedication to someone special in the concert program for $10. Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park, 3601 MLK Jr., 214.520.7828, thewomenschorusofdallas.com, advance: $15 (seniors and students)–$25 (adults)
MAY 17
Join the neighborhood organization that financially supports Dallas’ Park and Recreation Department for its inaugural charity golf tourney, beginning with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Proceeds fund White Rock Lake and park improvements.
Tenison Highlands Golf Course, 3501 Samuell, whiterocklakefoundation. org, $125
Patient Quote of the Month: “[The staff] was terrific, very informative and helpful. Dr. Slate, as always, is the best!” —
Carolyn Wilder
MAY 19
With a mission to raise funds for sight-saving research, Dallas’ walk has been named the top VisionWalk in the country. The 5k moves back to White Rock Lake this year. Registration begins at 9 a.m.; stage presentation and walk at 10 a.m.
Winfrey Point, 950 E. Lawther, 972.378.3555, visionwalk.org, free (donations welcome)
From 1–5 p.m. the Friends of Fair Park host the sixth annual Dog Bowl. Pets and owners will enjoy an animal-only agility course, pet/owner look-alike contest, splash pools, music and more. Adoptable dogs will be available at the Woofstock “tail”-gating zone. Beer and other concessions will be for sale.
Cotton Bowl Stadium at Fair Park, 3750 Cotton Bowl Cir., 214.421.9600, fairpark.org, free/$10 Fair Park parking
MAY 19
Local elementary school students grades 1–8 are invited to compete with friends from other schools in the White Rock Spring Games from 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Games include the 200-meter relay, obstacle course challenge, cross country relay, warrior dash, 3-on-3 soccer and 3-on-3 basketball. Proceeds benefit the parent associations of Lakewood, Stonewall Jackson, Hexter, Lakehill Prep, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John’s Episcopal and J.L. Long.
Norbuck Park, southeast corner of Northwest Highway and Buckner, whiterockgames. com, $100–$125 (late registration)
“The fiberglass construction is why I chose Infinity. They’re just so much stronger than vinyl and I don’t worry about maintenance. That’s what a replacement window is supposed to be.”
– John E.
MAY 20
The 11 a.m.-5 p.m. self-guided tour features a dozen of East Dallas’ chicken coops, ranging from basic to extravagant. On tour day, purchase a $5 map at Stonewall Jackson Elementary. All proceeds benefit Stonewall Gardens. Stonewall Jackson Elementary, 5828 Mockingbird, apeepatthecoops.com, stonewallgardens.com, $5
MAY 20
The goal of this family-oriented arts and music festival is to bring neighbors together. Proceeds from the event (after expenses) go to the improvement of Lakewood Village Shopping Center. Children will enjoy the climbing wall, bungee trampoline and laser tag, while parents are invited to peruse the works of local artists and enjoy live music and refreshments.
Lakewood Village Shopping Center, Gaston and Abrams, lakewoodstock. com, free
MAY 20
The 11th annual garden tour, from 10 a.m.–5 p.m., will showcase nine unique local gardens in Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates. A plant sale will be held from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Proceeds benefit neighborhood programs.
whiterockgardentour.org, $10
MAY 26
Hillside Village Shopping Center hosts a benefit for White Rock Lake Dog Park from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. White Rock Dog, DFW Rescue Me, Animal Allies of Texas and Dog & Kitty City will have dogs available for adoption.
Hillside Village, Mockingbird and Abrams, 214.989.4151, free
4315 Bryan 214.821.4447
AmbiAncE: DivE-y
PricE rAngE: $8-$20 for PizzAs
TomanThemenu at Bryan Street Tavern is beyond bar food. Most diners come for the stone-fired, thin-crust pizza with ingredients from revered Italian grocer Jimmy’s Food Store, just down the street. “That’s what makes our pizza shine,” says Moody Fugua, the tavern’s general manager. “The pizza has always been a staple here.” Popular pizzas — which are cut into rectangles — include the Tavern Favorite with pepperoni, Jimmy’s spicy Italian sausage, onions and mushrooms. There are about seven pizzas to choose from, not including the build-your-own option. The tavern recently received new owners who renovated the interior and rebuilt the bar, which has 20 beers on tap. It’s also a music venue, booking all genres of bands that are “interesting, with a kitsch,” Fugua says. —Emily
TiP: ThE TAvErn sErvEs A brEAkfAsT PizzA for brunch 11 A.m.2 P.m. sATurDAy AnD sunDAy.
This upscale sports bar serves Jay Jerrier’s Il Cane Rosso pizza, which is known as authentic Neapolitan, certified by the Associazone Verace Pizza Napoletana in Naples. 5330E.Mockingbird, Suite 100 214.823.0123 bracketsdallas.com
This Henderson Avenue spot, known for its gourmet bar food, has pizzas starting at $9, layered with marinara, smoked gouda, mozzarella and your choice of toppings for $1.50-$2 each. 2810 N. Henderson 214.827.1432 vickeryparkbar.com
This cozy hideout features a menu full of delicious pastas, veal, chicken and fish, but don’t forget about the pizza. It’s more expensive than nearby pizzerias, but worth it for the authentic Italian experience. 214.824.9403 5722 Richmond pietrositalian.com
It's air conditioning time and if you have had any trouble with your system this year, we can help. We want you to be comfortable and want you to save money on your electric bills.
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One of the most enjoyable things about wine is getting other people excited about it. Mother’s Day, whether for a gift or at dinner or brunch, presents a wonderful opportunity to do just that. Does Mom like sweet wine, but is tired of what she usually drinks? Does she like red wine, but is feeling adventurous and ready for something new?
Using these the guidelines — helping Mom branch out, but not foisting something on her she may not like — here are three wines that fit those criteria:
Gascon white wines like this deliver tremendous value. Look for some citrus fruit and less grapey-ness than similar wines from this part of France. It’s the kind of wine to keep around the house for the summer.
Moscato, a sweet white wine, is all the rage these days, but a lot of the wines aren’t much more than sweet and don’t taste much like moscato. The LangeTwins, though, is clean and fresh, with orange blossoms and lime.
This is among the best California pinot noirs I’ve tasted in years — authentic, peppery and not too much fruit or vanilla flavor from too much oak. A fine gift (even for Dad, next month).
JEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on lakewood.advocatemag.com
What are legs on a wine glass?
a re the streams of wine that run n the inside o f the glass a f ter you it. It’s not so much an indication a lity, which was once thought, as l cohol content of the wine — the noticea bl e t h e l egs, t h e h ig h er t h e
e nt
ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com
Jeff SiegelThis is as quick and easy as fish dishes come, and tastes much more sophisticated that it seems. Pair this with any of the wines mentioned above. (Adapted from Jacques Pepin)
1 c pecan halves
1 c fresh bread cubes, cut about the same size as the pecans
6 catfish fillets, about 6 oz each
1. Heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large, non-stick skillet. When the oil is hot, add the pecans and bread cubes, and sauté for a couple of minutes until nicely browned on both sides. When done, remove to a plate.
2. Salt and pepper the fish on both sides. Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in the same skillet. When hot, add the fish and
Serves six, takes about 15 minutes
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 /4 c chopped fresh parsley
1/4 c water
salt and pepper to taste
cook for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes on each side, or until just cooked in the center. Remove the catfish to a serving platter. Add the parsley and garlic to the drippings in the skillet and cook for 15 seconds, and then add the water. Stir all, and dissolve all the bits in the bottom of the pan.
3. Pour the pan sauce over the fish and then sprinkle with nuts and croutons.
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THE STATE OF TEXAS HAS CUT education spending drastically. The Dallas school district has more failing schools than are rated Exemplary by the Texas Education Agency. And sometimes it seems like all the youth of America is going the way of TV’s “Jersey Shore.” That is, they’re narcissistic, promiscuous and disrespectful of themselves and others.
But all of America’s youth are not trashy realityTV character wannabes. Some of them are great kids, even in the face of adversity.
The following stories showcase a few delightful neighborhood students who have overcome the odds to become successful, college-bound highschool seniors. They prove there is hope after all.
If you can learn to love people, you can change the world, Luis Veloz says. Over the past four years, Veloz says he has realized that love is the most important thing. Now he’s ready to change the world.
The 18-year-old Woodrow senior is from our neighborhood, but from the ages of 6-14, he and his family lived in Mexico. When he returned to Texas in eighth grade, he says it was a scary time.
“I was a very shy boy,” he says.
But a couple of years ago, he attended a symposium for Hispanic youth at the SMU Cox School of Business. That’s where he learned about servant leadership, giving of yourself to make the community better.
“I came out a changed man,” he says. “I found my passion.”
He realized there were students in his school who were under-represented. So he started a LULAC club. Then he realized that the LGBT community wasn’t
represented. So he started the Gay/Straight Alliance. That club, which works on antibullying efforts and fostering tolerance among all students, has spread throughout high schools in Dallas ISD and other districts, including Irving, Frisco and Plano.
Now Veloz wants to study business and become a lawyer to fight for social justice causes. He’s also considering Teach for America after college.
“I just want to help people in any way possible,” he says.
It’s extraordinary that an 18-year-old would make the effort to change his world for the better, says Miguel Esparza of Education is Freedom, who helped Veloz with college applications.
Veloz’s dad was a carpenter, building
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staircases in new homes, and he hasn’t worked much since the economic fallout four years ago. Now he earns extra money for the household as a shade-tree mechanic. Veloz’s mom works two full-time jobs in food service, often putting in 16 hours a day.
“Everything I do is for her,” Veloz says. “I tell her, ‘One day, mom, you won’t ever have to wash a single dish, clean another house or wait another table.’ She’s given up so much for me.”
Learning to love his fellow students and to receive their love in return has been the most life-changing part of high school, Veloz says.
“They call me ‘lover boy’ because I’m always drilling that — love, love, love one another,” he says. “I do want to change the world, and I’m not going to stop.”
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“I tell her, ‘One day, mom, you won’t ever have to wash a single dish, clean another house or wait another table.’ She’s given up so much for me.”
Samantha Braun is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed cheerleader who also plays on the golf team at Woodrow Wilson High School. She has her own car and a closetful of cute clothes.
At first glance, it could be easy to stereotype her as preppy, privileged rich girl. But a closer look reveals this: Braun is an A student with two part-time jobs and more responsibilities than most 18-year-olds.
She saved up money working at J. Crew in NorthPark Center and babysitting to buy the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse she drives. Braun’s parents divorced in 2008, and soon after, she moved to Dallas from Florida with her mom and three siblings.
Her dad has struggled to find work in the tough economy. Her mom is a graduate student at the University of Dallas who earns about $17,000 a year running a small business. Braun and her 17-year-old sister work and take care of their younger siblings, picking them up for school and shuttling them to practices. They buy their own clothes, pay their own auto insurance bills and everything else, including the $900 a year each it costs to participate in cheer, for example.
“It’s been hard having to be independent,” Braun says. “It’s
taught me a good lesson, and I feel like I’m prepared for college because I’ve already paid for everything on my own.”
Braun is ranked 11 of 354 seniors at Woodrow, and she is a leader, often organizing events such as a powder-puff football game in April.
“I never have to worry about her,” says cheer coach Brook Varner. “If there’s an event we’re planning, she’s on top of it. I don’t have to worry about anything, and that’s every rare for a student.”
Braun also has served as a student council representative and is a copy editor on the yearbook. She was a national Questbridge Scholarship finalist but decided to go to Texas A&M University because she has scholarships equating to a full ride there.
“A college education will make it possible that I never have to go through what I’ve gone through the past two years,” she says. “That’s just the way I’m wired, is to be the best that I can at whatever I’m doing.”
“It’s been hard having to be independent. It’s taught me a good lesson.”
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Dayna Martin is only 17, but she already has a very specific, grownup career goal.
“I really want to work at the Frito Lay National Headquarters,” she says.
Martin, who is a JROTC leader at Woodrow Wilson High School, visited Frito Lay with the Women of Color Multicultural Alliance last year. As part of the visit, she played executive for a day, and she loved it.
“I think that’s the thing to do, work at a really big company like that,” she says. “That would really show my parents and my family that I can do more than they expect.”
Martin was born and raised in our neighborhood, but her parents are from Mexico. They married and had kids as teenagers, and they’ve always struggled to earn enough money. Martin’s dad is a laborer for a sign company, and her mom works in an elementary school cafeteria.
“No one in my family goes to college, so they never have good jobs,” Martin says.
Her parents want her to go to college, but she says their expectations are low. Martin’s expectations for herself are very high. She is an A student and has been awarded the $20,000 Century Scholarship from Texas A&M University, which also includes study abroad in Europe. Add to that other scholarships, including $1,000 and a laptop from Frito Lay, and financial aid, and Martin says she has a full ride. JROTC director Edwin Dumas says Martin went the extra mile to apply for every scholarship she could find.
“She’s the perfect example of what you
can do if you really work toward it,” Dumas says. “Nobody’s going to knock on your door and ask if you want a thousand-dollar scholarship. You have to look for them, and you have to be your own best advocate as far as getting good grades.”
Aside from her responsibilities at school and in extra-curricular activities, Martin takes on responsibilities at home, helping younger siblings with schoolwork and making sure they wake up, eat breakfast and get to school on time. She always has been a good student, she says, and she skipped third-grade because teachers thought she needed more challenging work. Academically and professionally, she says, she has something to prove.
“I want to prove others wrong,” she says. “People tend to see young Hispanic girls drop out or get pregnant at 16, and I want to change that stereotype that people have of Hispanic culture.”
“I think that’s the thing to do, work at a really big company like that. That would really show my parents and my family that I can do more than they expect.”
Emmanuel Hernandez knows he wants to work for a big accounting firm, and the 17-year-old is headed to Oklahoma State University for a five-year program there.
Hernandez, who grew up in our neighborhood, had an internship at Price Waterhouse Cooper through the Mayor’s Internship Program last summer. His eyes light up when he talks about it.
“I got to do an audit simulation,” he says.
Accounting might have the reputation of a dry, boring profession, but Hernandez says he enjoys the exactness of it, the excitement of finding a mistake.
Hernandez is the only child of a single mom who cleans houses to support them.
“I’ve seen the struggles that my mom goes through. I don’t want to go down
that path,” he says. “I want to live somewhere better.”
The varsity soccer player says he feels lucky to have gone to Woodrow.
“There are a lot of smart kids here. There’s great competition, and it pushes you to do more and work harder,” he says. “A lot of people underestimate Woodrow, but it’s a great school, and it’s only going to get better.”
“I’ve seen the struggles that my mom goes through. I don’t want to go down that path. I want to live somewhere better.”
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Gabriel Galarza knows how to pull an all-nighter. Two years ago, the 18-year-old started taking extra shifts at the Tex-Mex restaurant where he works because his dad was ill. His mom had been laid off from her job in a meat-processing plant, so Galarza and his brother worked seven days a week bussing, washing dishes and waiting tables to earn a collective $1,100 a week to support their family, including a younger sister.
During that time, Galarza regularly stayed up until 5 a.m. doing homework after his shift at Cantina Laredo. That went on for six months, and around that time, Galarza also rededicated himself to schoolwork.
A math whiz and A-student throughout elementary and junior high, Galarza started slacking during his freshman year, he says, earning Bs and Cs. When his dad was sick, Galarza says he felt more adult, more responsible.
“If I feel lazy [in school], that’s how I’m going to
feel in the future,” he says. “I just want to be a hard worker.”
As a senior, Galarza has early release from school and works 27 hours a week.
“He’s always working,” says Ashley Dancer of Advise Texas, who helped Galarza though the college application process.
He was accepted to several universities, but decided to stay close to home and attend the University of North Texas. He plans to take night classes in business and entrepreneurship while working during the day, of course.
“I want to have a career,” he says. “I want to get a big house and have my parents live with me.”
“If I feel lazy [in school], that’s how I’m going to feel in the future. I just want to be a hard worker.”
The commercial and residential developments that line Gaston aren’t entirely postcard worthy. As Old East Dallas started to decline in the ’70s, neighbors began taking steps to protect the grand mansions of Swiss Avenue. The elegant houses with side porches and antique carports are evidence of a different era in Dallas’ history.
Residents living in homes that are now part of the Swiss Avenue Historic District were able to save the 19th century homes from destruction by rallying together. Though the foremothers
and forefathers of the Swiss Avenue Historic District came on the scene at varying times — some in its heyday, some after homes had fallen into disrepair — they all shared a deep love for preserving their neighborhood.
This month, five residents who fought the good fight share their stories of why the avenue’s grand mansions are still standing and as beautiful as ever.
When Harryette Ehrhardt and her family moved into a house on Swiss Avenue in 1970, they shared the space with a commune of hippies. “Back then in the ’70s, when we bought the house, people didn’t bother to turn their water, electricity or their gas off cause it didn’t cost very much. So there were squatters. They just came in and lived here, and they never paid any rent.” After closing on the house, Ehrhardt says she tacked a note on the front door telling the squatters that her family had bought the house, but they could live in the back. In June, she decided it wasn’t smart to have squatters in the back house, so she left a note saying they would have to move out.
Martha Heimberg moved to Swiss Avenue in the early ’70s. “These cavernous places were
being sold for very low prices. Not low to us then because we were young, but lower than anything else we had seen. The whole neighborhood looked like it was from another world. The houses in the Park Cities, some of them were old, but not as old as you know… Swiss Avenue was built in the teens, ‘20s. A few [houses were built] in the ’30s. To see that many together for the first time was you felt like an archaeologist.”
When he was a paperboy, Larry Offutt delivered newspapers along Bryan Parkway, Swiss Avenue and Live Oak Street. Offutt grew up in a house on Bryan Parkway and attended Lipscomb Elementary. “I’d always lived in the neighborhood. My first apartment after moving from my parents’ house was to a garage apartment on Swiss Avenue. My second one was to an apartment two blocks up on Ross. And then the third one was to one block up on Gaston. So I always lived in this neighborhood.”
Virginia McAlester’s family has lived in the same house on Swiss Avenue for three generations. Her parents, Wallace and Dorothy Savage, were founders of the Historic Preservation League, known today as Preservation Dallas. “I’ve actually lived in five different houses in Swiss Avenue, one of them down Peak’s Suburban, below the gate. It’s where I lived when I was a little girl. And then I lived in a house next door. When it had been turned into apartments and had refrigerators on the front porch and a car jacked up in the front yard, my parents said, ‘Oh, we have to buy this house.’ So my husband and kids and I lived there, fixed it up and got it back to some semblance of order.”
E.L. Dunn rented a house on Swiss Avenue before the district was formed. “I’m an architect, so the value of the homes on Swiss Avenue was quite evident to me.”
“These cavernous places were being sold for very low prices. Not low to us then because we were young, but lower than anything else we had seen.”
Saturday May 26, 2012
In June 1857, Swiss immigrants moved to East Dallas. In their honor, their countrymen named the street where they settled “Swiss Avenue.” In 1905, developer R.S. Munger decided to use Swiss Avenue and several nearby streets for a new residential area. The 140-acre project named Munger Place was built between 1905 and the mid-1920s. It soon became the neighborhood of the early movers and shakers of Dallas.
Ehrhardt “The first people who lived here were very well-to-do. They had carriage houses. The steps on our carport were not for cars at all but for carriages. They had gas sconces because they weren’t real sure electricity would be here to stay. Those individuals all had lots of people who helped take care of the houses. It took three fulltime people to maintain my house.”
McAlester “The original part of Swiss was simply the first two and a half blocks. The section from Skillman up didn’t open until after 1920. When my mother moved here in 1921, they had a cow named Bessie that lived in the little shed in the garage. Every day, they walked her above Skillman
“When my mother moved here in 1921, they had a cow named Bessie that lived in the little shed in the garage. Every day, they walked her above Skillman and put her out to pasture because it was just fields up there. Hard to imagine.”
and put her out to pasture because it was just fields up there. Hard to imagine.”
Dunn “After World War II, the housing shortage in Dallas was monumental. There were not places for people to live. The houses on Swiss were getting to be 20 and 30 years old then. Some of the people in higher income brackets were beginning to move to the Park Cities. The need for housing caused some of those houses to be subdivided and rooms were rented out to meet the housing shortage. Some of the houses were divided into numerous apartments.”
Ehrhardt “The original owners were getting older. The houses were hard to maintain, and people did not really want to have three servants. That was more expense than they wanted. The houses didn’t have the push-button convenience that a new house can have.”
McAlester “It was in such bad shape that no one wanted to build anything over here anyway. It was all red-lined. It was just going down, down, down every year. You couldn’t get a loan for a house because it was zoned for apartments.”
One evening in 1971, nine neighbors met at the home of Wallace and Dorothy Savage. Wallace Savage was a former mayor of Dallas, and at the gathering, two architects, whom Savage had hired to report on the architecture of the neighborhood, presented information that confirmed that the neighborhood was worth saving. During the meeting, Savage shared a vision to protect the neighborhood from what everyone expected, demolition. McAlester remembers her mother coming home in tears after hearing another house was going to be torn down at a zoning hearing.
SwiSS AvEnuE’S AnnuAl MOthEr’S DAy hOME tOur is on Saturday and Sunday, May 12-13. Find all of the details, including the six houses open for touring, on page 24.
McAlester “Everything, everything from Central Expressway over to Interstate 30 out to the Lakewood shopping center was zoned for apartments then. So the common wisdom was that everything would be demolished. The idea that we could save some of it and save some interesting neighborhoods was like an electric shock went through my body. It was like, oh wow! Something positive can happen besides all this stuff being demolished.”
Offutt “What we were attempting to do is block the change of zoning from single-family to multi-family. Actually, parts of Bryan Parkway had already been rezoned to multifamily. Swiss, because of the deed restrictions, hadn’t been. The historic designation piece we just happened on by accident as a way to stop that zoning.”
Ehrhardt “There was no such thing as a historic preservation league. There was no such thing as a city ordinance for historic
preservation. There was none of that. Those weren’t even words we ever heard of before. So we decided that we would go to City Hall, and we would ask them not to build a post office at the end of the block because we wanted this to be a historic district, and they literally laughed at us. This would have been in ’71. They said ‘What are you talking about? Developers have been buying that property for years and years with anticipation of putting high-rise apartments there.
“There was no such thing as a historic preservation league. There was no such thing as a city ordinance for historic preservation. There was none of that. Those weren’t even words we ever heard of before.”
There’s no way.’ So we came back here in this living room and were near tears, mainly because we didn’t like to be laughed at. Somebody said, ‘Well, I guess you just can’t fight City Hall.’ Somebody else said, ‘Well then, we’ll just become City Hall,’ and we proceeded to do that.” We had two big problems of getting this district made into a historic district. The first one was to convince the city council, i.e., the city of Dallas. Equally difficult was to convince the people who lived on Swiss. The developers had really put the scare tactic in. They would tell older people that if this was a historic district, you couldn’t have anyone living with you, and a lot of them had boarders at that time who were for income but also to help them with their house. They also said you’d lose your house because it’d cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to fix it. And you wouldn’t be able to do anything to the interior of your house. You wouldn’t be able to rewire it or do anything. And you would have tour buses going up and down the neighborhood.”
Offutt “It was a door-to-door process, over and over, both talking to people and handing out materials and calling block by block meetings and winning over people one household at a time. Both people in a household weren’t necessarily for it, so I
mean, it was truly a controversial thing at the time.”
Ehrhardt “Every Sunday afternoon there was no Cowboys game, we would walk. Each of the 11 of us had a portion of what we would later be the district. Our job was to convince those homeowners, and so we would give them brochures saying, ‘You will be able to have anyone living in your home. The historic ordinance will only affect the exterior of your home, nothing about the interior. You will not be made to put any money into your home. You can leave it just like it is. And you will not have tour buses going up and down your street.’ Well, all of that was true except for the tour buses part. And every time there is a tour bus that goes up and down the street, I’m like, ‘Ugh, I thought I was telling the truth.’ I always feel very guilty every time I see a tour bus that goes down the street.”
Offutt “At that time the growth had started out to North Dallas, and many of our civic leaders that had lived here had already abandoned the inner city to go north into the new development. To back zone something to single-family was just, nobody had ever heard of anything like that in Dallas at that point. That actually is where the greatest resistance came from. Property owners were anticipating being able to sell these residential lots for four, five, six times the purchase what they thought they would be able get if they sell it as a single family home. So there was a lot of resistance from residents who were here at that point who were anticipating a big sell-off and really pocketing lots of cash, which you can understand. For many of them, that was in their minds — their retirement, their nest egg. So you can certainly understand why they felt that way and why they felt so strongly about it. But it was just a matter of convincing people that their property values could not only be maintained but go up.”
Ehrhardt “The tour was one of the firstyear plans to convince people that we needed to have a district. The first tour predated us having a historic district, and our house was on tour. We expected a few hundred people maybe. We had 2,500 people that first weekend.”
Heimberg “During the first tour, we wore period clothes. Dorothy, Virginia’s mother, had kept a big wardrobe filled with
6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 505, Dallas, TX 75206 214-871-2201
her mother’s clothing. There were wonderful furs and beautiful lace dresses. So our first house tour was not only opening our houses but playing dress up. The tour, which took place in the vicinity of Mother’s Day, maybe it was Mother’s Day, was ridiculously successful.”
Ehrhardt “The [historic district] ordinance was written — it was based on the New Orleans French Quarter ordinance — and then we set up a meeting at City Hall. Each of the 11 of us had a different point of view. Somebody did architectural significance, and somebody did the importance for the aesthetics of the city, and I don’t remember what all, but we had 11 points that we made. And ours, Dr. Ehrhardt and I, was that we wanted our children to go to our schools and if they were destroyed, we wouldn’t have these schools for our children. Our children deserved to have a historic district that their children and their children’s children would be able to know was in a historic part of Dallas. So we took our children out of school, and at that point we had five, and we looked like a mother and father duck with ducklings behind us. Each of the 11 of us had exactly two minutes, and each of us had our twominute speech down just like this [snaps fingers]. It wasn’t one second over two minutes. And we did them exactly right. We were so good. The council just fell all over themselves voting for us. It was a unanimous vote. I mean, nobody said anything. Even Crownrich, [a developer] who had bought much of this to build his apartments, didn’t even bother to speak. There was one woman who lived on the end of Swiss in the only house that doesn’t look like ours, and that woman was the only person who spoke against it. Everyone else on Swiss Avenue was for it. I mean, it was like Christmas and Halloween and Valentine’s Day all rolled in one.”
Offutt “The original name of the historic district was the Swiss Avenue Br yan Parkway Historic District. That got changed later. People tend to forget that. Even people who have lived here many, many years who weren’t here during that initial struggle don’t really understand that there could not have been a historic district if these two blocks on Bryan Parkway had not joined.”
After being named Dallas’ first historic district in 1973, the planners and organizers made it their mission to establish historic and conservation districts throughout the rest of the city. Today, Dallas has more than 15 historic districts.
McAlester “One of the first things we did after we became a historic district was we went to South Boulevard and Park Row, which is over near Fair Park. There is a three-block stretch over by the interstate. My house was modeled after a house over there. It’s much grander, actually. We thought it was important that many parts of town become historic districts and protect their resources.”
Offutt “We were landlocked, essentially, in our neighborhood because we’d already lost Gaston. We’d already lost Live Oak. So we were landlocked. We needed to grow that area to other areas to continue the whole piece of the inner city and preserving this part of our city and our area in history.”
McAlester “What I didn’t realize then is that we were basically recycling on a major scale. Lots of people recycle their aluminum cans or their printer paper or whatever, and not many people really stop to think about how much energy and materials and timber are embodied in every single structure. I could recycle for the rest of my life and barely equal the waste and the landfill if you tear down one large house. “
Offutt “The historic district and the inner city are still under a constant siege. We can’t let up ever in terms of paying attention to what’s going on in City Hall or what somebody wants to move in and do. We’ve found over the last several years the city is much less friendly to the inner city historic districts and conservation districts than they have been in the past. We constantly have to battle to protect ourselves in the neighborhood.”
Ehrhardt “Saving Swiss Avenue got our family interested in politics. That’s why I served on the school board and later in the [state] legislature. It was to impart to people if you want to save your neighborhood, you can do it. We turned this around. It is possible to do that.”
Interviews have been condensed and edited.
at lakewood.advocatemag.com/photos.
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The days of kids staying home all summer watching “Days of Our Lives” and eating popsicles are over. Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean students should stop learning.
You don’t have send your kid to a camp far away. Here are details for some of the summer camps available in our neighborhood.
Dates: June 4-Aug. 10
Location: 2720 Hillside and 7401 Ferguson
For ages: 4-18
Tuition: $220-$295 per week
Sign up: lakehillprep.org
Almost anything your kid wants to try, this camp teaches. The kiddos can dabble in chemistry, engineering, hiking and survival, wildlife, arts and crafts, puppets, photography, volleyball, disc golf and too many subjects to mention. Childcare before and after camp is included. Some camps are held at the school’s main campus, and some are at the Alice and Erle Nye Family Environmental Science Center.
Dates: June 4-29, July 2-31 and Aug. 1-28
Location: 7900 Lovers
For ages: 3-8
Tuition: $450-$890 a month, depending on times and child’s age
Sign up: 214.363.9391
St. Christopher’s Montessori School offers camps for cooking, games, fitness, Spanish, music, art and dance.
Dates: June-August
Location: 7301 Gaston
For ages: 3-17
Tuition: $125-$200
Sign up: whiterockymca.org
White Rock YMCA’s weeklong
Urban Adventures Travel Camps offer trips to the Crow Asian Art Gallery, the Dallas World Aquarium and the Latin Cultural Center. Counselor training and swim lessons also are available.
Dates: June-July
Location: Lakewood Dojo, 2114 Kidwell
For ages: 4-15
Tuition: $300, with discounts for siblings
Sign up: dallaskenpo.com
Chamberlain Studios of Self Defense offers 10 one-week courses in martial arts. Most camps are from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., but a few are from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Dates: June-August
Location: Dallas School of Rock, 5606 Dyer
For ages: 4-17
Tuition: $995
Sign up: dallas.schoolofrock.com, 214.363.7625
The Dallas School of Rock offers twoweek camps that include music and vocal instruction, theory and songwriting, Rock-N-Roll music appreciation, live performance basics, instrument clinics and more. The school also offers “Little Wing,” half-day camps for pre-schoolers June 4-8 and Aug. 6-10 for $249.
Dates: June-July
Location: 8525 Garland Rd.
For ages: 3-12
Tuition: $99-$250
Sign up: dallasarboretum.org
Many of the arboretum’s half-day and fullday camps sell out, so sign up early. “Little Critters,” for 3- to 4-year-olds, explores squirrels, spiders, frogs and toads. Fossils, garden investigation and the connection between art and nature are among topics for 4- to 6-year-olds. Dale Chihuly’s glass art is one subject for kids 5-7 and 7-10. Campers explore the life and times of Texas pioneers while studying native plants and animals at Lone Star Overnight Adventure Camp, open to 8- to 12-year-olds. That weeklong camp culminates in an overnight trip to the Trinity River Audubon Center.
Dates: June 11-15, July 16-20 and Aug. 13-17
Location: Fair Park, 3601 Martin Luther King Junior Blvd.
For ages: 4-8
Tuition: $175-$200
Sign up: texasdiscoverygardens.org/camps
Weeklong classes on butterflies, gardening and garden critters run from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Childcare from 8-9 a.m. costs $15; care from 3:45-5:30 p.m. costs $25 and includes a snack.
Dates: May-August
Location: Wilshire Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams
For ages: infant-8
Tuition: $60-$150
Sign up: eastdallaschildrensmusic.com, 214.324.2224
Musikgarten classes for babies up to 4-year-olds feature singing, dancing and playing simple instruments. Keyboard camps for older children focus on multicultural songs, games, art projects and drumming.
Dates: July 23-28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Life in Deep Ellum, 2803 Taylor
For ages: 8-17
Tuition: $325, with financial assistance available
Sign up: girlsrockdallas.org
This intense weeklong class offers instruction to girls only, in guitar, bass, drums and vocals. Campers will form bands and learn how to write original songs together and perform at the camp’s showcase.
Dates: June 11-July 22
Location: 2360 Laughlin
For ages: 14 and older
Tuition: $195-$219
Sign up: creativeartscenter.org
A weeklong portfolio-preparation class teaches university-bound high school and college art students the basics of presenting a portfolio, writing strong artist statements and choosing the right art school. Another class, Intro to Design, promotes creativity and helps students gain visual organization skills. The center also offers classes in drawing, jewelry making, sculpture and painting. And there are one- and three-day workshops on color theory, art history, printmaking, drawing and painting. The center also offers free classes to DISD students through Big Thought.
“Live Local” is all about keeping our dollars in our communities. We live here. We work here. We spend our dollars here. That, in turn, results in a “thriving metropolis” where we reap the benefits of our “Live Local” philosophy by keeping our shopping centers fully leased, increasing our home values and drawing people into our community to eat, shop and live! I am born & raised in Lakewood and am proud to be vocal about “living local!”
Live Local East Dallas is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the idea that supporting local businesses strengthens the neighborhood and its people.
Dates: June-August
Location: 5938 Skillman
For ages: 4-18
Tuition: $70-$400
Sign up: dct.org
“Showbiz Summer and Teen Conservancy” has to be the greatest name for a camp. Kids as young as 3-and-a-half can enroll in the mid-morning Pre-K Drama Days for $70. Acting, improv, musical theater, movie-making for teens and technical theater are among the offerings in the $250 range. Slappy’s Circus Camp is a weeklong clown class for $265. The two-week musical theater camp costs $400.
Dates: June 11-22
Location: Ridgewood Recreation Center, 6818 Fisher
For ages: 7-14
Tuition: Free
Sign up: 214.363.9391
Our neighborhood rec center offers a two-week theater camp, and classes are limited to 25 on a first-come, first-served basis. Instruction includes performing and theater arts. Classes culminate in the Festival of Plays, uniting rec centers all over Dallas.
You have probably noticed that kids are getting braces earlier than they used to. Some problems are best addressed at a younger age, when the face is still growing. By treating early, often the removal of permanent teeth to make space can be avoided. To promote healthy smiles, our office offers complimentary exams, and if your child is not ready for treatment, we’ll see him regularly to monitor his development.
Lakewood Orthodontics
1809 Skillman St. Dallas, TX 75206 214.826.9000
The technology to provide a thorough examination, the caring to take the time to explain the results, the experience to develop a comprehensive plan for your vision and eye care needs. Dr. Meyer and the staff at Dallas Eyeworks believe it’s important to listen to each patient to achieve best results. Call and schedule an appointment to discover how pleasant and educational an eye examination can be.
Dallas Eyeworks
9225 Garland Rd., Ste. 2120, Dallas, TX 75218 214.660.9830
DENA T. ROBINSON, DDS, FAGD www.drdenarobinson.com
Four Steps to a Terrific Dental Experience
1. Call and ask us about sedation dentistry options
2. Come to your appointment in our comfortable office setting
3. Take a nap
4. Awake to a beautiful, healthy smile
Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry 8940 Garland Rd., Ste. 200, Dallas, TX 75218 214.321.6441
Dr. Cothern is one of a small distinguished percentage of dentists who have invested in postgraduate training at one of the world’s premiere continuing education institutes, The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. We care about you as a unique individual and examine you in a way that together we can understand every aspect of your oral health. In our office we love what we do. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!
9669 N.Central Expwy., Ste. 220 Dallas, TX 75231 214.696.9966
Joe Kast stands in his front yard and looks directly across the street at the former Trinity Lutheran Church building on Gaston at Loving.
The White Rock YMCA plans to build a new center on the site, and Kast’s neighborhood has all-but rolled out the red carpet, endorsing the required zoning change and shrugging off the increased traffic and activity a new facility will inevitably create.
Kast stands alone, straddling the line of supporting the Y’s mission but believing the new facility will lower his home value. After all, he says, the Y’s driveway will point straight at his house, negatively impacting his home value, even as neighbors believe the project will increase the value of their homes by making permanent the green space near Gaston and offering a neighboring fitness facility across the street.
“For a period of years, we’ve kind of all been together on, is this going to be good for the neighborhood or is it not?” Kast says.
Now, however, he finds himself isolated, worried about how something most everyone else believes will be good for the community will be bad for him.
“I don’t know what to do,” says Kast, who, after three decades of living in the same house, is talking about turning it into a rental property.
“Why stay?” he asks.
After Kast moved into his Tudor-style home on the corner of Loving and Clayton, the church property wasn’t a bother. He doesn’t remember more than 30 cars in its parking lot at a time.
But several years ago, the church closed, and every potential neighbor since then has raised his blood pressure.
First was a skilled nursing home, with its promise of ambulance sirens and delivery trucks. Other proposals were for condos and townhomes that would guarantee more people, cars and noise.
Each prospective new use required city approval of the requested rezoning (the property is zoned single-family now), and that’s not what Kast and his neighbors signed up for when they bought their houses. So one by one, they successfully fended off every proposed project.
And, in fact, the neighbors don’t have to support a change in zoning of any sort. Typically churches are allowed to build in single-family neighborhoods with a zoning use that reverts to single-family if and when the church leaves the property. The automatic zoning reversion protects property owners who buy homes next to the church, since they know the underlying zoning prevents a shopping center or liquor store or restaurant from popping up outside their window without city approval.
A few months ago, however, the White Rock YMCA announced plans to buy the vacant church property subject to obtaining a required zoning change from the city. It turns out the Y’s existing property a few
blocks east on Gaston is under contract to Lincoln Property Co. Lincoln also is negotiating to purchase the Far West nightclub property, which has been a perennial pain to neighbors tired of the club’s traffic and disruptive patrons spilling onto their streets.
The announcement that the Y wanted to move to the church property, coupled with the linked elimination of the nightclub, generated big smiles from neighbors in Lakewood Hills (its name recently changed from Gastonwood/Coronado Hills). A good chunk of them are Y members and are eager to walk or ride their bicycles to the Y.
Everyone seems thrilled. Everyone, that is, except Kast.
“The only home in the entire neighborhood that has an entrance pointed at it is my home,” he says, referring to the Y’s site plan that would route cars in and out right beside his driveway. The only other entrance would be on Gaston.
Kast says he can’t muster excitement about the prospect of hundreds more cars driving past his home every day or dealing with headlights glaring into his windows.
Kast finds himself at the center of a utilitarian problem that often confronts neighborhoods when the possibility of change is coming: What happens when something that may be good for the whole hurts a few neighbors — or, in this case, perhaps just one?
Though Kast says he’s dejected by the lack of neighborhood support for his position, he empathizes with his neighbors. They’re tired of fighting developers. An abandoned church building doesn’t bode well for property values. Even though the land is zoned for single-family homes, he knows the property’s price tag, $2.1 million, wouldn’t make for a very
profitable single-family development.
One difference between the White Rock Y and other developers who tried and failed is that the Y did its homework. Santos Martinez, a senior consultant for Masterplan who is representing the Y, says they scoured the backlog of concerned emails and letters the city received about prior rezoning requests.
“Saving the trees was paramount in all of those discussions,” Martinez says, as was retaining green space and diverting parking away from Loving. The Y incorporated these requests into its site plan with ample green space fronting the streets lined with homes.
By the time plans were presented to neighbors at Lakewood Hills’ quarterly meeting in March, one of the more popular questions was, “How can we make this happen?”
“The Y seems to be a match made in heaven,” says Stewart Cockrell, president of the Lakewood Hills Neighborhood Association. Cockrell says the association surveyed neighbors and discovered they “overwhelmingly” support the Y’s move, and some living near the property even responded, “Oh thank god. We’ve waited for something like this.”
At the meeting, Kast stood up and gave a last ditch argument for another entrance that would divert traffic away from his house. A couple of neighbors spoke on his behalf, requesting that the Y do whatever it could for Kast since he has been a good neighbor. Others, however, seemed frustrated at Kast’s opposition to the Y.
After that, Kast says, “I threw up my hands.”
Martinez and others from Masterplan and the Y have spent time with Kast trying to devise solutions to the impact on his property; Cockrell estimates they have devoted roughly 10 hours to working with Kast.
“The Y has really done all they can do, short of not building there, to appease Joe and to make him happy,” Cockrell says.
The Y’s requested zoning change is slated for the Dallas Plan Commission’s May 3 agenda. Gloria Tarpley is the city plan commissioner following the zoning case, and Tarpley says her primary focus is always to “look very carefully to what you’re doing to piece of property and make sure it fits in its context and in its setting.”
In the case of the Y, she says it’s “a particularly good use for that piece sandwiched between the apartments and the houses.”
She says she’s also hearing overwhelming support of the project, except for the feedback from Kast.
“What I try to do is to be very sensitive to all of the neighbors and see if we have an applicant that is willing to go to great lengths to meet and accommodate some of the concerns of the neighbors,” she says.
The Y has done just that, she says.
“In a perfect world, you would have everybody happy,” Tarpley says. “In a less than perfect world, you can try to lessen the impact as much as possible.”
The end of the line
Kast has resigned himself to living in a less-than-perfect world. The writing on the wall is clear, and not just metaphorically. Green signs proclaiming “I support my YMCA” sprout from yards all around him.
Even his wife, Donella, wants to put one in their yard, Kast says.
“I can’t quite bring myself to do it, but Donella will probably end up winning out,” he says.
He believes the Y is the most neighborhood-friendly development that has come along since the church closed. He also knows its relocation, along with the closing of Far West and Lincoln Property Co.’s resulting redevelopment of the entire corner of Gaston and Garland/East Grand, could have an huge, positive impact on the neighborhood.
“You look at the benefit to everybody. It just wouldn’t take much of a developer to turn that all around,” Kast says.
Still, he maintains, “it’s going to be hard for somebody to live in this home.”
Martinez is not only representing the Y on the zoning case but also a Hollywood Heights resident and former White Rock Y chairman. He emphasizes that the Y “wants to be good neighbor.” He has repeated this phrase many times, both at the Lakewood Hills meeting and in interviews.
Kast wants to believe the assurances, but the possibility of spiking noise and traffic and plummeting property value nags at him.
If the “I support my YMCA” sign does wind up in his front yard, he says that another sign will likely accompany it: “For lease.”
VIEW thE WhItE Rock Y SItE Plan. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search White Rock YMCA.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
10 am – 5 pm
$10 Entry Fee
The tour encompasses Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates. Check our website for more details: whiterockgardentour.org
Lakewood Shopping Center
Live Music on 3 Stages Local Food
Area Artists Family Fun
Noon to 8 p.m. Free Admission
Lakewoodstock is proud to support the music, arts, and local businesses that make our neighborhood so special. Your favorite restaurants and businesses are a big part of this exciting festival, and will be serving delicious food and drinks throughout the day. These special partnerships make Lakewoodstock a true neighborhood festival, and that’s something to celebrate!
The fun’s at Lakewood Shopping Center (Gaston at Abrams). Admission is free.
Mark Heger is not a professional wakeboarder, but wakeboarding is his profession, he explains gleefully. The 26-year-old Lakewood resident started waterskiing at age 5, wakeboarding at 10 and turned it all into a summer camp business by 15.
As kids, Mark and his older sister Lauren babysat for extra money. “We figured we could make more money with more kids,” he says, so they began mass-sitting, starting with “mom’s-week-outs” at their parents’ White Rock area home.
Once the sit-ees were a bit older, the Hegers moved the party to the family’s Cedar Creek Lake house.
“The first summer at the lake house we had 22 or 23 campers. These days we get about 200 kids.”
Mark says summer camp is an important hallmark of childhood.
“I am a firm believer in summer camp. Kids remember their time at camp their whole lives — the stories, the songs, the activities — and I love sharing that with people.”
He especially loves teaching them how to
stand on skis, and twist, turn and flip on the water, he says. Kids and parents rave about the family-run camp. One mom told Heger her daughter claimed to be “lake sick” upon returning from the week-long camp.
“I think that’s like homesick, meaning she wished she was still there,” he says.
The Heger Water Camp Facebook photo album showcases kids of varying ages jetand water-skiing, flying and flipping over the water, wakeboarding and smiling. A whole lot of smiling.
The Hegers’ lake house hosts 18 students at a time, with two-camper bunk rooms and four-camper bathrooms, plus a pool table, ping pong and other activities for down time or rainy days. Heger’s mom, Marcia, serves as camp mom. She supervises safety, cooking and communicating with parents about how the week is going.
“She’s the ever-present Mother Goose,” Heger says.
The worst time of year is when it’s not summer, Heger says, explaining that he doesn’t particularly care for administrative
tasks. Off-season isn’t all dull paperwork, though. He teaches lessons year round, even in the winter for those hardcore water athletes. Plus, he adds, “The summer makes the administrative work worthwhile.”
In 2004, Heger was a finalist for the Texas Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Award for his vision in creating the camp.
“I feel like I have learned almost all my life lessons from doing camp,” Heger says. “Starting a business when I was 12 and watching it grow into something that I could never have imagined has been the most incredible journey ever. Camp has taught me moral lessons like patience, kindness and persistence. It has taught me practical business lessons like entrepreneurship, building and maintaining relationships, and treating your employees well. It revealed to me what my true passions are. I consider myself incredibly blessed to have been able to turn a passion into a career.”
—Christina Hughes Babb and Carol Toler HEGER WATER CAMP SESSIONS start in June, but space is limited and they are filling fast. Learn all you want to know and register for camp or classes at hegercamp.com.
For personalized information on how to buy or sell your home contact me for a
3821 University Blvd. Dallas / 214.525.6500 / www.hppds.org We are proud of our rich heritage as a fully accredited co-educational Christian school serving children 3 years old through 5th grade. Small classes allow for emphasis to be placed on the academic, spiritual, emotional, creative, social, and physical needs of the young child through a developmentally appropriate approach to learning. For a scheduled tour or more information, please contact the admissions director.
9090 Skillman, Ste. 299A Dallas 75243 / 214.343.7472 / janiechristydance.com
This is Janie Christy’s 19th year teaching children to dance in Lake Highlands!
She’s pointing in a new direction and will make a leap over to the Dallas Ballet Center (on Abrams Rd.) in August for fall classes. “Come Dance With Me and ALL my students at DBC! “ See the website for details: www.janiechristydance.com
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, lakehillprep.org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, collegepreparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
3K through Grade 6 / 214.349.6843 / scofieldchristian.org 50th ROUND-UP! Calling all alumni, parents, friends and family of SCS. Please join us for our 50th Anniversary event as we come together to celebrate God’s faithfulness over these past 50 years. There will plenty of food, fun and fellowship. SATURDAY, APRIL 14th at 6:30p.m. at Park Lane Ranch. Go to scofieldchristian.org for more details, to request an invitation or to reserve your tickets today! There will also be a special worship service and pot luck lunch on Sunday, April 15th beginning at 10:40 am.
5740 Prospect Ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com Spanish House is a Spanish immersion preschool for children ages 2 – 5. We offer half-day and full-day programs with extended day care available from 7:30am – 6:00pm. We offer a traditional preschool curriculum delivered 100% in Spanish. Prior exposure to Spanish is not necessary. Our teachers are experienced, degreed, native-Spanish speakers. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both onand off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.
7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391
stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been
serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www. WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
East Dallas Cub Scouts in the Tejas Caddo District of Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts of America held their annual Pinewood Derby in March. Elementary-aged boys raced their handcrafted, 5-ounce pinewood cars for the top award. Pack 46 member Jonathan Farner of White Rock Montessori School won third place. Pack 54 member Drew Stabenow of Lakewood Elementary won second place. Pack 862 member Cooper Clem of Hexter Elementary won first place.
White Rock Boat Club, a sailing and kayaking club near White Rock Lake, announced its 2012 officers at the annual meeting last February. They are: commodore Miles Zitmore, vice commodore Paul McDonald, treasurer Jon Fuhrman, and secretary Joan Bond. Goals for the club this year include adding more sailing and boating classes, and fun activities for members.
Peak Preparatory in East Dallas is one of three high schools in the country to receive the prestigious National Excellence in Urban Education Award. Peak is part of Uplift Education, a nonprofit organization that operates 20 tuition-free public charter schools in North Texas from which 100 percent of graduates gain acceptance to college.
Nine Woodrow Wilson High School seniors are among 37 Dallas ISD students who received $5,000 scholarships from the State Fair of Texas April 30 during a program at the Music Hall at Fair Park. Keynote speaker for the event was Sarah Saldana, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas, and Fox 4-TV anchor Clarice Tinsley presented the seniors with the Pete Schenkel Scholarship Awards. Among the Woodrow winners are Alexander Alfonso, Jenna Bailey, Samantha Braun, Elizabeth Canelakes, Samuel Castillo, Hayley Heiner, Dayna Martin, August Miller and Stephen Slaughter.
Angela Hunt, East Dallas councilwoman for District 14, gave birth to her second daughter in March. Hunt is taking a few weeks off to care for her new baby and says she will then jump right back into her council duties.
Maggie’s House, a nonprofit in the White Rock Lake area, helps women overcome alcohol and substance abuse addictions and offers volunteer opportunities. Attend a foundation meeting the first Sunday of each month to learn more about the program and ways to help. For information, call 214.324.9261 or visit magdalenhouse.org.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM
Charlie Green, who owns Neo’s pizza in Victory Park and another Olivella’s near SMU, also owns this Olivella’s location at Mockingbird and Abrams. The menu includes sandwiches and salads, but is best known for its Neapolitan-style pizza. Cooked in a wood fire oven, the pies live up to the Olivella’s reputation. USA Today named it one of the 50 great pizzas in America, Zagat called it “The First Real Pizza in Dallas” and Rachel Ray called it “the most delicious pizza you’ll ever eat.” Green has made extensive updates since Pizzeria Venti occupied the space, most ostensibly to the patio. The remodeled outdoor area holds 40-50 guests, he tells us.
Willingham Property Co. wants to build a two-level parking structure on Paulus Avenue behind the LakewoodTheater The parking structure would include one level underground and one level above ground, with a 6-foot fence surrounding it. The street level would hold 26 spaces and the underground level, 35. The street level is not planned as a structure with walls but more like a parking lot at the surface with one level of underground parking. The street level would sit about one foot above the curb. Willingham owns the Lakewood Theater and the portion of the shopping center that includes the former Matt’s, Centennial and Starbucks Most likely, the parking lot’s lower deck would be used for valet, and the upper deck for employee parking. Willingham is seeking
a variance from the City Plan Commission that would allow it to combine two adjacent lots for the property and to build the underground parking structure. If the variance is not approved, Willingham can still make a surface lot, which would hold about 31 cars, under the current zoning.
Mobile pediatricians make house calls in East Dallas Lakewood residents Keith and Alison Bray have launched Mobile Pediatrics of Dallas, providing residential house calls for sick children in select neighborhoods. Serving patients from birth to 18 years old, Mobile Pediatrics is owned and operated by pediatric nurse practitioner Alison Bray and supervised by a Texas medical board licensed emergency room physician. The company hopes to expand its services throughout DFW.
Lakewood Village Shopping Center
Mobile Pediatrics of Dallas 214.431.5123 MOBILEPEDIATRICSOFDALLAS. COM
French Vintage Home 214.663.5317
Matt’s Rancho Martinez
Verona Italian Restaurant 9039GARLAND
1 M Streets resident and stylist/photographer Laura McGuire has launched a French home wares website, frenchvintagehome.com.
2 Matt’s Rancho Martinez plans to reopen its new location at Skillman and Live Oak around June 1. 3 A new Italian restaurant, Verona’s, has opened on Garland near Hypnotic Donuts and Barbec’s. This is the third location for Owner Zeqir Lokaj who has a Verona’s in Plano and Alba. 4 Also on Garland, Deaton’s Gift Shop has closed; the Dallas Arboretum has purchased the property.
The organizers of Carry the Load might be befuddled by my endorsement. They might scratch their heads like politicians who get the blessing of dubious public figures and then wonder what they’re doing wrong that their endorsers think is right.
After all, I never served in the military. I am a tenaciously softhearted preacher, always answering for my preachments about Jesus’ command to love enemies, do good to those who hate us, and practice nonviolence resistance toward those who hurt us. I pray for swords to be turned into plowshares.
I believe war should only be a last resort after every means of seeking peace with justice is exhausted. Even then I struggle to feel joy over victory that costs human life. Violence begets violence. Every time we kill an enemy, we seem to create three new ones. Too many noncombatant deaths are justified now as “collateral damage.”
In addition I am for handgun control and assault rifle bans here at home. I think our allegiance to handguns for self-protection ends up with too many tragedies that come from the law of unintended consequences. Our obsession with personal security drives us further from our neighbors, and makes it harder to find common humanity with strangers.
So why am I telling you that on Memorial Day Weekend you will find me on the Katy Trail walking, running, and carrying a pack for some part of the 24-hour event I am commending to you?
I will be there with many others in memory of and in honor of soldiers, police officers and firefighters who have lost their lives in service to our country and communities or who are now on the front lines in harm’s way — whether their theater of operation is a mountain range in southern Afghanistan, or the streets of Dallas, or a burning house next door. I will be there to help raise money for the families of the fallen and wounded who gave life or limb
for you and me. I will honor their bravery, their skill and their sacrifice. I will pray for peace while I do.
Our country needs to grow up. We need to stop demonizing those with different points of view, counting peaceniks unpatriotic or military supporters the only patriots. We may need more flowers, but those who weed the bed and protect it from predators are helping the garden grow as much as those who fertilize and water. We are all in this together.
Our nation was conflicted over the justness of the cause in Vietnam. It led to shameful disregard for veterans of that war. We must never be guilty of that again. Those of us who think it politically and nationally unwise to send troops here or there, for this reason or that, should not blame those we send. They are not just serving those who sent them against our will; they are serving us all with all the will they can muster. They deserve to be honored.
We are fighting wars abroad now that we have delegated more to specialists than general troops, the net effect of which is that we are not as broadly or personally affected. World War II defined national service and sacrifice. Fighting fascists with imperial ambitions required everyone’s effort. Nowadays we assume that the pursuit of peace requires a constant state of war, and we have hired professionals to carry that load for us.
Carry the Load seeks to reengage disengaged spirits. It calls us to restore the meaning of Memorial Day.
So, consume grilled hot dogs and a distilled spirit or two. But remember spilled blood, too. Honor those who serve us still, and those whose sacrifice is a load now carried by families and communities across our nation.
Let’s be a country worthy of their service and sacrifice.
For inFormation on Carry the Load, visit carrytheload.org.
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Pastor Jeff Donnell / Worship 10:30 am & 10:31 am www.lbcdallas.com
WILShIrE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
E AST DALLAS chrISTIAn church / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
ThE c AThEDrAL church of ST. MATThEW / 5100 Ross Ave.
Sunday Traditional: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Education 9:30 am Servicio en español: 12:30 / 214.823.8134 / episcopalcathedral.org
ThE EPIScoPAL church of ThE AScEnSIon / 8787 Greenville Ave.
Sunday School 9:00 am / Worship 8:00 & 10:15 am 214.340.4196 / more at www.ascensiondallas.org
cEnTrAL LuThErAn church, ELcA / 1000 Easton Road
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
fIrST unITED LuThErAn church / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
ZIon LuThErAn church & SchooL / 6121 E Lovers Ln.
Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org
L AKE hIghLAnDS uMc / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time
10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship
WhITE rocK unITED METhoDIST / www.wrumc.org
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk
ShorELInE DALLAS church / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan
Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry
norThPArK PrESBy TErIAn church / 214.363.5457 9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
norThrIDgE PrESBy TErIAn church / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:30 am / Childcare provided.
ST. AnDrEW ’S PrESBy TErIAn / Skillman & Monticello Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org
214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am
unIT y of DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Being a peacemaker doesn’t mean shunning those who sacrifice for us
Woodrow Wilson High School band director Chris Walls is friends with the director of “Do You Hear the People Sing.” This enormous production, which includes Broadway songs, was performed at the American Airlines Center in March. The director needed a place to rehearse the show while it was in town, and Walls offered the Woodrow auditorium. It was a rare opportunity for Woodrow students to rub elbows with Broadway pros such as “Les Miserables” and “Miss Saigon” lyricist Alain Boublil, right, pictured here with Walls.
ADHD TEST PREP & TUTORING Dedicated, 1 on 1, for ADD/ADHD & alternative learners. Incl SAT, ACT, PSAT & creative study techniques. Free Consult & 1st week tutoring. Outstanding References. Yale ‘93. Anthony 214-484-4488
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. All Ages/All Styles. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573 • 469-831-7012
JEWELRY MAKING CLASSES 214-824-2777 www.beadsofsplendor.com
Lakewood Shopping center: 1900 Abrams Pkwy @ La Vista
LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Professional musician. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
SWIM LESSONS Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. 10+ Yrs. Exp. All Ages. Your Location. 214-823-1123
TUTORING All Subjects. Elem-middle School. Algebra 1, Dmath. Your Home. 25 + Yrs. Dr. J. 214-535-6594. vsjams@att.net
TUTORING Reading/Writing. All Grades. Master’s/10 Yrs Exp. Your Home. 214-515-5502. lissastewartjobs@hotmail.com
UKULELE LESSONS Instruments, Workshops. www.UkeLadyMusic.com 214-924-0408
VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560
Scott Manis, Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake’s CEO, presents volunteer J.C. Reneau a balloon bouquet on Reneau’s 90th birthday. Reneau started volunteering at the hospital 11 years ago and has put in more than 3,300 hours of service. He works as a patient ambassador, among other roles, and is famous for his buttermilk pecan pralines. Reneau also is a crime watch volunteer in his Lake Highlands North neighborhood, often manning the midnight-3 a.m. shift patrolling the community.
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AIRLINE CAREERS Begin Here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Approved. Training. Financial Aid, if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. AIM 866-453-6204
PART-TIME TEACHER Toddlers–3 years. Park Cities Baptist Mother’s Day Out. Early childhood degree or certification preferred. Shannon McGee 214-860-1520 or skmcgee@pcbc.org
Accredited Private School SEEKING EXPERIENCED TEACHER for toddler thru Kindergarten. Fax or email resume to info@whiterocknorthschool.com or 214-348-3109
I’M LOOKING FOR A BILINGUAL BUSINESS PARTNER for expansion of 55-yr.-old start-up co. BJ Ellis 214-226-9875
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688 CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
PRO DJ SERVICE & SOUND Corporate Events & Weddings. 20 + Years Experience. 469-236-8490
SIGNS: Nameplates, Badges, Office, Braille. A&G Engraving. 214-324-1992. getasign@att.net agengraving.vpweb.com
M-streets neighbor Joel Pipkin gives a guitar lesson to Connor McNeil every Saturday morning on the front lawn. Says Connor’s dad, Dan, “Everyone who runs, walks, bikes and drives by seems to get a smile on their face when they see them.”
Lottie Minick of Forest Hills, right, is a Dallas Arboretum volunteer who lent a hand last month with the Chihuly installation. Minick also is one of the artists featured in the White Rock East Garden Tour May 20. For more details on those events, turn to pages 24 and 27, respectively.
Professional services
ACCOuNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
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HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606
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WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232
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1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928
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Repairs, service, drains. 27 yrs exp. Ll 6295. Backflow Testing Cell-469-853-2326. John
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WATER-WISE URBAN LANDSCAPES www.TexasXeriscapes.com 469-586-9054
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# M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. 24 Hours/7 Days. plumberiffic@yahoo.com
Sewers • Drains • Bonded
*Joe Faz 214-794-7566 - Se Habla Español*
Faucet, Sewer, Sink Repairs. Water/Slab Leaks. Shower Pans. Gas Testing. Remodels, Water Heaters, Stoppages. Insured. Lic 20754 214-321-0589, 214-738-7116
ASTRO PLUMBING #M36580 Insured. Any & All Plumbing Problems. 214-566-9737 Mike
BLOUNTS PLUMBING REPAIR Rebuild or Replace. 45 yrs exp. Insured. 214-275-5727
For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M38121 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com
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Slab Leak Specialists – inquire about reroute instead of jackhammering
• All Plumbing Repairs • Licensed/Insured 214-727-4040
for General Treatment
Average Home, Interior, Exterior & Attached Garage Quotes for Other Services 214-328-2847
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Lock’s pool service
Dependable/Consistent Repairs Education — Consultation
be local
Licensed Pool Electrical Motors • Control Centers • Heaters • Lights 469-235-2072
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Filed an extension? Owe the IRS money? Note: the meter is running so be advised, penalties & interest are accruing.
Beatrice Gonzales works out regularly at an East Dallas gym with her friend. The women never thought much of leaving their keys in an unlocked locker. Most people at the club seemed trustworthy, and they assumed there wouldn’t be a problem since they would be there only about an hour.
Unfortunately, they were wrong.
The Victim: Beatrice Gonzales
The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle
Date: Thursday, March 15
Time: Between 7:45 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Location: 700 block of Buckner
A crafty criminal sneaked into the locker room, grabbed the keys and headed to the parking lot. The criminal apparently then used the keys to unlock the cars and steal the women’s purses from their trunks.
The thief charged about $2,000 to each woman’s credit cards. It was a major inconvenience. Gonzales says she had to take a day off work to deal with the credit card charges and get a new driver’s license.
“It was crazy,” says Gonzales. “They actually called my bank and pretended to be me to try and change my online account password. It was a real hassle.”
Sr. Cpl. Anthony Allen of the Northeast Patrol Division says those who frequent gyms to work out might consider investing in a small bag or backpack they can keep with or near them while working out. They should also limit the amount of items kept in that bag to prevent major thefts.
“If possible, bring a combination padlock to secure your items in a locker that is provided,” he adds.
If identification and credit cards are stolen, immediately call the bank and cancel all credit cards. Victims should also file a police report, and place a fraud alert on credit reports with the credit bureaus.
Number of incidents that occurred in the 11000 block of Garland during a two-week period, including five thefts and two assaults
Date when a suspect was arrested for criminal trespassing and harassing the employees of Society Bakery in the 3400 block of Greenville
SOURCE: Dallas Police Department
Somehow, we’ve become a city of water conservers
Comment. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search sprinklers to tell us what you think.
On Sept. 4, 2000, the high temperature was 111 degrees, and Dallas residents used 789 million gallons of water, the peak that year. On Aug. 8, 2011, the high was 105, and we used 628 million gallons of water, the most last year. Which means, as difficult as it is for cynics like me to believe, that the city and its residents — have apparently gotten the hang of this water conservation thing.
“Dallas residents should be really proud of themselves for doing the right thing,” says Yvonne Dupre, who is the drought response coordinator for Dallas Water Utilities. “Obviously, a lot of the
nothing short of amazing. Traditionally, the city’s approach to water conservation has been to build reservoirs, and even today, the City Council is reluctant to force residents to use less water by raising water prices (figuring, no doubt, that people who are wealthy enough to have lots of lawn shouldn’t be penalized for being wealthy). And those of us who live here seemed to be content with that. I can remember walking around my neighborhood a decade ago and seeing the same sprinklers going every morning, throwing water on the grass, the sidewalks and even the street.
But no more. Not only do we apparently use less water than we did a decade ago, but we use less per person.
to give up the Cowboys, Tex-Mex and Chevy Suburbans.
publicity goes to the times when people aren’t conserving water, just like all the attention goes to someone who blows through a stop light when most people don’t. But Dallas residents know how to do the right thing.”
This change in attitude about water is
The formula is a bit complicated, since it has to take into account weather patterns and daytime population (all those people in Plano aren’t at home during the day, but at work using Dallas’ water), but we may have cut our daily water use by as much as one-quarter.
Even more impressive is that we did this mostly by reducing the amount of water used for grass. Talk about a lifestyle change: About 40 percent of our water use goes to make our grass as green as possible, and that figure has been as high as 50 percent in the past decade. Or, to paraphrase a lawn guy I know, that Dallas residents would agree to throw less water on their yards — especially when the city is asking them not to — is as unbelievable as expecting us
Dupre credits this change to the decision in 2002 to prohibit lawn sprinkling between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. from April through October. At the time, this seemed to many like a not very serious attempt at conservation — a bone thrown to those of us who thought Dallas should do something besides build more reservoirs. But, says Dupre, the mid-day watering ban did much more than that. First, though it didn’t reduce water use by much, it did reduce it — something that we had never really done before. Second, and more importantly, it was the first step in making most of us realize that conservation was something to we needed to know about. We learned how to use water correctly, she says, and by doing so changed our approach to water.
And not a moment too soon. Reservoirs are not the solution they once were, thanks to the city’s ongoing budget woes, the lack of federal funding to help build them, and resistance from East Texas residents whose homes and property would be flooded to build reservoirs. Dupre, who seems exceptionally media savvy, made sure to note that Dallas is depending more on conservation than ever — it now accounts for 35 percent of future planning for water use and that the city understands that reservoirs are not the only way to prepare for future water needs.
Which, frankly, is as surprising as the success of the conservation program. Maybe the city has gotten the hang of this water conservation thing, too.
That Dallas residents would agree to throw less water on their yards — especially when the city is asking them not to — is as unbelievable as expecting us to give up the Cowboys, Tex-Mex and Chevy Suburbans.