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The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM

Chicago-based Green Grocer coming to Lower Greenville

At the end of 2011, we learned that Trader Joe’s would open on Lower Greenville just south of Belmont. Then came the news earlier this year that Walmart would open a neighborhood market right across the street. The latest newcomer is Chicago-based Green Grocer, which is moving into the corner space at 3416 Greenville, right across the street from Gloria’s and Cafe Izmir. The store already has a presence on Facebook and Twitter, and says that it is shooting for a late October opening. Green Grocer has only a single store in Chicago, so the 3,500-square-foot store in Dallas would make two. On its website, Green Grocer describes itself as “an intimate, neighborhood market that features organically grown, locally produced food products and specialty items.” On its Twitter feed, the store is asking Dallasites to email their suggestions for local farms, growers, producers and vendors.

Trader Joe’s won’t open until 2013

That’s the word from Jon Hetzel of Madison Partners, which is bringing the cult retailer to lower Greenville. He says the original opening date, set for the end of this year, was “very ambitious” and that it’s not unusual for a delay like this. Otherwise, he says, all is well with what is scheduled to be the chain’s first store in Dallas.

More business bits

The Tipp to become The Mecca

The 74-year-old restaurant The Mecca is moving to the space at Live Oak and Skillman that formerly housed the Tipperary Inn and Molly Maguire’s. It will open as early as Aug. 17. The Mecca has been serving breakfast all day at its current location on Harry Hines for 44 years.

Fro-Yo and Wi-Fi in Casa Linda

Monster Yogurt has opened in Casa Linda Plaza next to Alligator Café. The store is similar to other yogurt shops, where you fix your own and pay by weight, but it has two major assets: Wi-Fi and an indoor playground. Peninsula neighborhood resident Sarah Nelson says it’s the perfect place to go when you need to keep the little ones busy for 20 minutes while you do some work.

1 LA Fitness will open a location in Old Town Shopping Center at Greenville and Lovers, between Panda Express and Tom Thumb. The gym is taking the place of both the former Borders bookstore,which closed in August 2011, and Wheels in Motion, the former bike shop in the corner. 2 East Dallas resident Mimi Siebert-Bowen has started a bounce house rental company called Ballistic Bounce. She has two bounce houses to start; they are both 14x14 and rent for $120 (this includes, delivery, set up and break down). 3 Mi Cocina Lakewood is now officially open in the former Matt’s space. Features include a new staircase with iron railings and an upstairs cocktail bar. The patio will feature two hidden air conditioning units to blow cool air, circulated by two huge fans.

Green Grocer



The Mecca



Monster Yogurt 9540GARLAND



Old Town Shopping Center



Ballistic Bounce




Mi Cocina 6332LA VISTA 214.217.3000


City Hall

Plans for an apartment development near the White Rock DART station at Northwest Highway and Lawther include the construction of 325 apartment units ranging from 580 to 1,400 square feet each. Originally, the plan called for 350 units. Developers Post Investment Group LLC commissioned a traffic evaluation that states the development offers “excellent accessibility via all major modes of transportation.” The developers are meeting with various neighborhood groups.


Dallas Arboretum has unveiled new solar-powered trams and carts. Green Mountain Energy Company and the Dallas Arboretum have six solar-powered trams that some visitors will use to tour the 66 acres of gardens. The funding came from a $65,000 donation from the Green Mountain Energy Sun Club, a voluntary program in which Green Mountain residential customers can make monthly contributions toward solar generation systems for nonprofits.


Peak Preparatory ranked among the top 100 high schools in America. U.S. News ranked Peak Preparatory No. 66 nationally, No. 9 among all high schools in Texas and No. 15 among charter schools nationwide.

It’s My Park Day is a one-day event for residents, families, and community groups to pitch in and clean our neighborhood parks 8 a.m.noon Sept. 8. Help beautify our neighborhood parks by removing graffiti, picking up litter, weeding and participating in other activities. To volunteer, call Dallas Park and Recreation at 214.670.8400. Sign up by Aug. 31 at itsmyparkdaydallas.eventbrite.com.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.


LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

Pastor Jeff Donnell / Worship 10:30 am & 10:31 am www.lbcdallas.com

WILShIrE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

DIS c IPLES of c hrIST

E AST DALLAS chrISTIAn church / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org


ThE c AThEDrAL church of ST. MATThEW / 5100 Ross Ave.

Sunday Traditional: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Education 9:30 am

Servicio en español: 12:30 / 214.823.8134 / episcopalcathedral.org

Lu ThErAn

cEnTrAL LuThErAn church, ELcA / 1000 Easton Road

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am

Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222 fIrST unITED LuThErAn church / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org

ZIon LuThErAn church & SchooL / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org


L AKE hIghLAnDS uMc / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time

10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship

WhITE rocK unITED METhoDIST / www.wrumc.org

1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk

non -DE noMIn ATIon AL

DWELLIng PLAcE church Being the church in every day life experiences / Sundays at 10:30am / www.dpclife.com

Magnolia Theater / 3699 McKinney Ave. / 469.438.5405

ShorELInE DALLAS church / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan

Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry

PrESB y TE r IA n

KIng’S PArISh A SSocIATE rEforMED PrESBy TErIAn church kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am

Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303 norThPArK PrESBy TErIAn church / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services norThrIDgE PrESBy TErIAn church / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship

Summer Worship: May 27 - Aug. 19 : 10:00 am / Childcare provided.

ST. AnDrEW ’S PrESBy TErIAn / Skillman & Monticello

Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org

214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am

unIT y

unIT y of DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

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