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Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital. © 2009Christina h ughes Ba BB on
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“Renegade that he is, Abel Gonzales breaks Mom’s butter-only-inmoderation rule, and then, giving the middle one to health freaks everywhere, he deepfries the stuff.”
Back and neck pain is no laughing matter. “I couldn’t do any of the activities I enjoyed,” says Rick Woodard. “I wanted my life back.” Baylor Spine Center offers sophisticated solutions for neck and back pain, including physical therapy, pain management and, if necessary, minimally invasive surgery. Physicians on the medical staff focus on procedures that allow patients like Rick to recover quickly and get back to their daily activities, including enjoying a good laugh.
I don’t recall when it started, but I do recall when being a tucker became a way of life: 7th grade.
Social studies teacher William Eberhardt (shorten his first name and swap in two letters in his last name for a big-time juvenile guffaw) wore a coat and tie to class every day, and a hat home every night, and he kept a confiscated belt hanging on his wall.
If you dared walk into his class without one, or if you were so brazen as to slink in with your shirt untucked, you were subject to the verbal equivalent of a WWF smackdown.
“Mr. Wamre,” the rather diminutive Mr. Eberhardt would squeak amid the sloppily muffled cackles of classmates. “Get that shirt tucked in so I can see your belt, or
turn around and head down to the office right now.”
And in the office, a big Minnesota-born principal we called “Tex” in honor of his ever-present cowboy hat, wasn’t sympathetic to disruptions in school attire, either. With his pointy cowboy boots and towering frame, and his eagerness to lord this size advantage over shrimps like me, the most direct line to the easiest school day was to remain a tucker.
And so I did.
For years it wasn’t a problem, because everyone did it. I’d run across the occasional beltless slackers, of course, but I presumed these godless hooligans would surely get what was coming to them someday.
But time doesn’t stand still, and someone somewhere along the line decided to break free from the bonds of belthood. Occasionally on TV, some celebrity would be wearing a jacket, and peeking from beneath it would be a completely untucked shirt. And from Mr. Eberhardt’s perspective, who could even tell if the guy was wearing a belt?
straight down from protruding bellies, leaving enough room for a raccoon to rest comfortable at belt-level, if any raccoon should be so inclined.
Finally, our sons started in on me.
“Dad, wear your shirt out. Everyone else does it,” one said.
“Dad, what’s wrong with you?” the other asked. “You don’t look right with your shirt tucked in.”
And I watched as their shirts flapped freely in the breeze and their unbelted pants and shorts began to channel the rear view of plumbers crawling from beneath a house with their tool belts.
They seemed happy to be so free. I began to feel isolated by my intractable decision.
6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or e-mail to rwamre@advocatemag.com.
Soon the tuckless movement was omnipresent: Guys in suits wore their shirts sticking out. The bottoms of Hawaiian shirts never saw the inside of pants. People wore t-shirts that dropped
EDI t ORIA l PH/469.916.7860 publisher: RICK wAMRE /214.560.4212 rwamre@advocatemag.com
So against my better judgment, I started following the crowd. I still tuck in my shirt at work and, sometimes when I’m alone, just because I can. But more and more in public, I’m following the crowd, going along to get along, and allowing my belt to rest quietly in the closet. It doesn’t feel right, doesn’t even look right, and I worry that someone who knows better might see me out and about.
But peer pressure has taken its course, and my days of exclusive tucking are over.
I’m sorry, Mr. Eberhardt.
managing editor: KERI MI t CHE ll /214.292.0487 kmitchell@advocatemag.com
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I THOUGHT LONG AND HARD about what to say in my first foray into the Advocate. I’ve read and enjoyed it for many years and want to make a good contribution to my neighborhood mag. I guess I could say how long we’ve lived, loved, cried and had fun in Lake Highlands starting with our first house over on Yorkford when our two kids attended Wallace. October reminds me of pumpkins and trick-or-treating up and down those streets with all the neighborhood kids. There was one street that had the yard decorated like a funeral home and it even had a casket complete with a very real-looking dead person who would wake up and scare you when you got too close! And then there are always the pumpkins in the Church yard on Audelia. Autumn always meant Lake Highlands High School football games when our son played in the band and when our daughter was cheerleader for the Junior High and Freshman Center. October is when the leaves turn shades of color, the weather (hopefully) gets cooler and the changing season is upon us. My husband and I are official “empty nesters” but are fortunate that our children still love to spend time with Mom and Dad. October equals change, and change is good.
WE ALL EXPERIENCE CHANGE in our lives, a crossroads so-to-speak. The last couple of years have seen great changes in my life as I closed the chapter on a 16 year passion and career in the film industry and dove head first into a new love and passion as a Life Insurance Advisor. I love Life Insurance and what it can do for people and businesses and I want to share that with my neighbors and local businesses. The Advocate seemed a great way to reach out to those around me and share this love that I have and since September was Life Insurance Awareness Month, October seemed the perfect time to dive in.
THE NEXT STEP was to give my column a name. Inspiration came from a mantra during a long week-end in Miami on a Mother/Daughter trip. One of the girls, Zoe, kept saying, “I’m loving life right now…”, and by the end of the trip, whether we were on the beach, at a restaurant, walking in South Beach, shopping, you name it - we were all,
“LOVING LIFE”! IT CLICKED! Loving Life, that’s what I’ll call my column. Because I am loving life right now in our wonderful neighborhood, change is in the Autumn air and possibilities abound. I may not write feature length scripts or direct and edit short films and music videos anymore, but I can share my love of all things Life Insurance, keep writing, and help business owners, neighbors and friends get an advantage and a safety net. I hope that all of you will email me with any questions you may have about life insurance, disability and long term care insurance, wealth accumulation, estate planning and business planning… And also, how you are Loving Life in Lake Highlands! Here is a question I received from a friend last week about retirement planning:
Dear Janet, My wife and I are in our 40’s and have some friends who retired last year just when their 401K was cut in half and a portfolio that had been reduced by 40%. Talk about bad timing! How can I sleep better at night without this uneasy feeling that my retirement plan may be built on sand? I mean, if the market goes up and I have gains for a few more years, what will happen if the market corrects just as I’m about to retire? What if everything I’ve worked hard to accumulate is suddenly, like the house built on sand, wiped out?
Sleepless in Lake HighlandsDEAR SLEEPLESS INLAKEHIGHLANDS, Fortunately, there is a strategy that can not only help you address those questions, but also help ensure that the assets you’re accumulating for the future won’t be washed away should the flood waters actually come. That strategy is life insurance. As a component of your savings and investment strategy, life insurance can help you accumulate, protect and preserve your assets; pass your assets on to your heirs privately and tax efficiently; and accomplish a wide range of charitable and estate preservation goals.
IF YOU’RE STILL SAVING for retirement, adding life insurance to your overall investment strategy can give you the freedom to invest in other assets more
aggressively. Why? Because life insurance cash values accumulate income-tax deferred, and as they accumulate, they can function as the conservative portion of your investment portfolio. At retirement, you can borrow from your policy on a tax-favored basis to supplement other sources of income. As a result, you may be able to continue growing your investment portfolio and you may be able to postpone drawing Social Security past your normal retirement age, allowing you to increase the amount you ultimately draw on a monthly basis. Finally, you may not have to repay the money you borrow from your policy but this should be done with proper planning because loans and other policy withdrawals will adversely impact cash values and death benefits.
THERE ARE MANY WAYS to integrate life insurance into your overall investment strategy. The simplest way might be to start allocating a portion of the assets you are already investing into a policy appropriate for your circumstances and objectives. By adding a life insurance component to your asset accumulation strategy today, you can establish an instant reservoir of funds which can self complete your savings program should you die prematurely; you can help ensure that market volatility or unforeseen world events won’t wipe out everything you’ve built over the years; and you can achieve a variety of both charitable and estate preservation objectives and hopefully sleep a little better at night.
JANET ELAINE FRESQUEZ is a Life Insurance Advisor with Ayres Financial Group in Dallas, Texas and is a registered representative with Horner, Townsend and Kent (HTK). She and her husband, Rick, have been married for 28 years and have lived in Lake Highlands since 1992 with their two children and two dogs.
For questions and comments: Fresquez.janet@pennmutual.com A9JC-0908-11
wine glasses are individually stunning, making them instant collectibles! Their special twist - a on the bottom of each glass. ENWHwy@Ferndale (near Albertsons) 214.553.8850
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Radiate style and fashion this fall in a new pair of eyewear. La Font offers European styling with bold color combinations to express yourself. 5550 Greenville Ave.(Old Town) 214.368.0170.tombarrettoptical.com
Working glassblowing studio and gallery - offering unique art glass for any budget or occasion. Sign up for glassblowing classes. Architectual commissions available. 1419 Griffin St. E. (Cedars District close to downtown Dallas) Tues.-Sat., 11-5 or by appointment 214.426.4777 bowmanglass.com
Everything you need to make your Halloween complete at your neighborhood T.Hee Greetings & Gifts. Shop local for all of your Halloween needs.
9661 Audelia Rd. (next to Highlands Café) 214.747.5800 t-heegifts.com
Mythic Paint has exceptional durability & coverage without the toxins found in other paints. We can custom match any color for you. 1904 Abrams Parkway 214.821.8444 Mon-Sat 11-6 green-living.com
I wish the author (“Lake Highlands Town Center, September Advocate) would have talked to our group about the article before publishing, as it gave free reign to DART to cause misinformation like the following: Michael Hellman says, “with the recent addition of the light rail station, it’s so much more cost effective, as well as a better trail route, to connect through the station and on up to Lake Highlands North Park as a wide sidewalk along the road.”
Yet the light rail station has always been a part of the plans for the Town Center, and without it, the Town Center would have never been built — Michael Hellman says that the trail system is a “user-based crime watch” because “most people who use the trails are the kind of folks who use cell phones and report stuff.”
And yet, this year a group of men were sentenced to decades in prison for beating and leaving for dead a woman using the Katy Trail just last year.
We aren’t a crazy group of chicken-littles who think the sky is falling. Our group is excited about the Town Center and all it can bring to LH. But we do care about the safety and quality of life in our neighborhood.
Most of all, we aren’t just a “group of neighbors” as the article states. We are, in fact, the majority of neighbors in Lake Highlands North who are trying to not only save White Rock Trail, but to save our neighborhood as well.
Thank you for the article concerning the Lake Highlands Town Center. I appreciate all of the planning that has taken place regarding pedestrian parking, access, landscaping, and public use.
My concern has to do with the renderings of the buildings facing Skillman and interior parts of the center. My first reaction was that these buildings appear rather boring from an aesthetic standpoint. I am hoping Prescott Realty Group will incorporate the use of natural materials such as stone, metal and wood on exterior surfaces.
The renderings do not seem to incorporate these types of materials, but rather seemingly flat surfaces of stucco and glass. I am hoping that the final architectural designs will be on par with the best design elements of any development in Dallas.
Lake Highlands deserves the best and will financially support developments that are not only well planned from a public use standpoint, but also aesthetically appealing.
I would love to see the Advocate staff sit down with some specialist in demographics and see just WHY we are unable to attract quality development here. What do they see that makes them uninterested here, but interested in Cedar Hill ? I was up at Watters Crossing in Allen the other day and all of us here would die for that type of a development. Everyone knows development funds are frozen until we have an RTC type crash of all the vacant, high end condo projects in Uptown, Downtown, Intown. Eventually this will thaw and I still don’t think we can attract what we want unless we figure out why they will not look at us now. —WANTING THE BEST FOR LAKE HIGHLANDS
VIAIn 1933 France, two lovely young maids savagely murdered their employer in a fit of madness. “My Sister in This House”, a production that opens Wednesday, Oct. 7, at the White Rock Bath House, is based on the true story of the murderous Papin sisters. Neighborhood resident CATHERINE DUBORD plays Christine Papin, the sister who initiated the slaughter. DuBord tells us what it’s like to get into this dark, disturbed character.
it echoes a famous play by Jean Genet called “ the Maids”, which is based on the infamous Papin sisters from Le Mans, France. “My Sister in this House” [written by Wendy Kesselman and directed by Marjorie Hayes] is about two sisters who come from a broken home and who have been sent away, against their will, to live a life of servitude. the employer and her adult daughter are rigid and abusive toward the sisters, christine and Lea (played by Whitney Wilson) who have only one another to cling to. the pressure builds throughout the play and leads to a disturbing end. i play christine, the older sister.
i actually find it fun to play a character like christine because it forces me to allow myself to go to those dark places within. Sue Sargeant, who plays the employer whom i
kill, makes me feel safe in going there. Playing this type of role allows you to connect with the audience on a more subliminal level. It’s challenging for me, especially when the character is a real person — you want to do your best representation of them.
It was dumb luck, really. When I was in seventh grade, a friend of mine was taking a theater class, and as part of the curriculum, she had to go to a real audition. I tagged along with no plans of auditioning myself, but then the teacher encouraged me to try out, too — that was when I realized my love for acting. I practiced theater during my junior and senior year of high school and then majored in theater at SMU.
I am fortunate — I stay pretty busy, and I love what I do. I am usually in about four or five plays per year. I also work as an agent. I do voiceover work. I do readings —I’ve done a few at the Bath house, which I really enjoy — and I help with the marketing for my family’s real estate company.
I love this neighborhood. After a show, it’s nice to have a place to relax and hang out, and there are so many great places to do that around here. The Bath House is a wonderful cultural gathering place. It’s sort of a place at which all the activity at the lake merges — I’ve seen runners walk in for a drink of water, for example, and they notice the art exhibit for the first time. And as a performance space is nice and intimate.
SEETHENEIGHBORHOODCALENDAR on page 22 for show details.
dallas, texas 75238 214.521.8817
Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood
david morales salon
... featuring country music singers Steve Holy and Deryl Dodd at 8 p.m. October 3 at Sons of Hermann Hall, 3414 Elm Street. Tickets are $20 at the door and the proceeds benefit Wings for Wellness, a charity recently founded by neighborhood resident Shelly Shook to help women struggling with postpartum depression. Learn more about Shook and her Wings for Wellness partners at wingsforwellness.org.
from the park cities to lake highlands: jennifer cox
September 19 - November 1
The Pumpkin Patch filled with 20,000 pumpkins and the15’ Pumpkin House.
Tour des Fleurs 10k/20k: September 19.
Cool Thursdays Fall Concert Series: September 10 - October 29.
No, money can’t buy you study skills, work ethic, creativity, geometry genius or mastery of the English language, but it sure can open doors to such desirables. That’s where “Wild for Cats”, Lake Highlands High School’s academic booster club, comes in — to date, since its 2005 launch, “Wild for Cats” has pumped more than $500,000 from 250 donors into materials, equipment and personnel for the neighborhood high school. Specifically, school administrators have used the funds for cameras, computer equipment, books, academic-recognition breakfasts, TAKS preparation, AP tutoring and the AVID college preparation program, to name a few. This year “Wild for Cats” cash also will support a new position for a College and Career Transition Counselor at the school. The volunteer-run organization “makes a difference and provides the support and resources that retain great teachers, engage all students in a rigorous education, and transition students into colleges and careers,” says high school principal Walter Kelly. Throughout the school year, “Wild for Cats” will host meetings and events, at which supporters will have the opportunity to contribute. Learn more or make donations online at wildforcats.com.
Neighbor JOHN VISSER captured this impressive action shot of his TOBY — a 5-year-old rescued Golden Retriever with “a passion for chasing balls”— during a play day on the St. James Episcopal Church lawn. A congenital cataract caused Toby blindness in one eye, says M.G. VISSER, who sent in the photo. But that doesn’t stop him from keeping the other squarely on the prize.
Here’s the most important thing to remember when you want to repair a sidewalk: The City of dallas will help you fix it, but it will not foot the entire bill. (unless you live in a low-income area or the city is repairing the utilities beneath your sidewalk or curb.) But knowing that, if you still want your sidewalk to be walkable, here’s how it works:
1. The city gives residents two options: the fast-fix program and the cost-share program.
2. The fast-fix program, as the title suggests, gets the job done more quickly. Citizens pay $4.60 per square foot of sidewalk, plus additional charges for any curb repairs and grass replacements. City staff and contractors will inspect the sidewalk and provide cost estimates, and repairs must be made within two months of the request to protect the price. The payment is made to contractors, who work through dallas Water and utilities, and work should be completed within two weeks of payment.
3. In the cost-share program, citizens pay for half the costs — $2.80 per square foot of sidewalk — and the city pays for the other half. The cost-
share program usually involves an entire street, block or neighborhood and typically takes one or two years. The city determines an area that needs sidewalk repairs, sends out letters to residents living in that area to find out if they want to go ahead with repairs; if so, residents have 30 days to pay their half of the cost. After the letters have been sent and money collected, it takes eight to 12 months to get a contract set up.
4. Even though the city mostly relies on residents to take the initiative in sidewalk repairs, residents can still be cited by the city and possibly fined for having damaged sidewalks, because of the risk of someone becoming hurt and both the city and homeowner facing a civil suit.
5. for information about either program, contact James dowdy with the city’s public works and transportation department at 214.948.4287.
10.31.09 r OLL B ey OND COAL
FREE A zombie riding his bike around White Rock Lake might be a rare sight any other day, but during this Halloween-themed rally, it’s likely. The Dallas Sierra Club hosts the event as part of a national effort to raise awareness about renewable energy. Attendees wear Halloween costumes and ride the 9.4-mile route around White Rock Lake starting at the Bath House, 521 E. Lawther. Awards will be given for the best costumes. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the bike ride starts at 10:30 a.m. Registration is $10 for adults, and $5 for students and children 12 and older. Children 12 and younger can ride for free. To pre-registration or for information, visit dallassierraclub.org.
Through 11.01 THe gre AT AmeriCAN
pUmpkiN fesTivAL $6-$9.50 More than 15,000 fall blooms will be showcased in this festival, including chrysanthemums, salvia, coleus and ornamental grasses. There will also be a 15-foot-tall pumpkin house, a pumpkin patch with a hay bale maze and more than 5,000 decorative pumpkins and gourds. Admission is $9.50 for adults, $8 for seniors 65 and older, $6 for children 3 to 12, and free for Arboretum members and children two and younger. On-site parking is $5. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland. dallasarboretum.org or 214.515.6518.
10.08 WALLACe eLemeNTAry 50TH ANNiversAry free Former Wallace students, parents, teachers and neighbors are invited to celebrate this school’s anniversary with picnic on the school lawn at 5:30 p.m. Wallace Elementary, 9921 Kirkhaven.
“MY SISTER IN THIS HOUSE” $15-$18 This drama was inspired by an actual incident that took place in the French town of Le Mans during the 1930s. The story is centered on two servant sisters attached to the burgeois Danzard household. Under the weight of the Danzards’ authority and the rigid lines of class distinction, the sisters cling to each other until a haunting and stunning explosion of both emotion and violence. The curtain time for all performances is 8 p.m. There will be two Saturday matinee performances Saturday, Oct. 17 & 24 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons, $18 Friday nights, and $20 on Saturday nights. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther.
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In its 16th year, this annual tour features 45 neighborhood artists and five art centers. This event offers an opportunity to visit artists in their working environments, to see local art exhibitions, and to tour art schools. This year’s tour features paintings, sculptures, mixed media works, photography, prints, jewelry, and mosaics. For a list of participating artists and art centers, visit dallasartsrevue.com or email mray@dcccd.edu.
More than 150 vendors offer holiday decor, floral arrangements, candles and hand-crafted gifts during this annual bazaar. Students from Forest Meadow Junior High and Lake Highlands High School will provide hourly entertainment.
The bazaar will run Saturday, Oct. 10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 11 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., 69373 Whitehurst. For more information, visit MarketintheMeadow.com.
I N THE C or NE r of THE DINING room, a woman types on a laptop as her infant sleeps in a carrier nearby. It’s a common scene at Highlands Café: This is a place neighbors linger over their laptops or a cup of coffee. And it’s intended to be a community gathering place. Everything here is a reflection of Lake Highlands, down to the local art on the walls, and even some menu items like the pasta salad, which was inspired by a Lake Highlands Women’s Club luncheon recipe. Keeping with that theme, the restaurant is celebrating its five-year anniversary by inviting neighbors to submit their own recipe ideas, one of which will become a daily dinner special in November. There’s also a community celebration in the works, so check the restaurant’s website beginning Oct. 1 for details.
214.349.2233 HIGHLAND s CA f E . C om
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ANOTHER BROKEN EGG $ FB A new breakfast experience comes to Casa Linda Plaza. Fluffy omelets filled with cream cheese and topped with crab await you. Traditional breakfasts, bananas fosters pancakes, full children’s menu, and exciting benedicts are just a few of the discoveries in over ninety entrée’s. Also, offering famous New Orleans Recipe beignets, bloody marys, top shelf mimosas, and grown local, bottled zip code honey! 1152 N Buckner Blvd. (across from Doctors Hospital.) 214.954.7182
BACK COUNTRY BBQ $ WB Over 30 years of Texas-style BBQ. Family dining - 8 different meats, variety of homemade vegetables. Complete catering & custom cooking. Beer, wine, margaritas. 6940 Greenville Ave. 214.696.6940.
CINDI’S NY DELI, RESTAURANT & BAKERY $ A little of everything for everyone! Cindi’s has the best bagels, blintzes, latkes, matzo ball soups and quiches in town. Fantastic breakfast served all day. Excellent home-style lunch and dinner specials. Extensive dessert selections including cakes, pastries, pies and bread pudding. 11111 North Central Exprsswy 214.739.0918; 7522 Campbell Rd. 972.248.0608; 3565 Forest Ln. 972.241.9204; And now our newest location: 2001 Midway Rd. 972.458.7740.
New Whole Wheat Bran Pancakes the perfect addition to any breakfast. Don’t forget we are also here for dinner three days a week. Pop in and try some of our amazing dinner specials like our Prime Rib or Grilled Salmon. Coming this December, our “MONSTER MENU”. Come Home to the Circle Grill. Sun-Wed 6am-4pm Thurs-Sat 6am-9pm. Banquet
Facilities Available. Breakfast served all day. 3701 N. Buckner 214-327-4140
Americans love chardonnay
JEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday Advocate Back Talk catemag.com/lake-highlands/blog.
adaptation of various Frenchchicken dishes. It’s almost do well, and you really brown the chicken if you minutes) serving pieces sliced mushooms, sliced chopped taste
salt and pepper. Brown skillet in the olive oil over heat, about 3 minutes on from skillet.
the garlic, thyme, salt and Addthechickenbacktothe surrounding it with the vegetables.
minutes. The vegetables should melted, and there should be chickenandvegetables.Serve or couscous.
They’re the same grape, which is in France, Australia and Caliwine regions, including Texas, as it syrah, and the Aussies call here use both terms, usually they make a French- or Aus-
Lake Highlands homeowners don’t need to look far for trouble. For most, it’s just up the street or around the corner. Earlier this year the Dallas Police Department took a close look at its busiest violent crime zones and designated two nearby areas as the city’s meanest neighborhoods. Five Points, a square mile east of Greenville and north of Northwest Highway, topped the list with 350 violent crimes in 2008. The Forest-Audelia area in North Lake Highlands took second place, reporting 300-plus violent crimes.
The results came as no surprise to Dallas police who regularly conduct these highly focused studies. The two Lake Highlands-area crime hubs have taken the top spots two years running and have shown up on similar lists year after year, says Dallas Police Deputy Chief Tom Lawrence, commander of the Northeast Patrol Subdivision.
As bad as it might seem, he says, things are improving.
“What you don’t see — the news that isn’t often reported — is that both of those areas have seen a significant reduction in violent crime,” he says.
Five Points has seen a 37 percent drop since last year, and the ForestAudelia area’s violent crime rate has dropped by 45 percent. The dip is due partially to increased police focus on the targeted areas, which are both saturated with low-rent high-density apartment complexes.
Residents of North Lake Highlands likely noticed an onslaught of police activity near the end of May, when police arrested more than 200 crime suspects around the Forest-Audelia area within 18 days. Police “blitzed” the neighborhood with division officers as well as tactical, gang, K9 and operation disruption units. Lawrence hopes the effort was successful.
“We made a lot of arrests,” he says. “With these types of operations, it sometimes takes a while to see the impact.”
Sr. Cpl. Tracy Glenn patrols the Northeast Dallas area most days between 3 p.m. and midnight, keenly aware of the top-two crime hotspots. He says the conduct around Lake Highlands’ apartment complexes took a turn for the worse following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Gang members from Louisiana settled in the Lake Highlands area, and criminal activity skyrocketed. It doesn’t help that police often make arrests only to see the offenders released, he says.
“Shootings, murders, sexual
assaults, prostitution, break-ins, carjackings — you name it,” he says. “We catch them but they keep winding up back out here within a couple weeks and sometimes before we even fill out the paperwork.”
One afternoon, it’s hot and hushed as he patrols areas filled with apartment complexes.
“This is one of the worst complexes right here,” he says, turning into the Bent Creek Apartments on Forest Lane. In Five Points, he says the same about the Casa Verde Apartments, one of the most run-down and crime-ridden of the bunch, where paint is peeling and porches are piled high with trash and junk.
Apartment managers have a huge responsibility when it comes to keeping apartments and surrounding neighborhoods safe, Glenn says.
“A good manager can make a significant difference — they can enforce the code and kick out the tenants who don’t follow the rules, but a lot of them are more concerned with keeping the occupancy rate up.”
Neighborhood real estate broker and former city councilman Bill Blaydes has been crusading to take down the shabbiest of the city’s apartment complexes, including Bent Tree and two others owned by Amarillo-based American Housing Foundation, whose founder and CEO committed suicide as his affordablehousing empire crumbled under debt and questionable business practices.
A Southlake-based company purchased the properties following American Housing’s bankruptcy, but Blaydes says he hopes to find a buyer and developer willing to raze the property and rebuild.
But Lake Highlands has many multi-family complexes with a share of bad seeds scattered throughout, and expecting them all to be torn down doesn’t seem realistic.
Blaydes understands this and agrees with Glenn’s assessment — good managers can save an apartment community along with the surrounding neighborhoods. As an
example, he sites El Paso-based Integrity Assets Management, a company that manages Sienna Palms, Montecito Palms and five other apartment complexes in the area.
“These apartments that end in the name ‘Palms’ are run by a man named Richard Aguilar out of El Paso,” Blaydes says. “They keep up with the maintenance of the property, don’t let it run down, and they are strict with the tenants — you have to follow the guidelines or you are out.”
Lake Highlands residents should feel good about this sort of progress, which is being helped along by solid police work, Blaydes says.
“I am extremely encouraged by what the police department is doing to force that kind of ownership, and I think we are going to be a far better city for it.”
Steve Wakefield, an attorney who once presided over the Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association, moved into the Woodbridge area of north Lake Highlands a few years ago. Around that time, prostitution, drug dealing, homicide and other violent crimes were on the rise in the Forest-Audelia area just a half-mile or so from his home.
“I had a guy walk up to my car window with a knife, and a prostitute once tried to jump in my car at that intersection,” he says. But Wakefield wasn’t about to let the bad guys scare him off.
“Some will move out of the neighborhood. Some will give up on it. But I really felt a call to duty to stay. I don’t think that a few people who aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do should force you out of your neighborhood,” he says.
Wakefield and his like-minded neighbors have rallied to prevent the sale of drug paraphernalia at neighborhood convenience stores, pressed apartment owners to comply with city code — even filing suit when appropriate — and encouraged city officials and police to enforce the code.
“It has gotten a lot better, though it’s still not where you want it, he says. “The catch is that you can’t ever let up.”
And he hasn’t. One key to area
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improvement is communication, he says. “Behind each of these highcrime, rundown apartments is a human being running things. If you can find that person, you can appeal to them and hopefully work with them. Sometimes they don’t cooperate, and then you just have to stay on them.”
And it’s not all about taking bad landlords to task. “We are also working with a non-profit group [Volunteers of America Texas] getting programs set up for at-risk kids, and, hopefully, the neighborhood churches and the community will be eager to participate.”
John Hamman, CPCU 8330 Abrams Rd., Suite 104 214-341-3050 john.hamman.lcjs@statefarm.com
Wakefield grasps what police now tell us: no matter how concentrated the law enforcement effort, it will take more than that to turn the tide of crime in Lake Highlands. The cooperation of apartment owners, city leaders, and volunteers is essential, Deputy Chief Lawrence says.
Jim Collins, CLU 11807 Preston Rd. 214-349-7455
Our area’s army of volunteers is one of the most vital combatants we have when it comes to crime reduction, he says. There are 1,500 to 2,000 volunteers involved in Northeast crime watch groups and similar organizations. Those are impressive numbers, but Lawrence says they could benefit by being more organized.
That’s where retired probation officer Felix Saucedo comes in.
“A neighborhood that is educated and aware will have less crime,”
Saucedo says while patrolling his White Rock area neighborhood.
He helped form a crime watch group there, and as a member of a citywide crime watch executive board, he helps other neighborhoods do the same thing.
Dallas’ crime watch executive board consists of 10 directors — one from each of the seven Dallas Police Department divisions, one apartment community representative and one business community representative. Its purpose is to organize the city’s crime watch groups in order to make them more effective, and to help neighborhoods create crime watch groups. Police can’t be everywhere all the time, Saucedo says, “so we are their eyes and ears.”
Claiming more than 100 neighborhood crime watch groups, our neighborhoods can be a powerful crime fighting force, Saucedo says. And Lawrence gives these volunteer organizations partial credit for last year’s 21 percent overall reduction in crime in area patrolled by the Northeast Subdivision.
Though it’s necessary at times to draw attention to crime, there also is a time to acknowledge the neighborhood’s successes and take positive action to continue to improve the quality of life in Lake Highlands.
District 10 City Councilman Jerry Allen says that time is now.
“It’s time for people in the area
Sr. Cpl. Tracy Glenn patrols the Northeast Dallas area most days between 3 p.m. and midnight.Farm’s money-saving discounts and award-winning service will make you feel like you’re in the winner’s circle.
to hold their heads up,” Allen says. “ t here is a lot of work to be done, but crime here continues to drop every year.”
Allen meets monthly with a task force comprising police, a community prosecutor and representatives of city staff and multi-family complexes to discuss code enforcement and crime initiatives in District 10 — code enforcement and law enforcement go hand-in-hand, Glenn says.
Allen says apartment renters, in general, want a livable and crimefree community as much as homeowners.
t he folks in the apartments want a better quality of life, too. We want the good people in District 10 to have great places for their kids to grow up, and we want to drive the punks out, but that is going to take a team effort across the board,” Allen says.
Many apartment managers and owners have joined in that effort, he says.
t he Madeline apartments near Audelia and Walnut in North Lake Highlands (just a couple streets away from Forest), for example, recently instituted a children’s learning center the Learning Links c enter, a real estate investment company, purchased the complex and aims to offer resources for disadvantaged kids in the neighborhood.
t his should tell us something about our community’s potential future, which includes both multifamily and single-family residences, Allen says.
“Many of these aging apartment complexes just have to come down,” says Allen, who was a staunch advocate for razing three apartment complexes along Skillman to make way for a new Lake Highlands town c enter. “ b ut others are salvageable.”
t he efforts of Madeline owners evidences a community headed in the right direction, Allen says.
“With the city, law enforcement, homeowners, renters and apartment managers working together,” he says, “we can continue to see those crime statistics go down and the quality of life improve.” n
Most people consider landfills nothing more than giant garbage dumps. But our Dallas landfill is a cutting-edge, money-making, big-business dump — if you can even call it that.
It doesn’t stink.
t hat’s the first thing that strikes visitors to Dallas’ 996-acre Mc c ommas b luff Landfill, a former gravel pit lying just south of the t rinity r iver near the intersection of I-45 and I-20. It would seem that a place that takes in nearly 5,000 tons of garbage a day — almost 2 million tons a year — should emit an odor at least as sour and putrid as a commercial dumpster.
b ut somehow, it doesn’t.
“We don’t want you to know there’s a landfill here,” says r on Smith, the city’s assistant director of sanitation services.
At the end of each and every day, his crew spreads a six-
inch layer of clean dirt atop the mounds of trash brought in. t he dirt helps mask the stench, keeping the stray dogs and rats at bay, and also makes the landfill look more like a construction site than a giant pile of garbage.
t oday Smith is giving a tour of Mc c ommas b luff, a regular part of his job and a task he clearly relishes. From the look of pride on his face, you’d think he was showing off one of the Smithsonian museums. t here’s a reason folks around the sanitation services department call it “ r on’s landfill” — Smith can ramble off all the ins, outs and little-known facts about Dallas’ dump site as he navigates his SUV around the perimeter.
And as he does, you start to get the idea that all the trash here is really just “a side note,” Smith says.
“ t his road isn’t made of gravel — it’s ground-up, recycled concrete.
“See that pecan grove to the left? In the fall, people can come here and gather the pecans that drop.
“ t hat’s a compactor. It rolls over the garbage five times and flattens it so that it takes up the least room possible. At a landfill, space is money.”
t rash is Smith’s business. And in Dallas, it’s big business. Most of us don’t give another thought to our trash after garbage trucks collect it from its front driveways
2 million tons of waste taken in annually at the landfill
800,000 annual tons of waste from single-family residents
6,000 tons of waste left at the landfill each day on average
7 pounds of waste thrown away daily by the average person in Texas (The national average is 5.4 pounds. Texans don’t necessarily toss that much more than other Americans; the national average takes only household waste into account, whereas the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality factors in other forms of waste.)
or alley each week. And even if we do think about it, we likely assume it’s taken to a remote location, then left to sit and rot for the next few decades or centuries.
“From the person on the street’s perspective, garbage collection looks exactly like it did 50 years ago,” says sanitation services director Mary Nix. “ b ut technology has changed dramatically.”
For one, we’re recycling more than we ever have. t his means less garbage being dumped into the landfill, something that will add years to the landfill’s life. And, Nix says, our recycling numbers are growing as more and more Dallasites warm to the idea. Plus, all those milk cartons and soda cans create revenue for the city just not enough to pay for the city’s recycling program.
t he real money-maker
is all of that precious space at the landfill, along with the fact that Dallas lets anyone use it who is willing to pay up. Mc c ommas b luff is so big — the biggest landfill in the state and the 15th largest in the nation — that the city has room to spare, at least for a few more decades.
nation’s largest landfills
And perhaps even longer, if landfill technology continues to improve. Dallas recently began implementing the latest landfill science, called “bioreactor technology”, which quickly breaks down trash into methane gas that is then sold into natural gas pipelines. Not only does this process create another source of city revenue; it also chips away at the landfill’s giant piles of garbage, leaving room for even more trash.
And with more innovation, Smith says, Mccommas bluff could feasibly last forever.
“the landfill is still finite,” he says, “but I am convinced that something will come along that will allow us to keep this thing going indefinitely. Some technology will probably evolve over the next few decades that will probably make it infinite. I don’t know what it is — it has to be cost effective, so it has to cost less than trash. but when somebody works that out, we’ll be able to mothball the landfill.”
For now, Dallas residents live with the reality that garbage heads to one of two places — a recycling plant that cleans and packages anything reusable to ship it overseas, or a landfill within our city limits.
the numbers might astound you, in terms of how much we throw away on a daily and yearly basis. read on to find out more about our wastefulness, steps we can take to curb the amount of garbage funneling into our landfill, and how the city has taken our efforts to recycle as well as our apathy about trash and turned a landfill into a gold mine.
The cu TT ing edge: ‘Bioreac Tor T echnology’
Anyone who takes the time to hear ron Smith talk about this technological process might start to see the city dump as an opportunity to harvest renewable energy, rather than a nasty necessity. t rash, to him, means energy and revenue.
“When I look around this landfill, I don’t even see trash,” Smith says, “I just see food for the microbes and
feedstock for a renewable source.”
The technology quickly converts the landfill’s garbage into methane gas, which is sold to Atmos Energy and pumped into pipelines. That’s especially noteworthy when you consider our landfill was the first in the state to use the technology, and only one of about 20 in the nation — the largest, in fact — using it today.
Think of it as “composting on a larger basis,” says sanitation services director Mary Nix. In that sense, the idea is “easily 100 years old or older.” But in terms of applying bioreactor technology to landfills, she says, that began in the early ’80s.
Converting garbage into methane gas isn’t a new idea trash will eventually break down and create methane, and some landfills burn it off while others trap and use it.
Smith has opted to take this one step further, implementing technology to help the Dallas landfill’s trash create methane even faster than it would if left alone.
Because the technology creates methane more quickly, it translates into more revenue for the city. The landfill produces 5.5 million cubic feet of gas daily. Nix says the city expects to net a little more than $800,000 in methane sales during 2009. (The city did not make any money on methane last year because until 2008, any profits went to the methane processing plant’s investor —T.Boone Pickens’ company, Dallas Clean Energy — which assumed all risk, costs and profits for constructing and operating the plan for the first 15 years.)
The biotechnology has been underway for about a year at McCommas Bluff, but it could be another year before we begin to see measurable results, Smith says. The landfill has 30-acre chunks of land called cells, and right now, bioreactor technology is being used only in one cell at a time. The hope is that it be used for every cell in the future.
Here’s how it works, in a nutshell.
Start with 996 acres of land dedicated to dealing with the city’s waste (accepting about 2 million tons of trash per year, the McCommas Bluff isTexas’ biggest dump).
8940 Garland Rd. Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75218 214.321.6441
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• On the east end of the dump stands a tower that stores sludgy recycled trash water containing bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms or microbes.
• The yucky mix flows from the storage tower into horizontal perforated pipes that line the landfill.
• The liquid is then injected into the trash, where it acts as food for hungry microbes, causing the trash to decompose much faster than it normally would.
• Accelerated decomposition means faster generation of valuable gaseous byproducts — methane and carbon dioxide.
• Another set of vertical pipes act like wells, sucking up the gas and transferring it to a processing facility on the west end of the land.
• Machinery at the processing site sterilizes and separates the gases, preparing them for sale to Atmos Energy and other customers.
On the east end of the dump stands a tower that stores sludgy recycled trash water containing bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms or microbes.
the yucky mix flows from the storage tower into horizontal perforated pipes that line the landfill.
the liquid is then injected into the trash, where it acts as food for hungry microbes, causing the trash to decompose much faster than it would normally.
Accelerated decomposition means faster generation of valuable gaseous byproducts — methane and carbon dioxide.
Another set of vertical pipes acts like wells, sucking up the gas and transferring it to a processing facility on the west end of the land.
Machinery at the processing site sterilizes and separates the gases, preparing them for sale to Atmos energy and other customers.
Garbage service is built-in for the city’s single-family homes (it accounts for the biggest chunk of
the $20.98 charge on our monthly sewer bill), but multi-family complexes or businesses have to pay by the ton to dump trash at the landfill. because Mccommas bluff is so large, Dallas accepts trash from other counties, commercial outfits and anyone else willing to pay its $21-per-ton fee. that’s the most substantial way the city generates revenue on Mccommas bluff, a total of $25 million in 2008.
the city expected to net $28 million in 2009, but a good portion of its customer base is the construction industry, and because the economy has weakened, Nix says, construction tapered off so the city expects to net $23 million.
the landfill opened in 1981 and is projected to be used until 2031, when it originally was estimated to fill up. but bioreactor technology could mean it will last much longer than that — another 22 years, Smith says.
lating into more space in the landfill — and Smith says, space equals money.
The cost to run the landfill was $18.5 million in 2008, so with dumping fees plus residential garbage fees (roughly $4 million annually) the city expects to earn roughly $9 million in 2009.
And if, as Smith predicts, new technology evolves that changes landfills from finite to infinite space, McCommasBluff could continue operating as a city cash cow for decades and even centuries to come.
Recycling has come a long way in Dallas, Nix says. “We were pretty behind for a long time. We did not follow the green track in late ’80s and early ’90s,” she says.
In 2005, only about one in four Dallas households recycled. Today, Nix says almost half of Dallas homeowners recycle: “Our count of recyclers, as provided by route drivers and further estimated based on big blue cart deliveries, is 46 percent.”
The city’s goal for the “Too Good To Throw Away” program, which educates homeowners on recycling and provides the blue bins for singlefamily residences, was 50 percent of eligible households by 2011.
“We ought to get there a bit earlier than estimated,” Nix says. “We’re certainly seeing big strides in the amount of recycling materials we’re collecting.”
Effective recycling programs mean more landfill space; our current recycling rate means we save more than a month of landfill space every year.
“When we bury something, we hope it will degrade,” Smith says. “Everything we want to go into the landfill is not this type of stuff [gesturing toward a plastic water bottle from which he’s drinking]. We want it to decompose.”
The city doesn’t sift through garbage to mine recyclables, so any non-biodegradable items tossed in the trash remain in the landfill taking up space.
“We would love for it to be out,” Smith says. “It’s not a perfect world but it is getting better.”
Now you know what happens to all those dirty diapers and half-eaten sandwiches (a.k.a. the icky trash) and bulk trash. but what about the so-called clean trash — the stuff that goes in the blue recycling bins?
Here’s how it works:
the city’s sanitation services department collects recyclables from the single-family and community recycling bins.
t hose recyclables (30,000 tons in 2008) are shipped to the city’s recycling processor — Greenstar at Northwest Highway and Shiloh in Garland — which separates the materials into marketable packages, and sells the materials to buyers (except for glass and non-recyclable contaminants). the city’s share of the 2008 revenue that GreenStar earned from those sales was $2.2 million.
Any recycled glass is delivered to the Mccommas bluff landfill — not for disposal but for beneficial reuse: the landfill is able to crush the glass and use it as a gravel substitute for below-ground drainage features. (“that reduces the amount of clean gravel we’d otherwise need to purchase for those drainage features,” Nix says.)
Any contaminants, roughly 10 percent of what Dallasites place in recycle bins (Nix says this is a low number), is sent to the Mccommas bluff landfill for disposal.
Yes, the city does make money on the old magazines, used water bottles and empty aluminum cans that Dallas residents toss into blue bins. Our recycling efforts aren’t enough, however, to cover the cost of what the city spends to pick up recyclables —
Visit adVocatemag.com and click on “blog” to find out more about the city’s recycling efforts and to find a recyclables collection calendar.
in 2008, the funds generated by recyclables recouped roughly 40 percent of the cost.
On top of that, the city’s department of sanitation services never knows how much money recyclables will generate because the cash paid for this kind of trash formally known as the “recycling commodity market” — fluctuates constantly, and oscillates for some items more than others. For example, department director Mary Nix says, “old newspaper has seen a less drastic variance than old metal cans (steel and metal mixes — not aluminum).”
With the economy in a recession over the past year, the market for recyclables “dropped quite starkly,” Nix says, but began leveling off more recently. the city hopes the market improves, but Nix is quick to emphasize that, ultimately, Dallas’ recycling efforts are not about money.
“the city has committed to a recycling program based largely on its positive impact on our environment,” Nix says. “the revenue-share is a way to help offset the cost of the service, but is not its primary driver. So, we’ll continue to promote the recycling.” n
Ron Smith has seen a lot in his 10 years of working with landfills, including his two years here at McCommas Bluff. Like the time one of his crews found a dead body.
“We did have a deceased gentleman out here about a year and a half ago, and we called the police right
away,” he says. “We’ve also had to call the police when we’ve found meth labs. That sort of stuff doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen.”
Then there was the time he unearthed a box with three Rolex watches and four large diamond rings.
“It turned out a family
had been cleaning out their home and accidentally threw the box away, but we were able to return it to them,” he says.
“And another time Sears dropped off five refrigerators, which we now use in our offices. That’s what they call ‘salvaging’ — it’s a legal term.”
t ons of recyclables the city collected from single-family and community recycling bins in 2008
Price per ton Dallas is paid for its recyclables (down from $60 a ton in 2007 and $90 in January 2008)
$2.2 million
t otal dollars, in gross, the city earned from selling recyclables in 2008
$5.5 million
Amount Dallas sanitation services spent to pick up recyclables in 2008
current monthly fee assessed by Dallas sanitation services to Dallas residents ($22.71 with sales tax)
Portion of the monthly assessment spent on recycling pick-up
Amount recycling would cost residents each month if not for the offsetting costs of recyclable materials sold
Pounds of trash a single-family residence recycles each month when recyclables are picked up once every two weeks
Pounds of trash a single-family residence recycles each month when recyclables are picked up once every week
30 Days per year of landfill space “saved” by recyclable materials
By and large, the city receives a passing mark in terms of its strides toward protecting the environment, says Jeff Jacoby, Dallas’ staff director for the Texas Campaign for the Environment, a grassroots advocacy group. Here are some of his praises and critiques:
Jacoby says he is “disappointed” the city has drug its feet on reducing trash pickup from twice a week to once a week.
“I think our politicians in general give the citizens less credit than they deserve, in particular their ability to adapt in order to help this planet. And the fact that councilmen haven’t reflected that support in their policies is “honestly just mindboggling,” Jacoby says.
Single-stream recycling (the ability to place all recyclables in one container without having to separate them) through dallas’ blue bin recycling program has definitely made recycling more user-friendly for dallas residents, Jacoby says. So have the 52 giant blue dumpsters (also single-stream) placed at schools, parks, libraries, churches and other sites throughout the city
But the city “needs to dramatically expand its recycling capabilities for multi-family dwellings,” Jacoby says. “My understanding is that more than half of Dallas residents live in apartments or condos and don’t have access to curbside recycling.”(Mary Nix says a pilot program for multi-family was part of the 2008 budget, but “got snipped because of economics.” She included the pilot in the 2009 budget as well, but expects it will meet the same fate.)
a ustin is usually pinpointed in texas as a progressively “green” city, and Jacoby would like to see dallas emulate some of the best practices of a ustin and other innovative texas cities. However, he proudly says, “we are purchasing more green energy than a ustin.”
Book review clubs are rather trendy these days, but one of Dallas’ oldest and most popular is the Lake Highlands book review club, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
At a year-end luncheon, three of the club’s founding members, Maxine cox, betty Money and Mildred Mcclinney, shared the secret behind why they launched the group.
“I was pregnant and sick as a dog and needed something to get my mind off my body!” Mcclinney says. “Yeah, we needed to get away from babies,” cox chimes in, and the women burst into a hearty round of laughter.
they all had small children at the time, and traded off baby-watching responsibilities. Mcclinney, who was the organist at Lake Highlands United Methodist church in the ’60s, knew a slew of women and “called on every one of them [she] could think of to join the club.”
Since then, book reviewers have been breathing life into literature, to the delight of ladies in the club.
these book reviewers aren’t highbrow critics, however, whose big words might make or break book sales. No, these reviewers are usually a cross between
literary lecturers and stand-up comics, and sometimes they even perform music. they don’t expect their audiences to discuss or even read the books they review, and are primarily there to entertain (and perhaps partially for the tea and finger sandwiches).
the charter members count Lillian tate, Helen Poe and evelyn Oppenheimer among their favorite early speakers.
“I think they are all dead now,” Money says.
they all agree that rose-Mary rumbley is their most-liked modern day, living-and-active speaker. Some reviewers such as Dave tanner and Judy Moore, tack music associated with a book onto their acts.
“they might play Hollywood tunes or music we liked when we were young,” cox says.
the club today, as it was 50 years ago, is as much about camaraderie as it is about literature. Members say they enjoy getting acquainted with the books without necessarily having to read them.
“We didn’t have time to read, so we’d listen to the book reviewers,” cox says.
the current book club president, Janelle Krumbholz, who has a fondness for non-fiction, says she usually waits
until after listening to the book club reviewers before deciding whether or not she wishes to dedicate time to reading a particular book.
As the president of a club that currently has more than 100 members, Krumbholz says her job is fairly simple. It is the vice president who has to book the speakers. that job has fallen on carol Filpot for the past year
“I came in and I really enjoyed the reviewers, and the ladies are nice and wonderful and we like getting together,” Filpot says.
At the summer lunch, Filpot took up her new role as president, and cox, Money and Mcclinney were honored in front of the group for founding the club that has introduced so many women to so many interesting characters, both real and imagined.
—Christina hughes BaBB Club dues are $20 per year and potential members must have two sponsors who are already in the club. Club president Janelle Krumbholz warns that the club has grown in popularity, and that the limit is 150 members. september through May, the club meets the third Wednesday of each month at the ridgewood Belcher recreation Center, 214.670.7115.
“Book review clubs” are different from “book clubs” — members aren’t expected to read the featured literature. In fact, they usually don’t. Instead, they join so they can experience charismatic entertainers who bring characters and stories to life. Members also seem to enjoy the camaraderie among women in the group, and sometimes, if they are so inclined, they will pick up a copy of the book on their way out.
Penny Terk is the ex-actress and book reviewer who founded pennyterk.com, the go-to organization for clubs looking for reviewers, such as the Lake Highlands Book Review Club. As soon as I reached Terk by phone, I learned she was a spirited woman
she snapped at me when she thought I was trying to sell her advertising, and then apologized profusely when I told her I just wanted an interview. It’s that honesty and straightforwardness, she says, that helps her connect with an audience.
“If they know you are sincere, women are quick to connect with you. As an actress, I feel the material. I try to be honest and sincere so that they will connect with that material and with me,” she says.
Terk caught the book-reviewing bug almost 20 years ago when a friend brought her along to a presentation.
“I thought to myself, ‘I could do that,’” she says.
At her first gig, Terk feared she was going to have to run out the door.
“I fell into character, and the ladies were looking at each other seeming a little shocked. I was glad to be near an exit,” she says. “But at the end, they were giggling and winking at each other, and I realized they liked it.”
Sensing a need to dispense information about herself and others like her, Terk first tried putting together a phone book, and later, because the information kept becoming outdated, she “dragged all of them kicking and screaming into cyberspace” — hence, the birth of pennyterk.com about 12 years ago.
Terk now travels Dallas’ book review club circuit, wowing audiences at the Lake Highlands book review club at least once a year. The book she most enjoys bringing to the stage?
“There’s one that is always on my list
‘Secrets Under the Bridge’ by Overton Shelmire. It’s the bio of the Dallas architect who designed the Anatole Hotel, and it’s just a wonderful history of Dallas here in the 1930s.”
—Christina hughes BaBBFunny
com) a web-based business specializing in pers onalized gifts and accessories, was started by Lake Highlands resident Kristy Crawford and her mom, Sara Gardner, in 2001. The two women are a match made in gift-giving heaven
Sara, the embroiderer, and Kristy, the sales ga l who’s “friends with every girl of a certain age in Texas and has been in all of their weddings and then attended their subsequent five million baby showers.” Ironically, Kristy has never been married, but according to the About Us section of her website, the Texas A&M graduate is still looking for Mr. Right, so if you know any single guys who might be interested in chatting with a funny girl.
If you’ve taken the Plano Road exit off I-635 and headed south, you’ve seen someone on the corner of Walnut Hill and Plano Road waving a sign indicating the Tex Mex Grill is open for business. The restaurant boasts an extensive menu of classic Tex-Mex food, plus weekly lunch and dinner specials. The parking lot looks pretty full every time I drive by, so keep up the good work!
Burger Spot will move into the former Rigatoni spot at Plaza Bank Center (Skillman and Royal). Charles Williams
of the John Bowles Company says the restaurant plans to open near the end of October. A new yogurt shop (which its owners have yet to name) has signed a lease for the old TCBY spot. It’s also expected to open later this fall.
Ever think about making the switch to organic produce but opt out because you hate to pay higher prices, they don’t carry it at your local/every day grocery store, or you’re not sure how to pick it out? Lake Highlands resident Erin Bierwagen came up with a pretty good solution to the aforementioned challenges (ahem, excuses).
Bierwagen is the Lake Highlands link to the Your Health Source organic produce co-op. What’s an organic produce co-op, you ask? Co-op members receive a mix of approximately 15 organic fruits and veggies every other Saturday. The selection changes with the seasons. The normal “share” is $50 for 15-30 pounds of produce. You can also get smaller shares, or custom shares depending on your interests and needs. Contact Bierwagen at 972680-2072 or erinb@ticnet.com.
The David Morales Salon opened up in Lake Highlands recently. Neighborhood resident Morales, a 20-year veteran of the hair biz, says he “wanted to bring an upscale salon to the area, knowing that Lake Highlands has a lot of beautiful people with a desire to look their best.” Located near the Blockbuster on Plano Road and Northwest Highway,
Morales’ salon is cut and color only, specializing in highlights. You can call 214-521-8817 to schedule an appointment to get your “do” done.
Speaking of the glamification of Lake Highlands, future director for Mary Kay Jennifer Schmiel is hosting Muffins and Makeovers Saturday mornings in October. Schmiel, an L Street resident, has been a rep for the Dallas-based cosmetics company for almost five years. She’s kind enough to remind us when powder blue eye shadow is in, then out, then in again. For more info on the Saturday morning soirees or to set up an appointment, e-mail Jennifer at jennifer.schmiel@marykay.com or call 214-454-1884.
And there’s some other big news in the same shopping center. Co-owner and manager of LH Floral Linda Miles announced that LH Floral is up for sale. Eddie Corbitt, Miles’ brother-in-law and co-owner, says they would like to sell the business as quickly as possible due to some family health issues and are willing to be as flexible as possible for potential buyers. With homecomings and holidays right around the corner, this is a busy time for florists. LH Floral has been in business for almost 15 years and is one of the only floral businesses in Lake Highlands. Corbitt and Miles have been co-owners of the retail shop for about a year. Interested parties can contact Eddie Corbitt at 817-727-7526.
Erin Moyer is a Lake Highlands resident and entrepreneur who owns her own small business manufacturing original women and children’s clothes and accessories (progenyinc.com), plus a consulting business specializing in marketing and business development. Her monthly “Live Local” column features anything and everything we might want to know about some of our favorite mom-and-pop shops, as well as what’s up and coming in our neighborhood as it relates to business. Live Local is more that just a column, it’s about supporting neighbors and helping our community thrive. Send Moyer ideas and feedback at livelocal@advocatemag.com. Not everything she receives can be published in the magazine, but check out our back t alk Lake Highlands blog daily for more information about ways to live local in our neighborhood.
We have another Jesus sighting.
They’re calling it the Divine Vine: overgrown Kudzu on a wire in a Raleigh, North Carolina park — 30 feet tall! It resembles Jesus from the back, his arms outstretched on the cross and head dangling in pain.
The homeless sleep beneath it to gain comfort. The mystical see it as sign of God’s presence. The skeptical see a random flora formation.
It’s always that way with these things. We’ve lately had Jesus showing up in a half-eaten Kit Kat candy bar, in a slice of grilled cheese and on a Las Vegas toilet seat. The first two disappeared in short order, the latter lingered because, as we all know, what happens in Vegas
As one news report put it, jokes about the Jesus in the Park phenomenon have spread like, well, Kudzu. Someone probably named John quipped for the Kudzu Jesus: I am the way, the truth, and the plant life?
The Shroud of Turin has fascinated the faithful with the idea that the Lord’s image was left imprinted on his burial cloth. A woman named Esperanza (Hope) sees Jesus’ face in a brown stain on the stucco wall of her neighbor’s house in the movie Henry Poole Was Here Miracles start to happen, like a mute girl named Millie suddenly speaking. Henry still doesn’t buy it.
“Buying it” is sometimes the point, as people commercialize these supposed relics or epiphanies of Jesus. But that’s not always the point. Some of us just want to see Jesus. We long to pull back the veil that separates heaven and earth, the invisible and the visible.
People nearing the end of their lives sometimes report that they see him as they are slipping away. Those who return after near-death experiences say the same thing. Who’s to say? Maybe they did. Or maybe they just wanted to and thought they did.
Jesus promised his disciples that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. We presume he also meant that for all of us who have followed them in following him. But where are we most likely to see him? Not in Kudzu overgrowth or chocolate confections.
In one of the most Jewish-sounding passages of the New Testament, Jesus tells his disciples about the final judgment when the
Son of Man will separate the sheep from the goats (they look much the same when grazing in the same field). In Matthew 25, he says that the blessed will be rewarded because they saw him hungry and gave him food, saw him thirsty and gave them drink, saw him a stranger and welcomed him, saw him naked and gave him clothing, saw him sick and took care of him, saw him imprisoned and visited him.
Forest MeadoW / 9150 Church Rd. / Welcoming the mosaic of cultures living in our neighborhoods / www.fmbcdallas.org
Worship 10:50 / Bible Study 9:30 / Tim Ahlen, Pastor / 214.341.9555
gaston oaks BaPtist / Greenville Ave & Royal Lane
Sunday Worship 10:45 am / Bible Study 9:30 am
www.gastonoaks.org / 214.348.0958
Park cities BaPtist cHUrcH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services 9:20 & 10:50. Traditional (Sanctuary), Comtemporary (Great Hall), Bible Study (Church Campus) / 214.860.1500
WilsHire BaPtist / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
nortH HigHlands BiBle cHUrcH / 9626 Church Road
Sunday: Education (child & adult) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: kids 6:20, JH 6:30, HS 7:30 / www.nhbc.net / 214.348.9697
east dallas cHristian cHUrcH / 629 N. Peak Street
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am
214.824.8185 / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
st. JoHn’s ePiscoPal cHUrcH / 848 Harter Road, 75218
Sunday Worship: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Ed. 9:00 am 214.321.6451 / www.stjohnsepiscopal.org
They will then ask when they saw him in these states of needs. They won’t remember seeing him so and tending to him. Jesus says, Truly I tell you, inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, my brothers [and sisters], you have done it unto me.
When people came to see Mother Teresa in Calcutta, she knew they really came to see Jesus. So she would take them to back alleys to find the sick and the starving. Here, she would say, here is Jesus.
Maybe the reason we want to see Jesus in Kudzu and Kit Kats is that we want to see him on our terms and on our turf. We want to see him in ways that beguile us or bless us, but not in ways that bother us or beckon us to act.
I have decided to look for Jesus more intently. I intend to look longer into the eyes of those I usually avert my eyes from quickly. I wonder if I’ll see him there? Guess I won’t know until the judgment.
First United lUtHeran cHUrcH / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
Zion lUtHeran cHUrcH & scHool / 6121 E Lovers Ln.
Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org
lake HigHlands UMc / 9015 Plano Rd. (at McCree) 214.348.6600 / www.lhumc.com / Sun. School 9:45 am
Sun. Worship 8:30 & 11:00 Traditional / 11:00 Contemporary
WHite rock United MetHodist / wrumc.org
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George fisk
lake HigHlands cHUrcH / 9919 McCree
Sun. Classes 9:30 am, Assembly 11:00 am / 214.348.0460 Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org
WHite rock coMMUnity cHUrcH / 9353 Garland Road
Sun. Bible Study 9:00 am, Worship 10:45 am / 214.320.0043
Wed. Bible Studies 10:00 am & 7:30 pm / www.whiterockchurch.org
lake HigHlands PresByterian cHUrcH / 214.348.2133 8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org
Christian Ed. 9:45 am, 9:00 am Contemporary, 11:00 am Traditional
neW st. Peter’s PresByterian cHUrcH / 214.438.0120
Meet at Dallas Children’s Theater – Skillman at NW Hwy Worship: 9:30 am / www.newstpeters.org
gloBal Heart dallas / 11020 Audelia Road, Suite B107
Sunday: Meditation 10:20 am / Service 11:00 am 214.361.2096 / www.globalheart-dallas.org
Some of us just want to see Jesus. We long to pull back the veil that separates heaven and earth, the invisible and the visible.
SummErvillE aT l akElaNd HillS is offering “You Don’t Have to Live with Us for Us to Help,” a complimentary homevisit service for senior citizens. Healthcare professionals will visit senior citizens to help evaluate care needs, and find resources or referrals for other services. To arrange a visit or for more information, call 214.321.7300.
Pa Sl , Parents and Advocates for Slower Learners is a nonprofit organization that provides social opportunities for adult slow learners in our community. Visit pasldfw.com or contact Wade Mercer at WADE1@airmail.net for a list of monthly activities and to find out more information.
S OuTHErN mETHOdiST uNivEr SiT y’S dEdmaN ScHOOl Of l aW offers free one-hour tax consultations for anyone who can’t afford attorney services and is facing an IRS audit, appeal or collection process; involved in innocent spouse relief; or needing to resolve a past-due tax matter. To schedule a free consultation, call 214.768.2562 or visit smu. edu/law/taxclinic. The school’s small business clinic also is providing free legal services to new and existing small businesses and nonprofit organizations that can’t afford to pay legal fees. For information, call 214.768.4935.
TE xa S cENTEr fOr THE PHySically imPairEd, an organization founded by Lake Highlands resident Robert Langford, seeks donations of used computers and computer parts, which will be refurbished and then shipped free to visually impaired people. According to the organization, 3,200 computers have been donated to the visually impaired during the past five years. For information, visit handicapability. org or call 214.340.6328.
c a S a dE vida, a respite care program for caregivers of early onset Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, is offered weekly on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at NorthPark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central Expressway. It’s strictly a social program, with no medications or health care administered. Activities include morning snacks, exercise, bingo, crafts and music. A $10 fee covers the day’s program; application required. Call Ann Anderson at 972.783.8780 or Nick Harper at 214.349.6584 to apply or for information.
THE PrESby PrESENTErS TOa STma STErS group meets Thursdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, 8200 Walnut Hill. The non-profit public speaking club was founded to help members overcome public speaking fears and develop and enhance their leadership skills. Newcomers are welcome. Meeting rooms and lunch plans change weekly; contact Lynda Waters at 214.288.7959 or LyndaWaters@texashealth.org for information.
l akE HigHlaNdS miliTary mOmS is a friendship and support group for mothers with children currently serving in the military. For information, contact Rhonda Russell at lhmama1@yahoo.com.
THE ExcHaNgE club Of l akE HigHlaNdS is compiling a list of names and military addresses of former Lake Highlands students serving in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to send supplies, phone cards and letters. Lake Highlands soldiers currently serving overseas are Christopher Alexander, Matt Booth, Michael Edwards, Joshua Franks, Amy Hargis, Carl Holland, Tobias Henry, Andrew Hinshaw, Jeff Kramb, Wes Mullins, Brian Novy, James Rackler, Lee Russell Jr., Ledarrius Wade and Nicholas Yates. For updates visit lhexchangeclub.org and click on “Lake Highlands Military”.
THE SPca Of TE xa S runs an injured animal rescue ambulance service to help strays. SPCA responds to calls in our neighborhood from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. Field officers will evaluate injured animals and take them to the SPCA, Highland Park Animal Clinic, or an emergency clinic for treatment. 214.651.7387.
WHiTE rOck NEWcOmErS club meets at 10 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Radisson Inn, LBJ Freeway and Jupiter. The group welcomes visitors and newcomers. Call Gladys Innocente at 214-348-4825 or Pauline Ellis at 214-348-0229 to make a reservation.
DrCothern is one of a small distinguished percentage of dentists who have invested in postgraduate training at one of the world’s premiere continuing education institutes, The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. We care about you as a unique individual and examine you in a way that together we can understand every aspect of your oral health. In our office we love what we do. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!
9669 N.CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY #220 DALLAS 75231 214.696.9966
One in four school age children has an undiagnosed vision problem that can interfere with learning. Vision is critical to learning. Make sure your child is really ready for back to school. Schedule a back to school eye exam and ask about our special children’s eye exam and glasses package!
Dr. Dunagin and the other physicians at The Wade-Huebner Clinic believe in providing state-of-the-art medical care while adhering to traditional doctor-patient values. In addition to treating most acute and chronic adult illnesses, our board certified physicians perform wellness and preventative examinations. We are on staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas and will attend to our patients if hospitalization is needed. Our physicians are on most insurance plans and new patients are being accepted.
Patricia A.Simon,DDS
Do you remember the braces of yesteryear? Those big clunky “railroad tracks”? My how things have changed! Today we can move teeth with tooth-colored braces, braces that are attached to the back of your teeth and with aligners that are completely transparent. And thanks to space-age technology, the wires are activated by the temperature of your mouth! Come see what’s changed!
1809 SKILLMAN ST., DALLAS, TX. 75206 214-826-9000
Dena T.Robinson, DDS, FAGD
Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry
“It’s not just about the teeth, but the whole person. Seeing someone’s oral health improve means their total health has improved as well. The focus at our White Rock Lake cosmetic dentistry practice is on comprehensive dental care.” Let us help you make a difference in your life!
8940 GARLAND RD., SUITE 200, DALLAS, TX 75218 214.321.6441
Project Gif t is a new after-school program at the Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church Child Development Center Project Gift provides at-risk families with after-school tutoring, mentoring, music and play in a faith-filled environment The program is available to kids in kindergar ten through 6th grade, and is free to eligible children and their families Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Missy Rodgers, LHPC Project Gift Volunteer Coordinator, at 214 403 3258 or missyro@ear thlink net For information visit lhpres org
HosPice comPa s sus is seeking volunteers to visit patients and work in homes or nursing/assisted living centers The organization also needs volunteers to perform administrative tasks, work with activity directors in nursing/assisted living facilities, and work with its grief/bereavement coordinator Hospice Compassus needs volunteers who are bilingual or who would be able to sing or play a musical instrument for patients and families 9535 Forest, #211, 972 690 6632
seniornet of Dall a s needs volunteers to teach computer skills classes SeniorNet wants to offer new class times, and more leaders are needed Students receive a free manual to follow through each topic studied SeniorNet is located in a new facility, The Point Center for Ar ts and Education of C C Young, 4847 W Lawther, just west of White Rock Lake
Dall a s c a sa needs volunteers to train as advocates for abused and neglected children Volunteers gather information for the cour t and work with the child welfare system and others to quickly find a safe, permanent home for each child. For information or to register for an upcoming information session, call 214.827.9603, ext. 228, or visit dallascasa.org.
meals on WHeels, a program run by The Visiting Nurses Association, needs volunteer drivers in our neighborhood. Drivers make weekday deliveries a few mornings a week or month, picking up meals at White Rock Methodist Church, 1450 Oldgate. 214.689.2639.
a ssistance leaGue of Dallas has structured and established volunteer programs already in place at Children’s Hospital, Children’s Advocacy Center and Operation School Bell, its newest program. The league was chartered in 1969 and is a member of National Assistance League. New members are welcome. For information call 972.437.1239 or visit assistanceleagueofdallas.org.
retireD anD senior Volunteer ProGram (rsVP) at the Senior Source needs volunteers age 55+ for more than 230 non-profit agencies in Dallas and Collin counties. RSVP matches your skills, needs and desires with a volunteer job. Volunteers generally are needed for three hours, one to two days a week. 214.823.5700 or rsvpd@TheSeniorSource.org
mentorinG Volunteers are needed to devote up to three hours a week to a Lake Highlands student through the Lake Highlands Exchange Club. lhexchangeclub.org.
Heart House Dallas, a free after-school program for lowincome children, offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for groups and individuals. Work as a mentor, homework tutor, coach, office helper or in other available capacities. For information contact Marisa Hettinger at 214.750.7637 or visit hearthousedallas.org.
cHarities Home center needs volunteers to help operate the resale store and also seeks gently used donations for families in the community. Hours of operation are Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 10675 E. Northwest Highway, Suite 240, 214.342.8231.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com or online at advocate.com/submit_lh_news. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
9750 Ferguson Rd. Dallas 75228/ 214.324.3607
www.bishoplynch.org. Recognized for student achievement, leadership, and innovation, Bishop Lynch High School continues to build on a rich heritage that prepares graduates for a lifetime of success. The mission of Bishop Lynch High School is to teach students “to strive for academic excellence, to seek truth, and to work for justice in the world.” To see that each student emerges with a well-rounded experience, Bishop Lynch offers first-rate academics, including the largest dual enrollment program of any private school in the state of Texas, extensive guidance as students prepare to enter higher education, and a widevariety of extracurricular and service activities.
14210 Marsh ln. addison / 75001 / 972.243.2676 Chase’s Place is a private day school program for children ages 5-14 with developmental disabilities including PDD/Autism, MR, neurological disorders, and acquired brain injuries. Program emphasizes development of functional skills through direct instruction, practical application, and therapeutic interventions with Speech, OT, PT, and Music therapy included.
950 Tiffany Way Dallas / 214.324.1481. Grades K-12. Private coeducational secondary school committed to teaching learning different students. Nurturing and family environment with the highest quality staff, teachers, facilities and programs. Educating students according to their unique situations. Complete sports program. Accredited by SACS
leading to success. 2720 hillside Drive, Dallas, 75214 / 214.826.2931, www.lakehillprep.org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
9845 Mccree Rd. Dallas / 214.348.1349 / www.stjamesepiscopal.info Enrollment: 80
Ages/Grades: Mother’s Day Out 18 mos, Toddler Montessori 2 yrs – 3rd, Accreditation: SAES, Extended Hours: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm, Student/ Teacher Ratio: Primary classroom 25:2; Elementary 30:2. St. James Episcopal School is committed to providing each child an excellent academic environment, based on Montessori principles, by teaching Christian values and the ability to be productive, cooperative citizens. Join us March 2-3 for Montessori Education Week.
848 harter Rd. Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131
www.stjohnsschool.org / Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
5707 Royal ln. Dallas / 214.691.6950 Grades
1-12. Founded in 1975, The Winston School is a co-education college preparatory school enrolling bright students who learn differently ® Winston provides individualized programs for students with learning differences, including problems in reading, writing, language, mathematics and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Student Teacher ratio or 8:1. Accredited by I.S.A.S. and member of N.A.I.S.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410.
2 Years through 6th Grade. 44 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-theart technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around funfilled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www.WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.
Zion lUTheRan school
6121 e. lovers ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 57 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
we’re the talk of the neighborhood
Lake Highlands Young Life area director Todd Beller has a little fun with son Brandon Beller at a Lake Highlands car wash to raise funds for camp.
A+ PIANO TEACHER WADE COTTINGHAM Super Refs. LWood Res. wadewademusic.com 214-564-6456
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. L. Highlands North Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829, Linda 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www. artisticgatherings.com
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS All Ages/All Styles. Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573
GUITAR LESSONS All Ages, Your Locations. Tommy. 25+Yrs Exp.469-323-3910
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COOPERTINO COPY Writing For: Websites, Bios, Ads, Resumes/ Letters, Email Blasts. 469-569-0858. coopertino1@gmail.com
IN HOME CRISIS COUNSELING Spiritual Restoration For Behavioral Change. www.rubiconcounseling.net. 469-441-8861
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HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS Motivational, Compassionate & Confidential Sessions Offered To Those Wanting To Lose Weight & Gain A Healthier Lifestyle. Dr. Nicole Mangum, Health Psychologist. 214-692-6666 ext. 311
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Dallas Academy Headmaster Jim r ichardson recently presented neighborhood resident r yan Gummer , 28, owner of Keystone Investments, the school’s first John r . a lbers Distinguished Alumni Award. With help from the Dallas Academy staff, Gummer overcame a learning disability called dysgraphia. The Distinguished Alumni Award was established in honor of John Albers, the former Dr Pepper CEO, parent of a former student, a school trustee, and a major contributor to the school’s capital campaign. He passed away in fall 2008.
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TEXAS RANGERS SUITE Share this prime suite with other neighborhood small businesses. We lease Suite 218-B behind home plate (check out the location online at texasrangers.com) overlooking the entire field. We’re looking for partners to buy 10game shares in for the 2010 & 2011 seasons. The suite includes three parking passes, 12 tickets for each game and a $300 credit per game (first year only) for food and beverage service in the suite. Games will be allocated in a lottery process prior to each season, with each shareholder selecting games and receiving an equal chance for Yankees, Red Sox, weekend and other premium games. Email rwamre@advocatemag.com or call 214-686-3595 with questions.
K. Landrum, 214-601-0077 karenbelin@aol.com
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BO HANDYMAN kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730
FENN CONSTRUCTION CO Complete Remodels. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645
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FRITZ ELECTRIC Lic. Electrician TECL 24978 30 yrs exp. 214-629-0391
HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. handy-dan.com Fans, etc 214-252-1628
LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Licensed.Insured. Lic#112457 Call Rylan 214-434-8735
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FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645
GRANITE COUNTERTOPS ALL COLORS Kitchens/Baths. Robert. ARD. 214-289-1475
HANDY DAN “The Handyman” Remodel’s Done Right. handy-dan.com 214-252-1628
AXIOM RADIANT BARRIER Installation of Foil Radiant Barrier. Call Nick 214-450-7450
EFFICIENT INSULATION Radiant Barrier Foil. Energy Efficient Pro. Free quotes. 214-577-0534
Mabry Insulation Co.
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The Re-Insulation Of Existing Homes Is Our Specialty. 214-823-1582
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Carolyn Contreras ASID
Licensed/Exp. 214-363-0747
LET ME DECORATE YOUR HOME For Christmas. Home Stylist. Lupe. 214-801-3542
TOM HOLT TILE Expert In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444
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BLOUNTS TREE SERVICE Call Me Last! Save 10% On All Written Bids. Trim & Removals. 43 Yrs Exp. Insured. Grady. 214-275-5727
BUSSEYS LAWN CARE $30 Weekly. Hedges. Clean ups. 214-725-9678
CASTRO TREE SERVICE Quality Work at Great Rates. Free est. Insured. 214-337-7097
CHUPIK TREE SERVICE Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463
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DALLAS K.D.R. SERVICES • 214-349-0914 Lawn Service & Landscape Installation
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GREENSKEEPER Fall Clean Up & Fall Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846
A Full-Service Tree Care Company Chuck Ranson, Certified Arborist c.ranson@sbcglobal.net 214-537-2008
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White Rock Landscaping 214-415-8434
NOVA TOTAL LAWN BEAUTIFICATION Lawn Service & Landscape Installation. 214-434-7393
www.ParadiseLandscapes.net 214-328-9955
SPRINKLERS, LANDSCAPING, Stone Work, Drainage. Installed and Repair. Call Kevin at 214-535-3352,Lic#7840. www.bigdirrigation.com
DARNALL PEST AND TERMITE, INC. Shirley Darnall, owner. Free Estimates. 214-348-8470 www.darnallpest.com
Prices Star t at $68 +Tax for General Treatment
Average Home, Interior, Exterior & Attached Garage Quotes for Other Services 214-328-2847
Lakewood Resident
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C 214-562-2360 • H 214-660-8378
Maintenance & Repair 214-727-7650
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20 Years in the Plumbing Business Full Service Plumbing Company
Drains Augered • Slab Leaks • Water Heaters I can beat any estimate you get FREE estimates over the phone Call Michael • 214.566.9737
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6337 Oram • 214-823-2153
1 s pee D o- B r AND M e N ’s sw IM su IT w A s L ef T AT T he s C e N e of A L A ke hI gh LAND s- A re A f LA sh IN g.
214-442-3165 fax 214-321-6244
Approx IMAT e repor T e D A ge of T he sk INN y, s I x-foo T TALL - I sh f LA sher, who expose D h IM se L f T o A wo MAN T hrough T he w IND ow of her ho M e IN T he Au D e LIAM C Cree VICINIT y of L A ke hI gh LAND s.
6 Mo NT hs IN j AIL , A $2,000 f IN e AND A NA s T y C r IMINAL re C or D I s wh AT T he f LA sher C ou LD f AC e I f CA ugh T .
s our C es: D ALLA s p o LIC e Dep A r TM e NT / VICTIM INT er VI ew
The Victim: Charles Nolen
The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle
Date: Monday, Aug. 17
Time: Between 11 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.
Location: 9400 block of Dartridge
It was an early tuesday morning and charles Nolen discovered a rear passenger window of his car had been smashed. the car had been parked on the street in front of his home, and a quick-acting criminal grabbed his softball equipment and fled.
It was a pricey loss for Nolen. A softball glove and bag as well as a few expensive bats were stolen. With a loss totaling more than $1,200, it was a frustrating act of burglary for Nolen.
but this crime wouldn’t end up being a complete strikeout. A few days later, his equipment was returned – much to his appreciation.
“We got our bags back from the police,” he says. “they were in an alley in our neighborhood next to a trash can. A neighbor found them and everything was in there.”
Lt. Gloria Perez with the Dallas Police Northeast Patrol Division says residents should avoid leaving any items inside their car when leaving it parked overnight. Any items that cannot be removed from the car should be hidden inside. She also offers residents some helpful advice on parking cars in front of their homes.
“It is not a good idea to leave cars parked on a public street if at all possible,” she says. “Also, (always) lock your car, and any type of security system (alarm, a club, or engine cutoff switch) would be helpful.
“It is not uncommon to see this happen,” Perez says of Nolen getting his softball equipment returned. “If a burglar does not feel he or she can pawn the items, they will dump the property.” —SEAN CHAFFIN
In an ever-changing world, where you can never be sure of what will happen tomorrow, isn’t it comforting and reassuring to know that, despite the slings and arrows hurled over the past several years by our neighbors, the City of Dallas and the Texas Legislature, Lake Highlands still has a neighborhood strip joint?
Yes, I can imagine Lake Highlands families around their dinner tables every night, giving thanks for their meal, their health and for the continued operation of the Gold Club at Miller and Plano. The only thing sillier than still having to tolerate a strip joint in our neighborhood is the path that led us to the current situation.
Long ago, but still in Lake Highlands, the Gold Club had a predecessor venue at West Lawther and Northwest Highway called “PT’s”, which, I’m fairly certain, stood for “Pretty Tasteless”. During its tenure at that location, not only were Lake Highlands families bursting with pride about the Wildcat football team, but we also had the dubious distinction of having a strip joint at our western entrance to welcome visitors. Now, there’s a chamber of commerce ad!
Over the years, because PT’s actually operated in violation of a city ordinance prohibiting such businesses from being within a certain distance of parks, residential neigh-
borhoods and people just generally trying to avoid the less-inspiring features of humanity, PT’s had to apply for and obtain an annual “exemption” from the ordinance.
By asserting that it was not adversely affecting property values or otherwise causing trouble (and, by the way, generating welcome revenue for the city), PT’s routinely was awarded its annual exemption and continued its contribution to the cultural development of our community.
Finally, however, ongoing litigation to fully enforce the city ordinance forced PT’s to close its doors on West Lawther in 2003, and Lake Highlands was at last rid of an embarrassing exception to its family-friendly reputation — or so it seemed.
Almost as soon as the last lap was danced on at PT’s, a brand-new, bigger, more opulent successor called “PT’s The Gold Club” opened its doors for business on the east side of Lake Highlands at Plano and Miller.
Understandably, the businesses in the area, as well as the countless Lake Highlands families that live nearby and drive up and down Plano Road every day, were not happy. Neighbors organized almost immediately, and initiated a petition drive.
As it turned out, this new location although technically in compliance with the city ordinance — was in a “dry” area, meaning the Gold Club would have to apply for a “privateclub” liquor license from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in Austin. So neighbors decided to sign a petition opposing the Gold Club’s application for a liquor license.
Incredibly, the community collect-
ed 3,000 signatures on the petition and presented them to the TABC. Not only was the TABC unaccustomed to receiving this kind of objection from a community; this was, by far, the largest expression of disapproval it had ever seen.
Since the TABC’s decision was discretionary, community leaders opposed to the Gold Club still felt like they needed to pursue other strategies, just in case the TABC was impressed, but not persuaded. The community leaders contacted me, in my freshman term as state representative, to see if emergency legislation could be introduced to help address the situation.
That was the year the Legislature was setting records for being in session because folks kept running off to Ardmore and Albuquerque (and maybe to the Gold Club). So, during one of those special sessions, I introduced an amendment to another bill and received full cooperation from State Sen. John Carona (as the Senate sponsor), House Speaker Craddick, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst and Gov. Perry, and passed a law that, very simply, prohibited any sexually-oriented business — SOB — from being able to sell alcohol in a dry area.
The law went into effect Jan. 1, 2004. Presumably, a strip joint that is unable to sell alcohol is not as attractive an enterprise. The stripjoint fraternity apparently agreed and immediately filed suit, claiming that the law was unconstitutional.
And that was just the beginning