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Keeping up with the neighborhood natives who enjoyed at least 15 minutes of relative renown on reality television shows.
Few episodes of MTV’s “Like We Care” were salvaged by the Lake Highlands High School grads who starred on the show in the 1990s: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
in this issue
Hello, Chris Harrison
“The Bachelor” host talks TV, his new book and growing up in Lake Highlands.
22 The grill next door
Deep South Burger serves up fresh, flavorful, no-frills fare with a smile.
All of your business Dallas Media Center moves, popular ice pop place under construction and more.
58 True crimes
Armed robbers terrorize convenience-store clerks, and police arrest alleged murderer.
59 Big (D) budget
Columnist Angela Hunt sounds off about city spending.
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My father and mother have lived in the same house for almost 60 years.
The house has changed over the years
they’ve added a bedroom, a bathroom, an office and a den. They’ve painted, repainted, painted yet again and finally gave up and added metal siding to the outside of the place. They’ve mowed and tended the acreage so lovingly, I swear they know most of the blades of grass and even the weeds by heart.
They’ve fixed water leaks, solved electrical problems, dealt with foundation cracking, repaired broken windows (at least two caused by my childhood baseball game simulations throwing a ball against the wall), and dealt with all kinds of happy times and personal calamities there, too.
There are far more memories than problems in a house that has become a home, but the good times of the past still can’t change the realities of the present.
Today, the house and grounds are far larger than two jokingly self-described “old” people need, even as the house and storage buildings are jammed with just about everything anyone in the family ever acquired over the years — including what appears to be every school project my sisters and I completed from kindergarten through college.
They are not hoarders, at least in the current reality-TV vernacular. But like many of us, since they have room to save stuff, lots of stuff has been saved.
So I asked my dad what it would take to get them to move to a smaller home that would be easier to care for and would demand less from them as they continue try-
ing to defy the aging process.
He paused, thoughtfully I presumed rather than for that “give-the-kid-the-ideaI’m-actually-considering-this” effect, and said words that ring true regardless of age and status.
“I don’t know,” he told me. “It just seems a lot easier to stay put here where we’ve always been.”
It is easy for my sisters and me to express our concerns and offer our opinions, because of course we know what’s best for people other than ourselves. But only my mom and dad can determine what’s best for them, and if they choose to ignore us, should we blame them? They’ve done just fine over the years despite all of the things we’ve dragged them into, through and over.
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My parents have earned the right to live their lives how they see fit, not that they need my permission to do so anyway, and if health-permitting they want to ride off into the sunset in this house they’ve called home for so long, I guess that is their call. It certainly isn’t mine.
That point was clear as I left their home after a recent pilgrimage, driving off into the sunset myself.
There they were, arm in arm and waving goodbye while standing in the front door of the only home they’ve known together — just as they have so many times over so many years and under so many circumstances.
214.292.0493 / emangan@advocatemag.com
contributing editors: SALLY WAMRE
photo editor: DANNY FULGENCIO
214.635.2121 / danny@advocatemag.com
contributing photographers: JAMES COREAS, RASY
Thanks to Curiosities in Lakewood Shopping Center and McShan Florist in East Dallas for lending props to “The Real World” cover story.
one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
There are far more memories than problems in a house that has become a home, but the good times of the past still can’t change the realities of the present.
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This is where we’re helping young patients put cancer behind them.
He’s written a romance novel, emceed Miss America pageants and landed the limelight role on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” but Lake Highlands native Chris Harrison is most famous for his part on “The Bachelor,” the trendsetting reality show he’s hosted since 2002. By phone, the 44-yearold Los Angeles resident talks TV, discusses his book, “The Perfect Letter” and disses the Dallas media.
How did a nice Lake Highlands guy like you wind up on“The Bachelor”?
My goal was to live in Dallas and be a sportscaster, maybe eventually become the voice of the Dallas Cowboys. But when I got a broadcasting job offer in LA, I thought, what the hell — why not go enjoy the surf and sand for a bit? I’ve been out here ever since. I was kind-of a hired talking head when I first went in, just doing what they asked me to do. Today I’m more of a producer, therapist, counselor you name it. The show has changed my life and my whole family’s lives.
What did your wife and mother think of the premise of “The Bachelor”?
At first it was so abstract and crazy that I was worried, because I am that conservative Texas man, and I thought, “Dear God, will I ever be able to show my face?”
Does the show’s popularity make it hard to find sincere contestants?
There was a sense of naiveté when we started, and people were on the show not knowing what was going to
happen and now we’ve been on almost two decades, and people have all that knowledge going in. They might be there to boost their acting or modeling career, or to get the attention of an ex — who knows? But what I love, you face those same doubts about sincerity in life. I think our show has been a bit of a mirror a hyper-extended, maybe bastardized reflection of what’s going on in the real world.
You’ve spoken the phrase, “This is your final rose,” a gazillion
times. Ever considered changing things up?
It is an iconic piece of our vernacular now. I mean you can’t give a rose now without thinking of my line. Mike Fleiss [producer and writer] was genius at repeating things until someone got so annoyed that they would write an article about it. One season we did away with the usual lines, and people revolted. That line will follow me the rest of my life.
Do you feel bad for those who get rejected?
I’ve always cared for people. But we all know what we signed up for. My role and relationship with contestants has evolved; they’ve been watching the show for years and they know and trust me. They know that I am fair. But they also know that if they are dishonest or lying I will call them on it.
Nothing’s ever been overly contentious toward me. Not my job to get involved in those types of things. Now, the interview with Juan Pablo [the polarizing Season 18 bachelor] was awkward and uncomfortable. But I don’t get angry — not like he’s doing anything to me. I’m just trying to get the answers out of him that people want to hear.
You film at night — are the contestants exhausted, and are they intoxicated?
Rose ceremony and date nights go late, but they can sleep all they want. As far as alcohol goes, just like when you go on a date, you choose to drink or not. How much to drink. The beauty of the show is, it’s all about choices.
Your thoughts on copycats, parodies and Lifetime’s Bachelorbased show “Unreal”?
“Burning Love” is a good one. Done by Ben Stiller, they understand what a parody is. There are other shows that are just rip-off shows trying to capture the magic that we have, and those have failed. You can’t capture it. We are very good at what we do. When you see stuff on “SNL” or “Jimmy Kimmel,” that’s a badge of honor that means you are a part of the social consciousness. I have never watched “Unreal.” I saw one scene and I thought it wasn’t very good and I stopped watching. I don’t know the producer or anyone on the show or anyone who watches it. I just know it hasn’t done very well.
Do you foresee a same-sex couple version of “The Bachelor”?
I don’t know. We just talk about doing a great show and keeping it on the air as long as possible. And no matter what it is, if we think we can make the show better, that’s what we’ll do.
Now that you are divorced, would you consider being the bachelor?
It wouldn’t work for many reasons. One, I am not a live-out-loud type of person. It’s a job for me. I love it but I’ve never had a desire or thought to be on it.
Ever wanted to date a contestant?
There is no steadfast rule to keep me from doing so, but I also know I have to be careful. I would be leery of doing anything that would lose people’s trust. Then again there have been thousands of contestants now, so I can’t say never. So far, it has not been an issue.
What about your sons being the bachelor or a contestant on its
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sister show, “The Bachelorette”? I support whatever they do. Hopefully I’ve instilled in them confidence, self-respect and faith that will lead to good choices.
When you announced that “The Bachelorette” would feature two
bachelorettes, critics called the show (and even you, personally) misogynistic — how did you respond to that?
My response was that the critics should have done their homework. We did the same thing on “The Bachelor” and I don’t
remember anyone clamoring saying that was sexist. When we started, there was no MySpace or Twitter. There were decent people in the world who didn’t just live to be a-holes. There is so much garbage out there. Journalism has died a horrible and painful death. Getting sources, much less multiple sources, is something you don’t even do anymore. I’m a student of the game, and I come from an old-school journalism background, where it was done right. Before I put my name on something, you damn sure better believe that I’ve done my research and talked to the right sources.
I guess some reporters assume celebrities don’t have feelings. I am sensing that you do have some feelings about this. Even what you wrote, it came from a random opinion that you had. (Editor’s note: Harrison is referring to an Aug. 11 Advocate blog post about his book release in which I acknowledged being “among ‘The Bachelor’ haters.”) It’s sad
that some of the worst stuff comes from my own hometown. D Magazine did an article about a book signing I did, and it was the most bitter, poorly written article I’ve seen in a long time. There’s been horrible things said about me over the years and I have a thick skin, but this one hit a cord with me. And I actually gave my time to this reporter during this event and I typically like D Magazine and its writers — but not that one.
Let’s talk about your book. How did you decide on the romance genre?
If I am going to put time into something I am going to have to really believe in it. I did not want to do a dating-advice book or tell-all. But through a series of funny events I thought of a romance novel. It seemed a sensible extension of our brand, what we do on “The Bachelor.” Giving our fans more of what they love and crave.
Where did the characters in “The Perfect Letter” come from?
Some of the book’s characters are based
on people I know, but the main characters aren’t. There is a figure toward the middle of the book who kind of acts as a moral compass, and he is all the men in my life that I looked up to — my dad, my grandfather and brother.
Your book is set in Texas but not Dallas, why?
I don’t know — it’s almost like I was too close to the subject. I knew I wanted it to be set in Texas but I don’t feel romantic about Dallas. It’s like a family member, but I think Austin and the hill country is especially romantic.
What were you involved in at Lake Highlands High School?
Soccer was my life. I played in high school and club soccer — a few different club teams including Solar and Comets.
How often do you come to Dallas and where do you hang?
I come about six times a year. All of my family is here. I still have a lot of friends
who all went to White Rock Elementary, Lake Highlands Junior High. Ten to 15 of us still keep in touch. We all like places to hide and catch up — that little bar in Lake Highlands [One Nostalgia Place] is one of our places.
When it comes to reality TV in general, how do you think it’s shaped our lives?
You could get really deep, but I think the simple broad brush is that no one could have foreseen the way reality TV would progress. This generation only knows living a public life. My kids have to deal with so much more than I ever had to deal with. Whether it’s reality TV or Instagram, our kids are growing up on camera.
—Christina Hughes BabbQuestions and answers are edited for brevity.
“THE PERFECT LETTER” is available at amazon.com
MORE INTERVIEWS with reality TV show stars on p. 26
These wide-eyed doggies are Lake Highlands’ No. 1, 2 and 3 Dallas Cowboys fans, says their person-parent Jody Cameron The youngest, the 4-month-old German shorthaired pointer to the right, is named Witten, for faithful #82, Jason. Daisy, middle, is the same breed as Witten, but seven years older. Ashe, an 8-year-old Weimaraner, captains Team Canine. When not busy howling for the Boys, these Walnut Creek Estate dwellers love lounging on household beds or paddling around the pool.
Fall is here. You know it by that chill in the air, the Halloween decorations on store shelves and activities happening at our neighborhood schools and churches. The following events benefit local students.
When the field at St. James Episcopal turns orange, you know the season is upon us. Peruse the field at the corner of Audelia and McCree to pick your family’s perfect pumpkin. It’s open every day in October: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday – Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sundays. Proprietors now accept credit cards for pumpkin purchases. Proceeds from pumpkin and gourd sales benefit the St. James Episcopal youth ministry.
It’s an annual tradition at Lake Highlands’ St. Patrick Catholic Church and school, located at 9643 Ferndale. Bring the family from noon to 5 p.m. Oct. 17 for face painting, bounce houses, inflatable slides, rock climbing, a zip line, an array of food and drink vendors and more. Purchase a play-all-day wristband at the door or in advance from a St. Pat’s student. Proceeds benefit St. Patrick school.
There is something for everyone at this annual pre-Halloween event put on by the Moss Haven Elementary PTA. New this year, organizers offer an all-inclusive wristband for $25. The wearer has free access to unlimited rides and games, haunted house tours, popcorn, a snow cone and five cakewalk tries. Preschooler wristbands are $5. It all happens Oct. 24 at the school, 9202 Moss Farm, from 4-7 p.m.
that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
October 2015
Oct. 3
The Lake Highlands Exchange Club presents the annual German-themed fall festival featuring craft beer, food trucks and live music for adults, plus a kid zone with bounce houses, face painting and zip lining for their little bundles of energy. The main event begins at 7 p.m. with a performance by The Old 97s. The park opens from 11 a.m. until the show ends.
Lake Highlands Town Center, 7100 Wildcat Way
lhexchangeclub.org, $5 before 6 p.m., $10 after 6 p.m., kids under 3 are free
The Dallas Arboretum showcases 75,000 pumpkins, gourds and squash, plus 150,000 fall blooms, including chrysanthemums and impatiens. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Road, dallasarboretum.org, $10-$15
OCT. 2
This Austin-based musician with a music degree from the University of North Texas returns with her pop/R&B sound. Phoenix-based Brian Chartrand of the Voce Project opens.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffee House, 9555 N. Central, 214-363-0044, unclecalvins.org, $8-$16
OCT. 9-24
Wingspan Theatre Co. opens its 18th season this month with “Dear Liar!” a play based on love letters between playwright George Bernard Shaw and his muse, Mrs. Patrick Campbell. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.675.6573, wingspantheatre.com, $20-$25
The biggest band ever to come out of Dallas (literally) turns 15 this month. White Rock area native Tim DeLaughter’s group that employs about 25 musicians at a time, even taking the whole crew on tour occasionally, at first seemed like a crazy idea. But the Polyphonic Spree made it. The band celebrates its milestone anniversary with an 8 p.m. performance. Granada Theater, 3524 Greenville, 214.824.9933, granadatheater.com, $22
OCT. 10-11
The 23rd annual White Rock Lake Artists’ Studio Tour gives visitors a peek into the lives and artistic processes of more than 45 artists in the White Rock area. Take the self-guided tour from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. both days.
Start at the Creative Arts Center to pick up a map, 2360 Laughlin, whiterockartists.com, 214.320.1275, free
OCT. 16-30
The spooky tales of Washington Irving are the basis for “The Ghosts of Sleepy Hollow.” The play is recommended for ages 11 and up.
Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org,
OCT. 24-25
Shop dozens of arts and crafts booths at this annual PTA fundraiser for the Forest Meadow Junior High PTA. Dine at the Charger Cafe and enjoy live performances by the Lake Highlands High School choirs, bands and dance teams.
FMJH, 9373 Whitehurst, marketinthemeadow.com, free entry
OCT. 26
A fundraising golf tournament for Healing Hands Ministries starts at noon. Entry includes lunch and dinner. Lakewood Country Club, 1912 Abrams, 214.821.1491, healinghandsdallas.org, $165 per player
9090 Skillman
$4-$6 BURGERS, $3-$5 SIDES, $2-$3 KIDS MENU
The beef at Deep South Burgers never sees the inside of an icebox. “Freezing meat can cause it to lose flavor,” regional manager Debi Davidson explains. The same sort of care goes into the french fries, which are cut fresh every morning and seasoned to salty, mildly spicy, slightly greasy perfection. “It took 200 pounds of potatoes to get this recipe just the way we wanted it,” Davidson says. Sweet potato waffle fries, jumbo onion rings, chili-cheese fries; crisp tomatoes, pickles and onions; savory bacon, ghost pepper cheese, fried eggs — the menu offers sides and accouterments worthy of that juicy, never-frozen patty and its lightly toasted bun. The vegan black bean burger offers robust flavor and texture and clearly is not an afterthought, as veggie burgers at meat-centric restaurants often are. Top off your better-than-fast-food feast with a thick milkshakes made (hopefully by the time of publication) with Blue Bell ice cream. Bob Keith, who owns and operates four Subway restaurants in the White Rock area, opened Deep South Burgers last year. Davidson has worked for him seven years; you’ll see her, along with lead cook Jesus Ayalos, when you grab lunch or dinner at Deep South, located north of Tom Thumb on Skillman near I-635. “I’m here most days, all day,” she says. “Usually some 65 hours a week.” Expect a warm greeting and efficient service from Davidson and the crew, especially once you become a regular. “We have a lot of repeat customers now. We start making their order as soon as we see them walking up,” she says. “I love my job, the people, and the staff here feels the same way.”
—Christina Hughes BabbSEE MORE PHOTOS
Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com
A customized double meat bacon cheeseburger served with a side of onion rings at Deep South Burger on Skillman Street near I-635. Photo by Rasy RanThis frill-free Richland College area staple has everything a burger aficionado craves fresh beef molded into fat, juicy grilled spheres sandwiched between soft baked buns, adequately sloppy once you add juicy tomatoes and your choice of condiments. Add savory golden fries and eat on the patio or inside the spacious-enough dining room. Or take your burger baskets to go.
9410 Walnut
Exit Coit off I-635 for a unique burger experience infused with Mexican flair — think salsa burger with grilled jalapenos, grilled onions, mushrooms, three cheeses, avocados, tomato and a special sauce that’s reminiscent of Thousand Island, but thinner and zestier. The burgers are ginormous, but sides like big beer battered onion rings, mozzarella sticks or stuffed jalapenos, are still a must.
13021 Coit
This Upper Greenville classic is known for its bar and divey, party-time atmosphere, but a pub and grill won’t last this long in Big D without a quality kitchen. This menu offers satisfyingly greasy comfort food — such as burgers, fries, sandwiches, nachos, wings, pizza and quesadillas — laying the gastric groundwork to support a night’s worth of liquid indulgence.
6050 Greenville
It’s our passion to create exceptional dishes for breakfast, brunch and lunch that are “craveably” delicious with an artisanal flair.
7:00 -2:00 pm
Opening October 8th, in Lake Highlands, we boast fresh, made-to-order tortillas, slow-braised meats, seasonal & local produce, and a margarita that elevates the concept of Happy Hour. Community-based. Chef-inspired.
Let us do the smoking. Pick up a Family Pack Today.
Open 7 Days a Week 11AM-9PM
Mention this ad to receive 10% OFF
Saturday, October 11 / 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Lake Highlands United Methodist Church 9015 Plano Road (McCree Road parking lot)
Items Accepted: most electronics, toys, sporting goods, multimedia, books, and clothing
NOT Accepted: old TVs or old computer monitors (CRTs)
Proceeds benefit LHUMC youth mission trip fund. Shred truck destroys documents on-site!
Note: Paper clips and staples are OK, but no binders, please.
The leaves are changing from summer green to autumn orange and if you’re like me, you have waited all year for pumpkin season to officially begin. From savory to sweet, there are endless pumpkin recipes to get you in the spirit. One of my tried and true favorites is this classic Pumpkin Roulade with sweet Maple Cream Cheese Icing.
Pumpkin Roll Cake
6 eggs
2 cups granulated sugar
1 ½ cups pumpkin puree
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon nutmeg
Maple Cream Cheese Icing
1 stick (8 tablespoons) butter, unsalted
1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese
3 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Pumpkin Cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, grease a half-sheet pan and cover with parchment paper.
Beat the eggs and sugar until light in color.
Add pumpkin puree.
Combine flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg and fold into pumpkin mixture.
Spread the cake batter onto a prepared half-sheet pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 15-18 minutes or until cake springs back at the touch. Allow cake to cool before spreading a thin layer of maple cream cheese icing
to cover the entire top of the cake. Roll the pumpkin cake to make a log and refrigerate for 20 minutes to allow icing to set.
Spread the remaining maple cream cheese on top of the log.
(Optional garnish: sprinkle with chopped pecans)
Serve at room temperature and enjoy!
Combine butter and powdered sugar and beat until crumbly.
Add in cream cheese and maple syrup and mix until smooth.
Running the gamut from voyeuristic trash to societal edification, reality TV shows have amassed over the past 15 years like old newspapers on an episode of “Hoarders.” The grand paradox of the so-called “reality” genre is its supremely contrived, controlled and cut-up content, which — while necessary for palatable programming — deprives us of those stories beneath the surface. We tracked down Lake Highlands people who have spent time on reality TV show sets. They share candidly about their experiences, what they learned and life after the cameras shut off.
After talent scouts discovered him in a dim Uptown bar, Jonathan Libby’s rapid rise to fame led to swift betrayal, a fake identity and an amazing vacation. A few years after graduating from Lake Highlands High School — for one brief, shining moment — he starred on America’s longest-running network reality TV show, “Survivor.”
In an alternate universe somewhere, Libby parlayed the gig into a megastar existence.
“My friends like to remind me of it every day,” Libby says. “They imagine themselves being the cast of ‘Entourage.’”
Instead, he turned down work on the soap opera “Guiding Light” as well as requests to return as a “Survivor” contestant.
“‘Survivor’ is a three-month commitment. Not something there’s time for when you have a family,” says Libby, who, a decade later, remains the charismatic showman.
The 33-year-old data solution salesman lives a relatively quiet existence with wife Kimberly and their two children.
He was satisfied with his 15 minutes of fame back in 2004.
That year, “Survivor” — the show that maroons a group of strangers on an island to duke it out for a cool million — had been on the air four years.
Libby was drinking at the Candleroom bar when two guys approached him and asked if he wanted in. He joked that theirs was “a terrible pickup line,” and they replied, “You are exactly what we need.”
He met producers at a Dallas hotel. Show creator Mark Burnett loved him, recalls Libby, who, in the previous year, had been treated for testicular cancer.
“I think it made my storyline all the more appealing,” he says. “[Burnett] was just what you’d think. Very sure of himself. Rather than complimenting me, he congratulated himself. He was like, ‘I am so smart to have found you.’”
Then there was the battery of psych tests.
“I had to spend a day taking all sorts of personality and psychological exams. Within eight hours they know everything about you. They know who to put you around — who you’ll fight with.”
The first part of Libby’s journey to the Pacific island of Palau involved a layover in Honolulu. He and the other contestants were isolated both from each other and the outside world. A knock on his hotel door one night revealed an intern with a stack of DVDs. “It was a crash course on ‘Survivor.’ They gave me seasons one through nine. I
made it through six.”
On Palau, Libby and the others lived five days in tents before the game began. They spent those days doing entertainment magazine interviews.
“On the last day, it’s 2 a.m., they wake us up and put us on a banana boat in the water some 6 or 7 miles off the shore. Then Jeff Probst, the host, comes out, and announces that the game has started.”
Libby was eliminated in the first round, which he attributes chiefly to his naiveté. Despite his valiant effort, he says, the other contestants were far savvier at playing the game.
In the first episode, Libby built a shelter that the others used throughout the competition.
“I’m working my butt off and they are plotting to get rid of me,” he recalls.
He wasn’t that surprised when they voted him off the island.
“One guy said I looked like a bully who used to pick on him. Another person was convinced I was a mole, an actor who was planted to stir things up.”
After elimination, Libby trekked the walk of shame to the show’s psychiatrist.
“They want to make sure you are OK, not freaked out.”
Then the show —whose budget, according to a New York Times article, is about $1 million per episode —flew him to Guam for a two-and-a-half month vacation at a luxurious beachside villa.
Not a terrible consolation prize. He also earned $60,000 for his troubles.
As spoiler prevention, “Survivor” secludes its rejected contestants until the end of the season. Under threat of a $10 million fine, Libby was not allowed to speak of the show during his stay in the small coastal town. He was there so long, frequenting neighborhood hangouts, locals began to question his identity.
“So I started making up stuff about who I was.”
His most persistent and flamboyant fabrication was that he was the heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune.
“I told people I was a spoiled brat who
spent his time traveling and partying.”
After the show aired, Jonathan enjoyed a brief period as a “D-list celebrity,” he says.
Libby returns to “Survivor” get-togethers from time to time, and he might consider competing on “Survivor” again, once his children are more independent.
There is a popular radio show in Sydney, Australia whose hosts have been trying to land a Jonathan Libby interview for years. “I’ve become sort of famous there for being a pain in the ass. They have interviewed every ‘Survivor’ contestant from every season. Except me.”
He says he has accidentally missed multiple opportunities to connect with the show, “Survivor Oz.” But Libby seems to enjoy his role as the sole “Survivor” holdout. “No it’s not about money. They’ve even offered to fly me there. I will do it eventually. But it is funny. It’s this whole thing now.”
Delightful cake balls and an unsightly yard are Robin Ankeny’s two claims to fame. Not long after founding the Cake Ball Company, Ankeny’s product popped up on one of the Food Network’s Rachael Ray shows. Business boomed, and Robin and husband Jeff, a wine broker, bought an
architecturally and historically profound White Rock Hills home. The mid-century home built by famous architect Bud Oglesby required widespread repairs, which the Ankenys tackled with gusto. One exception was the exterior.
“We did not know much about landscap-
ing,” Robin explains, so they did little in the way of yard and curb appeal.
Robin’s mom suggested they submit their “ugly” landscape to the DIY Network reality show “Desperate Landscapes,” in which contractor Jason Cameron and crew rescue the country’s most dilapidated yards.
“I didn’t think our yard was desperate enough,” Robin says. Still, they sent in an application, complete with video of the neighbors “complaining” about the state of the Ankeny’s yard.
One of the show’s requirements, according to the FAQ section of its website, is a critical neighbor or two. “It’s important to include in your application the neighbors who will enjoy teasing you about your lack of landscaping skills.”
Two years later the Ankenys received the call. “Desperate Landscapes” was coming to North Texas. “They said, ‘Are you still desperate?’ and I said, ‘Yes,’” Robin recalls. “All we had done was a little painting. We still needed help.”
What you see on the show is quite authentic, Robin says. They came the day before for minor electrical work. The Ankenys put the whole project in the show’s hands.
“We had no idea what it would look like,” Robin says. “But we were excited. That whole day was like Christmas morning.”
In a span of about 10 hours, Cameron and his team tore down a brick wall that he said, “made the home look like a fortress,” built a composite deck, planted an architectural landscape with funky shapes and a fountain and added whimsical art to the outdoor walls.
The Ankenys were so thrilled that they invited the “Desperate Landscapes” crew to break bread once the job was done.
“They liked that. They said no one had ever invited them to stay for dinner before.”
The one complaint came from the Ankeny children, Luke and Jackson, who expected a little more airtime.
They were in school during the first half of filming, thus appeared only momentarily on the episode. Still, Robin says, “Desperate Landscapes” did an admirable job of editing and producing a relatively realistic reality show. “Plus they mentioned the Cake Ball Company,” she says. “Every time the episode airs, we get more orders.”
It was 1992. MTV was barraging viewers with grunge rock and intermittent attempts at socially conscious programming. One such effort was the short-lived “Like We Care,” which examined subjects of supposed interest to teenagers. A February, 1992 LA Times critic wrote that the show was in “a perfect position to counteract the MTV generation’s widely publicized apathy,” adding that it stood a better chance than most current affairs shows of the day.
Brian Cannon, now approaching 40, remembers recording his slice of the show at Lake Highlands North Park alongside a clique of Lake Highlands High School (and one Hillcrest High School) classmates including Josh Lawson, Jason Eskew (pictured), Jason Saba, Dusti Morris and Michelle Frustere. Specific memories about the program are sparse, a deficit Cannon owes to his former-stepsister. “My parents recorded all the episodes on VHS, then she went and recorded ‘90210’ over all of them,” he says feigning outrage.
A friend of a friend was an MTV producer, Cannon says, which is how they landed the
gig. MTV sent videographers and producers to high schools worldwide to interview students about music, trends, politics and social issues such as teen pregnancy, binge drinking and gun violence. Filming all of the shows’ two seasons lasted just one afternoon. In a typical episode, the host (who happens to be a member of the “90210” cast) tosses topics to teens. A rapid-fire montage of their previously recorded responses follows. The Lake Highlands students were featured heavily on some episodes and altogether absent from others, Cannon says.
Jason Eskew says the experience taught him a lesson about watching your words, which can be twisted and used against you. For example, the producers asked him a question about feminism, he says, so he recounted a derogatory joke about women that had been going around, followed by an explaination of why he thought the joke was all wrong.
“The only part they used was me telling the joke,” he says. Later on, a girl came up to me and said, ‘You’re that jerk that was
on MTV!’ When everything you say is being recorded — and that’s how it is all the time for kids these days —you have to be careful.”
It was all pretty low-key, Cannon, Eskew and Lawson recall.
“There were no makeup artists,” says Cannon. “We wore our own clothes. There was a lot of rayon worn in those years. It was basically a couple cameras and a producer off camera asking us the questions ... for some reason I most clearly remember the one about pick-up lines.” Ah yes, a subject approved by the LA Times critic: “The show is at its tongue-in-cheek best hashing out every permutation of that eternal dilemma: how to deal with the opposite sex.”
No one from the group went on to TV careers, though Eschew tried out for “Fear Factor.” Cannon still lives in the Dallas area with his wife and their five children. He sometimes wishes today’s technology would have been around in the ‘90s.
“All of the shows would have lived forever on YouTube and it wouldn’t matter that my stepsister erased them.”
Jake Gaba bounces through life harvesting unimaginable amounts of joy from his various travel, educational and career opportunities.
A recent Facebook video shows Gaba floating, waving and making goofy faces aboard NASA’s zero-gravity Vomit Comet, an intermittently weightless aircraft used in astronautic studies. In the background, a fellow reducedgravity-experiment subject appears unimpressed, which is atypical — most people give in to Gaba’s perpetual giddiness, or at least crack a smile.
Before beginning his summer internship at Microsoft, Gaba earned a spot on “America Ninja Warrior,” the popular obstacle-course competition program.
“I always loved the show. They won’t take anyone under 21, so as soon as I was old enough, I started applying,” says Gaba.
“Ninja Warrior” was filmed in Houston, in the middle of the night, says Gaba, who tackled the course at about 4 a.m. behind 85 other contestants. “I was so exhausted by the time I went on,” he says. “I placed in the top 50 and I needed to be in the top 30 to advance.”
Disappointingly, he says, his segment never aired. Had Gaba advanced to the final round, the achievement still would not have been his life’s masterwork.
That honor goes to his “Guy Dances Around China in 100 Days” video, which he made while in the country to study Mandarin. Set to Bruno Mars’ “Treasure,” it features Gaba (with 30-plus random Chinese bystanders) boogying his way across Beijing, Chengdu, Xi’An, Tibet, Yangshuo, Zhangjiajie, Shanghai, Feng Huang and Hong Kong. To date the clip boasts some 800,000 YouTube views, and 2,000 mostly positive comments. Media outlets, from “Huffington Post” and “Buzz Feed” to “New York Magazine” and “Good Morning America” showcased Gaba and his work. Even China Central Television (CCTV) took notice.
“The producers saw the video and messaged me through YouTube to ask if I was still in China.”
He was not, so CCTV flew him back to Beijing for a week. “Nothing I’ve done has come close to that,” says Gaba, who was class president his senior year at Lake Highlands High School.
Another of his videos, “Happy,” an on-campus, student-studded tour de force set to the Pharrell Williams tune of the same name has gone viral around Dartmouth College, where Gaba just started his junior year.
In 2013, Leigh Guerra-Paz, then Fredricksen, was in front of her TV, settling in for the second half of a Dallas Cowboys game, when local newscaster Mark Fein rang the doorbell of her Moss Haven home. During the locally livebroadcasted ambush, he told her she’d been selected as a contestant on a new NBC trivia show called “Million Second Quiz” with Ryan Seacrest.
“I was flown to New York that night, appeared on ‘The Today Show’ Monday morning and then was on the first-ever episode of ‘Million Second Quiz’ that night.”
According to Neilsen ratings, an estimated six-and-a-half million viewers tuned in to that premiere, which included a segment about the 1999 LHHS grad’s
He’d like to try for “American Ninja Warrior” again, or maybe “Survivor.”
Reality TV is “sort of the most brilliant thing,” he muses. “They find people to act but only pay them if they win.”
The show ran just 11 days (a million seconds), and she didn’t make it past the first installment.
Critics at the time called the subject matter of the questions “banal,” so Guerra-Paz’ defeat in no way reflects her level of intelligence, and she says she enjoyed the experience.
“I lost, but it was super fun!”
Telling Alex Trebec, “I wish to make it a true Daily Double” was Amanda Traphagan’s childhood dream. It materialized in 2005, when she was just 22 years old and a law student at University of Texas. The Lake Highlands High School grad beat out an attorney from Georgia and an administrative assistant from Washington to win more than $5,000 on “Jeopardy!” She first applied for the show’s college edition as an undergrad, but didn’t make it. The second time she auditioned, she aced the written test and mock “Jeopardy!” challenge.
“I still remember the moment they called to tell me I was on,” she says. “It was a good thing I was outside, because I squealed.”
On set, she was so nervous her whole body wobbled, she says.
“I felt like I was going to fall. I wasn’t as bad mentally as I thought I would be.”
There was one question about Rosh Hashanah that she missed. It was a gimme question that she bombed.
“I am Jewish, and I knew the answer, but I accidentally said ‘Yom Kipper.’ That was embarrassing,” she recalls. “Ya know, my grandparents missed the show because of a storm, and, after that, I think it might have been for the best that they didn’t see it,” she quips.
Playing as the returning champ, she won a
true Daily Double, which means she wagered all of her winnings on one question. “I was so hyped,” she says. She wound up losing that episode, but most days she feels pretty good about being a “Jeopardy!” winner at such a young age.
“I’ve found these online groups of past ‘Jeopardy!’ contestants and sometimes I get a little down on myself for only winning one time, but then I realize that in the broader world, being able to say I won on ‘Jeopardy!’ is a pretty big accomplishment.”
Traphagan, now an attorney in Austin, says her Lake Highlands education “really helped me on ‘Jeopardy!’ I went to Lake Highlands Elementary, Junior High and High School. My favorite high school teacher was David Wood. I am sure I used some nuggets from his class in preparing for the show.”
We were promised a movie theater, cool new restaurants, a community grocer and a walkable neighborhood gathering place. Ten years and $23 million of public funds later, all we have is another apartment complex. What happened to the town center, and why is the developer telling us that the grand plan won’t work?
You could feel the optimism that bright November morning in 2008. City officials and developers in hardhats rallied with Lake Highlands High School cheerleaders, dancers and band members outside an
empty apartment complex at Walnut Hill and Skillman.
Drums rolled. Highlandettes highkicked. The crowd cheered. A wrecking ball careened through the top floors, walls crum-
bling close to where the Haven Lake Highlands apartments stand today.
Former Dallas City Councilman Bill Blaydes, who spent much of his term courting potential Lake Highlands Town Center developers, took the podium to deliver a rousing speech.
“Because of what we celebrate today, Lake Highlands will not become stagnant for our children,” he proclaimed.
Attendees responded with a standing ovation.
That same day, representatives from Prescott Realty, the development company promising to tackle the $300 million Lake Highlands Town Center project, told Advocate reporters they were “right on schedule” with the anticipated 2010 completion date. Blaydes had cycled through six developers before securing Prescott, and Prescott president Vance Detwiler joked that seven is his lucky number. “I just hope it won’t take us seven years to finish it.”
OK, developers are an optimistic lot by nature, but it’s been seven years since that heralded groundbreaking. It’s been 10 since a Tax Increment Financing district (TIF) was established along the Skillman Corridor to set the fiscal stage for the town center, five years since DART built its town center rail station, and one since a grocery store anchor unofficially agreed to lease a space at the town center. The land, aside of a single multifamily residential building, remains a 70-acre prairie.
Its fallow appearance belies all that has happened behind the scenes in recent years.
Our new city councilman campaigned on pledges to promote town center progress; the center is under the new management of Cypress Real Estate Advisors; the Skillman Corridor TIF — which potentially could funnel millions of dollars into the project — enjoys new, motivated board members.
But a stalemate has formed between new town center head honcho Cypress Real Estate, which wants to deviate from Prescott’s original vision, and city designers, who are pushing for Cypress to stay true to the initial concept.
This recent activity indicates the project is at a tipping point and that, for better or worse, neighbors of the development could soon see some bona fide construction. Or not.
In recent months, neighbors, developers and stakeholders have been asking some core questions: Does the original vision still stand as the best solution? Will taxpayers who have contributed millions of dollars by way of the City of Dallas, Dallas County, North Texas Council of Governments, DART and TIF funds settle for something different from the original dream for Lake Highlands Town Center? And, what realistic design can succeed on this site?
“85,000 PEOPLE AND NO DOWNTOWN.” That about sums it up for Bill Blaydes, the Lake Highlands resident who served as District 10 councilman from 2003-07. Blaydes did the heavy lifting during the center’s formative years, combining his hope for a real “downtown Lake Highlands with the widespread belief that the apartments on Skillman between
$3.4 MILLION for streets, bridgework and thoroughfare assistance (Dallas County)
$5.2 MILLION for transit, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and thoroughfare work (North Texas Council of Governments)
Infrastructure improvements, (City of Dallas 2006 Bond election)
DART station and rail
total public sector investment as of 2011
Abrams and Walnut Hill were beyond repair, better razed than improved.
The first committed developer, Prescott Realty, realized they couldn’t afford it alone. To lay the economic groundwork for the ambitious town center project, the City of Dallas created the Skillman Corridor TIF in 2005, which funnels incremental property tax dollars above a base from neighborhood commercial property owners into improvement projects identified by the city. The city designated 40 percent of the Skillman TIF to the town center — a total of $23 million — but reimbursement was tied to work completion.
Prescott’s commitment, outlined in a 2007 development agreement, was to build a dense, urban, walkable project including parking structures to accommodate shoppers and diners patronizing its 280,000 square feet of retail, those liv-
ing in the 1,719 residential units and others using the 25,000 square feet of office space or 20 acres of parks and trails.
The master plan had the look of a transitoriented development, and a successful one would rely heavily on the construction of a DART rail station.
Enter Jerry Allen. Before replacing Blaydes on the city council, lifetime Lake Highlands resident Allen served on DART’s board of directors, where he championed the center’s DART station that was completed in 2010, the first infill station along an existing line in DART’s history, at an expense of $10 million. One irony is that the station was built at the same time the surrounding area lost thousands of potential riders when 1,300 apartment units were demolished to make room for the proposed town center. (See below for an illustration of Lake Highlands DART usage compared to local DART rail stations.)
BY 2010, FIVE YEARS AND $23 MILLION dollars of public sector time and treasure had been invested in the Lake Highlands Town Center. But the new economic reality that emerged as the real estate industry recovered from recession would jeopardize the core of the project.
While the public-sector work of abating asbestos, demolishing structures, building bridges, grading and paving streets, and installing landscaping and trails got underway, the private sector took a beating. The Great Recession struck in 2008, hitting the real estate business especially hard as projectfinancing sources dried up and demand from tenants evaporated.
Previous timelines, density considerations, TIF reimbursements and other elements needed to be reconsidered in light of the new normal. The City of Dallas hired
Street-Works, LLC, a nationally recognized development-consulting firm known for its transit-oriented developments, to do an independent analysis of the town center project.
At top is the first of two recently revised Lake Highlands Town Center plans Cypress submitted for the City Design Studio’s endorsement, which is required if Cypress aims to receive TIF funds. It was a drastic change from the 2007 plans, which officials and many neighborhood residents supported. The reviewing panel did not bless the plans, calling the changes too substantial and overly suburban in character. Cypress took a month to revise the plan, based on the panel’s suggestions, but returned with renderings that showed only slight changes (below) — some slight variations in building sizes, a shift of a clock tower from the east to the northwest corner of the property, and little else. It was not enough for the City Design Studio’s panel. Cypress “called a timeout” and representatives are determining their next step.
Like many ambitious real estate projects, the center was owned by a partnership of a local operator and institutional capital. Dallas-based Prescott’s partner and primary capital source was Austin-based investment firm Cypress Real Estate Advisors.
In 2012, after six years of involvement, Cypress asked Prescott to step aside, at which point it became not only the capital source but also the face of the project, and hired local resident Bill Rafkin to lead the way. There was a new sheriff at town center.
Working with the firm and the city, Prescott rehashed its plans. Among the agreed-upon changes were a slightly altered density mix, an extended timeline for completion, and an eligible TIF reimbursement increase from $23 million to $40 million.
THE HOLY GRAIL OF NEIGHBORHOOD RETAIL is a well-run, profitable grocer. Landing such a tenant would validate the site and draw other retailers hoping to draft behind residents’ regular grocery trips.
Cypress officials won’t confirm that the town center anchor is Sprouts, a successful
“Because of what we celebrate today, Lake Highlands will not become stagnant for our children.”
Richard Duge is president of the White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association with its 1,300 homes, which are due east of the Town Center project, across Jackson Branch Creek and the DART rail line. The neighborhood association has taken a special interest in the town center’s progress because of its residential proximity and potential effect on the desirable White Rock Elementary. Duge authored and distributed a neighborhood survey on the town center that received more than 2,000 responses from Lake Highlands residents. Duge says he plans to share the survey results with Cypress and with Councilman Adam McGough in hopes of molding the direction of the project. To see the results, visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com and search “survey says.”
Tip Housewright is a 20-year resident of Lake Highlands and president of the Lake Highlands Public Improvement District (PID). He is a principal with Omniplan, a nationally recognized architecture and design firm. Acknowledging that “nobody asked me to draw up my ideas on a plan,” Housewright’s longtime residency, neighborhood leadership and professional design expertise give him a unique perspective on Lake Highlands Town Center.
“Maybe the original vision overshot the neighborhood and placed too much emphasis on multi-family and structured parking. Lake Highlands needs a community gathering place, a ‘downtown Lake Highlands,’ not another strip shopping center. We have waited years for this opportunity and we need to get it right. Lake Highlands residents, myself included, all want more quality restaurants in our community. My plan creates a place that will activate Wildcat Way as a great place for restaurants and create a heart to the town center property. We need to create a strong phase one that will lead to an even better project in the future.”
farmers-market style supermarket, but documents on file with the city name Sprouts on site plans and renderings. It’s no secret that Sprouts has committed to the project, as much as an anchor tenant can commit when all that exists are preliminary architectural plans.
Sprouts has its own ideas about where it wants to position stores on a site, and Cypress revised its plans to satisfy the grocer. But the new plans did not pass muster with the City Design Studio (CDS) and its appointed Urban Design Peer Review Panel, both of which must review projects that seek TIF reimbursements.
The revisions, including a 28,000-squarefoot Sprouts, were too dramatically different from the original design, the panel said, when the neighborhood and its elected officials had so enthusiastically backed the project.
A second, revised plan was presented to the panel a month later, with similar results. (See Cypress’ two renderings on p. 40.)
The developers and the City of Dallas reached a stalemate.
SENSING TEMPERATURES RISING, CYPRESS “CALLED A TIMEOUT” says Rafkin, the firm’s local representative.
“It became very apparent there were two different visions for the project and that with the passage of time and reflection,” some progress could be made, Rafkin says.
Cypress already fulfilled its TIF requirement to construct the Haven apartment complex and build and lease at least 60 percent of the ground-floor retail space, which is good for $8.6 million in
reimbursement payments. Combined with $1.6 million it received in 2011 after the completion of the 20-acre Watercrest Park near The Haven, its TIF reimbursement total is now $10.2 million.
The town center stands to benefit a grand total of $40 million, however, thanks to 2011 amendments to the TIF agreement.
Of course, Cypress could reject TIF reimbursements and build whatever it likes under existing zoning, but that would mean foregoing roughly $30 million the town center could recoup by cooperating with TIF requirements.
So the larger question remains: What will the town center look like?
DON’T WANT: an uninspired strip mall reminiscent of McKinney. There have been long-standing promises that the project will be “urban,” a hip live-work gathering space; and will avoid “suburban” designs (i.e. strip mall).
The fact that urban planners are prone toward elitist vocabulary is unfortunate, says Kevin Sloan, an architect who cochairs the peer review panel that opposed Cypress’ most recent plans, because it keeps residents from feeling like they can engage in the conversation.
“Urbanism is somewhat hard to understand at a verbal level,” Sloan says, but whether or not neighbors know the terminology, “when they see it, they know whether it’s right or wrong.”
In the case of the Lake Highlands Town Center, the panel took issue with the “suburban character” of Cypress’ proposal. “There’s nothing close to urban about this
More rental properties could be constructed on Block C, where Cypress foresees some 250 units, and Block G1, which Cypress believes is well suited for 280 units plus ground-floor office and retail space.
Blocks H and I would be well equipped for assisted-living units, note Cypress plans, though the firm acknowledges there is limited demand for it at this time.
project,” Sloan says.
Rafkin argues Cypress’ revised plans are right for the Lake Highlands Town Center, and he is trying to steer the conversation away from urban versus suburban.
“Our design of the retail center at Lake Highlands Town Center has been unfairly labeled as too suburban … we need to change our vocabulary from ‘suburban’ versus ‘urban’ to ‘extraordinary’ versus ‘ordinary.’”
He says Cypress hopes to create a “village green” with places to shop, to gather, to play a place where people would want to linger.
But what exactly that looks like remains to be seen.
District 10’s new city council representative Adam McGough, a lawyer who has a background in mediation, has promised his
Block E is suited for approximately 50 for-sale units that could be townhouses or a dense group of detached single-family residences.
Block D3 could accommodate a movie house, large restaurant and bar, or some form of entertainment retail. In all, Cypress anticipates about 1,000 residential units (down from the 1,719 residences called for in the 2007 plans).
Blocks A1 and B are ready to house Sprouts grocery store.
constituents to listen to their desires for the town center, convene the stakeholders and push for an agreement that will launch the project into the next phase. He took a step
ings attended and voiced support for action. McGough told the group he will convene a “community task force” to find a resolution the neighborhood can support, so construction can start.
BUT NOTHING CAN HAPPEN UNTIL CYPRESS makes a move. The ball is in its court, and there are a few ways this thing can go.
in that direction last month at a town hall meeting with representatives from the city, Cypress, Richardson ISD and about 250 interested neighbors. Even Mayor Mike Rawl-
One, Cypress can pick up where the stalemate started. Re-engage with the city’s design review panel. Is a compromise possible? Rafkin has his doubts. “We just have philosophical differences with city planners,” he says.
Two, modify and amend the TIF to allow Cypress more time and flexibility for design characteristics. Most TIFs are modi-
“Our design of the retail center at Lake Highlands Town Center has been unfairly labeled as too suburban.”
most recent ideas on what a modified site plan for the entire project might look like:
fied in some manner during the course of their economic life. The Skillman Corridor TIF, whose current life is through 2035, already was amended once in 2011. (See Cypress’ ideas on what a modified site plan for the entire project might look like on opposite page).
A TIF modification would extend the 2019 deadline for Cypress to fulfill requirements making it eligible for the remaining $30 million in TIF funding. In this scenario, Cypress would still need to satisfy both the potential grocer, Sprouts, and the city’s design panel — otherwise, the project would head back to square one.
But will the new leadership at the TIF board support a modified plan?
“We need to take a step back and take a deep breath,” says John Dean, chairman of the Skillman Corridor TIF Board. “While Lake Highlands has changed significantly since the TIF was created 10 years ago, the TIF remains basically unchanged. I could support a modification of the TIF as long as we fully understand what is next.
“Let’s understand why the current plan is out of date but still protect the city and taxpayer investment.”
Finally, Cypress could end its participation in the Skillman Corridor TIF, meaning it would forego the remaining $30 million in TIF funding made available to the firm in the 2011 modification.
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Cypress still would have to meet current zoning requirements outlined in Planned Development District 758, a special zoning district for the center, which, among other things, establishes setbacks, building heights, and parking and landscape requirements.
“There is nothing unworkable for Cypress in the existing zoning,” Rafkin says. Most importantly, in this option, Cypress wouldn’t need the blessing of the city’s design review panel on any project. But it would cost the firm $30 million in potential TIF funding.
AS OF 2015, Cypress’ clients have invested more than $50 million in the Lake Highlands Town Center. Fortunately, there is no debt on the property, so the threats of an unhappy lender won’t force anyone’s hand to make a bad long-term decision. But a good local economy, a new city councilman, new local owner representation and a grocery anchor commitment have created a sense of urgency that didn’t exist last year.
For a decade, Lake Highlands Town Center has been the real estate equivalent of a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, encased in an enigma.
This could be the year of unwrapping.
Read updates on Lake Highlands Town Center developments at lakehighlands.advocatemag.com.
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The deadline to submit a photo to the White Rock Lake Conservancy’s fourth annual photo contest is Oct. 15. There are three categories — pro, amateur and youth. Entries can be submitted online at whiterockdallas.org or mailed to White Rock Photo Contest; P.O. Box 140227; Dallas, Texas 75214. Winners will be notified by Nov. 15.
New play art sculptures installed at the Lake Highlands North Recreation Center were commissioned by the Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League in partnershipwith the Dallas Parks Department.
Residents of C.C. Young Senior Living have a new modern-art shade structure. The piece, commissioned by Ray and Nancy Ann Hunt, was created by Nicholas Dean of D2 Architecture in Dallas and was inspired by the work of artist John Henry.
Lake Highlands High School graduate John Magary directed a dark comedy about sibling rivalry called “The Mend,” which premiered to critical acclaim back at the 2014 SXSW film festival. It later was acquired by Cinelicious Pics and was released via Video on Demand in September.
Another LHHS grad, David Carl, starred this summer in a one-man play in Edinburgh, “Gary Busey’s One-Man Hamlet as Performed by David Carl.” The play was part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the largest theater festival in the world.
Sam Iheke earned a spot on the OU football roster as a walk on. Iheke caught 15 passes for 157 yards and two touchdowns as a senior last year at Lake Highlands High School.
The Richardson ISD school board is considering adding a new, centrally located high school. Tentatively called “21st Century Learning Center,” the school would serve students seeking a non-traditional path to graduation and those hoping to end high school with two years of college credit. The board will discuss the matter at their October meeting. A vote regarding adding the school to the 2016 bond will likely follow.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com
Cindy and Scott Causey opened the Dallas Media Center in 2010 at 9090 Skillman, just south of I-635 and have been offering audio/video production and editing, media transfers and conversions, website design and hosting, and computer repair services ever since. The business’ new home is under construction at Lake Highlands Plaza at the southwest corner of Audelia and Walnut Hill, next to Neighbors Casual Kitchen. “We are thrilled to be opening up a new location in this thriving center and reaching a whole new customer base,” Cindy Causey says. “We are proud to work with many of the organizations in the area and call all of our customers friends and neighbors.” Business will continue, mostly, as usual throughout the move, the couple notes on the business’ Facebook page, where patrons can keep up with their progress. They anticipate an October opening at the new digs
The Tradition at Lovers Lane , a high-end rental senior living community on Lovers Lane next door to Central Market, seems to have begun forever ago. Really, it was just a year and a half ago, and many residents are now settled in. An emergency room is still under construction at Lovers and Matilda.
Steel City Pops opens its new location in Casa Linda Plaza as early as this month.
The shop, adjacent to Sample House & Candle Shop , will be the fourth Steel City Pops location in the Dallas area, in-
cluding the one that opened on Lowest Greenville last year. A former artists’ loft space inside is being finished to create a hangout, and there will also be an outdoor patio.
Atomic Pie is expanding, with plans to add a full bar, more dining area and a private party room. The new addition, which will incorporate the empty space east of and adjacent to the restaurant at Walnut Hill and Audelia, will also include the new Lake Highlands Creamery. It adds 3,400 square feet, nearly quadrupling the space. The addition is expected to open Nov. 1.
Nature’s Plate, the plant-based food delivery business founded by sisters Annette Baker and Marianne Lacko opened recently in a small space near JJ’s Cafe and Ra Ra’s Closet, at 10233 E. Northwest Highway.
A new Raising Cane’s is under construction and set to open this fall at the southeast corner of Forest and Interstate 75.
4411 SKILLMAN Preschool & Elementary School 214-826-4410
School & Adult Program
Founded in 1966, Highlander offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christianbased environment. By limiting class size, teachers are able to build a strong educational foundation to insure confidence in academics, athletics, and the creative and performing arts. Highlander offers a “classic” education which cannot be equaled. Monthly tours offered; call for a reservation.
Highlander School
9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-3220
Since 1966 The Tradition Continues…
There are two lasting GIFTS we can give our children: One is ROOTS and the other is WINGS.
of choice by families in our neighborhood.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the NEW has come!”
Corinthians 5:17
8202 Boedeker Dr., / (214) 368-4047 / clairesdayschool.com At CCDS, we encourage a child’s sense of exploration and discovery in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment. We offer a parent’s day out program with a play-based curriculum fostering socialization, motor skill development, and an introduction to academics for children aged 4mo – 3yrs. Our preschool for children aged 3-5 further develops these skills, along with a more focused approach to pre-math and prereading. At CCDS, we have developed our own science, math, and reading enrichment classes to ensure kindergarten preparedness for every child. We make learning fun!
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www.highlanderschool.com
Founded in 1966, Highlander offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. By limiting class size, teachers are able to build a strong educational foundation to insure confidence in academics, athletics, and the creative and performing arts. Highlander offers a “classic” education which cannot be equaled. Monthly tours offered; call for a reservation.
promotes academic excellence through innovative curriculum that merges fine arts with language arts, math, environmental science, social studies, physical education, and Spanish
4411 Skillman 214-826-4410 / 5740 Prospect 214-826-6350 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
Spanish Immersion School serving ages 3 month - Adults. We offer nursery, preschool, elementary and adult programs at two Lakewood locations. Degreed, native-Spanish speaking teachers in an “all-Spanish” immersion environment. Call for a tour today!
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service.St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
5170 Village Creek Drive Plano, 75093 972-733-0800 YorktownEd.com Yorktown
Education is an independent, academically challenging private school for grades first -12. With a customized “Do What You Love” curriculum, students are educated with higher standards at earlier ages. Education is based on performance and not on age or grade levels. Yorktown graduates are in the top 1% of the country for SAT & ACT results and have a 100 percent college acceptance rate, with an average of over $100,000 in college credit and scholarships. Enrolling first through 10th grade for the 2015-2016 school year. Prospective Parent Open House Oct 20th 6-8 pm. Parent tours and student visits are available.
Leading to Success.
2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill
Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
11611 Inwood Road Dallas TX 75229/ 214-369-9201/ thelamplighterschool.org
Lamplighter delivers serious education wrapped in the wonder of childhood. The Pre-K through fourth grade years are fleeting, but filled with pure potential. What we, as parents and educators, ignite in these primary years establishes the trajectory of a child’s future. Lamplighter helps set children on a path toward rewarding lives as forever learners. The independent, co-educational school
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool.com 6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
of our readers say they want to know more about private schools.
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Sunday School 9:15am & Worship 10:30am
Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
Sundays at 11:00 am
12123 Hillcrest Road / 972.820.5000 / prestonwood.org
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
NORTH HIGHLANDS BIBLE CHURCH / www.nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd.
Sunday: LifeQuest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Student Ministry: Wednesday & Sunday 7:00 pm / 214.348.9697
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel
10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. Mitchell Boone
8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org
9:00 am Contemporary, 9:55 am Christian Ed., 11:00 am Traditional
214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:35 am / Childcare provided.
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
10:30 am Sunday - Celebration Worship Service
The State Fair of Texas is one of the few remaining places in our society where we mingle freely and happily with one another across all dividing lines of race, ethnicity, geography and class.
Think about it. Where else do Neiman Marcus shoppers and Wal-Marters stand together in a corny dog line? Where else do rural ropers and urban cowboys sit together in the stock-show stands cheering on a cow-milking contest? Where else do drivers of old Chevy pickups and new Corvettes swarm together to see the latest auto offerings?
When I lived for a time in South Alabama years ago, I learned that Mobile — not New Orleans — started the Mardi Gras tradition. But whether you line the streets of Bienville Square or Bourbon Street, you will find yourself competing for moon pies and cheap beads with someone right next to you who 364 days of the year is not right next to you.
Public events like a Mardi Gras parade or a state fair (and Halloween trick-ortreating?) are moments of social bonding we seem to work hard to minimize the rest of the year. How diverse are our neighborhoods really? They are divided mostly along economic lines; which turn out to be mostly along racial and ethnic lines more than we want to admit. How diverse are our schools? They are, like our neighborhoods, similarly divided. And our churches? More shame there than I want to confess.
We tend to congregate with PLU — people like us. And then we wonder why our politics are so divisive? Polls break down by such micro-categories that we now know how left-handed Vietnamese small business owners think about the role of Common Core on public education and whether
they are more likely to vote Republican or Democrat because of it.
America’s motto, e pluribus unum, translates “from the many, one.” It’s more a mission statement or aspiration than a statement of fact. It’s therefore incumbent upon all of us to be agents of unity in our communities.
Expanding our definition of neighborliness is a place to start.
People of secular faith as well as spiritual can embrace this project, but all religious traditions have rich resources from which to draw on in this endeavor. In the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths we find the dispute over and over that amounts to this question: “Who is my neighbor?” The more you define your neighbor in restricted and exclusive ways, the more divisive society becomes. The more expansive and generous your definition of neighbor, the more unified society becomes.
Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan in direct response to this question, “Who is my neighbor?” The Samaritan was considered “other” to the Jews Jesus spoke with. Samaritans were considered religiously, ethnically and (maybe wrongly) morally inferior, yet Jesus saw that this man’s acts of compassion toward his wounded neighbor defined true neighborliness.
Why are we so divided these days? The arguments are many: air-conditioning (we don’t meet on front porches anymore); alleys (we park behind our houses and never have to say hello to those next door); wealth disparity (gated communities and suburbanism).
For people of faith, theology must dictate sociology. Demography need not be destiny. But that depends on us.
Big Tex is calling “Howdy!” to all.
The State Fair of Texas is a rare place where we all come together
ART: Draw/Paint. Adults All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Days: Mon & Wed. Students bring supplies. Nights: 1xt month workshop, supplies furnished. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829, GET READY, GET SET Get Ahead With Mathnasium. 214-328-MATH (6284) mathnasium.com/dallaslakewood
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PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS reply to http://www.pcpsi.com/join
An annual back-to-football, back-to-school tradition, the Wildcat Bell Boys, their parents, football team staff and other supporters gathered at a local barbecue joint, Back Country BBQ on Upper Greenville, to kickoff the upcoming season. Pictured is Jeff Brown, LHHS teacher and the Bell Boys’ faculty sponsor with the new guard: Austin Viad, Brett Bower, Christian Candler and Luke Molina, and LHHS Assistant Principal Joey Gonzales.
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TWO SISTERS & A MOP 20 Yrs Exp. 214-242-9885
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ALL EPOXY COATINGS, CONCRETE Countertops, Stamping, Staining & Designs, Floor Demo and Overlays Landscape Designs Call 214-916-8368
Tuck Pointing / Crack Repair. Mortar Color Matching. Windows And Door Cracks Etc. Call Don 214-704-1722
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CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable. Chris 214-770-5001
EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216
FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001
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charliehookerswoodwork.com 214-766-6422
Decks, Pergolas, Patio Covers. 214-435-9574
KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699
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TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639
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TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658
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ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641
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FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
THE TEXAN FLOORING SERVICES Wood, Laminate. Remodel Showers, Bathrooms. thetexanflooringservices.com 214-680-0901
CARPET · HARDWOODS · CERAMIC Quick, Reliable Installation John: 972.989.3533 john.roemen@redicarpet.com
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BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319
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4 QUALITY FENCING Call Mike 214-507-9322
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TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898
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Relax ...We’ll Clean Your House, It Will Be Your Favorite Day! Bonded & Insurance. Free Estimates. 214-929-8413. www. altogetherclean.net
AMAZON CLEANING Top To Bottom Clean. Fabiana.469-951-2948
CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 214-490-0133
MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91
TWO SISTERS & A MOP 20 Yrs Exp. 214-242-9885
Great Prices / Refs. Family owned. 20 yrs. Reliable. Call Sunny 214-724-2555. grimestoppershere.com
WINDOW MAN WINDOW CLEANING.COM Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134
ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED MAC/PC Great Rates! Keith 214-295-6367
BILL’S COMPUTER REPAIR Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home/Biz Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction. No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566
IT SOLUTIONS/SUPPORT For Home & Small Business. Parental Controls Speciality. 8 Yrs. Exp. Husband & Wife, Licensed Minister called to His Work. Texas Tech Guru. 214-850-2669
ALL EPOXY COATINGS, CONCRETE Countertops, Stamping, Staining & Designs, Floor Demo and Overlays Landscape Designs Call 214-916-8368
Tuck Pointing / Crack Repair. Mortar Color Matching. Windows And Door Cracks Etc. Call Don 214-704-1722
BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319
Demo existing. Stamping and Staining Driveways/Patio/Walkways
Pattern/Color available
Free Estimates 972-672-5359 (32 yrs.)
CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable. Chris 214-770-5001
EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216
FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001
FENCING & WOODWORK oldgatefence.com
charliehookerswoodwork.com 214-766-6422
Decks, Pergolas, Patio Covers. 214-435-9574
KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699
Trex Decking & Fencing, trex.com
All Wood Decks, Arbors & Patio Covers
EST. 1991 #1
SPECIALIZING IN Wood Fences &Auto Gates
Swimming Pool Remodels • Patios Stone work • Stamp Concrete 972-727-2727 Deckoart.com
ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com
50 Yrs. Electrical Exp. Insd. 214-328-1333
GOVER ELECTRIC Back Up Generators. New and Remodel Work. Commercial & Residential. All Service Work. 469-230-7438. TECL2293
LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735
TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639
Prompt, Honest, Quality. TECL 24668
TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658
WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891
G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925
#1 COWBOY FENCE & IRON CO. Est. ‘91. 214-692-1991 www.cowboyfenceandiron.com
4 QUALITY FENCING Call Mike 214-507-9322
Specializing in Wood, New or Repair.
ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641
Carpet, Wood, Tile Sales/Service Free Estimates
Installation, Repair, Refinish, Wax, Hand Scrape. Residential, Commercial. Sports Floors. 30 Yrs.
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
THE TEXAN FLOORING SERVICES Wood, Laminate. Remodel Showers, Bathrooms. thetexanflooringservices.com 214-680-0901
CARPET · HARDWOODS · CERAMIC Quick, Reliable Installation John: 972.989.3533 john.roemen@redicarpet.com
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BO HANDYMAN Specializing
Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
BRICK, STONEWORK, FLAGSTONE PATIOS Mortar Repair. Straighten Brick Mailboxes & Columns. Call Cirilo 214-298-7174
Automatic Gates, Iron & Cedar Fencing, Decks. Since 1996. MC/V 214-621-3217
Willeford hardwood floors Superior Quality: Installation • Refinishing Repair Cleaning & Waxing Old World Hand Scrape 214-824-1166
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• Over 20 Years Exp. 972-288-3797
We Answer Our Phones
Garage Organize/Reorganize. Painting, Shelving, Cabinets, Storage, Disposal. 303-883-9321
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UNITED GARAGE DOORS AND GATES Res/Com. Locally Owned.214-826-8096
EAST DALLAS WINDOW CLEANING Power Wash. Free Est. Dependable. Derek. 214-360-0120
GREENGO Replacement Windows & Doors. 214-755-6258. 25 Yrs Experience.
LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR frameless shower enclosures • store fronts replacement windows • mirrors 214-349-8160
ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829
A R&G HANDYMAN Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Fencing, Roofing, Light Hauling. Ron or Gary 214-861-7569, 469-878-8044
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BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
FRAME RIGHT All Honey-Dos/Jobs. Crown mold install $125/rm. Licensed. Matt 469-867-9029
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Your Home Repair Specialists Drywall Doors Senior Safety Carpentry Small & Odd Jobs And More! 972-308-6035 HandymanMatters.com/dallas
A1 TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863
ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000
BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768
MANNY’S HOME PAINTING & REMODEL Int./Ext. Sheetrock. Manny 214-334-2160
RAMON’S INT/EXT PAINT Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513
VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 469-774-7111
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Support the 32nd Anniversary of Market in the Meadow!
October 24-25, 2015
Forest Meadow Jr. High · Dallas, TX
Sponsored by the FMJH PTA
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors!
Charger (1,000+) – Abrams Royal Animal Clinic
Gold ($500+)- ADVOCATE, Friends of MPE, MHE PTA, Schorn DDS, Amy & Ric Moseley
Silver ($300+) - Christy Norcross Thomas, Dallas Orthodontics, Kris & Regina Moldovan
We hope you will join us for a fabulous shopping experience this fall!
Admission and parking are FREE!
Located at Abrams and Whitehurst
Saturday, October 24th 9am – 5pm
Sunday, October 25th 11am – 5pm
A duo of serial robbers terrorized convenience-store employees in our neighborhood, seriously injuring one in late August.
The Dallas Police Department in September released video that clearly shows the two men robbing a 7-Eleven clerk at gunpoint.
The robbers, who police experts guess are 17-25 years old, are both about 5-foot-8 and 170 pounds.
Police suspect them in connection with at least four robberies and one violent assault in the northeast and East Dallas areas.
At about 5:45 a.m. Aug. 21, the pair robbed the 7-Eleven on Abrams at Northwest Highway using two semi-automatic pistols. Then they personally robbed the clerk, going through his pockets as he lay on the ground. In the following hours, they hit four other stores in similar style, police say.
On Aug. 23, the criminals returned to the scene of one of their Aug. 21 robberies, a gas station on Shiloh, where the clerk immediately recognized them, according to police reports. One of them beat the clerk over the head with a gun, which discharged during the attack. The bullet grazed the clerk’s head. He was taken to Baylor in stable condition according to the most recent report available.
Anyone with information regarding these offenses or the identity of the suspects should contact the Dallas Police Department’s Robbery Unit at 214.671.3584 or Crime Stoppers at 214.373.8477. Crime Stoppers offers up to a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and indictment of the suspects involved.
-year-old Simba Hakil Porter, who also possibly went by Mitch Porter, was shot to death in the Forest/I-635 area
a.m. on Sept. 14, residents reported hearing gunshots
Soon after, police helicopters arrive
-year-old Ladarion Sims was charged with murder in the shooting, which started with a tussle between the two young adults is his bond
Keys are magnificent inventions. It’s not the ingenuity of their sharp contours, precisely serrated to lift their lock’s pins. It’s that they are the perfect tools to distract crying babies.
More than once have I dug into my purse, whipped out my key chain and jangled my mass of keys in front of my little ones’ tear-streaked faces, just long enough for them to forget what it was they were crying about in the first place.
of the council to distract it from questioning the much bigger $3 billion budget picture.
I’ve watched some council members spend weeks agonizing over how to spend that money — debating endlessly, running back and forth between council offices to achieve consensus, setting aside $50,000 for this and $275,000 for that, confident that they’ve done something meaningful and statesmanlike by moving around pennies and dimes while generally ignoring the other $2,998,000,000 that make up our city’s budget.
dred thousand dollars, and you’ll have a knock-down, drag-out fight on your hands. Hence, the ingenuity of the jangly keys trick.
This year, though, city management took a slightly different tack. Instead of offering a few million dollars for the council to fight about, the city manager went a slightly more passive-aggressive route. When asked to find additional funds for street repairs, City Manager AC Gonzalez offered to cut neighborhood libraries instead.
For years, City of Dallas management has used this same technique on the Dallas City Council during budget season. When council members ask too many questions or dig too deeply into the numbers, when they challenge spending choices or criticize allocations to particular departments, the jangly keys come out.
The keys usually take the form of a couple of million dollars that the city manager just happens to have lying about, unallocated to any particular department and aching to be spent. This pocket change is dangled in front
I’ve got a theory about this, and I believe it’s the premise underlying city management’s key trick: It’s that council members, being human, find it incredibly difficult to fathom large sums of money. Amounts over a million dollars quickly become play money, meaningless figures that bear no relationship to actual dollar bills. I suspect the cut-off amount for fiscal reality is somewhere in the range of a nice car or small mortgage — amounts that most of us have some real-world experience with. Go much above that and you’re dealing with hypotheticals.
You can see the Monopoly-money effect in some of our city’s biggest capital expenditures. The horse park, the fancy bridges, the convention center hotel, all of these things cost massive sums, tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars. The majority of past councils happily allocated funds to these arguably questionable projects because the vast amounts of money involved were never real in the first place.
But propose how to spend a few hun-
The proposal came across as disingenuous and hostile, and was soundly rejected. But purposeful or not, the maneuver diverted the council’s attention from the larger budget picture. That is a shame, because the singular moment that council members are most critical to the functioning of our city is when they vote on the budget.
Our city’s budget reflects our values. If we’re spending our tax dollars ineffectively or focusing our limited funds on big fancy projects to the detriment of our streets, parks and libraries, then we are not valuing our neighborhoods no matter how much lip-service we’re paying.
The good news is, despite city management’s distractions, Councilmembers Kingston, Griggs, Medrano and Clayton are going through the budget with a fine-tooth comb, proposing smart cuts and demanding explanations for increased expenditures.
It’s probably naïve to hope that their proposals will be embraced and adopted by city management, but at the very least, I hope they are not met with the tinkling sound of jangling keys.
Council members, being human, find it incredibly difficult to fathomlarge
sums of money.
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