How each decade’s innovations have sparked love
Drive-in domination
At 50 years old, Keller’s Hamburgers keeps rolling, and one loyal carhop has been there the whole time.
51 Crime news Dallas police investigate a mysterious death.
Picking up the pace
A former Merriman Park Elementary teacher qualified for the Olympic marathon trials — now she has one year to prepare.
Got drool? That’s cool.
If you cannot help throwing up on yourself (because you’re a baby), you might as well be wearing a stylish bib.
Shellfish staple
See what’s kept one Upper Greenville restaurant shucking and jiving all these years.
I enjoy going to the movie theater. Watching shows at home is OK, too, but there’s something about a movie on the big screen that makes even a bad story seem better.
I’ll watch just about any genre, although foreign flicks with subtitles and horror movies are at the bottom of the list.
Maybe my love for movies says something about my psyche; maybe I love to watch stories on film because I’m more interested in the lives of others rather than my day-to-day routine. Or maybe I like watching stories told on a screen because I make a living reading and writing stories myself. Or maybe I’m just too lazy to read books.
Anyway, my usual movie companion is my wife, who has far more limited movie tastes. She absolutely refuses to see a movie if there’s too much drama or blood, although she’s always willing to make what I invariably point out are hypocritical exceptions for movies with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Harrison Ford.
She loves Westerns, which is a pretty limiting characteristic of movies these days. And she refuses to see provocative or sexually suggestive shows, although that prerogative is starting to severely limit what she can watch these days.
So I was surprised when she volunteered to see the latest Chris Rock movie, Top Five. Rock is a funny guy, but he has a sharp edge to his comedy and he’s no stranger to an obscenity-laced monologue. But the previews she saw on David Letterman looked harmless and funny.
So off we went, settling in with two strangers as the only people in the theater. And then it began: Top Five has everything in a movie she hates, except for blood and death. It was
crude, obscene, sexually provocative and downright disgusting. It literally made my wife cringe, and I was right there with her.
It’s the kind of movie that, had any of you or worse, either of our sons — been sitting next to us, I’m not sure there would have been a hole deep enough to crawl into.
I wondered why Rock felt the need to go as far as he did when he could have made his point and told his story just as well in a lessdisgusting way.
In fact, why do so many entertainers feel the need to push boundaries in such a way that a viewer like me is almost embarrassed to be seen in the theater?
This movie featured a tampon soaked in generic hot sauce (I guess Tabasco refused to pay product promo fees) rammed up a naked guy’s kiester; I guess it was meant to show that the guy was being a jerk to his girlfriend.
In addition, one of the coming-attractions previews shown prior to the movie showed a naked guy stretched out face down in front of a naked woman, with her holding his legs in wheelbarrow fashion (this is a Vince Vaughan movie, so it’s probably only going to be rated PG-13).
I hate to sound like a prude or someone who can’t take “edgy.” And from a business standpoint, I understand the need to push the envelope a bit to ensure that an idea doesn’t become lost among the millions of other entertainment ideas out there today.
Of course, I have the option to stay home and not spend money supporting “trash” and “filth,” as some describe movies these days.
Maybe I’m being too sensitive. Maybe I’m asking too much. It’s just becoming harder and harder for me to separate things that “sort of” cross the line from those that obliterate it completely.
I don’t ever want to be someone who thinks that, in the middle of a movie purporting to address serious racial issues, a hot sauce-soaked tampon jammed somewhere it shouldn’t be is laugh-out-loud hilarious.
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Why we should root for the new Minyard Sun Fresh Market replacing Albertsons
Who was the woman found dead in a trunk in a Lake Highlands apartment lot?
Casa Linda’s Szechwan Pavilion to close in late February
Bogo Bistro replaces nearby Papa Murphy’s
Police quickly locate 2 kids abducted from White Rock area thrift store WANT
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DATE: Saturday, February 7
TIME: 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake West Tower 9330 Poppy Drive, Suite 207 (near Garland Road and North Buckner Boulevard)
Free healthy heart screening exclusively for women includes:
• Blood cholesterol check.
• Blood glucose test.
• Blood pressure monitoring.
• Weight evaluation.
• Personal health assessment with a nurse.
Reservations are required for the screening and space is limited.
Heart disease is the #1 killeramong women. Make your appointment today and learn about your risk factors.
Dawn Grunnagle makes running look easy during her laps around White Rock Lake.
Credit here
She’s a professional runner, logging about 90 miles a week, rain or shine, sometimes 20 miles at a time. It’s a fairly recent career path, however. She spent a decade as a teacher, including seven years at Merriman Park Elementary, where she continues to volunteer with the Merriman Park Elementary Running Club.
In June, with Nike as a sponsor, Grunnagle ran the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon in less than an hour and 15 minutes, meeting the qualifying standards for the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials Marathon. In February 2016, she’ll race in Los Angeles,
alongside 20-plus other runners, to compete for a spot on the 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathon Team in Rio.
It’s taken years of dedication, discipline and hard training to get to where she is now, plus the support of her family and community. As a full-time athlete, Grunnagle is proof that it takes a village to make a runner. “No one at this level could do this by themselves,” she says.
Grunnagle has been running since she was 16. She always had a competitive spirit, and when her high school coach told her a track scholarship could be her ticket to college, her passion intensified. She ran track for Texas Tech University and the University of Houston before entering grad school to become a teacher. She continued to run while teaching third grade at Merriman Park and then fourth grade at Good Shepherd Episcopal School in North Dallas for three years. She signed on with Nike while prepping for the 2012 Olympic trials and then quit teaching to focus on running.
Within the last couple of years, Grunnagle decided to switch from running track to running marathons. Her trainer has been by her side, helping her transition into long-distance running, and her husband, Harry, rides his bicycle beside Grunnagle during her runs whenever he can.
Grunnagle also has an entire team of supporters in the running organizations she created, SpeedKIDZ and SpeedKIDZ Elite. The latter is a team of girls ages 8 to 14 who come from all over the Dallas area to receive Grunnagle’s coaching and opportunities to race. It’s her way of continuing to teach.
The girls aren’t the only ones who have profited from the mentorship. Grunnagle’s work with SpeedKIDZ has changed her perspective on running, she says.
“Before, I ran for myself and my own goals,” she explains. “Runners, we’re never happy. Now I have 36 girls watching every single thing I do. They’re watching how I react to failure and success. It’s a whole different mentality for me.”
Visit speedkidz.com to find more information on Grunnagle’s work as a running coach.
Subscription services are booming these days. Companies such as Birchbox set the trend, sending subscribers a monthly box of surprise goodies, and now people in the market for everything from Japanese candy to survivalist gear can get their fix.
Thanks to Lake Highlands couple Brooke and Adam Fish, stylish baby bibs are among the newest possibilities. Brooke has a degree in fashion design and has worked for Todd Oldham and Fossil, and Adam is a photographer. So, when they began
“It’s a reminder that every day is a fresh, new start and that it’s going to be OK.”
thinking about family business opportunities, they explored a subscription service featuring handmade items. A few years ago, their friends started Foot Cardigan, a subscription service for kooky socks. The Fishes asked what they thought of a bib subscription, and that was the beginning of Fresh BiB.
Fresh BiBs aren’t your basic duckieprinted, terry cloth number. Each bandana-style bib is reversible and made of two coordinating fabrics, so they act as tiny fashion accessories as much as clothing protectors. Each month, the specific design is a surprise. “I wanted to take one decision off [parents’] plates,” Brooke says. “They have enough to juggle.”
The idea of alleviating — even a little bit, for a little while — some of the stress of parenthood has been important in the development of the Fresh BiB idea. The Fishes, parents to sons Jude, 9, and Liam, 6, knew from experience what all new parents find out quickly: Parenting is tough, especially at first. So each Fresh BiB comes with a little trinket or note of encouragement for parents, and is finished with green stitching and a little green tag. “It’s a reminder that every day is a fresh, new start and that it’s going to be OK,” Brooke says.
Fresh BiB has certainly made parenthood easier for the Fishes. Their home, which they moved into two years ago, also serves as their workplace: Adam has a photography studio and Brooke a sewing studio upstairs. In the mornings, they make the short walk to Wallace Elementary, where both sons attend school, then come home and head upstairs for the workday. Adam takes care of the photography, fulfillment and online business issues. Brooke handles the marketing, media and production, including most of the sewing. “We love our commute,” Brooke says. “Having everything under one roof has been such a blessing.” —Larra Keel
LEARN MORE about the Fishes’ company and how to order a subscription at freshbib.com.
At any given moment, Cooper, a 4-year-old terrier mix, is primed to run (fast) and jump (high), especially if a certain busy-tailed rodent is involved. Here he is scoping out one of his favorite parks, at the top of a hill near White Rock Lake near the boathouses. His Lake Highlands family — Jack, Julie and Mick Atkins — adopted him at the North Texas Irish Festival in 2012, promising one another that the new dog would never be allowed on the furniture. “Now he is called at bedtime to sleep with us,” Julie notes with amusement. They swear he can leap almost 5 feet when pursuing a squirrel. “He’s actually jumped to the fork of a tree to chase one,” Julie adds.
February 2015
Feb. 7
This annual art show — a White Rock area favorite for more than 20 years — features paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photography and mixed-media works by local artists, inspired by the heart. The opening reception, participating artists in attendance, welcomes the public from 7-9 p.m. The show runs through March 7.
Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749, bathhousecultural.com, free
The title says it all. This spoof by the Pocket Sandwich Theatre asks, “Will popcorn rid us of these pesky critters, or are we destined to be latched onto?”
Pocket Sandwich Theatre, 5400 E. Mockingbird, 214.821.1860, pocketsandwich.com, $12-$28
The Richland College annual faculty art exhibition opens this month. A reception for the artists is from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Brazos Gallery at Richland College, 12800 Abrams building C room 140, 972.238.6100, rlc5.dcccd.edu/gallery, free
FEB. 10-21
Echo Theater performs selections from the great American female songbook. The shows feature the original Echo Room Crooners and the Matt Tolentino Quartet.
Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749, bathhousecultural.com, $30-$40
FEB. 13
This modern folk trio brings its harmonies back to town for an 8 p.m. performance. Singer/songwriter Dan Weber opens.
Uncle Calvin’s, 9555 N. Central Expressway at Walnut Hill, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15$18
Feb. 28-April 12
Get ready for the Dallas Arboretum’s biggest annual floral festival, Dallas Blooms. The garden explodes with color as more than 500,000 springblossoming bulbs burst, and the beloved peacock topiaries return to spread their colorful petal tails in the Jonsson Color Garden.
Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Road, dallasarboretum.org, 214.515.6500, $10-$15, plus $15 on-site parking
FEB. 14
This steamy bit of “Twilight” fan fiction turned bestseller turned feature film opens on Valentine’s Day.
Studio Movie Grill, 11170 N. Central Expressway at Royal, 214.361.2966, studiomoviegrill.com, $8.50-$10.50
Resident playwright Linda Daugherty and composer Nick Martin created this witty reflection on the simplicity of childhood and teen angst, including the numbers “Like Me, Like Me” and “When I Was Small.”
Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org, $12-$14
Through Feb. 22
The Dallas Children’s Theater presents this new musical adaptation of Judy Schachner’s book, with music and lyrics by Nick Martin. Tickets cost $17-$28.
Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org,
5315 Greenville Avenue 214.369.9471
HOURS: 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. DAILY
PRICES: $4-$15.50
Thedoors to Shuck N Jive Cajun Food Restaurant on Greenville open, and a warm, aromatic gust drifts out. It smells exactly as it should, like kitchen grease and French fries. Inside, a pack of rowdy football fans crowds the central bar, which dominates the small space. They sip on tall glasses of beer and yell lighthearted banter back and forth across the restaurant to the waitresses. Along the walls, couples sit at small tables scanning the menu. At a table near the door, a dad prods his young daughter to eat more of her chicken strips, but she’s more interested in showing off her latest boo-boo to a patient waitress. Shuck N Jive is a T-shirt and jeans kind of joint where you’re probably not going to make it out without eating something with your fingers. John Kranz founded the original location in Upper Greenville, and it survives on its friendly service and fresh Cajun food. The oysters are delivered fresh from the Gulf every week, and its biggest seller, Shuck’s Famous Catfish, is delivered daily. Happy hour is 4-7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and karaoke is on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. For those looking for some late-night grub, it’s always open until 2 a.m. —Brittany Nunn
Chocolate is a favorite treat throughout the year, but the month of February makes us crave it a little more. With so many decadent recipes and creative ideas, it’s a great Valentine’s Day gift for the ones we love. Plus, everything tastes better with a little chocolate.
A little scrub goes a long way, so why not throw in two of our favorite ingredients, chocolate and sugar? The lifestyle blog Live Laugh Rowe shows us how chocolate is not only delicious to eat but is also full of antioxidants and will rid you of those dry lips during cold weather.
A rich addition to fruit, crackers or toast, this spread is a perfect gift to share. A combination of chocolate, hazelnuts, sugar, butter and cream featured on the website Epicurious, the treat also can be spooned over ice cream or swirled into brownies.
With only three simple ingredients — sugar, cocoa powder and chocolate chips — these
handmade chocolate molds from the Adventures of Cake Girl blog will keep you warm all winter long.
Chocolate bark is one of the easiest and prettiest gifts you can make. There are no rules and really no recipe required. Bon Appetit has a recipe for a salty, sweet bark, but feel free to sprinkle in your choice of nuts, dried fruit or candy pieces.
Whether you need a cocktail or a mocktail, chocolate cream shooters will win your heart. Food Network shares one of its favorite chocolate drinks filled with rich chocolate syrup, half and half, and a shot of seltzer water to make it foam.
Two pantry staples, peanut butter and pretzels, make it easy to whip these up for a Valentine’s Day celebration. This bite-size candy was created with the perfect amount of salty, sweet and crunch. It will be hard to have just one.
These little gems fall somewhere between the chewiest caramels and decadent dark chocolate fudge. If you are a lover, play around with the different intensities and choose your favorite brand to make these bite-size confections your very own.
FIND THE RECIPES at advocatemag.com or inkfoods.com.
Dee’s Doggie Den
Though it is located just outside Lake Highlands and west of White Rock Lake, at 6444 Mockingbird, Lake Highlands readers voted Dee’s their favorite provider of pet services. The 19,000 square-foot space, 5,000 of that outdoors, offers ample room for boarders to run and jump in the sun or shade, on synthetic turf, rubber agility mat flooring or water. Overnight suites feature toddler-sized beds and air humidifiers. Owner and operator Dee Fort provides property-wide webcams so clients can check in on little buddies anytime. In addition to day care and overnight boarding, Dee’s offers grooming and training as well as pet fundamentals, organic snacks and fun toys. Fort’s aim is “affordable luxury,” she says. Visit deesdoggieden.com or call 214.823.1441 for a full price and service list.
Runner-up: Unleashed by Petco
Third: The Fish Gallery
NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2015 BEST OF CONTEST: Best date night. Vote for your favorite at lakehighlands.advocatemag.com/bestof
With each advance in technology and communication comes the broadening of romantic opportunity. In three different decades, these neighborhood couples’ matches were made possible by modern invention.
STORY BY CHRISTINA HUGHES BABB — PHOTOS BY DANNY FULGENCIOIn2010 the online votes of thousands of friends, relatives and fans won Lake Highlands High School alum Erin Aldrich and Andrew Shean a Four Seasons Ultimate Wedding worth $100,000.
It all began in 2007. Myspace was a thing. Erin, a two-sport Olympian (high jump and volleyball) was living in Italy, playing for the U.S. Women’s National Volleyball team. Andrew was teaching college and dabbling in business in Southern California, where he also played competitive beach volleyball. Seeking art for a website he was helping to build, he came across erinaldrich.com, replete with attractive images of the lanky beauty — on the court wearing ultra-short spandex, soaring gracefully over a high jump,
poolside in a string bikini. It was enough to prompt Andrew to send a Myspace message. And a second. “I just really thought you were beautiful …” wrote Andrew, in a follow-up message offering contrition for the first. “I really apologize for the email yesterday …” it began.
After perusing Andrew’s Myspace profile which showed a good-looking, tall former college quarterback and pro volleyball player who was, like her, a practicing Christian — Erin replied, launching a five-month-long exclusively online relationship.
When Erin moved to San Diego to train for the Summer Olympics, she and Andrew were able to meet for the first time in person.
“This was before online dating was so
common, so I was a little nervous,” Erin says.
Andrew says he was uncertain, too.
Erin retorts, “I find it hilarious that he says he was unsure. He was the one who reached out to me. He knew I was who I said I was,” she says with a giggle.
Neither was disappointed, though the two could not have been more different from each other, they say.
Erin had spent time living in Italy, so she arrived “decked out in these expensive designer clothes,” Andrew recalls.
“Yes, I was fresh from the fashion capital of the world,” Erin continues, “but he was wearing ripped jeans, flip-flops and a ‘Drop Knowledge Not Bombs’ T-shirt.”
They mutually and more than once use
’10s: The online voting craze serves this couple with Lake Highlands roots (who met on Myspace)
the phrase “anal-retentive” to describe Erin and the word “shiftless” for Andrew.
Still, on that first date, the two sat in his car talking until 4 a.m.
The courtship ebbed and flowed and included a brief breakup before an eventual proposal in July 2010.
Immediately they began planning the nuptials. While shopping at NorthPark Center, Erin spotted a call for contestants in a $100,000 wedding contest.
“Being the competitive person that I am, I decided to enter. And win,” Erin says.
Three entrants were chosen based on an essay. Finalists made television appearances on WFAA before a public Internet vote determined the winners.
Erin and Andrew thought up creative ways to garner votes — “We created a Facebook page and, for example, had friends and family use the computers at the Apple store, since you could only vote once per computer …” Erin says.
A blog post on advocatemag.com also publicized their efforts and gained votes.
They handily dominated the contest and married in 2011 in Fort Worth.
“It was such an unbelievable experience,” Erin says. “We had a wild time. It was just over-the-top extravagant.”
They took some time after the wedding to enjoy life, travel and play volleyball, but now things are getting really real — the baby is due this spring.
“I was fresh from the fashion capital of the world he was wearing ripped jeans, flip-flops and a ‘Drop Knowledge Not Bombs’ T-shirt.”
’00s: Online personals bring Lake Highlands couple together, internet sleuthing leads to one-of-a-kind engagement gift
In2005 Marshall Hayes, who owns Lucky Ducky Lube Center and Car Wash in Lake Highlands, met the love of his life, Joy, on the online dating service Yahoo! Personals. Neither was optimistic about finding The One online, but both were busy, intelligent, technologically savvy professionals who figured exploration of this increasingly popular digital dating world could not hurt.
“I admit I was one of those people who kind of snickered at those who met on the Internet until one of my good friends, Elizabeth, met her now-husband online,” Joy says. After serving as Elizabeth’s maid of honor, Joy relented.
Marshall’s photo was cute and, according to his profile, he cooked, which was appealing, Joy says. But she was skeptical about his vaguely stated area of profession — “the entertainment industry.”
(Turns out that was the catchall phrase for automotive-care-center owner, food truck vendor and television producer, among other ventures.)
Marshall, too, had his doubts. A media-obsessed entrepreneur, Marshall was all for Internet matchmaking. His problem was a lack of faith in true love.
“I figured I was going to just continue to date women, but not find one person that I would want to spend every day with,” he says. “I treasured my alone time. Even when I had girlfriends in the past, I would save a day just for me. That all changed when I met Joy.”
Marshall and Joy’s first date turned into a six-hour conversation during which they discovered a mutual love for the writings of Malcolm Gladwell and the live music of Reverend Horton Heat.
After a year of dating, Marshall tracked down author Malcolm Gladwell and asked him if he would consider signing a copy of his book “The Tipping Point,” which Marshall planned to use as a prop in his proposal to Joy. (He would place the ring inside and have Gladwell write, “Glad I could help” on the front cover and “Congratulations” on the back.)
Gladwell eventually agreed and signed the book, but Marshall could not wait for its arrival. Instead he proposed on Oct. 10, 2006, the one-year anniversary of their first date. The autographed book arrived the following Monday.
They married in September 2007. The car-care center is still in business (on Royal at Audelia), and they are parents to two little boys.
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If you want to know me, look inside your heart.
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In1997, before Facebook or smartphones, Lake Highlands residents Sam and Audrey Sequenzia met the old-fashioned way, in person. But Sam explains how their 18-year relationship started with a common interest in making music and the era’s most cutting-edge recording equipment.
musicians used the groundbreaking Portastudio to record and blend multiple audio tracks, Sam explains, “so the existence of a currentday MacBook would have precluded any chance of meeting Audrey at my apartment at TimberCreek (which today is the site of a Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart).”
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“Newly armed with a Tascam Portastudio (model 414, I think) a glorified cassette-tape deck, yes, cassette, our mutual friends and I had decided to use my apartment as a makeshift studio … to record the best blues album, uh, ever.”
Before Apple computers and GarageBand,
Audrey’s friends warned her that Sam was “kind of weird” and that he had just endured a breakup, she later revealed. But as she entered the apartment/studio, her eyes locked with Sam’s; the chemistry was instant.
Sam was wearing studio headphones, a bushy shock of hair jutting out from them. Au-
drey was a brunette, Birkenstock-clad beauty.
She stayed all night, listening to Sam and the band record, falling asleep on the couch and eating pizza the next day with Sam at his apartment/studio.
Precisely four years later the two married atop Winfrey Point. One of Sam’s bandmates from the Tascam session led a five-piece jazz ensemble that played Duke Ellington’s “Sophisticated Lady” at the reception.
A few years later they brought baby Judson into the world. Sam did not exactly become a world-famous blues artist, but he is still making music.
“I have no idea what became of that Tascam, or that cassette for that matter,” Sam says. “Wherever they are now, I owe them, big time. Best blues album, ever.”
At 6 p.m., as darkness falls on the first Monday of the new year, the Skillman-Audelia interchange over I-635 is a nightmare.
An SUV broadsided a sedan, whose crumpled remains are at the center of this particular mess, but traffic standstills and unsettling accidents are routine for commuters who regularly traverse this thoroughfare merge.
The negative impact of this intersection goes beyond even the daily inconveniences and perils.
According to a joint study by the North Texas Central Council of Governments and the City of Dallas, it also could be severely limiting our area’s potential for economic growth.
The thoroughfare situation, according to experts who have studied the zone for years, makes inefficient use of our land, repels quality retailers and developers, and ulti-
mately perpetuates proliferation of undesirable businesses, problematic apartment and condominium properties, and high-crime zones.
The crossroads cause confusion and congestion, resulting in snarls, accidents and dangerous pedestrian scenarios that worsen with each passing year, and that is just the beginning, says Lake Highlands resident Susan Morgan, who has been leading the LBJ-Skillman Interchange Task Force review committee since 2006.
Authorities on city planning and design tell us that thoroughfares are barriers to future economic growth.
“So how do you get around those barriers and improve circulation so you can continue development? Those are things that you want to think about when you start talking about urban planning,” she says.
Story by Christina Hughes Babb | Photo by Danny FulgencioWhen Lake Highlands residents and leaders talk about enhancing Lake Highlands, the inevitable debates over Lake Highlands’ boundaries emerge.
The Advocate in 2011 held a roundtable discussion with five neighborhood pundits to address the question, “Where is Lake Highlands?” and, while we learned a great deal of Lake Highlands history, we arrived at no decisive conclusion. (Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com to read the story.)
Susan Morgan calls Lake Highlands a “state of mind.”
“There is no answer,” she explains, “because Lake Highlands doesn’t exactly exist.”
Yet, she concedes, “When you want to figure out the future of Lake Highlands, you have to figure out, Where is this state?”
The president of the Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association, Murray Morgan (no relation), says that what matters, when it comes to improvement and economic development, is the “greater Lake Highlands area.”
That area, he says, is the focus of the LHAIA. He loosely defines greater Lake Highlands as an area extending as far as the Richardson-Garland border, Mockingbird, Buckner, Garland, Jupiter and touching Central Expressway to the west.
The Lake Highlands Public Improvement District today encompasses 500 acres along the Skillman corridor from LBJ on the north to Abrams on the south. But if its renewal is approved this year, an extension of coverage is probable, according to director Kathy Stewart.
It is all worth consideration, but don’t spend too much time or energy worrying about the boundary-related minutiae, sug-
gests Susan Morgan. No matter what one considers Lake Highlands, infrastructural improvement at 635 (also known as LBJ), Skillman and Audelia is vital — to the economic development of the areas surrounding it, of course. But it also has the potential to drive traffic, visibility and desirability to the entire greater Lake Highlands area.
In the late 1960s, Skillman and Audelia passed through farmland. The trajectory of 635 shot awkwardly through the intersection of the two roads.
“They designed this threaded intersection so it would cross a single bridge to get over LBJ,” Susan Morgan explained in a past Advocate interview. “Then, if you fast forward to the economic boom in the late 1970s, it just mushroomed into urban density. The transportation infrastructure was never built to handle the traffic we have today.”
Some Lake Highlands residents, professionals in their respective fields, so believe in the magnitude of the 635-Skillman realignment project that they have dedicated untold hours to it over the past several years, Susan Morgan says.
She got involved 15 years ago, at a town hall meeting where people were complaining about losing retail in Lake Highlands. When City Councilman Alan Walne asked for civilian help attracting retail, Morgan volunteered.
She also was a member of the LHAIA board. These roles, in 2006, led to her working on the District 10 Strategic Plan in conjunction with the City of Dallas’ ForwardDallas! Comprehensive Plan. That was when she set her sights on the neglected 635-Skillman area.
“I noticed that the 635 intersection was highlighted in the plan as a strategic opportunity,” Morgan says, “But at the time, all attention was focused on the Lake Highlands Town Center.”
She told Walne’s successor, Bill Blaydes, she wanted to lead the 635-Skillman improvement effort.
“He looked at me over his glasses and said, ‘You know you’ll be doing this for 10 years?’ And he was right,” she says. “I’ve been at it for eight now.”
At that point, she recruited a team of specialists in various fields to assist.
“That is one of the many wonderful things about Lake Highlands. You ask for help, and people raise their hands. I found 10 people who came out of the woodwork with relevant areas of expertise in civil engineering, commercial architecture, real estate and transportation.”
It was immediately evident that every attempt to improve safety, economic development and aesthetics in the area would be thwarted until the transportation infrastructure was addressed, she says. “The realignment is the linchpin” of the overall 635-Skillman urban plan.
Susan Morgan’s team met with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), which already had a long-term plan in place that included the realignment of Skillman.
But TxDOT’s plan was not attractive, she says.
TxDOT’s original realignment plan hinged on a flyover, an elevated street that would connect Skillman north of 635 to Skillman south of 635, bypassing the perplexing road alignment where Audelia intersects Skillman.
“It would expedite vehicles through the in-
tersection, but it would have had no positive impact on the development potential of the surrounding properties,” Morgan explains.
Longtime Lake Highlands resident and committee member Tip Housewright volunteered his architectural firm, Omniplan, to modify the design scheme.
Omniplan designed an at-grade bridge that straightens Skillman and modifies the Audelia intersection.
The revised plans not only showcase a more aesthetic bridge — Susan Morgan calls it “iconic” looking — but also, according to the 635-Skillman study, it frees up some nine acres of “existing right-of-way land which will become an opportunity for new development.” (Part 2 of this series explores possibilities for said property.)
The City of Dallas, Federal Highway Administration and TxDOT all have approved the design, and it has progressed to TxDOT’s detail design phase.
The project at this point is close to what the industry calls “shovel-ready,” Susan Morgan says. The term is used to describe projects whose planning, engineering and funding have advanced to a stage where laborers may immediately begin construction.
The project is imminent, but we aren’t there yet, Morgan says. The realignment project totals $50 million and about $38 million more is needed to fund it.
The $3.8 million spent to date, mostly on feasibility studies and engineering design, was cobbled together through the City of Dallas bond program and TxDOT funding, Morgan explains, adding that Omniplan donated
its services.
There are several options for accruing the remaining necessary dollars.
For example, shovel-ready projects are more likely to receive government stimulus grants. There are also new Department of Transportation funds available in 2015. Both are potential sources for financing the realignment project.
TxDOT’s I-635 LBJ East project — the long-term plan that originally included the rejected 635-Skillman flyover — also includes funding for the realignment.
If we have to wait on those funds, it could take longer. Morgan says she hopes to break ground on the bridge before her 10 years are up.
What could this new bridge mean for Lake Highlands? We explore that in the next installment of “A vision for Lake Highlands.”
Subsequent segments will include a closer look at the I-635 LBJ East project, the upcoming District 10 City Council election and more.
See more 635-Skillman renderings at lakehighlands.advocatemag.com.
Keller’s Drive-In celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and one of its carhops has delivered burgers since (almost) the beginning
Two trucks are parked side by side at Keller’s Drive-In on Northwest Highway. They’ve been there a while, as both drivers are taking their sweet time, enjoying a beer or two in the shade of the metal overhang.
Shirley Ehney, a 73-year-old carhop, stands between them making small talk. She lets out a ringing laugh in response to the drivers’ banter before heading back to the kitchen. She has a grandmotherly way about her (probably because she is one) but also a sort of vitality, which she figures is the result of her active lifestyle, working as a full-time carhop for nearly 50 years.
As she passes another car, she nods toward the double-meat cheeseburger she brought out a few minutes ago. “I bet that’s the best burger you’ve ever tasted,” she says.
It’s nothing gourmet, but people say there’s just something about the flavor in the two thin patties stacked between perfectly grilled poppy seed buns, topped with a slice of melted cheese and the usual burger garnish.
It’s the reason foodies from all over the country stop by Keller’s on their way
“It’s like
Few who regularly travel the thoroughfare have entirely resisted the call of the vintage “Keller’s Hamburgers Beer” sign. The green and yellow paint is chipping, sure, but the slapdash aesthetics only add to its charm. Keller’s appearance reflects the rugged reliability of the food, staff and customers that have sustained it since 1965, when White Rock area resident Jack Keller established the beloved burger joint’s Northwest Highway location.
The menu has not changed — burgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, fries, tots, onion rings. The prices have barely budged since the beginning. Customers don’t speak into a machine or punch a touchscreen. It’s what Keller calls a “pure” drive-in experience. Drivers pull up and flash their lights. A
carhop comes out to take the order, face-toface, and returns with the goods.
Day after day, year after year, Keller’s delivers a product crafted with care and knowhow. “Consistency, that’s the key,” Keller says. “Consistency and quality. There’s no substitute for quality.”
Keller’s meat and produce are delivered fresh every morning, he says, and “when you run out, you run out.” The drive-in magnate reported grossing $1 million in the ’70s, and 40 years later, business is better than ever, he says.
Keller’s opened at a time when drive-in diners were still popular throughout the United States. It operated among famous and well-established roadside joints in Dallas such as Kirby’s Pig Stand and Prince’s Hamburgers. Kirby’s was the nation’s first drive-in when it opened in 1921, and the
barbecue joint eventually was dubbed “the nation’s first drive-in empire” before it closed its last location in 2006. Although Prince’s still operates in Houston, its Dallas location on Lemmon closed several years ago.
Keller, too, has closed several restaurants over the decades, including two longstanding drive-ins on Samuell and Harry Hines. But the remnant of his empire is still standing. Perhaps the reason is Keller’s unrelenting commitment to consistency and quality, or the money he has saved on fresh paint jobs or other remodeling projects — or, as Wilma Keller points out, her husband’s head for business and investing.
“He’s smart,” Wilma says with a wink. “I always knew he could do whatever he wanted to.”
Ehney agrees that Keller is “real smart when it comes to his hamburgers.” Even still, she’s amazed at how much business the drive-in continues to garner.
“I guess it’s just hanging in there because there aren’t that many places like it anymore, and [Keller’s] is famous all over the country,” Ehney says.
Ehney began working at Keller’s just a few months after it opened. Some people have been parking in her section for years. She knows the bikers, who park on one side of the lot, the hot-rod and vintage-car enthusiasts, who park on the other, and the families who bring their children. No doubt those families’ matriarchs and patriarchs sat in the same spots years ago, beside their own parents.
“We get all kinds of people,” she says. Ironically, many patronize the ’60s holdover because they are seeking a new experience. “I’ve had people come from out of state and get very excited because this is something different.”
Keller says one reason he keeps prices low is because it encourages diners to tip more. The carhops work primarily for tips, and some of them, including Ehney, thread dollar bills through their fingers as a subtle hint to patrons. In the early years, she usually worked nights. Ehney had such a sharp memory, she could handle a large section by herself without writing down a thing.
“It came very natural for me,” Ehney says, “and I never took a beer back when I made a mistake, because I always found someone on the lot who would buy it.”
It helped that Ehney was a pretty, capable and friendly girl in her early 20s. Men always flirted with her, she says, although she insists she never dressed provocatively save maybe a short skirt or two. “I always presented myself well,” she says.
Over the years, she married and had four children, which eventually led to six grandchildren and one great-grandson. Although she passively considered leaving Keller’s to try other things, she ultimately stayed on at the drive-in. After all, she was good at it, and her customers loved her.
Ehney is the only Keller’s carhop who has stood the test of time, although a couple of others can boast a decade or two. The fami-
ly-like community at Keller’s is hard to beat, Ehney says. She has story after story of when “the girls” (as she and Keller still refer to the carhops) and her customers helped her during hard times.
When Ehney lost her daughter to cancer in 2008 and fractured her foot the same year, her co-workers collected funds to help her get through the time away from work.
“I think that’s what kept me here. I love my job, love the people,” Ehney says. “I’ve made a good living and had a lot of good customers.”
“Don’t ever do a job you don’t like, no matter the amount of money you make,” she says. “Always do a job you love.”
In 2005 decorated food writer Alan Richman of GQ went on a quest to find the 20 best burgers in the United States. He dined at 95 joints and consumed 162 burgers. In the end, only one Dallas burger joint landed on the list — Keller’s. And it didn’t just make the top 20; it made the top 10.
Keller’s no. 5, a $2.89 double-meat burger with a Thousand Island-style “special sauce,” found a fan in Richman, even though it was a bit overcooked for his medium-rare taste. He described the no. 5 as “made exactly the way hamburgers were back when drive-ins first appeared” and said Keller’s was “the best drive-in I’ve ever seen, and I try not to miss many.”
If you’re especially inclined toward that special sauce, ask for extra and Keller’s will slather it on the bottom and top buns. You’re welcome.
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Make plans for a relaxing family getaway and book a night’s stay at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center’s lodging The Lodge and the Foothills Safari Camp both offer unique experiences with beautiful views, a hot breakfast and a scenic wildlife drive.
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9047 Garland Rd. Dallas, TX 75218
Come visit us at our new, bigger & more beautiful location. Splendor offers introductory + advanced jewelry classes, jewelry co-design, + jewelry making supplies. Current class schedule: www.beadsofsplendor.com
It is now possible to avoid the city’s 5-cent grocery bag fee and show some hometown pride. Lake Highlands Elementary School is selling reusable grocery bags in the school office, 9501 Ferndale. The design, with hip red chevron, Wildcat logo and “Lake Highlands, Texas” slogan, was created by alumna Andrea Cochran. Two bags cost $15, and proceeds go to the school.
Lake Highlands High School’s drill team The Highlandettes will teach a Dancing with the Dettes spring clinic for girls in grades K-8 Monday, Feb. 16 from 9 a.m.-3p.m. at the school. Participants have a chance to perform at the annual Highlandette Revue April 24 or 25 (different age groups on different nights). To register, visit highlandettes.com and fill out the form. The cost is $55 and includes a T-shirt and pizza lunch on clinic day.
Neighbor James White discovered recently that the city’s 311 app actually works. He used the app on his phone to report the bent pole of a no-parking sign, which had been annoying him. To his delight, the city fixed the pole a few days later. Download the 311 app at dallascityhall.com/311app to report litter or dumping, loose animals, street obstruction, graffiti, and street problems such as potholes.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
Albertsons recently acquired United Supermarkets, known locally for its suburban Market Street concept, and is merging with Safeway, owner of the Tom Thumb brand of stores. Experts guessed that the new conglomerate might sell some of its Dallas stores to San Antonio-based H-E-B. That hasn’t happened, however. Instead, Minyard (minyards.com) bought eight Albertsons and four Tom Thumb stores in DallasFort Worth, including the Albertsons stores at Northwest Highway and Ferndale and at Mockingbird and Abrams. Minyard, which began in Dallas in 1932, plans to turn its new acquisitions into its new grocery concept, Minyard Sun Fresh Market The grocer is locally owned with headquarters in Carrollton (in 2011 it became a DFW-based company again after the Minyard family sold to an investment company in 2004). Minyard currently operates 12 DFW stores, so the 12 additional stores effectively doubles the size of the company.
Szechwan Pavilion in Casa Linda Plaza (1152
N. Buckner) is expected to close this month because of increasing rent. The Wang family opened the restaurant 35 years ago. They plan to focus solely on the Plano restaurant they own with friends, Umeko Sushi & Grill.
European Wax Center is coming soon to the Casa Linda Shopping Center, next door to Torchy’s Tacos on the southwest side of Garland Road. European Wax Center (waxcenter. com), which has three other locations in the Dallas area, offers facial and body waxing for men and women.
The Lake Highlands Women’s League home tour in December raised a record amount, $213,195, which will benefit Lake Highlands improvement projects and Lake Highlands High School students, via its college scholarship program.
Top Drawer Antiques and Consignments will open soon at 10622 Northwest Highway, near Plano Road. Interested dealers should call 234.226.8450.
I wish it were easy.
I wish we could all just open our Bibles to the table of contents, find the subject we are interested in, read it once, then move on to live accordingly.
Some people seem to think it’s that easy. The Bible is God’s Word. Its sense is plain. If you understand it rightly, you will always understand it the way I do.
It’s not that easy.
On countless matters, Christians (not to mention Jews and Mormons who also hold
ture: history, poetry, law, narrative, prophecy and proverbial wisdom, to name a few. Just as you can’t read a recipe like you would read a novel, so you can only understand the Bible according to the form of literature you are reading. So to say that you “take the Bible literally” can only mean that you read the symbolic parts symbolically; otherwise you are not reading them literally, you are just reading them wrongly.
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary
Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary), Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500
Sundays: Bible Fellowship (all ages) 9:15 am /Service Time 11:00 am
12123 Hillcrest Road / 972.820.5000 / prestonwood.org
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
NORTH HIGHLANDS BIBLE CHURCH / www.nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd.
Sunday: LifeQuest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Student Ministry: Wednesday & Sunday 7:00 pm / 214.348.9697
all or part of the Christian Bible sacred) disagree on what the Bible means, and thus what we are supposed to believe and how we are supposed to behave. To one degree or another, according to one theory or another, all of us consider the Bible to be Spirit-inspired writing and authoritative for faith and life.
How so? That’s the sticky wicket.
Quick review: Human beings wrote the Bible across a span of about 1,500 years. They either lived the events they described and reflected upon them, or they were close to those who did live those events, or they wrote down once and for all the stories that had been kept alive orally before then. The book didn’t drop out of heaven like a special delivery from an Amazon drone — from God’s lips to human ears to scribal pen.
The Bible is more like a library than a book. It contains different types of litera-
In his helpful book “Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today,” United Methodist minister Adam Hamilton suggests that there are three broad categories that passages fit into. First, those that reflect the timeless will of God for human beings; for instance, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Second, those that reflect God’s will in a particular time but not for all time; this may include ritual law of the Old Testament. And third, those that reflect the culture and historical circumstances in which they were written but never reflected God’s timeless will; and here slavery comes to mind. Figuring out what belongs in which category is often difficult and debatable.
Reading the Bible alongside others, keeping your heart and mind open, and seeking to understand it with the aid of God’s Spirit will take us most of the way toward agreement on most matters. We will always wrestle with some things, even as we do today — about the death penalty, the role of women, or gay marriage. If it were easy, it wouldn’t take faith and it would hardly be worth it. Things that are worth it — like love, say — are worth it precisely because they take effort.
When Jesus was asked to summarize the Bible (the Law and the Prophets), he said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
We should start and end there.
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. Mitchell Boone
LAKE HIGHLANDS CHURCH / 9919 McCree / 214.348.0460
Sundays: Classes 9:30, Coffee 10:25, Assembly 10:45
Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org
8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org
9:00 am Contemporary, 9:55 am Christian Ed., 11:00 am Traditional
NORTHRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
Summer Worship: May 25 - Aug. 31 / 10:00am / Childcare provided.
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living 6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
10:30 am Sunday - Celebration Worship Service
To say that you “take the Bible literally” can only mean that you read the symbolic parts symbolically; otherwise you are not reading them literally, you are just reading them wrongly.George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
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Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
As we age, maintaining good health can become a challenge. Luckily, there exists a community that has been dedicated to providing senior care since 1970.
Back then, the forward-thinking staff at Monticello West envisioned that as baby boomers aged, they would need to provide a place where people felt at home and have access to personalized medical care.
Today, nearly 45 years later, Monticello West has pro-
vided a community for aging adults to stay fit, active and mentally sharp well into the golden years.
“Critical to the overall atmosphere is the combined sense of community with high-quality healthcare,” says Monticello West communications representative Robin Daniels.
“Today, the community is operated by a leading provider of senior living communities, Life Care Services,
that shares forward-thinking mindsets and is advancing care through special programs.”
When you meet with the staff at Monticello West, you immediately realize the difference, such as the tenure of staff. The staff is the foundation for the high-quality care, which has been honored with the industry’s coveted five-star rating.
In today’s modern age of information available on the internet, caregivers at Monticello West respect and realize that families work to gain advance knowledge and expertise about care for their loved one.
“We welcome family discussion and interaction to ensure that residents are receiving personalized, high-quality healthcare,” Daniels says.
“Communication is critical throughout all stages of memory care from early onset to advanced memory loss.”
Monticello West provides the full range of care, including all levels of assisted living to advanced memory care so patients remain in a familiar environment.
“Our goal is to enable our residents to live an active, independent lifestyle while our dedicated team members, including licensed nurses, provide assistance with medications, personal grooming, transportation and other specific services depending on the needs of our residents,” Daniels says.
At Monticello West, at least five scheduled activities are on the calendar daily, providing opportunities for intellectual stimulation.
“Activity selections are varied, with examples including a van ride, an afternoon social, or an afterdinner event with refreshments,” Daniels says.
Two outdoor courtyards provide opportunities for seniors to stay active while strolling amidst nature and beautiful flowers, right in the heart of Highland Park.
Monticello West’s chef, Taylor Self, has trained at the world-renowned Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. Self works to get to know residents’ food preferences and provides clean, healthy food choices.
“The special attention we provide to our residents is what sets us apart,” Daniels says.
Over the past 30 years, one senior living community has earned a reputation for exceptional care in the heart of the Park Cities. Monticello West. It’s a classic! But better. With up-to-date amenities and the latest innovations in supportive assisted living and memory care.
• Gracious assisted living with privacy when you want it, support with daily activities when you need it
• Innovative memory care featuring the nationally recognized Heartfelt Connectionstm Memory Care Program
• Exceptional senior living in the prestigious Highland Park neighborhood of North Dallas
The White Rock Lake Conservancy and the City of Dallas ceremonially broke ground on a project to restore the stone tables at White Rock Lake The tables were built by the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s, and the conservancy has raised money for a multi-phase restoration project, including replacing the floor and adding lighting. Work began on the project last month.
ART: Draw/Paint. Adults All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Yearly fee. 18-59 yrs-$15, 60+$10 Mon-1-3: Wed 10:15-1:15, Jane Cross, 214-534-6829.
Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm
GUITAR OR PIANO Patient Teacher. Your Home. 12 Yrs Exp. Reasonable rates. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
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MUSIC INSTRUCTION Especially For Young People
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A SIMPLE WILL. Name a Guardian for Children. Katherine Rose, Attorney 214-728-4044. Office Dallas Tx.
A WILL? THERE IS A WAY Estate/Probate matters. Free Consultation. 214-802-6768 MaryGlennAttorney.com
Lake Highlands High School graduate Mitchell Henton — shown here with his parents, John and Debbie — is a red-shirt freshman punter for the Midwestern State University football team. He led the Lone Star Conference with a 42-yard per punt average and six punts of at least 50 yards. He placed 12 inside the 20-yard line this past season.
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
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FARMERS INSURANCE CALL JOSH JORDAN 214-364-8280. Auto, Home, Life Renters.
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Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece or a Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com
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Business Resources
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CHIMNEY SWEEP Dampers/Brick & Stone Repair. DFW Metro. Don 214-704-1722
ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641
Carpet, Wood, Tile Sales/Service Free Estimates
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FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
HASTINGS STAINED CONCRETE New/ Remodel. Stain/Wax Int/Ext. Nick. 214-341-5993. www.hastingsfloors.com
LONGHORN FLOORS LLC 972-768-4372. www.longhornflooring.com
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WILLEFORD HARDWOOD FLOORS 214-824-1166 • WillefordHardwoodFloors.com
A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Haven 214-327-0560
DOVETAIL CUSTOM SHUTTERS Louis Wiggins 214-342-0889 dovetailshutters.com
GREENGO WINDOWS & DOORS 903-802-6957, 214-755-6258
LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR custom mirrors • shower enclosures store fronts • casements 214-349-8160
ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829
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• Ceramic • Wood • Luxury Vinyl Call John Roemen 972.989.3533
Reinventing the Flooring Experience
1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928
Painting. 85% Referrals. Free Est. 214-348-5070
Since 1977. Kirk Evans. 972-672-4681
A1 TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863
ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541
ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000
BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768
MANNY’S HOME PAINTING & REPAIR Int./Ext. Sheetrock. Manny 214-334-2160
Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513
ROMEO’S PAINTING Int/Ext. Drywall, Damage Repair. Prep House To Sell. 214-789-0803
TOM HOLT TILE 30 Yrs Experience In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444
A BETTER TREE COMPANY • JUST TREES Complete tree services. Tree & Landscape Lighting! Mark 214-332-3444
A BETTER TREE MAN Trims, Removals, Insd. 12 Yrs Exp. Roberts Tree Service. 214-808-8925
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ALL YARD SERVICES Fertilization, Trim, Edge, Color. Com./ Res. 30 Yrs. Exp. Call Brooks. 972-279-3564, 214-923-5439
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FRAME RIGHT All Honey-Dos/Jobs. Crown mold install $125/rm. Licensed. Matt 469-867-9029
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HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606
HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582
WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232
The Handyman “ToDo’s” Done Right Save $25 on Service Call of $125 or $50 on Service Call of $250 handy-dan.com 214.252.1628
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Since 1984. Int./Ext. 214-755-2700
VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 469-774-7111
Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781
Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463
COLE’S LAWN CARE • 214-327-3923 Quality Service with a Personal Touch.
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GREENSKEEPER Winter Clean Up & Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846
Sprinkler & Valve Repair/ Rebuild Older Systems. Lic. #1742. 214-398-8061
Call Us for Your Design Work, Bed Prep, and Tree Plantings. Walton’s Garden Center 8652 Garland Rd. 214-321-2387
ORTIZ LAWNCARE Complete Yard Care. Service by Felipe. Free Est. 214-215-3599
ALL SURFACE REFINISHING 214-631-8719. Tub/Tile/Refinishing. allsurfacerefinishing.com
FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
MELROSE TILE James Estrello Sr., Installer 40 Yrs. Exp. MelroseTile.com 214-384-6746
STONE AGE COUNTER TOPS Granite, Marble, Tile, Kitchen/Bath Remodels. 972-276-9943 stoneage.dennis@verizon.net
TK REMODELING 972-533-2872
Complete Full Service Repairs, Remodeling, Restoration. Name It — We do it. Tommy. Insured. dallas.tkremodelingcontractors.com
RED SUN LANDSCAPES • 214-935-9779 RedSunLandscapes.com
RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)
SPRINKLER REPAIR SPECIALIST $25Off. 972-226-1925 www.rainmakertx.com LI#7732
TAYLOR MADE IRRIGATION Repairs, service, drains. 30+ years exp. Ll 6295 M-469-853-2326. John
TRACY’S LAWN CARE • 972-329-4190
Lawn Mowing & Leaf Cleaning
www.TexasXeriscapes.com 469-586-9054
WHITE ROCK TREE WIZARDS Professionals, Experts, Artists. Trim, Rmv, Cable Repair, Cavity-Fill Stump Grind. Emergency Hazards. Insd. Free Est. 972-803-6313
Prices Start at $85 + Tax For
Treatment. Average
& Attached Garage. Quotes For Other Services. 214-328-2847. Lakewood Resident
A2Z PLUMBING 214-727-4040
All Plumbing Repairs. Slab Leak Specialists. Licensed & Insured. ML# M36843.
ANDREWS PLUMBING • 214-354-8521
# M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. plumberiffic69@gmail.com
Sewers • Drains • Bonded 24 Hours/7 Days
*Joe Faz 214-794-7566 - Se Habla Español*
ARRIAGA PLUMBING: General Plumbing
Since the 80’s. Insured. Lic# M- 20754 214-321-0589, 214-738-7116, CC’s accepted.
HAYES PLUMBING INC. Repairs. Insured, 214-343-1427 License M13238
For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M24406 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com
M&S PLUMBING Quality Work & Prompt Service. Jerry. 214-235-2172. lic.#M-11523
Lic. M-40581 Res/Com. Repairs & Leak Location
REPAIRS, Fixtures, General Plumbing, Senior Discounts. Campbell Plumbing. 214-321-5943
Over 30 Yrs Exp. Licensed/Insured. 214-732-4769, 214-562-2360
UPTOWN PLUMBING. Serving Dallas 40 + Yrs. 214-747-1103. M-13800 uptownplumbing.com
1 month free service for new customers. Call for details. 469-358-0665.
LOCK’S POOL SERVICE - 469-235-2072
experience. Pool Electrical TICL #550
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Police found the body of 48-year-old Lisa Byrd-New Andrews at about 11 a.m. on Dec. 30
10 days after she was reported missing — in the trunk of a car in the Sontera Palms apartment complex parking lot. She was last seen in Greenville, Texas with dark hair and green eyes. A missing person report indicated she frequently changed her hair and eye color.
An investigation is ongoing, says Chinh Le of the Dallas Police Department, so he cannot offer many details. He gave no comment regarding suspects or why she ended up in Lake Highlands.
Police did say that the vehicle in which her body was found, a 2005 Ford Mustang, belonged to a family member. The victim’s date of birth was Nov. 22, 1966 and she also went by the name Lisa Renee Andrews.
In a public online profile, she listed herself as a Dallas resident who previously lived in Greenville. The same profile indicates she was mother to one son, worked as a promoter in the music, entertainment and wrestling industries, and was a writer and producer working on a documentary about the Von Erich family.
At the time of publication, the Dallas County medical examiner had not released a cause of death. “We are still waiting on the ME’s ruling, which is pending toxicology reports,” Le says. Christina Hughes Babb
ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION For more information call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com
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Blue light has the most energy of visible light and constant exposure with hand held devices and computers may be causing damage. Children are more susceptible to this exposure due to the fact that older eyes filter out the blue high-energy light more that younger eyes. At Dallas Eyeworks we recommend a lens treatment called Recharge by Hya Vision. This allows a clear spectacle lens to filter out the high energy blue light and protect the eye. Call for an appointment today!
Dallas Eyeworks 9225 Garland Rd., Ste. 2120, Dallas, TX 75218 214.660.9830
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Dr. Robinson is a Preferred Invisalign provider in the White Rock Lake/Casa Linda area. Give us a call to see if you are a great candidate for Invisalign.
SOURCE: Dallas Police Department
Children went missing New Year’s Eve from a White Rock area thrift store Age of woman who allegedly kidnapped the pair while their father tried on clothes in the dressing room 4 Miles away, late the same day, police arrested Brianah Blount at an apartment complex and returned the kids to their dad
FAGD - Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry 8940 Garland Rd., Ste. 200, Dallas, TX 75218 214.321.6441
call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com