2010 April Lake Highlands

Page 14



APRIL 2010
©2010.Equal Housing Opportunity. 214-341-0330 / 214-826-0316 10233 East Northwest Highway, Suite 438 6441 East Mockingbird For all your mortgage needs. Tammie Mitchell 214-349-7836 License #13272 9718 Estate Lane 4/3.1/2/Treed Lot, Pool $339,900 / Pam Dybvad 214-354-2823 8910 White Pine Ln. 3/2.1/2/3 LA/Updates/WR Elem. $299,900 / Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 9553 Spring Branch Dr. 5/3.1/2/3 LA + Study $435,000 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 9231 Canter 6/6.5/2 garage/3LA/2 Dining/Study $725,000 / Hickman+Weber Group 214-355-3122 9310 Ferndale Dr. 3/2/2/2LA/Awesome Opportunity! $160,000 / Rene Barrera 214-497-2035 10846 Fernald Ave. 4/2.5/3LA/SPECTACULAR Lot $415,000 / Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 9517 Covemeadow Dr. 5/2.1/2/Pool/White Rock Elem. $474,900 / Debbie Kelley 214-202-1163 8828 Fenchurch Rd. 3/2/Lake Ridge Estates/Large Trees $269,000 / Christy/Norcross/Thomas 214-520-4499 8507 Ridgelea St. Updated 3/2 on Great Street! $209,900 / Rene Barrera 214-497-2035 10610 Chesterton 3/2/2/2 LA/Near Wallace Elem. $217,000 / Eric Mann 214-355-3189 10660 Lake Haven Dr. 4/2/2/Fab Kitchen, Yard, Office Bldg. $219,900 / Liza Ledyard 214-334-0136 9516 Overwood 3/2/2/Great Location/WR Elem! $315,000 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 8502 Stable Glen Dr. 3/2/2/Updated/Pool $329,900 / Cary Norton 214-704-2705 7 Robledo Drive 4/5.1/3/4 LA/Pvt Pond/.97 Acre/Gated $2,975,000 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 Gene Garramone 214-536-9501 SOLD CONTRACT PENDING SOLD REDUCED Lakewood Top Producers Top Group Hickman+Weber Group 214-355-3122 Top Income Kelly Nolan 214-728-7301 Top Volume Cindy Hume 214-264-7382 Lake Highlands Top Producers Top Volume Khris Macho 214-729-6332 Top Group Christy/Norcross/Thomas 214-520-4499 Top Income Jan Stell 972-733-9566 NEW LISTING REDUCED

Oak Trail Villas in the Heart of Lake Highlands

Totally renovated, like-new townhomes in the heart of the city. Relaxed living environment features 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath homes with hardwood floors, granite counters, stainless appliances, custom fireplaces, low-E windows, 13 SEER HVAC’s plus other high efficiency features, and garage or carports. Located on a tree-lined street inside Loop 635. Prices begin at just $189,900. Tour the Model Homes, visit www.OakTrailVillas.ebby.com, or call 214-497-2035.

9715 Queenswood Ln. 3/2/1/2LA/Lake Highlands Trad. $225,000 / Eric Mann 214-355-3189 10523 Vinemont St. 3/2/2/2 LA in Lochwood $181,000 / Cindy Gore 214-728-6058 205 Pelican Cove Dr. Spacious 3/2/2 in Rockwall $179,900 / Jeraldine Wooldridge 214-773-9312 9839 Windledge Dr. 4/2.5/2/Corner Lot $317,500 / Bobby Stephens 214-395-4579 9906 El Patio Drive 3/2/Updated/Huge Lot in Casa Linda $278,000 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 9223 Whitehurst Dr. 3/2.1/1/2 LA/Circle Drive/Pool $329,950 / Khris Macho 214-729-6332 5408 Miller Road 3/2/Updated & Charming! $344,000 / Mary Pat Coco 214-215-2734 9834 Windledge Dr. 3/2/2/Lake Highlands Awaits! $217,900 / Bobby Stephens 214-395-4579 6914 Pasadena Ave. 3/2/1/2 LA’s/Hardwoods $459,221 / Gene Garramone 214-536-9501 9939 Capridge Dr. 4/3/2/3 LA/Updated $445,000 / Liza Ledyard 214-334-0136 6347 Malcolm Drive 3/3/2 LA/Hdwds $292,900 / Khris Macho 214-729-6332 422 Peavy Road 4/4/Overlooks White Rock Lake $449,900 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 9767 Wisterwood Dr. 4/3/2/Nicely Updated/White Rock Elem! $349,900 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 2405 Inadale Ave. 3/1.1/1/Well Maintained $85,500 / Danna McCaig 214-534-9845 4 Duncannon Court 3/4/2/3 LA/Gated/Remodeled $649,000 / Liza Ledyard 214-334-0136 SOLD

“It honestly felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest,” says David Thomasson of the pain he experienced during his heart attack. “I thought heart disease was something that happened to old people.”

After examining him, the cardiovascular team at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas told David he needed quadruple bypass surgery and explained how a pump would take over for his heart during the procedure. “It’s a really amazing machine,” he says.

Today, David is going strong. And he’s extremely grateful both for the care he received and the Heart-Lung machine which saved his life. “I gave it a big hug when I saw it,” he says.

Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary, community, or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, or Baylor Health Care System. © 2009 Baylor Health Care System BUMCD CE 12.09 For more information about cardiovascular services, call 1.800.4BAYLOR or visit BaylorHealth.com 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75246
heart stopped. But thanks to Baylor, I never skipped a beat.
Connect with the Christy|Norcross|Thomas Group on Facebook Let us put the power of 3 to work for you. 8716 Aldwick Sold 12215 Brookmeadow Sold 9406 Crestedge Sold 9536 Highedge Drive Sold 10426 Lanshire Drive Sold 10006 Lanshire Drive Sold 10114 Ridgehaven Drive Sold 10507 Royalwood Sold Call the Christy|Norcross|Thomas Group to see what the #1 Lake Highlands Real Estate Group can do for you. Put us to work for you. Call us at 214.520.4499 Glen Christy 972.381.6716 glenchristy@ebby.com Robin Norcross 214.662.9133 robinn@ebby.com Jason Thomas 972.380.7785 jasonthomas@ebby.com www.christynorcrossthomas.ebby.com 6604 Blessing$248,000 9935 Capridge$599,900 10529 Lakemere $197,000 10229 Lynford$189,000 9131 Brady$349,900 10042 Edgecove Drive $369,500 9819 Lanshire $235,000 10016 McCree $325,000 12008 Brookmeadow $255,000 10724 Haven Creek Court $437,000 8879 Larchwood $235,000 9211 Mill Hollow Drive $559,000 9810 Buxhill $229,000 9619 Highland View $155,000 10123 Linkwood $249,000 9610 Trailview $315,000


Saturday, April 24, 2010


The race will begin and end in front of Lake Highlands High School

9449 Church Rd., Dallas, TX 75238

A Community Carnival will follow across the street at Lake Highlands North Recreation Center


7:00 am Race day registration & packet pick up

7:30 am Pump up the LH Spirit!

8:00 am 1 Mile Family Walk begins

8:30 am Community Carnival begins

8:45 am Run the Highlands 5K begins

9:45 am Awards Ceremony


Individual: $15 on or before April 15

$20 after April 15

$25 Race Day

$10 Kids 3-12 (no deadline)

Families: $50 (2 adults & kids under 12) Entry fees are non-refundable.


Join us for food and fun after

the race. Including bounce houses, children’s activities, raffle drawings and MORE!


Bib numbers can be entered for raffle prizes following the race. Number must be placed in basket at the finish line. Grand prize is a one year family membership to the Lake Highlands Family YMCA.


Special awards for top overall and masters male and female finishers. Awards for top three male and female finishers in the following age groups: 0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+


Special Run the Highlands is a certified 5K and will be timed by Racing Systems using state of the art electronic timing.

Please make checks payable to: LHJWL 4950Keller Springs #340 Addison, Texas 75001

Those wishing to pay by credit card may register online at www.lhjwl.org

You must wear the timing device on your shoe to receive an official time and be eligible for awards. Chips may be picked up on race day near registration with your race number.


Not a runner? Want to participate as a family? This event is for those not interested in running! Come enjoy a brisk morning walk with family, friends and neighbors!


The first 800 participants will receive a Run the Highlands t-shirt. T-shirt sizes are not guaranteed.


Photographs will be available at www.celebratedimages.com.


Parking is available at the recreation center and both LHHS parking lots.


Visit www.lhjwl.org for additional information. You may register for the event online at www.runontexas.com. Online registration ends Tuesday, April 20 at noon.

Registration Form

Please complete a separate form for each participant

Name: ______________________________

Age (as of 4/25/09):______________________

Date of Birth: _________________________

Sex: Male Female

Address: _____________________________

City: ____________ State:_____ Zip: ______

Email: _______________________________ Day Phone: ___________________________

Dallas Run-On, 5400 E. Mockingbird #114 Richardson Run-On, 1469 W. Campbell at Coit

Lake Highlands North Recreation Center

5K Run 1 Mile Family Fun Walk (please circle) Adult

On or before April 15, 2009 $15

After April 15, 2009 $20

Race Day $25

Kids 3-12 (no deadline) $10

2 adults and kids under 12 $50 $_______

Total Amount: $_______

Signature of participant or parent/guardian Race Day, Lake Highlands High School
S(6-8) M(10-12)
Child XS(2-4)
LHJWL Member Name: Run the Highlands is sanctioned by the USA Track & Field. I am a voluntary participant in this event, and in good physical condition. I know that this event is a potentially hazardous activity and I hereby assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident that may occur during my participation in this event or while on the premises of this event. I hereby release and hold harmless and covenant not to file suit against the Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League, any affiliated individuals, any race sponsors and all other persons or entities associated with this event from any loss, liability, or claims I may have arising from my participation. T-shirt size is not guaranteed. For tax deductibility,please see www.lhjwl.org. PLEASE NOTE: Non-contending/slower* participants may be asked to stop along the course to allow traffic or medical/fire/police emergency vehicles to pass. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, City of Dallas Special Events Office (*Non-contending/slower: Participants not in contention for an awards position/place.) 4/24/10) REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH PARTICIPANT April 15, 2010 April 15, 2010 4/24 4/23 4/21 - 4/23
8 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands 38 healing together lake highlands families with loved ones facing serious mental illnesses learn that they are not to blame, and are not alone. 43 h ead for the hills a lake highlands man says his goats motivated him to build one of texas’ best mountain biking trails. in every issue department columns opening remarks10 /letters12 / grab-bag14 / happenings24 / food + wine26 / news + notes57 / worship56 / scene + heard49 / crime57 / last word58 advertising dining guide27 / the goods17 / health resources39 / education guide42 / bulletin board49 / home services51 6301 Gaston Ave., Ste. 820, Dallas, TX 75214 p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com features Against the Odds Meet four high school seniors who beat adversity and rose to the top
28 In thIs Issue
Photo by can turkyilmaz

search: wet-dry vote on


Every day on the Back Talk Blog, you can find several spankingnew posts about breaking news, dining, arts, events, City Hall happenings, interesting people, high school sports, street closings, public meetings, and so much more. Last month, we wrote about the city’s budget troubles and


“Your rant sounds like a blast from the Laura Miller past: ‘Just give me total authority and I can fix the city.’ At least she had the guts to run for public office. When can I expect your announcement as a candidate for mayor or city council?” —JIM

Search: missed opportunity


Like our Facebook fan Jean-Marie Roman who picked up a pair of Stars tickets in one of our regular giveaways at facebook.com/ AdvocateMagazines


Not just words — we’re also bringing video, like the recent high school drum off outside City Hall.

Search: drum roll

LAUNCH 15 SHE’S A REAL GEM At 90 years old, this jewelry store owner is still shining strong. 18 KEYS TO GOOD HEALTH A little piano music is just what this doctor ordered. 22 QUESTIONING CHRISTIANITY A Lake Highlands native stars in a documentary about exploring faith, which premieres this Easter season. 15 18 24 26 IN THISISSUE volume 18 number 4_LH APRIL/2010
“What happens if the city schedules a wet-dry election, but state law makes the result moot for part of the city?”
advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010


Facebook and Twitter might hinder us more than they help

When I go into a meeting these days, many of my co-workers — most of the young ones, anyway — do exactly the same thing.

They plop into a chair, pop some food or drink into their mouths, and crack open their laptops.

And so the meeting begins, with one laptop staring at another laptop, and the human behind the laptop relatively obscured from the view of most everyone in the room. And as we discuss whatever we’re there to discuss, emails ding and Tweets fly and Facebook sites are updated, all while we’re talking about what we’re being paid to talk about.

Don’t get me wrong. I have no complaints about my co-workers’ work habits or their output in fact

they’re hard at work tweeting and updating for Advocate’s social media (advocatemag.com/newmedia). But as someone who prefers actual face time to electronic face time, it seems as if the world is devolving into a frenzy of social networking.

And although I’m sure this will sound a little crotchety, I don’t know if this is a good thing.

As I read our cover story this month about outstanding high school seniors who have overcome long odds to graduate, I noticed that none of these students mentioned the pivotal role their laptop played in conquering their challenges. They didn’t talk about how social networking helped them reach their dreams. They didn’t even wax poetic about how the hours they spent texting monosyllabic responses to friends’ monosyllabic comments were contributing to society.

Instead, they told us stories that in today’s world seem kind of dated, tales that involved rising above obstacles the old-fashioned way — working hard, getting hands dirty (figuratively and literally), receiving help from friends and family, and simply bearing down to reach a goal.

So there’s the rub: Are all of the electronics we carry around really helping

us accomplish the dreams we once had for ourselves?

The truth is that I’m never alone anymore, because my smart phone sees to it that I’m not left to daydream or ponder anything quietly the phone is too demanding, too insistent, too disruptive.

But how much value is there in the time we spend in constant communication with one another, learning instantaneously who went to lunch where and what so-and-so had to say about such-and-such and then passing that information along immediately to someone else waiting breathlessly to find out who has what to say about all of that?

Yes, we can be in constant touch with just about anyone and everyone. And yes, there is a definite business and, sometimes, personal value in constant communication.

But on another level, how much does being in constant touch help or hinder achieving our dreams?

These high school kids show us that, even when we’re completely untethered from the electrical outlet, the old-school ways can still make a difference in our lives.

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10 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Advoc A te p ublishing / 6301 g aston Avenue, s uite 820, d allas, t X 75214 ric K WAM re | president to M Z ielins K i | vice-president Advocate, © 2010, is published monthly by east dallas lakewood people inc. contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are
upon request. Advocate publications
free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com OPENING REMARKS
are available
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate publishing. let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 gaston, suite 820, dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or e-mail to rwamre@advocatemag.com.
smart move nathan-grace.com Paradise Slaughter REAL ESTATE GROUP Peggy Hill 214.632.6630 Kay Wheeler 214.458.3426 Betsy Troup 214.415.3653 Nancy Plotts 214.240.7096 Amy Timmerman 214.395.4062 Marcia Timmerman 214.392.3708 Leslie Price 214.769.8794 Mark Slaughter 214.417.0950 Amy D.B. White 214.914.0803 Carrie Hill 214.298.4038 Wendy Lucas 214.384.2050 Rucker Hill 214.763.7395

blog& back talk comments


I am a member of Lake Highlands United Methodist Church and, while not an active Off-Campus Ministries volunteer, I have supported the Audelia Manor ministry by providing and serving the annual Thanksgiving meal, along with others, for the past several years. [ Advocate Back Talk Blog, “Dallas Housing Authority halts worship services at Audelia Manor”]. I am outraged that one small-minded local bureaucrat has taken it upon herself to deny these elderly, homebound residents the opportunity to freely exercise their religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution! I encourage every Advocate reader who believes in individual freedom to call or write Councilman Jerry Allen and Mayor Tom Leppert to demand that they rectify this gross injustice and intrusion by the DHA.

This is government bureaucracy at its worst. Hopefully Councilman Allen and Mayor Leppert will see the extraordinary good LHUMC is doing for our neighborhood and for these people. And hopefully

12 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
on the web
“I am outraged that one small-minded local bureaucrat has taken it upon herself to deny these elderly, homebound residents the opportunity to freely exercise their religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution!”

this small-minded bureaucrat will be given something useful to do, maybe filling potholes.



Thank God for people speaking out! Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.


I’m shocked — an actual rational decision by a government agency. Did I just see a pig fly by my window?



As a 15-year resident who lives a stone’s throw from Liberty Junior High, I want to express my appreciation to Mr. Killinger and Mr. Pino for their vision and perseverance [“Apartment Turnover”, March

Advocate ]. My kids are 11 and 9 years old. Your efforts, along with Councilman Jerry Allen’s determination, offer economical and emotional upside that will carry on for many years. My sister and brother-in-law live seven houses up the street, on Lawler, and are planning to start a family soon. Your stick-to-your-guns mentality will really help to bring back this neighborhood. My wife and I drive by the front entrance to The Madeline every day. We cannot thank you enough!



13 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands April 2010
to read
comment on this month’s stories
daily Back Talk blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine. on the web
“Your stick-to-yourguns mentality will really help to bring back this neighborhood.”

Remodeling Talk...

5 Steps for Keeping Your Renovation on Time and on Budget

You’ve been dreaming of expanding your home and finally being able to enjoy the space your growing family needs. Or perhaps a showcase kitchen where you’ll create lasting memories entertaining friends and relatives during the holidays. Maybe even a modernized, open floor plan, an invigorating bathroom remodel, or a custom exterior “facelift.”

Whatever you envision, you deserve to have your project completed on time and on budget. These suggestions should ensure a smooth process and a finished result you’ll love when you hire a qualified remodeling company like BellaVista:

Request a Written Proposal

Once you have decided on which remodeling company to use, request a written proposal that includes all the key details of your discussions. This establishes your need for accountability, since often, two people remember conversations differently.

Get a Fully-Detailed Contract

Successful projects begin with a good contract, but many contracts leave out important details. Make sure yours covers the scope of

work, project timetable, payment schedule, project closure procedures (including how to address warrantable items), and detailed specifications for all products and materials. Be sure it includes insurance and permit information, procedures for handling change orders, lien releases, and details on home access and cleanup.

Have a Kick-Off Meeting

Without an upfront kick-off meeting at your home, with your salesperson, the Project Manager, and the construction team, conflict will be inevitable. This is the time to talk about your big picture ideas, your needs, and expectations. Get a firm agreement on the schedule of your project and the key milestones involved. Learn what times of day crews will be working, when you and your family can and cannot be present, and how access, cleanup and protection of your property will be handled.

You may want to change materials or other details during the job. Agree with your Project Manager on how these changes will be handled and ask how they will affect the schedule and the budget.

Request the Schedule in Writing

Ask for the schedule and milestone details you discussed at the kick-off in writing. This will hold both you and your remodeler mutually accountable to the project’s completion date.

Be Flexible

There is no way around this fact: remodeling will cause an interruption of your normal life. Remember to be flexible and attentive in discussions with your Project Manager. A reputable company like BellaVista respects that it is your home, and choices from material selection to structural options should be yours. Your timely cooperation and decision-making will help to expedite the building process. No matter which remodeler you choose, we at BellaVista wish you all the satisfaction you deserve during the process, and with the final result. As always, please feel free to call and consider us for your dream project.

6318 Gaston Avenue Suite 202 Dallas TX 75214 (214) 823-0033
1) Tear Here Advertising Supplement 2) 3)
Lance Tyler and Darin Breedlove, CR, CGR, CGP, CAPS


To say MAXINE BENNETT is well-traveled would be an understatement. But even after seeing the world, she says only one locale will always holds a special place in her heart: the small West Texas valley Castle Gap, nestled between King and Castle mountains. It has long lured many hopeful explorers with the promise of treasure, but none have ever discovered it. Bennett grew up watching those explorers comb the earth for hidden riches and now, at 90 years young, she spends her days helping shoppers find treasures of a different sort at her jewelry store, Castle Gap, named for the lore that inspired her so long ago.

Before you opened your jewelry store, you were quite the jetsetter. Tell me about that.

My husband was the superintendent of a drilling company for many years, so we traveled all over the world. I traveled with him for 13 years, doing mostly office administration work, and I’ve been to 31 countries.

Which was your favorite?

Mozambique, because it was so safe and so clean. And the income tax was so fair!

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010
APRIL 2010
Let us know about it: Call editor Christina Hughes Babb at 214.560.4204 or e-mail launch@advocatemag.com.
VIEW A VIDEO of Maxine Bennett at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands

Announcing the GRAND OPENING of the C. C. Young Rehabilitation Facility

On April 10th, the Tradition Continues

C.C. Young’s Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic is a part of the new Center for Wellness and Renewal. Our licensed therapists provide comprehensive programs in physical, occupational, and speech therapy for patients recovering from major surgery, strokes, heart attacks, neurological and orthopedic conditions, sports related injuries, pain management and other illnesses, injuries and disabilities. Our Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic complements our already existing rehabilitation services provided in our skilled nursing center and our home health. Each patient’s needs are evaluated by our licensed therapists and a customized program is developed for them. Services provided in the Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinic are:

Functional Capacity Assessments

Physical therapy

Occupational therapy Speech therapy

Saturday, April 10th from 10am - Noon: New Rehabilitation Center Open House at C.C. Young


I ASSUME YOUR TRAVELS INCLUDED SOME PRETTY MEMORABLE MOMENTS. TELL ME ONE OF THEM. In 1969 we were in Libya when a coup d’état overthrew the monarchy and took control. The takeover happened quickly, and within a couple of hours the entire city was shut down — but I didn’t know what had happened, so I drove to work like any normal day. When I got there, they told me what had happened and sent me back home. We were all in our homes for three days until I looked out the window and saw the curfew had been lifted. When I left, I was stopped by someone on the street who told me the Americans were invading, and that I needed to get back home, so I did! I was back in my house for another three days before it was finally safe for me to go back to work.


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A Dallas Landmark Retirement Community with a “Constellation of Services and Programs” to invigorate your life and promote wellness in “Body, Mind and Spirit.”

It was just so beautiful out there. I remember the sky was so clear you could see every little star at night. Growing up out there, I certainly had my fair share of digging and treasure hunting, which was always an adventure — we had to watch for rattlesnakes. The beauty and adventure of that place inspired me to open this jewelry store because I wanted the store to be a place where anyone could find treasure when they walked in.


It’s a cottage industry, which means nothing is manufactured. Every piece is different and reflects the artist. I really like that about it.


The Navajo and Zuni tribes, mostly from Southern California and New Mexico, as well as a few local artists.


Well, I just point my fingers now, most of the time. But I’ve always worked at something or other, and always been open-minded. I just do it. This store is my own treasure, and I share it with my family and the customers who come in.

or Visit www.ccyoung.org

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
LAUNCHgrab-bag Buckner Blvd. Abrams Road Lawther Dr. Northwest Hwy. White Rock Lake Mockingbird Lane Rehab Facility at C. C. Young Audelia Roa d CALL 214.874.7474


Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits


... at a big Lake Highlands Area Early Childhood

PTA fundraising event

in conjunction with the group’s 50th anniversary that’s half a century of supporting Lake Highlands’ children, families and community. This month the organization’s sixth annual tour of homes plus a brunch and auction aim to raise funds so that LHAECPTA can continue to make a positive impact on our neighborhood. Three Lake Highlands homes — including one of a former HGTV “Design Star” contestant are on the Wednesday, April 14 tour that kicks off at the Highland Oaks Church of Christ at 8:45 a.m. The silent auction features kids’ items and activities, gift baskets and entertainment event packages, to name a few, and because the event serves as the April LHECPTA meeting, childcare will be available, for a fee, in the church nursery. Tickets are $25. Find more information at lhaecpta.org.


... at Run the Highlands, April 24 at Lake Highlands North Park. Proceeds from the annual Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League fun run will be used to beautify the Lake Highlands North recreation center by creating a mainhallway mural that will highlight the center’s playground, sprayground, pond fountain, the loop trail and a hint of the Lake Highlands High School football stadium, and capture what the center means to the neighborhood. Register at runontexas.com. Learn more about the junior women’s league at lhjwl.org.

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.



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New! Tops by Scala. Yoga mats, block, bolsters, books, clothing for yoga & pilates. Now also carrying buckwheat hull sleeping pillows. 6039 Oram (at Skillman) 214.534.4469 yogamartusa.com

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010

Financingfor whatever movesyou.

music practice

Dental offices often offer quiet, stuffy, stark environs marked primarily with tidy piles of drab magazines and the occasional framed painting on a white wall. So the player piano in Dr. T. Bob Davis’ Lake Highlands waiting room is striking — even more so when he steps out of his examination room to play a ditty (which he says he doesn’t do as often as he’d like — he’s got teeth to fix, you understand). Pleasant tunes, a fireplace and big comfy swivel rocking chairs keep you atypically cozy while awaiting your root canal. There’s nothing typical about this dentist, in fact — for the past 33 years he has led mission trips to Matamoras, Mexico, to treat

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
informationonourcompetitiverates. StateFarmBank HomeOffice:Bloomington,IL P096011 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 4.59APR* % ASLOWAS *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as of 02/24/10. Subject to credit approval and other requirements. The rate you receive may be higher. Advertised rates are subject to change at the Bank’s discretion. Some products and services may not be available in all service areas. Jim
11807 Preston Road Bus: 214-349-7455 www.jimcollinsclu.com
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children at the Matamoras Orphanage. Last month he led a group of 100 or so dental students and volunteer doctors who treated about 200 children. He loves tinkling the keys for kids at the orphanage or in his office, but he also has recorded seven albums. In 2002 one of them was nominated for a Grammy. “All of my recordings are sacred/ inspirational, but the Grammys don’t have that category, so I was nominated in the ‘pop/instrumental’ category,” he says. “But I like playing anything pop, country and western, the music of yesteryear — and I’ll do banquets, weddings and, sometimes, a funeral.”

Juliette Fowler Homes

Independent & Assisted Living

Nestled near Lakewood, Fowler’s beautifully landscaped 16 ½ acre campus, offers an intimate alternative for gracious retirement living. In addition to having a variety of apartment layouts to choose from, our residents come together for delicious meals in our comfortable dining rooms or take advantage of the beautiful courtyards and gardens. You may enjoy our well appointed club rooms, beauty salon/ barber shop, exercise room, wellness clinic and the campus pool, chapel and libraries. You may also take advantage of a variety of special monthly events and daily activities.


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Recuperate and rehabilitate while experiencing our state of the art therapy center and enjoying the amenities found at Fowler’s gracious Lakewood campus.

Come join us today!

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010
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A VIDEO at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands


I’ve got chemical waste, a broken computer, old batteries and other VARIOUS THINGS hanging out in my garage — how do I DISPOSE of them?

No matter what strange things are hiding in your attic, garage or storage space, it’s likely the City of Dallas has provisions for getting rid of them.

Dallas residents can dispose of most of these kinds of waste for free. Here’s how it works:


Take the following waste to the Home Chemical Collection Center at 11234 Plano Road for free disposal:

Chemical products for home use

·Paint and home repair products

Lawn and garden chemicals

·Aerosol sprays

·Pool Chemicals

Craft and hobby supplies

Cleaners and polishes


·Automotive fluids and oil filters

Fluorescent light tubes

Computers and cell phones

Collection center hours are Tuesday, 9 a.m.–7:30 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.; and the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, 9 a.m.3 p.m. Make sure to take your driver’s license and water bill as proof of residence so you don’t have to pay. Residents of all other cities must pay a minimum $95 disposal fee; your water bill proves that you pay City of Dallas sanitation fees.


Various components of televisions and computers can be harmful to the environment if they are improperly thrown away. Dallas residents have a

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
LANDSCAPE DESIGN / INSTALLATION YEARLY MAINTENANCE SEASONAL COLOR TURF INSTALLATION FENCEINSTALLATION CONVENIENT MONTHLY BILLING 214-275-4998 www.landmlandscape.com Owner: Todd Daugherty Lake Highlands Class of ‘86 Texas A&M Class of ‘90 Serving your lawn care needs since 1993 WE ACCEPT: CC 1st Month Free Call for Details You can always spot a Brumley Garden. Put your landscape in our hands ... from formal to natural free form styles. Brumley Gardens is ready to design the perfect landscape for you. Our staff includes Texas Master Certified Nursery Professionals, Horticulturists, & Landscape Designers. LBJ CHURCH RD LNUT WALNUTHILLHILL 75-CENTRAL ABRAMS AUDELIA FERNDALE PLANO RD KINGSLEY Est. 1989 10540 Church Rd. (at the Plano Rd. LBJ Exit) Open 7 Days A Week Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun 9-5 214.343.4900 BrumleyGardens.com One coupon per customer/may not be combined with any other offer. ADV #4-2010 One coupon per customer/may not be combined with any other offer. ADV #4-2010 One coupon per customer/may not be combined with any other offer. ADV #4-2010 $5.00 OFF any purchase of $25.00 or more. $10.00 OFF any purchase of $50.00 or more. Impatiens and Begonias $14.99 reg $18.99 18 ct Flat cash and carry.

couple of options when looking to rid themselves of old “e-waste”.

3. If your electronics are still in working condition, consider donating them rather than just giving them away. Most Goodwill locations will accept working televisions and computers. East Dallas residents can take donations to the drop-off center in front of Albertson’s at 6464 Mockingbird. Find other locations at goodwill.org; all Goodwill drop-off centers are open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

If your electronics are not in working condition you can recycle them at any one of Dallas’ four e-cycling locations, also free to Dallas residents. The one in our neighborhood is 7677 Fair Oaks, open Wednesday and Saturday from 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., 214.670.6126. Residents should bring their driver’s license and water bill to keep from being charged for the service. Non-Dallas residents are charged $21 a ton.


For nearly three decades our name has been synonymous with the successful marketing of Dallas’ finest modern and contemporary homes.


For more information, contact the City of Dallas Sanitation Department at 214.670.3555.


GOTA MAZE YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR WAYTHROUGH? Email howitworks@advocatemag.com with your question.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010

beware of christians


WHEN: Friday, April 2 at 7 and 9:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 3 at 2, 7 and 9:30 p.m.

WHERE: Lakewood Theater, 1825 Abrams

COST: $10, $8 for Saturday matinee

It might seem ironic that Michael Allen, a self-described “church kid”, is starring in a documentary titled “Beware of Christians”. “I called myself a Christian, went to church, prayed, all that stuff,” Allen says, “but I don’t think I was really exposed much to radical faith until college.” Allen, a Texas A&M senior, and three other college students from Dallas traveled around the world last summer, asking questions of themselves and others, trying to figure out what faith is all about and who (and if) God really is. Allen, whose family lives in Lake Highlands, says initially the project was born out of the young men’s cynicism toward the church. “I appreciate my upbringing, and it’s definitely shaped my worldview, but I also feel that I have a personal worldview that stands alone from my parents’ or my neighborhood’s beliefs,” Allen says. “In college I started to rethink what being a Christian really meant.” The film premieres Easter weekend at the Lakewood Theater, and though Allen believes it has a hopeful message of redemption and renewal, “don’t expect a typical Christian film,” he says. “We invite you to struggle with us as we ask ourselves, and God, some tough questions about what living a Jesus lifestyle really looks like, independent of American middle-class standards, traditions and expectations.”

TO BUY TICKETS: bewareofchristians.com

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
LAUNCHgrab-bag Let us know about it: Call
Babb at 214.560.4204 or e-mail launch@advocatemag.com.
editor Christina Hughes
THE REALTOR YOU KNOW AND TRUST Mary Poss 214.738.0777 mary@dallastex.com

PETPAUSE come on in, the water’s fine!

Spring Break means pool time for 1 1/2-year-old boxer Zoe, even if it’s still a bit chilly for people parents JOSE ROBLES and his son, DAVID, who live in Lake Highlands.

couch, curtains west elm jeans, jacket american apparel shoes index skateboarding watch centre t-shirt kidrobot check out more birds of a feather at mockingbirdstation.com

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010 grab-bagLAUNCH Send a non-returnable photo to: Pet Pause, 6301 Gaston, Ste. 820, Dallas 75214; or e-mail jpeg to launch@advocatemag.com



It’s not a Superman convention; it’s Richland College’s seventh annual music festival featuring steel drums. Daytime concerts from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. are free, and feature the Richland College

Steel Sound band and the Carnival of Steel Massed Steel Band. Music will range from Caribbean and Latin to classical and rock. A $5 demonstration clinic is at 5 p.m., and the big event is an 8 p.m. concert featuring steel pan recording artist Andy Narell, Trinidadian calypso artist David Rudder and Puerto Rico native Jose Aponte, who is a Latin drummer and University of North Texas music instructor. The concert is $15. Tickets are available by calling Derrick Logozzo at 972.238.6254 or emailing him at dlogozzo@dcccd.edu. This year’s carnival is being combined with Dia de la Familia, a festival with food, children’s activities, health and public service booths, and college information. The festival aims to spark interest among Hispanics in going to college.

Fannin Hall, 12800 Abrams, rlc.dcccd.edu/carnivalofsteel. —RACHeL SToNe

04.03 EASTER


The annual egg hunt from 10 a.m.noon also features a petting zoo, puppet show, face painter, bounce house, crafts and goodies. Lake Highlands United Methodist Church, 9015 Plano.

04.10 SPRING CLEAN UP FREE For the Love of the Lake’s second Saturday spruce-up starts at 8 a.m. Meet at the nonprofit’s headquarters at Buckner and Garland, just below Another Broken Egg Café. 214.660.1100 or whiterocklake.org.



FREE The 1-6 p.m. event includes celebrity readers, storytelling, puppet shows, arts and crafts, and music. Local and national awardwinning authors and illustrators will be on hand for book readings, informal illustration workshops and autographs; a portion of the proceeds from books sold by these guest authors and illustrators will benefit local nonprofit Rainbow Days, Inc. NorthPark Center’s NorthCourt, 214.887.0726 or rdikids.org.

04.18 CHICKEN COOP TOUR FREE A Peep at the Coops urban chicken coop tour includes simple set-ups and creative coops near White Rock Lake. The self-guided tour is from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. A map is available at apeepatthecoops.blogspot.com.

24 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
CASINO NIGHT $60 The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands’s annual dinner, casino party and auction is its biggest fundraiser. Proceeds from the party fund service projects in Lake Highlands. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the party starts at 7 p.m. Park Lane Ranch, 8787 Park Lane, lhexchangeclub.org.
go online @ Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.
in APR il


The fifth annual Run the Highlands 5k and 1-mile family walk benefits the Lake Highlands North Recreation Center renovation project. The walk starts at 8 a.m., and the 5k is at 8:45 a.m. Register online at lhjwl.org or runontexas.com. Registration is $15 before April 12, $20 after April 12, and $25 on race day. Children ages 3-12 can participate for $10.


Landscape designer Sheryl Burek of Colorful Impressions teaches this noon class on how to save money by growing a vegetable garden. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland. 214.515.6500 or dallasarboretum.org.


$10-$15 The fifth annual tour benefitting Hexter Elementary School features four midcentury modern homes, including two that were designed by Ju-Nel Homes, and a new green home from Alan Hoffman. The tour is from noon-5 p.m. Tickets are $15 on the day of the tour. 972.502.5815 or whiterockhometour.org.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010
happeningsLAUNCH LET RON’S ORGANICS HELP AERATE YOURLAWN. MOW FLOW & GROWSPECIALS Weekly mowing $25 and up Natural treatments $50 (5k sq. ft.) Sprinkler check-up $50 Now is the time to aerate to reduce the compaction for a healthy SUMMER LAWN. We’re here to help, naturally.
Aeration is the Answer!
All the
SNOW has made your soil extremely compact.


YOU wON ’T FiND A sTOvE , OvEN OR MiCROwAvE inside the kitchen at Bliss Raw Café. Like the name suggests, everything here is raw, which means it’s all made from unprocessed plant foods that haven’t been heated above 115 degrees. We know what you’re thinking: That must mean a lot of salad, and not much else. But Bliss is proof that a little innovation can go a long way. Using dehydrators, steamers and pure culinary genius, the folks here have crafted a menu that actually delivers on health without skimping on flavor. Case in point, the coconut kale enchiladas. Instead of fried tortillas, the tender marinated kale is served inside a wrap made from young coconut meat, sundried tomatoes and spices, so it has that peppery, robust flavor you’re expecting. And instead of cheese, the enchiladas are topped with a cashew blend, which lends just the right creaminess. If you get thirsty, try the hemp horchata or one of the elixirs filled with super foods, like goji berries from Tibet, which Chinese lore contends will keep your skin supple. And go ahead and order that cheesecake — it has no dairy, sugar or artificial sweeteners, yet somehow, it still tastes just like the real deal. Here, you really can pig out sans the remorse. Now that’s true bliss.





26 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands MARK DAVIS LAUNCHfood&wine
Three more spots to veg out 1
Cafeteria Create your own veggie plate for just $6 with choices such as i talian eggplant, baked parmesan tomatoes, spinach quiche and candied yams. BUCKNER & GARLAND 214.324.5000 HiGHLANDPARKCAFETERiA .COM 2 t ukta tH ai Practice your golf swing on the putting green while you wait for a spicy veggie stir-fry, or try one of the noodle dishes with tofu. PLANO & wALNUT HiLL 214.342.0121 3 Hig H lands Café Try the veggie burger or go for the veggie sandwich, made with cream cheese, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, red onion, havarti and guacamole on toasted wheat. AUDELiA & wALNUT HiLL 214.349.2233 HiGHLANDsCAFE COM Delicious. A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood viEw A viDEO at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/dining Visit our website at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/dining food and Wine online @
Chanterelle Stack Salad
Hig H land Park


$ MOST ENTREES UNDER $10 / $$ BETWEEN $10-$20 / $$$ ABOVE $20 /


Another Broken Egg just celebrated its one year anniversary serving the most unique breakfast, brunch, and lunch in Dallas. Come try our updated menu serving oscar benedict, eggs sardou, and the first ever lobster omelette in Dallas. Every Tuesday is Seniors’ Tuesdays, 50 % off your bill. We also do private parties and banquets at night. Enjoy the unique ability to host your private function with the entire restaurant at your disposal. Locally owned by Chris Harwood and Michael Obrien. 1152 N Buckner Blvd (across from Doctors Hospital) 214.954.7182.


30 years of Texas-style BBQ. Family dining –8 different meats, variety of homemade vegetables. Complete catering & custom cooking. Beer, wine, margaritas. 6940 Greenville Ave. 214.696.6940.

CHUBBY’S $ When looking for a restaurant to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, we all want a place that serves up variety, hearty helpings and even bigger portions of friendliness. The Touris family has developed a recipe that delivers all of the above at a good price. With four locations in the Metroplex, Chubby’s Family Restaurant provides a rustic setting with down home cooking. Catering available. Locations: 11331 E. NW Hwy. 214-3486065 and 7474 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. 972-298-1270.


Szechwan and Mandarin cuisine. Close to 100 items in this reasonably priced menu and buffet. Wonderful selection of grilled steak, shrimp, crab ragoon, sesame chicken, chow-mein, fried rice, egg roll and desserts. Established 1980. Clean and spacious dining room. 1152 N. Buckner Blvd. 75218. 214.321.7599. www.szechwanpavilion.com.



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advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010
on storefront/ food & dining
Lunch & Dinner specials starting at
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cheers, y’all


Good wine is being made right here in the Lone there’s something all Texans can raise a glass to.

Regional wine, for years laughed at and looked types, is suddenly hip. This winter, a national survey National Restaurant Association identified regional as one of the top food trends in the country. Chefs ranked with locally grown produce, locally sourced seafood, and sustainability at the top of the list of culinary items.

This is huge news, especially for those of us who championed regional and Texas wine and felt — shall we say? — ignored. This new respect for local many reasons, not the least of which is that chefs and restaurants are discovering that local can give them a leg up in an increasingly competitive business environment. But also important is that the quality of regional wine has improved dramatically over the past decade.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Texas, where the improvement in quality has been impressive. Today, it’s no big deal to find a professional, competently made Texas wine; that wasn’t necessarily true at the turn of the century.

To that end, here are three Texas wines that show how far the business has come and that you almost certainly haven’t heard of.

All are available from the winery:

Grape Creek Vineyards Viognier 2008 ($17): Some of the best viognier in the U.S. is made Texas, and that includes California’s efforts. This a sophisticated, complex white wine with peach pit and apricot flavors — people who only drink chardonnay should try it.



Landon Winery Tempranillo 2008 ($25): Texas, especially in the high plains, has many similarities climate and geography with Spain, where tempranillo is the pre-eminent red grape. The Landon, made from West Texas grapes in McKinney, shows the quality tempranillo that the state can produce.

Haak Winery Madeira Jacquez 2006 ($40): No less an authority than Jancis Robinson, perhaps the world’s second most influential wine critic, has pronounced Haak’s madeira-style dessert wines as world-class. This wine is made with the jacquez, or black Spanish grape, a hybrid popular in Texas and grown on the Gulf Coast for this wine.


appear every Wednesday on the Advocate Back Talk blog, advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog.

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands LAUNCHfood&wine
DALLASOPERA.ORG MOBYDICK APR 30 / MAY 02m, 05, 08, 13, 16m 2010


Amazingly simple quesadillas

You know those messy, sloppy stomach-pain-inducing quesadillas the chain joints serve? These aren’t it. They’re tasty, easy to make and require nothing more than what most of us have in the pantry or refrigerator. They’re a quick lunch or even an entree; just add some leftover chicken. Serve with your favorite Texas wine.

Serves four, takes about 12 minutes

1 to 1-1/2 c best quality green salsa

1 bunch cilantro, chopped

16 flour tortillas

1 c grated white cheese

1. Divide the ingredients into eight equal portions, and place between two tortillas.

2. Grill the tortillas in a skillet over medium heat for a couple of minutes on each side.

ask the WINE GUY?


A. Texas had a thriving wine industry before Prohibition, but Val Verde Winery in Del Rio, founded in 1883, is the only pre-Prohibition winery remaining. The modern Texas wine business can be traced to the mid-1970s, when Springtown, Llano Estacado and Fall Creek wineries opened. Today, there are some 200 wineries in the state, including more than 40 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010 food&wineLAUNCH
taste@advocatemag.com GROCERY LIST 6316 Gaston Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 On the corner of Gaston & La Vista, across from Starbucks 214.823.LAKE (5253) dentalcenteroflakewood.com dentalcenteroflakewood Travis Spillman, DDS Now that’s something to smile about! WINE CLASSES TAUGHT BY EXPERTS in your own home The perfect gift for the budding oenophile. In two hours of enjoyable instruction and tasting, you’ll be an expert too! 214-727-1992 twowineguys.com

The OF

Measure Success

So said Booker T. Washington, who was born a slave and died an orator, author and educator.

if his words are true, then these high school seniors already have achieved more success than many of us will ever realize. Despite the obstacles in their way, they have pressed forward.

Walking across the stage at graduation will not be the finish line. For these neighborhood students, it will only be the beginning.

30 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”
31 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands April 2010

James Duke

James Duke is nervous. The problem? Two universities have offered him an athletic scholarship, and he has to choose one of them.


Not a terrible problem to have, especially when you consider the young football player’s roots — if not for sports and the generosity of others, he wouldn’t have this decision to make, he says.

By the time he was in fifth-grade, Duke says, he was headed down a destructive path. He had no male role model, no stability and no good reason to stay out of trouble, he says.

“i was young. We were constantly

moving from school to school. My dad was in jail the first 13 years of my life. i was always getting in trouble, stealing and always in the principal’s office,” he says.

Around that time, Duke wound up living at Family Gateway. it was during his stay at the homeless shelter that he found a reason turn his life around.

On Wednesdays, while living in the shelter and later in transitional apartments funded by Gateway, the 12-yearold participated in rainbow Days programs for at-risk children.

“We did arts and crafts — i made stuff for my mom — and we got to play basketball. i think that’s where my sports

32 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
2104 Columbian Club $142,000 UNDER CONTRACT 9235 Highedge $1350/month LEASED 214-500-0007 buyadallashome.com/ lhliving.com
9902 Windledge $285,000 9217 Clearhurst $2,000/month 10107 Parkford $1600/month We work, live and support Lake Highlands! For every house SOLD in Lake Highlands, we donate $100 to Wild for Cats. 4409 Cole #E $250,000 1111 S Akard #402 $179,000 UNDER CONTRACT
Kim Jensen • Lynn Jensen Allan English • Kristyn Summerlin John Moore • Tracey Page
Faircrest $330,000

career sort of took off.”

He joined a basketball team, and though he shortly had to move again, a seed had been planted.

“Sports changed my life,” he says.

Duke’s mom, Tonya Smith, worked hard to get an apartment in Lake Highlands because she wanted her son to attend Lake Highlands High School, he says. He made friends and joined the football team during his year at the Freshman Center, but soon financial problems claimed the family’s home.

That’s when another Lake Highlands family stepped in.

While coaching his son’s eighth-grade baseball team, Mark Dann met Duke.

“My son [Jason Dann] and James both went to Merriman Park [Elementary]. James just walked on the field one day and asked to play,” Dann recalls.

The boys formed a friendship and played freshman football together. When it became apparent Duke had to leave the district because of his impending move, Mark and his wife, Ginger, offered to let him live with them.

“His mom agreed — he lived with us during the week and visited her on weekends,” Dann says. “We had a sort of guardianship agreement that would allow him to continue school atLake Highlands.

“We felt James had a lot of potential — he hung around with the right crowd, he worked hard, and he was just a good kid. We didn’t want him to lose that. And we didn’t want to lose him on the football team, either.”

Before his junior year, Duke’s mom found another place to live in Lake Highlands. The Danns bought some furniture for the apartment, and they continue to pay for Duke’s cell phone and gym membership, Duke says.

He moved back home, but that has its share of tribulation. It’s not easy to study in the crowded apartment, Duke says. Duke, his mom, his 19-year-old brother, and his sister and her 1- and 2-year-old children all live there.

“It’s kind of tough, but you learn to block it out,” Duke says.

Despite the noise, Duke is glad to have his family around. His mom “just about cried”, he says, when she learned about the scholarship.

In the end, he chose a full scholarship to Harding University in Arkansas.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands APRIL 2010
Jan Stell 972.733.9566 Once again,Jan Stell is the #1 Lake Highlands Realtor Jan has sold and closed more homes than any other single Realtor in 2009! “You’re the Heart of my business.

The help you need. Advice you

Dewayne Chandler has a slight strut in his step and a bright smile on his face as he walks down the Lake Highlands High School hallway he’s what one might call a “people person”. Not a student, teacher or administrator passes without a mutual greeting.

You’d never take him for a guy whose dreams, just a couple years ago, had been ripped from him — but that’s what he says it felt like when he learned a medical condition would prevent him from playing football.

When he was younger, Chandler’s family moved around quite a bit. Football was more than just a sport; it provided a constant in his life that included a close-knit group of teammates.

“Moving from school to school made it tough to make friends. Football was always a way to do that,” he says.

He started playing the sport at age 5 and later participated at a handful of schools before landing at Lake Highlands. When Chandler’s mom was ready to move again, he talked her out of it.

“I begged and begged her not to go,” he says. “She gave in.”

Playing guard and defensive tackle for LHHS meant the world to Chandler. During a junior-year game, he took a hard hit. The concussion sent him to the hospital, where doctors discovered another problem. They told him that he had a congenital spine defect that made playing football perilous one wrong hit could mean permanent damage, they told him. Contact sports were unequivocally out.

“My teammates cried. I cried. A lot,” Chandler says.

He considered quitting school and getting a job. But instead, he progressively pulled himself out of the slump.

“The depression lasted a little while, but I had to move on,” he says.

Call René today for a great real estate or remodeling experience. 214-497-2035
Dewayne Chandler
can trust. René isn’t your average agent. He has many years of experience in your neighborhood, and he’s an expert remodeler as well. So whether you’re looking to turn your house into a dream home, buy new or sell for the best price, René Barrera is the agent for you. Get the Trusted Results® you deserve. ReneBarrera.com ©2010.EqualHousingOpportunity. ®

He became a football team manager, a move that required thick skin.

“ i t was tough to be there and watch them play, knowing i couldn’t. But they were my family,” Chandler says. “ i couldn’t just leave them.”

The football players have so much respect for Chandler that, though he wasn’t even playing, they voted him team captain.

“Dewayne is one of those young men who bought in, who loved the game and even when he couldn’t play, wanted to be around it. i t’s because of who he is that the players made him captain,” l HHS head football coach Scott Smith says. “He has been awesome and i have no doubt that he will be hugely successful at whatever it is he decides to do.”

Supportive family members, as well as friends from both school and his church, l a Victory in Oak Cliff, have helped Chandler remain optimistic and discover new passions.

“A friend from the football team encouraged me to join the bowling team, and i think we are pretty good,” he says with a shy smile. “My cousin, Jeremy Hamilton, told me to keep my head up, believe in myself and to find something that makes me happy and do it. So, i did that.”

i n the l a Victory choir, he found something that makes him happy.

“When you sing,” Chandler says, “everything’s gone. i t gives you an escape.”

l ess than two years later, rather than feeling devastated by the turn of events, Chandler feels empowered.

“Today i look at the spinal condition as a blessing that has opened doors and maybe allowed me to help other kids who might be going through something difficult.”

As a member of richardson iSD’s Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee (SuperSAC), a peer helper and recent recipient of the Exchange Club of lake Highlands Character Counts Award, Chandler keeps opening doors. if he has his way, he’ll be able to help others like himself.

“i want to be a radiologist i thought of that when i was in the hospital,” Chandler says. “i want to look at other people’s bones.”

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Waking up late at night to warm a bottle, changing diapers or getting a sitter so you can attend your own graduation — not the typical teen situation. But for Sabrina Aguirre, it’s “just life”.

The small-framed, soft-spoken lake Highlands High School senior was forced to make a grown-up decision when she became pregnant at age 15. She broke the news to her shocked parents, who sat down with her to discuss options.

“There are a lot of choices to make,” she says.

She decided to keep the baby and continued attending school despite frequent morning sickness.

“i was lucky,” she says, “because i had a lot of support.”

richardson iSD has a program that provides childcare for teenage parents as long as they remain in school. Her parents provide a home and support for their daughter and granddaughter, Janelle, now 2 years old.

“i understand a lot of teenage moms don’t have the opportunity that i had,” Aguirre says.

She is determined to take advantage of those unique opportunities.

“i don’t want to be another statistic,” she says.

Aguirre credits the school’s AViD (Advancement via individual Determination) college-preparation program with much of her academic success. After high school, she plans to attend college and then medical school. She says her parents will care for Janelle while she is in school.

“i will be sad leaving her,” Aguirre says, “but this will be for all of us.”

Aguirre’s father, Mike, says that’s OK.

“Absolutely,” he says. “We want to see her go to college and get into the medical field. She would be the first in the immediate family to do something like that, and we support that.”

The pregnancy and labor experience fueled Aguirre’s desire to enter the medical field.

“Being in labor made me want to be an OB/Gyn,” she says.

She hopes her experience might help others someday. While not sure if it would have made a difference for her, Aguirre says she wishes schools would teach more about birth control.

“The first time i learned about birth control in school was during a special class for pregnant students,” she says.

Once they got past the initial shock, Mike says, it was nice having a baby around.

“it was kind of like having Sabrina all over again,” he says. “i’m learning things over again, like how to properly put in a car seat, and since i work at a car dealership, that comes in handy.”

Sabrina takes complete responsibility for Janelle after school hours, Mike says. The child’s father and Sabrina Aguirre have maintained their relationship, and he contributes as much as he can, Mike says.

little Janelle brightens her mom’s life, too.

“She’s funny and smart and makes me laugh and smile. Being a teenage mom has been tough, but she has made me want to achieve more and has given me a reason to do better.”

Brandon Mason, a New Orleans kid, was visiting family in lufkin, Texas, during the summer 2005. He remembers waking up early, just a day or two into the trip, and feeling an overwhelming sense of homesickness.

“i went to find my mom and told her i wanted to go home,” he says. “She looked at me strange, and said that we couldn’t go home. instead of explaining, she turned on the TV.”

Mason, then a seventh-grader, watched as storm maps, flood images and death tolls flashed across the TV screen. it took awhile to sink in, but Mason soon understood that Hurricane Katrina had destroyed his home and everything he owned.

“later, people told me about the bridge that they got stuck on with no way out. i guess i was pretty lucky. Some of my friends, i never heard from again.

“We couldn’t go back to New Orleans, so mom moved us to Dallas. i expected cowboys and horses — i did not want to go.”

Mason, his mom and two sisters lived in hotels at first and later moved in with an aunt.

“i was depressed and nervous at first,” Mason says, “but when i started at lake Highlands Junior High, everyone was pretty accepting.”

Academically, lake Highlands is different from New Orleans “in a good way”, Mason says.

“in New Orleans, i was one of the only kids i knew who raised my hand in class and really tried to do well in

36 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Brandon Mason Sabrina Aguirre

school, but here, a lot of kids are like that. There’s a little more competition, but that’s OK.”

With eyes twinkling beneath dangling dreadlocks, Mason says he met friend Tytiana Thomas when he tagged her as competition.

“i noticed her because she was outdoing me in class, and i’m not used to that. Once i finally got her to give me her phone number, we became good friends. She has been a good influence on me.”

His participation in football and AViD he’s the club president — also has contributed to his success, he says.

“i wanted to quit AViD after the first year, but they promised it would get more meaningful over the years — it did,” Mason says. “The group kept me focused and even became like a family to me.”

Football Coach Scott Smith says Brandon, like his former teammate Dewayne Chandler, “bought into football, and the team bought into him. He’s a leader on and off the field.”

looking back, Mason believes the experience with Hurricane Katrina, however painful at the time, turned out to be a new beginning.

“i still have friends, family back in New Orleans who ask me when i’m coming home, and i tell them, ‘Dallas is home.’” view a slideshow at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands

37 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands April 2010
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Ane OjedA gripped the phOne as the concerned caller replayed the recorded message. “i am calling to say goodbye”. Ojeda recognized her son tomas’ voice. “today, at 6 o’clock, i am going to hang myself.”

Years before, tomas Ojeda had been a “happy, carefree, lighthearted young man” for whom his parents had many high aspirations, his mom says, but sometime during his freshman year at a Missouri college, where he belonged to both a fraternity and the football team, he fell into a deep depression.

“he left school. We tried anti-depressants, taking him to a psychiatrist, but he only got worse,” jane Ojeda says.

the disturbing phone call led to the first of multiple hospitalizations for tomas, who had been hearing voices for a long time, but until the first 10-day hospital stay, he had been too ashamed to admit it.

doctors initially diagnosed him with schizophrenia and treated him with medication. the next several years brought a chaotic stream of new symptoms, and varying diagnoses, doctors and medications.

jane Ojeda nearly cracked from the pressure, she says, but support from a

38 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Families struggling with mental health issues find help ‘coming to grips’ with their situations

group based in Lake Highlands — the Dallas affiliate of the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) — saved her family. In fact, to Ojeda’s surprise, several other Lake Highlands families dealing with similar issues also were finding help at NAMI.

“A counselor had told my husband and me about a support group [here in Lake Highlands], but they didn’t have another meeting for more than a month,” Ojeda says.

“I was in a meltdown, suffering from depression, anxiety … there came a day when I just couldn’t stop crying. Tomas had an appointment that day, and he practically carried me into the office — he told the [psychiatrist], ‘She needs this session more than me.’”

Jane Ojeda hung on until the meeting, NAMI’s “Family-to-Family”, a free course for families and friends of individuals with serious mental illness, which she describes as “guilt-busting”.

“The first thing they told us was, ‘It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. Oh, and also, it’s not your fault.’ It’s not that I didn’t raise him right or drink too much coffee when I was pregnant,

Help for families dealing with mental health issues:

NAMI Dallas support groups are free and meet regularly throughout the Dallas area. You can go directly to the meeting or contact the NAMI office at 214.341.7133 or nami.org.











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you know? And it’s not his fault, either he can’t just snap out of it. We got a huge amount of solid information and help coming to grips with [Tomas’ mental illness].”

That was about eight years ago. Because of how exponentially the group has grown since then, Ojeda says, a parent in her shoes wouldn’t need to wait weeks to find support.

A voluntary self-help organization, NAMI addresses the needs of people with mental illness and their families through references, support, education and advocacy, and offers regular group meetings and classes throughout the city.

Through NAMI, Jane Ojeda immediately learned that her son’s problems were more common than she knew. As soon as she arrived at her first Familyto-Family group, she spotted one of her neighbors.

“She told me about her son, who is dealing with schizophrenia, and I just thought, ‘Wow’. And soon after, another neighbor from down our street joined,” she says.

Understanding the frequency with which mental illness occurs helps to overcome the stigma. The statistics are quite surprising, NAMI Dallas executive director Matt Roberts says.

“A little more than 1 percent of the adult population lives with schizophrenia. That is a big number,” he says.

Roberts refers to a NAMI handout showing stats including: “One in four adults experience a mental health disorder in a given year; one in 17 lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder (National Institute of Health); fewer than one-third of adults and one-half of children with a diagnosable mental disorder receive mental health services in a given year (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).”

Lake Highlands parents Sandy and Morris Gregory also spent years and untold amounts of money trying to find help for their son, Jeff, who began abusing drugs in junior high school. It was after he went through treatment and began living clean and sober that symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia cropped up.

“We thought he was using drugs again,” she says. But it turned out that, all those years, the drugs had been masking a mental illness.

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Sandy Gregory volunteers at NAMI in preparation for the organization’s May 1 fundraiser. She says this is one way she can give back to those who have helped her family.
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The Gregorys took their son, in his early 30s at the time, to a treatment center in Connecticut. It was there that a counselor told them about NAMI.

The person with the mental illness obviously needs help, but family members need help, too.

“They told us we needed support, and we did,” Sandy Gregory says. “We were not trained in how to deal with this. We went all the way to Connecticut to try to get Jeff help, but we found NAMI close to home, and it has changed our lives.”

Roberts says NAMI exists to support the family as well as the “consumer” — the term used to describe the person being treated for mental illness.

“It is not in a family’s DNA to understand how to live with chronic illness,” Roberts says. “Our goal is to help people with serious mental illness, such as major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, and their loved ones, improve their lives.”

Jane Ojeda says that family members can receive help even when the mentally ill person isn’t ready to get help.

“I realize how lucky I am to have a son who is [in recovery],” she says. “Some of the other group members have loved ones in prison or on the streets because they aren’t willing to admit the illness.”

Not only is Tomas Ojeda working to recover today, he also is helping others he co-facilitates one of the consumer support groups, speaks publicly about mental health issues, and serves on NAMI’s Board Members At-Large.

“He was once so ashamed,” his mom says, “but today he’ll tell anyone about what he’s been through. He’s the one out there helping others now.”

That’s the way it works, says Gregory, who regularly volunteers at NAMI these days.

“When we came in, we saw how other families wanted to help us. They knew what we were going through. Now, we have a chance to help. To me, that’s a blessing, a ministry. I have a strong faith that God uses us through our experiences to help others.”

JOIN NAMI Dallas May 1 at Fair Park for the 3-mile NAMI Walk to fight stigma, build awareness, and raise funds. To register, or to learn more about NAMI, visit namidallas.org.

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The Family C yCle s

th r ee- generation La ke Hig h la nds fa m i ly beca me the propr ie tor s of a cha mpions h i p mou nta i n bi ke race

Goats are the reason that a championship mountain bike race is now held annually near Glen rose, Texas Well, goats and my father, Mack Hargrave, a longtime resident of lake Highlands who now splits his time between our neighborhood and 130 acres of land in southwest Texas

My dad loves being outdoors it’s been this way as long as i can remember When i was a child, we would spend weekends at his hunting lease or out on the lake Family vacations involved tent camping or a wilder ness lodge with no heat or indoor plumbing Before rock climbing involved all the equipment it does now, we climbed using a regular rope tied to our waist

My mother hated it We kids loved it. We had the coolest dad. He will turn 66 in October, and still hasn’t

stopped moving. And he’s still pretty cool.

“He’s been through hunting, fishing, golf, tennis, handball, racquetball and rock climbing,” my mother, Anne Hargrave, will tell you. “Whatever hobby he takes up usually includes the whole family — whether we want to participate or not.”

She’s only half-joking. Still, i don’t think any of us had any idea what was coming when my parents purchased acreage outside of Glen rose in 2000.

43 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands April 2010
How a
“Whatever hobby he takes up usually includes the whole family — whether we want to participate or not.”
Mack Hargrave splits his time between Lake Highlands and his southwest Texas land where, thanks to his goats, he discovered a love for mountain biking. PHOTO BY ROBERT BUNCH

They named the place Solavaca Ranch, and added goats in order to qualify for the agricultural tax exemption.

That’s when it got interesting.

You see, goats, while not the most intelligent animals, do have an amazing gift for finding holes in fences. After untold hours of walking the fence line in areas unreachable by truck, my dad decided that the answer was a mountain bike.

My mother gave him a $120 Schwinn for Christmas 2006. My father soon discovered, however, that mountain biking wasn’t as it easy as it seems.

“In January 2007,” he says, “when the weather warmed, I mounted that bike and took it for a test run around the grove of trees and back — abouta quarter mile. My legs were burning, and my rear end had already started to go numb. I got the heck off that thing.

“But I am a smart guy, and I knew I had seen other people do this, so I decided I would stick with it for a month and see if it got better. And it finally did.”

Still, the brush and trees meant that my father had to do some clearing before a bicycle could make its way around the 130 acres. That was the beginning of a mountain bike trail that now runs more than eight miles long. It was cleared feet at a time using a chain saw, ax, pick, shovel, string trimmer and the fierce determination for which my dad is known.

Over time, and with many riders giving their input, the trail has become long enough and tough enough to challenge the most experienced riders

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
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Texas has to offer.

My dad now rides the Solavaca trail once or twice a day, five days a week, when the weather allows. It was this conditioning that brought him a second place finish in his category and age group at November’s Solavaca race.

But he believes the best is still ahead.

In April 2010, mountain bikers from across the state will converge on Solavaca for the Cat Claw Classic, a race which will help determine the state champion of mountain bike XC racing. This is the third mountain bike race to be held at Solavaca, which has hosted part of the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association (DORBA) fall race series for the past two years.

My dad thrives on the riders and families who come to ride and camp at Solavaca. He loves to share the trails with people. And, for the rest of the family, mountain bikes have become a “must have” item. My sister, Melissa, and her family now live in Missouri, while my husband and I have settled down in Lake Highlands with our two children. The whole family pitches in come race time, when volunteers are used to man the gate and direct parking. If you’d like to race or if you’d just like to watch the fun, join us at Solavaca Ranch on April 24-25. Or load up your bikes and family for a weekend and come enjoy the ride. Find directions and more at solavaca. com.

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The trail Mack Hargrave carved out for his own convenience now plays host to popular off-road bicycle races. PHOTO BY LIZ
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Alice and Don Sevier are celebrating their second year as owners of the Larger Than Life Plus Size Consignment Shop 1 (largerdallas.com) located at the northeast corner of Northwest Highway and Ferndale in the Northlake Shopping Center. The 1,000-square foot shop caters to women size 12 and up, and the Seviers have added 800-plus new consignors since they purchased the shop. “Customers would be shocked at the volume and variety of merchandise we have,” Alice Sevier says. “Plus, we have shoes, costume jewelry and purses, too.” Earlier this year, in her “spare time”, Sevier was crowned Mrs. Dallas Texas Plus America 2010. She’s competing in the Mrs. Texas Plus pageant this May.

After a two-year run, Coach’s closed its doors last month. The popular hamburger joint, formerly located at Forest and Abrams, was opened by Lake Highlands residents Vanessa and Michael Stevens, and was a favorite among many LH residents and sports teams.

Down the road a bit, the much-anticipated Burger Spot has opened to some pretty good reviews. Located in the Plaza Bank Center at Skillman and Royal, between El Fenix and Tom Thumb, the new eatery not only has burgers, but also serves up some popular kabobs and mac and cheese. The new restaurant is a family affair. Most days you can find co-owner John Harris; his son, Devrin; or his daughter-in-law, Taylor, taking orders or answering phones along with co-owner Scott Yokem. The Harris family is very familiar with the restaurant biz; John Harris’s mother was the founder of the popular restaurant chain Celebrity Bakery.

After an unfortunate incident involving our 3-year-old and our leather couch, we were recently in the market for a really good couch cleaner and conditioner. Next stop, Tandy Leather 2 (tandyleatherfactory.com).

Located at 10220 Northwest Highway, next

to the Cake Ball Company, Tandy has been in this shopping center for seven and a half years. One of five Tandy leather stores in Dallas-Fort Worth, the store doesn’t sell readymade goods, but has just about everything you’d ever need to fashion anything you’d like, from purses and pants to belts and crafts. Back in the day, Tandy was located down the street in the Medallion Shopping Center for more than 10 years.

My Office at Walnut Hill-Audelia recently was purchased from the T. Hee Greetings guys (Tony Doles and David Ferris) by longtime Lake Highlands residents Karen and Roger Hohnstein. The Hohnsteins took ownership on March 1, and will begin running the shop with the help of their daughters, Kelsey and Emily, in May.

Kitty Carter’s Dance Factory 3 is celebrating its 30th year in business this month. Located at 9310 Forest near Abrams, the dance

APRIL 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Introducing permanent, affordable pipe and drain repair. No digging. No destruction. No mess. Nu Flow Services now offers you this patented system for repairing water, sewer, drain and gas pipes from the inside out. Call us now for a free assessment. 214-221-8370 www.nuflowservices.com Patented Epoxy Pipe Lining As seen on TV LEAK PREVENTION. LEAK REPAIR. GUARANTEED. Before Nu Flow After Nu Flow 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829 CPA cpa North Highlands Bible Church 9626 Church Rd. www.nhbc.net Join us Easter Sunday at 10:30

studio has a slew of classes available for students 3 years and up including tap, jazz, ballet and more. Owner Kitty Carter is a longtime Lake Highlands resident and has been dancing for 35-plus years. Carter also is currently on staff at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, where she teaches tap and jazz. As the technical coach for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Carter has just completed her second season on CMT’s “The Making of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders”. Alumni of Carter’s dance studio include not only Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, but also Julliard graduates, and Broadway and television performers. Visit kittycartersdance.com for more information on classes and tuition.

A loyal Advocate reader recently turned me on to a great hidden treasure in our area, the Rock Barrell 4 (rockbarrell. com). This 4,000-square foot showroom is chock full of every color, shape and size of bead, bauble, pendant or “finding” you could imagine. Popular among jewelry and crafter enthusiasts, The Rock Barrell is both a retail and wholesale shop, but don’t expect to find any finished goods here; this place is perfect for do-it-yourselfers. You can purchase everything you need to make earrings, brooches, bracelets and necklaces for every outfit you own. Local resident Earl Pomberg started the biz with his late wife, Shirley, 38 years ago, originally in a 500-square foot space off of Schroeder (Hamilton Park area). Pomberg moved to his current location at 13650 TI Boulevard, suite 104, 25 years ago.

Erin Moyer is a Lake Highlands entrepreneur (progenyinc.com) and marketing consultant whose monthly “Live Local” column features the latest scoop on neighborhood businesses. Send Moyer ideas and feedback at livelocal@advocatemag.com.

live local join the discussion visit advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog
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We Dallasites, on the whole, care about our trees. The good news is that the proposed update of the Dallas Tree Preservation Ordinance, which I wrote about last month, includes some muchneeded provisions. However, some major problems remain unaddressed.

One of the worst problems we currently face is clear-cutting, or cutting down trees to clear a site for development. This is allowed if replacement trees are planted, or money is deposited into a reforestation fund. Sometimes, however, a developer will come in with bulldozers and chain saws on a Friday afternoon or a Saturday, without city permission. This is the “weekend massacre”, where the damage is done before anyone can stop it. Although the public may be outraged, an occasional small fine or no penalty at all is the usual city response.

That response highlights the problem of weak enforcement, even when the violation is flagrant. Legal or illegal, the end result of clearcutting is the same — barren land stripped of every tree.

As discussions were taking place on how to effectively address clear-cutting, the city attorney’s office opined that restricting an owner’s right to cut down all his trees amounts to a “taking” of his property rights and could result in legal action against the city. But any property restriction a city puts in place amounts to a taking.

Telling someone that he has to provide setbacks on his property is a taking. Telling him he can’t build a structure as high as the sky or cover the entire lot with his building is a taking. Cities are able to restrict height and lot coverage and impose setbacks because the regulations are contained in zoning and/or building codes that apply to everyone’s property. Restricting the ability to take down every tree on a lot, applied uniformly, would be the same as the other restrictions — what is lacking in the case of trees is the city’s will to do it.

Speaking of zoning, a developer can go to city hall and request Planned Development District (PDD) zoning, which enables him to entirely circumvent the tree ordinance because its regulations do not apply to Planned Developments. This loophole is not addressed in the ordinance revisions, and Dallas already has more than 700 PDDs.

The current ordinance also exempts residential properties of less than two acres from any tree controls. This allows property owners with significant trees to cut them down if they choose, greatly impacting the tree canopy in long-established residential neighborhoods.

There aren’t any provisions to help control the spread of tree diseases by regulating tree trimming practices and practitioners. Tree trimmers can spread tree diseases such as oak wilt by not cleaning their tools between jobs. Oak wilt is caused by beetles that attack red oaks and live oaks during the months of February through June. The beetles enter the tree through open cuts, attracted by the sap. Oak wilt can kill infected trees within weeks, and can devastate entire neighborhoods because the disease can travel from tree to tree through intertwined root systems.

Discussion of revising the tree ordinance started about five years ago as developers began asking for relief from what they felt were provisions that made it more expensive for them to build in the city’s southern sector, where much of the land is treed and hilly. But easing restrictions in an already weak ordinance is not the way to go. What is needed is enacting the proposed improvements and addressing the remaining problems — clear-cutting, tree disease dangers, and ordinance circumventions or exemptions.

Resistance to strengthening the tree preservation ordinance already has begun. Unless Dallas residents make it clear to city hall that they want stronger provisions, we won’t see changes that stop clear-cutting disasters, consistently preserve large old trees instead of replacing them with tiny new trees, and protect Dallas’ green canopy for a more beautiful city with cleaner air.

Sandy Greyson is a former city councilman. Her opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to her at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or email editor@advocatemag.com.

48 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands INSIDE VIEWS
10990 Switzer Ave. Dallas, Texas 75238 auto • home • business • life Call for a free quote Ken Black 214-341-1600 For over 30 years, Lake Highlands has been my home. Let me help you protect your piece of Lake Highlands! www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC making sense of investing anson v sobers, aams® Financial Advisor serving the Lake Highlands area 7215 Skillman St., Ste #310 Dallas, TX 214-342-0696 EdwardJones® making sense of investing Dan n eal 214-660-3733 stykidan@sbcglobal.net Computer troubleshooting Hardware & Software In S tallat I on, r epa I r & t ra I n I ng n o problem too S mall or too large n eighborhood r esident $60/hr. m inimum one hour Don’t paniC. Call me, Seats in genuine colors & special shapes to match your toilet. TeTer’s F aucet P arts 6337 Oram • 214-823-2153

Senior Showca Se

The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands recently handed out four awards to outstanding seniors at Lake Highlands High School. Pictured are Youth of the Month n athan h ogg and Michelle Mc c loskey , LHHS principal w alter Kelly , and Character Counts award winners Pearl e ben and Martin w hite

Future Leader S

Lake Highlands residents and high school juniors Bradley r oofner , Lindsey taylor , Jillian Martin and c onnor d avis recently participated in the Richardson Youth Leadership program, a program developed by the Leadership Richardson Alumni Association in cooperation with the Richardson Independent School District. The students spend one day a month for seven consecutive months at various sites in the Richardson area, with the goal of educating students about their community and also developing leadership and teamwork skills.

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Trophy ToTs

The Lake Highlands YMCA Raptors, a second-grade basketball team, had an undefeated season. The champions, front row, from left, are: Elizabeth Blanchard , Zion Lutheran; Liam Chisolm , St. Rita; h enry Frizzell , Hamilton Park; Alex Lujan , Hamilton Park; and Nicholas Irwin , Hexter; and back row: Billy o lsson , Zion Lutheran; Brendan p rather , Highlander; Coach William o lsson ; r yan Compton , Lake Highlands Elementary; and Marshall p rather , Highlander.

sUBMIT yoUr phoTo Go to advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/multimedia/photo-submit or e-mail a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.


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50 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
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WHITE ROCK HANDYMAN Paint & Remodel References. Mark Reindel 214-321-5280

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JUST TREES A Better Tree Company Your Trees Could Look Like a Work of Art, I Guarantee It. Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed Best Prices on Tree Removal Insured • Commercial & Residential • Tree & Landscape Lighting Call Mark Wittlich 214-332-3444 Colorful Impressions, Ltd. • Landscape Design
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May 1 & 2



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 pony rides, petting zoo, bounce houses, DFD Fire Safety House,

 pony rides, petting zoo, bounce houses, DFD Fire Safety House,


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 The Critterman
exhibitors & vendors
food fair  pet adoptions
 pony rides, petting zoo, bounce houses, DFD Fire Safety House,
 live music all day including: Seamus Stout, Booker T Washington Latin Jazz Ensemble, School of Rock, The Novas ... and many more!
The Critterman
ADMISSION $5.00 (under 2 free)



FOREST MEADOw / 9150 Church rd. / Welcoming the mosaic of cultures living in our neighborhoods / www.fmbcdallas.org

Worship 10:50 / Bible study 9:30 / tim ahlen, pastor / 214.341.9555

GASTON OAkS BAPTIST / Greenville ave & royal Lane

sunday Worship 10:45 am / Bible study 9:30 am

www.gastonoaks.org / 214.348.0958

wIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 abrams / 214.452.3100

pastor George a mason ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org



sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: student ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church road / 214.348.9697


SkIllMAN CHURCH OF CHRIST / 3014 skillman st.

sunday school 9:30 am / sunday Worship 10:30 am

Grace Café & Bible study Wed. 6:00 pm / 214.823.2179


E AST DAll AS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 n peak street / 214.824.8185

sunday school 9:30 am / the taBLe Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / rev. Deborah morgan / www.edcc.org


CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION / 3966 mcKinney ave / 214.521.5101

sunday: traditional 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 am and 5:00 pm

Contemporary 9:00, 11:15 am and 6:00 pm / incarnation.org

ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAl CHURCH / 848 harter road, 75218

sunday Worship: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian ed. 9:00 am 214.321.6451 / www.stjohnsepiscopal.org


GRACEHIll COMMUNITY / www.gracehill.cc

10:00 am @ Dallas Children’s theater / skillman & nW hwy.

awesome Kid’s ministry / Use entrance facing home Depot


FIRST UNITED lUTHERAN CHURCH / 6202 e mockingbird Ln.

sunday Worship service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule.

214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org

ZION lUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOl / 6121 e Lovers Ln.

sunday: sunday school 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am,

10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org


lAkE HIGHl ANDS UMC / 9015 plano rd. (at mcCree)

214.348.6600 / www.lhumc.com / sun. school 9:45 am

sun. Worship 8:30 & 11:00 traditional / 11:00 Contemporary


lAkE HIGHl ANDS CHURCH / 9919 mcCree

sun. Classes 9:30 am, assembly 11:00 am / 214.348.0460 home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org

wHITE ROCk COMMUNITY CHURCH / 9353 Garland rd /214.320.0043

sun. Bible study 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am / Wed. Bible studies 10:00 am & 7:30 pm / event facilities for rent / whiterockchurch.org



8525 audelia road at nW hwy. / www.lhpres.org

Christian ed. 9:45 am, 9:00 am Contemporary, 11:00 am traditional

NE w ST PETER’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / 214.438.0120 meet at Dallas Children’s theater – skillman at nW hwy

Worship: 9:30 am / www.newstpeters.org


9555 n Central expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

new pastor: rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am sunday services

CHEERING FOR CANADA Confessions of a sympatheti C patriot

s hould i be worried about my patriotism?

Watching the Winter olympics in Vancouver last month, i realized something was happening that caused me pause. i found myself quietly cheering for the home team Canadians in the gold medal hockey game. there, i said it.

my son understood my sentiment, especially since i wanted Dallas stars’ star and Canadian olympian Brendan morrow to be in good spirits when he resumed playing for the home team. he will be. the Canadian team won the gold in an overtime thriller against the upstart United states team.

We had our “ miracle on ice” in the 1980 Lake p lacid games against the russians. We were amateurs; they were professionals in any honest sense of the word. our kids beat their men. freedom-loving a mericans defeated the Communist s oviets. the Cold War would end before the close of the decade, but the victory at the rink in upstate new york that night might have been the icebreaker.

now the thaw i feel in my cold competitive heart signals something else. We used to cheer for a merica against i ron Curtain countries. those manly-looking, testosterone-aided east German swimmers chilled our sympathies. those biased romanian figure-skating judges stole medals from our deserving youths. a nd those red Chinese were making it clear that if they put their minds to it, they could produce champions as surely as cheap goods.

But i found myself sympathizing with the russians for their poor achievements at these games. ( still, the russian skater didn’t outperform the a merican gold medalist just because he could do a quadruple jump. he was a poor sport.) i was happy for the Belarus aerial skier who won the gold, and for the a merican who risked a medal by doing his most difficult signature hurricane aerial maneuver and landed the silver. Good for both of them. i wanted to see China show well in winter games, as they have in summer games. the competition will be better with them as a real threat.

But just to show it’s not about secret socialism in my heart, i was thrilled that little norway

(only 5 million people) dominated the alpine events in a way fitting for the country that gave us alpine sports. ( okay, so i have norwegian heritage on my mother’s side, and norway is a highly socialized democracy.) a s for our neighbors to the north, Canada hosted the games and delivered a great showing in the sports that matter most to them. Good for them.

G. K. Chesterton, that witty British journalist of yesteryear, said of patriotism that it’s the right impulse to love most that which you are closest to. he argued that those “cosmopolitans”, who disdain nationalists for being nativists, really love mankind more than men, as some might love motherhood more than their own mothers. there’s a strange coldness, he thought, about those who cannot celebrate their own country in favor of vaguely honoring all countries.

But can you celebrate your own country and still can be happy for those who celebrate their own?

i don’t apologize for loving my own son and daughters more than yours, but that doesn’t excuse me for failing to see yours as valuable to you as mine are to me. they aren’t less than mine because they are yours. a nd a merica isn’t better because it is my country than Ghana is if it is yours.

a ll people of faith are taught some version of the biblical command “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

s omehow that suggests that true patriots learn to love neighboring countries while proudly waving their own flags. national zeal needn’t fly in the face of another’s flag being raised on the highest podium.

We may never learn the words to the Belarus national anthem, but we can know the feeling in the heart of those who sing it — and maybe we can even learn to hum along with them.

56 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For
about helping
port the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.

The v ictim: a drian r ios

The c rime: a uto theft

date: Wednesday, feb. 3

Time: 7:15 a.m.

Location: 11000 block of Quail r un

The van Was T here, and T hen i T Was gone.

Adrian rios is a local contractor a hard-working man with a wife and 6-yearold son. The economy has been tough on the construction and contracting business lately. He uses a van as his work vehicle. rios usually keeps the vehicle in a storage facility, but on Feb. 2 he parked it in front of his Highland Meadows home after work.

“it’s for my work,” he says of the 1998 Ford van. “i install hardwood floors. Business is kind of slow.”

rios was getting ready for work around 7 a.m. that morning. He looked outside and saw his van still in front of his home. When he headed out for work only minutes later, his work van was gone.

“it had been outside my home on the street,” he says. “They stole it about 7:15. They broke one of the locks on the driver’s side and broke the ignition. i lost a couple of table saws, air compressors and my toolbox with all my tools.”

This is not the first time rios has been victimized. Someone broke into his van last year, too. “last time they just took the tools. This time they took the van and the tools,” he says with a chuckle.

Fortunately, police were able to recover his van, but his tools were gone. rios estimates the lost tools and repairing the van will cost him more than $1,500. Trying to look on the bright side, however, he notes: “At least i got my van back.”

Senior Cpl. Geoff pettay of the Northeast patrol Division says it is important to follow the “lock, take and hide” instructions from police, as well as park in well-lit areas. Simply removing objects from a vehicle, in this case the tools, could cause a thief to look elsewhere.

“The tools should be brought inside and secured if possible. All thieves look for is something easy to take. in this case, they took the whole van to get the property. it only takes that one time when you let your guard down to become a victim.”


The Bishop Lynch Brigade’s third annual Spring Market is May 1 from 9-5 p.m. at Bishop Lynch, 9750 Ferguson Road. For information on renting a booth, email info@bishoplynchbrigade.org.

The Bryan adams high schooL classes of 1959 and ’60 are planning a reunion for Oct. 8-9. They are missing contact information for about 50 graduates. Contact Penny Dearing Lewis at 214.348.0126 with graduate information.

The WhiTe rock repuBLican Women’s cLuB meets at Highland Park Cafeteria, 300 Casa Linda Plaza, at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 15. Members and guests are welcome. For questions, call 214.367.8298.

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Lake highL ands presBy Terian church, 8525 Audelia Road, is now accepting registrations for its summer arts camp, “Captain Noah and the One and Only Zoo Cruise for Twos”. The camp runs July 19-23 from 8:45 a.m.-noon. Campers will create a musical production to be performed July 23 at 7 p.m. Registration is $50. More information is available at lhpres.org.


daLL as LuTheran schooL recently announced that it made Stephen Robbins its varsity football coach. Robbins played at Concordia University in Seward, Neb., and then became an assistant coach there. He also has coached at Tolleson Union High School in Tolleson, Ariz. Robbins has been assistant head football coach, defensive coordinator, head track and field coach, art department chair, and director of recruitment at Dallas Lutheran since 2006.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com or online at advocate.com/submit_lh_news. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

57 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands April 2010
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RedistRictinG Redo


All of Lake Highlands is divided into three parts.

Those of you who took Latin recognize the reference, but this statement for Lake Highlands is just as true in 2010 as it was for Gaul (present-day France) in Julius Caesar’s day. No, I’m not talking about a slice of Tony’s pizza in one part of Lake Highlands versus Mi Cocina’s fajitas and a JG’s cheeseburger in the other two parts (now that line-up would make a pretty impressive progressive dinner although followed by an extended visit to a stairmaster at LA Fitness).

I’m talking about the butchering that Lake Highlands suffered back in 2001, at the time of the last legislative redistricting. As I’m sure you recall from government class, our Constitution requires a national census every 10 years, so we can count heads across the country and find out how many more people have “gone to Texas”. Once armed with the census results, the 50 state legislatures then engage in the time-honored slug-fest of redistricting. If watching the process of laws being passed is like watching sausage being made, then watching the redistricting process is frequently like the slaughtering that precedes the sausage-making. (OK, so now I’ve completely ruined the pleasant foodie image created in the first paragraph.)

The last round of redistricting for our state legislative districts (our

state senators and state representatives in Austin) occurred during the 2001 legislative session. At the time, most of Lake Highlands was actually in the same state representative district as the Park Cities. During that session, our state representative was Republican Kenn George, who lived in Highland Park.

When all was said and done, and the smoke had cleared, the new map showed a state-representative district that kept the Park Cities fully intact, and is now represented by Republican Dan Branch. Lake Highlands, however, got carved up into three separate state-representative districts.

Those three Lake Highlands districts are generally defined as: east of Audelia/south of Northwest Highway, currently represented by Democrat Allen Vaught; west of Audelia/south of Royal, currently represented by Republican Will Hartnett; and north of Royal, currently represented by Democrat Carol Kent.

The primary guiding doctrine in redistricting is, theoretically, maintaining “communities of interest”. Of course, in Lake Highlands’ case in 2001, that principle did about as much guiding as a Toyota gas pedal.

And so, we have just completed the primary election to determine who will be facing whom in November. Each one of Lake Highlands’ incumbent state representatives will be on the ballot, and they each will have an opponent. The state legislature will be tackling the job of redistricting in the next session, which starts January 2011. There will be many agendas and many strategies, but there won’t be any agenda or strategy more important to Lake

Highlands than drawing new district lines that puts all of Lake Highlands our community of interest — in one state-representative district.

Carol Kent will be challenged by Republican Stefani Carter; Will Hartnett will be facing Democrat John Wellik; and Allen Vaught will be up against Republican Kenneth Sheets. It is interesting to note that only one of these six candidates actually lives in Lake Highlands — Carol Kent. When it comes time to stand up for, and protect, the integrity of our community, will any of them pledge to do so during the campaign — and then actually do it during the session?

Lake Highlands, as a community, has had a strong voice through its District 10 representation on the Dallas City Council over the years — Dean Vanderbilt, Donna Halstead, Alan Walne, Bill Blaydes and Jerry Allen. Lake Highlands, as a community, deserves to have one similarly strong voice in the Texas Legislature.

Redistricting, as a campaign issue, typically never makes the discussionpoint cut and is usually considered “inside baseball”. But it can make a huge difference to a community like ours — and continue making a difference for the next 10 years. Some folks have thought it so important that they have run away from Austin in the dark of night to protect their turf; just ask the state representatives who ran off to Ardmore and the state senators who ran off to Albuquerque back in 2003.

Lake Highlands doesn’t need to be governed like Czechoslovakia. Let’s call on our state representatives to pledge to reunite our community. Wildcats of the world — unite!

58 April 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands join the discussion visit advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog
Last WoRd
Bill Keffer, a neighborhood resident and former state representative, writes a bi-monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. His opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to him at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas, 75214; fax to 214.823.8866, or email to editor@advocatemag.com.
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