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blog& back talk
Your real title should be “how we would like it to work, but it doesn’t” (“How It Works”, March Advocate). I contacted Councilman Jerry Allen in May 2009 about my sidewalk problem. It took until August 2009 to get into contact with James Dowdy (with City of Dallas sidewalk replacement). When I made contact with him, [I learned] only “bonded” concrete companies can replace a sidewalk according to city rules. Fact is, I could not find one bonded company to repair my 20 inches of sidewalk. So, I followed what you described in your article. I received an estimate signed and returned the forms. After no response, I called for a progress report. I was told that the city contractor should have contacted me the next morning, an unmarked pickup parked in the middle of my street, and a man carrying orange paint marked my sidewalk. I was excited that it appeared something was finally going to be done. I asked the man about the bill; he told me to call his supervisor, which I did, and was told they had no idea why I had not received a bill, but would get one out immediately. That was the end of any contact.
In December, I contacted Mr. Dowdy again and told him that I was going to again talk to my councilman he assured me my sidewalk would be taken care of shortly by a city crew. Later, in January, I was contacted by a different company. I refused to pre-pay them, and wondered what would have happened if I had paid the other company before they closed without completing the work. Does Dallas guarantee their “low-bid” contractors? Weeks later, still nothing.
Your “How It Works” section does not address anything except what the city would like you to believe is true. I can assure you, my experiences are not even close to your article. I have done everything in my power to take care of the problem. The city will be responsible from this point forward.
—STaN COKER, vIa EmaIl