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After Hurricane Katrina, many of the millions left homeless restarted their lives in Lake Highlands — so where are they now?
Acting out
Lake Highlands native Kirk Johnson is an increasingly famous funny guy.
A Lake Highlands church pitched in to send dozens of neighborhood children to summer camp.
Fine feathers
An owl couple rears babies in a nest at White Rock Lake three years in a row, and we have pictures.
Storm coverage
On the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, awardwinning TV newsman Steve Pickett recalls one of his most harrowing assignments.
The big 5-oh NorthPark Center broke ground 50 years ago this month.
Radiation oncologist Dr. Michael Folkert and other members of our genitourinary cancer team are treating select prostate cancer patients with a technique that delivers a more potent dose of radiation in fewer treatments. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, SABR for short, is a technology that was pioneered at UT Southwestern and is now being adopted worldwide. It’s another example of the specialized care available at UT Southwestern—where scientific research, advanced technology, and leading-edge treatments come together to bring new hope to cancer patients.
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This is where prostate cancer can be eradicated in just five treatments.
Gary Moore saw an opportunity to turn his experience into his future, and LegacyTexas doesn’t let a call like that go unanswered. From a three-truck beginning to today’s 48-state operation, legacies are built when partners work together to drive their own success.
The other day, as I started sliding my left arm into the shirt I had selected for the day, I felt a shooting pain in my shoulder.
That was odd, because my shoulder hadn’t been seeking attention prior to this. But there it was, barking at me and making it difficult to pull on my shirt.
I let it slide, thinking things would be better the following day.
They weren’t.
Same routine the next day. And the next.
I knew nothing was seriously wrong, other than inhabiting a body trending toward obsolescence. So why not break out of my routine: Why not slide my right arm into the shirt sleeve first?
So I did. Or, shall I say: So I tried? Because, almost unbelievably, I couldn’t do it; I could not get my right arm to slide into the shirt first. I kept fumbling with the fabric and twisting the shirt’s torso to give my right arm the correct slot, but I couldn’t make it happen smoothly.
Again, for a moment, I wondered what was wrong surely, pulling on a shirt shouldn’t be this difficult.
And then it hit me: I’ve been pulling shirts on starting with my left arm for so many years, my brain and body just take over and don’t readily adapt to change.
So I decided to experiment: What happens if I start brushing my teeth on the upper right side of my mouth instead of the customary lower left?
Sadly, same result: The simple change confounded me. It felt odd brushing the right side first, so much so that I lost track of what I was doing. When it was time to shift to a different quadrant, I couldn’t
smoothly complete the move. And then I couldn’t even finish because I was so discombobulated.
Out of curiosity, I tried tinkering with other normal daily activities: I realized I always begin washing my face with my left forehead, so I tried my left cheek first instead. Bad idea.
I step into the shower with my left foot first; I know this now because starting with my right foot made it somehow difficult to close the shower door since my body isn’t in the “right” position.
When I’m popping out of my car, I put my weight on my left foot first. I tried the right foot instead and almost jammed the door into the front fender as I fell off-kilter to the side.
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Same with eating cereal, grabbing a glass of soda, peeling the paper from a straw, even dropping sweetener into iced tea: I do all of these little things exactly the same way, every time, without even knowing it.
Well, the good news is that the pain in my shoulder seems to be gone now, and I’ve returned to my comfortable left-sleevefirst route.
Yes, it’s a routine, something we’re typically not supposed to fall into if we want to live a happy life. But I can now say I gave it a shot and found out that maybe I need routine to stay happy.
assistant art director: EMILY MANGAN
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viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
And then it hit me: I’ve been pulling shirts on starting with my left arm for so many years, my brain and body just take over and don’t readily adapt to change.
We understand that waiting in the ER is no fun. That’s why we’re offering an online check-in service at SkipTheERWaitingRoom.com to reserve your time online and comfortably wait at home. It’s quick, easy and you’ll be seen by a healthcare professional within 15 minutes of our scheduled time.
Former RISD principal suspected of sex crime involving minor
New tower proposed at 9915 E. Northwest Highway
Missing your trash can lid? Here’s what to do.
7 mind-blowing photos of White Rock Lake
Adam McGough on his win and what’s next
Lake Highlands Town Center: City and developers at a stalemate
“What is currently proposed is just another tired page out of the suburban strip mall playbook. It’s designed for the car and is not the urban town center that could revitalize this location.”
—Doug Haskin
“This is exactly the time to build at a rail station with big buildings, retail at the base, facades fronting streets, not the interior, and parking garages integrated into the buildings, not acres of concrete.” —Montemalone
“I’m OK with ‘suburban character. That’s what LH is. LH is NOT Uptown. LH is not the Bishop Arts’ proposed Alamo Manhattan project. For LH, low density should be the mantra. I’d just like to see something cool looking and not retail-strip character.” —1st anon
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Email editor Christina chughes@advocatemag.com
Dallas United Crew, the nonprofit that is building a boathouse on the east shore of White Rock Lake, is making good on a promise to serve wounded veterans and adaptive rowers. With help from other groups, DUC coordinated the 2015 National Veterans Wheelchair Games’ (NVWG) rowing exhibition, which attracted approximately 70 military vets from around the country.
Before its approval by the city council in 2011, critics of the DUC’s forthcoming boathouse argued the club and its facilities would serve only wealthy crew team members and not benefit the greater community. At a public meeting in 2011, DUC coach Jonathan Stevens promised to be something more. In addition to its core student team members from 20-plus Dallas area schools, DUC would focus on scholarship programs for lower-income kids, summer camps, learn-torow days and partnering with programs for disabled veterans and kids, he said.
As architects drew boathouse plans, DUC members initiated talks with the Veterans
Administration and Paralyzed Veterans of America to learn how they might create an inviting environment for veterans and adaptive rowers.
Meanwhile, Dallas was named the site of the 2015 NVWG, and, because of its outreach, DUC was invited to host the adaptive rowing event, something NVWG was trying for the first time.
DUC’s boathouse is still in the planning stages, so the event took place near the existing boathouse on the west side of White Rock Lake — many groups including the Veterans Administration, the Paralyzed Veterans of America, US Rowing, Row America Hamilton, White Rock Rowing and the Dallas Park and Recreation Department collaborated and saw a larger-than-expected turnout.
DUC provided specialists to assist those who had never tried adaptive rowing, which differs significantly from the able-bodied version, representative Donna Swanson notes. Techniques vary depending on what part of the body is restricted.
“In adaptive rowing, everyone’s situation is unique,” Swanson explains. “For the wheelchair veterans and other adaptive rowers, we use standard rowing equipment that is adapted for the special needs of the rower. We have several experts here to help the veterans find the right fit so that they can have the best experience.”
She adds that DUC did everything possible to include a wide range of participants.
“So for some that meant indoor rowing, others were able to get out on the barge and a few others of a higher skill level were able to get out in double and singles,” she says. “It was phenomenal. They loved it. I’ve never seen so many smiles on the faces of people coming off the water.” —Christina Hughes Babb
SEE MORE PHOTOS lakehighlands.advocatemag.com
“Balls Out,” a limited-release comedy garnering critical praise, features 2003 Lake Highlands High School grad and former Bell Boy Kirk Johnson Sure, you have to scan past a few bigger names on the movie poster before you find his — The Office’s Jake Lacy, Nikki Reed from Twilight and Saturday Night Live stars Kate McKinnon, Beck Bennett and Jay Pharoah, for instance. But there he is. You might remember him from his Big Red and Doritos commercials or his comedy website beefandsage. com. He also wrote and starred in the feature film “Austin High.” “Balls Out” originally was titled “Intramural,” but MGM studios picked it up and changed the name. The story centers on Caleb Fuller, a fifth-year senior. As he faces graduation, marriage and the uncertain real world, Fuller seeks to revive his former glory days by getting the old flag-football team back together. Johnson is on the rival team, with whom bad blood has been brewing since freshman year. From his new home in Austin, Johnson dishes about the movie experience, celebrity connections and plans for the future.
What is up with the movie’s name change from “Intramural” to “Balls Out”?
The film was indeed called “Intramural.” It did its festival run under that title, was an official selection of the Tribeca Film Festival, then got picked up by a distributor, who decided to change the name for marketing reasons. Luckily, that’s the only thing they changed about the movie. The cut is the exact same, and that’s the biggest thing. One of the stars of the film, Nick Kocher, wrote a blog post about the re-naming of the movie in which he noted, “The main audience for this movie is going to be high school boys, and leading research suggests that high school boys are much more likely to watch a movie with the word ‘balls’ in the title …” He also pointed out that those high school boys might be disappointed at the movie’s cleverness and lack of sex scenes and nudity.
So how offensive is the actual movie? How do you describe the movie’s humor? What’s the real target market?
Despite what the movie poster and trailer [things the studio also changed after Tribeca] may lead you to believe, it’s a very clever and funny film! It’s an absurd spoof of sports movies like “Rocky,” “Remember the Titans” and countless other underdog stories. As far as a target market goes, I wouldn’t shy from telling anyone to go see it. It’s
hilarious. It’s “Anchorman” meets “Hot Rod” meets “Blazing Saddles” meets “Little Giants.” Bring the kids, but probably only kids who can cuss. It is rated R.
You do a lot of writing — some commercials and “Austin High,” for example. Did you do any writing for Balls Out?
My contribution to “Balls Out” was strictly as an actor. I’ve been friends with Bradley Jackson, the writer of the film, since college though. He showed me the first draft of the script when we were freshmen at University of Texas. It’s gone through many, many versions since. I don’t think that either of us thought that we’d be here some 10 years later with the film about to come out in theaters, but like they say, life is pain or something like that.
What makes you laugh? What are you watching?
I watch a lot of comedy TV shows. My favorites right now are “Tim & Eric,” “Last Man On Earth,” “Nathan For You,” “Silicon Valley,” “Kroll Show” and “Key & Peele.” Also, Internet memes are basically the highest form of comedic art right now.
You live in Austin now; how often do you get back to Lake Highlands? Where is your first stop?
I have a niece and nephew in Lake Highlands now [children of sister Courtney and her husband Mac Harrison, both
LHHS grads], so I try to get back as often as I can in order to imprint on them like a baby duckling. So that’s usually my first stop, followed soon after by reliving my high school glory days at Wingstop, Golden Chick and other fine eateries.
Right now I’m working on a feature script with my filmmaking partner, Will Elliott, and the aforementioned star of “Balls Out,” Jake Lacy. It’s a sci-fi comedy that we’re almost done writing and very excited about. I also acted in another feature comedy called “Lazer Team” that should be coming out very soon. In July I was part of a live, theatrical re-enactment of the film “Jaws” down in Austin. In the past we did a version of “Jurassic Park” in Dallas as well as 13 other cities around the US. Anyone looking for an excuse to eat barbecue and watch sweaty, grown men battle a giant, cardboard shark onstage are right at home with us.
That photo was from the most recent it-
eration of “Project Greenlight” on HBO, a docu-series where 10 filmmakers compete to direct a feature film. I was one of these top 10 finalists. I stand before ye a loser, but it was a great experience and if you tune into the show this summer, you’ll be able to watch me flounder through a pitch in front of Mattfleck as well as the Farrelly Brothers and a room full of HBO execs.
Yes! Please see “Balls Out.” I promise that if you have a pulse and enjoy comedy or sports films, you will find yourself smiling at least once. We are underdogs. We are a really small film going up against the giant marketing goliaths, and word of mouth is so dang important. If you see it and hate it, I will personally come to your house and mow your yard. Yea, that’s right. That’s the Kirk Johnson guarantee. —Carol Toler
Questions and answers have been edited for brevity.
MORE INFO Visit ballsoutthemovie.com for show times and listings, or watch on Amazon Instant, Google Play, iTunes or Xbox Video, to name a few options.
Ginger, the Pembroke Welsh corgi, is the first dog Lake Highlands resident Carolyn Haldeman and her husband Jeremy have owned in more than 20 years. They’ve now had her about four years, and she’s “like a kid to us,” Haldeman says. “She loves going to Orbiter Park, chasing our cats around the yard and is bent, too, on chasing our rabbit, Geert.”
This month...
… boost our neighborhood high school’s marching band in its amazing autumn adventures.
When considering a remodel, many people may not know the process installation of custom cabinetry. Having well designed custom cabinets functionality to a home. let’s look at the custom cabinetry
Taking dimensions are the first step in the custom cabine process; in addition to the you will provide the dimensions for specific items, such as appliances and sink. these the cabinetmaker who will the project. these drawings the client, to review. This is when any modifications or additions of specific details, such as spice racks, trash pullouts, door styles or other discussed. the new requests will maker to have the drawings updated. When the final draw are complete, they will be presented
The annual Lake Highlands High School
March-A-Thon is Friday, Aug. 21. Wildcat band members each spend a minimum of 10 hours that day practicing and perfecting performances. The event wraps up with a show for the whole neighborhood at 6 p.m. on the B field, east of the school. (Hang around for the traditional post-concert snowball fight.) Friday’s show is free, but those who wish to financially boost band members aiming to raise money for fall competitions and travels can pledge a dollar amount to a member/members for each March-A-Thon hour, or a flat-rate donation to the whole band. Each student is working to raise $200, organizers say, to support upcoming performances in Hawaii, as well as competitions closer to home. New Band Director Phillip Alvarado says he expects “an exciting year for band members and the community.” He hopes we all will show support, if not by pledge, by attending contests, concerts and half-time shows. “These are the future leaders of our community and society, after all,” he says. Either contact a band member you know to pledge or email csze.martin@sbcglobal.net.
that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
the walls in the room will cabinetmaker will come to the house the dimensions before beginning all measurements will be double-checked manager and the cabinetmaker be built. this step is vital because built to maximize the space in your empty voids or awkward cavities. cabinets varies, depending on large cabinet job it may take 3-4 it may take 1-2 weeks. once the complete in the room, the custom
After installation, the finishing touches will be put on the cabinets. Your cabinets will either to your specifications. The area will be properly taped off and the cabinets will be primed, them a lasting quality look. Sometimes color on cabinetry can give them You will love the beauty and functionality home. installation, understands prepared to deliver a quality product that fits your lifestyle.
Lake Highlands students who otherwise could not afford it, attended a weeklong summer camp in Branson, MO, courtesy The New Room, a Lake Highlands-based offshoot of Lake Highlands United Methodist Church, and Kids Across America, a nonprofit dedicated to “empowering urban youth and their mentors through camping and education.” Lake Highlands resident and The New Room ministry leader Jill Goad helped organize the program. “It is a great opportunity for the kids, and we are all so excited,” Goad said prior to the trip. Advocate photographer Rasy Ran was on the scene at the pre-dawn sendoff outside The New Room on Skillman at Whitehurst.
At left, Lake Highlands resident Nereida Cruz sees off her little sister, Natalie Cruz, who is embarking on her firstever summer camp experience. Along for the farewell is the girls’ bichon poodle, Maya.
The lower image showcases some of the 57 children and adults as they prepare to board a shuttle from The New Room in Lake Highlands to Kids Across America’s summer camp in Missouri.
Photos and captions by Rasy Ran.
Each of the past three years, the same pair of barred owls, left, has delivered babies to a nest near White Rock Lake. Semi-retired Advocate photographer Robert Bunch has religiously been on hand to document the blessed events. The first year, Bunch says, he was one of few witnesses to the nesting owlets. But by this past spring, the feathered family had developed a bit of a “fan base.”
Dozens of lake-goers and photographers turned out this year to see the nest near Poppy and East Lawther. “The adult owls lay eggs in the fall, they hatch in the late winter or early spring,” Bunch explains. “The babies hang around the nest at first, then when they start learning to fly, they can be seen around the Casa Linda neighborhoods and nearby.”
—Christina Hughes BabbNeighborhood artist Anna Palmer has been photographing wildlife and landscapes at White Rock Lake for several years. She explores the lake as a peaceful respite, she explains, as well as a place with a “livelier side that comes from the rich ecosystem found in the area.” Palmer’s photos are on display at the White Rock Museum, inside the Bath House. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, dallasculture.org/bathhouseculturecenter, 214.670.8749, free
AUG. 1
The Forest Green Library celebrates the end of the Mayor’s Summer Reading Club with a pizza party and clowns, starting at 2 p.m.
Forest Green Library, 9015 Forest, 214.670.1335, dallaslibrary.org, free
AUG. 1
Get a team together for the “run back to school”-themed relay race hosted by Dallas Running Club. At the 8 a.m. starting gun, three-man teams race 2-mile legs at Norbuck Park, along the official route used by our region’s high school cross country teams. Prizes awarded for speed as well as best costumes — think cheerleaders, jocks, coaches, nerds or teachers. Volunteers are needed too. Register online or between 6:30-7:30 a.m. race morning.
Norbuck Park, 200 North Buckner, dallasrunningclub.com, free for members, $10
AUG. 12
The campy 1983 film “Flashdance” is Studio Movie Grill’s “girls night out” selection this month — it’s part of the theater’s SMG with a Twist series, which features date-night classics, indie films and shows for audiences with special needs.
Studio Movie Grill, 11170 N. Central, 214.361.2966, studiomoviegrill.com, $3
AUG. 22
Get inspired for back-to-school shopping with a fashion show from NorthPark Center retailers including Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Dillard’s, GAP, Janie & Jack, Gymboree and Peek. NorthPark Center NorthCourt, 8687 N. Central Expressway, 214.363.7441, northparkcenter.com, free
Aug. 21 and 28
Uncle Calvin’s offers two jazz nights this month. Julie Bonk, 2014 Sammons Center for the Arts Jazz Musician of the Year, performs Aug. 21, along with Robert and Sarah Aberg. Lisa Markley performs Aug. 28.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$18
Aug. 8
The chef from one of our neighborhood’s best restaurants offers a cooking class this month. Tom Fleming of Crossroads Diner teaches “Cooking at the Crossroads” for the American Institute of Food and Wine Dallas/Fort Worth chapter.
Market Resource Center, 1010 S. Pearl, 214.653.8088, aiwf.org/dallasftworth, $25-$30
AUG. 28-SEPT. 26
“Bride of Frankenstein: The Musical” has monsters singing, dancing and telling jokes. What more does one need? Pocket Sandwich Theater, 5400 E. Mockingbird, 214.821.1860, pocketsandwich.com, $12-$25
AUG. 7, 14, 21 AND 28
Bring the little readers to Half Price Books’ flagship store for story time and crafts every Sunday from 3-4 p.m. Recommended for kids under age 10. Half Price Books, 5803 E. Northwest Highway, 214.379.8000, hpb.com, free
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Ned’s jalapeño burger: Photo by Rasy RanAcross the street from a row of trendy new apartments and restaurants on SMU in East Dallas, there’s a dive bar that will take you back a few decades.
Milo Butterfingers has been around the neighborhood for upwards of 40 years, and it hasn’t changed much in that time, except for a couple of location swaps in 1974 and 1982. But its overall vibe has stayed largely frozen in time. “We’re not trendy,” says manager Tom Willard. “At all.”
Step inside the dimly lit bar, and
you’ll find cushioned chairs, dart boards, foosball and pool tables that give it a distinct “sit and stay awhile” feel, which is exactly how people use it. During the day, Milo sees a slightly older crowd made up of neighbors and working professionals seeking a quiet place to unwind or wait out traffic after work. As the night draws on, the bar gets rowdier as SMU students begin to pack the place. Although alcohol is Milo’s bread and butter — it is a bar, after all — it also serves a slew of hearty
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tavern foods with none of those gourmet, organic offerings that tend to draw hordes of hipsters. Menu items such as Ned’s famous jalapeño burger and the fiesta nachos are just as deliciously greasy as you’d expect them to be — the kind of food that turned boys into men back in the day. Suffice it to say, if you want a craft beer, go somewhere else. Brittany Nunn
Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com
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It is hard to believe that summer break is coming to an end. With so many obligations to worry about as we approach the start of a new school year, it’s important to focus on our home and pantry. Stocking up on simple pantry staples will keep your meals healthy, balanced and quick.
Homemade granola bars are one of the many recipes for which oats will come in handy. Mixed with assorted dried fruit, coconut and chocolate chips you will have a quick on-the-go breakfast or snack.
One of the most versatile dry ingredients is great for busy day dinners and left over lunches. Garnish with fresh pesto, cheese, homemade tomato sauce or fresh veggies.
Easy to spread on pancakes, tortillas, or apple and banana slices for a satisfying snack or the perfect addition to any smoothie.
A great substitute for sugar and sweeteners, honey is also the perfect ingredient to start your morning routine. Squeeze half a lemon and 1 tbsp honey into hot water, for a caffeine-free boost. It might even kick your coffee cravings.
2-1/2 cups old fashion rolled oats
1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted
1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup dried pineapple, chopped
1/4 cup dried apricots, chopped
Combine oats and slivered almonds on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees or until lightly toasted.
Combine butter, honey, brown sugar and vanilla extract in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook until butter and sugar are melted.
Pour butter mixture over the toasted almonds and oats; add all the dried fruit. Spread mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and spread evenly. Refrigerate until firm and ready to be cut. Cut granola into 12 bars and store in airtight container or wrap individually.
City View Antique Mall Lake Highlands readers named it their favorite place to shop for home and garden accessories.
Lake Highlands resident Joan Williams, sister Ellen Paulsen and their mom Joan Paulsen opened City View almost three years ago. The center is home base to some 65 antiques dealers. A bi-annual market coming in October showcases dozens of extra vendors.
City View requires vendors to stick to antiques, the owners say, with a few exceptions — a wildly popular product called Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan, for example, which City View vendor Karla Ritchie carries at her Lady Butterbug shop inside the mall.
Readers selected hardware shop Gecko True Value which showcases local artists, designers and farmers and live poultry in addition to traditional hardware-store nuts and bolts — as runner up.
Longtime neighborhood staple Brumley Gardens, featuring a formidable array of plants and outdoor equipment, rounds out the podium at number three.
Look for a roundup of all the ‘Best Of’ winners at lakehighlands.advocatemag.com/ best-of-results
10 years ago Hurricane Katrina abruptly changed thousands of lives, some right here in our neighborhood.
AA decade after she hit the gulf coast — busting flood walls and washing away neighborhoods across Louisiana and Mississippi, upending lives and ending almost 2,000 — Katrina’s name still conjures up nightmare images of homes underwater and the Superdome crammed with shocked, suffering humans.
In the months that followed, Lake Highlands weathered the residual impact.
Of the millions left homeless, thousands landed in Dallas. Hundreds of new students enrolled in Richardson ISD, more than 120 at Lake Highlands High School alone. Many eventually returned home, but others built new lives here.
“You can tell by their accents sometimes, when you are in a restaurant or the grocery store,” one Katrina survivor says. “I’ll be in line and hear a New Orleans accent and think maybe they are one of the ones who stayed here in Lake Highlands.”
Of the several people we interviewed — all of them connected by Hurricane Katrina — most say they can’t believe it’s been 10 years. The memories feel fresh and there is work still to be done
HARVIE SYKES WOKE WITH A START. Her bed was floating. She ran down the hall, crawled out the window and stepped in bare feet onto the roof. She sat for hours in darkness and could hardly comprehend the horror she saw in the breaking dawn — her neighborhood immersed in water, people she recognized floating face down.
She had just started the tenth grade at West Jefferson High. She attended a school dance the previous Friday. Now her school, her home, everything she owned was gone.
“Life from that night spiraled out of control,” the New Orleans native says.
Sykes’ mom, a nurse, had been summoned the previous day to help evacuate the retirement home where she worked; she kept Sykes’ 4-year-old brother in tow. Sykes spent the night with family.
“Everything happened so fast, I remember the total darkness, because the electricity went out, and so much water. It was raining. Once I got to where I could walk, it was like standing in a tub of water up your legs.”
An evacuation of the city was in effect, but, like thousands of lower-income New Orleans residents, Sykes and her relatives had no transportation, no place to go. Also, they were used to hurricane warnings and hoped this would be no worse than the last one — maybe some downed power lines.
She, her aunt and cousins managed to escape the flooded-out house, but they got separated in the pandemonium.
“Everything happened so fast,” Sykes says. “I remember the total darkness, because the electricity went out, and so much water. It was raining. Once I got to where I could walk, it was like standing in a tub of water up your legs.”
She recalls a fetid, frenzied post-apocalyptic atmosphere where “you did not know who to trust.”
The police, for example. “One cop might be helpful and telling you where to go to get safe, and the next might pull a gun on you. It was just chaotic and crazy.”
She remembers boarding a crowded bus, which she rode to a shelter. Various rescue groups met her basic needs, and she was able to telephone her family, but it would be more than two months before she would see any of them again.
Her grandmother had found refuge with a relative in Dallas who also took in Sykes, her mother and brother.
They all reunited a week before Sykes’ 15th birthday, Nov. 23. Her grandmother enrolled her in Lake Highlands High School. Bob Iden, who was principal at the time, recalls that more than 120 displaced students from Louisiana and Mississippi entered the high school that September and November.
“It was a challenging time,” he says.
He recalls that student groups, the Parent Teacher Association, neighborhood churches and nonprofits rallied to help the Katrina transplants.
A group of Boy Scouts launched a supply drive for Katrina evacuees. The LHHS National Honor Society organized a similar campaign. Spring Valley Athletic Association offered free registrations. The PTA Angels Program, a group of Lake Highlands parents, worked with school counselors to collect and distribute backpacks and school supplies.
But tension mounted.
“It was Texas versus New Orleans. We were always fighting,” Sykes recalls. “I tried to stay out of it, keep to myself. Some would try to start something, but I was like: ‘I just lost my house! I don’t know you. Leave me alone.’”
She blames herself in some ways. “I was so angry. I did a lot of bad stuff.”
One day, she says, the fighting was so out of control that several students were sent home. The way Sykes remembers it, only New Orleans kids were suspended.
Iden doesn’t remember the exact incident, but he says there “absolutely” were fights and even brawls.
Sykes overall found it difficult to adapt to Dallas culture. “I was born and raised in this small community where everyone knows each other, and then I get to Dallas and it was very different.”
Social problems were just the start. The academics were far more challenging at LHHS, Sykes says. Add to that the fact that she had missed some three months of her sophomore year, and it was impossible to catch up. She had to repeat a few classes.
By her junior and senior year, things had settled at school, and Skyes “got in a groove,” she says.
Back in New Orleans, she says, she had friends, but life was hard. She experienced childhood abuse and economic troubles. As traumatic as it was, she thinks Katrina ultimately put her in a good place.
“The storm and the aftermath ripped my heart out, ruined everything I had planned for my future but moving to Texas broadened my horizons in so many ways. I saw new opportunities.”
Today she works for a communications company and is intensely involved in her church.
“Katrina shook me up. But she dropped me in a spot that, I think, is a better place than where I would be.”
“One cop might be helpful and telling you where to go to get safe, and the next might pull a gun on you. It was just chaotic and crazy.”
EVACUATION IS MANDATORY, the New Orleans mayor announced the morning of Aug. 28, 2005.
But Kristie Jemison’s family, like most in its socioeconomic bracket, did not consider leaving Tremé, an old neighborhood flanking the French Quarter.
“I grew up in the projects,” Jemison says. “Every year we have hurricane warnings, and they are never that bad, and we have no way to get out anyway. No car. Nowhere to go.”
Jemison’s statements echo findings in a 2007 Journal of Public Health study that showed poor and African-American residents disproportionately disregarded the Hurricane Katrina evacuation mandate for a few reasons: optimism based on riding out previous hurricanes, inconsistent evacuation orders, finan-
cial constraints and neighborhood crime.
The Jemisons had just moved from public housing to a duplex. They still had access to their former third-floor unit. When the storm hit, they went there for the higher ground.
The hurricane itself was tolerable, Jemison recalls.
“But the next day when we woke up, there was water flooding the streets. And it was rising.”
Their home was destroyed, and inside this hot, powerless apartment they had nothing to eat or drink.
“That’s when me and my sister went out looting. It was the only way for us to get food and water.”
“That’s when me and my sister went out looting,” Jemison says, voice cracking. “It was the only way for us to get food and water.” She cannot talk about this part without tears.
“We were walking through that water, seeing dead animals and at least one dead man. I was crying. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes.”
The stench was intensifying, and reports of violence were spreading.
“I knew people were fighting over food, killing even,” Jemison recalls. “Looters were getting shot.”
Her 16-year-old brother, Chris, learned that the hard way. He told his sisters to stay inside. It was too dangerous in the streets for the girls. Chris joined others at a nearby store pillaging for food and supplies when a man who he believes was the shop owner opened fire.
“He was running away when the guy shot him in the leg,” Jemison says. She says Chris was rescued by helicopter from rising waters and wound up in a Dallas shelter.
He told people it was a cut on his leg, she says, because he was ashamed and scared to admit he had been shot while looting.
Back inside the apartment, over a small transistor radio, broadcasters instructed the stranded to place a white flag in a window to signal rescuers.
“We hung a white shirt, and they came,” Jemison says.
She climbed from the balcony into a tiny basket attached to a rope dangling from the helicopter. “They pulled us up, one by one, and when we asked them where we were going they said, ‘We don’t know.’”
The helicopter deposited the women on a stretch of sun-soaked land near the airport.
After a lengthy wait, they boarded a bus to a shelter at a military base in Fort Chase, Ark.
“There, it was a mess,” Jemison says. “Hundreds of people in this big room. There was a guy on the cot next to me holding a big gun. I was so scared. I did not sleep the whole time there.”
They reached a family member who had spoken to Chris — he was alive.
Jemison’s mom used a small amount of salvaged money on bus fare to Dallas, where altruistic strangers from a local church helped them find her brother.
They lived several weeks in the pop-up shelter. Dedicated volunteers there helped
them secure a Lake Highlands-area apartment, funded in part by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
She entered 10th grade at LHHS and school brought a new set of troubles.
For one thing, Jemison had been wearing the same clothing for weeks. “I wore the same thing every day to school and, you know how kids can be, they said negative things.”
LHHS students teased Katrina evacuees and told them to “swim back to where you came from,” she says.
Katrina students were easily baited, says Jemison, because they were hurting, vulnerable and ready to snap back.
The dynamic led to fights and that big brawl between groups of students; Jemison remembers staffers locking the Katrina students in a foyer until things calmed down.
“They treated us like animals, some of them,” she says.
But for every hateful interaction there was a loving one. One Lake Highlands resident took Jemison and her siblings shopping for a new wardrobe. Others donated school supplies and toiletries.
Over time, many of the unwelcoming or aggressive Lake Highlands students got to know their new classmates and grew more sympathetic, Jemison believes.
She battled cultural and academic shock and a lengthy period of depression. But by senior year she was so popular her peers voted her 2008 homecoming queen.
“Yeah,” she says, “I guess that was progress.”
Today she works at a Richardson company called OneExchange and is an aspiring actress who has landed notable roles.
In “Treme,” an HBO show about her old neighborhood, Jemison played a bystander at a parade that erupts in violence.
She played a gang member in the movie “Get Hard” starring Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell. Most recently she had a nonspeaking part in “Hot Tub Time Machine 2.”
Because she survived Katrina during her formative years, she says, the event shaped the way she sees everything.
“Katrina made me real humble. When you have everything taken, you can’t help but get humble. I understand now that you can have everything taken from you at any time.”
FARRAH GAFFORD LEFT TOWN AFTER the mayor issued the mandatory evacuation notice. She was among the last to make it out before the storm that drastically changed her life’s course.
Gafford grew up in Lake Highlands and attended Richardson ISD schools including LHHS.
She moved to New Orleans in 2001 and was nearing the end of graduate studies at Tulane University in August of 2005.
“I would always get out of town when there was a hurricane, but my boyfriend convinced me we could hunker down in New Orleans,” she recalls. “Then my dad called Sunday morning from Dallas and asked me to come home. We made it to Olive Branch, Miss., at midnight and watched the storm on TV.”
Gafford had been renting in a higher-elevation neighborhood, and her place was not as badly damaged as most, but she found it impossible to return to the city right away. It was worse than predicted, she says.
While she did not face the immediate intense suffering experienced by those who stayed, every area of Gafford’s life was impacted. Tulane endured such immense destruction that its campus closed indefinitely. Gafford’s graduate program dissolved and the neighborhood she was researching for her sociology doctorate no longer existed.
“How do you replace your whole life? That is what I was thinking,” she says.
Immediately following the storm, Gafford moved in with her family in Dallas. She says she encountered an outpouring of generosity from Lake Highlands people, but having spoken with many survivors, she also has heard the narrative of evacuees being treated badly.
She began to study the sociological impact of Katrina and its aftermath on people who were adolescents and teens when the hurricane struck. She interviewed more than 30 18to 25-year-old survivors and wrote a chapter in the book, “Rethinking Disaster Recovery” examining the career paths of African American emerging adults in post-Katrina New Orleans. From her studies she is able to confirm that young people who came from New Orleans to Lake Highlands likely transferred to a superior educational system, which might have paid off for them in the long run, though it was undoubtedly a difficult adjustment.
She notes that young people (like Harvie Sykes and Kristie Jemison) suffered in many
ways: First, there is the traumatic initial impact, and many of them had residual symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder; second, they had continuing stress as they were forced to adjust to new environments, the loss of friends and culture, a new and more-challenging school system, often after having missed several months of school.
“Coming of age in all of this, some stu-
Maybe recognizing that some of those looters were 15- and 16-year-old kids looking for food and water, that those who did not evacuate likely had no option, would have quelled the criticism.
“What does poverty look like? Many did not understand. Living in the suburbs, for example, you don’t think of people not having cars, credit cards to stay in a hotel — some did
dents had good experiences, but you add that trauma to the already traumatic experience of emerging adulthood, some of them are still struggling.”
Why were some of the transplants to Lake Highlands mistreated?
Gafford believes it had to do partly with “around-the-clock images in the media of people behaving wrongly in the Katrina aftermath, abusing the system, but without proper context.”
not have a choice,” Gafford says.
After eventually earning her PH.D from Tulane in 2008, Gafford became an associate professor at Xavier University of Louisiana where she taught sociology until last year. She continued to research Katrina as it related to urban sociology and sociology of family, race and ethnicity.
She recently married and, six months ago, had a child and has moved back to Texas.
“What does poverty look like? Many did not understand. Living in the suburbs, for example, you don’t think of people not having cars, credit cards to stay in a hotel — some did not have a choice.”
Church in Lake Highlands knows Earlin Vincent as an outstanding soprano. Most know, because she often speaks fondly of her hometown, she is a New Orleans native who came to our neighborhood as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
Her sunny personality belies the painful memories that surface when she talks about the storm that destroyed her home and uprooted her life.
“I was finally in my retirement dream house,” she says with a wistful smile.
She was born and reared in the Seventh Ward; in 2001 she had retired from her job as a schoolteacher and was remodeling a home in Eastern New Orleans. In semi-retirement, she taught voice lessons at Xavier University and served as cantor at St. Dominic’s. She “loved, loved, loved” it.
When the evacuations were ordered, Vincent did not think twice: she booked a room at the nearest available hotel, in Beaumont, Texas. Her elderly parents were another story.
“My dad and mom did not want to leave. I had to make them come with me.”
She remembers the mayor on the news pleading for people to evacuate and asking ministers to offer transportation for those in need.
The main reason she left, she says, was because she heard the storm would hit category four or five, and she expected electricity and water would be out for several days. It wasn’t because she anticipated the flooding or devastation that occurred once the levees broke, she says.
From a hotel lobby, she and her family and other evacuees watched TV.
her most valued possession, a collection of family and teaching photo albums, on a high shelf.
She got lucky, she says. “Out of the blue” a friend of her brother offered up his empty three-bedroom condominium in the Lake Highlands area.
“When he saw us, he hugged my brother and told us about how my brother had once helped him,” she says. When we arrived, members of his church brought blankets, clothes, food.
“It was the first time I cried through the whole thing,” Vincent says.
lude that blew me away,” she recalls. “It’s rare that you hear that in church.”
After mass she asked to audition for the choir.
“I was told to come to rehearsal Wednesday, and the rest is history.”
Vincent and her 90-year-old mother her father died four years ago — live in a home in Garland now, in a subdivision that she says reminds her of New Orleans.
“I was 65 and did not want to go start over in a city that also needed to catch up. The neighborhoods I grew up in are gone.”
Aside from serving as cantor at St. Patrick’s, Vincent leads the children’s choir and has produced two music CDs.
“It was very quiet during those days. Sometimes someone would start crying,” she says.
She remembers seeing images of the street signs in her neighborhood, water reaching their tops.
Based on the footage, Vincent and her parents, who lived in the Gentilly neighborhood, knew their homes were underwater.
She had packed enough clothing for three days. Before she left, she had placed
She cried again when she returned to the remnants of her home — St. Dominic’s church was covered in mold, piles of wood replaced houses, the dirty residue of 6 feet of water was visible on her walls and the photos were nothing but swirls of color muddied on the floor.
“When I realized that was my pictures, I just felt queasy.”
Soon after landing in Lake Highlands, Vincent attended church at St. Patrick’s.
“The organist was playing a Bach Pre-
While she suffered some loss, Vincent says she can’t complain. “We lost no lives. And I have made many friends here. I miss my students from Xavier, but I am where I am supposed to be. And my mother is very comfortable here.”
When the anniversaries come and the images of Hurricane Katrina show up on TV again, Vincent cannot look. “It reminds me too much of those still suffering. Those who have never recovered,” she says. “Materials were lost, but also some people lost some irreplaceable thing within themselves. I only suffer for them and for those who died.”
“Materials were lost, but also some people lost some irreplaceable thing within themselves. I only suffer for them and for those who died.”Earlin Vincent had just moved into her “retirement dream home” in New Orleans when Katrina struck.
Steve Pickett for his live broadcast, Slidell, La., was pitch-dark. Beneath Pickett’s steady voiceover rolled grisly images from the preceding days: homes underwater and residents on rooftops or wading through dark, waist-high water; faces distorted by pain, confusion and heartbreak; human limbs and hair peeking out from beneath piles of rubble.
Pickett traveled to Louisiana to cover Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, he says, but when floodwaters marooned a city and many of its inhabitants, he became a part of an historic event.
“Like most weather-related stories, we had a team set up to cover Katrina,” the CBS 11 reporter says. He and other reporters took shifts at disaster areas in the weeks following the storm.
“But once we got there, it was clear this was not a weather story but an event, and there is a
big difference. Now it is about lives.”
The local news teams in New Orleans had lost everything, their studios and equipment, so reporters such as Pickett were invaluable to the Katrina coverage.
At first, Pickett and his cameraman Billy Sexton spent nights in the CBS news truck as they covered outskirts of New Orleans, such as Slidell and Mandeville, La., and Pass Christian, Miss.
“Once the levees broke, there was no getting into New Orleans,” he says.
Sexton had family in the region.
“Billy’s brother took us in one night. His mother’s home, in Mandeville, was destroyed. Billy worked nonstop while he and his family dealt with the destruction. I don’t know how he did it.”
There was no shortage of shocking news from the suburbs.
“Nothing was left,” Pickett says of the
homes and businesses that once populated the area. He recalls the sound of gunshots ripping through the night during one of his live spots, when he was the only visible thing within miles — a target, he feared. The generatorequipped news truck was an added hazard, he says, because of the lack of functioning vehicles in the area.
“There were people who wanted ours.”
What the newsmen encountered when they finally reached New Orleans was even worse — “indescribable,” Pickett says.
Desperate survivors begged them to broadcast messages to loved ones — “Tell them I am alive,” they pleaded, names scrawled on hoisted cardboard signs.
Pickett and Sexton helped a broken elderly couple they found trudging in the blazing sun. “We knew they would die if we didn’t help, so we took them to a makeshift command center where they at least stood a chance,” Pick-
ett recalls. “We had to leave them. We asked a stranger to look after them. We saw another woman with a broom, sweeping the street, a dead body only yards away from her feet — all she said to us was, ‘I am not a refugee.’”
Pickett, a longtime Lake Highlands resident, won an Emmy for his Iraq War coverage. He has been on the scene following F5 tornadoes. He’s covered every sort of atrocity. More recently he reported from the site of an earthquake in Haiti, which caused greater casualties than Katrina.
But Katrina stays with him, more than anything.
“To see a city underwater, all hell broken loose, it changes you. You don’t think this can happen in an American city.”
Pickett tried to balance his rescue and reporter modes. He slept in the truck and vacant buildings. His live reports ran during the 5 and 6 a.m. and the 5 and 10 p.m. newscasts.
He rode on rescue boats. Even in the sixfoot high waters, some refused to leave their homes.
“They were in shock. The rescuers were begging them to come and some wouldn’t. As a reporter you have to try to remain objective, but I wanted to scream.”
He realizes there were rampant reports of looting and violence, but that generally was not his experience.
“I saw people in desperate situations who needed help. We saw and documented the efforts to save people. We saw thousands of people getting on buses, no idea where they were going. Older people, a woman who looks just like your grandmother, walking toward you, lost, confused, her lifelong home is underwater, she doesn’t know where her family is or where this bus is taking her, and there is nothing you can do.”
STEVE PICKETT RETURNED FROM A LONG assignment in the Middle East in early 2005. His future-wife Rachel Roberts-Pickett was preparing to graduate Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
After years of grueling workloads, the couple looked forward to time together at their Town Creek home.
A monster storm was brewing over the gulf, though, and it would keep the pair apart for most of the next five years.
Roberts-Pickett had just started her first
post-education job as a management development associate with the City of Dallas when Pickett left for flood-ravaged Louisiana.
During the two weeks he was there, she was at her new job, coming out of her skin.
“It was one of those things, something happens, you feel compelled to go,” she says. “I had the training and felt I could play a key role, but I was here, in Dallas, not doing anything to contribute.”
Looking into various recovery efforts, she found an opening with Hagerty Consulting, which was outsourced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help
Pickett says. “Maybe military people can understand, but most people would find this unfathomable. And the people I worked with they probably shouldn’t have — but they stayed to rebuild. They fought. It teaches you a lesson about life and resilience.”
She returned to Lake Highlands regularly and always planned to move back after the Katrina work was finished — but it never was. She stayed for more than five years, marrying Pickett in 2007.
She only came home when she was seven months pregnant with the couple’s now 4-year old son Syeed. (Pickett’s 23-year-old son, Patrick, is a LHHS graduate.)
In the years his wife was away, Pickett continued to cover major events both locally and abroad.
He reported frequently on Dallas schools and neighborhoods impacted by the influx of Katrina evacuees.
cities recover from Katrina damage.
She left her job of two weeks and relocated to Mississippi. It was drastic, but she says she had no doubt this was “what she needed to be doing.”
Pickett was not happy to see his longtime girlfriend go at practically the moment he returned, but they are the type of couple that encourages one another’s oft-extreme drives and passions.
In her new gig, Roberts-Pickett wrote grants that would help municipalities receive funding for removal of debris, restoration of public infrastructures and emergency protective measures. This involved 60- to 80-hour workweeks visiting disaster sites and interviewing an endless parade of aid applicants whose lives had been toppled by the storm. She worked in environments with spotty electricity and no potable water and witnessed a ghastly amount of ruin to hundreds of cities along the Gulf Coast.
“Whole towns were obliterated. You hear about the devastation in New Orleans but all these other places looked like a bomb had blown them apart. It almost felt obscene to be there — to this day I can smell the smell of death. You can’t prepare for that,” Roberts-
“Lake Highlands and nearby areas like Vickery Meadow and communities just west of Central Expressway were inundated with an incredible amount of people, many who made a new start here, many who have become a part of the fabric of Lake Highlands. You can’t go to any part of our city, even now, really, without feeling Katrina’s impact.”
Both Pickett and his wife feel a strong, lasting connection to New Orleans and the area, and they visit often, taking historic tours and patronizing local bed and breakfasts.
Here at home, they run into people from Louisiana and Mississippi in grocery stores and restaurants (“we know their accents,” RobertsPickett says) and strike up conversations. Their house is filled with art and music influenced by New Orleans culture.
Their Hurricane Katrina experiences began as jobs but ultimately touched something deep inside their souls.
“You are invested in the recovery, as invested as the people who live there,” RobertsPickett says.
The Picketts agree Katrina changed them, taught them that when something happens of this magnitude, you don’t have to stand on the sidelines, you can throw yourself into doing what you can do.
At best, the experience changed our society collectively, Pickett adds.
“You learn a lot in disaster. Hopefully lessons learned from Katrina transcend to other situations.”
“You hear about the devastation in New Orleans but all these other places looked like a bomb had blown them apart. It almost felt obscene to be there — to this day I can smell the smell of death. You can’t prepare for that.”
Plans for one of the largest retail projects of its kind — dubbed “a city within a city” — took shape in a basement downtown during the early 1960s. Developer Raymond Nasher envisioned, “a place where people will come not only to shop, but for the experience of just seeing it,” quotes a Dallas Morning News story from November 1962.
NorthPark Center opened 50 years ago this month encompassing 94 acres at Northwest Highway and Central Expressway, the largest climate-controlled suburban shopping center in the world. But it has never been just a mall. The clean modern architecture, fashion focus, inviting landscape and art installations have made it a community gathering space.
Originally designed in a L shape, the center underwent a massive 1.2 million-square-foot expansion in 2006 that incorporated CenterPark, turning the building into an O shape with green space at its core. NorthPark celebrates its birthday with special events Aug. 22. Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com for details.
Here we take a moment to reminisce about the early days of our neighborhood shopping destination.
(Photos courtesy of NorthPark Center)
Anyone who shopped NorthPark from about 1965-76 crossed paths with teenage girls, dressed in uniforms and aprons and carrying colorful bunches of balloons to sell to children. The after-school job became an iconic feature of the mall.
Dallas-based Titche-Goettinger was one of the first department stores to take shape inside NorthPark. It occupied 238,000 square feet on three levels, making it the largest suburban department store ever constructed in Dallas at that time, according to an August 1965 Dallas Morning News article. Joske’s bought out TitcheGoettinger, then Dillard’s Corp. later purchased Joske’s in 1986. The fountain adorning the level one entrance has remained, playing host to the annual “Around the Fountain” fashion show, a tradition that still lasts today.
This was also the fountain in which Farrah Fawcett famously stripped and bathed for the 2000 Robert Altman rom-com, “Dr. T and the Women,” about a wealthy Dallas gynecologist and the high-society ladies he idolizes.
Raymond Nasher began installing artwork at NorthPark in the 1970s. The only original piece that still adorns the mall’s exterior today is Beverly Pepper’s steel sculpture “Dallas Land Canal,” installed in 1971 at the east entrance (below). Jonathan Borofsky’s “Five Hammering Men” arrived in 1982 in SouthCourt between Neiman Marcus and Dillard’s (right).
Neiman Marcus is the only original tenant left at NorthPark today, along with the Danish open sandwich bar, “The Little Mermaid,” tucked away inside the department store and now known as The Mermaid Bar. Neiman Marcus opened in July 1965 at double the size of its Preston Center branch, which was “vacated because of the mushrooming of the North Dallas population,” a Dallas Morning News article reported.
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Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com
A new Greek restaurant opened in the storefront next to Tupinamba at the southwest corner of Walnut Hill and Central. Little Greek is a fast-casual restaurant and a locally owned franchise with locations in Richardson and Carrollton. The menu offers pitas, wraps, salads, gyros and other Greek staples for $7-$14. It’s the meat, imported from Chicago, that sets the restaurant apart, says owner Jan Rosen, who says she uses “the highest quality gyro meat that money can buy.”
Resident Taqueria is coming soon to Lake Highlands. The restaurant, described as “fresh” and “casual,” is the vision of owner/chef Andrew Savoie, Lake Highlands resident and former instructor at the Culinary School at Art Institute of Dallas. He’s worked as a chef in New York, California and New Orleans, among other cool spots. Resident Taqueria will be located at Walnut Hill and Audelia facing west, around the corner from Neighbor’s. The restaurant’s website touts slow-cooked meats, including chicken, pork belly and beef ribs, served on corn tortillas. Complimenting ingredients include pickled nopales, ancho aioli, Oaxaca cheese
and walnut sauce. Cabbage salad, garlicky pintos and mushroom fundido are on the list of sides. Quesadillas, tacos and burritos are on the kids’ menu, and they’ll serve flan and Mexican ice cream for dessert.
Nearly three years after the City Council signed off on the project, developers are preparing to break ground on a five-story, 270-unit apartment complex on Northwest Highway at West Lawther Previously, the site at 7545 Northwest Highway was home to a lawnmower store, liquor store, convenience store and a family residence that has long set fallow. As of this week, all but the house had been razed in preparation for construction to begin.
Also White Rock Crossing, what might be Dallas’ first co-housing develop, is waiting for permits to began construction on 17 single-family homes on a property at 700 Easton.
Two new stores are expected to open at NorthPark Center this month. Pandora, on the ground floor between Nordstrom and Macy’s, offers hand-finished jewelry. Polo Ralph Lauren, on the ground floor between Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, needs no introduction.
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1215 Turner Ave. Dallas, TX 75208 214-942-2220
8202 Boedeker Dr., / (214) 368-4047 / clairesdayschool.com At CCDS, we encourage a child’s sense of exploration and discovery in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment. We offer a parent’s day out program with a play-based curriculum fostering socialization, motor skill development, and an introduction to academics for children aged 4mo – 3yrs. Our preschool for children aged 3-5 further develops these skills, along with a more focused approach to pre-math and prereading. At CCDS, we have developed our own science, math, and reading enrichment classes to ensure kindergarten preparedness for every child. We make learning fun!
950 Tiffany Way, Dallas 75218 / 214.324.1481 / dallas-academy.com Founded in 1965, Dallas Academy’s mission is to restore the promise of full academic enrichment to students with learning differences in grades 1-12. A meaningful connection with each student is established to overcome barriers to success. Dallas Academy offers students an effective program and strategies to meet the special educational needs of bright students with learning differences, while including the
Pre K – 6th Grade / 1215 Turner Ave, Dallas TX 75208 / 214-942-2220 / www. thekesserschool.com The Kessler School offers an innovative academic environment that gives students a solid foundation, confidence, and a love of learning. Located just minutes from downtown Dallas; The Kessler School’s mission is to “educate the whole child,” and provides an individualized approach to teaching – meeting the student where their needs are. Students are educated socially through community time, physically through daily PE, academically through a wellrounded curriculum, and spiritually through a fostering of awareness and individual growth.
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
4411 Skillman 214-826-4410 / 5740 Prospect 214-826-6350 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
Spanish Immersion School serving ages 3 month - Adults. We offer nursery, preschool, elementary and adult programs at two Lakewood locations. Degreed, nativeSpanish speaking teachers in an “all-Spanish” immersion environment. Call for a tour today!
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service.St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
5707 Royal Lane Dallas, Tx 75229 / 214691-6950 / www.winston-school.org If your bright child struggles with things like Attention and Concentration, Executive Functioning and Dyslexia, The Winston School may be able to help. The Winston School has a robust academic program which prepares a student for college while at the same time developing the whole child. We understand bright children who learn differently and recognize their unique gifts and talents. Celebrating and validating these assets with our students enables them to discover who they are, and empowers them to be consistently successful. The Winston School brings hope for today and a road map for tomorrow.
5170 Village Creek Drive Plano, 75093 972-733-0800 YorktownEd.com Yorktown
Education is an independent, academically challenging private school for grades first -12. With a customized “Do What You Love” curriculum, students are educated with higher standards at earlier ages. Education is based on performance and not on age or grade levels. Yorktown graduates are in the top 1% of the country for SAT & ACT results and have a 100 percent college acceptance rate, with an average of over $100,000 in college credit and scholarships. Enrolling first through 10th grade for the 2015-2016 school year. Parent tours and student visits are available.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425
Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary
Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
NORTH HIGHLANDS BIBLE CHURCH / www.nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd.
Sunday: LifeQuest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Student Ministry: Wednesday & Sunday 7:00 pm / 214.348.9697
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel
10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. Mitchell Boone
LAKE HIGHLANDS CHURCH / 9919 McCree / 214.348.0460
Sundays: Classes 9:30, Coffee 10:25, Assembly 10:45
Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org
8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org
9:00 am Contemporary, 9:55 am Christian Ed., 11:00 am Traditional
NORTHRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
Summer Worship: May 24 - Sept. 6 / 10:00am / Childcare provided.
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
10:30 am Sunday - Celebration Worship Service
Climate change, racism, gun violence, economic inequality and marriage equality: These are just a few of the hot topics of a hot summer. Should religion turn up the heat or cool things down?
Some churches (including other religious communities such as synagogues and mosques) are silent about these things, preferring to keep a high wall between the spiritual and the secular. Others eagerly offer views about the state of the world in the light of their spiritual worldview. Responses fall predictably along lines of conservative-traditional versus liberal-progressive. Things are not, however, always that neat.
One, all religions are historically rooted in traditions that make them conservative to some degree. They try to conserve what they believe is enduring in the face of a changing world. They value stability and order, because they sense that God has made the world to work in certain ways and that violating those patterns will bring consequences of deeper pain and brokenness. Even progressives who look to an ideal future more than an ideal past do so on the basis of a vision that once was and still is formative. What to keep and what to let go of is always the question.
Two, all religions operate with a vision of what is yet to come. What future they envision is where differences lie. Progressives believe that God’s work in creation is ongoing and that we can share in it positively to build a better, more just and peaceful world. Conservatives tend to see change through a paradigm of decline that will result in final judgment on wickedness and the rescue of those who faithfully opposed evil. Either way, we all operate out of a vision of the End, whether it’s a this-worldly
or other-worldly end, and whether it includes all or only some.
Three, religions always struggle with the tension of how much to be “in the world but not of the world.” Does our spirituality engage the world in all of its messiness or does it invite us to find refuge beyond it? Some churches (and politicians) like it when the Pope speaks against abortion, but they think he ought to stick to religion when speaking about climate change. Others think exactly the opposite. Should the church weigh in on social and public policy? Most agree we must speak to these things as part of our mandate to bear witness to the character of God, but it’s also clear when we do that we don’t view God in the same way.
Do we want to win at the expense of others, or can we tolerate differences and let God do the sorting?
Four, is religion primarily about absolute truth that can be perfectly known and never compromised or about absolute love that is unconditional and unbounded? Well, it’s about truth and love both, but truth with humility and love with boundaries.
Finally, religion can be a force for unity or division. We tend to think of our own approach to the faith as unifying and the other side as divisive. But we ought to ask ourselves first about our own motivation. Do we want to win at the expense of others, or can we tolerate differences and let God do the sorting?
Religion enlists God into public debates, one way or another. So, in the name of God, we’d better take care how we speak and live.
Neighbors in Merriman Park/University Manor recently showed their support of the boys in blue following the attack on Dallas Police Department headquarters in June. Katie Quinn floated the idea to have neighbors sign a thankyou card for police, and the idea kept growing. Not only did neighbors enthusiastically turn out to sign the card, they also baked a cake and put up a banner of support on Northwest Highway between Walling and Fenton.
on entrants’ history of community service, interviews revolving around philanthropy, current news and events, and issues facing communities, especially African American ones. They also compete in fitness, evening gown and on-stage Q&A segments. Winners earn a $5,000 scholarship, a personal appearance contract, plus an array of goodies. White will attend Southern Methodist University in the Fall.
Lake Highlands High School graduate Mariah White was crowned Miss Black Teen Ambassador 2015 at the Miss Black USA Ambassador Scholarship Pageant, held in June in Atlanta. The pageant’s prizes are awarded based partly
Vickery Meadows Learning Center in Dallas is looking for adult volunteers to teach English to non-English speakers for two hours one day a week for 12 weeks starting next month. VMLC is dedicated to improving English literacy levels among non-English speaking adults and their children by providing programs in communication and life skills. Morning, afternoon and evening hours are available Monday-Thursday. All classes are co-taught in English. Training and curriculum is provided. Contact the adult program director, Liz Harling, at lharling@ vmlc.org or 214.265.5057, ext. 102. There are also opportunities for mentors, computer lab aides, office help, special events and occasional group volunteer projects. Learn more at vmlc.org.
White Rock area residents Nicole Studer and Shaheen Sataar competed in the country’s ultimate ultra-race, the Western States 100-mile trail run, in June. Competitors attempted to climb more than 18,000 feet, descend 23,000 feet and cross a cold and rushing waist-deep river before, after 20-something hours, finishing on a high school track in Auburn, Calif. Studer finsihed sixth in the women’s race. Several hours into the race, Sataar dropped out due to an injury.
The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands presented its quarterly Police Department and Fire-Rescue Department awards in June. Senior Cpl. Katherine Robinson received the Police Department award. She has been a DPD employee since 2009 and works at the Northeast Substation as a neighborhood officer. Lt. Jim Royer received the Fireman award. He is a LHHS graduate and has been a fire department employee for 11 years. He has been a fire fighter/paramedic, a hazardous material technician, and a member of the Urban Search and Rescue Team.
HAVE AN ITEM TO BE FEATURED? Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
About 50 Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, their siblings and parents cleaned up White Rock Lake with For the Love of the Lake. Recent flooding has deposited unprecedented amounts of trash on the lakeshores. The Scouts are from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church and University Park
ART: Draw/Paint. Adults All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Days: Mon & Wed. Students bring supplies. Nights: 1xt month workshop, supplies furnished. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829,
Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm
GUITAR OR PIANO Patient Teacher. Your Home. 12 Yrs Exp. Reasonable rates. UNT Music Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
MAKERS CONNECT Craft Classes & Workshops. Led by & for Local Makers. Check Schedule: makersconnect.org/classes
MATHNASIUM has a new Math Learning Center at 7324 Gaston mathnasium.com/dallaslakewood 214-328-MATH (6284)
PIANO LESSONS In Your Home Or Mine. 25 Yrs. Experience Dr. Larissa Kiefer, D.M.A. 214-789-6684 kieferpianostudio.com
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AVIATION GRADS Work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and Others. Start Here With Hands On Training For FAA Certification. Financial Aid If Qualified. Aviation Institute Of Maintenance. 866-453-6204
FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 3108 Seeking Bar Staff. Apply In Person. @ 8500 Arturo Dr. 75228 TABC Cert Reqrd. PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS reply to http://www.pcpsi.com/join
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688 CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
A SIMPLE WILL. Name a Guardian for Children. Katherine Rose, Attorney 214-728-4044. Office Dallas Tx.
A WILL? THERE IS A WAY Estate/Probate matters. Free Consultation. 214-802-6768 MaryGlennAttorney.com
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
Students from Northlake Elementary School decked out in their best reds, whites and blues for the Exchange Club Lake Highlands’ annual Fourth of July festivities.
TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
NEXGEN FITNESS Call Today For Free Session. 972-382-9925 NexGenFitness.com 10759 Preston Rd. 75230
UFC GYM WHITE ROCK Workout Blues? Train Different. Power/ endurance/results. 469-729-9900 ufcgym.com/WhiteRock
ADORABLE GROOMS PET SALON New Salon. Grooming, medicated/flea baths. 11111 N. Central Expy 972-629-9554
DEE’S DOGGIE DEN Daycare, Boarding, Grooming, Training. 6444 E. Mockingbird Ln. 214-823-1441 DeesDoggieDen.com
POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009. germaine_free@yahoo.com
Basketball players, cheerleaders and the mascot from Dallas Academy boarded a float for the ECLH Independence Day parade, which traversed Church Road, in front of Lake Highlands High School July 4.
OLD GUITARS WANTED Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin. 1930s-1980s. Top dollar paid. Toll Free 1-866-433-8277
front row seats. Share prime, front-row Texas Rangers and Dallas Stars tickets (available in sets of 10 games). Prices start at $105 per ticket (sets of 2 or 4 tickets per game available) Seats are behind the plate and next to the dugouts for the Rangers: seats are on the glass and on the Platinum Level for the Stars. Other great seats available starting at $60 per ticket. Entire season available except for opening game; participants randomly draw numbers prior to the season to determine a draft order fair for everyone. Call 214-560-4212 or rwamre@ advocatemag.com
TOP CASH FOR CARS Any Car, Truck. Running or Not. Call for Instant Offer. 1-800-454-6951
Moving & DownSizing Sales, Storage Units.
Organize/De-Clutter Donna 972-679-3100
Low Rates, Excellent Service, Senior Discount. MC-Visa. 214-321-4228
JESSE’S A/C & APPLIANCE SERVICE TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898
Serving your Neighborhood Since 1993 Repairing: Refrigerators •Washer/Dryers
• Ice Makers •Stoves • Cooktops • Ovens 214✯823✯2629
Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com
BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
GREENGO Vinyl Siding,Windows & Doors. 903-802-6957, 25 Yrs Exp.
O’BRIEN GROUP INC. Remodeling Dallas For Over 17 Years www.ObrienGroupInc.com 214-341-1448
RENOVATE DALLAS renovatedallas.com 214-403-7247
Unique Home Construction
- Design, Build, Remodel - Kitchens & Baths
- New Construction or Additions Many references available
- Licensed, Insured, Member of BBB www.uniquehomebuild.com
A MAID FOR YOU Bonded/Insured.Park Cities/ M Streets Refs. Call Us First. Joyce 214-232-9629
A Clean You Can Trust Staff trained by Nationally Certified Cleaning Tech. Chemical-free, Green, or Traditional Cleaning. WindsorMaidServices.com 214-381-MAID (6243)
Relax ...We’ll Clean Your House, It Will Be Your Favorite Day! Bonded & Insurance. Free Estimates. 214-929-8413. www. altogetherclean.net
Top To Bottom Clean. Fabiana.469-951-2948
CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 214-490-0133
DELTA CLEANING Insd./Bonded. Move In/Out. General Routine Cleaning. Carpet Cleaning. Refs. Reliable. Dependable. 28+yrs. 972-943-9280.
HOUSE CLEANING Honest, References. 20 Years Experience. 214-660-8401
MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91
WANTED: HOUSES TO CLEAN Windows, too! Great Prices $$. Family owned. 20 yrs. Reliable. Excellant Refs. Call Sunny @ 214-724-2555
WINDOW MAN WINDOW CLEANING.COM Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134
ALL COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED MAC/PC Great Rates! Keith 214-295-6367
Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home/Biz Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction. No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566
IT SOLUTIONS/SUPPORT For Home & Small Business. Parental Controls Speciality. 8 Yrs. Exp. Husband & Wife, Licensed Minister called to His Work. Texas Tech Guru. 214-850-2669
Tuck Pointing / Crack Repair. Mortar Color Matching. Windows And Door Cracks Etc. Call Don 214-704-1722
BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319
Mortar Repair. Straighten Brick Mailboxes & Columns. Call Cirilo 214-298-7174
Demo existing. Stamping and Staining Driveways/Patio/Walkways
Pattern/Color available
Free Estimates 972-672-5359 (32 yrs.)
CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable. Chris 214-770-5001
EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216
FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001
Swimming Pool Remodels • Patios
Stone work Stamp Concrete 972-727-2727
Retaining Walls Driveways Stamped Concrete 214-202-8958
Bonded & Insured References & Free Estimates
ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com
Family Owned/Operated. Insd. 214-328-1333
GOVER ELECTRIC Back Up Generators. New and Remodel Work. Commercial & Residential. All Service Work. 469-230-7438. TECL2293
LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735
TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639
Prompt, Honest, Quality. TECL 24668
TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658
WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891
G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925
#1 COWBOY FENCE & IRON CO. Est. ‘91. 214-692-1991 www.cowboyfenceandiron.com
4 QUALITY FENCING Call Mike 214-507-9322 Specializing in Wood, New or Repair.
AMBASSADOR FENCE INC. Automatic Gates, Iron & Cedar Fencing, Decks. Since 1996. MC/V 214-621-3217
FENCING & WOOD WORK oldgatefence.com charliehookerswoodwork.com 214-766-6422
HANNAWOODWORKS.COM Decks, Fences, Pergolas, Patio Covers. 214-435-9574
KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699
Trex Decking & Fencing, trex.com All Wood Decks, Arbors & Patio Covers
TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
SPECIALIZING IN Wood Fences &Auto Gates
ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641
Carpet, Wood, Tile Sales/Service Free Estimates
Installation, Repair, Refinish, Wax, Hand Scrape. Residential, Commercial. Sports Floors. 30 Yrs.
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
Wood, Laminate. Remodel Showers, Bathrooms. thetexanflooringservices.com 214-680-0901
CARPET HARDWOODS CERAMIC Quick, Reliable Installation
John: 972.989.3533
Reinventing the Flooring Experience
LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR frameless shower enclosures • store fronts replacement windows • mirrors 214-349-8160
ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829
A R&G HANDYMAN Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Fencing, Roofing, Light Hauling. Ron or Gary 214-861-7569, 469-878-8044
ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 25 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830
BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
FRAME RIGHT All Honey-Dos/Jobs. Crown mold install $125/rm. Licensed. Matt 469-867-9029
GROOVY HOUSE Is A Different Handyman Experience! Find Out Why At www.groovyhouse.biz 214-733-2100 • 19 Year Lakewood Resident
HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Residential/ Commercial. Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635
HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606
HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582
WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232
TACLB64882e / TDR25284 Handy Dan
We Answer Our Phones
Garage Reorg/Org.Painting, Shelving, Cabinets, Storage, Disposal. 303-883-9321
ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com
UNITED GARAGE DOORS AND GATES Res/Com. Locally Owned.214-826-8096
The Handyman “ToDo’s” Done Right Save $25 on Service Call of $125 or $50 on Service Call of $250 handy-dan.com 214.252.1628
A BETTER TREE COMPANY • JUST TREES Complete tree services. Tree & Landscape Lighting! Mark 214-332-3444
A BETTER TREE MAN Trims, Removals, Insd. 12 Yrs Exp. Roberts Tree Service. 214-808-8925
A&B LANDSCAPING Full Landscape & Lawn Care Services. Degreed Horticulturist. 214-534-3816
1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634
Painting. 85% Referrals. Free Est. 214-348-5070
Since 1977. Kirk Evans. 972-672-4681
A1 TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863
ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000
Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768
Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513
TEXAS BEST PAINTING • 214-527-4168
Master Painter. High Quality Work. Int/Ext.
Since 1984. Int./Ext. 214-755-2700
VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 469-774-7111
FENN CONSTRUCTION Full Service Contractor. www.dallastileman.com Back Splash Specials! 214-343-4645
MELROSE TILE James Sr., Installer, Repairs. 40 Yrs. Exp. MelroseTile.com 214-384-6746
STONE AGE COUNTER TOPS Granite, Marble, Tile, Kitchen/Bath Remodels. 972-276-9943.stoneage.dennis@verizon.net
TK REMODELING 972-533-2872
Complete Full Service Repairs, Remodeling, Restoration. Name It — We do it. Tommy. Insured. dallas.tkremodelingcontractors.com
TOM HOLT TILE 30 Yrs Experience In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444
Repair Specialists
Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781
Trees, Landscaping, Sod. 45 Yrs. Exp. Insured. blountstreeservicedfw.com 214-275-5727
Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463
DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914
Lawn Service & Landscape Installation
ENCHANTED LIGHTING BY SEAN MADDEN dallasledlight.com 214-660-3465
GREENSKEEPER Winter Clean Up & Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846
Sprinkler & Valve Repair/ Rebuild Older Systems. Lic. #1742. 214-398-8061
Your lighting specialists. 972-591-8383
Parties, Weddings, Patios, Landscape.
LSI LAWN SPRINKLERS “Making Water Work” Irrigation system Service & Repair. Specializing In Older Copper Systems. LI #13715. 214-283-4673
ORTIZ LAWNCARE Complete Yard Care. Service by Felipe. Free Est. 214-215-3599
PERRONE’S • 214-502-2296
Pros at: - Tree Trimming - Full Landscaping - Sodding - Concrete Patios, Stonework
RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)
TRACY’S LAWN CARE • 972-329-4190
Lawn Mowing & Leaf Cleaning
U R LAWN CARE Maintenance. Landscaping. Your Personal Yard Service by Uwe Reisch uwereisch@yahoo.com 214-886-9202
WHITE ROCK TREE WIZARDS Professionals, Experts, Artists. Trim, Rmv, Cable Repair, Cavity-Fill Stump Grind. Emergency Hazards. Insd. Free Est. 972-803-6313
A Better Tree Company
Your Trees Could Look Like a Work of Art, I Guarantee It.
Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed
Best Prices on Tree Removal
Insured • Commercial & Residentia l Tree & Landscape Lighting • Fence & Deck Call Mark Wittlich 214-332-3444
Dallas Groundskeeper
"We treat your lawn as if it were our own."
• locally owned & operated organic landscape company
• Comprehensive services designed to meet your needs
Keeping the environment, kids, pets in mind. Organic products avail. 972-564-2495
Prices Start at $85 + Tax
For General Treatment.
Average Home-Interior/Exterior & Attached Garage. Quotes For Other Services. 214-328-2847. Lakewood Resident
A2Z PLUMBING 214-727-4040
All Plumbing Repairs. Slab Leak Specialists. Licensed & Insured. ML# M36843.
AC PLUMBING Repairs, Fixtures, Senior Discounts. Gary Campbell. 214-321-5943
ANDREWS PLUMBING • 214-354-8521
# M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. plumberiffic69@gmail.com
Sewers • Drains • Bonded 24 Hours/7 Days
*Joe Faz 214-794-7566 - Se Habla Español*
ARRIAGA PLUMBING: General Plumbing
Since the 80’s. Insured. Lic# M- 20754 214-321-0589, 214-738-7116, CC’s accepted.
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Police say Kevin Rojas-Gallo snatched a 10-year-old boy off the street in June and molested him. Thanks to the victim’s immediate testimony, police made a quick arrest.
The boy was walking alone along Ridgecrest Road in the Vickery Meadow area at about 4 p.m. June 24 when the suspect, who first followed him by car, grabbed him, according to a police report.
The young victim was able to get away, report the incident and describe his abductor, as well as the red vehicle the man drove, to police. That information led police to 22-year-old Rojas-Gallo, who they arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping and indecency with a child. Both charges are first-degree felonies, and he was being held on a total $400,000 bond.
Upon his arrest, police also discovered that Rojas-Gallo was wanted in Seagoville in connection with another crime.