October 2022 issue of Lake Highlands Advocate

Page 12

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6 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com contents LAKE HIGHLANDS ADVOCATE VOL. 22 NO. 10 Moderena Bakery & Café offers sweet treats and East African cuisine. Read more on page 14. Photography by Kathy Tran. DINING 14 Moderena Bakery & Café FEATURES 8 Our Friends Place makes home possible 12 Living in Lake Highlands 18 Affordable housing 24 Delightful delicore COLUMNS 39 Worship oct 22

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Part of the mural “The Collective Energy,” by Dallas-based artist at The Hill. Photography by Jessica Turner.
october 2022 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 7
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Local nonprofit houses at-risk young women and helps break generational poverty

Dorm rooms and college football games are the destination for many 18-24-year-olds, but about 1,400 Texans in that age range are experiencing homelessness, according to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Young women who are homeless are at high risk for drug use, alcoholism, chronic homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, unintended pregnancy and sex trafficking, ac cording to Our Friends Place, a Lake Highlands-based nonprofit focused on helping them.

Our Friends Place began in 1987 because of a gap in services available to women who had aged out of foster care and were not pregnant or mothers.

“The whole reason we opened the Transitional Living Center was because we had a young woman graduate from high school and had no place to go because she didn’t have any family to go to, and at that point, there were no options,” Our Friends Place Executive Director Sue Hesseltine says. “That is such a critical age where you are still making decisions that will affect the rest of your life.”

In the Dallas area, 25% of women age 18-14 fall below the poverty threshold for a single adult. Many are former foster youth, 20% of whom are homeless after 18; only half of them are employed by age 24.

Our Friends Place assists these young women through their Transitional Living Center programs and SOAR to Success prevention programs, which aim to break gener ational cycles of poverty, homelessness, abuse and neglect through living assistance, education and training.

Because women with a high school diploma earn 64% more than those without one, and as little as $250 in savings can prevent homelessness in young adults, Our Friends Place emphasizes education and financial responsibility.

In two of the residential centers, Beazley House and Pauline’s Place, women have their own bedrooms while sharing a kitchen, bathroom and living room with two roommates in similar situations. Residents can participate in life skills curriculum and intensive case management. Job training, education and employment assistance are also available.

8 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022
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“One of our biggest recent challenges is how much housing costs have gone up, yet minimum wage is still $7.25,” Hesseltine says. “They’re doing any thing that will help them get closer to making a minimum wage, like college or trade school.”

The center sets up residents for fi nancial stability, and the curriculum focuses on increasing women’s social capital, an often overlooked necessity for advancing their futures according to Hesseltine. Our Friends Place has helped hundreds of women in the 35 years since it was established.

About 20% of the women entering the residential program have been in foster care, and 90% are homeless, ac cording to 2019 numbers. By the end of their stay, 100% of residents had increased their job skills, avoided unin tended pregnancies, and were employed at least part-time. Ninety-four percent went on to attend an educational or vocational school, 86% increased their savings, 87% decreased debt, and 33% were able to earn a higher hourly wage.

Our Friends Place created the SOAR

to Success Program to diminish the number of women in need of home lessness services. The program serves women ages 12-24 with case manage ment and life skills to fight generational cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty and homelessness.

“The biggest thing is that these are incredibly polite and resilient young people. Because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be surviving, and we should all see them that way,” Hesseltine says. “If somebody reads this and gives that young person a chance, our relationship with that person could make a huge difference.”

The program has partnered in re cent years with Alley’s House-Hope Cottage, IDEA High School, Thomas Jefferson High School, North Dallas High School, Mesquite High School, Gladney Center for Adoption, McMillan High School and Shepton High School, as well as workshops at businesses, re source centers and workshops for adult allies that work with at-risk youth and young adults.

Every participant in SOAR Discovery

increased at least one skill to prevent homelessness, and has stayed in school, according to 2019 data. The program has served 159 youth across six school campuses and three nonprofit partners.

For women ages 18-45 who don’t need housing but have other needs, the SOAR Taking Flight program aids with case management and life skills training through an eight-session course. Meals, bus passes and financial incentives are provided to decrease barriers to partic ipation. In the program in 2019, 100% of participants increased at least one skill, 73% completed the program, and 25 people were served.

Neighbors can contribute to Our Friends Place and the women they serve by donating money, gift cards or hygiene products, and advocate for a livable minimum wage.

Hesseltine says Our Friends Place will also come to speak to businesses and book clubs.

“The more people that are aware of the issue, the more likely that folks will be noticed and will be given resources,” she says.

Life skills are a priority at Beazley House and Pauline’s Place. Photos courtesy of Our Friends Place.
10 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022
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Changing the appearance of Lake Highlands neighborhoods

Mark Holmes and his wife were thinking about starting a family in the early 2000s, when they were living in Hollywood Heights in East Dallas. They knew they wanted to be in an affordable area with more space and good schools for their children.

Holmes’ brother, a Realtor, suggested they consider Lake Highlands. They found a ranch-style home in White Rock Valley — a common style in that neighborhood — and moved there in 2005, paying about $103 per square foot.

Properties in the neighborhood today are listed with a price-per-square-foot value double or triple that, but it isn’t discouraging people from buying.

“We’ve seen that, whether it’s through mortgages, whether it’s through personal assets, whatever it is, people are willing to pay a lot of money — what I would suspect — to live in Lake Highlands,” he says.

In White Rock Valley and throughout the area, single-story, ranch-style homes like Holmes’ are being torn down and rebuilt, or they’re being gutted and remodeled.

12 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022

It’s making Lake Highlands, once a place that attracted families with large lots available at an affordable price, more expensive.

The median home sale price for properties in the 75238 ZIP code was about $390,000 in January 2018 according to Redfin. In January 2022, that number had jumped to $465,000.

For the 75231 ZIP code, the change is less extreme. The median home sale price increased from about $145,000 in January 2018 to about $170,000 in January of this year.

The prices for 75243 were somewhere in the middle. In that ZIP code, the median home sale price was about $272,000 in January 2022, up from $235,000 in January 2018.

More substantial changes have happened just during this year. In the 75238 ZIP code, the median home sale price increased by $180,000 from January to July. In the 75231 area over the same time, it increased by about $55,000. And in the 75243 area, the price jumped by more than $37,000.

But the way Holmes sees it, this general increase in property values isn’t pricing out existing residents. Rather, it’s a result of peoples’ tastes. They may not want a smaller, single-story home. Instead, they might opt for a larger, modern, two-story home with an open floor plan. They’re paying more to get what they want, and it’s changing the look of the neighborhood.

Sometimes, when homeowners move into an area and begin building more expensive homes, it causes displacement of existing, often lower-income residents. But Holmes says that isn’t the case here.

“I don’t think you could ever consider parts of Lake Highlands, these neighborhoods that you’re seeing these rebuilds and remodeling going on, as necessarily poor,” he says. “I just think you’ve seen the tastes in housing change, and what people have to pay to get the type of house they want in the neighborhood they want.”

The trend of rising property values doesn’t mean there aren’t still affordable housing options in Lake Highlands. The northern part of our neighborhood has, at last count, about 17,000 apartment units housing a variety of income levels.

Vickery Meadow has many apartment complexes, many of them inhabited by refugees, that have availability for lowincome residents. And unlike other parts of Dallas where there are affordable housing options — such as South Dallas — Lake Highlands offers residents easy access to schools,

grocery stores, public transportation and businesses.

Refugee Services of Texas is one organization that helps refugees find housing and other basics required for living in the United States. Pre-arrival housing coordinator Karimah Hernandez says it can be difficult to find apartments willing to house refugees. A lack of awareness of the barriers refugees face (many of them lack photo identification and a Social Security number), safety and affordability are a few issues Hernandez deals with when locating housing for families.

When Hernandez and her family moved from New York to Dallas eight years ago, they paid $850 per month for a three-bedroom apartment, she says. Just recently, Hernandez found a one-bedroom unit in the same complex for a refugee; he pays $1,200 per month.

The problem with some cheaper apartments is that landlords might take advantage of low-income tenants. Maintenance requests are ignored. Buildings are left in disrepair and become unsafe. In some cases, the City of Dallas has gotten involved, including through lawsuits.

“I’d rather put a refugee somewhere where I’m paying an extra $300, and I know they can sleep safely at night without hearing any gunshots, as opposed to somewhere that’s a tad bit on the sketchier side but more affordable,” Hernandez says.

Though affordable housing in our neighborhood exists, the amount has decreased over time. One apartment complex was torn down in 2008 to make way for Lake Highlands Town Center. Today, there are a couple apartment buildings around the shopping center, but at one property, a one-bedroom starts at $1,400 per month, according to the apartment’s website.

Another example is the Timbercreek Apartments. Built in the 1970s, the residences were located on 44 acres at Northwest Highway and Skillman Street. Trammell Crow Co. bought the property in 2005, and in 2006, the Dallas City Council voted to rezone the property. The hundreds of families who lived there were forced to leave, the apartments were razed, and now the area is home to a Walmart and Sam’s Club, among other retailers.

“The housing partnerships that I try to build, I want them to be sustainable long-term. With housing prices recently, it’s been a little bit of a challenge,” Hernandez says. “But there are still those properties out there that are more than willing to work with us.”

october 2022 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 13
14 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022 COFFEE, CAKE, MUFFINS & KICHA FIT-FIT Moderena Bakery & Café delivers a taste of Eritrea to Lake Highlands Story by TINA-TIEN NGUYEN | Photography by KATHY TRAN food

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MODERENA BAKERY AND CAF É opened on Royal Lane in June, bringing a taste of authentic East African cuisine to Lake Highlands.

Coffee, pastries and all-day breakfast are on the menu alongside Eritrean dishes such as ful, made with fava beans, olive oil and spices; fata, a kind of bread salad with tomatoes; and kicha fit-fit, shredded flatbread or injera with spiced clarfied butter and berbere.

“I saw no coffee places with breakfast, aside from Starbucks down the street, and was thinking this could be a great addition to the neighborhood,” owner Robel Tsegay says.

Tsegay’s parents ran convenience stores and restaurants when he was growing up, and he managed a coffee shop in Eritrea. He worked at Whole Foods after arriving in the United States in 2006 and later ran a trucking operations company and worked at a convenience store.

“I love working directly with people, so I wanted to create something related to making food again,” Tsegay says.

Breakfast items are most popular at Moderena, Tsegay says.

“We cook everything fresh,” he says.

Richardson-based Eiland Coffee Roasters provides blends from Columbia, Ethiopia and Guatemala. Coffee drinks like espresso, macchiato and cappuccino are steamed to perfection, Tsegay says. Almond and oat milks are available, as well as tea, frappes and mango or strawberry smoothies.

“Making a cup of macchiato reminds me of back home, and sometimes customers will even drive all the way from Fort Worth or Allen just for it,” he says. “It makes me feel

so good to know people enjoy it as much as I do.”

Grab pastries such as tiramisu, diplomat cream, blackand-white forest cake, vegan marble pound cake and mille-feuille before they sell out. The moist, delicately balanced cakes are baked in house daily, along with muffins, creampuffs and donut croissants. Order birthday and celebration cakes 24 hours in advance.

Moderena also serves nine flavors from Villa Dolce Gelato: lemon, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, maple pecan, caramel sea salt, pistachio, hazelnut, and Tsegay’s favorite, roasted banana dulce de leche. One scoop costs $2 and two scoops are $4.

Children and families are welcome in the café, and a lounge area on one side creates a quiet place to get some work done. This used to be Coach’s Burger and Varsity Grill, and some aspects of that remain, such as the red light fixtures.

Moderena is a family business. Tsegay’s brother Haile Gebre Michael does the accounting, inventory and paperwork.

Tsegay named the restaurant Moderena because he sees it as a “modern” version of Starbucks or Panera Bread, and he says neighbors couldn’t wait for him to open it.

He expects to expand the menu soon with light dinner entrees, sandwiches, salads and cookies.

“I’m so happy to be here, engaging with all the customers that enjoy the food and atmosphere and are so welcoming to us,” he says. “Everyone has been so supportive.”

Moderna Bakery and Café , 9310 Forest Lane, 469.342.1704

16 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022


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18 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022 HOUSING


and civic leaders like a discussion about affordable housing.

So, when the Dallas City Council, resolved to tackle a citywide shortage of accessible homes, met last year to consider the con struction of multiple Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) developments, drama ensued.

The thorniest proposal was for a 200-unit development in our neighborhood.

It looked promising on paper and garnered support from around the horseshoe. However, Lake Highlands representative Adam McGough, echoing his constituents’ concerns, said, “no way.”

Following McGough’s impassioned dissent, the Council voted 9-6 to advance the project. (A few weeks later, angry neighbors took the fight to State Rep. John Turner D-Dallas, who by law was able to override the City Council’s decision. The apartments were never built.)

The neighbors’ and councilman’s opposition drew criticism from fellow councilors and City staff, who are under pressure to build homes and reduce what researchers at Up For Growth say, as of 2020, is an 87,000-unit deficit.

As home prices and rents increase and conversations about housing become more fraught, one might wonder who is right — homeowners demanding a say in neighborhood planning or those who argue we need to build more housing at every opportunity?

The answer, of course, is both. And neither.

Policymakers cannot ignore the neighborhoods’ desires and concerns. They would be out of a job if they did.

But pressure to construct and rehabilitate more homes is only going to increase, and negative public opinion about affordable housing can be a big barrier to meeting Dallas’ mounting need.

october 2022 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 19

If we cannot strike up more constructive conversations, promising developments will keep croaking in infancy, and our city’s housing demands will go unmet, say those inside the city-planning world.

Unaffordability can lead to housing insecurity, homelessness and a host of societal problems that affect every socioeconomic bracket, says David Noguera, director of the Dallas Department of Housing and Revitalization.

Ensuring our city is a place where people of varying incomes can rent, finance or purchase a home begins with public support for all types of housing, he says.

“We can help create and preserve affordable places for people making around $50,000 a year — bear in mind this means some teachers, your delivery drivers, post office personnel — or we can let them figure it out themselves,” he says.

The problem with the latter, he says, is sprawl and the loss of valuable mem bers of society. Residents move farther out or leave Dallas for somewhere more affordable.

“Dallas is going through a level of growth we have not seen in years,” Noguera says. “We are not building enough housing fast enough. Take the word affordability out of it altogether — we need more, period.”

Research from Up for Growth, in a report titled Housing Underproduction in the U.S. 2022, backed that up.

“Spotting and responding to underproduc tion trends can improve lives, economies and the planet,” said Mike Kingsella, CEO of Up for Growth, a nonprofit committed to solving the housing shortage and affordability crisis.

He attributed underproduction in more than 200 metropolitan areas to “NIMBY-ism (not in my backyard) and exclusionary zon ing.”

Noguera has seen examples of people who say they support affordable housing but don’t want it in their neighborhood.

That’s often due to a misunderstanding of what affordable housing is, he says.

“When people hear ‘affordable housing,’

The estimated area median income (AMI) for an individual living in Dallas is $62,300 or, for a family of four, $89,000.

Most tax-credit housing in Dallas targets families earning between 30% and 80% of the AMI.

A development with units for families earning 30% to 80% AMI would serve, for example, a household of four earning $26,700 to $71,000.


The National Low Income Housing Coalition publishes a report each year showing the “housing wage.” That’s what a person/household needs to earn working full time in order for a two-bedroom rental unit to be affordable by the official government standard. For example, in Lake Highlands, a person needs to make about $25 an hour or $48,700 per year to afford something in the neighborhood.

“We are not building enough housing fast enough. Take the word affordability out of it altogether — we need more, period.”
20 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022 $26.54 75218 $24.23 75243 $24.23 75238 $23.65 75231
Based on house and rent prices from Zillow

they think it is going to attract undesirable neighbors,” he says. “I think, from one perspective, we need to educate our residents on what it means and on the impact of our decisions.”

But in some cases purported concerns about traffic, parking, property values, the environment or character of the neighborhood mask biases and racist attitudes, he says.

“I have heard things at these meetings that make my jaw drop,” he says. “Those kinds of comments make it difficult for everyone involved in trying to get something done.”


The housing tax credit is the City’s most essential financial tool for producing affordable housing. It’s not the only one, but it is a good place to start as we learn about what affordable housing is and is not.

It is a term we will hear more as our city strives to build enough homes to accommodate a population that, according to the Dallas Federal Reserve, grew by almost 100,000 in 2020-2021.

The housing tax credit has been around since 1986. (Texas re moved the words “low-income” in 2005.)

Through this program, banks and other corporations put cash up front into a development that includes affordable units in return for 10 years of credits against their taxes.

“The term is a very loaded one, and it attracts attention from all sides of the housing debate,” Noguera says.

People often conflate housing tax credit projects with slums, poverty and crime, but in reality, the developments he’s looking at all involve mixed-income housing, he says.

A good project might include a third of its units at market rate, a third at 30% area median income and a third at 60% median income, for instance.

The City scores housing tax credit projects based on various components — crime rates in the surrounding census tract, for example, or proximity to transit and medical hubs.

When a housing project contains “affordable” or “tax credit” in its description, that does not mean voucher housing, transitional housing or a homeless shelter, Noguera says.

Those are things we as a community also have to address, he says, but when people conflate those things, it does nothing to advance the creation of more homes for Dallas residents.


Lake Highlands Councilman McGough acknowledges that when people associate affordability with crime and vagrancy, it gives am munition to critics who would call our neighbors NIMBY or worse.

“There are going to be outliers and people who say things that they’ll interpret as racist and other things,” he says. “And it abso lutely kills me when it happens, because that is not my experience with the majority of people in this community. We have had a lot of thoughtful, not ignorant, discussions, and people here genuinely want to help figure this out. ”

That 2021 Council meeting where members debated an HTC project in Lake Highlands exemplified what happens when we do not have constructive ways to discuss housing.

One resident said she “spoke for the whole neighborhood” in


LIHTC/HTC: Low Income Housing Tax Credit or, in Texas, Housing Tax Credit, is the City’s most essential financial tool for producing affordable housing. Written in 1986, the program allows banks and other corporations to put cash up front into a development that includes affordable units in return for 10 years of credits against their taxes.

SECTION 8: Named for Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, this housing choice voucher program is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly and the disabled to afford decent and safe housing in the private market.

WORKFORCE HOUSING: Urban Land Institute defines workforce housing as housing affordable to households earning between 60% and 120% of area median income. That’s about $36,000-$72,000 a year in Dallas. The term aims to conjure images of young teachers, mail carriers and health care workers.

ACCESSIBLE HOUSING: As housing proponents try to scrub affordable housing’s image, they try other words that mean essentially the same thing, and this is one of them.

MISSING MIDDLE: Architecturally, between apartments and single-family houses, are lowerdensity multi-unit or clustered housing types, such as duplexes, that are closer in scale to houses. The term also is often used to describe the population who would live in these dwellings.

NIMBY: Not in My Backyard. Coined in the 1970s, according to Oxford Languages, it is a person who objects to the sitting of something perceived as unpleasant or hazardous in the area where they live, especially while raising no such objections to similar developments elsewhere.

YIMBY: Yes in My Backyard. Pushing back against the NIMBYs, these supply side advocates are pro-development activists in pursuit of equity, or they’re gentrifying tricksters, depending who you ask.

october 2022 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 21

opposing the project due to its proximity to a “homeless camp.” The next agreed and spent the rest of her time testifying about drug deals and public nudity near the site. A resident of Hamilton Park complained that developers of lower income apartments would let just anyone live there. Another said Lake Highlands already has plenty of diversity.

Councilmember Adam Bazaldua said he was “blown away” by the “disturbing” citizen comments.

“I heard a bunch of NIMBYs who were not only saying to people — people like cooks and front line, essential workers, people who make around $30,000 a year — that we do not want them, and then going even further and comparing the working class to criminals.”

Lee Kleinman, who then represented North Dallas, said what happened at that meeting was the result of built-up frustration over a neglected part of the city where drugs and crime historically have run amok. While the two things are not connected, he says, those conditions breed skepticism.

“The lack of trust is strong in those two or three neighborhoods surrounding the proposed site, and when you piss off a neighbor hood, they are going to rally when they have the opportunity for their voices to be heard,” he says.

And after Rep. Turner quashed the project, local media weighed in.

“It turns out, in Texas, angry neighbors can override their city council,” WFAA’s David Schechter reported at the time. “All they need is a letter of opposition from their state representative.”

The case typified “the kind of implicit bias and unfettered an tagonism” that will make it impossible to build adequate affordable housing, Central Track reporter Doyle Rader wrote.

How do we get to a place of less anger, more understanding and collaboration to more smoothly bring housing to all Dallas neighborhoods?


We need all types of housing — from expensive houses on large lots to townhomes and condos to multifamily buildings.

The City also has Com munity Block Develop ment Grants to build single-family homes, a repair program to preserve single-family homes and a downpayment assistance program, says Kyle Hines, assistant director of Dallas Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization.

Homeownership re mains the primary driver of household wealth.

But when people give up on homeownership, because of high prices or too much competition, they enter the rental mar ket, explains Councilman Chad West. Then there is

less supply and more demand in the rental market. “People who could pay more and cannot find a place go down to the next level and it can trickle down until the people in the lowest AMI category are out of luck.”

“I don’t want the conversations to be pigeonholed into discussing housing for a particular group of people, because our city needs more housing at all price points,” Noguera says. “It’s critically important that whatever we’re investing in as a City serve a mixture of incomes.”

An “affordable dwelling” costs 30% of a person’s gross income, whether you are at the lower or upper-mid point of the income spectrum.

“At all levels, if you’re spending more than a third of your income on housing, it impacts your ability to pay for the basic things like food, gas, car insurance and health care.”

Affordable housing is not just for poor people, he says. However, those with lower incomes have a tougher time obtaining housing, which is why subsidized housing receives more attention.

The median annual income for Dallas households is about $62,000, he says, while the typical for-sale home is about $340,000 and the rent is approximately $2,500 a month.

“That is the issue. Those gaps,” Noguera says.


The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs has a running list of housing tax credit projects across the state and their status.

But homeowners in the vicinity of any proposed project should be hearing about these things before they even land on a list like this.

While council members don’t agree on everything, many have said the only hope of gaining neighborhood support for most multifamily projects, much less affordable ones, is to bring neighborhood stakeholders in on plans from the start.

West who is on the City’s housing committee points to the way Councilwoman Cara Mendelsohn handled introducing a homeless shelter to her district. After the Council agreed to place one in each of 14 districts, she went to her constituents right away, explained the situation and got their input, effectively letting them decide where it would go.

“I wish I would have done that,” West says, and it demonstrates a way we might gain neighborhood support and improve the public perception of affordable housing developers.

In his 16 years working for Dallas, McGough says he’s learned one thing for sure.

“The No. 1 thing you do, is you communicate with the neighborhood, identify changeable pieces, and you do your best to honor the community.”

The developer is responsible for “effectively communicating” with the people, he says, and while some City officials have said the same, others including Kleinman say it is also a responsibility of the Council member.


Another barrier to public support in dense areas is the

“The lack of trust is strong in those two or three neighborhoods surrounding the proposed site.”
22 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2022

condition of existing multifamily communities.

Long before McGough, Lake High lands began suffering the effects of too many apartments with too little oversight. A 2004 article in a Texas paper called Dallas “one of the nation’s deadliest cities” and focused on the Skillman-Audelia area. It read like “The Wire” and labeled Lake High lands apartments “killing fields.”

Most people don’t know the differ ence between so-called market rate apartments and low income apart ments, McGough says. They only see a glut of apartments, 17,000 at last count. The Advocate reported last November that five of 10 “eviction hotspots” in all of Dallas County are in 75243.

So it is disingenuous to say Lake Highlands does not do its part to house low-income or workforce residents, McGough says. He and his predecessors have worked with the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas to keep those apartments safe, but it remains an ongoing battle, he says.

As recently as a few months ago, a police spokesperson, referring to the same cluster of apartments at a safety committee session said, “apartment complexes are driving our murders.”

So it is easy to understand why nearby residents are not clamoring for more.


The stories we tell about the “affordable housing crisis” often “fail to explain why housing is increasingly out of reach for many people or the societal benefits of cre ating and preserving affordable housing,” writes researcher Tiffany Manuel, in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Many see differences in housing quality as an inherent feature of the market, as inevitable, she explains. They believe differences in affordability and access indicate that the market is healthy.

“Those notions allow us to rationalize disparity,” she says. “This idea allows us to justify the fact that so many live in unstable situations.”

Once people understand structural causes of inequity — such as Dallas’ well-doc umented history of redlining, segregation and unfair housing practices — they might better accept the need for structural solutions.

“If we do not explain the systemic causes and consequences of lack of affordable housing, we allow the view that the housing market is beyond human control to go unchecked,” Manuel says.

The more we learn, the more enlightened our discussions about homes and the health of our housing ecosystem, the better and stronger our city can be, says Councilman West, who is working on a “more visionary” housing document to complement the City’s Comprehensive Housing Policy.

Just as closed-minded homeowners who oppose everything are problematic, hurling insults at them can be just as harmful, because it impedes much-needed communication and understanding, McGough says.

Three years of research by Stanford on strengthening the affordable housing sec tor’s public image reflects the limitations — yet the significant role — of language.

“Changing how we talk about affordable housing for all will not, in itself, rewrite the future,” Manuel says. “But it is an important part of reaching that dream.”

GENTRIFICATION: When an influx of more affluent residents and businesses change the neighborhood’s character.

EXCLUSIONARY ZONING: These ordinances place restrictions on the types of homes that can be built in a particular neighborhood with the intent of restricting housing for low-income residents. Common examples can include minimum lot size requirements, minimum square footage requirements, prohibitions on multi-family homes and limits on the heights of buildings.


Temporary, long-term or permanent, supportive housing combines affordable housing with intensive coordinated services, or wraparound services, such as medical or mental health care.

NOAH:Naturally occurring affordable housing is available on the regular market, open to anyone and not subsidized by a government or nonprofit, but it falls within the budget of many families.


Housing that is available on the private market, not subsidized or limited to any specific income level.

DPFC: Created in 2020, the Dallas Public Facility Corporation is a public nonprofit that partners with private developers to build affordable housing. It has been used successfully in other municipalities, and Dallas staffers say they are learning best practices by watching for problems and successes in other metros.


Formed in the 1930s as the Dallas Housing Authority, the agency oversees voucher programs and other programs to find homes for low-income residents.


1985 Dallas resident Debra Walker and six other women sued HUD, the City of Dallas and Dallas Housing Authority over segregated and inferior housing and won, forcing the DHA to change its practices and spread affordable housing throughout the county. It’s one reason many City leaders are pressed to develop affordable housing outside of South Dallas.

“Apartment complexes are driving our murders.”
october 2022 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 23

taste in fashion



dolled-up is out, and effortless effort is in. The biggest celebrities from Pete Davidson to Jake Gyllenhaal are rocking “delicore,” or merch from local delis, coffee shops and bodegas. While we might not be New York City or Los Angeles celebs, Lake Highlands is full of worthy delicore finds.

la la land kind cafe

might be delicore elite. The coffee shop’s trendy drinks aren’t all they’re known for. From trucker hats encouraging kindness to butterfly-laden sweatpants to tote bags in La La Land’s iconic yellow color, one could build a whole wardrobe around their merch.

white rock coffee

is a local coffee staple with plenty of trendy merchandise. From athletic shirts to sweaters to hats, White Rock Coffee’s branded ’fits with logos full of Texan pride. If you’re looking to get into the coffee game at home, White Rock Coffee also sells beans, grinders and filters to get you started.

Next time you pop into White Rock Coffee for a drink, rep their graphic tee with Texan pride.

vector brewing

expansive patio and large interior is a gathering place for families and beer lovers alike. The colorful vibes, like the pizza it sells, are also seen in their merch, which is soon to feature some new releases. Find their signature hats, tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with their logo and orange-andnavy colors. $352,711.00 $317,242.00 $292,402.00 $221,688.00 $420,484.00 $379,149.00 $727,879.00 $563,559.00 $647,318.00 $598,422.00 $739,632.00 $541,131.00 $610,204.00 $543,795.00 $224,335.00 $254,261.00 $740,844.00 $682,158.00 $865,727.00 $659,472.00 $634,787.00 $547,264.00 $637,683.00 $538,184.00 $569,762.00 $480,220.00 $8,253,551.00 $7,044,381.00 $550,236.73 $469,625.40

area home values August MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals REAL ESTATE REPORT *Statistics are com piled by Ebby Halliday Realtors, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Ebby Halliday Realtors are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. Northwest Hwy Walnut 635-LBJ Forest Royal Park Walnut Hill 5 4 32 1 6 7 9 12 8 11 13 1415Audelia Ferndale Plano Rd JupiterAbramsFairOaks Whitehurst Church 75Central Expressway W e s t Fo r k J a c k s o n B r a n c h Greenville10 Skillman Sponsored by: RENE BARRERA - TOP PRODUCER RENEBARRERA@EBBY.COM 214-497-2035 SUB SOLD SOLD Year-To-Date Year-To-Date Avg Days on Avg. Sales Avg. Sales AREA AUG ‘21 AUG ‘22 Sales ‘22 Sales ‘21 Market YTD Price YTD ‘22 Price YTD ‘21 3 4 20 27 12 $409,034.00 $402,829.00 2 4 5 50 60 12 $380,749.00 $315,007.00 3 7 6 54 55 16
4 26 15 156 187 21
5 8 5 55 63 31
6 6 1 14 20 22
7 10 8 65 48 14
8 2 2 17 26 16
9 10 3 45 66 20
10 8 15 103 69 21
11 2 0 12 20 8
12 0 1 11 18 6
13 15 11 88 95 19
14 3 2 27 19 10
15 6 3 33 57 21
TOTAL 110 81 750 830 249
AVG 7.33 5.40 50.00 55.33 16.60
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Our unexamined posture

Time to evaluate our habits and beliefs

Election signs are popping up throughout the neighborhood. More and more I’ve wondered if these create points of conversation, opportunity to examine our values, or if they’re simply points of contention as we dig in our heels determined to be what we’ve always been.

A number of years ago, my seminary pro fessor gave me much to think about when he asked the question: “What is your unexamined posture?”

There are ways we stand and move and function in our homes and communities without questioning the posture or position we are taking.

We are creatures of habit. We make as sumptions. We are conditioned to ways of doing and thinking.

How have I been conditioned?

In faithfulness to the good of Community, what I am I being called to notice?

Here are a few of my thoughts… Unexamined Posture

Hour upon hour

Day after day

Weeks on end

Until decades have gone by.

He hunches over the operating table

Skilled with a keen eye and quick hands.

Trained in the work of his father and his father before that.

Hours of physical labor have shaped his posture

Muscles drawing his shoulders forward

A slight hunch to his back

A tilt to his neck to achieve his view.

Like his father before him and his father before that.

It’s how he stands all day. It’s normal. It’s comfortable.

Until somebody says: “Stand up straight, hold your shoulders back.”

And he stands in front of the mirror to notice.

Years have gone by, and this accommodating posture has gone unexamined.

After all, he looks like his father and his father before that.

But now he has noticed; now there is a choice to make.

Walk away from this unexamined posture and live with its comfort handed down from years.

Or do the hard work of retraining muscles

Experience the discomfort of standing straight when the old posture worked fine.

Being self-aware and accepting the notice of others when the muscles retreat to their old posture.

What is our unexamined posture?

The patterns in which we sit like our parents before us and the parents before that?

Are we willing to listen to the correction of others?

Take notice of ourselves

Do the hard work of retraining muscles that have accommodated in position for gen erations?

What is the unexamined posture in the comfort of our power structure,

In patterns of dominance or surrendering to being to being told we are less-than?

The generationally flexed muscles exerting control, keeping us hunched with a tilted neck?

Are we willing to listen, to stand in front of the mirror?

To be self-aware

To do the hard and often painful work of retraining muscles to stand straight for the generations to come?

AMY MOORE has served Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church and John Calvin Presbyterian Church. She now serves as PC(USA) pastor on an adventure serv ing the church-at-large, including multifaith activism with FaithForwardDallas. Call 214.560.4212 or email sales@advo catemag.com for advertising information



PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org Bible Study 9:15 / Worship Services 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500

WILSHIRE BAPTIST CHURCH / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Open to all / Worship at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. / wilshirebc.org


NORTH HIGHLANDS BIBLE CHURCH / nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd. 214.348.9697 / Sun: LifeQuest 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am / Sun: Youth 6-8 pm/Wed: AWANA 6-8 pm


EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185 Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel 10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org


ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH / stjd.org Worship: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 8 & 10:30 am / Christian Ed Sunday Morning & Weekdays, see calendar on website / 214.321.6451 / 848 Harter Rd.



A Welcoming and Affirming Church / Rev. K.M. Truhan Sunday School 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am / CentralLutheran.org

FIRST UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org


FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RICHARDSON 503 N Central Exwy / fumcr.com / 972.235.8385 / Dr. Clayton Oliphint 8:45, 9:45, 11:00 am Traditional / 11:00 am Modern

LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com Sunday Morning 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am coffee Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am Traditional / 11:00 am Contemporary



8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org

Sunday Worship 10:00am, Traditional 1st & 3rd, Contemporary 2nd & 4th(5th). Sunday School/Christian Ed Classes: 11:00am

NORTHPARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / Summer Worship at 10:00 a.m. www.northparkpres.org / 9555 N. Central Expy. / 214.363.5457 Welcoming Seekers, Thinkers and Doers.

NORTHRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. / 214-827-5521 northridgepc.org / Regular skd returns Sept 11th. 9am outdoor & 11am sanctuary service. A community of people dedicated to doing life together


Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 A.M.

To all this church opens wide her doors - pcpc.org

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