Requiring Additional Disclosures on Ballots for Bond Programs.
Shall Chapter XXI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the ballot for the approval of a bond program must state the amount of bond issuance authorization, estimated amount of repayment including principal and interest based on current market conditions, and the purpose of the bonds?
Revising Restrictions as to City Officials and Employees and Exempting Board and Commission Members from Certain Restrictions Involving City Contracts.
Shall Chapter XXII, Section 11 of the Dallas City Charter, which prohibits city officials and employees from having a financial interest in city contracts, be amended to exempt ownership of an interest of not more than 10 percent in a mutual or common fund; exempt non-negotiated, form contracts for general city services or benefits if the city services or benefits are made available to the city official or employee on the same terms that they are made available to the general public; and exempt board and commission members, but require that they comply with conflict of interest and ethics provisions in state law or the city code?
Allowing Certain Changes to the Thoroughfare Plan Without Mailing Notice to Adjacent Property Owners.
Shall Chapter XV, Section 8 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to allow changes to the Thoroughfare Plan that affect any area larger than one square mile and that does not increase the dimensional classification of a thoroughfare to be noticed through an alternate notice authorized by city council?
Amending the Provision for Nondiscrimination in City Employment.
Shall Chapter XVI, Section 16(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to include color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, and military or veteran status as additional classes for nondiscrimination in city employment?
Requiring the City Council to Set the Annual Budget for the City Auditor Directly.
Shall Chapter XI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the City Council shall set the annual budget for the city auditor’s office directly, rather than as a component of the city manager’s budget?
Revising the Redistricting Process.
Shall Chapter IV, Section 5 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to revise the redistricting process to provide for appointment of the redistricting commission after the federal decennial census data are available; require that a person appointed to the redistricting commission be a registered voter; set guidelines for drawing district lines; prohibit city councilmember contact with redistricting commissioners regarding the redistricting process, except in open meetings; and require a written explanation, 72 hours public notice, and a three-fourths vote for city council to modify the district map proposed by the redistricting commission?
Municipal Judges and Board and Commission Members Must Resign to Run for Other Offices.
Shall Chapter III, Section 17 and Chapter VIII, Section 4A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify that the prohibition on running for other offices applies to municipal judges, all board and commission members, including Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board members and Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport board members; and to clarify that a municipal judge automatically resigns if the judge announces that he/she is a candidate for an elected office?
Increasing Compensation for the Mayor and Councilmembers.
Shall Chapter III, Section 4(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to increase compensation for councilmembers to $60,000, effective upon the swearing in of city council members in June 2015, and for the mayor to $80,000, effective upon the swearing in as mayor of an individual who did not hold the office of mayor on November 4, 2014?
Technical Amendments to Conform to State Law, City Code, and Actual Practices; to Correct Terms; to Correct Spelling; to Clarify Language, and to Correct Cross-References.
Shall Chapter III, Section 6; Chapter III, Section 10; Chapter III, Section 11; Chapter III, Section 17; Chapter III, Section 19; Chapter III, Section 20; Chapter XI, Section 4; Chapter XI, Section 5; Chapter XI, Section 6; Chapter XI, Section 8; Chapter XI, Section 11; Chapter XI, Section 13; Chapter XV, Section 1(2); Chapter XV, Section 7; Chapter XVI, Section 12(a), Chapter XVI, Section 12(c); Chapter XVI, Section 16(d); Chapter XIX, Section 1; Chapter XX, Section 2; Chapter XX, Section 11; Chapter XXII, Section 1; Chapter XXII, Section 11; and Chapter XXIV, Section 13(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practices, correct terms, correct spelling, clarify language, correct cross-references, and other technical amendments?
Early voting is being held between the time period of Monday, October 20, 2014, through Friday, October 31, 2014.
Early voting hours vary between Counties (Dallas, Denton and Collin), while Election Day, Saturday, November 4, 2014, voting hours are 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. in all Counties.
The hours for early voting as well as the early/election day voting locations can be obtained from the City Secretary’s Office by calling (214) 670-3738 or by also accessing the following websites:
Office of the City Secretary: http://www.ci.dallas.tx.us/cso/elections.html
· Dallas County: http://www.dallascountyvotes.org/polling-locations/ Collin County: http://www.collincountytx.gov/elections/election_information/ Pages/election_day.aspx
Denton County: http://www.votedenton.com/election-day-information/ election-day-polling-locations/
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A book I’m reading, The Circle, offers an interesting take on privacy and politics in the future. Since this is an election month, maybe it’s worth thinking about.
The book’s protagonist works at a cross between Google and Facebook — hip and uberrich. Healthcare is free. Food is free. Rent is free. And, of course, everyone wants to work there. The story is told through the eyes of a young woman who graduated from college, took a humdrum job in her hometown and promptly wished for more. A friend invites her to work at the nirvana company.
The company is called the Circle, and at first no one knows why. Eventually, it appears the Circle refers to a way of life — there’s nothing worth doing that doesn’t start and end with the company and its endless technological tentacles. The company’s biggest breakthrough involves convincing a single politician to “go transparent” wear a camera everywhere, all of the time, to every meeting and event, every lunch and dinner. By being transparent, the Circle reasons, wouldn’t the politician bring honesty and integrity back to politics? As is the way of the world, after the first politician signs up to “go transparent” and is universally praised, the rest of the world’s politicians clamor for cameras. Even politicians who think it’s a dumb idea succumb to peer pressure and public scrutiny. The politicians are allowed a few minutes of solitude in the bathroom, and they can turn the camera off when they’re sleeping, but that’s about it. Their constant exposure to the light of day is trumpeted by the Circle as the best way to bring enlightenment to the world and return honesty to politics. Of course, in the book, the camera-wearing frenzy doesn’t stop with politicians. Soon cameras are being installed
everywhere — on beaches, at restaurants, in offices, in homes, at schools.
The book’s protagonist stumbles from small-town anonymity to world-wide fame as she is selected to be the first regular person to “go transparent”. People spend their days watching her days. She even comes up with a series of personal belief statements that become the Circle’s mantra and support the idea that we are all better off if everyone knows everything there is to know about everyone else: Secrets are Lies. Sharing is Caring. Privacy is Theft.
Privacy is considered theft because if I don’t share all of my experiences with you, I’m stealing from you the opportunity to visit the places I’m visiting and see the things I’m seeing. It makes some sense on the face of it.
It’s a short jump from having cameras everywhere to having everyone always wearing cameras. If secrets are bad, transparency is good. Know someone cheating on his or her spouse? Today, it’s probably a secret; if everyone is wearing a camera, maybe it doesn’t happen. Know someone stealing money or plotting a terrorist act? If they’re wearing a camera, maybe they don’t.
The problem in the book, of course, is that all video is stored somewhere, and now everything that happens anywhere is forever captured and retained. Make a mistake, and it never goes away. Say something stupid, and it can be replayed a billion times. Stumble across your parents in flagrante delicto, and everyone sees it over and over again forever.
Transparency prevents some bad things from happening. But it also inhibits people from taking chances, speaking spontaneously or just thinking aloud. People still have free will, but they no longer have the courage to pursue it. The closest thing we have to that scenario now is watching celebrities, sports stars and even Average Joes stumble in the spotlight of social media, paparazzi and selfpromotion. A few seem able to handle it, but most are just like us: They crack under the spotlight, and they aren’t even on camera 100 percent of the time. Yet. Maybe this book isn’t so far-fetched after all.
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know ho,w we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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decades. That
changing, and fast.”
Crime in Dallas was at an all-time high in the early ’90s. In 1991, for example, the city had more than 500 homicides — about 10 times the number of more recent years. North Oak Cliff had more than its share of crime and gang activity.
John Matthews was a Dallas Police beat cop assigned to open the city’s first police storefront, at 220 W. Jefferson, as part of the Main Street program, a partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In 10 years as a storefront cop, Matthews says, he helped reduce crime. And he also helped catch Dallas’ only known serial killer, Charles Albright, the Texas Eyeball Killer.
When the Jefferson storefront opened, prostitutes regularly worked the boulevard, Matthews says. He previously had worked for several years in the area around Harry Hines, so he was familiar with prostitutes.
“One of the first things we did was adopt a zero-tolerance policy for prostitutes,” he says. “We let them know that if they were out there, they were going to go to jail. At the same time, they knew they could trust us. I wasn’t just there to harass them all the time.”
Matthews and his partner Regina Smith arrested and re-arrested hookers until street walking was abolished on Jefferson.
Crime was so high on Jefferson at the time, and police responses so spotty, that many merchants accepted shoplifting and even armed robbery as a cost of doing business there.
Matthews and his partner walked the 16 blocks surrounding their storefront every day. In the first six weeks, they made 40 arrests, according to news reports from the time.
They formed relationships with business owners and started a program called “just the fax,” where, in an era before email was widely used, Jefferson merchants could blast faxes to everyone else on the street to let them know of a crime or suspicious person.
Communicating better prevented crime
and helped solve many cases, Matthews says. In their first year as storefront cops, they helped catch a serial killer.
A prostitute Matthews knew, Susan Peterson, was found dead in a vacant lot in Oak Cliff in February 1991. This was after another prostitute, Mary Lou Pratt, had been found dead the previous December. Both women had been beaten before they were shot to death. They’d both been dumped in vacant lots, and their eyes had been surgically removed.
Since Matthews had known Peterson, he took her death personally, and he wanted to find the killer. He found that the owner of the vacant lot where Pratt was found also owned property near where Peterson was found.
“I didn’t know it at the time, but I was basically doing a geographic profile,” Matthews says.
But county records showed that the property owner, Fred Albright, had died.
Then a woman named Veronica, who was known as La Flaca, told Matthews that she had escaped from a trick who had tried to kill her. The tiny Flaca escaped the killer’s station wagon and hid in a sewer pipe.
The woman was known to be a heavy drug user, and homicide investigators didn’t take her seriously at first, Matthews says.
“The thing about Flaca’s story is that it never changed,” he says. “She was perfectly consistent.”
He believed her.
Eventually, she picked Charles Albright out of a lineup as the one who had tried to hold her captive.
Charles Albright was born in Dallas to Fred and Della Albright and had attended Adamson High School. At the time of the killings, he lived on El Dorado with his girlfriend, Dixie. He was such a disarming guy that neighbors sometimes asked him to babysit.
“Oh, he was totally charming,” Matthews says. “He was a pure sociopath.”
Albright had never held a legitimate
Oak Cliff is a place where I can relax. I’m comfortable here. It’s fun, and there are a lot of amazing people and shops - and the topography is the best Dallas has to offer.”
job, although he falsified a diploma from Texas State Teachers College and worked illegally for a time as a high school teacher. He was a lifelong thief and sexual predator who lived a double life as a friendly guy who mowed lawns for elderly neighbors and played in several men’s softball leagues.
“I believe Dixie had no idea,” Matthews says. “It’s terrifying that people knew one side and not the other.”
Albright had a newspaper route, which allowed him to be out before dawn without suspicion. After his parents died, he spent their life savings on his habit of paying for sex. Matthews says Oak Cliff prostitutes knew Albright as someone who paid very well but was rough. His parents had owned several properties in Oak Cliff and South Dallas, and in one of them, Charles Albright created a dungeon where he tortured prostitutes.
Albright became interested in taxidermy as a young child, and there is speculation that his obsession with eyes came from that hobby. Among the clues police found in Albright’s home were thousands of close-up photographs of women’s eyes. He also was an artist and often painted women without eyes.
In December 1991, Albright was convicted of murder for the death of his third known victim, Shirley Williams, and given a life sentence. He is 81 now.
Matthews wrote a book about Albright, “The Eyeball Killer,” and he currently is working on another book about his time on Jefferson Boulevard called “Life and Death in Oak Cliff: Stories of a Beat Cop.”
Matthews lives in Ovilla with his family, and he is an expert on community policing as well as mass shootings. Anytime a mass shooting takes place, he is called to appear on cable news shows.
And he works as a consultant to cities and towns working in the community policing model, using anecdotes and lessons from his days on Jefferson.
“I truly believe that we laid the groundwork for all the good things that are going on there now,” Matthews says. “Since then, I’ve worked with communities all over to help them do the same thing.”
—Rachel StoneNovember 2014
Nov. 1-2
The final piece in Bike Friendly Oak Cliff’s month of bike-related events, Cyclesomatic, is Spooky Cross. The first part of this two-day cyclocross bike race takes place at Rosemont Elementary School’s lower campus. The second day of racing is at Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park. All proceeds from racing fees go to Bike Friendly Oak Cliff, and spectators are welcome to heckle, cheer and watch as the racers ride, run and wreck on two of the best cyclocross racecourses in Texas.
Rosemont Primary School, 1919 Stevens Forest Drive, Old City Park, 1515 S. Harwood, bikefriendlyoc.org
NOV. 1
Slap some helmets on the kiddos and head to Davis Street Espresso at 9 a.m. for the Cyclesomatic edition of Kidical Mass. The group will ride at 10 a.m. to Spooky Cross at Rosemont for face painting, a bounce house and cyclocross kiddie course.
Davis Street Espresso, 819 W. Davis, bikefriendlyoc.org
NOV. 2
Maroches Bakery hosts its annual Día de los Muertos celebration starting at 11:45 a.m. Expect live music, art workshops, face painting, altars and food.
Maroches Bakery, 1227 W. Davis, 214.941.8344
NOV. 6
The Taco Trail teams up with Four Corners Brewery to bring together tacos de trompo and more from four of Oak Cliff-based writer Jose Ralat Maldonado’s
favorite taquerías. Tickets include one taco from each of the four vendors and four pours of Four Corners brew. Four Corners Brewing Co., 423 Singleton, thetacotrail.com, $25
NOV. 6
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Dallas Lodge No. 44 celebrates its 160th anniversary with guest speakers and treasures on display from 6:30-8 p.m. Independent Order of Oddfellows lodge, 1808 S. Hampton, iooftxdallas44.weebly.com
NOV. 10
Cliff Temple Baptist Church invites the community to shop from noon-5 p.m. for fair-trade items from around the world, including rugs, olive-wood items, textiles, jewelry, toys, coffee and chocolate. There also will be food trucks.
Cliff Temple Baptist Church, Tenth and Zang, 214.942.8601, clifftemple.org
Nov. 2
The Oak Cliff Cultural Center and Krewe de NOC present a Day of the Dead celebration in Bishop Arts, starting at 4 p.m., with music, food and art.
Bishop Arts District, Bishop at Seventh, losmuertosbishop.com
NOV. 15
This 5k starts at 9 a.m. and is part of Blues, Bandits and BBQ. Proceeds go to the Movember Project, which is dedicated to raising awareness and finding cures for men’s health.
Kidd Springs Park, 700 N. Canty, gooakcliff.org, $20-$30
NOV. 15
The fifth annual Blues, Bandits and BBQ competition returns to Kidd Springs Park. Live entertainment and vendor booths begin at 8:30 a.m., and barbecue tasting and awards are from 1-3 p.m. Wristbands to taste the barbecue and vote in the people’s choice contest cost $20, but the event is free.
Kidd Springs Park, 700 N. Canty, gooakcliff.org
NOV. 15
The 10th annual Art Conspiracy benefits Anita N. Martinez Ballet Folklorico. The event includes three live auctions, two DJs, performances from two local bands, artists creating live murals, interactive art projects and dance performances.
Art Con X, 500 Singleton, artconspiracy.org, $10-$125
NOV. 20
Country music artist Hal Ketchum hosts a CD release party for “I’m the Troubadour,” his first album in six years. The Kessler Theater, 1230 W. Davis, 214.272.8346, thekessler.org, $24$38
NOV. 22-23
The Texas Theatre’s monthly “Class of ’39” event features this classic set during the American Civil War. The Singapore Slingers perform following the Saturday show.
The Texas Theatre, 231 W. Jefferson, thetexastheatre.com, 214.948.1546, $15
316 W. Davis
Atone point during construction earlier this year, the old Safety Glass Co. building had three walls, no floor and no roof. Now the building has a façade that is clean and simple yet eye-catching from Davis. Designers reused wood from the building for interior touches. It is exactly what Stock & Barrel chef/owner Jon Stevens wanted — he even made the patio tables himself using wood from the old ceiling. Stock & Barrel is Stevens’ first restaurant venture after a career that has included working with Avner Samuel at Nosh. The menu changes every two or three months, but already there are favorites on the menu. The wagyu meatloaf is the restaurant’s biggest seller. “I’m happy doing dishes that make people want to come back, and that they have a craving for my food,” Stevens says. Stock & Barrel has an open kitchen surrounded by 12 bar seats. “It’s a very hospitality-first approach,” Stevens says. “I want to make people feel like they’re a part of the family we’ve created here.”
Visit oakcliff.advocatemag.com
Hunky’s (321 N. Bishop, Suite 105) Rick Barton opened the original Hunky’s in Oak Lawn in 1984. Friend Michael Amonett began encouraging him to come to Oak Cliff about 10 years ago, and the two bought the old Ginny’s Bishop Grill restaurant along with the building. Hunky’s Oak Cliff opened in 2006.
It could not have happened at a better time.
“We’re very happy. We have great Oak Cliff customers, and people from all over the Metroplex know us because Bishop Arts is on top of the charts right now,” Barton says. “It’s a very exciting time right now.”
Barton says the Texas cheeseburger and the double-double are standard favorites. But the restaurant also tries to keep up with trends, offering bison (the buffalo burger) and grass-fed beef (the longhorn burger), for example.
“I’m extremely happy with the Bishop Arts location,” he says. “I’m very proud of it and proud of the Bishop Arts District and its growth and progress over the past five or six years.”
Runner Up: 303 Bar and Grill
3rd Place: Burguesa Burger
NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2014 BEST-OF CONTEST: Best Specialty Shop. Vote for your favorite at oakcliff.advocatemag.com/bestof.
Thanksgiving brings so much joy and excitement — a table full of more food than we can eat and surrounded by family and friends, sharing gratitude. With all the hard work that goes into this holiday feast, we want every last morsel to be enjoyed, and what is better than Thanksgiving leftovers?
The turkey pecan wreath, made with crescent dough and filled with turkey and other leftovers, is a creative idea that will change your holiday tradition. Add any of your favorite Thanksgiving menu items to make this wreath your own.
2 packages crescent rolls (16 triangles)
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
½ teaspoon ground pepper
1 tablespoon rosemary, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
½ cup apples, diced
½ cup dried cranberries
2 cups turkey, chopped (cooked)
½ cup Gruyere or Swiss cheese, shredded
¼ cup pecans, coarsely chopped
1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Lay out eight triangles of crescent dough in a circle, wide end toward the middle. Lay out the remaining eight triangles of dough so the wide ends touch.
2. Combine the mayonnaise, mustard, and black pepper in a bowl. Add chopped turkey, celery, apples, rosemary, and cranberries to the mayonnaise mixture. Shred the cheese and add it to the turkey mixture, and stir to combine all ingredients.
3. Using an ice cream scoop, place filling over the seams of the dough to form a circle. Sprinkle pecans over the turkey filling.
4. Crisscross the dough to create the wreath. Egg wash* the wreath and bake for 25-30 minutes or until top is golden brown and dough is cooked through.
*Egg wash: Separate the egg and beat the egg white lightly; using a pastry brush, lightly brush the egg white evenly over the dough.
TELL A NORTHERN DALLASITE WHERE YOU LIVE THESE DAYS, and it’s more like, “Oh! I love Oak Cliff,” and then they say something about the Bishop Arts District and Bolsa.
Home prices in Oak Cliff are rising, and apartment builders are squeezing in space anyplace they can find it.
Back before 2008, developers sank their money into Downtown and Uptown. Now that the economy is turning around again, consumers still want urban living, but space in those neighborhoods is tight. More and more people want to live, shop, eat and work in Oak Cliff.
“There’s a lot of activity in West Dallas, Oak Cliff and parts east of Downtown,” City Councilman Scott Griggs says. “We want to preserve the character of Oak Cliff. The gateway zoning allows Oak Cliff to grow without losing its character.”
If city council approves the Oak Cliff Gateway plan, it will be one of the largest rezoning cases in the history of Dallas, applying new rules to nearly 900 acres of property around Methodist Dal-
las Medical Center and Lake Cliff Park.
This isn’t the first time in recent history that a huge swath of our neighborhood has been put through rezoning. Just four years ago, city council approved the Bishop/Davis zoning, which rewrote the rules for 350 acres of property along the West Davis corridor from Zang to Montclair.
The Bishop/Davis zoning has helped expand the Bishop Arts District east toward Zang and west toward Tyler. But it also has caused some woes for preservationists, who rue the lack of architectural standards in the Bishop/Davis plan, and for neighbors, whose streets fill up with parked cars every weekend.
And so the new ubiquitous Oak Cliff saying goes, “We don’t want to be another Uptown.”
Overarching rezoning plans — and there are several more to come — are tools for neighbors to tell the city and developers what we want for our neighborhood. If we don’t want another Uptown, rezoning is one way to say so.
THE BISHOP/DAVIS ZONING SET STANDARDS for building heights, architecture, and landscaping and building uses.
The Bishop Avenue corridor can have building heights of up to three stories. The distance from the building to the curb must be 20-25 feet, which the Old Oak Cliff Conservation League has said should be changed. The league argues that these “setbacks” should be about 5 feet greater so that the façades of new buildings line up with the façades of old homes and don’t visually overpower them. Office-only uses mistakenly were prohibited in the Bishop corridor, and the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce had to request a specific-use permit to open its new offices in a former doctor’s office.
The “East Garden District” is the site of a planned development from Farrokh Nazerian and his son, Michael. The zoning allows building heights up to five stories on Bishop and Zang and four stories otherwise. Accepted uses include apartments, duplexes, restaurants without drivethrough windows, convenience stores, parking lots, medical clinics and offices. The $100-million, two-phase Nazerian project as planned with apartments, parking, restaurants, shopping and offices with buildings as high as four stories, is allowed under the Bishop/Davis zoning. Commercial and industrial uses are prohibited in this residential district, but a restaurant without a drive-through could be allowed by permit adjacent to Kidd Springs Park.
Apartments, shops, restaurants without drive-through windows and offices are allowed in this area, where buildings can be as high as four stories.
Along the West Davis corridor, from Montclair to Polk, drive-though windows are expressly prohibited, along with tattoo, piercing and massage parlors. Buildings can be as high as three stories.
In these sections of the West Davis Corridor, buildings can be as high as five stories.
Along the West Davis corridor from Montclair to Plymouth, new buildings can be as high as five stories, unless they are directly adjacent to homes.
New restaurants with drive-throughs are expressly prohibited in this area, generally the Bishop Arts District, as well as tattoo, piercing and massage parlors. Buildings can be as high as three stories.
City officials and neighbors began discussing redevelopment of the Oak Cliff Gateway area decades ago. Since then, the Bishop/Davis area has been rezoned, and building projects have begun to bud all over our neighborhood. As major redevelopment is expected to crop up in Oak Cliff over the next few years, here is a look back at how we arrived.
Dallas City Council forms a TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (TIF) in hopes of encouraging development in the Oak Cliff Gateway, described as an area including Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Lake Cliff Park and the former site of Burnett Field. Five years later, the district’s property values had increased only slightly.
The improved Bishop Arts District debuts with new curbs, streetlights, BRICKED SIDEWALKS and benches, among other amenities.
Bishop Arts businesses including Vitto’s Italian, a nowdefunct restaurant that occupied the space that currently houses Odd Fellows, complain that the city won’t allow them to use the public right of way to create outdoor seating.
Evergreen Realty spends about $20 million to renovate the 1929 Lake Cliff Tower in the Oak Cliff Gateway. About $4.1 million of that was reimbursed through TIF funding. The project resulted in 53 condos that first entered the market for $200,000$800,000.
Real estate developer INCAP Fund begins spending $200 million to buy up old apartment complexes in Oak Cliff with plans to build new multifamily and retail projects. The now-defunct company demolished the run-down apartment complexes, making available, by May 2008, some 200 acres of land to be redeveloped in our neighborhood, mostly near West Davis and Fort Worth Avenue.
November 1999
Dallas City Council approves spending $2.67 million in federal and city funds to turn Bishop Arts into “the Deep Ellum of the southern sector.” Those funds paid for LANDSCAPING, STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS
Hattie’s opens in Bishop Arts and is touted as a draw for northern Dallasites. Three years later, Sara Tillman renovated her neighborhood restaurant, Tillman’s Corner, transforming it into the trendy Tillman’s, another big draw for our friends across the river. By the time Bolsa opens on West Davis in a renovated mechanic’s garage in 2007, Oak Cliff is considered a dining destination.
Real estate developers begin studying how Bishop Arts and West Davis could be rezoned to allow for more density, including taller buildings, and to activate old buildings whose uses were restricted by impossible parking rules.
July 2006
The Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce asks the city to review its enforcement of ordinances that made it difficult for businesses, including the nowdefunct SODA GALLERY, to open in Bishop Arts. Parking requirements often caused Bishop Arts upstarts to be mired in red tape, costing time and money, before they could open.
April 2008
Mixed-use building projects in Downtown and Uptown stall as the city’s commercial real estate market falters following the housing crisis.
Late 2009
INCAP Fund defaults on its loans, and Amegy Bank takes back properties, including the former sites of apartment complexes on West Davis, near Hampton and Rosemont.
February 2010 Dallas wins a $23 million grant from the federal government to build a streetcar from Union Station to Methodist Dallas Medical Center.
August 2010
City council approves the Bishop/Davis rezoning plan. That changed the rules to allow for building heights up to five stories, to reduce parking requirements for old buildings and to discourage automotive-oriented businesses for 340 acres surrounding Bishop Arts.
Donors including Methodist Health System and AIDS Services of Dallas donate to a $50,000 fee for Good Fulton & Farrell to draw up a rezoning plan for the Oak Cliff Gateway, based on suggestions from a city council-appointed committee. Some neighbors and real estate developers criticized the plan for failing to address complete streets.
May 2009
A proposal to rezone BISHOP ARTS and West Davis makes its way to the city plan commission. Architecture firm Good Fulton & Farrell produced the rezoning proposal for $50,000, most of which was paid for by INCAP Fund.
December 2009
Meanwhile, a few blocks north, city council approves boundaries and a development vision plan for the Oak Cliff Gateway.
April 2010
The first Better Block demonstration is staged on Tyler south of Davis to highlight our neighborhood’s need for bike lanes, CAFÉ SEATING and slower traffic in pedestrianheavy areas. This experimental “living charrette” became an industry for its creators and prompted then-City Councilwoman Delia Jasso to advocate for complete streets, improvements that would better accommodate not only cars but also cyclists and pedestrians.
November 2010
Dallas voters approve allowing ALCOHOL SALES in Oak Cliff and other “dry” areas of Dallas. That made it easier for restaurants such as Ten Bells Tavern and Stock & Barrel to open.
Real estate developer David Spence buys the circa-1922 shopping center on West Davis at Tyler with plans to redevelop it as a campus with shops and restaurants. OAK CLIFF COFFEE ROASTERS was just about to launch its Davis Street Espresso coffee shop in an adjacent former body shop.
THE GATEWAY PLAN, AS OF SEPTEMBER, utilizes the form-based zoning code, which the city adopted in 2009. Form-based zoning differs from traditional zoning in that it does not focus on building uses, but instead determines how buildings address the street and how buildings relate to their surroundings.
Form-based zoning was designed for use in urban-infill areas, and this is the first time the city has used the tool on such a large area that already has zoning rules. Since form is the basis, the plan does not contain as much in the way of what uses buildings may have.
It does outline how tall buildings may be, which has been a point of contention for some neighbors. Buildings as tall as 20 stories would be allowed at Methodist hospital and near the Trinity River, including the old Oak Farms Dairy and Burnett Field sites, where developers plan to build apartments, shops, offices and parking structures. Buildings as high as 12 stories would be allowed on East Jefferson, from Colorado to Marsalis. Up to eight stories would be allowed along Beckley between Interstate 30 and Colorado, as well as in part of the residential neighborhood east of Beckley. And along the Zang corridor, heights of three to five stories would be allowed.
Neighbors in East Kessler and Kidd Springs have argued that the plan does not require enough of a transition between tall buildings and homes.
The plan encourages walkability and public transportation by requiring businesses to face the street and calling for landscaping standards.
The plan discourages apartments in the Lake Cliff Park area by allowing only single-family homes to be built on teardowns and most vacant lots.
The Gateway zoning plan requires developers to enter a non-binding peer review before their building designs can be approved. A volunteer panel of architects and designers will critique design plans in the hope that it will improve overall design in the district.
Because no plan is perfect, a stipulation would require the Gateway zoning case to be reopened five years from the time it passes so that mistakes can be addressed. This is the first time a mandatory review will have been written into a zoning ordinance.
Where is the height in the Oak Cliff Gateway plan?
Subdistrict I, the sites of the Oak Farms Dairy plant and Burnett Field, could have mixed-use buildings as high as 20 stories.
Subdistrict G, north of Greenbriar to Interstate 30, could have mixed-use buildings as high as eight stories.
Subdistrict H could have mixed-use buildings as high as 12 stories.
Subdistrict F could have mixed-use buildings as tall as five stories. Methodist Dallas Medical Center has proposed making the whole area between Colorado and Greenbriar, from Beckley to Zang, part of Subdistrict I.
Subdistrict B could have residences — houses, apartments, townhomes and condos — as high as three stories.
Subdistrict E could have mixed-use buildings as high as three stories.
No change. These areas, including the Lake Cliff Historic District, would have no change in regard to building heights.
Residential transition zones are designed to transition from heavy density into single-family home districts. Single-family homes and duplexes are allowed.
Scott Griggs wins re-election in the newly drawn Dallas City Council District 1. His campaign promises to move forward on the Oak Cliff Gateway.
The Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce plans to buy a former doctor’s office on North Bishop for its own offices but finds the Bishop/Davis zoning doesn’t allow for office-only uses. People who worked on the Bishop/Davis zoning said that the office prohibition was a mistake and that they didn’t know how it made it to the final version.
STOCK & BARREL opens in the old Safety Glass Co. building. The stretch of West Davis between Zang and Bishop started filling out this year with restaurants including Pier 247 and Cretia’s. Those places would be infeasible without the decreased parking requirements of the Bishop/Davis zoning.
A city staff-authored OAK CLIFF GATEWAY PLAN goes to the city plan commission. Gateway committee members object to the plan, saying their years of work on the plan, as well as the Good Fulton & Farrell study, had been ignored. The plan calls for the zoning case to be reopened and reviewed five years after it is approved.
Oak Cliff residents Kacy and Dana Jones announce their plans to renovate the circa-1922 CANNON’S VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER on West Davis at Edgefield, which they had bought in December. The Joneses are renovating the ground-floor retail spaces and converting the second story into two apartments, where they plan to live. The building has no designated parking spaces, which made the historic building almost impossible to use for a shop or restaurant before the Bishop/ Davis zoning.
Bishop Arts developer Jim Lake Cos. breaks ground on its renovation of the Jefferson Tower. Restaurants and apartments are set to open there soon.
Cienda Partners buys the Oak Farms Dairy plant and adjacent Burnett Field with plans to resell the site to a developer who would build residences, shops, restaurants, offices and parking.
June 2014
In its “architecture at-risk list,” the Old Oak Cliff Conservation League points to the Magnolia at Bishop apartments, constructed after the Bishop/Davis rezoning, as an example of the plan’s lack of architectural standards.
GRIGGS says that he is working on a transportation plan for the Gateway and that he intends to move the overall plan through city council by the end of the year.
Real Estate developer Farrokh Nazerian and his son, Michael, announce a $40 million plan to redevelop 32 parcels between Bishop Arts and the Jefferson Tower into shops, restaurants and apartments with an underground parking garage.
ON A TYPICAL WEEKEND, cars swarm the residential neighborhoods surrounding the Bishop Arts District, vying for spaces that are close to trendy restaurants.
“You just wouldn’t believe how many cars are parked on a Sunday afternoon,” says Pam Conley of the Kidd Springs Neighborhood Association.
The first time Bishop Arts was booming, in the 1930s, parking was hardly needed since a streetcar ran right through it.
Our neighborhood just wasn’t built to accommodate parked cars.
Around the mid-1950s, cities began putting suburban-style rules on old commercial districts, requiring businesses to have a certain number of parking spaces based on square footage.
When developers and upstarts tried to use old buildings in the 1970s and ’80s, strict parking requirements often prevented them from opening.
“It’s often parking that freezes things,” says real estate developer David Spence of Good Space.
That’s why the Bishop/Davis ordinance made exceptions for parking requirements for use of old buildings. The Bishop/Davis ordinance specifies by address the 50 or so buildings that are considered “legacy” in the Bishop and West Davis corridors. Restaurants, shops and offices housed in legacy buildings are not required to have any off-street parking under the Bishop/ Davis ordinance.
Take the Cannon’s Village shopping center at West Davis at Edgefield. New
owners are renovating the 1922 shopping center, one of the oldest commercial buildings west of Zang. They’re planning a coffee shop or restaurant on the ground floor with residences on the second floor.
Since Cannon’s Village has no parking lot — who had a car in 1922? — it would have been impossible to use as a restaurant or shop under the city’s parking rules.
The parking situation is uncomfortable at best for some residential neighbors of Bishop Arts. Some question whether there should be a limit on how many restaurants, which cause the most parking demand, are allowed to be adjacent to homes.
But parking abatements are necessary, especially in old neighborhoods, if we want “small, locally clustered, walkable commercial development at the neighborhood scale,” as urban planner Jason Roberts puts it.
THE PARKING SITUATION IN BISHOP ARTS is unlikely to improve on its own.
Aside from Oak Cliffers and northern Dallasites who want to park their cars, some 3,000 upscale apartments are planned in West Dallas. Will all those young professionals ride their bikes uphill to Bishop Arts? Maybe sometimes. More likely, Sunday brunches and Saturday date nights will only bring more and more cars to our neighborhood.
When the Oak Cliff streetcar opens next year, it will run right through the Oak Cliff Gateway into Bishop Arts, connecting the two neighborhoods and offering a new public transportation option. While the free D-Link shuttle will continue running at least for one more year, the streetcar is scheduled to run only from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday, so it won’t alleviate night and weekend parking in Bishop Arts.
An informal survey of politicians, real estate developers and neighbors on how to solve the parking problem in Bishop Arts revealed two solutions.
1. Build a parking garage If the land could be found and purchased, and a proposal made it past the nimbys and naysayers, who would pay for it? Parking garages are very expensive to build. City Plan Commissioner Mike Anglin suggests
the city could pay for a Bishop Arts parking garage, perhaps with bond funding. The city then could try to recoup the money by charging a fee to park during peak times. Conley says the people who make the most money from Bishop Arts — landlords and business owners — should pool to pay for a garage.
2. Density and strategy. Creating more density in north Oak Cliff is another way to ease parking clusters. When there are more attractions than just Bishop Arts — for example, the Jefferson Tower, the Tyler/ Davis area and the Oak Cliff Gateway— that spreads people and cars around the neighborhood. Add to that some parking strategy. The city could stripe spaces in Bishop Arts a little tighter, Spence says. And in Bishop Arts and the surrounding neighborhood, where so much of the overflow parking winds up, parking time limits could help. Putting two-hour or fourhour limits on parking allows enough time to eat and shop but turns over parking spaces faster. That also prevents Bishop Arts workers from parking in spaces that would be better used by customers. Employees could park farther off site, and business owners could strategize on how to get employees to and from their cars safely.
SO FAR, THE GATEWAY PROPOSAL suggests parking reductions for legacy buildings.
Unlike the Bishop/Davis ordinance, the Gateway proposal defines specific standards for a legacy building. Under the proposal, a legacy building must have been constructed before 1957; have a front facade within 15 feet of the sidewalk; have a main entrance that faces Colorado, Zang, Jefferson, Marsalis, Eighth or Ballard; have windows and doors that take up at least 20 percent of the front facade; and have no parking lot in front. Buildings meeting those standards still would be required to provide some off-street parking — the details of that are still being hashed out — but not as much as would be required for a new building.
The push to rezone the Oak Cliff Gateway came from the neighborhood — the people and businesses that live here.
The plan sheds outdated suburban-style zoning and calls for building and design scaled to people, not cars or highways.
“I love living in the core of Dallas,” says Michael Mendoza of Lake Cliff Park, who has been working on the Gateway plan for about three years. “This zoning recognizes that Oak Cliff is part of that core. Oak Cliff is not just another aside; it’s part of the core of the city.”
The Dallas City Plan Commission was set to hold a public hearing regarding the Oak Cliff Gateway proposal, after this magazine went to press, Oct. 23. It could go to the full
city council as early as this month.
The provision requiring the case to be reopened in five years makes everything a little easier to swallow, Mendoza says. It’s a huge case, and it’s not going to be perfect.
“Even though it’s taken a long time to get it through, the reality is, we’re in a really good spot,” he says. “A lot of eyes have looked at this.”
But the end of the Gateway planning means moving on to the next big rezoning case.
City Councilman Scott Griggs says he plans to rezone the Wynnewood Shopping Center and surrounding area. After that, he would like to start work on the area surrounding Clarendon and Hampton.
“Those are areas that we’ve identified that haven’t had the growth that we’d like to see,” Griggs says. “They’re areas that need a little bit of attention.”
Some neighbors and stakeholders have said they would like to reopen the Bishop/ Davis case to fix some of its flaws. Griggs says he would be open to that after the Wynnewood and Clarendon areas receive their own new zoning ordinances.
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“Oak Cliff is not just another aside; it’s part of the core of the city.”
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EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH / 534 W. Tenth St. / 214.941.0339
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KESSLER PARK UMC / 1215 Turner Ave. / 214.942.0098 / kpumc.org
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OAK CLIFF UMC / 549 E. Jefferson Blvd. / oakcliffumc.org
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TYLER STREET UMC / 927 W. 10th Street / 214.946.8106
Sunday Worship at 8:30 am and 10:50 am www.tsumc.org
KESSLER COMMUNITY CHURCH / 2100 Leander Dr. at Hampton Rd.
“Your Hometown Church Near the Heart of the City.” 10:30 am Contemporary Service / kesslercommunitychurch.com
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am & 11:05 am 214-339-2211 / www.ocpres.com
It was five years ago that a friend called to ask if our family would be willing to leave Alabama and move to Texas to serve a church. The question registered a strange shock in me. I had honestly never thought of moving to Texas, just as many of us cannot conceive living in a foreign land. But I now know that many others in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas have shared a similar experience, making their way here from the likes of Oklahoma, France, Hawaii, Canada and California.
Still I wonder sometimes: how did I get here? In the song Once in a Lifetime, The Talking Heads ask this question. “You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack/ and you may find yourself in another part of the world/and you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile/ and you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife/and you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?”
Sometimes the path is easily explained, but other times we can only sit back and marvel. We think how did I get so lucky? Or, why did I have to go through that? Or, how did my life end up this way? I could say to you I took a job but that would not explain the complex mix of choice, intuition, expectation and discernment that brought us to Texas.
The truth is that, in a way that is hard to explain, we felt led to come here. To be led suggests that something or someone is in front of you. Deep calls to deep with a choice: stay or go.
In his book Jayber Crow, poet, environmental activist and farmer Wendell Berry expresses these words through his main character: “If you could do it, I suppose, it would be a good idea to live your life in a straight line but that is not the way I have done it, so far. I am a pilgrim, but my pilgrimage has been wandering and
Still I wonder sometimes: how did I get here? In the song Once in a Lifetime, The Talking Heads ask this question. “You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack/and you may find yourself in another part of the world/and you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile/and you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife/and you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?”
unmarked. Often what has looked like a straight line to me has been a circling or a doubling back. I have been in the Dark Wood of Error any number of times Often I have not known where I was going until I was already there. I have had my share of desires and goals, but my life has come to me or I have gone to it mainly by way of mistakes and surprises...I am an ignorant pilgrim, crossing a dark valley. And yet for a long time, looking back, I have been unable to shake off the feeling that I have been led - make of that what you will.”
Could it be that there is something or someone beyond us, beckoning us to step out into wide open spaces, to embrace a pilgrim’s life, to traverse boundaries, to follow without knowing what lies ahead, to discover the place that we would one day call home?
Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com
A $42-million mixed-use development is expected to connect Bishop Arts to Jefferson Boulevard. The project, from California-based developer Farrokh Nazerian and son Michael, comprises about 4.5 acres. They are planning 218 apartments with an underground parking garage, as well as 26,670 square feet of retail and office space. It is expected to be two stories along Bishop and Melba, and increase to four stories toward Madison and Ninth. The developer is seeking $5-million Tax Increment Financing reimbursement for the project, which is the first of two phases. The $5 million would pay for sidewalks, street trees and lights, improved water and sewer lines and burying power lines. The developer would provide 30 public parking spaces and some affordable apartments. About 43 of the apartments would be available for 15 years to people earning no more than 80 percent of the Dallas median income, currently about $45,000 for a family of four.
Three hundred more apartments are coming to West Dallas, near Trinity Groves, plus a homebuilder is planning 60 new homes near the Belmont Hotel. PSW real estate, the Austin-based company that has two new-home developments underway in Oak Cliff, owns a 5-acre lot at Seale and Willomet with plans to build homes comprising 1,700-1,800 square feet each and selling for about $300,000. Developer StreetLights
Residential and Stonelake Capital Partners are adding more apartments to the neighborhood, on a 25-acre tract near Singleton and Sylvan. They are planning a four-story complex of about 300 apartments, called Trinity Village. The project also includes forsale homes and a park.
A new restaurant is coming to the Bishop Arts District space vacated by the Book Doctor. Dallas Grilled Cheese Co. could open at 310 W. Seventh by the end of the year with a menu focused on cheese and bread. “Everybody’s got a memory of grilled cheese,” says Dallas Grilled Cheese Co. partner Mack Simpson. Expected offerings include American cheese on Texas toast, “with a PBR,” says Simpson, or brie with pears and walnuts on French baguette, for example. Simpson and partners Diana Ezzell and Glen Shank are still working out the menu. Restaurateur Victor Hugo opened a new restaurant, VH, in the former Outpost American Tavern space. The menu includes sweet potato Johnny cakes with blue crab, mango and sweet corn relish; duck and goat cheese taquitos with avacado crema; and baconwrapped pork tenderloin. Entrees cost $15$24. Hugo is from California and has lived in Dallas since 2008. He previously worked as manager of Al Bernait’s and general manager of Bistro 31. VH is open for lunch, happy hour and dinner Tuesday-Sunday.
1115 N. Beckley, 214.946.1308 vhrestaurant.com
1 Baylor Rehab is renovating a former funeral home at 222 E. Colorado, according to construction permits. 2 The Bank Tower at Oak Cliff is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Exhibits in the lobby show clothing trends over the past 50 years, a 1965 Corvette Stingray and art related to JFK and 9/11, among other themes. 3 Construction is expected to begin early next year on the Oak Cliff Streetcar from Beckley at Colorado to Zang at Seventh.
New signs on Colorado and Zang warn cyclists to the dangers of slipping a wheel into the new streetcar tracks. Several bike riders have been injured since the tracks were constructed. Experienced cyclists recommend riding single file to the right of the tracks — riding between the rails is a bad idea. And make sharply angled turns across the tracks.
Most of Oak Cliff’s recreation centers and libraries will be open longer due to increased funding from the city. The Kidd Springs and Kiest Park rec centers will be open longer. And the North Oak Cliff and Hamtpon-Illinois libraries will be open seven days a week starting next year.
Mountain View College opened a teaching and community garden in August with a $128,824 grant from Wells Fargo. The garden will host community workshops on growing, cooking, nutrition, composting and rainwater harvesting, among other topics. The college will make 24 of its beds available to the community for $50 a year each. The remainder of the beds will be used as part of classes.
Mountain View College will receive $345,377 in grants via the Texas Workforce Commission to train 133 workers for jobs in logistics. Texas-based packaged salad company Fresh Express and logistics companies First Co., E.A. Sween Co. and OHL contributed the grants. The job-training programs will result in 25 upgraded jobs and about 100 new jobs paying an average of around $24 an hour.
La Rondalla, the free music school at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center, needs help staying open. The program offers free classes taught by professional musicians to Oak Cliff school children. They need about $15,000 to pay for the fall semester. Search La Rondalla on indiegogo. com to contribute to the fundraising campaign.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
Martin Jasso says his brother is a hard worker. He works with his hands, laying brick and mortar. He had been struggling a bit as of late, and Jasso had lent him his trailer because he had some work lined up. Things seemed to be turning around.
The Victim: Martin Jasso
The Crime: Theft
Date: Sept. 23 or 24
1215 Turner Ave. Dallas, TX 75208 214-942-2220
haul truck driver, and his brother will have to find another trailer. The loss has set them back about $1,000 and has been a major frustration.
Sgt. Kay Hughbanks with the Dallas Police Southwest Patrol Division says a thief can steal a car in as little as 10 seconds, and she believes it is about the same amount of time for a trailer. She recommends a few ways to deter a similar theft:
Time: Between 10:35 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Location: 500 block of Sunset
Jasso’s brother was using the trailer to hold his tools, and he left it in the backyard of a home where he was working. It was a small trailer, but it really helped him out on the jobsite.
And then someone stole it. The burglar also made off with the tools inside the trailer. Now Jasso, who works as a long-
“Park where the trailer is less visible to people passing by — out of sight, out of mind,” she says. “Don’t park a trailer with the tongue pointing toward a street or parking area. It is too easy to pull up, hook up and drive off.”
Other options include removing the lug nuts or wheels; using a chain to secure the trailer to a tree, pole or other stationary object; and purchasing specialty locks for trailers that work similar to a “boot” used by law enforcement for cars.
1:45 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, Dallas Police responded to a shooting at a home near the Dallas Zoo
900 block of East Eighth Street, a suspect was arrested and placed in a squad car
and 90 pounds roughly describes the handcuffed suspect who escaped while officers were working the case nearby SOURCE: Dallas Police
Graciele Montani of Oak Cliff climbed to the Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan with her copy of the Oak Cliff Advocate. Montani, 70, is a devout Buddhist and wanted to see the temples while she could still make the trek.
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It’s gone now. But back in the day, Westcliff Mall shopping center was one of the most interesting locales in Oak Cliff.
In 1963, bulldozers and construction crews converged on the southeast corner of South Hampton and Ledbetter — an undeveloped piece of commercially zoned real estate — and began the development of Oak Cliff’s first indoor shopping mall. At the time, Wynnewood Village was still king of the Oak Cliff hill, with Lancaster-Kiest and A. Harris Shopping Centers also in the mix. While Jefferson remained relevant, the population was moving south and southwest, and the new residents needed something closer. Westcliff Mall developers planned on solving the problem.
In a time when school-age children could still roam safely without adult supervision, one group of southwest Oak Cliff kids immediately took advantage of the new mall even before construction began.
According to one poster on the Dallas Historical Society Archives Phorum, a heavy rain fell shortly after the workers completed the large excavation for the mall’s foundation. Thus, in typical fashion of the time, local kids begged inner tubes from nearby filling stations and proceeded to float around for hours in the free “swimming pool” created by the torrential downfall.
Dallas Mayor Earl Cabell officially opened the center when he depressed the plunger on a faux dynamite detonator, triggering an air pump that propelled confetti and smoke upward from a hole in the ground. Following the ceremony, shoppers discovered the center’s numerous retail, service and professional offerings. And everything was inside, protected from the elements and encased within a climate-controlled space.
Westcliff Mall showcased indoor landscaping, a shiny aggregate floor, a fountain and a community room. The professional building on the east end of the center provided space for numerous physicians and dentists — along with offices for other businesses — with Jones Optical
anchoring the ground floor. There were also specialty shops for men and women, boys and girls, adults and teens. A few mall spaces offered outside entrances as well, one being the Blanks Real Estate office and another the Sears Catalogue Store — reportedly the first “catalogue-order only” Sears store in Dallas.
In the center of the mall stood the Carousel Snack Bar, a circular food stand with a tall cone-shaped topper that extended to the ceiling. And in the northeast corner, Sammy’s Westcliff Mall Restaurant provided Cliffites with white-tablecloth dining options, along with a place to have parties and rehearsal dinners or to experience a bit of refinement. (Sammy’s later became the Peach Basket, owned and operated by former basketball player Cincy Powell, and then reopened once again as The Yankee Club.)
Another poster on the Dallas Historical Society site reminisced about Westcliff Mall being one of the first spots in the area to recycle and sell used aluminum cans. According to the description, a sorting table was
set up in the parking lot — to make sure no tin items were included. The cans were then weighed, and participants received 10 cents a pound.
Among the other postings of former Westcliff customers were stories of the pink and powder-blue poodles that belonged to the owners of the mall’s dog grooming shop. Just about everyone remembers seeing the pooches all around the center. Other posters commented on slot-car racing and pinball games at the arcade (which enamored a significant number of Oak Cliff boys) and the M. E. Moses variety, store where kids could purchase candy, ice-cold sodas, comic books and cheap toys. There was a Zale’s jewelry store, a Super-X drug store and a Slenderbolic Health Studio. The Ralph Baker Art Studio offered art lessons, Margo’s La Mode gave customers a great selection of ladies’ clothing, and the Shoe Closet sold, well, shoes.
Students from St. Elizabeth Catholic School used the length of the mall as a respite from the Texas heat and winter cold when walking to and from school. And, in
quite a few cases, along with other Oak Cliff youngsters, the kids enjoyed annoying the mall proprietors. Being chased off by the mall adults became a badge of honor.
At Christmastime Santa listened to children’s wish lists, and at Easter the variety store sold pink and yellow baby chicks, while the mall itself hosted Easter egg hunts. A Fotomat drive-thru occupied the south parking lot, where traveling carnivals also set up shop.
The 50th anniversary Oak Cliff magazine, published by the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce in spring 1970, featured an aerial photo of Westcliff with the caption “Always a Cool 72 Degrees at Westcliff Mall Shopping Center” and a list of stores open at that time. Along with all the above-mentioned businesses were: Kroger Food Store, Rushman Cleaners, Jack Andrews Color TV, Westcliff Finer Fabrics, Bed and Bath Linen Shoppe, Union Life Insurance Company, Exchange Savings, Wall-Tim Interiors, La Lobe Ear Piercing Salon, Al Price Real Estate, Carr’s Card and Gifts, Westcliff Beauty Salon, Cinderella Dress Shoppe, Westcliff Barber Shop, Toy Fair, Albright Lock and Key, The Furniture Cottage, Metro Personnel Employment Agency, Will’s Shoe’s and Gift Wrapping Bizarre.
Unfortunately, the center never produced the anticipated results, and there were significant retail business turnovers in the later years, including a short stint in the mid1990s as “Rosa Parks Mall,” the first AfricanAmerican-owned mall in Texas, according to a Dallas Morning News article. With the adjoining neighborhood’s changing demographics and competition with the much
larger Red Bird Mall constructed in 1975 — with its four major-retail anchors and scores of smaller stores — the curtain eventually came down on Westcliff. In 1997, the entire complex was razed. The West Cliff Shopping Center was built in its place in 2001 and is now anchored by Fiesta. Things change. And they certainly did for Westcliff Mall. But for quite a few Cliffites, the memories of shopping and eating and doctor and dentist appointments remain, along with vivid recollections of the rotating butterfly-shaped “W” sign on the corner and hours of adolescent mall mischief.
As all the former little delinquents have finally grown up, somewhere those nowdeparted mall proprietors must be smiling as they chase two pastel poodles through the clouds.
Editor’s Note: This is Gayla Brooks’ final column for the Advocate. She has written 63 of them in the last five-plus years, since September 2009. We greatly appreciate her contributions, not only to the magazine but also to preserving the history of Oak Cliff.
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