2011 June Oak Cliff

Page 26

where to eat psst...


LIVING LOCAL IN OAk CLIff juNe 2011 bLOGs, pOdCAsts ANd mOre At

All-Star Stroke Care.

Like Jet, you deserve all-star care. That’s why Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Methodist Charlton Medical Center, and Methodist Richardson Medical Center are proud to announce being named Joint Commission Primary Stroke Centers.

The designation means we’re optimally prepared to provide the highest level of quality care to stroke patients — a game changer, and another reason care is shining at Methodist.

Stroke is an emergency. Think F.A.S.T. Think Methodist.

FACE – Does one side of the face droop?

ARMS – Is one arm weak or numb?

SPEECH – Is the speech slurred?

TIME – Time is critical. Call 911 or get to the hospital immediately.


Jason “Jet” Terry #31 Dallas Mavericks

g what’ S thiS?

See these throughout the issue? here’s how to unlock mobile extras behind these Q r codes.

1. download a free Q r code reader app on your smartphone.

2. launch the app and point your phone’s camera lens at the code, which will open a related mobile-media world right on your phone. try it out! Scan this code and it will take you to the Advocate’ s new newsletter sign-up page.

3 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011 In thIs Issue june/2011 volume 6 number 6 OC 6 the big bang neighbor Stacy Caldwell helps bring together social entrepreneurs and investors at an annual event. 10 Summertime, the livin’ S ea Sy and the ice cream at la Original michoacana is like no other. in every iSSue department columns opening remarks4 / onadvocatemag.com5 / grab-bag6 / happenings9 / food + wine10 / education guide23 / scene + heard27 / news + notes30 / crime30 / last word31 advertising the goods4 / dining guide11 / home services28 / health resources29 / bulletin board27
Eat here Navigating the Oak Cliff restaurant scene PhOtO by mOlly diCkSOn 14
feature S


Summer daze

We’ve all been there at one time or another — there’s the school year, and then there’s summer. And summer was a time we looked forward to because it promised minimal responsibility, which is an asset unappreciated until it’s too late.

Once we start working year-round jobs, summer seems to lose its significance. The days of wistfully staring at a ticking clock don’t disappear, but no matter how many times we urge the clock along during an otherwise bleary day, and no matter how nice of a guy or gal the boss really is, we know we won’t be enjoying a three-month break in the middle of the year.

If you happen to have kids, particularly kids now at home after grinding through the school year, it doesn’t take long — two or three hours perhaps — to start wondering exactly when summer will be over and what day school begins again.


Express your inner artist! Instructors lead attendees in creating paintings with a featured piece of art, bring nothing more than your imagination, wine or beverage. Perfect for Private Parties as well. 5202 Lovers Ln. 214.350.9911 paintingwithatwist.com


Stained Glass Panel. Showroom: 905 Dragon St. 214.761.1100 glasshouseproducts.com

That feeling is predictable, and it’s understandable, and it’s inevitable. We don’t appreciate summer when it’s ours, and we look forward to it most when it’s gone.

My early, and best, summers were unplanned. My parents didn’t worry much about where I was or what I was doing — they knew I would be with friends or reading or playing baseball.

Aimless summers don’t happen much anymore, and they certainly don’t happen much around here. Urban parents, grandparents and caregivers plan children’s days like military exercises, with wake-up times dictated by camps and babysitters and programs and work schedules. And heaven forbid that a kid is left to wander from house to house looking for friends — what’s the point in visiting someone when you can simply text “yo” and start a 90-minute monosyllabic conversation from the comfort of your bed?

True, texting is a form of aimless, summerlike self-entertainment, but I haven’t seen much opportunity f or self-enrichment in the process. And the very core of texting is imparting thought in small chunks rather than spending larger chunks of time interacting personally with each other.

I speak as both a victim and an accomplice in all of the above, and I wish there was something I could tell myself to ease this burden

and return to the days when summer simply allowed us to unwind and reload.

Instead, I’ll leave you with something I read recently in a daily devotional book that our church serves up for free. The woman doing the writing is Melora Hirschmann from Nebraska; I don’t know her, have never talked with her and couldn’t pick her out of an icecream truck lineup.

“My mother is in the last stages of her battle with cancer. Each day that I have with her is

a gift from God. Some days are better than others, and sometimes in beautiful moments, we connect and have a great talk. After these times, I am glad that I was there, sitting with her and caring for her.”

Parents and children and the rest of us will all be gone soon enough, just as the passing years make summer relatively meaningless. And thanks to our own restlessness, there’s rarely enough time, even during the summer, to enjoy the day with someone we love.

But more than likely, summer is one of the only times we still have to do something like that.

4 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com OC 1/3 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
I wish there was syomething I could tell myself tyo return to the days when summeyr simply allowed us to unwiynd and reload.
opening remark S Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
Enjoy the lazy, hazy days while they last Summer is a season primarily defined by lack of school.

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oaK Cliff history

Gayla Brooks Kokel’s “Back Story” columns are a hit with Advocate readers. The discussion always continues online — website visitors share OC memories with Brooks Kokel. In our May issue, she wrote about Abel Moreno and his family’s deep Oak Cliff roots. A sample of the conversation from the comments section is below. To read the story and the rest of the comments, or to share a memory of your own, search: Abel Moreno.

MA ry New TON M A xwell: Mrs. [Aurora] Moreno was my high school Spanish teacher and I was her Rosita (little Rose). Oh, how I loved the language. Ella fue una maestra maravillosa!

DONNA lACK ey: Thank you, Gayla, for providing so much info I never knew about [TV actor] Belita Moreno’s family. I went to school with Belita, and we were friends in grade school. I knew they were friendly, outgoing people and loved in the community. Although I knew Belita went on to become an actress, I hadn’t heard of her career lately. Thanks.

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Advocate Publishing

6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214

Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by East Dallas –Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

Fr ANC eS GeOrGe PhIll IPS : Gayla, once again you have captured a wonderful moment in our lives here in Oak Cliff. The story of the Moreno family brought back many special memories. I taught with Aurora Moreno at Kimball, and I remember her as an especially high-energy and creative teacher.

J AN e lITTle: How well I remember El Patio [Moreno’s Patio Restaurant, the first Mexican eatery in Wynnewood Village]! When I was a little girl, we would have dinner there on Friday nights. My parents were leisurely diners, and my sister and I would leave and walk down to the corner to Toy World. Anybody else remember that treasure trove? There we would stand, noses pressed to the glass, ogling the “high heel” dolls. I didn’t take Spanish in high school, but I certainly remember Mrs. Moreno, when I was a student, and Aurora, when I taught at Kimball.

GAyl A: Yes, Toy World was quite a place. Too expensive for my folks’ Depression-era thinking ... which I actually agree with. But I did frequent the other shops along that strip between the restaurant and Toy World: Jan’s Bakery, Roberts Jewelers, the Red Goose Shoe Store. Would love to have a couple of hours of those days back. Good times with good folks.

To read more Back Story columns, visit oakcliff.advocatemag.com/backstory

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seNd WeB sUGGesTIoNs To crobinson@advocatemag.com

5 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
oN The WeB on
new advoCate newsletters We now have neighborhood newsletters for every taste! Sign up at advocatemag.com/ newsletter
The Moreno family: Elsie, Belita (top right), Aurora and Abel. PHOTO COuRTESY OF ElSIE MOREnO


Stacy c aldwell of Oak c liff is president of dallas Social Venture Partners, a nonprofit composed of business professionals, entrepreneurs and foundations who work to strengthen community in innovative ways. On June 16, c aldwell and company are putting on the second annual Big Bang, a symposium that brings together nonprofits and investors.

What is the Big Bang?

Some organizations have galas once a year. This is our big annual event. It borrows from a venture-capital pitch, but instead of putting traditional business entrepreneurs on stage, we’re bringing people who are doing great work in their communities or have ideas for ways to make their communities better. And then we’re filling the audience with investors.

What is it like?

It’s a lot of fun. We make it very interactive. We believe if you’re going to have an event about social innovation, you don’t want the traditional keynote speakers and meetings. In the morning and afternoon, there are pitches. But in the middle of the day we do what we call “spark experiences”.

First, we have a community garden buffet, and all the food is locally grown by two organizations. One is Youth Village Resources of Dallas, and the other is the farm at Paul Quinn College. In February, we were already planting seeds for our luncheon. That runs through what we call our “socially conscious marketplace”. That features triple bottom line businesses, which measure their success not just financially but also by what they give back. Toms Shoes is a good example of one. So guests can have lunch, walk through the marketplace, and then go to our speed-networking room. It’s like speed dating where you meet a lot of people in a very short amount of time. This is a great way for attendees of a large event to get to know each other. But we think it’s a great collusion between the suits and the jeans.

GOt a laUNcH-wOrtHy idea? Let us know about it: Call

6 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
JUNe 2011
at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com. CAN TüRkYIlmAz
editor Emily Toman

It gives them an opportunity to spark a conversation and mix it up a bit. Then, you can go to our social media lounge. That’s where you can rent a geek for 10 minutes. It’s really focused on how technology is driving giving and social action. Kiva.org is a good example of one. They provide micro loans as a way to reduce poverty around the world. Then, after all that, you might be feeling a little tired, so you can relax a little bit at our network film festival. It’s a festival of local videos created by networks here in the North Texas area that are also doing good. That’s people like Better Block, TEDxSMU, Art Conspiracy, Dallas Social Venture Parnters, Spark Club. In order to make North Texas a better place, we’re going to have to do it together, and that room is really an exploration of what’s going on in North Texas.


Innovators are divided into four cause tracks. Those are education, which is called “Teach”; food and sustainability, which is called “Nourish”; women and girls, which is “Empower”; and corporate social responsibility, and that’s “Serve”.


It’s at Union Station, which is the perfect backdrop. It’s right next to the DART tracks, and it’s just a beautiful, dramatic space. Wolfgang Puck has been amazing to work with as far as sourcing the food locally.


My partner and I have been traveling around the world and seeing these great things going on in social innovation. And we just kept thinking, “When are we going to get into this conversation?” And we began modeling our own thing.


Before we even began the day, people were mulling around and having coffee, and the energy was kinetic. You could just feel that the people who were there were just really interested in doing something different. Philanthropy is traditionally very stuffy. But this is about taking it to a new level and brining to light some people in our community who are doing things that are very innovative. This is a way for them to window shop. Usually, the way to philanthropy is through a 20-page grant proposal. And that’s fine. But this is just a different way of doing it. Over the course of years, we can create a body of this information and a directory, so we become a source for innovative ideas and social innovation. —RACHEL STONE

REGISTER for the Big Bang and find more information at bigbangtx.org.


7 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
grab-bagLAUNCH 2143 Kessler Ct. 38 3/2/2 Sqft. 1,625 8747 Mosswood Dr. 3/2/2 Sqft. 1,655 2723 Burlington 2/1/1 Sqft. 2,116 1619 S. Clinton 3/1.5/1
1,874 740
3/3.5/3 Sqft. 3,761 2615
2/1 Sqft. 1,086
Sqft. 1,259
W. Five Mile Pkwy
Sqft. 1,746
Pavillion St. 1024
Rainbow Dr.
Alco Ave.
you ready to find a fulfilling career that would provide unlimited earning potential and the opportunity to have a flexible work schedule? You should consider a career in real estate - an exciting and dynamic profession that
2/1 Sqft. 1,310 2027
3/2/2 Sqft. 1,818 2535
1/1/1 1Study. Sqft. 940 2606 W. 12th St. 3/2 Sqft. 952 Scan to view houses 836 N. Zang Suite 100 Dallas TX 75208 214.948.9444
If this sounds interesting to you, Call Mark Kohutek at 214-217-5735. for a confidential interview.
N. Wondomere
S. Vernon
Wedglea Manor 239

Family Fun Weekend

Saturday: Fitness Extravaganza at Flag Pole Hill, 11am-4pm; Water Wise Landscape

Tour: Save Dallas Water at White Rock Pump House, 9:30am-3pm. Join us with your horse for a trail ride around WRL. Meet at Norbuck Park at 10am.

Sunday: Kite Flying Day at Norbuck Park, 11am-4pm.

WRL Centennial Bike Ride hosted by Greater Dallas Bicyclists. Join us for a ride around the lake with refreshments and fun afterwards. Gather at T&P Hill at 9am. www.greaterdallasbicyclists.com

WRL Bass Fishing Tournament. Register your team at www.whiterockdallas.org. Limited boat space available.

Sailing Clubs Open House and Wooden Boat Show.

Last month of Centennial Celebration . . . lots of great events for you and your family to enjoy! You especially won’t want to miss the Centennial Concert at the Arboretum with Hard Night’s Day on June 26.

The Comerica White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration Pave the Way campaign allows families and businesses to forever commemorate their love of the lake on pavestones that will permanently grace the plaza at the spillway. Visit www.whiterockdallas.org to Pave the Way today.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our partners, volunteers and participants who helped make the White Rock Lake Centennial a spectacular celebration.

Beach Party of the Century at the Bath House Cultural Center hosted by For the Love of the Lake with support from The White Rock Lake Foundation and Friends of the Bath House.

Centennial Concert at the Arboretum with Hard Night’s Day. Limited seating - buy your tickets early at www.whiterockdallas.org.

White Rock Lake Centennial Committee 2011 Designed by Allyn Media Photo provided by Land Design Partners




FREE-$20 The weather is heating up, and that means a slew of summer events on tap at the Belmont Hotel, including Barefoot at the Belmont hosted by KXT 91.7. The live outdoor music series continues June 2 with Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit with Maria Taylor. Several other shows are scheduled through August 18. Tickets are $15 for KXT members and $20 for non-members. Duck into BarBelmont for Art with a View, which begins June 15 with artist Andrea Rogers. Head over to the pool where the Dive In Movie Series screens films on the lawn, including “Harold and Maude” at dusk on June 16. Admission is free. Also stop by the Belmont for one of its Sunday pool parties 1-5 p.m. each week. 901 Fort Worth Avenue, 214.393.2300, belmontdallas.com —EMILY TOMAN

06.01 COMMUNITY PARKS CONCERT FREE The Dallas Symphony Orchestra begins its summer parks concert series at 8 p.m. at Kidd Springs Park. 711 W. Canty, dallassymphony.com

06.09 WORKS ON PAPER $15 The Oak Cliff Society of Fine Arts collaborates with Oil and Cotton and The Book Doctor for “Works on Paper: A Preservation Clinic” 7-9 p.m. at Turner House. Shannon Driscoll and Candice McKay will discuss the proper care and restoration of important and heirloom works on paper such as documents, artwork and antique books. The event also includes one-on-one consultations with attendees who bring an artifact from their own collection.401 N. Rosemont, 214.943.7133

06.10-06.16 BLANK CITY

$8.50 The Texas Theatre premiers the acclaimed film “Blank City”, which tells the story of renegade New York City filmmakers from the 1970s and 1980s. 231 W. Jefferson, 214.948.1546, thetexastheatre.com


HICKMAN $20 The Kessler presents an intimate performance by polka band Brave Combo with Sara Hickman at 8 p.m. 1230 W. Davis, 214.272.8346, thekessler.org

9 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
IN JUNE happeningsLAUNCH GOONLINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.







IT STARTED IN THE SMALL TOWN OF TOCUMBO in Michoacán, Mexico, with a struggling, post-World War II family who simply wanted to earn a living. Today, that living has turned into an international franchise of paleterías — La Original Michoacana. (Not to be confused with the La Michoacana grocery chain, a different company.) Eliodoro Aguilar operates a store near the Bishop Arts District, serving 28 flavors of all-natural ice cream made from fresh fruit from the farmers’ market. The flavor list also includes more exotic fruits such as the guanabána (or sour sop), which Aguilar imports from Guatemala through Goya Foods. You can mix and match flavors in cake cones, waffle cones or cups starting at just $2. In the freezer, you’ll find esquimal — a milk-based pop that is coated in chocolate and dipped in sprinkles or nuts. Aguilar says that popsicles are typically made with just water and fruit flavoring whereas the treats at La Michoacana are paletas, made with the real thing. Today, Aguilar says that about 90 percent of the workforce in Tocumbo is employed by La Michoacana. The company has grown throughout California and the Southwest. Another location will open soon in Grand Prairie, a move that came after the city’s mayor fell in love with the place and convinced Aguilar to expand there and play a role in revitalizing the suburb’s downtown area.


No summer is complete without a visit to this now iconic sno cone stand in the heart of our neighborhood. Small cones start at $2 except for the Pink Lady, which is 25 cents extra. CLARENDON & MARLBOROUGH 214.946.1431


Grab an Espumoso frappe or an organic fruit smoothie at this Bishop Arts shop. And be sure to try one the homemade empanadas. BISHOP & SEVENTH 214.948.2055 ESPUMOSOCAFFE.COM


This market offers fresh fruit bars and cups along with ice cream and s no cones on the cheap. You can also grab fresh-cut frozen fruit to-go from the freezer.

ZANG & BECKLEY 214.943.9677

10 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
Pictured: Strawberry ice cream with shaved coconut and sprinkles
LAUNCHfood&wine FOOD AND WINE ONLINE. Visit oakcliff.advocatemag.com/dining Three more spots to cool off
A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood WATCH A VIDEO of LaOriginal Michoacana at oakcliff. advocatemag.com/ video


PIZZA LOUNGE $$ODFB Voted Dallas best late night restaurant 2010 ! Pizza LOUNGE offers their own unique, made-from-scratch recipes featuring fresh made pizza dough and sauce. Appetizers, salads and desserts are also an option in there eclectic, funky atmosphere as you listen to off beat tunes. Open 11am. 7 days a week till late late night at 841 exposition ave, Dallas. 214.887.6900. Pizzaloungedallas.com and on facebook.

The BE ST EAT S in our neighborhood SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION $ MOST ENTREES UNDER $10 / $$ BETWEEN $10-$20 / $$$ ABOVE $20 / 200,000 + READERS AREWONDERING WHERE TO EAT. GET YOUR RESTAURANT IN THE MINDSOF ADVOCATEREADERS MONTH AFTER MONTH. 214-560-4203 TO ADVERTISE Hang with the “girls” and Plant the Town Pink! Dallas County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure $10 donation Callais Winery, Spyche, organic eats, FREE garden consults more. A $10 donation N Garden Coach FREE 15 minute garden coach sessions pre-order spring blooming bulbs Details at www.nhg.com.

pink rosés


Welcome to the ninth annual Advocate rosé column, where our motto is: If it’s summer and you have $10, you can buy rosé — and sometimes even get change back.

Surprisingly, despite the weak dollar and the passage of all that time, that price point hasn’t changed in the last decade. There are still dozens of terrific rosés that cost $10 or less from all over the world. The one thing that has changed? The quality of rosé keeps getting better, and it’s unusual to find a poorly made rosé (something that wasn’t necessarily true 10 years ago).

What you need to know about rosé: (or white merlot or whatever); rosés are pink wines made with red grapes, and they aren’t sweet. Why are they pink? Because the red grape skins are left in the fermenting grape juice just long enough to color the wine.

are mostly red berries (think strawberry or cranberry) or watermelon. They should be served chilled, and they pair pretty much with any food, including beef and barbecue. Rosé was made for Sunday afternoon, sitting on the back porch, rosé in hand and burgers on the grill.

Look for 2010, and be wary of anything dated before 2009. Rosés are not made to age, and should be fresh and flavorful. The color in older vintages starts to fade, like paper that yellows.

Rosé styles vary by country. Spanish wines are going to be bone dry with less fruit flavor. French rosés are not quite as dry as the Spanish, but they usually don’t have a lot of fruit flavor (and rosé from Provence is among the best in the world). Some U.S. wines are so full of strawberry flavor that they seem sweet, but that’s your taste buds playing a trick on you.

The best way to learn about rosé is to taste. My list of recommended rosés is in the dozens, and includes wines from Texas (McPherson), South Africa (Mulderbosch), California (Pedroncelli), France (Cep d’Or), Spain (Cortijo) or Washington state (Charles & Charles).

Rosé is made to be d ry; that is, all the sugar in the grapes is converted into alcohol. White zinfandel (or white merlot) is made to be sweet. Either sugar is added during the winemaking process, or some of the sugar in the grapes isn’t converted into alcohol. Those wines will have a lower alcohol content.

12 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com LAUNCHfood&wine
Uptown Plaza 2907 Routh St Dallas, TX 75201 214.764.2119 x101 Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life. *Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.


Sort-of salad nicoise

Americans seem hung up on salads. They’ll eat all sorts of fancy ones at restaurants, but at home are less willing to try anything other than some lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and bottled dressing tossed together. In fact, those fancy restaurant salads are quite easy to make at home, much less expensive, and they are rosé-friendly. The ingredients, by the way, are just suggestions. This is a terrific way to clean out the refrigerator — use leftover grilled chicken, hard-boiled eggs, potato salad, green beans and bits of grated cheese.

Serves four, takes about 25 minutes

4 to 6 c mixed lettuce, torn

2 to 3 c chopped, raw vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, red onion and celery

2 c canned beans such as chickpeas or navy beans

2 cans best-quality tuna

1/2 to 1 c black olives

1/2 to 1 c best-quality vinaigrette


appear every Wednesday on oakcliff.advocatemag.com

1. Arrange the lettuce in a layer on a serving platter. Dress lightly with vinaigrette. Arrange the rest of the ingredients on top of the lettuce, making a design that strikes your fancy. Presentation is part of the fun of this dish.

2. Dress the salad lightly, and pass the vinaigrette at the table.

13 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011 food&wineLAUNCH

restaurant rut

14 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
Story by rachel Stone · PhotoS by cantürkyilmaz,benjaminhager,mark DaviS & molly Dick Son

Is your favorite restaurant

really your favorite restaurant, or is it just a comfortable standby?

Either way, it’s time for something new. Shake up your neighborhood dining life with these suggestions for every kind of meal.

15 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
meal map: Carry an interactive map featuring the restaurants from this story in your pocket — just scan this box with your smartphone. (More instructions on page 3)
16 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com AN EBBY HALLIDAY COMPANY 2828 Routh Street | Suite 100 | Dallas | 214.303.1133 214.445.6553 | christian.johnson@gbmail.com Preferred Lender of: Hewitt & Habgood 1029 Lausanne Ave. | $998,000 Stunning 3/3.5/3 LA, Pool, 630 SF Guest House |214.752.7070 $549,000 |214.752.7070 $149,500 214.418.3443 $417,000 Great 3/2.1/2 LA, Pool, Spa, Entertaining Area | 214.752.7070 Properties as distinct as the clients we serve. daveperrymiller.com $299,900 214.403.0098 $243,900 214.418.3443

Sunday brunch

It’s Sunday morning. You’re waking up. Where do you begin? If it’s after 11 a.m., you could start with the $5.95 all-you-can-eat pancakes at Spiral Diner. They will have two kinds stacked inside chafing dishes, and you can serve yourself, so there’s no wait for emergency morning-after carb loading. For a fancy Sunday brunch, we have more ideas.

ODDFELLOWS started out serving breakfast and lunch only, so they know their stuff. Buckwheat, buttermilk and gingerbread pancakes. Omelets galore. Mega breakfast tacos. And that coffee. This place is popular, but the restaurant’s hip owners have created a lovely little plaza out front, so waiting for a table is not that bad.

316 W. Seventh at Bishop, 214.944.5958, oddfellowsdallas.com.

TILLMAN’S just added brunch last year, and it’s already famous as a hangover helper. The $45 hangover breakfast platter for the table feeds four people and includes “bennie & the jets”, an omelet, bacon, sausage, barbecuespiced breakfast potatoes and cinnamon monkey bread. The brunch menu also includes pancakes with maple syrup (the only syrup that matters), an egg sandwich, burgers, sandwiches and Tillman’s famous venison Frito pie.

324 W. Seventh at Bishop, 214.942.0988, tillmansroadhouse.com.

Everyone knows JACK’S BACKYARD is great for drinks and live music. But they have Sunday brunch, too. The Jack’s Benedict is made with bacon and avocado. The bloody Mary is $3 and spicy. And on a nice day, the setting is lovely. It’s a good place to bring kids and dogs.

2303 Pittman at Commerce, 214.741.3131, jacksbackyarddallas.com.

SMOKE wins the prize for sexiest brunch in town. Biscuits and gravy, pulled whole-hog barbecue eggs Benedict, blueberry ricotta cheese pancakes with vanilla poached apricots and cream, cheese grits, thick cut pork-belly bacon. Mmmm. Yes. 901 Fort Worth at Sylvan, 214.393.4141, smokerestaurant.com.

At Kessler Women’ Healthcare, caring for women during their pregnancy is one of our great honors. We have delivered thousands of babies, each one of them our favorite! But the prenatal care you receive at our specialized facility is only part of your experience as one of our mom’s-to-be.

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www.kesslerwomens.com For Women - By Women Call 214-941-7200 to schedule an appointment. Find us on Facebook or at kesslerwomens.com Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7am - 6pm; Fri. 7am - 5pm 1330 N. Beckley Ave., Dallas TX 75203 Patricia LaRue, MD; Rochelle McKown, MD Theresa Patton, MD; Kecia Foxworth, MD; Sandra Lozano, MD

The Texas experience

Let’s say your college roommate is coming from Minnesota. Or that exchange student your family hosted 20 years ago is visiting from Berlin. Applebee’s is not going to cut it. They want something authentic, something to write home about, something Texan. Texas-centric Tillman’s is always a good choice, whether your guests live on Mars or Marsh Lane. But here are a few other places to take out-oftown guests.

God bless LOCKHART SMOKEHOUSE They made it so we don’t have to drive all the way to the Hill Country for good barbecue. Explain to your guests that real Hill Country barbecue doesn’t have sauce. Also, there are no forks. You eat it with your hands. Even if they don’t love it, they won’t soon forget it. 400 W. Davis at Bishop, 214.944.5521, lockhartsmokehouse.com.

When it comes to tacos, Oak Cliff is like a mini San Antonio. Tacos are our unofficial official dish. For an authentic Texas experience, without getting on I-35 South, take your guests to a taquería. Start them out easy with the Mexico City-style tacos of EL TIZONCITO (3404 W. Illiniois at Westmoreland). And then move into more daring territory like CAFETERIA Y LONCHERÍA EL PADRINO (408 W. Jefferson at Bishop) or BOY’S TAQUERÍA (1913 S. Edgefield at Ferndale). For regular reviews of taco joints in the ’hood, check tacocliff.wordpress.com and tacosense.com.

AUNT STELLE’S is only open in the summertime now, and it’s only open a few days a week. It’s not going to be around forever because once owner Lee Albert decides to retire, that’s it. No more snow cones. Not from Aunt Stelle’s patented ice-shaving machine, anyway. Bring your guests to Aunt Stelle’s and ask them if they’ve ever had a better snow cone. If they say yes, they are not really your friends. 2002 W. Clarendon at Marlborough, 214.946.1431.

18 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
214.860.5900 Art Metals Program Bill J. Priest Industrial
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Tacos are not just for taquerías anymore. Gourmet taco shops like Austinbased Torchy’s are turning up all over Dallas, and it is a matter of time before these trendy tacos pop up in the ’hood. Here, we examine the difference between the authentic and the posh.



garlic sauce




in a tortilla with choices of: flour or corn, soft or crispy


a squeeze of lime

pico de gallo




in two corn tortillas

19 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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two tacos

Late-night dining

Does CESAR’S TACOS Y GORDITAS have the best tacos in Oak Cliff? Not even close. But they are open 24-7. Don’t order anything crazy here. Whole fried fish? Oh, honey, no. That’s like ordering clams casino at a truck stop. Just have the fajita or chicken tacos, wash them down with a Mexican coke, take two aspirin and call it a night. 2919 W. Davis at Ravinia, 214.330.5409.

Even though LA PAISANITA is right across the street from Cesar’s No. 1, it never seems to get as much attention. We don’t know why. La Paisanita has good, authentic tacos for $1.17 each, and they’re open all the time. 2930 W. Davis at Ravinia, 214.623.9658.

OAK CLIFF’S METRODINER is the last Metro Diner after the one near Baylor hospital closed this past spring. Of course, we still call it Pitt Grill. And late at night, we order cheeseburgers, pancakes or waffles with chocolate chips. And we play Hank Williams on the jukebox. 2316 W. Davis at Hampton, 214.946.0220.

20 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
It’s 3 a.m. You’re hungry. You need carbs and grease before bed. Oak Cliff has got you covered.

Pie in your eye

Pie is the top restaurant trend in the nation for 2011, according to trendspotters far and wide. There is a pies-only restaurant in New York, and pie is even usurping cake at weddings.

Inforzato’s is the former Hula Hottie’s, which this year changed concepts from Hawaiian to Italian. They can change it to Korean tacos and fried frogs for all we care, as long as there is pie. Co-owner Jill Infortazo is a master of caramel apple pie and New Yorkstyle cheesecake, which are almost always on hand. Call and order whole pies in any flavor you want: Kentucky bourbon, rum raisin, coconut cream, lemon chess, sweet potato and more. The $10 pizzas are not bad either. 244 W. Davis at Elsbeth, 214.943.2233.

The motto of norma’s is “Life is short. Eat dessert first.” Norma’s is famous for its mile-high meringue pies, including coconut, chocolate, lemon and chocolate-peanut butter. Every January, Norma’s hosts free pie day. It’s magical. 1123 W. Davis at Winnetka, 214.946.4711, normascafe.com.

spIral DIner — no eggs, no milk, still delicious. Sure, you could order something healthy at Spiral Diner. But that’s not the point. This is junk food for vegans, and the rest of us, too. Spiral makes blueberry pie, served a la mode with soy ice cream, plus pecan pie, sweet potato pie and many others. Oh, and they serve vegan Frito pie, too. 1101 N. Beckley at El Dorado, 214.948.4747, spiraldiner.com.

21 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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Elotes is a Mexican street food, and in our neighborhood, it is sold from carts outside Mexican grocery stores. Even if the only Spanish phrase you ever learn is “un elote, por favor”, we urge you to try it at least once. The handy graphic below explains the makings of an elote. Usually, eloteros (yes, there is a Spanish word for a person who sells corn) scoop the hot, pre-cut corn kernels into the cup and layer the ingredients on top. Sometimes they cut the corn off the cob to order and mix the ingredients in a bin before it goes in the cup. Whether you like yours with a squeeze of lemon, a dash of lemon pepper or “sin chile”, an elotero will hook you up with a tasty snack.

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22 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com Elote con todo
fresco butter salt corn
a squeeze of lemon
chile sauce queso

Eating Elmwood

Elmwood is a residential neighborhood with a 1950s commercial district at its heart. Some businesses there, including a gas station and a car wash, are closed. And retail has not yet come back to life in Elmwood. But its restaurants, some brand new, some longtime Oak Cliff favorites, are thriving.

LULU’S AUTHENTIC MEXICAN 1 (1234 Newport Ave. 214.339.1661) We’re not sure how many years Lulu’s has been serving Tex-Mex and Mex-Mex from its tiny maroon building, but it’s a neighborhood institution. Open at 8 a.m. for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Lulu’s is family owned and operated.

PAPA JOE’S BACKYARD BARBECUE 2 (1233 Newport Ave. 214.941.4092) Papa Joe’s is the new kid on the block, serving barbecue and beer, cafeteria style. They’re open for dinner Thursday and Friday, and they serve lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.

LA FONDITA 3 (1409 Ferndale 214.941.9221) La Fondita is known for its tiny space (just seven tables inside), it’s friendly owners, and its home-style Mexican food — delicious tacos, amazing salsa and authentic everything.

BOY’S TAQUERIA 4 (1913 S. Edgefield 214.946.3738) The key word at Boy’s is “cheap”. Here, you can get six tacos for $5. Barbacoa, lengua, al pastor, chicharrón, fajita and chicken — go ahead, order one of everything.

HUGO’S BEER ANDTACOS 5 (1817 S. Edgefield 214.943.3616) Now that Oak Cliff is wet, we can have beer with our tacos like normal people. Hugo’s is in a converted former barbershop, and there are a few tables, but it’s really a takeout place.

MARRITO’S TORTILLERIA 6 (2002 S. Edgefield 214.943.8661) Marrito’s has been at the corner of Elmwood and Ferndale for ages, offering homemade tortillas, tacos, tortas, enchiladas, burritos and, on the weekends, menudo and barbacoa.

23 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011 69% of our readers say they want to know more about Private Schools. TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 5304 Junius St., Dallas, TX 75214 / 214.901.4280 / www.thelabdallas.com www.stjohnsschool.org 214-328-9131 x103 St. John’s Episcopal School Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational Discover the possibilities for your child at St. John’s. E EDUCATION GUIDE TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203
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your toilet.

Eating outside

Home Office Deduction for W-2 employees. Deduction is allowed if the office at

We Dallasites love our patios. In a city where eating out is a great pastime, eating outside is fantastically sexy. And in Oak Cliff, there is no shortage of patio dining. Should we even tell you about LA COSTEÑA ? We don’t want to ruin it for ourselves. It’s this Mexican seafood joint whose customers mostly are Pumas jersey-wearing guys who want to eat their oyster cocktails and drink in peace. The food is pretty good. Aside from the seafood cocktails, there are cheese enchiladas with shrimp, fried fish and hearty fish stews. But the real draw here is out back, where there’s a big plaza and, sometimes, a DJ. Plus, there’s a sand volleyball court. Game on. 234 Sunset at Llewellyn, 214.946.5650.

BOLSA is one of the places in Oak Cliff that draws people from as far away as Preston Hollow and Plano. It is super hip. They have fancy, fancy cocktails. And the patio features a minimalist design that’s so cool you forget you’re in Dallas. 614 W. Davis at Llewellyn, 214. 367.9367, bolsadallas.com.


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NOVA is like Bolsa for hipsters. The menu is adventurous, and the food is always good. But it’s less pricey and more casual, and they serve Pabst in a can. On weekend nights, there is often live music on the patio. 1417 W. Davis at Windomere, 214.484.7123, novadallas.com.

Remember what Oak Cliff was like before LUCKIE’SSMOKEHOUSE? Before the mural featuring Bat Girl, Jason Roberts and Spanky from “Our Gang”? We don’t even like to think about it. Luckie’s owners transformed an abandoned gas station into one of the hottest restaurants in Oak Cliff. Sure, they really do have nice art in there. And the barbecue is good, too. But the most important aspect is the bar that opens to a huge patio. It’s the new place to see and be seen in Oak Cliff.

1300 W. Davis at Clinton, 214.943.2300.

WATCH A VIDEO at oakcliff. advocatemag. com

24 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
PAPA JOE’S BACKYARD BARBECUE opened in Elmwood around the same time as two high-profile barbecue joints in Oak Cliff. But it’s the only one with a backyard. This family-owned business serves good barbecue with three kinds of homemade sauce. And as the backyard basically is a playground, it is possibly the most kidfriendly place in Oak Cliff. 1233 Newport at Balboa, 214.941.4092. Gaston Avenue, Suite
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Eating in a tie

Business lunches can be awkward. Eat slowly and try to get more food in your mouth than on your clothing. Remember not to drink too much. Now that we’ve got ourselves together, where to go? In Oak Cliff, there’s a restaurant for any type of client.

HATTIE’S has a legendary brunch and birthday-worthy suppers. But we like it best for lunch. It has good lighting, a relaxed atmosphere that’s just shy of casual and a menu that makes people smile. We’d love to try the buttermilk fried chicken cobb salad or ham and brie sandwich with tomato chutney sometime. But we can’t not order the fried green tomatoes or four-cheese macaroni. 418 N. Bishop at Seventh, 214.942.7400, hatties.com.

HUNKY’S is good for many occasions, including times when you’re schlepping kids around or just getting a quick beer and a burger with pals. We like it for a casual business lunch, particularly one that’s after 1 p.m. By then, the rush has died down and you can get a table by the windows, sip a root beer and look over sales numbers, or whatever it is people do at work. It’s cool because it’s in the Bishop Arts District, but it’s cheap enough to treat clients without breaking the company. 321 N. Bishop at Eighth, 214.941.3322, hunkys.com.

Is it crazy to recommend CHARCOBROILER for a business lunch? It depends on the message you’re trying to send. Charco Broiler is an old-school steakhouse where food is ordered cafeteria style, and a big steak with salad, baked potato, Texas toast and iced tea is $12. If you’re entertaining a Donald Trump type, take him to Fearing’s. For Charco Broiler, we imagine a Warren Buffet type. Or maybe even a John Gotti. 413 W. Jefferson at Bishop, 214.942.6806,

25 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
The perfect gift for the budding oenophile — and for people who like wine, too. WINE CLASSES TAUGHT BY TWO WINE EXPERTS IN YOUR OWN HOME two wine guys 214-727-1992 · TWOWINEGUYS.COM oakcliff.advocatemag.com Go to scan.mobi for free reader. From Children to Seniors and Everyone In-Between. Family Practice & Internal Medicine Serving the families of Oak Cliff for more than 30 years. 129 W. 9th St. Dallas, TX 75208 214.941.0032 Heriberto Callejas, M.D. Steven Fenyves, M.D. Peter Gulati, M.D. David J. Nerenberg, M.D. Preventive Care Sick or Injury Visits Physicals Lab and X-Ray



Fort Worth Ave., 866.870.8010, belmontdallas.com). The Belmont pool — along with its awesome view — is open to the public Sundays from 1–5 p.m. BarBelmont will soon debut a new menu with a focus on a shared approach to dining and a new look similar to that of hotel restaurant Smoke.

Start Gallery Dallas 3 (1004 W. Page, startgallerydallas.com) recently opened with a bang, showing the work of local artists Martin R. Campos, Arthur Stephens and Patricia Rodriguez at its first group exhibition. Owned by 2010 SMU grad Veronika Tkachuck, this contemporary gallery uses a modular, steel rail hanging system for its works.


4 2 1

Raul and Olga Reyes, formerly of La Palapa Veracruzana, have opened Mesa (118 W. Jefferson, 214.941.4246, mesadallas.com). In contrast to La Palapa, Mesa has a full bar and a menu that is strictly authentic Veracruzana food no Tex-Mex here, only authentic coastal cuisine. Raul Reyes has been working on the restaurant for almost a year now, creating practically everything for the newly elegant interior by himself. Through the use of reclaimed metal and wood, he built the bar, tables, chairs and wall décor. “For one hallway, we used discarded shields from NASA, gave them an acid wash and turned them into art,” Reyes says. The focus at Mesa is taking the freshest ingredients possible and applying them to tried-and-true family recipes, such as Olga Reyes’ mother’s special mole, on the menu as Mole de Mama Cata. With summer finally here, it’s time to dive into summer activities for the kiddos. Summer camps are up and running at Oil and Cotton 1 (837 W. 7th, 214.797.8176, oilandcotton. com), a creative exchange. This summer’s classes — half-day and full-day options — include songwriting, painting, drawing, sculpting, collage making, cartoons and comics, needlecrafts and more. Standouts include “Creative Careers”, a five-day camp that will explore ways in which students can pursue employment in the arts, and the “Yoga & Art” four-day camp for ages 6 to 10 that teaches yoga poses followed by parallel art lessons. At nearby Make Shop & Studio (313 N. Bishop, 214.256.3061, themakesite.com), the eclectic summer camp schedule has creative children, tweens and teens dabbling in fashion sketching, pattern making, handbag design, screen printing, styling, logo design, quilting, card making, mirror etching and more. Tuition includes all supplies, snacks and a lot of creative energy.

As always during the summer season, there’s a lot going on at the Belmont Hotel 2 (901

Next time you visit The Kessler Theater (1230 W. Davis,214.272.8346, thekessler. org),make sure to look around. In the upstairs gallery, The Kessler’s artistic director, Jeffrey Liles, has displayed late ’70s and early ’80s concert photography from well-known portrait photographer (and Liles’ childhood friend) Vern Evans. Evans, based in L.A., has shot everyone from Harrison Ford to Sugar Ray Leonard, but 35 years ago he and Liles were just J.J. Pearce High School students. They used fake IDs to sneak into concerts and snap photos with their 35mm cameras (photography was prohibited at the shows). Little did they know the shots would one day be iconic. Some of their photos are now on display at The Kessler: U2 opening for a wet T-shirt contest at a club on Northwest Highway; Joan Jett and The Runaways with The Ramones at Fort Worth’s Panther Hall; and Iggy Pop at the Agora Ballroom. The exhibit is on display until the first week of July and is free to the public. Evans’ photographs are priced between $900$1,200.

It’s time again for Aunt Stelle’s Sno-Cones 4 (2002 W. Clarendon, 214.946.1431). Choose between flavors like bubble gum, cola, nectar, pink lady, root beer and more. Aunt Stelle’s is open Fridays-Sundays 2-9 p.m.

DO YOU KNOW OF A NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS renovating, expanding, moving, launching, hosting an event, celebrating an anniversary, offering a special or something else noteworthy? Send the information to livelocal@advocatemag.com or call 214.292.0487.

26 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
LIVE LOCAL GO ONLINE to read weekly updates on neighborhood businesses: oakcliff.advocatemag.com.


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The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Associate Leadership Council renovated and expanded a 2,000-square-foot space for Promise House to use as a multipurpose room for its clients. The Oak Cliff-based charity helps homeless and at-risk youth. Community members celebrated the update during a ribbon cutting ceremony in April.


Adamson High School senior Adan Gonzalez was named the 2011 Student of the Year by Junior Achievement of Dallas. Gonzalez is president of his class, a Gates Millennium Scholar and president of the DISD Teen School Board. Gonzalez, pictured here with former mayor Tom Leppert , served as the keynote speaker at the annual Junior Achievement Dallas Business Hall of Fame dinner April 30, where he received his award.




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Preservation Dallas selected The Kessler Theater as a 2011 Preservation Achievement Award winner for rehabilitation/adaptive use of a commercial, institutional or mixed-use property. Edwin Cabaniss bought the old theater, renovated it and opened it last year as a live music venue, gallery space, dance and music studio, bar, and restaurant. Richard Davis of Oak Cliff was the architect on the project. The home at 203 N. Willomet also won for rehabilitation or adaptive use of a residential historic property. Owners are Raymond L. Switzer and Michael K. Justus

the texas real estate Commission’s assoCiate leaDershiP CounCil renovated and expanded a 2,000-square-foot space for Promise House to use as a multipurpose room for its clients. The update is estimated at $100,000. The young real estate agents put in some 2,000 volunteer hours planning, moving, painting, carpeting, doing construction, cleaning up the site and landscaping. Promise House is an Oak Cliff-based charity that helps homeless and at-risk youth.


Dr. Jonathan Palan, artistic director of the Turtle Creek Chorale and Kessler Park area resident, was named Minister of Music at Kessler Park United Methodist Church. He conducted his first service May 22. He previously served as conductor of the Michigan State University Collegiate Choir and assistant director of the MSU Men’s Glee Club. As music director at San Pasqual High School in Escondido, California, Palant’s competitive vocal ensembles rated among the best high school choirs in Southern California and appeared in major motion pictures such as SKG/Dreamworks’ “Almost Famous”.

t he thief easily C ut through the lo C k.

Things seemingly have not been going well for Dan Allman lately. He currently is unemployed and holds out hope that he will find a job soon. The recent death of his wife also has hit him hard.

To top things off, a burglar recently cut through the locks on his gate and made off with two lawnmowers, some saws and a torch, a total loss of about $1,000. Allman’s roommate, who works on air conditioners, was also victimized, with several specialized tools stolen at a value of $400.

“I only had two locks on the gate, and you can hacksaw through those pretty easy,” he says.

Allman says the only other crimes he has experienced in the area were having his car stolen 25 years ago and some graffiti on his back fence.

“I think part of it is that my wife recently died in December. It’s like the hawks came out,” he says of the burglars.

the victim: Dan allman

the Crime: Burglary

Date: s aturday, a pril 9

time: Between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. location: 2500 block of grafton

Allman had been married to his wife for 33 years, and the recent burglary definitely made him feel worse especially considering his employment and the economic situation.

“I can’t take another hit like this,” he says. “I’m living off my savings.”

Despite his recent circumstances, Allman is focusing on the future and believes things will get better.

“I have faith that there is a God out there, and things will turn around,” he says.

To secure a gate, Dallas Police Commander Vernon Hale of the Southwest Patrol Division recommends a stainless steel disc pad lock with a 3/8-inch hardened steel shackle.

“A thief or burglar would have a difficult time cutting the stainless steel padlock with a bolt cutter,” he says.

He says any lawn equipment left out and not secured, even in a backyard, are easy targets for thieves.

“Lawn equipment should be stored in the owner’s house, or it can be secured with a stainless steel padlock and stainless steel transport chain. The owner can simply tie the lawn equipment to a tree or metal pole,” he says. “Lawn equipment is such a target this time of year and is a high-damage equipment due to hot weather. It is an easy item to sell out in the street.” —SEAN CHAFFIN


have an item to Be featureD?

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

sCene & hearD



outstanDing Partner

Brenda l anderos, who coordinates the volunteer and partner program for Rosemont Primary and Elementary schools, recently received the Outstanding School Partnership Coordinator Award for the 2010-2011 school year. The award, given by the Dallas ISD board of trustees and Superintendent m ichael h inojosa, recognizes school staff whose work results in the greatest percentage of newly recruited volunteers, utilization of volunteers, the best ratio of volunteers to students and documented partnership contributions. Landeros and Hinojosa are pictured with DISD District 7 trustee e ric Cowan , left.





Av EN uE w HERE A $3,000 CAR wAS St OLEN FROM A w OMAN ’S DRI vEwAy ON M Ay 9

SOURCE: Dallas Police Department

30 JUNE 2011 oakcliff.advocatemag.com
news & notes Got a crime to report or cop question? Email crime@advocatemag.com true Crime

no class discrimination


I closed my eyes a bit and breathed in the ambiance of the old building, with its dark brick exterior and wide hallways and the heavy, aged wooden doors that still dominated the corridors of the almost 100-year-old school. Although original wood floors are now covered with vinyl tiles, and formerly high ceilings have been lowered with florescent lighting installed, without sounding redundant, the place definitely emitted “old school”.

It was almost a time-travel experience, with the ghosts of former female students wearing floor-length dresses and young men in long-sleeved shirts and knickers moving about in the shadows. I also saw ghosts of the Charleston and jitterbug sets, and of those who wore poodle skirts with starched petticoats and boys who strutted around in white buck shoes. Then there was the generation whose boys sported flattop haircuts and horned-rimmed glasses, and whose girls styled their hair in the “bubble” and “flip” styles and wore cat-eye glasses.

With a small stretch of the imagination, it could easily have been a scene from the movie “Hoosiers”.

But it wasn’t. It was the 11th annual Adamson Alumni All-Class Reunion, and the place was buzzing with activity.

Each April, the Adamson Alumni Association holds the event, not at a ballroom or other venue. No, not for these folks! They host it at the school, and for several hundred alumni — and often their family members — it’s a day of remembering how things used to be, reuniting with old classmates and sometimes those who came either before or after.

Constructed in 1915, Adamson was origi-

nally christened Oak Cliff High School, and until 1935, it remained so. But in December 1935, the school’s popular principal, William Hardin Adamson, passed away, and the Dallas School Board immediately decided to rename the place in his memory.

The institution holds such a string of famous alumni that it’s almost difficult to believe: Ray Price, Brenda Broadnax (the first Miss Teenage America), U.S. Speaker of the House Jim Wright, Red Bryan, Lance Armstrong’s mother, Michael Martin Murphey (who at the 2010 reunion led a cheer, along with other

The welcoming entry area highlights the school crest embedded in the granite flooring (a gift from the class of ’65) to greet visitors ascending the interior front stairs. (Although the trip up the exterior stairs was already exercise enough for most of us old-timers. Whew!)

Inside, tables offered Leopard gear available for purchase and one to sign up new members. Lon Oakley manned his table, selling and signing copies of the second printing of “Oak Cliff Boys”, and then there were the displays of vintage AHS memorabilia. Association president John Ruiz and other alumni were adorned in the official royal blue shirts with the association’s logo embroidered on the pockets, and, well, it projected a nice, welcoming experience. They do it right!

The association’s quarterly “Alumni Acorn” newsletter is always chock-full of interesting Leopard news, while its website, adamsonalumni.com, welcomes visitors with great music (let’s hear it for the school fight song!) and stays pretty well on top of all things Adamson.

former cheerleaders, on the school stage — in his cowboy duds!), B.W. Stephenson, Ray Wylie Hubbard, and the original Texas A&M 12th Man: E. Gill King, just to name a few and that doesn’t count all the city and business leaders, teachers, doctors, lawyers and athletes that the school has produced over the decades. Adamson was the first Dallas high school to win a state football championship (1923), and in 1964 the Leopards only lost out in the final game of the 4A state basketball championship. It’s indeed a rich history.

I enjoy driving by the old three-story building when I’m in the area. It just feels good. Though not an Adamson alumna myself, my mother, husband, brother-in-law, sister-inlaw and my children’s godmother all graduated from Adamson. If Oak Cliff was a building instead of a large community, Adamson High School would be its cornerstone. The school’s place, on the corner of Ninth and Beckley, is iconic and steadfast.

The reunions remind me of the importance of history, heritage and tradition. Unlike the rest of Dallas, Oak Cliff is a big, extended family and has been for more than a century. And for those who lived and grew up and attended school here over the decades, if we follow the trail backward, all roads lead to Adamson.

Hats off to the AHS alumni! You are preserving our heritage — and preserving it well.

31 oakcliff.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011 Back story
Join the discussion. Read and comment on this column at oakcliff.advocatemag.com.
Gayla Brooks Kokel can date her neighborhood heritage back to 1918, when her father was born in what was then called Eagle Ford. She was born at Methodist Hospital and graduated from Kimball High School. Kokel is one of three co-authors of the recently published book, “Images of America: Oak Cliff”, and writes a monthly history column for the Oak Cliff Advocate Send her feedback and ideas to gkokel@advocatemag.com. If
Oak Cliff was ao building instead of a large community, Adamson High School owould be its cornerstone. oThe school’s place, on the corner of Ninth and Beckley, is iconic and steadfast.

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