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GLORIA’S FLOWERS & GIFTS All Occasion Flowers. 214-339-9273. 3101 W. Davis, Dallas,TX 75211. Free Oak Cliff Delivery With Mention Of This Ad. Credit Cards Accepted.

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BECKLEY BREWHOUSE at Zang and Beckley is being sold as the current owners, Ron and Corinna Wills, prepare to move to the West Coast. The couple has owned and operated the restaurant/ bar since 2006.

OIL AND COTTON CREATIVE EXCHANGE, a crafting business, will open a store this month in the Tyler-Davis Art District, offering classes on things like basket weaving, gardening and paper marbling. For details visit oilandcotton.com.


SIX OAK CLIFF STUDENTS traveled to Washington D.C. this summer for the Texas Leader Forum along with 11 other DISD students. Jasmin Escalara, Glenn Vargas, Ristine Reyes and Dominik Reyes of Sunset High School, as well as Dulce Perez and Ivan Salazar of Moises E. Molina High School, participated int he week-long forum hosted by U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions. They attended meetings at the White House and the Pentagon, learning the inner working of U.S. government.


THE OAK CLIFF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE will host its annual Golf Chamber Tournament at 10 a.m. Sept. 27 at the Golf Club of Dallas, 2200 W. Red Bird. Sponsorships start at the individual level at $250 and go up to $10,000. For details visit oakcliffchamber.org.

THEFRIENDS OF OAK CLIFF PARKS will host its quarterly meeting on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 1 p.m. at the Grand Bank of Texas, 305 E. Colorado. For details visit friendsofoakcliffparks.org.

LA REUNION is calling for four female artists for its Art Chicas program, a collaboration among La Reunion, Dallas Art Dealers Association, Deaf Action Center and Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. Artists will be given a stipend, materials budget and high school apprentices. All media are considered. The deadline is Sept. 3. For details, visit lareunion.org.


SOUR GRAPES GRAFFITI GROUP painted its signature ice pops on the wall outside the Oak Cliff Bicycle Co. on Seventh Street in July. The group of high school friends formed in the neighborhood about eight years ago, spreading their love for graffiti art.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

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s hattered glass I nterrupted the conversat I on.

It was a nice evening, and paul Williams and his wife were passing some time in their living room. the next thing he knew, something had shattered the window in his rear office.

“We had someone behind the house throw or sling a projectile into the house,” Williams says. “my wife and I were sitting having a conversation, and suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass. It’s happened a number of times, that’s the annoying thing.”

Luckily, no one has been injured, but repairs to windows have cost more than $1,000. Williams says he doesn’t believe the incidents are the results of any vindictive actions as he says he has never had an argument with anyone in his neighborhood. He also does not believe these have been the the v ictim: paul Williams the c rime: c riminal mischief date: thursday, July 15 time: 5 p.m. location: 1200 block of melbourne results of random gunshots because bullets, or bullet holes, have never been found.”

“We didn’t hear any sounds of gunshots,” he says. “the angle with which the projectile came, the trajectory didn’t look like a gunshot shot straight into the air.” beyond merely the safety of his family and his property, Williams is also concerned for children in the area. Henderson elementary is right across the street from his home, and Williams is afraid a child might be struck by a random rock or projectile if the crime keeps occurring in his neighborhood.

Block of West Ill I no Is W here elI za B eth s anchez W as arrested, accused of leav I ng her ch I ldren, ages 2, 4 and 7, In the car WhI le she shopped at aB out 7:50 p.m. a ug. 7

Ad Name

Dallas police Deputy Chief rick Watson of the southwest patrol Division agrees that more than likely the damage was not the result of a gunshot aimed in the air due to the angle of the projectile entering the home.

“What goes up must come down,” he says. “It would usually hit the roof rather than the window.”

He believes the crime may have been committed by someone who has a perceived disagreement with Williams.

“there may be the possibility that there is a dispute of some kind from one of his neighbors. It doesn’t seem to be widespread.”


mI nutes the ch I ldren WaI ted WIth the eng I ne off and WIndo Ws up t he outs I de temperature reported for that even I ng s ource: d allas p ol I ce d epartment press release

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