2011 October Preston Hollow

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2 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com In thIs Issue OctOber/2011 volume 10 number 10 PH 8 i will survive A Preston Hollow resident launches a huge campaign for breast cancer awareness. 10 H erOes remembered the marsh middle s chool cadets plan to establish their own military museum on campus. 16 tA ke me tO t He fA ir Or not. there’s plenty of fried food right here in our neighborhood. in every issue department columns opening remarks4 / onadvocatemag.com6 / grab-bag8 / happenings15 / food + wine16 / worship30 / news + notes31 / livelocal32 / scene + heard36 / crime42 advertising the goods13 / dining spotlight17 / health resources27 / education guide34 / bulletin board36 / home services38
Trick or treat Preston Hollow’s mysterious side PHOtO by benjAmin HAger 20
fe Atures
3 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011
’s now possible to reverse obesity, along with diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Let one of the country’s most experienced and successful weight loss surgeons, Dr. Nick Nicholson, show you how. Dr Nick Nicholson, 117lbs. lost Call 800-NEW-SELF Meet Dr. Nicholson at one of our free informational seminars. Or schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Nick today. Watch Tracie’s inspiring story, and others at ©2011 The Nicholson Clinic *As patients and procedures vary so will results. Tracie lost 117lbs. in 9 months.* .com

I’ll buy that

I’m a sucker for a fair sales pitch

I’m ashamed to admit this, but I once burst into tears because I couldn’t afford a kitchen blender a salesman told me I needed at the Minnesota State Fair.

Before you start psychoanalyzing my then 8-year-old self, just know that I didn’t plan to go blender-crazy. But it’s hard to resist a slicktalking huckster selling a product that can pulverize ice and liquefy peanuts and turn carrots into carrot juice in five seconds.

I started thinking about my fair experiences because this month is the State Fair of Texas, and we produce the printed version of the Visitors Guide you receive at the Fair, along with a mobile version you can find at bigtex.com.

Anyway, as a kid, attending the Minnesota Fair was the highlight of my year. The fair was a 200-mile drive from our farm, and my sisters and I worked all summer to earn money for our trip. Our main source of spending money was hand-picking sweet corn we had planted behind the house and working for hours and hours waving the ears of corn at highway passersby, doing our own huckster imitation. The price was 50 cents for a baker’s dozen, but if you bought more, we became hucksters and would deal, too.

Our financial haul, split four ways, didn’t amount to more than $20 apiece for a couple weeks’ work, but that was enough to buy Pronto Pups (a cousin to the Texas corny dog) and pop, pay for countless Midway games of chance, and buy a souvenir or two.

I’ve always been a sucker for fair salespeople because they’re good at selling otherwiseobscure products and entertaining crowds for hours. And there’s nothing more dramatic than the blender shows.

Perhaps you know the drill. A blender stands tall on a display table, often beneath a tilted mirror affording a close-up view of the action. A miked-up sales guy talks and talks and talks about the wonder and glory of the blender and how no home should be without one. And what do you know: With the special fair price and the super buy-it-now add-on deals and the dirt-cheap financing, no home need be without a blender, either.

And even as the salesperson talks up the blender, he or she stuffs celery and tomatoes and apples and potatoes and ice and whatever

else is handy into the blender, and when it’s all pureed together, out pops a tasty smoothie, made possible only by owning the blender!!!

That year in Minnesota, this miracle overwhelmed my young mind, and knowing that our family finances prevented us from owning the blender no matter how good the deal, I started crying. It was unsightly, that’s for sure; I’ve always been amazed my sisters don’t

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dredge that tidbit up when we get together.

My grandfather took pity and, in the midst of my meltdown, he bought us the blender. It was the happiest day of my life. We now owned the most deluxe, indispensable kitchen appliance known to man.

The blender guy had done his job. I was happy. And that’s what a fair is all about.

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Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214

Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.

Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by east Dallas –Lakewood People Inc. contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

4 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
It’s hard to resist a slicktalking huckster seulling a product that can puluverize ice and liquefy peanuuts and turn carrots into cuarrot juice in five seconds.
openIng remarks



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Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital except for resident doctors in the hospital’s graduate medical education program. © 2011

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Les Lie e ze LL e has gone from Dallas Cowboys cheerleader to breast cancer survivor to a contestant on HGTV’s “Design s tar,” in which designers compete to win their own show on the network. e zelle didn’t make the final cut, but now, she’s giving back to the local breast cancer awareness movement. s he designed a 14-by-13-foot sculpture and commissioned Dallas’ renowned artist George Toboloskwy to sculpt it. s he already has raised at least $30,000 for s usan G. Komen for the Cure. e zelle is in the middle of a huge remodel and expansion on her Preston Hollow home where she lives with her partner Libby Toudouze, four children and eight animals.

What did it feel like to be kicked off “Design Star”?

I was definitely shocked. I went into it thinking I was going to win it. But [after each episode] I always thought I could do better. I didn’t get to prove myself. I was so disappointed. I can still get my own show. I’m not closing the door on that. There are so many interesting cards that I have to play.

What do you have in mind for your own show?

Since I’m still remodeling my house, it would be “life under construction,” and I want to show a real “modern family.” It should be pretty entertaining — a gay couple in Dallas, me being a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, our four kids and all of our animals.

8 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
OCTOber 2011
GOT A L AUNCH-wOrTHy iDeA? Let us
about it:
Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email
Leslie Ezelle, center, with her family: from left, Gregory, partner Libby Toudouze, Matthew, Ella, Taylor and their cats Sammy and Toby. PHOTO BY CAN TürkYILMAz


Susan G. Komen was planning this event for Sept. 17 in the West Village where they wanted to hang bras from all the trees signifying the memories of people who battled breast cancer. They asked me if I could design something for it. So, we did a huge sculpture of a 1950s strappy bra, made out of metal, crawling up the “tree of life,” saying that we are free of breast cancer — we’re beating this thing. The catch phrase is, “You can’t strap a good woman down.” She’s named Anne Girl after my step-kids’ aunt who died of breast cancer. She was a strong fighter; she had it for nine years. It’s going to pop up at different locations around Dallas and turn the building pink. It will be like Where’s Waldo — you never know where it’s going to pop up next. My dream is that she will bust out of Texas and land in Ellen Degeneres’ parking lot. Ellen doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve emailed her, and I’m trying to contact anyone who has a connection to her. This is right up her alley. We want to put Dallas on the map for its artistic movement that we never get credit for.


I was the worst breast cancer patient. I was diagnosed in December 2008 and battled breast cancer for two years. I didn’t want anything to do with the color pink. Every time I turned around there were pink ribbons. I just wanted to go on with life as usual. I got the good kind of breast cancer, if there is such a thing, because we caught it early. I had six weeks of radiation, and I fell into that 10 percent that doesn’t do well. I got an infection from the reconstruction surgery. So, here I am strapped up to this hospital bed with IVs. When the kids would come to visit, I’d hide the IVs and put makeup on my bruises.


I decided I should do something for Susan G. Komen since I was such a toot about it when I had breast cancer. Susan G. Komen was there [via care packages, literature and other resources] even though I was anti-everything. In retrospect, that organization really helped me and my family.


I hope Anne Girl becomes the official mascot for Susan G. Komen, but if not, I want to use the sculpture to help support other organizations that deal with women’s issues. After conquering breast cancer, you feel empowered. There’s this inner strength that you didn’t have before. I do everything based on the idea that I could have died.



about Leslie Ezelle, visit lesliechristinedesigns.com. She hopes to form the largest Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure team ever. Find out how to join her at dallas.info-komen.org.

9 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
10 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Marsh Middle School cadets Jordan Zarate, first lieutenant, and Natalie Franco, captain, sort through artifacts for the military museum.
Hampton B. Richards, M.D. • Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D. • James K. Richards, M.D. • Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D. • David M. Bookout, M.D. • Julie M. Hagood, M.D. • John D. Bertrand, M.D. Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 • Dallas, TX 75231 • 214-363-7801 • www.walnuthillobgyn.com Celebrating 40 years of skilled, experienced and compassionate care. Please visit our new website where you can now schedule an appointment on line.

recreating history

The Marsh Middle School Cadet Corps has launched a three-fold vision to enrich its program, honor local veterans and educate younger kids in the community. Commander David Bates and his students plan to create their own military museum on campus, and they’re calling for neighborhood veterans to donate war memorabilia. “We’re preparing for the future by learning from the past,” Bates says. The school’s ROTC program is known for serving economically disadvantaged students, promoting success through military principles. The museum would add real-life context to the curriculum. “They might think, ‘Wow, I’m poor, but I’m not in a foxhole,’ ” Bates says. The project is completely student-driven. The cadets will build and curate the exhibits and organize free tours for elementary schools lacking funds for field trips. The museum will showcase all types of artifacts — from flight uniforms and helmets to photographs and dog tags. Each exhibit will include a picture and biography of the local veteran who donated it. “It’s what people did for us back then,” says Natalie Franco, an eighth-grader and the cadets’ commanding officer. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here.” Bates says the project will help young people appreciate and learn from their elders, especially those who sacrificed it all. The cadets plan to coordinate speaking events with the veterans featured in the museum. “These guys have superhero war stories,” Bates says. —EMILY TOMAN

TO DONATE FUNDS OR WAR MEMORABILIA, contact David Bates at 214.549.1826 or dabates@dallasisd.org. Items may be dropped

11 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 grab-bagLAUNCH
WATCH A VIDEO visit prestonhollow. advocatemag.com Go to scan.mobi for free reader.
off at the school, 3838 Crown Shore.

PETPAUSE sorority girl

Once an orphan at Dallas Animal Services, 4-year-old BEBE is now living the SMU sorority life with her owner, JULIA STEWART. People are often puzzled by her breed, a Boston terrier/Chihuahua mix. “She cost $85, but has proven to be priceless in terms of companionship, personality and love,” Stewart says.

12 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Remove your barriers. Open House Dates Tear down the walls that hearing loss builds. With Intiga’s high speed sound processing chip, you will be able to differentiate sound better, so you’ll be able to understand and participate more, even in difficult listening situations. Debbie Schirico, MCD, CCC-A Owner / Board Certified Audiologist October 10th - 28th, 2011 Call for your appointment 4130 Abrams Rd. at Mockingbird 214-556-2872 7615 Campbell Rd. at Coit 972-535-8187 totalhearingcare.com Experience & Care you can Trust since 1987. INVITATION to HEAR in the NOW! Don’t let hearing loss wall you in. It’s time to break through to a new you. $600 OFF the purchase of two Oticon Intiga RISK FREE Trial 100% Money Back Guarantee (value $500) FREE (value $150) Listening Demonstration of the Intiga FREE Streamer, a Bluetooth device for Telephone and TV (value $295) FREE (value $180) Hearing Screening You will receive up to $1725 in FREE OFFERS! Ever feel like hearing loss is holding you back? Please call to schedule your appointment.
PET FEATURED? Send a non-returnable photo to: PetPause, 6301 Gaston, Ste. 820, Dallas 75214; or email jpeg to launch@advocatemag.com


Every woman needs that third piece to complete her look. Metallic shines this season with this exclusive European jacket with it’s removable textured collar. FB.hdsclothing mens womens 3014/18 Greenville Ave. 214.821.8900


Keep your eye on this Jane Iredale special Longest Lash Mascara, Dot the I makeup repair and Eyeshadow, set price $50.50. 399 W. Campbell Rd. Ste. 412, Medical Plaza II Richardson 972.388.1555 thefinertouch.com


Express your inner artist! Instructors lead attendees in creating featured art. Bring nothing more than your imagination, wine or beverage. Perfect for Private Parties as well. 5202 Lovers Lane 214.350.9911 paintingwithatwist.com


Wackym’s Kitchen bakes delicious cookies and treats from original recipes using fresh, natural ingredients like real butter and cane sugar. To order or find a retail location, visit wackymskitchen.com


Framed Antique Mirror with Leaded Border and Rosettes. Showroom: 905 Dragon St. 214.761.1100 glasshouseproducts.com


Frightfully good deals Lake Highlands is ready to buy and sell your favorite Halloween costumes! Look for all kinds of clothing and other kids’ stuff! 6300 Skillman St. @ Abrams 214.503.6010. onceuponachildlakehighlands.com


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The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament makes the perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations and events. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com

13 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 THE goods SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203

What gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits

Race foR the cuRe

Susan G. Komen Dallas hosts its 29th annual Race for the cure oct. 15, beginning at NorthPark center. the event, which includes a 1k and 5k walk/run, is the largest fundraising event for breast cancer in Dallas county. Last year, Komen Dallas raised $1.912 million to fund local screenings, treatment, education and research. online registration continues through oct. 9, and in-person registration is available oct. 12-14 at NorthPark, Luke’s Locker and the Shops at Park Lane. for details, visit komen-dallas.org.

atteND a famiLy feStivaL

Parent Project muscular Dystrophy hosts the seventh annual Sam’s Day 10 a.m.-5 p.m. oct. 22 at NorthPark center. the free event features bounce houses, an obstacle course, rock climbing wall, clowns, face painting, magicians and other family activities, all while helping to raise awareness about Duchenne, a form of childhood muscular dystrophy. John Killian is chairman of PPmD, and organizes the event in honor of his son, Sam, who was diagnosed with the degenerative muscle disease in 2005. Sam’s Day also includes a silent auction of vacation packages, sports tickets and other items. for more details, visit samsdaytexas.org.

KnoW of Ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.

14 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
LaUnChgrab-bag Backyard Chicken Sale Oct 15th 11pm-2pm Urban Herb Days Oct. 8th-9th All 4” herbs $1.99ea Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com Visiting the Texas State Fair? Save Some Green on Plants! Plant Daffodils Now! Tulips in Dec. You must release your Fair ticket to NHG at time of purchase. Not to be used with any other discount or offer. One ticket per person per day. Expires 10/31/11. Want to save some money on the biggest and best selection of perennials, shrubs, veggies, seasonal color & more this fall? Bring 2011 Texas State Fair ticket stubs to NHG for your purchase in October! $5 OFF

out&about in october

10.22.11 DAV iD W i LC oX $20-$25

Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse hosts acclaimed folk musician David Wilcox, who has spent more than 20 years in the genre, beginning with his first 1987 record “Nightshift Watchman.” Uncle Calvin’s, a nonprofit venue located in the fellowship hall of Northpark Presbyterian Church, is known for attracting folk artists from all over the country. Proceeds from the concerts benefit local organizations such as the Stew Pot and North Dallas Shared Ministries. Wilcox performs at 8 p.m. Mai Bloomfield, a singer-songwriter who plays guitar and cello, will open the show. Tickets are available online only, and they sell out fast. 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org

THROUGH 10.15 PoeTS AND CATTLe FRee Norwood Flynn Gallery presents “Poets and Cattle: Paintings by Ray-mel Cornelius” on view now. Cornelius’ work captures the geometry of livestock. 3318 Shorecrest, 214.351.3318, norwoodflynngallery.com

10.21-10.22 WiTHeRS 50TH ANNiVeRSARY

FRee Withers Elementary celebrates 50 years with special events for alumni and the community. A reception and open house is 10 a.m.-noon Friday, and a happy hour event is 4-7 p.m. A carnival and reunion is 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. 3959 Northaven, 972.794.5000

10.22 HALLoWeeN HeRbS FRee North Haven Gardens presents a special Halloween-themed gardening presentation at 3 p.m., exploring ancient herbal plants used to enchant and heal people. 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com

10.25-04.29 JCC booK FAiR FRee-$25 The Jewish Community Center presents The J Book Fair, an author series featuring speakers and community discussions. The opening reception is at 7 p.m. at Samuel Lynne Galleries, 1105 Dragon, with Wendy Dubow Polins, who will talk about her book “Fare Forward.” Admission is $18 in advance and $25 at the door. Events continue this spring at the JCC. 7900 Northaven, 214.239.7128, jccdallas.org

15 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 happeningsLAUNCH go oNLiNe Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/events for a list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.

A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood


THE STATE FAIR OF TEXASSEASON IS UPON US, but you don’t have to venture far from our neighborhood for gourmet fair food. Case in point: Purple Cow. “I think a lot of people don’t cook fried food at home,” owner Vicki Bell says. “It’s something that’s kind of different, something that’s a treat every once in a while.” Aside from its regular menu items of burgers, dogs and shakes, Purple Cow rolls out a state fair-themed menu, which includes indulgent dishes such as the blue cheese fried hot dog, fried grilled cheese, fried banana pudding and fried pies, just to name a few. Although it may not be the healthiest choice, the food is still made the old-fashioned way with real ingredients, Bell says. Plus, there’s a culinary explanation for why fried food is so darn good. “It does seal the moisture on a lot of food and makes it very, very fresh. So, it’s nice. Fried food is awesome.” —EMILY TOMAN


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Three more spots for fair food

For a seafood kick,


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FOOD AND WINE ONLINE. Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/dining.

16 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Pictured: Right, blue cheese bacon-fried hot dog; below, Purple Cow shake 1 BUBBA COOK’S COUNTRY Hailed as the “mama” of Babe’s Chicken Dinner House, Bubba Cook’s in Snider Plaza has plenty of fried comfort food to satisfy fairgoers, from chicken fried steak to apricot fried pies. 2 FLYING FISH Flying Fish has fried everything, plus fried zucchini, jalapeño chips and crispy fried 3 P.D. JOHNSON’S DOG DAY DELI This neighborhood deli has more than pastrami. Stop by for the Top Dog, a 10-inch-long chili cheese dog with onions and mustard. Or try the Sour Dog with sauerkraut.
WATCH A VIDEO of Purple Cow at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Go to scan.mobi for free reader.
17 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 Join Us For Lunch! $7 for 7 items Catering and sandwich platters available 1152 N. Buckner Blvd. # H101 Casa Linda 5500 Greenville Ave. # 1300 Old Town Shopping Center www.AnotherBrokenEgg.com Penne Pomodoro Mon: Create your pasta $8.00; Tues: Half-off Wine Bottles; Wed: Kids Eat Free - kids menu; Thurs: Pork Ossobuco-$17.95; Fri: Lobster Dinner-$21.95; Sat: $1 Brunch Mimosas-Bellinis, Lobster Dinner-$21.95; Sun: $1 Brunch Mimosas-Bellinis, $10 Pizzas & Beer 4pm-9pm 1924 Abrams Pkwy. pennepomodoro.com 214.826.6075 ITALIAN To advertise in this section, call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com Put your restaurant in the minds of readers of the Advocate. 200,000 + dining SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners P res t on F ores t Vill age 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 *Introductory offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit one time for new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Redeem by 11/15/11


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autumn’s reds


Dallas’ average high temperature in October starts at 83 degrees and, thankfully, drops to 72 by the end of the month. Which means it’s time to enjoy red wine again.

This summer’s record heat made it especially difficult to drink red wine, what with its higher alcohol levels and bigger tannins. Unless you kept the air conditioning at 68 degrees, just looking at a glass of most red wines was enough to make you sweat. And drinking it was even worse.

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But in October, that shouldn’t be a problem. The cooler weather pairs with red wine like red wine pairs with most cuts of beef. Think backyard barbecue, with steak on the grill or brisket in the smoker, and you’re in business. Here are several reds to get you started:

This Sicilian red is made with the native nero d’avola grape, which produces a solid, winning wine with a bit of red fruit, a little acid and a full mouth feel.

I’ve yet to taste a wine from Santa Julia, Argentina’s top green wine producer, that didn’t offer value and quality. Look for black cherries and blueberries.

Wellmade pinot noir in the fruit-forward California style, which means lots of ripe cherry and cranberry flavors. Quality pinot at this price is difficult to find, which explains the Fleur’s popularity.

ask the WINE GUY?


A. Tannins come from a chemical found in grape skins and seeds. Since red wine is made with the grape skins and white wine isn’t, red wines are more tannic than white wines.

18 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LAUNCHfood&wine
JEFF SIEGEL’SWEEKLYWINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
5002 West
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Pull-apart cornmeal yeast rolls

Fall also means baking, and what better kind of baking then rolls for dinner (to pair with your red wine main course)?These rolls aren’t difficult to make, especially in a food processor with a dough blade or dough speed setting; just allow yourself enough time for the dough to rise twice.

Makes eight rolls, about 2 hours

1/2 c yellow cornmeal

1 c water

1/4 c shortening

3/4 tsp salt

2 Tbsp sugar

1/4 to 1/2 c water

1 package yeast (about 2 1/4 tsp)

2 1/2 to 3 c flour

1 egg

1. In a saucepan over high heat, mix the cornmeal and the water, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, keep stirring, and add the shortening, salt and sugar. When mixture is thick and well-blended, remove from heat and let cook to room temperature.

2. Put the cornmeal mixture and the rest of the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor, and mix according to the processor’s directions for bread dough. You’ll get a soft and somewhat sticky dough.

3.Remove the dough onto a lightly floured surface and form into a ball, adding more flour if it’s too sticky. Place in a greased bowl, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let rise for an hour or until doubled.

4. After dough has doubled, punch it down and divide into eight pieces. Form the pieces into small balls, and place them in a greased 9-inch cake pan.Cover, and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Don’t worry if the balls have risen into each other.

5.Remove the towel and place the pan into a preheated 375-degree oven. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the rolls are golden brown.

19 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011 ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com food&wineLAUNCH

Preston Hollows’ dark shadows

There’s nothing spooky about Preston Hollow unless you’re looking. The Halloween season sparks a certain curiosity about the metaphysical world of undead spirits, unexplained energy and extrasensory perception. From wandering pioneers to undeniable psychic abilities, several neighborhood residents swear by what they’ve seen.

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22 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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A historic photo of pioneers making their way down what is now known as Preston Road. fRom the collections of the
texAs/DAll As histoRy AnD ARchives Division, DAll As Public libRARy

The urban hum of bustling Preston Road leaves almost no trace of its earlier purpose as the main transportation route for Native Americans and, later, the pioneer settlers of North Texas.

It seems the pioneers may have hung around for a little while longer.

ClaudetteBrott leads the Dallas Historical Society’s annual ghost tour of famed locations such as the Adolphus Hotel Downtown. During the 1960s, her late husband lived at Preston and Waggoner just south of Royal in a house said to be haunted by pioneer spirits. At night, he’d peer out the window to see an entire family dressed in 1800s clothing sitting around a campfire. Other times, they would be making their way north on Preston, covered wagon and all.

“They looked at him like he was the intruder. Then, they disappeared. I don’t doubt that that’s what it was. He was like me,”Brott says, meaning her husband was more sensitive toward seeing ghosts.

Brott says she sees them all the time, although she’s quick to point out her uncertainties about some stories passed down through the years, such as the pioneer spirits that have been reported in Far North Dallas between Belt Line and Spring Valley.

“People say they’ve seen the ghost of a man holding a lantern,” she says. “But I haven’t been able to validate that one.”

Just up the road on the outskirts of Preston Hollow was a curious arts and crafts haven known as Olla Podrida. Shoppers didn’t come to Olla Podrida for any one thing.They came for the experience.

Think Diagon Alley, the fictional street in the Harry Potter series that’s home to mystical shops like The Leaky Cauldron and theEeylops Owl Emporium.

OK, maybe that’s a stretch. But there was definitely something spooky about Olla Podrida, which opened in 1971 at 12215 Coit. It closed in 1996 and was demolished in 2006. The site is now home to two Jewish schools, the Akiba Academy and Yavneh Academy.

During Olla Podrida’s heyday, several reports circulated about friendly spirits that hung around the mall. One involved three Victorian-era women dressed in long white gowns, their hair piled on top of their

23 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011

heads into buns. they were seen mostly during the day, shopping just like everyone else.

“You could hear them murmuring, but you couldn’t tell what they were saying,” says Vickie Francis.

For 23 years, Francis and her husband, roger, owned a little store inside the mall called theFrontPorch,makingivory carvings and sand candles. the couple hassincerelocatedtotheFortWorth Stockyards.

“I didn’t believe in ghosts until I moved intoOllaPodrida,”shesays.“Now, I believe in them very strongly.”

According to most accounts, the spirits lingered in the ladies restroom. Francis says that one day she was standing at the sink washing her hands when the door opened and closed on its own. then, the faucet next to her turned on spontaneously.


everything was made out of timber,” she says. “Small children couldn’t open them easily. that door would fly open all the time.”

Francis would stay late at the mall putting up christmas decorations until about 3 a.m. the place was locked, no one else was around, yet she often heard footsteps and smelled cigar smoke.

David Kittrell is co-owner of the Kittrellriffkind Art Glass studio at belt Line and Montfort. He and his wife, barbara, had their shop at Olla Podrida for 15 years.

24 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
The Olla Podrida arts and crafts mall was reportedly home to several friendly ghosts. frOm The cOllecTiOns Of The Texas/ Dallas hisTOry anD archives DivisiOn, Dallas Public library
“I didn’t believe in ghosts until I moved into Olla Podrida. Now, I believe in them very strongly.”

Whatheremembersmostaboutthe mall is the noises. the wooden floors creaked.the upper decks, suspended with construction jacks, often shifted. Kittrell says the place had about 100 citycodeviolations.Sosomeofthe ghost stories can be attributed to obvious environmental factors.

Othereventsremainunexplained, suchaswhatKittrelldescribesas a “black slave” seen lurking in the center of the mall.

“He was a curmudgeon,” Kittrell says. “He just wanted to be left alone.”

Most of the reported incidents weren’t frightening at all.

“theyweren’tthreateningoranything,”Francissays.“Ikindofmiss those ghosts.”

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memories About ollApodridA. Go to facebook.com and search “I Miss Olla Podrida Mall.”

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Hillcrest Forest resident Megan Benanti, a.k.a. Nattacia Zeviar, has been studying tarot since 2000.

Pioneers aren’t the only spirits that have been hanging around. Vick Clesi can attest to that.

Clesi’smotherdiedin1989of complicationsfrom a stroke,leaving behind her house at Stephanie and Hillcrest — but not for long. The funeral hadn’t even happened yet, and Clesi and his wife Janet were sitting at the dining room table, discussing what to do with his mother’s things. He remembers saying, “My mother wouldn’t be happy with that,” but doesn’t recall the item in question.

“Then I heard a big boom like a gun went off in the other room,” Clesi says. “It looked like a bullet had hit the sliding glass door.”

He assumed someone had tried to vandalize the home. Clesi walked outside to assess the damage.

“The outside was not cracked. It came from inside the house. It obviously was the ghost of my mother. I had never particularly believed in spirits hanging around and neither did my wife. But there’s not much doubt in my mind that that’s what was going on.”


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He believes his mother returned to the house again weeks later. A young man who was house-sitting toldClesi that he heard someone yelling at him to wake up and go to work. Then he opened the closet to find all the clothes rearranged. What the house-sitter didn’t know was that Clesi’s mother did those exact things after her stroke, which caused her to develop a nagging, obsessive personality.

“There’s a placebetweenhereandwherever,”Clesisays. “There’s no other way of explaining those incidents.”

Some people make a living by perceiving what most cannot. Just ask a neighborhood psychic.

MeganBenanti grew up on a spooky peninsula on the coast of Maryland surrounded by haunted houses. She admits to being a “hippie earth child.” As a little girl, she would write notes to witches and leave them inside tree trunks.


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“I just always believed in magic,” she says. “Or whatyouwouldnowcall spiritualism. Never in a million years did I think I would be doing something with it.”

Benanti is a tarot card reader known as Nattacia Zeviar. She used to have a table at Central 214 but now takes appointmentsatherHillcrestForest home.Infact,shehastriedtounspook herself, she says. Benanti is a wife and mother of two boys at Kramer Elementary. She has a beautifully landscaped yard that hints at her innate connection with the earth.

One time, she walked into her garage



and spotted a blue garden sprite about 18 inches tall that looked like a gargoyle. It disappeared before her eyes.

“There are other things that live in this world,”Benanti says. “There’s an entire universe that we don’t see.”

Benanti says she comes in contact with that universe on a regular basis through tarot card reading. The goal isn’t necessarily to tell the future but toopencommunicationsfromthe subconsciousmind,givingpeople a betterunderstandingofthemselves and their path.

“Sometimes,I’lltellyouthingsyou already knew. In that case, you get a second opinion.”

However, she still stuns clients with the amount of detailed information she sees in the cards from a troubled love

28 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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a million years did I think I would be doing something with
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life to concerns about the next step in a career.

“There is that ‘wow’ factor,” she says.

Benanti’s psychic reading trade didn’t come easily. She says her ability was triggeredbyanunexpectedanddisturbing event in 2000, when she was pregnant with her first child.

“I was walking down a flight of stairs one day and, all of a sudden, I said, ‘I hope this baby isn’t dead.’ ”

She doesn’t know why the thought entered her mind, but it did. A couple of weeks later, she went to the doctor. Her baby had died of unknown causes.

“That was pretty traumatic,” Benanti says.

Shebeganreadingbooksabout tarot, attending workshops and building a client base. In 2008, she started turning heads in the psychic community with her breast cancer journal. She sketched images she saw in her head and tracked them in the journal, which she believes foretold her eventual diagnosis.

“I had a cluster of tumors in my right breast. I had been drawing clusters of stones in my journal for weeks.”

Benanti has dedicated her life to her sixth sense, dabbling in several types oftechniques.Shesaysshehasn’t dealt much with ghosts except for one incident involving night terrors. They tormented a client’s son until Benanti suggested a remedy — tell the spirits to leave; then they have to.

“Her son slept peacefully from then on.”

Childrenareoftenmoreperceptive to the supernatural than adults, Brott says, particularly when the child hasn’t beenadvisedagainstit.Societyhas conditioned people to reject these incidents as nonsense. But Brott believes otherwise.

“Most people are told from the moment they’re born that ghosts don’t exist. So from an early age, they block out the natural sense they’re given. But if you watch kids, most of them have imaginary friends. You walk in and see a little girl having teatime.

“Butaretheyimaginary?Who’sto say?”

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Dancing in the Dark

ProoF THAT love l ASTS loNg AFTer THe lIgHTS go ouT

A couple of months ago, I wrote about my upcoming 45th high school reunion. I referred to such events as learning opportunities, for they teach us important lessons about life, including the art of aging gracefully.

Well, I did go to my reunion, and it turned out to be a great time of catching up with old friends and reminiscing about people and places I had all but forgotten. Yes, some of our class members have aged better than others. By and large, and with some notable exceptions, the way we’ve aged has had more to do with our brains than our bodies.

They say that “attitude is everything,” and my reunion illustrated the truth of that.

So now let me tell you about the most important learning of that evening — a story that is not only instructive but also inspiring.

Bill was a good friend in high school — a bright, witty and engaging fellow. We went to college together, after which he attended medical school, studying to become a pediatrician (you know, a “man of little patients”). While in med school, Bill was diagnosed with a rare disease of the optic nerve, and he was told that he would slowly lose his eyesight.

Bill met the bad news with a winning attitude. He started to memorize material in his medical textbooks that other students didn’t have to, because he knew that one day he would need the information in his head. He took lessons in Braille, “just in case.” Bill graduated from medical school and became an exceptional pediatrician. In the years that followed, his sight faded as predicted.


In the meantime, Bill did a second residency in pediatric psychiatry, since he could practice that specialty without sight. For the past few years he has been very effective in that field, and well thought of by his patients and their families.

B ill is now totally blind. But here is where the inspiration comes into the story: Since our last reunion, Bill and his wife have taken up ballroom dancing — western swing, to be exact. When the music started at the reunion,

Bill and Alberta were on the dance floor for every song, spinning and twirling with obvious joy, smiling at each other. They were never “showing off” as some dancers do; they were completely entranced with one another, smiling from ear to ear.

I couldn’t help but notice that some of my other classmates were sitting back, casually observing, tracing the rims of their cof-

fee cups, eyeing their watches to see how much longer the party would last. Not Bill and Alberta — they embraced the moment as closely as they embraced each other.

As I watched them, “dancing in the dark,” I remembered that great Tango scene in the movie, “Scent of a Woman,” with Al Pacino — except this scene was even better, more moving. It was a portrait of love, and love of life, and love for each other that will last long after the lights go out.

30 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
worship listings special advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203
Blair Monie is senior pastor of the Preston Hollow Presbyterian church (phpc.org). the Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
Some of our class nmembers have aged better than otnhers. By and large, and with somen notable exceptions, the way nwe’ve aged has had more to don with our brains than our bodnies.
the talk
the neighborhood >>e-newsletter


THE PRESTON HOLLOW EARLY CHILDHOOD ASSOCIATION hosts at program at 7 p.m. Oct. 24, featuring nutritionist and mommy blogger Robin Plotkin. For details on the location, visit pheca.org.

THE NORTH DALLAS EARLY CHILDHOOD PTA hosts its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 6 in Meaders Hall at Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway. The program is “How to Prepare Your Kids for Kindergarten.” Maria Smith, 29-year educator, children’s performer and author, will speak. For details, visit ndecpta.com.


DALLAS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS, including Dallas ISD, participate in a program run by Alpha Media that offers school bus advertising to local and national businesses. Companies purchase one ad per bus, which is placed above the windows on either side of the bus or below the windows on the driver’s side, and school districts receive 66 percent of revenue from ad sales.


SISTER MARGARET ANN MOSER has been selected by the Catholic Foundation to receive the 30th Catholic Foundation Award during a special dinner reception this spring.

Sister Margaret Ann is president of the Ursuline Academy and is the school’s longest-serving leader. She attended Ursuline herself and has been president since 1989. The award dinner is set for Feb. 10 at the InterContinental Dallas.

JENNA MCCOPPIN OF W.T. WHITEHIGH SCHOOL received a scholarship from the McKool Smith law firm. She was one of four recent high school graduates awarded funds through The First Tee of Dallas, a nonprofit scholars program that uses the game of golf to promote success in academics and life skills. McCoppin received $1,500 to help with her first year of tuition at the college of her choice.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

31 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
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Frisco and Plano women have been having all the fun, but now Polished nail salon has opened a location in Dallas at Preston and Forest. Plano store manager Janna Mayfield says the new store has all of the services Polished fans have come to love at the other locations, and also offers blowouts. Founded in 2008, Polished was established with the goal of creating a stylish nail salon where clients could feel confident about the level of hygiene and sanitation. Services include manicures, pedicures, acrylic nails, facials, waxing, threading and tinting. The salon offers fun Minx nail coatings, so clients can walk away with funky patterned nails if the mood strikes.

Presented by the Bank of Texas, the 2011 Partners Card is currently available for purchase at partnerscard.org. For the $60 purchase, cardholders receive a 20 percent discount at more than 750 stores and restaurants in the DFW area from Oct. 28-Nov. 6, and 100 percent of proceeds go to The

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renovating, expanding, moving, launching, hosting an event, celebrating an anniversary, offering a special or something else noteworthy? Send the information to livelocal@advocatemag. com or call 214.292.0487.

32 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LIVE LOCAL

Place and its work towardfamily violence intervention and prevention. Last year, the Partners Card fundraising effort brought in a record-breaking $1 million. Many Preston Hollow businesses are involved including AllieCoosh , AmericanEyewearInc ., Dougherty’s Pharmacy , Ken’sMan’sShop and more.

Preston Royal Village presents the second annual Fall Festival

On Oct. 22 from 4–7 p.m., Preston Royal Village shopping center, located on the northeast and northwest corners of Preston and Royal, is hosting its second annual Fall Festival. Child-friendly entertainer Eddie Coker will perform, and there will be free food and games plus all the shopping one can handle.


Taco Taco opens in former Chicken Coop space

TacoTaco has opened in the former Chicken Coop space at Preston and Royal. The Mexican restaurant prides itself on freshly made tacos (chili beef, fish, fajitas and more). “Everything is made from scratch,” owner Eddie Hijazi says. “Even the guacamole and cheese sauce nothing is frozen.” Hijazi comes from Grapevine’s Los Amigos. Taco Taco is a casual, counter-service restaurant.

Construction begins at The Plaza at Preston Center

Construction of a 400-space parking garage and five-story building, which will house the University Park Public Library, has begun. “We are excited about the future of The Plaza,” says Mike Geisler, partner at Venture Commercial Real Estate. Several stores have relocated within the center to make room for the new development. These include AmericanExpressTravel (now located next to NewBalance ), CornerBakeryCafé (now open in the former Tin Star space), MatthewTrent and OcchialiModernOptics (now located at 8300 Preston). During construction, The Plaza is offering complimentary “tipless valet” parking.

33 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
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7900 Lovers Lane / 214.363.9391 / www.stchristophersmontessori.com

35 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com OCTOBER 2011
advocatemag.com /newsletter education GUIDE News you care about, delivered to your inbox. 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829 CPA Traveling & staying overnight expenses. The IRS allows a per diem meals & incidentals deduction on IRS form 2106. cpa Tax Tip Go to scan.mobi for free reader. prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Cantrell Improvements Call Today for the Early Bird Special! Christmas Light Service 214-566-2649 Seats in genuine colors & special shapes to match your toilet. TETER’S F AUCET P ARTS

Leading the pack

Hillcrest High School elected student council officers to represent the Panthers this year. From left: Xochilt m endoza, secretary; a merica m endoza, senior senator; Juan a naya, vice president; e mily g ayle Lewis, senior senator; and r uben Sixtos, president

Classes/TuToring/ lessons

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com


214.824.2777 www.beadsofsplendor.com

FALL TUTORING All Ages/subjects Including Algebra 2/ Chemistry. In Your Home. Jennie. 214-597-6925

LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Professional musician. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

STUDIO OF SARAH STROUT Piano/Guitar/Voice Lessons. Lakewood. 469-426-6811 sclouise1976@gmail.com

UKULELE LESSONS Instruments, Workshops. www.UkeLadyMusic.com 214-924-0408

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-324-5625


Spanish Classes for Adults & Children Spanish Immersion Preschool Ages 2-5

DallasSpanishHouse.com 2 14-826-4410


LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.


AIRLINES are hiring. Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 866-453-6204

serviCes for you

AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688 CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

GALAS BY GINGER Extraordinary Parties, Unforgettable Memories. www.galasbyginger.com 214-683-0103

YOUR COMPUTER GEEK Let Me Solve Your Computer Problems. 25 Yrs. Exp. Hardware/Software Issues/Install. Network Setup, Home & Small Business. $50 per Hr. Mike. 214-552-1323. mikecomputergeek@gmail.com

serviCes for you

professional serviCes

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HOME ORGANIZING And Help With Senior Moving Plans/ Solutions. Donna 860-710-3323 DHJ0807@aol.com. $25 hr.

36 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Submit your photo. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com. Scene & heard
BOARD to advertise call 214.560.4203
Spanish & English Language School 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000
Nov. DEADLINE oct. 12

profeSSional SerViCeS




steveswineshop.com 214-998-1217

Website Design Flash Demos

Graphic Design

RibbitMultimedia .com 214.560.4207

Mind, Body & Spirit

EMPOWER YOUR HEALTH! Boost your immune system for the Holidays. Vitality & Wellness Coach, BJ Ellis 214-226-9875

SILVER STAR FITNESS Specialty In Senior Fitness. Moneyback Guarantee. www.silverstarfitness.com John 972-800-8031


Earn Ca$h For Losing Pounds. www.larrybrownweightloss.com 877-340-3046

Nov. DEADLINE oct. 12

6444 E. Mockingbird at Abrams www.deesdoggieden.com

• 214-823-1441

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In-Home Pet Visits & Daily Walks

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www.societypetsitter.com 214-821-3900




All pet services available. Dog Walks and Home Visits. Reasonable rates. References. 214-732-4721



DONATE YOUR CAR Free towing. “Cars For Kids” Any condition. Tax deductible. outreachcenter.com 1-800-597-9411

TEXAS RANGERS BASEBALL SUITE Share this prime suite on a partial basis (sets of 5,10 or 20 games) during the 2011 season. Our suite is located directly behind home plate, and each game includes 16 tickets, three parking passes, game day programs, private bathroom, air-conditioned seating, three televisions with cable channels, and a great view of the game and the Ballpark. Great for birthday parties, anniversaries, family reunions and client appreciation events. Email rangerssuite@gmail.com or call 214-560-4212 for more information.

eState/GaraGe SaleS


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece Or A Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

real eState



37 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 Scene & heard to advertise call 214.560.4203 BULLETIN BOARD b no more tear S d avid c arrera, age 3, lives in the Preston Hollow area and attended the Medical City Children’s Hospital’s “teddy bear clinic,” giving his stuffed animal friend a checkup. The program was designed to educate children about medical equipment and procedures to help calm their hospital fears. Mind, Body & Spirit Blending Beauty, Nature & Technology HARMONIC HAIR CARE Healthy Shampoos + Conditioners Gluten Free/Non-Toxic Chemistry/Color Safe 214.823.3288 rocketsciencehairsalon.com SALON ROCKET SCIENCE petS BIRDDOGCATFISH Caring For Pets In Their Own Home With Familiar Sights, Smells & Routines. Dog Walks, Vacations, Overnights. Beth. 469-235-3374 POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009 Dallas’ First Doggie Daycare Featuring “Open Play” Boarding • 8,000+ sq. ft. Play Area Inside • 5,000+ sq. ft. Play Area Outside • 5 Lux Suites w/ Webcams • Grooming All Breeds • Training & Obedience Classes Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 12pm-6pm
RENTING Lease Option To Buy Rent To Own No Money Down No Credit Check.

LAKEWOOD HEAT & AIR Servicing Dallas 20+ years. 214-682-3822 TACLA28061E

S & E A/C & HEATING 50% off Service Fee w/ Repair. Res & Comm. 10% Off Repairs w/ purchase of Maintenance Agreement. BBB Approved. CCs accepted. TACLA00029466E 214-912-7900



Repair, Sales. 214-321-4228


TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898



Residential Remodel and Construction 469 767 1868 joshangus@aksdallas.com

& Heating Sales, Service, All Brands. ONE SOURCE — ALL YOUR NEEDS 214-350-0800

BLUE RIBBON Heating & Air Conditioning 214-823-8888

214.526.8533 Installation & Repair QuigleyAC.com

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TACL-B01349OE www.SherrellAir.com

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Complete Remodeling, Kitchens, Baths, Additions. Hardie Siding & Replacement Windows. Radiant Barrier, Insulation. Get Your Electric Bill Lowered & Stay Cool. Bonded & Insured. 214-563-5035

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

CARPENTER Custom Cabinets, & Trim, Reorganize Closets, Repair Rotten Wood, Set Doors, Kitchen & Baths, Refs. Return Calls By End Of Business Day. Dave. 214-684-4800


Interior/Exterior. www.DCHCRM.net 469-360-0152

ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS Beautiful TV wall units. New/redo. Install TV/electronics. Custom finishes, cabinets & fine furniture 972-962-4847


Affordable Remodeling. Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Cabinetry & more. 972-754-9988 EricCantu.com

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right! www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

KEN’S RESIDENTIAL REMODELING 214-886-8927. kenscontracting.com


JCI Remodeling: From Simple Updates to Full Remodeling Services. Competitive Pricing! JCIRemodeling.com 972-948-5361

MODERN, PREFAB SPACES Need more space for home office, guest house, pool-side cabana? Modernurbanretreats.com 214-931-9273.


HardiPlank 50 Yr. Cement Siding, Energy Star Windows. Kitchens-Baths-Additions & More. 214-348-3836. See Photo Gallery at: www.previewconstruction.com

RODZ HOME IMPROVEMENT All Home Repairs, Add-Ons, Rehabs. 214-952-8963


Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com

38 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HOME SERVICES TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 H NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT BOB MCDONALD CO., INC. Builders/ Remodelers.214-341-1155 bobmcdonaldco.com 214.348.4200 www.remodeldallas.com The Vaughan Group Remodel Experts Kitchens - Baths - Additions Design - Build Services 20 years experience General Contractor 972-342-7232 ADDITIONS BATHROOMS KITCHEN REMODELING BARRY O’BRIEN www.ccrbarry.com CREATIVE Construction & REMODELING See our excellent work at: 214.827.3747 ChrisBlackConstruction.com Design Build Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution AC & HEAT AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Repair, Service, Replacement. Honest & Affordable. JB Maintenance. 214-404-1457 LIC# TACLB 17612E CHAMNESS SERVICES A/C & Heat Sales & Service. Res/Com. Serving Dallas 21 yrs. 214-328-0938 TACL003800C DALLASAC.COM TACLB34855E AC & Radiant Barrier 214-360-9547 FOR QUALITY, QUALIFIED SERVICE CALL 214-350-0800 ABS AC & Heat TACLA28514E AC & HEAT
214 -299-9069 Service - Repair - Replacement
TACLB 022491E
Building Services
LIC.# TACLB28522E Best Service Best Prices
or AC check with this ad. First time customers only.Regular business hours only, restrictions apply.
www.aksdallas.com BRIAN GREAM RENOVATIONS LLC 214.542.6214 WWW.BGRONTHEWEB.COM BRIANGREAM@YAHOO.COM PayPal ® Home Remodeling and Construction Experienced, Licensed, Professional Call 972-822-7501 For Free Consultation www.CuttingEdgeRenovationsLLC.com Residential Renovations by John Gilley Kitchens Baths Whole Home 214.336.2228 edinburghcustomhomes.com Residential Renovations by John Gilley redoguys.com 214 / 803. 4774 ooms Ki ov s Interior and Exterior Updating No Cost 3D Planning and Design Services Financing Available 972-571-6806 KeenRemodeling.com MARTINEKMODERN.COM 214.750.9000 mxmartinek@yahoo.com DESIGN BUILD Licensed Insured WWW.MODERNCRAFTLLC.COM STAY CONNECTED ALL MONTH Sign up for our neighborhood e-newsletters and get the neighborhood dish all month long advocatemag.com/newsletter NOV. DEADLINE OCT. 12 214.560.4203

Carpentry & remodeling

Cleaning ServiCeS

Residential Commercial Make-readys Windows Carpet Construction Remodel Cleans

$35.00 Off – 1st Full Detail Clean Complimentary quotes!


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Jonathan Wallace 214.773.4756

Greg Rankin 214.676.0772



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mcprofessionalcleaning.com 469-951-2948


We’ll Clean Your House & It Will Be Your Favorite Day! Bonded & Insured. Free Estimates. www.altogetherclean.com

CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 214-490-0133

CLEAN FREAKS Since 2005. Free Estimates. DallasCleanFreaks.com Call Today! 214-821-8888

DIANE’S CLEANING SERVICE Residential & Make Ready. Free Estimates. 214-549-5299

MAID 4 YOU Bonded & Insured. Park Cities/M Street Refs. Call Us First. Voted Best By Our Customers. Joyce. 214-232-9629

MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91


Cleaning To Perfection. Reasonable Rates. Insured/ Bonded. 214-490-6659

THE MAIDS Angie’s List Service Award! Discounts at www.maids.com Free Quotes. 972-278-2551

WANTED: HOUSES TO CLEAN 20 yrs. exp., Reliable, Great Prices, Excellent Refs., Free Estimates. No Crews. Sunny 214-724-2555

WINDOW MAN WINDOW CLEANING.COM Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134

214.750.4888 19 years in business!


ComputerS & eleCtroniCS


Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home /Biz. Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction, No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training, $60/hr. 1 Hr. Min. Dan 214-660-3733 Or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

ConCrete/ maSonry/paving

BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319

CAZARES CONCRETE Concrete retaining walls, Patios, Driveways, Removal, Sidewalks. 214-202-8958 Free estimates.

CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable.

Chris 214-770-5001

EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216

FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

MASONRY Brick/Stone Repairs. Don 214-704-1722

eleCtriCal ServiCeS


All Jobs.TECL# 27297. Steve. Accurateelectrician.com 214-718-9648

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com

Family Owned/Operated. Insd. 214-328-1333

DALLAS ELECTRICIAN- SINCE 1975 214-340-0770 EL 00957 kirkwoodelectric.net

MASTER ELECTRICIAN Lic #TECL 55703. Resd/Comcl. Bonded. Contr Lic# TECL23423. Trinity Electrical Services. David 214-802-0436

TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639

Prompt, Quality Services. Days, Evenings & Weekends. 34 Yrs Exp. TECL 24668

TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658

WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891

eleCtriCal ServiCeS

Flooring & Carpeting

STAINED & SCORED CONCRETE FLOORS New/Remodel. Res/Com. Int/Ext. Refin. 15 Yrs. TheConcreteStudio.com 214-320-2018

‘07, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10 CONSUMERS CHOICE AWARDS Making Homes Safer One Call at a Time



FenCing & deCkS

#1 COWBOY FENCE & IRON CO. Est. ‘91. 214-692-1991 www.cowboyfenceandiron.com


Specializing in Wood, New or Repair. Free Estimates. Call Mike 214-507-9322.

A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Fences, Gates, Decks. Haven 214-327-0560


Automatic Gates, Iron & Cedar Fencing, Decks. Since 1996. MC/V 214-621-3217

ARTDECK-O.COM 20 Year Warranty! Decks, Fences, Pergolas 214-435-9574


Automatic Gates, Fence, Stairs, Stair/Balcony Railings, Wine Cellar Gates. 214-325-4985


New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699

LONE STAR DECKS Decks, Arbors, Fences, Patio Covers, TREX Decking & Fencing. www.lonestardecks.com 214-357-3975

STEEL SALVATION Metal Fabrication. Welding Repairs, Design, Metal Art, Unique Crosses. Local Resident Over 40 Yrs. 214-283-4673

EST. 1991 #1




SPECIALIZING IN Wood Fences &Auto Gates




CHIMNEY SWEEP Dampers/Brick & Stone

Repair. DFW Metro. Don 214-704-1722

Flooring & Carpeting


Installation, Repair, Refinish, Wax, Hand Scrape. Residential, Commercial. Sports Floors. 25 Yrs.

SHARP FLOORS 214-227-2841

Granite Countertops, All Types of Flooring and Showers. Family Owned and Operated.

STAINED CONCRETE FLOORS New/Remodel. Staining & Waxing. Int/Ext. Nick Hastings. 214-349-3273


Jim Crittendon, 214-821-6593


Custom Marble Install. 214-779-3842

Beautiful Flooring since 1975

WHITE ROCK FLOORS Hardwoods Carpet Ceramic Tile

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hardwood floors

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A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Haven 214-327-0560

CLEARWINDOWSANDDOORS.COM LH owned Replacement windows. Free Quote 214-280-9280

LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR custom mirrors • shower enclosures store fronts • casements 214-349-8160

LANDMARK ENERGY SOLUTIONS 214-395-9148. Specializing In Replacement Windows/Doors.

ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829

39 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Oct O ber 2011 to advertise call 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H
Answered 24/7 TECL20502
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garage doorS
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premium quality custom shower doors & enclosures 214-530-5483 showerdoordallas.com

Handyman services

A HELPING HAND No Job Too Small. Free Estimates. Repairs /Remodels.Chris.214-693-0678


Electrical, Plumbing & Carpentry. Call Tim 214-824-4620; 214-597-4501

A+ HANDYMAN KARL Home Repairs, Remodels & Restoration. 214-699-8093

ALL JOBS BIG/SMALL 38 years exp. Ron Payne 214-755-9147

ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 25 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628


Your home repair specialist handymanmatters.com/dallas 972-308-6035

HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Residential/ Commercial. Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635

HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582


One call does it all! 214-289-0307

WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232

House PaintinG

1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928

#1 GET MORE PAY LES Painting. 85% Referrals. Free Est. 214-348-5070

A + INT/EXT PAINT & DRYWALL Since 1977. Kirk Evans. 972-672-4681

ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541

BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768

PHILLIPS PAINTING Interior & Exterior; 14 Years Serving Dallas. Free Estimate and 3-year Warranty. We Do Faux! PhillipsPainting.com 972-867-9792

RAMON’S INT/EXT PAINT Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513

TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863

VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 972-613-2585

WHITE ROCK PAINT & REMODEL References. Mark Reindel 214-321-5280 Painting · Remodeling


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interior desiGn

HAND CARVED STONE fireplaces, fine art, architectural stone & restoration. DavisCornell.com 214-693-1795


Carolyn Contreras ASID

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Licensed Residential/Commercial Interior Design

KIM ARMSTRONG INTERIOR DESIGN www.interiorsbykim.com

Licensed/CID/ASID 214-500-0600

LILLI DESIGN Residential Design & Renovations

NCIDQ Cert. 10 yrs exp. www.Lilli-design.com Katie Reynolds, RID 214-370-8221



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KitcHen/BatH/ tile/Grout





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KitcHen/BatH/ tile/Grout

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ALL SURFACE REFINISHING 214-631-8719. Tub/Tile/Refinishing. allsurfacerefinishing.com

laWns, Gardens & trees


Complete tree services including Tree & Landscape Lighting! Call Mark 214-332-3444

A&B LANDSCAPING Full Lawn Care, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Fireplaces & Stonework. Lic #0283917- Degreed Horticulturist 214-534-3816

ALL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS REPAIRED Arthur Adams, B.S. Biology $55 hr. Serving Dallas 25 yrs. LI 3449. 214-660-4860


Curbside Appeal! Excellent refs. 214-760-0825


Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781

B.J.’S LANDSCAPING Complete Lawn & Garden Maintenance. Seasonal Color/Perennials. Certified. 16 Yrs. Exp. Res/Com. 214-336-4673

BLOUNTS TREE SERVICE Summer Special 20% Off Tree Work. 45 yrs exp. Insured. 214-275-5727

CASTRO TREE SERVICE Quality Work at Great Rates. Free est. Insured. 214-337-7097


Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463




PayPal ® Residential. Interior. Exterior. Call today for a FREE estimate




radiant Barrier


214-395-9148. Radiant Barrier, Insulation. Free Quotes

SAVE UP TO 40% on your energy bills! Insulation, Radiant Barrier and Weatherization. Instant quotes at Millsquote.com 214-879-9881

BATHTUB, COUNTERTOP & TILE Resurfacing: Walls, Tub Surrounds, Showers. Glaze or Faux Stone finishes. Affordable Alternative to Replacement! 972-323-8375. PermaGlazeNorthDallas.com

FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” Remodels Done Right. handy-dan.com 214-252-1628


Granite, Marble, Tile, Kitchen/Bath Remodels. CJ-972-276-9943 cjrocksthehouse1@verizon.net

TOM HOLT TILE 30 Yrs Experience In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444

Natural Stone & Quartz Silestone / Caesarstone 20 Years Experience

214 293 9323 bjones2517@gmail.com




COLE’S LAWN CARE • 214-327-3923 Quality Service with a Personal Touch.

DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914 Lawn Service & Landscape Installation

GREENSKEEPER Fall Clean Up & Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846


A Full-Service Tree Care Company

Chuck Ranson, Certified Arborist c.ranson@sbcglobal.net 214-537-2008


Sprinkler & Valve Repair/ Rebuild Older Systems. Lic. #1742. 214-398-8061


White Rock Landscaping 214-415-8434


Installations of Fine Gardens, Patios, Paths & more!

RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)

SPRINKLERS, LANDSCAPING, Stone Work, Drainage. Installed and Repaired. Call Kevin at 214-535-3352,Lic#7840. www.bigdirrigation.com


Repairs, service, drains. 27 yrs exp. Ll 6295. Backflow Testing Cell-469-853-2326. John

40 Oct O ber 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
to advertise call 214.560.4203 H
Gutters All General Contracting Needs
more than a magazine facebook / twitter / newsletter / blog / video

ADVOCATE PUBLISHING does not pre-screen, recommend or investigate the advertisements and/or Advertisers published in our magazines. As a result, Advocate Publishing is not responsible for your dealings with any Advertiser. Please ask each Advertiser that you contact to show you the necessary licenses and/or permits required to perform the work you are requesting. Advocate Publishing takes comments and/or complaints about Advertisers seriously, and we do not publish advertisements that we know are inaccurate, misle ading and/

PesT ConTroL


Keeping the environment, kids, pets in mind. Organic products avail. 972-564-2495


Prices Start at $75 +Tax for General Treatment

Average Home, Interior, Exterior & Attached Garage Quotes for Other Services 214-328-2847

Lakewood Resident


ANDREWS PLUMBING • 214-354-8521

# M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. 24 Hours/7 Days. plumberiffic@yahoo.com

Sewers • Drains • Bonded

*Joe Faz 214-794-7566 - Se Habla Español*


Faucet, Sewer, Sink Repairs. Water/Slab Leaks. Shower Pans. Gas Testing. Remodels, Water Heaters, Stoppages. Insured. Lic 20754 214-321-0589, 214-738-7116

FIXXER PLUMBING #M38904. BBB Accredited. www.fixxercompany.com. Call 214-534-1468.


For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M38121 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com

M&S PLUMBING Quality Work & Prompt Service. Jerry. 214-235-2172. lic.#M-11523

REPAIRS, Fixtures, General Plumbing. Senior Discounts. Campbell Plumbing. 214-321-5943

SPECK PLUMBING Licensed & Insured C 214-562-2360 • H 214-660-8378

STAGGS PLUMBING • 972-742-3858 No Repairs Too Big or Too Small Master Plumber. M-17697

Slab Leak Specialists – inquire about reroute instead of jackhammering All Plumbing Repairs Licensed/Insured 214-727-4040




1 month free service for new customers. Call for details. 469-358-0665.

MICHAEL’S POOL SERVICE Maintenance & Repair 214-727-7650


Parts and Service. Chemicals and Repairs. Jonathan Mossman FREE ESTIMATES 214-729-3311

roofinG & GuTTers

A&B GUTTER 972-530-5699

Clean Out, Repair/Replace. Leaf Guard. Free Estimates. Lifetime Warranty


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The Victim: Tony Jeffrey

The Crime: Auto accessory theft

Date: Sunday, July 17

Time: Between 5 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

Location: 6100 block of Royalcrest and other locations in area

In recent years, thefts from vehicles, including accessories and other property, has declined in Texas and that also includes Dallas County. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Crime inTexas Uniform Crime Report, instances of such thefts dropped to 261,166 in 2010 from 272,791 in 2009 (which had been an up-tick from 259,705 in 2008).

In Dallas County, these thefts dropped to 34,135 in 2010 from 38,938 in 2009 (which mirrored the state up-tick from 2008, when there were 38,730 instances).

Despite these trends, when a theft happens to you, it is more than just another statistic — it’s personal. And it’s usually quite a hassle.

Tony Jeffrey recently found this out firsthand — and similar cases took place in his neighborhood within a day or two of the crime.

“[The car] was at our house, and according to policemen, there were several people who had this happen at the same time,” Jeffrey says. “On the passenger side, they stole the entire mirror and casing. On the driver’s side, they just took the mirror. Whoever it was, someone knew exactly

what they were doing.”

HisChevy Suburban is perfect for hauling around his kids, but getting the car repaired put it out of commission for a bit —a real inconvenience. The whole ordeal, Jeffrey says, was a pain. His insurance company said they had received reports of five similar cases in the last few days, including missing mirrors, rims, tires and seats.

Dallas Police Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division says 26 incidents of outside vehicle mirrors being stolen have been reported in his division since June 1, and most were taken off some type of SUV such as a Yukon, Denali orEscalade.

“These types of offenses spike higher in the summertime than wintertime due to the ability to remove the mirror in warm temperatures versus when it is freezing. Usually there is more than one suspect committing the crime. One suspect will actually remove the mirror and another will act as a ‘good-eye’ to prevent being spotted.

“It is extremely difficult to recover this property unless the owner can identify his through markings or engravings. Parking in well-lit places is the easiest thing to do to help prevent this type of theft, as well as an alarm system on the vehicle.”

Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and editor of pokertraditions.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.





SOURCE: Dallas Police Department crime stats for Aug. 13-Sept. 13

42 OCTOBER 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Got a crime to report or cop question? Email crime@advocatemag.com TRUE CRIME
Go to scan.mobi for free reader. attorney atlaw
& Probate, and Business Matters
William R. Wilson Civil

?of the month

A: Dallas Police has reported a 48 percent overall drop in crime since 2003 although residential burglaries are up. What types of crime have been declining and why?

Q: Crime at north Central has declined significantly through the last few years. for this year, residential burglaries have evened out and are slightly down for the city and the north Central Division as compared to last year (January through September 11). two categories that have seen significant crime decreases this year are burglaries of motor vehicles (Bm V) and auto theft. the decreases can be attributed to a variety of factors such as the increase of officers hired in the last few years, auto-related initiatives, technology improvements, increase in community involvement in crime fighting efforts and education programs such as “Lock, take and h ide”.

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