2011 February Preston Hollow

Page 32



2 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com With Trane, your home stays cleaner. Your family stays healthier. Save up to $2,500 in credits and rebates on new system installations. Call now for details. 214.526.8533 quigleyac.com #TACLA23686E

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3 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEBRUARY 2011 WHAT DOES HAVING IT ALL FEEL LIKE? Debbie Schirico, MCD, CCC-A Owner / Board Certified Audiologist Jill E Copley, Au.D., CCC-A Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Donna Clark, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology Kelly Novak, Au.D., CCC-A Doctor of Audiology 4130 ABRAMS ROAD (SE Corner Mockingbird/Abrams) 214-827-1900 7615 CAMPBELL ROAD (NW Corner Campbell/Coit) 972-380-0222 totalhearingcare.com Moxi 3G from Unitron, is a new hearing instrument that allows many individuals to realize all of these benefits: DISCREET an incredibly small hearing instrument AUTOMATIC no need to make manual adjustments, so easy to use CONNECTED sound is delivered wirelessly from your cell phone or TV directly to your hearing instruments SPECIAL EVENT OFFERS INCLUDE: PICK YOUR PERKS: Receive a COMPLIMENTARY: or Latitude 16, or Pick Your Perks Damage Coverage
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A detailed answer to the shopping, dining and development whos, whats, whens and wheres.

4 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEATURES 10 TWO OF A KIND A mother-daughter team bakes homemade goodies through their online business, Nothing Like It. 14 ARTIST IN RESIDENCE A neighborhood dad pursues music full-time, recording his first record early this year. 18 BLUE PLATE SPECIAL A local restaurant serves up mouth-watering comfort food. IN EVERY ISSUE department columns opening remarks6 / grab-bag10 / happenings17 / food + wine18 / worship32 / scene + heard33 / news + notes39 / crime39 advertising the goods13 / health resources15 / dining guide19 / education guide30 /bulletin board33 / home services35 IN THISISSUE FEBRUARY/2011 volume 10 number 2_PH
retail review

uncivil action

Courtesy is not as common as it should be

It would be nice to solely blame our politicians for this behavior, but when you look around, there are still plenty of regular folk who show, by their actions, that their time and their opinions are more valuable and important than anyone else’s.

For example, while waiting in a slowly moving grocery checkout line recently, sans cart or basket and bear-hugging a couple of halfgallons of orange juice, a gallon of milk and a few containers of yogurt, I noticed with relief a checker preparing to open the next-door register.

When he finally said “Who’s next?,” I started taking a step toward him because I was next. Before I could get over there, though, a couple of guys behind me in line lunged forward, almost tripping over me and themselves in their haste to place their items on the counter.

For a savings of maybe four or five minutes of their lives, they stole my spot in line.

And I say “my spot” because by rights it was — I was next in line, and I was patiently waiting my turn.

I don’t know if what these line-jumpers did is officially rude behavior, because it’s not as if I had a physical claim to the imaginary checkout space.

But I was next. It was my turn. And the line-jumpers seemed overjoyed at their good fortune rather than embarrassed at usurping mine. I was just an obstacle to their happiness, if they even noticed me at all.

Not long thereafter, I was standing behind a fellow patron at a restaurant’s soft drink machine. As I stood patiently with my thenempty cup, I watched the guy already pretzeled at the neck, blathering into a cell phone pinched between his ear and shoulder — push the button to splash soda into his glass.

Just when I thought it was my turn, he paused to allow the fizz to die down. Then he stopped talking long enough to take a drink. Then he pushed the button again to refill his glass, still continuing to talk on his phone. Then he took another drink. Then he pushed the button again.

It’s rude enough to be talking on a cell phone when he didn’t have enough hands to take care of the task, but constantly refreshing his beverage while someone else waited behind him?

OK, I know: These are small-potatoes problems. Maybe these guys are just guilty of being self-absorbed. Maybe they’re allaround jerks. Or maybe I’m overly sensitive, and I need to do what I tell my sons to do: Suck it up, and move on.

I don’t know, though: People who can’t wait their turn, and people who selfishly abuse their turn, don’t necessarily represent the “smoking gun” of a declining culture.

But someone once said that how we treat each other when no one is watching offers a window into our character. The truth is that no one is watching us most of the time.

So a few rude bores won’t bring down our society. But the more we tolerate the selfobsessed, the more likely we are to be taking the first step down an already slippery slope.

6 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com opening remarks TICKETS START AT $25 214.443.1000 DALLASOPERA.ORG
february 11, 13 m , 16, 19, 25, 27m Sung in French with English supertitles
is publisher of advocate publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FaX to 214.823.8866; or email to rwamre@advocatemag.com.
There has been a lot of talk lately about our incivility toward each other and how we can’t stop yelling at each other long enough to hear what anyone else is saying.
I don’t know if what these line-jumpers did is officially rude behavior, because it’s not as if I had a physical claim to the imaginary checkout space.

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Now is a great time to start building raised beds for veggies. The Mbrace corner brace system makes creating custom beds a snap. Just add your favorite untreated wood to fit any space needed.

Or, choose a redwood raised bed kit. Two sizes available at a great price! 3ftx6ftfor$119.99or4ftx8ftforonly $169.99. They come with everything you need to build your kit. All you need is a hammer and soil. Add our favorite tried-and-true soil mix with Soil Menders Topsoil, Humax Garden Soil Builder, Vital Earth Compost and Cow Manure.

Next, you plant! We have everything you need in stock now to get growing. In February, plant potatoes, onions, asparagus, rhubarb, horseradish, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Lettuce, spinach and other greens can be seeded directly into the garden. Also start seeds of peppers, eggplant and more warm season crops indoors.

7 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
a dvocate Publishing 6301 gaston avenue, suite 820, dallas, tX 75214 ric K Wa M re | president to M Z ielins K i | vice-president advocate, © 2010, is published monthly by east dallas – lakewood People inc. contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. opinions set forth in the advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read advocate publications each month. advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. NHG School of Gardening more at www.nhg.com Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com Grow Your Own Food! Build raised beds and start veggies Now FEB 5th 1PM Roses: Pruning, Planting, Bed Prep & More! FEB 13th 10AM - 4:30PM Landscape Design 101 $75 GC Members/$80 Non Members. FEB 16th NOON Vegetables to Plant Now!
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NEW! Mbrace system! Advocate Feb 2011
$5 OFF Your Purchase this February. Bring in this ad for discount! Not to be used with other offers. No cash value. Expires 2/28/11. Cashiers type in code 900280 (PH)
Preston Hollow

Intro Series


DininG rounDup

Consider yourself warned: All this yummy news on the Back Talk blog might make you hungry. Below are excerpts of recent posts.

GiGi’s CupCAkes opens in inwood Vill AGe

12.28.10 A new mother-daughter franchise has opened in Inwood Village. Gigi’s Cupcakes offers 60 custom flavors from red velvet to more adventurous concoctions like Kentucky bourbon pie and candied sweet potato. eMilY ToMAn Search: Gigi’s

Gio’s C Afé And new York deli pl Ans shABBAT dinners

12.31.10 The New York style deli opened in early December at Preston and LBJ. Keep an eye Shabbat dinners on Friday date is set, but co-owner Lisa the reason for the dinners regulars from the Jewish eTh kniGhTen Search: Gio’s


Gio’s C Afé And new

opened almost a month ago and hit-or-miss — but mostly spoiled my appetite on the chips, which you also can chicken barley soup is the perfect thing for a winter day. So good, I may be stopping by for a cup to-go. eMilY ToMAn Search: Gio’s

carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs: because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing and the pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute an acceptable delivery.

ele VATion BurGer opens AT hillCresT And norThwesT hiGhwAY

01.05.11 Everyone is buzzing about Elevation

Burger. The company serves 100 percent grass-fed, free range organic beef, and this location is the chain’s second in Texas after Austin. Other delectable menu items include organic cookies, hand scooped ice cream shakes and two types of veggie burgers. eliZABeTh kniGhTen Search: elevation

resTAurAnT TAlk: ele VATion BurGer

No need to fear the unknown. At Sunstone Yoga, we have a new series to help ease you into Yoga. Combine this with the affordable $10 introductory offer and you’ll be touching your toes in no time.

01.10.11 My wife and I stopped by shortly after Elevation Burger opened. Considering the place was new, and considering the icy weather was scary (for Texas drivers, anyway), it was pretty busy. The starter burger is $3.99; an extra patty will set you back another $2. The burger tasted fresh, and the double is about right. I’m no restaurant ambiance specialist, but the place seemed a little sterile. But there’s a pretty large patio outside facing Hillcrest, which I imagine will be a hopping spot when the weather becomes nicer. —riCk wAMre Search: elevation

TO rEAD these posts in full, to comment and to find more information on our neighborhood, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.

Most popular BloG posts: 1. ele VATion BurGer opens search: e levation // 2. ThinGs we loVe: BoBCATs search: bobcats // 3. resTAurAnT

TAlk: ele VATion BurGer search : e levation // 4. BAnk roBBerY suspeCT CoMMiTs suiCide Af Ter

Brief ChA se search : robbery // 5. 24 Ye Ars in The MAkinG, lBJ eXpress will soon Bre Ak Ground search : l BJ e xpress

Intro Series

No need to fear the unknown. At Sunstone Yoga, we have a new series to help ease you into Yoga. Combine this with the affordable $10 introductory offer and you’ll be touching your toes in no time. Preston


· neighborhood snapshots

SeNd Sugge StioNS for thiS SectioN or our webSite to web editor Christy robinson at 214.635.2120 or crobinson@advocatemag.com.

New Neighborhood
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Two double-patty burgers at Elevation Burger
corrections proof needed your business! Suite 820 • Dallas, Texas 75214 214.823.8866
Forest Village 11661 Preston Rd #206 214.764.2119 x102 North Dallas 14902 Preston Rd #612 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Rd #206 214.764.2119 x102 North Dallas 14902 Preston Rd #612 214.764.2119 x104 Give the Gift of Yoga: Gift cards available online and in the studio North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102
Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only Give the Gift of Yoga: Gift cards available online and in the studio North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102
Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only. Offer is 30 consecutive days of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 30-day period. Not valid with any other offers of discounts. Redeem by 2/28/11 Limited Time Offer! Intro Series Two-Class Introduction Int New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only. Offer is 30 consecutive days of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 30-day period. Not valid with any other offers of discounts. Redeem by 2/28/11 Limited Time Offer! Intro Series Two-Class Introduction Int New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only. Offer is 30 consecutive days of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 30-day period. Not valid with any other offers of discounts. Redeem by 2/28/11 Limited Time Offer! Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612, Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206, Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 *Introductory offer valid one time for non-members only. Offer is 30 consecutive days of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 30-day period. Not valid with any other offers of discounts. Redeem by 2/28/11 Limited Time Offer! Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners

Key: where us on the world

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we’re not dudes

9 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
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The local, all-girl rock band, We’re Not Dudes, recently opened for folk singer Sarah Jaffe. The girls, who range in age from 8 to 13, attend the School of Rock in East Dallas. Their lead singer, Alex Belland, lives in Preston Hollow. We caught up with the band during one their rehearsals.
Preston Hollow Elementary has come along way in the past few years - from being two failing students away from “unacceptable” to receiving an “exemplary” rating from the Texas Education Agency. The school is now among just 4 percent in the state recognized with the Texas Business & Education Coalition award. We sat down with principal Pete Chapasko who tells us why the award is so important and how Preston Hollow achieved such an honor.


It’s a hectic day at Sara b erma N ’ S Preston Hollow home — climbing over baby gates, people coming and going, the family Wieneriemer running around clutching its favorite stuffed toy — and somehow, b erman runs an online bakery business with her mother, Ly NN b erma N , who lives in the house right behind Sara. “I hope you can handle crazy,” Sara tells us. The phone calls and online orders have been pouring in since the mother-daughter team officially launched Nothing Like It last summer, and they now offer gluten-free options. b oth women have full-time jobs — Sara renovates homes, and Lynn works for Virginia Cook. b ut people just couldn’t stop talking about Lynn’s homemade cookies, baked from scratch. It all started with the birth of Sara’s twin boys.

How did you two start the business?

Sb: I was pregnant — or should I say imprisoned — in the hospital with twins in 2005. I was 60 days on bed rest. My mom said that the best way to make friends was with cookies, so she started baking them and bringing them to the hospital. At 6 a.m., a nurse would come in to ‘run a test’, always leaving with cookies. Finally, one of the doctors said that if we could make this into something, he would invest. That’s when I thought, ‘Wow, maybe we have something here.’

10 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
GoT a LauNCH-Wor THy Idea? Let us know about it: Call editor Emily
at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com.
BenjAMIn HAger


LB: Right here.

SB: Her oatmeal raisin cookie recipe she has had since she was 12 or 13 years old.


LB: They’re not minute-made. They’re old school. There’s no corn syrup or preservatives. It’s not cutting corners. Everything is watered down today. I cook real food. I learned everything from my mother. Give me a refrigerator full of leftovers, and I can make you a dinner you wouldn’t believe. We’ve just now started with the gluten-free.


SB: So many people have celiac. A lot of people can’t eat wheat, can’t have flour. If we can offer an alternative, then why not?

LB: Sara’s sister-in-law has a problem and can’t have gluten, and she was our test platform. We also delivered some to Sara’s friend who runs a gym for special needs children.

SB: Right after, they contacted me and said, ‘You guys are lying, these are not glutenfree.’ You really can’t taste the difference.

LB: Is it a gluten-free kitchen? No, but everything is kept clean and separate. It’s not going to be our main thing.

SB: Sugar-free will be something we work on next. But we don’t want to strip it of everything.


SB: It really depends on the day. IfI’m talking cookies, it’s the rapadoodle or the peanut butter. IfI’m talking cake, it’s the strawberry or chocolate.

LB: The oatmeal raisin cookies, because I don’t like chocolate.


SB: No. Doing it this way, we can go all over. We have customers from all over the country and even in Canada. We’ve got social media, tweeting, blogging. Our storefront can be our website. We don’t have to be dependent on walk-ins.

LB: It’s much more controlled. We do a lot of corporate stuff.


SB: Did you know there are 36 hours in a day?

LB: We’re very energetic a lot of the time.


NOTHING LIKE IT OFFERS A SPECIAL PACKAGE for Valentine’s Day that includes a strawberry or chocolate loaf. To place an order, visit nothinglikeit.com, call 888.763.3542 or email sales@nothinglikeit.com.

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PETPAUSE firm dog

Townsend & Jones law firm in Preston Hollow has some extra personality around the office with its firm dog, TAYLOR, a 13-year-old Great Pyrenees mix. She’s friendly to everyone and almost as active as a pup, says tax lawyer LARRY JONES.

WANT YOUR PET FEATURED? Send a non-returnable photo to: PetPause, 6301 Gaston, Ste. 820, Dallas 75214; or email jpeg to launch@advocatemag.com

12 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
DALLAS CHILDREN’S THEATER and TACA present A SOUTHWEST PREMIERE MUSICAL! (214) 740-0051 www.dct.org SEASON SPONSORS Book and Lyrics by ROBERT KAUZLARIC Music by PAUL GILVARY and WILLIAM RUSH Adapted from the book by JON SCIESZKA and LANE SMITH Enjoyed by Ages 5 and up NOW - FEB 27 A Multi-Faceted Event for Young Adults, Parents and Teachers! FEB. 4-20


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13 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

artist in residence

Blake Davis spends most of the workday jamming out with his 18-month-old son, Brooks. “If I play something, and my kids are dancing to it, I know it’s good,” Davis says. “Children are the most honest people on the planet.” The stay-at-home dad pursues music full-time, and will record his first album this month with local producer Shannon Barrett. With influences like Neil Young and Willie Mason, Davis’s music spans alt-country and folk-rock genres, focusing on positive themes. “It’s a lot easier to write about something that’s depressing. It’s just human nature to focus on the negative things.” Davis grew up in Tulsa, Okla., and later studied at Dallas Sound Lab. After playing in several bands that have broken up over the years, he decided to go solo. “When you’re in a band, you have to make everyone happy. Now that I’m solo, it’s so much freer.” He thinks of his songs as a soundtrack to his life, something he can leave behind for Brooks and his 4-year-old daughter Layla, who attends Preston Hollow Elementary. “All my music comes from a single memory, ranging all the way back to high school,” Davis says. His wife Angela, an active member of the Preston Hollow PTA, works in advertising, providing a way for him to pursue his music without struggling to make ends meet. “My wife has been the bread earner,” he says. “Behind every successful musician, there’s a strong, dependable woman. She’s definitely been that for me.” After seeing one of his live shows or listening online, you’ll notice his stage name, Davis Blake. “There’s another guy named Blake Davis, and I didn’t like his stuff,” he says, laughing, and simply switching his two names was a quick fix. —Emily Toman

LISTEN Check out Davis Blake’s music online at davisblake.com, or find him on Facebook.

SEE A vIDEo at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/video

14 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com



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What gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits

Make a donation

... to the Souper Bowl of Caring by Feb. 6 and get involved with one of the biggest food drives in texas history. d rop off nonperishable foods to your neighborhood k roger, a lbertsons or tom thumb to help the north texas Food Bank reach its goal of collecting 1 million pounds of food for the hungry. For details, visit ntfb.org.

attend an event

... and help support the J early Childhood Center at the Jewish Community Center. the JCC will present the ka-Ching Fling at 8 p.m. Feb. 5 in the Zale auditorium, 7900 northaven. the casino-style event has several sponsorship levels from $250 to $10,000. General gaming is $50, which includes admission; food from Simcha kosher Catering; and $50 in chips for the Blackjack table, Roulette prize wheel or slot machines. You can buy additional chips on site. For more information, call 214.239.7117 or visit jccdallas.org.

KnoW of Ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.

16 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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out&about in February

02.18.11 & 02.19.11


FREE Thinking about adding some feathery friends to the family? Learn everything you need to know about caring for backyard chickens during a Learn at Lunch program noon-1 p.m. at North Haven Gardens. Leslie Finical Halleck will discuss the benefits of owning your own chickens, having farm-fresh eggs right outside your back door. The program covers the steps to getting started and if you want to take it further, North Haven offers another class the following day, “A to Z of Hatching and Brooding” at 10 a.m. Feb. 19. Dan Probst of Bageneice Farms will explain how to select, store, wash and incubate your chicken’s eggs. Then, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., the gardens will host a backyard chicken sale. For more details, call 214.363.5316 or visit nhg.com. —EmiLy Tom AN

02.11 CUPID’S CHASE 5k $20 The nationwide 5k for people with disabilities starts at 10 a.m. at Bachman Lake, 3500 Northwest Highway. Registration begins at 8 a.m. Organized by the national nonprofit Community Options Inc., the race welcomes runners and walkers, and offers prizes and giveaways. For details, visit comop.org/ cupidschase/dallas.

02.19 OPEN YOUR HEART $75 Planned Living Assistance Network of North Texas hosts a dinner and auction at 6 p.m. at Renaissance Hotel-Dallas-Richardson, 900 E. Lookout. Hosted by Preston Hollow residents Julie and Ken Hersh, the fundraiser benefits PLAN, which serves people with mental illnesses. For details, call 972.690.7526 or visit plan-northtexas.org.

02.23.11-02.28.11 THE SOUND OF MUSIC $12-$25 The J Players of the Jewish Community Center will bring Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “The Sound of Music” to the stage, featuring popular tunes such as “My Favorite Things” and “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”. Performances run at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23-24; 8 p.m. Feb. 26; 2 and 7:30 p.m. Feb. 27; and 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Zale Auditorium at the JCC, 7900 Northaven. For details, call 214.739.2737 or visit jccdallas.org.

17 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
gO ONlINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication. happeningsl AUNCH


A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood


Preston & Luther 214.890.1103

blue Plate Kitchen

kentrathbun.com/bL ue PL ate/da LL as

comFort Food

wIth Its warm, rustIc atmosPhere and soft lighting, Rathbun’s Blue Plate Kitchen feels like home. “I think that the kitchen should be part of the experience,” says Kent Rathbun, owner and executive chef. “We specialize in country-style foods, but we also have choices for people who want to stay healthy.” The restaurant serves down-home favorites with a gourmet twist — from the heart-healthy shrimp, crab and lobster coleslaw to the more indulgent fried green tomatoes. The latter come sprinkled with chunks of goat cheese and a sauce prepared with Round Rock Honey, ancho chiles and fresh thyme. Rathbun has been cooking since age 5 with no formal training—he simply learned by doing, picking up a few tricks along the way. For dishes like the coleslaw, he replaces mayonnaise with a vinaigrette combination for a lighter, more sophisticated taste. The kitchen is complete with a rotisserie, smoker and woodburning oven. The diverse menu includes everything from mac ‘n’ cheese and tacos to seafood and ribs. “We try to stay very accurate to the dish, whether it is country style or Mediterranean,” Rathbun says. Be sure to stop by the “pantry” where the restaurant sells homemade jams, dressings and sauces. —Emily

three more spots for feel-good food:

1 Neighborhood ServiceS

This upscale restaurant hits the spot with nightly specials, including meatloaf, chicken potpie and veal piccata — bring an empty stomach but a full wallet.

Lovers & Inwood 214.350.5027

Preston & royaL 214.368.1101 neIghborhoodservIcesdaLL as.com

2 celebratioN reStauraNt

Chefs make everything from scratch here — pot roast, chicken and dumplings, peach cobbler, and more — so you get that home-cooked taste without all the work.

Lovers & eLsby 214-351-5681


3 ciNdi’S N.Y. delicateSSeN

For some foodies, comfort is a bowl of matzo ball soup or a plate of cheese blintzes. And this Jewish-style deli has arguably the best bagels in town.

royaL & centraL 214.739.0918

Forest & marsh 214.739.0918


18 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
L aunchfood&wine
our website
vIew a vIdeo about thIs restaurant onLIne. Visit
at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/video
Pictured: Fried green tomatoes MARK DAVIS


Our Highland Park location, The Mint, offers an array of Asian-fused cuisine, specializing in Bangkok style dishes. We feature farm fresh ingredients, beautifully presented, coupled with a chic atmosphere and friendly service. Happy Hour is 5pm-6:30pm Mon.-Fri. – all beers and house wines are $3; $2 off appetizers, soups & salads. 4246 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.6469. The Asian Mint, along with its fused and sushi menus, also offers one of the best dessert bars in Dallas. 11617 N. Central Expwy. 214.363.6655. www.themintdallas.com

19 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEBRUARY 2011
PUT YOUR RESTAURANT IN THE MINDS OF 100,000+ HOMES MONTH AFTER MONTH Read RESTAURANTTALK every Monday prestonhollow. advocatemag.com/blog
YOUR GUIDETO DINING OUT The BE ST EAT S in our neighborhood



Wine writers complain a lot about Thanksgiving, and how difficult it is to recommend wines for the turkey fest, but the holiday they really dislike is Valentine’s Day. What’s the point of pairing wine with chocolate?

Having said that, Valentine’s Day is — next to Thanksgiving perhaps the most requested wine recommendation holiday on the calendar. What can I buy my girlfrend? What would my husband like? And is there wine that goes with chocolate? I actually get more requests for Valentine’s Day wine than I do for New Year’sEve.

Never fear, though. Champagne and sparkling wine fit Valentine’s Day like a red paper heart (and yes, you can even drink it with chocolate). Keep in mind that sparkling wine is made throughout the world, but that only sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France can be called champagne.

So if you’re wondering where to go with Valentine’s Day wine, here are three sparkling suggestions: Spanish bubbly is called cava, and this one is more fruity (some citrus) than similarly priced cavas. In this, it’s more like champagne and is a nice change of pace.


sparkling wine is from the French region of Loire and is made with chenin blanc; most champagne and California bubbly is made with chardonnay. That means the Moncatour is a little more acidic and a touch sweeter.

The real stuff, with champagne’s classic green apple and great bubbles that stream to the top of the glass.

Wine is made with grapes, which are a fruit, and most fruit has naturally occurring acid. Wine grapes have more natural acid than table grapes, which is one reason why chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon make better wine than concord grapes.

20 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LAUNCHfood&wine
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2011 IRS form W-4. Please review your personal allowances for better accuracy in tax planning. cpa DAN NEAL 214-660-3733

WiTh your Wine Pineapple upside-down cake

This is one of those recipes people forget about, then make, and wonder why they haven’t done it sooner. and it’s not as difficult as it seems, either. The twist here? used canned crushed pineapple instead of the traditional pineapple rings. The cake will pair nicely with almost any sparkling wine.

Roughly 60 minutes for one 9-inch cake

1 8-oz can crushed pineapple, drained

3 Tbsp butter

3/4 c packed brown sugar

2 large eggs

2 Tbsp plain yogurt

1/2 tsp vanilla

1 c all-purpose flour

3/4 c sugar

3/4 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

3/4 stick butter, softened

6 Tbsp plain yogurt

1. Preheat the oven to 350. Place the 3 tablespoons butter in a 9-inch skillet or 9-inch round cake pan, and put the pan in the oven until the butter melts.

2. Tilt the pan to cover all sides with melted butter. Sprinkle the brown sugar evenly over the bottom of the pan, and then cover the brown sugar with the crushed pineapple.

3. Whisk together the eggs, vanilla and 2 tablespoons buttermilk. Mix the dry ingredients in a food processor, and then add the softened butter and remaining yogurt. blend well. Then add the egg mixture, and mix until just blended.

4. Cover the fruit in the pan with the butter, smooth evenly, and bake 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean. Take the cake out of the oven, and tilt the pan in all directions. This will loosen it from the sides.

5. Let cool for a couple of minutes, and then — very carefully, using oven mitts — put a plate on the top of the pan and turn the cake onto the plate. Lift off the pan, and scrape any mixture off.

21 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011 ASK The Wine Guy taste@advocatemag.com food&wineLAunCh
Grocery list
22 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
24 Retailers eyeing the urban core 25 The enigma of the cult-creators 26 What about our neighborhood? 28 The allure of NorthPark Center 24 Which Wich 27 Tin Star 25 H&M 26 In-N-Out 26 H-E-B HOMEGROWN HITS These restaurants have Dallas roots, and now they’re sprouting all over the map. COVETEDCORPORATIONS Learn the latest from real estate experts and the companies themselves. RETAILRUNDOWN
may be corporate chains, but these companies know how to make us want them.
companies are
at Dallas for new locations.

in preston hollow?

Will they come?

What’s keeping them away?

Can local businesses meet the challenge?

When national companies decide to carve out a niche in Dallas, whether it’s a grocer or restaurant or retailer, they all look in the same place.

“almost 100 percent will start in the Park Cities to Preston Hollow corridor, and then follow the 75 and Tollway corridors, kind of a pie shape up to the north,” says David Shelton of united Commercial realty.

“The main reason for that is demographics. It’s that plain and simple — the highest concentration of population and the highest concentration of incomes in that corridor.”

Commercial real estate folks tend to sound like broken records when talking about the retail formula: a high number of people living in a given area (population density) who have a lot of money to spend (income) and regularly travel near a specific site (traffic counts) equals a successful business.

It’s a formula that works, they say.

“The fact of the matter is that stores have to go where there are people, people, people,” young says. “We’re not in the rocket science business; we’re in the logic business: established dense areas with income.”

For the most successful merchants, he says, “in addition to having a good product and good service, you’ve got to be able to have traffic and predict your traffic.”

Not to mention the herd mentality central to the retail world — most companies follow others like cattle into new markets or even specific properties. This is called “tenant mix”, with discount stores or high-end retailers wanting to be grouped with other companies attracting similar shoppers.

That explains, for the most part, why retailers wind

up in some areas of the city and not others. but how do they get here in the first place?

That can be attributed to the sheer buying power of Dallasites. Dallas and Fort Worth combined hold nearly 28 square feet of retail for every person living here — “almost more than Manhattan,” young says, and substantial compared to the national average of roughly 23 square feet per person.

Dallas also lacks barriers that generally deter new companies, says Mike Geisler of Venture Commerical.

There’s More!

What are the next retail trends? Should we hold out hope for a Trader Joe’s? Market Street?

Find answers at prestonhollow. advocatemag.com/ retail.

“It’s an affordable place to buy real estate, affordable construction, easy to find labor and comparatively easy to get through city processes,” he says, adding that the biggest barrier for most companies is competition from those who arrived here first.

as for other companies that should be making Dallas their home, “the list is almost endless,” Shelton says. “There are a lot of folks that probably should be in Dallas that aren’t here, and on the flipside, a lot of people that shouldn’t be in Dallas are here. Dallas-Fort Worth is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country and will continue to be a top-of-the-list high point for anyone expanding in the retail and restaurant world.”

23 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
“Retail works in Dallas-Fort Worth,” says Robert E. Young Jr. of The Weitzman Group.
“Whether companies are home-grown and going out, or outside coming in, they know that DallasFort Worth is a pretty good place to place their bets.”


These restaurants have Dallas roots, and now they’re sprouting all over the map.



Which Wich: Downtown Dallas, December 2003 Burguesa Burger: Inwood and Harry Hines, May 2009 (closed)

TOTAL STORES WW: 115; BB: three

IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD WW: NorthPark Center, Northwest Highway and 75 COMPANY PHILOSOPHY Dallas’ Jeff Sinelli founded Genghis Grill before selling the company in 2003, then launched Which Wich — more than 50 varieties of sandwiches with a unique ordering system (grab a paper bag; mark meat, topping and condiment selections; wait for sandwich to be made and delivered in same paper bag). The concept quickly spread across Dallas-Fort Worth, then Texas, and then the country. He still owns the original location; the rest are franchised. Whereas Which Wich is a “new, current, hip, young sandwich brand,” Sinelli says, his latest concept, Burguesa Burger, was developed with longtime Hispanic employee Pablo Gallegos and is a burger joint with both Mexican and American influences. The restaurant’s menu is in both English and Spanish, and restaurants accept both dollars and pesos.

EXPANSION PLANS A dense population of lunchtime eaters drove Sinelli’s decision to open the original Which Wich Downtown. “That’s where you start — you want to make sure you have a core of customers,” he says. “But as the brand developed, we found that we had customers in the suburbs — the schools, the families, the soccer moms” who patronize the restaurant at dinner or after practice. More than 115 restaurants later, Sinelli says Which Wich is looking to fill in areas where the restaurant already exists and is fielding calls from throughout the country, plus Canada, Mexico and even Europe. Does that mean more Dallas locations? “Absolutely,” Sinelli says. “We would love to have more 214 [area code] locations, pretty much inside the 635 loop. We’re actually concentrating in the next couple of years to fill in those areas.” After the recession, he says, “new construction kind of died, so some new projects are starting to get ignited again, and we want to be on the front end of them. We’ve found the model to do quite well in lifestyle centers, a combination of residential and restaurants.” Burguesa Burger, however, is Which Wich’s “polar opposite,” Sinelli says. “We’re still exploring with the model, and as we know more, it really belongs to the Hispanic community.”

Retailers eyeing the urban core

The tables are turning, and cities are starting to look better than suburbs to retailers. Why?

“Density cures a lot of problems these days,” says Gerald Crump, Weingarten Realty central region vice president and director. “Retailers are willing to pay more for urban infill sites where they don’t have stores, rather than greenfields.”

Greenfields are massive expanses of undeveloped land, usually on the outskirts of a city or metropolitan area. Up until the recession, these areas were hotbeds for new retail developments.

These days, however, the commercial real estate realm is focusing on urban infill — filling vacant spaces in cities rather than constructing new spaces on far-flung vacant land.

It’s not that people have stopped moving to the suburbs; it’s just that they are thinking twice about moving away from urban areas like our neighborhood, and sometimes people are even deciding to move from the outside in. The result is that “everyone is looking inside the loop, because you’ve got a growing density of population. Sometimes everybody wants to go and get part of the urban world — it’s a reversal of how we grew to the ring cities,”Young says.

Crump recently attended a conference attended by top retailers, the kinds that typically anchor shopping centers. They asked when new construction would start up again, and Crump’s response was a question: “When are you guys going to pay new development rents?” He already knew the answer: Not until the many vacancies left in the wake of the recession are leased.

These vacancies, sometimes called “second-generation spaces”, are leasing in DallasFort Worth, Young says. Another switch from the greenfield era is that retailers are no longer limiting themselves to a prototype store that they can plop onto a developing property. One factor that made undeveloped suburbs so enticing to the so-called big-box stores — the Targets and Office Maxes and Old Navys of the world — was the difficulty of finding enough existing real estate for such prototypes in cities. But “all merchants are looking at new formats in this economy, and that’s going to help us lease up the empties,”Young says.

One good example is grocery stores. United Commercial Realty handled roll-outs for 11 new Sprouts Farmers Market locations and nine Aldi’s grocery store locations during the past two years, and both stores “back-filled a lot of old grocery spaces,” COO Jean Smith says.

Target and Kroger have urban formats, he says, and the businesses are looking to move into reemerging urban markets where young singles and empty nesters live. Target’s urban store, called CityTarget, can wedge into spaces as small as 60,000 square feet, Smith says, compared to a typical 85,000-square-foot SuperTarget.

“We don’t need 10 types of ketchup to choose from,” says Kent Arnold of Henry S. Miller. “Everyone’s getting smarter, and so the 60,000-square-foot store can go into 30,000 square feet — and it is.”

Walmart will be a major player in the urban infill grocery store market. Smith cites statistics that Walmart has grown from 8 percent of the grocery market in 2001 to more than a third of the market today, and the company has plans for an even smaller store than its Neighborhood Market concept.

“They were the first ones to do a supermarket, and they were the first ones to scale back,”Arnold says. “They will always be the trendsetter.”



Henry S. Miller was established in 1914, and today is one of the largest independent commercial real estate firms in Texas. The company owns and manages properties such as Preston Royal Shopping Center, Pepper Square Shopping Center at Preston and Belt Line, and Lakeside Village Shopping Center at Central and Walnut Hill.


United Commercial Realty manages and leases more than 40 million square feet of retail properties, nationwide, and currently represents more than 100 regional and national retailers and restaurants, including Galleria North, Preston Forest Village and The Shops at Park Lane.

24 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

The enigma of the cult-creators

In-N-Out. H&M. Trader Joe’s. H-e-b White Castle.

each of these companies has a loyal following in Dallas, almost cult-like, even though each has yet to open a store here.

Their secret to preemptive success is not just a great product (though some neighbors might swear by the tastiness of a Double-Double or the ability to don this season’s faux fur on a budget). The other quality they share is that each is a family-owned private company that keeps its practices close to its vest.

“Family-owned companies don’t share a lot of information, and that’s part of the reason they get that cult following — not just the food or the product, but that there’s not a lot of information out there,” David Shelton says.

The fact that “the world is getting smaller every day” helps these companies, too, robert young says. Travel within the united States is accessible, and as more Dallasites dine at an In-N-Out on the West Coast or shop at H&M on the east Coast, more customers are created. Dallas also is home to a number of coastal emigrants, and these new residents who miss their homelands may be these companies’ best advertisers.

It’s not that these companies are ignoring Dallas. Commerical real estate experts agree that if they haven’t yet made plans to move here, they will eventually, if for no other reason than to make more money in one of the country’s retail hubs.

However, “with the precious nature of capital and money, they’re all very careful about expansions — all of them,” young says. “No one with any major concept would come to town and go into any neighborhood or key trade area unless they felt very comfortable that they can have an efficient distribution of what they do.”

In-N-Out, for example, built its empire on “a fry that tastes a certain way, a burger that tastes a certain way,” Kent arnold says. “you’ve gotta have the exact same product whether it’s here or Las Vegas.” The company has announced two locations in Dallas one at Central and Caruth Haven, another at Coit near the junction of 75 and 635 plus a few more in suburbs and ring cities.

“a company like that, doing one store doesn’t add to the moxie or panache of the brand. They need to pop up in what we’ll call ‘home run sites’ — where there’s density, access and incomes,” young says. and in order to open more than one store, In-N-Out needs a Texas distribution center. (The company says it will lease space west of Dallas along I-30 until it finds a permanent home.) any other company would also need a nearby distribution center because none of them will come to Dallas and open only one store, or even just a couple. but that’s another plus about Dallas, by the way.

“If you think about where Dallas is located, it’s the natural point for expansion,” arnold says. “From a supply point, it’s in central america, so from here they can serve a wide area.”

Meet tHe experts

Mike geisler, venture CoMMerCial Founding partner

Brokerage and property management company Venture Commercial lists roughly 17 million square feet of shopping centers and represents more than 120 retailers and restaurants. It has a presence from Oak Lawn and Uptown to Burleson and Rockwall, and has leased the Plaza at Preston Center for almost 20 years.

robert e young Jr., Managing direCtor oF tHe weitzMan group

The Weitzman Group is a commercial retail estate brokerage firm leasing 41 million square feet of retail properties throughout Texas. Cencor Realty Services, its property management and development arm, manages 20.5 million square feet of retail space throughout Texas’ major markets of Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and San Antonio.

they may be corporate chains, but these companies know how to make us want them.

Hennes & Mauritz (H&M)

First store Västerås, Sweden in 1947

First u.s. store Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, N.Y., in 2000

CoMpany HoMe

Stockholm, Sweden

total stores

2,000 in 37 countries, including 200 in 27 states

Closest store to dallas Des Peres, Mo. (St. Louis area), 637 miles

size oF tHe new nortHpark Center FlagsHip store 24,000 square feet, slated to open in the second half of 2011

otHer FlagsHip stores in tHe u s Only three: Manhattan; Westfield Santa Anita in Arcadia, Calif.; Michigan Avenue in Chicago

wHat’s tHe big deal? Sought-after by fashionistas on a budget, H&M is widely hailed as the originator of the “fast-fashion” retail format with high-volume merchandise and constantly changing styles. H&M carries both men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, plus maternity and children’s lines. The company does not have online stores in the United States — another reason its storefronts are in high demand. expert opinion “It’s a fashion-forward product for a great price obviously there’s a need and a demand for them, especially in this economy.” —kent

“In some respects, I’m surprised they haven’t gotten to Dallas more quickly because Dallas is such a huge fashion market. It’s a European company looking at the whole globe as their market, with moderate expansion in the U.S. as opposed to a fervent pace. One of the reasons we’re all impatient about it is they’re a great retailer.” —Mike geisler

“If you look at some of the most successful locations they have, they’re urban with high density, meaning a lot of people. Even though their merchandise is not extensive, they still have to do high, high, high volumes. These merchants don’t go anywhere where they think they can’t generate high sales. They will find real estate they can get at relatively low prices in their core markets. The price for a former Macy’s that closed at a mall might turn out to be pretty attractive to an H&M.” robert young

25 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
Coveted Corporations
OTHERS WISH THEY HAD ‘EM · ta C o b ueno · b rau M ’s · wH ataburger · s oni C


They may be corporate chains, but these companies know how to make us want them.


FIRST RESTAURANT Baldwin Park, Calif., in 1948

COMPANY HOME Corporate offices in Irvine, Calif., (the state where 201 of its restaurants are located)

TOTAL RESTAURANTS 251 in four states (Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah)

CLOSEST RESTAURANT Chandler, Ariz., 1,051 miles

FUTURE NORTH TEXAS LOCATIONS Former Steak ‘n Shake on Central near Caruth Haven; Coit near junction of 75 and 635; Firewheel Town Center in Garland; West Seventh in Fort Worth; Stonebriar Centre Mall in Frisco; The Village at Allen; Hurst; Las Colinas

WHAT’S THEBIG DEAL? Its food is fast, but never frozen: The company touts the fact that every hamburger patty is made fresh at one of its distribution centers. The menu is minimal — three burger options, fries, sodas and shakes — but the restaurant’s loyal cult following evangelizes an entire subset of off-themenu items with names such as “the Flying Dutchman” and “animal-style fries”.

FROM THEHORSE’S MOUTH “We are a private, family-owned company We operate all of our restaurants ourselves, and we don’t franchise, so slow growth has always been part of our strategy. The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex is vibrant, strong, growing and filled with opportunities.We will have everything we need there — from warehouse/commissary and patty production facilities to a large, metropolitan area that those facilities can serve.Long term, we will also be able to serve other markets from that central distribution center.We are now under construction on our first two restaurants — Allen and Frisco. If everything goes well, we hope to open both in the spring. We should also start construction soon on the Caruth Haven site and, hopefully, a few others.” —CARL


“They’ve been very tight-lipped about their expansion process. What I’ve heard is they plan to open Dallas-Fort Worth with five or six units, and open them all at the same time.” —DAVID SHELTON

“They are a cult dynamo on the West Coast. Anybody that’s been out there, they just love the whole program. Food is good, fresh, quick and efficient.” —ROBERT YOUNG

The cult of off-menu

In-N-Out’s website (in-n-out.com/ secretmenu) acknowledges the existence of its secret menu:

Double Meat “Two 100 percent pure beef patties, hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, spread, with or without onions, stacked high on a freshly baked bun.”

3 x 3 “Three 100 percent pure beef patties, hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, spread, three slices of American cheese, with or without onions, stacked high on a freshly baked bun.”

4 x 4 “Four 100 percent pure beef patties, hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, spread, Four slices of American cheese, with or without onions, stacked high on a freshly baked bun.”

Grilled Cheese “Two slices of melted American cheese, hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, spread, with or without onions on a freshly baked bun.”

Protein Style “Your favorite burger wrapped in hand-leafed lettuce, instead of a bun.”

What about our neighborhood?

We already know our neighborhood is the first place national retailers look when in expansion mode, thanks in large part to NorthPark Center — “the poster child for great retail,” says Robert Young, Managing Director of the Weitzman Group. “Anywhere around that particular area is attractive because you have high incomes and high density.”

But it’s not just the big guys sniffing around. Local mom-and-pops often have used our neighborhood as their launch pad.

“The ultimate one — and it’s gone big time — is Mi Cocina,” Young says. “They’re as desirable in any project as anyone else, but think how they first started at Preston and Forest, and the local neighborhood generated a following. It just takes some time for those things to happen.”

Young cites Gazebo Burgers at Preston andRoyal as another good example.

“They get more and more traction, and then they go into a deal into a suburban market because their brand has some traction. That’s what everybody wants,” he says.


They may be corporate chains, but these companies know how to make us want them.


FIRST STORE Kerrville, Texas in 1905

COMPANY HOME San Antonio, Texas

TOTAL STORES 329 in Texas and Mexico

CLOSEST STORE Burleson, Texas, 49 miles


Customers love H-E-B’s high-quality products, especially produce, for low prices — no customer card needed. And unlike sister store Central Market, H-E-B carries staples like Cheerios, paper plates and 12-packs of soda pop. The company is in expansion mode, but doesn’t have plans to expand beyond Texas,

according to an Austin American Statesman article quoting company president and COO Craig Boyan. In the same January 2010 article, Boyan said that the company’s move into Burleson was not indicative of expansion into Dallas: “It really is to serve Central Texas better. If you were going to go into Dallas, you’d put a warehouse in Dallas.”

FROM THEHORSE’S MOUTH “Our Central Market stores are the stores that serve the Dallas area. We have our distribution network that is largely centered in South and Central Texas as well as in the Houston

26 FEBRUARY 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
FOR MORE RETAIL NEWS GO ONLINE prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/retail Burger of your choice with hand-leafed lettuce tomato a mustard cooked beef patty add pickle extra spread Animal Style


These restaurants have Dallas roots, and now they’re sprouting all over the map.




IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Preston Center; NorthPark Center

COMPANY PHILOSOPHY It started as a taco bar with a Southwestern flair and later developed its popular cheeseburger tacos and other signature tacos based on guests’ suggestions — “here’s what I like, here’s what my mom used to make, or here’s this crazy idea I have, and we’d be like, OK, let’s do it,” president and owner Mike Rangel says.

EXPANSION PLANS Rangel likes highly dense traffic patterns during the day and “a lot of rooftops around at night.” The company also likes to be close to hospital districts to attract “patients going there, people who work there and pharmaceutical reps.” Also, because Tin Star is popular with the 25-45 crowd, “apartment complexes and condos are good,” Rangel says. The company is looking to open six new locations in 2011, including Denton, Fort Worth, Arlington and near Northwest Highway and Greenville.

area, and several stores around Waco and Cleburne. Most recently we opened our northernmost store in Burleson, which was a natural progression of growth for us — 15 miles away from one of our existing stores in Cleburne that has a lot of traffic, and we need to relieve that store, and Burleson is a burgeoning community with lots of young families. We’re very proud of Central Market stores in Dallas-Fort Worth area. They’re serving customers well, and it’s working very well for us. We’ll continue to use that format.”


“Anybody that knows H-E-B loves them and wishes they were here. They’re what Tom Thumb was to Dallas 20 years ago. They’re a family business, and they’ll adapt a store to the area around it. H-E-B has pretty strong coverage throughout the state. You think, OK, Dallas has to happen. On the other hand, they’re thinking let’s be cautious. I think they’re always thinking what’s the trigger that will cause them to address Dallas.”

“The move to the DFW market is inevitable. It’s just a matter of timing for those guys.”

27 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEBRUARY 2011
Call Ron’s, the experts in landscaping, gardening and organic lawn treatments. Delivery service available. Make February your month to go natural. Area’s largest Organic Garden Center Fireman-Owned Family-Operated A 15-minute Drive 1820 S. Belt Line in Mesquite 972-329-4769 LoveHomeyour LoveGardenyour LoveFamilyyour Tune in to KLIF 570 Sunday Mornings from 8-9am to the Natural Living and Garden Show with Ron and Mona Hall Quality is not expensive, it is Priceless prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

The allure of NorthPark Center

as we talked to commercial real estate experts, we heard it over and over: NorthPark Center is one of the top five malls in the country.

“There’s a lot to be said for the power that NorthPark has,” says David Shelton, who places NorthPark in the top tier in terms of sales and co-tenancy, or mix of retailers — both middle-market fashion and extreme high-end boutique retailers.

“and tenancy drives a lot of decisions that retailers will make,” Shelton says. actually, says Derek Wood, NorthPark Center’s leasing director, “we’re no. 7.” That’s the ranking he derives from the amount of sales per square foot in the center. It’s an even more impressive number if you consider that “all the ones bigger than us have a bigger tourism component (California, Florida, Honolulu),” Wood says. “We don’t have gambling; we don’t have oceans; we don’t have mountains.”

No. 5, no. 7 potato, potahto.

either way, it means that when any major mall-type retailer is looking to make a move to Dallas, NorthPark will be the first place it looks. So when international retail giant H&M made its announcement this past October about an impending store opening in big D, it came as no surprise that NorthPark would be its first Dallas home.

Wood says H&M was by far the no. 1 most requested store via website feedback. He began talking to H&M in 2003 about opening in NorthPark.

“We’re always looking for the best retailer in each category — the coolest, the hottest, whatever,” Wood says. So H&M was an obvious target.

“When you look at the top global brands, they’re the no. 2 fashion retailer in the world behind Louis Vuitton. They’re the best at fast fashion,” Wood says.

H&M opened a temporary shop in December, and its NorthPark flagship store is slated to open in October 2011. The future location of H&M’s 24,000-squarefoot flagship store in the mall hadn’t been announced at press time. Webb says there will be “some movement” before H&M moves in, but once its location is made known, “it will all make sense” in terms of NorthPark’s strategic layout, Webb says.

Perhaps you’ve noticed the center’s strategic layout, which Webb calls “cluster

28 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
40 years of skilled, compassionate and experienced care Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 • Dallas, TX 75231 • 214-363-7801 Walnut Hill has recently launched its new website We now offer online appointment scheduling as well as bill pay. We know your time is valuable so we now offer direct email to nurses. For all your needs www.walnuthillobgyn.com
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retailing”? The layout strategy solidified after the May 2006 expansion, which doubled the mall’s size.

Essentially, stores are grouped by theme: luxury stores near Neiman Marcus; children’s stores on the lower level between Macy’s and the escalators; teen and tween stores around the food court and AMC movie theater; Baby Boomer favorites on the lower level near Nordstrom; 20- and 30-something finds on the upper level as customers turn the corner from the teen hallway; and “the best of what you find in every shopping center” between Dillard’s and Macy’s, Webb says.

Being no. 7, NorthPark can call such shots. It also has other distinctions that set it apart — Shelton says “you go to pretty much any mall in the country, and you’ve got kiosks. Landlords make a tremendous amount of money in leasing kiosk space.”

NorthPark could do the same, he says, “but they choose not to. They choose aesthetics over income in that respect.”

If NorthPark added kiosks, its customers “might be bombarded by solicitation, and we want for you to have a more peaceful shopping experience,” says Vail Tolbert, NorthPark public relations and events manager, who stresses that artwork, landscaping and charitable displays are all of crucial importance to Nancy Nasher, whose father, the late Raymond Nasher, developed NorthPark in the 1960s.

Yes, these factors appeal to wealthy customers, but Webb says though “we do have a high-end image over here, at the same time we’re not just all about luxury. We like to say we’re Gap to Gucci and everyone in between.”

The center contains roughly 225 retailers and restaurants, and boasts of having more than 100 unique stores compared to its nearest competitor, the Dallas Galleria.

H&M adds a large feather to NorthPark’s cap, but Webb says it’s isn’t finished yet.

The top retailers are “always in flux, and always will be. The second you’re stagnant is when you should be worried,” Webb says.

He’s not naming names, but there are “definitely five to 10 retailers we would like to add to the mix because they’re not in Texas yet.”

GO ONLINE TO READ AN EXTENDED VERSION of this NorthPark Center profile: prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/retail.

Remodeled and expanded in 1983 by AIA award winning architect Al Cox, this Northern Hills gem was designed to showcase the Owner’s art collection.

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livE loCal


New businesses in Preston Hollow? Here’s the scoop.

Elevation Burger recently opened on Hillcrest and Northwest Highway, down the street from Temple Emanu-El. The Arlington, Va.-based company boasts that its food is 100 percent grass-fed, free range, USDA-certified organic beef ground on premises and cooked in olive oil. David Barleggs owns the franchise with wife Fiona, and the location is Elevation Burger’s second in Texas; the first one opened in Austin. A sampling of the menu includes: organic cookies, hand-scooped ice cream shakes, two types of veggie burgers, and French fries cooked in olive oil. “It is a very simple menu,” Barleggs says, “but we strive to do what we do best, which is just burgers.” 214.360.0088 elevationburger.com, 8611 Hillcrest.

Gigi’s Cupcakes, a national chain that originated in Nashville, Tenn., recently opened in Inwood Village next to Café Istanbul. A mother-daughter tag team, Mary Ruppe Hawkins and Southern Methodist University alumna Katie Ruppe, owns the sweet shop. With 60 cupcakes to savor, it might just be worth giving up that diet. 214.352.2253, gigiscupcakesusa.com, 5450 W. Lovers.

Keep an eye out for Zoë’s Kitchen to launch another location in our neighborhood. At press time, the Mediterranean restaurant chain had announced plans to open its doors at Preston and Royal in late January. Check the Back Talk Preston Hollow blog for updates. zoeskitchen.com, 6025 Royal.

Kidville in Preston Royal Village held its grand opening Jan. 29. The company offers classes for children from infants to 6-year-olds, and classes include music, dance, gym and art. The first semester begins Feb. 7. 214.378.7777, kidville.com/dallas, 6025 Royal.

On Feb. 5, Dallas Capoeria on Preston Road hosts its grand opening from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. The Brazilian martial arts school moved into the space previously held by Oasis Mind-Body Conditioning Center. The grand opening celebrates the school, which is the first full-time capoeria school in Dallas. Capoeria is a mixture of rhythm, kicks, cardiovascular training, balance and flexibility. 469.877.7078, capdallas. com, 11661 Preston.

Gio’s Café and New York Deli recently opened, and for those who have become followers of the New York Style delicatessen, keep an eye out for its upcoming Friday night Shabbat Dinners. Co-owner Lisa Giannopolous says the dinners are a tribute to its regulars from the Jewish community. “Our niche is the Jewish community — they’re our bread and butter,” Giannopolous says. The deli carries several Jewish delicacies such as challah, black and white cookies, matzo balls, rye bread, bagels, and specialty beef and pastrami from Carnegie Deli in New York City. 972.387.4467, giosdeli.com, 12817 Preston Road.

Chic from Barcelona on Preston and Forest closed its doors in January. The restaurant, which has been in our neighborhood for five years, sold some of its possessions, such as plates, and gave the proceeds to the Dallas charity Wipe Out Kids Cancer. The restaurant owners say they’re happy with the change because they’re moving back to Spain.

31 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011
liv E loC al JoiN thE DisCussioN. Read and
comment on
column at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
we’re the talk of the neighborhood

B a P t IS t

WIlSHIRe BaPtISt / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

BIBle c HUR c H e S

nORtH HIGHlandS BIBle cHURcH / www.nhbc.net

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dIS c IPle S Of cHRIS t

e a St dalla S cHRIStIan cHURcH / 629 n Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org

lU t H e R an

ZIOn lUtHeRan cHURcH & ScHOOl / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org

met HOdIS t

l ake HIGHlandS Umc / 9015 Plano Rd. (at McCree) 214.348.6600 / www.lhumc.com / Sun. School 9:45 am

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P R e SB yte RI an

nORtHPaRk PReSByteRIan cHURcH / 214.363.5457

9555 n Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services

Ble SSed aRe tHe deBOnaIR

I’m a fan of words. Wordplays, puns, and the etymologies of popular words and phrases have always fascinated me.

One word that I never liked much in the Bible, however, is “meekness”. The word appears most familiarly in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the meek.”

To be truthful, I have never made it a goal to be meek. Usually, the term implies a kind of Casper Milk Toast blandness that I have never found very attractive. You know the type people who easily see themselves as doormats, passive when they should be active.

My impression of the word changed, however, when I discovered that the French translation of the Greek word used in that passage is “debonair.” Gone was Casper Milk Toast. Instead, my mental images were of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, or of Gene Kelly, singing in the rain. I would so much rather be debonair than meek! The debonair are people who move with grace through life. They have style. Blessed are the debonair!

The Greek word “prautas” is translated as either “meekness” or “gentleness” in the Bible. The word can refer to a strong animal such as a horse, who is well-trained and gentle in spirit, in spite of its strength. It can also mean the quality of being teachable — modest, generous, humble and considerate.

In other words, those who are blessed are those who have strength, and yet use it with gentleness.

It seems to me that in recent years, our society has been losing some of its appreciation for this sort of gentle spirit. That is certainly true in the political realm, where the beatitude may well be, “Blessed are the strident.” We come to believe that gentleness is a liability and that forthright speaking of the truth is a virtue. Who can argue that there are times to express our opinions clearly — but what seems to has suffered is a general sense of civility in our country.

Prautas combines strength and gentleness. It means that while there are certainly seasons and situations in which faithfulness means strong speech, it also means that an attitude and tone devoid of graciousness cannot be the

default mode. If you are always denouncing and declaring, and never speaking tenderly and with generosity, you’re not combining faithfulness and meekness.

A recent survey at Allegheny College found that among the nearly 1,000 randomly selected Americans surveyed, there was “nearly uni-

versal agreement that civil politics is essential for a healthy democracy,” leading the study’s authors to conclude that “passionate, respectful politics is not an oxymoron.”

David J. Skorton, president of Cornell University, suggests three simple steps to enhance civility: First, assume that all opinions have value and that we may learn from others, no matter how off-putting their words seem at first.

Second, follow one of the old axioms of civil debate: Go after the opinion, not the person enunciating it.

And finally, the golden rule is golden for a good reason: All of us need to do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

As we interact with the members of our community, let us all be debonair.

Blair Monie is senior pastor of the Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.

32 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HEALTH RESOURCEWORSHIP t O adve R t IS e call 214.560.4203 W
To be truthful, I have never made it a goal to be meek. Usually, the term implies a kind of Casper Milk Toast blandness that I have never found very attractive.
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‘Tis The season

Preston Hollow Elementary students Jackelynn Garcia, s arahi Trejo, a shley Garcia, Lizbeth Renya, Briana Vallejo, Litzy o rtiz and s uzanne Bawier help deliver poinsettias during the annual sale, which generated nearly $11,000 for the school over the holidays.

Gi VinG Back

For three weeks during the holidays, neighbors stopped by The Plaza at Preston Center to visit with Santa and his reindeer during the 2010 Santa Days, a fundraiser for the North Texas Food Bank. The event raised $5,380, and the Harry Fagen estate matched the donation, supplying 43,040 meals to hungry families this winter.

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37 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011 to advertise call 214.560.4203 H o M e services H

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38 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HOME SERVICES t O ad VER t ISE C all 214.560.4203 H Lawns, Gardens & Trees ”WE CARE ABOUT YOUR TREES” On Staff: • 4 - Certified Arborists • 1 - Tex- Tech Degreed Ag • 1 - Tex A&M Degreed Forester • 3 - Certified Applicators 214-327-9311 FULLY INSURED Commercial/Residential www.holcombtreeservice.com IRISH RAIN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS • Installation • Repair LANDSCAPE DESIGN CUSTOM STONE 25 Yrs. Exp. Certified in Back Flow Prevention. Licensed by State of Texas #2738 214-827-7446 Visa Discover SPRING SPECIAL 10% Off Installation MAXIMUM DISCOUNT $200 972-413-1800 www salasservices com Free Estimates Insured Salas Services Over 20 years experience in Pruning Tree Removal Stump Grinding Landscaping
Water Leaks
Electric Sewer Drain Cleaning
Water Heater
Gas Piping
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and INSURED Licensed
CONTRACTOR (214) 319-0040 FREE INSPECTION Commercial • Residential info@ticeenterprises.net NTRCA woodworkinG
install beautiful plantation shutters. Also wood blinds.
paint match · Free Estimates James Wilcox
to advertise call 214.560.4203 March deadliNe Feb. 9

The Victim: s teven Allen

The Crime: Car burglary

date: Thursday, d ec. 16

Time: b etween 11 a.m. and noon

Location: 6100 block of Averill way

A f E w MI n UTE s I ns I d E , A nd T h E b RIE f CA s E wA s gon E .

Steven allen has been working in Preston Hollow for years, and one weekday visited a client’s home in the averill neighborhood.

“I sell real estate and do remodel and design work,” allen says. “I was doing a full remodel, and I’d gone to the home to meet with painters and an electrician that morning.”

at one point, allen had to move his car because of limited parking in front. as he entered the house, he believed he had locked his car with his keychain remote.

“I went outside and parked in the alley, and went back inside for a few minutes,” he says. “I wasn’t sure if I locked it or not.”

allen left his client’s house and drove home to Carrollton, not recognizing that he was a victim of crime.

“I didn’t realize until I got home and reached to grab my briefcase on the passenger side floorboard, and it wasn’t there,” allen says.

also missing were his phone chargers, ski clothing, a pocket camera and his laptop computer. His client’s garage opener, which he had been using to access the home, was also stolen, and he had to contact the client to change the garage opener code.

“The stuff in the car wasn’t worth much, but all my photos and templates were on my laptop. unfortunately, my backup was in my briefcase,” he says. “It was sort of frustrating because there was a lot on there that I will have to completely re-create.”

Dallas Police Lt. barry Payne of the North Central Patrol Division says criminals work quickly to enter a car, and leaving items of value inside make vehicles an easy target.

“It only takes a few seconds for someone to get into an unlocked car,” he says. “Never leave your car with anything visible inside, either unlocked or locked. If you have an alarm on your car, be sure it is set and works properly.” seaN cHaffiN

Number of applia Nces stole N from lowe’s Home improveme N t oN iN wood road Ja N 8, iNcludiNg 12 was HiNg mac HiN es, t H ree dryers a N d two microwaves


block of a lta v ista w H ere a reside N t walked iN oN a burglar sta N diNg iN H er liviNg room; H e covered His face wit H a black Jacket a N d fled t H e sce N e wit H $6,500 wort H of J ewelry

a mou N t of moN ey it cost a driver w Ho H ad His rear seat stole N from His gmc y ukoN, w Hic H was parked iN His froN t driveway iN t H e 4900 block of ridgeside



JUnIoR LEAgUE of dALLA s volunteers will offer activities and share program information during JLD’s Community Volunteer Fair Feb. 12 at NorthPark Center. For more details, call visit jld.net. noRTh dALLA s E ARLy ChILdhood PTA hosts a program “Hot Issues in Nutrition and Wellness” at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 3 in Meaders Hall at Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway. todd whitthorne, director and CEO of Cooper Concepts at the Cooper Aerobic Center, will speak about issues, including childhood obesity. For details, visit ndecpta.com or email northdallasecpta@yahoo.com.

PREsTon hoLLow E ARLy ChILdhood PTA hosts a meeting at 9 a.m. Feb. 28 at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, 9800 Preston. With more than 100 families, the group welcomes those who are new to the neighborhood or parenthood, and offers regular activities for moms and their kids, ages 0-6. For details, visit phecpta.org or email info@phecpta.org.

sUMMER fUn LIVE offers families an overview of local summer programs, sports and specialty camps 1-4 p.m. Feb. 20 at Greenhill School, 4141 Spring Valley in Addison. For more details, call 972.628.5400.

VIRgInIA R. CVETko PATIEnT EdUCATIon CEnTER hosts a breast cancer support group 6:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 1 at Baylor Health Center, 9101 N. Central near NorthPark Center. Registration is required; call 214.820.2608.


PREsTon hoLLow ELEMEnTARy raised $11,000 for the school through its annual poinsettia sale. Students sold more than 1,000 plants this year. To learn more, visit the PTA website, phes.txpta.org.


dAVE PERRy-MILLER, a real estate specialist and Preston Hollow resident, has been named 2011 board president of the USA Film Festival, a Dallas nonprofit organization that promotes excellence in film and video. Dave Perry-Miller & Associates is part of Ebby Halliday Real Estate.

AMAndA AshMEAd, English and economics teacher at Hillcrest High School, received a Texas Exes Award for Outstanding Teachers. The award recognizes University of Texas alumni for their achievement in teaching and administration.

hAVE An ITEM To bE fEATUREd? p lease submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com. our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

39 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com February 2011 Got a crime to report or cop question? e mail crime@advocatemag.com TRUE CRIME
18 SO ur C e : Dallas Police Department
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40 February 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 5814 Watson $1,990,000 Stunning Mediterranean villa on estate lot in Preston Hollow! State-of-the-art kitchen open to stately great room! Master suite is a true retreat! Inviting back covered patio! Secondary bdrms are best in class! A rare find! Kyle Rovinsky 972.989.8568 7202 N. Janmar $1,585,000 Signature home in Janmar Estates! Situated on a romantic hillside this 5 bedroom home provides quiet oasis in the busy city! This rare offering boasts estate type living and privacy on almost .7 of an acre! Kyle Rovinsky 972.989.8568 6630 Orchid Lane $1,675,000 Distinctive Architecture nestled on a corner lot in Preston Hollow. Majestic foyer leads to sophisticated living spaces, multiple dining areas, & classic study. Four impressive FP’s w/ hand carved wd. mantels, lend a feeling of opulence. Rolling green gardens are part of this 6/6.1/3-car home. Linda Reyna 214.808.5353 Lydia Player 7625 Pebblestone $140,000 Cute two bedroom one story in prestigious Pagewood community. Private covered patio w/ small garden plus tasteful interior upgrades & updates ensure this one is move-in ready. Pride of ownership conveys! Stuart Lee 214.796.1091 Stuart E. Lee Linda Claycomb Sterling Deason Linda Reyna Kyle Rovinsky Kyle Rovinsky Lori Sparks Lori Kircher Lori Kircher Lori Sparks Soozie Bul Greg Pape 5830 Northmoor $350,000 Investment Dream. Live in this beautiful 2,042 sq foot home now and build later on huge lot near Preston Forest. High quality, charm & warmth, gleaming wd. floors. Priced better than a foreclosure. $2,400 a mnth.lease. Lydia Player 214.632.2883 4222 Alta Vista Lane $375,000 Charm and quality abound in this pier and beam home with open floor plan, surrounded by trees & lush landscaping on 100x182’ lot! Pretty French drs & walls of windows! Well equipped kitchen is completely open to family room. Awesome value for super location! Approx 1,831 sq ft, 3/2/2LA/2-car/.4 acre Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 7009 Chevy Chase $435,000 A terrific floorplan highlights this delightful 3/2.5 bath home in Windsor Place. Vaulted ceilings, island kitchen w/ sunny breakfast rm. Oversized master suite down w/ 2 bedrooms up. Open & light in great location. Soozie Bul 214.673.6259 4209 Meadowdale Lane $509,500 Outstanding designer-owned, light-filled contemporary home has been remodeled & updated to the highest standards! Museum finish walls, SS chef’s kitchen, glass walls & doors, art lighting, sound system, vessel & pedestal sinks in state-of-the-art baths & panoramic views of patio, pool & yd! Approx. 2,754 sq ft! 4/3.1/2LA/2-Car/Pool Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 11526 Valleydale Drive $899,000 Fabulous value on gorgeous 2008 construction in Jan Mar! Exquisite finish-out including handscraped wood floors, Limestone entry w/ iron balustrade staircase, granite kitchen w/ stainless appliances, and paneled study w/ fireplace. 5/4.1/3LA/STY/3-CAR/Huge Yd! Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 6411 Tulip Lane $439,000 The charm of Preston Hollow with the preferred sleek interior of today! Move-in ready with large, open rms & lots of natural light! Wood floors, skylights, 2 wbfp, great storage, gorgeous deck & yard! 3/2.1/2LA/2CAR Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 6239 Preston Crest $799,000 Beautifully redone!!!! Energy Star Certified! Elegant home with 4 bedrooms, 5.5 Baths, 3 Living Areas, 3 Firepl. + 3 Car Garage!! Master Bdrm Down! Vaulted Ceilings! Hardwoods & Marble Floors! Custom Lg. Closets! Gourmet Kit w/ slab granite counters! Call Today! Linda Claycomb 214.755.6542/Sterling Deason 214.415.6392 7515 Malabar $599,000 Great home with master down and 3 bedrooms up, 3 living areas, hardwoods! Fabulous size island kitchen w/ breakfast area overlooking landscaped lg. back yard w/ pool! Upstairs gameroom and study! Lots of windows! Greg Pape 214.546.4066 sold forsaleorlease NewlIsTINg reduced 6060 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 Kathy Riggs Rylander, 972.407.4655 NewPrIce NewlIsTINg

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2011 February Preston Hollow by Advocate Media - Dallas - Issuu