I was in fourth grade when fate joined me with prescription glasses.
I was sitting in the last row of the classroom, as far from the blackboard and teacher as possible. This wasn’t necessarily my choice; although I tend to be a backbencher by nature, the fact that my last name begins with “W” generally resulted in a spot in the back of every classroom with my bottom-of-the-alphabet compadres.
(I would imagine, what with all of the political correctness these days, the “Ws” are no longer exclusively relegated to the back of the class. But I digress …)
Something new was in the works that day: A class project was on the pull-down screen in front of the blackboard, and the teacher took turns ensuring we were engaged/awake by randomly calling on us to read portions of the assignment.
Reading wasn’t a problem for me, as you can probably imagine from my line of work, and soon it was my turn. Immediately, I began stumbling over one word after another.
First, I was frustrated. Then I was embarrassed. Then I was silent.
Maybe the teacher saw me squinting. Maybe she had a hunch. But in what presumably was an attempt to help, she methodically moved me up one seat in the row, and then another, and then another, as I continued to stumble over the words.
Now, I have to admit that by the time I was temporarily seated in the front row having displaced four or five chuckling classmates along the way — my reading difficulty was more a function of water in my eyes than my inability to see the screen.
Regardless, the teacher sent home a note suggesting my parents have my eyesight checked out.
Soon thereafter, I was selecting my first set of prescription glasses from among the five or so “youth” options available at Duling Optical in Detroit Lakes, Minn. Those black horn-rimmed beauties went through a lot with me — touch football games, Little League baseball, my first (and last) junior high dance, lots of good and some less-than-good grades, and the usual other collection of school-age fun.
I’ve worn glasses every day since, with 12 or so months off for contacts my first year in college — I wanted to make a good impression, I suppose, as if wearing glasses was really a life-changing negative.
It turned out the original “hard” contacts, combined with the wind and cold of Chicago mornings, just weren’t for me.
Every five or so years since, I’ve wound up with either a new set of frames, lenses or — pocketbook willing — both.
And that’s a long-winded way of explaining why my column picture looks different today. Maybe you noticed; maybe you didn’t.
The photo needed to be changed anyway. A few months ago, someone recognized me in a restaurant and suggested I didn’t look like myself.
“Your hair looks a lot whiter in person than it is in the magazine,” she told me, simply stating the obvious.
So now I will gaze out at you with whiter hair, a lighter beard and a new set of glasses.
I can see a lot better with these glasses, too, so it should be easier for me to connect with you now that I’ll be able to see more clearly if you’re wearing glasses or not.
To see The progression of rick Wamre’s frame fashion since elementary, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com and search: glasses
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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Comments are in response to a story we published with Dealey Montessori’s tennis coach and activist about his comic book in our February magazine.
“James Disco: It’s refreshing to see someone take such an active role in not only teaching kids tennis, but also lifelong lessons. I look forward to reading the new book. Thank you for your inspiration, your hard work and your endeavors.”
—Katherine Calabria“This sounds like an incredible journey not only for the lost boys, but also the author! I also look forward to reading this book. I am simply amazed by what these children had to do to survive.” —Susan
Hundley“Thank you, coach James, for being a person of integrity, an activist and wonderful coach, teaching our children at Dealey Tennis. Your hard work, your passion, your patience make a difference in many areas of our community and families. Thank you for having a vision and for being who you are. Your kindness is very much appreciated!”
—Dealey Family“Wasn’t the ice house there first?”
James Davenport on facebook.com/ prestonhollowadvocate , in response to a story about Park Towers’ homeowners association taking their complaints about Katy Trail Ice House to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
From practically nothing to go on, cpl. David Bates started the renowned Leadership cadet Program at T.c. Marsh in ‘98 after a school principal, whose flat tires he changed on the side of the road, offered him a job. Bates later rallied the support of neighbors and built a military museum on campus. Now he’s done a little something for himself and his own family, and subsequently for an audience of readers, in writing his memoir, “Narrow It Down.” The book is for teachers, leaders and anyone who needs to cut out some of the excuses in their lives and start achieving greatness.
What inspired “Narrow It Down”?
My father died before I got to know him as a man, and vice versa. So I thought in case something happened to me, I should leave something so my daughter would know who I am.
Did your father die recently?
No, he died when I was a young man.
When I got the idea to write the book, I had been coming home late from work a lot, and by the time I got there, my daughter was already in bed. I thought I was missing a lot of her growing up. I started out writing a memoir, and then it turned into my philosophy and advice for the masses. I put it together and sent it somewhere, and someone said, ‘It’s pretty good; we’ll put a cover on it.’
And the next thing you know, it was available on Amazon.
When does one turn into a “man”? When did you decide that for yourself and think your thoughts were worth sharing in a book?
When you’re a teenager you think you know everything. You think, ‘I’m a man now.’ You see your father as this guy who is always telling you what not to do. You don’t realize what your father is. You don’t realize it until you get the experience of college, the military or become a parent yourself. When can you say you are a man yourself? Post college and a year or two into the workforce. When you’re paying the bills. [Laughs]
How long were you in the military?
Three years and 17 weeks. I was a mortarman in the Airborne Infantry. I trained to kill people. I’m not saying I did; I’m just saying that was my job.
Did you become serious about things after joining the military? Years after. In the military, you do what you’re told. You go out and about to places that are different from what you know. It wasn’t until I was working with children that I started thinking about the future —the future of the country, but I focus on my area. I have a hand in the area of education in the state of Texas. I met with guys from Guam and Saipan to talk
to them about how I teach. They found my teachings online through my book.
Is “Narrow it Down” aimed at educators working with students?
It’s for everybody. There is a chapter called ‘No Excuses’ about how we can do anything we want. I learned a long time ago my first sergeant didn’t care what my excuse was. All he cared about was that there was no excuse. I took that and learned from that.
Is there a certain chapter or section of the book you feel strongest about or closest to?
The chapter based on what the title is about, chapter 12. It’s about narrowing down what we can directly influence. In our lives there is a ‘ring of influence’ and a ‘ring of concern.’
What does that mean?
What you can actually influence is what you should focus on. Teachers and everybody live inside the realm of concern. Instead of worrying about what you don’t have control over, worry about things like your local government and your neighborhood. Worry about where you live.
What happens if you can’t help but feel concerned?
Sometimes you just need to refocus a lot of your efforts, and the ring of influence will get bigger and bigger.
What reactions have you received?
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People really like it, but some people said they wanted more. They wanted me to expand on my chapters. They said it reads exactly like I sound. There’s a typo in here and I like that. Because it’s personal and genuine.
Are you still writing? Are you content?
I am content with the book. I’d like to talk more to people about it. Like when I’m invited to speak. I enjoy talking to groups when they have questions. I’ve done a couple of those, and it’s been people who’ve read the book and have questions about it good or bad. I don’t want to write anymore, though.
If anybody could take one thing away from what you wrote, what do you want that to be?
Really, there are no excuses. I really like that whole attitude, and in the book I tell you how I got it. One day, in the military, we were on a run and the first sergeant comes and runs with us. One mile passes, then two, then three, then at four guys start falling out to catch their breath. I do the same. The first sergeant asks the one man, ‘Why did you fall out?’ and he says it’s because he felt sick that morning. He asks the next guy and he says it’s because
he didn’t get to eat the night before. By the time he got to me, I figured it out. I said, ‘I don’t have an excuse, First Sergeant.’ I literally took that from that day forward. If you can think it, it can be done. I said, let’s just teach that to the kids. There is no excuse if you take out all the cons.
—Monica S. Nagy
“NARROW IT DOWN” is available at amazon.com for $8.99. Read more about David Bates and his work in the school and community, and watch our Marsh Middle School military museum and ROTC videos at advocatemag.com SEARCH: David Bates
Have lunch … at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center as part of the North Texas Food Bank’s 14th annual Empty Bowls event on Friday, March 1. Pay $35 in advance or $40 at the door and eat a lunch of soup, bread and dessert provided by local restaurants. At the end of your lunch, take home a bowl hand-crafted by a local artisan. “No bowl” tickets are available for $25, and VIP tickets, which offer early entry at 10:30 a.m., cost $100. All proceeds go to the food bank’s mission of eliminating hunger in North Texas. Tickets are available at ntfb.org.
Have Dinner …
at Edison’s from 6:30 p.m. to midnight March 2. The $50 per person event is a part of the Friends of Hillcrest/Franklin’s “Our children, our community, our future” live and silent auctions to raise money for school programs, including the mock trial team, theater and newspaper classes. Make a check out to “Friends of HHS/FMS”and mail to: Patti Thompson, 5843 Willow Lane, Dallas, Texas, 75230; or pay online at hillcrestdallas.org under “Announcements.”
that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
A Japanese chin and Maltese mix, Gidget’s relationship with her person, Preston Hollow resident Beth McKee, is a “who rescued who” story, says McKee. Gidget came into McKee’s life during a period of depression after McKee had to put down her previous dog. Named for her tiny size, Gidget also goes by Gidge. As she brings joy to McKee, she also delights others during her walks around the neighborhood.
We welcome you to join our practice where we specialize in families. Celebrating over
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Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D
David M. Bookout, M.D.
Julie M. Hagood, M.D.
James K. Richards, M.D. (center row)
Jennifer Muller, M.D.
John D. Bertrand, M.D. (front row)
Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D.
Hampton B. Richards, M.D.
When Preston Hollow resident Virginia Chandler Dykes was a child, her grandmother gave her advice that shaped her future. “My grandmother always told me, ‘Get a good education, and no one can take that away from you,’” she says. Dykes received her bachelor’s degree in art and psychology from Southern Methodist University in 1952. “There wasn’t much you could do with those degrees,” she laughs. Out of curiosity she met with Fanny Vanderkoi, Texas Women’s University’s first head of occupational therapy. “I talked with her in her office, and she said that I was going to be an occupational therapist. It was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Dykes says. She completed the program in two years and went on to be director of Baylor University Medical Center’s occupational and recreational therapy department for the next 25 years. “That was at a time when they were really building up Baylor,” she says. Dykes led several departments and clinics ranging from psychiatry to hand splinting. After noticing all the women gathering together to chat after dropping off their husbands, who were stroke patients, Dykes decided to form the first support group, called
Boomerang. “The patients and wives really got behind it. We even had a crest made,” she says with pride. Dykes didn’t stop there; she also went on to create the Virginia Chandler Dykes endowed scholarship fund for TWU therapy students at her alma mater, with the help of her husband. The scholarship was a hit, and a friend suggested adding a program to honor outstanding clinicians. “Then I thought, why don’t we just expand this to involve all leaders in the community,” she says. After getting the OK from Ann Stuart, TWU chancellor and president, in 2002 she started the Virginia Dykes Leadership Award. Dykes has so far honored people such as Susan and Charles Cooper; Marnie and Kern Wildenthal; Myrna D. Schlegel and Kimberly Schlegel Whitman; and T. Boone Pickens. What started off with a collection of about 100 people in a medium-sized room at the inaugural award ceremony has turned into a group of 400 celebrating the event. Recently Dykes’ husband died, and she’s looking for yet another goal to keep her busy. “To enable young people to achieve their dreams has been a joy to me and my beloved husband,” she says.
March 2013
March 14-17
Foodies, wine lovers and curious culinary consumers are invited to the 9th annual Savor Dallas. The event, featuring cuisine from more than 60 of the Dallas area’s top chefs plus 400 premium wines and imported beers, kicks off at Trinity Groves at the foot of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge on March 14. Festivities include “Wine Stroll at the Perot”, at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, and the global wine and cheese celebration at The Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek.
Perot Museum of Nature and Science event 7-9 p.m. March 15, 2201 N. Field, $35; The Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek 2-3 p.m. March 16, 2821 Turtle Creek Blvd., 214.696.2493, Savordallas.com, $35-300 (package pricing available)
Join your neighbors for the citywide volunteer opportunity, “It’s my park day,” which runs from 8 a.m. to noon. Participate by performing tasks such as litter pick-up, graffiti removal, weeding and more. Northaven Trail organizers will also do their part by planting flowers and shrubs at the trail head on Freda Stern near the JCC. The event will be from 9 to noon. Dallas Park and Recreation Department, 214.670.8483, dallasparks.org/main/home.aspx
A winner of five Tony awards, this musical delves into the causes, conditions and characters involved in the 1912 sinking of the Titanic.
Jewish Community Center of Dallas, 7900 Northaven, 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org, $15-$25
This Latin-inspired exercise class is set to high-energy music and designed to help students dance away calories. The sessions are for adults only, and you’ll “party” instead of “work out,” organizers say. Classes are taught 6:30-7:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays and 10:1511:15 a.m. Saturdays.
Churchill Recreation Center, 6906 Churchill Way, call Shanell McNeil at 972.773.9116, dallasparks.org/ facilities/recreation, $5 per class
March 1
Benjamin Franklin Middle School students will perform the Broadway hit “Grease” at 7:30 p.m. in the Franklin Auditorium. The youngsters have been hopelessly devoted to rehearsals — singing, dancing and acting — since October, so expect some serious hand jiving, rocking and rolling.
Benjamin Franklin Middle School, 6920 Meadow, franklin.txpta.org, general admission $4-$5, reserved $6
Melissa Greener will perform her emofolk music, inspired by modernist poets and the ’60s, at 8 p.m. Kate Klim failed at acting as a child but prospered as a musician. Klim headlines with her folkpop music.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, 9555 N. Central Expressway, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org
$15 in advance and $18 at the door
Bring the whole family to this free event outside the high school that will feature about 100 booths from different community organizations and live performances 11 a.m.-3 p.m. W.T. White student clubs, teams, parent volunteers, elementary and middle school groups, neighborhood organizations, local businesses and food trucks will be present.
W.T. White High School, 4505 Ridgeside Drive, 972.502.6200, dallasisd.org/wtwhite, free
Town North Family YMCA will meet in the lobby at 5:30 p.m. for an Easter egg hunt for the family.
Town North Family YMCA, 4332 Northaven, 214.357.8431, ymcadallas.org/locations/town_ north, free
Bring a photo of a portion of your yard that you want to redesign and spend 45 minutes with North Haven Gardens and Roundtree Landscaping experts for one-on-one consultations. North Haven Gardens’ adviser will even help you pick out the perfect plants.
North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, $60
Introducing Tea Swim. For the first time ever: Swimsuits so colorful and comfortable, of course they come from Tea! babybliss & miniME 6721 Snider Plaza 469.232.9420 shopbabybliss.com
Forget your typical bakery – we’re your amazingly fun every day hangout! Coffee, treats, lunch, wine & cheese. Market fresh ingredients baked daily. 15615 Quorum Dr - Addison Circle 972.387.CAKE polkadotbakery.co
Spring into Savings arriving daily Name Brands and gently used apparel as well as new belts, socks, tights and bows. 9am7pm M-F, 10am - 7pm Sat and 1pm - 6pm Sun 6300 Skillman St #150 214.503.6010 onceuponachildlakehighlands.com
Read how Kabbalah can help your soul mate find you using a new set of rules with a spiritual approach to creating a happy fulfilling life. 12817 Preston Rd Ste. 130 in Preston Valley Shopping
More than 200,000 sets of eyes are checking out these items right now. Get your specialty items or featured products in front of your neighbors that love to shop local for unique items.
The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com
4217 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.2201 albiernats.com
AMbiANce: cozy
Price rANge: $23–$85
DiD you kNow?
Try The ribeye MeDiuM rAre PluS To MeDiuM wiTh A liTTle béArNAiSe SAuce oN The SiDe.
Onany given night at Al Biernat’s you might run into a celebrity Rob Thomas or Martin Short, perhaps. The restaurant’s good reputation is rooted in years of hard work and attention to detail. For 15 years Al Biernat worked as the general manager for the Palm Restaurant. In 1998 he decided to open his own steakhouse with a premium selection that would satiate any carnivore’s appetite. “A lot of people compare us to a New York restaurant, but it’s also a neighborhood place known for great steaks and great service,” says Brad Fuller, general manager and nephew of the legendary Biernat. Customers even ask for specific bussers and servers when they come in, Fuller says. The charming staff isn’t the only draw to the restaurant — the cowboy-cut ribeye is a heaping 24-ounce steak (wet aged for 28 days) cooked on the grill and marinated with an olive oil base. The best way to eat it is medium rare plus, but it can be cooked any way you like, Fuller says. Al Biernat’s chefs even make an oft-shunned vegetable delicious — sautéed in olive oil, topped with freshly smoked bacon and drizzled with crème fraîche, you’ll second-guess your childhood hatred of Brussels sprouts.
—Monica S. NagyThough this family-operated steakhouse is known for its mesquite broiled steaks, they also serve tenderloins, sirloins, ribeyes, T-Bones and prime rib on mesquite grills.
5423 Lovers Lane
Try the veal diane, a plate of veal scaloppini with crabmeat in brandy cream sauce. If you’re the type that feels guilty about eating veal, the outdoor patio overlooking Bachman Lake and sweet owner Zee Bugatti may put you at ease.
3802 W. Northwest Highway
Medina specializes in Moroccan/Mediterranean cuisine where the skewers of merguez lamb sausage seasoned with fennel and oregano are just the kind of garnish your couscous needs.
2304 Victory Park Lane
Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/dining
This hot spot is complete with a grand patio for a Torchy’sinspired picnic. Have a taco (or four!), then wash it down with a specialty cocktail from our Firewater Menu.
Serving authentic pizza napoletana. Enjoy simple, fresh, delicious pizza made with passion and artful skill. Texas’ #1 Pizzeria, as rated by Zagat Mon.-Thurs. 11am-9pm, Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm, Sun. 4pm-8pm
Art Scavenger Hunt 10 am – 2 pm
Children’s Art Activity 10 am – 12 noon
Art in Action Sculpture Demo
10 am – 12:30 pm
Family Tours
Hourly from 10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Yoga in the Garden 11:30 am
Presented by YogaSport (weather permitting)
Creative Writing with The Writer’s Garret 12 pm
Storytime with Dallas Public Library 12:30 pm
NasherKids Live! 1 pm
Science for Kids, Presented by the Perot Museum of Nature and Science
NasherKids Meal at Nasher Cafe 11 am – 2 pm
I received a phone call last month: “I’m writing a book and need to know if people still call Texas wine Chateau Bubba?”
“Hardly,” I was happy to say.
The quality of Texas wine has never been better, and more wine drinkers than ever know this. A Texas wine Twitter event in January was such a success that TxWine was the Twitter’s most popular hashtag that evening — not an easy feat on a social media network where the Kardashians are the top attraction. And how about a Texas wine stunning the food types at a barbecue cookoff in the Pacific Northwest earlier this year, besting wines from California, Washington, and France?
But that’s far from the only good news. The 2012 grape crop was the second outstanding harvest in three years, perhaps the first time that has happened in Texas wine history. Yes, the state still doesn’t produce enough grapes, and the Legislature still regards Texas wine as something akin to the bearded lady in a carnival sideshow, but the industry has overcome those handicaps with style. Today, Texas wine not only tastes good, but tastes like it’s supposed to taste. All of which means it’s time to try the state’s wine. The following are available from their respective wineries if you can’t find them at your local retailer:
($26). Yes, it’s pricey, but worth the expense. Kiepersol, somehow, can turn out top wines from its vineyards in East Texas — not an easy thing to do.
($12). Skeptics always complain that Texas wine is too expensive. That’s where this red blend comes in, which is often for sale in grocery stores for as little as $10.
($12). A simple red blend that is greater than the sum of its parts. My pal Dave McIntyre, the wine columnist at the Washington Post, drinks this at home and pays for it. —Jeff
every Friday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
This is one of those things that is expensive to buy and seemingly too difficult to make at home — the province of big name chefs. In fact, it’s amazingly easy, and the peppers can be used in pasta, sandwiches or pizza. Serve with the Texas wine of your choice.
4 large red bell peppers, seeded and cut in 1/2 lengthwise
2 Tbsp olive oil
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F.
2. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil on a baking sheet and place the peppers, cut side up, on the oil. Turn the peppers over, season them with salt and pepper, and roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Place the warm peppers in a bowl, and cover with plastic wrap. Set aside to cool for at least 30 minutes, and then peel the skin off.
Takes 50 minutes
How many wineries does Texas have?
many as 10 years a g o.
—Jeff Siegel
FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2013
For sponsorship information and tickets, call 214.515.1342 fowlerhomes.org
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Dr. Cothern is one of a small distinguished percentage of dentists who have invested in postgraduate training at one of the world’s premiere continuing education institutes, The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. We care about you as a unique individual and examine you in a way that together we can understand every aspect of your oral health. In our office we love what we do. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!
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80% of our perception is processed through our visual system. It is estimated that one in four school age children has an undiagnosed vision condition. Regular vision exams will ensure that your child’s eyes and visual system are helping them gain the most from their school experience. Call Dallas Eyeworks to schedule a convenient exam with Dr. Meyer.
Dallas Eyeworks 9225 Garland Rd., Ste. 2120, Dallas, TX 75218 214.660.9830
Admit it. You’ve already given up on your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and eat healthy. Now here we are in March; we’ve made it past the candies and chocolates and are entering the month of green beer. Now is the perfect opportunity to spring into the season with fresh greens (no, we don’t mean those artificially colored shamrock cookies). Allow us to suggest a few neighborhood restaurants offering delicious vegetarian fare for under $10 a dish, and no, it’s not all rabbit food.
5950 Royal gazeeboburgers.com
The restaurant features an island of condiments such as mayonnaise, honey mustard, ranch, pico de gallo, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes and jalapeños with no upcharge so you can cool your burger down or spice it up.
Eating vegetarian doesn’t require you to pop open cans of spinach daily, a la Popeye. Plenty of restaurants offer vegetable and black bean burgers that taste close to the real thing. Gazeebo Burgers offers four different types of veggie burgers. The garden burger is a patron favorite, says Dan Son, director of operations. “We have it so we can offer any individual choices.” The burger sits in between a toasted, butterfree bun covered with melted Swiss and one-third of an avocado. The restaurant features an island of condiments such as mayonnaise, honey mustard, ranch, pico de gallo, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes and jalapeños with no upcharge so you can cool your burger down or spice it up. Black bean burgers cost 95 cents more, but the garden burger is jaw-droppingly large, and you can order American, pepper jack or cheddar if you feel neutral about Swiss cheese. If you’re the kind of person who needs to pair your burger with something else, yet want to stay healthy, try the side green salad with romaine lettuce, croutons, tomatoes and cucumbers. This isn’t your typical small salad in a Styrofoam bowl; it’s practically a dinner salad.
Gazeebo also offers pasta and Caesar salads that you can order sans the chicken for $2 less. Have a gluten-intolerance? Gazeebo has gluten-free buns for $2 more. Son says the cooks set a portion of the grill aside for the veggie burgers so meat juices don’t taint the vegetarian food. The restaurant also has an open kitchen so you can watch your food being cooked. “The menu will always stay this way,” Son says.
“It’s the old saying, ‘Keep it simple, stupid.’”
TEN MORE SPOTS that offer meat-free menu items for $10 or less
Snappy Salads
5915 Forest, Suite 300 snappysalads.com
Elevation Burger
8611 Hillcrest, Suite 195 elevationburger.com
Pizza by Marco
10720 Preston, Suite 1014 pizzabymarco.com
Celebrity Café and Bakery
10720 Preston, Suite 1016 enjoycelebrity.com
Royal China
6025 Royal, Suite 201 royalchinadallas.com
Southpaw’s Organic Café
6009 Berkshire southpawsgrill.com
Picasso’s 972.503.3300
12300 Inwood, Suite 116 picassospizza.com
The Mint 214.219.6468
4246 Oak Lawn asianmint.com
Celebration Restaurant 214.351.5681
4503 W. Lovers celebrationrestaurant.com
Mughlai 972.392.7786
5301 Alpha, Suite 14 mughlaidallas.com
2330 Royal, Suite 900
(Closed on Saturdays)
New Start Veggie Garden opened six years ago after owner Susan Kim recovered from breast cancer. Once a meat lover, Kim changed her diet after she was diagnosed, and attributes that to her recovery. The restaurant is centered around an all-vegan buffet that features items such as crispy soy sesame chicken, soy beef, pumpkin miso soup, vegetable tempura, fried rice, spring rolls, kimchee pancakes and even bite-sized cheesecakes made from pineapple and tofu. Drinks are included with the buffet. Choose sweet cinnamon juice or refreshing cucumber lemonade. Each day the chef switches out one or two items, and prepares all the sauces and dressings fresh. The specialty of the buffet is the Bibimbap dish you can make yourself, although manager Seoung Choi is adamant about helping. Bibimbap is basically a large bowl of Asian bean sprouts, bok choy, spinach, radish, carrots, kimchee and eggplant topped with brown rice, Korean spicy sauce, sesame oil and kelp powder. Once that’s done, grab a fork, chopsticks, or whatever makes you comfortable and mix it all together. The vegetables are neither hot nor mushy; they are cold and some are firm. “I want the vegetables to taste alive,” Choi says. That’s not his only wish, though; “I really want to show this food to American people. The owner doesn’t do this for money, but to preach the goodness of this diet.”
8111 Preston, Suite 150 nsgrillpc.com
Head chef Richard Blankenship put his own spin on traditional Middle Eastern tabouleh with vegetarians and the gluten-intolerant in mind. Blankenship’s black kale tabouleh is crafted with shaved fennel, celery leaves and quinoa with a lemon and olive oil base. “I made this salad differently to meet the dietary demands of the neighborhood,” he says. Traditionally, tabouleh is made with plenty of parsley, bulgur wheat, lemon juice and tomatoes. The chef wasn’t a fan, so he decided to mix it up by replacing parsley with black kale, a super food with tons of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, beta-carotene and chlorophyll; quinoa instead of bulgur wheat; and the fennel and celery to jazz it up. Blankenship also toasts some of the kale to add a little crispiness in place of croutons. “We wanted this to be kind of like a signature dish,” he says. The restaurant also offers an Asian green salad, vegetable roll with asparagus, cucumber, shiso, carrot, celery and ginger, and features a juice bar with fresh extracted fruit and vegetable juices. Blankenship says he might change some items on the menu mid-March to offer lighter, seasonal vegetables. Luckily, the black kale tabouleh isn’t going anywhere, but if you order it, you might want to check your teeth in the bathroom before you leave.
“I wholeheartedly endorse Leland as our District 13 City Councilman.”
Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM
T. Hee Greetings & Gifts has closed its Preston Center store less than three months after opening it. The owners didn’t have enough foot traffic at the Preston Hollow location to sustain their business, they said. Residents will have to trek to East Dallas or Lake Highlands locations for St. Patrick’s Day supplies.
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is being asked to serve as a noise buffer between the Katy Trail Ice House and nearby residents. Park Towers‘ homeowners association has been involved in a tussle over noise complaints since the bar’s inception. The HOA took its complaints to the TABC where it is seeking a noise abatement agreement.
The tapas and tequila restaurant Boca Chica recently opened its 6,500-square-foot restaurant in the Shops at Park Lane on the third floor. The menu includes “grandes plates” for groups of four with whole fresh market fish stuffed with lobster and pico de gallo, and broiled inlime butter sauce with green rice and tortillas, or pollo en mole, a smoked whole chicken with mole poblano, pico de gallo, garlic roasted potatoes and tortillas. Salivating? Boca Chica has 30 imported tequilas and myriad creative cocktail options to sip.
Glen Meadow Estates homeowners are disgruntled about a Walmart and Sam’s Club that will be developed at LBJ and Midway if zoning is approved. Neighbors are concerned about trash bags cluttering their neighborhood, the smell of old food wafting into their backyards and disruptive delivery truck noises. The existing strip center would be demolished except for Midway Point and In-N-Out Burger. Spanish Point Apartments, the now empty North Ridge Apartments and Townhomes, and existing Walmart grocery in Farmers Branch would also be demolished. The Sam’s Club on Belt Line (Addison) would shut down due to the new one being built. Three new leases will be on the market, and neighbors fear fast food chains will occupy the spots.
T.Hee Greetings and Gifts
Katy Ice House 3136BROUTH 214.468.0600
Boca Chica Tapas and Tequila 8160 PARK LANE
Medical City Dallas Hospital and Medical City Children’s Hospital
7777FOREST LANE, DALLAS,TX 75230 972.566.8888
Massage Envy Spa 11920 PRESTON
Spoon Bar and Kitchen 8220 WESTCHESTERDRIVE 214.368.8220
1 Medical City Dallas Hospital and Medical City Children’s Hospital will undergo a $114 million expansion to add four floors to one of its towers and expand another floor as a part of a massive update.
2 Brokers helped sign a deal to lease a 3,236 square-foot Massage Envy Spa in the Market at Preston Forest. The spa is currently under construction and expected to open sometime April. 3 Bailey’s Prime Plus at the Shops at Park Lane closed. 4 David Collier is the new pastry chef at Spoon Bar & Kitchen in Preston Center. His revamped dessert menu launched early February.
W.T. White student JamarKus Smith signed a letter of intent to play football for New Mexico Military as a part of Dallas Independent School District’s National Signing Day. At the event, 112 DISD student athletes signed scholarships for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year.
Three Hillcrest students signed scholarships for National Signing Day Eddie Day Jr. signed a letter of intent to play football for Tarleton State University, Tim Singleton signed to play basketball for the University of Richmond and Megan Tomlin signed to play soccer for St. Mary’s University.
Hillcrest senior Sydney Pedigo recently was named a National Merit Scholar finalist. Pedigo is awaiting acceptance to the University of Southern California.
Hillcrest senior Elizabeth Crowling came out on top against four other finalists for a $30,000 Davey O’Brien High School Scholarship. The $30,000 scholarship is given to “an exceptional senior student-athlete” in the North Texas area.
Fourth-grade DeGolyer student Haneen Amarneh recently won the Division Spelling Bee by out-spelling an eighth-grader.
Ori Raphael, vice president of business development for FreshLoc, a wireless temperature monitoring company, is running for Councilwoman Linda Koop’s District 11 seat when her term expires in May. Raphael formerly worked as an aide to U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions where he learned how state and federal issues intertwine. With experience in the business/ technology realm, Raphael says his knowledge of the two make him a perfect candidate. Lee Kleinman, former District 11 Dallas park board member, is also running for the seat. Kleinman made his announcement early January.
The Arts Community Alliance (TACA) awardered Preston Hollow’s Shakespeare Dallas a $35,000 grant. John Hall, president of the board of directors for Shakespeare Dallas, says they will use the money to “continue educating the North Texas community through the works of Shakespeare, whether it’s through our in-school program, our five-year collaboration with the ATT Performing Arts Center, or our 42nd season of Shakespeare in the Park.”
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
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8494 Stults Rd Dallas / 214.349.8912 /dallaslutheranschool.com
5400 E. Mockingbird Ln. Dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool. com
1606 Patterson St. Dallas / 214.969.7861 / fbacademy.com
5740 Prospect Ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630/ ziondallas. org
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www.highlanderschool.com
7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391 stchristophersmontessori.com
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org
69% of our readers say they want to know more about private schools. to advertise call 214.560.4203
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),
Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500
WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
GRACE BIBlE CHURCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org
Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am
Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779
Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697
CENTRAl CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291
Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome
E AST DAllAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
Sundays: School for all ages 9:30 am / Worship service 10:50 am 214.352.4841 / www.midwayhills.org
lAKE HIGHlANDS UMC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am
Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303
NORTHPARK PRESBy TERIAN CHURCH / 214.363.5457 9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
UNIT y Of DAllAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
This month’s column arrives just as Christians are in the midst of the season called Lent. The word “Lent” comes from the Germanic root lenz, which means “spring,” the season of the lengthening of daylight hours. The season runs 40 days plus Sundays, from Ash Wednesday until Easter.
Lent is traditionally a time for self-reflection, spiritual discipline and self-denial, a preparation for Holy Week and the celebration of the resurrection. The culmination of the season is both Holy Week and Passover thus it is a good time to stress all that Christians and Jews have in common.
A common question I hear during this season is, “What are you giving up for Lent?” The answers vary from chocolate to alcohol, which I suppose aren’t bad ideas. I would do well to make Lent a season to lose some weight (the ultimate in self-negation), but that would be a good idea in other seasons, too.
I’ve been thinking: What, exactly, should I give up for Lent? Since this is a season for looking deeply within ourselves and making changes in the interior “floor plan” of our lives, what changes would really be helpful?
So here goes — my list of Lenten suggestions. It is not complete, by any means. I would suggest that you pick up on this list and write your own.
I will consider giving up the following:
• Using the word “I.” It would certainly force me to think about things differently, and focus on other people.
• Offering “constructive criticism” — in fact, not offering criticism at all, only compliments.
• Blame. During Lent, I would not blame anything on anyone — congress, the president, the economy or even fate. Take re-
sponsibility for what’s mine, and let the rest go.
• Hurrying. Slow down and realize that getting there five minutes later would not be the end of the world.
• Dumb TV. Not TV altogether, because I enjoy reruns of “Downton Abbey.” But no “bubblegum for the mind” — TV just for the sake of TV.
• Name calling. Stop being judgmental
Lent, I will consider giving up blame — on congress, the president, the economy or even fate. Take responsibility for what’s mine, and let the rest go.
by labeling people with words like “conservative” or “liberal,” “lazy” or “weird.” Everybody is unique.
• Worrying. I would take more time to consider the lilies.
• Plastic bags. Paper is so much better for the environment.
• Internet. OK, now I’m meddling. But I spend way too much time at the computer and staring at my iPhone.
• Talking about myself. As it turns out, I’m a lot less interesting than I think.
So there we are. I promise you, I will not give up everything on this list. After all, I’m no saint. But one or two, here and there, would do me good.
Now it’s your turn, dear reader. What are you giving up for Lent?
Thomas Jefferson High School’s super quiz team tied for second in the “medium school” category during the Region 10 Academic Decathlon.
Lamplighter teachers
Becky Logsdon , left, and Ana Casanova pose with Bill Nye, who spoke at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science recently. Nye spoke to a crowd of more than 300 as a part of the school’s Dolores Evans Speakers series.
Bottom: Lamplighter student Jodie Thompson meets Bill Nye.
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Tracy Naftalis and Eliza and Eddie Kittle swirl their forks in some pasta from Campisi’s for St. Alcuin’s fifth annual community Italian spaghetti dinner and family fun night. Below right: Daniel Anderson, Christian Frederiksen and head of school Walter Sorensen act as waiters to the crowd of 400. Below: Jacquelyn, Brock and Preston Herold dress up for a family photo.
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Margaret Carroll loves hitting the trail on her horses. The LBJ National Grasslands in East Texas is a popular destination, and quite often she loaded up her
The Victim: Margaret Carroll
The Crime: Automobile theft
Date: Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 5-6
Time: Between 7 p.m. and 10 a.m.
Location: 6700 block of Prestonshire
horse trailer, cranked up her 2003 diesel Ford F250 and made the trip for a couple days of relaxation riding in the saddle and taking in the beautiful atmosphere. The forest and grasslands offer sprawling trails for hikers and horse riders.
“It’s beautiful, you would not know you’re in Texas,” Carroll says of her horseback excursions there.
Moving her horses, however, became a bit difficult after a thief stole that Ford from the front driveway of her Preston Hollow East home. Attempts to find it have so far been fruitless. She says there
normally is very little crime in the area, but that she has learned criminals target these types of trucks for drug transport.
“I’ve done a lot research now and these Ford trucks from those few years are hot items,” she says.
Carroll says the thief disregarded two moreexpensive cars — a Lexus and Buick Enclave. In recent days, she purchased a new truck and will soon be back in the saddle.
Lt. Andrew Harvey of the Dallas Police North Central Patrol Division says auto theft is big business, and thieves steal cars and trucks primarily to strip them to sell for individual parts.
“Alarms and other anti-theft systems do help, but the best thieves can get around them if they really want your car. On newer models, systems such as OnStar do help recover stolen vehicles.”
Harvey encourages residents to keep vehicles in a well-lit area, secure them, and call 911 if you see any suspicious activity in your neighborhood.
2:30 02.02
Block of Janmar Drive
where a thief stole $10,000 worth of copper wiring from the walls and attic of a residence Jan. 28
Source: Dallas Police Department
Time of afternoon when a man called Wingates Quality Watches about a shipping fee, became irate and said, “You are lucky I’m not there or I would grab you by your throat,” to the employee
Date when a thief broke into an automobile in a church parking lot and stole an iPhone 4 and a Springfield .45 caliber pistol with five rounds in the magazine