2012 April Preston Hollow

Page 9

the home design issue

go inside. be inspired.

April 2012 | A dvoc Atem A g.com Be Loca L IN Presto N Ho LLow

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Visit kitchendesignconcepts.com for free tools to get started. Take our lifestyle assessment to begin creating the kitchen that’s personalized just for you. 2741 East Beltline Rd. Suite 113 Carrollton, Tx 75006 214-390-8300 kitchen design concepts 6322 Gaston Ave Dallas, Tx 75214 214-827-9881 Your new “living” room
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Visit kitchendesignconcepts.com for free tools to get started. Take our lifestyle assessment to begin creating the kitchen that’s personalized just for you. 2741 East Beltline Rd. Suite 113 Carrollton, Tx 75006 214-390-8300 kitchen design concepts 6322 Gaston Ave Dallas, Tx 75214 214-827-9881 Your new “living” room
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of your remodel, including design, construction, and new kitchen orientation. Visit kitchendesignconcepts.com for free tools to get started. Take our lifestyle assessment to begin creating the kitchen that’s personalized just for you. 2741 East Beltline Rd. Suite 113 Carrollton, Tx 75006 214-390-8300 kitchen design concepts 6322 Gaston Ave Dallas, Tx 75214 214-827-9881
We’ll create a
to your unique specifications and walk you through every stage of your
including design, construction, and new kitchen orientation.
We’ll create
unique specifications and walk you through every stage of your
including design, construction, and new kitchen orientation.
and walk
through every stage
4 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012 features 8 Art from the heart An upcoming exhibit presents local artists’ work through the eyes of Preston Hollow children. 12 The anti-kitchen Neighborhood residents take a utilitarian approach to redesigning their kitchen on a budget. 18 Dining south of the border Forget the rice and beans. MesoMaya offers some surprising twists on Mexican-American food. Room to run Neighbors create space for fun and games in their recently remodeledPreston Hollow home. Photo by Danny Fulgencio cover 22 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 5 launch 8 events 16 food 18 news&notes 33 worship 34 scene&heard 35 crime 41 live local 42 ADVERTISING health resources 14 the goods 15 dining spotlight 21 education guide 32 worship listings 34 bulletin board 35 home services 37 PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more news visit us online Volume 14 Number 4 | PH April 2012 | CONTENTS
Cover photo by Can Türkyilmaz

Professional amatuers

We take our sons’ sports not-too-seriously

This month, my wife and I will wrap up 16 consecutive years of being professional amateur sports parents.

I mean “professional” in the sense that it was nearly a full-time job, what with multiple practices and games most weeks throughout the year. And I mean “amateur” in the sense of beginning with 5-year-old soccer games and continuing through this final season of high school varsity baseball games, we’ve seen hundreds of our sons’ sporting events.

We’ve moaned, groaned and cheered with countless parents on the sidelines for soccer, basketball, baseball and hockey games. We’ve sat through lots of year-end pizza lunches and burger dinners filled with trophies and speeches, and these were for teams that rarely sniffed championships.

In youth sports, there’s the extremely occasional blaze of glory and the rare inspirational, heart-stopping finish. But what I remember most often are the many minutes of my life ticking slowly away in the most surly of weather, with a beat-down on the field occurring at precisely the same moment rain or wind or sun (or all three) beat down on those of us in the stands.

I’m proud to say the young athletes our sons played with generally kept their thoughts to themselves while playing. Most overlooked a teammate’s booted ball or feckless swing or accidental foul; they were happy to be competing, and that is what the sporting experience is supposed to be all about anyway.

But for some in the stands, games took on monumental proportions, with each play prompting inevitably loud commentary from parents perhaps reliving their own lack-of-glory days and hoping to re-

write history through their kids.

Don’t get me wrong: There’s a place in sports for good-natured ribbing of authority, and some parents and grandparents can be hilarious when they’re offering friendly advice to a referee or umpire. (I’ve even seen the refs/umps laugh a time or two.)

But sometimes those charged with administering the rules — regardless of age, ethnicity or sex — became verbal punching bags, with both sides of the inevitably partisan crowd crowing loudly about supposedly mistaken calls, rule interpretations and the like. (The view of accuracy, after all, is much better at a severe angle 150 feet from the action than it is from on the field.)

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We were never party to one of those infamous YouTube-fired parent-on-ref or parent-on-parent smackdowns, although I have to say (in jest, of course) that one or two certainly would have brightened some otherwise dismal games. But there were times when we felt sorry for student athletes being loudly embarrassed as their parents — with bulging veins, popping eyes and flapping mouths — made an inevitably futile attempt to influence a game that was of absolutely no long-term consequence anyway.

I would like to believe the collective impact of all of these experiences fueled a sense of fair play, sportsmanship and personal pride in our sons. I would like to believe the thousands of hours invested in these events weren’t simply useless diversions from homework or, more likely, video games.

And I would like to believe our sons, when their own day in the stands arrives, will think twice before turning into family IEDs — improvised exploding dummies.

Honestly, though, my most telling memory of our amateur sporting life comes from a friend, who spotted this phrase on a fellow parent’s T-shirt:

“Lord, if it’s my last day on earth, let me be at a swim meet, since they usually last forever!”

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 5
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com. Opening Remarks 214-350-0400 briggsfreeman.com 214-350-0400 briggsfreeman.com Please proofread carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs: because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing and the pressroom operations, a
6301 Gaston Avenue Suite 820 • Dallas, Texas 75214 PH: 214.823.5885 FX: 214.823.8866 BriggsFreeman_thrdV_04-12_PH 3830 Windsor Parkway | $8,995,000 1.47 acres backing up to the creek Ellen Terry | 214.727.6767 3830 Windsor Parkway | $8,995,000 1.47 acres backing up to the creek Ellen Terry | 214.727.6767 7060 Helsem Way | $349,000 3/3 Fiona Richards | 214.632.5813 7060 Helsem Way | $349,000 3/3 Fiona Richards | 214.632.5813 4430 Southcrest Road | $1,075,000 5/5.5/study/media/gameroom Jeannie Nethery | 972.949.2640 4430 Southcrest Road | $1,075,000 5/5.5/study/media/gameroom Jeannie Nethery | 972.949.2640 4445 College Park Drive | $1,119,000 4/3.5/frmls/media room Becky Frey | 214.536.4727 4445 College Park Drive | $1,119,000 4/3.5/frmls/media room Becky Frey | 214.536.4727 4818 Melissa Lane | $1,310,000 3 or 4 bd/4.5/ frmls/pool Betsy Stern | 214.957.9475 4818 Melissa Lane | $1,310,000 3 or 4 bd/4.5/ frmls/pool Betsy Stern | 214.957.9475 5733 Stonegate Road | $1,350,000 4/4.5/frmls/study/3-car/.6 acre Becky Frey | 214.536.4727 5733 Stonegate Road | $1,350,000 4/4.5/frmls/study/3-car/.6 acre Becky Frey | 214.536.4727 4834 North Lindhurst Avenue | $4,750,000 4/5.2/library/pool/guest house Ellen Terry | 214.727.6767 4834 North Lindhurst Avenue | $4,750,000 4/5.2/library/pool/guest house Ellen Terry | 214.727.6767

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Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by East Dallas – Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
School of Gardening Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com Sat, April 21st Edible Festival Shop for the best selection of veggie transplants in town! 10AM • Hatching & Incubating Chickens 11AM-2PM • Backyard Chicken Sale 11AM • Canning & Pickling Made Easy 1PM • Edible Ornamentals 2:30PM • Bees in the Garden Like OMG...this ‘Meyer Improved’ Lemon is totally tubular. I’m so psyched to try the Mexican Lime and Satsuma Orange. They totally match my eye-shadow. The bodacious selection at NHG is freaking me out to the max.
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WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA advocatemag.com/social What’s ONLINE GIVEAWAYS Preston Center Office | 214.692.0000 | PrestonCenter.Ebby.com Scan this HomeKey™ Tag with your Smartphone to see all our listings. Ginger Gill, Manager, 214.725.9036 | GingerGill@Ebby.com 6914 Woodland Dr. $350,000 3/3/2/pool Windsor Place Julie Pillans | 214.803.6323 3826 Hawick Ln. $97,500 2/1/1 Updated Cottage Barbara Sisserson-Honnoll | 972.733.9102 6531 Brookshire Dr. $1,295,000 Coveted location, back yard oasis. Lydia Player | 214.632.2883 7623 Northaven Rd. $340,000 4/3.1/3 Beautiful French Exterior Eva Kaplan | 214.369.3793 9929 Gooding Dr. $249,000 3/1/2 Glenridge Estates cottage Jeff Dater | 214.621.2211 3508 Vancouver Dr. $159,000 3/2/2 Traditional in Royal Hills Carolyn Black | 214.675.2089 3850 Peter Pan Dr. $375,000 4/3.1/2/pool Pristine Upscale Home Marilyn Pailet | 214.207.3123 9802 Lakemont Dr. $259,900 3/2/2 hardwoods throughout Jeff Dater | 214.621.2211 4030 Mendenhall Dr. $319,000 4/3/2 convenient & updated. Barbara Sisserson-Honnoll | 972.733.9102 10722 Sandpiper $179,00 2/2 Pagewood Townhome Lou Nettle | 214.912.4556 6227 Bandera Ave. #C $150,000 2/2 Harcourt House Condo Michael Hawley | 214.280.5266 TOP OFFICE PRODUCERS Mary Poss 214.738.0777 Pete Livingston 214.505.5005 Alvin Cooper 214.766.1890


community | events | food

Art Stop instructor Gina Dunn helps her son, Mack, with an art project during class at the Preston Hollow studio. Photo by Can Türkyilmaz Art Stop’S exhibit “inSpired” runs April 15-24 at Rising Gallery, 800 Jackson. The opening reception is 5:30-7:30 p.m. April 20. For more details, visit risinggallery.com or artstopinc.com.

‘Art in every heart’

Art Stop instructors envision a world where children recognize not only local sports stars but local artists, too. “Everyone knows about Jason Kidd and the Dallas Mavericks,” says studio owner Kathleen Alexander. “But can you imagine if kids could name their local artists?” An upcoming, juried exhibit aims to remedy this. Art Stop, a private studio in Preston Center that serves neighborhood children age 3 through high school, has teamed up with Rising Gallery for “Inspired,” presenting student projects alongside the work of the professional Dallas artists who inspired them. In their own ways, toddlers, tweens and teens reinterpret printmaker Debbie Klein’s color theory, sculptor Tyler Aiello’s use of negative space and painter Frankie Garcia’s abstract shapes. “We’re teaching the basics of art,” says Gina Dunn, an Art Stop instructor and working artist. “You know that the majority of kids who come through here are not going to grow up to be artists, although they could be. But they leave with an appreciation for art.” The show also helps build up Dallas’ professional art scene, humbling artists like Garcia. “It brought tears to his eyes to know that kids are studying him,” Dunn says. Alexander opened Art Stop 13 years ago, and it’s the oldest private art studio in the city. She previously taught at Christ the King School. “I thought there was a need in the community for a children’s art school,” she says. “I believe art is in every heart.” Judges for “Inspired” include Dunn, a professional visual artist; Margie Sibrizzi, early childhood education specialist at the Museum of Nature and Science; and Taber Wetz, co-owner of Rising Gallery. The three top students will receive an Art Stop scholarship for additional classes. Alexander says she’s always open to helping families pay for enrollment at the studio. “I have people who come by and say ‘Oh, I can’t afford this.’ I say, ‘Can you get your child here every week? Then, you can afford it. We’ll find a way.’ ”

With a family history of heart disease, Danny Weatherly is very familiar with cardiovascular procedures. He had his fi rst heart attack at age 39 and has had three angioplasties, a procedure in which a catheter with a balloon on the end is threaded through the femoral artery in the groin. After the procedure, a patient must lie fl at for about six hours to prevent bleeding. At Baylor Jack and Jane Hamilton Heart and Vascular Hospital, Danny underwent a radial artery angioplasty, an innovative new procedure in which the catheter is threaded through a small artery in the wrist. Danny wore a small wristband to control any bleeding and was able to walk around immediately after the procedure. “Baylor gave me more energy. And with 10 grandkids, I need all the energy I can get.”

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Architects present new Preston Royal Library design

Construction will not begin for several years, but the city is already laying out plans for the new Preston Royal Library, which will relocate to the vacant lot at Forest and Nuestra formerly occupied by Korean Young Nak Presbyterian Church. Architects at Perkins + Will designed the new library as LEED Gold, the second-highest energy-efficient rating outlined by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The facility features a garden, several meeting rooms and a tree house for children’s storytime, creating a library not just for reading but also for learning. “We want it to be as flexible as possible because we don’t know where libraries are going to be in five or six years,” says Phil Callison of Perkins + Will. The library’s total cost is about $6 million, and it has not been included in the proposed 2012 bond program. “Our biggest needs right now are flood control, streets and economic development,” says assistant city manager Joe Zapata. “In 2006 we passed the biggest bond package in Dallas history, $1.35 billion, when the economy was good. Now, things have changed.” In the meantime, the current library at Royal and the Dallas North Tollway will remain open.

visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com and search “Preston Royal Library.”

Churchill Recreation Center expands

For the past nine months, Churchill Recreation Center at Churchill and Hillcrest has been under renovation, constructing a new fitness center, large multipurpose room and bathrooms. The $1.4 million addition is set to open this month. Designed locally by DSGN Associates, the 1,500 square-foot fitness center features an open floor plan and natural light, and is equipped with new treadmills, bikes, elliptical machines and weights. The multi-purpose room can be used for any type of gathering. “It can hold about 80 people for everything from bridge games to yoga classes,” says recreation center manager John Lux. The exterior includes rows of vertical, steel sunscreens on the windows to protect against extreme heat during the summer. With the expansion came a slew of new classes, including: square and round dance, Pilates, Zumba, kung fu, oil painting, “Score” fitness for seniors, boot camp, Irish dance, hiphop, jazz, ballet for toddlers and Saturday basketball. Funding for the new addition came from the 2006 bond package.

Fiberglass Replacement Windows

Some Replacement Windows Last. Infinity Outlasts.

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Simply put, these low-maintenance Infinity replacement windows will look and perform great for years to come. Thanks to our proprietary Ultrex® fiberglass construction, Infinity outlasts and outperforms all other window materials. PER WINDOW No limit until 6/30/11. Over 80,000 Satisfied Customers 214.277.8222 or 800.474.3464 Showroom at 751 Port America, Ste. 810, Grapevine TX 76051 Call for an appointment. www.infinitywindows.com LaunchCOMMUNITY

before & after

NeilsoN aNd White resideNce Hillcrest Forest

Built in: 1962

Remodeled in: 2011

the mission: CReate a well-designed, funCtional kitChen on a limited Budget

know of a home we should featuRe? Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com



Partners Don Neilson and Freddie White moved to Eudora Drive for its convenient access to freeways and bike trails. But the house needed some updating. It came with wood paneling and blue carpet. The kitchen had wall-to-wall white cabinets and glittery, gold linoleum. “It was very tired,” Neilson says.

12 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com April 2012
Launch Community


The remodeling began, but with it came an expensive termite problem. When it came time to redo the kitchen, Neilson and White were short on cash. “Everything cost a lot more than we anticipated, and we had to regroup and rethink what we were doing,” Neilson says. “We had a limited budget, so we had to think outside the box.” The result is what Neilson calls the “anti-kitchen,” a clean, commercial space with a shabby-chic touch. A trip to Italy inspired the redesign. The kitchens there are free of all the fluff. Instead of traditional cabinetry, Neilson and White installed open shelving where pots, pans and dishes hang in a kind of organized chaos that looks quite natural. The center island is a refurbished coal cart, and the pantry is an antique pharmacy cabinet. One wall has floor-to-ceiling windows, which lets in loads of natural light. The new industrialized space makes cooking much easier. The total cost for the anti-kitchen, including new appliances, came out to $4,900.

APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 13
Launch COMMUNITY (972) 247-LOVE (5683) LoveThatDoor.com Visit Our Showroom: 11633 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 101, Dallas 75229 Single & Double Entry Iron Doors DALLAS’ LARGEST SELECTION OF IN-STOCK IRON DOORS Come fall in l ve with our second location in Frisco 2449 Preston Rd., Suite 400 Frisco, TX 75034 Check our website for the Grand Opening Celebration date. Come celebrate with great giveaways and prizes. SAM MOON CENTER IN FRISCO
Freddie White, left, and Don Neilson love their functional yet chic kitchen. Photos by Can Türkyilmaz


Tackling city-related maintenance issues in our neighborhoods

GOTA QUESTION? Email launch@advocatemag.com.

long red lights

Some neighborhoods in Preston Hollow abut busier roads, and some residents encounter prolonged red lights that can cause traffic to pile up on our quieter streets, especially during rush hour. When the signal finally turns green, drivers may have just a few seconds to make it through the intersection.

Q: How do I get an unusually long red light shortened?

A: Submit a request, and hope the traffic volumes work in your favor.

The process is simple. Call 311, and ask for a signal time adjustment for your location. It’s important to include the time of day the problem occurs, says Beth Ramirez, assistant director of Street Services. “Traffic volumes change throughout the day, so the area may be better in the morning than the afternoon.” Once reported, the request immediately gets assigned to a traffic engineer who investigates whether the change is warranted by comparing traffic volumes on the opposing streets. “If there is one car to every 50 cars, I’m sorry. They’re going to have to wait. There are instances where an area has changed due to new development, and the signal times do need to be updated.” Signal times vary greatly throughout the city, and they may not be as long as people think they are. Ramirez says that during peak times, the average signal time is 1 and a half to 2 and a half minutes — that’s the length for the entire cycle from green to yellow to red.


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Out & About

April 2012

Through April 22 Calatrava and SMU: A Decade in Motion

Coinciding with the opening of Calatrava’s new Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, this exhibit highlights the works and ephemera of Santiago Calatrava. Calatrava’s sculpture, Wave (2002), continues to be one of the most prominent and recognizable pieces on display at the Meadows Museum. Meadows Museum, 5900 Bishop, 214.768.2516, $4–$10

more local events



Thomas Evans: Landscapes & Jerry Skibell: Different Points of Contact

Norwood Flynn Gallery presents the work of Texas artists Thomas Evans and Jerry Skibell. Both artists create landscapes, but their points of view vary greatly.

Norwood Flynn Gallery, 3318 Shorecrest, 214.351.3318, norwoodflynngallery.com, free


Easter egg hunt

The neighborhood YMCA hosts a festive Easter egg hunt at 5:30 p.m. starting in the lobby. Town North YMCA, 4332 Northaven, 214.357.8431, free


Birds Call Back!

Learn about the state bird of Texas, the mockingbird, with author Rochelle Rabouin. Known for her special “mocking” talent, Rabouin will introduce everyone to her bird friends. The presentation begins at 10:30 a.m.

Bookmarks Library at NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.671.1381, free

APRIL 13 & 14

The Last Picture Show

As part of Inwood Theatre’s Midnight Madness series, the theater presents the director’s cut of “The Last Picture Show.” Peter Bogdanovich’s tale about high school kids in a dying Texas town in the 1950s has become a cult classic and features well-known actors Jeff Bridges, Cybil Shepherd, Ellen Burstyn, Randy Quaid and Cloris Leachman. This film is rated R. Inwood Theatre, 5458 W. Lovers, 214.764.9106, landmarktheatres.com, $10; $8 seniors


Dallas iris show

From 1–4 p.m., the Dallas Iris Society presents a gorgeous selection of iris plants. Irises are known to be hardy, drought-tolerant blooms. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, free


Earth Day at the J

16 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012
or submit
The Jewish Community Center of Dallas is celebrating Earth Day all day long. The event includes paper shredding, exploration of the J Naturescape, a “Bongo Boogie in the Park” exercise class and more fitness activities. Jewish Community Center of Dallas, 7900 Northaven, 214.239.7115, jccdallas.org, free own

April 20 & 21

The Thing

As part of Inwood Theatre’s Midnight Madness series, the theater presents John Carpenter’s original 1982 film “The Thing.” This terrifying story about a group of servicemen haunted by a shape-changing alien from outer space is a must-see film. This film is rated R. Inwood Theatre, 5458 W. Lovers, 214.764.9106, landmarktheatres.com, $10; $8 seniors

April 21

Edible Festival

Gardening enthusiasts and novices alike are invited to this daylong event at North Haven Gardens. The festival begins with a class on hatching and incubating chickens, followed by lessons on canning and pickling.

From 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Dan Probst of Bageniece Farms will host a backyard chicken sale and Q&A. An edible ornamentals class will be followed by bee charmer Janet Rowe’s class on how to attract bees to a garden. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, free

April 27

North Dallas Young Life clay shoot

This event helps make it possible for middle and high school students in North Dallas to participate in Young Life and YL Camps. The day includes shooting, barbeque, prizes and a concert. Register by April 9. Elm Fork Shooting Range, 10751 Luna, 214.369.4930, northdallasyl@ gmail.com, $250 per person or $1,000 for a team of four

April 28-29

North Dallas Artist Studio Tour

The ninth annual tour takes visitors inside the studios of 28 neighborhood artists in Preston Hollow and North Dallas. It features new work across a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, photography, fused glass, jewelry, woodworking, mixed media and ceramics. The self-guided tour runs 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. Go online for a map. northdallart.com, free

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 17 Launch Events


Mexican food

The Mexican food at MesoMaya may not be 100 percent authentic, but with rich dishes such as the mesquite-grilled pork chop and creamy roasted corn, who cares? “I’m trying to stay inspired by Mexican cuisines while understanding where we are,” says chef Nico Sanchez. “I can’t say it’s authentic, but I try to base my dishes on Central and Southern Mexico.” Born in Mexico, Sanchez came to work in Dallas, having been part of North Henderson restaurants Cubre Libre, Alma and Hibiscus. The menu at MesoMaya is simple and straightforward, he says. The ceviche is a mixture of marinated bass and shrimp, avocado, cilantro and limejuice. The arugula salad has heirloom tomatoes, mangos and goat cheese with honey cilantro vinaigrette. Sanchez just added a new dessert — a chocolate cake topped with homemade ice cream, strawberries and rum sauce.


11909 Preston at Forest 469.726.4390 mesomaya.com




Launch FOOD
Arugula salad. Photo by Alison Fechtel

1 Taco Taco

This fast-casual, no-frills taco spot is perfect for a quick lunch break. Tacos are just over $2 each. Try the fish or shredded beef. 5954Royal, 214.750.4420

2 Tupinamba

This neighborhood restaurant has been doing the Tex-Mex style for 65 years, known particularly for its enchiladas. 972.991.8148, 12270 Inwood, tupinambarestaurant.com

3 Mario and Alberto

You can’t go wrong with one of the many combination dinners, which have a nice balance of Tex-Mex and Mexico City-style cuisine. 12817 Preston, 972.980.7296 marioandalberto.com

APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 19 Launch FOOD
Top: ceviche; left: grilled pork chop.
1152 N. Buckner Blvd. # H101 Casa Linda 5500 Greenville Ave. # 1300 Old Town Shopping Center www.AnotherBrokenEgg.com Join Us for Easter Brunch! Catering and sandwich platters also available
Photos by Alison Fechtel

drink local

Haak Green Label Blanc du Bois ($15) Texas

This month marks the fourth annual DrinkLocalWine conference, which is being held in Denver and focusing on Colorado wine. We held the first DLW event, featuring Texas wine, in Dallas four years ago, and no one knew what would happen next.

What has happened is that local wine has grown almost exponentially since then, and Texas has been in the forefront of that growth. The state has 225 wineries, about three times as many as just 10 years ago (and the number of wineries in the states that aren’t California, Oregon and Washington has increased by almost one-half since 2005). Local wine has become more a part of the local food movement than ever before; U.S. chefs, according to a National Restaurant Association survey, pointed to local wine as a top-10 menu trend for two consecutive years.

And quality is better than ever before. A Texas viognier won a gold medal at the prestigious San Francisco Chronicle wine competition this year, and the state’s entries turned in one of their best ever showings at the annual Dallas Morning News-TexSom competition.

In fact, one of the few remaining obstacles facing Texas wine is that too many consumers know it’s not any good — even though they’ve never tasted it. So, this month, some Texas wines to try, especially if you’ve never tried any before:

Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of this grape; it makes fine wine anyway. Look for citrus flavors and a crisp, clean finish — this is a bone-dry white that pairs with grilled and boiled seafood.

This red blend features tempranillo, a Spanish grape that looks like it will do quite well in Texas. It’s a little funky on the aroma, which is a good thing, and has cherry fruit. It’s a beef and lamb wine.

Not the best name in the world, but a red blend made with more familiar grapes like merlot from a small Hill Country producer that gets good reviews. It’s rich and full, and makes a nice gift for red wine drinkers.

JEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

20 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012 Launch FOOD

with your wine

Basic vegetable soup

This isn’t much more difficult than opening a can, and it tastes so much better. The ingredients are just suggestions; other than the leek, which gives amazing flavor, you can use pretty much anything in the refrigerator, including chopped mushrooms, shredded cabbage and torn lettuce leaves. Serve with the Texas wine of your choice — a light red or white would do the trick.


6 c water

1 large leek, cleaned and trimmed, and cut into 1-inch pieces

2 onions, chopped

2 medium carrots, diced

1 stalk celery, diced

1 bell pepper, diced

1/2 c small pasta, such as thin soup


salt and pepper to taste

1 bay leaf


1. Add the water and vegetables, salt, pepper and bay leaf, and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or so, until the leek is tender.

2. Bring to a boil, add the noodles and cook until the noodles are tender.

3. Remove the bay leaf, correct seasoning and serve.

Serves 4, takes 45 minutes

Ask the wine guy

How many states produce wine?

All 50 — even Alaska (mostl y fruit wines with locally g rown fruit) and Hawaii, inc l u d ing pineapp l e wine.

ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com

APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 21 Launch FOOD
ON LOVERS LANE JUST WEST OF THE TOLLWAY www.pavilionshoppingcenter.com EATZI’S, LISA CALAWAY-BATKY O.D., BATKY JEWELERS, CAPEZIO, TYLER’S AND MANY OTHER SPECIALTY STORES & RESTAURANTS TIMELESS ENGAGEMENT RINGS, DIFFERENT THAN ALL OTHERS. BY BATKY JEWELERS ON LOVERS LN PH: 469.335.8900 WWW.BATKY.COM Open Daily 7am - 10pm 5600 W. Lovers Lane 214.358.3100 www.eatzis.com The Most Unique Eyewear in Dallas 214.956.7800 LISA CALAWAY-BATKY, O.D. O P T O M E T R Y 6869 Frankford, inside Quick Shop Store BBQDelivery.com 972.815.8500 ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION For more information call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com Smokie’s Bar B-Q Buy one beef sand, get a smaller one for free. Between the hours of 12p-2p & 6p-8p (must join Smokie’s Club). Scan the Code Or Text Smokies1 to 71441 dining SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION BARBEQUE
22 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com April 2012
The upstairs game room features a wall-to-wall mural by the Petroffs’ niece Kathryn Petroff of KLP Fine Art. It depicts realistic, old-time characters inside a smoky pool hall, creating a natural extension of the room.

game on

APreston Hollow home increases its fun factor

On a clear, spring day, the sounds of chirping birds and cascading waterfalls echo throughout the Petroff home. It’s easy to forget you’re in the city just yards from busy streets.

Kip and Suzi Petroff created an urban oasis after a remodel that expanded the back of the house and added walls of windows that open into the huge patio and backyard. The pool’s rugged rock formation and waterfall provide a natural ambiance surrounded by clusters of perennial flowers. A smaller patio juts out from the sunroom and master bedroom on the west side. That’s where Kip and Suzi got married in July 2010.

“It was so hot, so we had a 10-minute ceremony,” Suzi says. “Then, people spontaneously jumped in the pool with all their clothes on. It was a fun wedding.”

The fun-factor is reflected throughout the Petroff home, which includes a gym and two game rooms where people can play pool or shuffleboard, watch television and serve food. Between Kip and Suzi’s relatives, family gatherings can get pretty large.

“Our family is very active,” Suzi says. “It’s like the Beverly Hillbillies. We’re huge and rambunctious. We wanted a place where we could all get together and have fun.”

There is also plenty of open space where Suzi and her 15-year-old son, Michael, can practice the less rambunctious art of tae kwon do. They are both black belts.

The Petroffs work from home, which makes a comfortable design all that more important. Kip is a lawyer and was a lead prosecutor in the infamous Fen Phen case. Suzi is a former theater arts teacher and now writes educational material. They both run the New Hope Foundation, a local nonprofit that aims to help break the cycle of poverty in South Dallas. Their offices are on opposite ends of the house, and the two meet in the kitchen every day at around 5 p.m.

Suzi admits that, at 11,500 square feet, the house is too big, especially for a couple their age. However, the Petroffs have at least one big event each year at their house, accommodating more than 100 guests at time.

“The best compliment we could have is, ‘Your house is so much fun.’ That’s what we want to hear.”

APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 23
STORY Emily Toman PHOTOS Danny Fulgencio OWNERS Kip and Suzi Petroff DATE BUILT 2000 STYLE Tuscan farmhouse

Dr. Colter specializes in comprehensive dental care for infants, children, teens and children with special needs.

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ABOVE This upstairs enclave provides solace for houseguests looking for a quiet place to read a book, take a nap or play on the computer, which is tucked away in a cabinet. The most

24 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012
April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 25
BECAUSE PAINTING IS PERSONAL™ Call us today to schedule your FREE estimate 1-800-462-3782 www.certapro.com 10% OFF ANY PAINTING PROJECT Must be presented at time of estimate. Cannot be combined with any other offer. One per customer. Expires 12/31/2012.
striking feature is the Renaissance-style mural on the ceiling, another piece that Kathryn hand-painted. The working artist created several pieces of artwork for the house.
26 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012 12-014 Intro Series Two-Class Introduction Designed for Beginners New Students! *Introductory offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit one time for new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Redeem by 4/30/12 12-076 Preston Forest 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 North Dallas 14902 Preston Road, #612 Dallas TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104

ABOVE One of two game rooms in the Petroff house, this hideout features a shuffleboard table, a kitchenette for entertaining and plenty of open space for just about anything.

LEFT The back yard provides the ideal setting for a big family cookout, complete with two grills and two large seating areas. The landscape is like a natural playground with a trickling waterfall that cascades over a rock formation. Guests can lounge in the hammock, soak in the hot tub or take a dip in the pool. Cigar smokers have free range of the sunroom near the hammock. Hidden behind the rocks is a miniature nature trail — pure heaven for the Petroffs’ young Husky, Lucy.

Dallas Blooms

A Work of Art’



Enjoy over 500,000 spring blooming bulbs. Featuring Small Houses of Great Artists Exhibit, through Dec. 31, and Concerts at the Arboretum, May 1 - Jul. 31. Discount tickets available at Tom Thumb stores.

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 27
TRINITY FLOOR COMPANY 1912 N. Beckley | Dallas, TX 75208 | 214.943.1157 | www.trinityfloors.com
The Dallas Arboretum is a non-profit organization that is supported, in part, by funds from the Dallas Park & Recreation Department.
Mullican flooring is proud to present one of our most distinctive collections.

ABOVE The Petroffs call this the keeping room, a colonial term for the family area near the kitchen. Lined with windows on the east and south sides with skylights above, the room stays true to the Tuscan vibe felt throughout the home. It’s light and open but also

28 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012
License # 104467 & 104469.

warm and cozy at the same time. Several elements of the house are environmentally friendly, including the wooden beams seen here on the ceiling. They are made from roughly 40 percent less wood because they are hollow in the center.

APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 29
Area’s largest Organic Garden Center Fireman-Owned Family-Operated A 15-minute Drive 1820 S. Belt Line in Mesquite 972-329-4769

Girl Scouts, the premiere leadership organization for girls and the largest pipeline for female leadership in the world, is celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting in 2012!

Meet us at the State Fair of Texas in 2012 for an amazing Girl Scout Centennial Exhibition at the Hall of State!

For more information visit: www.gsnetx.org

30 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com April 2012
ABOVE The wine room, located at the front of the house, also has green features such as the recycled barrel that has been refurbished as a table stem full of used wine corks. The rustic chandelier is 100 years old. It’s hard to tell by looking at it, but it’s made entirely out of wood. “You don’t see a lot of wooden chandeliers,” Suzi says. Those with keen observation also will notice the pattern on the ceiling.
APRIL 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 31 214.319.8400 fosterexteriors.com NORTHLAKE FENCE AND DECK Residential Specialists Family Owned & Operated Since 1980 214.349.9132 - 972.437.6841 - www.northlakefence.com “It’s Not Just A Fence. It Is Your Home.” Ask about our written warranty Free Estimates - Licensed and Insured - Custom Designs - Predip treatment - Professional Carpenters
32 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012 THE HIGHLANDER SCHOOL 9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / highlanderschool.com JANIE CHRISTY SCHOOL OF DANCE 9090 Skillman, Ste. 299A Dallas 75243 / 214.343.7472 / janiechristydance.com education GUIDE to advertise call 214.560.4203 Spanish Immersion Preschool Ages 2 - 5 Full- & Half-Day programs with extended daycare available Also Spanish Classes available for Adults & Children DallasSpanishHouse.com 2 14-826-4410 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000 Dallas, TX 75206 OBSERVATION March 21 & 22 and April 18 & 19 Highlander School 9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-3220 www.highlanderschool.com Since 1966 The Tradition Continues… www.stjohnsschool.org 214-328-9131 x103 St. John’s Episcopal School Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational Accepting 2012-13 applications for select grades Lakehill Summer Camps Kindergarten through High School June 4 - August 10 Online Summer Camps Guide: www.lakehillprep.org/parents_summer_camps.html Morning, afternoon, and full-day teacher-led camps are available, as well as free before- and after-care. Half-day camps (8:00 am - 1:00 pm or 1:00 - 6:00 pm) are offered for $220 per week, while full-day camps (8:00 am - 6:00 pm) are priced at just $295 per week. Academic Readiness * Cooking * Crafting and Building LEGO * Outdoor Adventure * Photography and Film Making Science and Discovery * Arts * Sports “Give your child the gift of dance it will last a lifetime!” Come dance with me and ALL my students at DBC! 9090 Skillman Ste. 299A 214.343.7472 www.janiechristydance.com Janie Christy is POINTING in a new direction, and will make a LEAP over to the Dallas Ballet Center in August for fall classes!

education guide

lakehill PreParatOry SChOOl

leading to Success. 2720 hillside dr., dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, lakehillprep.org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, collegepreparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.

SCOfield ChriStian SChOOl

3k through grade 6 / 214.349.6843 / scofieldchristian.org 50th ROUND-UP! Calling all alumni, parents, friends and family of SCS. Please join us for our 50th Anniversary event as we come together to celebrate God’s faithfulness over these past 50 years. There will plenty of food, fun and fellowship. SATURDAY, APRIL 14th at 6:30p.m. at Park Lane Ranch. Go to scofieldchristian.org for more details, to request an invitation or to reserve your tickets today! There will also be a special worship service and pot luck lunch on Sunday, April 15th beginning at 10:40 am.

SPaniSh hOUSe

5740 Prospect ave. dallas / 214.826.4410 / dallasSpanishhouse.com Spanish House is a Spanish immersion preschool for children ages 2 – 5. We offer half-day and full-day programs with extended day care available from 7:30am – 6:00pm. We offer a traditional preschool curriculum delivered 100% in Spanish. Prior exposure to Spanish is not necessary. Our teachers are experienced, degreed, native-Spanish speakers. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both onand off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.

St. ChriStOPher’S MOnteSSOri SChOOl

7900 lovers ln. / 214.363.9391 stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attrac-

tive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.

St. JOhn’S ePiSCOPal SChOOl

848 harter rd., dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.

white rOCk nOrth SChOOl

9727 white rock trail dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www. WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.

ZiOn lUtheran SChOOl

6121 e. lovers ln. dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.

The Northaven Trail ribbon-cutting ceremony is set for April 14. The hike-and-bike trail runs along an Oncor easement between Royal and Northaven, stretching east and west from Valleydale to Preston. The trail is already open for use. For more details, visit northaventrail.org. The city reports that it earned $186,450 from the $15 garage sale permit fee residents have been required to pay during the past fiscal year. According to the city briefing, more than 12,430 permits were issued, and the city also dished out 720 violation notices and 17 criminal citations.

The Woodall Rodgers deck park was named Klyde Warren Park after Preston Hollow resident Kelcy Warren’s 9-year-old son. Warren is CEO of the Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, and he’s a big supporter of the arts. He paid “undisclosed millions” for the name, the Dallas Morning News reported.


Three candidates are running for the District 1 Dallas ISD Trustee seat soon to be vacated by Edwin Flores, who will not seek re-election. The candidates are DeGoyler dad Michael Greenberg, stay-at-home mom Jennifer Levy and businesswoman Elizabeth Jones District 1 serves the W.T. White and Thomas Jefferson high school feeder patterns. Early voting is April 30-May 8, and the election is May 12.

David Haynes, football coach at Thomas Jefferson High School, is one of just 20 coaches in the country to receive the Positive Coaching Alliance’s Double-Goal Coach Award. Presented by Liberty Mutual, the awards recognize coaches who help athletes grow, not just on the field but in all aspects of life. Recipients are given a trophy, $250 and appearances in newsletters and media campaigns for the Positive Coaching Alliance, a national nonprofit that provides character-building programs for youth. Haynes led the TJ football team last fall, breaking its 36-game losing streak. The Dallas Morning News reported that the team had not won a game in more than four years — until last September when TJ beat Fort Worth Diamond Hill-Jarvis, 19-16.

Dallas native Monica Thieu, an 18-year-old psychology sophomore at the University of North Texas, became the youngest winner ever of the “Jeopardy” college championship this week. She’s also a Hockaday School 2010 alumna. Thieu won $100,000 and a guaranteed spot in the show’s next Tournament of Champions.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 33 news & Notes


PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org

All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),

Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500

WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org



Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697


E AST DAllAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org



Easter Services 6 am (vigil), 8 (Rite I) & 10:15 am (Rite II) 214.340.4196 / more at www.ascensiondallas.org



Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org


lAKE HIGHl ANDS UmC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time

10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship


SHORElINE DAllAS CHURCH / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane

ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan

Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry



9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services


UNIT y Of DAll AS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Out there

Listen to the mystery of the beyond

Each year we make a long, luscious drive through the high plains of West Texas and into the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico, where I hole up for a week of study and preparation. I accomplish more in a week there than I could in months at home. There are no interruptions, just seven days of pure air and pure study, resulting in a plan for my preaching for the coming year. We prefer February, when hardly anyone is around, and there is no noise other than the whisper of wind in the pines.

This year I finished a day early, so I decided to do something I have wanted to do for a long time: I took a long, lonesome drive out to a broad plateau 7,000 feet above sea level where the Very Large Array (VLA) is located.

If you’re not familiar with it, the Very Large Array is an enormous radio telescope, scanning the universe with 27 huge dish antennae, scattered over several miles. Each dish is 82 feet in diameter. Together they form a telescope that gathers radio waves instead of visible light, and they are capable of peering into the farthest reaches of the universe.

Arriving at the VLA, I discovered that I was one of only four tourists there. Apparently not very many travelers are willing to drive three hours from civilization to see a giant, silent telescope. But I’m an aging geek who has always been fascinated with such things, and I was instantly enamored. I walked out under the giant antennae that pointed up at the clear blue mountain sky, fascinated by these giant ears and the purpose for which they were made.

If you’ve seen the movie “Contact” starring Jody Foster, you’ve seen the VLA. In the movie, which was filmed there, they were listening for the telltale sounds of intelligent life. It was a good story, but not a very accurate one. The VLA watches rather

than listens. And the pictures it produces are breathtaking.

I have to admit that, standing out under those huge dishes, I began to wax theological, almost poetical. In the majestic silence of that high plateau, those 27 antennae seemed — how shall I put it — intent. They were paying attention to something beyond my small imagination. They were asking questions beyond my limited understanding — questions about the cre-

ation, the why and the how of it, in all its immensity and mystery. Perhaps most of all, I imagined them asking the question the Psalmist asked, “What are mortals, that you should care for them?”

I know they were just very sophisticated scientific instruments, but for a little while they seemed to take on almost human characteristics, capable of wonder and awe. In the end, we explore those things that are farthest away in order to see what is most deeply within us.

I pray most nights. Most of us do, in whatever form or manner. The older I get, the more I become like the Very Large Array. I talk less, and listen more. Like those big antennae, I’m learning, little by little, to pay attention to the great Mystery that is beyond.

34 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com April 2012
We explore those things that are farthest away in order to see what is most deeply within us.
worship lis T ings sPeC ial adver T ising se CTion to advertise call 214.560.4203
Blair Monie is senior pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.

Tournament champs

Hillcrest Lacrosse won the varsity and junior varsity tournaments at the Aggieland Classic in College Station earlier this year. The club team, based at Hillcrest High School, serves athletes in Dallas ISD and private schools that do not have their own lacrosse programs.

to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203

Classes/TuToring/ lessons

ADHD TEST PREP & TUTORING Dedicated 1 on 1 Test-Taking Prep & Tutoring exclusively for ADD/ADHD & alternative learners. Free Consult & 1st week tutoring. Outstanding References. Yale ‘93. Anthony 214-484-4488

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. All Ages/All Styles. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573 • 469-831-7012


214-824-2777 www.beadsofsplendor.com

Lakewood Shopping center: 1900 Abrams Pkwy @ La Vista

LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Professional musician. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

TUTORING All Subjects. Elem-middle School. Algebra 1, Dmath. Your Home. 25 + Yrs. Dr. J. 214-535-6594. vsjams@att.net

TUTORING Reading/Writing. All Grades. Master’s/10 Yrs Exp. Your Home. 214-515-5502. lissastewartjobs@hotmail.com

UKULELE LESSONS Instruments, Workshops. www.UkeLadyMusic.com 214-924-0408

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560


LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.


serviCes for you

AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

PRO DJ SERVICE & SOUND Corporate Events & Weddings. 20 + Years Experience. 469-236-8490

SIGNS: Nameplates, Badges, Office, Braille. A&G Engraving. 214-324-1992. getasign@att.net agengraving.vpweb.com


WORK ON JET ENGINES. Train For Hands On Aviation Career. FAA Approved Program. Financial Aid If Qualified. Job Placement Assistance. AIM 866-453-6204

Business opporTuniTies

I’M LOOKING FOR A BILINGUAL BUSINESS PARTNER for expansion of 55-yr.-old start-up co. BJ Ellis 214-226-9875

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 35
Scene & Heard
BMay DEaDLINE aprIL 11 214.560.4203 TO aDVErTISE STay IN ThE kNOw be local be local most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media

Community commitment

Sister Margaret Ann Moser , president of Ursuline Academy of Dallas in Preston Hollow, received the 2012 Catholic Foundation Award, which recognizes her commitment to serving the city’s Catholic community. Pictured: Ed Schaffler , president and CEO of The Catholic Foundation; Moser ; and Tom Merkel , chair of The Catholic Foundation Board of Trustees

Mad men (and women)

The Lamplighter School’s Parents’ Association hosted a 1960s-themed fundraising auction, transforming the Belo Mansion into Madison Avenue. Pictured are Lamplighter parents Max Anderson , director of the Dallas Museum of Art, and wife Jacqueline.

Professional services

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances?

No Job Too Small or Big.

Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HOME ORGANIZING & Senior Moving Plans/Solutions. Refs avail. Donna 860-710-3323 DHJ0807@aol.com. $30 hr.

TRANSLATIONS English, Spanish, & French at affordable rates. LenguaTutoringAndTranslation@yahoo.com or 214-331-7200.

Website Design

Flash Demos

Graphic Design

RibbitMultimedia .com 214.560.4207

Mind, Body & sPirit

MEDICAL MASSAGE PRACTITIONER Specialty In Oncology Massage. ProgressiveMassageTherapy.com 214-773-2837


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Customized to maintain your pet’s routine

In-Home Pet Visits & Daily Walks

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Bonded & Insured www.societypetsitter.com 214-821-3900


OLD GUITARS WANTED Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin. 1920s-1980s. Top dollar paid. Toll Free 1-866-433-8277

PLAN AHEAD! Escape Dallas Heat Next Summer. Beach House Near Vancoover BC. Visit vrbo.com Listing #359531. Jonathan.


Share prime, front-row Texas Rangers baseball tickets (available in sets of 10 or 20 games) during the 2012 season. Prices start at $95 per ticket (sets of 2 or 4 tickets per game available). Seats are behind the plate and next to both the first- and third-base dugouts. Other great seats available starting at $55 per ticket; seats also available in the Cuervo Club. Entire season available except for opening day; participants randomly draw numbers to determine draft order so the selection process is fair for everyone. E-mail rwamre@advocatemag.com or call 214-560-4212 for more information.

TOP CASH FOR CARS Any Car, Truck. Running or Not. Call for Instant Offer. 1-800-454-6951

estate/GaraGe sales

CLUTTERBLASTERS.COM Estate / Moving Sales, De-Cluttering, Organizing. 972-679-3100


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece or a Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

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BOARD to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203
Scene & Heard
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BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

CARPENTER Custom Cabinets, & Trim, Reorganize Closets, Repair Rotten Wood, Set Doors, Kitchen & Baths, Refs. Return Calls By End Of Business Day. Dave. 214-684-4800


Affordable Remodeling. Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Cabinetry & more. 972-754-9988 EricCantu.com

G&G DEMOlITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right! www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

KEN’S RESIDENTIAl REMODElING 214-886-8927. kenscontracting.com


JCI Remodeling: From Simple Updates to Full Remodeling Services. Competitive Pricing! JCIRemodeling.com 972-948-5361

O’BRIEN GROUP INC. Professional Home Remodel. Shannon O’Brien. 214-341-1448 www.obriengroupinc.com

PREVIEW CONSTRUCTION INC. HardiPlank 50 Yr. Cement Siding, Energy Star Windows. Kitchens-Baths-Additions & More. 214-348-3836. See Photo Gallery at: www.previewconstruction.com

S & R SOlUTIONS,llC Spring Special 20% Off All Services. 972-839-8377 / 682 300-6755


Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com

TK COMPlETE REMODElING Carpentry, Doors, Paint. Window Clean 972-533-2872


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appliaNCe repair

AFFORDABlE GAS GRIll REPAIR Mark. 469-226-1765 affordablegasgrillrepair.com

APPlIANCE REPAIR SPECIAlIST Repair, Sales. 214-321-4228


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MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91


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BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319

CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable.

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DECK-O-ART Pool Remodels, Patios, Stone Work, Deckoart.com 972-727-2727

EDMONDSPAVING.COM Asphalt & Concrete Driveway-Sidewalk-Patio-Repair 214-957-3216

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HASTINGS STAINED CONCRETE New/ Remodel. Stain/Wax Int/Ext. Nick. 214-341-5993. www.hastingsfloors.com

STAINED & SCORED CONCRETE FLOORS New/Remodel. Res/Com. Int/Ext. Refin. 15 Yrs. TheConcreteStudio.com 214-320-2018

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Handyman services

HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582

KIRKPATRICK & SON Skilled Carpentry, Power Washing. White Rock area 28 yrs. 214-729-8334


Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232

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1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928

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A TONY’S PAINTING SERVICE Interior & Exterior 972-234-0770 mobile 214-755-2700

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Handyman services

A HELPING HAND No Job Too Small. We do it all. Repairs /Redos. Chris. 214-693-0678

A R&G HANDYMAN Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Fencing, Roofing, Light Hauling. Ron or Gary 214-861-7569, 469-878-8044

A+ HANDYMAN KARL Home Repairs, Remodels & Restoration. 214-699-8093

ALL JOBS BIG/SMALL 38 years exp. Ron Payne 214-755-9147

ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 25 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

FRAME RIGHT All Honey-Dos/Jobs. 10+Yrs licensed neighborhood bus. Matt 469-867-9029

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628


Your home repair specialist handymanmatters.com/dallas 972-308-6035

HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Residential/ Commercial. Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635

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ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541

ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Small jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000

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CONNER FAMILY BUILDERS Since 1901. Home remodeling & painting. Superior quality, free estimates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terry 469-338-1202 connerfamilybuilders.com

RAMON’S INT/EXT PAINT Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513

TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863

VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 972-613-2585

WHITE ROCK PAINT & REMODEL References. Mark Reindel 214-321-5280


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ALL SURFACE REFINISHING 214-631-8719. Tub/Tile/Refinishing. allsurfacerefinishing.com

BATHTUB, COUNTERTOP & TILE Resurfacing: Walls, Tub Surrounds, Showers. Glaze or Faux Stone finishes. Affordable Alternative to Replacement! 972-323-8375. PermaGlazeNorthDallas.com

BRIAN WARD STONE & TILE 972-989-9899

LH Dad & Firefighter. 12 years of Tile Experience.

FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” Remodels Done Right. handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

STONE AGE COUNTER TOPS Granite, Marble, Tile, Kitchen/Bath Remodels. CJ-972-276-9943 cjrocksthehouse1@verizon.net

TOM HOLT TILE 30 Yrs Experience In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444


laWns, Gardens & trees

25% OFF TREE WORK Trim. Dead Tree Removal. Roberts Tree Svc. Insd. 10 yrs exp. 214-808-8925


Complete tree services including Tree & Landscape Lighting! Call Mark 214-332-3444

A&B LANDSCAPING Full Lawn Care, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Fireplaces & Stonework. Lic #0283917- Degreed Horticulturist 214-534-3816


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BLOUNTS TREE SERVICE Spring Special 20% Off Tree Work. 45 yrs exp. Insured. blountssodinstallation.com 214-275-5727

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COLE’S LAWN CARE • 214-327-3923

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DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914

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RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)

SPRINKLERS, LANDSCAPING, Stone Work, Drainage. Installed and Repaired. Call Kevin at 214-535-3352,Lic#7840. www.bigdirrigation.com

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ANDREWS PLUMBING • 214-354-8521 # M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. 24 Hours/7 Days. plumberiffic@yahoo.com

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ASTRO PLUMBING #M36580 Insured. Any & All Plumbing Problems. 214-566-9737 Mike BLOUNTS PLUMBING REPAIR Rebuild or Replace. 45 yrs exp. Insured. 214-275-5727


For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M38121 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com

M&S PLUMBING Quality Work & Prompt Service. Jerry. 214-235-2172. lic.#M-11523

REPAIRS, Fixtures, General Plumbing, Senior Discounts. Campbell Plumbing. 214-321-5943

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He leaped tHe fence and grabbed yard tools.

Ellen Fleishmann believed her Melshire Estates home was secure. A gate surrounds her property, and an alarm system protects the house. However, a crafty burglar recently found a hole in the security, leaping the gate and entering her small,

The Victim: ellen Fleishmann

The Crime: Burglary

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 22

Time: Between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m.

Location: 5600 block of Charlestown

plastic detached shed. The burglar made off with yard and gardening tools including a leaf blower, hedge trimmer, tree trimmer and lawn edger — just as spring and lawn care season approaches.

The family’s car also had been rifled through, but luckily nothing was left inside. Fleishmann says it is a creepy feeling knowing someone invaded her family’s

property. Since then, the family has decided to keep all tools in the more secure and locked garage.

“It’s annoying, but if that’s the worst thing that happens to me, I’ll live,” she says.

Dallas Police Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division says no matter where a shed is located, it should always be locked, even for brief periods of time. And residents should remember no matter what type of padlock, it is imperative that the clasp be extremely strong and secure as well.

“If possible, a good outdoor floodlight that illuminates the part of the yard where the shed is located is also helpful,” Dwyer says. “And don’t forget, when you buy tools and lawn equipment that have serial numbers, copy down that number on the front of the instruction sheet that comes with the item so you can always find it when needed.”

you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.

Sean Chaffin is a

Block of West Lovers where someone pushed a woman to the ground, stole her purse and ran away; the suspect made off with $90 in cash, a $100 cell phone and a $50 wallet


Total value of items stolen March 6 during a home burglary in the 4500 block of Meadowood

5300 03.03

Date when someone stole a $20,000 hydraulic hammer from a construction site in the 4200 block of LBJ Freeway

Source: Dallas Police Department

April 2012 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 41 to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H
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Factoid: Because Washington DC observes an Emancipation holiday on 4/16/12, the deadline this year is April 17th.


The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses


Tu-Lu’s Gluten-free Bakery now open

A New York-based bakery has opened on Sherry Lane. Tu-Lu’s is run by two women — Tully and Jen — who both have a gluten intolerance. So they came together and created Tu-Lu’s, which offers cakes, cupcakes, cookies, muffins and brownies. It also has a few vegan options. Tully graduated from Southern Methodist University before heading to Le Cordon Bleu in Austin and then earning a master’s degree in food studies from New York University. Jen, an advocate for the gluten-free lifestyle, left the financial industry to team up with Tully. Tu-Lu’s NYC bakery has received praise from Vogue and “CBS New York.”

Tomato Pie Pizza coming to Preston and Forest

Manager John Hudnall says the concept is St. Louis-style pizza, which is unheard of around here. Tomato Pizza Pie is characterized by super-thin crust and a special blend of cheeses. The meats and toppings are all fresh, as opposed to chains that pile on frozen ingredients before popping the pizza into the oven, Hudnall says. “Instead of getting a taste of sausage here and there, it’s more like one flavor that has been cooked together,” he says. The northwest corner of Preston and Forest is the restaurant’s first location, and owner Ryan Noles plans to expand as soon as possible.

Bijoux turns ‘bistro’

Spec’s expanding to Preston Royal Village

The Houston-based liquor store is opening a 9,918-square-foot store in the former Blockbuster space at Preston and Royal. A spokesperson for Preston Royal Village announced, “The store will present a ‘boutique feel’ and will offer fine wines and beers from around the world.” This shop won’t sell any hard liquor like Spec’s Wine, Spirits and Finer Foods ’ first Dallas store at Walnut Hill and Central.


6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 800 214-821-0829

The upscale, contemporary French restaurant recently has opted for a dual personality. Run by husband-and-wife team Scott and Gina Gottlich, the famed Inwood Village restaurant has split into two concepts: a chef’s room and a bistro. The chef’s room will be a formal dining experience with optional wine pairings, and the other part — retaining the name Bijoux — is a casual restaurant serving bistro-style fare.

More business bits

1 Real estate firm Bandera Ventures plans to move into a new two-story 5,000-square-foot office building in Preston Center.

2 Crocs, Inc. shoe store and Officine Panerai luxury watch boutique are set to open this month at NorthPark Center.  3 Preston Hollowbased Cheeky Chics Jewelry, GAIA Empowered Women and Taylor Custer Jewelry Design will be at the Dallas Flea at South Side on Lamar on Saturday, April 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

42 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com APRIL 2012
business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM
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Photo by Brittany Cohen
“Instead of getting a taste of sausage here and there, it’s more like one flavor that has been cooked together.”
—Tomato Pie Pizza manager John Hudnall
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The Dallas Flea 1409 S. LAMAR



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