Education, I N te r ru P ted
Life’s struggles threatened them, but these students fought for success
Life’s struggles threatened them, but these students fought for success
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During the past few years, we’ve visited quite a few colleges, preparing last year for our oldest’s decision and now giving our youngest a taste of what’s out there.
Speaking as the first in my family to attend college and as someone who didn’t visit the school I attended until it was too late to get into another one, these visits are a strangely numbing process.
There’s excitement, of course, about choosing a new home, and yet confusion and concern about making a mistake selecting the place where many of life’s crucial decisions could be formed, as if it’s possible to make the “right” life decision at 18 anyway.
Surprisingly, if you visit enough four-year colleges, the places start to run together. Public or private, expensive or not, many have or are building state-of-the-art student centers. And competition for students has spawned a surprising number of climbing walls, spin-class rooms, sushi restaurants and big-screen TVs — even many of the least expensive four-year colleges remind me of a cross between a sports bar and a cruise ship.
So after visiting lots of schools and trying, unsuccessfully for the most part, to view each spot through our potential student’s eyes, my wife and I concluded that there’s one thing that ultimately separates one school from another: the tour guide.
That’s right: A decision involving perhaps a hundred thousand dollars in educational “value” can boil down to whether a volunteer student tour guide was funny, entertaining, smart or simply a block-head.
In our travels, the schools judged most deficient were the ones that trotted out the most bored and disinterested tour guides, kids who acted (and sometimes even told us) they were a little too important to be leading a tour.
In fact, one tour guide spent a good portion of a 90-minute tour telling us repeatedly she wished they hadn’t called her in, but she was the only one in town and she wished she was still sleeping off the party from last night and this was a presumably high-achieving student at one of the country’s most highly rated private schools.
And the schools judged best by our sons? Often, it boiled down to tour guides who were enthusiastic, helpful and engaged. People who cared. People who went out of their way to make kids they’d never see again feel welcome, wanted and important. It wasn’t that they were the best advocates for their schools’ academics; it was that they were the most caring.
As it turns out, that same idea applies to stu-
dents featured in this month’s cover story. Many of them won’t be attending expensive colleges; in fact, most weren’t even on track to graduate from high school not long ago.
But if you read these stories, you’ll find there’s a “tour guide” of sorts who took an interest in these students, someone who helped guide them from almost certain failure to almost certain success.
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Someone — a teacher, a relative, a friend, a volunteer — convinced these students that their lives have value, that their efforts to succeed won’t be in vain, that if they focused their energy on accomplishments instead of bad breaks, they could break a cycle of misfortune and make something out of their lives.
Those of us who have been around awhile know that success in life isn’t as simple as just influencing someone in a positive direction. But for the most part, that’s where success begins. Most of us need a push from time to time, and it doesn’t take an expert to do the deed — it only takes someone who cares.
That’s how these teens found their way in life. And without an enthusiastic tour guide somewhere along the line, many of us wouldn’t be where we are today, either.
publisher: RICK WAMRE 214.560.4212 /
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Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email
Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by East Dallas –Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.
Competition for students has spawned a surprising number of climbing walls, spin-class rooms, sushi restaurants and big-screen TVs.
White Rock Lake Festival hosted by The White Rock Lake Foundation
Admission $5
White Rock Lake Centennial Half Marathon hosted by Dallas Running Club Register at
Family Fun Day
WRL Painting Day meet at Branchfield and W. Lawther, 8:30am Lake Demonstrations at Big Thicket, 10am
Little League Baseball Tournament at Winfrey Point
Comerica LakewoodStock hosted by Lakewood Business Association
Come watch the Centennial Sailing Regatta hosted by the White Rock Boat Club
2nd Annual White Rock Rowing Sprint Championships hosted by the White Rock Boathouse
Carry The Load hosted by Carry The Load and White Rock Lake Conservancy
Last day to enter the Centennial Photo Contest hosted by the White Rock Lake Conservancy. Go online for details at
The Comerica White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration is a marathon of events and activities to celebrate the 100th birthday of one of Dallas’ signature parks. Kicking off in March and culminating in a grand finale weekend in June, proceeds from the Comerica White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration will help fund ten capital projects and improvements, including improving hike and bike trails, completely renovating the White Rock Dog Park and restoring the park forests.
The Comerica White Rock Centennial Celebration Pave the Way campaign allows families and businesses to forever commemorate their love of the lake on pavestones that will permanently grace the plaza at the spillway. Visit to Pave the Way today.
To donate, buy tickets or for more information about the Comerica White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration, visit or join us on Facebook at White Rock Dallas. FROM THE BLOG
On April 1, W.T. White High School lost a member of its family, assistant principal Terry Durr. On the blog, editor Emily Toman wrote about Durr, his work with students and the scholarship being established in his honor.
Terry Durr was a big guy, standing at least 6 feet tall. But the soft-spoken W.T. White assistant principal worked quietly behind the scenes, mentoring ninth graders as they transition to high school.
“Some of the students don’t even know how much he helped them,” counselor Jeri Bechly says. He often dipped into his own pockets to help someone pay for a cap and gown or other school necessities.
Durr passed away in his sleep in the early morning on Friday, April 1 after having been ill for several months. He had worked with W.T. White for about 10 years, and there’s no doubt that he had a big impact on the students.
“I worked with Terry for several years at W.T. White. He provided firm guidance when needed but also knew how to show a softer nurturing side.”
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“He was one of my very best friends and one of the most caring, fair, compassionate persons I have ever met.” —MICHAEL WATKINS
“He was always able to see humor in a situation, and you just felt good talking to him. Terry was a rare gift to this world. He was a man with many layers that shielded his big, big heart. I miss you Terry, Godspeed.” —CINDY VANWINKLE
“My favorite story is when Mr. Durr allowed a cheerleader mom to wear his sport coat to get into a football game against Samuel. DISD was enforcing a new dress code policy of not allowing girls or ladies into the game if a bare shoulder could be seen. It was so funny. Seeing him four years later, we still chuckled about the whole incident. He truly had a big heart!” —THOMAS PAYNE
to read the full story and more comments, search: Terry Durr.
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For the last 10 years, Mike Morath has been C eo of a software company that streamlines a federal meal program for schools. h e started volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters about five years ago. a nd he says he feels it’s his duty to serve children. t hat’s why he’s stepping down from a lucrative job and committing 10 years to serve on the Dallas i ndependent School District Board of trustees. h e was elected without opposition and takes office this month.
I’m from Garland. I went to Garland High School and was in the International Baccalaureate program there. The Fighting Owls.
The short answer is, it’s my calling in life. A few years ago, I went to India and helped put in water wells. In Mexico, I helped at an eye clinic for orphans and street children. I’ve done a lot of work over the years helping kids. I’ve been a Big Brother for the past five years. I’ve always been passionate about helping kids. To be an effective school board trustee, you can’t just like children. You have to know something about management, and you have to understand the policies.
It’s sort of the way I was raised. I was born to two parents who loved me. I attended good schools, and I had everything I ever needed. I had no control over that. It’s sort of the luck of the draw. You don’t get to choose where you’re born. Oh but for the grace of God, I could’ve been born a lost boy of Sudan. It’s on those of us who can do something to actually do something.
We’re spending about half our money on teachers. That means we’re spending $700plus million on stuff other than teachers. Now, some of that is needed. But we just seem to have lost our way. If you compare spending in the U.S. to spending in Japan, for example, they spend 77 percent of every education dollar on teachers. They spend less than we do, and they get more for it. Put more money in classrooms. Give principals a great deal more authority to manage their campuses. That brings perils of its own because it requires a skill set that not all of our principals necessarily have. As we move in that direction of local school control, you’ve got to concentrate on their skills and training. Perhaps the most critical ingredient is the principal. If you have 225 world-class principals, you have 225 world-class schools. A good principal can get everyone motivated and focused, to throw out their TAKS workbook and pay attention to teaching kids how to think. This is what a good campus leader can do. That is probably the single most valuable thing in education, but it’s hard to come by.
I understand the value of metrics and of having the right metrics. The job of metrics is to relentlessly keep employees focused on the mission. You have to develop metrics that tie them to be relentlessly focused on their mission. Your real objective is not to get people to pass tests. It’s raising sentient beings who can think for themselves. We’ve erred on the side of numeric analysis, and we’ve forgotten that the purpose of numeric analysis is to keep people focused on their missions. And you’ve taken away the human interaction that principals and deans of instruction should have with teachers. The feedback loop is broken. And everybody loses. It is a case study in how to destroy a school system. DISD is losing 100,000 students. That is the legacy we’re leaving to the city of Dallas. There are 150,000 students in DISD.A third don’t graduate. A third do, but they’re not prepared. It’s a catastrophe. If you’ve got a teacher in there who loves the kids that’s a work of art. It is our job to make sure they’re
continued on page 12
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successful at their jobs. Find, retain and train great principals. And then find, retain and train great teachers.
You know, I get that question a lot: “Why inGod’s name would you do this?” People tell me they think DISD is hopeless and we should just write it off. We’ve come to a point where no one trusts the school district.
Eighty-seven percent of our kids are free and reduced lunch. The middle class has left the school district, for the most part. There are great things going on in our schools that no one knows about.
Preston Hollow Elementary has 98 percent TAKS passing rates. It has the performance of a good private school. But no one’s putting their kid in that school because they don’t trust it. The DISD brand is so bad that even when good things happen, people don’t believe it.
Yes. PR is important. We have these things called SBDMs — site-based decision making committees, and they’re made up of people from the community. Well, SBDMs are mostly a waste of time. They’re ineffective and don’t do much to provide managerial support. I would like to see them expanded and given more duties. For example, task an SBDM with increasing volunteerism and doing PR for the school. At elementary schools, they could increase early childhood PTAs.
We’ve got to recognize that schools can’t do it alone. When middle class kids leave the classroom, their education continues. But when poor kids leave the class, that’s it for them. We’ve got to recognize that those larger societal factors are part of the conversation: hunger, health, homelessness.
My Little Brother has moved 25 times in five years. How are you going to get a good education that way? We should look at extending the school year, the school day, after school programs. These kids are going be 20-somethings working in our city. The mayoral debate is all about economic development, and they’ve got it all wrong. Spruce High School is in a run-down neighborhood. Imagine if Spruce High School was the high school where everyone wanted to send their kids because that’s a phenomenal high school. What would happen to that neighborhood? When you get the campuses right, the neighborhoods follow.
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BEFORE// When Greg and Tammy Weiss moved into their Northaven Park home, they made a few adjustments here and there. But soon, the time came for a major remodel. “It was very dated,” Tammy says. “The house was very ’70s looking. We were talking about how we could make it more livable.”
AFTER// The biggest change came when the Weisses opened up the space between the kitchen and the living room, providing a perfect area for family time and entertaining guests. They took out the dividing wall, leaving a brick beam along the ceiling. “Now, it’s like our big living area,” Tammy says. “We stay in there all the time. Before, we would all be in our separate rooms.” The remodel allows them to see straight to the backyard from the kitchen. The Weisses turned their breakfast nook into a pantry, and now they eat all their meals at the dining table or at the bar. “It’s much more modern.” Tammy says they searched the shaky housing market last year for a new home but just couldn’t find anything comparable to their current location. That’s when they decided to remodel. “Then, it kind of grew.” They expanded the master bathroom to include a bathtub and a fireplace, which doubles as an outdoor fireplace on the exterior wall backing up to the back patio. Tammy says it’s a huge difference from their previous, coat-closet-sized bathroom. “It rocks.” —EMILY TOMAN
At the same time every day, silence falls on Jack Wallace’s eighth-grade English class. “You don’t hear anything for the next 15 minutes,” he says. That’s because the students are poring over books, devouring popular titles such as “The Hunger Games” and “The Last Olympian”. “It takes two or three minutes to pull the books away from the kids,” Wallace says. It’s all part of the Marsh Middle School teacher’s classroom challenge to read 1,000 books by the end of the school year. So far, they’ve topped 700 books. Wallace tracks the progress through a blog where students write reviews. In fact, he has garnered full participation without setting any requirements. There’s no grade for this lesson. “It’s all studentrun,” Wallace says. “I think it’s because reading has become a really big social thing. They’re always recommending books to each other. That’s been really cool.” At just 23 years old, Wallace is one of 10 Marsh instructors under the Teach for America program, which sends teachers to schools with a high number of economically disadvantaged students. Originally from Milwaukee, Wis., Wallace graduated from Yale University with a history degree. He devotes about 80 hours a week to his job — from tutoring at 7 a.m. to mulling over lesson plans at 9 p.m. But Wallace says that’s true of every teacher at Marsh. And he isn’t the first one to launch a “1,000 books” challenge. “Some kids here have never read a book, and they’ve just made huge gains [academically],” he says. “And it’s not just in this classroom that it’s going on.” —Emily
TomanFollow JAck wAllAce’s english clAss at
“I’d never want to consider a life without activity,” says avid runner and biker Gary Derheim. But a hip fracture nearly brought his sport to a screeching halt. At Baylor, Gary was treated with an advanced, new procedure called hip resurfacing. “Before the procedure,” he says, “they spent a lot of time talking to me about options, what was important to me. You need a good hip to ride like I do. The procedure was incredible. I was walking within days. Ultimately, I was able to do a 109-mile bike race, and I didn’t think about my hip once.”
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“My new hip got me back in the race.”
Marci Peschke is a fixture at Kramer Elementary. As the school librarian, she places books in the hands of students every day, but for years she was too nervous to share her own personal work. “I’ve been a closet writer my whole life,” Peschke says. She eventually caught the attention of a publisher at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Peschke had been working on “The Ghost’s Revenge”, the first of her series of mystery books. “They said, ‘We love it. How fast can you finish it?’ ” That spawned two more sets of children’s books, including “Growing up Daisy” and her latest, “Kylie Jean”, which is based on her niece. Set in East Texas, the four-book series follows a girl who dreams of being a beauty queen and must discover how to be pretty on the inside, too. “That kind of drives her,” Peschke says. “She has to be patient and learn some life lessons.” Peschke can’t keep the “Kylie Jean” books on the shelves at the Kramer library. “There’s a huge waiting list for them.” Peschke began as the Kramer librarian in 1999 and later served at under-performing schools, improving the library at Sam Houston Elementary and helping launch programs at Junkins Elementary, which had just opened at that time. She returned to Kramer three years ago. “I love my job. It’s like being able to do your hobby and get paid for it.” Peschke is currently working on her next installment of “Kylie Jean”.
$5 Student dancers will strut their stuff once again during the W.T. White Dance Explosion at 7 p.m. in the school auditorium. About 300 students will perform 35-40 routines ranging from classic jazz to ballet to hip-hop. “It’s a little bit of everything,” says W.T. White dance instructor Hilary Rinella. “We want to create well-rounded dancers.” Since she joined the staff three years ago, Rinella has helped expand the dance program, reaching out to departments such as choir, theater and other fine arts. This year, it’s bigger than ever. “It also spread by word of mouth,” Rinella says. “In today’s society, I feel like there’s a big response for it now.” The program expanded so much that the school has hired an additional part-time dance teacher. 4505 Ridgeside, 972.502.6200. —EMILY TOMAN
05.06-05.07 PLAZA DAYS FREE The Plaza at Preston Center hosts its annual festival and sidewalk sale, offering special deals at local shops. The event also includes children’s activities such as face painting and balloon-making. Several dog rescue groups also will have booths. 8311 Preston Center Plaza Drive, 469.232.0000,
05.07 VANISHING OF THE BEES FREE North Haven Gardens offers a free screening of the film “Vanishing of the Bees” at 3 p.m. with refreshments. The movie sheds light on the plight of bees and how humans can make a difference. 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316,
05.12 KATY 5K $10-$35 The Katy 5k along the Katy Trail is 6-9 p.m. at Reverchon Park and also features a mini food festival. About 50 local restaurants and food vendors will be on site after participants finish the race. 3505 Maple, 214.303.1180,
05.15 BAGEL RUN $8-$25
The Jewish Community Center hosts its 25th annual Bagel Run beginning at 8 a.m. The race includes a 5k, 10k and 1k for kids. Awards will be given to winners in each age group along with a first-place trophy for the fastest rabbi. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 on race day and $8 for the kids’ 1k. 7900 Northaven, 214.239.7147,
t he deli crowd takes its food very seriously — right down to the kind of pickle served next to the sandwich. “Food has a way of making people really angry or really happy,” says Lisa Giannopoloulos, owner of Gio’s Café & New York Deli. She is definitely making people happy at her local restaurant that opened in December, filling the void of other New York-style delis that have come and gone in our neighborhood. Gio’s has become a breakfast hotspot, serving homemade corned beef hash delivered straight from Carnegie Deli in New York City. The dish comes topped with poached eggs and home fries on the side. Other popular items include the lox, eggs and onions, which has scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. The restaurant bustles with diners and, if you live in the neighborhood, you’re bound to see a familiar face. “Everybody knows each other, they’re going around to all the tables hugging and kissing each other,” Giannopoloulos says. People feel at home with the food, too. From the pastrami to the stuffed cabbage, customers often say it tastes just like their mothers used to make.
—Emily TomanPreston & lBJ 972.387.4467
1 Woodlands Grill
i t’s quality over quantity on this small brunch menu, which includes the Woodlands loaded potatoes and the mascarpone and blueberry pancakes. For something healthier, there’s also the low-fat yogurt and granola mix. Preston & forest 972.239.2024
From gourmet empanadas to the homemade chori burger, this upscale restaurant serves a classic, South a mericaninspired brunch 11a.m.-3 p.m. on weekends. northPark center 214.987.2260
food and wine online. Visit
you have to travel a bit outside the neighborhood for this comfort food gem, but it’s well worth it for hefty portions of buttermilk biscuits and bacon and cheese omelettes. royal & harry hines
Our Highland Park location, The Mint, offers an array of Asian-fused cuisine, specializing in Bangkok style dishes. We feature farm fresh ingredients, beautifully presented, coupled with a chic atmosphere and friendly service. Happy Hour is 5pm-6:30pm Mon.-Fri. – all beers and house wines are $3; $2 off appetizers, soups & salads. 4246 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.6469. The Asian Mint, along with its fused and sushi menus, also offers one of the best dessert bars in Dallas. 11617 N. Central Expwy. 214.363.6655.
Mother’s Day is upon us, so here are a few thoughts giving Mom wine and serving wine for a Mother’s or brunch.
First and foremost, if you know what Mom likes, it to her. That means that if she appreciates white fandel, let her drink white zinfandel. You aren’t wine police.
Second, don’t worry too much about pairing wine and food. You aren’t the wine police there, either. If Mom likes red wine with fish or white wine with beef, she’s allowed to drink it.
To that end, here are three wines that offer value and fit those criteria:
This French red isn’t quite the steal that it was in the old days, but still offers decent wine at a decent price. Best yet, it’s a fruity red wine that pairs with everything from roast chicken to roast lamb.
This is an odd white blend from Australia — riesling, sauvignon blanc and marsanne. It’s not sweet, despite the riesling, but is clean and crisp with a bit of lemon fruit. It’s shellfish and salad wine.
This is very well done California chardonnay — oak for people who like that sort of thing, plus green apple fruit and enough acid to balance the fruit and the oak. The wine to treat Mom with.
—JEFF SIEGELLike roast chicken, but dislike how long it takes? Then try roasting individual parts. Thighs are the quickest, but you can also use breasts. Just let them cook a little longer. Any of the wines mentioned here would pair well.
Serves 4, takes about 40 minutes
8 chicken thighs
1/3 c Dijon-style mustard
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp rosemary, ground
4 Tbsp olive oil, divided salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 450. Combine mustard, garlic, rosemary and 3 Tbsp olive oil in a small bowl.
2. Salt and pepper the thighs. In an oven-safe pan large enough to hold all the chicken, sauté the thighs, starting skin side down, in 1 Tbsp olive oil for about 3 1/2 minutes on each side, until well browned.
3. Put the thighs in the oven and cook for 10 minutes. Flip the thighs over so the skin side is down, and brush the mustard mixture on the thighs. Cook for 10 minutes, flip again, and brush the mustard on the skin side of chicken. Cook 10 or 15 minutes more until chicken is done.
This is one of the most controversial parts of the wine business, and there are many reasons. But, typically, restaurants charge three times what the wine costs the restaurant. And why do they do it?
Because they can.
Some acquire their diploma easily. Others earn theirs against all odds. // These graduating seniors didn’t let life’s blows keep them down. This month, they will cross the commencement stage knowing their tribulations made them stronger.
No need to fear the unknown. At Sunstone Yoga, we have a new series to help ease you into Yoga. Combine this with the affordable $10 introductory offer and you’ll be touching your toes in no time.
No need to fear the unknown. At Sunstone Yoga, we have a new series to help ease you into Yoga. Combine this with the affordable $10 introductory offer and you’ll be touching your toes in no time.
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*Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
*Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
Two-Class Introduction
Intro Series Two-Class Introduction
Two-Class Introduction
Two-Class Introduction
New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners
New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners
New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners
New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners
Not until her family fled Iran amid religious persecution. For decades, the Iranian government has discriminated against people of the Baha’i faith, the country’s largest minority religion, resulting in violence, wrongful imprisonment and other injustices.
“My dad got fired from his job. Because we are Baha’i, they didn’t allow us to go to college,” Taefi says. “My mom and dad thought it would be a good idea to move.”
It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life.
It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life.
It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life.
It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life. Preston Forest Village
They joined other family members in Dallas, and Taefi entered sixth grade at Kramer Elementary. She spoke only Farsi, and struggled to adapt to American culture.
Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230
Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102
Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230
214.764.2119 x102
Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Road #206 Dallas TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102
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“It was hard to communicate with people,” she says. “They made fun of me. I had no one to talk to. That hardship motivated me to learn English.”
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*Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
Taefi will graduate this month from Hillcrest High School. She speaks English like a native and enjoys studying math and science even though she struggled with the language. AP biol-
*Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
*Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
ogy teacher Theresa Oriabure says Taefi never gave up.
“Biology has its own separate language. There’s so much vocabulary. It becomes a huge hill to climb.”
But while many students simply do the work to get through class and graduate, Oriabure says Taefi has a genuine desire to learn.
“She always searches for knowledge. Clone me 50 of these students,” Oriabure says of Taefi, “and I won’t have any problem.”
Taefi also is a member of the National Honor Society and participates in community service through the Interact and Key clubs. She plans to pursue a medical career.
Taefi has a passion for helping others — even outside of school. She mentors middle school students through the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program. She’s also mindful of those suffering beyond borders.
“If I became a doctor, I would want to travel to places like Haiti or Japan — wherever they need doctors.”
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He shifts around in his seat with his hands clasped, anxiously rubbing his two index fingers together. Just a few years ago, his tics were uncontrollable, and going to school each day was a nightmare.
“As soon as I got in the car, I would just cry and cry and say I don’t want to go back there. But then, I would wake up the next day, and it’s … here we go again.
“I thanked God when I got to high school. Everything changed. It’s like a family here.”
The W.T. White senior suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome, an inherited neurobiological disorder that causes involuntary movements, ranging from mild twitches to extreme verbal outbursts. He was diagnosed at age 13. It affects about 200,000 people in the United States, according to the Tourette
Syndrome Association.
While at Marsh Middle School, Alvardo endured relentless bullying.
“I was scared. I thought I was going to get jumped.”
So he zoned out and kept people at a distance. When he arrived at W.T. White, he learned to manage his tics, which are triggered by anxiety. Holding them in only makes them worse. Nicole Wolfe, the school nurse, agreed to become his sounding board.
“Back then he had swearing tics,” Wolfe says. “He would come in my office and just let them all out. In class, he wanted to be like a normal kid. This was his safe place.”
Alvardo went from being a shy introvert with no friends to one of the most popular kids in school.
“I don’t think there’s anyone in this building that I don’t know,” he says.
He’s determined to go to college and pursue a profession that will allow him to help other people like him.
“I know I want to do something medical because I want to help people — ever since I was little. I can help people because I know what they feel.”
Tourette’s isn’t the only stress Alvardo has in his life. His parents divorced when he was 9, and his father lives in Mexico.
“It’s really hard. I miss him a lot.”
But he has found comfort in the teachers and staff at W.T. White.
“You feel like you’re not alone.”
Doctors tell Alvardo that there’s a 75 percent chance that the Tourette’s will begin to fade away after he turns 18. He hopes that’s the case; however, he says that the disorder is a blessing and a curse.
“There were times when I felt like I just wanted to die but if I didn’t have Tourette’s, I would have been a different person. I would have been some normal kid, some gangster or some jerk.”
I thanked God when I got to high school. Everything changed. It’s like a family here.
While other kids worked odd jobs to save up for the latest toy, she worked to pay the bills.
“I think I missed out on my childhood,” she says.
The family receives aid from the Section 8 government program and uses food stamps. Her father comes and goes — he has at least 17 other children. Her mother has bipolar disorder, struggles to remain employed and allows bills to pile up each month.
“It’s stressful, and I get irritated,” Abron Empy says.
Despite a tumultuous home life, she matured quickly and immersed herself in school, excelling in math and science. She will graduate this month from W.T. White on the A-B Honor Roll and with a long list of extra-curriculars: National Honor Society president, Senior Executive Board member, Step Team captain, Varsity Choir and the LEEN mentoring program, just to name
a few. Plus, she has worked part-time as a cashier at Tom Thumb for the past two years.
And she has done it all with little encouragement from her parents.
“My mom wasn’t involved in school when it comes to parent-teacher conferences and all the performances I’ve been in,” Abron Empy says.
Her teachers filled the void. Teachers like Mary Rivers.
“LaDavia calls me her second mom,” says Rivers, who teaches freshman biology and has remained close with Abron Empy through all four years of high school, giving her rides to school and helping her shop for a Homecoming dress.
“The science department has become her extended family for support that she doesn’t get at home,” Rivers says.
Before switching to pre-AP classes in 10th grade, Abron Empy made perfect scores on everything in Rivers’ ninthgrade Integrated Physics and Chemistry class.
“I was surprised she was not in a PreAP class. She just got 100s on everything.”
Abron Empy isn’t just book smart. She also has an artistic side.
“My number one passion is music,” she says.
She participated in the school’s original musical, “WTW.ENTERTAINMENT. COM”, and did a solo performance of “Real Love” by Mary J. Blige, one of Abron Empy’s favorite artists. Singing and listening to music helps take her mind off of pressures at home.
“By doing what I like, I don’t focus on what I’m stressed out about.”
All of her hard work and dedication has paid off. Abron Empy already has received an $8,000 scholarship to Texas Women’s University — $2,000 per year. She’s still waiting to hear back from the Gates Millennium Scholars Program. She plans to major in chemistry and work in the medical field.
“As far as what’s happening at home after I leave, I’m not sure. I’m going to go to school and do what’s right for myself.”
Of course, Rivers has no doubt about Abron-empy’s future.
“I think she’s one of those people who has the ability for greatness. I think she has an innate intelligence, and she can go very far.”
High school is a time of memories, growth and learning, but most of us, if we had the opportunity, would never return to our former high schools. After graduating, we leave high school in the past and dive head first into the future.
However, several alumni have traded in their backpacks for briefcases to return to their alma maters as faculty. Read about what motivated these former students to reenter the classroom in a very different role.
These alums now stand at the head of the classnadia KHan-RobeRts Spanish teacher W.T. White High School, class of 1998 Story by Ashley Hudson Photos by Can Turkylimaz
THE JOURNEY BACK: Khan-Roberts attended Stephen F. Austin, where she majored in Spanish and French. She knew she wanted to teach, but never thought she would return to W.T. White.
She had taught in Austin and Plano and had recently married when she heard about an open Spanish position at W.T. White.
“It was an opportunity that fell into my lap,” she says.
Khan-Roberts first reaction was laughter.
“I laughed — ‘Ha ha, I’m not going back to teach at the school I graduated from’ — and then I thought, ‘Oh, that might be kind of fun,’” she says. “I went, I interviewed, I got the job, and walking into the building, it was like putting on an old, comfortable pair of shoes.”
WHAT’S CHANGED: Khan-Roberts says the racial makeup of the school has changed. When she was a student, the number of white and Hispanic students was equal. Now the school is 70 percent Hispanic. She also says the student body is larger.
“We’re busting at the seams,” she says.
The school is also more academically rigorous than in the past, she says.
“Gone are the days of teacher goes and sits at the desk and gives all the kids a worksheet,” she says.
GIVING BACK: Khan-Roberts sees education as an investment.
“I spent four years here, and they invested in me. And here I am giving back. And now I’m investing in my students, and I hope they give back.
“They don’t have to give back at White. They can give back at the city level, at the state level heck, they can go to Argentina, go to Mexico. Use their Spanish to go fix Mexico,” she says.
ATTENTIONGRABBER: Khan-Roberts says she doesn’t initially tell her students she attended W.T. White. She likes to wait until the students get to know her and respect her. Then she uses it as a lecturing point.
“I’ll say, ‘You know when I was in high school, and I was in this school, in this building, I never used to hear kids walking around saying the n-word or the f-word.’ “And they’re like ‘Wait. What, what, what?’
“I was like ‘Yeah, yeah, I went to this school!’” she says.
ALL IN THE FAMILY: Khan-Roberts spends eight to 10 hours a day at school. “I feel like I’m helping my family. This is my second family,” she says.
She hopes one day her two children will be able to attend W.T. White.
“In 10 years, I hope this school will still be flourishing,” she says.
WORKING STUDENT: During her senior year of high school, Rosamond had completed all of her credits, so she participated in a vocational office education program.
“I left [school] by 11:30, and I worked in a law firm from noon until 5, five days a week, so that kept me pretty busy,” she says.
Still, she says she was able to enjoy her senior year.
ThE jOURNEy bacK: After graduating from UTD, Rosamond completed her student teaching at Lake Highlands High School and was offered a job there.
She taught at the school five years before getting married and deciding to stay home with her first child. Rosamond stayed home for 12 years but continued to be involved in her children’s education, and began substituting for English teachers at W.T. White.
She was offered a position but says she wasn’t quite ready.
After her divorce, she says, “I went back into the fire. I went back into teaching.”
She taught at the first charter school in Texas for a year, then worked with the Junior Achievement program and taught for six years at the elementary level.
“I have approximately 21 years experience [in teaching], but it’s broken up,” she says.
As ESL teaching jobs at the elementary level began to phase out, Rosamond interviewed for secondary teaching positions. She attended an education fair and learned that Hillcrest was looking for teachers.
“It was really just by chance,” she says. This is her seventh year at Hillcrest.
WhaT’S DIFFERENT: When Rosamond attended Hillcrest, the school was populated only with 10th- through 12thgraders. At that time, girls weren’t allowed to wear jeans or pants to school.
“Everybody wore hose and girdles and dresses or skirts,” she says.
She also remembers the cafeteria food being homemade.
“My mother would pack me a lunch or I’d make my lunch every day, but I would rather eat the cafeteria food because it was so good. It was all homemade rolls, homemade pies,” she says.
Rosamond says classes were relatively large when she was a student, and she took a typing class that pre-dated the era of computers.
“It was just a very different world,” she says.
RELaTING TO STUDENTS: Rosamond tells her students she attended Hillcrest when it comes up in conversation. She says the students always want to know what year she graduated.
“I feel like I relate to my students because I grew up in Dallas, like they are, even though it has changed a lot,” she says.
Rosamond says she grew up in the “political days” and graduated a year before the schools were integrated in 1972.
“I really enjoy teaching, and I feel I get my message across,” she says. “[The students] may think I’m a shrew at first, but they come to realize that they’re learning something.”
Geometry teacher, football coach and assistant girls soccer coach W.T. White High School, class of 2006
THE JOURNEY BACK: Meyer attended Yale University and studied economics and mathematics. “I knew I wanted to teach for a little bit after college,” he says. “I wanted to come back and work at Dallas ISD or at least in an urban school district.” After enrolling in the Dallas ISD alternative certification program, he applied for positions at several Dallas high schools. W.T. White was one of the few high schools with jobs available.
“I just kind of jumped on that,” he says. “It’s fun coming back and teaching people who grew up in the same area you did.”
WHAT’SCHANGED: Not much in five years, Meyer says. “Maybe half the teachers I had are still here, and the other half have retired or gone to different schools. The student body is pretty much the same,” he says.
WORKING WITH FORMER TEACHERS: “It’s a little weird because I’m teaching with some of the teachers who taught me,” he says. “It’s not as weird as I expected because it’s a totally different group of students. I’m not teaching people I actually know.”
STUDENT REACTIONS: “They’re kind of taken aback when I say, a, that I went to school here, and b, that someone from here ended up going to Yale,” he says. “It’s kind of neat for them. It’s good not only for my students but also for the kids I coach.”
FUTURE OUTLOOK: Meyer began as a freshmen football coach and then was moved up to varsity. Still, he remains close to the freshmen football players. “It would be nice, because I’m really close with those freshmen, to see them go through high school and hopefully succeed and go to college. That’s kind of what I’m shooting for.”
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“It’s a little weird because I’m teaching with some of the teachers who taught me.”
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Re: Extensions. IRS form 4868 allows the taxpayer 6 extra months to “file”. Note: Taxes “owed” are due on April 15th.
Jack F. Lewis Jr., cpa
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“Dear Friends: You can stop praying now. In fact, as your pastor, I am asking you: Please stop praying. An extensive clinical study has concluded that praying for those you don’t know does them no earthly good. In fact, the researchers have concluded that prayer may do patients some harm. So drop those prayer lists immediately! Just back away slowly from those liturgies of intercessory prayer! At our church, prayers for others will cease until further notice.”
The paragraph above was written by Martin Copenhaver, who is the senior pastor of The Wellesley Congregational Church in Wellesley, Massachusetts. It was obviously written tonguein-cheek, but he bases his message on a 2006 article in the New York Times that reported a scientific study of the effects of prayer. The article concluded, “Prayers offered by strangers had no effect on the recovery of people who were undergoing heart surgery, a large and long-awaited study has found. And patients who knew they were being prayed for had a higher rate of postoperative complications.”
Now that’s news, isn’t it? Maybe we should post a sign outside the church door saying “Warning: The prayers of these people may be hazardous to your health.” Perhaps, along with Copenhaver, we should be concerned.
Of course, I have some doubts about how scientific the study was, and I am not alone in that. Many have questioned its validity, including the authors themselves, who worried that “... being aware of the strangers’ prayers may have caused some of the patients a kind of performance anxiety. It may have made them uncertain, wondering, ‘Am I so sick that they had to call in their prayer team?’” One hospital chaplain said, “God is not subject to scientific research.”
C.S. Lewis anticipated this sort of prayer study. “The trouble is that I do not see how any real prayer could go on under such conditions,” Lewis said. “Simply to say prayers is not to pray; otherwise a team of properly trained parrots would serve as well as men for our experi-
ment.” He argued that this approach to prayer treats it “as if it were magic, or a machine — something that functions automatically.”
If Lewis is right, such attempts always end up trying to measure something more akin to magic than a real movement of God.
The real scandal of the study is not that the prayed-for group did worse, but that the notprayed-for group received just as much, if not
more, of God’s blessings. In other words, God seems to have granted favor without regard to either the quantity or even the quality of the prayers. God appears inclined to heal and bless as many people as possible.
Did God answer the prayers of the study’s official prayer teams? Yes. But more than that, God answered the prayers of the patients, of their friends and relatives, and perhaps even of those who may not have known they were praying.
God seems to have granted favor without regard to either the quantity or even the quality of the prayers.
God appears inclined to heal and bless as many people as possible.
The Heroes of Hope dinner and awards ceremony honored the volunteer efforts of United Way of Metropolitan Dallas. To date, the organization has raised 16 percent of its five-year, $313 million goal. Preston Hollow area residents pictured from left: n orm Bagwell and Jim Burke
National Council of Jewish Women presented the Woman Who Dared Award to n ancy Pelosi , former House Democratic Leader and the highest-ranking female politician in American history. Pictured: n ancy Pelosi and Barbara Lee , NCJW president and Preston Hollow resident.
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The price of gold has been on the rise in recent years. At the end of March, prices topped $1,400 per ounce. While gold is always a target for a crafty thief, the escalating prices can make for a more profitable take.
Matthew Pickett experienced this firsthand recently.
Pickett had come home from work on the afternoon of March 8. He made a nice lunch at home before heading back to work. He remembered nothing out of place — just a normal afternoon. After eating his meal, he drove back to work to finish up for the week.
If only he had stayed a bit longer, the crime might not have occurred. Making matters worse, his family’s house alarm had malfunctioned a bit lately, so his family had stopped using it.
Sometime in the few hours after he left and returned home at 5 p.m., someone broke through a back window.
“I just saw glass all over the floor,” Pickett says of the scene when he returned home from work.
Pickett says had the alarm been on, it would not have worked anyway because it had been malfunctioning on the rear windows.
“The alarm was kind of touchy. We’ve been having some issues with it,” Pickett says.
says. “They must have known it was there. It’s almost as if they knew what was there.”
After the burglary, Pickett believes he found the TV at a pawnshop on Harry Hines Boulevard, but did not have the serial number to prove it. Police told Pickett that someone had been arrested in connection with the crime.
“But we didn’t get anything recovered,” he says. “We have added a whole new security system.”
Dallas Police Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division says the theft of gold jewelry has not increased in the area, but that gold is a common target.
“Jewerly, whether it is gold or gemstones, is a common item taken in residential burglaries,” Dwyer says. “That is more due to the fact it can be easily carried and hidden when leaving the scene. In addition, it can be sold to a pawn shop or someone in the street.”
A safe is something to consider if someone has a large amount of expensive jewelry.
the v ictim: Matthew Pickett
The burglars made off with some gold jewelry and one large flatscreen TV from an upstairs bedroom.
“The police thought that was odd. They bypassed other valuables in the house,” he
the c rime: b urglary
date: friday, March 8
time: b etween noon and 5 p.m. location: 6400 block of Meadow
“The owner should look for features such as being fireproof, the combination code can be changed by the owner, and bolted to the floor for added protection (such as the floor of a closet). Photographing the jewelry is another simple, but often forgotten, measure a homeowner can take. This helps in the identification of recovering property whether from a suspect or a pawn shop.”
Keep an eye out for Dough Pizzeria Napoletana 1 , which has claimed the spot at the northwest corner of preston and Forest formerly occupied by Chocolate angel Too. The san antonio restaurant has been poised to move in for nearly a year now, establishing its second location in our neighborhood. while they couldn’t provide an exact date, owners doug and lori horn plan to open sometime this month. but make no mistake — dough isn’t your average pizza joint. in 2009, it joined a handful of elite restaurants across the united states, becoming certified by the Verace pizzeria napoletana americas. based in naples, italy, the program imparts strict guidelines on how to prepare authentic neapolitan pizza everything from the origin of ingredients to the type of oven used. Traditionally, the flat, disc-shaped pizza is made with fresh basil and extra virgin olive oil topped with italian plum tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. it’s baked in a wood-burning oven at 800 degrees for just 90 seconds. 11909 preston,
Just when the frozen yogurt craze seemed to reach its peak, another competitor showed signs of life. The national chain Tasti-D-lite 2 has expanded to dallas-Fort worth with plans to open at hillcrest and northwest highway early this month. The company started in new York City more than 20 years ago with a focus on health-conscious frozen desserts. Tasti-d-lite doesn’t claim to be frozen yogurt at all and doesn’t tout probiotics. it’s similar to soft serve ice cream except that most of the 100 flavors have fewer than 80 calories per ounce. and if the name sounds familiar, maybe you heard it mentioned on nbC’s “30 rock” in which liz lemon loses her frequent customer card: “There’s no money on it, but i was one hole-punch away from a free Tasti-d-lite. i hate my life!” 8611 hillcrest,
in more dessert news, Tootie Pie c ompany 3 will open a café and bakery at preston royal in the
1 3
space formerly occupied by natalie’s with plans to open by June. The san antonio-based restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, priding itself on its authentic new York bagels and popular paninis, says president and Ceo don Merrill. but it all started with the pies and, yes, Tootie is a real person. ruby lorraine ‘Tootie’ Feagan won numerous awards for her homemade pies and when she decided to sell her bakery in Medina, Merrill bought it, retaining Tootie as a major part of the company. in addition to the café, Tootie also sells pies at neiman Marcus and to wholesalers. look for Tootie pie Company to appear on the Food network’s “Kids in a Candy store” show in May, featuring the pie on a stick. 5944 royal, 210.737.6600,
it’s time to add a little fresh air to your grocery shopping. c elebration Market anticipates an april 30 opening for its annual outdoor market, slated to run 8 a.m.-noon every saturday throughout the season. local vendors will offer fresh veggies, homemade baked goods, beauty products, plants and handmade jewelry. Celebration marks its 40th anniversary this year. The restaurant opened in 1971, and the market launched next door in 2000. 4515 w lovers, 214.352.0031,
c astle Gap Jewelry in the p laza at p reston Center hosts the Coreen Cordova Trunk s how but only until May 1. s hoppers can receive 20 percent of Coreen Cordova jewelry, which incorporates themes from around the world. i n a pril 2010, the Advocate published a story on Castle g ap’s 90-year-old owner Maxine b ennett, who explained the inspiration behind her jewelry collection. watch a video of b ennett at video. 8300 p reston, s uite 500, 214.361.1677, —Emily Toman
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