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worship lis T ings Give it a rest


PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org

All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),

Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500

WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org


GRACE BIBlE CHURCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org

Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am

Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779


Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697


CENTRAl CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291

Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am

Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome

E AST DAllAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org


Sundays: School for all ages 9:30 am / Worship service 10:50 am 214.352.4841 / www.midwayhills.org


lAKE HIGHlANDS UMC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee

Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary



9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services


UNIT y Of DAllAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

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In this midsummer month, my thoughts turn to the ancient idea of sabbath. I suspect that, of all the Ten Commandments, this may well be the most frequently ignored and broken. We understand the seriousness of offenses like murder, idolatry and adultery, but we have relegated the commandment to rest to the realm of good advice rather than law. I suspect, however, that the cost of breaking the sabbath law is extraordinarily high when measured by the quality of our physical, mental and spiritual health, and the state of our relationships.

What is sabbath? Sabbath is imbedded in God’s relationship with Israel. According to Exodus, it’s the fourth commandment given to Moses on Sinai. In both versions of the Ten Commandments, God even gives reasons for this requirement: In Exodus the sabbath command is warranted because even God rested on the seventh day of creation: “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it.” If God takes time off, why do we think we’re so important?

Deuteronomy reports a different emphasis, where the commandment is warranted by the Exodus from Egypt: “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day.” Keeping sabbath time is a statement to the world that you are not a slave!

It may be that our difficulty with the commandment to keep the sabbath is that it is difficult to apply to the culture. We live in a world that worships productiveness, busyness and progress. Resting seems to go against these modern idols. Taking a day a week to “do no work” sounds lazy and counterproductive. Again, it is treated as a “good idea,” but this just may be the least utilized good idea of them all.

My clergy friends and I are not exempt from the problem. For 40 years I have worked on Sundays. My Saturdays are often filled with weddings, memorial services or workshops. I call Thursday my “day off,” but board meetings in the community interrupt even those. So I publicly confess: I am a sabbath breaker. Mea culpa. God forgive me.

So I guess we’re in this together, you and I. Sabbath Breakers Anonymous. “Hi. I’m Blair, and I’m a sabbath breaker.” I must admit that my Jewish neighbors in the North Dallas Eruv put me to shame, as they walk to Temple on a sabbath evening, careful to stay within the area where one can at least carry a water bottle or push a stroller. Yes, they are careful, full of care, knowing that there are good reasons for sabbath time, and that we break the commandment at our own peril. Not that I think God will punish us for driving on the sabbath, but that we punish ourselves when life constantly drives us.

Lamplighter Layers raise chickens and $1,500

Selwyn Rayzor and Gowri Sharma, Lamplighter parents and UNICEF volunteers, accept a check worth $478 from Lamplighter littles Everett Graves and Jenny Mitchell. The check was part of the $1,500 the Lamplighter Layers recently raised by selling 5,000 eggs in their chicken and egg program during the academic year. The funds were divided between the Lamplighter Land Fund, North Texas Food Bank and UNICEF.

A friend of the Fearings’

From left, Bill Barfoot, St. Alcuin Montessori school parent, head of school Walter Sorenson and St. Alcuin student Campbell Fearing welcome chef and dad Dean Fearing to the school’s annual field day May 28. Fearing is chef and partner of Fearing’s Restaurant.

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Classes/TuToring/ lessons

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads, Betty & Bill. View BucherMusicSchool.com or call 214-484-5360

GUITAR OR PIANO Fun/Easy. Your Home. 9 to Adult. Prof Musician. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

JEWELRY Making Parties at Art Gallery. BYOB & creativity. All else included! jewelrymakingparty.com or 1-855-254-6625

LOCAL TEACHER WHO TUTORS Algebra 2, Pre Cal, Calculus. Your Home/Mine. Melissa-MS. 817-988-0202

TECH-THERAPY.COM Patient & understanding help w/Mac, iPad, iPhone, apps, e-mail, photos, etc. On-site. 214-306-9492

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560



Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.

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