6 minute read
music theories
I must say that I have always been fascinated by the power of music.
It is a miracle, of course, that strains of music written centuries ago can so readily leap off the page and come to life or, even more surprising, leap from the heart of Bach into the heart of a man, woman or child today. How is it that a succession of sounds without words — say, Barber’s “Adagio For Strings” — can send me into a completely separate place?
The church I serve is a great place for music, with a choir of almost 150 and a talented music staff. Our Presbyterian tradition, however, didn’t start that way.
Calvin, our particular great-grandfather in the faith, mistrusted music in the church. Perhaps we can find some contemporary application of Calvin’s suspicion, since Calvin did not want any forms of worship that relied upon emotional manipulation at the expense of right doctrine and the praise of God.
Calvin once wrote, “... we find by experience that it has a sacred and almost incredible power to move hearts in one way or another. Therefore we ought to be even more diligent in regulating it in such a way that it shall be useful to us and in no way pernicious.”
In these days of emotionally manipulative praise songs with a good “hook” but not much content, we can appreciate Calvin’s reticence.
Few of us, however, would disagree that worship is not complete without music. As a preaching pastor, I treasure the partnership I share with our wonderful musicians. Each Sunday that I preach, it is the anthem that preaches to me.
When it comes to music, we are Lutherans at heart. Luther had a much higher view of music in worship than Calvin. He believed that good music is the very sound of creation. Listen to what Luther wrote about church music, in his own colorful way:
“... when man’s natural musical ability is whetted and polished to the extent that it becomes an art, then do we note with great surprise the great and perfect wisdom of God in music, which is, after all, His product and His gift; we marvel when we hear music in which one voice sings a simple melody, while three, four or five other voices play and trip lustily around the voice that sings its simple melody and adorn this simple melody wonderfully with artistic musical effects, thus reminding us of a heavenly dance, where all meet in a spirit of friendliness, caress and embrace.
B a P tist
Wilshire BaPtist / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. mason Ph.d / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
C Hurch Of C Hrist
skillman church of christ / 3014 Skillman St.
Sunday School 9:30 am / Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Grace Café & Bible Study Wed. 6:00 pm / 214.823.2179
disciPles of c hrist
e ast dallas christian church / 629 n Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / rev. deborah morgan / www.edcc.org
eP iscoPal
church of the incarnation / 3966 mcKinney Ave / 214.521.5101
Sunday: Traditional 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 am and 5:00 pm
Contemporary 9:00, 11:15 am and 6:00 pm / incarnation.org
L Utheran
Zion lutheran church & school / 6121 E Lovers Ln.
Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org
Pres B yterian
northPark PresByterian church / 214.363.5457 9555 n Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org new Pastor: rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
“A person who gives this some thought and yet does not regard music as a marvelous creation of God, must be a clodhopper indeed and does not deserve to be called a human being; he should be permitted to hear nothing but the braying of asses and the grunting of hogs.”
Luther had a fascinating concept of music — an interesting theory about why music reaches down deep inside the human spirit. He suggested that perhaps good music contains distant echoes of creation — when, in the words of Job, “the morning stars sang together for joy.” see sary in Ridgewood Park United Methodist Church, and we maintain a low teacher/ student ratio. Our school year begins in September, so call for information regarding availability or to schedule a tour. sary in Ridgewood Park United Methodist Church, and we maintain a low teacher/ student ratio. Our school year begins in September, so call for information regarding availability or to schedule a tour.
Perhaps he was right — that music transports us to another time and place, to the profound joy God took in creating the heavens and the earth, in those first, pristine days when God commanded light out of the darkness, when the waters were separated by the firmaments, and the stars were spun into their places. Its lilting harmonies take us back to where it all began when, in the morning of everything, even the stars sang for joy in their creator.
848 Harter Rd. Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 www.stjohnsschool. org / Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
848 Harter Rd. Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 www.stjohnsschool. org / Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
White Rock North School
White Rock North School
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful afterschool experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www.WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful afterschool experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www.WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.
Zion Lutheran School
Zion Lutheran School
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630
Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
A NiGht oF cuLturE
h anna Newberger and other campers enjoy the drum circle at the Jewish Community Center’s Camp Chai. Kids participated in face painting, headdress making, teepee building and archery lessons.