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d rivi NG W ithout mirrors is tou G h, a N d his W ere G o N e.

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music theories

Chip Brosseau woke up, went through his morning routine, and headed out the door to his 1997 GMC Sierra. The crime was immediately evident — the driver side and passenger side mirrors were both gone. It was a frustrating way to start his day.

This was not the first time Brosseau had been the victim of a crime at his Preston Hollow South home.

“A previous car had a crow bar stuck through the door handle,” he says. “I have also had a bicycle and lawn equipment stolen.” the v ictim: c hip brosseau


disd starts the 2010-11 school year on Aug. 23. Thanksgiving break is set for Nov.24-26, and winter break will run Dec. 20-31. To view the full calendar, visit dallasisd.org/about/calendars.

the share hiGh school e XchaNGe proGram is searching for host families for the fall semester. The program includes students from more than 30 countries and aims to enroll children this month. The students speak English and have spending money and health insurance. For more details, visit sharesouthwest.org.

the c rime: a uto accessory theft date: thursday, June 17 time: b etween 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. location: 8500 block of baltimore

In the two weeks following, several other residents were the victims of auto accessory thefts, especially high-end sports utility vehicles. Thieves made off with mirrors, air bags, engine parts, steering wheels, and tires and rims.

Finding replacement mirrors for Brosseau’s Sierra also proved to be quite frustrating — and expensive.

“I went to eight or 10 salvage yards in Grand Prairie. No one carried the part, and some even laughed,” he says. “They told me that GM has reduced the number of parts that they produce, and it has created a demand on the black market. If you can find the mirrors they are well over $500 a piece new, not including labor.”

Police told Brosseau that the crooks are particular in looking for parts they can resell.

“The thieves ride bicycles and look in cars,” he says. “They pull up in non-descript vans and scope out the cars and parts they want to take. If someone walks by before they are able to make their score, they simply drive off.”

Dallas Police Lt. Barry Payne of the North Central Patrol Division confirms there is indeed a lucrative black market in stolen auto parts, and that Preston Hollow has seen a recent increase in this type of crime.

“It just ebbs and flows like most others. Preston Hollow has experienced some increase of late in these vehicle crimes, and the North Central Police Division is increasing its patrols and surveillance in the area,” Payne says. “Thieves often target auto parts to sell to garages and individuals who repair cars that have had such parts stolen or damaged. The best advice is to park your car in your garage or in safe, well-lit places.” —SEAN


the W.t White caballeras drill team took home awards at SMU’s dance camp. The girls won the sweepstakes award, home routine award and Gussie Nell Davis team of the week. Team captain Elizabeth Lara and first lieutenant Danielle Oliver received All-American honorable mentions and were selected to perform in this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Lara was also awarded outstanding performer.

W.t. White studeNt savaNNah smith was part of the Highland Park Women’s Crew that finished in the nation’s top 25 at the 16th annual USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta in Bethel, Ohio. The event featured more than 1,600 high school and junior high athletes from 164 programs, with more than 360 boats competing.

smu professor JohaNNes baur received an Oak Ridge Associated Universities research grant for his work in life sciences. ORAU invests in the future of science and education, awarding $160,000 grants to 32 junior faculty from sponsoring institutions of the ORAU consortium.

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