Postca rd fo r pa i n Ta k i n g t h e f i rst ste p towa rd a bso l u t i o n
hen was the last time you received a postcard? I was in New Yo r k s e v e r a l w e e k s ago, and it occurred to me to send a postcard to my family. So I jotted d o w n a f e w l i n e s a b o u t my t r i p , dropped it off at the front desk of my hotel, and ironically, I arrived at my house be fore the pos tcard did. Postcards are a bit of a throwback for the modern world we live in. We can text a photo; why would we send a postcard?
The pressure and burden that accompanied many secrets were lightened by simply giving voice to them. Several years ago, I ran across the stor y of Frank Warren and his idea of using postcards in a new w a y. He i n v i t e d p e o p l e t o w r i t e down a secre t they had been carr ying all their lives on a postcard a n d m a i l i t t o a P. O . B o x . T h e instructions stated that no one would sign their name, to ensure complete anonymity. Warren then published the anonymous secrets, scanning and posting them online. By doing so, something remarkable happened. People found that they w e r e n’ t a l o n e . T h e s e c r e t s t h e y thought separated them from con-
nection became a point of connection. The pressure and burden that a c c o m p a n i e d m a ny s e c r e t s w e r e lightened by simply giving voice t o t h e m . T h e m e r e i nv i t at i o n t o write down a secret felt vulnerable, risky and ye t liberating. S i n c e t h a t t i m e , Wa r r e n h a s published many books entitled Pos t S e c re t . In t h e C h r i s t i a n t ra d i t i o n , we k n o w t h i s p ra c t i c e a s confession. We recognize that giving voice to what we carry is a step toward releasing it to God. Confession doesn’ t mean instant absolution. It doesn’ t mean that we immediately grant forgiveness. No, it is a first step toward transformin g our pain. Richar d Rohr s ay s , “ I f we d o n’ t t ra n s f o r m o u r pain, we will certainly transmit our pain.” Read that again. Sit with it. How much of our world is us t r a n s m i tt i n g o u r p a i n ? T h e r e i s another way. I wonder what taking the first step might look like for y o u . Pe r h a p s , a p o s t c a r d m i g h t help.
Bible Study 9:15 / Worship Services 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500 ROYAL LANE BAPTIST CHURCH / 6707 Royal Lane / 214.361.2809 Christian Education 9:45 a.m. / Worship Service 10:55 a.m. Pastor - Rev. Dr. Michael L. Gregg / www.royallane.org WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason / Worship at 9 & 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. / wilshirebc.org
PRESBYTERIAN PARK CITIES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH/ 4124 Oak Lawn Ave Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. To all this church opens wide her doors - pcpc.org SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
With great hope, Matthew
R e v. M a t t h e w R u f f n e r i s t h e S e n i o r Pastor at Pr eston Hollow Pr esbyterian Church.
He is a husband to Sarah
Ruf fner and a father of two. You can follow Matthew on Instagram at @thisismatthewr uf fner and visit PHPC.or g to watch the chur ch’s live str eam and listen to ser mons.
MARCH 2022