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Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff including those referenced in this advertisement are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of The Liver Institute at Methodist Dallas, the Transplant Institute at Methodist Dallas, Methodist Health System, or any of its affiliated hospitals. Methodist Health System complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
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GRANNY FLATS & ADUS MOST DALLASITES SUPPORT INCREASING HOUSING STOCK Story by CHRISTINA HUGHES BABB Most Dallas residents say they support allowing backyard cottages, duplexes and triplexes in residential neighborhoods as a way to help increase the housing stock in our city. That’s true for most of the country, but in Dallas, 80% of renters and homeowners agreed (as do 26 other major metro areas) that allowing modest densification in residential neighborhoods would make housing more affordable and positively impact their communities, according to a survey by Zillow. That puts us in the top five mostaccepting-of-accessory-dwelling-unit cities. Allowing ADUs, duplexes and triplexes is often referred to as “modest densification,” creating small to medium housing types that fall between single-family homes and large multifamily apartment buildings. Research has shown that targeted modest densification measures, such as allowing for two units of housing on a fraction of single-family lots in large U.S. metros, could add 3.3 million homes to the nation’s housing stock, helping boost critically needed housing supply in the years to come. The new research found that 77% of all homeowners and renters surveyed nationwide voiced support for construction of either new ADUs, duplexes or triplexes in residential neighborhoods. Support among Dallas renters was even higher, with 93% of renters supporting at least one modest densification measure in neighborhoods to help increase housing supply. Research has shown that modest densification through the addition of accessory dwelling units could yield millions
of new homes nationally, helping slow runaway price growth and improving access to public transit. “We are facing a housing crisis that’s touched most communities across the country, pushing housing affordability to the center of the conversation for many,” says Manny Garcia, a population scientist at Zillow. “One of the most effective ways out of this crisis is to build more homes. Modest densification measures, like adding a small apartment in a backyard or converting existing homes into duplexes, could create millions of new homes.” Zillow’s survey asked homeowners and renters how to best address affordability issues during a red-hot real estate market defined by limited housing inventory, rising interest rates, a steady increase in home prices and climbing rents across the country. These factors are compounded by a lost decade of new home construction that caused a shortfall of 1.35 million new homes in 35 metro areas alone. This latest survey, along with previous research, shows a growing consensus among homeowners and renters that more housing should be created in their own neighborhoods to address affordability. “This survey shows that residents of more than 20 major U.S. metros — including homeowners — understand that building more homes in our neighborhoods is a credible and viable policy tool to increase housing supply and address affordability, while leaving a positive impact on their community in the long term,” Garcia says.
MAY 2022
Development Director: Alessandra Quintero
786.838.5891 / Digital Marketing & Analytics: Autumn Grisby EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief: Jehadu Abshiro SENIOR EDITORS: Rachel Stone
214.207.8309 / Renee Umsted Editor-at-Large: Christina Hughes Babb Senior Art Director: Jynnette Neal Art Director/Photographer: Jessica Turner Contributors: George Mason, Patti Vinson, Carol Toler, Sam Gillespie, Matthew Ruffner, Eric Folkerth Contributing photographers: Kathy Tran, Emil Lippe, Corrie Aune, Yuvie Styles, Shelby Tauber Chief Revenue Officer: Rick Wamre
214.560.4212 / Advocate (c) 2022 is published monthly in print and daily online by Advocate Media - Dallas Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation based in Dallas and first published in 1991. Contents of this print magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements and sponsorships printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject ay editorial, advertising or sponsorship material in print or online. Opinions set forth in Advocate publications are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the Publisher’s viewpoint. More than 180,000 people read Advocate publications in print each month; Advocate online publications receive more than 4 million pageviews monthly. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate print and online publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one print copy per reader. For information about supporting our non-profit mission of providing local news to neighborhood readers, please call 214-560-4212 or email
Mural by Isaac Brown at the new Dougher ty’s Phar macy location. Photography by Jessica Tur ner. FOLLOW US: Talk to us: Newsletter:
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m ay 2 2 contents
CLICKWORTHY 29 All the web news PROFILE 8 SNL’s Aristotle Athari DINING 16 Thunderbird Pies FEATURES 10 Historic Strait Lane home 18 Super students COLUMNS 28 Worship
An pysanky egg, a Ukranian Easter tradition that have become a symbol of the war, at Ukie Style. Read more on page 14. Photography by Jessica Turner.
FILM FESTIVAL Films, music, food — at the Dallas Arts District May 12-15 — the only film festival dedicated to the environment and sustainability! The 2022 EarthX Film Festival theme is “A Celebration of the Outdoors” and is the first film festival ever hosted in the Dallas Arts District. The festival highlights films that celebrate nature and outdoor adventure stories exploring the environment, conservation, climate challenges and science while honoring the heroes working to protect our planet. By engaging the audience with spirited and diverse films, we deliver the message that the more time one spends in nature, the more moved they are to protect it. This year’s festival has 24 features and 54 shorts along with an art installation and panel discussions. The festival’s opening night is the world premiere of Ben Master’s film Deep in the Heart, narrated by Academy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey. It’s the first blue-chip wildlife documentary ever produced about Texas and celebrates conservation success stories while discussing some of the most important ecological issues through the eyes of wildlife and wild places. Filmed over two years, it showcases the breathtak-
ing beauty and hidden wilds of Texas and recognizes Texas’ conservation importance on a continental scale. Also, the lineup includes We Feed People, which follows renowned Chef José Andrés and his nonprofit, World Central Kitchen, on their decade’s long campaign to serve meals to disaster affected zones all over the world. It chronicles the evolution of a scrappy group of grassroots volunteers as they become one of the most highly regarded humanitarian aid organizations and is directed by Academy Award Winner Ron Howard. U.S. Military Veteran, Eric Grandon, is transformed when he discovers beekeeping as a way of mending the deep wounds of his PTSD. Eric shares the healing power of beekeeping with other veterans and first responders. The festival features stunning venues with food and beverages in close proximity to the screenings. We are showcasing talented singers and speakers to what will be an amazing and unforgettable weekend.
For more information and tickets, go to
80º North American Scar An Eye for Detail Bad Boy of Bonsai Bastards’ Road Battle for the Heart of Texas Before they Fall Big vs Small Breaking Trail California Natural Camp Yoshi Chasing Ice Chasing the Sublime Coextinction Community Power Arizona: En Nuestrxs Manos (In Our Hands) Deep in the Heart Eric and the Bees Ferngully: The Last Rainforest Finding Gulo Fire of Love From My Window Godspeed, Los Polacos! Going Circular Humanity Has Not Yet Failed I am One of the People If I Tell Them Inhabitants Kāhuli Learning to Drown Life in the Slow Lane Like a River Listen to the Beat of our Images Loon Mission Mountain Mother of the Sea Mountain Revelations Mylo Newtok No Soy Óscar Nuisance Bear One Star Reviews: National Parks Patagonia Provisions: The Ocean Solution Film Raised from the Earth Rebirth of a Reef REEL ROCK: Black Ice Return to Earth Rockies Repeat Saving the Florida Wildlife Corridor Slim Pickins Spirit of the Peaks The Ants and the Grasshopper The Captain The Diamond The Endless Wave The Interconnectedness of all Living Things The Land of Griffons The Last Last Hike The Monster in our Closet The Seeds We Keep The Seeker The Territory The Wilderness Within They Carry Us With Them Thomas Deininger. Trash Artist. Tigre Gente To Live Here (sông ö dây) To the End Wastewater: The Tale of Two Cities We Decided to Become Farmers We Feed People What Remains When It Comes From Earth When it’s Good it’s Good Zero Gravity
p ro f i l e
MAY 2022
aturday Night Live featured player Aristotle Athari remembers exactly where he was when he found out he got the gig. It was September 2021, and he was in a liquor store buying wine for his upcoming wedding when his phone rang. The caller ID said “Lorne Michaels,” SNL’s creator and longtime producer. Athari wanted to take a screenshot to be sure he wasn’ t hallucinating. However, fearing he might accidentally hang up on Michaels, he answered. Next thing he knew, he had his dream job. “I yelled out ‘oh my G od,’ but I did it in a way that made it sound like I’d left my baby at the mall or something,” he says. He married his longtime girlfriend, Maura Grace, a few days later to cap off a week unlike any other. The next month, he joined the 47 th season of Saturday Night Live.
RAMBUNCTIOUS TEXAS ROOTS Athari’s parents emigrated from Iran to Yonkers, New York, before he was born. After his mom became pregnant with him, an uncle working as a pilot in Texas convinced the couple to move for the lower cost of living. “I bounced around schools a lot because I was a bit of a troublemaker as a kid,” Athari says. His early school years included stops at Sigler and Huffman elementary schools. After he was expelled from Renner Middle School, he went to Haggard while also spending plenty of time in the district’s alternative program for students with behavioral issues. For high school, he transferred to Dallas ISD’s W.T. White High so he would be eligible for that district’s arts magnet program. After graduation, he was off to California to pursue his dream.
NO STRAIGHT PATH TO SUCCESS “I came to Los Angeles like a lot of people who know what they want to do but don’t know how to get there,” he says. “I knew that I wanted to be a comedian, but I didn’ t know exactly how that would unfold.” He began doing stand-up while still a teen. For about six weeks it seemed like he was killing every set. People even started talking about this new kid phenomenon. Then came a bunch of deflating performances where he repeatedly bombed onstage. “It scared the crap out of me so bad,” he says. “I didn’ t really get back into stand-up again until I was in college.” Athari cites Robin Williams as one of his biggest influences, along with Eddie Murphy. “I was probably too young to have discovered Eddie Murphy,” he says. While his love for comedy was never in doubt, his early career was a series of failed starts. His family often asked what life he was trying to live or whose path he was trying to follow. His answers never reassured them. Athari realized that he had no choice other than success as a comedian. While he once pondered becoming a doctor with a funny bedside manner or a lawyer who made comedy-infused closing arguments, those career paths were no longer options. “Life is very short. You just kind of have to do the thing that you want to do,” he says.
Fo r s e v e r a l y e a r s , h e d i d b e h i n d - t h e - s c e n e s w o r k w h i l e a l s o p e r f o r m i n g i n v i d e o s h o r t s . O n e o f h i s fi r s t big breaks came in 2018, when the ensemble comedy quartet Goatface, featuring Athari (then known as Ari s t o t l e A t h i r a s ) a l o n g w i t h Ha s a n M i n h a j , A s i f A l i a n d Fa h i m A n w a r, g o t a s p e c i a l o n C o m e d y C e n t ra l . T h e f o l l o w i n g y e a r, h e s n a g g e d a n o t h e r h i g h - p r o fi l e r o l e a s t h e r e c u r r i n g c h a r a c t e r G a b e o n H B O’ s S i l i c o n Va l l e y . H i s c h a r a c t e r w a s k n o w n f o r w a l k i n g a r o u n d w i t h a w e a r a b l e c h a i r. “ I h a d t o w e a r i t f o r a f e w d ay s b e f o r e w e s t a r t e d j u s t s o I c o u l d l e a r n h o w t o s i t i n i t ,” h e s a y s . A l so in 2 01 9 , A t h a r i fir s t p er f or m ed in t h e p r e s t i g iou s Ju s t f or L a u g h s c om ed y f es t iva l in Mon t r ea l . It i s c on sid er ed a kin t o t h e S u n d a n c e F il m Fes t iva l of c om edy. He d i d f o u r c h a r a c t e r s i n h i s s h o w c a s e , i n c l u d i n g “A n g e l o” a n d t h e c o m e d i a n r o b o t “ L a u g h i n g t o s h 3 0 0 0 ,” w h i c h g o t t h e a tt e n t i o n o f S N L e x e c u t i v e s . B o t h c h a r a c t e r s h av e s i n c e a p p e a r e d o n t h e s h o w. A t h a r i w a s a s k e d fi r s t t o a u d i t i o n f o r S N L a t t h e Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles. A second audition i n Ne w Yo r k w a s f o l l o w e d b y m o r e t e l e p h o n e i n t e r v i e w s . F i n a l l y, h e r e c e i v e d t h a t c a l l i n t h e m i d d l e o f a l i q u o r s t o r e . He r e m e m b e r s r a c i n g o u t t o t e l l h i s a g e n t , w h o i s also a close friend. “ He wa s p l ay in g soc c er at Pa n Pa c ific Pa r k. S o I t o ld h im at t h e soc c er fiel d , a n d h e h u g ged m e wit h h is sweaty f r ea kin’ b od y,” A t h a r i say s. O n e o f t h e fi r s t things Athari noticed upon starting at SNL is how small everything seems compared t o T V. He s a y s i t ’s b e e n hard to step back and r e a l i z e w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g b e c a u s e h e ’s b e e n so focused on what he is doing. Each week begins with meeting the host and working on new s k e t c h e s . I t ’s a c r e ative but challenging environment with everyone performing a b u n c h o f d i ff e r e n t tasks leading up to the big performance. A t h a r i s a y s g e tt i n g “A n g e l o” o n t h e a i r a n d s e e i n g t h e c r o w d ’s r e a c t i o n w a s a h i g h l i g h t . Me e t i n g S t e p h e n Spielberg was a thrill as well. “ T h a t ’s a h u g e p a r t f o r m e . I ’ v e a l w a y s b e e n a f r a i d o f m e e t i n g y o u r h e r o e s a n d fi n d i n g o u t t h e y ’r e n o t s o g r e a t ,” h e s a y s . “ I ’ v e b e e n l u c ky t h a t e v e r y o n e o n t h e s h o w h a s j u s t b e e n t h e n i c e s t .”
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MAY 2022
Time Honored
Landmark designation wanted for original home on Strait Lane Story by RACHEL STONE | Photography by CAROLYN BROWN
The owner of an 83-yearold home on Strait Lane recently nominated the estate for historic landmark designation from the City of Dallas. The Jackson residence at 10260 Strait Lane was built in 1939 and is one of the last remaining historic houses on the street, according to the nomination, submitted by Nancy McCoy of McCoy
Collaborative Preservation Architecture, LLC. Preservation Dallas presented the nomination to the City’s Landmark Commission last week. Architect Hal O. Yoakam designed the house, and it’s an example of the American Country House movement. The home was built for Thomas Elbert Jackson, a powerful Dallas citizen, and
his wife, Virginia. He was born in Illinois in 1881 and married Virginia Fell in Nebraska. They moved to Dallas from Kansas City, Missouri, in 1907. By 1910, Jackson was a manager of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., and the Jacksons rented a house on Pennsylvania Avenue in South Dallas, according to the nomination.
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They later lived in Highland Park before building their Strait Lane estate. Jackson was manager of the glass company for 62 years and retired in 1956. But he was also a civic leader with influence on Dallas’ early development. He was director of Fair Park from 1929-1931, when the Cotton Bowl was built. He was director of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce for 25 years, during the time of land acquisition for and development of Love Field. He served as president of the Dallas Citizens Council, and in 1947, he was the first president of the Greater Dallas Planning Council. The Jacksons sold their estate in 1958 and moved into a high-rise, 3525 Turtle Creek, where they lived until their deaths in the mid-1970s, the nomination states. Historic maps show that Strait Lane didn’t exist in 1930, although the area contained “a scattering of large estates.” Development of Preston Hollow began in 1924, and it was incorporated as a town in 1939, but
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Strait Lane was never part of that municipality. It was also outside the city limits of Dallas and the Park Cities at the time. Here’s how the application explains it: “In the 1940 U.S. Census, there are five houses noted on Strait Lane, none with a street number, and the Census indicates no city. On Mr. Jackson’s 1942 draft card, the address is listed as ‘Box 277, Route 7,’ suggesting the street had not yet been officially named, despite the fact that the census does identify Strait Lane but no city. The street does not appear to exist at all, not even as a fence line or path, in a 1930 aerial photograph.” The Jackson home was the first constructed on Strait Lane as a primary residence, the nomination states. “There was nothing out there when it was built in 1939,” Preservation Dallas executive director David Preziosi told the Landmark Commission recently. The street had no curbs, sidewalks or streetlights, and that is still true, except for a few “util-
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Chris Meuse itarian street lights” connected to utility poles on the west side of the street. “With no city affiliation initially and no development plan for the area, Strait Lane is a reflection of its 80-year-old history and its origin as a country road,” the nomination states. Beverly K. Parkhurst and her husband, real estate broker Arlis Parkhurst, bought the home in 2007, according to his 2020 obituary. “The Parkhursts and their pets managed to survive the destructive 2019 tornado, which passed right over their home,” the obituary states. Beverly Parkhurst approached Preservation Dallas to seek historic designation because she is getting older, and she wants the home to be a living reminder of our city’s history, Preziosi told the Landmark commission.
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MAY 2022
MAY 2022
D E L I C AT E E M B R O I D E R E D DRESSES AND COLORFUL CHILDREN’S JUMPERS HANG OVER BOXES OF BLOOD-CLOTTING BANDAGES AND BULLET-PROOF VESTS READY FOR SHIPMENT TO WAR-TORN UKRAINE. An assembly line of volunteers pack, seal, wheel and load boxes to an airport-bound moving truck. “I don’t even know how many people there are in here,” Ukie Style owner and Preston Hollow-area resident Olena Jacobs says in a video streamed to her business’ social media pages. “My beautiful store has become a hub for volunteers all helping — boys, girls, Ukrainians, Americans, even some Russians.” The helpers in Jacobs’ store on this day in early March are not only packing and shipping supplies to Ukraine, but they are helping with everyday shop orders. That is also important, because Jacobs says 100% of the boutique’s proceeds are going to support the people of Ukraine. The tiny boutique on Preston Road, just south of Interstate 635, since the threat and outbreak of war with Russia, has become a charity and gathering place for collecting supplies for soldiers and refugees in Jacobs’ homeland. The Ukrainian Cultural Club of Dallas receives donations for the places that require them most.
Board member Nataliya Shtanyuk says Jacobs and Ukie Style have been an “absolute blessing” for the club and its mission to support humanitarian needs of Ukrainians. In early April, the store is quieter. Jacobs had to ask people to stop bringing in-kind donations because too many were ignoring her list of needed items, dropping off unnecessary goods. Boxes still line the walls, ready for shipment — medical supplies for the war, she says. A girl’s set — a vivid floral vine handstitched onto a white blouse over a red ruffle skirt — hangs from a hook. It was made in Ukraine, Jacobs says, and it’s the last one. Because most of the shop’s inventory is made in Ukraine, her once-vibrant stock of clothing and accessories has dwindled. She is printing “Pray for Ukraine” T-shirts and selling blue and yellow bracelets made by members of area churches. Over a speaker, a voice broadcasts in Ukrainian. Every news outlet is discussing the brutality of Russia’s invasion, specifically the latest shocking images, which show dozens of dead Ukrainian civilians strewn about the streets of Bucha, a town northwest of the capital, Kyiv. Shopper and area resident Lee Erickson saw Ukie Style’s videos and stopped by to show support, she says. “My heart is broken. I’ve never been in before now,” Erikson says. “The store is beautiful, and I just want to give some
money, wear a pin in show of solidarity, whatever small way I can show my love for their country, the people, and my objection to what the Russians are doing.” Jacobs, a native of Donetsk, Ukraine, living in the U.S. since 2009 says a brand based in Kharkiv, which Russia bombed in March, served as motivation for her own entrepreneurial aspirations. “I lived in Kharkiv for 10 years before moving to the U.S. I studied and worked, loved and made wonderful friends there. It was known as City of Students and was peaceful, fun and dynamic,” she says. “It was the Kharkiv-based brand Nenka and their contemporary outfits with traditional Ukrainian designs that inspired me to start the Ukie Style business. Now Putin’s command has brought unthinkable destruction and devastation to this city’s residential, cultural and business areas.” Jacobs launched Ukie Style online in 2015 and opened a physical location in Preston Valley shopping center in 2020. Just before The Advocate went to press, an unexpected delivery of Ukrainian blankets, shawls, head wreaths, dolls and other merchandise, flown in from Warsaw, Poland, arrived at the shop. “It’s a happy miracle during a dark time,” Jacobs says of the shipment.
TheUkieStylestoreat12817PrestonRoad,suite124, will be selling its new merchandise and donating 100% of its proceeds to the UCCD.
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fo o d
PIZZAZZ Thunderbird Pies brings Detroit-style pizza to White Rock Lake Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photography by KATHY TRAN
MAY 2022
THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO ON AN ALL-EXPENSES-PAID EUROPEAN CRUISE led Jay Jerrier and his fiancee to change their wedding plans and get married by a justice of the peace. It was 1995, and the company Jerrier worked for, GE Capital, awarded him the trip because of his contributions to the business. But GE Capital only allowed employees to bring spouses on trips, not fiancees or other partners. So after their nuptials, Jerrier and Karen Smith headed to Europe for a 14-day cruise around France and Italy. “That was the first time I ever really had true, Italian, wood-burning pizza,” Jerrier says. “And I was living near New York at the time, so everyone was like, ‘Oh you’re going to hate the pizza up there in Italy.’ But I just fell in love with it. And after that trip, I became obsessed with how am I going to make this pizza at home.” Jerrier and his family moved to Lucas, Texas, and had a lot of space in the backyard. And that’s when Jerrier got a wood-burning oven and started experimenting with making pizza. At first he was terrible, he says, but he eventually improved. In 2010, Jerrier took his mobile wood-burning pizza oven to do pop-ups at Times Ten Cellars and the old Chocolate Angel at Preston-Forest. He named the pop-up Cane Rosso after his vizslas, which have red fur. Once they attracted a fanbase, they found a restaurant space in Deep Ellum and founded the first Cane Rosso in 2011. Jerrier and his family moved to Preston Hollow in 2013. In March 2020, Jerrier was sitting at his New Yorkstyle pizzeria in Fort Worth, Zoli’s. He watched the news and saw the NBA had started canceling games because of the coronavirus. Over the next couple of weeks, he and his team worked to pivot from dine-in to takeout. “As a way to try to keep the staff busy and employed, like most people, we started playing around with, OK, now we have all this time in the kitchen — what have we always wanted to work on?” he says. The answer was Detroit-style pizza. Zoli’s had the right kind of ovens, and the staff worked to get the dough just right. Detroit-style pizza is crispy on the bottom, lighter in the middle, heavy on toppings and has a caramelized cheese crust around the edge. The sauce is poured on top after the pizza is baked. Thunderbird Pies launched as a ghost kitchen with only about 30 pizzas available each day. They sold out in minutes. As they increased the supply, the demand followed. So as pandemic-related restrictions loosened, the landlord of Cane Rosso’s White Rock location approached Jerrier with a deal. The brewery next door was moving, leaving the space open. After some back-and-forth, Jerrier took the spot.
Originally, they expected the restaurant to offer only delivery and takeout. But they had enough room for a counter, some tables and their ice cream concept, Cow Tipping Creamery. Jerrier says he wasn’t worried about putting two pizza places right next to each other because they offer different styles and experiences. He hasn’t seen a dip in sales since Thunderbird Pies opened last year. “It all goes into the same bank account,” Jerrier says. Thunderbird’s pizzas include the staples, cheese and pepperoni, specials like the chicken parm pizza, combos with different meats and veggies, and some borrowed from Cane Rosso, like the honey bastard. Appetizers, sandwiches, burgers and other non-pizza items were developed by executive chef Jeff Bekavak, who used to work for Neighborhood Services. At Thunderbird, customers order at the counter, and food is brought to tables. It’s casual, and there’s a mural by Dallas-based artist Ripman and funny pictures on the wall. Arcade games are at the front. Garage doors open up to the patio when the weather’s nice. “So it’s just like all of my places,” Jerrier says. “I just wanted it to be a place where I feel like I would be comfortable hanging out in my shorts and my hoodie.” Thunderbird Pies, 7328 Gaston Ave.,, 469.577.1077
Wok Star Chinese serves to host a fun and authentic Chinese experience like no other. Set out on an 80’s pop/rock journey while you sip on stellar hand-crafted cocktails and indulge in delicious, signature cuisines like flavor-packed Soup Dumplings and Combo Stir Fried La Mian. Happy Hour | 3 PM to 6 PM, Mon - Sun
MAY 2022
MAY 2022
Jake Smith WHAT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? In middle school, I was in band, Junior Honor Society, debate, basketball and robotics. In high school I am involved with basketball, National Honor Society, Boy Scouts of America, and I was in percussion/band. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS? Probably my favorite class was AP Human Geography because I learned so much about other cultures, countries and how they interact. The class was taught in an engaging way. But I have honestly loved most of my classes at Hillcrest. WHERE WOULD YOU GO TO GRAB AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK? My mom works at the school. I usually ask her what snacks she has that she can share with me. WHAT WAS ONE CHALLENGE YOU FACED AT SCHOOL THIS YEAR, AND HOW DID YOU DEAL WITH IT? I dealt with overthinking in my classes out of the fear of failure, which affected me in class. I dealt with it by realizing if I think I’m going to fail, I will fail, and failure is needed to grow myself. TELL US ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID THIS YEAR THAT YOU’RE PROUD OF. This year I earned my Eagle Scout, which is the highest achievement in Boy Scouts. For my Eagle rank, I had to complete an Eagle Scout project. My project was me leading a group of volunteers to build two custom, wooden guitar racks for Degolyer Elementary’s music program in DISD. Also, I’m proud that I was accepted into the Honors College at Texas State. WHICH TEACHER, STAFF MEMBER OR COACH IMPACTED YOU THE MOST THIS YEAR, AND HOW? I would say Principal Sotelo has had the most impact on me because he has been there since my first day at Hillcrest. He has been someone I can talk to and someone I can look up to because of his character he utilizes to make Hillcrest a great school. But all of the adults at Hillcrest have been amazing people and I’ve made sure that I take in all lessons I can from them. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER? I plan on enjoying time with my family and friends, but will also be preparing for college by going to camps at Texas State, to meet new people and learn more about being a student there. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM JOB? Physical therapist
Photography by Emil Lippe.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT FOR NEXT YEAR? I’m most excited about starting the first step to being an adult and starting my schooling toward being a physical therapist. WHAT’S A GOAL YOU HAVE? HOW DO YOU PLAN ON ACHIEVING IT? One of my goals is to get accepted into Texas State’s graduate school in Round Rock. I plan on achieving this by taking advantage of on-campus resources like tutoring, Living Learning Communities and more. WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WISH WE ASKED YOU ABOUT? What’s a lesson you have learned this year that you think will prepare you for life?
MAY 2022
Photography by Yuvie Styles.
MAY 2022
Mary Grayson Horton
W H AT E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? Outside of school, I love volunteering at a local community center. In the fall, I enjoy doing cheer, and in the spring, playing lacrosse. I’ve always loved to do art whenever I have time and I love a good movie. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS? My favorite classes are math and English. WHERE WOULD YOU GO TO GRAB AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK? I love to go to Chick-fil-A or Pinkberry. WHAT WAS ONE CHALLENGE YOU FACED AT SCHOOL THIS YEAR, AND HOW DID YOU DEAL WITH IT? Fr e s h m a n y e a r, I s t r u g g l e d w i t h learning math online. Despite that, I d e c i d e d t o c h a l l e n ge my s e l f a n d choose the harder math class out of my two options for this year. I felt really ner vous going into it, but I was ready to put the time in and tr y m y b e s t . A f t e r w o r k i n g h a r d , I ’m doing a lot be tter than I e xpec ted, and it has e ven become my favorite class. My success in the class made me realize that with hard work I can reach ne w limits. TELL US ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID THIS YEAR THAT YOU’RE PROUD OF. T h i s p a s t y e a r, l h a v e g o t t e n better at keeping an open mind toward learning from new people and e xperiences. I’ve improved on taking advantage of opportunities to listen to people’s insight on certain topics— such as attending the Town Hall budget meeting or attending a panel about women speaking about their experiences in their fields. I’ve d e c i d e d t h a t I c a n a l w ay s b e n e fi t
from learning something new, so I will take all opportunities to do so.
habit of picking up a book or taking walks instead.
WHICH TEACHER, STAFF MEMBER OR COACH IMPACTED YOU THE MOST THIS YEAR, AND HOW? T h i s y e a r, m y m a t h t e a c h e r h a s impacted me the most in that she inspires me to do my best. She values hard work, she has a contagious enthusiasm, and she always offers her reasonable advice on things, even when it i s n’ t m a t h r e l a t e d .
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WISH WE ASKED YOU ABOUT? As I am passionate about improving o u r c i t y ’s w a t e r e f f i c i e n c y. Wa t e r conservation became theperfect fo c u s o f my S o c ia l Impa c t Proje c t . T h e p r o j e c t , f r o m m y U. S . Government class, prompted me to find a n issu e I w a nt to c hange , and investigate where I can find i m p r o v e m e n t w i t h i n m y c i t y ’s c u rrent po lic ies. A f ter resea rch i n g o nline a nd rea c hing o u t to pe opl e with questions, I’ve determined that the city of Dallas has hundreds of thousands of meters that they monitor monthly, but the usage data i s u s e d s o l e l y t o p r o c e s s p e o p l e ’s water bills. People’s water usage data carries a wasted potential in making our city more conservative with o u r reso u rc es. T he data sho ul d be constantly accesible to homeowners; they could use it to monitor how much water they’re really using, and more impor tantly, identify any lea k s that c o u ld po tentia lly d um p gallons of unused water into the ground. Technolog y does e xis t that w ill mo nito r w ater u sa ge data an d tra nsfer it direc tly to a n a pp on a mobile de vice. I want to encourage anyone who owns a home to use one of these digital water usage monitors. Even better, the city could provide an incentive program for peo ple that a do pt these mo ni t ors, similar to rebate programs that already offer for the installation of water-conserving toilets and plu mbing. I ho pe to do my bes t i n improving access to water usage data in o u r c ity.
W H AT A R E YO U R P L A N S FO R THIS SUMMER? T h i s s u m m e r, I a m w o r k i n g a t a summer camp for a week and going to Europe for the first time! I want to tr y and read more books and visit my grandparents who I don’ t ge t to s e e o f te n . WHAT’S YOUR DREAM JOB? This is always changing, but I think my dream job would be something involving business and design. WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT FOR NEXT YEAR? I k n o w n e x t y e a r, my j u n i o r y e a r, will be a lot of hard work and a lot of thinking about the future, but I’m most excited to have a fully “normal” school year again after the pandemic. I k n o w c l a s s e s , s p o r t s ga m e s a n d events will all feel more connected. WHAT’S A GOAL YOU HAVE? HOW DO YOU PLAN ON ACHIEVING IT? I want to try and spend less time on my p h o n e a n d b e m o r e f o c u s e d . I pick it up too much to avoid doing other things. Instead of grabbing my phone all the time, I want to make a
MAY 2022
Carmen Lopez WHAT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? I am involved with the W.T. White girls soccer team, c l u b s o c c e r ( D ’ Fe e t e r s Kicks Soccer Club) and the women’s Mexico National Team. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS? My favorite class this year was AP U.S. History because I like learning about the past and history of the United States. WHERE WOULD YOU GO TO GRAB AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK? My favorite after-school snack location is Starbucks. I usually go to Starbucks and I get an iced vanilla coffee. WHAT WAS ONE CHALLENGE YOU FACED AT SCHOOL THIS YEAR, A N D H OW D I D YO U DEAL WITH IT? Balancing school and athletics. I was able to travel and play for the national team this year. My teachers and coaches worked with me to make sure I was successful. TELL US ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID THIS Y E A R T H AT YO U ’ R E PROUD OF. One of the biggest things I am proud of is traveling to Spain this year and earning
22 Photo courtesy of Dallas ISD.
MAY 2022
three International caps. WHICH TEACHER, STA F F M E M B E R O R COACH IMPACTED YOU THE MOST THIS YEAR, AND HOW? Coach Alven has impacted me the most this year by constantly showing me support and helping me grow my academic and athletic skills. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER? My plans are to travel and continue playing soccer with my national and club teams. Also visit colleges and universities to plan my future. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM JOB? My dream job is to be a physical therapist in the future. WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT FOR NEXT YEAR? Next year, I am excited to play in the first World Cup with the Mexico National Team. WHAT’S A GOAL YOU HAVE? HOW DO YOU PLAN ON ACHIEVING IT? A goal that I have is to get straight A’s my senior year. Focusing more in school and working hard with my classwork.
am headed next year, the University of Notre Dame. TELL US ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID THIS YEAR THAT YOU’RE PROUD OF. This year, I was able to collect over 100 uniform shirts for a local elementary school. I worked with the school as part of my Spanish class and realized that not all of the students were wearing the uniform shirt. I organized a drive in my neighborhood, and in my second year of doing it surpassed 100 shirts. WHICH TEACHER, STAFF MEMBER OR COACH IMPACTED YOU THE MOST THIS YEAR, AND HOW? Mr. Varvir (my Physics II teacher) has impacted me the most this year. Every day I realize the amount of care and dedication he puts into each of his lessons in order to make them engaging. His dedication makes me want to work harder. Photos courtesty of Preston Hollow by Eva Potter Morgan.
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER? I am hopefully going to travel, spend lots of time with my friends and family before college, and get a job. WHAT’S YOUR DREAM JOB? I would like to be a neurosurgeon. Photography by Yuvie Styles.
episcopal school of dallas:
Reid Moorman
WHAT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? Honor Council, Ambassadors (Serve as Co-Special Events Coordinator) Community Service Council, Ronald McDonald House Teen Team (Trains Chairperson), National Honor Society, Foster Elementary Conversation Club, Varsity Basketball, Cross Country WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS? AP Physics I and II have been my favorite classes. WHERE WOULD YOU GO TO GRAB AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK? Starbucks WHAT WAS ONE CHALLENGE YOU FACED AT SCHOOL THIS YEAR, AND HOW DID YOU DEAL WITH IT? One challenge I faced this year was going through the college application process. It was a very long and tedious process. However, I got through it with the encouragement of my family and friends and everything ended exactly the way it was supposed to end. I am very excited about where I
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT FOR NEXT YEAR? Getting the chance to live on my own for the first time. WHAT’S A GOAL YOU HAVE? HOW DO YOU PLAN ON ACHIEVING IT? A goal that I had throughout high school was to always do my best with any endeavor. I did this through hard work and perseverance, and, looking back on all of my accomplishments, I have no regrets. WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WISH WE ASKED YOU ABOUT? How would you describe your time at ESD? My time at ESD has been amazing. I have had outstanding teachers and have made friendships that will last a lifetime. There is nowhere else I would have wanted to spend the last 13 years of my life. ADVICE TO YOUNGER STUDENTS: It is important to work hard and try your best at whatever endeavors you are pursuing. Hard work usually leads to an outcome that you can be proud of in the end. However, sometimes the outcome is not favorable. Although the outcome may not always be favorable, if you know you did all you could to succeed, you will have no regrets in the future.
MAY 2022
Photography by Yuvie Styles
Courtney Kleinenbroich WHAT EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ARE YOU INVOLVED IN? Frequent volunteer at Human ImpACT, forming connections with my friends on the street. Treasurer of the Hope Supply Co. Student Board, where we come up with innovative ideas to support their mission of providing critical needs to homeless children. I sit on the Teen Board for THANKs Community Partners of Dallas, learning about how a nonprofit works and participating in community service that will change lives
MAY 2022
of the children in our community. President and Founder of the BEARly NOTEiced Club at Ursuline. We spread positive messages, anonymously, around campus, Ursuline Varsity Tennis and Club Tennis. I am also the employee of a grocery store! WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE CLASS? My favorite class is English because I love to write, and it gives me a chance to express myself.
WHERE WOULD YOU GO TO GRAB AN AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK? I would most likely go to Chick-fil-A and get a frosted lemonade, although I do love my school store gummy bears! WHAT WAS ONE CHALLENGE YOU FACED AT SCHOOL THIS YEAR, AND HOW DID YOU DEAL WITH IT? To be completely honest, I haven’t really faced a huge challenge this year. However, if I were to choose something that has been a little difficult, it would be time management. Having to balance school, work, social life, volunteering and tennis can be a lot! But I have, and still am, working on my communication and organization skills which has helped me become better at balancing it all. TELL US ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID THIS YEAR THAT YOU’RE PROUD OF. I am very proud of winning Ursuline’s Serviam Award! Not only was it a great way to spread the word about a nonprofit that I care deeply about, but I was also truly honored to represent my community in such an amazing way. WHICH TEACHER, STAFF MEMB ER OR COACH IMPACTED YOU THE MOST THIS YEAR, AND HOW? My E n g l i s h t e a c h e r, Mr s . Mayerson, has impacted me the most. She is always willing to help me when I am struggling to write and always looks on the bright side and tries to find a solution to a problem. She is ver y calm when teaching, listens to
Happy Healthy Home
her student’s feedback and is always trying to improve her class. She even has a bowl of fruit for us if we get hungry during class! All the things she does, I notice, and it makes an impact on me. Anytime I step into her class, I get excited and can’t wait to see what we are learning!
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WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER? This summer, my mom and I are taking a trip to Italy! We were supposed to go in 2020 for my eighth- grade graduation with my school, but we are going this summer to make up for it. I am so excited for this trip!
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WHAT’S YOUR DREAM JOB? I have many interests that I am still exploring. I want to ensure that what I do is impactful, so for right now, I don’t know!
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W H AT A R E YO U M O ST E XC I T E D A B O U T F O R NEXT YEAR? I am excited to learn about colleges and explore some of my interests by taking unique classes that Ursuline offers. I am also excited to further my leadership and service in and out of school.
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W H AT ’ S A G O A L YO U HAVE? HOW DO YOU PLAN ON ACHIEVING IT? A goal I have is to eventually start a nonprofit to help t h e c o m m u n i t y. I p l a n o n achie ving this by learning from other nonprofits and their employees, growing connections and researching so that I know what needs to be done.
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MAY 2022
CONNECTING CREATIVELY How Junior League volunteers help seniors with cognitive impairment Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photos courtesy of JULIETTE FOWLER COMMUNITIES
MAY 2022
THE ARTFUL AWAKENINGS PROGRAM at Juliette Fowler Communities stood out to Caroline Hardin because of her love for her grandparents. Fowler residents who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease are eligible for the program, which is held weekly. Volunteers from the Junior League of Dallas create art activities for anywhere from five to nine residents and then visit the East Dallas facility to walk the residents through the projects. Hardin, a 28-year-old Dallas native who lives in the Knox/Henderson area, joined the Junior League about two years ago. Her mother is also a member, and she encouraged her to get involved to become more active in the community. She had moved back to Dallas from New York in 2019 and wanted to expand her network. Artful Awakenings has been going on for about five years, with about 50 residents having participated, but Hardin became involved with the program in August 2021. She was already familiar with Fowler, where she
had volunteered growing up as a member of Northway Christian Church. “I wanted to get involved with an organization that I was already kind of familiar with and would kind of tie back into my church’s network,” Hardin says. The program would allow Hardin to spend time with seniors, an activity she thought she would enjoy because of the cherished memories hanging out with her own grandmother. Hardin also had experience working in the art industry, including at the Art Basel art fair and at Sotheby’s. Art projects are planned so they’re easy for the residents to create, and Hardin says they’re mostly assembly. The teachers have an example displayed for the residents, and they often use templates. Earlier on, the plans were more complex, but the volunteers learned to make the instructions simple and straightforward. One day, the volunteers helped the residents make bluebonnets. The stems were already drawn, and residents finger-painted the petals and added stickers. “If it’s too abstract, then the residents get frustrated, and it defeats the purpose of the class, which is to calm them down and get everyone socializing during the sundowning hour,” Hardin says. Her grandfather had dementia, and sometimes he would become grouchy, which wasn’t in line with his personality. That experience led her to have additional compassion for the Fowler residents, who occasionally make offensive remarks as a result of their cognitive impairment. Nicole Gann, the president and CEO of Juliette Fowler Communities, has seen the residents’ quality of life improve through the program. Art helps them connect and engage with each other, Gann says, rather than withdrawing from society because of embarrassment or they realize they can’t communicate the same way. “Connection cannot be underemphasized,” Gann says. “That is just the importance of it, is the connection and being together and accessing things that made them who they were and who they still are.” Fowler is the only certified I’m Still Here Center for Excellence in Dementia Care in North Texas. The engagement-focused program connects people with memory loss through abilities that don’t diminish over time, and it is used to train caregivers, volunteers and residents’ families. When the program was first implemented, there were concerns that some people would be frustrated or struggle to learn how to communicate with the residents, but Gann says the issues weren’t too much because everyone was so “like-minded.” “I think that’s probably been the greatest gift that the programming has given to us — just a quicker, more refined way to help people be in community with the residents we serve,” Gann says. The art helps residents to tell their stories and access memories, even if a particular instance isn’t visible to someone who views the finished product. “They’re telling that story through the actual activity of the art, through the painting or through the crafting and through that conversation,” Gann says. Sometimes colors in the art remind residents of gardens they used to grow, and then they’ll share stories related to that memory. Or maybe blue paint on the page reminds them of when they used to be a lifeguard or enjoyed swimming. “You never know what color or what activity is going to spark that memory, but then it does, and it’s revealed to these volunteers and to our team through the simple act of being together,” Gann says. “But it’s another way that validates that they are still here.” MAY 2022
Three letters H ow a co n j u c t i o n ca n c h a n ge t h e m ea n i n g of o u r h o p e
was in the choir as a child. I remember after a particular rehearsal, the choir director pulled me aside and said, “You really poured yourself into the music today! But, next time, perhaps you can sing a little quieter and a little more on key!” Three letters can change the whole thing: B-U-T. “But” can transform a compliment into a backhanded one. For example, “Your deviled eggs are delicious, but next time I bet if you used a bit more salt, they would really pop!” “But” can change a relationship. “I love you, but I can’t do this anymore.” “But” can change the entire trajectory of a story. For example, in the Christian tradition, we gather on Easter to proclaim that Christ is not here but alive and at work in the world! But those words seemed to the earliest readers to be an idle tale, and they did not believe them, which is an appropriate response to resurrection! Resurrection often feels like an idle tale. Leiros is the Greek word translated, idle tale, though it literally means cow dung! There is no way that life comes through death! Bull! Or that hope finds us in despair! Bull! Or that light comes through the darkness! Bull! Or that wholeness is found through brokenness. Bull! No way! But, yes. In an empty tomb, they found the fullness of God. A God whose answer to us is always: but, yes.
Christ, but yes, I still love you. A God who says to us breaking relationship, but yes, I’m still here. A God who says in an empty tomb, but I’m not here; I’m everywhere! A God who says I’ ll never give up on you, but I’ll never look the same! A God who says you think you know a life of faith but stop thinking and follow me! We are invited to see the possibilities of life anew in all places. May we be “But, yes!” people. A people who proclaim, but yes:
Bible Study 9:15 / Worship Services 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500 ROYAL LANE BAPTIST CHURCH / 6707 Royal Lane / 214.361.2809 Christian Education 9:45 a.m. / Worship Service 10:55 a.m. Pastor - Rev. Dr. Michael L. Gregg / WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason / Worship at 9 & 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. /
PRESBYTERIAN PARK CITIES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH/ 4124 Oak Lawn Ave Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. To all this church opens wide her doors - SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
‘But’ can change the entire trajectory of a story. light in the darkness. A people who proclaim, but yes: hope in despair. A people who proclaim, but yes: wholeness out of brokenness. And a people who proclaim, but yes: even life in the face of death! With great hope, Matthew REV. MATTHEW RUFFNER is the Senior Pastor at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. He is husband to Sarah Ruffner and a father of two. You can follow PHPC on Instagram @ PHPC_dallas, and you can also visit to watch the church’s live stream and listen
A G od who says to the death of
to sermons.
MAY 2022
c l i c kwo rt h y
V I P V I S I TOR Actor Em m a Watson visited stu den ts at S udie L. William s Talen ted and Gifted Academy. Watson , w h o’s kn ow n for h er role as Her m ion e in the Harry Potter ser ies, talked w ith th e dram a stu den ts at th e Dallas IS D school.
WE CAN’T STOP DI S D ANO N YMOUS RE PORT ING A n a n ony mou s r e p or tin g s ys te m is n ow avail ab l e to middl ea n d hi g h-s c hool s tu d e n ts in D allas I SD s ch ool s. The district is launching the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, where students can report instances such as violence, se xual harassment, self-harm, abuse, bullying and de p re s s i on . It includes a mobile app, website and telephone hotline, where s t ude n t s c a n s u b m it tip s 24 h ou rs a d ay, s e ven day s a week to t h e Nat i on a l C r i s i s Ce n te r. T h e app is fre e on the Appl e App St o re a n d G oog le P lay. To call in a tip, d ial 844- 5- SAYNOW. “ S t u d e n t s a r e g r a p p l i n g w i t h a l l k i n d s o f c h a l l e n ge s s i n c e the onse t of the pandemic,” Dallas ISD Deputy Superintendent S u s a n a C o r d o v a t o l d T h e Hu b . “ We b e l i e v e i t i s a l s o o u r r e sponsibility to help identify behaviors before the y escalate into p ro b le ms , a n d t h e S e e S ome th in g mod e l d oe s that, ul timatel y p re ve n t i n g s e r i ou s ac ts from e ve r occ u rrin g.”
SHOP ‘TIL YOU DROP Ei g h t n ew b ra n ds a re o pe ni ng l o ca t i o n s at Nor thPar k Ce n ter t h i s yea r. Pl us, Burbe rry, whi c h a l ready has a store th e re, i s op en i n g a new co nce pt t hi s summer on level one b e twee n N ei ma n M a rcus a nd Di l l a rd’s. B reitlin g , B uck Mason , G a n n i , H ive & Co l o ny, M a ri a Ta sh, Scanlan Theod o re a n d S t . J oh n a re sl a te d to o pe n.
UPCOMING BIOGRAPHY Dirk Nowitzki visited The Wild Detectives to promote an upcoming biography written by Thomas Pletzinger. He first came to Dallas in 2012 to write a profile on Nowitzki for a German magazine. Nowitzki and his mentor, Holger Geschwinder, later agreed to let Pletzinger do the biography, and he spent eight years following the Big German.
TALKING ABOUT... When resident of our nextdoor-neig hbor Hig hlan d Par k , Scottie Scheffler, com pleted h is first m ajor w in S u n day a t th e 2022 Masters, he becam e on e of th e top-10 you n gest in h istor y to w in th e tour n a m ent. At 25 years, 9 m on th s an d 9 days old, Sch effler ranks n in th , w hile on e Preston Hollow n ative an d J esu it g radu ate is nearer th e top of that list. J ordan S pieth won the Mas ters tou r nam ent in 2015 at age 21 (and eig h t m on th s) . Th at put h im slig htly beh in d Tiger Woods, w ho also was 21 (3 m onths and 14 days) w hen h e won it in 1997. Woods won again w h en he was 25 and is on the top-10 list tw ice. While S pieth’s pre-tou r nam ent press conferen ce was a h it w ith repor ters, the 12th h ole at Aug u sta, w hich has g iven h im trou ble in th e past, con tin u ed to h aunt him , a s repor ts. B ut h e’s still young an d, they say, “He’ll be back.”
MAY 2022
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ELECTRICAL SERVICES ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 50 Yrs. Electrical Exp. Insd. 214-328-1333 BRIGHT LIGHT ELECTRIC • 214-553-5333 TECL 31347 Brightening Homes and Businesses LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735
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SQUARE NAIL WOODWORKING Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398
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WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. PRO WINDOW CLEANING Lic/Insd.TECL-34002 214-850-4891 prompt, dependable. Matt 214-766-2183
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MAY 2022
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Click Marketplace at MAY 2022
5138 Deloache Avenue $10,995,000
4231 Ridge Road $2,350,000
Alex Perry 214.926.0158
Kimberly Cocotos 214.682.5754
5539 Falls Road $6,750,000
3841 Wentwood Drive $3,995,000
Susan Baldwin 214.763.1591
Terri Cox 972.841.3838
SOLD 6308 Waggoner Drive Private Sale
3005 Rosedale Avenue $2,895,000
Lori Sparks 214.680.6432
Susan Bradley 214.674.5518