contents SEPTEMBER 2021 VOL.20 NO.9
6 CLICK-WORTHY All the web news 8 WOMEN IN FILM Lights, camera, lots of action 10 PROFILE Lauren Schwalb 14 CITY COUNCIL Preston Center, homelessness and DISD 16 DINING Trova Wine + Market 20 PRECIOUS PUPS Preston Hollow’s best friends
Trova Wine + Market’s interior is decorated with art depicting botanical scenes. Read more on page 16. Photo by Jessica Turner.
The best course of action starts with charting the right course. Tulika Jain, MD | Martin Berk, MD
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Physicians employed by Texas Health Physicians Group practice independently and are not employees or agents of Texas Health Resources hospitals. © 2021
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214.560.4203 / ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Frank McClendon
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214.560.4206 / Designer/Photographer: Jessica Turner
Education Digest n Libraries at several Dallas ISD schools in our neighborhood will be refurbished through Project R.E.A.D., a partnership between the district and Apple. The schools are: Hillcrest, E.D. Walker, Walnut Hill Elementary, Withers Elementary, Sudie TAG and Benjamin Franklin IEA.
n Dallas ISD was the first school district in Texas to require Contributors: George Mason, Patti Vinson, Carol Toler, Scott Shirley, Sam Gillespie, Matthew Ruffner, Eric Folkerth, Margaret O’Rourke Contributing photographers: Kathy Tran, Marissa Alvarado, Yuvie Styles, Carly May Chief Revenue Officer: Rick Wamre
214.560.4212 / Advocate (c) 2021 is published monthly in print and daily online by Advocate Media - Dallas Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation based in Dallas and first published in 1991. Contents of this print magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements and sponsorships printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject ay editorial, advertising or sponsorship material in print or online. Opinions set forth in Advocate publications are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the Publisher’s viewpoint. More than 180,000 people read Advocate publications in print each month; Advocate online publications receive more than 4 million pageviews monthly. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate print and online publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one print copy per reader. For information about supporting our non-profit mission of providing local news to neighborhood readers, please call 214-5604212 or email
masks on all campuses, in defiance of Gov. Greg Abbott’s order. Superintendent Michael Hinojosa said the district would comply if
ABOUT THE COVER Forest Lane mural. W.T. White art students originally painted the wall back in the 1970s. Photo by Marissa Alvarado.
courts ruled it could not require masks.
n Hockaday alumna Lisa Loeb created a series of mini musicals with fellow Brown University alumni. The Together Apart collection encouraged viewers to donate to The Actors Fund. Search “education” at to read more.
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TAP. PAY. GO. Plan your fair adventure at Now, PAY with any contactless card!
in memoriam Preston Hollow neighbor Louise Eiseman died at home in her sleep at the beginning of August; she was 91. The co-founder of Eiseman Jewels, she attended The Hockaday School and Highland Park High School. Eiseman was also a longtime docent at the Dallas Museum of Art.
coming & going [+] Thai-Vietnamese restaurant MALAI KITCHEN is coming to Preston Center this fall. The fourth location of the local chain will serve lunch, dinner and brunch. [-] Bravo announced the Real Housewives of Dallas will not return for a sixth season. Neighbor TIFFANY MOON was the first Chinese cast member and first doctor on the franchise.
“They never take a break from playing when they see each other. You can tell that they know that they’re siblings.”
Real estate Family-owned Stockdale Investment Group purchased 15,000 square feet of retail space in Preston Center. Verizon, Ticket Finders and Preston Center Animal Clinic are a few of the tenants that occupy the space. Search “Preston Center” at prestonhollow.advocatemag. com for more.
PAGE 22.
HIGH-RISE COMFORTS SCHOOL SPIRIT Allie + Bess, a jewelry company co-founded by Allie Wardlaw and Ursuline alumna Bess Callarman, launched a game day jewelry collection. Their stackable bracelets are meant to help neighbors show school spirit. Search “Allie + Bess” at prestonhollow. for more.
DOWN-TO-EARTH CARING At CC Young, our residents come first. Whether your home is in The Vista — a contemporary nine-story assisted living residence and health center with spectacular views of White Rock Lake and Downtown Dallas — or the cozy, low-rise Hillside apartments, our dedicated staff provides the person-centered care you expect in an exceptional living environment.
GRANOLA GALS Tiffany Lustig and neighbor Elaine Pearlman are the co-founders of Park Lane Pantry. The granola company was named a finalist in the 2021 H-E-B Quest for Texas Best. Search “Park Lane Pantry” at for more.
To learn more about assisted living at CC Young and schedule a tour, call 214-256-1875 or visit
License #100042, #140097
GET A WIF OF THIS The show must go on for these women in film Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photography by DANNY FULGENCIO
WHEN GAIL CRONAUER WAS YOUNG, her doctor told her taking ballet lessons would help with her flat feet. She took the advice and began dancing, which introduced her to performing. In high school, she got into musicals, which launched her into the world of theater. In college, Cronauer acted in a play called Viet Rock, an anti-Vietnam War production staged while the war was ongoing. The production was unique because
in it, actors made physical contact with the audience. “That was my sense of what theater could do, that theater could touch people and change their lives,” Cronauer says. “So it was natural for me to want to continue doing that kind of work.” She spent her career working on live performances and films alike. After she taught at SMU for six years, she starred in Eric Overmyer’s On the Verge twice, once
at Stage Number One and once at Stage West in Fort Worth. She also acted in a highly acclaimed independent film, The Vast of Night, which was released in 2019. More recently, she’s acted in film shorts, and she’s still auditioning for more. Cronauer retired from full-time teaching at Collin College last year, and she now teaches at MediaTech Institute. Other parts of her day are dedicated to Women in Film Dallas. It’s a group that offers networking, educational opportunities, scholarships and recognition for females in the film industry. Our neighbor had been an on-again-off-again member of the organization for years, as she balanced raising a family, teaching and supporting a husband who had health issues. When the group’s former president asked if she’d consider running for a leadership position, she agreed and is now the vice president. Among her responsibilities is assisting Tiffany Vollmer, the organization’s president. “I’m the Kamala Harris,” Cronauer says. “Where do I need to go? You can’t attend that meeting tonight? I’ll go. I’ll be there.” Vollmer and Cronauer also co-host a monthly podcast, “We’re Just Say’n’,” where they interview fellow members of the organization. Many of WIF Dallas’ programs are targeted at supporting and encouraging members. The Social WIFs of Dallas, one of the subcommittees, hosts a movie of the month meeting at women-owned restaurants. There’s also a group that meets at Halcyon every Wednesday to brainstorm and peer review projects. Members’ birthdays are celebrated monthly. WIF Dallas’ major event is the Topaz Film Festival, which will be Oct. 18-24. The organizers are hoping to hold it in person, and anyone is welcome to attend. Awards will be given to women who are helping and improving the industry. “That festival is important because a couple of other festivals have kind of gone away,” Cronauer says. “So the Topaz festival becomes the festival in the DFW area that focuses on women and women’s works.” Over the years, Cronauer has taken on a multitude of roles. She was a time-traveling woman, an acrobat during the last stage of her life and an old woman who befriends a man camping on her property. As the vice president of WIF Dallas, her latest part has been to meet and network with other WIF chapters across the country. “That whole thing about ‘if you can see it, you can be it,’” Cronauer says. “If you don’t know that somebody’s doing it, it can be really hard to imagine yourself doing it.”
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p r o fi l e
Hola, Ohla! Lauren Schwalb’s healthy alternatives taste like the real thing › Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photography by KATHY TRAN
t ’s n o t u n c o m m o n f o r n e w b o r n s t o b e allergic to something their mothers a r e e a t i n g . To a d d r e s s t h e p r o b l e m , pediatricians ask breas tfeeding mothers to cut from their diets the common culprits — d a i r y, s o y a n d g l u t e n , t o n a m e a f e w. Mo t h e r s s t o p c o n s u m i n g s p e c i f i c i t e m s , one at a time, until the problems subside. T h at ’s w h at h a p p e n e d t o n e i g h b o r L a u r e n S c h w a l b a n d h e r t h e n - n e w b o r n Ha d l e y. “I threw in the towel and moved my d a u g h t e r t o f o r m u l a ,” S c h w a l b s a y s . “ I t j u s t f e l t i m p o s s i b l e . I w a s l i ke , h o w d o I do this?” Both mother and daughter ended up h e a l t h y. B u t t h e p r o c e s s m a d e S c h w a l b c urious about what was in the food she was f e e d i n g h e r f a m i l y. A s s h e s i f t e d t h r o u g h h e r p a n t r y, s h e r e a l i z e d t h a t a l m o s t e v erything she had contained ingredients she wasn’ t supposed to eat. T h e n l a s t y e a r, Schwalb and her husband, Stephen, w e r e h av i n g d i n n e r with friends, and the Whole30 diet came up as a topic. Stephen announced h e w a s go i n g t o t r y it. “I am a competitive person by nat u r e , s o t h e r e w a s n o w ay I w a s go i n g t o le t him do this without doing it with him,” S c h w a l b s ay s . Acceptable foods in their new diet included fruits, vege tables and lean proteins. With no gluten allowed, and in a family that loves Te x-Me x, S chwalb began looking f o r a l t e r n a t i v e s t o t h e c a r b - h e av y s t a p l e s o f t h a t c u i s i n e . S h e c o u l d n’ t f i n d t h e m , s o s h e b e ga n e x p e r i m e n t i n g w i t h a l m o n d f l o u r, u s i n g i t t o m a ke t o r t i l l a s . He r c o workers were the taste-testers. “ I w a n t t o b e a u t h e n t i c , a n d I d o n’ t w a n t t o b e s c a r y,” S c h w a l b s a y s . “ I w a n t people to know that eating healthy can a l s o t a s t e go o d .” E v e n t u a l l y, p e o p l e b e g a n r e q u e s t i n g
S c h w a l b ’s t o r t i l l a s . I t w a s n’ t j u s t h e r f r i e n d s . A t t h e D a l l a s Fa r m e r s M a r k e t , she arrived with about 100 packages of eight tortillas to sell. She left with none. “I thought it could be a business from d a y o n e , h o n e s t l y,” S c h w a l b s a y s . “ B u t I knew there were lots of things I had to d o t o c o n t i n u e t o p r o v e t h e c o n c e p t o u t .” She did market research and wrote a business plan. Then she found a food scientis t, ingredient suppliers and a co-pack e r. T h a t l a s t o n e w a s c h a l l e n g i n g t o l o cate because Schwalb was selling a new b r a n d o f p e r i s h a b l e p r o d u c t s . S h e d i d n’ t w a n t t o m a ke a h u ge i nv e s t m e n t a n d e n d up wasting food. Plus, the demand for the manufacturers was already elevated d u e t o s h o r t a ge s c a u s e d b y t h e p a n d e m i c . Ev e n t u a l l y, s h e f o u n d a c o - p a c k e r i n Ne w B r a u n f e l s . Ohla! foods started with tortillas and expanded to chips. The brand is now av a i l a b l e a t C e n t r a l Ma r ke t , where Schwalb does most of her shopping, sometimes with Hadley and her older d a u g h t e r, O l i v i a . “ They get in their cart, a n d t h e y ge t t h e i r b a l l o o n s ,” S chwalb says. “And then the y s e e m o m my ’s p r o d u c t o n t h e s h e l f , a n d i t ’s t h e c o o l e s t f e e l i n g i n t h e w o r l d .” O h l a ! i s n’ t j u s t a p l ay o n w o r d s . It a l s o represents her family. T he “o” and “ h” stand for her daughters’ names. “La” is a nickn a m e S c hw a l b’s f r i e n d s h av e f o r h e r, a n d t h e e xc l a m a t i o n p o i n t i s f o r h e r h u s b a n d . Schwalb has made a business out of h e a l t hy a l t e r n a t i v e s a n d d o e s n’ t c r av e j u n k f o o d s , b u t s h e h a s n’ t s w o r n t h e m off. When the situation presents itself, l i ke a t b i r t h d ay p a r t i e s , t h e S c hw a l b s w i l l s t i l l e a t c a ke . S h e ’s d e v e l o p i n g a d d i t i o n a l f l av o r s f o r t h e c h i p s . Eve n t u a l l y, s h e ’d l i ke t o b ra n c h out to other foods including pas ta and pizza, or e ven formulate snacks like Cheez-Its. “What I really aim for is things that t a s t e l i ke t h e r e a l d e a l ,” S c hw a l b s ay s .
I want people to know that eating healthy can also taste good.
PRESTON ROYAL SHOPPING CENTER Story by RENEE UMSTED Photography, clockwise from above: Preston Royal Shopping Center, Princi Italia and Neuhaus by Danny Fulgencio. Opposite page: Royal China by Rasy Ran.
Those who’ve been here a while know Preston Royal has changed quite a bit over the decades. It used to have a movie theater, but in its place now sits a liquor store. When Carol Short was growing up here, there wasn’t a plethora of sit-down restaurants. Visitors could choose from places like Burger King, an ice cream parlor called SALLY B, the soda fountain at DOUGHERTY’S and EL CHICO. “As we grew up, there weren’t that many families anymore,” says Short, who worked for the North Dallas Chamber of Commerce for decades. “But it’s certainly turned back to now where families are there moving into those larger, new homes. The neighborhood has cycled.” Short guesses the biggest fuss over a restaurant leaving was spurred on by El Chico, which was owned by the Cuellar family. When one business left, another seemed to quickly replace it. PRINCI ITALIA opened its Preston Royal location in 2011. Before then, suite 707 housed POPOLOS CAFE, an Italian cafe and bakery. It first started serving pizza and pasta in 1993 and remained until late 2009. NEUHAUS CAFE arrived at suite 626 in 2004. Owner Mervyn Sacher says Preston Royal is one of the best intersections in the city. When the tornado struck our neighborhood in
2019, Nehaus was barely touched, though other shops just steps away lost windows and roofs. Before Sacher set up shop, suite 626 was home to a children’s clothing store. SHORT STOP TO GO first opened in Snider Plaza in 1995, and it expanded to a second location in Preston Royal in 2010. Before Short Stop moved into suite 101, the space was home to a JAMBA JUICE, starting in 2004. And NEW YORK BAGEL & DELI occupied the store prior to then, opening in 1995. STARBUCKS opened on the corner in 1995, and it’s still here. TJ’S SEAFOOD MARKET & GRILL has a couple locations in Dallas, but its Preston Royal spot opened for business in 2014. It took over the space of the PURPLE COW RESTAURANT, which was established in 1998. SMOKEY JOHN’S BAR-B-Q was the previous tenant, and the latest occupancy records show it was open in 1995. ROYAL CHINA has been a staple in Preston Royal since 1974. Though it’s undergone remodeling and changes to the menu, it’s still a family business, having served neighbors for generations. But before the restaurant moved in, a steakhouse was located there. ZOËS KITCHEN has been around since
2010. It opened in suite 104, taking the place of ZINSKY’S DELI, which closed in 2009. EINSTEIN BROS. BAGELS opened in 2010 in its own building. SHAKE SHACK came in 2017, replacing a FEDEX office. EATZI’S MARKET & BAKERY set up shop in 2017 next to THE TOY MAVEN. Several of the spots at Preston Royal are newcomers. BOTOLINO GELATO opened in 2019 in the former PINKBERRY spot. FLOWER CHILD is also just a couple years old, moving into the area the same year as Botolino. And PUBLIC TACO took over a space next to Neuhaus in 2019. PRESSED opened a new location at Preston Royal in July. The space formerly housed STEEL CITY POPS and BASKINROBBINS. BLAST FROM THE PAST: Preston Royal was once home to JUICE STOP, BAGELSTEIN’S and CANTINA LAREDO. BARNES & NOBLE closed this year, but before it opened, BEST THAI was there. COMING SOON: FISH CITY GRILL, which has been closed since 2019, is expected to reopen by early December.
STAT E O F T H E N E I G H BO R H O O D New council member Gay Donnell Willis talks infrastructure, education, development and alleys — her goals for our neighborhood and city Story by RICK WAMRE | Photography by JESSICA TURNER
HOW DID YOU WIND UP LIVING IN PRESTON HOLLOW? Gosh, I was born in Dallas and r a i s e d i n Fo r t Wo r t h … I w e n t t o Te x a s Te c h , m o ve d b a c k t o D a l l a s and actually lived on Victor (Street in East Dallas) for a while. Then I was married, starting a family and wanted space and trees and good neighborhoods and that sort of thing. So we just got plugged into Preston Hollow in 2002, and I was working at the time and had a lot of travel going on and it just didn’t work with being the mother of a toddler, so I ended up trading that professional life for big Junior League roles and president of the Preston Hollow Early Childhood PTA. I think that honestly, in the seat that I’m sitting in now, all of those ty p e s o f e x p e r i e n c e s a r e j u s t e ve n more enriching and mean a lot more. LET’S TALK ABOUT CRIME: HOW WO R R I E D S H O U L D P R E STO N HOLLOW RESIDENTS BE ABOUT CRIME? I think the y already are worried about it . B eca use e ve n th o u gh i t ’s more prevalent in other parts of the c i ty, i t c a n s t i l l o c c u r. It d o e s o c c ur closer to Pres ton Hollow. And I know you’re talking with me with regard to Preston Hollow Advocate, but District 13 also includes west of Webb Chapel and Vicker y Meadow. So it’s that convex barbell, I guess. There are issues at either end of the district that are of concern, (Dallas Police) Chief (Eddie) Garcia’s plan for violent crime is in its infancy, and I sit on the Public Safety Committee, and we just got a two-month report last week. And there’s a little movement in the right direction on that. One thing I would really like for p e o p l e t o t h i n k d i ff e r e n t l y a b o u t , a n d I ’m w o r k i n g t o c o m m u n i c a t e with them about, is really expanding our notion of what public safety is. Last year there was a lot of rhetoric, a lot of a lot of things flying around that just were not helpful in
getting people to think about public safety as something a little more broad than just an officer with a gun. WHAT IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST P R O B L E M FAC I N G P R E S T O N HOLLOW? You know, beyond the hot button issues of public safety and concerns around homelessness, it goes back to the thing I’m hearing most frequently about stree ts and alleys. S o this is quality of life. I mean, quality of life is not necessarily the theater and museums and beautiful parks. It ’s are you rattling your fillings loose as you drive down the street just to go to work or the grocer y store. So I think there is now a program, however, I don’t think there has always been a really great program in place to take care of a street. Once we create some thing, the y tend to just deteriorate. Now, there’s a program in place that’s kind of like the oil change in your car so you don’ t burn out the engine before you decide to go get a new car. You actually take care of the street along the way. This is something that I hear about frequently: Why is that street being taken care of when mine is in such w o r s e s h a p e? A n d o f t e n t i m e s , i t ’s because part of the program is about maintaining what we have, and part is about, you’re on a list for a ver y expensive reconstruction. So there’s a balance, but people know what they see. And it doesn’t always make sense to them. And when you explain it to them, sometimes it makes sense, but they still don’t like it. But you know, t h e r e i s a p r o g ra m i n p l a c e t h at I think can help get at this. ONE OF THE THINGS YOU MENTIONED IN THE CAMPAIGN WAS GROWING THE TAX BASE. YOU P R O BA B LY SAW T H E I N I T I A L U.S. C E N SUS N U M B E RS T H AT CA M E OU T S H OW I N G DA L L AS I S N OT G R OW I N G M U C H . D I D THAT CHANGE YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS ABOUT HOW WE CAN
GROW THE TAX BASE OR WHAT WE CAN DO DIFFERENTLY? There are opportunities within the district. And I think what we need is, “vision” is kind of the headline. You’ve got Vickery Meadow, you have t h e Pr e s t o n R o a d a n d N o r t h w e s t Highway area, you also have Marsh and Walnut Hill that was destroyed in the tornado. So there are opportunities in each of these areas to take a s tep back and look at an overall v i s i o n . Yo u h av e a l o t o f p r o p e r ty ow ners who are ver y interes te d in their own asse ts. And rightly so. I t h i n k i n t h i s c h a i r, i t ’s l o o k i n g at the interests of the City of Dallas, which is also an investor in each of these areas. And you’re taking a lead on what that becomes. I mean, these
One thing I would really like for people to think differently about ... is really expanding our notion of what public safety is. are 50-year decisions or greater. So there are those who kind of like to push ahead in one way or another, to look at growth in pockets, but I think we need to step back and look at it from a bigger picture of: Who’s going to live here? What are the jobs in this area going to be like? What can you do for entertainment? What does life look like? What do we want it to look like in the next 10-20-30-40 years? And also involving the right partners? You know, sometimes I’m learning that there are some folks who
haven’t necessarily been involved, and I want to be sure we pull the right people to the table.
ON PRESTON CENTER, IN TERMS O F OV E R A L L D E V E L O P M E N T THERE, ANY THOUGHTS ABOUT HOW THAT SHOULD GO DOWN IN PRESTON CENTER OR WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING THERE? I t goes back to vision. It ’s not j u s t a b o u t t h a t g a r a g e . I t ’s n o t just about that intersection, or the Tollway or the through-traffic o n No r t hwe s t Hi g hw ay. I m e a n , all of these issues are complex in their own right. S o we shouldn’ t look at them individually and in a silo. We need to understand them. And that’s something I’m working on doing: unders tanding more in depth each of the aspects of this.
Aviation. Mounted police. The nuts and bolts of pothole repair. I really love it. But again, what do we want this to be? There are a lot of people who have great desire to see the mobility a r o u n d t h a t a r e a c h a n ge , w h e r e you don’ t have to always be in a car. There are some traffic issues. There are concerns about density. On the other hand, it’s a major intersection. And there’s an opportunity for growth there. When you look at different shopping centers or entertainment centers around the city, you look at that (Preston Center), and it’s a time capsule. So there’s tremendous opportunity. It’s just getting the vision of what it needs to be. And it is certainly on my mind. Is there any way to come up with a plan, or direc t a plan, that everyone’s going to be happy
with in Preston Center? Everyone will never be happy, as much as I would like that to be. And that’s because e ver yone’s going to have to take their dream, and then what ’s pragmatic, and some where in the middle, we will strike the balance of what that will become. And th is is n ot jus t pr oper ty owner s. It ’s n e ighb or s. S o ther e ar e a l ot of v ie wpoints to consider. WHY DOES ANYBODY WANT TO BE A CITY COUNCIL MEMBER? It seems like the most thankless job because you’re on the ground level with people and people’s problems on the ground level are ... literally on the ground level, and they want action. That’s true. There are a lot of phone calls about alleys and streets and trash pickup and, you know, just myriad concerns
But it’s also pretty cool. Aviation. Mounted police. The nuts and bolts of pothole repair. I really love it. I like seeing how it fits together. I like the thought of being in a role of working with my fellow council me mbe rs and the mayor, to jus t keep our city going in a for ward direction with regard to our citizenry, what the quality of life is like here. That can balance out some of the other stuff. WE MENTIONED VICKERY MEADOW E A R L I E R . I D E A L LY, W H AT SHOULD THAT NEIGHBORHOOD LOOK LIKE IN 10 OR 20 YEARS, ASSUMING THAT IT NEEDS TO LOOK LIKE ANYTHING?
We l l , y o u h a v e a n i n c r e d i b l e confluence of education, transit, a n d t h e r e ’s t w o DA RT r a i l s t a tions. Employment you’ve got in a N o r t h Pa r k ( S h o p p i n g C e n t e r ) t h a t ’s v e r y c l o s e , S h o p s a t Pa r k L a n e . Yo u ’ v e g o t h e a l t h c a r e a t Presby, which is also a source of employment. You’ve got the SoPac Trail, Fair Oaks Park. You’ve got all these wonderful components that
anybody would be looking for in creating some kind of live-workplay space. There is a large comm u n i ty o f r e f u gees being placed there, so growth could mean some displacement, and that’s got many people (feeling) ver y uncomfortable. I would love to strike a balance between how we preserve some affordable housing, while we also have the opportunity for workforce housing, to make it easier for police and teachers and adminis trative assistants, etc., to be able to live close to all of these great amenities. You know, there’s a (Vickery) Public Improvement District, and you know, they have a vision for the redevelopment of the area. And this is one of those areas where it needs a big vision and a balance. And I don’t have the answer for that right now. But there will be discussions around this. FOR THE PEOPLE READING THIS INTERVIEW WHO WANT MORE INFORMATION FROM YOU, OR YOUR OFFICE, WHAT’S THE BEST WAY FOR THEM TO GET IT?
We’ ll be doing at least a monthly email. T hat ’s some thing I heard loud and clear that council member (Jennifer Staubach) Gates’ office did a great job on, and I want to c o n t i n u e t h at a n d o u r Fa c e b o o k page. So those are two quick ways to get the word out. But I will also be communicating to the neighborhood leaders so that they can push it out through an email that folks might actually open because they feel like it has information on trash pickup or something else going on in the neighborhood. And then, of course, through channels such as yours. You can reach Willis through her City Hall assistants: Claire Noble (claire.noble@dallascityhall. com) or Alexandra Heller-Relayze (alexandra.relayze@dallascityhall. com) or visit her City Hall website at C i t y C o u n c i l D i s t r i c t 1 3 ( d a l
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W I N E A BOU T I T Trova Wine + Market brings fresh flavors and unique wines to Preston Plaza Story by JEHADU ABSHIRO | Photography by JESSICA TURNER
Trova’s wine market features wines from around the globe. The by the glass menu offers 22 varieties.
IN NEED OF A WINE PROFESSIONAL FOR A PRIVATE FIVE-COURSE DINNER? Trova Wine + Market will set that up. A guided wine tasting? Christmas gifts packaged and prepared for pick-up? Trova can do that, too. Think of it as wine for all in Preston Plaza. “There’s a lot of purposes that we can serve. There’s probably things that I haven’t even thought of that we could do for people,” Trova owner Michelle Bonds says. “I’d love for people to just check us out and think of other ways that they utilize and have wine in their lives and see if we can fill that gap for them.” Trova opened July 16, 2020, pandemic be damned, after three years of planning. Bonds, 37, started working out a business plan while she was still at Plano-based Yum. “I started looking for real estate and then it just snowballed from there,” Bonds says. After visiting Tootsies and a few other shops in the Plaza, Bonds’ mother-in-law wanted a glass of wine. Il Bracco wasn’t open yet and True Food was under construction.
“I thought, man, this shopping center needs a wine bar. And so whenever the time came, I looke d here because the traffic’s already there,” she says. “The stars just aligned for here.” It worked. Muchaco or Ill Bracco will send hungry customers to Trova when the wait is too long or they’re overcapacity. After a year, there’s a slew of regulars who drop by, and the Trova staff already has their order. Trova offers small plates, salads and sandwiches. The rotating, seasonal desserts are the brainchild of pastry chef Stephanie Vivino, former chef de partie of cronut fame Dominique Ansel Bakery. The curated wine menu features wines from all over, but on the condition that you can’t walk into a Tom Thumb or a Total Wine and find it. A French chardonnay, André Dezat, is the neighborhood favorite. “If you can get it everywhere, why would you come here?” B onds says. “ There are so many super good p ro d u c e rs t h a t m a ke s m a l l e r ba tch . A n d t h e y j u st
Clockwise: Cheese and charcuterie board, smoked prosciutto and burrata small plate, huckleberry-mango tart made with toasted lemon-vanilla meringue, and strawberry fields salad.
don’t have the inventor y to g o into those huge places. So that’s where places like myself or Bar & Garden on Ross come in.” In Bonds’ early 20s, she had a job where she had to buy wine for people who knew more about it than she did. She began frequenting a small shop in Chicago with a great selection led by someone who could pick the perfect bottle of wine. “He just guided me in the right
direction, and I forever miss him,” B o n d s s a y s. “ B u t I r e m e m b e r t h i n k i n g t o my s e l f , I ’ m g o n n a know what Fred knows one day.” She took an intro sommelier exam to deepen her knowledge of wines. Trova’s concept is modeled after Pan y Vino, a wine bar that she and her husband would visit when they lived in Argentina in between starting new jobs. She consulted with a longtime Dallas restaurateur on de veloping an
outline of a menu to give to a chef. B onds knew she wante d gre en and marble tabletops. Then her friend helped pull together the design elements. There’s a long table tucked into a back corner that’s almost always rented. Hyer Elementary School room moms rented it for a night out. A 90-year-old bride recently had her shower there. They’ve done private dinners, offered tastings of northern Italian cuisine and taught
classes on cheese and charcuterie building. About 90% of their business is on-site consumption, especially during happy hour. The rest is either picking up a bottle from the market or picking up your wine club order. “I’m trying to grow that part actually when people see the store and they see the setup, they think on premise,” Bonds says. “But I want them to think of us as a stop as well. Trova Wine + Market, 4004 Villanova St., 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday
Contact to set yours up today
Pawsome Pets
Charlie: Full-time job as man’s best friend
harlie wakes up every morning ready for a hard day’s work. “In the mornings Will grabs his briefcase or his bag and the minute he hears that, he pops up and runs over. He loves going to work every day,” says owner Melissa Schwing. He goes to work with his dad, Will Schwing, who works in animal health. The couple says the 10-year-old has around five or six dog friends that go to work as well. He’s very sociable with them and loves to play, but he was not always like this. “Most people say the first six months that we had him versus now
is two totally different dogs,” says Will. The couple adopted him when he was anywhere from 1.5 to 3 years old, and his timid nature was noticeable. Charlie was a rescue, and they do not know much about his background. They speculate that he was used for breeding and given up when it was discovered that he had cataracts. Originally, Will attended an adopting event to find a specific dog he liked but discovered the dog was already adopted. Then, he came across Charlie. He sent Melissa a photo, and they instantly knew he was going to be a new member of their family. “I feel like Charlie picked us,” says Melissa. SEPTEMBER 2021
They worked to socialize Charlie and eventually his timid nature went away. Now, he loves being with people. Charlie might be an older dog, but he is a newcomer to the neighborhood. The Schwings recently moved to Preston Hollow and decided to enter Charlie into the Advocate Puppy Photo Contest. To their surprise, he won. “As new neighbors, it felt really welcoming to win,” says Will. “It was really exciting and a way to be even more present in our new neighborhood. I think it’s a big deal for Charlie too,” says Melissa.
Callie, Pippa and Charlie: These sisters don’t let distance come between them
he Wallners own three dachshunds. One lives in a separate home from the others, but they don’t let space affect how close they are. Their oldest is a 13-yearold dachshund named Callie. They recently adopted two fivemonth dachshunds at six weeks old from the same litter. Both are girls named Charlie and Pippa. Owner Tracey Wallner went to McKinney Trade Days with her daughter Sydney to find a dog for her other daughter Mandy, but when they saw the only two girls in the litter they fell in love. “We went in there thinking we were going to get one dog for my sister [Mandy], and we ended up with our own,” says Sydney. They decided to bring Pippa home for Mandy and keep Charlie for themselves. “Pippa was very quiet and sweet and Charlie was very peppy and jumping around. We got them home and their personalities reversed. Pippa became the peppy energetic one, curious, inquisitive, would make a great hound dog. She can sniff out anything. Charlie became more relaxed,” says Tracey. The twins do not live together, but Pippa stays over every weekend. “Whenever they see each other they just get so excited, and they play. They never take a break from playing when they see each other. You can tell that they know that they’re siblings,” says Sydney. Their older dachshund, Cal-
lie, is their big sister and keeps them in line. The strong dog has made it through various medical ailments such as meningitis, back problems and arthritis. She also has megaesophagus, a disease that makes it hard to swallow your food, so the Wallners help feed her. “Callie has lived through a lot in her little life. She has had a lot of physical ailments and beat them every time,” says Tracey. She may not be as young as Charlie and Pippa, but her physical setbacks don’t keep her from enjoying her walks and playing with her sisters. “It truly is man’s best friend. They’re the most loyal companions. They live really good lives and we are happier because of it,” says Sydney.
harry: A goldendoodle with a youthful spirit
he Florences adopted Harold Joseph Florence as a birthday gift for their son Sam, and the mini goldendoodle has been a part of their family for the past eight years. Harry was neglected in his prior home, so at first, he was nervous with his new family. Soon he became comfortable with the Florences. “We were real patient with him and spent a lot of time with him and played with him and tried to make him feel comfortable,” says Elizabeth Florence. Now, Florence says Harry loves spending time with the family and even expects to go most places with them. The Florences lost power in their house during the 2021 winter storm. They would spend time throughout the day in their car with their garage open, warming up and charging their phones. Like any family member, Harry would join them. Now, Florence says Harry expects to go with them in the car anytime he notices suitcases or sees them all leaving at once. Despite his attachment to his family, the goldendoodle still needs his “Harry time.” Prior to the pandemic, Harry spent every night sleeping on his bed in his parents’ room. After everybody stayed home for so many months he refuses to sleep there. Instead, Harry gets what his family calls his “me time” by sleeping alone in the living room. Harry might be getting older, but his spirit is still young. “He’s 9 years old, but he does not look like a 9-year-old, and he doesn’t act like a 9-year-old. He’s very youthful,” says Florence. Florence says he still plays like a puppy and begs for treats by putting on his cutest face or getting up on his hind legs to impress people. Most importantly, he is a companion for each member of the family. “He loves every single person in our family equally,” says Florence.
Bryce Gibson is a small forward on the basketball team. Photo courtesy of Keri Gibson.
I t ’s a we l l - ro u n d e d l i fe The Hillcrest senior who does it all Story by RENEE UMSTED
OVER THE SUMMER, Bryce Gibson interned in the engineering department at Raytheon. While he was there, Gibson was tasked with creating a product that solves a problem. An athlete himself, h e d e s i g n e d a p r o t o ty p e o f a p r o t e c t i ve p a d d i n g t h at w o u l d prevent football players from seriously injuring their ribs. The internship was meaningful for the senior at Hillcrest High School. It was a forward step in pursuit of mechanical or computer
hardware engineering as a career. And it was significant on a more personal level. “My grandpa actually worked at Raytheon, which I feel like was really cool, so I got to experience what he did whenever he was still with us,” Gibson says. T hough Gibson’s summer was busy with engineering and other activities, there’s still plenty to look for ward to in his final year of high school. On the academic front, he’ ll be the president of the National Honor Society and an international baccalaureate student. With college looming in the near future, Gibson’s still working on applications and essays. Rice University is his first choice, and he’s also considering the University of Texas at Austin, Purdue University and G eorgia Tech. “Especially for me, being in IB, where I feel like the classes are as rigorous as they can get at Hillcrest, the lack of time from having to practice and showing up to the school at 6 a.m. for practice does make it a lot harder as an athlete to keep your grades up,” Gibson says. Gibson is also hoping the basketball team will be able to clinch a spot in the playoffs, a goal they haven’t reached in the past three years, though they’ve been right on the cusp. T h e n e w c o a c h i n g s t a ff a n d s o p h o m o r e s should help with that, Gibson says. He’s been a power for ward on the varsity squad since his freshman year, though he’s been playing the sport since second grade. “A s a l i t t l e k i d I p l a y e d c e n t e r, b u t a s e ve r y b o d y e l s e a r o u n d m e s t a r t e d ge tt i n g taller, my height was less of an advantage,” he says. With basketball practices scheduled for the mornings this year, Gibson expects to have time to join the robotics club. He’ ll also have more responsibilities as NHS president. Gibson was elec ted by his peers for that position, but he was nominated by his English teacher for the Racial Equity Student Advisory Committee. Last year, he and other Dallas ISD students met virtually to discuss how school could be improved for all students. Gibson appreciated that staff members were willing to listen to students’ concerns and ideas. With athletics, rigorous academics, extracurriculars and even a weekend job at S p r i n g C r e e k B a r b e q u e , G i b s o n i s a we l l rounded student. But in his free time, he’s just like many other teenage boys. “Well, I like to play video games,” he says.
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Life is a series of stops and starts Praye rs o u r resta r t w i l l b e a b i t s m o o t h e r
efore I could get my driver’s license, my parents had a rule: I had to learn to drive a stick shift (manual transmission). They wanted to ensure I could drive any vehicle in any part of the world! I spent countless afternoons in empty parking lots, learning how to release the clutch and press the gas just enough to propel the burgundy 1990 Ford Ranger forward. I also remember the cries of frustration, screams of fear and joyous celebration that accompanied a successful and smooth entry into first gear. I passed my parents’ driving test and was allowed to get my license. Several weeks later, I was behind the wheel of “Ranger,” the newly printed license in my wallet, my confidence soaring after tasting the newfound freedom of driving myself when I approached a stoplight that connected hilly South Boundary and Whiskey Road. I approached the stoplight and came to a stop halfway up the ver y steep hill. A ner vous pit formed in my stomach when I realized the options before me. I could roll back and bump into the car behind me, I could stall out in the long line of cars, or I could somehow, by the grace of God, actually release the clutch and hit the gas just right and take off. The light turned green; I released the clutch, gave it a lot of gas, and the Ranger leaped into first gear! It was a miracle! My euphoria was temporary. The light quickly cycled from green to yellow to red. I moved 15 feet to the front of the line, but I was stuck on the same hill waiting for a green light.
When the light cycled back to green, I released the clutch, hit the gas and stalled out! Given the new mask mandate, it feels as if we have stalled out. We have been waiting to re turn to a sense of normalcy, regain a sense of freedom and have a new start! For months we have been waiting to hit the gas and take off into the next season of life together: a new school year, new in-person work guidelines, new worship schedules and renewed family gatherings. But it seems we are learning what we have known the entire time. Life is a series of stops and starts. It’s never either-or, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves that is true. I pray that we give one another a bit of grace, for we all handle stalling out a bit differently. It’s never fun, we would prefer not to do it, and we are ready to hit the gas and get started again! That afternoon, when the light finally circled back to green, I restarted the truck, gave her more gas than needed and peeled through the intersection. Prayers, my dear friends, that our restart will be a bit smoother than that!
Bible Study 9:15 / Worship Services 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500 ROYAL LANE BAPTIST CHURCH / 6707 Royal Lane / 214.361.2809 Christian Education 9:45 a.m. / Worship Service 10:55 a.m. Pastor - Rev. Dr. Michael L. Gregg / WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason / Worship at 9 & 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. /
PRESBYTERIAN PARK CITIES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH/ 4124 Oak Lawn Ave Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. To all this church opens wide her doors - SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
Love and light to you all this day. Matthew
Rev. Matthew Ruffner is the Senior Pastor at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. He is a husband to Sarah Ruffner and a father of two. You can follow Matthew on Instagram at @thisismatthewruffner and visit phpc. org to watch the church’s live stream and
listen to sermons.
5335 Meaders Lane $10,250,000
6003 Lakehurst Avenue $2,350,000
Terri Cox & Kyle Crews 972.841.3838 / 214.538.1310
Alex Perry 214.926.0158
6330 Woodland Drive $2,295,000
SOLD - Represented Buyer 4058 Highgrove Drive $1,285,000
Susan Baldwin 214.763.1591
Lori Sparks 214.680.6432
6004 Northwood Road $1,250,000
SOLD 4623 Westside Drive $975,000
Kimberly Cocotos 214.682.5754
Susan Bradley 214.674.5518