Port Directory
& Mount Desert Chamber Guide
• Seal Harbor • Mount Desert • Acadia National Park
America’s finest boat builders
New and pre-owned yacht sales
Full service for all makes of boats 1 3 0 S h o r e R d . S outhwes t Ha r bor , ME • (207) 244-6 6 02
Acadia Fuel & Marine, LLC Will Will Barge Barge Anywhere Anywhere on on the the East East Coast Coast of of the the United United States States and and Canada Canada
M/V M/V Beacon Beacon and and M/V M/V Salvage Salvage III III Can Can Land Land on on Undeveloped Undeveloped Shore Shore
244-9664 Specs: Hydra Crane w/ 30’ Reach Deck Space 47’ x 14’ 10 Knot Cruise 50 Ton Cap
711 Bar Harbor Rd., Trenton 244-9664 77 Seal Cove Rd., Southwest Harbor 244-9664
Publisher’s Welcome Welcome to Northeast Harbor! You have chosen to visit one of the most naturally beautiful places in the country — Mount Desert Island; and you have chosen to visit while Acadia National Park is having its Centennial Celebration! This PORT DIRECTORY is intended to enhance the time you spend in this area by providing easy access to information about places to stay, things to do and see, activities, and places to dine, among other things. In the back of the book, you will find an extensive index of merchants. Also useful are the marina rules, rates and telephone numbers, tide charts, museum listings, church services, maps of Northeast Harbor, Cranberry Islands, Bar Harbor and Southwest Harbor as well as a full map of Mount Desert Island in the center section. It is our hope that the Port Directory will serve as a helpful reference book for the visitor, tourist, summer and year– round resident. We want this publication to be useful, fresh, fun, and appealing. Keep it aboard your boat, in your home, by your phone, or in your car. For additional copies, please ask at a place of business, Chamber of Commerce office, or just contact us. As we are a member of the Maine Tourism Association, our books can also be found at most visitor centers throughout Maine. As crazy as the 2014-15 winter was, the 2015-16 winter was mild. But it also didn’t seem to want to let go. Here I sit, at the end of April, and it’s SNOWING! However, I know it won’t be for long; and before I know it summer will be here, in all its glory. I’m looking forward to riding my bike on the carriage trails, hiking with friends and family, going to some of the shows and restaurants that are only seasonal, and just revelling in the natural beauty found all around here! Our sincere wish is that you enjoy your time on Mount Desert Island, and thank you for reading the Northeast Harbor Port Directory and Chamber of Commerce Guide. Christina G. Boucher, Publisher
The 2016 Northeast Harbor and Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce Guide – Volume XXIX ©2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be copied or used without written permission of the publisher. Substantial effort has been made to ensure accuracy of all information. Prices, dates, or times could change following publication. We recommend calling Christina Boucher to confirm before making Publisher definitive plans. Bayside Post Office Box 55 Graphics does not guaranMount Desert, Maine 04660 tee the absence of errors or 207.664.9946 omissions, though we strive for correct information.
Full Island Map: Bayside Graphics
2 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
With Thanks & Cooperation:
My husband, Jonathan, without whom I would be lost; Emily Muise, friend, walking partner, sounding board, and proofreader extraordinaire (any errors are the sole responsibility of the publisher!); Ed Elvidge; Gary Stellpflug, National Park Service; Friends of Acadia; Bruce Komusin (posthumously); Wes Shaw, Ripples Graphics; and the following Chambers of Commerce: Southwest Harbor & Tremont, Mount Desert, and Bar Harbor.
Contributing Photographers:
Christina Boucher; Friends of Acadia; Ellen Beauchaine.
Cover Photo:
© Bayside Graphics 2016. There are so many different views from this harbor. And they are all incredibly glorious!
Table of Contents 5 – Shows and Activities 13 – 16 – 19 – 23 – 28 – 30 – 32 – 38 – 39 – 45 – 50 – 53 – 54 – 59 –
Lodging and Real Estate 2016 Cruise Ship Schedule Personal Services Marine & Harbor Information Tide Chart for Northeast Harbor Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce Local and Area Maps Art Galleries Shops & Specialty Stores Articles: Dining Favorites Featured Hike — Museums of MDI Hadlock Ponds Trail to Cedar Swamp Mountain.......................................... 6 Religious Services Excerpt from The Story of Acadia National Park.....................20 Calendar of Events Local Hands Reaching Out................. 40 Index to Advertisers Free Brewery Tours & Tastings Daily! Open every day from mid-May to mid-October. 15 Knox Road, Bar Harbor (207) 288-2337
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 3
4 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Shows and Activities So much to do, so little time to do it! That is how I feel ... and I live here!! Check out the advertisers on the following pages, and perhaps find even more in the extensive index starting on page 59. Make sure you let them know you saw their ad in the Port Directories. For even more activities, see the Calendar of Events starting on page 54. You might find something special for the time that you are here. And if you are fortunate to live here for the summer or year ‘round, you might find events to get you out enjoying this beautiful playground in which we live. And check out the featured hike that starts on the following page. We hope you will get out and enjoy your time here ... a day, a week, a month, all year!
1351 STATE ROUTE 3, BAR HARBOR Come by to learn a lot, have fun, and get wet!! the r us in Look fo ges of a P y Dail ! weekly AcAdiA
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 5
The Port Directory Featured Hike Loop including Hadlock Ponds Trail, Hadlock Brook Trail, Birch Spring Trail, Sargent South Ridge Trail, the summit of Cedar Swamp Mountain, and Carriage Roads between post 20 and post 13 Beginning and ending at the Upper Hadlock Pond parking area Route 198, east side. GPS: N 44 31.835’ / W 68 28.816’ Distance 5.1 miles All photos are © Bayside Graphics, unless otherwise noted.
This is our 9th season of presenting an outdoor activity in the Northeast Harbor Port Directory and Chamber Guide. In the past we have featured hikes, bike rides, and a canoe trip. This year, we are presenting a hike beside Upper Hadlock Pond along the Hadlock Ponds Trail, past two Carriage Road bridges, up to the top of Cedar Swamp Mountain on the Birch Spring Trail, along a mountain ridge on the Sargent South Ridge Trail, and then back to your car at the Upper Hadlock Pond parking area along the carriage roads and a tiny bushwack back to Upper Hadlock Pond along the Hadlock Ponds Trail. As you will be able to tell from most of the pictures, we did this hike during (in my personal opinion) the most beautiful time of year ... AUTUMN! However, Mount Desert Island is beautiful all year ‘round. I’m sure you will enjoy this hike in any season; however, if it is in the colder months, please be sure you are knowledgeable about winter hiking! Drive to the Upper Hadlock Pond parking area on the east side of state road 198. This is about 1.75 miles from Northeast Harbor and 3.0 miles from the intersection with state road 233 in Somesville. There is a limited parking area on the northbound side of Route The
Moscow Magic & Comedy Show
5 Nights A Week at 7:30 PM July 1st - August 27th 6 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
198. Avoid the one parking space that is posted as “no parking”. Upper Hadlock Pond is part of the public water supply for Northeast Harbor, so please stay out of the water and that means your dog, too! The Hadlock Ponds Trail follows along the east shore of Upper Hadlock Pond. The trail includes many narrow, log footbridges that traverse the shore. The views of the pond and the Parkman Mountain area are nice. About a quarter mile into the hike, you will come upon a rather open area dominated by a huge boulder on your right. This is the place where you will leave the carriage road and rejoin the Hadlock Ponds Trail at the end of your hike, so remember this spot. Keep on the trail along the pond. The trail becomes somewhat faint at ponds edge at times and the carriage road is visible on the right. The autos on the opposite side of the pond look surprisingly small. Canoe, Kayak and Paddleboard Rentals on Great Long Pond. Call for a reservation!
Self-Guided Sunset Tours $22/pp
• Charters • Custom Cruises • Sightseeing • Water Taxi to Cranberry Isles
Aboard a Classic 32’ 1947 Bunker & Ellis Launch John Dwelley, Captain 6 pass. maximum
145 Pretty Marsh Road, Mount Desert, ME 04660
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 7
Proceeding to the back, weedy part of pond, the carriage road is no longer visible on your right. As the pond’s shore veers away to the left, the trail continues straight and ascends gently through the woods following a small stream on the right bank. After crossing the stream to the left bank then along a short narrow log footbridge you will come to Hadlock Brook. This is larger than the stream you were just hiking along. As you proceed upstream with the brook on your left, you will soon come upon Hadlock Brook Bridge. This is a lovely, simple, stone bridge that is part of the carriage road system. You will use this bridge to cross Hadlock Brook, right to left. Be mindful that bicyclists can come through here pretty fast. As you cross the bridge, you will immediately continue on the Hadlock Ponds Trail by taking a right off the carriage road. The Hadlock Ponds Trail ascends through the woods at a moderate grade. The way is marked by blue paint blazes on the rocks and trees. You can see Norumbega Mountain through the trees on your left. Shortly, the Hadlock Ponds Trail ends at Live
Professional Theatr e on Mt . Desert Island
P.O. Box 106 Mt. Desert, ME 04660
44TH SEASON • Comedies • Mysteries • Dramas • Children’s Theatre
Call for Schedule & Information Rte. 102 , Somesville (8 miles from Bar Harbor)
Working Lobster Boat Tours
Working Lobster Boat
Experience the tradition of hauling traps aboard a working lobster boat off the shores of Acadia National Park. Catch Ferry to Little Cranberry Island visit $30/adult, $15/child $75 minimum per trip
Captain Stefanie Alley
8 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
207-244-7466 207-460-8697
the Hadlock Brook Trail. Turn right and continue ascending gently, following Hadlock Brook. You have hiked 0.7 miles. After another 0.2 miles, the Maple Spring Trail leaves left. Bear right, staying on the Hadlock Brook Trail. The trail climbs gently along the left bank of the brook, crosses the brook, and then climbs more. About 0.4 miles after the last trail intersection, the Waterfall Bridge comes into view. This is quite a bit grander of a bridge than the Hadlock Brook Bridge. As you look at the exquisite stonework of the bridges, you might think that they are made from solid granite blocks. Actually, the bridges are made of steel-reinforced concrete with granite facing. These bridges, built by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and many talented laborers, are the crown jewels of the carriage road system. You will cross the brook on a footbridge. As you approach the bridge, you have two choices. You can go under the bridge on the right bank, cross the brook, then climb
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 9
the opposite bank back up to the road. Or, you can also climb up to the road on the current side and then cross the brook on the bridge. Either way, you need to continue the trail on the left bank after passing the bridge. When we did this hike, it was a day after a significant rainfall, so the waterfall was really handling a lot of water and was quite impressive. During dry weather spells, the streams, brooks and waterfalls, will be quieter. The Hadlock Brook Trail climbs to the left of the waterfall and proceeds at a moderate grade over lots of roots and rocks. You will cross the brook in front of a nice cascade and climb the opposite bank on stone steps. A quarter mile from the waterfall, the Amphitheater Trail leaves to the right. You will turn right toward Birch Spring and continue to climb moderately over more roots and rocks. At this intersection you have hiked 1.6 miles. The Amphitheater Trail continues to climb and then flattens out along nice open woods. The trail will include some footbridges, and ledges. After another quarter mile, you will take a right SW Cycle 2014 red 4/24/14 7:36 PM on the Sargent South Ridge Trail.
WWW.MANSELLBOATRENTALS.COM There’s nothing like the rush of air across your face, canvas stretched by the wind and the sound of the crashing waves! Private Pier – Sail Lesson Cruises Ocean Efficiency Apartments
service - sales - rentals Located next to Moorings Inn Route 102A, 135 Shore Road, Manset
207–244–5625 10 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
370 Main Street • Southwest Harbor
Shaw Jewelry
126 Main Street, P O Box 608, Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 207-276-5000
Schedule for 2016 Gallery Exhibitions June 16 – July 6 Friends and Idols J. Aaron Mitchell
Things can get a bit weird, and the truth may be revealed in a way that makes all the wrong kind of sense. Personalities are exposed; inner selves are brought to the surface. JAM paints portraits on a variety of surfaces. Maybe you…
July 7 – July 20 Recent Paintings Heather Thayer
Heather’s oil on canvas paintings are moody. There is an air of uncertainty, the calm before the storm. Tension and apprehension are just below the surface, as if something really significant is about to go down. The scenes are local, but the atmosphere is otherworldly.
Black and White Field Photography Gifford Ewing
Maine and Denver based photographer Gifford Ewing loves an image with contrast. With a nod to tradition, he uses a wooden Deardroff 5” x 7” camera and develops all his images with silver gelatin paper. Not digital. He is based in Sorrento, and loves his view towards MDI.
Jewelry with Surface and Detail Judith Kaufman
Judith’s jewelry demands a closer look. She fabricates by assembling diminutive bits of multi colored golds, combined with eye-popping gemstones, They coalesce into objects of astonishing quiet beauty. She is passionate about the subtle richness of satin finishes,which highlight the variegated gold hues, and for mixed textures that give the work depth.
July 21 – August 3 Color Unleashed — Optimism Unbounded Henry Isaacs
These color centric canvases are splendid patchworks of boldly applied oil paint rendering the Maine landscape into broken pieces of color. The eye stitches them together in a way that evokes more of a sense of mood and weather than recognizable scenes. No matter the size of the canvas, his palate takes the viewer outside into soaring spaces. He paints on Islesford and in Portland, and has worked worldwide.
Dynamic and Bold Jewelry Jeff and Susan Wise
A multi talented, Colorado based couple who work in tandem to fabricate mechanically challenging and sculpturally intriguing jewelry. They cut all their gemstones to seamlessly integrate into colorful, textured, voluminous work. Their work is exciting, sensual and often kinetic. Come meet the artists.
Paintings of Solitude and Place Chris French
His paintings of figures in the landscape are evocative of personal reflection clairvoyance. Chris likes to paint from photographs and then alter the light and composition to achieve more dramatic image. When he is not painting, he is a research pathologist in Boston.
August 4 – August 17 Inaugural Painting Show Sam Shaw
Sam spent the winter painting, his first foray into 2-Dimensional work. The imagery is figurative and is an extension of his porcelain baby doll sculptures. The stylized human forms reside on fantasy landscapes or Creation Myths. In some pieces, the figure and landscapes merge employing visual tricks intended to confuse the brain.
Bountiful Rarity Caro-Gray Bosca, Mary Hughes LARGEST COLLECTION WILL BE AUGUST 4-6.
Good things need to be replayed. This is our 6th show. They fabricate 18 kt. jewelry using gemstones, colored diamonds, and artifacts from distant corners. It has weight, satin surface, quiet confidence, and un-restrained boldness. The soulful power of wearing this work will enhance your mood and presence. Come meet our dearest collaborators, Caro-Gray Bosca and Mary Hughes Thursday – Saturday (8/4-6).
Playing with Toys David Fratkin
Images of familiar objects made not quite right. With a nod to James Ensor and Hans Bellmer, these assemblages recorded on a photocopier evoke a dreamlike attractive creepiness inherent in these abandoned toys. A weird vision ripe with gender tensions, aesthetic hierarchies, neuroses, and spiritualties. They will make you laugh or squirm.
Aug 4-6 ONLY (Thurs- Sat) McTigue Estate Jewelry
A venerable estate jewelry firm established in 1895 will be presenting fabulous jewels for three days only. Kate Fisher, born in Australia, and an expert for three decades will be exhibiting magnificent pieces that were in high fashion from before you were born.
August 18 – September 15 Contemporary Classic Jewelry in 18K Gold Barbara Heinrich
Barbara’s recognizable style consists of distinctive visual vocabulary defined by the juxtaposition of matte and burnished surfaces. Modern aesthetics and innovative construction meet old world craftsmanship and seductive materials. She grew up in a vineyard in Germany, and will be here Thursday evening - Saturday (8/18-20).
Figure in Fantasy Landscape Jill Hoy
We know Jill’s fabulous colorful Maine landscapes. But did you know about her magical and fanciful figurative environments? Stylized beauties engaged in trippy narratives . The characters are sensuous and full of personalities. They tell us an extraordinary story; and we are invited to join the fun.
Park Centennial Paintings Duncan Martin
Duncan has painted 59 National Parks in 59 months. This show will highlight Acadia and the surrounding area. He lives in Colorado but has decades long roots on Deer Isle. His paintings are majestic and made on site in the wilderness.
September 16 - October 30 Season Redux: Highlights from the Summer
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 11
The Sargent South Ridge Trail descends to a small stream then climbs moderately over boulders. The views to your left of Penobscot Mountain and The Amphitheater are nice. Further on, a short side trail leaves to the right and leads to the summit of Cedar Swamp Mountain. The views from this mountain are very nice. Facing the ocean, you see dozens of islands, then to the right, Western Mountain, Somes Sound, Cont’d. p. 14 Norumbega Mountain, Blue Hill, Parkman, Bald & Gilmore peaks.
Ask about our Lumber Jack and Log Rolling Lessons!
Your Host - Timber Tina as seen on Survivor: Panama and National Geographic’s. Ultimate Survival Alaska
You’ll See 12 Events ... Power “HOT” Sawing • Underhand Chopping Log Rolling • Speed Climbing• Axe Throwing and Much More! Rain or Shine • Fun and Affordable for All Ages
RT. 3, BAR HARBOR ROAD IN TRENTON 667-0067/266-5486 12 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Lodging and Real Estate MAINE - The Way Life Should Be! I’ve used that in correspondence, I’ve used that in my thoughts. How about you? Have you given thought to moving here? If so, check out one of the real estate agencies on the following pages. Need a place to stay for a visit? Those same agencies may be of help with rentals! PLUS, you will find Yurts, Cabins, B&Bs, Cottage Rentals, Hotels and Inns. We can meet anyone’s needs and desires!
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Keep your eyes open for the MDI Business Location Map. You will find even more lodging establishments listed on the back, along with activities, dining, services and shopping. And be sure to let the advertiser know that you found them on the back of the map, in the Port Directories ... or BOTH!
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Distinctive properties. Legendary service.
Real Estate Sales Luxury Properties Property Management Vacation Rentals
The Knowles Company is proud to be a signature sponsor of Acadia’s Centennial One Summit Road, Northeast Harbor, ME 04662 Ph: 207-276-3322 Fax: 207-276-4114
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 13
Back to the Sargent South Ridge Trail, you turn right and hike a beautiful 1.4 miles to the carriage road. This is a pleasant walk over ledges and through woods over a nice gradual descent. The views near the top are beautiful. After a while on the ledges, you veer right into the woods and hike the remainder of the trail there.
Trail Safety Acadia Yurts has four fun, eco-friendly Yurts that are available for weekly rent just a stones throw from Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island. Each yurt features comfortable sleeping quarters, a full bathroom, modest kitchen and a central heating/cooling system for comfort during all seasons. The dwellings are also stocked with all the essentials of home.
We strive to give our visitors a unique Maine experience they will remember for years to come. 14 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
• Know the difficulty of the trail and your physical abilities and limitations. • Carry at least one quart of water (more for warm weather and long or strenuous hikes). • Wear sturdy hiking shoes. Dress for variable weather. • Look up and down for blue trail blazes and cairns marking the trails. Use a detailed trail map. • Do not modify or build new cairns. Changes to trail markers endanger other hikers.
When you reach the carriage road, you have hiked 3.4 miles. Turn right and walk on the carriage roads for about 1.25 miles. During that stretch, you will turn left at post 19 and right at post 18. You will draw close to the shore of Upper Hadlock Pond and then come upon the big boulder that was mentioned earlier (see page 7). Leave the carriage road to the left. Go around the boulder and turn left on the Hadlock Pond Trail and back to your car. We hope you enjoy your hike to the carriage road bridges and the summit of Cedar Swamp Mountain. If you would like to share your trip with us, or make suggestions, please write to Bayside Graphics, PO Box 55, Mount Desert, ME 04660 or email us at
Need more ideas for activites? Check out You’ll find information on Biking; Birdwatching; Boating; Climbing; Fishing; Hiking; Horseback Riding; Leaf Peeping; Scenic Drives; Swimming; Tidepooling; and even Winter Activities! Rentals • Real Estate Sales
Discover Acadia National Park from the quieter venue of Northeast Harbor!
116 Main Street Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 Tel. 207•276•5468 Fax 207•276•3616
• Carriage Roads • Mountain Trails • Golf Course • Tennis Courts • Swimming Pool • Asticou Azalea and Thuya Gardens
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 15
2016 Cruise Ship Schedule
ARRIVAL SHIP TIME May 29 Veendam 7 am May 30 Grandeur of the Seas 8 am May 30 Independence 7 am June 5 Independence 7 am June 10 Veendam 8 am June 12 Independence 7 am June 19 Independence 7 am June 26 Veendam 7 am June 26 Independence 7 am June 27 Grandeur of the Seas 8 am July 3 Independence 7 am July 7 Insignia 8 am July 8 Veendam 8 am July 10 Veendam 7 am July 10 Independence 7 am July 17 Independence 7 am July 21 Rotterdam 10 am July 21 American Glory 7 am July 22 Veendam 8 am July 24 Veendam 7 am July 24 Independence 7 am July 28 American Glory 7 am July 29 Grande Caribe 7 pm July 31 Independence 7 am August 4 American Glory 7 am August 5 Veendam 8 am August 7 Veendam 7 am August 7 Independence 7 am August 8 Grandeur of the Seas 8 am August 11 American Glory 7 am August 14 Independence 7 am August 18 American Glory 7 am August 19 Veendam 8 am August 20 Grande Caribe 8 am August 21 Veendam 7 am August 21 Independence 7 am August 28 Independence 7 am August 29 Anthem of the Seas** 7 am Sept 2 Veendam 8 am Sept 4 Veendam 7 am Sept 4 Independence 7 am Sept 5 Grandeur of the Seas 8 am Sept 7 AIDAluna 10 am Sept 8 Summit 7 am Sept 9 Rotterdam 8 am Sept 10 Zuiderdam** 7 am Sept 11 Rotterdam 7 am Sept 11 Saint Laurent 7 am Sept 11 Independence 7 am Sept 12 Anthem of the Seas 7 am Sept 13 Crystal Serenity 10 am Sept 14 Serenade of the Seas 8 am Sept 16 Veendam 8 am Sept 18 Veendam 7 am Sept 18 Independence 7 am Sept 19 Crystal Serenity 7 am Sept 19 Grandeur of the Seas 8 am Sept 20 Seabourn Quest 8 am Sept 20 Serenade of the Seas 7 am Sept 21 Norwegian Gem 8 am
DAY #PASS CREW Sun 1350 580 Mon 1950 760 Mon 100 25 Sun 100 25 Fri 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Sun 100 25 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Mon 1950 760 Sun 100 25 Thur 684 375 Fri 1350 580 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Sun 100 25 Thur 1316 593 Thur 49 18 Fri 1350 580 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Thur 49 18 Fri 96 17 Sun 100 25 Thur 49 18 Fri 1350 580 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Mon 1950 760 Thur 49 18 Sun 100 25 Thur 49 18 Fri 1350 580 Sat 96 17 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Sun 100 25 Mon 4180 1800 Fri 1350 580 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Mon 1950 760 Wed 2050 607 Thur 2038 997 Fri 1316 593 Sat 1916 800 Sun 1316 593 Sun 204 90 Sun 100 25 Mon 4180 1800 Tue 1070 545 Wed 2500 859 Fri 1350 580 Sun 1350 580 Sun 100 25 Mon 1070 545 Mon 1950 760 Tue 450 335 Tue 2500 859 Wed 2394 1101
16 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
CRUISE LINE Holland America Royal Caribbean American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Holland America American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Holland America American Cruise Lines Royal Caribbean American Cruise Lines Oceania Cruises Holland America Holland America American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Holland America American Cruise Lines Holland America Holland America American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Blount Small Ship Adventure American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Holland America Holland America American Cruise Lines Royal Caribbean American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Holland America Blount Small Ship Adventure Holland America American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines Royal Caribbean Holland America Holland America American Cruise Lines Royal Caribbean AIDA Cruises Celebrity Cruises Holland America Holland America Holland America Haimark Line American Cruise Lines Royal Caribbean Crystal Cruises Royal Caribbean Holland America Holland America American Cruise Lines Crystal Cruises Royal Caribbean Seabourn Cruises Royal Caribbean Norwegian Cruise Lines
DOCK Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Town Pier Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Town Pier Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Town Pier Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place Harbor Place
ARRIVAL Sept 22 Sept 22 Sept 22 Sept 23 Sept 23 Sept 23 Sept 24 Sept 25 Sept 25 Sept 25 Sept 26 Sept 27 Sept 29 Sept 29 Sept 30 Sept 30 Oct 2 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 9 Oct 10 Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 14 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29
2016 Cruise Ship Schedule
SHIP TIME DAY #PASS CREW CRUISE LINE DOCK Summit 7 am Thur 2038 997 Celebrity Cruises Harbor Place Norwegian Dawn 8 am Thur 2224 1200 Norwegian Cruise Lines Harbor Place Seabourn Quest 7 am Thur 450 335 Seabourn Cruises Harbor Place AIDAdiva 8 am Fri 2050 646 AIDA Cruises Harbor Place Rotterdam 8 am Fri 1316 593 Holland America Harbor Place Zuiderdam 8 am Fri 1916 800 Holland America Harbor Place Seven Seas Mariner** 10 am Sat 700 445 Regent Seven Seas Cruises Harbor Place Caribbean Princess 7 am Sun 3110 1142 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Rotterdam 7 am Sun 1316 593 Holland America Harbor Place Europa 2** 6 am Sun 516 385 Hapag-Lloyd Harbor Place Anthem of the Seas 7 am Mon 4180 1800 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Regal Princess 7 am Tue 3560 1346 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Serenade of the Seas 7 am Tue 2500 859 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Le Boreal 8 am Thur 264 136 Compagnie du Ponant Harbor Place Veendam 8 am Fri 1350 580 Holland America Harbor Place Zuiderdam 7 am Fri 1916 800 Holland America Harbor Place Veendam 7 am Sun 1350 580 Holland America Harbor Place Azamara Quest** 8 am Sun 702 408 Azamara Club Cruises Harbor Place Grandeur of the Seas 8 am Mon 1950 760 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Le Boreal 7 am Mon 264 136 Compagnie du Ponant Harbor Place Regal Princess 7 am Tue 3560 1346 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Serenade of the Seas 7 am Tue 2500 859 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Crystal Serenity 7 am Wed 1070 545 Crystal Cruises Harbor Place AIDAdiva 9 am Wed 2050 646 AIDA Cruises Harbor Place Norwegian Dawn 8 am Thur 2224 1200 Norwegian Cruise Line Harbor Place Rotterdam 8 am Fri 1316 593 Holland America Harbor Place Regatta 8 am Sat 684 375 Oceania Cruises Harbor Place Seven Seas Mariner 9 am Sat 700 415 Regent Seven Seas Cruises Harbor Place Caribbean Princess 7 am Sun 3110 1142 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Rotterdam 7 am Sun 1316 593 Holland America Harbor Place Anthem of the Seas 7 am Mon 4180 1800 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Seabourn Quest 8 am Mon 450 335 Seabourn Cruises Harbor Place Regal Princess 7 am Tue 3560 1346 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Serenade of the Seas 7 am Tue 2500 859 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Summit 8 am Wed 2038 997 Celebrity Cruises Harbor Place Seabourn Quest 7 am Wed 450 335 Seabourn Cruises Harbor Place AIDAdiva 8 am Thur 2050 646 AIDA Cruises Harbor Place Zuiderdam 8 am Thur l916 800 Holland America Harbor Place Seven Seas Mariner 10 am Fri 700 415 Regent Seven Seas Cruises Harbor Place Veendam 8 am Fri 1350 580 Holland America Harbor Place Pearl Mist 7 am Fri 210 65 Pearl Seas Cruises Harbor Place Caribbean Princess 7 am Sat 3110 1142 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Regatta 8 am Sat 684 375 Oceania Cruises Harbor Place Grandeur of the Seas 8 am Mon 1950 760 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Regal Princess 7 am Tue 3560 1346 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Serenade of the Seas 7 am Tue 2500 859 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place Sirena** 8 am Fri 650 375 Oceania Cruises Harbor Place Rotterdam 8 am Fri 1316 593 Holland America Harbor Place Silver Whisper 8 am Fri 382 295 Silverseas Harbor Place Crystal Serenity 10 am Sat 1070 545 Crystal Cruises Harbor Place Amadea 7 am Sun 620 260 Amadea Shipping Harbor Place Saint Laurent 7 am Sun 204 90 Haimark Line Harbor Place Serenade of the Seas 7 am Tue 2500 859 Royal Caribbean Harbor Place AIDAdiva 8 am Tue 2050 646 AIDA Cruises Harbor Place Regatta 9 am Thur 684 375 Oceania Cruises Harbor Place Seabourn Quest 8 am Fri 450 335 Seabourn Cruises Harbor Place Caribbean Princess 7 am Sat 3110 1142 Princess Cruises Harbor Place Schedule provided by the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce, 207-288-4103. ** Maiden Voyage to Bar Harbor Due to storms to the South and other circumstances, scheduled visits can change with very little notice. Please contact the Chamber of Commerce for the latest schedule changes.
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 17
Local Libraries Northeast Harbor..... 276-3333 Seal Harbor................ 276-5306 Somesville.................. 244-7404 Southwest Harbor.... 244-7065 Bass Harbor................ 244-3798 Jesup (Bar Harbor)....... 288-4245
Carroll Drug Store
Your Convenient & Friendly Hometown Drug Store • Prescriptions • Digital Photo Kiosk • Gifts • Yankee Candle • UPS Delivery in Southwest Harbor Area
Eric Norberg, Registered Pharmacist
244-5588 3 Village Green Way, Southwest Harbor
88.5 FM 89.3 FM 89.9 FM 90.9 FM 91.9 FM 92.9 FM 93.7 FM 94.5 FM 95.7 FM 97.7 FM 99.1 FM 99.5 FM 100.3 FM 101.7 FM 103.9 FM 104.7 FM 105.5 FM 107.3 FM 107.7 FM 620 AM 910 AM 1340 AM 1370 AM
Bangor Bangor Blue Hill Bangor Orono Bangor Milbbridge Milbridge Ellsworth Ellsworth Winter Hbr Bar Harbor Pittsfield Brewer Searsport Howland Belfast Islesboro Old Town Bar Harbor Bangor Bangor Veazie Ellsworth
Cont. Christian College Variety Public Radio College Sports Adult Contemp. “Hot Adult Cont.”
Classic Hits Classic Hits Country Cont. Christian Mainstream Rock
Cont. Christian News Talk Classic Hits Nostalgia Top 40 Classical Sports Talk Sports News/Talk Adult Standards
Pick up your copy at the Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce in Northeast Harbor!
18 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Personal Services We are here to serve YOU! d Rental Cars d Insurance d Oil & Lube d d Banking d Catering d Wedding Officiant d d Specialty Foods d Pharmacies d Civil Engineering d d Heating d Taxis d Healthcare Facilities d ... we want to meet your needs! Call us and let us know how we can help! Check out the extensive index starting on page 59 to find just the right advertiser to meet your needs.
MDI WEDDINGS ADAM J. BABBITT Notary Public State of Maine
Car Rental Located at the Hancock County - Bar Harbor Airport
(207) 667-5017
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 19
The Story of
ACADIA NATIONAL PARK George B. Dorr spent fifteen years working to preserve lands on Mount Desert Island — lands that finally became a National Monument in 1916. The following year, no appropriations were made for its upkeep. With the nation at war in 1918, Representative Sherley, the all-powerful head of the House Appropriations Committee, felt that once again no funds should be allocated for Acadia. Dorr asked his friend, Franklin Lane, Secretary of the Interior, for assistance. Lane wrote Sherley asking for an appropriation of $50,000. Lane then told Dorr, “get some other letters in support...letters that will count!” Among the letters he received was the following: April 10, 1918 My dear Mr. Sherley: As a man who has been deeply interested for years in the growth and development of our National Park system, I respectfully urge on your Committee favorable action on Secretary Lane’s request for adequate appropriations for the Sieur de Monts National Monument on the coast of Maine.... Its striking ocean frontage makes it unlike any other that we have, and I have watched with keen interest the work that has led to its creation. Under right development it will furnish a health-giving playground, greatly needed to multitudes of hard-working men and women; it constitutes also a wild like sanctuary under national guardianship at a point where such a sanctuary is greatly needed. Secretary Lane’s request for adequate provision for this park is in accordance with the broad national policy for the conservation and development of our home resources — a policy which every year becomes of increasing consequence. Faithfully yours, Theodore Roosevelt (signed) Roosevelt was right — then and now. Thanks to the untiring work of George B. Dorr, we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of a unique, irreplaceable natural wonderland called Acadia. This is a mere excerpt from the book The Story of ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, published by Acadia Publishing Company. To learn more about the history of our beautiful park, pick up a copy at local bookstores.
20 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
MDI Hospital
Experience Wines
Breast Health Center
Open Year Round • Parking in Rear Cheese • Special Orders Welcome
from Maine & Around the World
207.288.5081 Bar Harbor • 288-8435
Cadillac Family Practice Bar Harbor • 288-5119
Community Dental Center SW Harbor • 244-2888
Community Health Center SW Harbor • 244-5630
Cooper Gilmore Health Center Bar Harbor • 288-5024
Family Health Center Bar Harbor • 288-5606
Lisa Stewart Women’s Health Center Bar Harbor • 288-8100
227a Main St. Bar Harbor 207.288.1200
Northeast Harbor Clinic NE Harbor • 276-3331
Trenton Health Center
www . housewineshop . com
Trenton • 667-5899
At Your Service Private Tours, Yacht Services, Weddings
Bar Harbor’s Oldest and Largest Transportation Service YACHT SERVICES
• Captain’s Concierge Services • Regional Transportation Services • Private Airport Shuttle • Crew Transports
• Custom van tours of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island • Specialty tours available
Hourly Rates
• Uniformed Drivers • Unmarked Vans
Advanced Reservations Only All Major Credit Cards Accepted
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 21
There are 24 mountain peaks on Mount Desert Island - including Cadillac Mountain, which is the highest point on the eastern seaboard north of Rio de Janiero. Four locations on MDI! Bar Harbor, Northeast Harbor, Somesville & Southwest Harbor
Share your
e e t S m il e
Independent Hygiene Practice Friendly Service • 888-853-7100
Mill Mall, 248 State Street Ellsworth, ME 04605
Fabulous Prices
45 Herrick Road • Southwest Harbor • Maine • 04679 Open Monday – Friday • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
207-244-5513 22 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Marine and Harbor The Northeast Harbor Port Directory is a useful guide and resource for boaters of every skill level and interest, visitors, and residents of Mount Desert Island. Packed with recent schedules, harbor information, rates and itineraries, it provides the most current information for business or pleasure. Bring a Port Directory with you on your next adventure! And remember to let them know that you saw their ad in the Port Directories!
The Unsinkable Legend ~ 11 to 42 feet TM
ating Celebr year! th our 34
– Since 1982 –
PHONE: 207-288-5247 • FAX: 207-288-5277 OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 8–5; Sat. 9–12
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 23
The EXPLORER BUS system is a marvelous FREE service that covers all points of the Island’s compass — as well as a bus over in Winter Harbor to cover the Schoodic section of Acadia — with propane-powered, environmentally clean transportation to hiking trails, carriage roads, island beaches, and in town shopping. You can leave your car at home and visit all parts of Mount Desert Island bringing your bikes, groceries and shopping bags along with you. The buses provide stops all along the traveled ways and offer a relaxed and pleasant excursion. The Island Explorer can provide a truly car-free vacation experience on Maine’s most beautiful and popular island and you are protecting the air and nature of the Island for our future visitors and offspring.
Uncrowded Unspoiled Unexpected Let the Schoodic Ferry introduce you to the undiscovered Acadia!
Discover the raw beauty of Acadia National Park’s Schoodic Peninsula aboard the Schoodic Ferry. More than just a ride, the Schoodic Ferry hosts scientists aboard most trips. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to interact with researchers as they study Frenchman Bay and its inhabitants at an ecosystem level. You may even get an opportunity to get your hands wet! Sailing daily between College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor and the Schoodic Marine Center in Winter Harbor. Bicycles and pets ride free. A service of Frenchman Bay Research Boating; a 501(c)(3) organization
24 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Specializing in Residential Docks, Commercial Work and Shore Stabilization along the Coast of Maine
Rockland, ME
207.594.9565 E M E R G E N C Y P H O N E N U M B E R S — 9 11 - OR FIRE POLICE AMBULANCE Bar Harbor............................... 288-5554.............. 288-3391.................. 288-5554 Frenchboro.............................. 334-2934.............. 334-2977.................. 334-2934 Great Cranberry........................ 244-5804.............. 667-7575.................. 276-5111 244-3575 Islesford................................... 244-5438.............. 667-7575.................. 244-5111 244-3300 NE Harbor & Mt. Desert............ 276-5111.............. 276-5111.................. 276-5111 Southwest Harbor..................... 244-5233.............. 244-5552.................. 244-5030 Swans Island............................. 526-4155.............. 667-7575.................. 526-4155 Hancock County Sheriff........................................... 667-7575
Full Service Yard
50 ton Travelift • 14 ton Crane Inside Heated/Cold Storage • Outside Storage Expert Diesel & Gasoline Engine Repair • Electrical Custom Welding & Fabrication • Wood/Fiberglass Repair & Restoration Rigging • Carpentry • Varnish/Painting • Awlgrip Protected Deep Water Location on Somes Sound Moorings/Dockage • Mobile Marine Service
PO Box 80, 17 Shipwright Lane • Hall Quarry, Mount Desert, Maine 04660
207.244.7854 / / JohnWilliamsBoat_PortDirAd_Apr2015.indd 1
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 25 4/9/15 12:07 PM
Northeast Harbor GPS Coordinates: Latitude 44° 17” 11’; Longitude -68° 16” 37’ WEATHER INFORMATION MARINE & INLAND FORECASTS RADIO BROADCASTS MARINE: WDEA 1370 AM (Ellsworth) broadcasts marine weather every half hour. INLAND: WWMJ 95.7 FM (Ellsworth) broadcasts local weather at approximately 50 minutes past the hour, with more frequent updates between 6 and 9 a.m. INLAND & MARINE: WBKA 107.7 FM (MDI) broadcasts local and marine weather at 10 & 20 minutes past the hour and 10 & 20 minutes before the hour. A special broadcast from the top of Cadillac Mountain at 8:30 a.m. and lobstermen calling in weather from the water at 7:20 a.m. WEATHER PHONE: WDEA 1370 AM provides this service, sponsored by Bowden Marine. Call 207-667-8910.
26 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Northeast Harbor Marina - SUMMER RATES
207-276-5737 SUMMER RATES:
Mooring Rentals: Per Night--100 series......................................$ 25.00 Per Night--200 series........................................... 25.00 Per Night--300 & 400 series................................ 40.00 Per Night--500 & 600 series................................ 55.00 Per Season--100 series.................................$ 800.00 Per Season--200 series..................................1,500.00 Per Season--300 & 400 series.......................2,300.00 Per Season--500 & 600 series.......................3,300.00
Price per foot, per night: Vessels under 49’ ..............................................$2.75 Vessels 50’-59’ .................................................. 3.25 Vessels 60’ & over............................................... 3.75
Transient Seasonal 30 amp..............................$ 15.00.......................7.50 2/30 amp............................. 30.00.................... 15.00 50 amp................................ 25.00.................... 12.50 2/50 amp............................. 50.00.................... 25.00 100 amp.............................. 45.00.................... 22.50 2/100 amp.......................... 90.00.................... 45.00
SANITARY PUMP-OUT:..................... $ 5.00 CRUISE SHIPS:................................. $2,500.00 (Use of Docks & Port Facilities per visit)
As designated by signs: Overnight parking by permit only (See Police Dept. NW of tennis courts)
*Seasonal customers staying for either June and/or September are entitled to a 10% discount for those months.
Cable TV: $5/day – Phone: $5/day
Vessels up to 19’6”...............$25/night – $800/season
LAUNCH RAMP (Round Trip):
1 sticker per slip (Use parking lot near Chamber of Commerce Yachtsmen’s Building).
1 sticker per slip
Non-residents.......................................................$ 5.00 Public Parking (Day use only): Residents.................................................................. free Use parking lot near tennis courts. Commercial (residents & non-residents)..............15.00 Dinghy Space: Free to residents or included with mooring rental fee. FREE LAUNCH SERVICE: Contact Harbor Master’s Office for hours. Mooring Registration Fee: Resident..........................................................$55.00 Please note: While the above prices were correct at time Non-Resident.................................................$105.00 (Paid annually--Applies only to Harbors with “Wait Lists”)
of print, they are subject to change. Please check with the Harbor Master if you have any questions.
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 27
28 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
D A Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
— AUGUST — High Low AM PM AM PM 10:16 10:32 3:38 3:53 11:07 11:22 4:30 4:45 11:55 -- 5:18 5:33 12:10 12:41 6:04 6:19 12:55 1:24 6:47 7:04 1:39 2:06 7:29 7:49 2:22 2:49 8:11 8:34 3:07 3:32 8:54 9:20 3:53 4:17 9:38 10:09 4:42 5:05 10:25 11:01 5:34 5:56 11:15 11:56 6:30 6:50 -- 12:09 7:26 7:43 12:51 1:03 8:20 8:35 1:45 1:56 9:10 9:23 2:35 2:45 9:56 10:09 3:22 3:32 10:40 10:53 4:05 4:16 11:22 11:37 4:47 5:00 -- 12:05 5:29 5:45 12:22 12:49 6:13 6:32 1:08 1:36 6:58 7:21 1:58 2:25 7:45 8:14 2:51 3:18 8:37 9:10 3:48 4:15 9:32 10:11 4:49 5:16 10:32 11:16 5:55 6:21 11:37 - 7:02 7:27 12:23 12:43 8:08 8:30 1:28 1:48 9:08 9:27 2:29 2:48 10:02 10:20 3:24 3:42 10:51 11:07 4:14 4:31
— SEPTEMBER — High Low AM PM AM PM 11:35 11:51 4:59 5:15 -- 12:16 5:40 5:58 12:32 12:54 6:20 6:38 1:12 1:32 6:58 7:18 1:52 2:10 7:35 7:58 2:32 2:50 8:14 8:41 3:15 3:32 8:55 9:26 4:00 4:18 9:40 10:15 4:51 5:08 10:29 11:09 5:45 6:03 11:23 - 6:42 6:59 12:05 12:20 7:38 7:55 1:01 1:16 8:31 8:47 1:54 2:10 9:20 9:37 2:43 3:00 10:06 10:25 3:30 3:48 10:51 11:12 4:15 4:35 11:36 11:59 5:00 5:22 -- 12:23 5:46 6:11 12:48 1:11 6:33 7:02 1:40 2:02 7:23 7:56 2:34 2:57 8:17 8:54 3:33 3:56 9:15 9:56 4:36 5:00 10:18 11:02 5:43 6:07 11:25 - 6:50 7:14 12:09 12:33 7:55 8:16 1:13 1:37 8:53 9:13 2:12 2:35 9:44 10:04 3:05 3:27 10:30 10:49 3:52 4:13 11:11 11:30 4:35 4:55
— OCTOBER — High Low AM PM AM PM 11:48 -- 5:14 5:34 12:09 12:24 5:50 6:12 12:46 12:59 6:26 6:49 1:23 1:34 7:01 7:26 2:01 2:12 7:38 8:05 2:41 2:52 8:17 8:48 3:24 3:36 9:00 9:34 4:12 4:25 9:49 10:26 5:04 5:20 10:42 11:21 6:00 6:18 11:40 - 6:57 7:16 12:17 12:39 7:52 8:13 1:13 1:36 8:44 9:06 2:06 2:29 9:34 9:58 2:56 3:21 10:22 10:48 3:44 4:11 11:10 11:39 4:32 5:01 11:58 -- 5:21 5:51 12:30 12:49 6:10 6:44 1:23 1:41 7:02 7:39 2:18 2:37 7:58 8:37 3:18 3:37 8:58 9:38 4:21 4:42 10:02 10:43 5:26 5:48 11:09 11:48 6:32 6:54 -- 12:16 7:34 7:56 12:50 1:19 8:30 8:52 1:48 2:15 9:19 9:42 2:40 3:06 10:04 10:26 3:26 3:51 10:43 11:07 4:08 4:32 11:20 11:45 4:46 5:11 11:55 -- 5:22 5:47
Tables are calculated from various government sources and the NOAA fixed amount) method is used in annotation. WARNING — They may be subject to typographic or data entry error.
©2016 — C. Boucher, Bayside Graphics — All rights reserved.
Above Tables are ± relative to various Locations on the Island and are derived from various sources. ALWAYS check official Government Tables for Navigation and Exact Times!
— JULY — High Low AM PM AM PM 8:29 8:52 1:53 2:09 9:30 9:49 2:53 3:08 10:27 10:44 3:50 4:04 11:21 11:36 4:43 4:57 -- 12:13 5:34 5:49 12:26 1:02 6:24 6:39 1:15 1:51 7:12 7:29 2:04 2:39 7:59 8:19 2:53 3:27 8:47 9:09 3:43 4:15 9:34 10:01 4:33 5:04 10:23 10:54 5:26 5:55 11:12 11:49 6:21 6:46 -- 12:04 7:16 7:37 12:44 12:56 8:10 8:27 1:37 1:47 9:01 9:14 2:27 2:36 9:48 9:58 3:14 3:21 10:32 10:40 3:58 4:04 11:13 11:21 4:39 4:46 11:53 -- 5:18 5:27 12:02 12:34 5:58 6:09 12:44 1:16 6:39 6:53 1:29 2:00 7:22 7:41 2:16 2:48 8:08 8:32 3:07 3:39 8:58 9:27 4:03 4:34 9:51 10:27 5:03 5:33 10:48 11:30 6:06 6:35 11:50 - 7:13 7:38 12:36 12:54 8:18 8:40 1:40 1:57 9:19 9:38 2:41 2:57
— JUNE — High Low AM PM AM PM 7:44 8:13 1:08 1:30 8:46 9:10 2:09 2:28 9:45 10:05 3:07 3:24 10:41 10:58 4:03 4:18 11:35 11:50 4:57 5:12 -- 12:28 5:49 6:04 12:42 1:21 6:41 6:57 1:34 2:14 7:33 7:51 2:27 3:07 8:26 8:46 3:21 4:01 9:18 9:42 4:17 4:55 10:12 10:40 5:13 5:49 11:06 11:37 6:10 6:43 11:59 - 7:07 7:34 12:34 12:52 8:02 8:23 1:28 1:42 8:53 9:09 2:19 2:30 9:40 9:52 3:06 3:15 10:24 10:32 3:50 3:57 11:05 11:11 4:30 4:37 11:44 11:48 5:09 5:15 -- 12:22 5:47 5:53 12:26 1:00 6:24 6:32 1:06 1:41 7:04 7:14 1:49 2:24 7:45 8:00 2:35 3:11 8:30 8:50 3:25 4:01 9:19 9:44 4:19 4:55 10:11 10:43 5:18 5:52 11:08 11:46 6:21 6:52 -- 12:07 7:26 7:53 12:50 1:08
— TIDE CHART 2016 — D A Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Photo Courtesy of Ellen Beauchaine
To conserve space, we are only showing the sunrise and sunset as of the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 23rd of each month. For accurate daily information, check online at To conserve space, we are only showing the sunrise and sunset as of the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 23rd of each month. For accurate daily information, check online at
June July August September October Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set 1 4:49 8:12 4:52 8:22
5:20 7:58
5:56 7:09 6:31 6:13
8 4:47 8:17 4:57 8:20
5:28 7:48
6:04 6:56 6:39 6:01
15 4:46 8:21 5:03 8:15 5:36 7:38
6:12 6:43
6:48 5:49
23 4:48 8:22 5:09 8:09 5:44 7:26
6:20 6:30
6:57 5:37
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 29
30 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 31
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Entrance Station ($)
Schooner Head
NOTE: There are two ferries that travel between Bar Harbor and Winter Harbor and the Schoodic Section of Acadia National Park, just 6 miles across Frenchman Bay. Call the numbers listed for their current Jackson schedules. There is FREE Island Lab Explorer Bus Service from the Schoodic Marine Center when you arrive.
BOR ic HAR ood Ferry to Winter Harbor/Sch
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Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 33
Bakers Island
Free Acadia Shuttles NOTE: 2015 Service starts June 23rd and ends on Columbus Day The dotted blue routes denote the FREE propane-powered shuttle bus transportation to campgrounds, hiking trails, carriage roads, beaches and downtown centers. For more detail, ask for a Shuttle Schedule or call 667-5796.
Northeast Harbor
The following advertisers may be found in Northeast Harbor, Seal Harbor, Somesville, and Hall Quarry: • 123 Main Street • Acadia Repertory Theatre • Asticou Boat Charters • Asticou Inn • At Your Service Taxi and Tours • Bar Harbor Bank & Trust • Beal & Bunker Mailboat & Ferry • Carter’s Real Estate • Colonel’s Restaurant & Deli • Cranberry Island Water Taxi • First National Bank • Gallery at Somes Sound • The Holmes Store • John Williams Boat Company
• Kimball Shop Boutique • Kimball Terrace Inn • The Knowles Company • The Lighthouse Inn & Restaurant • Lisa Hall Studio • The Moscow Magic & Comedy Show • National Park Canoe Rental • Northeast Harbor Clinic • Out of the Pod • Redfield Artisans Gallery • Shaw Jewelry • Smart Studio • Somesville Rehabilitation Services • Subway • Tan Turtle Tavern 34 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Cranberry Islands
The following advertisers may be found on the Cranberry Isles: • Beal & Bunker Mailboat & Ferry • Cranberry Cove Boating Co. • Cranberry Island Water Taxi
• Great Cranberry General Store • Islesford Dock Gallery • Islesford Dock Restaurant • Lobster Boat Tours
Beal & Bunker, Inc. provides the only yearround commuter service between the Cranberry Islands and NORTHEAST HARBOR. We welcome you to enjoy the fresh air & lovely views aboard our reliable, fully-equipped, and USCG inspected boats driven by experienced crews. Beal & Bunker, Inc. also has boats available year-round for island picnics, wildlife viewing and private charter needs. Please call for charter availability and price quotes.
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 35
Bar Harbor
The following advertisers may be found in Bar Harbor, Otter Creek, Town Hill, Trenton and Ellsworth: • Acadia Fuel • Argosy Gallery • At Your Service Taxi and Tours • Atlantic Brewing • Bar Harbor Bank & Trust • Bar Harbor Ferry Co. • Bowden Marine • Burning Tree Restaurant • Cellar Bistro • College of the Atlantic • Downeast Windjammer Cruises • FIORE Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars • First National Bank • Friends of Acadia • Galyn’s • Great Maine Lumberjack Show • Hertz Car Rental 36 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
• House Wine • Maine Coast Memorial Hospital • The Moscow Magic & Comedy Show • Mount Desert Island Hospital • Mount Desert Oceanarium • Oli’s Trolley • Peekytoes Provisions • Richard Parks Furniture Gallery • Route One Oil & Lube • Sagegrass Gallery • Scenic Biplane & Glider Rides • The Schoodic Ferry • Scrimshaw Workshop • Subway • Sweet Smiles • West Street Café
Southwest Harbor
The following advertisers may be found in Southwest Harbor, Bass Harbor and Tremont: • Acadia Fuel • Acadia Yurts • Ann’s Point Cottages • Bar Harbor Bank & Trust • Beal’s Lobster Pier • Café Drydock • Carroll Drug Store • Clark Point Gallery • Community Health Ctr. • Cranberry Cove Ferry • Cranberry Hill Inn • Davis Agency • Dockside Inn & Restaurant • Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina
• Ellis Boat Company • First National Bank • G. F. Johnston • Harbor View Motel • Hinckley Company • Hutchins Cottages • Kingsleigh Inn • Liquor Locker • LSRobinson Insurance • Maine State Sea Kayak • Mansell Boat Rentals • MDI Weddings • The Moody Mermaid • The Moorings Inn • Penury Hall • Quietside Café
• Quilt ‘n’ Fabric • Red Sky Restaurant • Sail Acadia • Salty Dog Gallery • Sawyer’s Specialties • Seal Cove Auto Museum • Sips • Southwest Boat • Southwest Cycle • Southwest Harbor Medical Center • Thurston’s Lobster Pound • Tremont Historical Society • Wendell Gilley Museum • XYZ
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 37
Art Galleries Redfield Artisans Gallery RTEMIS GALLERY
125 Main Street Northeast Harbor, Maine 207-276-3609
One Old Firehouse Lane Northeast Harbor, ME 207-276-3001
Argosy Gallery Fine Art 110 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609
ISLESFORD DOCK GALLERY Located in the Harbor of Little Cranberry Island
46 Clark Point Road Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
Open 11:00 am - 7:30 pm Daily
244-7494 207-244-0920
Occasionally we DO get rainy days! Many of our advertisers still have activities for you to enjoy. If you’re at a loss, go to for more ideas! Contemporary Art Hand Crafted Furniture Sculpture 1112 Main Street • Somesville, Maine
38 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Shops and Specialty Stores Shop on MDI ... shop on the outer islands when you are there ... shop “off island” (before actually getting onto Mount Desert Island). So many choices ... treasures for the home — furniture, art and beautiful accessories; clothing and gifts for children and adults alike; delectable foods and olive oils, and of course, fine locally crafted jewelry! Shop local, and make sure you let them know that you saw their ad in the Northeast Harbor Port Directory!
Smart Studio
Fresh Sustainable
Delicious Main Street • Northeast Harbor
Homemade Soups, Sandwiches & more! • eat-In or take-out
Maine Specialty Foods 244 Main st • bar harbor • 207-801-9161
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 39
Local Hands Reaching Out This year, because of Acadia National Park’s Centennial Celebration, our focus is once again on Friends of Acadia — Members and Volunteers Caring for Acadia National Park! Photos in this section are courtesy of Friends of Acadia.
Encompassing 45,000 acres on two islands and a mainland peninsula on Maine’s rugged Downeast coast, Acadia National Park is a jewel of pink granite mountains, glacier-carved lakes and coastlines, historic hiking paths and carriage roads, dazzling night skies, and uniquely varied communities of plant and animal life. Attracting more than two million visitors each year, Acadia is one of the ten most popular national parks in the U.S. It is also one of the smallest and most vulnerable. This is why Friends of Acadia exists. We are an independent organization of passionate people, inspiring those who love this magnificent place to make a real and lasting difference for Acadia. Since 1986, Friends of Acadia has provided a margin of excellence for Quality men’s and Acadia National Park through philanthrowomen’s apparel, footpy, volunteerism, programs, and partnerwear and accessories ships. Our mission states: Friends of Acadia for over 100 years. preserves, protects, and promotes stewardship of the outstanding natural beauty, ecological vitality, and distinctive cultural resources of Acadia National Park and surrounding communities for the inspiration and enjoyment of current and 114 Main Street • Northeast Harbor future generations.
40 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Friends of Acadia members make a difference for Acadia by helping to fund key programs that would be much reduced—or not exist at all—without FOA’s involvement. Programs like the Island Explorer’s fare-free bus service, which helps reduce traffic and emissions on Acadia’s winding, scenic roadways. Programs like Wild Acadia, building a more resilient ecosystem through invasive plant management, water-quality monitoring, raptor research, and more. Programs like Acadia Trails Forever, which maintains, restores, and extends Acadia’s historic hiking trail system. Programs like FOA’s youth internships, which solve problems today by putting teens and young adults to work on pressing issues throughout the park and solve problems tomorrow by building the next generation of park stewards. Friends of Acadia volunteers make a difference for Acadia by contributing thousands of hours of labor each year to trail maintenance and trail-building, carriage road maintenance, gardening in the one-of-a-kind Wild Gardens of Acadia, grooming the carriage roads for cross-country skiing in winter, contacting their legislators about issues that affect the park, picking up trash on Acadia-area shore- Wild gardens of Acadia — Mucking the Pond lines and roadsides, and, for the past few years, helping to plan Acadia’s 2016 centennial celebration. Volunteers also serve on internal FOA committees and lend a hand in the office, all of which helps the organization to operate more effectively and efficiently. There are many ways that you can be a “friend of Acadia” and give back to this amazing place that gives us so much. Membership starts at $35 per year per household. You’ll receive FOA’s beautiful and informative membership magazine, the Friends of Acadia Journal, three times per year; you can also sign up for our monthly E-News for regular updates on park and FOA happenings. Membership at higher levels includes some additional benefits.
Children’s clothes, shoes, toys and accessories Sail bags • Nautical gifts 5 Sea Street, Northeast Harbor, Maine
207-266-8980 • 207-276-4206
Kimball Shop & Boutique St. James Jill McGowan Kinross Charleston Shoe White + Warren Joules and other fine designers 135 Main Street Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 41
Volunteering is easy! On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings from June through October, FOA leads drop-in volunteer projects on Acadia’s trails and carriage roads. There are always several projects to choose from, with something appropriate for all ages and levels of experience. No need to call ahead—just show up at 8:20 a.m. at the park headquarters on the Eagle Lake Road (Rt. 233) outside Bar Harbor. (We do ask that groups larger than 5 volunteers call 288-8716 in advance, to help plan appropriate projects.) Come dressed for the weather with closed-toe shoes and bring work gloves, if you have them. Friends of Acadia’s two big volunteer events each year are the Earth Day Roadside Cleanup (the last Saturday in April) Take Pride in Acadia Day and Take Pride in Acadia Day (the first Volunteers of All Ages! Saturday in November). And if you have more time or expertise to commit, other FOA volunteer committees are open to all. Visit the Friends of Acadia website at for more information on volunteer opportunities, membership, and all of our programs. Acadia National Park was the first national park initially created by private donations of land and the individual efforts of many foresighted and committed individuals. This legacy of private philanthropy for a public treasure is carried on today by the members and volunteers of Friends of Acadia. If you love Acadia, we invite you to be a part of it!
42 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Friends of Acadia and the Acadia Centennial Four years ago, Friends of Acadia and Acadia National Park realized that if we wanted to celebrate Acadia’s 100th birthday fittingly, it was time to start planning! Since then, Friends of Acadia has provided organizational structure and staff support for the Acadia Centennial celebration. Together with the National Park Service, we founded the Acadia Centennial Task Force, which has recruited partners from throughout Maine to plan events and programs, design and sell products to honor the centennial, and provide financial support for critical public engagement tools like the centennial logo, website, marketing, and pins, product tags, and window stickers for Acadia Centennial Partners—now numbering more than 350—to use in showing their support. Friends of Acadia will also make many direct contributions to the celebration, through events inside and outside the park, (see a partial listing on page 55.) special publications, and centennial projects to launch the next hundred years of conservation in this very special place. Visit and www. to learn more.
207.244.0622 • Ice • Beer • Wine • Softserve Icecream • Grocery • Baked Goods & So Much More Just off the ferry on Great Cranberrry!
The Scrimshaw Workshop & Fine Gifts Exceptional scrimshaw, hand engraved by owner, Chris Cambridge, as well as by other top scrimshanders from around the country. Scrimshaw jewelry, knives, and collectible display pieces, done on centuries-old Fossil Walrus and Woolly Mammoth Ivory
Also featuring Bar Harbor’s finest selection of gifts and crafts by Maine Artisans. 150 Main Street • 207-288-4380 • Open Daily Directly across from the Bar Harbor Village Green
“Quality Craftsmanship since 1977”
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 43
44 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Dining Favorites From casual to elegant ... new to long-established ... Mount Desert Island has it all! And all of them are worth visiting! Check out the restaurants on the following pages and throughout the book. Make sure to tell them you heard about them in the Port Directories! We hope you’ll also enjoy the interspersed recipes in this section from our advertisers. There are lots of yummy concoctions you will want to try on the following pages! Check out our website w w w. v i s i t n o r t h e a s t h a r b o r. c o m for links to these and other fine advertiser’s websites.
Main Street • Northeast Harbor Open 7 days per week • 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Restaurant: Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner • Homemade sandwiches • Specialty pizzas • Steaks and seafood
Bakery: Baked fresh daily • Danishes, donuts, pies, cookies, brownies • Assorted homemade breads
Try our pizzas – Homemade crusts! All restaurant orders available for take-out
Call ahead and we’ll have it ready!
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 45
G oat Cheese Napoleons
4 large red beets, roasted, peeled, and cut crosswise into 1/4�-thick slices 8 oz. goat cheese, softened 4 tsp. minced fresh chives 4 tsp. minced fresh parsley 2 1/2 tsp. minced fresh thyme 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 3/4 cup fresh orange juice
1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1/4 tsp. orange zest, optional 1 small shallot, minced 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 3 Tbsp. hazelnut oil (or substitute butternut squash seed oil, walnut oil, or Asian oil) Kosher salt, to taste 3 Tbsp. chopped hazelnuts
Using a 2 5/8� round cookie cutter, cut out 20 of the beet slices; reserve scraps for another use (like borscht or a salad). Pat dry and set aside. Stir goat cheese together with the chives, parsley, 2 tsp. thyme, and pepper in a bowl. Set aside. Bring orange juice to a boil in a 1-qt. saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook until reduced to 1/3 cup, 4-5 minutes. Let cool. Transfer juice to a bowl along with remaining thyme, balsamic vinegar, zest, and shallots. While whisking, drizzle in olive oil and hazelnut oil; whisk until smooth. Season vinaigrette with salt and pepper; let chill. To serve: Put 1 beet slice on work surface; spread about 1 tbsp. cheese mixture over beet. Top cheese with another beet slice, pressing down so cheese oozes to edge. Repeat to create a stack with 4 layers of cheese between 5 beet slices. Make 4 stacks in all. Slice each stack into 4 wedges; transfer to 4 plates. Drizzle vinaigrette over each plate; garnish with nuts. Serve with mixed greens, if you like. Christina Boucher, Bayside Graphics
46 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Onion Pie 6 Vidalia onions, thinly sliced 4 eggs, beaten 1 cup sour cream salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 pinch paprika 2 Tbsp. hot sauce, optional 2 (9 inch) pie shells, baked (I don’t prebake the crust-EM) 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese for topping
Preheat oven to 375° F (190° C). In a large skillet, cook onions in butter for about 10 minutes over medium-high heat, or until clear and soft; stir often. Reserve juices. In a large bowl, mix onions with eggs and sour cream. Stir in onion juices, butter and cheese. Add salt, pepper and hot sauce to taste. Make sure all ingredients are well blended and then pour into the 2 pie shells. Sprinkle grated cheese and paprika on top of pies. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Lower temperature to 350° F (175° C) and bake for an additional 30 to 40 minutes, or until lightly browned on top. Let cool for a few minutes to settle before slicing. Emily Muise, Hertz Car Rental
LARGE WINE LIST • FINE CRAFT BEER LOCAL MAINE PRODUCE & SEAFOOD 112 Main St., Ellsworth, Maine Open Tues. - Sat. 11am - 9pm 207-669-6439
American Fine Dining ◆ Cocktails night Open Year Round . Serving Dinner 5:30 - 9:00 14 Clark Point Rd . Southwest Harbor, ME 207-244-0476 . reservations encouraged 10 min. walk from Dysart’s Marina & Upper Town Pier
THURSTON’S LOBSTER POUND Look for our yellow awning on Steamboat Wharf Road in Bernard and enjoy lunch or dinner at our working wharf overlooking scenic Bass Harbor.
Boiled Lobster – Mussels – Clams Chowders – Sandwiches Beer – Wine – 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. during the season –
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 47
Almond Poppy Seed Bread 3 cups flour 1 1/3 cups oil 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 3 eggs 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/2 Tbsp. poppy seeds 2 1/2 cups sugar 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 1/2 cups milk 1 1/2 tsp. almond extract
FIORE Blood Orange Brownies 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate 1/2 cup FIORE Blood Orange Olive Oil 2 cups sugar 2 tsp. FIORE Vanilla Balsamic Vinegar* 4 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped (optional)
Preheat oven to 350° after placing oven rack in center position. Grease a 9” x 13” baking Preheat oven to 350°. Mix all items and beat pan. Melt the chocolate (in a double boiler or until well blended. Spray four mini loaves microwave). Add the oil and stir until smooth. (8x4), spoon batter in pans and bake for Cool completely. Stir in the sugar and vinegar. 45-50 minutes. Let cool on wire rack and Beat in the eggs until creamy. Stir in the flour. remove loaves from pans. When completely Completely stir in chopped nuts with a spoon. cool, glaze if desired. Pour the batter into the greased pan, scraping Glaze: 3/4 cup powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. the bowl clean with a rubber spatula. Spread melted butter, 1/2 tsp. almond extract, milk the batter evenly in the pan. Bake 25 minutes, or water to blend into desired consistency. or until a toothpick inserted in the center Pamela Parker, Kingsleigh Inn comes out clean. Cool completely before serving. Cut into squares. Makes 24 brownies. Sunday Brunch Lunch: Tues. - Sat. Dinner: Tues. - Sun. Music Most Friday Nights • Soups & Salads • Seafood Specialties • Sandwiches & Burgers • Gluten Free Menu Options • 17 Local Drafts on Tap • Full Bar • Open June - October
*Vanilla extract can be substituted, if necessary. Nancy O’Brien, FIORE Olive Oils & Vinegars
B roiled Salmon Salmon Filet (4-6 oz. per person) Melted Coconut Oil Lemon Pepper Pat fillet dry. Brush on coconut oil, sprinkle with lemon pepper and broil 10 minutes or until golden brown. Leslie Watson, Moorings Inn
Lodging: Private Bath 3-Night Minimum Double Occupancy All rooms have a View of the Harbor
48 Shore Road • Southwest Harbor Foot of Manset Public Dock
207 • 244 • 8160 207 • 844 • 0047
48 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Coffee Cake ½ lb. butter 2 cups sugar 1 pint sour cream 2 tsp. baking soda 4 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 3 cups sifted flour 3 tsp. baking powder 2 cups fresh blueberries
Put half the batter in pan, then add half of the topping mixture on top of the first half of batter. Then add the remaining batter in pan and use the remaining topping. Bake @ 350° for 40 minutes. This Coffee Cake can be made with or without blueberries. Delicious! Sue Dickinson, G. F. Johnston & Associates
Topping: 3/4 cup sugar 3 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup walnuts – chopped Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Mon - Sun: 8am - 9 pm
Grease a 9” x 13” pan. Cream together butter, sugar, sour cream and baking soda. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla, flour, baking powder and blueberries. Mix thoroughly. Combine topping ingredients in a separate bowl.
12 Main Street (Rt. 3) Seal Harbor, Maine
(207) 276-3958
eat, drink & be messy. Enjoy the views at our working pier, and chow down on the freshest lobster you’ve ever had. Don’t worry, the napkins are on us!
Sit down or take out, or ship nationwide (207) 244-3202 182 Clark Point Road • Southwest Harbor, Maine
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 49
15-BLP-1219_Update_SW_Harbor_Chamber_Ad_4_625x3_75_4c_0430_out.indd 1
4/30/15 3:11 PM
Museums of MDI Abbe Museum
Mt. Desert St., Bar Harbor The museum celebrates Maine’s Native American heritage. A permanent exhibition, Wabanaki: People of the Dawn, as well as changing exhibitions and educational programs, engage visitors of all ages. (207) 288-3519
Great Cranberry Island Historical Museum
Great Cranberry Island Museum, gardens, public trail, historic tiny cabin and cafe are open every day, 10-4, Memorial Day to Columbus Day. A different display every year, plus Rachel Field’s Hitty. (207) 244-7800
Abbe Museum at Sieur de Monts Springs
The Great Harbor Maritime Museum
Located in Acadia National Park off Rt. 3 A visit to the original Abbe Museum is a step back in time. Featuring exhibits on the archeology of Maine and the history of the museum. (207) 288-3519
Located in the Old Firehouse, Northeast Harbor The museum explores and celebrates local maritime history and promotes educational activities on the ocean. (207) 276-5262
Bar Harbor Historical Society
Islesford Historical Museum
Ledgelawn Ave., Bar Harbor The Society holds an outstanding collection extending from Bar Harbor’s 1796 Incorporation through the Gilded Era to the present. (207) 288-0000 or (207) 288-3807
Frenchboro Historical Society
Little Cranberry Island The museum’s exhibits explore life in the Town of Cranberry Isles during the 19th century when schooners were the mode of transportation and oceans were the highways. (207) 288-8729
Long Island Old tools, furniture, household goods and local memorabilia are on exhibit in the Museum. Programs and other special events are offered. Library and craft shop. (207) 334-2924
George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History
The Maine Granite Industry Historical Society
College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor The museum investigates and interprets the natural history of Maine through a human ecological perspective. Detailed exhibits depict the animal and plant life of Maine. Activities throughout the year include an indoor tide pool, hands-on displays and family fun. (207) 288-5395
50 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Islesford Historical Society
Islesford Dedicated to researching and publishing the history of the Cranberry Isles. (207) 244-7893
62 Beech Hill Cross Rd., Mount Desert The largest collection of tools, photos, granite and books concerning an industry which built our nation’s historic buildings, bridges and fortifications all over the United States. (207) 244-0175
Mount Desert Oceanarium
Rt.3 in Bar Harbor Hands-on and interactive exhibits about the tides, fog, sea water, hypothermia, waves, and numerous exhibits about commercial fishing in Maine. Maine Lobster Hatchery, Maine Lobster Museum, Thomas Bay Marsh Walk, and a “touch tank.” Take the Island Explorer bus to get there. (207) 288-5005
MDI Historical Society’s Old School House & Museum
Rt. 198, Mount Desert The museum offers people of all ages an opportunity to step back in time. Exhibits throughout the year focus on themes in MDI’s history. Tues-Fri 10-4; Sat 1-4. (207) 276-9323
NEH Library Archives
Official repository for records of the Town of Mount Desert. (207) 276-3333
Otter Creek Historical Society & Museum
Historical information pertaining to Otter Creek. (207) 288-2873
Seal Cove Auto Museum
Rt. 102, 1414 Tremont Road, Tremont America’s premier collection of “Brass Era” automobiles. Car enthusiasts, as well as those who simply enjoy stories from the past, will delight in the beauty, mystery and romance of this unique museum. Open daily 10am to 5pm, May 1 through October 31. (207) 244-9242
Sieur de Monts Springs Nature Center
Located in Acadia National Park off Rt. 3 Explore the plant and animal life of the park. Discover how its diverse resources are managed by park scientists. (207) 288-3338
Somesville Historical Museum and Gardens
Route 102, Somesville New exhibits featuring Island history are installed each summer. The Selectmen’s building, picturesque bridge and the heirloom garden are in the center of the village. Tues-Sat, 1-4 or by appointment. (207) 276-9323
Southwest Harbor Historical Society
Harbor House, Southwest Harbor Dedicated to preserving the history of Southwest Harbor through publications, displays and monthly programs which are held at Harbor House on the third Wednesday, May through October at 7 P.M.
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 51
Swans Island Lobster & Marine Museum
Swans Island Ship models, photos, equipment, and stories represent two centuries of Maine commercial fishing and the lobster industry. (207) 526-4423
Tremont Historical Society and Country Store Museum
4 Granville Road, Bass Harbor (Across from C. H. Rich Seafood) A 19th Century Country Store, with displays of local, historic artifacts and photographs; genealogical material available. Research room open by appointment. Open 1-4, Mon. and Wed., July to Columbus Day, or call for appointment. (207) 244-9753
Wendell Gilley Museum
Southwest Harbor Discover where art and nature meet in Maine. The Gilley Museum’s diverse collection of over 200 bird carvings, touring art exhibits, and hands-on programs delight visitors of all ages. Carving workshops available throughout the year. Open year round; call for hours. (207) 244-7555
William Otis Sawtelle Collections and Research Center
Collections pertaining to the Cranberry Isles and Acadia National Park.(207) 288-5463
Bird Carvings, Art Exhibits, Demonstrations & Workshops Imagination and information meet in Southwest Harbor, Maine Please call or check our website and Facebook page for current hours and activities.
207-244-7555 • A pleasant stroll from the SW Harbor Town Dock, downtown or Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina or come on the Island Explorer bus route # 7.
52 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
Places of Worship Congregational
Islesford Congregational Church
Cornerstone Baptist Church
• Sunday Worship Service: 2:30 pm • (207) 244-9698 (Parsonage)
Route 102, West Tremont • Sunday Worship Service: 10:45 am • (207) 244-1018
SWH Congregational Church, CCCC
29 High Road, Southwest Harbor • Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 am • (207) 244-4300
Tremont Congregational Church 171 Tremont Road, Tremont • Sunday Morning Worship: 9:00 am Mid-May t0 Labor Day 10:30 am After Labor Day to Mid-May • (207) 460-7722 Pastor Clayton Gilley
United Church of Christ
Seal Harbor Congregational Church (Abbe Chapel)
St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church 8 Lookout Way, Northeast Harbor • Summer Vigil Mass: Sat. 6 pm • (207) 288-3535
St. Peter’s Catholic Church 5 Ocean House Hill Road, Manset • July–Oct. Mass: Sun. 8 am • Nov.–June Mass: Sat. 4 pm • (207) 288-3535
Episcopal Saint Andrew By-the-Lake
1358 Tremont Road, Seal Cove 8 Main Street, Seal Harbor • Sunday Worship: 10 am November - April • Sunday Morning Worship: 8 am 5/29-10/9 8 am June 12 - Sept. 12 • (207) 244-3229 • (207) 276-5521
Somesville Union Meeting House, UCC Main St., Somesville • Sunday Worship: 10:30 am • (207) 244-9260
Union Church of Northeast Harbor 21 Summit Road, Northeast Harbor • Sunday Worship: 10 am • May - October • (207) 276-5521
Non-Denominational The Rock Church — Acadia
Seawall Road, Southwest Harbor • Sunday Worship: 10 am • Year Round • (207) 266-2474
Saint Mary’s By-the-Sea
20 South Shore Road, Northeast Harbor • Sunday Morning Worship: • 8 am/10 am-July & August • 9 am-Sept through Columbus Day • (207) 276-5588
Saint Mary’s Chapel
5 Kimball Road, Northeast Harbor • Sunday Morning Worship: 9 am • Oct. 16 - Memorial Day Weekend • (207) 276-5588
Saint John the Divine
315 Main Street, Southwest Harbor • Sunday Morning Worship: 10 am 5/29-10/9 • 9 am 10/16 through May • (207) 244-3229
Saint Jude
Peabody Dr., Seal Harbor (July & August) • Sunday Morning Service: 10 am • (207) 276-5588 Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 53
Calendar of Events - 2016
Times and dates updated at time of printing. Please call individual numbers or check the websites for updates. We apologize if any changes were made post-production. June 19: 10th Annual Art on the Deck Fine Art Show. Galyn’s Restaurant, 17 Main St., Bar Harbor. 3-6pm. Free and open to the public. June 19 : Father’s Day Concert. Flash In the Pans Steel Drum Band. Agamont Park in downtown Bar Harbor. 5:30pm. June 26-July 1: Acadia Trad Festival. A full week of Irish, Cape Breton, OldTime, Acadian & Cajun music, dance and culture, held on the campus of the College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden Street, Bar Harbor. July 1: First Friday Art Walk. Artworks to Fireworks. Downtown Bar Harbor, 6-9pm. Pick up a map from the Chamber of Commerce, lodging establishment, or galleries and begin at any venue. July 3: Maine Lobster Boat Race. There is nothing more uniquely Maine than a day at the lobster boat races. Bass Harbor. Call for more information, (207) 244-9623. July 3: Bar Harbor Music Festival. Opening Day of the 50th Golden Anniversary Season. Maine Sea Coast Mission, 127 West Street, Bar Harbor. Bar Harbor Music Festival’s Tea Concert, Keith Harris, Baritone; Cara Chowning, Pianist. 4:00pm. July 4: Independence Day Celebration. Join the community as we celebrate our country’s independence. 6-10am-Blueberry Pancake Breakfast. MDI Rotary Club, Bar Harbor Athletic Field, Park Street, Bar Harbor. A fun morning feast for the whole family. 9am-3pm-Craft Fair. MDI YMCA. A wonderful June 2-5 : The 18th Annual Acadia Birding Festival. Celebrate the ecological wonders of the birds selection of Maine crafts - jewelry, quilts, and more. Joint fund raiser for the YMCA and YWCA. of the Gulf of Maine. 10am-Independence Day Parade winds through (207) 288-8128 downtown Bar Harbor. June 3: First Friday Art Walk. Let the Celebration Begin. Downtown Bar Harbor, 6-9pm. Pick up a map 11am-2pm-Seafood Festival. MDI Rotary Club, Bar from the Chamber of Commerce, lodging establish- Harbor Athletic Field, Park Street. Enjoy lobster, mussels, corn, strawberry shortcake, and more. ment, or galleries and begin at any venue. After Parade-Lobster Races. Watch local businessJune 4: National Trails Day. Discover, enjoy, es put their lobsters to the test in a “high-speed” and care for Acadia’s magnificent 125-mile trail system, accompanied by park trail crew and inter- crustacean contest! MDI YMCA, Bar Harbor Athletic Field, Park Street. Proceeds benefit the pretive staff members. MDI YMCA. June 5: Acadia National Park Loop Road Half 3-9pm-Free concert in Agamont Park. From rock Marathon. Starts and ends in front of the YMCA, 21 Park Street, Bar Harbor. Call (207) 288-3511 for to country to big band and funk, there’s something for everyone! more information. June 18: (9am-5pm) & June 19 (10am-4pm): Art in 7:30-8:30pm-Bar Harbor Town Band. Free concert the Park. 66th Annual Art Show! Over 35 painters on the Village Green, Mt. Desert Street, Bar and photographers will display and sell their origi- Harbor. nal works on the Village Green, Main & Mt. Desert Approximately 9:15pmBar Harbor: Enjoy the spectacular display of fireStreets, Bar Harbor. works over Frenchman’s Bay. Ongoing
Thurs., June 2 to August 25: Northeast Harbor Farmer’s Market. The best variety of fruits and vegetables; free-range pork, beef, lamb, and rabbit; and more. On Huntington Rd. across from the Kimball Terrace Inn. Fri., June 17 - Oct. 7: Southwest Harbor Farmer’s Market. 9am-1pm. Pick up produce and eggs from local farmers, as well as farm-raised meats and freshly-baked goods. Main Street parking lot of St. John Church. Thurs., July 7 - Sept. 1: Outdoor Movie Night. Village Green (Veteran’s Park), Northeast Harbor. Mon. & Thurs. June 30 through August 15: Bar Harbor Town Band. 8-9pm. Free concerts on the Village Green, rain or shine. Main & Mt. Desert Streets, Bar Harbor (Congregational Church in Bar Harbor if raining). July 1 to September 30: Self-Guided tours of Historic St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church. 41 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Brochures available for self-guided tour of the church and its renowned stained glass windows (Tiffany, English glass, Italian stone work). For more info, (207) 288-4215 or Wed., July 13 to August 17: Seaside Cinema. Family movie night in Agamont Park in downtown Bar Harbor. In the event of rain, shows will be cancelled. Call 207-288-5103 for cancellation notices.
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Southwest Harbor: The Southwest Harbor & Tremont Chamber of Commerce is hosting a fireworks display this year. Fireworks will be visible from many locations around the harbor. July 6: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Opening night with Brass Venture returning for the 13th consecutive season! July 7: Gallery Night Opening Reception. 4:306:30pm. Main Street, Northeast Harbor. July 7: Neighborhood House Soiree on the Sound to be held at Abels Lobster Pound, 6-8 pm. Proceeds fund the NHH summer camp scholarship program. July 7: Somesville Walking Tour. Sponsored by the MDI Historical Society. 10-11:30 am. Admission is $10. RSVP to (207) 276-9323. July 7: 2016 Native American Festival and Basket Makers Market. Offers visitors, collectors and gallery owners the opportunity to buy directly from the artists, as quality and authenticity is the hallmark for this Indian Market. 10-4, College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden Street, Bar Harbor. (207) 288-3519. July 8: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Christopher Johnson, Pianist. July 8-9: 20th Annual Hospice Regatta. Morris Yachts, Northeast Harbor. All proceeds benefit Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County. (207) 667-2531.
July 9: Acadia Centennial Collection Open House. Reception and Book Signings. 10:30am-8pm. The Gallery at Somes Sound, Somesville. July 10: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. The Best of Broadway - POPS Concert. The Bar Harbor Club, 111 West Street, Bar Harbor. Pre-Concert Dinner served beginning at 6pm (optional). July 12: Annual Strawberry Festival at the Somesville Fire House. 1-3 pm. Our traditional celebration of history and strawberry shortcake. Yum! (207) 276-9323. July 12: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 5:30pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. 20th Annual New Composers Forum. Moderator: Edmund Cionek. July 13: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. 33rd Annual New Composers Concert. “Summer Sounds” Claudia Schaer, Violinist; Max Lifchitz, Pianist. July 15: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Don Giovanni. The Historic Criterion Theatre, 35 Cottage Street, Bar Harbor. July 15-18: Quietside Flamingo Festival. Throughout Southwest Harbor. A fun-filled family festival with something for everyone - whimsical, lighthearted and decidedly hot pink - celebrating the treasured value of small town life. For more information (207) 244-3713.
Centennial Celebration Special Events — 2016 Below are some of the special events being held in 2016. Please go to for a complete listing. Enjoy!
June 11 - Benefit Plant Sale. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church in Bar Harbor, from 9 a.m. to Noon. Offerings will include native plants, vegetable seedlings, herbs, annuals, and perennials. Plants are donated from local nurseries, private estate gardens, and the Wild Garden volunteers’ personal gardens. The sale will be held rain or shine. All proceeds will help support the Wild Gardens of Acadia. June 25 - Park Science Day in Acadia. Join park scientists and naturalists for a fun-filled afternoon of Acadia science at Sieur de Monts. There will also be a dedication of the Sieur de Monts Nature Center. August 13 - Friends of Acadia Benefit Auction. Asticou Inn, Northeast Harbor, Maine. By participating in the Benefit Auction—by bidding on live or silent auction items at the event, sending in an absentee bid, or by simply attending the event or making a donation in support of it—you can make a real and lasting difference in the protection of Acadia. Friends of Acadia uses proceeds from the Benefit Auction to support new and ongoing programs in Acadia that engage youth, protect natural and cultural resources, and contribute to a quality visitor experience in the park. August 22 - A Reenactment of the 8/22/1916 Celebration of Acadia’s Founding. Come to St. Saviour’s in Bar Harbor to hear speeches by Acadia’s founders, offered by their living descendants. August 27 - Celebrating the Centennials of the National Park Service and Acadia National Park. Join national leaders, park staff, and Acadia partners at Jordan Pond to celebrate these co-centennials. September 17 - Car-Free Acadia Morning – Fall. The National Park Service invites visitors to enjoy a car-free morning on the Park Loop Road in Acadia National Park from midnight to noon on Saturday, September 17. In celebration of National Public Lands Day, visitors will have free entry all day to the entire park. The sections of the Park Loop Road closed to private vehicles will include the Cadillac Summit road, the road between the Hulls Cove Visitor Center and Jordan Pond, and the entire one-way section. November 5 - Take Pride in Acadia Day Centennial Edition. Join Friends of Acadia to celebrate volunteerism in Acadia and help prepare Acadia’s historic carriage roads for winter. December 10 - Sealing of the Acadia Bicentennial Time Capsule. Inspire the next hundred years at Acadia with this fun-spirited event to cap off Acadia’s centennial year.
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July 16-18: Paperback Book Sale. Thousands of used paperbacks for your reading pleasure on the front lawn of the Southwest Harbor Public Library, Main St. Southwest Harbor. July 17: Flamingo Four-Miler and Fun Run. This scenic race runs through part of Acadia National Park and ends at the Tremont Community Center. For more information (207) 244-3713. July 17: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Antonio Galera-Lopez, Pianist. July 18: Gallery Night Opening Reception. 4:306:30pm. Main Street, Northeast Harbor. July 19: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Allison Kiger, Flutist; Antonio Galera-Lopez, Pianist. July 19: Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. Neighborhood House, Main Street, Northeast Harbor. 8:15pm. Shanghai Quartet. July 20: Asticou Gardens Lantern Stroll. 7-9pm. Asticou Gardens, Northeast Harbor. July 21: Somesville Walking Tour. Sponsored by the MDI Historical Society. 10-11:30 am. Admission is $10. RSVP to 207-276-9323. July 22 Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Ardelia Trio; Janey Choi, Violinist; Clara Yang, Cellist; Jihea Hong-Park, Pianist. July 23 Open Garden Day. The Garden Club of Mount Desert, 10 am - 4pm, Rain or Shine. July 23: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregarional Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. Margaret Mills, Pianist; Jeffrey Ellenberger, Violinist; Robert Tennen, Cellist. July 24: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Jackson Laboratory Commons, 610 Main Street, Bar Harbor. Wolverine Jazz Band. July 26: Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. Neighborhood House, Main Street, Northeast Harbor. 8:15pm. Stephanie Chase, Moran Katz, Dov Scheindlin, Mark Shuman, Kingsley Wood, Carl Oswald. July 27: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Blackwoods Campground Amphitheater, Otter Creek; 44th Annual Acadia National Park Outdoor Concert. Bar Harbor Festival String Orchestra, Francis Fortier, Conductor; George Neptune, Baritone Soloist; Gerard Reuter, Oboe Soloist; Jeffrey Ellenberger, Violin Soloist. Rain date, July 28. July 28: Pizza and Craft Beer Tasting. 5-7pm. Main Street, Northeast Harbor. July 28: Annual Butterfly Release at Charlotte Rhoades Butterfly Garden. 3:30pm. Painted Lady butterflies boxed for release at 4:15pm. Refreshments and Fun! Rain or Shine! $30 per person; Children under 12 free. Reservations required.
(207) 266-6047 or (207) 244-9264. July 29: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. 12th Annual Bob Noonan Memorial Concert. Bar Harbor Festival String Orchestra, Francis Fortier, Conductor; Antonio Galera-Lopez, Piano Soloist. July 29-31: 41st Annual Directions Craft Show. MDI High School, Bar Harbor. Friday: 5 - 9pm; Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm. July 30-31: Gallery on the Green I, by the Coastal Fine Art Alliance of Maine. More than 50 of Downeast’s most recognized artists, including winners of top awards and national competitions, will take part in this summer’s annual outdoor show. Pemetic Green, Southwest Harbor. Rain or Shine. (207) 244-9264. July 31: Bar Harbor Music Festival. 8:00pm. The Bar Harbor Club, 111 West Street, Bar Harbor. Festival Gala. Pre-concert dinner at 6pm (optional). Bar Harbor Festival String Orchestra, Francis Fortier, Conductor; George Neptune, Baritone Soloist; Gerard Reuter, Oboe Soloist; Jeffrey Ellenberger, Violin Soloist. July 31 - Aug. 24 Month-long silent auction of community art to benefit the SWH Public Library. Enjoy the art of our talented community artists and plan to bid often; or, better yet, buy it during the event! (207) 244-7065. July 31-August 6: Annual Claremont Croquet Classic. Players compete in a nine-wicket doubleelimination tournament in both singles and doubles competition. Players and spectators alike enjoy this annual event. (800) 244-5036. August 2: Lobsters on the Sound. Come join us at the Hinckley Company in Southwest Harbor for a night of fun. 5:30 - 7:30pm-Cocktails & Silent Auction; 7:30pm-Dinner, Live Auction & Dancing. Proceeds support the many programs and services Harbor House provides to the communities of MDI. For information or to purchase tickets, call (207) 244-3713. August 2: Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. Neighborhood House, Main Street, Northeast Harbor. 8:15 pm. Dover Quartet. August 2: Somes Sound Windjammer Parade. Maine’s legendary fleet of windjammers will sail in company through Somes Sound for this afternoon parade on the water. (207) 374-2993. August 2: Bar Harbor Town Band. 8-9pm, Salisbury Cove. August 5-7: Southwest Harbor Public Library Used Book Sale. 9am-6pm. American Legion Hall (behind Library) in Southwest Harbor. (207) 244-7065 August 5: First Friday Art Walk. Downtown Bar Harbor, 6-9pm. Pick up a map from the Chamber of Commerce, lodging establishment, or galleries and begin at any venue.
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August 5-6 Mount Desert Summer Chorale. Acadia Centennial Concert, In Nature’s Realm. 7:30pm. St. Saviour’s Church, 41 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor. August 6-7: Northeast Harbor HarborFest. Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-5. Acadia Centennial special edition show, themed to celebrate the rich artistic tradition that Acadia National Park has served for artists throughout history. (207) 266-5162. August 9: Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. Neighborhood House, Main Street, Northeast Harbor. 8:15pm. Borromeo String Quartet. August 12-14: Bar Harbor Fine Arts Festival. Bar Harbor Inn, Newport Drive, Bar Harbor. Fri.: 12-8; Sat.: 10-8; Sun. 10-5. August 13: 27th Anniversary Benefit Auction. Asticou Inn, Northeast Harbor. Friends of Acadia uses proceeds to support new and ongoing programs in Acadia that engage youth, protect natural and cultural resources and contribute to a quality visitor experience in the park. August 13-14: Gallery on the Green II, by the Coastal Fine Art Alliance of Maine. Pemetic Green, Southwest Harbor. Rain or Shine. (207) 244-9264. August 16: Mt. Desert Festival of Chamber Music. Neighborhood House, Main Street, Northeast Harbor. 8:15pm. Brentano String Quartet. August 18: Somesville Walking Tour. Sponsored by the MDI Historical Society. 10-11:30 am. Admission is $10. RSVP 207-276-9323. August 21: Island Arts Association Craft Fair. Pemetic School Green, Southwest Harbor; 9am-4pm. August 21: Great Summer Adventure Cruise. Sponsored by MDI Historical Society and the Dorr Museum from the College of the Atlantic. The cruise is approximately 2 1/2 hours on the Bar Harbor Whale Watch cruise ship heading from Bar Harbor Town Pier to Northeast and Southwest Harbors. There will several stops where guest speakers will talk about the Champlain Society, a group of historiographers from Harvard University in the 1880s. $50 for adults and $35 for children 16 and under. The boat will sail at 5pm. August 25-28: Fee Free Days at Acadia National Park! Fee waiver includes: entrance fees, commercial tour fees and transportation entrance fees. Other fees may not be included. Come celebrate the National Park Service’s 100th Birthday! August 25: California Wine Tasting. 5-7pm. Main Street, Northeast Harbor. September 2: First Friday Art Walk. Dress-Up Night. Downtown Bar Harbor, 6-9pm. Pick up a map from the Chamber of Commerce, lodging establishment, or galleries and begin at any venue. September 3-4: Island Arts Association Craft Fair. Fair in the Park. Village Green, Bar Harbor. Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-5.
September 9-11: 18th Annual MDI Garlic Festival. Smugglers Den Campground, Southwest Harbor; 11am-5pm. (207) 288-0269. September 10: Open Lighthouse Day. 9am-3pm. This popular annual event offers the general public the rare opportunity to climb and learn about over two dozen historic Maine lights. September 10-18: Hike & Bike for Mike. This fun annual fundraiser for the Acadia Family Center celebrates the strength and resiliency of the human spirit and the power of community to create a healthy future. (207) 244-4012. September 11: Lulu Lobster Boat Ride. Fund-raiser for local volunteer fire department. Make 9/11 a day to strengthen and honor our firefighters. Harborside Hotel Dock, 55 West Street, Bar Harbor. (207) 288-3511. As every year, all 9/11 proceeds will be donated to our local fire department. September 17: Annual Half Marathon and 5K. 7:30am-Noon. MDI YMCA, 21 Park Street, Bar Harbor. . September 17-18: Gallery on the Green, by the Coastal Fine Art Alliance of Maine. Village Green, Bar Harbor. Rain or Shine. September 17-18 The Phelps/Lowe Golf Tournament. Sponsored by Harbor House Community Center. For more information, (207) 244-3713. September 22-25: 8th Annual Acadia Night Sky Festival. A community celebration to promote the protection and enjoyment of Downeast Acadia’s stellar night sky as a valuable natural resource through education, science and the arts. For a list of events, go to September 24: Fee Free Day at Acadia National Park! Fee waiver includes: entrance fees, commercial tour fees and transportation entrance fees. Other fees may not be included. Come celebrate the National Public Land’s Day! October 7: First Friday Art Walk. An Autumn Stoll. Downtown Bar Harbor, 6-9pm. Pick up a map from the Chamber of Commerce, lodging establishment, or galleries and begin at any venue. October 7-9: 21st Annual Acadia Oktoberfest. Food Festival and Craft Fair. Music and entertainment. Friday will open with an afternoon and early evening Wine & Cheese Tasting accompanied by music. Saturday and Sunday brings the Oktoberfest Beer Tasting and a Craft, Music and Food Festival. Noon6pm. Smuggler’s Den Campground, Southwest Harbor. (207) 244-9264. Recognized as one of the outstanding festivals in the country. October 16: Mt. Desert Island Marathon. Four island communities will host the annual MDI Marathon. More than 800 runners are expected to challenge the 26.2 mile course. This race is a Boston Marathon qualifier.
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November 5: Take Pride in Acadia Day. 8am-1pm. Acadia National Park Headquarters, Eagle Lake Road. Join one of the most important volunteer events of the year! Call to register. (207) 288-3340. November 11: Fee Free Day in Acadia National Park. Fee waiver includes: entrance fees, commercial tour fees and transportation entrance fees. Other fees may not be included. All you have to do is show up! November 12: Annual Early Bird Sale & Bed Races. Sale hours are 6-9am. Shop in your pjs for extra discounts! Bed and Pajama Parade starts at 10, and Bed Races at 10:15. Cottage St., Bar Harbor.
December 2: Village Holidays & Midnight Madness. 4:30pm-midnight. There is caroling on the Village Green at 4:30pm, then welcome Santa to Bar Harbor at the Village Green at 5pm. Midnight Madness Sale, 8pm-midnight. Great discounts, music, food, drinks, and midnight raffles. (207) 288-5103. December 9: Christmas Celebration in Southwest Harbor! 5:30-7pm. The evening begins with the lighting of the Town’s Christmas tree followed by a bonfire and tractor rides. Refreshments and a visit from Santa! Opportunity for pictures taken with Santa upstairs at the Harbor House. December 9-10: Holiday Craft Fair. 3-7pm on the 9th; 9am-1pm on the 10th at the Harbor House in Southwest Harbor. Get into the holiday spirit and start your holiday shopping.
Events at the Wendell Gilley Museum June 11: Whittle-a-Warbler: Mourning Warbler. Carve and paint a hanging ornament during this oneday carving workshop, scheduled to coincide with great local warbler sightings. This short workshop is ideal for beginning adults, and children 11 and up are welcome with an adult. Pre-registration is required. June - September: Introductory Carving Lessons. Adult lessons 11am-12:30pm, Tue.-Fri. Lessons for children 11 and up are 1:30-2:30pm, Tue.-Fri. Pre-registration required; space is limited. Hatch or hone your bird carving skills with your choice of a chickadee, goldfinch, loon, cardinal or puffin as your subject. Gilley Museum Carving Kits include materials needed to get started carving at the Museum and to complete the project on your own after your lesson. Not included are carving knives, which will be provided during lessons or you may bring your own. July 2- August 27: “Free as a Bird” Saturday Special. 10am-1pm. The Museum offers, upon request and completion of visitor registration, free admission on Saturdays through July and August. August 4: A Flight of Swallows: Exclusive wine tasting to benefit the Wendell Gilley Museum will be held at the Neighborhood House in Northeast Harbor. By advance reservation only. Call (207) 244-7555. August 21: Celebration of Wendell Gilley’s 112th Birthday: Free admission all day, 10am-4:30pm. November 4, 2016 - April 28, 2017: Museum Members’ Carving Club. All members of the Museum are welcome every Friday afternoon, 1pm - 4pm (weather permitting) for an informal gathering for the purpose of working with fellow carvers, sharing tips and using the reference resources of the Gilley Museum. You don’t have to carve to enjoy the camaraderie (or coffee). December 11: Holiday Open House and Carving Show, Noon-4pm. Come see the newly-fledged flock of bird carvings by our members. Enjoy refreshments by the Finnish Fireplace and admire your talented neighbors’ work. Learn about winter programs and check out the Museum gift shop.
Events at the Seal Cove Auto Museum June 16: Demo Day: Alternative Fuels: Demonstrations of a bio-fuel powered car, a wood -gas powered generator and more. Rides offered in other vehicles, weather permitting. 10am-3pm. June 19: Father’s Day: Rides in antique autos offered, weather permitting. Dad gets FREE admission! 10am-5pm. June 29: Auto Wars Exhibit Celebration: Opening a new season and a new exhibit; exploring the impact of community decisions on the physical, cultural and economic landscape through a chooseyour-own-adventure exhibit. 5-7pm. July 21: Demo Day: Kids Activities and Pedal Cars. Bring your pedal car to the museum; or if radio-controlled vehicles are more your speed, bring your radio-controlled car, plane or drone! Rides offered, weather permitting. Kids 12 and under get free admission plus a grab bag with toys and candy. 10am-3pm. August 7: Picnic: Celebrate summer feasting with your friends at a community picnic and car show overlooking the ponds and mountains of Acadia. Rides in antique autos offered, weather permitting. Time: TBD. August 18: Demo Day: Steam and Electric Cars. Learn about the role of steam and electirc cars in the earliest days of car manufacturing. Rides in the museum’s steam and electric cars will be offered, weather permitting. 10am-3pm. September 15: Demonstration Day: One of the vehicles in the museum’s collection will be fired up and demonstrated. Rides offered, weather permitting. 10am-3pm. October 29: Demonstration Day: One of the vehicles in the museum’s collection will be fired up and demonstrated. Rides offered, weather permitting. 10am-3pm.
For more information on the above programs and events, hours and admission prices: call (207) 244-7555 or visit the museum web site
For more information on the above programs and events, hours and admission prices: call (207) 244-9242 or visit the museum web site
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Index to Advertisers The “Index” portion is to cross-reference the businesses and services as much as possible so that you can easily and conveniently locate the desired information. If the business or service has a display ad in this directory, the page number of such ad is shown. If the business is a member of the Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce, the listing will be bold. Those with listings and ads in the companion, “Southwest Harbor & Tremont Port Directory” are also in this Index with the telephone number shown. IBC - Inside Back Cover; IFC - Inside Front Cover
All Area Codes are 207 unless otherwise specified. ACCOMMODATIONS Acadia Yurts............. Ann’s Point Cottages...................... 244-5425 Café Drydock & Inn...................... 244-5842 Cranberry Hill Inn......................... 244-5007 HarborView Motel & Cottages...... 244-5031 Hutchins Cottages.......................... 244-9687 Kimball Terrace Inn..............800-454-6225.........15 Kingsleigh Inn................................. 244-5302 Mansell Boat Rentals...................... 244-5625..........10 Moorings Inn...........................800-596-5523 Penury Hall......................................244-7102 ACTIVITIES Acadia Air Tours..............................667-7627........... 9 Atlantic Brewery............................. 288-2337........... 3 Bar Harbor Cellars Winery............ 288-3907........... 3 College of the Atlantic.................... 288-5015........... 4 FIORE Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars.. 801-8292...........43 Great Maine Lumberjack Show...... 667-0067..........12 Lobster Boat Tours......................... 244-7466........... 8 Maine State Sea Kayak.................... 244-9500 Mount Desert Oceanarium.......... 288-5005.......... 5 National Park Canoe Rentals....... 244-5854.......... 7 Oli’s Trolley.....................................288-9899....Cover Seal Cove Auto Museum.............. 244-9242.........51 Southwest Cycle.............................. 244-5856..........10 Tremont Historical Society............. 244-9753......... 59 Wendell Gilley Museum................. 244-7555......... 52 AERIAL TOURS Acadia Air Tours..............................667-7627........... 9 AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION At Your Service Taxi and Tours.... 288-9222.........21 Hertz Car Rental..............................667-5017..........19
AMERICAN ARTISANS Sagegrass Gallery.............................288-9442......... 42 APARTMENTS Davis Agency Real Estate................ 244-3891......... 15 HarborView Motel.......................... 244-5031 ART Argosy Gallery.................................288-9226......... 38 Artemis Gallery............................276-3001........ 38 Clark Point Gallery......................... 244-0920......... 38 Gallery at Somes Sound............... 244-1165........ 38 Islesford Dock Gallery.................... 244-7494......... 38 Redfield Artisans Gallery............. 276-3609........ 38 Salty Dog Gallery.............................244-5918......... 38 The Scrimshaw Workshop..............288-4380......... 43 Shaw Jewelry................................ 276-5000........ 44 Smart Studio................................276-5152........ 39 ATMS First National Bank............... 800-564-3195.........18
Tremont Historical Society Country Store Museum Reflecting its 19th century country store origins, the shelves are filled with artifacts contributed by Tremont and Southwest Harbor families, overlooking Bass Harbor, the most important Harbor community on MDI at that time! Open M, W, F from 1-4, July to Columbus Day On Facebook @ Tremont Historical Society 4 Granville Rd., Bass Harbor 244-9753
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 59
BROKERAGE – REAL ESTATE AUTOMOTIVE Route One Oil & Lube.................. 667-5789......... 63 Carter’s Real Estate...................... 276-5468.........15 Davis Agency Real Estate................ 244-3891......... 15 BAKERY Colonel’s Restaurant.................... 276-5147........ 45 The Knowles Company................ 276-3322.........13 CANOE RENTALS BANKING Bar Harbor Bank & Trust...... 888-853-7100........ 22 National Park Canoe Rentals....... 244-5854.......... 7 First National Bank............... 800-564-3195.........18 CASUAL DINING 123 Main Street............................276-4166........ 48 BANQUET FACILITIES Dockside Inn & Restaurant......... 244-8160........ 48 Beal’s Lobster Pier.......................... 244-3202......... 49 Cellar Bistro....................................669-6439..........47 BAR/PUB Quietside Cafe................................ 244-9444 Islesford Dock Restaurant.............. 244-7494......... 46 Tan Turtle Tavern....................... 276-4000........ 45 Thurston’s Lobster Pound.............. 244-3320..........47 BARGE SERVICE Acadia Fuel..................................... 244-9664........... 1 CATERING Prock Marine..................................594-9565......... 25 Dockside Inn & Restaurant......... 244-8160........ 48 Southwest Boat............................... 244-5525 Sips.................................................. 244-4550......... 62 BED & BREAKFAST CHEESE Cranberry Hill Inn......................... 244-5007 House Wine................................ 288-1200.........21 Kingsleigh Inn...............................244-5302 Sawyer’s Specialties..........................244-3317......... 62 Moorings Inn........................ 800-596-5523 CHILDREN’S CLOTHING Penury Hall...................................244-7102 Out of the Pod................................ 276-4206..........41 BEER Atlantic Brewery.......................... 288-2337.......... 3 CIVIL ENGINEERS House Wine................................ 288-1200.........21 G. F. Johnston & Associates......... 244-1200........ 20 CLOTHING BOUTIQUE Liquor Locker................................. 244-3788 Sawyer’s Specialties..........................244-3317......... 62 The Holmes Store.........................276-4130........ 40 The Kimball Shop....................... 276-3300.........41 BIKE RENTALS Southwest Cycle.............................. 244-5856..........10 The Moody Mermaid.......................244-3121 COFFEE SHOP BOAT RENTALS/CHARTERS Asticou Chartering.......................276-3785.......... 7 123 Main Street............................276-4166........ 48 Beal & Bunker Mailboat ............ 244-3575........ 35 CONSERVATION Bowden Marine Service............... 288-5247........ 23 Friends of Acadia..................... 800-625-0321..........18 Ellis Boat......................................... 244-9221......... 26 The Schoodic Ferry......................... 801-9444..........24 Mansell Boat Rentals...................... 244-5625..........10 COTTAGE RENTALS Sail Acadia................................... 266-5210.......... 8 Ann’s Point Cottages...................... 244-5425 The Schoodic Ferry......................... 801-9444..........24 HarborView Motel & Cottages...... 244-5031 BOAT BUILDING/DESIGN/SALES Hutchins Cottages.......................... 244-9687 Bowden Marine Service............... 288-5247........ 23 Moorings Inn...........................800-596-5523 Ellis Boat......................................... 244-9221......... 26 CRANE SERVICE Hinckley Company.............866-HINCKLEY....... IFC Prock Marine Company.................. 594-9565......... 25 John Williams Boat Co................ 244-7854........ 25 CRUISES BOAT SERVICE Asticou Chartering ......................276-3785.......... 7 Bowden Marine Service............... 288-5247........ 23 Cranberry Isles Water Taxi........... 244-5724.......... 7 Ellis Boat......................................... 244-9221......... 26 Downeast Windjammer..................288-4585.......IBC Hinckley Service............................. 244-5531....... IFC Lobster Boat Tours......................... 244-7466........... 8 John Williams Boat Co................ 244-7854........ 25 Sail Acadia................................... 266-5210.......... 8 CUSTOM FURNITURE Richard Parks Furniture Gallery......667-3615......... 40 DEEP SEA FISHING Downeast Windjammer..................288-4585.......IBC DELI Colonel’s Restaurant.................... 276-5147........ 45 DENTAL Sweet Smiles.....................................479-4110......... 22 DIESEL FUEL Acadia Fuel..................................... 244-9664........... 1 Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina.........244-0117
60 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
DINING – FINE Asticou Inn................................. 276-3344........ 33 Burning Tree Restaurant................ 288-9331......... 46 Galyn’s........................................ 288-9706........ 59 Red Sky Restaurant......................... 244-0476..........47 DOCK SPACE Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina.........244-0117 Northeast Harbor Marina ...............276-5737 EDUCATION College of the Atlantic.................... 288-5015........... 4 ENGINEERS G. F. Johnston & Associates......... 244-1200........ 20 ENTERTAINMENT Acadia Repertory Theatre............ 244-7260.......... 8 Great Maine Lumberjack Show...... 667-0067..........12 Moscow Magic & Comedy Show....217-8880........... 6 FABRIC Quilt ‘N’ Fabric............................... 244-1233 FAMILY FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES Acadia Air Tours..............................667-7627........... 9 Great Maine Lumberjack Show...... 667-0067..........12 Moscow Magic & Comedy Show....217-8880........... 6 Mount Desert Oceanarium.......... 288-5005.......... 5 FERRY SERVICE Bar Harbor Ferry......................... 288-2984......IBC Beal & Bunker Mailboat & Ferry...244-3575........ 35 Cranberry Cove Ferry.................. 244-5882......IBC The Schoodic Ferry......................... 801-9444..........24 Swan’s Island Ferry Terminal......... 526-4273 FINANCIAL SERVICES Bar Harbor Bank & Trust...... 888-853-7100........ 22 First National Bank............... 800-564-3195.........18 LSRobinson.................................... 244-7246..........19 FINE JEWELRY Lisa Hall Studio........................... 276-5900........ 39 Sagegrass Gallery.............................288-9442......... 42 Shaw Jewelry................................ 276-5000........ 44 FUEL – BOAT Acadia Fuel..................................... 244-9664........... 1 Hinckley Service.......................... 244-5531...... IFC FUEL — HOME Acadia Fuel & Propane.................. 244-9664........... 1 FURNITURE Richard Parks Furniture Gallery......667-3615......... 40 GALLERIES Gallery at Somes Sound............... 244-1165........ 38 Shaw Jewelry................................ 276-5000........ 44 Smart Studio................................276-5152....... 39 See Art Galleries................................................... 38 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Prock Marine Company.................. 594-9565 ........ 25 GIFTS Carroll Drug Store.......................... 244-5588..........18 FIORE Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars.. 801-8292...........43 The Kimball Shop....................... 276-3300.........41 Lisa Hall Studio........................... 276-5900........ 39 Quilt ‘N’ Fabric............................... 244-1233 Sagegrass Gallery.............................288-9442......... 42
The Scrimshaw Workshop..............288-4380......... 43 Shaw Jewelry................................ 276-5000........ 44 Seal Cove Auto Museum.............. 244-9242.........51 Wendell Gilley Museum................. 244-7555......... 52 GLUTEN-FREE DINING Cellar Bistro....................................669-6439..........47 Galyn’s ....................................... 288-9706........ 59 Lighthouse Inn & Restaurant...... 276-3958........ 49 Tan Turtle Tavern....................... 276-4000........ 45 GROCERY Great Cranberry General Store...... 244-0622......... 43 HEALTH CARE Carroll Drug Store.......................... 244-5588..........18 Maine Coast Memorial Hospital.... 664-5337.............. Mount Desert Island Hospital........ 288-5081..........19 Southwest Harbor Medical Ctr...... 244-5513 Sweet Smiles.....................................479-4110......... 22 HOTEL/INN Asticou Inn................................. 244-3344........ 33 Café Drydock & Inn...................... 244-5842 Cranberry Hill Inn......................... 244-5007 HarborView Motel.......................... 244-5031 Kimball Terrace Inn..............800-454-6225.........15 Kingsleigh Inn................................. 244-5302 Lighthouse Inn & Restaurant...... 276-3958........ 49 Moorings Inn...........................800-596-5523 ICE Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina.........244-0117 Liquor Locker................................. 244-3788 ICE CREAM Quietside Cafe................................ 244-9444 INSURANCE LSRobinson.................................... 244-7246..........19 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE XYZ Restaurant............................... 244-5221......... 60 KAYAK RENTALS National Park Canoe Rentals....... 244-5854.......... 7 LAND FOR SALE Carter’s Real Estate...................... 276-5468.........15 Davis Agency Real Estate................ 244-3891......... 15 LIQUOR Liquor Locker................................. 244-3788 LOANS Bar Harbor Bank & Trust....... 888-853-7100........ 22
SOMESVILLE VILLAGE Located at Somesville’s “ON THE RUN” on Rt. 102 in the center of Mt. Desert Island. Phone / Fax orders accepted @ 207-244-9154 / 9155 Visiting Bar Harbor ?
Visiting Blue Hill ?
4 Cottage St.(nextto theChamber) 15 South St. (Tradewind’s) 207-288-0782
- Open for Breakfast Daily -
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 61
LOBSTER Most of the restaurants offer lobster selections — call for specific requests. Beal’s Lobster Pier.......................... 244-3202......... 49 Thurston’s Lobster Pound.............. 244-7600..........47 LOBSTER BOAT TOURS Lobster Boat Tours......................... 244-7466........... 8 LODGING Acadia Yurts............. Ann’s Point Cottages...................... 244-5425 Asticou Inn................................. 276-3344........ 33 Café Drydock & Inn...................... 244-5842 Cranberry Hill Inn......................... 244-5007 Dockside Inn & Restaurant......... 244-8160........ 48 HarborView Motel & Cottages...... 244-5031 Hutchins Cottages.......................... 244-9687 Kimball Terrace Inn............. 800-454-6225.........15 Mansell Boat Rentals...................... 244-5625..........10 Penury Hall......................................244-7102 LOUNGES Galyn’s ....................................... 288-9706........ 59 MAILBOAT Beal & Bunker Mailboat & Ferry.. 244-3575........ 35 MAINE – MADE Lisa Hall Studio........................... 276-5900........ 39 Liquor Locker................................. 244-3788 MARINE CONTRACTOR Prock Marine..................................594-9565......... 25
Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Espresso Bar - Wine Bar Weekly Live Music 4 Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
(207) 244-4550
Over 1000 Imported & Domestic Wines Bulk Cheeses, Pate, Olives, and Smoked Salmon 353 Main Street, Southwest Harbor
MEDICAL Maine Coast Memorial Hospital.....664-5311......... 22 Mount Desert Island Hospital........ 288-5081..........21 Southwest Harbor Medical Ctr...... 244-5513......... 22 Sweet Smiles.....................................479-4110......... 22 MEXICAN FOOD XYZ Restaurant............................... 244-5221......... 60 MOORING RENTALS Dysart’s Great Harbor Marina.........244-0117 Hinckley Service.......................... 244-5531...... IFC John Williams Boat Co................ 244-7854........ 25 Mansell Boat Rentals...................... 244-5625..........10 Southwest Boat............................... 244-5525 MORTGAGE Bar Harbor Bank & Trust....... 888-853-7100........ 22 First National Bank............... 800-564-3195.........18 MUSEUMS Gallery at Somes Sound............... 244-1165........ 38 Mount Desert Oceanarium.......... 288-5005.......... 5 Seal Cove Auto Museum.............. 244-9242.........51 Tremont Historical Society............. 244-9753.........59 Wendell Gilley Museum................. 244-7555......... 52 For more Museums............................................... 50 NOTARY PUBLIC MDI Weddings........................ 860-428-2651..........19 OIL CHANGE Route One Oil & Lube.................. 667-5789......... 63 ORGANIC CUISINE Burning Tree Restaurant................ 288-9331......... 46 OUTBOARD SALES & SERVICE Bowden Marine Service............... 288-5247........ 23 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Downeast Windjammer..................288-4585.......IBC Great Maine Lumberjack Show...... 667-0067..........12 Lobster Boat Tours......................... 244-7466........... 8 Maine State Sea Kayak.................... 244-9500 Mount Desert Oceanarium.......... 288-5005.......... 5 National Park Canoe Rentals....... 244-5854.......... 7 Sail Acadia................................... 266-5210.......... 8 The Schoodic Ferry......................... 801-9444..........24 Southwest Cycle.............................. 244-5856..........10 OUTDOOR DINING Tan Turtle Tavern....................... 276-4000........ 45 XYZ Restaurant............................... 244-5221......... 60 OUTDOOR FURNITURE Richard Parks Furniture Gallery......667-3615......... 40 PHARMACIES Carroll Drug Store.......................... 244-5588..........18 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES G. F. Johnston & Associates......... 244-1200........ 20 LSRobinson.................................... 244-7246..........19 MDI Weddings........................ 860-428-2651..........19 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Carter’s Real Estate...................... 276-5468.........15 The Knowles Company................ 276-3322.........13 PROPANE Acadia Fuel & Propane.................. 244-9664........... 1
62 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
REAL ESTATE Carter’s Real Estate...................... 276-5468.........15 Davis Agency Real Estate................ 244-3891......... 15 The Knowles Company................ 276-3322.........13 RENTALS – VACATION Carter’s Real Estate...................... 276-5468.........15 Davis Agency Real Estate................ 244-3891......... 15 The Knowles Company................ 276-3322.........13 RESTAURANTS Asticou Inn................................. 276-3344........ 33 Beal’s Lobster Pier.......................... 244-3202......... 49 Burning Tree Restaurant................ 288-9331......... 46 Café Drydock & Inn...................... 244-5842 Cellar Bistro....................................669-6439..........47 Colonel’s Restaurant.................... 276-5147........ 45 Dockside Inn & Restaurant......... 244-8160........ 48 Galyn’s ....................................... 288-9706........ 59 Islesford Dock Restaurant.............. 244-7494......... 46 Lighthouse Inn & Restaurant...... 276-3958........ 49 Mainly Meat BBQ...........................288-9200........... 3 Peekytoe Provisions.......................... 801-9161......... 39 Quietside Cafe................................ 244-9444 Red Sky Restaurant......................... 244-0476..........47 Sips.................................................. 244-4550......... 62 Tan Turtle Tavern....................... 276-4000........ 45 Thurston’s Lobster Pound.............. 244-7600..........47 West Street Cafe.............................. 288-5242......... 63 XYZ Restaurant............................... 244-5221......... 60 RESTORATION – BOAT Hinckley Company.......... 866-HINCKLEY...... IFC SAILING TRIPS Downeast Windjammer..................288-4585.......IBC Sail Acadia................................... 266-5210.......... 8 SAILING CRUISES & TOURS Mansell Boat Rentals...................... 244-5625..........10 SANDWICHES/PIZZA/SUBS 123 Main Street............................276-4166........ 48 Colonel’s Restaurant.................... 276-5147........ 45 Subway............................................ 244-9154..........61 SCRIMSHAW The Scrimshaw Workshop..............288-4380......... 43 SEA KAYAK RENTALS National Park Canoe Rental........ 244-5854.......... 7 SEA KAYAK TOURS Maine State Sea Kayak.................... 244-9500
212 High Street • Ellsworth, ME 04605
Northeast Harbor Port Directory - 63
SEAFOOD 123 Main Street............................276-4166........ 48 Burning Tree Restaurant................ 288-9331......... 46 Cellar Bistro....................................669-6439..........47 Islesford Dock Restaurant.............. 244-7494......... 46 Peekytoe Provisions.......................... 801-9161......... 39 Thurston’s Lobster Pound.............. 244-7600..........47 West Street Cafe.............................. 288-5242......... 63 SHOPS Carroll Drug Store.......................... 244-5588..........18 FIORE Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars.. 801-8292...........43 Gallery at Somes Sound............... 244-1165........ 38 Great Cranberry General Store...... 244-0622......... 43 The Holmes Store.........................276-4130........ 40 The Kimball Shop....................... 276-3300.........41 The Moody Mermaid.......................244-3121 Out of the Pod................................ 276-4206..........41 Peekytoe Provisions.......................... 801-9161......... 39 Quilt ‘N’ Fabric............................... 244-1233 Sagegrass Gallery.............................288-9442......... 42 The Scrimshaw Workshop..............288-4380......... 43 Southwest Cycle.............................. 244-5856..........10 SHOWS Acadia Repertory Theatre............ 244-7260.......... 8 Great Maine Lumberjack Show...... 667-0067..........12 Moscow Magic & Comedy Show....217-8880........... 6 SIGHTSEEING Acadia Air Tours..............................667-7627........... 9 Asticou Chartering.......................276-3785.......... 7 Cranberry Isles Water Taxi........... 244-5724.......... 7 Downeast Windjammer..................288-4585.......IBC Oli’s Trolley.....................................288-9899....Cover SPECIALTY FOODS FIORE Artisan Olive Oils & Vinegars.. 801-8292...........43 House Wine................................ 288-1200.........21 Peekytoe Provisions.......................... 801-9161......... 39 STORAGE – BOATS Ellis Boat......................................... 244-9221......... 26 Hinckley Service.......................... 244-5531...... IFC John Williams Boat Co................ 244-7854........ 25 Southwest Boat............................... 244-5525 TAKE–OUT Colonel’s Restaurant.................... 276-5147........ 45 Great Cranberry General Store...... 244-0622......... 43 Lighthouse Inn & Restaurant...... 276-3958........ 49 Quietside Cafe................................ 244-9444 Sips.................................................. 244-4550......... 62 Subway............................................ 244-9154..........61 West Street Cafe.............................. 288-5242 ........ 63 TAXI At Your Service Taxi and Tours.... 288-9222.........21 THEATRE Acadia Repertory Theatre............ 244-7260.......... 8 Moscow Magic & Comedy Show....217-8880........... 6 TRANSPORTATION Hertz Car Rental..............................667-5017..........19 TOURS At Your Service Taxi and Tours.... 288-9222.........21 Atlantic Brewing......................... 288-2337.......... 3 Oli’s Trolley.....................................288-9899....Cover
64 - Northeast Harbor Port Directory
TOYS Carroll Drug Store.......................... 244-5588..........18 The Kimball Shop....................... 276-3300.........41 Out of the Pod................................ 276-4206..........41 TRAILERS – BOAT Bowden Marine Service............... 288-5247........ 23 WATER TAXI Cranberry Isles Water Taxi........... 244-5724.......... 7 WEDDING OFFICIANT MDI Weddings........................ 860-428-2651..........19 WEDDING PLANNER MDI Weddings........................ 860-428-2651..........19 WICKER Richard Parks Furniture Gallery......667-3615......... 40 WILDLIFE WATCHING Asticou Chartering.......................276-3785.......... 7 Beal & Bunker Mailboat ............ 244-3575........ 35 Cranberry Isles Water Taxi........... 244-5724.......... 7 Lobster Boat Tours......................... 244-7466........... 8 WINE Bar Harbor Cellars Winery.......... 288-5907.......... 3 House Wine................................ 288-1200.........21 Liquor Locker................................. 244-3788 Sawyer’s Specialties..........................244-3317......... 62 YACHT SERVICES At Your Service Taxi and Tours.... 288-9222.........21 YARN Quilt ‘N’ Fabric............................... 244-1233
We at Bayside Graphics truly hope you enjoy your time here in Northeast Harbor and on Mount Desert Island ... whether here for a day, or here for a lifetime ... whether you came by boat, car, or bicycle ... for a visit or if you live here year ‘round. You have been to one of the more beautiful areas our country has to offer, and we hope this little booklet has been a wealth of information for you!
US POSTAGE PAID Bulk Rate Permit #12 Mt. Desert, ME 04660