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Self-care…..The Key to Mental Wellness in 2023 and Beyond
by Advomag
We have endured the assault of the pandemic thus far and now is the time for us to establish personal and self-care plans to ensure our sustained functioning.
Although living in our “new normal” might have kept us physically safe and healthy, many people feel burned out, isolated, languishing and unhappy. According to a study by Gallup, 7 out of 10 individuals worldwide feel like they struggled and suffered in life throughout 2020, and a third of them are showing signs of clinical anxiety or depression. This means it’s more important than ever for people to invest in their mental wellness.
WHO definition of self care
Self care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent and deal with illness.
It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal) nutrition (type and quality of food eaten) lifestyle (sporting activities, leisure etc) environmental factors
(living conditions, social habits etc) socioeconomic factors (income level, cultural beliefs etc.) and self mediation.
Seven Pillars Or Domains Of Self Care
1. Health literacy- which includes the capacity of individuals to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
2. Mental Well-being- being aware of your capacity to think, feel and act appropriately, being aware of signs and symptoms decreasing mental health such as changes in eating, sleeping patterns, difficulty concentrating, prolonged sadness, heightened excitability.
3. Physical activity- practicing moderate intensity physical activity such as walking, cycling or participating in sports at a desirable frequency.
4. Healthy eating- includes nutritious, balanced diet with appropriate levels of calorie intake.
5. Risk avoidance or mitigation- includes quitting tobacco, limiting alcohol use, getting vaccinated, practicing safe sex.
6. Good hygiene- includes washing hands regularly, brushing teeth, washing food.
7. Rational and responsible use of products, services, diagnostics and medications- includes being aware of dangers, using responsibly when necessary.
The difference between unhealthy coping mechanisms and self care activities is that self care is uncontroversial good for you! When practiced correctly self care has long term benefits for both mind and body.
According to the world Health organization “self care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent and deal with illness.
Inferred in this definition is a holistic view including environmental factors, hygiene, lifestyle and nutrition.
With a self care definition on the table we can now look at what happens to us when we add it to our lives. In other words why is self care important?
1. Better productivity – when you learn to say “no” to things that over- extend you and start making time for things that matter more, you slow life down in a wonderful way. This brings your goals into sharper focus and helps you to concentrate on what you are doing.
2. Improved resistance to disease – There is evidence that most self care activities activate the para - sympathetic nervous system (PNS) and what this means is that your body goes into a restful, rejuvenating mode, helping it to fortify its immune system.
3. Better Physical Health –With better self care often comes fewer colds and cases of flu. Less stress and a better immune system can surely help you feel more physically able and strong inside and out.
4. Enhanced self-Esteem – When you regularly carve out time that’s only about being good to yourself and meeting your own needs, you send a positive message to your subconscious. Specifically, you treat yourself like you matter and have intrinsic value. This can go a long way towards discouraging negative self talk and your critical inner voice.
5. Increased self-knowledge – Practicing self care requires thinking about what you really love to do. The exercise of figuring out what makes you feel passionate and inspired can help you understand yourself a lot better. Sometimes this can even spark a re - prioritization of previously abandoned hobbies.
6. More to Give – When you are good to yourself you might think your are being selfish. In truth, self care gives you the resources you need to be compassionate to others as well.
People often make excuses about not having time for engaging in self care activities, however the great news is that there are many different self care practices and none of them are especially difficult or require a lot of planning. The trick is to find some that you genuinely enjoy and that fit in with your life and values. Once you’ve started adding emotional self care to your life, you’re likely to become fiercely protective and may wonder how you even managed without it. I will now look at the five (5) main categories of self care and give explanations on how they will help you.
1. Sensory – Sensory self care is all about helping to calm your mind. When you are able to tune into the details of the sensations all around you, its easier to live in the present moment. When you are in the present you can more effectively let go of resentments related to the past or anxieties about the future.
2. Emotional – When it comes to your emotional health one of the best self care tips is to make sure you are fully engaged with your emotions. When you face them head on this actually helps with stress.
3. Spiritual – is about believing in a deity and trusting that deity. For those who don’t believe in a deity it may be about getting in touch with your values and what really matters to them.
4. Physical – Physical activity is vital, not only for your bodily well-being but also helping you to let off steam. It is as much about the things you don’t do as the things you do!
5. Social – Finally, social self care is another category that’s important for us all. It may look different depending on whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. However connecting with other people is necessary for happiness for a large diversity of people. It helps you to understand that you’re not alone, plus it can also give us a sense of being ‘seen ’by others. This can, in particular, help us combat loneliness and isolation.
Increasing age can bring with it a litany of new challenges to the seniors well-being. Even as the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the world, seniors are among the most vulnerable population to this deadly virus. This being so, necessitates that along with monitoring their physical health seniors be encouraged to support their mental health and make self care an area of importance during this time.
I have identified seven (7) ways in which seniors can take care of themselves by engaging in activities which support you mentally and physically.
1. Connect with others
2. Give thanks
3. Practice mindfulness and relaxation
4. Make prayer a priority
5. Read a new book
6. Do something creative
7. Prioritize your physical health