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I n s t e a d o f t r y i n g t o t i m e t h e m a r k e t , i t i s b e s t t o s p e n d t i m e i n t h e m a r k e t .


A f e w s t e p s t h a t n e e d t o b e m a d e b e f o r e w e g e t t h e k e y s .

M a i n t a i n i n g a h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e i s h a r d . B u t s o w o r t h i t i f y o u m a n a g e t o a c h i e v e i t

Living Well


advo magazine


From the beginning of January 2023 I’ve had a score of clients ask me about the best design for living well and healthy. It’s a fabulous question to ask of a health professional. It shows that the bearer of the question is actively curious of their mortality and how to preserve vitality. Sadly, the timing of the question is not always ideal for a purposeful answer… as the other patrons in the darkened movie theater can attest.

The objective of this edition is to offer the reader a general blueprint or map for a healthy lifestyle. Steppingstones, if you will, encompassing broad strokes of the different components that lead you to this destination. Each area of advice could be expanded upon by many paragraphs alone so it’s up to the reader’s curiosity to fine tune their precise pathway.

There are two great considerations right off the bat; things to run away from, and the other, things to run toward. Achieving only one of these will not be enough to get you through the gates of healthy living.

There are some obvious entities in the ‘things to run away from’ category. For example, don’t drink poison, don’t run into speeding highway traffic, don’t smoke, stay away from ionizing radiation. These are selfexplanatory and not compatible with healthy living. However, there are a few not so obvious ones that need highlighting.

As best as possible, stay away from low grade chronic inflammation. Identify and avoid the most common culprit, which are the processed cooking seed oils. Switch to olive, avocado or coconut oils.

Although you must have heard this before, it bears repeating. Sugars, especially highly processed sugars containing high fructose corn syrup need to be avoided. The problem is the food industry are magicians in trying to disguise this ingredient on their packaging. Ninety percent of those packaged breakfast cereals and many of the store-bought fruit juices and sodas are chock full of fructose and need to be shunned, especially if you’re a hypertensive or diabetic.

My opinion on salt is complex and evolving and I’ll NOT advise you to stay away from salt at this time, especially if you’re following a well formulated ketogenic diet. Suffice to say, if you happen to eat a salty meal, drink lots of water during and after the meal.

The same is true for fats and cholesterol. Lipidology is a complicated quagmire of shifting guidelines, but I will NOT steer you away from healthy fats (medium chain triglycerides) or cholesterol containing foods. Cholesterol is an absolutely vital molecule without which cellular metabolism is impossible. Although there is a relationship between cholesterol and the lipoproteins HDL and LDL, there are not the same thing and should not be confused with each other.

This is not an exhaustive list on the ‘run away from’ items. But I’ll close with a sneaky unexpected one; Avoid being a harbour for hate and sour discontent. The anxiety generated sets up for high cortisol release and crowds out room for the emotion of gratitude. More on this below.

“There’s more of them than there are of us.”

Sounds like a line from the ‘Walking Dead’ series, but I’m actually referring to the bacteria within our gut verses our regular skin, muscle or organ cells. There are far more bacteria comprising our gut biome without which we cannot survive, as they are essential for digestion and absorption of nutrients. As a functional physician, I am fascinated by how and why things work at the cellular level, and by extension, why they fail to work. I promise I’ll only wade ankle deep into the science but skip with me into this pool of ‘things to run towards’.

In this 21st Century, we need to be aware of these vital passengers we carry around. Not all gut bacteria are created equal, but we do have a say in the quality of the neighborhood populations we cultivate. There is another supremely important set of ‘former’ bacteria that control our very existence we need to be aware of. They are the mighty mitochondria. Each of our cells contain anywhere between 50 and 5,000 depending


on the activity of the cell. Fingernail cell…not so many. Cardiac cell…plenty. Mitochondria are responsible for converting food energy (glucose) into chemical energy (ATP) that our bodies need every second.

The point I’m trying to get at is the quantity and quality of these subcellular organelles and our gut bacteria are directly responsible for whether we have disease or not. This is not an exaggeration. The more time we spend actively cultivating our own army of strong, upstanding bacterial and mitochondrial species, the longer we live disease free. Bottom line, if we’re good to them, they will repay us with actual leaps and bounds.

So, we should run to feed our gut biome with prebiotic fiber and probiotics. We should not take unnecessary antibiotics for every sniffle we get which indiscriminately kills off our gut friends. We should eat less processed sugars which starves out the less desirable gut flora. We should fast regularly and exercise often to facilitate the multiplication and efficiency of our mitochondria.

As we’re on the topic of exercise, we should run or ride or swim in this direction repeatedly. This is not a new concept, but the benefits of exercise are too numerous to mention and outside the scope of this article. Exercise is so vital to our longevity that even if we took the most appropriate supplements recommended, it will make little difference if our exercise house is not in order.

So, what should we eat? In broad strokes, we should eat a plant-based diet full of fresh colorful cruciferous vegetables. We should choose our fruit wisely with respect to the sugar and fiber content. The single best non citrus fruit is the avocado, and the best citrus fruits are those that end in the word ‘berry’. We should eat meat from animals that have been grass fed or grass finished and fish, high in omega-3 oils. We should imagine any excuse to get olive oil into our mouths and not be afraid of eggs. We should also not be afraid of butter or healthy fats and strive for a low carbohydrate existence.

Eating healthy morsels of food is great, but what one can do to distinguish yourself from the next food conscious person is appreciating that timing of meals matter. Resist the urge to put anything solid into your stomach as soon as you wake. Extend your overnight fast to as close to midday as possible. Keep your feeding window to within 4-6 hours then simply stop eating. It’s difficult but like any athlete in training it takes practice. The less you ask your pancreas to secrete insulin by eating a meal, the better off you are. The combination of

intermittent fasting and caloric restriction is an insanely powerful health tool at your disposal that’s free of cost.


Finally treat yourself to what I call, a H.E.R.O. morning. In an ideal world one would wake from a blissful night’s sleep of at least 7 hours (Brain Health). Nothing solid to eat yet but do drink a cup of Matcha green tea (EGCG cancer protection) or coffee (Polyphenols) and walk briskly to the beach via a grassy track or forest, touching the tree barks and the tall grass (Nature for the soul). Take off your shoes and shirt and walk barefoot on the wet sand (Grounding) allowing the sunshine to embrace you (Vitamin D). After a while break into a jog where you sweat and get out of breath. Plunge yourself into the cold ocean and co-mingle with your group of friends. Receive love and give love, laugh, swim and frolic. Then sit on the beach and go into a state of quiet mindfulness where you express gratitude for life and plan how you will apply your talents throughout the day. This sequence of events will also offer tremendous benefits for the emotional repair needed for that feeling of well-being and encourage hormonal rebalancing.

I hope this article has made the reader curious enough to conduct their own research and we’ll share again soon.

Dr. Derek B Thorpe is a Nuclear Medicine and Functional Medicine Physician with postgraduate degrees from Cornell School of Medicine and the University of Florida. He mentors clients through the ketogenic diet and treats pain and injury through



The Ketogenic Institute of Barbados

Hoodwinked; [hood-wingkd]

Past tense. verb. Def: To willfully fool, deceive or beguile.

This might be the most accurate description of what was perpetrated onto the globe by a cabal of doctors, food industry executives and nutritionists during the 60’s. They proposed and perpetuated the myth that dietary fat made you fat, that butter and lard clogged your arteries, and that simple sugar(s) were fine and dandy. After decades of persistent research, we can safely proclaim that the opposite is in fact


Interestingly, the well formulated ketogenic diet was also born in the 60’s in a pediatric ward, for the successful treatment of childhood epilepsy. For decades, the standard American diet had been far ahead in popular acceptance but fortunately, folks in the know have woken up to the incredible benefits of the ketogenic diet/lifestyle.

Around the turn of the century a surge in the popularity of this lifestyle was observed because its

undeniable benefits on the human body had been revealed. Coinciding with the unmasking of simple sugars as the true culprit for chronic, noncommunicable disease, the keto diet became mainstream.

On examination of the nuts and bolts of this lifestyle we readily admit that remaining in bounds of the dietary rules are not easy at all. It requires dedication and planning and like everything else…practice.

The essential premise is to provide the mitochondria of the body’s cells

incoconutoilonabedofpestoinfused radish,ribbonedcarrots,andolivesalad. Garnishedwithsourcream.

an alternative food fuel other than glucose by which they can generate the holy grail of chemical energy called ATP. This can be achieved by turning the Standard American Diet on its head and recommending that 75% of calories come from healthy fats and oils, 20% come from protein and the remaining 5% come from carbohydrates in the form of vegetables. By allowing one’s sugar (glycogen) stores to deplete the cells search for and use a new fuel. A new and beneficial fuel called ketones made in the liver from the fats consumed.

It turns out that ketones produce more than twice the amount of ATP in the mitochondria than glucose ever did with much less dangerous free radicals released. A damaging by-product of metabolism. The following are the main benefits of practicing the keto lifestyle:

• Sharp decline in chronic inflammation levels

• Dramatic but healthy weight loss

• Potential reversal of type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and epilepsy

• Increased clarity of thought and cerebral processing

• Better sleep

• Enhanced immune system

• Improved cardiovascular and lipid profile.

We at the ketogenic Institute of Barbados would recommend that participants not remain in a state of ketosis for more than 3 months at a time and probably switch to another healthy diet such as Mediterranean before coming back to Keto. The point is to become metabolically flexible when it comes to allowing your mitochondria to maintain the ability to use glucose as a fuel.

Thisisanelegantketodish.Asianwingscookedfirstin oliveoilthencharredinanairfryerpaintedwith pestobarbecuesaucemix.Thecauliflower ricesatisfiesthosewhomissrealrice.It’s mixedwithasaladofredonion,pur plecabbageandcarrotsdrizzled


The Financial Literacy Bureau of Barbados was established through the approval of the Cabinet of Barbados on October 1, 2018, to ensure that the population of Barbados, regardless of educational background or career path becomes financially savvy and capable of making sound financial decisions.

At that time, it was agreed that the Bureau should, at a minimum, perform the following functions:

i) Develop a national strategy to promote financial literacy and education across all aspects of Barbadian life, individuals, schools, households, churches and businesses

ii) Coordinate financial education efforts of the Government

iii) Encourage Government and private sector efforts to promote financial literacy;

iv) Establish a National Financial Education Website to provide a coordinated point of entry for information about financial literacy, education programs and grants;


v) Establish a hotline to be made available to the public seeking materials on matters pertaining to financial literacy and education.

vi) Provide mentoring for beneficiaries of the programme;

The Financial Literacy Bureau which is coordinated by the Small Business Development Unit of the Ministry of Energy and Business in collaboration with Consultant and FLB Champion Mr. David Simpson was officially launched on October 25, 2020. The programming was initially executed as an in-person evening training programme that was held at various community locations across Barbados.

Subsequently, in 2021, the training sessions were transitioned to the online Zoom webinar platform because of a surge in COVID-19 pandemic cases in Barbados and the resulting national lockdown.

To-date, the FLB has trained over four thousand


persons in various aspects of financial literacy, including effective money management, introduction to savings and investments, managing credit cards, costing, and pricing of products and services, budgeting for family life, managing debt, social security and NIS, retirement planning, and has indirectly impacted several Barbadians who monitor the programme through our social media feeds.

The FLB has also been instrumental in providing financial literacy interventions to several organizations and associations across the island, upon request by our valued stakeholders and the general public.

On October 08, 2022, the FLB launched its second phase of its financial literacy initiative branded the Community Engagement Programme, intended to provide financial literacy interventions to the individual communities directly. To advance phase two, the FLB in collaboration with the Central Bank of Barbados has conducted a national baseline assessment to ascertain the exposure and needs of Barbadians with respect to financial literacy. The implementation of the Community Engagement Programme will therefore see the FLB reaching out to residents and households within the following communities: Holder’s Hill, St. James, City of Bridgetown and two villages of St. Joseph to facilitate rollout.

As the FLB continues to expand its reach, the focus will remain on achieving its agreed goals which are to:

• Building an investment culture in Barbados;

• Building intergenerational family wealth;

• Developing more financially sound businesses;

• Engendering national cohesion around principles that encourage responsible economic behavior among citizens. This includes the “teaching” and “living’’ the principles of financial literacy, as well as holding government accountable for its public expenditure such that it positively impacts the lives of Barbadians; and

• Inculcating habits of financial literacy among the general populous at an early age, inclusive of the nation’s schools.

The FLB encourages Barbadians of all walks of life to get on board with this awesome and rewarding initiative as together we collaborate to “Make sense of our dollars and safeguard our future”.




Recently I had a startling experience with a patient of mine who had run out of his glaucoma eye drops but he told me he was still in good fettle because he had been using seawater. Seeing my obvious confusion, he explained, and I quote, “the sea water burns the same way as the drops so they are the same thing”. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry since he was in the advanced stages of glaucoma and could not afford to miss a single day of medication. This experience made me think of other misconceptions that some patients and lay people may have regarding eyes in general and various ophthalmologic procedures.


Glaucoma is a progressive disease of the optic nerve which may be associated with raised eye pressures. It can be managed but not cured. Regular monitoring of the condition is required to ensure the continuing efficacy of the management method since it can lead to blindness.

At least two patients in Barbados have lost their eyesight believing that L-arginine was a cure for the condition and found out the hard way that it is not. Blood pressure and intraocular pressure are separate and distinct entities as much as oil pressure and coolant are different in a car. Sometimes there are correlations between the two, but this happens in less than 10% of people.

A diagnosis of glaucoma does not imply that a person will necessarily go blind but rather that they must have treatment in the form of drops/tablets, lasers, or surgery in order to gain control of the condition.

The only herb known to have any effect on eye pressure as seen so often in glaucoma is tetrahydrocannibol, (Marijuana). However various attempts at commercializing this drug have failed because the effects are not long lasting enough. Coffee is also known to reduce eye pressure but would require quantities that may have significant cardiovascular side effects.


A cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy making clear vision problematic. A few years ago, I had another experience with an elderly lady who announced that she had had cataract surgery performed in the United States and during this procedure her eyes were removed, cleaned, polished, and replaced. I assured her that cataract surgery did not involve removal of eyes and that the procedure was done with the eyes in place, but she was having none of that since, as she put it, “you wouldn’t know”. The truth is that removing the eye or even placing tension on the optic nerve will have dire consequences for the future function of that eye.

Cataracts do not return after cataract surgery, however, the capsule where the cataract was housed and where the artificial lens is subsequently placed can become hazy giving an effect similar to cataract surgery, but this haziness can easily be fixed with a very short, quick and painless laser procedure.

Laser cataract surgery is not likely to be done in Barbados largely because of the cost of the lasers and the fact that after being cut up by the laser, the cataract still needs to be removed from the eye - by the same technique that is currently being used anyway . What is commonly referred to as laser cataract surgery is actually one of the most modern techniques referred to as phaco-emulsification. This involves the use of a high frequency vibrating cutting tool which dissolves the cataract while aspirating the emulsified cataract debris from the eye.

There is no truth to the rumor that cataract surgery cannot be performed on a person with glaucoma or diabetes.

Catarct surgery can be performed on both eyes on the same day.

There is currently no known medication or drop which can melt or dissolve cataracts.

Heat, such as from cooking after cataract surgery will not affect it more than any normally healthy eye that has had no procedures done. Interestingly, bending, such as to tie a shoelace or to pick something up off the floor after modern cataract surgery, will have no negative effect on the eye after surgery either.


Glasses or spectacles do not contain medicine which wears out over time. The prescription of spectacle lenses refers to the shape that is cut into them to help light be directed perfectly onto the retina. Over time the requirement may change resulting in the need for a new prescription. The flip side to this is that occasionally a person who needed glasses in childhood can occasionally grow out of that need and happily not require spectacles anymore.

Despite a person having 20/20 vision with an old pair of specs does not imply that the person can simply copy their old prescription into a new pair of glasses. Of course, sometimes this can work out but in many more cases it doesn’t. It’s a little bit like purchasing shoes; even though we know our foot size, it’s always prudent to try on the shoes before buying them.

Over the counter reading glasses will not damage your eyes; increasing the strength of them over time is a natural progression. Reading in the dark with or without glasses, will not ruin your eyes. They will probably get tired sooner but outside of this shortterm tiredness, there are no ill effects.

Sinusitis, does NOT affect your eyes, but allergies may trigger your sinuses and conjunctiva at the same time thus giving the impression that one leads to the other.

Foreign bodies such as dust being blown cannot get to the back of your eyes even if they make it to the inside of your eyelids.

I’ve saved my last two classic Caribbean eye myths to the end. Putting urine into your eyes will not prevent pterygium growth and in fact can put a person at risk of contracting urinary tract and even sexually transmitted diseases in their eyes.

Finally, sleeping in direct moonlight will not give you a “cold” in your eyes. Let’s leave the moonlight blame to other acts of lunacy.

Dr. Don-eyre Beckles MBBS

FRCS (Ed) is a graduate of UWI and a fellow of the Royal College ofSurgeonsofEdinburgh.Heisa comprehensive ophthalmologist in private practice for the past 23 years

Self-care…..The Key to Mental Wellness in 2023 and Beyond

We have endured the assault of the pandemic thus far and now is the time for us to establish personal and self-care plans to ensure our sustained functioning.

Although living in our “new normal” might have kept us physically safe and healthy, many people feel burned out, isolated, languishing and unhappy. According to a study by Gallup, 7 out of 10 individuals worldwide feel like they struggled and suffered in life throughout 2020, and a third of them are showing signs of clinical anxiety or depression. This means it’s more important than ever for people to invest in their mental wellness.

WHO definition of self care

Self care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent and deal with illness.

It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal) nutrition (type and quality of food eaten) lifestyle (sporting activities, leisure etc) environmental factors

(living conditions, social habits etc) socioeconomic factors (income level, cultural beliefs etc.) and self mediation.


1. Health literacy- which includes the capacity of individuals to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.

2. Mental Well-being- being aware of your capacity to think, feel and act appropriately, being aware of signs and symptoms decreasing mental health such as changes in eating, sleeping patterns, difficulty concentrating, prolonged sadness, heightened excitability.

3. Physical activity- practicing moderate intensity physical activity such as walking, cycling or participating in sports at a desirable frequency.

4. Healthy eating- includes nutritious, balanced diet with appropriate levels of calorie intake.

5. Risk avoidance or mitigation- includes quitting tobacco, limiting alcohol use, getting vaccinated, practicing safe sex.

6. Good hygiene- includes washing hands regularly, brushing teeth, washing food.

7. Rational and responsible use of products, services, diagnostics and medications- includes being aware of dangers, using responsibly when necessary.

The difference between unhealthy coping mechanisms and self care activities is that self care is uncontroversial good for you! When practiced correctly self care has long term benefits for both mind and body.

According to the world Health organization “self care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent


and deal with illness.

Inferred in this definition is a holistic view including environmental factors, hygiene, lifestyle and nutrition.

With a self care definition on the table we can now look at what happens to us when we add it to our lives. In other words why is self care important?


1. Better productivity – when you learn to say “no” to things that over- extend you and start making time for things that matter more, you slow life down in a wonderful way. This brings your goals into sharper focus and helps you to concentrate on what you are doing.

2. Improved resistance to disease – There is evidence that most self care activities activate the para - sympathetic nervous system (PNS) and what this means is that your body goes into a restful, rejuvenating mode, helping it to fortify its immune system.

3. Better Physical Health –With better self care often comes fewer colds and cases of flu. Less stress and a better immune system can surely help you feel more physically able and strong inside and out.

4. Enhanced self-Esteem – When you regularly carve out time that’s only about being good to yourself and meeting your own needs, you send a positive message to your subconscious. Specifically, you treat yourself like you matter and have intrinsic value. This can go a long way towards discouraging negative self talk and your critical inner voice.

5. Increased self-knowledge – Practicing self care requires thinking about what you really love to do. The exercise of figuring out what makes you feel passionate and inspired can help you understand yourself a lot better. Sometimes this can even spark a re - prioritization

of previously abandoned hobbies.

6. More to Give – When you are good to yourself you might think your are being selfish. In truth, self care gives you the resources you need to be compassionate to others as well.

People often make excuses about not having time for engaging in self care activities, however the great news is that there are many different self care practices and none of them are especially difficult or require a lot of planning. The trick is to find some that you genuinely enjoy and that fit in with your life and values. Once you’ve started adding emotional self care to your life, you’re likely to become fiercely protective and may wonder how you even managed without it. I will now look at the five (5) main categories of self care and give explanations on how they will help you.

1. Sensory – Sensory self care is all about helping to calm your mind. When you are able to tune into the details of the sensations all around you, its easier to live in the present moment. When you are in the present you can more effectively let go of resentments related to the past or anxieties about the future.

2. Emotional – When it comes to your emotional health one of the best self care tips is to make sure you are fully engaged with your emotions. When you face them head on this actually helps with stress.

3. Spiritual – is about believing in a deity and trusting that deity. For those who don’t believe in a deity it may be about getting in touch with your values and what really matters to them.

4. Physical – Physical activity is vital, not only for your bodily well-being but also helping you to let off steam. It is as much about the things you don’t do as the things you do!

5. Social – Finally, social self care is another category that’s important for us all. It may look different depending on whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. However connecting with other people is necessary for happiness for a large diversity of people. It helps you to understand that you’re not alone, plus it can also give us a sense of being ‘seen ’by others. This can, in particular, help us combat loneliness and isolation.

Increasing age can bring with it a litany of new challenges to the seniors well-being. Even as the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the world, seniors are among the most vulnerable population to this deadly virus. This being so, necessitates that along with monitoring their physical health seniors be encouraged to support their mental health and make self care an area of importance during this time.

I have identified seven (7) ways in which seniors can take care of themselves by engaging in activities which support you mentally and physically.

1. Connect with others

2. Give thanks

3. Practice mindfulness and relaxation

4. Make prayer a priority

5. Read a new book

6. Do something creative

7. Prioritize your physical health

LennoxRochesterisaRegisteredOccupationalTherapist, Mental Health


Here are five strategies to make your next attempt the one that sticks

1. Exercise Regularly: One of the best ways to get fit is to make exercise a regular part of your routine. Whether it means joining a gym, going for a jog around the neighborhood, playing a sport, or just taking a regular walk, find an activity you enjoy and make it a habit.

2. Eat Healthy: Eating a balanced diet that is full of whole foods and nutrient-rich ingredients can support your fitness goals. Focus on getting plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats so you have the energy you need to stay active and reach your fitness goals.

3. Add Variety: If you want to get fit, mixing up

your routine is key. Try a new workout class, like join a club, take a recreational sports class, or challenge yourself with an outdoor bootcamp.

4. Get Plenty Of Rest: Sleep is critical for maintaining a healthy body and mind. It gives your body the opportunity to recover from stress and physical activity and can even help you burn fat and lose weight. Get as much sleep as you can to keep your body in peak condition.

5. Track Your Progress: Lastly, tracking your progress is an important step for staying motivated and seeing the results of your hard work. Use a fitness tracker or journal to keep track of your workouts, meals, and other lifestyle habits that affect your fitness. That way, you can stay focused and on track to reach your goals.

Owner&Manager SurfsideWellnessCentre


They are many different Martial Arts styles out there and choosing the one for you can become difficult. However one should always have an open mind as well as do your own research when getting into any activity.

One style which has been recognized in Barbados as a standard to look up to and is well known is Shotokan Karate. With a deep rooted structure and pathway one can follow it can easily be looked up. The style has grown to be recognized internationally. Originating in Japan the style is an empty hand style and one of the main styles used for the Olympic movement of Sport Karate.

But let’s not get too far ahead. What can one expect from joining a Shotokan Karate class?

Well, Karate training develops agility, strength and speed, allowing for fast and effective techniques while also improving muscle tone and endurance. Working both the hands and feet, and left and right sides equally, it develops mental and physical coordination, as well as flexibility.

Like anything else, one usually gets out what they put in as there is no magic formulae that will get you there at a blink of an eye. There are three testing sessions per year (before Covid-19) with one usually headed by a visiting instructor.

The traditional style does not carry the extra flare one would see on television or the internet but it based on fast and efficient

techniques. As many would tell you, the true training begins when you reach black belt. This is where you have covered the fundamentals of the art form and you are better able to apply the correct speed, power, expansion and contraction to execute am efficient and effective technique.

One thing people ask, which style of Martial Art is the best?

The answer is, it is not usually the style but the individual and the amount of time they invest in perfecting the art form.

Shotokan karate classes can be found at the Barbados Shotokan Karate Club and at Queen’s College School as these two clubs are under the Barbados Karate Association.

OneofthemorefamousimagesfromtheOlympicswasSajadGanjzadehofIran,left,againstTaregHamediof SaudiArabiaintheirmen’skumite+75kggoldmedalboutforkarateatthe2020SummerOlympics.


(246) 253 6319/ 280-0023 or

L O W L A N D S , C H R I S T C H U R C H

A 3 b e d r o o m , 3 b a t h f a m i l y h o m e w i t h a 3 b e d r o o m , 1 b a t h s e l f -

c o n t a i n e d a p a r t m e n t o n t h e g r o u n d f l o o r T h i s p r o p e r t y s i t s o n 2 2 , 7 5 2 s q u a r e f e e t o f l a n d . A s k i n g p r i c e

B D S $ 4 5 5 , 0 0 0 0 0 I f r e q u i r e d , t h e r e a r e t w o ( 2 ) a d d i t i o n a l l o t s a d j o i n i n g t h a t a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r s a l e s e p a r a t e l y .

L O N G B A Y , S T . P H I L I P

L o c a t e d n e x t t o t h e n e w W Y N H A M

H o t e l f o r m e r l y S a m L o r d s C a s t l e a n d s i t s o n t h e e a s t o f t h e i s l a n d .

A n e x c e l l e n t o p p o r t u n i t y t o d e v e l o p t h e p r o p e r t y i n t o h o l i d a y a p a r t m e n t s o r r e s t a u r a n t / b a r t o a c c o m m o d a t e t h e e x p e c t e d t o u r i s m a c t i v i t y i n t h e a r e a o r i n d e e d a n d o t h e r t o u r i s m b u s i n e s s

a c t i v i t y . C u r r e n t l y , t h e r e i s a f a m i l y h o m e o n p a r t o f t h e l a n d s w h i c h c a n b e c o n v e r t e d t o s u i t

S T R A T H C L Y D E , S T . M I C H A E L

8 , 7 1 9 s q u a r e f e e t o f l a n d a n d a f a m i l y h o m e w h i c h h a s d e t e r i o r a t e d t o a g r e a t

e x t e n t , l o c a t ed i n a q u i e t a r e a w i t h

a c c e s s f r o m B a n k H a l l r o a d a n d P e t e r k i n

L a n d A r e c e n t v a l u a t i o n o f t h e p r o p e r t y

i s a v a i l a b l e a n d o f f e r s i n t h e r e g i o n o f

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So the ideal is that you have the key to one of these….the door….a door….maybe not one that looks exactly like this, but you understand what I mean. The mere mention of owning your own home will evoke thoughts of bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, decor, what size TV can go on the wall and not forgetting the all important front door that you get keys to.

But the truth is there needs to be a few steps that need to be made before we get the keys or anything else for that fact. And I’m going to walk you through them and clear up a few myths while we are on the subject. Let’s start this episode by explaining the job of a realtor.

As a realtor, my job is to walk purchasers through the buying process, sellers through the selling process, and act as a go-between for attorneys and loans officers. To be honest, you really have to be a people’s person and have a passion for being part of probably the biggest investment that people will make in their lives. So a huge helping of patience and understanding is required…and then add some more patience.


Choosing a realtor to sell or rent your property is simple , choose one that you feel comfortable with and one that you feel has your best interest at heart. Once you follow this one simple step, finding a realtor will be a lot easier. Now I never said it will all be smooth sailing or that you won’t be frustrated by the process, but your realtor will advise you on the selling/rental price, advertise your property, screen purchasers/ tenants, organize viewings, make follow up calls, find out information, negotiate on your behalf, keep all

parties updated on progress and generally make the rough roads smooth.

Now I’ve had a few (in fact hundreds) of people ask me why the realtors do not clean up properties when showing them to people. Let’s just say, for arguments sake, that I have 15 properties that I am selling on someone’s behalf and 10 of those properties need cleaning up. Many a time, I’ve purchased garbage bags and taken my broom and swept through a house or discarded items left by the seller/landlord. However if I have to de-bush 10 properties from my own pocket (as has been suggested by a client, and not necessarily a client who is purchasing said property, but just someone who “came to look”), I would have no business. De-bushing can cost anything upwards of $500. So I hope that clears that up. If it hasn’t, sellers and landlords should ensure that they have their property looking its best, both inside and out to attract purchasers and tenants speedily.



So if you are thinking of selling or renting your property, here are a few more tips that can help both you, the realtor and people who come to view your property:-


Viewers appreciate a clean and tidy home. Make sure gardens are always free of debris and junk and the grass is cut. Ensure dishes are washed, clothes are put away and beds are made. This may seem like I’m stating the obvious, but you would be surprised at what a realtor walks into


If the walls need painting, paint them. If there are marks or mould on the walls, purchasers/tenants will immediately think ‘discount’


Ensure your land tax bills are up to date as unpaid land tax can hold up the sale process


Have all the relevant paperwork to hand. It is always recommended that an up to date valuation is done as purchasers always want to know that they will have equity in the property once they own it. Also ensure that plot plans and house plans are available



“Eat what we grow” is not just the theme for Agrofest 2023, but a clarion cry of its organiser, the Barbados Agricultural Society (BAS), Chief Executive Officer James Paul has declared.

The need for the country to grow its own food is even more urgent in light of various food security threats, Paul said, including the war in Ukraine which has contributed to steep price hikes for food, feed and fuel.

During the pandemic, Barbadian farmers were able to supply fresh fruits and vegetables, but he said: “This is not the time to let go of that success as we are coming on to the end of the pandemic. We need to support local farmers and protect local food security.”

Agrofest 2023, set for the weekend of February 2426 in Queen’s Park has to be part of a wider campaign for Barbadians to appreciate the benefits of eating food grown right here at home, the BAS leader stressed.

While the BAS is committed to doing its part in teaching and helping Bajans eat local, he urged Government, businesses and civic organisations to play a critical role in helping to feed ourselves.

Paul said: “By producing food locally we generate more economic activity because farmers buy materials and services which they need to produce, that is why private support is critical and they have an important role to play.”

Highlights of Agrofest, which runs for three days, include a Karaoke competition on the night of Friday, February 24, the best of Crop Over on Saturday, February 25 and the Gospel Concert on Sunday,

February 26.

Box Offices

Children 3-12 years, $4 13 years and older, $15


Children 3-12 years, $6 13 years and older, $18

Season Tickets

Online $40

Gate $50

Box offices:

Roberts Manufacturing Feed Store – Lower Estate

Clear Vision Optical – Sky Mall

People’s Market – Tudor Bridge

Transport Board Terminal – Fairchild Street

Transport Board Terminal – Speightstown

Ticket Nation – Online

Barbados Agricultural Society

Roundhay Pharmacy – One Accord Plaza

Water World Pet Store –

Jordan’s Complex Speightstown

Payce Digital – Online

CS Pharmacy

Nulook Company

Visual Oasis – Emerald City

Pawn Brokers International - Black Rock

Nation Fontabelle

Open Monday to Saturday


Vegetables and fruit are all at affordable prices. A wide range including Tomato, cabbage, squash, potatoes, sweet peppers, grapes, pears, oranges etc.

Cheapside, Fontabelle, St Michael Tel: 4265964

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