Optimization and investment for development

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Optimization and investment for development 2015 ANNUAL REPORT

”Alaturi de Voi” (ADV) Romania Foundation ADV Romania is a non-governmental a-political Romanian organization, established in February 2002. ADV is an authorized supplier of social services. Furthermore, through Util Deco social enterprise (internal section of the organization), ADV is also an important actor in the field of social economy, which is also proven by the results obtained in 2015. The mission of ADV Romania is the inclusion of the HIV positive people and of the persons from other vulnerable groups.

ADV Mures

National Centre of ADV Romania

ADV Constanta  Members of the Board of Directors: Angela Achitei, president of ADV Romania, Lindi Endicott (SUA), member – HIV/AIDS international expert, Petrisor Ostafie, member– representative of the beneficiaries.  Legal representative: Angela Achitei, president.  Contact data of the legal representative: 0232/275568; 0745/609209, e-mail: angela.achitei@alaturidevoi.ro.



NGO Coalition for Structural Funds

Lobby and advocacy

Mediation on the labour market

NGO Commission Iasi

Sheltered employment Internship in the social enterprise

Social economy Job coaching

Professional training

Counselling and professional guidance

Prevention and social services

Vocational therapy Psycho-social Assistance

The activity of ADV Romania was recognized and appreciated at a local, national and international level, receiving more than 23 awards:  On December 15th 2015, at the International Solidarity Gala organized by FOND Romania, ADV Romania Foundation received the prize for contributing to the increase of global solidarity and for creating a better world;  In December 2015, the foundation was granted the prize „Business with social impact”, within the Business Days event, for developing Util Decowork integration social enterprise .

2015 - Optimization and investment for development We invested in the development of social services, employment services and in the prevention services in the community, by influencing people and by offering them a real chance of inclusion.

Angela Achiței, president of ADV Romania and FONSS

For Util Deco, the work integration social enterprise of ADV Romania, organized as a sheltered unit, 2015 represented a moment of analysis and optimization of our activity. Thus, we improved the production process in the workshops, we created optimization procedures and we planned a new marketing and sales strategy, the positive financial results being the best proof of the assumed decisions. Yet, by far the most important thing was the investment made in people, in creating new jobs for the people with disabilities and for those coming from vulnerable groups, in satisfying the needs of the business clients and in facilitating the approval of the Law on Social Economy! In addition to this, we

For ADV Romania, 2015 was the year when we analyzed the activity of the past three years, we created together with the management team and the Board of Directors a new strategy for the period 20152020 and we facilitated the understanding of the assumed strategic areas, during a pleasant team building meeting that reunited colleagues from all the centres of the foundation - Iasi, Constanta and Tg. Mures. ADV Romania  Over 70 developed projects and 13 projects in implementation in 2015,  132 jobs, out of which 51 for people from vulnerable groups, 42 of them being disabled people,  30 active volunteers;  838.494 Euro - income from non-profit activities,  5.872.455 Euro – turnover of Util Deco social enterprise,  430.844 Euro- paid as taxes/ imposts to the state budget.

brought social innovation by creating the first paid internship program of a social enterprise in the country, correlated with a program of job coaching and placement on the labour market of the young people from vulnerable groups. For FONSS – the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services, whose presidency is ensured by ADV Romania, 2015 meant consolidating the position of promoter in developing social services in the community and for creating a unique voice in the sector – the NGO VOICE! ADV Romania Foundation invested with the same responsibility and devotion in the development of the following platforms and coalitions that the foundation has founded together with other organizations – the NGO Commission within the Council of Economic and Social Development of Iasi county, RISE, FOND and the NGO Coalition for Structural Funds, this way becoming a powerful voice in advocacy activities, in fields like:

social dialogue, social economy, cooperation for development, structural funds etc. In conclusion, ADV Romania is an active investor in the community, by creating a plus of value and positive changes in people’s lives. In numbers, the investment of the organization can be translated in: 132 created jobs, out of which 51 for people from vulnerable groups, 42 people with disabilities; 30 active volunteers; income from non-profit activities of 838.494 Euro; turnover of Util Deco social enterprise of 5.872.455 Euro and taxes/imposts paid on time to the state budget of 430.844 Euro. The recognition of the developed activity also came through the awards that we obtained in 2015: - the prize „Business with social impact”, within the Business Days, for developing Util Deco and the prize for contributing to ”Increasing the global solidarity and creating a better world”, within the Gala for International Solidarity organized by FOND și FDSC.

In 2016, ADV Romania will continue to be an active provider in the field of social services and employment, to maintain the statute of leader in the social economy field and to be a strong voice for the NGO sector through the sustainable investments made for the people! Angela Achitei, president of ADV Romania and FONSS www.alaturidevoi.ro

Partnership for inclusion!

Projects implemented in 2015

(December 2014 – April 2016) The project is implemented by a consortium of 9 institutions– ”Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation promoter, in partnership with the General Departments of Social Assistance and Child Protection from Iasi and Vaslui, Alternative Sociale Association, Salvați Copiii Association, COTE Foundation, Bethany Foundation of Social Services, Star of Hope Romania Foundation and World Vision Romania Foundation, the offices from Iasi and Vaslui. The project purpose is the social and professional inclusion of the young people with ages between 16 and 29 years coming from vulnerable

Her Excellency Mrs. Tove Bruvik Westberg – ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, at the project launching

groups and living in the counties: Iasi, Vaslui, Constanta and Mures, especially in the rural area. The project beneficiaries are 425 young people at risk of social exclusion, out of which 66 Roma people, from the counties Iasi, Vaslui, Constanta and Mures, 8700 young people (16-29 years of age), 8700 children (3-15 years of age) and 1740 parents/legal representatives from the rural area, from 93 communes from Iasi county and 81 communes from Vaslui county. The plural-disciplinary mobile caravan in the rural area is a pilot service of prevention, information and diagnosis in 12 fields of great interest, developed on this project and directly provided in the rural area. In 2015, 4943 young people received information, out of which 240 Roma people and 2648 girls. A total of 90 caravans were organized in 90 rural communities: 41 in Vaslui county and 49 in Iasi county.

7 new services were developed on the project by the NGO partners. One of the activities assumed by ADV Romania was the evaluation of the working capacity of the people with disabilities, within the Service of professional counselling, guidance and training, by evaluating 126 cases with the CASPER tests: 38 in Iasi, 38 in Constanta and 50 in Mures. www.proincluziune.ro

5 study visits for 81 social assistants/workers and 60 teaching staff from the rural areas of the counties Iasi and Vaslui, with the purpose of knowing the services offered by the General Departments of Social Assistance and Child Protection from Iasi and Vaslui, respectively 7 NGO partners from Iasi county. 6 training courses for 100 social assistants and 50 teaching staff from the rural communities of the counties Iasi and Vaslui, containing the following themes: ”Education for health”, ”Prevention of alcohol consumption”, ”Parental education”, ”Prevention of people trafficking and domestic violence”, ”Counselling and career guidance for students”, ”Prevention of school abandonment”. The project is funded within the call of proposals „SYNERGIES FOR THE FUTURE – Youth at risk” on the program RO10 „Children and youth in situations at risk and local and regional initiatives for reducing national inequities and for promoting social inclusion”, program developed within the EAA 2009-2014 Financial Mechanism.

Projects implemented in 2015 NGO voice for the community! (March 2014 - August 2015)  trained 21 specialists for writing and implementing projects with The project is the initiative of ADV funding from the local Romania in partnership with other 9 authorities; organizations active in the field of social services of the North Eastern  Organized three work meetings with the NGOs from the Northregion, which aimed at creating a Eastern region in Iasi, Bacau and pole of power and a unique voice in Suceava, where 91 participants the field of social services. made an inventory of the necessities of intervention for On the project, the 10 partners: the federation;  confederated and founded the  Promoted the NGO sector in the field of social services through Federation of Nonboth “The counsellors caravan” Governmental Organizations for and by presenting FONSS at Social Services – FONSS (details various national events (NGO on www.fonss.ro); Forum, FSC Conference, CMSC Workshop, the Seminary of the European Economic and Social Committee, The National College of the Social Assistants, the European Parliament, the launching of the Centre of Resources for Coalitions.



An important role in promoting the NGOs was also played by the “NGO Voice” newspaper – with monthly publication in 1500 printed copies and national distribution in electronic format – the web page www.fonss.ro and the Facebook page of the NGO Voice. The research “The capacity of the NGOs from the North-Eastern region in providing social services versus the willingness of contracting of the local and county authorities”, the NGO Voice Newsletter, the NE NGO Voice Brochure, they all represented important resources on the project. The fact that we monitored the activity of the Local and County Council Iasi, by participating to the County Council meetings and to the specialty commissions of the NGO representatives (over 25 events of this kind) increased the visibility and confidence of the NGO sector in its quality of partner of dialogue with the authorities. The project was funded through the EEA 2009 – 2014 grants, within the NGO Fund in Romania.

Projects implemented in 2015 Direct Impact! (April 2015 – March 2016) The project “DIRECT IMPACT!”, developed by „Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation in partnership with CARITAS Norway organization and funded through the EEA 2009 – 2014 Grants, within the NGO Fund in Romania, answered to the deficit of specialized services for children and young people in vulnerability situations (disability, Roma ethnicity, migration etc.), by developing an innovative and integrated package of social services, in the counties Iasi, Constanta and Mures. The main objectives assumed on this project are the following: increasing

the life quality of 300 children and young people, through the services of the day care centers of ADV Romania, piloting two innovative services - internship and job coaching, replicating a service for supporting the migrants according to the model of CARITAS Norway and strengthening the capacity of ADV Romania in the field of social services. The project also included the documentation and generation of a model of intervention in crisis situations due to the fact that there is a lack of coordination of the institutions and procedures.

Seminary with the authorities and NGOs in the field of social-medicaleducational services from the counties Iasi, Constanta and Mures.


What intervention should be done in crisis situations? Could a model of intervention be generated?

Intervention for the young people on the project ” Direct Impact”

DIRECT IMPACT Direct social services for vulnerable groups and social inclusion

The project also had a component of development and organizational consolidation, which permitted to organize a meeting of strategic planning for the following years of ADV Romania, and a teambuilding.

On the same project there was an event – ADV Romania brand – the Human Ribbon, symbol of solidarity with the persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.


Projects implemented in 2015 Opportunities for teenagers! (July 2014 – July 2017) Project implemented in the counties Iasi and Constanta by ADV Romania Foundation, in partnership with the County School Inspectorates of Iasi and Constanta, the General Departments of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Iasi and Constanta and the Department for Community Assistance Iasi, with technical and financial assistance from the

UNICEF representation in Romania. The purpose of the project is to offer specialized services to the teenagers with ages between 10 and 18 years, belonging to vulnerable groups in the counties Iasi and Constanta, for their optimum development and social inclusion.

2 training courses for the teaching staff from Iasi and Constanta, under the title: Preventing the behaviors at risk among the teenagers, through education for health Participants: 32 teaching staff– Constanta, 21 teaching staff – Iasi During the courses, various aspects concerning the education for health were approached (physiological and anatomic peculiarities, contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STI), HIV/AIDS), aspects related to drug use and other methods of working with the teenagers when talking about these subjects. The Youth Club of ADV Romania

1 project competition: “Change the direction! Choose healthily!”, developed during the period April 8th – June 30th 2015, among the teenagers with ages between 15 and 18 years, from the schools of the cities Iasi and Constanta. 9 applications were submitted (5 applications in Iași and 4 applications in Constanta). Information campaigns in schools The project also implies the development of informative caravans in the schools from Iasi and Constanta on subjects related to HIV/AIDS, sexual education,

Winners (they received 500 $ for implementing the proposed projects):  Iasi: “Vasile Alecsandri” Theoretical High School and the Administrative Economic College;  Constanta: “Lucian Blaga” Theoretical High School and “Ion Podaru” Technological High School. Domestic violence, people trafficking, drug use, prevention of school abandonment. 3945 teenagers from schools from Iasi and Constanta found out important information on sexuality (body changes, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, consequences of an unprotected sexual contact), people trafficking (recruiting methods, victim / aggressor profile), bullying, school quitting (causes, the importance of finalizing courses, perspectives). Details on www.clubultinerilor.eu

“For the psycho-social assistance program, 2015 was a year when we developed new services for the beneficiaries and we diversified our target group, which offered us the opportunity to know the problems of children, teenagers and young people better, regardless their peculiarities, and helped us know their needs. We discovered they are beautiful people, with many worries (tensed relationships with the parents, low self-esteem, distorted self-image, disoriented people, with no guide marks, no perspectives, demotivated, with bad entourage). This made us understand once again that it is our duty to help them maintain their interest for study and the curiosity for new things, to love and look with confidence at the person from the mirror, to see in each difficult situation an opportunity, to identify their strengths and to enjoy the resources around them. We believe that the investment in social services is the one which ensures the development of the society, generating important change; thus we shall keep getting involved in programs for children, teenagers and young people.� Ramona Marian, psychologist and Anca Prisacaru, social assistant

Events organized in 2015 The national coordination of the action for integrating the third country nationals (TCN) in Romania The purpose of the event was to support the social inclusion of the third country nationals with the right of legal residence in Romania, by increasing the knowledge of the migration phenomenon of the foreigners legally living on the territory of our country. The event“ Iasi, multicultural city” was held during the period 6 – 9 April 2015, at the Providența Conference Centre from Iasi within Edu Funny Fest (Different School).

For 4 days, the students from Iasi county (grades V – XII) had the occasion to find out interesting information about several countries outside the European Union (Afghanistan, Tunisia, Turkey and the Republic of Moldova), to find out information about the foreign people who live on the Romanian territory and to talk to some of them.

Projects in partnership implemented in 2015 Together, stronger NGOs! - Lobby and advocacy for creating equal opportunities for the NGOs that are providers of social services for accessing public funding (April 1st 2014 – November 30th 2015) ADV Romania is one of the partners of CARITAS Romania Confederation in the process of implementing this project nationally, that aimed at influencing the public politics concerning the funding of social services, through the active participation of the NGOs in order to create a frame favorable to the functioning and funding of the social services in Romania. The contribution of the foundation consisted of the exploitation of the expertise gained as social services provider, by organizing consultations in the North-Eastern region and through direct involvement in lobby and advocacy actions in this field.

The project was funded through the EEA 2009 – 2014 Grants, within the NGO Fund in Romania. Details on www.caritas.org.ro

Projects in partnership implemented in 2015 IWS - innovative work systems (March 2014 – September 2015) ADV Romania was one of the partners of the T&Co Centre of Social Development (CDS) in the implementation of the project “Innovative work systems– IWS”. The purpose of the project was to increase the chances of employment and to improve the life quality of at least 270 people in search of jobs from the North-Eastern region.

On this project, ADV Romania organized 6 free courses (4 trainer courses and 2 courses of common/ computer competencies, graduated by 100 unemployed people.

On the project, ADV Romania was accredited at AJOFM Iași as provider of Services of information and professional counselling and mediation on the internal labour market and was authorized by ANC to develop training courses in the field Common competencies – computer competencies.

The ADV Romania specialists counselled and guided on the labour market more than 300 people, and as a result of mediation, a number of 30 people found jobs. The project was co-financed by ESF through POSDRU. Details on www.centruldezvoltaresociala.ro/sisteme-inovative-pentru-munca.

Projects in partnership implemented in 2015 Our social Europe through civic local involvement This is a project of the civil society “Europe for citizens”, coordinated by Ballymun Job Centre, in partnership with ADV Romania, Dublin net, ENSIE and Abele Lavoro Consorzio Sociale. The purpose of the project is to increase the civic involvement of citizens from urban disadvantaged areas for making decisions at local level in order to implement the EU program concerning “The local development placed under the communication responsibility”

The project aims at: 1. Creating a methodology for stimulating the civic participation of the citizens from disadvantaged areas in order to influence the local politics and decisions; 2. Making a research about the public participation issue in Romania; 3. Submitting recommendations regarding the improvement of the civic participation mechanisms, but also of the political processes in the EU.

Active participation of the NGOs in the European Funds management (June 2014 – October 2015)

ADV Romania, as partner of the Centre of Resources for Public Participation, has implemented the project “Active participation of the NGOs in the European Funds management”, project that answered to the need of increasing the capacity of the Coalition of NGOs for Structural Funds and the involvement of the civil society in the European Funds management . The project was funded through the EEA 2009 – 2014 Grants, within the NGO Fund of Romania. Details on: www.banieuropeni.org

Projects in partnership implemented in 2015 Developing partnerships for consolidating social entrepreneurship (February 1st 2015 – January 31st 2018) ADV Romania is one of the partners of NESsT Romania Foundation in the implementation of the project “Development of partnerships for consolidating social entrepreneurship!”, with the purpose of financially supporting and developing social enterprises in Romania, through transfer of expertize, including from the Swiss partners. The project is co-financed by Switzerland through the SwissRomanian Cooperation Programme, for reducing the economic and social disparities within the extended European Union. Details on: http://www.nesst.org/romania

Social economy – involvement and responsibility (October 15th 2014 – November 14th 2015) ADV Romania was one of the partner organization of ASSOC Association, in the implementation of the project “Social economy – involvement and responsibility”. The purpose of the project was to promote the social economy concept in the following regions: North-West, North-East, Central and Western regions, as a tool for turning to profit the resources of the community and for funding social enterprises.” The project was co-funded by ESF through POSDRU. Details on: www.assoc.ro

ADV Romania BRAND Human Ribbon – symbol of solidarity with the HIV/AIDS infected/affected people The Human Ribbon is a brand event of ADV Romania that reached the 10th edition. The Human Ribbon was organized on the project “Direct impact!” developed by ADV Romania in partnership with Caritas Norway Organization. Thus, during the period November 15th - December 5th 2015, ADV Romania developed a sum of


information campaigns in Iași, Constanta and Mures regarding the importance of a safe intimate life for preventing the HIV infection, by directly discussing with organized groups (pupils/students). During these campaigns, approximately 2000 persons received information. FUNDAUMANA.ADVROMANIA

The gala „10 years of solidarity” gathered approximately 500 people who commemorated together the special moments lived in these 10 years, when the citizens from Iasi affirmed their solidarity, symbolically joining their hands in the “Human Ribbon”.


“The Human Ribbon - symbol of solidarity with the HIV/AIDS infected and affected people – was marked by creating a human chain and by lighting candles in the memory of the people killed by this disease. Approximately 250 people participated to this event. Tg. Mures A press conference was organized, followed by a street campaign regarding the prevention of HIV transmission and for promoting the volunteer testing. The “Human Ribbon” and the commemorative march for the AIDS victims were organized in the presence of approximately 250 people. The project ” Direct Impact!” was developed during the period April 1st 2015 – March 31st 2016 and was funded through the EEA 2009 – 2014 Grants, within the NGO Fund in Romania. www.fundaumana.ro

BRAND ADV Romania Summer School 2015 is the 12th year when we organized summer schools, in order to share with the young people very useful information in a pleasant environment. This year, the projects permitted us to organize even more editions, which pleased us, because this way we multiplied the number of our beneiciaries, 70 young people receiving information on this event. Summer School for teenagers “Be smart! Be safe!” The Summer School took place between the 23rd and the 26th of June 2015, at Moeciu, Brașov county. 20 teenagers from Iasi and Constanta with ages between 14 and 18 years participated to activities meant to facilitate the understanding of the sexuality concept, seen as a holistic concept, which involves the physical, emotional, cognitive and motivational side. ClubulTinerilor.ADVRomania/

The activity was developed according to the model “Opportunities for teenagers”, implemented by “Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation, with the technical and financial support of UNICEF Representation in Romania.

Summer School ”Education for your future”

In September 2015, at Gura Humorului, Suceava, two editions of the Summer School “Education for your future” were organized for 50 young people, with ages between 18 and 25 years from the rural area, Iasi and Vaslui counties. Our goal was to train and consolidate certain personal abilities of relating, self-knowledge and development of independent life skills, to increase the level of knowledge in fields of interest for the youth, essential for the future: education for health (prevention of STI, HIV/AIDS, prevention of alcohol and drug use), career guidance and building a professional direction.

These summer schools were organized on the project “Partnership for inclusion”, cofinanced within the call of proposals “SYNERGIES FOR THE FUTURE – Youth at risk”, within the EEA 2009-2014 Financial Mechanism.

ADV Romania- provider of professional training The organization provides surcharge or free courses, according to the existence o funding sources, for covering the organization expenses. The experience of the ADV specialists is turned to profit, in terms of both theory and practice, due to the fact that the organization has 9 qualified trainers among its employees. In 2015, 7 surcharge courses were organized (107 graduates) in the following fields: manual bookbinding, training, entrepreneurship in social economy, social enterprise manager and archivist.

Other 6 courses – in the fields: training and computer competencies (100 graduates) - were free for the participants, the organizing costs being covered from the projects. A premiere of 2015 is the accreditation of the Archivist course. www.cursuri.alaturidevoi.ro

ADV Romania team at the teambuilding �The last year was very special to me. Why? Because in 2015, after the period of volunteering and adaptation, I started to understand what ADV family means in detail. If I had to make a summary in order to point out the most important changes of my life, 2015 was the year when I felt that I grew up the most. Maybe this way of putting it in words is a little exaggerated, but now I am more organized, with more self-confidence, considering the knowledge I achieved. In 2015 I smiled more and I think this was visible. I gradually became more responsible and I learned to make decisions, even if sometimes there weren’t good decisions. Nevertheless, I am confident in myself and in the future. I know I’m doing what I love. For the future year, I wish the mission of ADV Romania would go further, to reach the people, to be understood and implemented where it is truly needed. Necula Mihai Andrei, ADV employee, person with disabilities

ADV Romania Human Resources in 2015 Statistically, in 2015, ADV Romania had a number of 132 employees (the biggest number of contracts until now), out of which:  93 - at the beginning of the year,  85 - at the end of the year.

In 2015, the human resources department of ADV Romania had an intense activity, processing/ elaborating more than 2000 documents. 31 de new individual labour contracts were elaborated, out of which 6 for people with disabilities.

Motivation and team consolidation through teambuilding 69 employees of ADV Romania of all the three centers - Iasi, Constanta and Mures, participated to the teambuilding, during the period 9th – 11th of October 2015, at Tg. Ocna, Bacău county.

The activity was organized in order to inform the employees regarding the actions planned for the following 5 years, but also to train the employees in fields like “Business Communication. Social media. Networking” or “The motivational power of words and positive thinking”.

Strategic planning of the organization for the period 2015-2020 At Văratec, Neamţ county, during the period 18th – 20th of September 2015, 13 members of the Board of Directors and the management team of ADV Romania participated to the work meeting regarding the strategic planning of the organization for the period 2015-2020. The ADV Romania directions of development in the following years are the following:  To directly answer the need of inclusion of the socially disadvantaged groups of Romania, by developing integrated packages of prevention, social and employment services;  To invest in the development of the social economy sector as a solution of integration and transition towards the free labour market of the socially disadvantaged groups;  To create and develop integrated services in the community and to also establish sustainable partnerships with public and private providers of social and employment services for implementing the county, national and European strategies in the field of fighting against poverty and social exclusion.

BRAND ADV România Util Deco Social Enterprise An internal section of ADV Romania is operating – Util Deco social enterprise, authorized sheltered unit, where people with disabilities are offered sheltered jobs. Util Deco should be seen as an advanced service of social assistance, because within this structure we offer the necessary support before the total independence of the persons with disabilities namely, sheltered employment and inclusion in a common work position.

professionals who make sure that the employment of the people with disabilities is made successfully.

In 2015 Util Deco has developed its activity in Iasi, Constanta and Tg. Mures, through production and supply of services in various fields: tailoring and personalization through different techniques, manual bookbinding, physical and electronical archiving, archive depositing, distribution of various products: IT, office, paper and hygiene items, protection equipment etc.

In 2015 we have developed a pilot-service through Util Deco jobcoaching – which implied assisted employment and mediation. Employers and employees, people with disabilities - they are all supported for overcoming the period from the beginning of employment and adaptation by www.utildeco.ro

”For Util Deco, 2015 represented a year of changes and challenges, but also a year of learned lessons. Although it started with a period of instability, the purpose of Util Deco – of integrating on the labour market the people with disabilities – motivated us to keep our trust and courage, and also to initiate a series of changes in our activity, which proved to be very efficient in a short time. The objective analysis of the previous activity, the optimization of the work procedures and the positive air brought by the new colleagues at the Util Deco team, drove us towards balance, stability and many satisfactions. Furthermore, 2015 has once again confirmed that the employee with disabilities is a valuable employee, who can offer quality services and products, and also contributes, together with the other members of the team, to maintaining the activity at high standards of performance and to the clients’ satisfaction.” Madalina Sauciuc- coordinator of Util Deco social enterprise, Iasi

Economic results 2015 was a difficult year for ADV Romania, because there were many projects in implementation, which requested an efficient technical and financial management, so that the organization would not remain without liquidities. On the other hand, some projects were close to being finalized, which requested a scrupulous reporting process and financial management measures in order to fully recover the eligible expenses on the projects. In terms of economic activity of the organization, this was made through the social enterprise Util Deco, a structure that, after a period of development, passed through a stage of evaluation and analysis of the cost-efficiency report. In 2015, ADV Romania managed an income budget 6,873,294 Euro and registered expenses of 5,793,822 Euro. The organization income resulted from the economic activity and activities without patrimonial purpose (WPP) – from European funding and national funding from donations and amounts directed from the global income tax by various physical persons. The expenses of the organization also resulted from the activities developed on the projects implemented by ADV Romania, to which the expenses from the economic activity (EA) were added. Total income of the organization: 6 873,294 Euro. Income from activities WPP Income from EA Total

3,727,108 RON 26,824,685 RON 30,551,793 RON

€ 838,494 € 6,034,800 € 6,873,294

Unemployment subsidies 1%

Income from activities WPP Other1%sources

Donations and sponsorship 3% Income from nonreimbursible funds 95%

Income from nonreimbursible funds

Donations and sponsorship

Unemployment subsidies

Other sources

Regarding the economic activity, we must also mention that Util Deco (the social enterprise of ADV Romania) registered in 2015 a turnover of 5,872,455 Euro (26,103,063 RON), with a total number of 1635 clients. In percents, the obtained income resulted from: Income from activities WPP 12% Income from EA 88%

Income from activities WPP

Income from EA

Expenses ADV Romania, as any other NGO, is an investor in the community, fact proven by its contributions – taxes and imposts – but also free social services for beneficiaries- which otherwise should be ensured from the public budget, including the jobs which were created or maintained. In 2015, the contributions as taxes and imposts only represented 430,844 Euro.

Payments to the SB and BSISF €430.844 VAT PAID TO THE SB

€ 174,189


€ 256,655

€ 0 € 50,000 € 100,000 € 150,000 € 200,000 € 250,000 € 300,000

*SB- State Budget **The Budget of Social Insurance and Special Funds

Expenses with human resources of the organization Expenses with the HR- Total Monthly average Average number of employees

2,829,265 RON 235,772 RON 89

€ 636,505 € 53,042

Expenses with economic activity In 2015, the total expenses with the economic activity represented 25,753,540 RON (5,793,822 Euro), and the investments represented 0,52% of the total amount. Total EA expenses Investments

25,753,540 RON € 5,793,822 135,086 RON € 30,391 0.52%

ADV Romania in the NGO sector Investor in the community ADV Romania is investing in the community, being one of the promoters of the social economy concept and of the Law on Social Economy, adopted in July 2015. For developing the sector, the foundation periodically organizes courses for training entrepreneurs and managers in the social economy field, organizes study visits, national fairs, and also ensures consultancy and coaching for developing social enterprises.

Opinion former and leader ADV Romania communicates various information to the beneficiaries, to the NGOs, but also to the community in general, being an influencing opinion leader. Furthermore, ADV Romania is a spokesman for the NGO sector, being one of the organizations which assume the responsibility of sending the information and opinions from the NGOs towards the authorities. The organization communication is made through various classical and online channels.

The organization holds a 13 website platform - alaturidevoi.ro, hivsida.ro, utildeco.ro, clubultinerilor.eu, jobdirect.ro, doilasuta.eu, unitatiprotejate.ro, fundaumana.ro, depozitarhivare.ro, costumecarnavalcopii.ro, fonss.ro, voceaong.ro, proincluziune.ro – with 140.000 unique visitors. In addition to this, we are present on the socializing networks and we regularly post information on the mentioned web-sites.

Starting July 2015, ADV Romania is member of the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Programme 2015 - 2020.

Member in networks, coalitions and federations The Romanian Network of the Work Integration Social Enterprises through Economic Activity (founder member); FOND – the Federation of Non-governmental Organizations for Development (founder member), the NGO Commission for Structural Funds (founder member), the Social Economy International Association, the Regional Pact for Employment and Social Inclusion North-East, Impreuna Network, AIDS Action Europe, People Living with AIDS, CONCORD and ECOSOC Integrity Pact. More than 500 institutions in the country and others (public and central authorities, NGOs, Media, companies etc.) were or are currently partners of ADV Romania in actions/projects and programs developed by the foundation. ADV Romania is an active member in many national and international networks, among which the Federation of NonGovernmental Organizations for Social Services – FONSS (ADV Romania is the founder member and holds the presidency of the federation); The Council of Economic and Social Development of Iasi County (the foundation holds the vice-presidency of the NGO Commission); RISE Romania –

We thank our beneficiaries who believe in us and we are confident that together we can get where they don’t even dream. Moreover, we thank the Util Deco clients because, by collaborating with us, they actually support the work integration of the people with disabilities.

We also thank all those who supported the projects of the organization, this way helping us accomplishing our mission. ADV Romania Team

Edited: ”Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation Year 2016 Printed at: Util Deco Social Enterprise ”Alaturi de Voi” Romania Foundation, Address: 5th Bazinelor Street, Uricani village, Miroslava, Iasi County 707316, Romania Tel./fax – 0232 275 568; E-mail: office@alaturidevoi.ro Web: www.alaturidevoi.ro, www.utildeco.ro

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.