3 minute read
An Irish Blessing For You
We recently finished the basement of our 1888 home, and to commemorate the space, friends gave us a framed Irish Blessing.
“May you always have walls for the winds, A roof for the rain, Tea beside the fire, Laughter to cheer you, Those you love near you, And all your hearts may desire.”
Who could ask for more?
I’m a sucker for quotes, blessings, verses – words written with a purpose – I love them.
As a teen, I was given a small blank bound notebook and I began collecting quotes. The book fit neatly into the inside pocket of my corduroy FFA jacket, so during my high school years, I took it to every camp, contest and convention. I asked new friends and old to jot down their favorite quote.
My favorite quote? I have a few. But the one I think about most, is one my college roommate gave me as a graduation gift. It is inscribed in a paper weight, and it sits on my desk, so it serves as a daily reminder. “Good writing is clear thinking made visible.”
I still have the quotebook. It’s fun to look through and read the quotes teens in the ‘90s deemed to be their favorite.
I really should begin collecting quotes again.
Today, many decades later, it would be interesting to read what we all deem to be our favorite quotes. And there would be many new names added to the book. I consider myself fortunate to remain connected with my closest friends from high school and college. And I consider myself quite fortunate to have made new, dear friends since.
Anytime there’s a cold, bleak winter or spring day lacking sunshine and color, and I ask myself why I live in South Dakota. Friends is always my answer to myself.
I am fortunate to have amazing friends. Friends of all ages, wages and backgrounds.
There are many beautiful quotes about friendship. But the one I reflect on most often is one my mom reminded me and my brothers of often. “To have good friends, you must be a good friend.”
I use the word “fortunate” and not the word “lucky” because I believe very little in life is left up to luck. I think most good things are the result of actions and behaviors. Not all. But most.
I do not use the same logic when it comes to bad events and circumstances. In most cases, I believe we have little control over
the bad things that happen in life. I have witnessed too many good, honest, hardworking, giving people have horrific and unfair things happen to them to think otherwise.
This is where good friends come in. Good friends are here for us in the good times and the bad.
Early January our family caught COVID. Thankfully we were all vaccinated and boosted, so it was mild for all of us. But we had to quarantine for about two weeks. I went stir crazy. And I began to wonder, “How did we do this for so many months in 2020 and early 2021?” Friends.
Even on the coldest of weekends, we would have friends over to sit outside by our fireplace, bundled up in coats and snow pants. We’d visit for hours.
As I reflect on the Irish Blessing our friends gave us that now hangs in our basement living room, perhaps the most applicable line is:
“Those you love near you.”
When those we love are near, we are indeed blessed.